#anyway i wasnt happy with canon lmao
avo-kat · 4 months
me: oh i dont care about bnha much at all, its just some manga ive read years ago for a bit but barely had any impact on me
me seeing my avatar:
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roxyzwritez · 2 months
au writing shit idk
heres the Rough Plan for my first few eps:
ep1: the au branches off of canon in the final SU ep, Change Your Mind. renamed to Change Your World. when white yoinks the gem out of steven and pinksteven reforms and whiteasks W H E R E I S P I N K the response is something along the lines of "i am right here, but fuck you im not talking to you." (girlboss) and white gets the "im a child, what's your problem" and has the perfectionist meltdown, then steven's like "sorry but we gotta head out" and they're like "PINK WHAT THE FUCK?" steven goes "im not pink just leave earth alone" the gems agree and give steven The Legs™️.
pearl latches onto the idea that rose is still alive in there. (didn't write that tho just had it cut to this next bit oops) her and greg build a thing to connect to the gem that will essentially connect to pink/rose im just gonna call her rose damnit and allow her to communicate w everyone. shes like "...hey guys. uh. sorry for trying to kill myself i guess that didn't work but i have been minecraft spectating steven for the entirety of his existence with no ability to do anything but think and watch" pearl has a lesbian implosion, everyone's all happy n shit. steven eventually asks about the lying and she's like "yeag i done bad there. i just wanted to keep you guys together" (now that i think abt it there was no mention of bismuth here.. oops,) garnet gives her a Garnet Specil motivational speech and she's like "i missed you too garnet" (i forgot to mention, garnet violently explode-unfuses and ruby+sapphire are just bumbling with happy when rose spoke) amethyst has her own moment (she thought this was all bullshit and started playing fortnite upstairs but between games she heard rose and a p p e a r e d)
anyway rose then is thinking "oh man i gotta talk to so many ppl" and realizes eh guys nothing to worry abt just a HAPPY TO LISTEN, HAPPY TO STAY, HAPPILY WATCHING HER DR- but we should go there NOW" so they do, spinel is understandably distraught and breaks the gemspeaker in half but feels bad about it. she comes with the gang to earth, they show her around, a new gemspeaker is made and they reconcile. yippy! also spinel ate one of ALL. big donut flavors. sadie allowed this just for on e because steven is the LORD AND SAVIOR OF THE STEVEN UNIVERSE haha funny.
anyway she and bismuth talk. bis is kinda like "yeah i wasnt very gamer sorry about that herhee" again ignoring that SHE lied about the bubbling, conveniently forgot to explore that conversation for ease of writing and so i didn't need to go "how do i utilize my 2 iq points to channel these characters and get them to have a coherent, consistent to character conversation about this situation"
peri and lapis are called over by bismuth who doesn't say shit to them for the surprise. lapis is like "yeah ok hit me" peri is more curious. rose speaks, peridot fangirls and lapis is like "oh shit that's historically significant " peri is like "I NEED TO RESEARCH:)))" and runs off. spoiler: gem cloning
bis brings up the idea. rose is like "yeah that sounds legit" (the gem cloning conundrum took me way too long to understand. i drove my friend crazy. "hey can u explain every single quantum detail of this in the most verbose way i dont understand" but eventually i understood it JUUUUST enough to write it lmao i still don't get it)
rose n steven talk in roses room. all happy n shit. greg is told abt the plan and hes like oh shit i gotta clean up and steven is like "you know her standards. she don't give a shit" hes like "yeag"
peri makes progress! she made a little clump!! (explaining the gem cloning: theyre making essentially an empty gem with the powers but no consciousness inside. when its ready, white will take steven's gem out again, rose reforms, and the new gem gets ever so graciously stabbed into his belly where the old one was.)
peri tells steven its gonna take a year. he's like "well okay better than like hundreds of years" then he goes off to talk to the diamonds. he brings the speaker with. rose lets out the thousands of years of distrust and anger at the dismonds and they are humbled even more than when they got pinkd and rose is like "you WILL heal all the shattered ones i don't give a shit" and theyre like "whatever you say little one" (yes they do indeed heal the fallen. probably with regular shipments of steven fluid. that sounded wrong but im not a freak like that hes still 14)
also they go back home and steven talks to rose abt "you told the diamonds you literally wanted to die are you fr?" she explains and hes like YOU FATHERFUCKER, YOU ARE AMAZING AND YOU CAN'T DO THAT (crying)"
next episode is just year-long filler but i made it actually good by making it essentially a montage of lapis and peri in the barn becoming lesbian for eachother. finally, a controversial move on my part, they decide to overcome lapis's fear of fusion and fuse for stevens birthday. their fusion is turquoise (took way too long coming up with a fucking name) and can corrode (water + metal) and can morph/control metal (liquify n stuff. definitely not taken from a lapidot fusion concept i found on google images.) garnet is like "hey pearl look at these silly lesbians " pearls like "damn relatable" garnets like "yeag"
a week or a few after the bday, the gem is finally ready. everyone is excited until steven asks how this is gonna work. peri is like UHHHHH... 😊 and lapis is just "eh just take that one out, stick this one in!" peri goes NNNO- but after some damage control and telling everyone steven will be fine hes like "well i better get some good sleep then. big day!"
there's more but im done typing my fingers are about to go peridot and fuckin fly away let me know if you want the like 1other episode and the minisode after that
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roseworth · 4 months
You are both an Arrowfamily and Jason Todd fan account so I thought you would be the best person to ask this but: What do you think the Arrowfamily members opinion on Jason are?
ooooh i love this question.. i think a lot of people jump straight to "they would hate him" because of his fight with mia but!!! i don't think thats entirely true!!!!! some of them would hate him but not all of them </3 i feel like the people that claim they would all hate him have a fundamental misunderstanding of the arrows and what they stand for, not to mention deliberately misconstruing what the the jason & mia fight actually was and pretending it was a lot worse than what actually happened. but thats just my opinion
ollie absolutely would hate him though lmao. he would never get over the fact that jason kidnapped, fought, & tried to blow up his daughter. no forgiveness ever. if jason HADNT fought mia though i think ollie would like him or at the very least tolerate him. ollie very clearly has no issue with murdering bad guys (as seen in ga88) and would be completely on board with anyone who goes out of his way to fuck with batman constantly <3 also in my humble opinion ollie shouldve been a cosmic mistake in countdown due to him coming back to life because parallax put him back together, which would have been hilarious and would absolutely have ended in them getting along (until jason goes through like his fifth breakdown in that book, because he would absolutely lash out at ollie after watching that one version of bruce die. but thats a whole separate tangent)
dinah also would hate him for trying to kill mia, but probably not as intensely as ollie. but even without that issue i dont think dinah would like him, mostly because hes the worst and i dont think dinah would have the patience to put up with him. she wouldnt have a huge problem with the killing (she wouldnt NOT have a problem with it but i really dont think it would be an unforgivable issue for her), but she would just think hes kind of an asshole about it and she wouldnt like him at all. i also think theres a panel somewhere where jason says that dinah told him she hates him personally?? idk ive only seen screenshots of it but i think its funny so im incorporating it into my belief system
with roy... i feel like there are so many people that see rhato and swing to the opposite side of the pendulum and say that roy would hate jason but i dont think thats true at all. im a rhato hater because that is Not Roy so we're disregarding that, but i still think they would get along tbh! given that roy is deeply in love with a serial killer i think that the people who say he would hate jason are misunderstanding who roy is. i think when theyre both in character they actually have personalities that would mesh well together and they COULD get along really well. i dont see roy having a Big Problem with jason killing people (he would try to stop him from doing it but murder wouldnt be a dealbreaker for roy) so i think its fair to say they would actually get along!!! but i bitch and complain every time they show up in the same panel because now the damage has been done from rhato so i dont want them to interact in canon. only in the secret world in my head. in regards to jason fighting mia, i dont know how to say it but,,, i dont think roy would have a huge issue with it. he certainly wouldnt be happy about it but also he wasnt there so i feel like all he would know about it was that jason kidnapped mia one time but mia was fine. honestly i think that he would be more interested in brothers in blood bc dick would def mention that jason murdered people in a nightwing costume then turned into a tentacle monster and tried to eat someone but dick forgave him anyway. and once he hears that suddenly the mia thing seems inconsequential in comparison
with connor... i cant lie im a little biased because connor is a member of my dream outlaws team but i really think they would at least kind of get along! connor is not the type of person to hold a grudge at all so once mia forgives him (which ill get into in a sec) connor wouldnt have a problem with him. he WOULD have a problem with jason killing people but he's close with eddie so clearly he doesnt have that much of an issue with working with people who have killed before as long as they dont kill in front of him. and i think that jason has a healthy respect for anyone who can beat him in a fight and because of that he would not kill anyone when hes around connor. i also think that connor and jason would never fight because connor would never throw the first punch and jason would never start a fight that he knows he cant win (but thats once again a whole separate tangent). basically i dont think they'd be besties or anything, i dont think theres a world where they'd ever even consider themselves friends. but i do think they'd get along well enough to not hate each other
okay now finally mia. kind of a controversial take but i really think she'd forgive him for kidnapping her! she absolutely would not forgive him IMMEDIATELY because it fucked her up so she would be pissed about it for a while, but also? i think she completely understood what he was trying to do. he wasnt really hurting her specifically (like yeah he hurt her but he made it a fair fight and he wasnt beating down on her or anything. she also hit him so it evens out) and he was actually trying to talk TO her and relate to her. and it was working!!! he didnt force her to do anything except fight (in a fight where he untied her and gave her her weapons), so once she got some distance from the event i think she'd forgive him. it would take a while for her to actually forgive him enough for them to actually get along, but i genuinely think they would. theyre extremely similar people and i think they would really be good friends if given the chance, but it would take a looooong time for mia to be comfortable enough to be around him enough to consider him a friend since the fight definitely fucked her up. but it is possible for them to eventually be close, and i think they could be really good friends
honorable mentions: - i dont know emiko well enough to know for sure (i havent read new52 or rebirth green arrow so i havent read much with her </3) but from what i know i think they would get along - lian would have no opinion of him whatsoever. at most she sees him as her uncle's brother. i truly dont think she'd care enough about him to form a positive or negative opinion about him - i dont like sienna so i dont want to acknowledge her but for the sake of the post. she doesnt like jason because dinah doesnt like jason and she says "i hate everyone that black canary hates <3" - cissie is not a member of the arrowfamily but she wouldnt like him because she absolutely would have an issue with any murderous vigilante given that she almost killed someone one time and had a huge breakdown, so anyone that kills people for the Greater Good and continues to do so would not sit right with her - i have absolutely no basis for this but shado would hate him for no reason. no specific beef with him about his morals or his actions, she just wouldnt like his vibes. sorry to talk about rose (no im not) but she would see rose hanging out with jason and go "im so happy for you and your ugly fucking boyfriend im serious" - eddie and jason would get along like a housefire. there is not a doubt in my mind that they would bond instantly (ok not instantly because they both hate everyone and would probably start with trying fight each other. THEN they would bond) and it would be catastrophic for everyone involved 🫶
ok i think thats everyone. or at least everyone that matters. never forget that all my opinions are 100% correct at all times
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melloneah · 3 months
mello and/or megumi for the character ask :)
HOLY SHIT THIS HAS BEEN STEWING IN MY DRAFTS FOR MONTHS LMAO SORRY BESTIE (i didnt have enough megumi insight to comfortably answer back then but ive been STUDYING FOR MONTHS >:3) THANK U FOR THE ASK LETS GET INTO IT
favourite thing about them
i have to say his cunty-ass fashion style bc that alone dragged me into loving him in the first place<333
least favorite thing about them
he just needs to chill fr
favorite line
"i'll be waiting" <33333
i HAVE to say meronia since it's my main ship, but i love M2 too. honestly id say theyre equal in my eyes
uhmmmmmm takada probably? besides that, im happy to ship anything tbh jfhsdjhf i aint one to have a nOTP WHATEVER MAKES BRO HAPPY
random headcanon
the answer i had in my drafts was extreme lmfaoooo ill stick to saying: cokehead
unpopular opinion
i personally think he wasnt a bully at wammy's. i dont mean that he was nice lmao but he just didnt waste his time on picking on others
song i associate with them
surfacing by slipknot
favorite picture of them
his wide ass eyes of course always and forever
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favourite thing about them
his entire philosophy - i feel like in anime we often see this black and white perspective on saving people and purpose, but jjk took a far more human route imo with characters such as megumi and geto, and i loooooove it so much. megumi's entire 'picking who he wants to save' attitude is so unique to him in his environment and i feel like it truly shows how strong his personality and values are :3 i love that little guy i could yap for hours
least favorite thing about them
favorite line
i wanna say yuuta bc he's probably the only person in that school that megumi truly respects lmaooo
in canon? anyone who is over the age 18 bro
random headcanon
very random hc not even just megumi related but. yuuji jumps out of the shower soaking wet and immediately gets dressed while megumi has to be bone dry to have any fabric on him. idk how why or when i came up with that one but like. idk. make sense in my little head. they would b like that. to me.
unpopular opinion
he deserves a villain arc n im kinda sad we now know for a fact he wont get one </33
song i associate with them
HGHHGHGH i wrote a whole song inspired by him but it's not coming out for a While </333 so im gonna link another song that had me SHOCKED at how megumi it was (and it broke my heart)
down in a hole by alice in chains
favorite picture of them
hehehehe 😀
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sorry uhm. anyway
ask me abt whatever
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blessedshortcake · 1 year
My opinion on the finale episodes below the cut. Obviously spoiler warning lol
First of all. I see people say it was really underwhelming and i kinda have to agree? It wasnt a Bad ending or a lazy one or whatever words have been thrown around tho imo. I feel like with all the hype about how "painful" and emotional itll be from the VA and from everyone, we all just expected more tragic outcomes or something.
I am dissappointed because of that as well. I liked how Simon finally reflected a bit and had some self awareness about their situation with Betty. I loved that he didnt become Ice King again or that they didnt do some actual time travel to "fix" stuff. I also liked that they didnt necessarily made him a bad husband (?/boyfriend?) he kinda just never realised that Betty has been putting more into their duo than he was.
That doesnt make him innocent tho b4 someone comes at me. He was a bit too self absorbed but i dont think he was entirely selfish either. He was a person who made mistakes and didnt realise them. The line where he said smt like "i wish we could have talked like this before" also makes it pretty clear to me that Betty never really spoke up about these things either. Golbetty had to make him aware and tbh? I think that was more Golb than Betty.
The whole Scarab ordeal felt a bit. Ehhhhhh I dont know. His anger reaction to things suddenly becoming "canon" (lmao) was very nice to see but him being allowed to wreck havoc like that for a good while felt more like an excuse to bring the others into this world. I dont have a problem with it btw i just dont see the point why we need Farmwold Jay and Little... I forgot her name damn. Also whys Babyworld Finn here 😭 (i get it, he was in the tank, i dont mean literally i mean Why)
As much as i was soooo mad when LSP freed the scarabs it was very in character. I like how it was a thing that he likes animals from the start so it wasnt senseless stupidity, it was something he would do even tho it was the wrong thing to do. Made me pause and lay down to stare at the ceiling in frustration for a solid minute i cant lie, still in chacter tho.
But alas. I like how in the end it all didnt turn magical (completely since ig its partially magical with Cake and everything else) and how Cake finally cooled down about the crown. IM ALSO SO HAPPY THEY KEEP IN TOUCH WITH SIMON OVER THE PHONEEE!! But yea him wanting to move was so real and I hope he does lmao he deserves it.
I only kinda wish they made him reconnect with Marcy a bit more. I am actually pretty dissappointed that we dont know if he ended up reaching out to her more or not. I understand his situation with not wanting to spook her, i actually feel that bit in a soul connecting level good god, but idk. Im at least happy he is Literally in therapy now
(Kinda makes me wonder tho if he spent the time between the end of AT and the start of FC with no like therapist or psychologist. Just rawdogging his mental illness about everything. Mood tbh but like did he? Did he??)
Anyway despite my slight dissappointment i am actually pretty happy with the outcome. I really liked the theories and the ideas of how Simon may make FC magical or what he will become but tbh this is probably the best outcome. Everyone got a happy/hopeful ending (minus Farmwold Finn ig who im atp assuming is dead. Also Star Marceline and PB) which i am really REALLY happy about.
I gotta say I already wanna write fanfic about these guys so inspirational effect granted. Woooo.
I was kinda dissappointed because it was overhyped about how emotional it will be when it really wasnt but other than that I am really happy about how the ending turned out save for the alternatives staying in FC
Also Simon had like 10 minutes to get closure with Betty which was horrifically rushed but again, when your wife turns into Basically God you kinda dont really have a choice to chit chat. Still not happy about it but again, could have been worse. Could have been much worse.
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leafcabbage · 4 months
If everyone got really chill abt a bunch of stuff really fast, what would benchtrio first kisses be like? 👀
wow anon i cant believe you would send me this. something so controversial. dont you know kissing is evil and the devil is on his way right now to get me just because i read these words? wow
anyway if you dont want to read about kissing stop reading under this keep reading its that easy.
so first of all tommy and tubbo's first kiss was each other when they were like 13 so write that down LMAO. like it wasnt a romantic thing it was just two guys who were talking about first kisses and how tubbo had no plans to ever kiss anyone while tommy was all worried about being a TERRIBLE kisser and scaring all the women off, so what better way to alleviate some anxiety than just get it over with? no like... huge revelation from that or anything, just happened and then they went and like... watched breaking bad or something i dont know.
beyond that, im not sure tubbo really would be inclined to do much kissing in his life. he just doesnt strike me as the kinda guy who is really into it. like if ranboo wanted a smooch sure he'd do it, hes not repulsed, he just doesnt really seek it out either. its a pretty neutral thing, something hes happy to do to show affection if asked, but not something that necessarily means much for him
ranboo ALSO isnt super into the idea with just anyone, but tommys their exception LMAO. those two are. disgustingly in love. a QPR to end all QPRs those guys. its kind of cringe to be honest. imagine falling in love with a blonde guy. anyway... im not sure about firsts, though. i meant it when i said "crazy they didnt just kiss" in my last authors note because that moment truly had all the traditional buildup to a first kiss but... well for one i do not think tommy would have felt good about kissing them when ranboo was that out of it, and for two i think the scene genuinely ended better without it, and for three im not quite at the level of fuck it where i can just drop stuff like that in. i wish i had a better answer for ya anon but the truth is it could happen at any moment... theres no one thing i imagine to be canon though, not yet....
thank you for the ask it made me laugh a lot , the way you phrased it was fantastic
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will80sbyers · 2 years
you have issues. you all overrreact to anything. not every prop is byler proof. get help because you are obsessed! Mike already confessed he loves El but you cant deal with that so you pretend he wasnt being genuine. cant wait to see you all cry after you kept bullying us but its our ship that becomes canon and Mike friendzones will so he can rot alone and be forced to watch Mike be happy with his girlfriend. because she makes him happy but you are willing to strip that away to make your ship canon you dumb sadistic fuckers
so you come into my ask to call me "dumb sadistic fuck" and WE are the ones that have issues? are you still drunk from the Christmas party? lmao
anyway you have chosen the wrong blog babe, I never bullied any mileven except the ones like you that actively come in my blog and send me stuff like this unprompted just because I have a different opinion on what is being written in the show
it is telling that I want El to break up with Mike but still be happy and thriving but you want Will to suffer even if he's one of the people the two persons in your ship love the most in the world... very telling on your character and how rotten it is.
if she was real, Eleven would hate you.
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I personally also believe that Mike was being completely genuine, he believes what he is saying in the monologue he just doesn't understand what the type of love he has for her is, and mileven is a real relationship and I think Mike liked her when he was little so I'm not even erasing their bond and romantic relationship all together because I did ship them in s1 and s2
this relationship is just not the right one for their future, it happens that people have a first connection with someone that ends up not being the right one for them and bisexuality exists! 💗💜💙
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narwhalandchill · 11 months
so happy to find someone as intense abt childe as i am. sending love mwah
(also i swear i wasnt intending for this to get so long sorry you provoked me HSJAKDKSIFI)
i havent known peace for so long i dont know what it is abt him but he just hacked my brain. its just... hes just a guy. hes everything. hes fucking unhinged hes going to torch celestia and ill kiss him on the mouth for it. hes a complete egomaniac taking massive pride in his own abilities yet somehow also so humble and amicable and easygoing most of the time that its jarring when juxtaposed with his status and ambition. hes a weapon and only finds thrill in the mayhem he sows and reaps. so supernaturally efficient at causing chaos everywhere the harbingers literally try to send him overseas just so he might be someone elses problem. hes so effective at his job its literally described as surgical precision but also working among schemers with no interest in scheming himself and sometimes that ends w him as the tricked one too despite him v much not being stupid. hes objectively a terrible person but with so little of that typical and boring villainous angst and malice to him. choosing violence everyday is simply what he does to stay on that crush and devour everything in his path speedrun any% sigma grindset. bro fishes. he watches and does public performances. he cooks he cleans he doesnt gaf about fitting the basic tropes ppl try to shove him into he has so many facets to himself and whats so wild is that none of them are lies. its all true to himself its all him he simply chooses to display those sides in different manners depending on the situation but its all genuine like Man. the bloodlust is no less authentic than his affection for his family (tho im sorry calling him a particularly good brother is... a stretch. his love for teucer is genuine but the way hes going abt it is incredibly selfish and unsustainable and highkey cruel like lil bro is getting trust issues for life. but selfish in a very human way that just makes him more interesting imo. but hes pretty shitty at it lets be real). theres so much to him its just. theres no one like him. he couldve been so tropey and basic but hes not hes everything. hes just a guy and thats the greatest fucking compliment i can give him hes just So Good.
like i had my big insanity era in 2021 the Initial phase so to speak then for like year n half ish got sorta alienated bc of the general pervasiveness and state of childes.... unsatisfactory fanon imo (still limits my interactions w most content like i Dont trust ppl to get him right and interesting and fun lmao) + lack of canon content + complicated irl reasons no need to elaborate but like the way i took him back Instantly once fontaine happened and its just been vindication after vindication and im so happy like. i was SAYING hed be a massive deal YEARS ago i called it i knew it i am being fed so fucking good. tho i do still worry a bit like Please do him justice. but like god im just so Happy to have this madness abt him infecting my brain again bc i was Genuinely feeling p conflicted and unsure abt stuff n whether hoyo was going anywhere w him and all. but like we are SO back oh my fucking god
anyway hoyo now release the abyssal alt. i Will go full send
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morastfrck · 9 months
Imagine if infamous delsin and corrupt Reggie
Reggie being a corrupt cop
And delsin a bio-terrorist
In the infamous route, and both of them are vicious
omfg anon
that would be sick af
but i mean, reg is already not doing half of his job by letting delsin run around and do literally everything he does
and i suppose since they have good relationship between each other, reggie never gave him any real punishment. even for graffiti before the whole conduit thing, bc i doubt that they would still be good bros after 1 year in jail, a massive fine, or whatever else punishments could apply to delsin
(trespassing, vandalism, possibly some other small crimes before the main story)
(well and straight up murder and terrorism later on)
also like, wouldnt it ruin regs career as well? delsin once mentions that reggie “pays the bills” and i suppose supporting a brother, who commited graffiti related crimes multiple times (even after the hypotetical legal punishment) would count as being associated with him (guess who pays for spraypaint if delsin is unemployed)
i dont really know about the law implications of such cases in the us but i doubt that reg would be able to move up the career ladder and become a sheriff without covering up majority of delsin’s crimes
+reg is legit worried about delsin and cares for him, so that might have stopped him from taking legal actions (that would result in del getting a crime record that could wrong him in that beautiful imaginary future of a lawful sitizen that reg wants for his brother)
so what i suppose happens is that he arrests delsin, scolds him, maybe makes him sit in the police station cell for a few days and thats it. No official records or anything.
also the fact that reg says that he is proud of delsin before his death in any karma route is remarkable, and i feel like he really means it.
The thing about his morals is how ready he was to leave and quit everything throughout the story just for delsin’s safety. In the beginning, when he was doubtful of the whole idea of going against augustine and taking her power (in his mind he apparently already buried their tribe and wasnt going to let his brother die too)
and later on, when delsin thought that he lost his powers. Reg was immideately happy for him and ready to go home. And i feel like the way he is ready to basically sacrifice their only chance for saving their family for delsin connects well with him loving and supporting delsin no matter what he does.
They are the only really close ones left for each other, and this fact really seems to impact reggie’s morals and choices.
and what i mean by all of that is that if reggie lived, he would probably stay beside delsin anyway, even in bad karma. He would find new and new excuses to forgive him anything he would do. (up to some breaking point probably, but still)
and, if we are talking [your] corrupt cop reggie, he wouldnt even have to make excuses. I imagine he doesnt even care, as long as its delsin. His bro can do whatever he wants and reg will use his legal power to make sure he wont get into trouble.
I suppose that in this scenario none of them would give much fuck about other conduits (similarly to how bad karma delsin puts himself above eugene and fetch, and how he only sees other conduits as free powers)
imagine delsin and fetch terrorising another group of anti-conduit protestants, and they call the police only for reggie to accuse them of uncoordinated rally or smth
also i feel like this is one of those scenarios where rowecest could work (if anyone is into that). Since they both would totally lack any morals (and i guess respect for other people lmao)
In canon, reggie was against conduits at first, but made an exception for delsin (the same way he did it with any other crime, like being agains all vandals, except for delsin, who got a free pass as his brother)
Corrupt cop reggie could behave similarly in the sense that he would make an excuse for himself and del. While all other criminals deserve the punishment, they are fine. How beautifully hypocritical of him would that be.
oh and yk this trope in mafia movies and such, where one of the family members is in the law enforcement, and half of the story we think that he hates the family (and vice versa) but then its revealed that he is still the same part of it all, and all the hate is no more then public facade. I believe that something similar could happen (as delsin’s actions would have to impact reggie’s reputation)
corrupt reggie would definetely make public statements about how he rejects his bioterrorist brother (and uh huh coincedentally would never fulfill his promices of doing at least something about the problem) to keep said reputation.
Also i feel like they would still talk in banter, but instead of bringing up the moral aspects, reggie would scold delsin for the way he is not careful enough, that reg cannot save him from everything and that he needs to be less reckless. (still insufferable lmao)
all of this could happen, if from the very beginning reggie had around the same morals as delsin. Either he became a cop to protect his brother and the tribe, or any other reason, seeing the structure from the inside would make him believe, that yeah, his mindset is completely normal
(maybe as a more responsible one he decided that work in the police would be beneficial for them as he would be able to keep delsin out of trouble)
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wheeboo · 2 months
coming here just to blab about 'tell me that you love me' cause appreciation needs to be expressed (things i particularly enjoyed and without any kind of organization HAHA)
wheein and seungkwan? perfect. for some reason i imagined seungkwan in his juice collab outfit the whole time and MAN THE TRIO AS A WHOLE HAS MY HEART and the way you can just feel how much they care for y/n :(( the flashlight thing was so shakhsbs
lemme tell you rn that joshua back-hugging our dead sweet y/n made me want to sob LIKE I GENUINELY FELT SO WARM AND FUZZY READING IT HAKAWIHEHDSJ LIKE TELL ME IT WASNT ME REACHING UNSEEN LEVELS OF DELUSION and more-so ur writing dude <3
the way everyone and their mothers-minus woozi (although if he found out he'd hop on that ship real quick) and that *insert pi-cheolin cussing* a-hole wonsik (i now hc that jeonghan made him clean the whole cafe again before telling him he was fired idc LMAO) was just shipping joshua and y/n like??
joshua and y/n just being in love and all lovey dovey WAS JUST HDKAIWHE THE BEST LIKE GIRL UR WRITING IS SOOO-😤😤 the more emotional parts were so wonderful too and i just-everytime they're together i wanna melt :(( the fluffiness between them is diff from the fluffiness from like ur other fics like the catnapping one (which is amazing in its own way ily wonu but let josh be my bias for a hot sec) idk it just felt so emotional?? IDK BUT PROPS 👐
i've never read a deaf reader fic before and it was honestly nice getting to understand or at least get a glimpse of the perspective of those who are actually deaf 🙏
anyways, props! was an amazing read and definitely one to obsess over now hehe so pat yourself on the back 🫶🫶 the effort effort'd 😳 (i now want an actual back hug from actual joshua >:( )
crying not to sob rn WAHHSBSBSB stop please thank you so so much for telling me your thoughts and sweet words :((
STOPPPP i don’t blame ur for imagining him in that fit cuz IT FITS SO WELL???? i just HAD to make the 2 ppl who complete my username as yns besties,,,
IEJSN NO CUZ ANHTIME I THINK OF BACKHUGS I THINK OF JOSHUA. like it’s that certain affectionate action that FITS him so well and LET ME TELL U HOW DELULU I WAS FOR THIS MAN WHILE WRITING. he isn’t even in my bias line and istg he is now LMAOO
yess i wasnt kidding when everyone shipped cuz if i was in the story i would be too HAHA and seokmin def told jihoon abt the shua and yn tea fr. he ships them on the side. jeonghan DEF told him to clean the entire cafe from top to bottom before firing him it’s canon now
I LOVED SEEINF TBEM BE ALL LOVEY DOVEY cuz yk how fics most of the time don’t explore the couple being couple… well i wanted to do that AHHA. and really omg?? it’s interesting to see that there’s different fluff between them and catnaps couple omg… i love ur brain (happy to hear u love catnaps too 🥺)
thank u so much for enjoying!! i had a lot of fun exploring this dynamic and writing a deaf reader for the first time :)) i also want a backhug from shua i swear it would make me breakdown fr (in a good way)
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hajihiko · 2 years
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Oh that's very short and manageable actually thanks @princettevivi and a bunch of other people who have sent me links!
Ok thoughts:
Makoto being smooth? Yeah this is a dream world and entirely non-canon isnt it
I got So Concerned when I saw red-eyed Izuru but phew I'm glad my sweet boy is still himself and it was just a fuckin AI whatever. Also glad that it means Hajime doesn't actually control it at all bc I dont like the thought of him killing his friends :( even in a dream
Only got a tiny glimpse of Akane and everyone who wasnt the main focus. Lame. She's a survivor too give her lines!!
I GOTTA say I love the nagito-fuyuhiko-souda friendship. Incredibly not real but its sweet. I wonder if Nagito is gonna be jealous that Souda and Fuyuhiko are besties with Hajime...
Its somehow. So funny to me. That Nagito would want so badly to be Fuyuhiko's friend LMAO took one look at the most ornery fucking person and went 'omg bro crush <3' and then he went and got creepy with it anyway lmao. I guess Fuyuhiko wasnt a COMPLETE dick to Nagito in the game? He was like, concerned and shit. Still it's just so funny Fuyuhiko is a magnet for annoying friends. I'm so lucky my boy got such a big role in this!!
This is especially interesting to me, personally, with my Hajime-Fuyuhiko bestfriendship, and Nagito and Hajime being not exactly On The Best Terms. Could be an interesting narrative...
Also aw Hajime at the end. Such a sweet ending! The hug!!! I'm confused but so glad that the SDR2 cast gets to have such a happy ending to all their stories.
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jennilah · 5 months
I don't even go there in regards to the Saw fandom, but any more you do of the werepire story I will happily enjoy. Ten outta ten, five stars, two thumbs up. Thank you for the delicious meal.
ive noticed a few people outside of the fandom enjoying it as just a vampire x werewolf oc story! i love that, i think thats funny
i find that very amusing and also very flattering cuz i cant be doing too bad of a job depicting it, right? like, its very basic & classic tropey but if ppl find that fun and enjoyable, then im happy too. some tropes are just evergreen
and like who knows idk maybe ill convince 1 or 2 people to join me in the dark side & check out these silly little movies and see what Hoffman and Strahm are all about in canon lmao. (spoiler alert they dont actually love each other but like....... we have fun here. if that wasnt obvious jkhsdfjb)
(that, or ill just make them want to rewatch their favorite vampires vs werewolves movies which is also acceptable)
anyway thank you!! 😊😊😊 this is def a perfect example of me just running around with my silly little ideas and being shocked by the amount of people who are running along with me
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groggygrimalkin · 8 months
TW SA and Abuse,long heavy personal post
I guess I'm in a sappy mood so I'll talk about why Homestuck means so much to me. For a year I've kinda wanted to make a video about it, and maybe I will, but for now I just wanna talk abt it. I'm not tagging this as hs but serious trigger tag ahead please tell me if you want to tag this as anything
Okay so I got into Homestuck around 2011, I was being pretty heavily abused by my grandma and mom and also neglected by them which is a very weird ass combo, but a story about someone playing a game and having such close friends appealed to me (I also thought Homestuck was an anime before finding the comic and would look up like "Homestuck episode 1" and get mad when I couldnt find it lmao). Now keep in mind I was a child so like media literacy wasn't my strong suit but I still retained and understood a good ammount of stuff mainly about characters. Anyways as a child naturally does I started talking about it with all of my friends and tried to get them into it, and one friend got REALLY into it. The best I can describe it is like that episode of the Cuphead show where Mugman likes piano and Cuphead gets into it and immediately overshadows him. But I was still happy to have someone to talk about it with. My favorite characters at the time were Meulin, Nepeta, and Damara and I would happily talk about them, but the person would shit on me for liking Meulin claiming she was a bad person and constantly pointing out all her flaws, it annoyed me because they're favourite characters had TONS of flaws they didn't acknowledge but for some reason me loving Meulin was the worst thing ever. I also loved the Midnight Crew and later to my chagrin they did too. I kept reading as updates came out and soon Homestuck became their entire thing, I remember going over their house because at a certain point they were my only friend and they talked to me about Homestuck like I didn't introduce them to it. But yknow, okay, whatever. We would ship our ocs with Canon characters and pretend to be characters and stuff, pretty standard until one day they came over my house and insisted on being Dualscar. They wrote a fic about him doing it with one of my ocs and I was just kinda happy for the attention. Anyways we were rping in real life and I don't remember when, or how, but they had me pinned to the couch and were insistent I let them touch me because we were role-playing and they were Dualscar. Now I've always lowkey been ace, especially in my younger years, so I was pretty uncomfortable, and even if I wasnt asexual someone having you pinned down insisting on touching you when you're not consenting isnt a fun time. Anyways they did stuff like this a few times more in various places and would get mad when I said no to their advances. But for some reason I kept hanging out with them. They were gross and rude and pushy but the only friend I had. I remember them basically assigning me Diamonds Droog kin which I didn't care because I liked Droog(still do) and would pretend to be Slick and suprise suprise would try and molest me. I began to get bitter towards Homestuck, something I once loved was being used against me in one of the worst ways possible. It was a weird time because I would just begrudgingly read the updates I once loved. Anyways when I was 15 they molested me again and it was the worst one, like I wouldn't let my family members hug me for years type of bad. I remember the exact video I was watching when it happened, Game grumps playing Silent Hills PT. I couldn't watch that video for years after. I also remember them showing me really fucked up porn between characters and when I asked like "Hey isn't that weird?" They did the ol' "Ugh it's just fictional!!" Sheit. Anyways at a certain point Homestuck was just ruined for me. I finished it just to say I did and when people asked me if I liked it I would lie and say I didn't. Thankfully I broke it off with them after nine fucking years of knowing eachother. For years I continued to say I dislike homestuck until I got like 22...I stumbled upon Hiveswap and it was funny all of the troll and Alternia facts I could remember, I was hesitant at first and was still like "Ugh but I don't REALLY like it!!" And then I saw....Them....
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It was a weird feeling accepting that "Yep I like Homestuck I've been lying to myself for years" and I bought friendsim. I was hooked emmediately. It was like a flood of love I had for homestuck when I started in 2011 all came rushing back, the person who hurt me didn't matter, all that mattered is that I was enjoying it again. Tbh like alot of stuff from my first read was sort of still in my mind, so I stuck to watching recap videos and reading segments I couldnt remember and holy shit there was so much I missed as a child. And then I got Hiveswap and BAM I'm hooked even more, and then
I rewatched and re-read the first intermission...
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And it was set in stone that I'm a Homestuck at heart. It was like walking into a bar I hadn't been to in years and all of my old friends were there to welcome me, I was enjoying something again that used to bring me so much comfort before it was ruined for me, but it didn't have to be anymore. I think I sobbed when I realized that. It feels nice to enjoy something that for years was soured for me.
Uh yeah that's why homestucka and hiveswap means so much to me. Opening this blog has been an amazing way for me to get into the fandom which I never have before. I'll probably be an old man talking about leprechauns and trolls but I'll be happy.
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edalynn · 2 years
i gotta admit that i have this habit of checking on ur blog every week or so just to read you+other anons expressing frustration w huntl0w. in a weird way it's like an outlet for me whenever i get annoyed by the constant ship content in the fandom. like vicarious venting. if that makes sense
i honestly don't mind it as a crack ship tbh. like if that was all it was, that would be fine, it's like ppl shipping camila/eda, or gus/mattholomule, or vee/masha, etc... like huntl0w, those are all totally normal pairings that (with the exception of camila/eda) have all gotten VERY brief moments that might *possibly* hint to it being a thing in the future. but that's the point, is that huntl0w falls into that category, but the sheer quantity of content that is/has been produced VASTLY outpaces all the other crack ships.
and that's what gets me about it i think . is that the fanon has elevated it to the point where if all you knew about TOH was what you saw in fandom spaces, any outsider would make the reasonable assumption that huntl0w is integral to the plot and has had several episodes worth of development in regards to their relationship
but it hasn't? ,... meaning there's this weird mismatch between universally accepted fanon-as-canon and what actually occurs in the show. and..... it's really, really weird, and i think the question should be asked: why huntl0w? why is this crack ship specifically getting this strange treatment, and having more attention placed on it than fuckin lumity, or raeda?
and let's be real. it's probably cuz it's straight.
there are prob other factors too, like hunter is the stereotypical attractive bad boy who switches sides, or in luz's words, 'i pretend i don't care but i secretly do' kinda guy. think zuko ,and the amount of ppl that simp for him lmao. so it's possible willow is being used as a sort of quasi-self insert (recall how in a lot of their ship art, the focus is always always always on hunter and his issues, with willow just sort of Being There to fluster him/make him happy). and obviously using willow like that is really weird! like seriously i've got no problem if ppl wanna do an oc x canon situation with hunter. that's fine. but actually use some brain power to make a self insert oc instead of using willow lol
anyway i hope that wasnt too much rambling for an ask i just had some Thoughts about huntl0w lol
YEAH, if it had stayed a crackship I could've just like. ignored it and let it be. I definitely still mocked it personally with my partner irl when we would see it because it just seemed so ridiculous to us, but I wouldn't be as vocally angry or have the trauma response it causes now. The content in the fandom for h/l vs. lumity and raeda combined is depressing to say the least. And yes, you're right. It's because it's straight or straight passing at the very least. It's really telling and really upsetting for a queer-based show's most popular ship to be a m/f ship that's not even canon and doesn't even affect the plot. Honestly, I'd go as far as saying it's disgusting and those artists that I see that ONLY draw hunt/low shouldn't even be watching toh in the first place because this piece of media is clearly not what you need.
And it's amazing actually, what you pointed out. It has literally the amount of implication that any other crackship in the show has aside from camila/eda. Like, I knew that but I'd never really thought too extensively on that point. There is seriously no supporting evidence more than for gustholomule that hunt//low will ever end up canon aside from a few blushes from only one side of the ship in the first place. In any other show it would be taken as just that, a little nod at a potential crackship. I don't know why hunt/low shippers are so aggressively convinced that it's already canon when it's barely past crackship level.
And it's definitely all those reasons you mentioned that it's far more popular even than canon queer ships- it being m/f, hunter being the typical attractive bad boy-secretly good character, and Willow being easy to morph into a type of self-insert made to coddle said bad-boy character because that's the type of relationship and validation they want. 🙄 But for real,, if that's the reason you think you like hunt//low,, you don't actually like hunt//low or even Willow's character specifically- you just want a pretty bad boy to like you and you're using hunter as your outlet lmao. Seriously, just make an OC at that point. It does less of a disservice to Willow's character and can be molded into canon however you'd like. I'd prefer to see everyone's canon insert OCs than constant out of character hunt//low in the tags constantly.
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brothalynchhung · 9 months
2023 overview
im such a loyal person man LMAOOO i still specfically come back here to do this lool anyways this year was fucking insane like FUCKING insane and long as hell... grniguehrsi
i think i started the year a lil depressed cuz i was working that fuckass job
lets seee
i think jan 2023 was nothing but me suffering through that fuck ass job, gyming, etc.,
that old apt ahahah i mean tbh it was nice but too big and TOO SECLUDED omg
actually the way i spent a whole year so isolated from society was crazy what the fawk
i dont even think i got much out of it like self improvement wise
maybe japanese? guitar? but that came only at the end
i guess playing ps5... lol -_-
i gained so much weight cuz of depression and that stressful ass job
the way i think majority of that weight was just the AMOUNT OF CORTISOL BUILD UP I HAD
anyways jan was whatever
then i went to umrah in feb which was stressful cuz the amount of ppl and the BUGS man god
this whole time i thought my prayers werent answers but they were tbh i had a good year even if there was struggles
i didnt get gl yet but APPARENTLY thats too much to ask for
then barcelona lMAOOO which was okay!! i think i would have obv enjoyed it more if i wasnt there for work but i mean still it was just another european city
my spanish was ass
i was too paranoid about someone jacking my phone lol
survived tho
ate some GOOD ASS FOOD. omg best food ever
and the sangriaasss omg
it was worth it being the canon event of me getting fired LMAO
hoenstly was a lil ugly ass bitch that co founder was fuck him fr
loser highkey
so spain barcelona and saudi 2 countries down within the first 3months of the year
tbh basically up until june majority of my year was this stupid ass job travelling here and there complaining about that ugly ass bitch
omg what a shaytan that man was holyshit and not like a powerful shaytan more like a whiny weak insecure life sucking pitiful pathetic piece of shit shaytan the one that lowers the energies of everything around it
pitiful ass human fr im so happy that shit got out of my life
that was the best thing to happen to me this year like not exclusively him but the whole job too LOL
like thanks for the pay and travel finessed the fuck out all tbh BYE
chaper closed thank god
and whats crazy is that the SECOND after that meeting i forgot about it all lMFAOOOO LIKE I WAS READYY
march was cool i finally got to go back to america
actually march lowkey changed my life
texas was so much fun omg i miss america man americans are nice just h8 their govt
sxsw!!! DUDE ive always wanted to go and GOT TO ALL under someone elses coin LMFAOOOOOO
met cool ppl ig, saw cool things, film and tv industry - coool cool cool
and i didnt rlly have to do shit there LMAO
anyways then went to houston where nadas friend HELD IT DOWNNNNN
like finally omg i got to get hiiii FINALLY
so good
then i came back and i was mad depressed cuz i should be out there working and learning from ppl who like the shit as me not stuck out the middle of FUCK ASS NOWHERE DOING NOTHING
which yeah i think that like lit the fire out of my ass about how much i hated the job and place and cuz ad was like quarantine istg
thennn hmm april..OH YEAH JAPAN
i dont even remember waht the bullshit ass term is
uhhh i forget lMAOOO that stupid bullshit where i was PERFORMANCE PLANNN
stupid as fuck what kind of corporate fake working society term is that omfg
i dont care was worth it like fuck yeah bitch!! i really am using yall to fuck around and travel cuz THIS STUPID ASS JOB IS NOT MY FUTURE
and it isint omg its like it never exsited LMFAO
anyways that stressed me out but thank god i had edibles lmao
mmm then i survived to japan
honestly me going to japan was what made this year like this def had to be one of the best years of my life just for that on its own
actually like yeah this def was oddly enough one of the best years of my life?
emotionally hell yes but everything else was good
jsut stupid self-inflicted stress (minus that fuck ass job)
anyways japan was amazing left it wanting to learn the language and AM
i cant wait to go back
and the fact i hit tokyo kyoto and osaka all at once omg amazing
nintendo world 😭 shibuya 😭 just kyoto in general 😭
i bought so much omg
i had so much good food this year lmao barcelona, japan, texas 🤪
anywhoo after that i basically dont remember much of may like it was just tryna get through the shit and deal with that stupid ass plan and talking to that dumb bitch
which i punked off and he didnt like like fuck u u ugly untalented waste of life ? im not talking nice to u or respecting your bitch ass
and he think getting rid of me was a slap in the face as if that wasnt exactly what i wanted LMFAOOO
3 months leave with pay ??? and i scammed yall w the ticket price?? LOOOOOL oKAYYY THANKS!!!
so basically june they let me gooo true freedom then had the best month of my life in thailand which was FUCKKINGGG MAAZINGGG
omg thailand was so much fun i felt so free
the most free and most happy i ever felt in my life
krabi .. rayleh beach omg the weed and shrooms on the beach 😭
seriously i had no one in my face, no bitches, no work, money, freedom, time, no problems NOTHING
i seriously think those few days in krabi were the happiest moments of my life ever
like pure freedom and security and happiness in ever sense of each word
soooo grateful
and i deserved it after all the stupid ass stress that stupid ass job put me through
and the whole time i was there i was just so grateful i never felt that much gratitude in my life ever
thailand in general was fun omg i bought so much stuff i loved bangkok
i just love travelling man seriously im just built to travel around discover and learn about the world i love connected with the world and exploring and adventuring i hate being stuck in a place
all i ever want to do is travel and live like really LIVE
hate work
anywho right after i came back to my freedom then basically just chilled until i had to go to canada
which was 🙄
listen - ottawa was surprisingly okay actually i enjoyed it, i smoked, i walked around listening to y2k music, stayed at home all cozy, appreciated the nature and the nostalgia lmaoo even chilling w lina and her cousins was fun
but toronto -_- listen im never going to forgive that bitch for throwing me out and those other hoes for not being there for me
shout out to p tho lol
all i wanted to do was leave istg
toronto was a lil boring but i was also just mad cuz all my friends were all
CUT OFFFFF ill never see yall again except maybe nadine and p
for once ottawa was better than toronto
anyways i think im 1000% done w toronto
thank god finally
oh yeah i started a youtube account that im trying to take seriously i guess LOL
i still need to keep going and working on it but its fun
yeah thank god that crazy bitch didnt come but omg what a waste of a ticket but anyways her L not mine
just thankful that i had the money for all of this -_- shout out that fuck ass job i guess lmao
part 2... ?
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nightshade-anura · 4 years
Quick Rant on Leo's Relationship Status
This'll probably come across as slightly controversial, considering I do ship Soldezangelo, but I genuinely think hoo should have finished with Leo being single. I think it's quite disgusting that rr made such a big deal about Leo being a seventh wheel, and then promptly having a crush on every person he runs into. I could go on a rant on how this reinforces Latino stereotypes, but it's not really my place to talk, considering I'm white and don't know all the details, and also because it would get a bit off topic (obviously).
The reason why I say this is mainly because I was fed up when I was younger consuming media where the end goal was just to find a partner or partners. Honestly, it's really pissed me off in the past that it's all people seem to care about, rather than other character development, which is not usually more interesting, but also more realistic. No one spends their entire life thinking about romance. RR, of course, does exactly what disney does with every Disney princess movie ever (thank goodness for Pixar saving brave, even if Merida obviously wasn't straight), and tries to pair off every last protagonist, Leo included.
I am so confused as to why he did this. He goes back through his older books and finds a character who has a few loose threads in her plot and shoves her into a forced, toxic relationship with Leo. Why??? The worst part is the fact that they could've had such platonic potential, and he threw it all away, just so people who don't want partners, particularly ace and aro spec people, can feel invalidated. The development happens over three chapters. Three. That's if you can call it development, anyway. It just goes from being at each other's throats to grudgingly putting up with the fact that they're kinda stuck with each other.
He could've spent way more time developing their relationship, regardless of what kind, before Leo went and abandoned Calypso anyway? Personally, I would've liked it to be romantic, but then developed into platonic when they realised it wouldn't work out, and then at that point they are able to escape together. It sounds really freaking cringey, but love comes in more forms than just romantic. Hell, if it was romantic, I would've liked to have seen a breakup before the end of hoo anyway. Leo's literally 16; it would've been kinda cool to see him realise that he didn't need to be in a romantic relationship.
As for why I ship Soldezangelo despite this, i genuinely see it as quite a long term development thing, and most definitely not start until toa. Nico and Will definitely would be dating first. It would also be something going on in the background, and once they are actually together, there's no big song and dance about 'how Leo's finally not lonely' (god, I hate that word- being single doesn't make you lonely, but that's essentially what rr was saying). The point would be expressed in hoo, and because Leo is already noticeably a more minor character in toa, it wouldn't make such a difference. If anything, it would be quite nice, considering how few background characters are in relationships. I also personally think Percy should be single (sorry), mainly because Percabeth us pretty toxic, too, in hindsight, and with all that they have going on, they really don't have time for it. Also, it would just be nice to have a main character who is single in the end, just a thought.
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