#anyway i'll shut up now
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eeldritchblast · 1 year ago
I truly wonder if white fans are even capable of understanding how hard it is just being in a fandom space when you're not white. How alienated you feel every other day. How often you're told "it's not that big a deal" or "it's just a fantasy game get over it" or "it doesn't matter" or "go save the rainforest instead of crying over a game" or etc. etc. etc. to the point where you yourself start to question if there's something wrong with you... that it's your fault for being hurt all the time. Because it's never just about one racist mod, or one piece of whitewashed art, or one offensive post... it's all of it. Together. All the time. It's so fucking exhausting and it's why POC quit fandom spaces a lot.
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akuma-tenshi · 1 year ago
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telepathic conversation between melly and alice as orpheus wages psychological warfare on frederick at the breakfast table
original from @outofcontextdiscord
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vicsbasement · 5 months ago
Is the scene in the new snippet taken from the Maria/grief fic? :P
You absolutely caught me. It is! I don't know, there's something about that moment in time for me that compels me to write it over and over again. I keep going back to it because I remember that first time we saw the picture of Charles and Carlos driving out of Maranello and to see Charles there-- they already knew, you know? And they couldn't say because there wasn't anything official. But there's this whole headcanon in my head that Charles didn't, couldn't, let Carlos go through this alone because the announcement wasn't supposed to come this early, right. So when Carlos called he picked up. When Carlos needed him, he went. I don't know. Anyway! I did say you'd win another snippet so this is another one for clingy!charles. Enjoy! Carlos was sure that nothing was amiss. He was sure that Roberto just got in his head, but—as he stumbled out of his car in FP2, Charles was the one to grab his arm to stop him from falling. Why was Charles there?
“Hello, mate!” Charles says; a light tone to his voice, cheerful and sweet. Almost too light, like it was forced gentleness. Carlos would be suspicious if he didn’t feel like he was about to hurl.
“Care to hand me over to Gigi? I’m not feeling too well.” Carlos declares, a bit of his polite front waning when another roll of nausea hits him as Charles removes his hands from his back. Carlos starts to take off his helmet and balaclava, hating the sensation of the fabric dragging against his sensitive skin.
“Fred told me this.” Charles sounded… admonishing, like he wanted to make Carlos feel bad for not telling him he’d been having a hard time keeping his food down since yesterday. “You guys heard him, where’s Gigi?” Charles gets something in his eyes when he turns serious. Carlos has seen it a couple of times before, even directed at himself, but his garage—well. It’d come alive with his instructions, with Charles’ tone.
Two mechanics scrambled out of his seat to look for Pierluigi as Charles grabbed Carlos’ arm again and made him sit in a corner. When Carlos felt he wasn’t about to keel over, he let his body fold into himself and his back curved. Carlos just wanted to sleep. The pounding in his head was worsening, the nausea came back with a vengeance, and Charles was looking for—his isotonic drink, of course. That would help a little with the nausea.
“It’s behind you.” Carlos said, and Charles turns sharply and grabs the drink, offering him the straw between pinched-tight fingers. Carlos doesn’t hesitate, but Charles seems to notice the gesture—his fingers a little too close to Carlos’ lips and mouth, so he recoils, albeit gently.
“Thanks.” Carlos murmurs, and Charles nods. He looks fidgety, like he wants to help more but he doesn’t know how. Pierluigi must be looking for medicine to stop the nausea, that’s probably why he wasn’t close, maybe he went to the Ferrari hospitality for his medikit. Charles seems to get an idea and looks for a wet towel, and hands it to Carlos. The heat is stifling and it’s making everything worse, his mouth fills with liquid and Carlos feels like he’s about to throw up in front of the whole garage, when he feels Charles’ gentle hands press the ice-cold towel to his forehead.
“They told me you had a fever?” Charles asks, sheepish. He removes the towel for a second and replaces it with his hand, looking for the pulse point right behind his eyebrows and using his wrists to gauge the temperature. “I shouldn’t have put the towel before, I don’t know if you’re still—”
“I think I am, yeah.” Carlos says. Charles is using both his wrists to gauge his temperature, now, he’s basically cradling Carlos’ head between them. And Carlos gets a good look at Charles; the frown, the pursed lips, the demeanor, and Teto’s voice echoes through his head.
“He’s clingy.” He remembers. But this is not clingy, this is just worried. Right? Just worried.
Pierluigi arrives at that moment and sees Charles cradling Carlos’ head. He raises an eyebrow, a silent question, and Carlos just shrugs as Charles makes space for Pierluigi to lean down and ask him about his symptoms.
As Carlos is trying to recall what’s causing him discomfort he feels how his mouth fills with liquid again, he starts slurring his words, the world turns on its axis and he feels as he’s fading slowly away, the last thing in his vision Charles’ expression of  utter worry.
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zeeckz · 1 year ago
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sesamestsaxophone · 2 months ago
Me when I watch elmo in grouchland and draw while giggling and kicking my feet
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apixrl · 9 months ago
me watching starscream ONCE AGAIN get the 'bad guy who does bad things because he is bad' treatment in earthspark s2 🧍‍♀️
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the first show since armada (that i've watched) where he actually got depth other than just being evil and his abuse isn't made a complete joke for laughs, but instead of building upon it in s2 u just... toss it out the window like it never happened???
okay then! 😀👍
i'm sure future eps will rectify it? but it still sucks that we got this crazy jump from point a to point b with a poor excuse of a time skip. also pretty hard to redeem what he's done in these last 10...
don't get me wrong, i love when starscream is being a devious little shit and i don't expect him to turn good overnight. but if i wanted to watch starscream doing bad guy things i can go watch literally ANY OTHER TF SHOW 😭 earthspark was a nice change of pace and now we don't even have that anymore (at least right now anyway).
i'm not even mad. honestly just a little disappointed. one of the things that made me love earthspark is how they wrote starscream but nvm i guess. was nice while it lasted. :')
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pieph0n · 8 months ago
Neil would like The Neighbourhood. Like if they were a thing, during/after the series (I think the band started in 2011..?) But Neil is so The Neighbourhood coded to me.
I just feel like he would listen to them for the beats and vibes, and everyone *else* would hear the lyrics and go "oh Neil :/" but he doesn't even listen to the words he's singing along to KSBFJSBFIDJFJF
I was driving and listening to them and they're so Neil!!! And then I realized that they wouldn't really canonically intersect???
But I just like to imagine that, if there was a world where The Neighbourhood and Neil Josten existed at the same time, he would be blasting that shit in the fancy car on road trips.
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clockvenn · 21 days ago
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Fanoc version of Koru I did !! Absolutely love her so much y'all ✨ I even thought of a whole silly lore of hers... I'll infodump that in my toyhouse someday
For now, I'll just admit that she's a fanoc from NosuNassauSu's Let's B Partners world !
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toxictoad · 1 year ago
Is there a fandom word for a supporting character that is rarely if ever a topic for fandom but that you are absolutely obsessed with?
I'm not talking about a glup shitto. I mean a character that everyone knows about but who isn't really anyone's favorite character. Fics centered on them are rare and ones that actually explore them in an interesting way are even rarer. No one really kins them or draws them. No one brings them up outside of discussing other characters.
Yeah, whatever that is.
But then...
A piece of media comes out that heavily features that character... and people finally talk about them.... you are in heaven for a few short months... and then it goes back to how it was.
Oh, sure, maybe there will be more people who like that character now. Maybe there will be an uptick in fics that give you a small backlog to read. Maybe you'll even get a nice catalog of fanart that will fuel your imagination for a little while.
But no matter what; that character won't get as much attention as you think they deserve.
Anyway that's how I feel about Count Fanon-first-name-Yan Dooku.
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natolesims · 4 months ago
I made a sim for your challenge, but now I am too shy to post it, so I need to find someone to root for
Ñooo, I'd love to see your sim! 🥹 If you still want to submit them, I can keep it anon as well! If not, it's completely ok and I hope you choose your favourite wisely 👀
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spinnysocks · 5 months ago
hey mutuals how did you start using tumblr i am curious /genq, curious tone, nf
for me, i just wanted to share my watership down uquiz that took me forever to make XD then i just happened to realise “oh! there's so much warrior cats content! and i can reblog stuff!” so my blog was purely warrior cats until i fell face first into my tlg hyperfix which. clears throat . Uh hasn't gone away 😭
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sunstainedpages · 10 months ago
Hearing 'I Don't Wanna Be Angry' live has fixed me
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crystalprism · 6 months ago
that moment when you unfollow someone but they still constantly pop up on your dash....
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maladaptivedaydreamsx · 1 year ago
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knifeslidez · 7 months ago
some of yall would make the acronym "lgt and the b's we deem queer enough" and its incredibly obvious
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doctor-disc0 · 1 year ago
I've had breathing problems for as long as I can remember. I usually breathe through my mouth, not my nose, and I would have frequent episodes where it felt like I couldn't get any air at all, which would often cause panic attacks, which would in turn make things worse. And when I didn't have episodes like those, I would still frequently have these high-pitched "gasps" where I would very suddenly take in a huge breath.
I had been tested for asthma when I was a kid. The tests were negative. It wasn't asthma, so what was it?
Finally, after years of suffering, my parents were able to get a doctor to inspect my nose and down my throat with a camera. I was somewhere between the ages of 15 and 17, I can't quite remember.
It turns out that there were two problems. First, I had a deviated septum, meaning that the wall between my nasal passages was off-center. This explained my difficulties breathing through my nose.
The second problem was that I had vocal cord dysfunction. Vocal cord dysfunction is when your vocal cords don't open up all the way when breathing. This can result in feeling like you can't breathe. It also explained the little gasps I would often have.
My doctor gave me a sinus rinse, recommended a nasal gel, and sent me to speech therapy, where I would learn breathing exercises that would supposedly ease my symptoms.
Unfortunately, I have ADHD, which makes my memory the absolute worst. So, guess who hasn't done any of that shit in years and is having difficulty breathing right now?
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