#jujutsu kaisen thoughts
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justrustandstardust · 1 year ago
“did you know nanami is younger than go—” boring. passĂ©. lame. the real shocker is finding out that the youngest of them all is IJICHI
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lxmelle · 10 months ago
Gojo was once described by Gege as a “man of resignation”.
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It is a facet of enlightenment - in which the concept of “non-attachment” is a big part of (attachment is viewed as the root of suffering).
We can interpret “resignation” in so many ways, as it explains so much about his immense capacity for love / acceptance, but also his tendency to... simply resign himself to an outcome / fate I guess - a form of passivity that can be either considered positive or negative, perhaps depending on outcome.
Going with the flow, neither chasing nor halting anything in particular with his immense might and potential. He swayed things to gently influence an outcome. Followed a designated path trying to rebuild the sorcerer world through being a teacher... which he couldn’t fully commit too either, because he had a role as a special grade who had to keep working.
That’s not to say he didn’t achieve anything - because of course he did. But nothing revolutionary. He said so himself to Geto: he didn’t see a point in it. There were just some things he didn’t think would change - someone else would replace the higher-ups.
And thus. Despite his massive strength, he never did ever manage to go all out. Perhaps this is symbolic of an inherently gentle/accepting nature? But there was indeed a monster inside him too - the one that thrived on the thrill of killing and defeating. It was a beast he seldom let out. It was a beast with a thirst.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll paraphrase: like a sprinter limited to go at 8kmph, like a singer who is only allowed to whisper her song, a painter unable to use any paints for their desired masterpiece - how dreadfully, painfully unfulfilling.
So of course it was FUN to have this final brawl with Sukuna - to give it his very best, especially when he also didn’t feel lonely anymore with a bunch of monsters he can pass the gauntlet (his body and his will) onto in the worst case scenario.
But of course Gojo doesn’t have the ability to predict the future, so how can anyone expect that he make decisions and judgements perfectly or accurately? All he can do is consider based on his own judgement. Alone. As the only other person who help him plug those holes in his judgement, Geto, had left him.
It is up to interpretation whether Geto was left behind first, but this really isn’t a competition or about assigning blame
 because where do we even start?
One cannot hold Gojo totally accountable for things that happen around him or how others interpret his actions. He was born different to everyone else. Probably treated as if he had this role to fill where people had an idea of what they wanted or needed him to be, but never gave much thought over what it would feel like for him.
Gojo, Shoko, and those left behind have had to suffer the same resignation. After all: What else are you supposed to do but resign yourself, in the face of a reality where even to things you don’t wish to happen, have to happen? All you can do is what you can... and if you can, you wield it with all your might.
Geto tried it to the best of his ability.
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He wasn’t Gojo, who could do it if he wanted to.
Understanding that Gojo wasn’t, and accepting that he (Geto) shouldn’t change that about him (Gojo), as he was likely more suited to be at the school - essentially following nanami’s words and “leaving it to him” as Gojo was in his element / thrived on it, but Geto couldn’t be complicit in the system that would lead them to watch their own kind die one by one — Geto left to follow his ideals.
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Gojo was referred to as the only one who can take that curse into his own hands. I used to see it as “the only one to kill Geto” after he failed and almost lost his humanity for the sake of power (killing Yuta would go against his principles) but now it also has a new meaning: the only one who can take charge and pursue the ideals to actually change the world.
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The curse is the sh*t that is in the world of sorcery in jjk. Gojo seemed to (imho) now feel the need to catch up and hold the reins this time.
It is the end of Resignation Man Gojo Satoru. The emergence of The Monster Gojo Satoru (who Geto assisted in helping Gojo keep at bay through being the “model of humanity” that Gojo could follow) who was then fully ready to take the stand. Like Geto on that stage.
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Bye higher ups.
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Before, despite his immense strength, he didn’t force his way through. Perhaps this was the outcome of having been forced to be born and live with no choice but to be the six eyes + limitless. You do not actually have freedom.
Unless, you’re willing to become a pariah. To wield these cards that were dealt to you and completely become the extraordinary.
And now, Yuta embraces the same resigned acceptance of becoming a monster. After all... only a few will be able and willing to turn into a Monster.
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Out of love. A Monstrous love indeed.
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Geto had monstrous motherhood in him. I guess this extends to others now too. To cast away humanity because nobody else will. Nobody else can. So they have to wield it. Become it.
Yuta represents both the old and new world... in some way, he is like Gojo and Geto combined... power / strength + sincerity / kindness. Of course, like the yin and yang, each half has a bit of the other in it - so Gojo and Geto had a combination of power and compassion, but they symbolically represent each,
Arguably, had Geto someone else by his side, things may have been different.
All of this mess
It didn’t have to come to this, right? Nor did it have to be the extermination of humans, but it could’ve been a collaboration of the special grades (Yuki, Gojo, Geto) all trying to solve the 3 different factors to the problem: humans as the origin of curses (research), the old-fashioned higher ups + clans, and the elimination of the curses. There may be others, but you get my gist.
But alas, this is the jjk world.
Just some thoughts, I’ll end it here before it’s more word vom.
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everythingseasoning · 3 months ago
Satoru and Suguru Analysis - In Depth
unedited, unfinished (I’ll likely add on more and repost this)
Why Gojo and Geto could connect despite Gojo’s life of isolation
What the two meant to each other
What could’ve been
Based on This Ask. (Anon asked me if they thought Gojo told Geto “koishiteru” before killing him.)
I’m not a native Japanese person, but I am half Japanese. From what I know, “koishiteru” (æ‹ă—ăŠă‚‹) is usually said when you’re falling in love with somebody, and you have those strong romantic/excited feelings towards them. Gojo hadn’t seen Geto in many years (besides when Geto invaded Jujutsu Tech), and their ideals and paths had diverged significantly since the last time they’d interacted, so for this particular timeline, no, I don’t think that Gojo said “koishiteru” to Geto. In fact, Gojo was angry at Geto for endangering his students, the youth, as we see when Gojo says, “I thought we agreed we wouldn’t hurt the youth.” It’s clear that Gojo’s ideals and beliefs are clashing with Geto’s actions, during that reconnection scene. People usually don’t fall for somebody who isn’t somebody they deeply admire (whose convictions and beliefs you can resonate with). So prior to Geto’s death, I think that Gojo wasn’t in love with Geto, but Gojo did express that he still felt affection for Geto, and I will explain below.
Despite Geto’s defection all those years ago, and despite his actions before his death, Gojo still had feelings alike affection and love for Geto. The two understood one another in a way nobody else did: they were high school best friends who were the strongest, two teenagers who had given up their life in order to protect and serve others. Gojo never knew a life outside of being a weapon. And Geto understood the world that Gojo grew up in, lived in, fought in, fought for— and the two laughed together, too. They were comrades. Geto was Gojo’s first and only deep connection, for a long, long time. Geto was the closest to an equal that Gojo would ever have. There’s no doubt that Gojo still considered Geto his best friend (Gojo said so, himself), but going so far as saying “koishiteru” is
 not making sense to me.
The two were undoubtedly still important to one another before Gojo ended Geto, but their own different missions were more important to them than one another (that’s why they had split). That doesn’t mean the two still didn’t hold a special place in their hearts for the bond they shared with one another, but it does make me believe that Gojo and Geto couldn’t have been lovers in that they never got the chance to be romantically involved. Gojo called Geto his “best friend” rather than his lover, as well. It’s possible that Gojo could have developed romantic feelings for Geto over time, if they’d spent more time together and both swung that way. But they didn’t have the proper time and space to grow closer to one another in a way that went beyond best friends. Them being lovers would’ve had to have been in another life.
Main points: what Gojo and Geto had was real, it was best friendship, it was connection (hit all the boxes that allowed Gojo, the isolated king, to actually connect to somebody else). Geto was possibly Gojo’s only deep connection that he’d ever experienced— but their ideals pushed them apart. They still hold a special affection for the bond they shared, a special affection for one another, but they’re not puppy love obsessed with one another, nor are they bound together anymore by convictions. Whether or not that means they’re just tragic best friends, lost potential lovers, who can say for sure? No one, except Gege. And Gege did confirm they were just best friends. So I think my take is nuanced AND on par with what Gege was thinking.
Philosophy take away: You might love somebody with all your heart, but there can still be a world of distance between the two of you, if your convictions and beliefs diverge. It’s
Other Anime Character Analysis’ Here
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mixakuu · 1 year ago
Okay but think about being Megumi’s girlfriend and he keeps his demon dogs with you whenever you go to sleep so then he knows you’re safe with them. đŸ„șđŸ–€
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weirdoaroundtheblock · 10 months ago
My favorite interpretation of the quote "Are you Satoru Gojo because you're the strongest, or are you the strongest because you're Satoru Gojo?", is the one that says that by that, Suguru meant "Are you nothing more than your strength? Was Satoru Gojo only meant to be powerful?".
Because of course Satoru is more than that, and of course Suguru believes it. He merely asked a rethorical question to Satoru, in hopes that he would finally see himself as more than a weapon. In hopes that he would see the absurdity of such statement and therefore realize that yes, he is more than his curse technique, despite being reduced to it for his entire childhood.
Because an important thing is that we can't really blame people for considering him only through the scope of his technique, of him being the strongest, when Satoru himself tends to only see himself this way.
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yggdraseed · 11 months ago
Thinking About the Itadori Family
Spoilers for Jujutsu Kaisen. Reader beware, you're in for a scare!
I find Kenjaku a fascinating character in a lot of different ways. There's always a game being played and a lie being told, and yet there's still this damp, flickering spark of humanity under all the theatrics, bullshit, and centuries of accumulated junk.
When Kenjaku escorted Itadori's former classmate from aeons ago back in chapter one out of the Sendai Colony, there was this really interesting softness they display nowhere else. Gone is all the pretense of mocking others and keeping secrets... perhaps because they knew most of it would be forgotten, as dreams often are. But it seems like Kenjaku may have given away some deep insight into the nature of sorcery by casually mentioning the "Cursed Realm" - which has never, to my knowledge, been mentioned before or since. Not only that, but Kenjaku tells her something truly shocking:
"Thank you for getting along with my son."
Like, you can see how weird this is, right? Face to face with Yuji, Kenjaku says, "I expect great things from you." Talking with Choso while Yuji isn't in the room, Kenjaku talks about him like some object; a mere vessel, the eye of the storm for the age to come. Talking with a non-sorcerer teenage girl who's unlikely to remember much, if any of the conversation, Kenjaku accepts Yuji as their son and expresses gratitude that she was kind to him.
So, is this a "Who we are in the dark" moment of honesty? Is this the consequence of Kenjaku being a composite of all these different personalities bubbling to the surface at different times? It's really, really hard to say. But I like the idea that somewhere at the bottom of it all, there is genuine love, if misguided in its expression. That's what I want to run with.
Personally, I've seen theories that Kenjaku duped Jin, or somehow used sorcery to enthrall him, or that Jin simply went insane before or after Kaori died and wasn't in his right mind. I think those are all possible, and they're more straightforward answers. But I want to get off the road and into the woods and see where I end up.
What if Jin knew? What if a pact was made to try to bring Kaori back, and even when the person who came back wasn't Kaori, Jin was still grateful? What if Jin was just grateful to get to see Kaori smile one last time, to get to hear her voice one last time, even if he knew in his heart it couldn't be the same ever again? Just like when Yaga brought Takeru back as a cursed corpse for Kusakabe's sister, so she could hear her son's voice and hug some part of him one last time.
And what if genuine love grew out of that gratitude? What if seeing this acceptance and kindness in Jin, of having someone give gratitude and a wish to be by Kenjaku's side, started to morph and change who Kenjaku was without them realizing the full ramifications of that at first?
What if that ache for a family, for a place to belong, for some connection to other human beings, has carved itself open inside this nomad of flesh and time? Journeying across a thousand years and potentially dozens of bodies, duping themselves into thinking they only cared about their grand experiment, only to narrowly dodge getting ensnared by their human heart and spending all this time since then trying to ignore their own humanity?
I still have a feeling Kenjaku isn't quite dead yet, and I want to believe a change that was started by Jin will have been finished by Takaba. With Kenjaku realizing they do want other people, that they do want to see human potential, not the potential of this mad experiment. And that they'll now be gunning to change the outcome of the Merger, in whatever way is possible.
Though I think this is probably just me spinning my own theories out into something that doesn't even resemble GeGe's plan. But hey! Each theory I make that's proven untrue by the author is an idea I can use in my own writing for free.
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magewritesstories · 1 year ago
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❝It's not that he can't lie, it's that the idea of lying doesn't occur to him.❞ —Megumi Fushiguro about Yuji Itadori
helppp why is he so baby??? and such a green flag?? also this is funny considering the next fight yuji has is against higurama who is a literal lawyer
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who-can-touch-my-boob · 1 year ago
just to be clear: I DO NOT SHIP THIS!!!
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However, I genuinely believe that Gojo and Mei Mei fucked at some point in the manga/anime. Please don’t ask me WHY I believe this, because I honestly don’t know.
Currently rewatching jjk on my newly arrived blu-ray dvd’s and at the exchange event with the Kyoto school, there’s this vibe.
Like they fucked once and then never did anything ever again. They never did anything before it either. And they just fill the room with such an intense non-sexual-also-sexual aura.
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I personally have very conflicted feelings about Mei Mei, because she’s a real badass and her character design is solid, but we all know her actions and ethics are a teeny weeny questionable. (Ok they’re VERY questionable)
To sum this up; I don’t want this to be true and don’t ship it. I just need to know if anyone understands me, because I’m conflicted.
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undermine-the-instinct · 1 year ago
I'm having jjk parallel thoughts but hear me out.
Megumi parallels with Nanami
Nobara with Gojo
And Yuji with Geto
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justrustandstardust · 1 year ago
in honour of geto's birthday, i want to talk about the fandom discourse that paints him as a mother. he definitely has a degree in motherology (with a minor in babygirlism), but i also think it’s possible that gege is genuinely using his character to say something interesting about motherhood and maternity.
this post is inspired largely in part by @virgobingo's thoughtful meta on geto and monstrous femininity, which you can find here. i want to extrapolate from the trope of monstrous femininity and extend it to monstrous motherhood. (which @virgobingo also touches on; you should really check out their meta— it's awesome!)
geto's character is immediately established in a protector capacity, which is intensely reminiscent of the tropes that mothers embody in media. his whole thing is that the strong must protect the weak; it's his core belief. his character is premised around this belief, much like the way mothers' constitutions in media are premised on the principle that they'll go to any length for their children.
we're repeatedly shown his caring side during hidden inventory— he cares for riko, he expresses concern for gojo, he even asks about kuroi after he finds out toji supposedly murdered his best friend. it's made very clear that he's an outwardly caring person with a strong sense of duty. in this way, he parallels the textual role of mothers, whose function is to care and provide above all else. the repeated emphasis on his caring nature is what directly likens him to maternity, whose characteristic trait is tender love and care.
he also houses curses in his body. he unleashes them from inside of him, almost like children leaving the womb. these curses obey him and operate according to his will in a very parent/child dynamic. they are powerful, but they can only do what he tells them to do. he uses them to fulfil his duty according to his core belief: to protect the weak.
when he defects, his ideology fundamentally does not change— it just inverts. instead of the strong protecting the weak (the weak necessitating their strength because they can't protect themselves), now the strong must be protected from the weak (because the weak leech the strength from the strong, therefore rendering them weak).
nothing really changes; he still cares —fiercely— it's just in the opposite direction. he takes the tropes associated with motherhood and inverts them— he'll do anything to protect those under his care, including killing, because he wholeheartedly believes in fulfilling his duty as a protector (like a mother). his unwavering conviction and willingness to die for his beliefs (which are directly about those he's protecting) is the most flagrantly maternal thing about him.
toji's worm calls him "mommy" and it's not wrong. he takes in daughters and becomes the central figure of his "family"; his emphasis on family throughout the story (even as a youth) also speaks to his maternity, as mothers are often written as the binding emotional centres of familial structures.
after he dies, his body is taken over by someone who is Iiterally a mother. he embodies monstrous motherhood during life and after death, leading us to the question of what gege is trying to say about all of this. is caring too much a bad thing? does caring in one way open the door to caring in another? what happens when a mother's love, supposedly strong enough to lift fallen trees off their children, goes in the “wrong” direction?
there's also the fact that geto is male. i think gege is also asking us to reckon with how the tropes of maternity have been confined to women, showing us that these intense convictions and the depth of care attributed to mothers can apply to anyone, even (especially) if they are distinctly masculine. in doing this, he's also expanding the conceptual definition of motherhood, suggesting that mothers can exist beyond their provident care and one-dimensional duty to their beloveds.
geto's monstrous motherhood is an explosive reclamation of agency in a trope where women have been historically limited by the categorical imposition of maternity. it seeks to disrupt not only who we consider to be mothers but also what we consider a mother to be. perhaps the monster is not the maternal figure whose love turns vicious or violent, but us, who monstrously imprisoned them in the fixed role of "mother".
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lxmelle · 10 months ago
Love is the greatest curse of all
 Damned if you love and Damned if you don’t.
What does it mean to be Human? It’s an extremely valid question posed by Yuta. Megumi didn’t think they were heroes and felt he had no option but to make personal choices. Yuji wanted his life and death to have some significance and save people. Todo says they have to keep going regardless of tragedy. Sukuna says it’s best to be unattached to all things as they’re all worthless. Gojo had a dream that was largely affected by Geto - about never leaving anyone alone for the new generation.
Is being human, to know love? Regardless of their strength? Kusakabe thinking of Yaga who helped the sister he loved, in her grief over her beloved son. Larue and Miguel with their love for Geto. The kids and their friendships with one another. Gojo, Yuta - knowing the taste of loneliness. Geto, knowing the taste of grief. The underside of love.
Back to stsg for a moment because that’s my unhealthy obsession brainrot
If Geto loved Gojo enough to tell him, he would’ve led him down a bloody path. If Geto loved him enough to leave him, it’d have led him down a lonely path.
If Gojo loved Geto enough to join him, it would’ve led them both down a morally-/societally-disapproving path. If Gojo loved Geto enough to let him go, it would’ve allowed him to go down a lonely path.
Yuta knew the pain of pure innocent love and how it bound Rika to his soul. But in doing so, he granted her the best happiness she ever experienced in her entire existence. Was it because she had meaning? Her overwhelming love for Yuta meant she could kill and hurt others for the sake of love? What a cursed existence even as a spirit. It hurt Yuta.
He loved her enough to desire not to let her go, but this cursed them both. In loving his newfound friends enough, he sacrificed himself and was lucky to survive it and freed the cursed Rika. But this then led him to bear the curse of loving others 
 in the endless cycle of “you’re Damned if you do, Damned if you don’t”.
Because Yuta loves and empathises, he sees Gojo. Humanity. Compassion. To be able to connect to those above and beneath his feet, in contrast to Hajime and Sukuna who both pursued strength alone. He understood the weight and enormity of love and the sacrifice that comes with it. He saw the impact of being a monster and the only one who was chained to his role despite being able to supposedly do everything, but actually felt like he could do nothing.
Not the things that Gojo really wanted anyway (ugh. The tragedy of his life T_T). He couldn’t spare Geto. Geto didn’t want to be spared and left him to handle it all at Jujutau High while he tried to single-handedly take on Gojo’s role and change the world.
Gojo was left behind. I think his view of their separation morphed over time too. He wanted to change the sorcerer world too, in a different way that wasn’t as drastic.
Maybe at first he wondered if Geto felt left behind in the face of his unparalleled strength, (the strongest, alone), telling Megumi that he should be strong, keep up and not get left behind. After all, he and Geto had that “talk” breakup and he decided to become a teacher to try and save those who wanted to be saved.
As Megumi grew, he had more students, and Yuta came along, it was about the protection of their youth. Just like he had his blue spring that was so precious to him. It was also what Geto gave him and the reason he had to stop and kill Geto, because he encroached on the principles he tried to uphold himself - not to kill young sorcerers. Geto couldn’t completely abandon all of his humanity and kill Yuta and Gojo spared him the continuous suffering and ended his life.
Then, not leaving anyone behind to be lonely. He would see to it that the next generation wouldn’t suffer like he and Geto and Nanami did.
And finally, he wished to catch up to Geto, after being left behind when Geto chose to become a monster himself.
In Buddhism, detachment is sometimes seen as the penultimate “enlightenment”. But it’s ironic because the more one aspires to become enlightened, the more selfish they inherently become. Because, we do not live in isolation. What is the worth of enlightenment?
Gojo’s enlightenment was costly. He was alone as a tool.
Sukuna’s is disastrous. He embodies a twisted form of enlightenment where he sees responding to love as compassionate through killing his opponents.
Yuta’s is now... tragic.
Megumi had tried to choose who to be compassionate towards. He admired those like Tsumiki who were kind, and like Yuji. Kind - as was Geto. And Yuta. Too kind that they would be willing to sell/soil themselves for the sake of who they loved.
Yuji’s compassion as a vessel was also wholly self-sacrificial.
How does one really retain any form of love or compassion in a world like jjk? When loving anything or anyone seems to cost them dearly? Is that the price of humanity? To love is to hurt?
It’s also interesting how Geto, from human origin, focuses on eliminating humans as the source of cursed spirits... and Gojo, from elite sorcerer origin, focuses on eliminating the higher-ups who were the source of twisted rules within the society.
Anyway. Just rambling a little... I’m still trying to process it all. Jjk is some kind of crazy masterpiece.
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everythingseasoning · 9 months ago
Suguru Geto - JJK character analysis (near complete?) (edit: after spending a lot more time thinking about JJK, this analysis is not near complete, and I will update this post sometime)
“I gave everything I had, and it failed. It all crashed in front of me. And nobody did anything— not before me— not now. I’m seeing something nobody else sees. I’m sitting in these shadows and nobody cares about me. And here Gojo is, not doing a thing— and they praise him.” - my interpretation of Geto’s thought processes post Riko Amane’s assassination.
Crying about Geto because he went through so much. Geto was caring and idealistic before he defected. After such intense, prolonged trauma caused by the darkness of humans, and after growing disillusioned towards the world due to how unhelpful jujutsu society was— Geto felt utterly confused, resentful, and abandoned. The very system that was supposed to represent goodness (Jujutsu Society) simply prolonged the cycle of pain and suffering. It failed everyone— it failed him. Everything he’d believed was a shattered mirror, reflecting the cracks and flaws of humanity— and Geto saw that. Jujutsu Society praised Gojo for his innate talent, whilst neglecting the cracks in its system and the world, and neglecting Geto. In Geto’s turmoil, Geto was overcome by disenchantment— losing his faith and shedding his past sense of self— his good nature replaced with bitterness towards Gojo, simultaneously accompanied with a developed, narrow perspective on normal humans. (As we see with “Are you the strongest because you’re Satoru Gojo, or are you Satoru Gojo because you’re the strongest?” — Geto brings up the age old question of nature Vs nurture. He’s essentially asking Gojo if his power is the reason for his success, or if his power shaped his identity. Who is Gojo? Did he get any choice in defining himself? —He didn’t. Gojo’s whole personality is based off of his power, which determined how he was treated— the Strongest, seen as a functioning tool. —And regarding Gojo’s power: What was once a deep admiration towards Gojo, turned into resentment and envy from Geto’s end, as Geto realized Gojo wasn’t changing the corrupt systems, nor did Geto have the luxury of power to have made a difference. Geto felt spurned, and also believed normal people were unworthy of ruling, and the only way to save the world from its already unjust systems was to overthrow everything and use power to rule. After all, power is all that matters in terms out how you can change the world, which is your worth in the world— and Geto wanted that. He wanted power. He wanted to be worthy the way Gojo was— he was hurting. Maybe if he had Gojo’s level of power, he wouldn’t be in this much pain. Maybe he would’ve been able to stop other people from being evil and actually have had footing in this world. Maybe people would be listening to him, appreciating him. —Or maybe, Jujutsu Society was just a phony, after all. And normal humans were useless to change anything— all they did, in Geto’s mind, was feed into the evil nature of the world. 
Geto became resentful, callous, cold, evil because of the wrongdoings inflicted on him, which resulted in his misinformed beliefs about humans and his behavior run wild with blind spite. He truly believed that the pain he inflicted on humans was justified, and he reveled in it because he had been hurt so deeply and saw it as reparations, even.
Do I believe what Geto did was okay? Absolutely not. He had much too rigid a way of seeing humans— as all bad— and that was a fallacy. But he was only 17 when he faced such confusing, extreme, difficult circumstances, and it distorted his worldview. I can’t blame him. He WAS good. But being around constant darkness wore him down, thus he descended into a callous man devoid of empathy. His actions after defecting are deplorable and not okay, however, he truly deserves compassion too. Many others, had they been in his situation, would’ve ended up horribly warped too.
How could Geto have done better, so as not to become the evil, rigid and disillusioned, cold and harmful, person he became? This is an important question. I’m still figuring it out myself. This analysis is to be continued. For now I’d say that he was unable to empathize with humans beyond his own pain and suffering, and it’s a cautionary tale about how wrapped up we can get in our own trauma and suffering— which leads us to being incapable of seeing and understanding things beyond our own individual pain, which leads us to inflicting undue injustice into others. It’s crucial that we take the time to understand the depth and complexity of humanity. The inherent value in humans.
I’m sorry, Geto. For all you went through, and for ever judging you without the fuller scope of understanding. You deserved better.
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tillichan · 4 months ago
Hello thereee
I was thinking about a scenario with the jjk characters that made me laugh way too much
Imagine sorcerer!reader having a teleportation technique, but when she sneezes she loses control over her power and fking disappears like the endermans from minecraft💀💀💀
How would the jjk characters react to tHIS? NWHSJSGDJSJSK
Good day, my dear!~
Unfortunately, I accept only exchange requests, because I just haven't enough time to write all requests, I'm sorry!
But if you want to talk about your thoughts or share them, I'm all in because I love it a lot! My ask box and dm are always open for your thoughts and dreams!~
Oh, teleportation technique sounds really cool! Helpful too! I guess reader-chan saved her classmates/colleagues more than once!
And, omg, poor reader! I think that her classmates/colleagues are used to her disappearances and they are like: "Oh, it happened again". And then depending on situation, Megumi because he has Nue or Nishimiya if reader-chan is from Kyoto Tech set out to find her.
Bonus: be sure that Gojo enjoys reader's disappearances and even tries to make her sneeze. What's wrong? This is an amazing Great Teacher Gojo's training!
Have an amazing day! Thank you for sharing your thoughts!~
With love, Tilli.
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weirdoaroundtheblock · 10 months ago
No because it will forever crush me that Gojo being an important father figure in Megumi's life is not canon.
I want to believe it is, but let's be real it's not, Megumi isn't trying to appear cold and cool while actually really loving and needing Satoru in his life, no.
And that's fine he isn't forced to love him or whatever but we truly were robbed...
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mixakuu · 1 year ago
Guys I think I might be in love with Noritoshi.
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mitsuristoleme · 11 months ago
pulling a kenjaku on all my mutuals brains except i take out all the mean parts and put the nice ones back
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