#anyway heres a... third ? fourth ? oc ?
vyl3tpwny · 1 year
why it ourple
i'm going to tell you the story of how purple became my favourite colour. and then, where the name vylet pony came from.
ch.1 the mace windu incident
once upon a time. I really liked star wars. i kind of still like star wars i guess. but when i was a kid, i REALLY liked star wars.
in my room, i had a mace windu poster.
i still can't find the exact poster. it looked something like this
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mace windu was my fav star wars character for an inconceivably long time. with that, i also became fascinated with his purple lightsaber. nobody else had a purple lightsaber. i loved it. staring at that poster constantly made me really like the colour purple. ever since the poster started exerting its technicolour pressures and whimsies upon me, i became fixated on the colour purple. forever.
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"hai!~ im mace windu and i loveee Videos!" - mace windu, star wars episode iii: revenge of the sith
ch. 2 the viny scratch era
fast forward like 7 years. i am in the my little pony fandom now. i am 13 years old. i really like vinyl scratch. she is pictured here:
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my first online presence in the mlp community was as a vinyl scratch / dj pon3 roleplay account. for a good year, people called me vinyl and "vy".
however when it came time to start releasing music in the fandom, i couldn't go by vinyl scratch at the time. this name was already being used by the artist who currently goes by Scraton!
this is still one of my favourite songs by them:
anyway. i actually held a really insane, irrational grudge against scraton for being named "vinyl scratch" as a music artist before me. i got past that after a while, because i had to stop being 13 first. i stopped being 13 and eventually fell in love with their music and we became friends later after!
but it's 2013 and i can't be vinyl scratch anymore. people already called me "vy" because of being a vinyl scratch persona.
ch. 3 it's vylet time-wait is that can opener? CANNI?
it started on december 28, 2012. i posted to my then-instagram account this image:
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you may recognize this as my oc canni. here's their reworked look in the 2022 album (10 years later) can opener's notebook: fish whisperer (illustrated by @astroeden):
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can opener's original name was "ultra vylet". their colour scheme was originally intended to be the inverse of vinyl scratch's, as a sort of strange protest to not being able to be vinyl scratch. i was like ok. well if i cant be vinyl scratch, i am going to make a character that swaps the main colours. within a few months of "ultra vylet" existing, i discarded the design in favour of a completely different one:
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this would be the only time vylet consistently had purple in her design until 2018 or so.. lol.
then. on april 15, 2013, i posted this to my instagram:
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i had essentially combined three things:
The fact the people called me "vy'
The fact that my favourite colour is purple (violet)
The fact that I wanted to be vinyl scratch (dj pon3) before
ch. 4 vylet pony ≠ vinyl scratch
that is to say, i never really put a lot of thought into "vylet pony" as a name. i just made it when i was 14 and now i am going to be 25 soon. will i keep vylet pony as a name forever? not sure. do i take great pride in its insanely snarky origin? absolutely.
after i had decided firmly on "vylet pony" as a name — after dropping the "3" from it — i made a new instagram account. the very first thing i posted to it was this:
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illustrated by my friend, shade.
now that looks slightly vylet-like, design-wise, oc-wise. oh. but now she is grey and black? ok.
she stopped being purple from 2013-2018.
here is how her design progressed through the years:
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the first one is by my then-partner sara. this is when vylet's cutiemark was still an upside down music note, reflected from "ultra vylet" / can opener's original design. i'll show how it became a puzzle piece next.
the second one is by shade
the third one is by chibadeer
the fourth one is by astroeden
ch. 5 the puzzle piece
to this day, i still cannot find the fanart in question. but over instagram, someone asked to draw fanart of my pony. in doing so, they misconstrued the shape of the upside down music note as a puzzle piece, like this:
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i've been looking forever for the original fanart/fanartist that made this mistake. because ever since that art, i just stuck with it anyway. i like puzzles and puzzle games. i'm also a puzzling and enigmatic person. and the puzzle piece can go into so many different things. all sorts of problem solving is like a puzzle. music fits neatly into that category in my opinion. so because of its intrigue and ability to mean so many different things, i just went with it. i never looked back.
ch. 6 that is the history of the colour purple and vylet pony character design
i hope this answers the question "why it ourple"!
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hells-morning-angel · 8 months
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Welcome all to the circus! Please take your seats and let us begin, shall we? For my first performance, I'll recite my list of rules from the top of my head! Amazing, right? Totally! Now pay attention folks, you'll need to, as there is a hidden password hidden somewhere between the guidelines to this blog!
1) For my very first rule to you dear audience, it's a simple one to follow! Please do not rush my responses, I do have a life outside of this little blog! With that said, I do enjoy and prefer if we have conversations outside of roleplay too! I can be dmed for conversations most times! Believe it or not, I am very shy to approach one of your Audience members first, so please please approach first. If we have more conversations OOC, I'll become more confident in what I write with you and in turn, be open to more possibilities!
2) For my very second rule and I know this should not have to be said BUT I will say it anyways in the event some need to be reminded to have respect for others of different races and identities! In this circus we do not tolerate any hatred directed towards other races, sexualities or gender identities! We respect proper pronouns and names of adress! Any form of disrespect will result in a block!
3) For my very third rule and if this boundary is broken, then it'll result in an immediate ban! On this blog proshipping (Child x Adult content), incest (Family x Family) and problematic ships of that nature are absolutely prohibited! None of that belongs here!
4) And for the fourth rule, please be kind and respectful to people who have different opinions then you! In life, we won't all share the same opinion all the time and it's completely natural! There's no same person after all!
Moving right along onto our next topic, here is more information on the blog itself and the ships it will do!
On this blog, I welcome a variety of ships and pairings, including OC x Canon! I play a variety of the canon characters, Lucifer is simply my main muse! Here is a bulleted list of those I have mused before!
Lucifer Morningstar
Lilith Morningstar
Angel Dust
There are characters that I am open to trying as well in this other conveniently placed bulleted list!
Carmilla Carmine
Charlie Morningstar
If you have another character, please request! I may also be willing to muse them for you! The one character I ban is Valentino!
As far as ships go, I do enjoy Huskerdust, Appleradio, all sorts of ships! I simply do not ship Charlastor or that one pairing with Vaggie and Angel Dust!
I am willing to muse characters on two different social media platforms! Discord and Tumblr! Just specify which audience member and you shall have your request honored! This is an 18+ blog only, please keep that in mind, viewer!
Annmd with that final message, I take my leave for now! Farewell dot now and goodnight! Did you find the password yet? The password is: There is no password! If your interested and only if your interested, please like, follow, comment, reblog or dm me!
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resowrites · 1 year
Rolo - oneshot.
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Summary: Henry takes learning about his wife’s pregnancy a tad too far…
Pairings: AU!Henry Cavill x Wife!OC
Warnings: fluff, banter/British humour, language, dialogue heavy, graphic descriptions of labour/childbirth, nondescript OC body type/appearance, hastily written/lightly proofread.
WC: 3002
A/N: Remember, this is pure fiction (as in completely made up) and not in any way meant to reflect reality. My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Likes, follows, reblogs and comments are thoroughly welcome and appreciated! Gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting!
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Rolo - oneshot.
"Oh my God, this reads like Stephen King…"
"Will you please be quiet? I'm trying to watch tv—"
"Oh stop, you can watch the A-Team any time. Now listen to this, a 'show' is the act of the mucus plug that seals the opening of the cervix, falling out as either a blob or smaller pieces of pinkish jelly—" she threw the spoon she was holding back into her pot of yoghurt.
"Henry shut up, I don't want to hear this while I'm eating!"
"It looks a bit like that apparently," he pointed to the pot in her hand, much to her chagrin. "It signals the start of the cervix beginning to soften and thin ready for labour, though this can take anywhere from an hour to several days to begin…" She hoped Henry was finally finished and tentatively took another mouthful of yoghurt. "Sometimes the colour of the plug is red or brown—"
"Henry, stop it!"
"What? I'm just trying to share with you the miracle of creation!"
"No you're not, you're being an annoying little shit because I had the last yoghurt and you don't want to let me enjoy it!"
"Don't be ridiculous, we've got our first scan coming up soon, don't you want me to be prepared?"
"Henry, it's not a fucking quiz, and anyway, it's me who has to answer any questions, not you!"
"Well, excuse me for wanting to be ready just in case, God most women would give anything for their husbands to be this involved!"
"Henry, why is it you need to know about the 'show,' or anything else that happens at that point in labour? You're not the one delivering the baby!"
"Well, who knows? You could go into labour on the bathroom floor and the paramedics might not make it to the house in time, we are a bit out in the sticks here."
"That won't happen, most women have to be induced—"
"What does that mean? Hang on let me look it up," he flipped further ahead in the baby book. "Ah, induction means to bring on the start of labour artificially. Before this is done, a membrane sweep is performed first. This involves a midwife or doctor sweeping their finger around the cervix via internal examination. This should help separate the amniotic sac surrounding the baby from the cervix—"
"Henry, I'm really getting annoyed with you now!"
"What? This is fascinating! To continue—" she gritted her teeth.
"If labour does not then occur, an induction will be offered next. This procedure involves the insertion of a pessary or gel into the vagina. If contractions do not begin after six hours, a further tablet or dose of gel will be used. Please be aware that induced labour is usually more painful and can require assistance via ventouse or forceps. What the hell's a ventouse?"
"Henry, I'm giving you until the count of five to put that book down. One—"
"A ventouse is a vacuum cup attached to your baby's head via suction—"
"It's pulled gently by the midwife or doctor to aid in delivery—"
"However, this method comes with several risks including a third or fourth-degree vaginal tear. This means the wall of the anus is ruptured—"
"Four, five! That's it, give me that right now!" She snatched the book from Henry's hands and chucked it aside.
"What the hell did you do that for?! We were just getting to an interesting bit!"
"Really, you find the instance of vaginal tearing even remotely interesting, do you?"
"Look, I have to learn about all of this otherwise I'll be clueless to help!"
"Is that right? And what help do you expect to be?"
"… Well, I can tell the doctor what it looked like before, it'll help him put everything back in place!"
"That's it, I'm going downstairs—"
"No, wait! I'm only joking, jeez lighten up will ya? I'm just trying to have a bit of fun!"
"Yeah, but it's easy to do that when you're not the one who has to give birth!"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, I'm already shit scared about all of this without you telling me my rectum could be torn asunder!"
"Oh for God's sake, that isn't going to happen!"
"Oh yeah? How do you know?"
"Because I won't let anything like that happen, alright?"
"Henry you're not going to have that much control over the situation, neither of us will!"
"Well maybe not but at least I'll be there to advocate for you, and I'll make sure everything is done correctly. That's why I have to learn about each stage of delivery."
"Well, can you at least stop reading aloud? I honestly don't want to hear all the grisly details thanks very much!"
"It's not grisly! It's a beautiful process—"
"Henry, birth may be many things but it's hardly beautiful—" he ignored her and continued.
"Just think, you'll be able to squeeze a whole person out of an opening that's only a few centimetres wide! Well, actually your cervix has to be ten centimetres dilated before you can safely start to push."
"Oh, God help me…"
"What? I can't wait! Being able to watch my baby being born will be the happiest day of my life! Even if it also means having to watch my favourite place in the whole world become like a Stretch Armstrong…"
"What do you mean? You're not going at the goal end, are you?!" Henry snorted.
"Well of course! Otherwise, how do I know that it's actually ours and not one that they've swapped?"
"Henry, trust me, no one is going to take our baby. So you're really going to watch the whole thing? Even as I start to crown?"
"Wait, what does that mean?" He tried to reach for the baby book which was still resting at the bottom of the bed.
"Oh no you don't, I'm not hearing any more blow-by-blows of birth thanks very much."
"Fine! I'll just look it up on my phone."
"Yeah, you might not want to do that—" suddenly Henry shrieked aloud.
"Jesus bloody Christ! Did it have to show me pictures? God, it's like she's being ripped in half!" He held his phone up close to her face.
"I did tell you not to look it up! Anyway, you wanted to see it, are you still so keen now on watching it live?"
"Well, I had no idea it was that graphic! Christ, I hope I don't end up with performance issues…" Henry looked down plaintively at his crotch.
"Oh, typical, you have to make it all about you. Did you honestly think the baby just appeared? Like all I had to do was sneeze and out it popped?"
"Well no, but now I must admit I'm getting scared as well - me and all of my brothers were big babies, I don't think it's gunna be that easy…"
"Oh well great, thanks for warning me."
"What? I'm just being honest! You could end up having one of those record babies, you know like how you see on the internet?" She breathed in hard.
"Henry, if you do that to me I will actually never forgive you—"
"Well, it's not my fault! Weren't you a big baby as well?"
"No I bloody well wasn't!"
"Maybe that'll balance it out then, besides it's not like they can't stitch you up afterward!"
"Oh God, kill me…"
"What? I can always get you a little rubber ring to sit on!"
"Henry, if you don't button it right now—"
"They use stitches darling, buttons would hardly be appropriate—"
"Carry on sonny boy and you're gunna be the one who needs stitches!"
"Alright, alright. God, I was only trying to be helpful!"
"No you weren't, you were just trying to scare me!"
"No I wasn't, I would never do that! As I said, everything will be alright—"
"You don't know that! This will be my first time giving birth, literally anything could happen..."
"Well, I'm sure there are lots of things we can do to prepare. Just let me have my handy guide back—"
"No, you're not reading any more baby books!"
"Fine, I'll just consult Google then instead. Let's see, how do you prevent tearing during pregnancy?" She took a deep breath. "Ah, see here it says an ep-is-iot-omy, a cut made in the perineum, is performed to make the vaginal opening wider where necessary—" 
"Right, I’m putting on my headphones—" 
"This cut is typically made diagonally… wait so they don't just cut downwards? You know so it's like one big hole?" 
"Oh bollocks, they're out of power!" 
"Are you listening to me?!" 
"I'm trying not to, no." 
"Well you'll be glad to know there's also such thing as 'perineal massage—'"
"Oh, well that's a relief…" 
"This can be performed from thirty-five weeks onwards as a useful tool to help prevent tears. It even says I can perform the massage for you—"
"Yeah, no thanks."
"Well, what do you expect me to do then? Just wait outside and leave you in the delivery room all scared and alone?"
"You can stay here, in fact. I'm not sure I even want you in the building anymore…"
"Oh now come on, you know I was only trying to make you laugh talking about all this stuff!"
"Henry I don't need a bloody comedian, I need a birth partner who's gunna take it seriously and actually be useful—"
"Yeah and that's why I'll be right by your side, cheering you on, and you can scream and yell and hit me as many times as you want."
"Can I do that right now?" He gave her a mischievous smile.
"I tell you what, why don't we change the subject and try some birth positions instead? Look, you can even lay like this with your arse in the air," Henry kneeled on both legs and let his face fall into the pillow. "Actually, on second thoughts, it was this position that got you into this situation..." She choked on her cup of tea. "What about like this then," he jumped out of the bed and propped one leg up on the edge of it. "It's called the 'leg-up lunge,' really helps open up the pelvis apparently and relieve back pain," Henry looked over to see her holding her face in her hands. "Or you can just do this," he rolled onto his back and pulled back each leg with his hands. In doing so, he landed on the remote and accidentally changed the channel.
"Oh for fuck sake, Henry! It was just getting to a juicy bit!" 
"Tell me about it, I need you to check how far along I am—" 
"Henry, I really am starting to lose my patience!" She leaned between Henry's legs and tried to manoeuvre him off of the remote. 
"Hey, it's me who's meant to push, not you!" 
"Will you bloody stop it?! And move out of the sodding way—" she carried on rooting around, not seeing the bottle of water he'd quickly grabbed from the bedside table. Seconds later, a jet of water hit her face.
 "W-WHAT THE FUCK!!!" She coughed and spluttered while Henry collapsed into a pile of giggles. "That's it, I'm done." She scooched off the bed and headed for the door.
"WAIT, wait!" She stopped and turned round to face him. "You've still got water on your face—" she tried to storm off, only for Henry to catch her by the wrist. 
"Get off me, you arch idiot. I'm so angry with you I could scream!"
"Oh now come on! I was just trying to give us a bit of practice. I don't want you to think you've wet yourself—"
"Mmmm... I love it when you get mad. Come on, let's have some fun—" he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. 
"You must be joking!"
"Well, what’s the harm? I've already knocked you up!"
"And don't think I haven't noticed how big they're getting…" Henry pointed towards her chest.
"Listen to me you little turd, they're not the only things getting bigger. Very soon I'm going to be up to fifty pounds heavier, with an arse that could flatten even you - so don't piss me off!"
"... But I'll be able to hear you coming." 
"Right, that's it! I'm sleeping downstairs. Seeing as this is all just some big joke to you—"
"Whoa, hang on, that's absolutely not the case. I'm sorry, alright? I was just trying to make you less worried about giving birth. Honestly, I don't care if you scream, cry, puke, or even shit everywhere—" her nostrils flared. "Take it easy! Come on, let's get to bed, all this stress isn't good for the baby." She batted his hand away and folded her arms almost as soon as she was back in bed. "Okay, so you don't want to lie on your back. That's probably for the best seeing as the baby could then shoot across the room if you push too hard... I wonder if that's ever actually happened? Lemme see." She snatched the phone away.
"Henry, this is your last warning—"
"Fine, fine. Can we talk names then?"
"Oh, but we can never agree! Everything you like, I hate! Besides your mum used up most of the decent boy's names…"
"Well, let's think, what about Jack?"
"See, I like Jack but it runs into your surname because of the ‘k’ sound at the end. So it sounds like one long name, 'JackCavill.'"
"Okay, well what about Jake?"
"That's the same problem."
"Alright then, Jacob?"
"Callum Cavill? Isn't that a bit of a mouthful?"
"Okay well, let's park boys' names for a minute and try out girls' names instead. What about Amelie?"
"Nah, I don't want too many syllables."
"Okay, Amy?"
"Mmm, no I don't want anything too cutesy."
"Ugh, what about Olivia then? That way she can be named after you—"
"Except my name's not actually Olivia is it?"
"Well, it's still a nice name! Why don't you come up with some instead of just criticizing me?"
"Actually, I'd rather just sit here and watch my programme in peace, seeing as how you've robbed me of that opportunity for the last half an hour!"
"But we've got to come up with a shortlist of names, otherwise, we'll struggle nearer the time!"
"Well, my sister said it's sometimes better to wait. Often you pick a name and then find that it doesn't actually suit the baby at all."
"... How about Hollie?"
"Yeah, I mean, she'll be born around Christmas time and it's a nice combination of both our names."
"Mmm… maybe."
"… And for a boy, we could always have Rudolph." She sighed and switched the tv off so she could turn over and go to sleep. 
"Hey, hang on, we're not done yet!"
"Henry, we've got months to decide and if it's okay with you, I'd like to get to sleep before I'm given any more reasons to have nightmares."
"Oh darling, there's really nothing to worry about. I mean, the chances of it having a conehead or a vestigial tail are actually very minor…"
"What the hell are you talking about now?!"
"Oh, didn't you know? When a baby is born its skull compresses so that it can squeeze its way out of the birth canal—"
"Okay, got it."
"But don't worry, it'll eventually round out in a few weeks—"
"That's good to know. Goodnight Henry."
"Wait! I haven't said goodnight to the baby!"
"Oh don't worry, they've been listening to you all evening and would now like some peace and quiet as well."
"Aww come on, roll back over so I can kiss them and you goodnight." She sighed and reluctantly turned onto her back. This was their new nightly routine and Henry wouldn't let her rest until he got to perform it. He scooted down slightly so he was level with her waist, and placed both hands gently on her stomach. He then lowered his head and spoke quietly.
"G'night bubba, Mummy and Daddy love you so, so much - only a few more weeks and we'll get to hear your heartbeat for the first time!"
"You know the lucky sod can't actually hear you just yet? It won't be able to until I'm at least eighteen weeks—"
"Will you please stop being such a spoilsport! And stop calling our baby 'it!' We at least need to come up with a placeholder name. Something sweet and memorable—"
"So that's a no to conehead then?" Henry clucked his tongue.
"Ignore her bubba, she's just cranky cos you're making her hormonal and retain water." She thumped him on the arm. "Ow! That hurt!"
"That wasn't me, that was my hormones…" Henry rolled his eyes. "And can you go get me some Rennies? I've got heartburn again."
"Hey, that's an idea, what about Rennie?"
"You want to name our baby after an anti-acid?"
"Well, can you come up with something better?" She considered it for a moment.
"How about Rolo? I mean that's the only thing I've been craving since I've been pregnant."
"Is it really a craving if you ate them lots before you were pregnant? And how come we can't name it after indigestion tablets but we can name it after your favourite chocolate?"
"Well, why not? I think Rolo's cute! It's about the size of one at the moment as well."
"Fine, although there's also the option of Henry Junior…" She gave him an annoyed look. "Alright, alright. Rolo it is. And don't worry, to me you'll always have a beautiful vagina—"
"Right, just for that, get your arse down those stairs and get me some Rolo's as well. Now, mister!"
"… Are you sure there's any left?" The look on her face made Henry shoot out of bed but not before he gave both her and her stomach a kiss.  
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sotogalmo · 2 months
8(yesterday) — 1:12 am
I think I should now do Rosca's turn for her own views on the Alnst OCs (minus Flor). Just for the fun of it-
So that's what I'm gonna be doing! (Forgive me if some of these are repetitive, or even small!. Rosca basically doesn't like people in general, so-)
Do tell me if I forgot your OC!
Solei ( @solei-eclipse ): Rosca is a bit.. confused about them. To say the least, in a way. Of course, though, Rosca doesn't really care all that much about history and knowledge of how things are made and why they look like that. She doesn't care all that much, and some of the things they say are very boring. But in some sense, she's grateful? She already knew it- the information, but it's nice finding someone who's like her... Who knows a lot, but of course in the thing that they are knowledgeable in.
Aurien ( @aurienneirua / @apriciticreveries ): Crybaby, loner. Rosca is.. mean to say it lightly.... Ordering people around, and especially people like Aurien; the weak will end up in a ditch! They should be stronger! Be glad that Rosca is here to at least help them with that!
Lark, Noora ( @kamersona ): As said before by kamer themselves, Rosca and Lark were together when they were being transported to ANAKT. And with all his freaking out moments, Rosca found it pretty annoying to be around him. Not sure how much he did freak out, but he freaked out and that made the trip annoyingly slow to Rosca. She has traveled before so this is nothing new, and the freaking out? Nothing new and she hates that. / Noora, a girl with vitiligo! That's a strange thing to Rosca, but then she remembers how she has traveled and has maybe seen other people like her and the other girl. Maybe she can be more better as a model or something?
Vii, Ji-Woo, Saachi, Min, Ryu ( @starry-skiez ): Rosca, IMMEDIATELY, finds them ALL strange. || Vii, firstly. .. first of all... Strange name- is it supposed to be a number of sorts? 7 perhaps? Who names their pet— ah, who cares. Aliens do what they want, so she won't question them. Did they also color their pet's hair to be like grass? That has to be a joke of sorts. / Ji-Woo, second. The red is a striking color, a pretty one! Too bad it was only there for a few days until it got washed away. It seemingly fitted Woo. Who cares though / Saachi, third. Another girl with vitiligo. Is that a desired trait? But no matter, that girl seems fine and can fend for herself in ways. She doesn't pay attention anyways. / Min, fourth. It's like looking into a reflection; in a sense. Min's acts mirror Rosca's in some small ways. It's weird, wrong but so right. Wrong in the sense of being raised as "you're special" as Rosca is the only important girl around, but right in the way of like; maybe I've already been influential before I was even born! .. but she's so mature..... / Ryu, fifth. The orange and light blonde.. to say. It's quite fitting. In a weird way. She doesn't know what else to say. This whole place is boring
Aegaeon ( @paradisedisconcert ): Fights on SIGHT/j <- just thought it'd be funny. She finds Aegaeon pretty strange, in the way of how Aegaeon acts. Cold and aggressive.. like a boy or moreso a warrior, she would think. She has somewhat seen some fights between Aegaeon and Minori but it's always so light (not that much damage is done).
Minori ( @minori-dash / @skyisjusthere ): Slightly similar to Aegaeon— cold, reverse but also similar to Aurien?? Minori is quiet and skittish. Quiet and lonely.. nothing else to note. Nothing much is important
Akane ( @aakaneeee ): Ah! A normal looking person, at least, in a sea of strange and bright (physically) people, it's nice to- oh. Another quiet one? One that doesn't pay attention to her? Hmphft! Their lost!
Azure ( @azureitri / @4listr ): Cold, reverse- annoying! He doesn't even want to talk to the most interesting girl in the garden! That's just rude of him!
Castor, Himei, Kyo, Tallis ( @lookatmysillies / @bluemoonscape ): Castor, Himei, Kyo and Tallis. Meeting them is like meeting a weird club in a cartoon that she has watched whenever she pleases to. || The oldest of the bunch in the weird club- Castor. He's an interesting one, wanting to be a parent at this age? That's quite an interesting thing to do. He's like a grandfather, or more of a grandmother because of that! / The friendly one of the weird club- Himei. She makes good clothing designs. Maybe in some moments, Rosca tries the actual clothes. Himei is good at that, nothing else to note. / The hot-head of the weird club- Kyo. A bit similar to Aegaeon if she had to think that hard about it. Wanting alone time, and being hot-headed and such. / The (expected) shy one of the weird club- Tallis. As said, to be expected. Which makes Rosca bored already, but the braids that Tallis has are interesting on a surface level. Nothing much to say
Cirrus ( @yunoftheclouds ): The pale lavender to bright purple surely also makes them stand out like Rose does. Slightly. But once again, another quiet person. Surely this isn't some sort of standard? Who cares about that though.
Daiki ( @teapotuser ): Daiki. When will the quiet and shy people- just. When will they go away!? It's tiring to be so loud, to be active and to get their eyes on her.
Ellie, Khoi, Vera, Sai ( @bittersweet-adagio / @junebluues ): Ellie, just like Min but on a physical level. Much weirder, wrong and right all at the same time. Khoi, quiet. Sai? Quiet. Yeah he might look interesting, but that's just his eyes- her eyes are better though. Vera? Another quiet one. WHEN will it get interesting!?
Stasya ( @billwasnot ): The purple hair makes them stand out. Just like Cirrus and their pale lavender to bright purple hair. But another person who is chill, and quiet. Rosca doesn't make any attempts to communicate with Stasya and others like him (or others that are just clearly shy from the get-go). It's boring like that, and it's not worth her time
Isla, Monica, Toon ( @nottoonedin ): Isla and Monica. They seem to be a pair, with further proof of how they are always, seemingly, connected at the hip. Just like a few others are like that too, a pair.
Evon, Jae ( @kofeedoggo ): Evon and Jae. They seem to be a pair? Rosca doesn't know, since she doesn't really care. Expected
Tov ( @ivanttakethis ): Rosca somewhat thought that Tov was gonna be like Noora or Saachi. Ya'know. With the skin condition, but no— and that's fine!
Lang ( @its-langgg / @pwippy ): Lang looks like Min, in a strange way. But she doesn't act like Min, at all. Which is to be expected now. Almost everyone is just too obedient, too quiet and too blank. That's why it's very important that they have her around! Or else this would've been just a static place!
Moran ( @geospiral ): A refreshing person to have in the garden. Finally! Someone with some common sense! Finally! Someone who KNOWS what they are destined for and all of that! FINALLY. And, the best part? Moran looks like her! Isn't that the best??
Rose ( @rosedeleca ): Strange in a nice way. Their uniqueness is surely a quality that makes them very.. interesting. How can one human being, be like that? Was Rose the lucky one with the lucky genetics*? They really do live up to being unique.
Onyx, Dian ( @rockwgooglyeyes ): Another pair. It seems like it's always the bright and cheerful ones with the most quiet and introverted ones ever. Like that's the only pair that is ever needed. But, besides that. She doesn't care for the both of them; it's now expected that almost everyone here would be a quiet kid or a very friendly kid. With complimentary colors that mix well
Vermillion ( @subzeromoron ): Third one of being a guy with red hair. The first one who has something hiding, a candle like boy and now someone who's named after a color of a shade of red. Who would've guessed it.
Ava ( @paperstarry ): Pretty smile with nothing behind it at all. At least that is true. (Just that, almost everything is repeating. Rosca is super glad that she's here to be in charge and at least not have this place be boring!)
*fun fact! Rosca knows some light biology of humans, due to her travels and how she has worked in plays/theaters before being inrolled to ANAKT to sing.
Again, sorry if these are short or repetitive.
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oddinary4bts · 1 year
Do u think u could make an JJK FF about two people falling in love bc of fate and coincidences?
I received this before my follower milestone but it works for the celebration I’m hosting so you are in luck hahaha
The Coincidence of Fate | jjk
☆pairing: Jungkook x reader
☆rating: 18+ (no smut in and of itself, just mention of oc and jungkook making love. Minors please DNI)
☆genre: slices of life!au, fluff
☆warnings: OC slips because of a mask, one mention of characters making love
☆word count: 1.3k
You weren’t supposed to be here. You still can’t believe the series of events that led you to be standing here, in this coffee shop, drenched with water from the heavy rain outside.
First, you woke up this morning with an inexplicable yearning for your favourite cappuccino from that café you used to go to when you were in college. Literally, you woke up craving the taste of it, and the aromas that swirled on your tongue whenever you studied at that café, by the window overlooking the park on the other side of the street. So you elected to make a pitstop there before going to work, as your first meeting is only at 10:30 am anyway.
Second, you forgot to look at the weather before you leave – which mind you you never do. You usually look at the weather every morning to prepare yourself for the day – what you’ll wear, if you need to put boots or shoes, if you need to bring an umbrella. This morning you forgot, and your trustee red umbrella is still on its hook, in the wardrobe next to the apartment’s door. It’s probably laughing at you from where it hangs, warm and dry.
Third, you took the wrong metro line, which is entirely because you are so used to be going to work directly from home that you don’t even think when you do it, you just let the flow of the crowd guide you. It took you three stops to realize you took the wrong line, and you pull out your phone to figure out the most efficient way to get to the café. It turns out to be a bus, so you get out of the metro and wait at the stop two streets down.
Fourth, the bus drops you off a good seven-minute walk away from the café. Which you reckon isn’t a lot, you’re usually the kind of person that always walks if it’s less than a thirty-minute walk. But the rain starts then, just a small drizzle that doesn’t worry you all that much. It’s summer, so it’s warm anyway, and the drizzle is a good relief from the heat.
Fifth, the café is closed due to renovations, but another one a few blocks down the street took over their menu – of course the café knows how important it is to the university students, so it didn’t want to betray its loyal clientele. But that means a longer walk, yet it still doesn’t scare you.
Sixth and last, the drizzle turns into a full-on shower by the time you make it two blocks down, and you run the rest of the way, trying to avoid your designer clothes getting all wet. Which obviously doesn’t work, because you’re currently dripping on the floor of the coffee house, looking like a lost puppy in the rain.
You’re still adamant about the cappuccino. In fact, you crave it even more now – you’re going to need its warm comfort.
The coffee shop is mostly empty, save for a group of girls studying in one corner, though they seem like they’re gossiping more than anything else. They don’t look at you, and you don’t look at them, walking towards the counter.
There is no one behind it, and you glance at the double doors that probably lead to a kitchen or something of the sorts. What you miss then, is the surgical mask left on the floor by a careless client, and damn you the tiles of the coffee shop have been polished recently.
The moment you step on the mask you fly, and your back hitting the floor has you feeling far too dizzy for your own good. You shut your eyes for a few seconds, wincing in pain. When you open them again, you wonder if you hit your head.
If you hit your head real good and died, because someone’s kneeling next to you, and you’re pretty sure he’s the most beautiful man you’ve seen in your entire life. He’s got big doe eyes, a soft gaze that holds so much kindness you think he can only be an angel. Strangely, what your eyes focus on is the mole under his mouth though.
His lips move, distracting you from the mole, and you notice light glinting on a piercing before you realize he’s speaking. And he’s speaking to you, with a concern-filled voice.
“Are you okay?” he repeats.
You blink a few times. “I think so.”
He helps you to sit up, and you’re painfully aware of his hands on you. They’re large, warm, and they hold you for a time, making sure you’re as okay as you say you are. His eyes don’t ever waver from yours once your gazes connect, and you’re pretty sure you’re hearing bells.
You are. It’s the bells from the door, and you let out an embarrassed chuckle as your eyes fall, and he moves his hands off of you to glance at the new client.
“Why don’t you sit while I take care of their order?” he suggests, motioning to the nearest empty table.
You blink again. “Oh.” You glance at the two guys that walked in, before nodding your head. “Yes, sure. Good idea.”
He chuckles, and you think it’s the most beautiful sound you’ve ever heard in your life. It has your pulse racing, in that good way you usually only see on a movie screen. Your gazes catch for a moment again, and it feels like the moment is stretching into its own little eternity.
Then the guy is helping you to stand, and you notice the sleeve of tattoos. They look out of place, on this sweet innocent-looking man, yet they fit perfectly. You gulp, before sitting at the table as he moves back behind the counter to serve the two customers.
His eyes keep darting to you. You know because each time he catches you already looking, and he sends you a small, secretive smile that has you think you have to know him from somewhere. The way he moves feels familiar, the stretch of his shoulders feels like you’ve seen it a thousand times before. You almost remember holding that large hand of his, almost remember the sound of his voice as he whispers against your skin…
You blush then, and your eyes obstinately fall to the table, boring a hole there.
You’ve never been a big romantic. Never believed in love at first sight… but when he puts your favourite cappuccino down in front of you, before sitting in the chair across from yours, you think maybe fate is just a series of coincidences.
“How did you know…” you trail off, motioning to the cup in front of you.
He smiles. “Intuition. I’m Jungkook, by the way. I’ve never seen you around here before.”
Blush dusts your cheeks again. “Y/n.”
He nods, as if he knew anyway.
It’s no wonder you fall in love. No wonder the puzzle pieces meet and form art, because it was meant to be. At least that’s what you think the first time he kisses you, after a Narnia pub quiz date that had both of you sharing two pints of beer, because you both don’t want to leave after the first one. That’s what you think the first time he makes love to you, forehead pressed against yours as you breathe the same air and he tells you he thinks he knows you from a past life. That’s what you think when he makes you dance amongst the falling leaves a late October evening, and that’s what you think when he kisses the top of your head first thing when he wakes up on Christmas morning.
And a year later, when he proposes in that same café you were never supposed to go to, you think he’s your favourite coincidence as you say yes, yes to an eternity next to him. Because you know, you know now your life was just a series of coincidences, all of them leading to him.
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raccoonfallsharder · 1 year
fanfiction masterlist i guess ♡
*this masterlist is OLD! find the new masterlist here
here's what you need to know about what is behind this cut: lots of smut, always with feelings and fluff, praise kinks, dirty talk, maybe some light d/s, enthusiastic consent. a few clean headcanons/minifics & fan art of your amazing OCs
(it's all rocket raccoon, all the time) also, please let me love your OCs (doodle requests temporarily paused)
If you would like to be added to the fanfiction update taglist (or removed), please let me know via comment, message, or ask! ♡
recently updated
headcanon 8 - rocket, lylla, & drax [NEW posted 9/17] headcanon 9 - dad glasses [NEW posted 9/21]
Reconnaissance for Beginners: An Instruction Manual (Fourteenth Visit) [ONESHOT. added 9/18] Part Three of Domestic Scenes in Space Travel
Chapter 1/6 Year Zero: Seed [NEW posted 9/24] florescence ❀ (a meetgroot)
Chapter XIV. Exactly Like a Flower. in which comfort is shared. [WIP 9/27] Chapter XV. Galaxy-Breaking Shit. in which more comfort is shared, and life is good. Briefly. [WIP 10/5] Window Across the Galaxy
I can't keep up with updating my kinktober prompts on a daily basis (I'm honestly amazed I've managed to keep up with the writing as well as I have and I've only been doing this for a few days) So for now, please find them with the tag #rfh kinktober and when the month is over I'll make a masterlist. [NEW all month] based on @flightlessangelwings’ Kinktober 2023 Prompt List
[complete works behind the cut ♡]
spoilers: I have a preferred trope/formula that I lean into quite hard (girl falls first; raccoon falls harder) and while I do really love tragic fanfic, I firmly believe rocket's suffered enough of that so it's only happy endings here (even if it takes a minute to get there). Well, more or less, anyway.
Domestic Scenes in Space Travel
reader x rocket fluff, medium-burn?? (at least for Part One), smut. comics-based but you don't need any comics background knowledge to read this - you just need to enjoy fluff + smut + rocket (and be 18 i guess). multiple parts. see notes for summary + warnings.
The Very Boring Adventures of Space Pilot & Sweatshirt Girl Part One of Domestic Scenes in Space Travel [COMPLETE 5/5 chapters] Summary: In Rocket Raccoon: Grounded (2016) / Issue #3, Rocket asks a stranger on the ferry to "make sure nobody does anything weird" to him while he naps, and the stranger just, like, abandons him while he's sleeping?? get in loser we're gonna fix it Chapter One (The First Visit) Chapter Two (The Second Visit) Chapter Three (The Third Visit) Chapter Four (The Fourth Visit) Chapter Five (The Fifth Visit) complete post - The Very Boring Adventures of Space Pilot & Sweatshirt Girl
Outer Space Safety & Spaceship Maintenance Training (Ninth Visit) Part Two of Domestic Scenes in Space Travel [Oneshot. COMPLETE 8/21] Sequel to The Very Boring Adventures of Space Pilot & Sweatshirt Girl [domestic fluff, dirty talk, oral sex - mind the ao3 tags.] Summary: Study Night. or - why study when you can seduce your hot local Space Pilot into oral? When you were a kid, you imagined yourself growing up, working a cool job, living in a cute house, getting a big dog, marrying, and having kids of your own. You've currently got none of those things, but you are getting regularly railed by a raccoon-shaped cosmic adventurer, and he's currently showing you around his spaceship. Which is kinda better than anything you could have dreamed up for yourself. [comics-inspired, though i'm fucking around with timelines/continuity and you really don't need any comics-context to ride this ride] complete post - Outer Space Safety & Spaceship Maintenance Training
Reconnaissance for Beginners: An Instruction Manual (Fourteenth Visit) Part Three of Domestic Scenes in Space Travel [Oneshot. COMPLETE 9/18] [domestic fluff, dirty talk, orgasm delay, bf/gf silliness. - mind the ao3 tags.] Summary: Date Night. in a gesture of true romance, rocket takes you to a dive bar. of all the stories he's shared with you, his favorites are the ones where he gets saved by the space princess. not that he'd tell you that. ˖⁺。˚⋆˙✧⋆。°✩☼⋆。°✩☽︎ loosely based on Rocket (2017): The Blue River Score. domestic bf/gf silliness & fluff. extensive smut. comics-knowledge isn't needed but HIGHLY recommend starting at the beginning of this collection for context (The Very Boring Adventures of Space Pilot & Sweatshirt Girl).
florescence ❀ (a meetgroot)
[WIP: Year 0/5] [mcu-based, slight au, medium-burn, eventual smut circa chapter four. tentative allies to friends to lovers. the middle is angsty but there are only happy endings here. no use of y/n.] Summary: “The only chance we got is to get to the other side of the universe as fast as we can and maybe, just maybe, we'll be able to live full lives before that whack-job ever gets there.” Rocket & Groot leave their friends behind on Knowhere, despite the latter’s protests, and end up hiding out on a nothing-planet (with a non-extradition policy) at the edge of the Shi’ar Galaxy. It was the flowers that drew you in.
Chapter 1/6 Year Zero: Seed [NEW posted 9/24]
Blackmail Material
[WIP: Chapter 2/4] reader x rocket pwp with feelings; smut & fluff & love confessions. MCU-based, post-Endgame, friends-to-lovers. Summary: a classic tale of "this fuckin raccoon found your sex-toy." as per usual: girl falls first; raccoon falls harder. see notes for summary + warnings.
Chapter One: Blackmail Material Chapter Two: Self-Sufficience [NEW posted 8/29] Chapter Three: Firearms over Flowers ???
Window Across the Galaxy
[WIP: Chapter 15/25+] [NEW chapter posted 10/5] rocket x oc angst/hurt/comfort; slow burn + eventual smut with feelings. MCU-based. slight AU starting pre-GOTG volume 1. enemies to friends to lovers but only one of these idiots thinks they're enemies. see notes for summary + warnings. could become 1 part of a 2-part series, if I have the energy/inspiration. Summary: Rocket is captured by a Ravager crew hoping to get rich off the excessively large bounty on his head. Throwing a wrench in everyone’s plans is the Terran girl they hired to do some freelance assessing on a recent haul of goods they’ve seized from a Xandaran luxury liner. Oops.
Chapter I. A Delicacy. in which our reluctant heroes meet atop a crate of Sovereign porn in the bowels of a Ravager ship. Chapter II. Monster For A Pet. in which one hero wrestles with his inner Groot, and the other is quite possibly a moron. Chapter III. A Kindness.in which Rocket gets in his own damn way: not for the first time, and certainly not for the last. Chapter IV. Got There First. in which our heroes obtain an arsenal and street food. Chapter V. Things No-One Has Said Before. in which one hero refuses to babysit and the other refuses to leave. Chapter VI. Two and a Half Billion Units. in which we lean into the “they were roommates” trope. Jolie has misgivings, while Rocket has fantasies - about getting rich, of course. Chapter VII. I'm Here.in which we visit Knowhere. Chapter VIII. The Care & Feeding of Human Pets.in which our heroes practice breathing and we lean into a new trope: “there was (technically) one bed.” Chapter IX. Scrapmetal and a Dream. in which we redefine homemaking. Chapter X. Thin Fucking Ice. in which our heroes get fucked. Not in the good way. Chapter XI. Let It Be. in which Xandar is saved and good lives are lost. Chapter XII. So Much It Hurts. in which we try not to fuck up the vibes. Chapter XIII. Don’t Wait. in which a lost sister is found and Drax grapples with the concept of sarcasm. Chapter XIV. Exactly Like a Flower. in which comfort is shared. Chapter XV. Galaxy-Breaking Shit. in which more comfort is shared, and life is good. Briefly. [WIP 10/5]
Autopilot Systems Check [Oneshot. COMPLETE 9/3/2023] Est Word Count: 1409 reader x rocket soft fluff & domestica. MCU-based, post-Endgame i guess. Summary: reader wakes up in the middle of the night and rocket is nowhere to be found. drabble based on this post/inadvertent prompt.[complete post - Autopilot Systems Check]
Kinktober 2023
based on day 8 of @flightlessangelwings’ Kinktober 2023 Prompt List Kinktober Day 8: Turbulence. rocket needs you to hold. flarkin. still. [NEW 10/8]
Other Duties As Assigned
[WIP: ???] rocket x oc email romance/LDR (lol); slow burn + probable smut with feelings. Begins five months after The Snap. I don't have an intended outcome for this fic yet (just kind of rambling around) so this has the most uncertain publishing date. Summary: Natasha Romanoff is an administrative nightmare - a fact that does not go unnoticed by the (interim) captain of the Milano. First she demands that the remaining two Guardians of the Galaxy be reachable via a primitive Terran messaging system, and then she can't be bothered to read the frickin' emails. Thank fuck she's hired a new assistant.
Headcannons & Drabbles headcanon 1 - rocket & sex work headcanon 2 - rocket & occassional post-sex feelings headcanon 3 - quill & innocence/optimism headcanon 4 (minific/drabble) - rocket & nebula (2014) in endgame/post time-heist headcanon 5 (minific/drabble) - rocket & quill were scooped at the same time headcanon 6 - cinnamon roll peter quill continued headcanon 7 - rocket & nova corps headcanon 8 - rocket, lylla, & drax [NEW posted 9/17] headcanon 9 - dad glasses [NEW posted 9/21]
Fan Art of Your Amazing OCs (and maybe sometimes mine)
Rose (@love-for-faeries-go-burrrr ) & Moon (@glow-autumz) Thank you for letting me draw these two lovelies. You know I headcanon them as interdimensional besties ♡
Brita (@pretty-chips) is such a pure, delightfully fun character with record-store-clerk vibes. Thank you for letting me draw her. She is a glowing sunbeam-soul. ♡ another Brita wearing a terran t-shirt gifted to her by my oc, Jolie Spinner
Moon (@glow-autumz) Thank you again for letting me illustrate some of Moon's rad powers. i am OBSESSED. I appreciate so much you bringing her to life!
Chérie (Cherry) (@aliasrocket) I have a crush. 10/10 would attempt to flirt with (badly). Thank you so much for creating her and letting me doodle her!
Jolie (Window Across the Galaxy) - my gremlin child. just some scritchy-scratchy character concepts. feel free not to look if you want to imagine Jo in your own way. ♡ the "real" Jolie doodle - refined, finished, && in color
Fleuret (I think?) (@elegant-fleuret) is my personal caffeine deity. i now pray to her for the ability to scrap myself out of bed and deliverance from coffee crashes. she is also the dj of knowhere which is possibly the coolest fucking job in the universe and i would like to be her friend.
Star (@cleo-is-babygirl) is a pure fluffy little sundrop and a brilliant self-taught medic/surgeon. she is also the first tanuki/anthropomorphic animal i have drawn other than rocket so i was very nervous but i did my best. thank you for letting me try something new and expand my experience, friend!
Juno (@lazarel-3000) is one of my favorite OCs ever. she is everything. i want to be her && i want to date her (unfortunately she only has eyes for rocket).
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ninyard · 4 months
i saw your tags in a recent post so TELL US ABOIT YOUR OC!!!
I’m gonna use this as an excuse to talk about one of my ocs lilya if that’s okay (as with everything I write EVER this got way too long but…here it is anyway)
- Lilya Lebedev
- 25
- striker for an east coast pro team, but shes getting frustrated that she hasn’t been signed for the US Court yet
- used to be a Raven
Lilya was young when she joined the Raven lineup - freshly 18, she was scouted from her private school team, she’s nimble and quick, and even then the Raven’s recognised her dirty style of playing that got her signed so young.
She was a freshman at the same time as Paris, and they were partners for the year he was there, but after he transferred she switched between a couple of partners before settling with someone in her third year. From the get go she was a hard ass, she took no shit, but kept in line. She was quiet enough that she kept herself in the shadows when it came to punishments, but good enough that she always had eyes on her when she played. Her attitude was typical of a Raven, a stone cold bitch when she had to be but subservient when necessary. One time as a fourth year she got into a fight with a backliner that resulted in her nose being broken, and there really kicked off her simmering resentment against the Ravens.
She was straight into one of the top pro teams when she graduated, naturally. While it was initially hard to adjust, she realised that her difficulties came from a totally opposite side as her old teammates’ did. She finds it extremely overwhelming to have someone by her side constantly. When she graduated, she had a roommate who understood to some degree her needs when it came to having someone with her all the time, but she very quickly got over it when she remembered how obnoxious she found people outside of the Ravens. They were never alone because it mattered to the game; having someone by her side constantly who wanted to talk about life and feelings and things other than Exy was a nightmare.
She has a weird relationship with intimacy and sexuality. She’s bisexual, which she’s known since she was a kid, but the only women she’s been with were Raven’s, and the men she’s been with end up being terrible people most of the time. She’s an awful person to go on a date with; if she’s hooking up with someone, she doesn’t want to talk to them before or afterwards. She ghosts people like there’s no tomorrow. She has never entertained the idea of a relationship or being with someone more than once, and avoids feelings like the PLAGUE. (That changes when she meets June, the goalkeeper for her pro team - but it takes a whole lot of patience to get there)
She kept the strict diet, and the sleeping habits, and 90% of the time when she’s not at home she’s either at the gym or in the court. She lives alone, and never got back in contact with her family. People on her team try to get close to her but she doesn’t let them.
She found a lot of peace in finally being alone, and really keeps to herself on the team. Being alone in a room with another person stresses her out like crazy, but the first time she ever had an anxiety attack after the Nest was when Paris was signed to the same team as her. He had been away from the Raven’s for a while and hadn’t been there long enough for the partner thing to have a huge effect on him, but he asked her if she needed a partner, and speaking to someone she considered to be another Raven sent her into a meltdown.
Lilya never dealt with the abuse that she personally faced, never accepted that it happened to her, and honestly she blocked out a lot of what happened in the nest for her own sake. So seeing a Raven sends her into fight or flight, like she was suddenly remembering everything at once. Because of this she avoids Paris as much as possible, but if he’s anything, he’s persistent.
When all of the truth starts to come out about the Raven’s, she’s angry at herself for not wanting to defend them. Her and Paris are mostly polar opposites in their relationship with EA. Paris hates them, he hates who they are culturally and as people, and sees very little value in them as a team. On the flip side, he recognises how good they were at finding and developing talent. Lilya is adamant on ignoring how she truly feels about the Ravens, and is dead set on changing Paris’ mind about them, because in a twisted way she hates them while still idolising them. If they have to talk, they avoid talking about the Ravens, because every time it comes up they butt heads like crazy.
They only start getting along after a post-game interview where an interviewer asks Lilya an insanely intrusive question and Paris goes OFF on them for it, defending her and calling out the interviewer. They try to work through their problems, and Paris sees the crack in her facade, finally seeing how fucked up her thought process about them is, how fucked up the things she went through are.
I gotta stop myself but…. There she is. Miss Lilya.
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doggirling · 4 months
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it has officially been HALF A DECADE since a depressed little 14-year-old me decided to try designing a random fruit bat librarian character in krbay's art style, entirely clueless to the fact a whole story would branch out from him and that she'd be changing the trajectory of her own life forever!!! happy 5 years of ricky, 5 years of starstruck, and 5 years of a somewhat worrying level of kirby oc hyperfixation!!!
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(and he also did get that KitchenAid KSM90PS 300-Watt Ultra Power 4-1/ 2-Quart Empire Green Stand Mixer.)
read below for a very rambly note, and more 💚⬇
i initially had written and drafted a very long, very heartfelt note about ricky and how much he's helped me, but i felt it was a bit too intimate to publicly post online, so a majority of it has been put away. here is a snippet.
this fruit bat has been with me through (DEEP BREATH) severe depression, missing my last months of middle school due to it, extreme childhood suicidal ideation, starting high school all alone with none of my friends, therapy, meeting some of my best friends ever, the pandemic, the lockdown, contracting a certain illness twice (hint hint), the terror of online school, more therapy (cbt edition), finding a psychiatrist, receiving my official diagnoses, getting properly medicated, getting better, losing all my childhood pets, finally getting to a point where i overcame depression, graduating high school, and my gap year! ricky has been here for some of the biggest milestones in my life, and he's helped me reach each one. i can say for certain i would not be at the point i am now (or would maybe even still be alive at all) if it weren't for ricky. via the struggles he faced in his story as i developed him + starstruck over time, younger me had him as a coping mechanism throughout the hardest time of my life, where his continued survival and perseverance despite everything was something i decided to replicate (if ricky dahlia can survive all that, so can i!) i continued to live as a way to thank him and the cast for what they've gone through and how they helped me, and i will give him the happy ending he deserves because he's why i reached mine in the first place! whether i remain fixated on starstruck/kirby or not (which i probably will, considering this is also technically the 5-year anniversary post for starstruck itself and the hyperfixation has not wavered once), it will never ever change the fact that ricky is the most beloved, important character i ever created. may he and i see many more years together. ❤❤❤
NOW. here's a collection of all the ricky bday art from over the years put together! its very nice seeing how both my art improved and also how ricky's design has somewhat changed over the years. would normally be very embarrassed posting such old art. but its in the name of celebrating ricky, so i can tolerate it. 😊
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1️⃣. first birthday
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2️⃣. second birthday
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3️⃣. third birthday
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4️⃣. fourth birthday
that's all for this post now, considering it's already super long 😅 ricky is just one of the most important things in my life, and the fact that 1. it's now been a whole 5 years/half a decade since he came into existence, and 2. i'm actually alive to witness it is. kind of a big deal to me. so you all have to deal with me being particularly obnoxious about him, cause if it weren't for him, i would not be here. anyways... until next year. I LOVE ALL OF YOU, AND I ESPECIALLY LOVE YOU, RICKY GREENDOWN DAHLIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💚💚💚🦇🦇🦇
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pitviperofdoom · 9 months
It has been a HOT minute since I posted anything here about Caleb and Jack, my vampire-and-frankenstein-monster duo. They're two of my nearest and dearest OCs, and rest assured that no matter what else I get up to, they're always in my thoughts.
But this was the last time I made a substantial post about them, about six-ish years ago when I tried writing their story for NaNo. The way I was writing it wasn't really working out, and I shelved it for a bit so I could continue developing the storyverse they're part of.
And, well, I did a lot of development! Came up with a much more coherent plot for their intro story, ended up working on it last November for NaNo, so it worked out.
Anyway, some time after my previous attempt, Jack in particular went through quite the redesign, and for a while I've been wanting to draw how he looks now, but it's been ages since I drew regularly and I could never get up the nerve and motivation for it.
But hey! Writing's my thing! So I figured, why not just post his in-universe description?
So, here's Caleb and Jack's first meeting, in its current incarnation. Hope you guys enjoy:
Caleb’s hand was halfway to his phone when, further into the woods to the southeast, a pair of high-pitched howls rent the air.
“Shit.” He was already running. Normal wolves didn’t range this far west. What the hell were werewolves doing out here when there was a creature on the loose that already put two of theirs in the hospital?
A third wolf voice joined the rest, not so much a howl as a yelping scream. Caleb abandoned running and took flight instead, shooting upward until his bat form broke through the foliage and flitted over the trees unhindered. The wolves, bless them, continued to howl for help, leading Caleb straight to them. Once he was nearly on top of them, Caleb dove back down through the treetops. He abandoned his bat form halfway down, and let his weight carry him the rest of the way to the earth.
Three small, rangy wolves paced and snarled in the dark. One was limping. The other two crowded in front of them protectively, teeth bared to the gums at the fourth figure crouching in the loam nearby. 
It was a person, or at least person-shaped, dressed in rags and snarling like a beast. It moved strangely, its feet elongated so that it balanced on its toes like a bird. There was blood on the ground, and blood on its long, sharp, shining fingers.
One of the wolves lunged and snapped, and the creature charged. Caleb met it halfway and struck claws-first.
His talons tore through clammy flesh. The blow sent the creature stumbling back, clumsy on its oddly-built legs. Its foot caught on a root and sent it flailing to the ground, and Caleb was upon it before it could recover.
It struggled wildly beneath him, teeth gnashing and foaming as it tried to bite him. Another blow to the face, and Caleb’s claw caught on something that didn’t feel like flesh—string? Thread? Its breath smelled of blood and chemicals, and its eyes—
There was something wrong with its eyes.
It kicked out at him, and he found its feet just as sharp as its hands. He was forced to let go when it cut him in the stomach, and it broke away and scrambled back until a tree halted its retreat.
One of the young wolves charged again, baying like a hunting hound, only to catch another sharp-taloned kick to the face. The cornered creature lashed out again, and Caleb flung himself sideways into the wolf, knocking her out of the way with a yelp. 
“Get out of here!” he hissed, and the wolf snarled back at him defiantly. In the space left by their argument, the creature scrambled to its feet and fled. Caleb was about to give chase when the wolf slammed him back and took off after the creature themself.
By now the creature was wounded, and its gait made it slow. The wolf caught up in two bounds, and Caleb couldn’t reach them before the creature whipped around and tensed as if to attack.
With a deafening snarl, a fourth wolf—easily twice the size of the others, dark brown with a dusting of red around the ruff—appeared out of the trees, sank her teeth into the creature’s shoulder, and flung it back. The smaller wolf yelped in shock and skidded to a halt. Caleb overtook them and pounced on the creature before it could recover. It was trying to rise when Caleb pinned it to the earth, fangs bared. Dimly he was aware of the wolves’ snarling presence behind him, but his eyes were fixed on the creature. His mind raced. Removing the head or destroying the heart was usually a good bet, but he didn’t know what he was dealing with in the first place.
Head was easiest, at this point. If this was somehow a fucked up zombie, it might not even have a heart.
His hand closed around the creature’s throat. God, he wished he’d brought a knife.
Beneath him, the creature went limp. Its jaws cracked open, exposing smooth, shining teeth.
Caleb startled so badly he let go. The creature gasped and scrambled away again, before the red-maned wolf darted round to cut off its escape. A snarl from her sent it cowering into the dirt, crying out. 
“Stop please.” The words scraped their way out of its throat. Immediately it flinched, curling in on itself as if anticipating another blow. 
All Caleb could do was stare at it, then at the wolf helping him corner it. “You heard that, right?”
Maya Robinson cocked her head to the side, looking for all the world like a dog that had just heard a new sound.
“Did you just talk?” Caleb demanded, feeling ridiculous. It could be mimicry. He’d heard rumors of necromancers teaching their puppets to imitate speech.
The creature curled into a tighter ball without a sound.
“Hey,” he bit out. “Answer me if you understand. Did you just talk?”
It flinched again. Breath rattled and hissed in and out of it. “Sorry,” it rasped out.
Caleb stared at the wolf cornering it. She stared back, nonplussed.
Behind him, another growl rose from the smaller wolf from before. They crept forward, eyes fixed on the creature. The cuts on their face still bled. They lunged, only for Maya to let out the loudest snarl Caleb had ever heard. Cowed, they immediately dropped to the ground and pinned back their ears.
The creature on the ground startled visibly, rolling to its feet. Maya turned toward it, teeth bared, and made as if to lunge and put it straight back on the ground.
“Wait,” Caleb cut her off, one hand in front of her glaring face. “Just, wait. Give it a minute.” The wolf gave a disgruntled snort. “Don’t. You aren’t even supposed to be here.”
Maya snorted again, unimpressed, before turning away, tipping her head back, and howling to the sky. Answering calls reached Caleb’s ears within seconds.
“You, sit,” Caleb growled at the creature. It sat, arranging its legs awkwardly on the ground, and Caleb stepped back to take his first good look at it.
It looked human, for the most part. Its component parts seemed mostly human. It had two arms, two legs, and a head, all where they were supposed to be. Cautiously he took hold of one of the creature’s wrists, turning it over for a better look. It submitted to the inspection meekly enough, silent as it waited for him to finish. 
Maya had been half-right about it wielding knives. Its hands were knives; the fingers stopped at the second knuckle, and instead of the last two joints were six-inch steel blades. The thumb had been treated similarly, the last joint replaced with a shorter blade. Caleb tested one edge and cut himself easily. He released the wrist and turned instead to the strange shape of its feet, and had to stare at it for nearly a minute to understand just what he was looking at. Below the heel, its foot was an elongated fusion of metal and flesh that split into three toes with long, curved steel talons. It was built to walk like a bird. Like a dinosaur, more like.
Beneath the rags it wore, prominent seams crisscrossed its flesh, making its skin a grisly patchwork. The face alone had at least three different skin tones, each bordered by thick, even stitching. A shock of grayish-white hair grew from its head in uneven tangles. Caleb cautiously brushed it out of the way of its eyes, and couldn’t suppress a hiss of instinctive revulsion.
It didn’t have eyes. No sclerae, irises, or pupils. The sockets were pits of viscous black ooze that leaked like tears.
Caleb breathed in, drinking in the mingled floral-chemical scent, and sighed.
“I’m going to be completely honest with you,” he informed the wolves. “I have no idea what I’m looking at.”
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mk-writes-stuff · 6 months
Seven Stations Ask Game
I’ve been toying with the idea of making one of those fun themed ask games for a while so I decided just to do it! And I figured, what better theme on my blog than the WIP I talk about all the time? So here’s my Seven Station Chronicles themed ask game, I hope y’all like them! It’s mostly character-focused with a bit of worldbuilding. Feel free to send them in and/or reblog and get your followers to send you some
OC Questions:
Belladonna: what is your character most frequently anxious about? Not their greatest fear but the thing that’s constantly worrying them a bit
Cassie: what significant ties exist between this character and others? Would the character break them if they could?
Nellie: what haunts your character? What constantly pesters at the back of their mind?
Narcissus: what is your character most proud of? Do they show it off? How?
Ricinus: what is your character’s view on family?
Goldenrod: what does your character have the most disdain for? Do they let other people know?
Cassiopeia: what does your character think of authority? Do they want it? What do they think it should be used for?
Stellaris: what is your character fascinated by?
Rhys: what does your character struggle with doing? Do other people deride them for struggling with this thing?
Sel: what does your character do to try to help themself or achieve their goals? Does it work?
Septimus: what is your character most known for? Is it an accurate assessment of them?
Moons: is your character devoted to anything? What is it?
Asher: what are your character’s hobbies?
Gravity: what legacy does or will your character leave behind? Is it what they wanted?
Ruthlessness: how far would your character go to win a competition?
Ambition: what motivates your character? If someone wanted to convince them to do something, what would be the easiest way to do it?
Torathen: how does your character treat someone who’s struggling?
Rozael: have circumstances ever put your character in a place they didn’t want to be in? What did they do?
Korriel: has your character ever needed to step up in a big way? How?
Seffae: what does your character find funny?
Lorriat: what is your character’s type? In a partner, a friend, or an enemy
Shen: what big changes has your character gone through? How did other characters react?
Ananias: does your character do anything their society would disapprove of? What is it? Why do they do it?
Azrael: what principles does your character live by? Have they ever broken them?
Rachel: what is the biggest sacrifice your character has made? Would they say it was worth it? Do they believe it?
Worldbuilding Questions:
First: what is the oldest establishment in your world? What is its purpose?
Second: what plants are common and/or interesting in your world? Are they edible? Hazardous?
Third: what do people do for entertainment in your world?
Fourth: what is the technology like in your world? Are there any particularly interesting devices?
Fifth: what are some common religions or spiritual beliefs in your world?
Sixth: how are materials obtained in your world? Especially rare and expensive ones
Seventh: what is the state of medicine in your world?
Elf ship: are there any new societies or people that your main characters meet that they didn’t initially know about? What do they have or do differently?
Old World: what did a past era look like on your world? Was it better? Worse?
That turned out longer than I expected lol :)
Anyways, I’d love to get some asks (if you want to know why I gave a certain character a certain question, you can ask that too!) And feel free to reblog this game if you’d like and get some asks of your own :)
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chaosandthe-deadblog · 8 months
hi i’m that one person who was upset about a sonadow sex joke you made. let me preface by saying i’m not here to argue or scare you but to apologize.
you don’t have to respond to this at ALL i just saw your blog name and felt guilty for hurting you.
im sorry about upsetting you and reacting the way i did. i still think its eugh and everything. but i just get upset when people make jokes about that with characters previously stated to be minors because of personal trauma and people sexualizing me as a kid and just morals in general. of course i know that i can’t control how people enjoy their stuff, and i know it’s going to exist regardless. but i want to at least know if who im interacting with is someone i don’t want to talk to due to being a proshipper or whatever stuff like that.
i wasn’t trying to ‘cancel’ you or anything. i was upset and said something in the moment. i’m sorry. i should have just unfollowed and moved on. i should’ve saw the human i knew behind the screen but what i could only think of was a random person i didn’t know. i’m really sorry.
well, anon, i accept your apology. but also i dont. so let's take this one by one, okay?
first of all. you're still wrong, and i'm still angry.
it wasnt a "sex joke", i was commenting on a uquiz someone else made, because i found the sheer fact that sonadow of all ships was included in that quiz to be really funny. not to mention, the uquiz was based on statistics from ao3, and i guessed the correct answer by just knowing how shipping culture works. i thought this was funny. you know, people are allowed to find suggestive humor funny, even if you're uncomfortable with it, anon.
but i'll humor you. lets say i was doing the things i got accused of doing. big deal. i don't think you're wrong for being upset, much less for being uncomfortable, but one: could've settled this over dms, two: not everyone is you. not everyone is uncomfortable. not everyone cares so much. i didn't give that joke more than two seconds of thought, you clearly did, and i don't think you're wrong for that, i think it wasn't my problem.
secondly, and this will sound horrible, but (like i said) your discomfort isn't something i (the people running that oc poll, and my followers, by the way) needed to know about. i hear you, anon, and i'm sorry that all that happened to you. i understand the discomfort. but, like i said, we could've settled this in private, you could've at least told me which mutual you were, and no one else had to know.
third: i am not a proshipper, and i don't appreciate that you're still calling me gross, by the way. this isn't an apology if you're not accepting you were wrong. i'll humor you again and say that i was doing what you say i was doing: it is not that serious to me, and i don't like being called gross for something that is just plain, morally neutral weird (not good, not bad, neutral weird)
and fourth: thank you for at least recognizing what you should've done. however you didn't do that. from what i understand, based on what happened shortly after your anon, you went to the person running that sonic oc poll (which, whatever, i was losing anyway), and you lied about what i was doing to get me kicked out. good on you for realizing that was wrong. but you know, i'm still angry. im banned from many fandom events now because you couldn't just unfollow me. so i'm glad you realized it was wrong, i accept your apology, but i'm still very much angry with you.
i'm glad you're sorry, i'm glad you're recognizing i'm a human being (okay?) and i'm glad you at least tried to apologize. don't call me gross, apologize for real, and next time don't do this to someone through tumblr anon over whats essentially a common ocurrence on the sonic fandom, and every other fandom
(by the way, even if we weren't mutuals, you shouldnt do something like this to "a random person you don't know" either, but what do i know right? and "because of my trauma" isn't an excuse, because by that logic you also generated trauma in me, because now i'm fucking paranoid about everything i fucking post. i can thank you for that.)
have a nice day.
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by the way
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“Throw The Bitches, Keep The Cash.”
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Requested : Yes (“ari and aria going out on a girls day!!”; requested by @/drxgonspine)
Genre : Fluff, Platonic, OC X OC - Ari (created by @/drxgonspine) X Aria (created by @/sleepdeprivedsprout)
POV : Third Person Semi-Omniscient
Warnings : Minor allusions to drinking. Oh, and, uh… Sex joke. Cursing. Fourth wall breakages by narrator (AKA me). Technically poking fun at religion? I dunno if it counts.
Added Notes : Mentions of a friend’s oc! Blake (created by @/parker-vaporwave).Mentions of ElectroSwing (Aria X Blue) and Caesium (Pico X Ari). Also the names made this a little hard to write hfisndj 💀 I did it though! Also also. This is. This. This is very. VERY LONG. Random Russian and Spanish have been thrown in here because of Aria. She speaks both. So. Yeah.
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Each little step down the street was another moment wasted on their night. Their little conversation night at her bar, by themselves for once. Blake was God knows where, Nene was busy on a mission, and Cassandra… Well, Cassandra was Cassandra. Nobody ever knew where it was.
And Cher had been cut from their circle after that happened.
Which left the day to the Name Twins. As their little group called them, anyway.
Ari pulled her jacket a little tighter around himself. “Why’s Philly gotta be so cold during the fall?” She spat, moving a bit faster. The clock was ticking. The demon would be going into hibernation soon. Which meant no Aria for three months.
“ID?” A voice called out. Ari looked up. He’d missed the turn. And almost walked into a random club. She could vaguely hear Blue’s music thumping through the speakers. “Huh? Wh- No, I’m not going in here,” she backed up, “I- I missed my turn. Uh… Where’s…?”
He looked behind him. The neon lights were almost too bright, but she could vaguely make out the familiar red and white tapestry that hung above the bar’s door. “Sorry, sir,” Ari murmured and turned back around. The bouncer just nodded and leaned back against the wall once more.
“Welcome to Drago-… Oh, it’s you,” Aria’s voice was soft. The demon sat up from her position, brightening a little at the sight of her friend. “You doing okay?” “Yeah, I’m alright. And… You?” Ari pulled himself into a barstool. Aria shrugged, cleaning off a random glass. “Eh. Could be better, could be worse, да?” She turned around and put the cup away.
“Tail’s around your waist. What’s going on?” Ari leaned forward. She could tell. He’d picked up on little things that even Blue hadn’t yet. Like how Aria’s tail would wrap around her leg or her waist whenever she was teetering on the edge of a brain cloud of sadness. “Vete a la mierda, cosa estúpida,” she hissed, slightly at herself, before forcing her tail away from her body. “It’s nothing, I swear.”
“Bullshit, miss demon,” Ari stated. “I’ve known you for… What, two, three months? Our friendship might not have been long so far, but I already know more than Blue. And he’s nearly been with you for a year.” She leaned back, a skeptical look on his face. Aria just sighed. “Fine, fine. Blue’s going on tour. Again. And can’t take me with him. Excuse this time was that I’d be hibernating through it and there’d be no point.”
She sighed before continuing. “And, like, I get it, but at the same time… I-” “Nope! I’ve heard enough,” Ari hopped out of the barstool and went behind the wooden surface, throwing an arm around the demon’s shoulders. “We’re going out. Fuck him for now — not like that. Don’t start it.”
And before Aria could protest, Ari had dragged her out of the building.
“Wh- Ari, wait, I gotta close down the bar! Plus, I have double shift! My boss would kill me if he found out I skipped to-” “Shut it. You told me yourself once. ‘У каждого облака есть серебряная подкладка’, or something like that,” Ari waved a dismissive hand, continuing down the street with Aria in tow.
People stared. It was weird, to them, seeing a panicking demon still in work uniform being dragged down the street by a random teen.
To them, this was an average Friday-
“Whatcha want.” “Huh-?” “McDonald’s. What do ya want.” Aria froze. She didn’t-… Wasn’t ready for this. “Uh… I- Not hungry-” “Too bad, we’re eating something so we have energy to burn. Pick something before I throw a box of nuggets at you.” Ari kept her arms crossed, watching as Aria fumbled with her phone to pull up the menu and avoid eye contact.
“…j-just-…uh…j-…just the fucking hash browns, I dunno-” she finally managed to sputter. “Alright, that works! So, now, if you’ll excuse me…”
Roughly 5 minutes later — and by that, I mean, like, 15, but c’mon now — they had their things. Ari walked down the street, eating his ice cream, while Aria went along behind her. Muttering incoherent phrases to herself, nibbling at the food item Ari had gotten for her so she didn’t have to.
“Mall? We could go thrifting…” Ari suggested. He snickered, “or, knowing the demon stereotypes, we could go fuck around and scare the Christian moms.” Aria rolled her eyes and stuffed the last of her hash brown into her mouth before throwing the wrapper away. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let’s just see what we can do.”
They’d spent 3 hours in that mall. Just doing random shit.
“Dammit, that was fun…” Aria groaned and stretched. For how much time they took, they hadn’t gotten much. Just a few random plushies and two outfits each. “Yeah. Imagine if we had everyone else,” Ari quipped back with a sigh. “We’d get kicked out for a noise complaint, probably.”
Ari paused. “My place? Pico’s out for the night. You can stay over if you’re still mad at Blue, y’know,” she suggested. Aria gave a small nod. “Yeah… Thanks.”
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@drxgonspine , @parker-vaporwave-alt
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 4 months
Personality through quotes
Thanks @mysticstarlightduck here!
Rules: a quote from your OCs given a prompt!
A quote about their favorite memory.
Lexi: "My favorite memory? How could I choose? I guess any where I'm spending time with my friends. The sixth-grade social dance was a lot of fun! Ooh, and the fifth-grade DC trip! That was so much fun. My birthday party last year at the rollerskating rink was awesome, though I did bruise my knee. But I was with my friends, so who cares, right? Ooh the first time I beat Maddie at Mario Kart. Oh my gosh, there was--"
Maddie: "Hm. I dunno what my favorite memory is. Weird to pick one. Maybe in third grade when Kelsey and I presented our research poster. We had the best one there. I ended up doing most of the talking though. It was about tigers, anyway. Kelsey didn't mind. Everyone was listening though. Felt cool to be the center of attention for a bit, I guess."
Ash: "Don't really have a favorite. But I did like it when Lexi, Maddie, Hannah, Mikey, and I were playing Minecraft together in my living room once. It was, like, fourth grade? Pretty awesome. We built a house inside a mountain."
Gwen: "There was this time my family and I were walking one of the trails near my house. Before Christian was born. Cory was really young, so he was with my parents. My sister Mallory and I were alone for a bit, so we got talking. I really like our talks when we get to do them. We ended up noticing strange pawprints and broken branches off to the side, so we started talking about a horror story where some kids like us were in the woods, being hunted by a monster. It was a lot of fun, if a little dark."
Robbie: "Bro, there's literally no way I can pick. Binging the Barbie movies with Sam and Akash was mega fun. We had a great time, both ironically and unironically. Um, the Halloween party in Alium? Those are great. Man this is hard. Uh, there was this time where Akash and I played this game where we'd go to a bookstore and read random sentences out of random books just to see what would happen. Dang, this is hard. In eighth grade there was a theater/choir team-up for a winter concert, so Akash and I got to be on stage together for once. Ugh, can I at least get a top twenty? This will take a while."
Akash: "Not to sound weird and gushy, but I genuinely mean it when I say growing up with Robbie makes it impossible to pick a favorite memory. There are too many good ones."
Jedi: "This is quite an interesting question. I simply am unsure of what to choose. However, I would say graduating college was a wonderful time. Carmen and Atsila were both there, which meant the world to me. They created a lovely celebration for me."
Carmen: "I'm not answering this question." [Redacted for spoilers, but it has to do with Atsila]
Tagging @avrablake @space-writes @dyrewrites @sam-glade @buffythevampirelover
Your sentence is: "A quote about a topic they could write a book about."
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy
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blackcherryvelvet0909 · 4 months
The Start of Something New (Silver/Gold)
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Note: This contains Canon/OC and spoilers for Diasomnia Chapter 7. Possibly a bit ooc for Silver (restudying his dialogue/speech patterns currently)
“And that’s where I am currently.” Gold hopped over a root protruding from the ground as she walked along. “Thanks a bunch for the study guide you lent me - it’s gonna come in handy for finals.”
“Of course,” Silver - her friend and current strolling partner - replied. “Let me know if you need any more help with certain subjects. We can set aside time to review before your exams.” 
“Aw, you don’t have to! You’ve got your own studying to do; I’ve heard the exams for third years can be a real pain.” 
“As have I.” Silver sighed in mild exhaustion. “I’ve been told that Professor Crewel’s final project is especially taxing. Even the slightest mistake can cause the potion to turn…one slip and I either have to retake it or repeat my entire third year.” 
“I know you’ll do well,” Gold reassured. “From what [Name] has told me, you’ve gotten a lot better at preparing that stuff since last year. You’ll knock it out with little problem, I know.” She lightly tapped Silver’s wrist with her middle and forefinger. “Just be sure to show me the final product once you get it back from Crewel. I’d love to see it!” 
A small smile graced the fair man’s face as he glanced down in her direction. “I’ll be sure to.” 
For a couple minutes, there was silence between the two as they navigated through the woods and back to campus. Gold had needed to procure a flora sample for alchemy class; as she was still largely unfamiliar with that part of the island, Silver had offered to accompany her. It wouldn’t be right to let her get lost. Silver had come by to visit her at Ramshackle earlier to deliver her the aforementioned study guide anyway. As one of the housewardens at Night Raven College, it was his responsibility to help his underclassmen in any subject or area, no matter their dorm affiliation. That, and Gold was a very dear friend, so of course Silver would help her in any way he could. 
“Have you heard from your dad lately?” Gold asked, breaking the brief silence. 
Silver’s smile returned as he nodded. “Yes - yesterday, actually. I got a postcard in the mail, along with a letter and a few photos. Father and mother are visiting Port o’Bliss, at least at the time they sent the parcel. They also sent some souvenirs and snacks for Sebek and I.”
“That’s so nice!” Gold ducked under a low hanging branch as they approached a clearing in the woods. “I’m happy they’re enjoying their retirement.” A playful grin stretched across her face. “Or is it a prolonged honeymoon thing?” 
“A bit of both,” Silver chuckled. “They’ve made themselves at home in Red Long Country, but they’ll travel about from time to time. Father has seen most of the world, but mother has barely seen a fourth of it; Father wants to let her explore it before they truly settle down.” 
Gold let out a hum of agreement. “They deserve it after all they’ve been through.” As they stepped into the clearing, the sun above mildly shaded by clouds, Gold made another comment. “It’s also nice to hear you calling Persy your mom, too.” 
“It took some getting used to,” Silver admitted, “but she is married to Father, so that’s who she is.” He let out a brief laugh, “Though she was that long before then.” 
“I could tell. When Sebek told me last year, a little bit after I got here, that he and Persy weren’t married and she wasn’t your mom, I was surprised! You treated her like one from the get-go; at least now it’s official and doesn’t feel off anymore.” 
Silver nodded in agreement. “They sent Malleus a package as well. I delivered it to him shortly after I retrieved mine; I’m sure Sebek and I will find out what’s in it later.”
As Silver and Gold passed through the clearing and entered the woods again, they came upon a small pond, about Silver’s length and a half of hers. The sun’s rays that peeked through the leaves above made the clear waters glitter like diamonds. Birds chirped from the high branches; bushes rustled as wildlife went about their own business. There was little need to worry about any of them threatening the two - Silver’s uncanny connection with the fauna of the world decreased that possibility significantly. If they left them alone, they’d leave them alone. It wouldn’t be too surprising if one of those birds, maybe even a squirrel, came down from their perches to pay the young man a visit, however. 
“Did you see all those flowers that came in the carts today?” Gold asked.
“I did,” Silver replied. “They’re for the upcoming dance, I think. There were a lot of them.” 
“You think it’ll be bigger than last year’s?” 
“Possibly. As Malleus is spending his fourth year as a student teacher, he might have a hand in coordinating the event - Andromeda, too. I think they would enjoy something like that together.” 
“As long as they’ve got the budget,” Gold joked. “They might make the other professors’ blood pressure go up if they spend too much on it.” 
“Malleus isn’t above dipping into his own funds to make he and Andromeda’s visions a reality.” Just as Gold expected, a little red bird fluttered down and came to rest on Silver’s shoulder, chirping a greeting. Silver gave it his attention and petted its feathered head gently with his finger. “It’ll prepare them for what’s to come in their future.” 
Gold sometimes forgot they were all in the presence of a future monarch and his queen consort. The Draconias had more money than she could ever dream; by extension of a pending marriage, it was Andromeda’s, too. Just a tenth of their money would set Gold for life. Seven, the prospect made her want to vomit. Maybe one day she could earn enough to live comfortably similar to that. “Do you have your outfit picked out for it?” Gold inquired, changing the subject before she got too caught up in the what-ifs. 
“I do.” Silver watched as the bird took off back into the canopy of trees before he continued. “Father set aside funds for me to get a suit tailored to my measurements, among other things.”
Man, some people really were set, huh? 
“That’s good.” Gold stopped to lean against a tree, granting herself a brief respite beside the pond. “I’ve still got to come up with what I want to wear. I got the concept down, and I’ve made sure it aligns with the dress code. Now I just have to come up with the money.” 
“Will your paychecks from the lounge be enough?” 
“They should be…at least I hope. Most of the shops around here are pricey, which I expect from a college town. I could order one online, but it’s a little risky cause I won’t really know the fit, quality, stuff like that until it gets here. I’d like to try a potential dress on first before buying it, you know?” Gold sighed to herself as she thought about everything that could go wrong. “I don’t want to have to return it and risk a replacement or alternative not getting here in time for the dance.” 
“And if it comes to that?” 
Gold shrugged. “I guess I just won’t go. The dance isn’t mandatory, so…I could just hang out at Ramshackle until it was over.” 
Silver’s expression turned to concern, disappointment, at the prospect. “I’d hate for you to miss it. I know you want to have a good time with the rest of us. What happened to your dress from last year?” 
“I still have it, but…” Gold looked a little embarrassed to admit why she couldn’t wear the dress, but she didn’t want to leave the man guessing. “I’ve apparently gained a little weight somehow. It’s a bit too tight in my waist area now; it’d be too risky to wear, not to mention uncomfortable.” 
Gold didn’t look like she’d gained weight, at least to Silver. She wouldn’t lie to him though. With a determined look in his eye, he said, “If your checks won’t cover a dress here on the island, I’d be happy to give you the amount you needed to pick one you liked.” 
Gold’s brows raised, eyes widened, heart clenched in guilt and surprise. “Silver, no, it’s okay. It’s just a dance, I-” 
“A dance you really want to go to.” Silver to a step closer to her, now standing in front of her. “Please, Gold, I really don’t mind. I have more than enough left over for food and other things I need.” He mumbled under his breath, “Sometimes I wonder if Father spoils me for how much he gives me.” 
Gold overheard that and let out a small giggle. Silver glanced down at her and smiled - a soft, genuine smile. This guy really was the princely type, wasn’t he? Yeah, he was an actual prince from a kingdom long since passed, but still, he really seemed to have stepped straight out of a fairytale. Gold let out another sigh, this one of relent. “If I feel my checks won’t cover it and the stuff I need, I’ll ask you for a loan.” 
“You promise?”
Gold laughed this time. “I promise, I promise!” 
“Good.” Silver’s hand brushed the back of hers. “And it wouldn’t be a loan - it’d be a gift.” 
“You know, you really need to be careful with stuff like that. Someone could take advantage of you one day.” 
“Maybe,” Silver leaned in a little closer, “but I know you never would.” 
There was that odd feeling again. It always came up with Gold when Silver was this way with her. Not in this exact scenario, per say, but when he was kind and gentle towards her. The qualities a good few of her friends shared, but Silver was just…different, somehow. It was hard to look him in the eye without her heart skipping a beat. That handsome smile of his haunted her many a night, too. Gold wondered if this was the effect he had on everyone else; she should ask around later. 
“Well, whatever happens, I’m dreading wearing heels.” Her feet ached just thinking about it. “I know they look good, but they really begin to hurt your feet after a while.” 
“I don’t believe you have to wear heels,” Silver pointed out. “They’re not part of the dress code; I recall it only states you have to wear formal footwear.”
“I know, it’s just…a girl wants to look pretty, you know? Vil knocked everyone out of the park last year with his; while his are more downgraded, Riddle pulls them off like no one’s business.” Gold shifted her feet, which were nestled in her dark brown loafers. “Everyone who wears them just looks so good! And they look even better when you’re all dressed up. I just wanna look cute.” 
“You still would without heels.” Excuse her, what? Gold whipped her head around to look at Silver again, eyebrow raised. “I’m serious. I don’t believe heels are what make a person look good. If someone wants to wear them with their clothes, I think it’s fine - but it isn’t the thing that makes them look pretty or cute. It’s the person themselves.” 
Gold smirked and gently elbowed Silver. “Oh, so you’re calling me cute, huh? You think I’m soooo pretty?~” 
She could have choked. For a moment, her heart stopped. Gold forgot to breathe altogether for a few seconds. Silver was just going to say that out loud, so matter-of-factly and not expect her to balk?! Her cheeks were burning, she could feel them. Silver took a step back as his expression fell. “I’m sorry, did I offend you?” 
“No, not at all!” Gold protested. “I just…didn’t expect you to answer like that.” 
“Do you think you’re ugly?” Silver seemed shocked at the very idea. “You’re not, you’re-” 
“I know I’m not!” Gold interjected, as politely as she could. She really didn’t want Silver to explain how he viewed her and make her blush even more. “It’s just,” she let out an awkward laugh, “you’re so honest it’s almost unbelievable. You need to be careful saying stuff like that.” 
How pure can one man be? Lilia really had to be doing something with his kids to make them this way. Was it the food? Maybe it was the food - it realigned some of their brain cells in a certain way. “Um, well…” Gold tried to find a good way to explain it without being weird. “I guess…I guess someone might think you like them.” 
“But I do like you.” 
“Well, yeah, as a friend, but I meant in a more…intimate way.” 
“Ah!” Silver gasped as he flinched. Was that…was he blushing? From embarrassment, clearly. “I…” He turned his head downward, Gold now unable to view his face. “I apologize if I made you uncomfortable.” 
“No no, you didn’t,” Gold giggled. She reached out to pat his arm. “It’s okay, I know you didn’t mean it like that. Thank you for the compliment.” 
Silver didn’t respond, just kept staring at the grass. He was quiet for so long Gold began to worry. Then, just as she was about to ask if he was alright, he raised his head and faced her again. “Well, in any case, don’t feel pressured to wear something that hurts you. If you decide to wear heels and they begin to hurt your feet, you can take them off and I’ll carry them for you.” 
Gold laughed again. “And what would I do then? Just walk around barefoot?” 
“You could borrow my shoes, if you wanted.” 
Gold laughed a lot louder this time, imagining herself wearing Silver’s shoes and Silver wearing whatever heels she picked out. “Everyone would be staring at us!” As she calmed herself down, a lint of her laughter poked through her next sentence. “But hey, you look better in heels than I do, so maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.” 
Silver sniffed in amusement. “You think so?” 
“I know so! I remembered when you rocked it at the Fairy Gala. The heels weren’t too big, but you pulled them off really well!” 
Silver chuckled again. “Thank you. I’ve worn larger heels a time or two before then. They were father’s…I guess you could say I was curious about how they felt.” 
“Well, consider me confident in your heel-ing abilities.” Gold raised her arms above her head in a stretch. “Now if I can just learn how to dance properly, we’ll be golden.” 
It was Silver’s turn to raise a brow in question. “You don’t know how to dance?” 
“No, I do - you’ve clearly seen me dance a good few times. It’s just certain ballroom ones I have trouble with. I learned the foxtrot when I was little, and have danced a dramatic version of the tango once, but other than that it’s like I’ve got two left feet.” Gold flexed her fingers as she dropped her arms back down to her sides. “I’m going to watch some videos online and try to learn from there. Maybe I’ll drag [Name] and Grim into being dance partners.” 
Silver seemed to contemplate something for a moment as he stared at Gold. A few seconds later, he voiced his thoughts. “Father taught me how to dance since I was a child. I believe I’m pretty good - would you like me to teach you?” 
Silver, ever the man of charity. And with no ulterior motive in sight; aside from Kalim and [Name], maybe Deuce, that was quite rare. “Really? You wouldn’t mind.” 
“No, I don’t mind.” That fair smile of his returned to grace the world with its presence. “I’d love to dance with you.” 
Yeesh, at this rate Silver might as well be dubbed “Most Likely to Be Prince Charming” in his yearbook photo. Gold made a note to put a word in with whoever was in charge of that later. For now, she let her heart flutter once again as Silver offered his hand to her. “Here?” she asked, glancing about the forest area where they currently stood. 
“If you like.” 
Yep, definitely plucked from the pages of a fairytale. “Alright.” Gold took his hand, feeling the leather that fit snug around his palm and fingers. “Waltz me silly, housewarden, sir.” 
The man laughed as he pulled her to him and rested his other hand on her waist. “Just Silver is fine, thank you.” His hands were strong, firm, yet as gentle and soft as their owner. Silver handled her carefully, protectively, as he guided her on how to step and where. When he stepped back, she stepped forward. When he stepped right, she stepped right. And so on and so on. Round and round and round until there was nothing else in the world but the two of them. 
Gold was so caught up in the dance, in Silver’s hold and gaze, she didn’t notice he was humming until minutes later. She listened closely to the tune, smooth and soft, almost like a lullaby. Gold had never heard Silver sing before, let alone hum. It was…soothing. “What is that?” 
“What is what?” Silver asked, seemingly knocked from his own thoughts as he abruptly stopped. His movements stalled, too, and Gold immediately missed it. 
“That song, the one you were humming. I’ve never heard it before.” 
“Oh.” Silver looked flustered. Did he even know he’d been humming? “It’s a song Father taught me when I was young. Malleus knows it, too, as does Sebek. It’s a lullaby from Briar Valley - I believe Queen Malenore was its creator.” 
“It sounds really nice.” 
Silver made a small noise of amusement. “I’m not as good as father; sometimes I even find myself making up my own words.” 
“Keep going,” Gold urged. “I like it.” 
Silver’s expression softened to something like endearment. “You’re sure?” 
“Mhm.” Gold squeezed his hand, hers still safely held in his gloved one. “You sound nice.” 
There he goes, making her feel like she’s going to collapse under that smile. Somehow Gold kept her legs steady as Silver guided her back into the waltz, fluid and slow. The calm breeze, the occasional chirp of birds and rustle of trees and bushes, the sound of their feet stepping along the fresh green grass, were Silver’s orchestra. His humming slowly morphed into hushed lyrics, scarcely audible to Gold’s listening ears. It was beautiful - he was beautiful. She wondered if he knew. 
I know you
I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you
The look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
And I know it’s true, that visions seldom are all they seem
But if I know you
I know what you’ll do
You’ll love me at once 
The way you did once upon a dream
The third time Silver repeated the last lyric, Gold nearly stripped over her own feet as she missed a step. She gasped out as she stumbled. Silver caught her before she could fall, wrapping his arm tight around her waist to steady her. The movement brought Gold against his chest. His hold and build was strong, as she knew it was, but…again, there was a difference to it than it would be with Jack or Sebek. Silver was so close now, the tips of their noses inches from touching. His warm breath cascaded over her lips, as hers did his. Likely in her scramble to find something to break her fall, Gold’s fingers were now laced with Silver’s in the hand she still held. 
For a moment Gold beheld the whole of Silver’s perfect features, handsome and beautiful. Then, at some point, her gaze solely focused on his aurora colored irises. They were like a brilliant sunset, just as the night was beginning to glimpse the sky. In seconds those eyes went from wide to hooded as Silver stared back at her, just as entranced by her pretty hazel pools. They reminded him of woods in the light of sunrise, browns and greens basked in a golden light. The beginnings of words danced across his lips, mumbled nonsense, until he finally found what he wanted to ask. 
“...Are you alright?”
It took a good minute for Gold to process what he’d said. “Y…Yes.” 
“Good…” For a few more seconds, they remained unmoving, locked in their embrace. Then, slowly, Silver relaxed his hold on her waist. He blinked a couple times to regain his barrings on the world. “Can you stand?” 
Gold nodded her head as she moved away from Silver’s warm chest. She shifted her feet once, twice, before releasing her hand from his bicep, which she’d apparently been holding. It didn’t feel too bulky under her fingers, but not too lean either - just right. She adjusted her school uniform as Silver straightened his dorm uniform. There was palpable silence between them once more, but not like others they had before. This one held an unspoken, unknown tension neither could place. 
Gold was the one to finally break it. “Sorry for using you as a break for the fall,” she said, tittering awkwardly. 
Silver shook his head. “No no, it’s alright. I wouldn’t have wanted you to injure yourself.” 
“Like I told you,” Gold quipped, “two left feet.” 
“You did well,” Silver assured, yet there was a muse to his tone. “With enough practice, you’ll be able to handle yourself just fine.” 
“I’m so happy I have a good teacher.” 
“And I’m happy to help.” 
Another pause in conversation. One simply gazed at the other, not a thought conjured. They only beheld the other and basked in the feeling of happiness that overtook them at the sight. Then Silver glanced up at the sky and said, “We should get going. From the sun’s position, it will be dinner time soon.” 
“Good, cause I’m starving!” Gold announced, trying her best not to feel awkward anymore. She peeked in the pocket of her jacket to make sure the flora sample she’d taken earlier hadn’t fallen out. Nope, still there! Thank goodness. She patted it as she added, “And I’ve gotta get this to the fridge as soon as possible. Crewel said it could spoil if it was out in the heat too long after being plucked.” 
“To Ramshackle, then?” Silver asked, though already knew the answer. 
“To Ramshackle,” Gold repeated. “And then to the cafeteria.” She paused, then looked up at Silver as he came to stand beside her again. “Do you…want to walk there with me? To the cafeteria, I mean.” 
His grin was radiant. “I’d be happy to.” 
Idle conversation filled their little bubble as they began to walk, all about nothing in particular. Though try as they might, neither could totally keep their thoughts from straying. For Silver, it was to how soft Gold felt in his arms; how she looked even prettier up close, and how nice she smelled. He thought about how wonderful it felt to have her compliment his singing. For Gold, her mind went back to remembering how strong his hold was; how handsome he was; how he found her pretty and cute and was willing to do so much for her for nothing in return. It felt so weird, yet so lovely how he made her heart soar whenever he was around. Each was so, so very happy to have the other in their life. 
Was it really just friendship? It was, of course it was, but…there was a certain sweetness that strayed from the norm. Who would make a move on the other to explore it? 
“Is there someone you’ve asked to the dance?” Silver asked, casually. 
“Nope,” Gold responded. “I just planned to hang out with our usual group. You?” 
“Well, I’d take the leap if I were you. There’s no telling how many would love to have you as their date!” 
Gold stared ahead as she walked on, scanning the area for any possible obstacles she’d have to avoid tripping over or knocking into. When she turned her head to look back up at Silver, he was gone. Her brows furrowed as she turned around to search for him. There he was, a small several steps behind, crouched down in front of a small outcrop of pretty flowers. Silver looked over each carefully before picking one: a purple lilac. He stood swiftly as he examined the bloom in his hand. 
“That’s pretty,” Gold commented as she took a few steps towards him, expression relaxed, yet curious. “What’s it for?” 
Silver didn’t respond. Instead, he turned to face forward and walked up to Gold. His gaze was centered on her as he stretched out of hand, lilac gently clutched in his fingers. It was an offering - a silent question. Gold eyed the flower, confusion clear on her face as she glanced back up at Silver. The man felt his stomach tie itself in knots, his heart pumping in his chest, his nerves begin to buzz. Nervous, yet determined and sure of what he wanted. 
“Gold…Callidora.” The sound of her real name caught the woman off guard. She now certainly had his full attention. Silver lowered himself onto one knee, just like what he’d seen many a prince and knight do in many a storybook from his childhood. He kept direct eye contact with his friend…the one who held this intimate affection he’d been oblivious to for a long time. This is what he had to do. This was the first step to something new - he only hoped she returned the feeling. 
“Will you go to the dance with me?”
For a moment, Gold said nothing, body and mind held in stunned silence. Silver’s expression was sincere, serious about the entire matter. This was no joke, not something he was doing on a silly whim or flight of fancy. All possibilities of what this could mean flew about in the young lady’s mind. First a thought of a favor, then one of simple friendship, and then…once more, there was only him and her in the entire world. Callidora didn’t have to think to put a grin on her face. She slowly reached out and took the flower from her friend - her man of interest. 
“I hope you’re ready to wear heels,” she said between the beginnings of giddiness. 
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livebeginning · 8 months
Ok I wanna talk more about my OC Mio from my fic Pretty Little Pet where I ship him with Raphael. So under the cut I'll put:
Art!! (mostly picrews and one drawing by me)
Mio's life before Raphael bought him
Raphael buying Mio
How Raphael treats Mio and his motivations
About Mio being Raphael's pet
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First of, I intentionally never described Mio's appearance in the fic, because I kinda wanted the reader to imagine their own version of Mio. So if you read my fic and are now going "Wow I thought Mio looked really different!" That's totally valid! He can look however you want! (Also please tell me how you imagined him, I'd love to hear about it!)
The first picture I drew myself, but it's heavily referenced off of the picrew in the second picture.
The second and third pic are basically a timeline of how Mio changes throughout the story (and the different outfits he wears). The other picrews are random outfits and based on vibes haha
Picrew for the second pic
Picrew for the third pic
Picrew for the fourth pic
Picrew for the fifth pic
Picrew for the sixth pic (lost the link, will add later)
Picrew for the seventh pic (lost the link, will add later)
And the 8th pic is my attempt at making him in BG3, he's a half-elf here because I didn't like any of the male elf faces ^^'
Before Raphael
Mio is a male high elf in his 30s, living with his parents. Mio is his child name, as his parents have not yet given him an adult name.
His parents are criminals, although Mio isn’t aware of that, thinking they also work regular jobs. They mostly commit petty crimes but still dream of one day running a criminal empire. Every time something goes wrong they just skip town. The few times one of them gets caught and released for [money] they blame it on their lack of finances, making Mio feel guilty for not working enough.
Mio was definitely not planned and he often feels unwanted. His parents treat him like a child and while they aren’t physically abusive, they will berate him for the slightest mistakes, send him to bed or work without letting him eat and are just generally pretty shitty.
His parents make him work regular jobs like waiting tables, cleaning and other work that requires little education. He’s their only reliant source of income. Despite this, he has no control over their finances, all money going directly to his parents.
He has little contact with other people, working most of the time and leaving town before he could make meaningful relationships with his coworkers.
Mio is generally shy but polite, pretty much in customer service mode at all times. He has learned to just do whatever his parents tell him to, to avoid getting yelled at or going hungry yet again. Since his parents often tell him that he’s still a child by elf standards, his only real aspiration is to reach elven adulthood (generally around 100 years) and receive his adult name, so that he may leave his parent’s household and become independent. (Most elves in his position, living in mixed society and working,  would have already left their parent’s household. Mio’s parents intentionally keep this false worldview around him so that he’ll stay and keep working for them.)
Raphael buys Mio
Mio’s parents have the brilliant idea to get the money they need to start their criminal empire by selling their son. They seek out various options until Raphael answers. They sell their son for just a few hundred gold coins (Mio is unaware of this). We know from the game that Raphael has bought people before, so it’s not OOC for him. Mio is still considered a child by elf standards so that’s why his parents are able to legally sell him. (Also Gortash could sell Karlach to Zariel no problem and she just worked for him, so the rules on who can sell people are a bit weird anyways.)
 Raphael doesn’t really need Mio, he mostly accepts the offer to see how his parents will fail spectacularly at trying to make a criminal empire and have a bit of fun with that, maybe even profit from the chaos they cause doing this or make another deal for their souls down the line.
Raphael still wants to put his new purchase to work and tries to determine how Mio could be useful for him. While they talk in his office Raphael shows Mio his cambion form. Mio is enamored by his form, and Raphael is not immune to flattery. Raphael also notices that Mio is easily flustered, blushes a lot and is very touch starved.
Raphael enjoys all of these reactions Mio has for him and decides to have some fun with that. He makes Mio the offer to become his pet, with the caveat that only Raphael is allowed to touch him.
Mio is aware he’s dealing with a devil here, who literally owns him and could just decide to torture him instead, so of course he accepts. Generally Mio knows that he has to do what Raphael tells him to and keep him happy, or risk making Raphael angry and getting killed or tortured. While their relationship gets more relaxed later on, Mio is always aware that Raphael is the one in control and he often has anxiety over accidentally doing something that might upset Raphael.
At this point, Raphael doesn’t have any concrete plans for what he’s going to do with Mio, he just thinks he’s cute and wants to see if he can turn him into a loyal and obedient pet by just showing him a bit of kindness. And if that doesn’t work out, it’d probably be still fun to just torture him.
Raphael’s treatment of Mio
Raphael treats Mio generally pretty well, because I believe Raphael can be a reasonable person. Korilla says she likes working for Raphael and the archivist and Nubaldin seem to be at least content working for him. Devils are also lawful evil, so I think they appreciate it when their rules are being followed. Of course, rules can also be intentionally set up to be impossible to follow, so they have an excuse to punish those who break them. 
When Mio breaks the “Only Raphael can touch him” rule, it’s mostly because someone else touched him without his consent. He still gets punished for it and Raphael enjoys making Mio suffer, although he only hurts Mio to an extent he knows he can handle, not wanting to actually break him. Raphael praises Mio for accepting his punishment willingly, which gives Mio conflicting feelings about these punishments. He doesn’t enjoy being tortured, but he likes the praise and attention he receives afterwards and he knows that Raphael enjoys hurting him and wants Raphael to be happy.
By Mio’s standards, Raphael treats him pretty well. He gets his own room and new clothes, much better quality and style than his old clothes. He gets access to the servant’s baths and kitchen (I’m making the HoH way bigger than it is in the game btw) and he can eat as much as he wants. Raphael even tells him to eat at least three meals per day (Mio is used to less so he only eats two when he first arrives).
Raphael makes him work at first, telling him to clean the archive. He does this in part because he wants Mio to keep busy but also because he wants to know if Mio is the kind of person who would try to take a look at his things without permission. The archivist has secret instructions to keep an eye on Mio and report to Raphael on his behavior. Mio isn’t really aware of this test and just cleans the archive as instructed. Later, Raphael has him clean the halls and eventually Mio doesn’t have to do any work anymore, as he has other stuff to keep him busy.
Mio being a pet
Raphael is a devil (technically a half devil but whatever) and I think devils generally see mortals as beneath them. So it’s not uncommon for devils to treat mortals similar to how we would treat cats or dogs (though devils tend to be a lot less nice to their pets).
As his pet, Raphael has Mio sit by his side while he reads or works and strokes his hair or touches his skin. Mio enjoys being pet because he received very little affection before. He also can just relax during these petting sessions, he’s technically not doing anything but he’s still being useful, so he doesn’t have to feel guilty about doing nothing.
Raphael enjoys these petting sessions because he likes how receptive Mio is to him, Mio makes a lot of little noises and leans into Raphael’s touch. Also he has something to occupy himself that isn’t too distracting from his reading/work. Mio essentially functions as a fidget toy for Raphael. Also, petting your pet is just nice!!
Occasionally, Raphael will take Mio to parties or meetings. He likes to dress him up for these events, which Mio also enjoys. It’s a way for Raphael to show off his wealth and style, Mio is essentially an accessory in these moments. Raphael will also sometimes ask Mio to do things just to amuse himself or others, to show how obedient his pet is.
Ok I ended up writing a lot more than I intended and I didn't even get to talk about Haarlep and Mio's relationship with sex yet!! Guess that'll have to wait for another post. If anyone has questions or wants to talk about Mio or Raphael, my ask is always open :)
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With the new SotSF Mermaid AU's full release, you can now ask the characters from that AU questions!
Characters this includes: -Mermaid!Meringue Cookie (both young and old) -Crimson Coral Cookie (eldest sister) -Frilled Jellyfish Cookie (caretaker and attendant) -Mystic Opal Cookie (second eldest sister) -Gold Citrine Cookie (third eldest sister) -Aquamarine Cookie (fourth eldest sister) -Black Pearl Cookie (fifth eldest sister(?)) -Captain Caviar Cookie (friend) -Oyster Cookie (friend) -Clotted Cream Cookie (love interest) -Financier Cookie (friend) -Tainted Nacre Cookie (enemy) -Dark Akoya Cookie (enemy) -Crystal Clam Cookie (friend) -Blue Conch Cookie (friend) -Sea Scallop Cookie (friend, ex-fiancé) -Sea Fairy Cookie (idol) -Lord Oyster (???)
And here are a couple of rules to set things straight, as usual:
Please keep all questions related towards these characters about the Mermaid AU. As for those who are available to ask in both canon and this AU (such as Clotted), please specify which version you are asking to.
Like last time, no "dares" or "asks disguised as dares".
As for the OCs who appeared in this AU (i.e. Tainted Nacre Cookie, the House Oyster Triplets, etc), I will ask their owners if I can include them in the asks, but it will be entirely up to them. I only included them in this list so you'd know who you can ask if I get the all-clear.
Once again, no asking me through my DMs, especially when the askbox is closed. That will result in a warning the first time, a block the second time.
This goes without saying, but no inappropriate questions.
Any gaslighting or gatekeeping will result in an immediate block.
Anyways, yeah! Have fun asking the new characters!
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