#anyway hope this helps
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notfreetoday · 1 year ago
My Personal Weatherman Ep 1 Subtitle Corrections
So I've been analysing the way MPW uses language to showcase the dynamic between Segasaki and Yoh - something that I suspect is not quite coming through with the English subs - and decided to watch Ep 1-3 again, with Eng subs this time. I am now going to complain about some of the subtitle and translation choices and edit them way too literally because I'm nerdy like that.
Disclaimer: Everyone translates differently for different audiences. This is not meant to disrespect the official translation team in any way because they are subbing for a more general audience and have different pressures, so don't come at me or them for our different priorities. I'm talking to the particular group of viewers who like this show and/or like Japanese and want to go a step further in interacting with the characters. That said, I'm happy to discuss MY translation choices so please feel free to drop in about any line.
Under cut because this GOT REALLY LONG.
I'm translating directly from the Jp, so sometimes my subs differ only slightly - I will lean towards a more literal translation here because that will allow me to explain my language analysis better in a follow up post so some phrasing may be awkward. Big changes/missing info have been italicised and bolded. Explanations of nuances/connotations have been added where I feel they add to the understanding of the character/scene, and the relevant phrase is marked with * in my translation and the Jp.
Ep 1
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[S: だから、漫画つずけりゃいいじゃんって 衣食住の金は保証してやるから おれんとこに来い。んで、その代わり *俺の言うこと全部聞け]
Original: I said, just keep drawing manga. I’ll take care of your food and lodging *expenses, so come to my place. And in return, you’ll do everything I say.
Mine: I said, *it's fine (for you) to continue (being a) manga (artist). I'll take care of the expenses for your *food, clothing and lodging so, come (live) at my place. And, in exchange for that, (you must) *listen to everything I say.
*This whole paragraph is extremely blunt and direct. Every sentence is worded as an order, and this last line especially - the word "listen" is used here to mean "obey" - so this line really translates to, "in exchange for that, (I want you) to obey my every word". The reason it's not been translated this way is that it sounds so strong it borders on corny in English. In Jp though, the connotation of "obey" comes across not in the words but in the extremely strong/direct delivery of the line (contrasted with the extremely nonchalent tone), so it sounds more shocking/overbearing than it does corny. The original translation here works very well actually.
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Technically Segasaki introduces himself here as 気象解説員 (weather forecaster) as opposed to 気象予報士 (meteorologist), but in the show's character bios, and when Man-san talks about him later, he's called a meteorologist anyway, so this difference is of absolutely no importance (I'm just anal like that). FYI, in Japan, all qualified meteorologists (who must pass a national exam) can be forecasters, but not all forecasters have this qualification.
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[Y: 明日も雨…か*] Original: More rain tomorrow Mine: There'll be rain again tomorrow, huh? *Said with a falling tone, the "huh" here hints that Yoh is likely a little down/disappointed about the rain continuing, and lays the ground for his reaction later about the rainy season.
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[M: 人を沼に召喚しといて 何なの?その態度 S: いや むしろ 万さんがかなり能動的に突っ込んできた印象しかないんだけど M: ごちゃごちゃうるさい ややこしいオタクめ S: ごめん ややこしくて]
Original: M: Why summon someone into your otaku pit and act like that? Y: No, it’s more like you actively intrude into my life M: You’re being noisy and complicated, you complicated otaku Y: Sorry for being complicated…
Mine: M: (You’re the one who) dragged me into this fandom, (so) what’s with that attitude? Y: No, on the contrary, I have the distinct impression that it was you, Man-san, who pretty much jumped right in of your own volition M: (You’re) babbling nonsense (you) troublesome otaku Y: Sorry for being troublesome
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[S: めし なに? Y: あ、しょーしょうがやき]
Original: S: What do you want for dinner? Y: Stir-fried ginger
Mine: S: What's for dinner? Y: Sho-shogayaki
Shogayaki is a style of cooking meat, usually pork, where you stir fry the meat with ginger. Unless the type of meat is specified, it refers to Pork Stir Fried with Ginger, or Ginger Pork Stir Fry. Very common home cooked dish.
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[S: あ、そ] (A, so?) S: Oh, is that so?
"I see" is a totally ok translation too. "A, so" can mean "Oh I see" or "Oh is that right" or "Oh is that so" etcetc but it has the air of a really bored "Oh, really?/Sure/If you say so" This is why Yoh's reaction after this is "if you aren't interested then don't ask!". This is the first of many times that Segasaki will use this phrase, as we will see in the following episodes, so I'm highlighting it here for now.
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No translation issues here - but I just want to point out that it's reeaaally difficult to make tasteless shogayaki hahaha If you've had ginger stir fried in anything you'll know - it's not a meek herb at all. Canonically, Yoh is apparently a really bad cook. This will be pointed out again later, when he makes curry, because again, it's gotta be some kind of talent to make bland japanese curry; it's r*eeeeaally *easy. Anyway, the sauce that Segasaki asks for here is Soy Sauce, which is different from the sauce that he asks for later! Seems like a few people think they're the same thing (also pay attention to the sauce rack position here - Yoh'll will move it closer to himself by their next dinner hahaha)
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[Y: ちかいんだよ、いちいち*] Y: He (leans in) so close, every (damn) time*!
*Not sure if this comes across, but the word for "every time" here is usually associated with slight annoyance, but the way "close" is said here implies Yoh's a little bashful about it.
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[Y: 雨、多いな*] (ame, ooi *na...) Y: Rain...so much of it*
*This has the same feel as the "there'll be rain again tomorrow...huh" that we first saw earlier this episode. The ending particle "~na" bakes in a sigh and a sense of disappointment here (if you didn't notice the utter depression on Yoh's face lol)
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[S: めし、まだ?] S: Food's not ready yet?
See, you don't notice it with the Eng translations because even the most basic Eng grammar will form a complete sentence. In Jp though, Segasaki is once again taking "man of a few words" to the extreme. He has taken out every single part of the sentence he possibly can whilst still keeping it grammatically complete. So this line is literally just "Food, not yet?". He's done this throughout the episode btw - it's why he comes across as so cold/distant.
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[Y: やっぱ わかんねえよな] Mine: As I thought, he doesn't understand...
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[Y: 結局 従ってしまう自分の従順さが憎い*] Original: I hate my obedience, always giving in Mine: In the end, the obedient part of me that always ends up following his orders - I hate* it
*the word used for "hate" here is "nikui" which is different from the word Yoh uses when he says he "hates (dai kirai)" Segasaki. "dai kirai" is simply the opposite of "dai suki" - to really like, so is more accurately "really dislike" than it is "hate" (even though it is frequently translated as such). "Nikui", which is much stronger word, bringing to mind the idea of a "strong rejection of/detest/disgust for" something.
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If you didn't already know, the word "embrace" aka "抱く" here is a euphemism for "to sleep with (somebody).
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Shoyu = Soy Sauce. Sauce = worcestershire sauce, unless you're in a tonkatsu shop. Then sauce = tonkatsu sauce (which is a slightly different variation). Don't look at me, I don't make the rules.
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(This is very long but I'm going to write the whole monologue here)
[Y: 晴れ予報の度に抱かれて 晴れ なんて単語は 暗いなかで湿っぽく行われる それとは ちぐはぐなイメージなのに。。。 まるでやらしい言葉みたいに 頭に刷り込まれていって わかってんのか? あんたの口から 予報をきいて どんな気持ちになるか わかんないんだろうな 一生考えもしないだろうな だってあんたは 恋人でもない俺に 平気でこんなことができる]
Original: Every time there’s a sunny forecast, he does it with me The word sunny feels out of place for such activity in a dark and damp room It’s as if it’s such a lewd word being forced into my mind Do you understand, how I feel when I hear that word from your mouth? You probably won’t understand or even think about it for your entire life You have no problem sleeping with someone you’re not even going out with
Mine: (He) embraces (me) every time the forecast is sunny A word like “sunny” … (brings up) a completely different image from that damp, humid activity taking place in the dark And yet (to me) it seems like a lewd, obscene word, searing (the image of) itself into my brain Do you understand? How exactly I feel when I hear the forecast from your mouth? You probably don't understand, do you? Probably won't ever think about it your entire life, right? Because you're able to do this with me, (someone)who isn't even your lover, without any issues at all
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This line was ad-libbed btw, if you didn't already know (link leads to Kouhei's 16th Aug IG livestream, and his explanation starts around 07:20 mark) They've talked about this a few times on both their IG lives, and Kouhei seems to get prouder about it each time hahaha. In the linked IG, Kouhei said:
(reading a fan comment) "More" was an ad-lib?? I'm gonna die
Kouhei: Yea it was…ah that was…um, Mashiko-kun… Acchan (his nickname for Atsuki) gave me a really good expression so…somehow, (by the time) I realised (what I had done), yes, (by the time) I realised it,I had said it. Well probably saying "by the time I realised it" is weird but… yes. By the time I realised it... "even more"…(I'd wanted him) to open his mouth more so. Yes. That's all.
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[S: そこそこ高給取りになる予定*だから] Original: I'm planning to *become a high earner Mine: It's likely* that I'm gonna be drawing a pretty decent salary so...
*The exact wording here is actually "(it has been) planned that (I will) become (someone) drawing a pretty decent salary so" - the way this is phrased indicates that this conversation probably happened in Segasaki's last year of university, probably right before he graduated when he already had a job lined up for himself. In Japan, your final year of university is spent interning at companies and if they like you, you'll stay on as a salaried worker, so most graduates will have something lined up before they officially leave university.
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[Y: 流されるな] Y: Don't get swept away (by this) This phrase is usually used to warn people not to let themselves be swept away/caught up by the latest trends/public perception/societal expectations/their own emotions/panic etc Here, together with his insistence that he's just Segasaki's slave and so obeying him is a natural consequence, and so is sleeping with him (as opposed to Yoh doing it because he likes/wants to) - Yoh is basically telling himself "don't get swept away" by the situation/his feelings because their relationship doesn't mean anything.
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[Y: じゃあ、しばらく…ないのか。*slaps face* しばらくしなくていいんだ!]
Original: So, it won't be happening, for a while huh? *slaps face* I'm fine without it for a while, right?
Mine: So then... there won't be... for a while, huh... *slaps face* (It should be) "I don't have to do it for a while!"
Again, you can see, Yoh's literally spent this entire episode trying to convince himself that he's not actually in love with Segasaki, and everything he does for Segasaki, be it listening to him, or sleeping with him etc, he does simply because he is fulfilling his end of the bargain as "a slave".
I will finish Ep 2 & 3 before I do the language analysis post. But first... I need a break....
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magiefish · 1 year ago
Tell me more about this two women of London business,,,,
It's a retelling by a feminist Scottish author called Emma Tennant set in the 80s that centres on an almost entirely all female cast. It's also told entirely as an epistolary narrative. The plot centres around the figures of Ms Eliza Jekyll, the manager of a recently created gallery who's very 'girl boss feminism' and has also conspicuously not aged since all her old friends last saw her, and Mrs. Hyde, an impoverished mother of two who Really Hates Men and is inexplicably hideous for undefinable reasons. It's a pretty good retelling that uses the whole Jekyll-Hyde thing to explore womanhood under patriarchy and second wave discussions like 'should female success be measured by how far someone advances through the preexisting system or how much they dismantle it?' It does have some discussions of SA because it takes place against the historical backdrop of The Notting Hill Rapist but it's never anything too prominent or upsetting. Overall it's pretty good but idk how much it's in print anymore. The copy I own is a hand-me-down from my mother so if you're interested I wish you luck with finding it.
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theriverbeyond · 2 years ago
how do you draw I want to draw very badly but I’m very bad and now an adult who can’t draw anything except costume illustrations and even those aren’t the best
not sure I am the best person to answer this, but i think an important part of drawing (or any type of art, really) is that it is as much about the process as it is about the result. do you enjoy the physical, emotional, creative act of drawing? if you don't enjoy it, what *do* you feel, and if you remove the end result from consideration, what makes it something you still want to do?
and then, of course, you have to do it badly. unless you are very lucky, or have an existing skillset in adjacent field that transfer well, there's no shortcut to like, making art that aligns with your vision that does not involve creating a lot of art that does not.
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bricky-brikson · 2 months ago
Hey so actually! That post about injuries might be useful? For me?
I'm writing a story where one of the character gets um. Stabbed in the stomach and nearly bleeds out. Have never been sure how accurate my writing of the whole thing is, and I'd love get some advice on a more accurate portrayal of the whole thing :)c
Ough. Abdominal bleeding is dangerous territory! By stomach, where do you mean exactly? I'll provide a chart.
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I ask because locality matters a lot! If the stabbing punctures the stomach or intestine, for example, then bleeding will be the least of your character's problems, cause they'll have stomach acid or fecal matter leaking into their abdominal cavity. Heck, it's even possible to have diaphragm or lung involvement.
How deep the knife penetrates changes things, too. If they end up with a wound around the back of the abdominal cavity, it'll be basically impossible to help them without interventional radiology. Or magic. No clue if you have magic in your WIP. If the wound is more superficial, closer to the front, then it might be easier for someone to deal with sans fancy medical equipment.
In general though, look into hypovolemic shock, how internal abdominal bleeding is dealt with by surgeons and interventional radiologists, and consider if there's any organ involvement in the stabbing. First aid protocols on abdominal stab wounds will also be helpful.
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novelconcepts · 9 months ago
I Saw the TV Glow is such a uniquely, devastatingly queer story. Two queer kids trapped in suburbia. Both of them sensing something isn’t quite right with their lives. Both of them knowing that wrongness could kill them. One of them getting out, trying on new names, new places, new ways of being. Trying to claw her way to fully understanding herself, trying to grasp the true reality of her existence. Succeeding. Going back to help the other, to try so desperately to rescue an old friend, to show the path forward. Being called crazy. Because, to someone who hasn’t gotten out, even trying seems crazy. Feels crazy. Looks, on the surface, like dying.
And to have that other queer kid be so terrified of the internal revolution that is accepting himself that he inadvertently stays buried. Stays in a situation that will suffocate him. Choke the life out of him. Choke the joy out of him. Have him so terrified of possibly being crazy that he, instead, lives with a repression so extreme, it quite literally is killing him. And still, still, he apologizes for it. Apologizes over and over and over, to people who don’t see him. Who never have. Who never will. Because it’s better than being crazy. Because it’s safer than digging his way out. Killing the image everyone sees to rise again as something free and true and authentic. My god. My god, this movie. It shattered me.
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inkskinned · 28 days ago
okay is she being actually immature or is it just a woman over 30 expressing a human experience you find to be immature.
like yeah. at certain ages... let shit go. im not defending the real immature shit. im not defending the karen you're picturing. i worked in retail i hate those people too. (once somebody got mad at me because she didn't like how our winter window decor was a snowman smoking a pipe. i wish i was joking).
but men at 57 will write books about how 17 year old girls are soooo sexy. they will invent worlds where women have to be naked for "armor reasons." they will write songs that treat women as objects. people rush to defend them. meanwhile a woman at 35 will be like "heartbreak is hard, actually" or "i feel betrayed by a friend" or "i am struggling with something emotionally." immediately people will say stuff like this woman is 35 by the way. by the way this woman is SO OLD to be experiencing this. BY THE WAY.
im 31, almost 32. the other day a poet was blasted online because at her "big age", she had written a poem about feeling unloved. top comment was "this woman is 29 by the way." this woman is too old to still be useful, by the way. she has to behave better . maybe if she was a good wife and mother she could stop existing loudly, and the story could continue on without her. this woman has served her purpose, by the way. she's so cringe, by the way. at 29 - so old! - she still hasn't figured out that her existence should be one of shame.
#what the fuck.#unfortunately by the time i'd switched accounts (from personal to my poetry one)#i couldn't find it :(#this is why u SEND URSELF THE POST. WHICH I KNOW TO DO BUT!!!#i was so mad i just was like “i'm about to tear this commenter in twain” and . lost da post#if u urself are the 29 and got recently flamed by instagram#i love u. come here. write with me. i was about to pick up a sword for u.#i mean a BIGASS sword.#like we all know im a wlw girlie but the way ppl will be like ''id NEVER write sad poetry about a MAN not LOVING me!!!"#..... wowwwww ur so cool. anyway. people often experience emotions regardless of what u consider cringe.#& if ur gonna shame straight/bi women for feeling a certain way. hope u never write about the#weird relationship between u and ur father. or feeling different from ur brother.#or how ur male best friend fucked u over. since it's SO CRINGE. to have ANY feelings caused by a MAN#like be so for real. beloved. nobody is fucking saying this when men do it.#''oh it's cringe to like a woman or feel heartbroken by her.''#controlling women's feelings and actions???? it's more likely than u think.#btw op is nonbinary do NOT be gender essential on this post i'll kill u with my teeth#edit: btw for the person who dm'd me ''when is it misogyny and when is it actually valid''#pretty easy. if a man had done it#would it be cringe? . like if a man sang a sad song about ''she broke my damn heart''?#if he said ''i want to have kids with her'' or something sexually explicit?? like would u even LIKE IT if a male poet had said it?#& if it's like. nah a 35 yr old man being upset about this is cringe too. yeah it's just cringe. that exists. we both know it does.#but .... often i see this ONLY about women. and i can't help but hear like. how back in middle school#we were fed the lie ''girls mature faster.'' ... why do i have to be emotionally regulated? but if a man wrote about the same things?#..... idk . im pretty anti cringe culture to begin with. but this one feels so bad to me . ur still a person past 33.
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aluminumneedles · 2 months ago
I'm knitting in the corner at a party
and guys my age stop by to tell me I remind them of their aunt, of their grandmother. This is a compliment and I take it as such. They confess to having tried crochet once, and I smile. They get back in line for the bathroom.
I'm knitting in the corner at a party and a queer woman sits on the floor next to me, arranges her skirt, and smiles up at me. (I try not to blush.) She asks me all the questions on her mind about my craft and I answer them, hands still moving. We swap yarn sources. She doesn't stay, but she knows where to find me.
I'm knitting in the corner at a party and everyone knows where to find me when they need a minute, when socializing is too much and the music is too loud and they need to catch their breath. They pretend to be checking in on me, which is sweet, but I can see the relief in their eyes the moment they stop performing for a house full of people. They sit down and tell me things and all the while they never take their eyes off my hands.
The party has wound down and I'm still knitting and the hosts, two guys in their twenties, thank me for "helping to curate the vibe." I had no idea that's what I was doing. I leave the party having forgotten to drink anything and without that woman's number but with many rows added to my top-down raglan sweater. I call it a night, and a good one.
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seveneyesoup · 1 year ago
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it was you guys!! don’t have the post but i did save the image
looking for a pfizer estrogen jazz CD ... help? thought i just saw it a couple days ago here
the admins did digging but found nothing, that might have been an addition to one of our posts? Anyone know?
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chocobje · 1 month ago
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This took way too long for a comic that's supposed to be self-indulgent and quick,, Apologies if the chat bubbles are confusing on who's talkin..
Anyway another comic for my AU! I'm not sorry for the lack of background cause I really wanted to just focus on the dialogue lawl
Extra doodles I did while making the comic if ya'll want some of it:
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applestruda · 1 year ago
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Starry Sleepover
First ever dtiys! Celebrating 1 year here!
Rules below!
No deadline!
Feel free to use my designs or your own
You can change up the composition as you want, but keep the main vibes of sleepover, stars, and Boatem (don't remove folks)
You can use any form of art for this dtiys (writers included!!)
Use the #BeeBoatemDtiys tag, and if you want you can optionally @ me
If you have any questions ask away! Other than that have fun :]
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lotus-pear · 9 months ago
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top 10 moments before disaster (dazai is about to step on his toes)
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sleep-safe · 1 year ago
Inspired (and informed) by tags from @indielowercase to write a few more things to add context! I got my bachelor's specifically focusing on rhetoric and dogwhistles, and I hate fascists, so this is my exact area.
Quick context:
The person who tweeted that is the ceo of gab, a social media platform that is extremely right-wing and openly fascist.
The ADL is the Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish, social justice organization dedicated to combating anti-semetism and other bigotry. In particular, they maintain a database of anti-semetic dog-whistles.
A “nazi bar” is a phrase used to describe a place where fascists hang out. It’s a place where nazis were tolerated until they became emboldened and have made the place into a fascist funhouse.
A dogwhistle is a word or phrase used to secretly talk about certain ideas or values. It’s something normal enough that most people don’t notice it at all, but the people who share those ideas still get the message–like how only dogs hear dog whistles. It’s a good idea to learn to spot dogwhistles so you can cut off bigotry early.
from tags: perfect example of "noticing" as a dogwhistle. "our guys" as well, which is used between bigots to identify if someone else shares their bigotry. that's the ceo of gab btw.
“Noticing” is used as an antisemitic dogwhistle as it refers to “noticing” a global conspiracy about Jewish people (the usual tropes about running the world and shit). More on that here.
Saying “the big tech companies” raises a little bit of that same red flag. It contributes to the idea of a conspiracy (especially of white people being oppressed/attacked). It all depends on context, but it’s good to look deeper if a comment about “big tech” or “big pharma” (and so on) seems a little off.
Lastly, take note of all the “us” and “them” rhetoric generally. He describes censorship due to violent speech as being attacked and silenced by a (Jewish) conspiracy. Quick searches will find you a lot of good resources on identifying dogwhistles.(as a side note, a lot of nazi ones involve numbers/counting, including the number of words in a sentence or statistics. Numbers that seem out of place warrant a closer look).
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get off of twitter if you're still there, it's a nazi bar now
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gotchibam · 14 days ago
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Dedenne and Goomy ko-fi doodle for Glitz! ☁️💤
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reimenaashelyee · 1 year ago
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The Creator's Guide to Comics Devices is OPEN!!! comicsdevices.com
An online library of visual-narrative devices that are used in the medium of comics and other sequential art.
Happy Halloween! I'm really excited to be finally launching* what is maybe one of my most ambitious, largest work yet. This online library is the next phase of a research project that began in May 2020, when I first mused on how comics as a field doesn't have a resource that catalogues devices used in the medium. Like, theatre has devices, so does literature, and film! So why shouldn't comics? I always had an interest in comics studies and analysis. I love reading, making and thinking comics. However most of my knowledge was intuitive - I learned comics from osmosis and experience. This is true for many of my peers. Speaking about comics as a creator is hard, because we don't have a robust system of language. When we had to speak, many of us tend to reach for the language developed for film by film practitioners. If there is language specific to comics, it's either scattered in multiple blogs or hidden away in academic journals. The Comics Devices library is meant to aggregate everything and everybody into a single hub! After exploring some multiple resources, alongside some original, independent research, here is the first edition! * The Comics Devices project is still a work-in-progress! It's not final, nor will it ever be. This is why I am seeking contributors to help build this library. Translations, comics examples, etc. There is a lot of work to do! If you are interested, reply to this post or submit an expression of interest on this page.  Have fun everyone!! (Now time for me to melt x_x)
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triona-tribblescore · 10 months ago
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I WANNA DRAAWW!! RAHHHGG!! Absolutely swamped with college work, im so tired TT (hence whatever tf this is lmao)
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starcrossed-sky · 7 months ago
That specific check might be expired now, but you CAN cash it! Basically, what you do it you endorse the check to your legal name from the name it's under (here's instructions on that for general purposes), which involves writing really small and neatly in the signature space of the check.
Ideally you then deposit the check with one of those banking apps that has you take a picture of the check front and back without interacting with another human being. But as long as your bank accepts third party checks (which most do? the main concern is with scams but like you aren't scamming yourself you know where that check came from) you should be able to cash it still. I have done this myself because my mom's sister once sent me christmas money to the display name I have on Facebook (which is not my legal name).
Shoutout to my trans friendly but extremely autistic grandmother who refuses to use They/Them pronouns unless someone is plural because she's dead set against "they's" as a possessive term and "they was" as a past tense indicator of an action because it reminds her of the accent of a long dead and deeply beloathed coworker who picked up most of his accent from pittsburg. Notably she's fine with They/Them as long as someone is plural, and is entirely willing to refer to someone by name or with another term- IE "that person/creature/girlthing/nonbinary gremlin" upon request.
She's something else. Wrote out a check to my new name for my last birthday because "I don't know your clothing preferences or sizes, and if someone bought me an ill fitting blouse that I loved the look of, or a perfectly fit blouse I despise, I'd be quite put out, and you're set on everything else I know you like."
Notably she wrote it out to my new name, and even months later, I haven't even updated my name with the bank yet, as the speed of bureaucracy is abysmal, so I can't even cash it.
Love you grandma! :3
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