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avo-kat · 1 year ago
so among my friend im known as the prime example of r/malelivingspace
and i think thats super funny and i absolutely love the jokes
but theres also the fact that i used to do minimalism, more or less, but rather out of necessity and hopelessnes rather than personal taste, you know?
necessity due to not having a lot of money and hopelessness due to uhh, lets call it "swedish death cleaning"
one sign of suicide risk is people actively "preparing" for it by cleaning out, getting rid of unnecessary things, not buying things, having the bare minimum. which i absolutely did. and i was proud of it and happy i could use minimalism as a perfectly valiable reason as to why i did that.
anyway. im no longer at risk (yay!! yippeee!!!) and now i actually have some money to buy things other than necessities so im slowly starting to buy things i like. even decorations. it does take time getting used to. just like, being able to simply *buy* something to improve my life or just to make my place nicer is such a novel thought, that a lot of the time i dont even think about it. like recently i got a standing light for next to my bed because the big light was too small to light up the whole room and ive been annoying about it for 3 years until i realized i could just... buy a lamp? lol.
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avo-kat · 10 months ago
i put on a random show, its about a nurse and she works with an incredibly douchey doctor who has the perfect punchable face, hate on first sight:
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i looked up some other character cuz she looked familiar and i checked out his other works
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i cant believe id ever say this, but: he actually looks better as dr cullen. and dr cullen looks like the nicest person on earth in comparison.
wtf.... im shook
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avo-kat · 10 months ago
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homo heidelbergensis is a transmasc icon. keeping it real since 600.000 BC.
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avo-kat · 11 months ago
the expanse is the scifi version of dunmeshi
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avo-kat · 1 year ago
the fear of being a "predatory lesbian" to being a "creepy guy" pipeline so real
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avo-kat · 1 year ago
looked at a star map and laughed because of the homestuck reference until i remembered zodiac signs are things that existed before homestuck
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avo-kat · 1 year ago
today i sat around for hours at my computer doing nothing important, while freezing until i was literally shivering because i couldnt manage to get up and get a sweater; i also had to go to the toilet badly for an hour at least; and i increasingly felt worse and worse, which couldve been because i havent eaten anything all day but i felt better once i realized that and ate something.
its the little things with adhd.
i wanted to get up and get a sweater and no longer freeze. i dont like freezing. i felt miserable. but i couldnt make myself get up.
i wanted to go to the toilet and relief myself cuz the urge to go is super fucking annoying and distracting and it was bothering me immensely, but i couldnt make myself get up.
i didnt want to feel bad but i did and i didnt really know why and i felt trapped sitting there like some troll caught by the sun, having turned to stone and being unable to move or do anything.
its really fucking miserable. and yet its also... nothing. "i sat around and was cold and didnt get up to pee and also didnt eat for a few hours so i felt bad". whats that? thats nothing. thats ridiculous. suffering of my own making. if i were to repeat this to anybody theyd judge me for being too lazy to do basic tasks.
this post has no point, im just annoyed and sad.
(and i def know i dont have it as bad as other people with chronic conditions! im not in pain most of the time, im not super exhausted, and, like, its not a huge deal, its just annoying and tiring and i hate it.)
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avo-kat · 1 year ago
i love being a faggot
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avo-kat · 9 months ago
so like w the many donation posts being shared around her, i started to notice my behaviour on how i go thru my dash more closely
my eyes basically automatically skip posts that are formatted "professionally", i.e. with titles and proper capitalization, with colors, bolded words, etc etc., because after being on tumblr for so long i automatically categorize them as a "non-authentic" tumblr posts. either advertising smth or simply not being some persons funny text posts.
i do catch myself and go back and read them, but its interesting
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avo-kat · 9 months ago
travelling 5 hours by train is just horrible. horrible horrible horrible horrible. ughhhhhh.
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avo-kat · 10 months ago
me: oh i dont care about bnha much at all, its just some manga ive read years ago for a bit but barely had any impact on me
me seeing my avatar:
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avo-kat · 10 months ago
my company received an invitation to a, uh, local little town party? and the email was written in dialect. a dialect i dont speak, as i dont speak any, i just speak regular high german (insert weed or racist elf joke), but after going over it its actually fairly easy to understand. there is a bit of "slurring" implied and the words are written like they are spoken (well normal german is too! unlike english...), but in a different way, which is very fascinating.
heres the email text:
Wii immä isch äm Ohong die nai Sessong.
Liiwä Griiis allen bis fillaichd ball äm Beesä
at first glance this is *completely* incomprehensible to me. looks like a completely different language and there is a certain resistance where my brain doesnt want to go through the trouble of deciphering it. (but i was bored at work)
first that jumps out to me is the "Sessong". this first pegs me as a korean word, which is obviously not the case. i spoke it in my mind a few times before realizing its probably supposed to be "season". that word is, uh, english? french? but its used in german so its a german word now, but the way germans pronounce it, it often has a g at the end of it. sehsong more like. (like the word cousin is often pronounced kuseng, very cute imo)
mystery solved!
then i looked at Liiwä Griiis and if i were to speak it out loud... its obviously Liebe Grüß! sound very similiar when spoken, just a bit slurred, a bit less stilted/forced pronunciation.
with that the rest fell into place easily:
Wii immä isch äm Ohong die nai Sessong.
Wie immer ist am ?????? die neue Season. (ohong not clear, probably a day?)
As always on ???day??? is the new season.
Liiwä Griiis allen bis fillaichd ball äm Beesä
Liebe Grüß allen bis vielleicht bald am Beesä (the name of the party)
Kind regards everybody until maybe soon at the [party]
okay, yay, i did it!
....theres a word doc attached to the email.
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...im giving up.
okay okay its not that extreme, but looking at it its just funny how very different it looks visually from high german.
also the choice of font is very good. the dialect words look quite rounded, theres lots of doubled letters, making it look like girly cute writing with its bubbly letters.
cherry picking some and u get some fun and cute fantasy like language:
funn! ball schuu summä! graad nedd fill däfoo! awwä machä widdä uff fumm! s'wää schee, widdä deedäd scheenä midd unn dsu fäbringä!
so cute.
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avo-kat · 10 months ago
what the fuck is the deal with online shops sending you emails like "we miss you!" and "come back to us!" when ur last order has been like 2 weeks ago? thats so fucked. wtf. fire your marketing people. thats disgusting. im not your friend. stop begging for money.
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avo-kat · 10 months ago
imo websites shouldnt be allowed to be named after regular words. either make up your own funky word or fusion several words together. but no company should be able to name their website green.com or indeed.com or morning.com. its wrong and bad. (single letters obv too)
the ONLY exception thats ok imo is if those sites are like non profit informational websites
like you can go on sex.org and find in-depth sex education. go on chirp.org and find an audio gallery of bird chirps and the like. morning.org? photos of mornings.
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avo-kat · 10 months ago
me greeting my friends:
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avo-kat · 11 months ago
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thats the best picture i took of saja, ever
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