#anyway here's me hoping there's at least one person who can appreciate both ships
heatherfield · 1 year
My OTP involves two people who have known each other for a long time and have been friends for awhile. They live in a quiet town that may or may not be cursed. Then, the arrival of a new resident stirs things up, bringing them closer together as they try to help their friends. They bring out the best in each and see what others don’t see, all while realizing their own feelings and being unsure if the other one feels the same way. (A death scare also brings things to the surface.)
He has done things in the past that’s he’s not proud of, and he’s worked hard to be the best man that he can be. He sometimes makes mistakes, but he always owns up to them and makes amends. He can sometimes be dismissed as a one-note character, but his friends see the true gem that he is. He is kind and observant, always ready to help someone who is hurting if he can, keenly aware of the injustices in the world. He is also in awe of this woman the more he really gets to know her and wishes she could see herself the way he sees her. She is powerful and kind, and yet she struggles with hurt and guilt, and he wants to support her and help her embrace her bad-ass self. He also has an established career in the community. (And he has a questionable-at-best relationship with his father/parents.)
She has powerful abilities that can feel like a blessing and a curse. Her magic has inadvertently resulted in the death of someone most dear to her even as she was literally doing everything she could to save them. At times the hurt and guilt can feel overwhelming. She also realizes that the tragedy was not her fault, though sometimes she needs reminding. As events unfold, she begins to see him in a new light as they work together. While others might be quick to brush him off, she is drawn to him and his kindness, his intelligence and insight—and something else she may or may not want to acknowledge—and the friendship they share turns into something more. She is quick to stand up for him and she wants to support him the way he supports her. She can also sometimes feel overshadowed or forgotten by her best friend, the “princess” of the town, but she is always ready to drop everything to help her even when that involves supernatural threats. It is nice to feel his special attentions, however, especially when she hasn’t connected with anyone in that way for ages, if ever. She also works at the town’s metaphorical watering hole where he is a regular patron. She even dreams of opening her own store/franchise one day. And of course, she totally embraces her bad-ass power (and he absolutely loves seeing and encouraging her growth!)
People are surprised at the opposites-attract match but quickly realize it makes the most sense in the world. After a lot of heartbreak and drama and angst, they become the power couple of the town with the most loving and supportive marriage, all with the help of their found-family. <3
(Oh, and they’re close to the mayor/mayor’s family who may or may not be secretly evil!)
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TLDR: If I had a nickel for every time I found a ship with this very specific dynamic, I would have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.
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shmowder · 1 day
It was such a treat to read your Yulia hcs!! Earlier you'd made a post wondering what your writing feels like to others. Sometimes I'd liken it to bubble gum - like a big gumball I just want to bite into and chew for a long time (don't worry, it's a magical gumball that doesn't lose its flavor).
The Yulia hcs were like a pastry with powdered sugar and cream (no doubt this is influenced by you mentioning the pastry at the beginning) - something delicate. Like snow falling in a snow globe and like a warm hug at the same time. Lovely ♡ I appreciate that you always take care to mention her leg as well.
I love both kinds of food!!!!! Thank you for taking the time to write my requests :) <3
Ooh, ships! I haven't ventured very far into any Patho ships tbh! I know the big one is Daniil x Artemy ofc. I'm really hoping that the Marble Nest and P1 will help me connect with Daniil more. And I do enjoy Artemy x Aglaya.
What I meant was more along the lines of what personality traits in a reader would make them a good match for those characters? Uhh I cannot phrase this to save my life. In your Victor x reader fluff, you said that a stubborn confident reader would do well with him, so something like that!
But you basically answered my question anyway ^^ "Someone who can stand her enough to live together" for Yulia lmfao. Your description of Peter and Yulia is killing me. This too is #girlrotting.
I'm interested to see how Yulia x Eva plays out in P1 or if it's just mentioned in passing. Somebody on reddit described Eva as "a dreamer without a dream" - I barely know her but that seems to match up with what you're saying and I LOVE that phrase.
I see both of your Bad Grief visions and I've actually seen some vaguely shippy Victor x Grief art before.
I'm not too invested in any ships. If you want to know something terrible... I've briefly entertained the idea of Big Vlad x Artemy........ if he didn't always call Artemy "my boy" and if other characters weren't frequently accusing Artemy of being like, owned by him or whatever, then I wouldn't be like this..... it's the guard dog trope. Obviously this would have to be in an alternate universe where Artemy's dialogue choices didn't strongly imply he's not on board 😆 Well, there's my cursed opinion of the day.
🐿️ anon
Oh! I'm sorry, i must have misunderstood your request then.
Here is what I think the "ideal" Reader for each character would be:
Katerina Saburova
Someone who would never lose faith in her no matter how dire her state becomes. To see her value hidden beneath the role she failed to play, the responsibility she failed to fullfill and the Misteress she couldn't amount to.
To understand her pain, take it from her shoulder and carry it before her collarbones crack. Wipe her tears and tell her it will be okay, allow her the small relief of medicine and never judge her because her cruel harsh mind already does that.
She knows she is a mess, she knows her addiction to morphine is wrong. Moments of lucidity sneak up on her from time to time, the guilt suffocating and the shame like razors dragging down her throat.
She is aware of what the town people whisper behind her back, of her ruined reputation. Don't become one of them too, please, more than anything she needs a friend right now.
Someone to love her unconditionally, but also someone to take the difficult steps her in stead. To hold her and comfort her as withdrawal set her nerves on fire and her nails dig into her skin.
To make her forget about this damned town or her barren womb, grant her a moment of genuine peace, a facade of normalcy. Take her outside, let her remember the smell of fresh air, pluck stray dandelions to gently tuck between her hairstrands, keep her warm in your arms as the chilly autumn winds breeze by.
Remind her how life was before all of this madness, who she was. Katerina can't even recall her own hobbies or interests, she is lost and only she can save herself.
So at least be there for her, show her that there is more to life. Be gentle, never cruel. Be patient and never judgmental. Be loving and never afraid.
Yulia Lyuricheva
As pathetic as it might sound, Yulia just wants one soul who will stand her enough to spend time together, to live in the same house and share bread and a bed.
She is often quiet around other people, she learned to be. She had to. Being too much was her curse for this lifetime, apparently. Ever since she was young, she quickly understood how saying the wrong things would tremble down the fragile foundation every relationship is built on.
Yulia likes most people, believe it or not. How can she not when everyone is so interesting and unique? Every single person is the accumulative of all the choices and paths they picked during their lifetime. A coin toss of fate during every decision, red strings weaving into a whole person, scouplting their personality out of clay from their history and experiences.
Most humans are interesting and rather adorable. She enjoys observing them, making notes, and connecting the dots. Appreciating the work of art, mathematics' creation.
Each of them like naive children in a playground, pretending to know what they're doing as they wear their adult clothes and go to their adult jobs. Pretending there is some inherent meaning in it all, as if life isn't one big joke, and a rather tactless one at that.
Yulia couldn't fool herself like them. She couldn't play make-believe. She ran by facts and hard evidence, numbers never lied and the grim reality was that humanity's whole existence is just one big coincidence. A blep in the universe, a speck of dust amidst the galaxies and stars.
People didn't like being reminded of those facts, that every birthday is simply one inch deeper into the grave.
Damn her cursed tongue and restless mind.
Therefore she watered herself down, remained content with being an observer. Never causing harm or annoying others, mild mannered and keeping to herself. Isolating, suffocating, forced to be the only victim subjected to the dark corners of her mind.
When the abyss started to whisper to her back, Yulia turned to smoking.
She wants someone who would want her, all of her. The good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly. Someone to admire her brilliant mind while remaining strong in the face of her occasion episodes of apathy. Someone who will understand or at least sympathise why she hasn't cleaned her room in weeks, why old coffee mugs are rotting on the table, why she barely opens the windows in her home.
Why she simply cannot bother to exist on some days, dissociating as she blankly stares out the window, or at a wall or an equation drawn on the chalk board.
Why the clocks in her residence require frequent repairs, courtesy to being smashed against the wall in a swift motion when their ticking starts making her ears bleed.
Could someone even stand her when she cannot stand her own self on most days? Could someone love her as she is? Or is she really irredeemable, cursed since birth.
She may seem smart, but she is prone to rather stupid impulsive decisions from time to time. Indulging life risking experiments out of curiosity because she might as well go down in her own style rather than wait for time ungratefully reap her soul.
Someone who will get her out of bed on the days where the idea of chewing food seems too exhausting.
Yulia doesn't want someone who will gift her meaning and a purpose on a silver plate, rather she'd like for you to kindly hold the candle and shine the light so she may find her way herself. It's been years, and she's gotten used to living in the dark.
Be sympathetic but not overindulgent. Be forgiving and not vindictive. Be her shoulder to lean on but still let her walk on her own two legs. Steady her steps but do not lead her or attempt to diverge her path.
Peter Stamatin
He might make it seem like he needs a muse, that a shiny new thing is what will get him out of this rut.
But it won't, all the nymphs of the forest will look dull after one night, all the gems will lose its shine after one touch.
What he needs, is to wake up.
To stop mourning things immediately after their birth, to not borrow grief from tomorrow and keep reliving it each day.
What he needs is the mundane, the human animal basic requirements. To remember he is a mammal deep down, he isn't a concept nor an abstract collection of ideas, he isn't a ghost watching people pass by, he is flesh and blood.
Someone who will bring him back down from his journey up in the clouds, who will steal him back from the stars, from all the gaint things bigger than life itself that he got accustomed to befriending and haveing one sided conversations with.
He cuts his own thoughts before he finishes them because he lost interest, he stops mid sentences because he grew bored of the words coming out of his own mouth.
He will complain and throw tantrums, but you must prevail his trails and stand your ground. He will dramatise things and get mad, he will cry and break down, he will act as if you're plucking his heart out of his chest and crushing it in your hand.
You must prevail.
Remind him that he will survive. Sure, he can get mad, but he must stay alive. Peter needs an intervention, someone brave enough to risk upsetting the crowned prince of humanity's best of the best and tell him it's bedtime.
Bad Grief
To drag him away from the blank canvas he has been staring at for hours, to hold him accountable for skipping meals or rotting in bed for weeks without going outside.
Someone to reteach him the basic maintenances task of being alive, the ones he neglected and gradually forgot as he couldn't bother to remember he too own a human body that requires care. That his brain is an organ that requires fuel and breaks as much as it is visions-plagued maze.
Take him with you to bathe, gently lather shampoo in his hair as he stiffly sits in the lukewarm water while watching the yellow rubber duck float by. Guide his fingers when it comes time to apply conditioner and let him remember how the texture of his own hair feels like, watch him rediscover how nice it is to let water wash his worries away.
Peter needs the simple pleasures in life, his soul requires a soft served ice cream cone, a cheap candy from a corner store, a hummed melody you made up while hanging your clothes to dry.
The mundane, the ugly, the eggs with burnt edges. Food that is merely food and nothing else, drinks that are simply drinks rather than magical twyrine mixtures that let him hear whispers he will never be able to decipher or understand.
Be firm but never controlling. Be a teacher but never condescending. Be a human, most of all, a real human being to show him that he is too.
Most important of all, the ideal reader would be different to each character based on what they value most. Someone like Aglaya values personal freedom above all and would fall for an independent Reader with their own convictions rather than blindly follow the herd. Someone authentic and brave.
Grief can't decide if he wants someone to see the good in him or if that would cause more harm than good. He has a role to play and he's very good at it.
It is a necessary evil. The gangs will exist with or without him, it's better that he leads them and makes sure they never cross the line than someone else who might not be trusted.
A cause surprisingly more noble than anyone would ever expect of him. This life has fallen directly into his hands, every road led him down his path as if it was custom made for his measurements alone. It was always suspicious, how well things fell into place, how convenient fate was at times.
Does he need someone to see the good in him? peak behind the curtains and view him at his most barest forms? Not really. He is content with playing this role for eternity, a glorified shopkeeper, he can keep the jig up for many years to come.
But is it what he wants? is that what he really wants from life? to surrender to fate and simply take it laying down? He pushes these swarming thoughts away, as if they won't return at dawn.
You didn't fear him, either someone with a death wish, a brave fool or an apathetic idiot.
But he felt weird under your gaze, as if your eyes could see through him, through the facade. You never reacted to his empty threats or intimidation attempts, neither did you acknowledge the fact he is a criminal much. You weren't here to challenge him or take his throne, neither were you here for a favour or to obtain something illegal.
...you were merely here for him? To what... chat?
He did think you were a fool for a while, he won't lie. ulterior motives or not, you were walking into a den of criminals each morning just to what? Talk to him about the weather and how cold autumn is?
You weren't part of the script, clearly an unfated encounter that you deliberately went out of your way to have with him each day.
Until one day, he noticed the lack of any ticking sounds as you approched him. Your usual pocket clock seemed still in place from the chain dangling from your pocket, which could only mean one thing.
"Hand it over dollface."
And you did, as if you anticipated this request.
He fixed it for you, fingers moving by sheer muscle memory alone, a skill he thought he had long forgotten.
Bad Grief wants someone who isn't afraid to be free, who comprehends the role he has to play, who doesn't condemn things they do not understand.
Someone who isn't trying to save him or make him change from this life of crime, but also someone who is brave enough to walk by his side on the streets, to hold his hand in public, to not bend to the whims of the public's opinion.
The air is really chilly, would you like his jacket? ....don't ever call him a gentleman again, he just doesn't want you to freeze to death, that's all.
Grief would love someone who walks their own path, someone who will make the first step for him because deep down he is frozen by fear, too cautious for his own good. Too aware of what's at risk, of what could happen.
Of how much he could endanger you just by knowing your name, just by people seeing you at his side. You do realise what you're sacrificing? the opportunities which will never be presented to you just because you decided to be with someone like him? It's your funeral.
But he really is touched, that someone will see him worth all of that. Bad Grief had to ensure he remains useful to people all his life, that the townfolks need him more than they hate, that he is a necessary foundation that could never be uprooted without the entire structure collapsing.
Even the authorities know that, the Saburov understand his usefulness in keeping the criminal structure plates at bay, how he sets the rules and decides where to draw the line. A mutual beneficial relationship built of begrudging respect and fear.
He needs you to understand that he must. He digged his own grave, he was lead here on a leash by life. It was this or death. Don't look at him with distant, don't let fear cloud your judgements.
Be brave, never afraid. Be direct and always sincere. Be smart and clever but never cautious or cowardly. Be moral but never vendective.
While someone like Alexander Saburov would rather be that person for the reader. Preferring that you're more dependent on him and believe in his notions and principles, having faith in his justice and righteousness. To rely on him to tell you what's right and what's wrong. It's important to only indulge within limit and never stray too far from the path of what's wrong and right.
On the other extreme, Andrey also values freedom but it is his own freedom he cares most about. Your freedom shouldn't challenge his too much nor ask him to change his ways, if you love him then you must love him for who he is because he doesn't plan on changing for anyone. Morals are treated as another cage that suppresses his freedom rather than human decency.
My own writing tastes like a gumball to you- I know you meant it as a good thing but ouch. Does my writing really seem childish and overwhelmingly sugary? Ah-
It's not a bad thing, it's just not what I was aiming for either. At least you seem to enjoy it so yeah. I hoped my style would seem more... poetic to you? Sincere?
I'm grateful regardless. I liked the pastry comparison in Yulia's story, however. It fits the vibe I was aiming for.
I hope your day is amazing, do please take care of yourself.
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veedraws · 1 year
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Sharing is appreciated :) TWST x Halloween merch pre-order and giveaway OPEN!
Details under the cut. If you're participating, good luck!
Important Dates
PO ends: May 4th 11:59PM EST 
Giveaway ends: May 18th 11:59PM EST 
All links are in the pinned post Pre-Order Details
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Pre-ordering is the ONLY way to guarantee the design you want.
Left overs (if any) will be posted on my shop after August but there is no guarantee that the design you want will be available.
All TWST pre-orders will come with a secret bonus item.
Giveaway Entries
You can have up to 4 entries. Optional entries only count if the main entry of the platform is completed.
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Giveaway Rules
Winner will be picked within 2 weeks of the giveaway ending.
I will DM the winner before announcing the winner publicly
If your DM is not open OR you do not respond within 24 hours of my message a new winner will be chosen.
Open to all regions as long as it's reachable by USPS.
Shipping and merch is covered by me. This giveaway is 100% free.
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1 winner will be chosen from a combined pool from both platforms
Prize is a set of prints with all 22 boys of NRC
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If giveaway is more popular than expected additional prizes may be considered.
Prize will be shipped out sometime between June - September depending on my availability and when I get the merch.
Please don't participate if you're in a rush to get the goods.
Winners who are demanding, entitled or rude are automatically disqualified. A new winner will be picked should this happen.
Last but not least this giveaway is primarily for my followers and people who support me. I sincerely hope one of you receives this gift!
Thank you for watching me grow as an artist! I hope that as I grow bigger I will have more opportunities to do giveaways!
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mazzystar24 · 1 year
It’s not a rant per say but it’s more how I would’ve liked certain points to tie together:
Because whether or not you ship buddie I think anyone can recognise that particularly Buck’s place in the finale was so narratively unsatisfactory 
So here are my jumbled thoughts, hope they make sense to that one insane person who will actually read this:
Buck’s arc this season has been focused around two things: the pursuit of happiness and his death/coma dream
Both of which could’ve been summed up perfectly if, after the coma dream, buck had still had that internal struggle of dealing with his death but also ultimately recognising the moral of his coma dream which is that he is enough and that he doesn’t need to seek validation from others (and that he already has a family who sees him and loves him) resulting in a newfound appreciation for the life he created for himself.
Then they could’ve kept the parts of the finale where he steps into a leadership role AND ACTUALLY HAVE SOME RECOGNITION FROM BOBBY OR SOMETHING and it would make much more sense because we would be able to see the development and how it ties in narratively.
And then they could have had him AT THE VERY LEAST establish boundaries with Natalia when she came back if they wanted to give him a LI that bad- don’t get me wrong it would have still been annoying and repetitive to have yet another romantic partner walk out on him just to walk back in.
Anyways, instead of doing anything i just described, they completely rushed his entire arc and disregarded potential for development and healing and instead had him claim that Natalia “sees him” after showing us like two seconds of interaction which was basically him talking about death and her (to put it in a way that would make a nun gasp) having a hard on for death.
Like I don’t actively hate Natalia I don’t think she’s intentionally being malicious but that’s literally the worst way they could write her if they wanted us to ship them, because an obsession and nonchalance toward death can be a weird, quirky little trait for a love interest but not one for the guy that has been bordering on suicidal tendencies for six seasons and who is just coming to terms with his own near death.
Like the “sees” him thing is EVEN more irritating when you consider that part of bucks coma dream is when he explains to fake Bobby that his parents saw through him his entire life and that in this reality they see him how he always wanted to be seen and then Bobby replies that if all that matters to him is how people see him then he hasn’t learnt a thing
It is actually insane to have him use the exact wording of her “seeing” him MERE EPISODES after the coma dream
Then 6x17 literally the second to last episode creates a conflict between buck and Natalia AT THEIR LITERAL FIRST DATE and literally has her being put off by how much life he has lived and basically saying that he is too much before her leaving with a “take care of yourself” which is what every single one of bucks exes said at the conclusion of their relationships so this should’ve really been the end of Natalia and buck
Even if they chose to bring her back they should’ve had buck -having had developed and dealt with his death throughout the episodes-(which didn’t happen but should’ve) then come into his own and realise that he can’t be dependent on others for his happiness and actually choose to be single and then get his own couch therefore signifying him letting go of his unhealthy patterns because his unhealthy relationship habits started due to his parents not show him love and the couch kameron destroyed was his parents’ couch that he didn’t pick for himself so the unhealthy pattern would start and end with his parents.
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leffee · 2 years
So I've recently followed you both here and on Wattpad... And I was having some questions. You don't have to answer them! I'm just curious? I guess.
Question 1. So what do you think of Fgod Error? Also, known as Forced god of destruction Error? Or do you like canon Error more?
Question 2. Bad Sans Poly! Yes! But what about yandere Bad Sans Poly? Not that I support yandere in real life! But I do like to write about it.
Question 3. That isn't really a question just an idea... Okay so yandere Bad Sans Poly, without Error at first. But then they become yandere for Error slowly over time! And if I want to make it even more angsty, throw Fgod Error in there too!
And now I want to make this...
Anyway, I hope you have a good day/night! Take care of yourself! Stay hydrated and eat enough!
Hello! No worries, I loove answering questions :> If you ever have any more feel free to send them, I'll be delighted, however absolutely no pressure. And thanks for following me, I hope you like your stay.
So I actually made a post talking about this very topic, it's here if you want a longer answer:
But in short, or if you just don't feel like reading this one, I'm not a big fan of Fgod. Like, the concept is good, is has a belivable motive and story and all that, but it's just not something for me. However, if it just existed I wouldn't complain, it would be just another iteration of Error and I don't mind those. But it's everywhere and I hate it. It's always the same story, it's boring, plus there must be some people who believe it's the true canon Error due to how popular it is and I don't like it. Oh, and also I hate seeing Error as a god which this Au of course presents him as. He's not a god, he's literally just a dude who can die like any other and is not immortal in canon. However, I admit, it's a useful concept and I use it sometimes when I don't feel like making Error more complex. I just slap a "he destroys because he must" label and call it a day. So in short: the concept is good although not something for me, and I dislike that it's so overused. If you like Fgod Error good for you people, really! But I can't say that I like it. Out of the two I definitely like canon Error more.
2. Ahh Bad Sans Poly is always good, isn't it? And a yandere one you say? Hmmm, I can get behind this concept, though I need to be in a specific kind of mood to apprecaite it fully, believe me, I went through this before and I did write at least one yandere story (this was for Insomnia though). Though how would it look like with a poly? Everyone is yandere for everyone? Anyway, I do like it :].
3. !!! Listen, lIstEn, I once saw this drawing of exactly that. Bad Sans Poly and they are yandere for Error and IIIII loved it (I'll try to find the artist later and see if I can repost it here). It might be unexpected, but I usually actually like Error being the yandere one in the ship, or just the one being obsessed with the other person minus the controlling behaviour or just lessened. I don't know why, but yandere Error?? Sing me the f up. Anyway, of course it's up to you but this sounds like a lovely fanfic idea, not to mention that it's Bad Sans Poly bby! My truest OTP. I don't want to brag, but I feel like I made this poly a bit more popular with my writing and I couldn't be happier, beacuse more people need to appreciate it WITH ERROR IN IT.
Aaaand that's it, I hope one way or another you enjoyed this interaction, have a good one too.
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rhaenaspearls · 2 days
A little bit about this MUN
Just to be very clear because some new people have followed this account, this is a side blog of @black-queen-rising!! If you guys are just here cause you think the writing is fun I appreciate you all a lot, it's very sweet 💗💗 also the first RhaenaxAemond thread is going to start uploading on AO3 and I'm extremely excited!! 🥰 (You guys should also check out the RP it's a whole lotta fun come join us on Discord!!)
Just wanted to very quickly make clear though, I cannot control (nor do I want to!) what other people post, but if you are here expecting anti-Daemyra, anti-Daemon, anti-Rhaenyra, or anti-Targaryen content you're in the wrong place. The person who writes my amazing @aemond-one-eyed for Rhaena is the same person who writes my spectacular @rogueprincedaemontarg for Rhaenyra, we're kind of a package deal and so are the ships. I have no interest in doing ~disk horse~ (our RP @asongofgoldenfireandblackblood is specifically anti-discourse and I literally created it as an everyone lives!AU with Rhaenyra as Queen), I'm anti-HotD on principle, I don't think they've done any character well, I do think they're racist and misogynistic, I don't think excluding Nettles is bad, I do think they've made Daemon look evil for no reason, and I don't think their portrayal is kinder or better for Rhaenyra, again, it's just misogyny. No one has to agree with any or even most of those takes to follow me! But you guys also don't get to be rude about it!!
And just to be clear, considering I see who likes and reblogs Rhaena's challenges and threads, Rhaenyra loves and treats both Baela and Rhaena like her own while also being very careful not to overbear or act as some sort of replacement for Laena, not least of which because she was her best friend longer than the twins existed while she was alive. I'm very passionate about good representation of complicated and messy but overall positive portrayals of blended families because I'm part of one and you're not gonna argue me out of that. And because I've already gotten a rude ask about this, the only personal information you guys get to know about me is that I'm 22 and use she/her pronouns, anything else does not matter, and is not your business, you are not owed a set of credentials by anyone who writes or feels affinity with a particular character.
Anyway, from myself, and my Rhaena, I love you guys, I'm very grateful for all the engagement and the couple of really sweet notes I've got, I wanted to end this on a positive note because honestly all the writing I've been able to do for this RP has been an absolute joy and I hope it stays that way for as long as humanly possible!! And also I think we can all agree Rhaena is a really sweet and positive and caring person and I think she'd be really sad to hear you guys bad mouthing her dad and her stepmom and her siblings and her family as a whole, be kind to me and each other, it's what the character we all love would want most! 💗
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raayllum · 8 months
hi dragons! here’s some little stories about my confused lil’ pre-aspec-realization-self first watching tdp (season 2 mostly, realization for me was post s3)
when i first watched this show i immediately latched onto all the sibling relationships - especially Callum and Ezran- because the prominence and importance of familial love was everything to me. The first time I cried for the show was when Callum and Ez said goodbye in the season 2 finale.
I was still hardcore shipping romantic rayllum even though i was living for their platonic dynamic up until then. They helped me realize how much those two things can overlap and also still be completely separate, with both being equally valid, important, and fun.
I had the headcanon of Ezran and Aanya becoming best friends, growing up, neither getting married despite political pressure, and just being an awesome power duo of young monarchs having chill conversations over jelly tarts and chess, busy running their kingdoms and peacefully dismantling the cycle together <3 It was my favorite headcanon at the time and it honestly still is one of them today.
I actually first heard about the Dragon Prince through the youtube channel Overly Sarcastic Productions who coincidentally also first introduced me to the terms asexuality and aromantic, with the second channel member coming out as ace being the reason I realized my own standing on the spectrum.
And last but not least I got tumblr during the season 4 hype and you were the first blog i followed and i’ve been here ever since (ugh i have to scroll to the bottom of my following list every single day) - i saw your aspec rayllum headcanons and, still pretty fresh out of my completed ace character arc, I went (audibly) “ohhhh…”
anyways! hope you don’t mind this little impromptu rambling and hope you have a good day! 💜🖤🤍
Yes!! TDP does one of my favourite things where the first "I love you" in a series is Platonic/Familial and it's always something I appreciate. Especially between brothers tbh <33
And yes OSP!! I know both Red and Blue have some out as aspec and it makes me so happy as another myth/history obsessed aroace.
And whoaa S4 hype must've been such an interesting time to come in. I love the AMVs for TDP on your youtube channel very much! They are super well done
For my own ace story, my ace-iversary (aka the day I accepted/let it in) was November 3rd of 2018, so when it was the day that S4 was released a mind-whopping 4-5 years and Rayllum was more aspec than ever it felt like fate. (Especially when realizing I was ace was my personal floodgates to figuring out the rest of my queerness and aceness/Rayllum was the hinge upon which I got with my lovely Rayllum loving partner). Truly wild to realize that TDP's place in my life is just like, a month and half older than such a personal understanding of myself, but also kinda beautiful too <3
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Yeah so your dynamic shipping game? I know I say Takeru and Hikari a lot because I always want to know others perception of them.
Another one I am very curious about is Koushirou and Mimi. Because Tri just worked for them.
But if you mean non common ships I have been curious about Yamato and Mimi. I get the whole they look good together vibe especially in illustrations, but personality wise they don’t really mesh up well in my opinion. Maybe you’ll find something good out of it?
Anyways thank you for reading this. Even if you do one review I would appreciate it. Thank you!
Hello there! Thank you for sending me this, I still have all the other rarepairs in my queue and want to work on them, since I always enjoy to have some thought experiments here and there.
Since my stance on Takari hasn't really changed ever since writing my first analysis post, I hope it's okay if I'm not gonna repeat this one.
However, the other two (namely Koumi and Mimato) are definitely more interesting to write about, for very different reasons each:
Digimon Shipping Dynamic Game:
Send me two names among the following 12 and I’ll write a short analysis post about them:
Taichi Yagami | Yamato Ishida | Sora Takenouchi | Koushirou Izumi | Mimi Tachikawa | Jyou Kidou | Takeru Takaishi | Hikari Yagami | Daisuke Motomiya | Miyako Inoue | Iori Hida | Ken Ichijouji
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Whether canon provides input on them or not:
Since I've already written a huge tumblr breaking analysis on what does and does not work about them, you can bet that canon provides a whole lot of input about them. I will try to keep this section as brief as possible regardless:
You have their initial set-up, which appears to be your typical "opposites/beauty and the nerd" tropes at first glance - and while they do fulfill their stereotypes to at least some degree at various parts of the series, they also frequently defy them. They're the same age and also classmates, making them one of the few characters who have known each other (very superficially) even before the events of Adventure - and they start off rather roughly. While both of them are portrayed as oddballs in their own ways (enjoying questionable food combinations, being very focused on the things they're interested in, etc.), they have very different priority systems. Basically, whenever these two are the focus in an episode (namely the infamous episode 10 of Adventure), a scene (namely their interactions in "Diablomon Strikes Back) or a plot-point (namely their interactions throughout the first four Tri movies), it's usually about them having to come to terms with their different approach systems:
Koushirou is the rational type, who focuses on solving a problem by going through the entire PDCA cycle, trying to figure out each and every puzzle piece and gather all information to come to a conclusion. Mimi's judgement is based more on emotions, feelings and instinct, she likes to skip the first three steps of the PDCA cycle and does what she thinks is best for everyone - and that's where these two tend to clash. While Koushirou absolutely can be a hands-on person who jumps into action when necessary, he has a hard time understanding Mimi's reasoning sometimes, especially when she demands him to take her/other people's feelings into account. They do have very different energy levels in that regard - which, on the other hand, is also what makes their DSB interactions so entertaining to watch, as she is just very happy to be back in Japan, wanting his attention (extroverted dominance), while he's absolutely done trying to save the world once again (introverted exhaustion).
While their fights can turn out to be rather exhausting whenever they're not able to communicate well and also whenever they cannot admit that the other may have had a point (especially in Tri), they do work best once they actually reconcile and combine their strengths; whether it's when he is leaving his laptop behind (once) to tear down a wall to save her, admitting that acting is better than thinking sometimes (episode 10), when she praises his skills and achievements up to the point of them even working on her online shop together (Tri + Kizuna/To Sora), or when he leaves his laptop at home once again after being told to do so by her, just to come to the conclusion that this helped him to actually think about what he wants to do in the future (Stageplay).
There is a reason why they're among the most popular ships in the Digimon fandom world-wide due to their interesting dynamics (see here and here). So much so that there was even an audio drama explicitly functioning as fanservice, making Koushirou write a love letter to someone and having Mimi be rather infuriated by the idea that it was for Hikari instead of herself. While instances like this (and DSB) formed the preferred fandom headcanon of Mimi having a crush on Koushirou, Tri canonized him having developed a crush on her instead - even though said crush was rather treated in a comic relief manner without serving a development trigger in either of their arcs, as the main focus had been, once again, them having very different view-points instead.
Long story short - there is A LOT to work with. Even though I have to say that, in my opinion, Tri did not really work for them. The recycled conflict between them (rational vs. emotional) could have been great if it had been intertwined in their respective arcs (self-isolation vs. selfishness), but was NEVER properly resolved. The crush never led to anything but fanservice (while also reducing Koushirou's character to that in a "they had to dumb him down so he couldn't figure out the plot immediately" way). I actually prefer their portrayal in the stageplay (as well as in Kizuna/To Sora), which is why I chose the screenshot above - but let me elaborate on that...
Whether I think why and how they’d work:
The "opposites attract trope", if done right, can be a very appealing one - and, as mentioned, it explains why these two are as popular as a romantic ship as they are. As mentioned above, I do prefer their portrayal in the stageplay as opposed to Tri; while their personalities were still very much on opposing ends, there was a lot more familiarity and closeness between them, which could have been the natural development after they had started to come to terms with their "differences" after episode 10 of Adventure, throughout 02 and up to this point. Mimi scolding Koushirou for relying on his laptop too much is met with him seeming rather helpless, exhausted by her attitude at first - however, instead of just acting obediently and leaving his laptop at home to please her, he uses that twice: Once by teasing her, pretending to have withdrawal symptoms and scaring her in the process, ACTUALLY joking around intentionally and playfully for once! Secondly, he actually talks about his own dreams, feeling inspired by her and indirectly thanking her for that (the crush does not seem to exist at this point btw). And that is a mutual point for them, as Mimi also confesses to Sora that, while she's currently not crushing on anyone, she also feels inspired by Koushirou to maybe do "something with computers" in the future (which, as we know, will actually happen by the time of Kizuna).
And that is what, as mentioned above, could be their greatest strength as a romantic couple. They're AWARE of their different energy levels and, after all these years, they've started to gain an understanding of the other's needs in terms of emotional and mental affection. At least they SHOULD BE. Instead, Tri implied that Koushirou suddenly started to get interested in fashion JUST for the sake of impressing Mimi - which is not what his character is about at all and misunderstood his entire arc of accepting himself the way he is. Having him bend over backwards to impress the person he fell in love with, hiding behind an app to tell him how to dress, would always result in him never opening up - sure, he's been able to stand his ground against her, but that only resulted in them shouting at each other in Tri, unable to really understand each other. And Tri COULD have used that to make Mimi comment on how it didn't matter what he wore as long as he felt comfortable with it. Because - again, they're both weird in their own ways and wouldn't be themselves if they changed for the sake of someone else. But that conclusion was never reached.
In an ideal world, I feel like they could just have naturally progressed from 02 to the Stageplay to Kizuna/To Sora; with Koushirou becoming more aware and considerate towards Mimi needing attention and affection and Mimi learning that there are times when Koushirou needs to be left to solve his riddles, with words of encouragement in between. The Kizuna promo art of her looking absolutely amazed at whatever he had managed to make out of her online shop while he beams at her with fondness and pride is how I could see them working out just fine. Sure, there would be moments of them clashing again - but they'd be able to deal with that without him turning into an obedient puppy or her turning into an enraged harpy. There can be a sense of protectiveness and gentleness between them, learning from and complementing each other without actively trying to CHANGE the other, enjoying each other's company as well as spending time apart, as long as they have something to gush over together (whether that's online shops, food, their friends - or, like in the reboot, the actual fact that Mimi's grandfather is the manufacturer of Koushirou's tablet. The potential of them actually having business-related rambles is just too good to pass on).
Whether I’d prefer them as platonic or romantic ship:
Alright, enough rambles - throughout all this time spent analyzing their romantic potential, I have actually grown more fond of them as a couple. Despite that, I still prefer them as platonic business friends, since I primarily ship each of them with other characters. Still, I love the idea of them growing more and more close and familiar through the years (which is basically canon at this point anyway), teasing and praising each other, making jokes, gossiping over their friends, etc. (Though I would actually like to see them in an OT3 with Taichi - because in my opinion, both Mimi and Taichi care deeply about Koushirou and he'd be such a wonderful bisexual disaster around them. Plus, I thoroughly despise certain fandom depictions of Michi cheating on Koushirou with each other, because that couldn't be further from their actual personalities.)
Digimon Shipping Dynamic Game:
Send me two names among the following 12 and I’ll write a short analysis post about them:
Taichi Yagami | Yamato Ishida | Sora Takenouchi | Koushirou Izumi | Mimi Tachikawa | Jyou Kidou | Takeru Takaishi | Hikari Yagami | Daisuke Motomiya | Miyako Inoue | Iori Hida | Ken Ichijouji
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Whether canon provides input on them or not:
Depending on what you want to look at: There isn't much. While you referred to them as "non common ship", I do believe there is quite a fanbase for them out there. However, I'm inclined to agree that it is mainly based on two factors: Both of them being highly attractive characters and the potential they could have due to their personalities (and the tropes they represent).
Throughout Adventure 01 and 02, I actually cannot remember any significant interactions these two had with each other; Yamato starts off having a hard time approaching the others, he's not exactly closed off or aloof, but is mainly focused on taking care of Takeru. Him ACTIVELY bonding with others happens very rarely, so when he's not contemplating things (sometimes together with Jyou), or argues or fights with and alongside Taichi, he doesn't really have any capacities to interact with Mimi - who, in turn, is more likely to play around with Takeru or spend time with Sora or Jyou. At first glance, Yamato is the classic introvert to Mimi being an extrovert, which is not only displayed by their colour palettes being VERY different (warm shades of red and pink vs. cold shades of green and blue), but also by their energy levels. While they're both very outspoken and opinionated - they never talk to each other in either 01 and 02. In the novel, there are even several instances of their energy levels and approaches being that different that they actually clash with each other, actively fighting.
Thus, figuring out their dynamics is rather difficult - there are just minor instances (and characteristics) that COULD make them rather interesting; one of the most famous moments in 01 is the way Yamato tells Taichi off, demanding him to give them - and Mimi in particular - time and space to mourn the loss of the Digimon that have already died, implying that he's sympathizing with her. Yamato has definitely experienced loss in his life already after the divorce of his parents and still struggles with feeling inadequate as a brother to Takeru - while Mimi comes from one of the happiest, most peaceful families in the series. Her purity, her sense of wanting to achieve peace without sacrifices almost appears as a stark contrast to Yamato's "corruption" later on; when he demands Taichi to fight him, trying to solve things in a rather violent way, it's almost a shame that someone like Mimi is not able to stop him there and then (since deep down inside, he doesn't want to fight either). And that's where I assume fandom likes to step in using their personalities to form headcanons:
Mimi being a positive influence, a genuine force of sincerity to (literally) pull Yamato out of his (more negative) tendencies, helping him to be more honest with himself as well - almost in an actual "Beauty and the Beast" kind of way. Neither Tri or Kizuna really elaborated on their dynamics - but the former did like to imply that they are indeed opposing forces, twice; the situation depicted above shows the group coming together after Mimi had another fight with Koushirou. Meiko feels like a burden, since she was the reason Mimi and Koushirou clashed in the first place, as he tried to interrogate her in a moment of emotional vulnerability, while Mimi called him out for being insensitive. Yamato voices his concern towards Meiko, telling her to stop worrying them - and both Taichi and Sora step in, saying that Yamato was just genuinely worried about her, to which Mimi tries to call him a "Tsundere". He just deflects by telling her that she cannot speak proper Japanese and that she's just making things more complicated (because she refuses to take a step towards Koushirou at this point). The other instance is within the stageplay - where Yamato tells Mimi to stay away from his cooking, fearing that her extravagant tastes (bananas and fish) may ruin the dish...
Long story short - they don't appear to be very compatible as friends canonically. So, again, that's where headcanons have to step in.
Whether I think why and how they’d work:
As mentioned above, due to their contrasting set-ups, family backgrounds and way of attraction, there is an appeal that may make them quite popular in singular online spaces. Mimi is a natural people-magnet due to her openness and tendency to become the center of attention very quickly, she easily befriends everyone around her (even if some may find her controversial, as depicted in Tri) and tries to spread a positive spirit. Whereas Yamato, despite being a band leader (that is also very popular), is indeed more closed-off, with a very selective group of friends he is very committed to and protective of (maybe even possessive to some degree, as you can imagine he is not good at dealing with losses). From an outside view, they almost have that "idol-like vibe" that makes them very attractive - so it's no surprise fandom sees them as an intriguing and compelling combination to end up together. Due to them being as opinionated as they are, they may clash a lot - but similarly to Koumi, that COULD be also a strength, as it is important for characters like Yamato to ACTUALLY speak their mind without hiding behind a mask. Plus, Yamato needs someone he can truly be vulnerable around with, because he's a lot softer (and awkward) than his facade would make you believe at first glance. The question is - would he be able to let loose around Mimi like that? It's very hard to tell, because unlike with Koumi, we don't really know if she understands how he rolls. Sure, she can see that he has VERY Tsundere-like tendencies, tough shell, soft and caring on the inside - but up to this point, they're not close (or even comfortable) enough for him to not deny that rather aggressively (especially because Taichi and Sora were actually a lot quicker to pick that up - which is no surprise either, because they're canonically closer to him). So it feels more like they'd be prone to fight for dominance than being able to take a step towards each other (even more strongly than Koumi, because Mimato may take disagreement as a personal attack and can't even seem to bond over their passion for cooking together at this point in time).
Mimi, on the other hand, also needs someone who can keep up with her - people like Jyou and Koushirou, as we've seen, should be used to her habits already, but it is very difficult to tell whether Yamato would have the energy and patience to deal with her, giving her the assurance and attention she needs.
Long story short, the potential is there due to their personalities, but we never learn if and how they'd be able to interact on a closer level.
Whether I’d prefer them as platonic or romantic ship:
Admittedly, they're a relationship I have pretty much no attachment to, simply due to the fact that canon never gave me a reason to believe that they'd think of each other as "close friends", let alone "romantic partners". As they're both Chosen Children, they would surely protect and fight for each other, no question - but everything beyond that never gave me positive vibes. Which is actually a shame, because they're both (potentially) good with Jyou and Takeru, Team Hope exists for a reason after all (and I even ship both Mimi and Yamato with Jyou, yet I couldn't imagine them being an actual OT3). Heck, they're also both (supposedly) very close to Sora, yet they never had a group moment together. Even in the reboot, they were mainly just arguing and never had a positively reaffirming moment together. So I must say, I rather think of them as acquaintances than anything else.
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dorkofclanlavellan · 7 months
Ship for @perseephoneee
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Want one? -- click here
I ship you with Sam Winchester!
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Sam's thoughtful and patient nature (plus his own sarcasm) would balance out your sarcasm, creating a beautiful dynamic. Sam's empathy matches your own, creating a strong emotional connection and understanding between you two.
Who is your best friend? - Charlie Bradbury
Along with researching together, I can just picture peaceful evenings where you both dive into your favorite books.
Sam trying to lead a healthy, active life so he's always in shape for hunting would be overridden by his desire to cuddle up with you and take however many naps you want.
The Hunger Games
I ship you with Peeta Mellark!
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Peeta's bravery and resilience align with your own traits. Together, you would navigate the challenges of the Capitol and life after the Second Rebellion with quiet strength. Peeta's empathetic nature would provide a supportive foundation for your emotional needs, creating a strong and caring relationship.
Best Friend - Katniss Everdeen
Peeta's artistic side would resonate with your singing/songwriting and drawing hobbies. One way the two of you would spend time together is modelling for each other. Or the two of you collaborating on a project.
You'd often curl up together, maybe after a nap, and have intimate conversations about life and various topics.
The Originals
I ship you with Klaus Mikaelson!
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Your intelligent and brave nature would complement Klaus's strong and powerful personality, creating a dynamic and captivating partnership. Both of you share a resilience that allows you to face challenges head-on, making you a formidable team in the supernatural world. Klaus's appreciation for art and culture would resonate with your own hobbies. Imagine exploring the artistic side of New Orleans together.
Best Friend - Either Camille or Rebekah (can't decide)
The two of you would have deep and intense conversations about life, immortality, and the complexities of his relationship with his family.
Speaking of his family, few could navigate the complexities there but you could manage it. You would form unique connections with each member, or at least the important ones. And it would cause Klaus to fall in love with you even more.
Hope you like it! I feel like I've left something out or messed something up. But I feel like that most of the time anyway. If I did mess up let me know and I'll fix it!
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tacos-goku · 5 months
Ok today we're going to review Star Wars: Lost Stars (or *Estrellas Perdidas* since i have the ESP version)
Note: Includes Spoiler Free and Spoilerfull section, you'll be warned
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It a really old book i decided to read cuz i had it in my house and i heard good things about it.
Spoiler Free Section:
The book is pretty good, the author already had a good number of releases earlier. It doesnt drag that much its very fluid, one or two chapters that takes place halfway across the book feel slow but its not a deal killer. For a YA novel no character feels horribly corny, at least not cornier than a regular star wars character, although they do start introducing a bunch of characters halfway that i mostly couldnt remember.
The legacy characters are used pretty solidly, they dont take all the screen but they arent sidelined entirely since they are pretty important to the story, aside from Darth Vader and Princess Leia most of them only get namedrops here and there, and those that do appear regularly arent particularly famous. You dont need to know who Mon Mothma or Admiral Piett are to enjoy the book. The romance is good enough, its not god tier but you can tell the author has experience writing and she makes it very natural, the romance itself doesnt start until halfway making it feel fluid with the character arcs.
One thing that did bother me for some reason was the cliffhanger, I thought it would be a sell for Episode 7 or some sequel to the book, but its just an open ending for a character that will never appear in another piece of media, and a very unsayisfying open ending at that.
I'm gonna give it a 7.5/10, closer to a 7 than an 8. Recommended for anyone who likes Star Wars and/or YA novels, if youre not into either you might not like it, but its not amateurish like most YA novels post hunger games, it has essence.
Ok now it's time for the spoilers:
The biggest detail that I found odd but I grew to appreciate deeply was the characters never getting over Alderaan and the Death Star's respective explosions. The EU and New Canon have both wanked Star Wars powerscaling so much we forget blowing up a planet is a big deal and this book makes the characters feel that. Having an imperial from alderaan who witnesses the event and instead of defecting doubles down on his loyalty is really interesting.
I also like the change in characteristics from the rebel and imperial main characters, SW usually portrays the empire as rows of rich white people (and a blue man or two) and the rebellion as a very diverse group of humans and aliens so making it so the loyal till the end imperial is a black woman who sees it as a way out of space detroit and the rebel who defects after the events of a New Hope a rich white guy who sees the empire more cynically is an interesting take, although this may be up to personal interpretation.
I did mention that the legacy characters are handled very gracefully, much better than those Disney+ shows could manage, but there was a chapter that did feel too fanservicy, where the imperial main character, Ciena, is the one sent to tow Darth Vader's ship after the death star blows up, it seemed too forced of a meeting between the two, seeing as Ciena ends up in Darth Vader's Star Destroyer anyways for the events of episode V and VI, besides that I didnt feel any problem with the og characters.
The alderaanian imperial, Nash, left a lot to be desired, the book employs a lot of timeskips so it can extend over all the inportant years it needs to, but Nash's character arc doesnt adapt to these, seeing him go from a cheery imperial pre episode IV to an angry loyal commander during and after episode VI isnt handled *horribly* but you dont see the progression since they dont take enough time on him to make you feel the change, I do like that he isnt made comically evil and he does love his friends even at his worst, that is appreciated humanization.
Finally, the post Return of the Jedi events are a bit rushed, you can tell Claudia Gray wasnt allowed to spill too much details on the events since this was released before The Force Awakens, but the insider look on post Endor empire is pretty good, I dont necessarilly agree with the empire surrendering one year after Endor in the new canon, but the book makes it clear that the Emperor quite literally was holding the empire together by himself via duct tape and lightning and how him and Vader dying sent everything downhill, the Battle of Jakku is a great example of it, showing the Empire just getting completely pummeled.
Any character I didnt mention by name I dont have much to say about other that they were either very good if they first appeared on the first half (The other protagonist Thane and other imperials like Jude or Kendy), or a bit forgettable if they first appearned on the second half
That's all
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captain-astors · 1 year
1 and 6 asks ^^
I had something coherent here and then it all went to absolutely nowhere because I had a snack and got distracted thinking about Death Note, anyways-
1. (Hands you a free card to ramble about whatever for your favorite character/ship)
I wish we'd gotten more scenes of Rotton Follow carving through ghouls. Sword Furuta was cool but can you imagine him going at Kaneki with a gardening tool? Speaking of that, brief detour to talk about weapons. Furuta wields a chainsaw (One of my favorite weapons) a sword (Classic and fancy) A kagune full of teeth (Which looks awesome) and a Kakuja with unnervingly human appearances, a dragon tail and a literal star in his eyes. Koori wields a halberd that turns into a whip which is just SO awesome, and an SS rated quinque that's never shown and thus is left ENTIRELY to my imagination and in short the possibilities are limitless and excellent, they were made to be appreciated by me and if I had anywhere half-decent writing skills I would compose the most excellent fight scene of all time. But I do not so I chip away at a very mediocre attempt and plan to draw some of what I write. It's wild to me that these two characters just happen to have all my favorite weapons between them, swords, halberds, chainsaws, monsters, and my own interpretations.
Koori is such an excellent character and I'm really starting to like writing scenes for him. He's so desperate but it never really blinds him, he says that he never could really believe Furuta but by god he wants to. He wants so badly to think this could lead him back to Ihei, And speaking of Ihei they're such a weird ship to me. Not in a negative way Ihei just feels very acearo to me while Koori is just. Infatuated with the concept of her, almost. This person who managed to be so seemingly unbothered by the things they were doing. I don't know if I can see them as a romantically requited thing but I can see them as some kind of QPP? I think Ihei should get to carry Koori around in her arms like a small dog. He's so boring and pathetic I hope he dies peacefully of lung cancer.
Furuta is simultaneously the least and most self-aware character, the smartest guy in the room and the dumbest motherfucker on the planet, between Arima, Ihei, and Furuta I think the phrase "Garden Child" just generally invokes deeply conflicted feelings and a need to sit down for Koori post-dragon. Both of them want to die a little bit or a lot consciously, but both subconsciously want to find a reason or way to live, neither of them really thought this one through because it didn't matter anyways, their repressed desperation for companionship is comedic and I hate them so much.
I'm not even sure this is a ship, it might just be fascination. I never write this stuff with romantic intent but I never don't. Sighs dreamily I want to snap their necks and I hope they survive it.
All of my opinions on them are woefully incorrect. But it's so fun.
6. What’s your favorite piece of TG fan content you’ve made? (If you haven’t made any just treat this as 7)
Ooh! I'm not sure actually, why did I write this one. I've written some fics I like, but not because they're good I'm just proud of myself for branching out. Currently I suppose this one.
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It's very personal, I like the colors and pose. If I had to critique it, I should've made it a little brighter, it looks all black until you turn up the brightness on your device.
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woozisnoots · 2 years
hi alexis <3 I would like to request a ship for the ferris wheel >< um you already know a lot about me but im a very arts oriented person (and stem :um:) i like to watch food and art videos when I relax :o I dislike people who pity and are dishonest. i also hate lightning and bugs :ponder: im a workaholic sometimes but i do need extended periods of time to myself to rest ;-; i would love just chilling w my date while we are doing our own stuff but still acknowledge each other yk 🧎🏻 my ideal date is an art/painting date 🧎🏻 hhhh i hope that’s enough 🧎🏻
why hello lissa :> so glad to see u here 👅 i'm gonna base this purely off who you would spend the fair with after ur experience in the ferris wheel bc i am just so tempted to just give you minghao ASJDKLJ
2. vernon. ur number 1 and 2 were actually quite similar, but with vernon, i think you would really appreciate how he paces the day out for you. he’s a very go-with-the-flow kind of guy as we all know, so he doesn't mind at all following whatever you wanna do! he doesn't even care if you don't want to go on rides or do arcade games (not that he's very good at them anyways), you guys can spend all day at the fair on a table or a bench just trying out all the food and drinks from the booths + the doe eyes he makes during fansigns whenever he's attentively listening to someone talk..... that's the face he makes when you passionately start to talk about art or baking or your ambitions, he's invested in all of it!
1. joshua. vernon and joshua are both very chill and approach the rest of the day in a similar manner, but the reason why joshua takes the cake is because (1) i just think you would be more comfortable with him DJFHKDSFJH and (2) joshua's more considerate! not saying that vernon isn't, but in social situations, joshua is more inclined to see if you're doing alright, picking up on things that catch your eye, pushing the limits just a little bit so you're able to try at least one new thing at the fair. he's not really the type to stay idle for too long, so you guys would be doing a lot of walk and talk with like churros and cotton candy in your hands (random note: i think you guys would ignore the actual construction set up of the fair and admire the scenery that's right behind it). unlike vernon who is more of attentive listener, joshua has a good balance of starting up a conversation and really engaging in whatever it is that you guys are talking about, so there isn't a moment of the day that's just awkward silence. as soon as you mention to joshua that you like art, he would immediately drag you to the arts and crafts area of the fair where you could paint birdhouses, make bracelets, etc. you guys would be very content doing that for the rest of the day c:
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[ visit my summer fair booths! ]
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ja0-s-blank-canvas-fic · 11 months
Part 3 - Chapter 30 - No Feeling Is Final
Blank Canvas Part 3
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Iiiiiit's update time again! :D Got an update on the hero side of things of a sort and then we get to find out the identity of Izuku's visitor! :P
Let's get to it!
Linktree to all the things!
End notes for the chapter are under the line.
So the heroes are worried. Shouta is not so good with the communicating emotions thingy. But at least he's got Hizashi to help him through it. I just ship them so much. Polar opposites that still just strangely seem to work. A sun and moon of a power couple. Both worried about their numerous kids.
The visitor is Toga! Kudos to those who guessed it. :) I couldn't resist the temptation for more villain bonding. How it will affect future events we shall see. The story is forming as we go.
I see Toga as a very touchy feely kind of girl. Mainly because of the mask she was forced to wear not able to express herself freely. But with the League she can be how she wants to and do as she pleases. No more holding back. Also very flirty. I know in canon she falls for Izuku because he was so beat up during the training camp but he also looks very similar to her first love. So I went with that. :P
More talk of Stain and Izuku's connection to Chizome. Other that Spinner, Toga would be the most interested. Which turned into a look into her past. More of a glimpse for now. I did my best with their conversation. I more wanted to look at personal desires versus the boundaries of others. Yes, Toga has her wants and needs that were denied to her and she taking it now as she pleases. But there's also the other side of that if she does that against another's will then she is doing the same to them. Denying them a choice based on her own actions. Idk. Toga is a complicated character but she also so deserves some love.
Smart pants Izuku rises again! The blood craving has got to be because of her quirk. I don't know if that got brought up or concerned in the manga yet but that's my theory and I'm sticking with it. And I have an idea for how to help her in the future.
I do kind of want some redemption for some of the villains. Depending on how the story goes will determine who gets that or not. Dabi is definitely one I'm looking at and now with this chapter is Toga too. We'll have to see about the others. Future stuff that I'll figure out later.
Okay, that's all for now. I've got a camping trip next weekend which I'm excited about! :D Anyway, more HimiIzu bonding next time and League shenanigans. And if you've been with me this far, you know it's all a slow burn because my brain wants it that way. :P I just have so many ideas I want to play around with! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and thanks for your readership! I appreciate you! ;3 Bye bye 'til next time!
Count down to Dad For One reveal: 3 chapters
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gralunaisland · 3 years
An Anti's Request for Discussion with a Pro-Gr///via Fan
Honestly, I don’t think I’ll ever understand gr///via fans at this rate, so I’d like to do something proactively.
My friends keep telling me not to tag "gruvia" because that’s Tumblr etiquette, and I completely understand their sound advice.
However, I’m thinking, will it be okay to tag it to ask for a discussion? I’d like to hear the opposite side.
So here’s my official request for pro-gr///vian fans: would one of you be up for a discussion? A discussion about why you think your ship is a good one? I’d love to have a peaceful, respectful debate, devoid of ad hominem and offensive language.
I have hope that there’s a gr///via fan who’s out there ready for a harmless conversation on this topic. We’re big kids. We can discuss ships without taking personal offense, right?
If you want to discuss with me, please comment below your reasons for liking gr///via or juvia or whatever!
Please do not however comment on my other posts for discussion. This post is where I have delegated my discussion. I appreciate people making comments with questions or critiques about particular parts of other posts on those same posts, but people have been just being rude there while picking fights with me, and this blog is still an Anti-space. Thank you for complying!
And N.B., I am not putting any Anti tags because Pros may have those blocked and this post exists for the purpose of having a discussion with the Pros. I am not not-tagging it because I want to sneak attack the Pros. I am also not not-tagging it because I have turned over to the Pro side in case that wasn’t clear haha. I simply want to hear an argument that isn’t heated and pointed from their side to see if I can understand them better.
Edit: I’d originally made an edit where I added that I would stay an Anti, and thanks to a Pro commenting, (quite rudely I must admit), I’ve decided to get rid of it as it isn’t conducive to discussion. I do not think my mind will be changed, but that doesn’t mean I cannot be open to what they have to say. That was my sentiment from the get-go, but my wording needed work. Thank you, Pro, for the criticism!
Edit 2: Also, I didn’t think I’d have to clarify this, but I would like an actual discussion, not someone sending me the link to their post and telling me to figure it out myself. The point I’m aiming for is a peaceful debate, a live conversation where we can answer questions as they arise. I want to be able to actually connect with a Pro on this matter, to see if there’s any common ground, and even if there isn’t, to give both sides a chance to defend their position in a way that’s digestible, at least legibly, to the other. Is that really too much to ask?
Edit 3: Just a PSA I suppose, this isn’t a trap somehow😅. If you want to discuss, discuss. If you don’t, block me and skedaddle on your way. But discussion is a two-way street, so I don't get why a commenter is calling me a bad guy for responding to someone who was kind enough to try to engage in a conversation with me. Both sides get to talk. I thought that was clear when I said debate…
Anyway, have a wonderful day! Thank you for your time as usual!
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
Yan Childe, Diluc, Kaeya, Zhongli, Beidou & Ningguang / Courting Darling.
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Warnings: Stalking, implied blackmail, kidnapping, and gaslighting. Note: this is a bit of an amalgamation from different asks i’ve gotten, put into one thing bc i thirst for these six characters so hard .
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“What’s life without a little adventure? You can stand to miss work for a day or two, it’ll still be there waiting for you when we get back. People have even gone so far as to say I’m an absolute joy to be around. You want to know who said that? Sorry, that source is staying a secret.” 
Childe is an erratic whirlwind of highs and lows. You never know what to expect from him, and he likes it that way, always keeping you on your toes. He doesn’t bother with having his friendliness appear genuine. If you want to doubt his goodwill, then so be it, he won’t stop you. It just makes it all the more interesting to keep you around should you be wary of his presence. 
He doesn’t care for the traditional conventions surrounding romance. It isn’t his thing, and he’s used to being considered the odd one out of every crowd, so why stop now? Childe doesn’t tone down any aspects of his bloodthirsty personality in your presence. It’s difficult to tell how serious he’s being since most of it takes the form of jokes or other lighthearted jests. In his mind, the fact he’s even spending so much time with you should make it obvious he’s interested. Whether that’s good or not. 
You’re going to be dragged all over the place. Childe’s stamina is seemingly an infinite well, as he takes you from activity to activity. By the end of the day, you’ll be exhausted. Unfortunately, he doesn’t take no for an answer, weaseling his way into your schedule despite your protests. Childe is particularly fond of getting into situations where a fight is inevitable, purposefully taking you to areas with monsters to show off his combat prowess. 
“Did you get a look at that, [First]? Aha, I haven’t had this much fun in ages! You already want to head back? Hm, I don’t know, the night is still young. Stop dragging your feet or I might just have to carry you. Not that I’m complaining, should that be the outcome. It’s up to you. Oh! Now that’s the spirit! I’ll try not to be hurt by how fast you’re moving now.” 
“Ah, [First], I take it you’re doing well. I couldn’t help but notice you eyeing this book at the market earlier. I’ve had a copy of it for ages, but with how busy things are, rarely do I have time to read. I’d be appreciative should you accept this and give it a better home.” 
Diluc is self-assured in many areas of his life, romance is not one of them. He knows how to carry himself in the company of businessmen, staying polite and vigilant, but this rigid method doesn’t work in his favor when it comes to wooing you. To soften the blow on his side, Diluc tells himself that it was never about a relationship anyway. That his main priority was and will always be to ensure your safety. He tells himself this, but... isn’t sure if he really believes it. 
He’s a perfect example of pining from afar. Subconsciously, he’ll drift towards areas you tend to linger around, hoping to spot you amidst the bustling crowds. Each time he tells himself that this’ll finally be the time he approaches you. The opportunity is set before him, waiting to be taken advantage of, but he rarely follows through with his desire. 
It frustrates Diluc to no end how easily others flock to you. He’ll stand there, still as a statue, eyes boring into whatever pest currently holds your attention. This would be the push to finally send him your way. It’s a surprise to you both when Mondstadt’s wine tycoon materializes by your side, politely asking to speak in private. Truth be told, he just can’t stand the thought of another person holding your attention that isn’t him. 
“I apologize for my abruptness back there. There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you about for some time, and well... would you consider having dinner with me tonight? I’d appreciate your company.” 
“It’s a funny thing, really. How we keep bumping into one another like this. Ah... that suspicious expression, it wounds me deep, sweetheart. When did you start looking at me like that, I wonder?” 
There’s no doubting Kaeya’s interest in you, from the first time he sauntered over to you and started a conversation. The problem you have is deciding how genuine his advances are. While Kaeya might not be the textbook definition of a heart-wrenching playboy, you’re familiar enough with the many rumors surrounding him to be wary. It doesn’t help that he’ll point this out to you when guessing the source of your apprehension. 
His methods are, oddly enough, effective. Kaeya balances the various aspects of seduction with ease. He reveals just enough about himself to draw out your attention, before focusing the conversation back onto you. You’ll never get to stop and realize how little you know about the man sitting in front of you, he makes certain of that.
Kaeya might hide certain aspects of himself, but his dubious morality is never concealed. He has you entirely wrapped around his finger, words validating his actions falling from his lips with the utmost ease; he’s a force to be reckoned with. You’ll start a conversation heated about something you’ve learned, only for it to end wondering why you were ever upset in the first place.
“Now, now, there’s no need to get all riled up over something like this. Don’t you trust me by now? When have I ever given you reason to doubt me? You need to take a look at the bigger picture. Hey, take a seat. I’ll sit here all night explaining to you if it’s necessary.” 
→[More underneath the cut].
“There must be something that I can assist you with. It may not look it, but I’m familiar with many fields of work, even obscure ones. Please allow me to lend a hand.” 
Zhongli, despite having been around for many centuries, is somewhat clueless in romantic pursuits. He’s aware of his fondness for you, but doesn’t know what to do with it. This leads him to becoming your shadow for some time. He focuses on what he knows best: observation and processing new information. Your every little movement will be analyzed and tuck into the back of his mind for later usage. 
Zhongli’s soft over the idea of you coming to rely on him for everything. He prides himself on his wealth of knowledge and work ethic, believing it a strong appeal, one that he puts on full display when you’re around. It’s not rare for you to overhear neighbors and friends speak highly about Zhongli. They’ll mention in passing how they were having difficulty with something, only for Zhongli to come around and help without asking for anything in return. 
This is exactly what he’s been hoping and waiting for. Zhongli has patience and sets himself up to be a desirable partner in your eyes, the efforts from his labor coming into fruition. Before you even speak to him for the first time, you’re likely to think highly of him, having heard all the ways he’s helped people close to you. Now that the stage is properly set, he’s ready to make his interest in you more evident. 
“I’ve heard a lot about you, [First]. Oh? You can say the same for me? Well, I hope I can live up to your expectations. I had just been on my way to Yanshang Teahouse, would you care to join me? My treat, of course.” 
“You haven’t lived until you’ve experienced a voyage with my crew and I. I’ll set up a nice cabin just for you, how does that sound? Hm? Special treatment? Don’t worry your pretty little head about that, lass.”  
Beidou’s attention is overwhelming and oftentimes dangerous. Traditional social conventions are nothing but a waste of time for her, meaning that common courtesy is disregarded in favor of always speaking her mind. Which might not be so bad if she wasn’t so amorous. Even the most oblivious person couldn’t miss Beidou’s overt favor towards you.
This reverent display of affection is only exacerbated when she’s drunk, face flushed and an arm swung tightly around your shoulder. She doesn’t care who sees, who’s judging, or what gossip will be born from her actions. Beidou makes a point of showing everyone in the vicinity that even if you aren’t officially partners yet, a claim has been staked on you. 
Whether it be coercion or some other unsightly method, Beidou is intent on bringing you on her ship at least once. Or that’s how she initially phrased it to you. Imagine your surprise, that when you finally caved so she’d drop the subject, her crew was untying the ropes keeping the boat at port. 
“The fun’s just getting started, you haven’t seen anything yet. Don’t get all teary-eyed yet, sweetheart, I know you’ll come around. This’ll be a story sung by sailors for generations to come.”
“If I’m being honest, not many are given the opportunity to speak to me outside of business-related ventures. I never thought I’d find it this... pleasant. I hope you’ll continue to entertain me as you do now.” 
Ningguang starts off her wooing in a subtle, almost coquettish manner. She is confident in her charm and brilliance. Not many have been gifted in the art of conversation to the same extent Ningguang has, her silver tongue paired with quick intellect making it difficult for you to escape. She’ll corner you verbally without you even noticing it. 
Ningguang finds amusement in how you stumble over your words, pure of heart and not chained down by special interests. Your forthright but considerate demeanor intoxicates her. She’s used to people cowering in her presence or trying too hard to pursue their goals. You might even earn a rare compliment or two, disguised as politeness, that doesn’t register for hours. 
She is a lady of fine taste. The sky’s the limit when it comes to her wealth, which is unrivaled throughout Tevyat, and you’ll be quick to notice this. Ningguang is most partial to sending you traditional Liyue adornments, believing the rich culture behind each piece suits your beauty. She’s also fond of the fact that when you wear her gifts, everyone in the vicinity will know it’s from her, due to its extraordinarily high cost. 
“Do you like my latest gift, little dove? It was made custom with you in mind, an unrivaled display of craftmanship, if I may add. Wear this and carry me with you... always.” 
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neocrush · 3 years
— the girl groups enhypen’s gfs are in !
genre: fluff (angst on jungwon’s part) + established relationship (eventually lol)
pairings: idol!enhypen x fem!idol!reader
note: idk how to title this pls i thought of it while showering
tagging: @jeminiepabo @strwberrydinosaur
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you just finished performing and your members were in need of water bottles
you just finished performing and your members were in need of water bottles
you just finished performing and your members were in need of water bottles
but fucking mnet didn’t provide any inside of your dressing room??
but fucking mnet didn’t provide any inside of your dressing room??
but fucking mnet didn’t provide any inside of your dressing room??
so yves told you to ask for some from the artist in the dressing room next to yours
you knocked on the door without looking at the sign that showed who was in there
you asked for some water bottles and heeseung went “i’ll go get it!” and ran off to go get get them
jungwon just chuckled and went “hyung’s a really huge fan of your group, he kept on singing star on the way here”
you nodded at the younger one, impressed at the fact that you were popular among idols
the tall boy came back with a whole box full of water bottles
“there’s 12 of you here right now so i figured why not get a whole box” he chuckled nervously
you giggled and smiled at the nervous boy
“thank you heeseung-ssi, i’ll take this to my members” you took the box in your hands but was taken aback on how heavy it was
“don’t worry i’ll carry it for you”
long after that you started hanging out and boom you became his gf
you couldn’t resist the charms of lee heeseung
once it was revealed that you were a couple, orbits and engenes went INSANE (in a good way ofc)
“wait so y/n DOESNT hate men????”
★ jay - aespa
you both met at school after you both debuted
everyone was gossiping around about how you were in the same class with the enhas
so like... monster rookies class
usually idols aren’t seated together but the teacher seated you and jay next to each other
causing a bunch of “oooohhhs” from your classmates
there were times were you and the enhas would leave school early due to practice or schedules
and on the way to the school gate, jay would always spark up a conversation with you
you assumed he was just very friendly
long story short he had a massive crush on you
so a few months into your friendship (which the both of you were very open about with your fans), he confesses
y’all were just really blind lol pls read between the lines
anyways on to ur lovely bf !!
he’s so bold and brave around you but so shy around your members and seniors
we all know how he really respects nct (along with other sm artists) bc he covered the 7th sense with sunghoon on iland
so one day you were like “oh btw i showed taeyong sunbae you and hoon’s t7s cover”
he was like 😟 to 😧 to 😯
got all shy and was like “oh what did he say..”
you don’t know why he was acting as if he didn’t body that whole performance ????
anyway you told him that taeyong said that he and hoon did really well and that he liked how jay did his part
hid his face on the crook of your neck
“baby we should come say hi to them next time you go to sm”
“NO i will make a fool out of myself”
speaks english and japanese with giselle a lot when he isn’t occupied with you
sometimes you’d even have to ask nct’s shotaro to translate
your seniors (especially exo’s kai) adore him so so much pls protect the boy at all costs
★ jake - everglow
he was an active viewer of produce 48 and (like me) was really attached to the yuehua trainees
especially you
so when you got eliminated just before the last episode, he was devastated to say the least
he awaited your debut and when the time came he supported everglow !!!!
does the killing part choreo in his room when no one’s watching lol
dies everytime you do the little “everglow” in songs
right so when he debuted in enha, he looked forward to meeting you as an idol and not a fan
when you shared a dressing room at kcontact, he couldn’t help but introduce himself to you
he mentioned he was a big fan and your heart warmed
cute boy is a fan of you? omg heart go brr brr
your members tease you and you just shake it off
that day when you got back to the dorms, you watched a bunch of enhypen videos bc you were interested in jake
you weren’t aware of how popular you were among people - let alone idols so you were surprised
you fell in love with his personality and started saying hi to him whenever you meet backstage at music shows
not long after, you develop feelings for him
you thought it was just a puppy crush but as you saw him even more, it got serious
you never actually confessed but aisha accidentally spilled the beans when he was passing by
“cmon y/n just tell him you like him because he clearly feels the same !!”
“you like me?”
“that’s my queue to leave”
so she leaves you two to pour your hearts out to each other
you two become a couple and forevergenes (such a cute name omg) LOVE you two
you’re both the puppies of your group so that makes your relationship 103892x cuter
you met his parents and they adore you and even asked for your autograph
“jake used to talk about how great you are after every produce 48 episode”
“okayyyy i think that’s enough embarassing me mom”
his parents love you like their own daughter but does layla love you?
you were so nervous to meet her and was actually scared she might not like you - knowing how important layla is to jake
at first layla ignored you and jake was like “she’ll come around”
you were convinced she just doesn’t like you, until this one time you were cuddling with jake on the couch and layla comes in
you expected her to snuggle up with jake but she came to you :D
now layla is super fond of you and mrs sim would even send you pictures and videos of layla getting excited whenever you were on tv 🥺
★ sunghoon - itzy
you and the girls were at isac
the six of you were just waving at your fans and making heart signs with your hearts
on your left you saw yeji making hearts with ryujin so you wanted to do that with another member too
you felt a presence next to you and assumed it was someone from your group
spoiler alert: it wasn’t
sunghoon and sunoo were waving at engenes who just happened to be seated next to midzys
so you turned to who you thought was an itzy member, making half a heart with your hand
until you realized it wasn’t 💀
you bowed and apologized when you both looked at each other, you were scared you crossed a boundary
you bowed and apologized to the engenes who were there too
sunghoon and sunoo reassured you it was all good
after that, sunghoon couldn’t help but keep his eyes on you the entire event
when the day was coming to an end, he pulled some strings and ended up having some alone time with you ...in stray kids’ dressing room
don’t ask
ofc skz already left so it was just you two there
fast forward, you both hit it off and he became your bf <3
midzys and engenes love you both sm and love bragging about you two to other fandoms
you two were even named the king and queen of 4th gen kpop
oh also
you already know where this is going
brags about how he can do the shoulder dance in wannabe
ofc it’s bc you personally taught him
sends you pics of jyp as reaction pics
so you send pics of bang pdnim to him
every once in a while he reminds you of that video of jay why pee trying to hit a high note
“lmao that’s your boss”
PLS you always get super embarrassed so ofc you bring up that vid of hitman bang
“rAp dAncE-“
★ sunoo - stayc
you were his seatmate at school predebut
you came from the same town, same school, same neighborhood, etc
the two of you were extremely close and both shared the same dream
when highup entertainment accepted you, the both of you were over the moon
he was so happy for you
but sad too bc that meant you had to move to seoul :(
you promised him to do your best and that you hoped to see him again but as an idol
and hopefully when he’s an idol too
well what you hoped for came true !!
although you couldn’t see him much as a trainee - which made you quite sad - you got to follow his journey on i-land
you even asked your fellow trainees to vote for him
anyways now that you both debuted, you became close again and became really open with your fans on how close you were
you recommended his songs to swiths and he did the same to engenes
he even memorized the choreo to so bad and asap and lemme tell you this
he BEGGED you to teach him those choreos
“sunoo you can watch the practice on youtube”
“but i want to learn it from you”
he never really realized his feelings until he saw you getting shipped with his other members
you were both on weekly idol and the hosts really seemed to like how you and jake looked next to each other and they just teased you both the whole episode
that made sunoo feel uneasy and he thought it was only bc he was an overprotective best friend
turns out he had feelings for you (wow shocker)
so one day he asks you to come to hybe
after slightly getting lost, you meet up with him in a practice room
he confesses bc he felt like not telling you about his feelings would put a wall between you two
you appreciate his honesty and tell him you’ve felt the same way every since you were classmates
he scolds himself for not seeing it all those years but you just laugh it off bc you were pretty good at hiding your crush
you both agree to secretly date, until you both announce it on your five month anniversary
fans were really shocked at first... but they support you !!!!
engenes will not hesitate to come at anyone who talks bad about you and swiths feels the same way about jungwon
he gushes about you every single time you’re brought up
and you can’t help but love your adorable boyfriend
★ jungwon - iz*one
okay so
he was just an average high schooler when you were introduced on produce 48
his deskmate was watching your audition video and it was the part where you were doing this freestyle
he was SO amazed and he secretly followed your journey on produce 48
always made sure to vote on time and watch the episodes live
once the debut evaluation came around, he asked everyone he knew to vote for you and even bought tickets to see the show live
almost cried when he saw that you were center
ACTUALLY CRIED when you got into the top 13 😭
fast forward to him debuting in enha
he wasn’t able to catch up on you since he was busy with trainee life, then i-land, then debut preparations
but somehow in the middle of promotions he ran into you and BOOM love at first sight
fast forward to you finally dating, he couldn’t believe he was dating the y/n of iz*one
wizones make those “ladies and gentlemen, y/n’s man” edits and engenes make those “ladies and gentlemen, jungwon’s woman” edits
both fandoms love you two so dearly that the only hate you two got were from the delusional ones (who clearly aren’t actual fans)
when your last concert came around, he couldn’t bare seeing you cry when you said “this has been iz*one’s y/n, thank you everyone!”
he got flashbacks from when you cried during the final episode of produce 48 and he’s just.. sobbing bc he couldn’t be there to hold you
so the next day he rushed to your dorms with snacks and emotional support bc you were emotionally exhausted from accepting the fact that your journey with iz*one is finally ending
you felt extremely lucky to be in his arms and he felt extremely lucky too that he’s able to make you feel a little better
★ riki - weeekly
you were both on weekly weeekly idol together
and both you and riki being main dancers, you were asked to do random dance together
a few popular songs played and the both of you did the choreos
until after school started playing and the boy did the chorus’ choreo and you were like “woah???”
bc he was so INTO ITTTT
the song was basically made for him to cover it
and the mcs saw your reaction so they asked him to do it once again but this time with the whole group
after filming, he came up to you and was like “i’m a huge fan of yours” and you’re just like ):&/£]>\**_£]
“woah really???? i rooted for you on i-land”
and his face just lights up bc his huge crush on you developed even more
you became besties since then but he didn’t ask you out until your birthday
he took you out to a puppy café, knowing you were obsessed with dogs
you’d ask him to show you pictures and videos of bisco
“i better meet bisco once we go to japan together”
melted at the thought of traveling to his hometown with you
once you left the café, he kissed you in front of your dorms
and somehow he became your boyfriend <3
riki as a bf isn’t really a very public person
he’s the “this is our relationship, not the public’s” type of person
he doesn’t wanna risk companies wanting to exploit your relationship
although he doesn’t talk about you two much, he loves to brag about you when given the chance
whenever variety show hosts would fawn over you he’d just look them in the eyes dead and go “she’s mine”
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