#anyway im not working on another big project <- lying
silverskye13 · 1 year
"In the deep dark woods
In the hermit lands
There lies an ancient fortress
Where the wary dare not go-ee-oh
Where the wary dare not go.
There the trees are tall
And the ice, it bites
See it's buried in the snow
Where the wary dare not go-ee-oh
Where the wary dare not go."
Scar adjusted his grip on the reigns as his sled continued on through the snow. For the last day of his trip, the ground started doing its best impression of a mountain glacier -- more ice than anything -- and while it made for better footing for the horse, his ride had gotten noticeably more uncomfortable over bumps and rocks. The ground just sounded harder here, and the myriad of jostles made him wince. Still, it was far safer than sledding down the river, which marked itself as a tempting makeshift road, winding through the valley. He could see runner tracks on it, something he was sure the locals found reassuring, maybe even integral to survival in the cold, dark winter. Scar wasn’t from here though, and the rivers he knew were temperamental and treacherous. One fall into frigid water was more than enough to end a life, and had ended several in the town he came from. So he watched the river warily and let his horse pick her way across the snow-laden banks. 
"Abandoned by
It's craftsman's hands 
And cursed by all that see it
Where the wary dare not go-ee-oh
Where the wary dare not go
The dungeon keeper
Sleeps deep inside
With the spirits he's devoured
Where the wary dare not go-ee-oh
Where the wary dare not go."
Scar’s sleigh hit a root, or some animal's bolthole or something, forcing a sudden, heavy lurch through the sleigh. He winced at the loud rattle of his supplies as they threatened to tumble out. Across his legs, Jellie let out a low, complaining rumble. The massive white and gray snow cat, currently doing the very important job of keeping his legs and feet warm, cracked an accusing green eye at him, as though it were his fault the ground was so bumpy.
Scar ruffled a hand through her fur placatingly. "Oh hush, you big 'ol lazy thing. You’ve done nothing but sleep all day, anyway.”
Jellie let out a loud harrumph, the white bloom of her breath freezing against her whiskers. Her eye closed again, and she didn’t make another sound.
"Lazy cat," Scar hummed affectionately, and ran his gloved hand across her fur again. He was tempted to take the glove off so he could feel the softness of her coat, but he resisted the urge. Scar has never known a cold like the cold in this part of the world. He knew winter, sure, everyone did, but there was something malicious and present in the way the cold worked here. It was the kind of cold that seeped into bones and rotted there, blueing and blackening the skin, almost sentient in its ferocity. Even lacking any wind save for the breeze of the running sleigh, the air here gnaws and tears like an animal, like peeling skin. Even the trees, blasted and twisted and tenacious, mark the winter wind's passing with the lean of their trunks. Evergreen needles bristled in undulating waves, sparsely broken by the dead, leafless limbs of deciduous trees. Here and there, trunks ruptured and scarred by the aftermath of freezing sap shattering them open stood like gravestones amidst their crowding kin. 
It’s the dark remains of leafed trees that Scar finds the most interesting. While seasons do happen here, he had always been told it was too cold in this part of the world for a proper summer. There was only a season where it rained and iced more than it snowed. The fact that leafed trees had even tried to claim these forests was a marvel, here where even the evergreens started dying off the further he went. It was a bitter reminder to him that some of the death from this winter wasn't all from brutal, natural cold. 
"In the deep dark woods
In the hermit lands
There lies an ancient fortress…" 
Scar hummed to himself quietly, craning his head back to watch the looming, dark shape rising against the sky. The Frozen Citadel glared down at him with toothy, icicle sneers that laced every dark window and balcony. Its great black towers splintered the sky like obsidian blades, and icy ribcages clutched the spine of the road to its entrance. Despite the terror and foreboding the Citadel instilled, Scar felt a thrill of excitement as it grew nearer. It was like standing in the shadow of the corpse of some ancient monster, unfathomably old, unapologetic in its claim to existence. Villages die. Frost melts. Bones turn to dust. The Frozen Citadel remains.
"And we're going to get inside it," Scar grinned, and the frigid air on his teeth made his jaw ache. 
Scar’s sleigh found the old cobbled road and glided across it, a flea scaling the trunk of a mastodon. The horse slowed its gait the farther up the road they went, casting nervous glances to the dead and dying vegetation around the Citadel. So close to the great structure, the trees looked more like ice sculptures than any living thing, and had probably died centuries ago, though the layers of ice built around them kept their silhouettes ever still. The world here was deafeningly quiet. All the small crawling, flying things of the forest didn’t dare stir, if they lived here at all. Even the wolves, haunting companions that had stalked Scar across the wilderness, had stopped their howling several hours ago. There was only the creaking of branches, the crackling of brittle snow, and the sleigh. Fanciful things came to him in the silence: the impression of a shout or an echo, the jibber of whispered voices, the refrains of old campfire songs. It was thrilling and strange to know the only thing making a sound around here was him. Haunting, oh, that was a good word. To admit it was haunting though, would be to admit he found it scary, and he couldn’t do that. Scar hadn’t admitted he was scared since he first read about the Citadel in his bedroom as a kid, hadn’t admitted he was scared when Jellie was still vicious and tried to bite his hands when he trained her, hadn’t admitted he was scared when he bought his sleigh and his horse and first struck out nearly three weeks ago. He would not admit he was scared now. 
The horse knickered nervously, ears pressing back, and finally hauled them up to the Citadel entrance -- or as close to the entrance as the horse would allow. The gaping, toothy, maw-like doorway yawned open in front of them, showing the glimmer of blue fire within. He tried to coax the horse forward, reasoning to it about warmth and shelter and food, but something about the mouth-like portal made it rear and whinny, and finally give the sleigh a heavy kick with its back hooves.
“Alright alright! You don’t have to be so angry about it, stupid thing!” Scar chastised it, though he wasn’t able to keep the grin from his face. He could make camp outside, that was fine. Or maybe he would just picket the horse out here and make his camp inside. Yes, he liked that idea a lot, actually. Then he and Jellie would be safe and warm as close to the treasure as he could get, and tomorrow, oh tomorrow, he would delve in. Scar rubbed his stiff hands together greedily, and cleared his throat.
“Alright Jellie, time to work!”
At the command, Jellie harrumphed one more time and got to her feet, shaking out her fur. The moment her weight was off of Scar’s legs, a cold chill darted its way up his spine. He wiggled his toes -- All still mobile and full of feeling! -- and pulled his legs over the side of the sleigh.
“Help me down, Jellie,” Scar hummed pleasantly, and the large cat hunkered down beside him, the soft handles of her cloth harness within his reach. In a practiced motion (that had really taken way too long to train in hindsight) Jellie pulled her owner out of the sleigh, supporting most of his weight on her back as she went. When he was secure on the ground, she trotted to the spot at the back of the cart where the smaller toboggan was hooked in place. She pulled it to him, patiently waited as he got situated inside, and waited even longer as he clasped her harness to its tethers with his clumsy mittens.
“Alright!” Scar crowed triumphantly when everything was in place and securely fastened. “Take us in Jellie!”
The great snow cat shook out her fur and started forward, only bristling a little as she stepped towards the shadow of the Citadel’s interior.
“Absolutely not!” a voice boomed suddenly, startling both cat and handler to a stop. “Are you stupid or what? Get-- get away from that door!"
Scar turned as best he could in his toboggan to look over his shoulder -- at the three horses and riders who seemed to have popped out of the snow. Two of them he noticed, with the startled clarity of someone who wasn’t used to being on the business end of a weapon, had bows and arrows trained in his direction.
Scar, for lack of anything else to do, smiled and raised his hands -- partly in greeting, but mostly to keep from being poked full of arrows. “Well hello there!”
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prettypinklass · 7 months
I for one, would really like to hear about the Awakening X P3, so fire away cause I am intrigued.
Also don't feel bad about being crazy about it, I have been crazy for 3 different Persona AU's which I am actively writing fics for, some even as far back as July from 2022. I am insane with you there, especially when concerning the multiple ones with only P3 as the base.
This is the fic if you want to read it its not finished yet but yk. Putting thoughts under a cut because this might be a long one
The premise here is that I replaced Robin with Minato. Thats it thats the fic. Or it was.
Because now I have a whole list of social links with the Shepherds and other characters from awakening that I brainstormed with my friends. And Ryoji is there but only to Minato as Thanatos. And exploring Minato with amnesia, relearning the lessons he took from P3 and applying them with his new friends in the Shepherds, is really fun actually.
I dont. Have plans to explore every social link actually. I do NOT have enough patience for that. But I *am* writing out the social links for the Shepherds as a whole (the Fool), Lucina (the Hanged Man), and Emmeryn (the Star). Possibly Chrom as well im not sure
Anyway it includes ryomina, a lethal dose of headcanons, and the arisato/shirogane family au that ive recently been obsessed with thanks to another friend. stay tuned for marth jokes when tiki joins the cast because blue haired swordsman voiced by yuri lowenthal. I know he was recast in reload but please let me be funny just this once.
im not spoiling more arcana links but expect Minato and Vaike to be idiot best friends (I LOVE vaike hes so fucking funny) and some awakening kids shenanigans. and poor Frederick having to put up with the fact that Chrom found an amnesiac teenager lying on the ground and appointed him tactician after one(1) fight and discovering said teenager can spawn demons.
also minato and emmeryn parallels that i cannot wait to explore further
im so excited about this fic you dont even know. sorry robin out of the way im replacing you with minato and fucking sprinting with it.
Theres going to be. Definite changes later in the storyline (grima cant exist without robin, afterall, and awakening needs a big bad evil guy) but right now its just. Retelling awakening through the eyes of an amnesiac minato who is Very tired and Very confused
Awakening is my second favourite fire emblem game and persona 3 is my all time favourite persona game. i mash them together and get a wonderful mess to clean up
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zenosanalytic · 2 years
Paintbrush, PlasGlue, and Holy Clippers: Day 8(+3): Base & Finishing
A day late cuz I decided to put Materials on the mini-stands and needed to seal that, but here we go!
Ok so: The Elf Rangers came with little seethrough stands of their own
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which is an idea I actl like as it lets them fit well into any environment you might put together for an adventure, but the problem is the best way to transport minis is by gluing magnets to their bases and putting them in steel-or-iron-bottomed carriers, and these aren't recessed so a magnet doesn't have any place to fit. Of course, a wide enough one wouldn't settle the awkwardness and be stable enough for the mini to sit on, but you dont want TOO big a magnet or getting them off the carrying-surface becomes a pain. But: all that only occurred to me right now and I wanted to practice my basing anyway so I ditched these u_u
I had some small(23mm diameter) basic black minibases lying around so I used those instead. Since these are Roleplaying mini there's even less justification doing anything fancy for their basing that for GW ones but the thing is: I Want To u_u u_u So I stuck them to some painting stands with stickytack, and got out some caliban green and a #4 brush
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I painted the bases green in two coats, and when that was dry, one at a time, painted some PVA glue onto their tops, then dunked them in battlefield rumble for ~10 seconds, gently pressed that in, then cleaned up the edges and gave it an hour to dry.
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That's what it looked like at-application. I decided I'd try using varnish as a sealant for the bases this time so, after washing the brush under running water for a few minutes to make sure I'd gotten to glue out(as an aside: glue seems to help get stubborn paints out of the synthetic bristles on these brushes? Nothing rigorous about that aside, just me noticing the green pigment washed out much better when I was cleaning the glue from the brush than it did swishing it in the waterpot) and giving the glue an hour to dry and set, I got out my matte varnish(Stormshield again; I actl bought some vallejo matte varnish to try out but forgot X| X| X| I'll use it on the next project. I'd imagine they're pretty similar tho), painted that on with the same #4 brush making sure not to let it goop in all the recesses, then set them aside for a day.
So: back to the minis. I did my usual two coats of matte all over the figures over two day, but I DID decide to add a layer of gloss varnish to their hair just to make it POP that little bit more cuz 1)I FRIGGIN LOVE Hair, and 2)they're Elves, Dear Readers u.u u.u That meant another day of drying before I could do anything with them
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THEY LOOK SO GOOD! And the photos really don't do them justice; the range of colors, spcl in Archer's hair, is Very Pleasing, and the gloss finish works particularly well with Handbow's dark hair :>(at somepoint I need to think up better names -__-) I DO feel like I maybe should have done a gloss finish on a few pieces of the armor, Archer's breastplate is spcl dull with the matte, but it still looks great; just something to file away for future projects. I suppose I COULD add a thinned down layer of gloss to a few places still but Im worried about putting too much varnish on.
Back to the bases. Here's the rubble after a day
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I repeated the process to attach the grass; painting the PVA onto select areas(and being generous there to avoid the looseness with the Intercessors) then dunking it in the green field box. Simply because of it's nature as a bunch of small plastic threads I had to do some initial knocking off I didn't have to do with the rubble after the "pressing gently" step, and repeated the dunking a few times to get nice coverage. Here's how that looked at application, and then after an hour of drying.
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Pre-sealing the grass is Beautifully, Fluffily Rambunctious, sticking up every which way, but the glue itself just wont be enough to keep it there, so I wanted to try sealing this with varnish too. But: I didn't just want to paint it directly On the grass, as that would flatten it. So instead, while sometimes spreading it to apply, I tried to kinda POKE the varnish at the base of the grass and onto the blades, kinda fluffing them as I went in an attempt to not lose all that wonderful chaotic frizz. Here they are at-application, and then a day later(friday morning) before I attached the minis.
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I think I did a Really good job preserving the frizz on the left one(Archer's base), but kinda flubbed the technique a bit with HB's. It looked a BIT better after a day, tho.
So as you've noticed, and my above-the-cut alludes, the minis' include a little stand connecting their feet. Again: you don't really need to do anything about this, but I wanted to. The stand itself has a bit of a rocky or stone texture on it, so I COULD have painted it brown to present it as a sort of outcropping, or gray as just as large flat stone the characters are standing on, but I didn't want to do that SO: I got back out the caliban green and, using the same brush, painted THOSE, too, in maybe 1.5 coats, gave them an hour to dry, and... forgot to take any picks of it in my excitement to Get On With It -__- Oops
So I bscl did the same thing to incorporate the stands; I painted them with PVA, applied rock and then grass, sprinkling it on over their respective containers, let that dry for an hour, then painted on the varnish to seal. Here's some pics at-application
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and some from this morning, after the varnish had dried
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After taking these pics I used some PVA to attach some army painter tuffs(woodland, swamp, and meadow flowers) around the bases and here's how that looks!
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And the Elves are Done!
For some absolute Crap Minis I didn't particularly care about I think they came out alright ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ The underbrush around Archer's feet might be A BIT over done tho :p :p How to do Hair was an interesting puzzle and I really liked how it came out in the end, with the gloss finish really helping to integrate those metallic highlights with the darker recess tones. It was Tough but Rewarding to work around all the sculpt-problems these ones had, but also opened up interesting possibilities, like the headplates/armortiaras, that I ended up really digging. Generally I think the contrast paints worked well, despite their sticking issues to this prime/plastic, and I feel like this project gave me a real good feel for what they can be used for in minipainting, as well as practice building up complex colors through layering, and next time I'll def try using a gloss-finish on the armor bits for a more fantasy-look. Next time I'd REALLY like to experiment with fantasy skintones :> I had fun with the basing and learned allot using this sealing methods though next I'd like to give spray-seals a go, and maybe painting the base rather than just relying on the mats themselves. Generally I like how everything turned out, but I think from now on I might just stick to unadorned black bases for these D&D minis as I feel like this more adorned approach kinda pushes against their practical function u_u
So Onward and Upward! For my next project I'll.... Need more photospace as I've already used my limit for this post :p :p I guess you'll have to wait and see uvu
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keichanz · 4 years
kay so i really don't care if some of this doesn't make sense because this is the first thing i've written in a while that i don't absolutely hate. well this version at least. ending up scraping the first draft because it just seemed wrong and went in a different direction. im glad i did cause im happy with it.
anyway i realize that this may not get much feedback because i took a different approach to it, aka the entire pov is from an OC but i can't bring myself to care too much because i wrote this purely for myself. got inspired, started writing, and i actually liked the content i was writing. end of.
btw the oc doesn't refer to inuyasha as a half-demon because he's unaware he is one and i was too lazy to delve into those waters anyhow.
also for the sake of this oneshot pls dont look too closely at the ranks of diplomat and ambassador. i was too lazy to put much research regarding positions of power so just...go with it.
inspired by @stillunderyourbed​'s art that can be found here.
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It was…quaint. Smaller than what he'd expected. The housing structures looked subpar, there didn't appear to be any wooden walkways, and he could detect the distinct odor or fish in the air with hints of manure. There even seemed to be a perpetual dust cloud hovering at about waist high, thickening from the numerous carts, wagons, horses, and villagers kicking up dirt as they went about their daily lives. Already he felt like there was a layer of dust caked on the inside of his lungs and he wasn't even inside yet.
All in all, it was your typical countryside village, home to simple folk that made a living off of fishing, farming, and trade. The diplomat sneered in disgust. For being the rumored home of the creature strong enough to destroy the despicable Naraku, the village was…less than impressive. And to say that he was underwhelmed would be a vast understatement.
Shifting atop his mount, a chestnut gelding that had been his faithful companion for the last four years, Takeji frowned as he surveyed the sight before him. It was early afternoon, so men were out working in the fields, women were chatting amongst themselves as they laundered clothing at the river, and children were running about, playing and laughing while dogs barked at their heels. He could see the great red torii gate and the stone staircase that led to the shrine and he could hardly refrain from rolling his eyes.
The village was obviously poor, possibly even teetering on the edge of poverty, and instead of feeding themselves for a good long while, they decided to construct that monstrosity. He would never understand the minds of simple common folk. Daft. All of them.
Barely keeping himself from scowling, Takeji reluctantly climbed off his mount and forced himself to move forward into the pathetic excuse for a village. Already he knew he would have to burn his expensive attire; there would be no getting the dust and stench out of it after his ghastly visit. A visit he had not wanted to make, but being a highly revered and prestigious diplomat, it was his duty to travel to far off lands in hopes of establishing a profitable relationship that would ultimately benefit his homeland.
Although, looking around and fighting against the urge to retch at both the nauseating stench and the mere sight of all the unwashed villagers milling around, Takeji wondered not for the first time why he even bothered to accept this task. True, it was said the slayer of Naraku did hail from here, but surely having his homeland associated with this hovel would garner nothing but loss. So why had he agreed to come?
Oh, yes, he mused, grimacing as he stepped over a large manure pile right in the middle of the road. Because apparently, being all chummy with the nation's hero will allow us to have him at our beck and call, because who doesn't want a powerful demon capable of slaying the most evil demon in all of existence as an intimidating presence during negotiations, and let's not forget he alone would be equal to about one hundred soldiers in battle.
Rolling his eyes, Takeji tied his mount to a hitching post, withdrew his satchel with all the necessary paperwork, and set about finding this Inuyasha fellow. He'd been told the demon wore scarlet robes, carried a sword at his hip, and had white hair so no doubt he would stick out like a sore thumb amongst the droll browns and grays of the common folk, which suited him just fine. The sooner he was done, the sooner he could leave because there was no way he was staying even a second more in this village than he had to. Even if the next inn was hours away, he'd make the journey; the inn here was probably as unclean and riddled with bed bugs or something. Ugh. How vile.
Shrugging the satchel over his shoulder, Takeji bit back a groan, sighed, and hadn't even made it a single step before the sound of screaming froze him in his tracks. He gasped and immediately started looking for the danger, body tense, preparing to hop back onto his steed lightning fast and make a hasty getaway.
But as he looked around with wide eyes and a frantically beating heart, Takeji couldn't help but notice that he was the only one that appeared to have heard the sound of terror. The villagers were just continuing to go about their day, calm as you please, either severely deaf or completely uncaring. Takeji was beginning to wonder if he was perhaps hearing things when it happened again, a high-pitched sound that he realized with dread belonged to a child.
Takeji gaped. A child was in danger and nobody cared?! What kind of village was this?! Another shriek pierced the air, and Takeji made a decision. Very well; if these imbeciles weren't going to do anything about it, then he himself would see to the danger. While by no means a swordsman or warrior, he did have some weapons training he could fall back on for this precise reason. Traveling alone was dangerous, and you never knew what you would encounter.
Resolved, the diplomat set his jaw, unsheathed the dagger at his waist, and darted toward the direction the screams were coming from. He meandered between houses, hoped over lazing dogs, dodged startled villagers in his path, and he came into a small clearing by the forest's edge. The sight that greeted him was…not what he expected.
Coming up short, Takeji watched with a befuddled frown as one child chased around two other, slightly older looking children. One might think they were playing a game of sorts, and the diplomat started to believe that was indeed the case…until the one doing the chasing, clad in red, suddenly jumped high into the air, over the heads of the other two children, and landed before them with hands raised.
Hands, Takeji noticed with growing dread and disgust, tipped with claws on each finger and he quickly realized what exactly was happening. That wicked little demon brat, that creature was toying with those helpless children! It was keeping them trapped, preventing them from running away by leaping over their heads and blocking their route of escape! They screamed, the demon child laughed, and so potent was his fury, so enraged was he for the fact that the villagers apparently did not care about what was happening right beneath their noses, Takeji failed to notice the wide smiles on all three of the young one's faces. The blood pounding in his ears prevented him from hearing the gleeful giggles as the two human kids scrambled away from the one clad in red, and without another thought, Takeji moved.
"Run, children!" Takeji ordered as he hurled himself into the clearing, dagger raised as he charged toward the demon brat with a baleful glare. "I will take care of his filthy animal!"
All three children froze in place, eyes wide as Takeji inserted himself between the two human children - twin girls, he idly noted - and the demon spawn that dared raised its claws toward them. The brat stared up at him with big brown eyes and it - she - actually looked confused. Takeji scowled. He would not fall for such a ploy.
"I will not allow you to harm them," he spat and pointed his dagger at her. The child blinked at him and then looked behind him at the two girls who still had not taken the chance to flee. In shock, perhaps? Stunned? No matter; they were safe, so long as he stood between them and the threat.
The demon child made a face and started to walk around him, completely disregarding the weapon trained on her, but Takeji shifted and stopped her once more. He heard the two behind him whispering as the spawn looked up at him once again, this time frowning at him with narrowed eyes. And was that a growl he heard? He snorted. Was she actually trying to appear threatening? Pathetic.
Scowling, Takeji lifted a foot, placed it on her stomach, and shoved. The demon gasped as she stumbled back and then landed on her behind with a small grunt. He heard a gasp from behind him, urgent whispering, and then hurried scrambling. A glance over his shoulder told him they'd finally gotten wise and ran away. He nodded. Good. Now he could deal with this vermin without innocent eyes to bear witness.
But as he stared down at the pathetic sight before him, Takeji wondered maybe if such measures would even be necessary. The beast was still lying where she had fallen and was staring up at him with wide eyes brimming with…wait. What? Were those tears? Oh, you have got to be joking.
Rolling his eyes, the diplomat scoffed at the pathetic play for mercy and careless waved his dagger at her. The child actually flinched and followed the blade with her gaze, wariness clear in her eyes. Well. It appeared her self-preservation instincts have finally kicked in.
"Cease your theatrics," Takeji drawled, unimpressed. "They do not fool me. Now lucky for you, demon spawn, the pathetic sight you project has made me decide to spare your life. Your tainted blood is not worthy enough to soil my blade, so I will say this only one and you would do well to heed this warning, beast."
Hardening his stare and curling his lip into a sneer, Takeji spat, "Leave this place at once and do not return. There is no place for the likes of you, an abomination that preys on helpless children. Now get out of my sight, afore I kill you on principle. Your vile presence disgusts me."
The child grunted and Takeji watched, stone faced, as she got to her feet. Then to his surprise the little demon balled her hands into fists at her sides and glared at him, but the effect was ruined by the tears he could clearly see brimming her eyes. He cocked a brow, unmoved. She sniffled once, twice, and then to his utter surprise and bafflement, her face suddenly crumbled, her lower lip trembled, and she promptly burst into loud tears before spinning on her heel and running away.
Takeji frowned. Papa? Were the brat's kin nearby, then? Body tense and weapon raised, he waited, prepared to either fight or flee - because he wasn't a fool and knew when he was in over his head - but when no demons came bursting out of the tree line, Takeji slowly relaxed.
Bewildered and more than a little annoyed at the whole debacle - what a waste of time! - the diplomat scoffed in derision as he turned to watch the little demon brat scurry away. And then right at that exact moment, a figure donned in red dropped to the ground seemingly out of nowhere and Takeji felt a wave of relief sweep through him. Finally! This had to be his demon quarry.
Nodding, Takeji stepped forward and opened his mouth to call out a greeting—
And then froze in his tracks as the greeting abruptly died on his tongue. Because the little demon girl, the one he'd just pointed his weapon at and shoved to the ground, ran straight to the figure robed in red and Takeji could do naught but watch with a growing sense of horrified dread as the older demon knelt down to take the child into his arms.
All color promptly drained from his face and Takeji suddenly felt sick to his stomach. He glanced behind the pair and he was somehow not at all surprised to find the twin girls from earlier glaring at them and holding onto the skirts of their mother with a monk garbed in violet robes beside her. They too were staring at him in a not so friendly manner, but upon returning his gaze to the two demons, Takeji numbly thought that if looks could kill, he would surely be dead by now.
Because the demon robed in red - which was now unmistakably the child's father and none other than Inuyasha, the demon he'd come here for - was glaring absolute murder at him and it was obvious that he was. Not. Pleased.
Takeji swallowed and unconsciously backed up a step. With one small hand fisting her father's robes, the child had the other pointing an accusatory finger at him as she no doubt recited to him their earlier…ah, exchange. Inuyasha said nothing in response, but he didn't need to. The deep, nearly subsonic growl that erupted from his mouth, complete with fully bared fangs in a truly fearsome snarl, told him very clearly of his thoughts on his daughter's mistreatment by him.
Which, if Takeji had to guess, were not very Takeji-friendly. At all.
Somehow managing to fight against the urge to flee, Takeji swallowed hard as Inuyasha pushed to his feet and stalked toward him with that same murderous look on his face. Something told him, perhaps some deeply rooted self-preservation instinct, that if he even tried to run right then, it would not end well for him. So he remained where he was and tried valiantly to control the trembling in his body as he slowly, very slowly, tucked his dagger back from whence it came.
Inuyasha stopped in front of him and Takeji cleared his throat before attempting a placating smile, but it looked more like a grimace than anything. "Ah…I assume you are…In—"
One second Takeji was staring into the scowling features of one pissed off dog demon. The next there was a bright flash of light and then he was staring at the business end of a very large and very sharp sword. With the tip just a hair's breadth away from his nose, Takeji gasped sharply and stumbled back a step out of instinct.
Sweet merciful heavens! How—?
"Usually I'd ask who the fuck you are," the demon growled, his eyes twin slits of baleful gold. "But honestly, I can't really bring myself to care enough to know the name of the asshole who threatened my daughter when she was doing nothing but playing with her friends."
Takeji blanched for the second time and he could actually feel himself breaking out in a cold sweat. He fucked up. Oh dear god he'd fucked up so bad—
"There's—there's been a misunderstanding," Takeji tried in a voice higher than usual, raising his hands up in what he hoped was a placating gesture as he eyed the very sharp point of that blade. "I—I admit I've made a grave mistake—"
"Shut the fuck up and tell me why I shouldn't gut you where you stand," Inuyasha hissed, lips feeling back off his fangs in another fierce snarl. With his ears pinned back and those golden eyes glaring absolute death at him, the demon made quite the menacing picture. Takeji had the brief, if a bit ludicrous thought, that perhaps the demon Naraku perished from the sheer animosity that was coming off of the silver-haired demon in waves.
Swallowing once, twice, Takeji realized that he only had his quick wit to get him out of his certain predicament. So bracing himself, he opened his mouth—
"He's from the continent, Inuyasha. You can't hurt him."
Startled hazel eyes swung toward the source of the voice but amber eyes stayed locked on their target, the only acknowledgment of the voice a flick of an ear.
The owner of the voice the human diplomat could only presume was the child's mother, as the child in question was standing behind her legs and was actually smirking at him. He frowned.
"You're from Shenshi," the woman remarked and Takeji swung his gaze back to her. "Right?"
Though her expression wasn't openly friendly, it wasn't exactly unfriendly either, however the human diplomat still felt he needed to tread carefully. Because while her face didn't betray anything, her stare was hard and her mouth had tightened into a thin, flat line. She had one hand on her daughter's head while the other clutched a longbow, and belatedly he realized she had a quiver of arrows slung across her back. He barely held in a flinch as he realized this was one of the demon's companions that had assisted in slaying Naraku, possibly the young woman in which Inuyasha held a more meaningful relationship.
A much more meaningful relationship, if the child currently glaring daggers at him was anything to go by since she was more or less living proof of it.
Wonderful. So he'd gone and threatened the only child of two of the most powerful beings in Japan. Clearly he'd stepped over the wrong grave and pissed somebody off.
Clearing his throat and aiming a strained smile toward the woman who was still awaiting his reply, Takeji nodded once. "Ah, y-yes, my lady. I'm—"
"The diplomat Ambassador Sharaku sent to convince Inuyasha to join his ranks so he'd have the support and protection of 'The Great Slayer of Naraku.'" The woman raised a delicate brow at him. "How am I doing so far?"
Takeji had the good grace to look a mite sheepish. "Ah…well—"
"You can't kill him, Inuyasha," she repeated and Takeji thought she sounded disappointed. "If he goes missing, the ambassador will send his troops to find out what happened or if he returns injured, it could be taken as an insult and you can imagine what would happen after that. You would risk mine or Moroha's life like that, and you know it."
Inuyasha growled but said nothing to refute her words, so Takeji assumed he agreed.
"He threatened her, Kagome," the demon spat, inching the blade closer to his throat and Takeji flinched. "Called her a fucking animal, shoved her down, and waved a goddamn dagger in her face! You can't honestly expect me to let that—"
"Papa," the child - Moroha - suddenly said, successfully stalling her father's angry tirade. A quick glance revealed the girl, still sticking close to her mother, was staring at the older demon with big brown eyes, bright with the threat of tears as she worried her bottom lip. And evidently the sight was enough to calm the raging storm of Inuyasha's fury because he grimaced, released a low growl, and then Takeji watched in stunned amazement as the massive sword suddenly transformed into a rusty katana before it was sheathed at his hip.
With a weapon no longer at his throat, Takeji could breathe a little easier and he released a breath he hadn't even been aware he'd been holding. But then he sucked it right back in when Inuyasha suddenly stepped in close and got in his face, a low, threatening growl leaking past rightly clenched teeth bared in another snarl. Golden eyes bore into his own, filled with a lethal warning that had the human male's back straightening and his blood to run cold in his veins.
"You listen carefully, asshole," Inuyasha hissed, glaring so heatedly it was a wonder Takeji didn't burst into flame. "Don't you dare think that my wife's words have any sort of sway over my decision to spare your pathetic life. I'm not scared of your weakling ambassador and I sure as hell ain't scared of his little human army. No, the only reason that I let you live is because I don't want my daughter, the one you foolishly threatened when she had done nothing wrong, to see me sully my hands with your disgusting blood when I reduce you to nothing more than a bloody smear on the ground."
Takeji paled and swallowed thickly. That particular image was…not pleasant.
Inuyasha watched the color drain from his face. Satisfied, he sneered before saying in a growl filled with sinister promise, "Now get the fuck outta my village and if you ever touch my daughter again, I'll gut you so fast you won't even have time to fucking scream."
Then with that, Inuyasha leveled him with one last dark scowl before spinning on his heel and stalking away, a clear dismissal. Neither mother nor daughter even spared the frozen human male a glance as Inuyasha paused to pick his daughter up into his arms before striding away, his wife close to one side and his friends on the other.
From over his shoulder, Takeji could only watch in a mixture of shock and befuddlement as the little demon girl named Moroha smirked and then stuck her tongue out at him, safe and sound in her father's arms.
Left standing in a state of numb bewilderment, Takeji blinked, looked down at himself, and had the passing thought that it was a very good thing he'd decided to wear brown trousers that day.
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woozisnoots · 3 years
svt in college! | alex edition
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° pairing: ot13 x reader ° genre: fluff(?), what my stream of consciousness finds funny, college!au ° word count: 1034 ° warning: slightttt violence ° a/n: i know i have requests to write >< but i really needed to write smth fun :( act as a shot of of serotonin into my veins ahahaha [insert fratboy emoji] disclaimer tho - this was ENTIRELY SELF INDULGENT and very very catered to me which is why vernon’s is unnecessarily long SO IM SORRY !!! i still hope you guys think its fun :D
° masterlist! 
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seungcheol: a business major, minoring in international relations. has the slightest crush on you but suppresses it pretty well without you realizing because he knows you like someone else. he likes to take you on what he calls bestie dates to a nearby arcade or places to eat when you’re stressed.
jeonghan: a psych major, minoring in communications, whom you oddly spend a lot of time with because he asks for homework help every other day when you’ve only taken 1-2 psych classes in your entire life :P but he’s a good listener and subs in as therapist on the weekdays so you let him stick around. 
joshua: an english major. doesn’t know why and slightly regrets it but if it means he can keep the tinie bookshelf he has in his doom to make it look like he’s smart, then that’s motivation to keep him going. you tolerate him because you guys randomly go on trips at 2am and buys you food :D
jun: a childhood education major. the friend of a friend of a friend of someone’s cousin that happen to be your friend and so you see him at parties sometimes :) actually really fun to be around when you’re not too much into the party scene and play hopscotch or bean bag toss outside the persons’ backyard. 
soonyoung: the loud dance team captain that won’t give you 5 minutes of quiet time waiting for your chem professor to open the door to the lab room because he has his speakers on at max volume dancing to kelly clarkson,,,, he’s pretty chill otherwise, he’s in my math class. claims hes the eye of the tiger when he comes to class in leopard print
wonwoo: premed that’s somehow taking enough classes to graduate with a literature minor. he and cheol talk a lot because they’re in the same broadcasting club or something of the sort. you guys acknowledge each other’s presence and share a moment of tea together sometimes with cheol.
jihoon: double majoring in music composition and theory. says he absolutely hates it because he thinks the work he does is completely pointless. but then goes on to write you like 27484737 love songs within a week for a single assignment. denies to other people that you’re his best friend and that he hates your guts but you’re the only one allowed in his private studio on school days and can fiddle with his equipment sometimes :3
minghao: an art major minoring in history. eventually wants to be a gallery director so he can hold his own. you make him drag you everyone for his work when you’re bored or have free time bc he takes pictures for the school newspaper/website. you guys strike a negotiation that you drive and he buys snacks. 
mingyu: you only know him for playing in your uni’s (american) football team. his tall ass is like linebacker or some shit you don’t even know his major. you had to take a kickboxing class for PE credit and you swept him to the ground and put him a choke hold. you never let him live that down everrr. you also steal his lunch money from his bag when he’s at practice.
seokmin: a musical theatre major, minoring in music composition. you guys met through jihoon. you were absolutely FLOORED when you heard him sing as the lead for the school’s spring musical. it is now tradition that you guys get crepes after every show and make jihoon pay B) he hangs out with you and jihoon a lot and randomly make music together. and ahahaha people think jihoon and seokmin are fighting over you!! >:( that’s absolutely preposterous, seokmin is too good of a soul (you say this as you help him kneed dough for the pizza you guys are making together)
seungkwan: an education major, minoring in music because he wants to teach music to little kiddos ^-^ THE BESTEST OF THE BESTIES!!! like if you’re not hanging out with jihoon/seokmin or cheol, you crash at seungkwan’s apartment and raids his kitchen when you run out of groceries ;D he keeps making fun of you for your car until you remind him that he can’t drive. on the weekends, you guys love to bake muffin, cookie, or cake recipes to prep for the daycare on mondays :3
vernon: okay actually, he doesn’t go to college SHDJSJSHS you met him on the side of the road once when you decided to walk instead of using your car (silly you!) and you saw vernon doing some cool graffiti art (IT WASN’T VANDALISM!!!). which was a total coincidence because at that point, you were ready to take a bus and wait right at the bus stop where he set up. since it was a long wait, you guys talked and he kept you company. you learn that this is actually a big project he’s been working on and is finally getting paid big bucks for something he really likes doing. you learn that he’s a great conversationalist and you miss the bus first bus ride home and have to wait another hour or so whoops! this becomes more and more of a daily thing, slowly getting to know each other. fast forward months later and it’s your birthday :D and you don’t expect anything at all because how would he know, you don’t really like your birthday anyways UNTIL vernon surprises you with a spray paint drawing of your favorite animal! and then asks you out on a date and you guys fall deeply in love
chan: a linguistics major. yeah, he doesn’t know why either, he’s just rolling with it. says he’s liking it so far, but no one really knows if he’s lying or not, including yourself. you drag chan to college events like club fairs and rallies because you’re too embarrassed to go alone and no one else wants to go LOL he begs you to drive him places during your three day weekends because he always wants to go off campus and do stuff with you and the guy pals, but he doesn’t like the freeway :/ its fine though because he pays for gas. 
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hjazysol · 3 years
Chapter 8: Pain of Creation
As more of the Kamijiru's secrets uncover. The Clown starts the show up above. The rejected students make their first big move.
7 Years Ago
Hero Fabrication 1st Update
"So then. My first test. Candy. Shall begin. Now I'd first like to explain my Quirk called. God's Hand. I personally never chose the name but it stuck with the masses so I can create any living thing from a non living thing and vice versa. Though for me to make a living being from a dead object. I'd need a blood sample. This blood sample can come from any person whether it be from me or a volunteer... Though for this experiment I ended up exploiting a friend Im more than positive it will be worth it."
Brimming with confidence the professor dragged over a board. Opening a marker pen with his teeth gripping onto the now open pen. He drew a cube with a smiley face on it and legs. "So.. This is Quenton Birch. Quite bizarrely this boy has the ability to use Cartoon Physics. And so now I want to use him as a base. So not too long ago I asked a friend to retrieve a blood sample. From him."
"Now I suppose you're wondering why I don't use my own blood. But this is part of the test. Ok." The black haired man reached out for the blood sample. Taking about a syringe full out from it. Then gathered up a piece of cotton candy from a bag. "Now if you've been paying attention then I'm certain you'll know what I'll do with this right?"
Akira hovered his hand over the sweet, dropping the syringe's contents on it as he did. Shortly after the pink fluff of sugar grew larger. Filling up the already restricted space on his desk. Slowly the colour became more similar to human skin in looks and in texture. And then a few minutes later. A human body lay presented to him on the table.
"PERFECT! IT WENT WELL! As far as I can see there are no imperfections here." Akira began going all over the body taking measurements. "Kaaaah. Though I'm a lot filthier than I thought. They're around 12 Years Old right now... ...Have I really had some candy lying around for that long? That's a good bit of my life that is. But either way... ...The test worked! Test 1 Candy is a success...After all the research. It took a long time but my idea of artificial human beings is starting off great. I'll record again. Erm... Once they've begun moving."
Hero Fabrication Update 2
"Hurk. H-Hello. I'm back again. Urk!?" The doctor was getting his face pulled at by a pair of stretching arms. "Hey now relax don't go pulling at peoples faces. It's rude. Ahem anyway. I'd like to tell you all that from now on I'll officially be doing work on this project from now on. Though...I won't really be giving anyone these tapes til after its all over... ...In case it gets shut do-"
Crunching glass and spilling water were going everywhere. Test tubes and flasks flung from above. Another voice came in from afar. "Professor! She's messing up the equipment again!"
"They don't like it if you refer to them that way. Did you forget again? Apologise and they'll stop. Sigh.... W-Well that's one way to let you know that I've got new staff working with me. This once again will be kept on the low until I try my best to ease the idea onto the government. So we all hide our identities using codes. Well. Besides me. I am responsible for the worst outcome at the end of the day."
Gasping ferociously hard Akira's assistants were all chasing after the first little creation made by Akira. They clung to Akira's leg, sheepishly hiding behind him. "Hey now... You need to go back already." Reaching his hands upon the head of the little creation the professor patted at their head gently.
"I know you don't like that water but without it I can't keep all of you together. You'll fall apart since you technically aren't complete. Come now."
"Professor Kamijiru? These barcodes on their necks? Are these their names?"
"Oh yes. You're one of the newer members. I marked them with a stamp in the creation process."
"Well. Who're they. When they to your side?"
"This is the first of my creations. As with the now other 20 I have made. They only got the one power from the dna of Quenton. The ability to stretch out their body and proportions to match any need at the time."
"Ohh? Well what's this ones name Akira?"
"Well they came from a piece of sweet, cotton candy. And as a result they smell really sweet. Especially, their hair. So I decided to name them. Okashi." Present day and a hammer came crashing down onto the tape playing the recorded message from Akira's past.
"Finally that voice can be put to silence for once. I'll never have to hear that false voice ever again." Okashi was removing her glasses, her hair shrinking slowly closer to her head. "At last." Digging her fingers deep into her face the black haired girl started pulling away at her face stretching it out and mangling it around before landing on a different look.
"I'll finally get to hear the real thing in person once again." The same face as the clown person stuck underground. "Yeah. I'll finally get to hear that voice gargling for air as I wring out your damn neck. Yeah. That'll be nice." On their way out the hole above them. They were attatching stuff they came across to their tool belt. Finally stretching her arm over to the table containing her own fully functional Quirk contracting & Quirk cancelling solutions. 3 of the latter lodged in the necks of unconscious heroes. Bandana Dee, Taranza & Dedede.
"Well then...Let's get this invasion started."
"Hrmm. Oi Honoka?" The stone cocooned girl turned her head over to Hokori startled by how invasivly close he was to her face. "Wh- What do you want!?"
"Do you want to join us?"
"Join you?"
"... No way."
"Aww. Why not?"
"I refuse to be acknowledged by the world as some delinquent. I'm different from you I'm important for the future of this hero's society. To save those two weak to save themselves. That's my purpose. Those are the intentions I was made with. Until I've achieved that and more I won't bother trying anything else. I've never played a single game never stopped studying only. And never stopped practicing. I will become a hero that outshines even the world's greatest. That's how I am. So it will happen."
"Well just be a hero with us."
"Kotawaru. Doing anything that's against the basic laws of quirk usage in public. Why that would just bring about shame to my father's name of course my existence brought him enough hate as it is way in the past."
Her malleable face was stretched out suddenly by Hokori who had an impatient expression on his face. "Well make up your mind already do you want to be a hero or not? The past is the past why let it decide what you do now?"
"Hm?" Takaishi raised his head cautiously his face was twitching about. "I think something big's coming this way?"
"Really? How far?" Prodding his soft index finger at the blind boys head Kageyama decided to taunt him. "Or are you lying just so that you can get us all scared and rattled. Heheh!"
"How far though dreads?"
"I don't know!? Like about 6 Kilometres back the way we came?"
"Oh wow? I bet you can hear the angels singing from heaven from here to huh." He remarked sarcastically circling a halo round his head using his Quirk.
"I'M TELLING YOU! SOMETHING BIG IS COMING! If it wasn't this massive I wouldn't be able to hear it at all! We should use that as an opportunity to escape and- ...H-Hokori?"
The alleged leader had wandered off somewhere, Shebi carrying Honoka was gone to. "AAH! He vanished!"
"Honestly he could at least spare the detail on where he goes. Anyway it should be fine. He's got Medusa with him...Hm? What's this?" A distinct red speck of dust fell infront of Kageyama, catching it on his finger. "Hmm. Powder?"
"Hey look more of its coming down!" Shuri pointed up to the the sky several small particles akin to mist came soaring down and about the placement. "I don't trust this. You. Shrinker."
"Whatever! Just... Are those clothes made to stretch out with you aswell as return to normal?"
"Yep yep! But why do you want to know now?"
The ground chipped barely, Kageyama had stuck a wall of popes into the ground on both sides working as a wall. "Alright now I want you to grow out that jacket and throw it over the cage."
"Hey but..Won't it just come through the now bigger seams?" Takaishi asked. "Yeah that's what an idiot would assume." Kageyama replied smirking at Takaishi in particular. "During the short fight I had with her in training I noticed her clothes aren't like usual giant quirk users where they're just really stretchy. Aside from those guards on her body. All her clothes have a whole different layer of unused threads."
"So when she stretches out her limbs to grow bigger and when the seams are forced to expand that secondary layer comes up and gets tied up together with the previous threads. So in other words. Her clothes can never be too loose or too tight. They'll always be just right. Now hurry up. Grow big and strip. We can throw it over a cage I make. Then it'll be a shield."
Yatsua piped up in embarrassment at the comment. "Hey! You don't just ask someone to strip it's rude! Especially a gi- OI OI OI!" Shuri was already mid way taking off a her top in bigger form. "It's fine I've got something underneath Yatsu." This was a normal giant quirk top but was still ripping at the back.
As that Quartet of teens kept doing their thing above. Hokori & Shebi had wandered off elsewhere in a different building. The building had an underground. "Woah. This a long tunnel huh Shebi?"
"Yeah... Honoka fell asleep... ...She's drooling. Somehow."
"Hm... ...Shebi. You lied to her back then didn't you?" Rightfully confused Shebi squinted harshly at Hokori. "What about?"
"Your Quirk... She never looked you in your eyes. She was busy watching your coat..."
"Oh so you did notice that then... Well. Sometimes a lie like that is necessary for surviving. Revealing a Quirk right away is like automatically signing your way to die. And even if you've called me out I still won't say what it really is."
"You had a move like that and never said a thing? Haha! Badass."
"You don't even know what it is yet. Maybe I'll share another time."
The bandana tied redhead pouted his lips huffing loudly. "Tch. Okay." Hokori continued making small talk. "You know when we got to my house their was no one surrounding like usual...Did you scare them off or something?"
"Errr. I kicked one big guy. With the Tajma-Hell. The rest ran scared. Your sisters the only one who fought me without much restraint."
"What's a Tajma-Hell?"
"That's one of my attacks. It's an axe kick but well... ...Worse..."
"... Ah I get it. It's a bad move."
"Your damn right it is....Hey. I can see some light finally" They kept going forwards. The lines of light revealing the insides of a run down building, leaving Hokori & Shebi in awe. "Damn. This is incredible...They just have stuff like this idly standing by underground like this? Then again it doesn't look like it's that valuable to anybody now."
"Hey Shebi! I found something cool come check it out. Look look." Giant glass containers were checkered about messily all over. Broken glass stabbed in and all over the place. Both the two of them were fascinated by everything they came by. Machinery that was fairly new and polished. And robot like things stood tal in the corner. A mixture of mess and neatness.
And then something frigid, wet and slippery slid off along from Shebi's neck and arms. This caused her to shiver and look over her shoulder a confused but sickened expression scrunched up her face. "What...The. Honoka..." Honoka began waking up. Crying and quivering. "Erm Hey. Honoka? Are you alri-?"
Before Shebi could even finish her sentence Honoka started wailing louder than multiple fire alarms, thrashing about her cocoon violently. "NO NO NO. LEAVE ME ALONE! NO NOT HERE AGAIN! I'LL KILL YOU FOR THIS!"
"Erm. Hok- HE'S GONE!?!?"
The bandana wearer had found himself zoned out looking at the screen for a TV further down within the cofines of the room. "Cameras? It looks like there's alot of them around. Hey this ones in a first person view. Is it some sort of video game?... Ah? AH WAIT!? I KNOW WHERE THAT IS! THAT'S WHERE WE WERE JUST! Hrng. I'm not gonna pretend I know anything about computers. So I guess it's some surveillance system."
In search of someone who might've perhaps installed such a high tech system within the underground chamber they found themselves in. To the right of him was just a tunnel that was blocked off completely by debris. "Well no matter what's going on now. While there's some cool stuff down here. This place is just a huge wreck." Hokori said knocking the desk at his side.
The table broke and collapsed and small device fell from its bits and pieces garnering Hokori's attention. "Oh? A Voice recorder?... ...Well its not rude if no one remembered it." He pressed play. The familiar voice of Professor Kamijiru came from inside it, noticeably agitated by something.
"What do you mean you made. More?" The professor was met with silence.
"And without my authorisation? Have you even been raising them properly." Once again he was met with silence.
"D-Do you even care!? I asked for your help for this part of the project because I knew you could cover all my expenses! I didn't share my work with you just so you could throw it all away!" Again. Silence.
"IS EVEN ONE OF YOU BASTARDS LISTENING TO ME!?" Finally, after moments of elongated silence a smooth yet gruff voice replied to him. "... ...We're a gang. Dr. 'Godhand'. You didn't actually think our family was just going to, I don't know, ignore a prime catch like this? You hired us with that knowledge. That we were a gang that is. That was the moment you should've known what a mistake you'd made. Even our little brither wouldn't fuck up this bad."
"I-...You won't do any more of this. Understand."
"Hmph. Since we've just been following demands on making heroes I see no reason for why we should cease our own experimentation. But of course. I promise you no more creations outside of your own.... ....Though. Something worth pointing out though. Dear Kamijiru. You speak of raising these things by your side?"
"Well yes. Is that something that bothers you people?" The Professor asked, suspiciously. A massive amount of unsureness in his eyes as he spoke with his 'ally.'
"Hmm. Well Dr. Professor man thing. Usually with weapons we use them. They wear down. And in a more humane term. Are disposed of. Nobody wants a broken tool left lying around right. The only thing special about these creatures is their power outside of that. All they are to me are weapons and if it dies then its not my problem. It was just to weak to live on."
"Anyone should be given a chance to live freely. People who would abuse that freedom to behave awfully, like yourselves, shouldn't be allowed to have it."
"Well personally we could care less of your ideals. We're Yakuza. This is just buisness. In fact. I would like to play a little game. The 20 of your creations. Fighting the 20 copies. They can fight for their freedom. Not so much of a new concept for mankind. Freedom has never once been obtainable without causing issue for somebody else."
" Hmm. See I'd agree but the quiet kids love playing with guns all the time. So come on don't be a buzzkill Professor. Let's play!" The voice through the tape raised loud and confident elated by his very own proposal.
"... Show me them. I'm taking them away from you. You don't deserve to take care of a another life. I'm done taking money from you fools."
"... ...Tahahahah! Fine we scratch the fight. One! We'll show you one! One is all you need to see. We've done the same to all ours. We got sick of those human sized tubes, so we thrashed them. If they couldn't stay together well. Maybe you should've prioritised how stable they would be rather than making sure they are treated well. A gun doesn't need to talk. Only kill."
"Well then I'd very much like to know how you managed this without my suspicions growing further."
"The process really was simple. See you hired all these people you thought you could trust. Outside of ourselves of course. But there were a few or so who gave into our 'persuasions'. While on their own the process of Cloning would never be complete. I made my own investment."
"Hm. So what could those bastards have possibly offered you."
"Well... I was faced with a truly beautiful specimen. A true weapon. No personality. No out of line behavior. No voice. No soul. No mind. Exactly what my family was looking for."
Stuttering aggressively over and over. Kamijiru couldn't even muster a reaction. Leaving Hokori confused for a bit. "Y-You! WH-WH-WHAT IS THIS!? Those. Those symbols!? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO THAT CHILD!?"
"...We...Fixed her. Meet our blooming flower. Honoka." The gang leader softly giggled to himself the the recorder began to muffled and buzz. Then silence.
"Honoka?" Hokori had accidentally crushed the recorder at the sound of that girls name. "Someone's hurt her? Huh?" His attention shortly after drifted over to another desk on it were familiar pairs of syringe. One group red. Another green. But too stunned to stay fixed on them.
Hurtling as fast as a bullet a table fired back from where Shebi was, right to Hokori. In response he punched it in two the second it reached him.
"I'd hoped I could just come down here mind my buisness have some fun on a short trip." Shebi was cornered by a berserk Honoka, she was bleeding and bruised in several places. "But now look." She plucked a strand of hair from her bangs watching it droop as she held it up.
"You've gone and messed up my hair. Your a girl Honoka you should know I can't let this go. It's always a contest on who looks best. And I agree beauty is perfection with it you can attention...However-" Honoka interupted her, blitzing forwards to attack. Shebi was falling to the floor face first seemingly.
Instead though. Her palm had struck the floor first, hoisting her up from the ground. Kicking out one leg over into Honoka's face, leaving a dent on her gelatinous face. Switching to her other hand Shebi swung herself round the ground sweeping her off from her feet. Finally she stood herself up after a jump from her hand, landing a devastating axe kick down on her chest.
"It's just as important that you're able to stand up for yourself in the heat of the moment." Filling out her body's dents Honoka shakily stood back up, no words were uttered from her mouth. "...Jeez. You can still stand up after that? I guess being a jelly girl has its perks-"
Soon after saying that, the blooming bio weapon stretched out her right arm and finger noticeably they looked sharp and hardened. "Oh? So you can get hard so what. Though. For a girl that's not usually something we can experience."
Honoka's hand morphed again. The after result, several sharp blades in a circular shape that began spinning and picking up speed every passing second. "W-Woah... ...No way. Seriously? A buzzsaw. This could be bad... ...I shouldn't need my Quirk right now though. You're nothing special. So I'll just have fun with you. I thought your only Quirk was shape-shifting. What a joke."
The enraged girl ran at Shebi with the whirring blade, literally in her hand, swinging for Shebi's face. Grazing a small bit of hair once again amidst the several rapid swings "Hey! Seriously! Watch the hair!" Shebi did a spinning roundhouse kick downing the girl yet again. The stone princess smiled "I still want to look great once I've beat your ass."
Honoka reached into herself directly on the symbol on her chest, with the precision of a surgeon she pulled out a black spear. "Oh so your Quirk isn't just Malleability. That symbol on your chest is like a pocket. Hm. I guess I could use it now then. This fight going on any longer could end bad. I don't want to risk bot using it now. She could have a grenade in there or something. Parthenon- Huh."
Her adversary didn't hesitate, and let Shebi to so much as think to do something and so she lunged at Shebi with the Spear & swinging her buzzing arm around narrowly missing the arms and legs. "SHIT!" Shebi kicked off of her chest to gain some distance. A loud bang heard in doing so."
"HUH!? Wait! Is that symbol really a Quirk?" Honoka didn't let up her attack pushing forward piercing debris while Shebi dodged swiftly, not once turning her back as she did, soon returning a bone shattering kick of her own. "This'll put you down! No hard feelings!"
Casually taking advantage of her body's capabilities, Honoka stretched her head right out the way of harm, and although no contact was made an echoing pop like noise came nearby. "GYRAH!!!" The near miss had caused Shebi to hyper extend her right leg. "Sh-Shit. I've dislocated it!"
The out of control Honoka took that opportunity to hurl her saw hand to the fallen Shebi. "Well damn. I guess I'll use it. I don't have time to fix this normally...So Parthenon Pillar-" The rubble beneath them shot upwards like a rocket, acting as a foot hold for her while the edge uppercutted Honoka skywards.
"Now this'll hurt but...LONGSTONE SMASH!" She stomped down onto her airborne foe with her injured leg. Crashing her back to the ground. "THERE IT IS!" Though her bone managed to pop back into place. "Phew." As if she were a predator Shebi peered over the edge of the makeshift cliff, down on Honka. She was still conscious, but pinned down to the floor by rocks. Each time she tried breaking free more rock pinned her down.
"...Hmm. Sorry their Honoka. Im sorry I can't see more of your 'Quirks' but I want to leave already. Hokori's probably getting up to trouble. But lucky you!" The stone pillar rose her up even higher to the cieling. "Here's the baddest move I have in my disposal so far." From the sickening height she was at. Shebi jumped off her right leg extended. Then like a top, she began to spin, getting faster and faster each time. Until. "TAJMAH HELL!" Her devastating spinning weighty axe kick landed on Honoka's face. Denting the girl down about 8 inches into the ground.
"... ...Well clearly you weren't listening to me. Earlier, you were to busy focusing on how you looked. Cool. But I told you, being able to kick ass should be put ahead of that. I'm not some damsel. Fool."
~Shebi Ishikawa. Quirk: Stone. Can manipulate any type of Earth or Stone.
About 10 minutes had passed since Shebi knocked Honoka unconscious. Staying put not wanting to get lost, in an attempt to find Hokori.
"Hmmm. Oh. Hokori. You're back finally a- What's with all that stuff your carrying. Oof. Hey." Hokori pressed several blueprints and notes against Shebi's chest. He wasn't smiling.
"....Huh!?" And shortly after skimming through. She became angry. "Where?"
"Right above us."
"...Then we'll take care of it right."
"Yeah. This. This is all torture not greatness." The same straight look was on their faces coming from the mysterious building. As they were walking out Shebi changed the structure of the territory below the surface. It collapsed behind them. And the building crumbled away. "I'll let them decide what they want to be."
"So Hokori. This will be our first big move?"
"...Yeah." Hokori puffed up inhaling deep. "GUYS!" Kageyama and the others were staring upwards having been left out earlier. "Yo Hokori." Kageyama casually called back. "Things got crazy while you were gone."
"It's fine. I have enough stuff to know what needs to happen now." A giant machine with a large platform at the surface was propped in between the buildings of Eusha, small bangs were coming from their to. Someone was fighting. Hokori cracked his fingers and smiled. "Let's go!"
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b0ttl3d-up-st4rs · 3 years
Well I'm gonna do what I do best and self reflect to an insane amount. This is probably gonna be a long post so buckle up.
To be honest my behavior for nearly the past year now is concerning to say the least. There's this little voice in my head that just desperately wants to get more and more hurt, more and more traumatized. Why is that? At first glance the negative approach could be to say its some sort of masochistic behavior and any negative repercussions as a result of this behavior is deserved, but I don't really think thats the case.
Self sabotage is a characteristic that can be exhibited in many mentally ill people and I am no exception. I think this behavior, of seeking to be hurt by grown men on the internet is partially self sabotage.
And I remember when I first started this shit show, I just wanted attention. Sounds mean to say, but craving attention is something the human soul desperately wants. And I was starting to feel some sense of self beauty but I didn't feel as though anyone around me was appreciating it so I tried to get attention from grown men because being showered in compliments and attention felt so good when my whole life I've never gotten any of that.
I think there's more too it, though. Looking back my whole life it's almost as if I've wanted to get hurt. In books I liked to sit around with the pain the characters felt. And its almost like I wanted to get traumatized. I've heard that people with trauma that they don't acknowledge is trauma or think its bad enough to be traumatizing seek put worse forms of trauma, in order to feel that pain is valid. And I think that's part of my issue too.
I do have unaddressed and repressed childhood trauma. I was given unrestricted internet at a young age and was exposed to the horrors of the internet. Nothing like straight up porn, but a lot of suggestive content. And in general being exposed to that caused me a lot of catholic guilt as I was raised catholic. I remember feeling like knowing these things were my fault. Many days I felt so guilty that I would pray to god to let me not wake up in the morning.
As a child I also questioned my religion a lot, which i think was traumatic in itself. Religion is a big thing. And as a kid I had a big issue knowing reality from fiction. Heck I still do. I remember as a kid my friend telling me that we were all demigods and one day we were going to run away to camp half blood. That the percy jackson books were real. It sounds stupid now, but I processed that as real and it was so stressful for me.
And I remember being 12 coming out as trans and as a part of the lgbtq community to my parents. They didnt react well. They said I was confused. My mom said I was both too young and too old to know. I fought a lot with my mom. And in general have a lot of unhappy memories from then. I was outed multiple times in my life.
My relationship with my parents still isnt good. My mom has a tendency to be toxic. I hate that I have to stay in the closet around my family its so painful. Like a month ago I mentioned the lgbtq community for the first time in years, asking my mom her opinions on it and if it changed since 2017, and it turned into her yelling at me and making herself a victim. It really hurt. I forgot how much it hurt.
I don't really have much of a relationship with my dad. We barely talk. Hes very emotionally distant. When I'm at my dad's house I sort of fend for myself. Its the exact opposite at my moms house. She's overbearing and never leaves you alone. It's like going between to extremes.
And honestly I can't wait to move out. My mom and I have arguments a lot. But hey at least I have some relationship with her, I don't really have a relationship with my dad.
I remember one time this year, I was during the end of a school semester. I needed to catch up on work because after talking to my abuser for like 5 months and then unlocking him I was left in shambles and fell into a really bad depression to where my motivation for school just disapeared. Im still dealing with that tbh. Anyways I had to go to a online meeting to choose my classes and I didn't get to choose the classes I thought I would be able to, and that made me really upset. But after the meeting I had to go to do am act of kindness (I chose picking up litter at a graveyard cause i like graveyards) for my school project but I was still distraught. If I was given some time to myself I probably wouldve been able to go without issue, but my mom wanted to go immediately. We argued. And when I got there I refused to leave the car because I felt so much like shit. We argued more. It was the worst argument I ever had. She even swore at me. Which she's never done before. And she ended up playing victim again. She does that a lot I guess. And doesn't really listen to my feelings. Whenever I try to communicate about my feelings with her it turns into an argument and she makes it about herself. So yeah our relationship isn't the greatest. And I think having mommy and daddy issues is a trauma in itself. Ppl deserve to have happy healthy supportive families.
Oh right and another trauma I completely forgot (funny how that happens) is when I was 14 and admitted to a mental hospital because I tried to off myself. It was so surreal and they forced me to learn how to make eye contact with people cause apparently thats "how they know im doing ok". Which is kinda fucked considering the fact I recently realized I might be autistic. And eye contact is literally so painful for me. It especially was back then. Anyways the place itself wasnt too bad but the feeling of being trapped overall sucks and being disconnected from the rest of the world isnt fun either. Also I dissociate all the time but I especially dissociated hard thru the whole experience. And sort of made myself into the perfect patient, repeating all their bs and literally lying to myself to convince myself that I was ok so they would let me go. So that was kind of weird.
Anyways I know I have it better than others. And honestly sometimes it's hard to tell what exactly was traumatic in my childhood. I probably forgot and repressed other parts of it too and am forgetting things. But needless to say these unaddressed traumas didn't help my mental state. And i do think that's a big part of the voice in my head begging me to just get hurt more.
Overall my mental state is fucked, It's been really hard for me not to be taken advantage of by another internet pedo. Heck the only reason that isn't happening rn is because no ones dmed me yet. Also I unblocked my old abuser and we are talking again now so thats fun. It definitely doesnt help the cognitive dissonance in my brain of him being actually a nice and supportive dude. I think thats also a part of me wanting to get more traumatized. Since my abuser is a nice person that should counteract all the fucked up sexual things he said to me in the past right? I mean others have it worse, had worse abusers that were actively cruel. That's part of the bitch in my subconscious brain talking. It sucks tbh.
Anyways yeah I probably need therapy but I don't feel comfortable talking about this to my current counselor and honestly its really hard to say out loud. I can talk forever about it by writing it down but the moment I speak words from my dumbass mouth I break down in tears and can't do it. Plus idk, I'm scared if I say anything she'll have to tell my parents and that my phone might be taken away or I'll have less privacy and for a closeted queer where my only current life line is the internet and my online friends: that is a terrifying idea. Idk. I'm fucked basically.
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[image description: a q&a for the webcomic someone always cares. full desc under the cut because its long and wordy sorry]
post chapter 3 Q&A
first - previous - next
thanks for yalls questions!! it was fun to answer! if anyone still has questions feel free to ask whenever i am always 100% down to ramble. even if i did go slightly off topic in some answers
additional: went off topic with the hair question a bit. their bright hair is all part of the transformations. regular hair dye does exist though. best way to tell is that if the eyebrow matches the hair its probably not dyed. also, quartz’s hair is naturally ginger.
also for more on ages, check out the character bios here
also was gonna keep this in the tags but thought i might as well actually try to answer it: the question i found it hardest to answer was someone the song one. my taste in music is. a mess really. ive been listening to like the same 5 songs on repeat all day. more under the cut because i was rambling again and now its uhhh half 1am
if it helps at the time of answering that specific question i had home by cavetown on repeat, and that song reminds me of both rami and lewis. but that may be because i project onto those two a lot, and as a aro trans dude. who sucks with people skills, yeah of course i love that song.
specifically the vibes of like not knowing how to communicate (rami is fine with his friends but other people are different), the lines “ Turn off your porcelain face, I can't really think right now and this place, Has too many colors, enough to drive all of us insane” idk what the porcelain face line is supposed to mean but im picturing it as like. a mask. that you need to take off and stop hiding and rami does tend to hide when hes feeling upset, and the next two lines kinda could tie into that, like the feeling of when youre overwhelemed and just want the world to stop so you just hide somewhere. also the colours could go with chapter 3 with the chromatic abberation.
also the bit with “ my eyes went dark, I don't know where, my pupils are, But I'll figure out a way to get us out of here” just kinda sums up ramis whole hero thing with his powers and all. anyway this has turned into less what songs rami would like and why this particular song reminds me of him and lewis (lewis specifically has the hair cutting/chest hiding, [big transmasc mood], and also messy haired trainwreck who doesnt know who he is yet. also the ghosts bit)
i did end up picking upbeat songs because ramis a dude who like to try and be upbeat even if things arent. even if hes not really feeling it he will pretend to.
[full description: Anonymous said to someone-always-cares: “hi ily!!! do characters like quartz who have colored hair have that naturally or did they dye it?”
“its both natural and not! while most supers can do a magical girl ish transformation, including a change in hair colour, there are some exceptions.”
theres two small full body drawings of rami, one in civilian clothes, one fully transformed.
“if a superhero were to have a biological child, the child will inherit the powers of the parent(s). however, the child will not inherit the full transfromation. they do inherit any physical transformations, but not the outfit.”
theres a drawing of a woman in blue, quartz’s mother, fully transformed, holding her mask in her hand, smiling down at a much younger quartz as a child. hes smiling back up at her with the same blue eyes, pointy ears, and blue hair, but hes still in normal clothes.
“in the case of quartz, both of hisparents had superpowers, and he inherited those powers and the physical transformations.he can also pick and mix whatphysical traits to change.“
next is a headshot of adult quartz, his face split down the middle with one side having hair and eye like his mother, the other like his father. theres a list of traits from each parents, blue hair and eyes and pointy ears from his mum, and purple hair and eyes and pointy teeth from their dad.
 “Anonymous said to someone-always-cares:  Are all the characters the same age? If not, how old are they? Are they irl friends or just superhero friends?”
theres some headshots of rami and his team lined up with ages labelled: cam is 15, rami himself is 17, lin, mateo, and dante, are all 18, and cap is 20.
“rami and xandra were somewhat friends before she got superpowers, so when, after the incident with her old team, she found rami had developed powers, xandra stuck close to him. their other teamates started off as superhero friends but soon turned into irl friends too”
theres a headshot of lewis and jade. theyre both 17
“when lewis first decided to start being a vigilante,jade quickly found him and decided to help train himand offered to be a mentor of sorts, as they both have similar powers. that quickly derailed.”
“ cinder5555 said to someone-always-cares: How long does it usually take to make a comic page? I'm curious because they're so freaking good that they must take FOREVER”
theres a drawing of myself, a fluffy hair tired bastard in a hoodie, smiling
“Thanks! Ive been doing this shit since like 2017 and i still have no idea how long it takes me. i can get a page done in a day if i have nothing else to do or if its a simple page, but if i have work then maybe 2-3 days? i spend like, most of my free time doing this.“
another drawing of me, now looking frustrated muttering “how the FUCK does time work”
“but i can never do it all on one sitting.i will inevitably get distracted and zone out daydreaming mid drawing so its very hard to get an accurate read on how long it takes. so however long a piece of string is i guess“
the only qustion not from tumblr is a discord message from RuneStone Cabin:
“Q: Can you talk about the incidence of superpowers in this world? Like many people are supers, which powers are more or less common, how long they've been a thing for, stuff like that. Also does Omen know I'd die for them “
theres a drawing of omen pointing at a date circled on a calender marked “decembuary”, theyre saying “i know. i already wrote your death in my calender.”
then a giant wall of text reading: “Supers have only existed for a relativly short time, since the early 1940s. momento mori was the second person to have ever gained powers.
Only a small number of the population are supers! the chances are higher in more populated cities, but unusally london has oneof the higher percentages of supers. while nobody in universe has any idea of the origins of superpowers, it does seem that powers are more likely to occur in people who would actually use their powers.
as for what powers are most common, after making a badly catagorized spreadsheet of every superpowered character ive made for this world (70% of which will probably never even be seen), turns out that elemental powers are the most common. although not all elemental powers manifest as the straight up 'controling this element' as seen in characters like lin or tsunami. for example, iris's powers would fall under shadow elemntal powers, but theyre a lot more weird that just controlling shadows.there are some abilities that have never been seen before,such as ressurection or full on time travel (aka anything that could bring a character back to life), but powers are certainly allowed to toe the line eg healing, powers involving undeath, immortality, pausing or manipulating time.
aside from that, anything goes. you could get plain old superstrength, but you could also get the ability to create dogs with your mind. other not quite rules, more guidelines are that supers are immune to their own powers hurting them (unless they were pushing themselves too hard), although the way the imminuties occur may be inconvinient to the super.
while some powers may be 'more powerful' than others, powers dont really get to be way underpowered or overpowered in comparision to others. sure being able to talk to animals may feel a bit useless compared to someone who can lift 4 tanks at once, but nobodys going to end up with a power like 'can turn into a goose but only once' or 'can grow toenails twice as fast' or 'if i sneeze i can change my hair colour'. at the same time, youre not going to get someone with the power to snap their fingers and level a city, or instantly blow up the moon or whatever.
“Anonymous said to someone-always-cares: I love rami PLEASE tell me his favorite song(s) and why. I will die for you”
a drawing of rami saying out loud “i dont really have any specific favourite song, really? i just listen to whatever sounds catchy and then listen to that on repeat for hours until i hate it. i guess i do like upbeat songs? ones that make you feel happy even if the lyrics are sad”
“ un1c0rnhh said to someone-always-cares: tell me,,, please,, cam,,, are they a cat person or a dog person?? ily"
theres a drawing of cam a metre away from a cat lying down. she has her arm out and is making ‘psspsspss’ noises at it. end id]
FUCK i am so glad i didnt hand write all of that, it would have been a major pain in the ass to write it all and then have to transcribe all that next. but nope i could directly copy paste the asks and word answers. cheers if anyone made it this far down. if anyone wonders why this is uploaded late, you know now.
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purrdymonster06 · 4 years
I have ADHD no it's not an excuse to zone out it’s not when you are hyper and use it as a reason . It is not fake, It is a mental illness>Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. You know what attention means when you  actively seek it by being sooo ADHD,when really you're just bored.Deficit the amount by which something is too small. First two words mean having  too little attention span. Hyperactive abnormally or extremely active or “hyper”. Disorder meaning there is something wrong with me.. “Stop lying you don’t have ADHD it does not exist your just dumb” oh excuse me lets see the  Symptoms of ADHD 
Difficulty paying attention. CHECK  
Being self focused. People with this disorder have trouble seeing outside of their world; they often interrupt a conversation even when they are not involved. CHECK
Fidgeting/hyperactivity i don't think i need to explain but another CHECK
Ignoring danger.When they get hurt they dont always learn from it.or we don't realize the consequence to our action, CHECK   
Lack of impulse control, think before you act in fancy words CHECK 
Not reaching potential, Becoming easily bored and not finishing a project. Guess what … CHECK 
Those are the most obvious symptoms and they all sound very familiar, 
By now if you’re reading this attentively( that was a big word) I can't keep a writing style it keeps changing. The only reason being I can't keep up with one style.
Some would say “but there is medication for that” yes but what are the side effects of these medication, 
Side effects to a common ADHD medication
Trouble sleeping
Loss of appetite,
Nausea ,Vomiting 
This is not an official side effect but i call it Zombie mode, i was medicated from 1st grade to the middle of 8th grade. During zombie mode Im not Hungry, i don't have a personality im sluggish, tired. Sure I can concentrate and do my work but at what cost. I admit for the first couple of years i really did need the meds but i was close to miserable,i was unable to function. Do you know what kind of funny in an ironic way (did i use that word right) anyway most ADHD medications are A speed to a normal person but it slows us down,
Not so fun fact ADHD brains are serotonin  deficient, (serotonin  the brain chemical that makes you happy) so when we complete a small task such as cleaning your room or doing household chores we don’t really feel anything but a “normal brain” become satisfied that they did sometimes i believe it's one of the reason we often become overwhelmed by small tasks. I know that was a big speech but people need to stop saying that my mental disorder is fake because it makes us feel bad about ourselves. I know this was all over the place blame my poor organisation skills
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jj-ktae · 6 years
Erotica - Epilogue - (M)
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Pairing: Im Jaebum x Reader Genre: SMUT Summary: You’re a rookie porn actress on the rise and everything goes well until you get offered a role in a big-budget porn movie, starring the most famous actor in the porn industry. Words: 2515 Warning: Read at your own risk Erotica was banned from the Tumblr search engine so it appears nowhere no matter which tags I use and you can only find it in my masterlist or in your dashboard. Might as well link the previous chapters and my masterlist here lol 
- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Epilogue -
Im Jaebum is funny.
You wouldn’t be able to explain the past two years without wailing. He has one or two flaws, most of them involving his laziness but nothing out of the ordinary.
It’s like he was made for you.
Today is the last day of his career. Jaebum has an interview for one of these magazines you always refused to appear in and he will be done with porn forever. It’s a day to celebrate, not only because you’re both out of the porn industry, but also because it’s the beginning of a new life.
 Erotica made you earn a lot of money and allowed Jaebum to invest into an old building to transform it into an apartment complex.
So naturally, he left this job after months of struggling with the idea of dating someone who regularly has sex with other people. It was hard for Jaebum, but he had no other choice.
It’s the first serious talk you both had, right after your first official night as a couple. You ended up accepting the fact that he had to keep working until the end of his contract, just like he had to accept the fact that you too, had other things planned before quitting.
You found yourself stopping before he did and started looking for another job, while he filmed his last movies as JB the porn star.
Tonight is a celebration yet Jaebum insisted on staying home and enjoy a peaceful night together. He brought food and wine, along with a pretty necklace that he insisted you should wear every minute of your life.
Your stomach is still full as you’re lying flat on your bed. It’s a hot summer day and not even the cool breeze is enough to electrify your moist body. You’re somehow lost in your thoughts, from the stress coming along with your new job to the relationship you’ve spent month building with Jaebum.
Said Jaebum aims for your attention when he sees you all spaced out, visibly full of food and ready to doze off.
He refuses to blame your hazy state on the slow sex you both just had.
“What are you thinking about?” He takes in the sight of your naked body, hand pressing against your burning skin as he leans a little bit to rest his head over your body. He finds shelter near your hipbone where he nibs at the skin before blowing cool air over it. “You look so serious.”
Jaebum isn’t used to you being so unaware of your surroundings. You’re so cautious of everything you do to forget about everything else but now you seem unfocused, not even bothered by the fact that he is drawing tiny patterns on your thigh.
“My tummy’s about to burst.”
He chuckles, biting at the tiny bulge under your navel. “You ate so well…” he mocks, kissing the spot when you start wriggling, falsely annoyed.
 “Seriously though, I was thinking about you.” You add, barely lifting your head to meet his questioning gaze. He rests atop of your hip bone, body leaning sideways and arm around your naked waist.
Jaebum even looks pleased, his teasing smile replaced with an expectant gaze. “And what about me?”
You sigh, moving your free leg so it would reach a cooler part of the bedding. “I was thinking about how crazy it is that we ended up dating when we were both porn actors.” You shift a little when Jaebum nods, his chin tickling your skin.
He muses, eyes reaching for the roof as a sign of his reflection. “I think it makes sense. I don’t think anyone can accept that job, let alone introduce a porn actor to their parents.”
“Your parents know.” You scoff. Even his family is chill.
He shrugs, mouth going to your stomach to kiss it. “My parents are supportive, that’s all.” He waits a moment, before lifting his head again. “Not that your mother isn’t, of course.”
You chuckle, nodding. “My mother would have a heart attack. At least I’m really working as a waitress, now.”
Jaebum coughs, moving on the mattress so he can finally reach your level before grabbing your leg to circle it around his naked waist. “Speaking of which, are you sure you want to work as a waitress?”
He has that tone you only hear when something upsets him. Jaebum barely gets mad and even if he does, it starts slowly, like a warning before the actual storm.
But as he nudges you to press his face against your neck, he sighs. “I’m worried about people recognising you and annoying you.”
“Babe I was a porn actress, not Angelina Jolie.” You try to mock him but he doesn’t buy your shit and tightens his hold instead.
“It’s worse. They might think you’re easy or some shit like that.” His hand goes to your side to tickle you and you giggle, leg kicking his butt. “I’ll have to come and check on you every night.” He sounds so dramatic, but his smile can’t be missed. “I’ll be careful.”
“You could be my secretary instead. That way, we can live a real-life porn. ‘Hot secretary fucks angry boss in his office’.” Jaebum laughs when you make a funny face, yet goes back on serious mode, arm tightening your leg around him and it’s starting to be too pleasing to focus on whatever he is saying.
You sigh when he rolls his hips, his flesh rubbing against you. “Seriously though, I’m not fond of this idea…” he trails off, voice laced with a craving you could never get enough of.
You can’t help but whimper, lips parting as you shift toward his chest and breast finding shelter against his broad body. “I never pegged you as the possessive type,” you reach for his neck, bringing him closer until his breath fans your face, hurried. “You didn’t seem to care until I ended my contract with my agency.”
Jaebum hums, the probability of a serious conversation out the window if his growing erection is anything to go by. He rolls his eyes, “Porn is porn, nightlife is different.” His position changes just enough for him to lean and still a short kiss. “Now that we’re both out of this, I don’t plan on sharing you, rookie.”
You tap his shoulder lightly, the sound of your hand slapping his skin stronger than the actual damage it caused. “Stop calling me rookie!”
Your boyfriend choses to stay silent, leaving you expectant as he pushes you onto your back. “Anyways, don’t get mad at me for being petty about you being molested in a bar in the middle of the night.” Before you can protest he plunges, aiming for your collarbone which he attacks vividly. His teeth graze upon the hidden bone, drawing shivers and goose bumps all over your body. He snickers in the middle of silence. “I’ll have to beat up the pervs.”
You wriggle against the sheets, laughter mixed with pleasure as he darts his tongue to trail a path down your chest. “So virile…” you sigh, earning a hidden shrug from a busy Jaebum.
“Yeah?” He smooches your warm skin, liking how unforgiving he sounds.
It’s cute in a way. Jaebum never had to show anything but acceptance toward your job, considering he was still a porn actor himself. Maybe he had it harder than you thought. You understand him though; it’s not cool to greet your boyfriend when he was banging another girl the same day.
“I don’t think I’ll ever have enough of you, rookie…” He whispers and slides on the bed, head back on your stomach and creating messy patterns over your skin. You almost break right there, the confession unusual but not unpleasant.
Jaebum never imagined he could have such stamina. His sexual life was close to non-existent before he met you and his physical interactions were limited to the scenes he filmed in the studio. It had ruined his personal life with such ease, turning sex into a duty rather than a necessity and killing his hormones with a slow and numb burn. When he started filming with you and felt the tingling sensation again, he understood right away.
He couldn’t thank you enough for sticking around and waking him up from his creepy slumber made of daddy kinks and choking in front of cameras. Thanks to you he built up the courage to start his project and stop his career, turning him into more than a guy who has sex for money. He is such a bad actor anyways.
DVDs and CDs are neat into your shared apartment, like a silent memory of something none of you regret doing. Yet it doesn’t mean he will ever miss it.
You forget about whatever names he called you when he reaches your pubis, mouth watering and dropping tiny patches of saliva over the heated flesh.
You almost knock your head against the wall when the first lick falls. It’s insistent and slow, devastating in the sea of your needs as Jaebum knows exactly what pace to use to make you crazy.
It’s something you discovered with time. Jaebum is into slow and deep thrusts, soft doggie style, lazy morning sex and it’s a mixture of finesse and bestiality, along with loving words. He is comfortable for he isn’t disturbed by nudity, can say whatever he wants without sounding creepy and barely has any requirements when it comes to sex.
He welcomes all your faults and imperfections the same way you do and none of you bother with petty fights, the words too heavy to question a future you both want. Jaebum has that honesty which leaves little room for misunderstanding. He confessed the same night he brought you to his flat yet didn’t force anything on you.
And you love him just that way.
You gasp when he grabs your ankles and bends your legs, nestling them on either side of your body to reveal more of you. He barely goes wild and you suspect he is trying to prove a point but your brain shuts down when his tongue probes at your opening, teasing just enough to collect wetness and smear it over your folds. You glance down to peek at the beautiful scene but Jaebum is already looking at you, pleased by your bewildered face and flustered cheeks.
He dips down a second time, eyes darkening and tongue out to lap every engorged part of your pussy. He stops just long enough to show you how he licks his lips and goes down again, head shaking from right to left and making you roll your pelvis against his restless mouth.
You still gather yourself to make fun of him. “Are we…filming…again…?” It’s hard to speak between moans yet your voice is loud and clear, breathless. Jaebum doesn’t like your teasing and attacks you even harder, the hint of a smirk hardly hidden behind his brown locks. He even hums teasingly, the vibration of his deep sounds shaking your flesh.
 He doesn’t slow down even when your orgasm hits. You jerk away from his mouth, moaning and grunting but he keeps you in place until you can only shake. It burns your body from every pore, mixing with your blood like a shot of strong alcohol and making your vision blind with pleasure. You complain and beg for him to stop and he only releases you when you freeze from the overstimulation, unable to function anymore.
You shake your head, a false accusation painting your exhausted features as you glance at a smiling Jaebum whose hand is wiping the remains of your climax from his smiling and reddish lips
 Your legs fall, lifeless on the bed but you can’t let him suffer. His penis is hard and threatening, the bulbous head a deep shade of red and length swollen by the numerous veins.
He pumps himself slowly, tilting his head to the side. He raises one eyebrow. “You okay?” he rasps.
You nod, deciding to play along with his celebration sex and rolling on your stomach. You raise your butt just enough for him to grab it and rub himself between your asscheeks, grunting.
“You’re so beautiful…” He whispers, free hand running along your curves and stopping by your drenched pussy to play with your clit. “So damn beautiful…”
He penetrates you slowly, his willpower winning the inner battle of his arousal against his brain. You breathe out, searching for air and dipping your head into the pillow.
“Come here.”
Jaebum commands, already reaching for your body so you can lean against him. He sticks your bodies and starts moving his hips, penis sliding deep inside you.
He finds a good pace right away, from the tip of his dick poking out to the base hitting your asscheeks, Jaebum knows how to burry himself inside you. It feels amazing, the pressure from the position and your needy moans lulling him toward an orgasm he can call his own private pleasure.
He is infatuated the way you mould with him. He loves pinching the tender skin of your nipple as his hand cups your perfect breast, he enjoys the way your head finds its home into the crook of his neck and he can’t stop himself from tilting your head steal numerous kisses.
You open your mouth eagerly, tongue out to play against his own in a carnivorous embrace. He bites and sucks on your lips, his sighs spilling from his parted lips whenever the tip of his cock hits a specific spot inside you.
You arch until your back hurts, looking for more stimulation and nearing your second orgasm. Jaebum is struggling, you can feel it from the way his abs tense behind you. He is all stiff, all ready to fill you up yet not giving in.
You know his body language by heart.
You collapse against him when a second wave of pleasure hits you. It breaks your bones and destroys your muscles, leaving your lifeless against a panting Jaebum who can only suffer from the contractions around him. The waves of pleasure hit you as much as they hit him, sending you both into another universe.
He allows himself to cum right when you’re done and he is satisfied with the pleasure he gave you. You’re nothing but a dead weight against his chest, eyes closed and smile smug as you giggle to yourself because your brain is messed up and you can’t think straight.
You still wonder how can someone be so skilled at sex.
Jaebum lets you rest on the bed, not the least bothered by the mess he creates when he pulls out of you.
Instead he wraps you around him again, hugging you close and kissing your nose.
“This is what I call a celebration, rookie. Who needs Erotica when I have you all to myself?” He muses, fingers rubbing against your cheekbones while he pecks you once more.
You giggle, head shaking at this boy’s antics. He can be such a dork.
“The pleasure is mutual.”
AN : Erotica is officially over! Thank you all so much for following this series (I see you, naughty readers). I’m sad that it’s over and I’m going to miss Porn actor Jaebum but Priest Jinyoung is waiting for me so I’m off to new adventures ! Thank you for the support and love you sent me through this series, I love yall!
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nyndelion · 4 years
hmmm... mob psycho 100, serirei and shou! you don’t have to do all of them ofc
im doing all of them bc i love them ah
001 | Mob Psycho 100
Favorite character: this is so difficult, dont make me choose.... anyway, top three: Shigeo, Teru and Reigen
Least Favorite character: any adult character that feels like its ok to brutally attack teenagers??????? i dont think thats ok even if they are espers.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): serirei, terumob, ritshou
Character I find most attractive: hhh serizawa and reigen bc im gay :-)
Character I would marry: well ok first of all i dont wanna marry irl but.... serizawa
Character I would be best friends with: almost all of them!! i think i would vibe with Tome, i’d think of myself as her big sibling she could look up regarding lgbt stuff (along with reigen i guess)
a random thought: i was just talking w my partner about how mp100 changed our way to watch anime and i told them i probably wont bother to watch any other anime if it isnt as good
An unpopular opinion: mmh.... idk.... i think Matsuo should have been more explored as a character
My Canon OTP: is Serizawa canon enough? (this show doesnt have any relationships shown except for shigeo and ritsu’s parents now that i think about it)
My Non-canon OTP: this is tricky, how can you prove any of my otps arent canon?...
Most Badass Character: Clearly Shigeo has the biggest most raw powers, but he’s most badass in his character development i think, in the way he sees the world, how he as a main character manages to skip all the “i’m a misunderstood and lonely person bc of my powers” and realize he is the person he is bc he has people around that loves and cherishes him as he is, and that way he feels compelled to be good and kind and the best version of himself.... Epic. Also Reigen is badass bc as ridiculous a character he is, with dubious morals and a lying habit, he is a good person overall and also would die for his loved ones. And idk how he can get away with everything tbh, my mind explodes anytime he twists words and ends up winning arguments, like sir... thats a mad skill right there
Most Epic Villain: Shigeo’s hidden emotions could count as a villain? idk
Pairing I am not a fan of: anything creepy and Bad .... you know the ones.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): idk really, i cant think of anyone. But i remember i was thinking how there arent a lot of female characters, even if the ones it has are super amazing and good... i would like if there were more, and also more explicit nonbinary characters as well... and explicit trans and gnc ones if we are here already...
Favourite Friendship: the entire Body Improvement Club! they all are precious and good pals.
Character I most identify with: Shigeo and Serizawa
Character I wish I could be: sometimes I wish i was as eloquent as Reigen, but then i remember separation arc and its like... no sir. I guess I’d like to be Serizawa to have a job i am good at where the people there know my struggles and are committed to support me through it
002 | Serirei
When I started shipping them: like a month and a half ago? I thought they were cute together a lot of time ago, but it was when i started hardly hyperfixating on mp100 when i was like *eyes emoji* over serirei. Watching the OVA and then reading the manga and all the theories supporting the thesis that its a slow burn coworkers to friends to lovers made me go ♥♥♥♥♥♥
My thoughts: they are dumbasses in LOVE
What makes me happy about them: their interactions overall are priceless, they balance each other a lot and give each other a sense of purpose and stability. Also, i project a little on serizawa and reigen is... y’know.... a flamboyant kind of dude.... which is my type, so.....
What makes me sad about them: the angst when thinking reigen could doubt his feelings or actions around serizawa, worrying over he isnt manipulating him into thinking he is in love, and serizawa thinking he isnt enough for reigen bc he is too nervous about not having enough relationship experience.....
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: when they picture them realizing they have feelings for each other bc they are jealous thinking they could be dating other ppl. I am polyamorous so i Do Not vibe with this trope At All
Things I look for in fanfic: pining... longing.... yearning.... then kiss... fluff.... thats enough to make me cry tbh
My wishlist: (idk what this is about so im skipping hh)
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: idk??? there arent many other characters they have that many chemistry...
My happily ever after for them: they start a thematic restaurant together! bc reigen loves cooking and with their success in Spirits & Such he decides to become a chef and Serizawa works with him, while also attending people’s troubles with spirits. They keep their contact with Shigeo and the rest of the kids and go on trips with them often. They see them grow up and become good people that go after their dreams, and are there for them if they have any trouble or are going though a rough patch.
003 | Shou
How I feel about this character: I feel like i have to protect him, but i guess he wouldnt accept it xd it makes me sad he has such an awful dad, and that it will probably lead to suffering to him as he grows up, bc that kind of abuse can really fuck you up, specially when you have to act like an adult to your parents at such a young age
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: ritsu! they just click together, and i love how their relationship is depicted as super funny by other people. They are best friends first and over all, but also are in love.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Its more of a headcanon but with Serizawa! I think he would get protective of Shou and try to check up on him from time to time, but Shou would do the same for him bc he is worried at how his dad treated him and the thing he said the last time they saw him. But actually they are projecting their own need to be protected on the other, so it ends up being kinda messy, but then they become friends and are able to laugh and do other stuff that doesnt include talking about Shou’s dad and Claw
My unpopular opinion about this character: i refer to him as redhead goku instead of jonny test xd
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: that his feelings about his dad were explored more deeply, and also the thing i said before about Serizawa, i think that would have been spot on and could be a character development thing for both
Favorite friendship for this character: Ritsu!
My crossover ship: .... sasuke?
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chnsfairy · 6 years
a rose of a different color | yang jeongin
words ; 2,302
requested ; no
genre ; fluff
warnings ; literally one, maybe two, curse words
a/n ; dedicated to one of the best people i know 
m.list in bio
ok so maybe you weren’t a big fan of the whole valentines day thing
flowers and chocolates and whatnot
the whole shEbANG
love was such a foreign concept to you as throughout your first couple years of high school you’d been solely focusing on your grades,, you didn’t have time for romance or anything like that 
your school had, unfortunately, decided to sell roses and chocolates that could be anonymously given to people. it was pretty cheap and people had fun sending their friends or special someone presents throughout the day
but you hadn’t been paying attention to whatever that was,, in the end, you completely forgot about it
anyway,,, i mean you’ve got a history test tomorrow GOOD LUCK BBY (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
you’ve got other things to focus on other than that stuff 
so while other’s were busy wasting a dollar on the red roses, you were catching up on some school work in the library
at this point during the day it was nice and quiet, only a couple of other kids were sitting at the desks surrounding you and the librarian had left to eat or something
no one really knows where she goes
and the only noise that you could hear was the scribbling of pencils on paper or the clicky noise of fingers tapping keyboards
well that was until jisung decided to burst through the door and diSRUPT EVERYBODY LIKE USUAL THAT KID IS LOUDD (⇀‸↼‶) (#><)
your best friend everybody, with his fluffy blonde hair and headphones, permanently glued to his ears
“look y/n- i love that you always fix up my essays and homework for me, really, but you gotta do something other than just sit in here and workkkk” jisung said, quickly sliding into the seat across from you and took the book from out of your hands and into his lap
“hey!” he took your book bitch you want it back (���︹︺)
“nope,, you can get it after class if you want~” jisung stood up and started waving it in the air before checking his watch and giving you a smirk
“lunch is over anyway do you ever check the clock?” book still in his hand he headed towards the doors that opened up into the busy hallway and disappeared into the crowd of students
did you want to get up?
did you have to to get that useless education? 
so you frantically tried to shove everything back into your bag,, dropping things multiple times onto the floor as you scramble to catch up with jisung
who feels miles away at this point
and after about ten seconds you just gave up said ‘fuck this’ and started walking at a normal pace towards your locker 
aint no boy gonna make you run through the crowd of rushing teens o(>< )o (;¬_¬)
however when you did reach your locker you could clearly see the same boy you just basically ran away from you, leaning against the metal box and who seemed to be reading the back of your book
jisung saw that you were coming up from the hallway and stood up straight, allowing you to actually open your locker instead of just block you from it
“so can i have it back now?”
“i don't know what you’re talking about.”
that littlE-
“you know what- nevermind i guess you’ll just have to work on calculus by yourself” you chuckled lightly to yourself as you opened your locker
“wha- no! i’ll give it- oh hey” jisung stopped mid-sentence as he peered into the same metal box you were looking at
“woah y/n who’s the lucky guy?”
“uhhhh,,, no one???” wth jisung you know its me stfu
when you looked in you could see a delicate rose laying at the bottom of your locker next to your books, the same one the school had been selling to students
carefully, you picked it up to examine the red flower closer,, it was beautiful, to say the least
it almost looked perfect you were shocked to see it being preserved this well
“at this rate its gonna be like that forever-”
beT you wacked his arm as he gave out a small laugh and raised his hands in surrender
“im kidding~ anyway, who’s it from?” 
you looked deeper into your locker, maybe this person left a note or something,,, who knows
“um it doesn’t say...” you said, still confused, as you close the door to your locker
“uuuu y/nnnnn~ looks like someones pining over youuuu” h a its me
you quickly shook your head and shrugged it off as jisung went on about how good this was for you
ok so maybe you’re kinda dying on the inside and you’re trying really hard not to say anything but this is kinda sweet and adorable and omg you dont even know who this kid is but they’re already doing things to you and your heart<(`^´)>
“sungie a flower can mean a lot of different things” you argued
“but on valentines day?? of all days?? come on y/n,, red one's represent love you know”
“yeah yeah whatever,” you said as you continued walking towards your next, soon arrivng and heading for the back of the classroom where you took a seat in your usual spot
“hey how do you think they got into your locker?” jisung questioned as he plopped his bag on the floor and sat in the seat next to you
oh shit he’s right how- huh- how did they get in cREEPY
“maybe they have access to the master key,,, um student council?”
“jisung why would the student council have access to the master key?”
jisung scratched the back of his head and shrugged his shoulders
“i dont know maybe they stole it~” he wiggled his eyebrows and gave you a smirk before pulling out 
“oh shut up, they probably know seungmin or something- who’s mom is literally the principle” 
the teacher had then started the class and for the first time in a while you found yourself distracted, you couldnt focus on anything the teacher was saying and your notebook remained empty by the end of the period
i mean like
the fact that someone went to all that trouble just to give you that,, i mean couldnt they have done it another time?? i mean you’re not complaining at all,, but you dont want to make someone go out of your way to do that (╯︵╰,)
“y/n its time to go, come on” snapping out of your daze you see jisung and everyone else packing up to leave “wow first time i’ve seen you distracted about anything”
“n-no there was just nothing note worth today”
“uh huh sure”
the rest of the day passed as normal, you only had one more class before you headed home and all you were doing was working with your project partner, jeongin, to finish a presentation, which was due next week
when you got home you found a small vase from a cupboard in the kitchen and filled it with water before placing the pretty flower in it,, unsure of what else to do with it but put it on your desk
the next day went the same as always, you went to class, jisung annoyed you to a point where you felt like hitting him, but you gave up and helped him with his math work and you read in the library during lunch
nothing new
you met jisung at your locker once again after lunch and you could clearly see the sweat laced across his forehead and his heavy breaths indicated that he was probably outside playing basketball with hyunjin or something
“what’s your bet i can cheat on this history test”
“can i bet negative”
“wow o ye, of little faith,, come on believe in me”
rolling your eyes you opened your locker once again to grab a book, which you were instead met with what looks like another rose?
but its not valentines day??
“y/n there's no denying it now”
this time the fragile blossom was more of a lavender shade
“oh hey cool it’s a different color,” jisung said as he peered over shoulder “that means its got a different meaning”
“hey maybe you’ll ace a botany quiz instead of this history one, yeah?”
“haha very funny”
and that was that,,, you left it in your locker and took it home and placed it gently in the vase with the other flower, not giving it much thought other than that
still you were kinda curious
over the weekend you almost forgot about it, but your mind still drifted to the origin and the person who bought the flowers that continued to sit at your desk
you didnt know how to feel honestly, you had no clue who this person was yet they still make your insides all squishy (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄) uWU
on monday, you thought that this whole thing would have passed and that you would never get to find out who your rose giver was
yet when you opened your locker yet again after lunch, with a wild jisung peeking over your shoulder again, there they were again
but this time there was wayy more than just a single flower
a bouquet of thirteen different colored roses, all identical and just utterly gorgeous
“you know i once read something about the number of roses given to you...although i’ve forgotten about it now” jisung whispered, causing you to jump back in surprise
turning to your friend you gave him a glare before closing your locker once again
“oh come on arent you curious who it is??”
“yeah right y/n i can tell you do”
“i do not,, because whoever it is shouldnt waste their time or money on me”
jisung laughed and swung his arm around your shoulder, “ok y/n whatever you say”
for the rest of the week this person continued to fill your locker with all sorts of colors and combinations of roses
and day after day the number seemed to get smaller, tuesday it was twelve, wednesday there were ten, on thursday it suddenly dropped down to two, and finally back to only one on friday
but something was different this time
there was actually a note
“meet me by the orchid tree after school? um only if you want to...”
even in their notes they sounded adorable you couldnt just not go,, and you would be lying if you were to say you weren’t at all curious
jisung continued teasing you throughout the entire week, offering to find out who it was if really necessary and ended up just continuously guessing who it could be when you said no
“awww look at my y/n,, growing up and getting into relationships~” jisung cooed as you put the rest of your notebooks into your bag and pulled out the single rose from this afternoon, as well as the note that came with it
you were actually quite nervous, to say the least, i mean,, you’ve never had any experience with romance and you didnt know what you were even going to say
throughout the afternoon you had kept fidgeting with your fingers and hair out of nerves, and when it finally came to leave for the day your hands were clammy and you just felt so...jittery
jisung pat your back and pushed you out the front doors and into the small courtyard, motioning towards the old orchid tree that sat at the other end of the field
“ok if you’re not back in five minutes im going home and assuming you’ve got a date,” he said giving you a wink before pulling out his headphones from his bag
‘go!’ jisung mouthed before he sat down on a bench near the front doors,, leaving you completely vulnerable on your own
breath. take a couple steps. breath. take a few more. just keep breathing and maybe the nerves will calm you down,, you thought as you made your way across the grass towards the tree
in the distance you could see a boy sitting under it, black hair covering his head and such bright red roses in his hands you could see them from all the way over here
as you reached closer you were able to make out the face of your admirer
“jeongin?” you asked, an unknowing relief sound filling your voice
standing up quickly, red across his cheeks, jeongin gave you a small smile before looking back down at the ground
“are you disappointed?” he asked, you could hear the nerves tint his sentence,, he went through all this trouble because he just has no other clue hOW TO TALK TOO SOMEONE SO AMAZING AS YOU OK HES SCARED OF REJECTION HE DIDNT KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO
“um, surprisingly?” you took a couple more steps towards him, only a couple of inches separated the two of you now
“not really” you said before quickly pecking his cheek, causing jeongin’s entire face to go red 
you quickly hid in your hands and shook your head,, trying not to squeal or do anything more stupid than you just did
“a-ah im sorry!” 
you heard a small giggle come from in front of you,, opening your eyes you saw jeongin holding six pure crimson red roses out in front of him
“im glad~” he said as you took the small bouquet from his hands
“wanna go see a movie or something?” jeongin offered, hope glittering his eyes you couldnt help but grin
“of course i would”
bonus ;
“hey you dyed your hair again.” you said to jeongin, carefully reaching your hand out to touch it
“uh yeah...do you like it?”
“i love it black baby,” taking his hand in yours you gave him a smile “you look really good.” 
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me: i don’t have anything to post ughhh also me: has 10 95% finished drafts i could literally take an hour to finish and upload but won’t me: lemme start a new analysis
aaaaaa the mural of mayhem looks so good (source)
tl;dr: bunches of new environment shots. also i wanna time travel So Bad, just so Bad,,, gearbox, please, time travel??? i wanna meet The Man Typhon Deleon just *clenches fist* so bad and slap him for leading to the opening of the first vault. also for some reason tina is the only one of the good guys with the fabric stuff the twins are wearing. be warned. oh, also, there might be some ursa mechs? i saw like 3 robos that look like iron bear but aren’t colored like it so who even knows. oh and we see the scientist (?) dude in color next to Tannis from the MoM. he seems cool evil.
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i don’t even know where to begin here so let’s start with the middle and work our way towards literally whatever catches my eye next. i have no method, im a disaster
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nothing too special about our VHs here, they seem to be using the gold gun skins that are offering in either the early adopter pack or the other pack u get i think for signing up to be a VIP. so that’s neat. also shows off the good guys = blue/yellow theme we see throughout the mural.
there is this weird square shape in the sky/clouds above them? idk what it’s supposed to be, though. a logo? a ship? a building? i can’t tell!
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i could be wrong/seeing things though lol
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zoomer isn’t colored in! probably didn’t want to detract from the main 4 VHs. additionally, Amara’s arms don’t have their patterns across them. 
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Moze is also the only VH here with a hint as to what her Action Skill is. IB is elsewhere on the mural, though. We’ll get to him.
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the Vault behind them!
moving down below the VHs, we see this ship
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I’ve spoken about it before, so i won’t go into it here
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bandits? i think! looks like at least one of them is wearing power armor... or just a suit of armor in general. it looks like power armor to me tho lol
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another set of silhouettes in the foreground on the right there. can’t tell who/what they’re supposed to be unfortunately, but im going to assume more bandits
interestingly, we see the ruins of helios SUPER close and, even more interestingly, what appears to be a Vault in front of it! Which could very well be the Vault of the Traveler? since the Traveler itself can’t teleport it anymore (cause y’know... it ded.) It has a weird shape at the bottom, idk what that is supposed to be. it looks like a curvy outline of an arrow tbh lol. i wonder if the Vault actually did teleport Rhys and Fiona somewhere. I also wonder if the thing on the bottom is meant to help ‘visitors’ or something idk use/see/extract whatever was in the Vault. there was like some stairs and then a chest..? thing? idek. 
but yeah, looks like the Vault by Helios is doing well. Also, Vaughn apparently knows Rhys is on Promethea (soon) after the end of tales so I wonder if that actually is a portal... either way, i hope this means we’ll get to go visit 👀 We’ve visited the ruins of helios already in commander lilith, so hopefully this isn’t too much of a stretch.
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to the right of that we see Lorelei knockin the shit out of a goliath that seems... kinda small compared to her? idk maybe it’s cause he’s lying down (and out).
We also see another instance of Mystery Girl up at the top there, though she’s in the exact same pose as the mask of mayhem which makes me kinda sad. i was hoping to see another angle of her or something. I do hope she’s actually in the game and isn’t just a statue. be wild if tyreen gave her the suck or something to turn her into a statue to preserve her in the hopes that doing the reverse succ/getting the ultimate power would let ty bring her back to life at a later point lmao
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below lorelei we can see a crimson raider in the ash cloud! i have no idea why he’s there but he’s lookin baller.
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next to to lorelei is a titan (unsure if that’s the official name for these big guys or if the one in the showcase was unique) a skag and clappy! I can’t tell if clappy is holding something in his left arm or not
also the background looks like a city. i think that is promethea? i can’t really tell tbh
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next to clappy we see part of a ferris wheel which im pretty sure is part of the circus area we’ve seen in the trailers. the one with the circle emblem thing above the door/entrance.
below clappy/marcus we see what i think is part of Eden-6
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the bridge/road has me going like 🤔 but the foliage pretty much confirms it. might be related to that research base looking area. might be related to jakobs manor (maybe they have a bridge to keep bandits out) idk
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above that we see marcus looking some cash to a bunch of psychos. I think he has an ECHO skin? i can’t really tell. not really much to say here tbh, is marcs.
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behind him we see this landscape which i don’t think we’ve seen before. the tree is screaming Athenas at me but tbh i think we’ve only seen red trees there, haven’t we? also is that the handle of a sword near the bottom there? wtf is that?
maybe a new planet? or a new biome on one of the planets we haven’t seen yet. it looks like a savanna tree to me. you know the ones?
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yeah. possible new planet/new biome we haven’t seen yet?? i would ADORE a savanna type area. 
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next to that we see a tink and a skag in front of the HBC. I thiiink the tink is holding a flamethrower? not sure, though. maybe a miniboss like midgemong? that’d be neat asf
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i can’t tell if this is a suit of power armor/a robot or just part of the environment lol, i can see the helmet up top and a big bulky body. i would love to fight power armored enemies like that, be so cool! maybe these are modified suits of the ursa corps project? or something. idk about the helmet.
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above the tink/skag combo we can see more silhouettes in the foreground. i seriously can’t make out who they’re supposed to be :( maybe some maliwan troops? i feel like they’d be more recognizable, though. hmhmhmhm
in the background we see another robo/power armor suit (???? i think????), this one seems to have a flamethrower, which is kinda reinforcing my theory they might be repurposed armor sets. this one doesn’t appear to have a helmet. kinda get the feeling they’re either repurposed or completely different cuz the helmet on the other one is throwing me off a touch. IB doesn’t have a helmet. 
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for reference.
above that weirdly confusing collection of entities, we have hammerlock!
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my boiii
and finally to the left of hammerlock we get to the big boy of this side of the mural
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the god queen herself.
first thing i noticed? her jacket seems to be warping into that weird fabric we see clinging to other baddies throughout the mural and covering her right leg. 
She seems to be holding up a grenade/molotov cocktail/smoke bomb?
pretty sure it’s a molotov cocktail though
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i love how the smoke merges into the roses above her. really cool detail. you can also see the recruitment center to the right there! and a crane which makes me double down on the idea that the ‘vault’ we see in the booth thing had been excavated by dahl (considering the main building of the RC is a dahl building)
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we also see a fire rakk? ?? i think? be cool if we got badass elemental rakks. i’ve only ever seen normal badass rakks. i wonder if this is a play on the fact there’s a psycho in the MoM with rakk wings and the twins stole lily’s firehawk powers... probably not, right? probably not...
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ty’s tattoos are lookin kinda green for me here, might be the close proximity to all those browns and reds, though. it’d be really cool if she could pull an amara and swap her succ elements LMAO
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a bunch of psychos! all with wings! which is weird cause the sirens don’t have wings here. weird chunk of symbolism i guess. we can see a tubby on the top there which makes me happy to know they’re coming back. there’s one with 
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a glowing nose
and there’s this figure on the very left
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who doesn’t appear to be a psycho at all
also, note that all these psychos have a ‘normal’ brown/gray buzzaxe
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the one at the bottom here, on ty’s left has a more golden-colored buzzaxe. im p sure that corresponds to rank in cult. i also feel obligated to point out that, while im 90% sure that flame is coming from the flamethrower on the right there, it does kinda look like the bottom psycho is shooting a blast of flames out of his palm. 
moving right along
the whole entourage seems to be laying across a statue of roses, which match the ones at the top of the mural AND the ones on the cover art.
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we see a shot of Pandora and Elpis here (I’m pretty sure. the purple light at the top right makes me believe that’s the eridian scar, but.... may not be)
looks very volcanic...
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we see one of those lil video game dudes from the demo, forgot their names but they’re Maliwan
below them we see this scene
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which is an area i don’t recognize. eden-6 maybe? the buildings seem a bit close together, though.
tbh i thought this was another city at first, maybe it’s Promethea from ye olde days? you know, before Atlas took over and modernized it. Maybe we’ll get to go back in time to stop the first Vault from ever being opened. that’d be pretty cool. man time travel would be wild. i wonder if we’d be able to combine the Vault of the Traveler and the Vault of the Sentinel to do that. now that’d be cool.
but it’s probably eden-6 lmao
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quadruple threat here. from top to bottom: Rhys, Zer0, Vaughn, Aurelia? i think. 
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her hair seems spikier in the mask bit... maybe that’s not her? she also doesn’t have the earrings. idk who else it could be, though. 🤔
anyway. Vaughn seems to be climbing a cliff or something lol. at least he’s got a cape and his relic of strength on him.
rhys and zer0 are in the same poses as their poses on the Mask of Mayhem, just colored in.
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biggg statue of ty. noticeably missing her facial scars. not much else to say, pretty sure this is just a different(ish) angle of her MoM statue during the pan around.
back to the bottom center of the mural, let’s move left
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someone with a jetpack! i can’t make out who, though. i thought it was Moze at first but... she needs her digistruct pack for iron bear.
Also a bunch of psychos all fighting each other. over the buzzaxes maybe? if they really are a symbol of rank in the cult. that or they’re just being psychos. 
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this area with a waterfall and also a drainage pipe. i think this is also eden-6, but i am not 100% sure. probably an area we haven’t seen yet.
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lily!! her right (our left) wing looks really weird to me, idk what it is. it’s a lot redder/yellower than her left one. Also, the tattoos near her wrist look like they’re coming off her arm. 
to the left of lily we see ellie!
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holding a whole-ass street sign. insane.
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next/behind her is promethea! which we’ve seen before. it looks like one of the buildings in the middle there is getting blasted by something, but idk what. maybe something Maliwan? 
also, on the left there we can see what i thought was iron bear
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but now i am second guessing myself due to the other robos/armor suits we saw on the right of the mural. 
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maybe they did not color in IB fully like Zoomer? it looks like there is someone/something where the turret mount would be. maybe that is moze standing up there? it would be really interesting to see other Ursa Corps soldiers coming in. I know they mentioned in the Commander Lily ECHO log that Vladof was at war with Tediore, and we know through their advertisements for bl2 that Vladof is also at war with Dahl. It’s possible we’ll see some of their troops in the game! especially since Moze’s echo actually talks about the troop as a whole and not specifically her, unlike the others.
next to the mystery mech or iron bear (you decide) we see Mystery Girl/Little Blue/Nope Girl
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and, yeah, starting to think she may not actually fit into the timeline of Steele’s death. she looks older than 12 to me (for reference, in bl2 tina was 13). but we haven’t quite seen enough of her so who knows. im getting ‘way too tall’ vibes. maybe 14-15? maybe mystery MoM girl is her little sister. i would not be surprised if we saw another sibling relationship to juxtapose the twins (considering mystery girl looks like a CoV bandit, they’d be distant at the start and close at the end of the game while the twins are close at the start and distant at the end of the game- we know Danny Homan said their relationship would start to warp). 
below her we see this area
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i think that’s a water tank at the bottom there? this looks kinda like a garden/courtyard area to me. Maybe another place on Athenas? i want to say Athenas bc Little Blue is directly above it. may be another new planet/biome/region we haven’t seen yet.
Above L.B we see this car
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which is interesting to me bc it appears to have a closed top? I could be wrong though. would be fun to see Vasquez’s car make a return, tho lol (and then everyone gets mad the fuckin car is making an appearance but Gaige isn’t)
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above that we see Tina and Mordy (and Talon) making an appearance. Tina appears to be in the same pose as her Mappearancence, including the huge launcher behind her which has me like :O Talon is a girl now in bl3, right? unless their gender changed again after the commander lilith stuff.
Also, I’m hesitant to note that Tina is the only ‘good guy’ character to have the fabric on. Everyone other character with it is either a psycho or one of the twins. I hope that’s just artistic choice and nothing more because :(
also she has bows on her shoes. fucking ace
to their right we see 3 very interesting things so we’ll go in order from the bottom counter clockwise
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another mystery dude who seems to match the one we saw by tyreen, and those silhouettes again. It looks like they’re reaching down to save their falling teammates. i hope they’re alright. (unless they’re evil. then, oof, crash and burn)
at the top i can see a bunch of men with guns pointed at what i think is a jabber? but the lower bit i can’t make out. someone’s falling at the very bottom, it looks like a second falling figure has been caught with rope? idk.
above that scene we see
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tannis! and the mystery guy to the bottom right. the one we’ve seen standing next to her in the MoM. does he have red eyes for anyone else or is that just me? might just be the lighting. Do I think he’s evil? you know the fuck i do. I trust nobody lol. Since I’m a fan of the “the twins are the product of a weird experiment” theory, it’s possible he is the experimenter. Tannis could’ve been feeding him information. maybe she didn’t even know what was going on- though, knowing her disregard for ethics, maybe she did. 
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this guy btw
it looks like tannis is holding an eridian artifact?
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maybe?? it looks like she’s holding it horizontally, if it is an artifact.
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to her right and our left we see a familiar shot of Promethea. I’ve seen this exact frame before, iirc that building is smoking bc it’s Rhys’s office. actually, that could explain Rhys joining us on Sanc-III! maybe Lorelei, too.
above Tina and Mordy we see Brick
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and to the right of him, Moxxi and her bar sign
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she has a new megaphone, i wonder if that is hinting we’ll be getting more circles of slaughters/underdomes. It would be nice to have her commentary return, i actually really enjoyed that in the bl1 dlc and I did actually enjoy her dlc. The wave combat was fun. I’d love to have an endless wave version to see how long i could survive.
it also looks like there are a bunch of psychos (?) hanging out around the bar. and this character at the bottom right who i don’t recognize
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to the far right of moxxi we see Maya
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i think this is a new pose, but tbh i don’t see anything noteworthy here. I do think it’s interesting she’s using pistols instead of smgs, but oh well. might just be for the poses lol
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Troy’s statue. one interesting bit i gotta mention is that it looks like the cut on the right side of his face (our left) is visible here! iirc it was not visible on his portraits in the MoM. so that’s new!
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the big boy of this side of the mural!
none of the psychos on this side seem to have golden buzzaxes, plus their drapes? wtf are these? they don’t look like robes to me. anyway, they’re darker in color than the ones on Ty’s side. might be artistic direction, might be showing they’re not as high rank as the ones with the god queen (vs the right hand man lol)
i also only see 2 psychos with wings here, the one on the very left and you can see part of a wing on the bottom right. They also don’t appear to be resting/climbing on a statue like Tyreen’s are. There is ALSO a lot less of them. 
some interesting stuff about Troy: his stomach tattoos don’t seem to be around, but that could be because of the detail level required- would probably look like a big ol smudge. it is cool seeing Troy with a gun, is this the first time? i can’t remember, but i know we always saw him with his sword. i find it kinda funny they decided on the gun considering this is supposed to be renaissance, the sword would (kinda) be more fitting in that regard. it is also a giant glowy tech sword, so maybe not.
Also, Ty’s side of the mural is the only one with the roses. idk if that’s to signify something or just to balance out colors, though you’d think the red clouds on troy’s side couldve been easily converted to roses as well. hmmm 🤔
anyway, this is all i’ve got. if i missed something/if you think of something new please tell me! i wanna know 👀
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01010010-posts · 6 years
OKAY I’LL GIVE YOU YOUR ANSWER SO YOU CAN SLEEP AND LIKE IT’S TECHNICALLY NOT S. VALENTINE’S DAY ANYMORE HERE BUT I’LL MAKE AN EXCEPTION and then go to bed bc it’s already late (ahahah tumblr dashboard says there’s 69 new posts to see as im writing this!)first of all, connor is the classic type to say shit like ‘valentine is the ultimate rein of capitalism, i never have bought roses and never will, i never have bought heart shaped chocolate and never will, this holiday is cursed i will not succumb to the useless grind of adhering to stupid custom as this, if you love someone there shouldn’t be a day dedicated to it you should show your feelings everyday’.yet. he sneaks from work early, buy a rose for you, chocolate, a cheesy card in which ofc he writes a little love poem and leaves them for you on the table on the morning of san valentine’s day. THIS SAP IS TOO WEAK!!!!! MAKE HIM CONFESS HIS CRIMES DETECTIVE!!!!!!!!!60 is stupid. ok. once we’ve got this engraved in our soul with fire we’re ready to continue. he probably forgets about valentine because honestly? this man doesnt even have a calendar. he keeps track of time just because he washes clothes on the same day every week. but when a colleagues casually mentions that the next day will be valentine he’s,,,, petrified. he SUDDENLY realizes that FUCK IT’S FEBRUARY ALREADY?? ARE YOU KIDDING? HE THOUGHT IT WAS STILL JANUARY OH GOSH,,,, FUCK. fine. he takes a deep sigh and splashes his face with water because it’s not the time to panic and sweat he STILL has time. nothing is lost. he phones a friend of a friend of a friend who once got drunk with him and manages to book a table at a cute lovely restaurant. whew. thank god he’s a man of good contacts. he then buys you the most delicious chocolate ever. it’s big. and it’s soft inside, probably filled with some tasty liquid thing. YEAH there’s valentine sex. (you two end up laughing because he’s hesitant and when you ask him what’s wrong he blurts out ‘listen, my brother is a scorpio, i dont think i can handle another one we should skip sex until march’ he’s lying sm this dumb rascal). he /is/ the ultimate romantic anyway. what’s more sexy than a witty man.ever since RK900 has found his infinite love for you he has started to trust himself more. which is a good thing!!! if he hated his hands before he’s now a bit neutral about them, he’s learning! so what’s better than to become the DIY man. it’s weird. he feels frustated sometimes. but you continue to say that being good at something is only based on how much you’re willingly to be bad at it and it honestly makes him feel so so much better! so he def tries his best at many projects! SO when san valentine is near this cutie is ready. he searches for the dorkest thing to diy ever. and he actually does it the absolute madman. yes he also gets you chocolate. buys you bitter, white, milk and pink ruby variant because he’s indecisive and he doesn’t want to disappoint you so uhh YOU’LL like at least one of those HE HOPES. flowers? mhhh he feels bad about getting you a cut rose i mean it’s a dead flower who would want to give you a dead flower not him for sure he loves you he wants to see you thrive & bloom not dead!!! so he def gets you a plant. plants are nice. they’re friends. good baby plant. he gets you the cutest. like, the one who may seems weird and a bit damaged because they were in a shadowy corner of the shop but as soon as you place them on the window and give them water they start to flourish like WOW!!! so you’ll have nice pretty colorful flowers every day ! also, yes, he combusts. too much pressure. he’s not good at love. don’t think he does everything without 7 mental breakdowns minimum. please send help.
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redvelvetreel · 6 years
Red Velvet Reel 9.3: Blue Ain’t (Usually) My Color
           [Fic Directory]
Pairing: [Married] Spicyhoney (Underfell Papyrus x Underswap Papyrus)
Summary: Stretch receives conflicting advice on how to go about fixing this. He decides to go the middle ground of big, heartfelt gestures that say ‘sorry’ without actually saying it. What could possibly go wrong?
Characters: Stretch (Underswap Papyrus) & Red (Underfell Sans)& Blue (Underswap Sans)
Contains: Mpreg/Skelepreg! Different monster cultural traditions between universes!  
Rating: Teen and up! (I guess?)
Note: Sorry this took me forever! In hindsight, I should have finished this part before starting my event, huh? I got like an ask or 2 left for that! I kinda wanna keep it up for fun tho, in case y’all have any other questions, but hmmm... idk! idk~
“Huh?” Red looked at him like he grew another head- that devious bastard was actually trying to act dumb! “Fuck ya talkin’-“
“I hurt Edge’s feelings, bad, so I gotta make all of this up to him.” Stretch shifted restlessly, “How do I apologize to him? What would a Fell monster do?”
“Fell don’t apologize, ‘cause Fell ain’t got no feelin’s! Just act normal ‘n like there ain’t nothin’ bad.” Red mimed brushing dust off of his jacket, “Ya forget? I forget. S’easy!”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Blue crossed his arms over his chest, looking pensive, “You’re not Fell, and Edge won’t expect a Fell-style apology from you. Actually, he might be more hurt by the fact it looks like you don’t care.”
His face must have fallen, because Blue immediately continued, “So, I think you should just talk to him! Say you realized you hurt his feelings, apologize, and that you want to make it up to him!”
“Is this like a dungeon puzzle?” Stretch put his head on the table, “I don’t know. What question do I ask so I know which of you is lying and which of you is telling the truth?”
Distantly, he heard Blue explain over his head, hand patting his back, “It’s a movie reference.”
“Ok, whatever, we don’t got all fuckin’ day.” Red must have leaned on the table, because he sounded a lot closer in an instant, “Why don’tcha do both? Sorry by gettin’ Edge somethin’ nice ‘nstead a’pologizin’, yeah?”
“Like what?” Stretch turned his face onto the side of his arm with a dejected sigh, unable to muster the strength to lift his head. Trying to fight against biology was too much work- he was just gonna be an emotional mess for the rest of this quarter. Thanks a lot, Pancake.
“From you?” Red squinted at him, hand drumming on the table, “Uh, sing. One ‘a them cowboy songs.”
Stretch sat up abruptly, whacking at where his ears should have be. “Huh?!”
“Ya made a mixtape one Gyftmas, yeah?” Red knew about that?! Why did Red know about that?! “S’favorite gift ya ever gave. Goddamn brat listened to it fuckin’ thousand times.”
“That was a gag gift!” Stretch couldn’t believe it, a weird mix of touched and embarrassed and confused. “He wasn’t supposed to like it!!! I- I yodeled, man! There was a banjo- I don’t know how to play the banjo! I play the harboneica! I put so much ‘twang’ into the first like 3 songs I kept coughing throughout ‘I’ve got Spurs that Jingle Jangle Jingle!’ And you’re telling me he liked it?!” He dragged his hands down his face, wishing he could sink into the floor. (and still kinda weird pleased) “He listened to it! More than once?!”
Blue laughed lightly, turning his face away as though that were any less humiliating for his poor, embarrassed, put-upon brother, “I remember.” Why did Blue remember?! What did he remember?!
“Sorry, Papy,” Blue didn’t look or sound apologetic enough, “But you were singing at the top of yours lungs and you kept crashing into things. You were laughing almost the entire time, though, so I assumed you were having a good time.”
“Ughhhh...” Stretch tried to slide down the cushioned seats and onto the floor as Red and Blue snickered. Laughing at his expense. Traitors. “Is that what Edge liked about it so much? Making fun of me?”
“Ya damn well know that ain’t true.” Red wasn’t quite as smiley anymore.
“Then why-?”
“ ‘Cause he’s sappy as shit!” Red was at the end of his patience, bringing his hands down hard enough to shake the table, “He likes bein’ able to be soft with ya, ok?! All them singin’ bad ‘n dancin’ in the kitchen kinda shit! So pick yer noggin fer somethin’ sugary as hell ‘n just!” He gestured, articulating something Stretch could barely understand. “Fuckin’! Don’t apologize like a bitch! Seduce him like a nerd!”
“Ok!” This was sounding like a better and better plan! Be as charming and goofy and lovable romcom protagonist-y as possible, sweep Edge off his high heels, and get everything back to normal! With the added bonus of making Edge super happy and letting him know he was deeply, truly loved! Brilliant!
“Blue!” He turned to his brother, an excited twinkle to his eye, “How do I do that? What are the best romcom tropes and treats?”
“Um.” Blue’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment as Red leered at him, but he soldiered on, “You could leave him cute voice messages of you singing for him. Uh, he’s more of a savory person, so some biscuits or something from the Barkery might be nice. Balloons? Flowers? Everybody likes flowers!”
“Y’ain’t ever get me flowers.” Red teased, grin sharp.
“Stuffed animals are popular too.” Blue ignored him, “But make sure you’re tailoring it to his interests-“
“He likes dancin’!” Red moved his torso to some imaginary beat, but with that snickering, Stretch wasn’t sure if he was being serious or not. “S’Latin night somewhere! Merengue ‘n Salsa ‘n cumbias, nuerito! Real heat up with a bachata!”
“Yeah, ok! I don’t! Know! What half of those are! But ok!” This was going to be great! Stretch pulled his brother into a hug, kissing the top of his head, “You’re a genius, bro!”
He turned to his brother-in-law, “Red-”
Red backed himself into a corner when Stretch turned to him, holding his hand out, “Ain’t gonna letcha kiss me ‘fore buyin’ dinner, Honey.”
Stretch laughed at that, Soul feeling light and suddenly incredibly happy, shaking his brother-in-law’s hand... before clanking a kiss to the back of his hand anyway. Had to practice being as charming as possible, after all!
“Thanks guys!” He was up in a moment, bouncing on the heels of his high tops excitedly, “I’m gonna hit up the Barkery to get a special order in before they close! And the flower shop! And see what other cool stuff I can find!”
“Papy-“ Blue called out, “You still need to tell him why-“
“Don’t be givin’ all at once- draw shit out!” Red was louder, obviously riling Stretch up even further, “Keep ‘im guessin’!”
Stretch was already out the door, phone to his head and waving cheerily as he ran- literally ran- off. Blue sighed deeply.
“Whatcha wanna bet on?” Red was gleefully devious, worrying at a piece of g like the caricature villain he liked to project himself as. “How’sit gonna blow? Who’s gonna blow?”
“It’s rude and in poor taste to bet against your brother and brother-in-law’s happiness.” Blue told him primly, “So, I’ll bet a compliment to Edge, on a topic of your choosing, that Edge is going to contact me to ask what’s wrong with Papy-“
“I ain’t gonna take those odds!” Red crossed his arms petulantly, “S’fuckin’ rigged, tramposo!”
“Before he rips into you for outing his cowboy kink to my brother.” Blue finished with a coy smile, laying his hands flat on the table with a shrug. “But if you’re too chicken-“
“Hah!” Red’s smile was excited and bright as he put his own hands down, palms up, “That’s good! Hell if I know! I’ll betcha...” His fingers drummed on the table pensively, “Hm... Betcha an paternal encouragin’ fer Honey. Tell ‘im he’s gonna be a good Papa.”
“Yeah, okay,” Blue reached for the hand Red offered him, turning it carefully to make sure it wasn’t booby trapped. As soon as they shook on it, Red kicked him under the table- and he got a joy buzzer to the knee.
“I hate you!” Sputtering angrily, Blue rubbed at his knee, obviously trying to dispel the lingering numbness, “You’re such an asshole!”
“Love ya too, baby cakes.” Red blew him a kiss as he stood up, stretching his arms over his head. “Now hurry up ‘n grab ‘em napkins! Game’s comin’ on at 1:00, and I ain’t gonna miss it ‘cause you’re bein’ lazy.”
Red was already at the door, walking into a shortcut before he had to hear Blue cussing him out again.
[Part 1] [Part 2] [ Part 3 - Here! ]  
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studiobeebo · 6 years
Summer Daze (Kirishima Eijirou x Fem! Reader)
OKAY i want to start off by saying im really, really sorry this took so long. my motivation has been horrible and i just really didn’t want to make something that was lackluster so i decided to wait until i was more motivated instead
BUT ANYWAYS, this is the scenario for the 1,000 followers giveaway first place winner @ri-leuters following the prompt:
okay so pronouns would be she/her and i'd love this done with our local ball of sunshine kirishima! so i guess they could go out together into a sunflower field or just a normal flower field for a date and just have an all around good time together! also this would be great with lots of kisses and cuddles bc i live for that shit. also last minute request (but you could totally let this slide if you want) but ive always found this endearing; so when they kiss could kirishima pull back for a sec and just freak out over how s/o has tasty lips (prolly bc of her lip balm) and then they just talk about it for a sec and then he starts kissing her more bc "i want to taste!" djkdjdwk forgive me
Summer had to be one of Kirishima’s favorite seasons, if not his absolute favorite. While most people could find reasons to hate that time of the year, be it the sometimes sweltering heat or influx of annoying gnats and mosquitos, he always found a way to look past all the negatives of summer. He lived for the nights where he could sit outside with friends and roast marshmallows or go to the beach to go swimming, and with all the different activities he loved to do during the summer, he was absolutely ecstatic that this year, he got to do all those things with you.
When he first realized he had hopelessly fallen for your passionate, bubbly charm and amazingly adorable looks, he knew it would take time to convince himself to finally confess. To him, you were just so perfect and he couldn’t bare to mess up his chances with a girl like you, so he bided his time and got to know you as much as he could, of course throwing in some awkward flirty comments or attempts to impress you along the way. It was in the spring that he decided to set a deadline for himself, saying that he absolutely wanted to ask you out before the end of the school year, and after spending a good week daydreaming about going on fun summer walks through the park or getting ice cream together, he finally gave in and confessed that he had a crush on you before asking if you would go out to the movies with him. You were absolutely over the moon, having had quite the crush on him as well, and from there your  blooming relationship was almost cinematic considering how well it was going.
On top of how amazing things were going between the two of you, Kirishima was lucky to have asked you out before his ‘deadline’ so when the weather began to get warm the two of you were already comfortable enough with one another for him to start checking off his list of fun summer dates and the first thing he had been wanting to do was to go hiking with you. The trail he had looked up was actually pretty short, only about a mile, but it let off into an incredible field of wildflowers that were supposedly in full bloom at this time of the year. He wanted to keep that part a secret so it would be a nice surprise for you, but he was just so excited that he couldn’t help but blab about it the whole week before the two of you had decided to go. Despite your slight fears that it would be too grossly hot on the weekend to even enjoy the date your boyfriend had so happily set up, his excitement about it was infectious so you couldn’t help but be excited as well. Plus, when the weekend finally came around it was fun to pack up a little picnic for the two of you and it was awfully cute how concerned he was, double and then triple checking that your shoes were comfortable and that you brought enough water.
Once the two of you arrived to the base of the hill that the path led up to on that saturday morning, you were extremely grateful that the weather was just perfect since you’d be walking uphill for most of the way. The first part of your little hike wasn’t too bad, but you slowly began to get a bit worn out the further you walked and you were a bit jealous at how Kirishima was still perfectly fine while you felt like you could take a nap right there in the middle of the path to give your tired muscles a break. Once he noticed you were falling a bit behind, however, Kirishima was nice enough to slow down and walk by your side until you reached the top of the hill and thankfully, the view was absolutely worth the trouble of getting there.
It looked as if the field of bright green grass and variety of colorful flowers swaying in the comforting breeze spanned out for miles and you must have stood there with a bright, open mouthed smile on your face for a good five minutes just looking out over the expanse of beautiful greenery. You continued to gush about how incredible it was as you pulled out your phone to take a few pictures, hoping to save this memory for years to come, but once you were done the two of you finally decided to walk further into the sunny field to find a nice spot to relax.
It took a few minutes to get everything set up, but it was perfectly picturesque once you had laid out the blanket for both of you to rest on before pulling out all the different snacks and drinks you had brought along with you. The two of you sat happily chatting about whatever came to mind while munching on a variety of fruit and other treats and you must have thanked him a million times for bringing you here to which he just smiled and told you it was no big deal.
“No but seriously! It’s absolutely perfect, I thought it might be too warm but the sun feels amazing since it’s so breezy up here!” You cheered, stretching your arms up above your head before falling backwards to lay your head down onto his lap.
“Yeah it is pretty nice, I’m surprised you’re not cold for once.” He teased, picking at a few of the flowers that were spread out around your makeshift ‘bed’.
“Hey I’m not always cold, I just like wearing your sweaters, that’s all.” You quipped, reaching up to pinch his cheek only for him to wince a bit before sending a pout your way as he continued to work on tugging flowers from the ground.
“What are you doing, anyways?” You asked upon noticing he was fiddling around with the flowers he had collected, sitting up from your lying position on his lap to get a better look.
“Nothing..” He mumbled out, though his concentration was very clearly on his task at hand rather than on you. After a moment he blinked, seeming to have realized that he sort of just brushed you off a bit before tearing his eyes from his little project only to give you a soft smile. “I mean it’s something, but you have to give me a second...and don’t look!”
Your brows furrowed in confusion but you just laughed and shook your head, putting your hands over your eyes to show that you’d keep your eyes on your own business. After a moment you decided to drop your hands to focus on your phone instead, trying not to laugh at the way Kirishima flinched and covered up what was in his hands upon seeing your hands drop before relaxing once he realized you weren’t really watching him.
The two of you sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, you scrolling through some of your notifications and taking a few more pictures to post to your social media and him working on whatever it was he was doing, but eventually the silence between the two of you was broken as he let out an excited “Alright!” before turning back over to you.
“I saw one of these on Mina’s blog, but she didn’t really post instructions so..” He trailed off, holding out what you were guessing was meant to be a flower crown of sorts.
It was more of an..oval shape and the flowers seemed to be forcefully tied together in a misshapen manner. However, while he may have thought it wasn’t as ‘instagram worthy’ as Mina’s flower crowns (Which, you were pretty sure she bought anyways), you thought it was absolutely perfect.
“I think you don’t even need instructions, this look like a pro made it!” You exclaimed, loving the way his face lit up like a puppy being praised for being a good dog. Unfortunately, however, when you went to grab it to wear it, as you figured was his intention for you to do once he gave it to you, the little masterpiece fell to pieces right before you had the chance to lay it atop your head. You scrambled to try to save at least some of it, but your efforts went to waste and you were left with a little pile of flowers sitting in your lap as you looked up slowly with a sheepish smile worn on your face, praying you hadn’t upset him.
“Whoops..Sorry Eiji, I guess my hands are a lot stronger than I thought.” You chuckled before continuing. “But It was so pretty! I feel bad wrecking it like that, I should have taken a picture..”
“Hey that’s alright!” He spoke, sounding a lot happier than you thought he would be considering you just accidentally broke such a cute gift from him before he stood up and grabbed a few of the flowers from the pile that used to be the flower crown he had made for you. After picking up as many as he could, he walked behind you before crouching down and beginning to place a few different flowers throughout your hair. “See? Well, I guess you can’t see, but your hair still looks pretty now! I mean it always looks pretty, but you know what I mean.” He chuckled, moving back to be in front of you and crouching down to the same position to add some more flowers to the front of your hair.
After a moment he appeared..mostly happy with his work, but he was looking at you like an artist looking at one of their paintings that looked pretty good but just needed one last thing to bring it all together. You smiled and chuckled a bit when his face lit up with that ‘Oh, I got it!’ look before he reached over past your shared blanket and grabbed one more flower before moving to push some of your hair behind your ear and then tucking the flower there as well.
“There, that’s good, right?” He asked, adjusting the flower bit, but letting his hand stay near your jaw as his thumb gently ran over your cheek.
“It’s perfect.” You hummed, not even needing to look as you words were more generally aimed at this whole day in general as you leaned in to press your lips against his own. Even though the sun’s rays were plenty warm enough, there was still nothing that could compare to the warmth that bloomed in your chest every time you felt his hand gently cup your jaw and the gentle yet passionate way his lips would mesh with your own.
After a moment, your lips parted from his own and you were a bit surprised to see a look of happy confusion on his face as you pulled away from him a bit.
“You..Kind of taste like one of these flowers smells.”
“...What??” You chuckled out yet again, shaking your head in equal confusion.
“And a lemon! Like a flowery lemon!”
His additional description clicked in your head as you were suddenly reminded of the new lip balm you had bought a few days prior as you laughed out an answer, hardly able to contain yourself considering the adorable look on his face as you stuttered through your words.
“I-It’s my new lip balm! It’s lemon-lavender! Like it?”
“Yeah!” He beamed, “Can I taste again? It’s really sweet..” He continued, but you could tell by the light blush that fanned over his cheeks that the term of ‘tasting’ you was something he didn’t really mean to say aloud, but you didn’t mind either way. You had plenty of kisses to spare for him all the time, and after the amazing day he went through the trouble of planning out, he definitely deserved it.
“Of course.” You giggled, leaning in to peck his lips once more in a more sweet, appreciative way as a sort of thank you. “You can taste as much as you want.”
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