#anyway everyone go read butler
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nellasbookplanet · 2 months ago
Having mentioned Octavia Butler and cr3 in the same breath, I'm now pondering Bloodchild and its theme of trying to make an inherently unequal power dynamic more equal. In Butler's story, a human living under alien rule negotiates the right to keep a gun, arguing that the alien must 'accept the risk' by letting the weaker human (for whom she cares deeply) keep a weapon that could kill either of them. Whether he is mistreated or not, the human is still less powerful, but the potential of retaliation puts them at more equal ground as they are now both willing to take risks in the relationship.
If Imogen actually manages to control Predathos (not a given), I think a similar re-balancing could be an interesting route to take. Not killing the gods, forcing them away (which would effectively kill the wildmother at the very least), or demanding they 'step down' (lmao what would that even mean, they aren't rulers on thrones who can take off their crowns and redistribute their power, try to think practically here), but giving mortals a place at the table, so to speak. Would the Betrayers be as willing to manipulate their followers and using them to hurt other mortals if Predamogen could pop in and deliver retaliation? Would Vasselheim be as ready to take over communities like Hearthdell if said community could call up the God Eater to effectively make demands in their place? Would the Betrayers consider having another go at wiping out all mortals if the mortals could defend themselves?
In this scenario, the gods could still choose to fight (but seeing as they’ve lost against predathos before, it'd likely be a poor decision) or leave (which, again, isn't an option for all of them). Or they could accept the risk. The primes would have to accept what they couldn’t during the calamity: that their evil siblings genuinely could get wiped off the map if they don’t shape up. In that, they would also genuinely have to choose between what’s best for mortals/exandria or their family (which wasn't an option during the calamity; siding with aeor to kill the betrayers would just have gotten all of them killed).
Of course, this all assumes Imogen can actually control predathos (if she can't, 'the immortal beast can only be killed while in a mortal vessel' would also be a fitting ending, though a lot more tragic). It also assumes the gods (betrayers especially) don't call her bluff and try to fight anyway, causing great losses for both sides. This would only work if they choose negotiation and trust, which I believe the primes would, but the Betrayers? Hoo boy.
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lologoinsolo · 12 days ago
Hello :)
Just read your ‘unedited blurb’ about the fourth born princess married off to the illegitimate son Lord Riley… now I’m hungry for words. Please don’t let the starving children in Australia die.
It’s so cruel to taunt us with these tasty little snacks and no sustenance. Needs our meats and taters to fight off the drop bears.
Part 2 of this, slightly more edited drabble.
You’re a good wife. At least you believe so. You do your duties, you run the house well enough, you speak kindly to the servants and maids and butlers. You keep a smile on, a genuine smile towards everyone. You do tend to splurge on fresh flowers that you place in nearly every corner of the estate but that’s just to brighten up the old walls. You do your absolute best to be as prim and as proper as a wife of the Riley name should be.
But it’s… it’s just not enough.
“Good morning, husband,” you greet upon the top of your stairs, your hand on the rail as you make your way down. You have a hard time catching him long enough to speak to him. He really does live up to his nickname as The Ghost. “I’ve asked the maids to prepare… your…” the words you would’ve said dies when he turns from you. Didn’t even nod this time nor give you the dignity of a short conversation. You sigh, eyes closed before you roll your shoulders and head to the dining area.
Your breakfast sits for you waiting to be eaten and the servants stand at the ready to indulge any desire you might have. The chef here is exceptionally better than the one at the palace but at least that dining room had your sisters. The seats were always filled and the lighter was constant. Your eyes flicker to the doors, hoping against hope that today will be the day your husband eats with you. But alas, across the table sits an empty chair that’s hardly been sat on and food that is getting colder by the minute. Like always.
You eat in silence, striking conversations with the servants is a hard thing to do since they just nod away to what you’re saying. “My husband works too hard.” Speaking aloud but the servant that’s pours your drink merely winces, “please, send his food to his study.” Putting on a smile, this one genuine yet sadder. “Oh, and make sure to warm it for him before you send it.” Giving one last instruction as they go to take his food away.
After breakfast, you make your way to the garden’s greenhouse. It’s your little spot of sunshine that you’ve payed a keen eye to. You love your flowers, this place didn’t have much save for weeds. You’re hoping that once these bloom then you can put them in the house. The large greenhouse isn’t just for soon to be flowers but also where you’ll read. You’ve made a small library for yourself, just the books you took from your home at the palace. Even now, reading seems to be the only way for you to escape a loveless home.
“Mornin’, my lady!” The booming voice of your bodyguard jolts you from your seat and you almost throw your book. You still don’t know why you need one, you never leave the estate anyways. “I ken ye’d be ‘ere,” he smiles and it’s as warm as the sun, a hand settles on his hip as he leans closer to you. “Readin’ yer books again, my lady?”
“Johnny,” your hand over your chest, your heart might have jumped out. The book that was almost thrown sits on your lap now. “Yes,” catching your breath, “I am reading… again.” You’ve never seen a man dress like him when you were growing up. Sir�� or just Johnny, as he had asked, is dressed in clothing that speaks of his proud heritage. The green and blue kilt, the leather, and the two sharp looking axes attached to his hips. The term, “Scottish warrior”, comes to mind. It’s something that you’ve heard your father speak about. Granted your father had nothing good to say about them. He never had anything good to say about anything in general actually.
“Yer makin’ me lazy, my lady.” He sighs like you’ve turned away a crying puppy.
“How am I doing that?” It’s refreshing in how he speaks to you. It should upset you that he’s so open with you but you’ll take what you can get. At least he tries to keep his manners, you’ve heard him curse only once but he promptly apologized for it. “If you are bored of your charge then perhaps you should ask Lord Riley to relieve you of me.” Turning your face a little, you go to pull your book out in front of you.
“Cannae do that,” puffing his chest out. Far too prideful to admit any sort of defeat, “ye ken there’s a library that yer husband puts donations to?” You quirk a brow at him, when did Lord Riley start doing that? He continues on, “it’s very big compared to yer lil greenhouse. It’s in town and there just happens to be a nice little bakery nearby.” Trying to sound as convincing as he can. He’s kept up with your routines and needless to say. He wants to get you out of the cage you’re squeezed in. Plus, a little birdie told him that you have a sweet tooth that’s almost as bad as Simon’s is.
Rubbing at your chin in thought, “okay…” placing your book down. No harm in getting out, you just hoped it would’ve been your husband that would’ve been the one to do so. A flitter of a fantasy that maybe he would’ve taken notice to you keeping to yourself here but… maybe he just has too many things to work on?
“Thank you, Princess,” smiling down at you once more. His hand outstretched for you to grab and you take it gladly. He pulls you out of your seat easily and takes a small step back so you can walk in front. His eyes have always been on you since you came in. Watching your graceful figure moves about the halls like a feather. He’d think you’re a swan with how you move, a pretty little thing that’s nestled in these cold walls. It cuts him deeper in the chest that any knife when he knows why your husband isn’t paying attention to you the way you deserve.
He’ll have to speak to Simon again, maybe get him to build you your own library in the estate. God knows it took some long and hard convincing to get the man to make donations to the towns library. It’s worth it to see how your eyes light up though. You flutter around and talk his ear off about all the books, talking more than he’s heard you speak since you’ve came about being Lady Riley. He swallows thickly when your back is turned once more to pile on another book to your growing collection.
He can’t keep doing this, not anymore. Not to you.
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drdemonprince · 1 year ago
I don't think I have it in me to be an abolitionist because I read that horrible story about the trans teen murdered in South Carolina and my knee jerk reaction is, those people should rot in jail, ideally forever, or worse. No matter how I look at it I can't make myself okay with the idea that you should be allowed to steal someone's life in such a horrible way and then just go back to enjoying your life. Some stuff is just too over the top evil.
You can have whatever emotions you want about that person's murderous actions, but the reality is that the carceral justice system is one of the largest sources of physical, emotional, and sexual torment for transgender people on this planet.
Transgender people are ten times more likely to be assaulted by a fellow inmate and five times more likely to be assaulted by a corrections officer, according to a National Center for Transgender Equality Report.
Within the prison system, transgender people are frequently denied gender-affirming medical care, and housed in populations that do not match their identity, which increases their odds of being beaten and sexually assaulted.
The alternative to being incorrectly housed with the wrong gendered population is that transgender people are also frequently held in solitary confinement instead, often for far longer periods on average than their non-transgender peers, contributing to them experiencing suicide ideation, self harm, acute physiological distress, a shrunk hippocampus, muscculoskeletal pain, chronic condition flare-ups, heart disease, reduced muscle tone, and numerous other proven effects of solitary confinement.
The prison system is also one of the largest sites of completely unmitigated COVID spread, among other illnesses, with over 640,000 cases being directly linked to prison exposure, according to the COVID prison project.
We know that number is rampantly under-estimated because prisoners, especially trans ones, are frequently denied medical care. And even basic, essential physical care. Just last year a 27-year-old Black man named Lason Butler was found dead in his cell, having perished of dehydration. He had been kept in a cell without running water for two weeks, where he rapidly lost 40 pounds before perishing. His body was covered in rat bites.
This kind of treatment is unacceptable for anyone, no matter who they are and what they have done, and I shouldn't have to explicitly connect the dots for you, but I will. One in six transgender people has been to prison, according to Lambda Legal. One in every TWO Black transgender people has been to prison. One in five Black men go to prison in America.
THIS is the fate you are consigning all these people to when you say that prisons must exist because there are really really bad people out in the world. We should all know by not that this is not how the carceral justice system works. Hate crime laws are under-utilized, according to Pro Publica, and result in few convictions. The people who commit transphobic acts of violence tend to be given softer sentences than the prisoners who resemble their victims.
We must always remember that the violent tools of the prison system will be used not against the people that we personally consider to be the most "deserving" of punishment, but rather against whomever the state considers to be its enemy or to be a disposable person.
You are not in control of the prison system and you cannot ensure it will be benevolent. You are not the police, the judge, the jury, or the corrections officers. By and large, the people who are in these roles are racist, transphobic, ableist, and victim-blaming, and they will use the power and violence of the system to terrorize people in poverty, Black people, trans people, "mad" people, intellectually disabled people, women, and everyone else that you might wish to protect from harm with a system of "punishment." Nevermind that incaraceration doesn't prevent future harm anyway.
You can't argue for incarceration as the tool of your revenge fantasies, you have to argue for it as the tool that it actually is. The purpose of a system is what it does. And the prison system's purpose has never been to protect or avenge vulnerable trans people. It has always been to beat them, sexually assault them, forcibly detransition them, render them unemployable, disconnect them from all community, neglect them, and unperson them.
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terapsina · 7 months ago
Let's talk books. Sorted in threes by vibes.
I Support Women's Wrongs (murder, slaughter and body horror galore).
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How to Become the Dark Lord and Die Trying ⭐⭐⭐⭐½ by Django Wexler - A woman from Earth is dropped into a magical realm, meant to save the Kingdom from the FoRCes of DaRKneSSss... except, unfortunately that might have been a thousand years worth of time loops ago, so it's rather time to lose one's temper and decide to become the Dark Lord herself.
Main character -> basically Deadpool (measured in sanity, humor and levels of bisexual horniness)).
Someone You Can Build a Nest In ⭐⭐⭐⭐ by John Wiswell - Shesheshen, a shapechanging monster who's rudely interrupted during her hibernation by hunters. Manages to to eat one of them, unfortunately she also gets shot by an arrow and falls off a cliff. On the bright side she meets a lovely human woman she might end up falling in love with so much... she'll want to build a nest in her (it's possible there's some Cultural Differences that need to be worked through).
Hench ⭐⭐⭐⭐ by Natalie Zina Walschots - Anna's latest temp job for a villain (because even supervillains need office help) ends with her carelessly injured by a superhero, laid off and with injured mobility for the foreseeable future (because human bodies don't see much difference between getting hit by a truck and getting moved out of way by someone able to pick up a truck). Angry, disillusioned, and looking for some vengeful payback she starts compiling the statistics of exactly how much suffering gets left behind the heroes and in quick order finds a new job working for one of the worst supervillains in the neighborhood.
Extremely Competent Women Show Up to Fix Everyone's Shit (with a whallop of romance which was actually sweet instead of irritating)
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The Witchwood Knot ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ by Olivia Atwater - Winifred Hall was invited to the Witchwood Manor under the pretense of being the governess for a very bratty kid, but when said boy suddenly turns into a very quiet and perfectly bland boy overnight it's very obvious her charge has been stolen by faeries (and it might have something to do with the actual reason she's there). Rescue however is complicated by some factors, one, there being something terribly dark and wrong about the house (normal houses don't have screaming faces in the walls), another, the faerie man posing as the manor's butler who would very much like to make her run screaming the way so many servants had before her (unfortunately for him, she's not even half as scared of him as she is the eyes of the father of her charge).
This one's about dealing with past trauma, and otherworldly terrors paling in comparison to mundane monsters, set in a very beautiful and dark and shiver-inducing Victorian time world where the Fair Folk are very real.
(Same world as her Regency Faerie Tales trilogy that Started with Half a Soul but it's not necessary to read that one first to enjoy this one)
Keeper of Enchanted Rooms ⭐⭐⭐⭐½ by Charlie N. Holmberg - Merritt Fernsby inherits a house only to be immediately taken hostage by what turns out to be a very stubborn and opinionated magical house. Hulda Larkin of the Boston Institute for the Keeping of Enchanted Rooms goes there to facilitate the relationship between the house and its new owner.
It's supposed to be a very simple job. Unfortunately there's a third POV character in this book (no, not the Whimbrel House, though I adore that house and *insert here the Rosa Diaz gif about her new puppy and how she would kill everyone in this room and then herself if anything were to happen to that dog*). Anyway, they're a bit... uhhh... let's go with Bad News.
Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Faeries ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ by Heather Fawcett - As one might expect from the title, Emily (a Cambridge scholar) wants to write the first ever encyclopedia of faeries. And she's brilliant enough to do it, what she's terrible at is people (*insert autistic character alert here*).
Someone else might then say it's lucky that a fellow scholar with a far easier time at charming people has stuck his toes in her reaserch trip into the Hidden Ones... that person however doesn't understand how irritating, frustrating and maddening her academic rival Wendell Bambleby actually is.
What follows is a story filled with winter snows, some terrible fae, some adorable fae, some not-very-secret fae, the goodest of good dogs, and lots and lots of squabbling. It's the best.
Dark and Impactful Stories about Children Who Decide on Their Own Paths
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A Skinful of Shadows ⭐⭐⭐⭐½ by Frances Hardinge - Kate, an orphan and the illegitimate daughter of some stuffy (and evil) aristocrats runs away because being a bastard doesn't mean she didn't inherit the family magic that allows her to get possessed by the dead.
A dead bear ghost is one thing, a Get Out situation is something else entirely.
A Sorceress Comes to Call ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ by T. Kingfisher - Cordelia isn't allowed friends or the privacy of closed doors, and whenever she's done something she shouldn't - a category too unpredictable to guard against - she's not allowed power over her own body.
Because her mother is an evil sorceress (think Regina and Cora... except somehow even worse). An evil sorceress that has found herself a Squire to lure into a marriage.
Hester is an old maid living with her brother, a Squire (well look at them coincidences), when said brother acquires a woman clearly set on his fortune. The plan is only to save her brother, except Hester can't help noticing how the woman's daughter keeps flinching in her mother's presence.
In The Lives of Puppets ⭐⭐⭐⭐ by TJ Klune - A family can be an android inventor, his human son (*homoromantic asexual alert*), a sadistic nurse droid, and a very emotional roomba.
And it can be a very happy family. Until one uncovers and wakes up an android that shares a very Skynet past with one's father, said father gets kidnapped, and one has to go on a journey to get him back.
(A book I like to call Sci-fi Reverse Pinocchio)
Unraveling an Unjust System (and a hero that - on a scale from occasionally to constantly - hears a disembodied voice directly in their heads okay the connection between these three is a bit of a stretch but they're all great books so shut up)
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Hell for Hire ⭐⭐⭐⭐½ by Rachel Aaron - 5000 years ago Gilgamesh conquered the heavens, enslaved the demons and made it so that the only road to magic humanity had access, was through him.
Now, however a mercenary team made up of free demons gets hired by a Blackwood witch to protect him (and his familiar, the talking cat named Boston) while he puts down roots (literally) inside the new forest grove he's about to start so that he can stand up against the warlocks after him.
The witch quickly becomes the best client Bex and her crew have ever had (after all, warlocks under the rule of the Eternal King Gilgamesh are slavers of their kind, they are delighted at the chance to kill some).
Vespertine ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ by Margaret Rogerson - In a world where the veil between the living and the dead has been kinda broken Artemisia (*another autistic character alert*) is training to be a Gray Sister (magic nun).
Until her convent gets attacked by possessed soldiers and she has no choice but to pick up a Saint's Relic containing a malevolent revenant to protect it.
Problem. Only a Vespertine is supposed to do it. Another problem. The only one "alive" who can teach her to be a Vespertine is the revenant. Another another problem. The revenant cannot be trusted and if she loses control to it, the death toll will be counted in cities.
Terminal Alliance ⭐⭐⭐⭐¾ by Jim C. Hines - Post Zombie Apocalypse, where some aliens showed up, sort of cured the zombies and took the (mostly) cured zombies into their military.
Which leads us to Marion Adamopoulos, also known as Mops, the Leutenant in charge of Shipboard Hygene and Sanitation of the Earth Mercenary Corps Ship Pufferfish.
Right up until a bioweapon turns the entire crew except her crew back into zombies. Congratulations, she's the captain now.
(Space Janitors save the universe story).
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prettealolilol · 26 days ago
So, I love the headcanon of the batfam being menaces in the kitchen, and that half of them are banned from entering for the rest of their life.
However, you can't tell me that Batman, the man who has contingency plans for his contingency plans, who carries shark spray repellent, the man who travelled for a year (i think ?) on his own with only a backpack (and a lot of money but still), doesn't know how to cook. There is no way, he can't fend for himself in any type of situation (apocalypse ? ready; zombies ? ready; stranded on an island on his own ? ready). He can definitely take care of himself without Alfred, because Bruce is paranoid and there's the eventuality of the butler dying. And anyway, he probably learnt some dishes when he was younger so he could help Alfred around the house (it made him feel closer to the only caring adult in his life). He also definitely learnt traditional dishes while travelling and every time he adopts (it's his way of showing he cares).
(Cooking was one of the ways he bonded with Jason. The boy was tense and wary, not used to having so much food for free. When Bruce realised Jason cooked, he offered to teach him a few dishes he learnt around the world. It was the first time Jason called Bruce 'dad'. Every year they would cook (and make a mess) for Alfred's birthday.)
There's this whole thing with Dick only eating cereal (I don't know much about him, sorry) and being close behind Bruce as a kitchen menace. I don't really know how life in a circus works, but I'll go with the fact that they didn't always have access to a kitchen while traveling, so the food was never sophisticated. Yet, with the circus, Dick travelled a lot and met wonderful people. Some locals would sometimes bring them traditional plates, and even teach him how to cook them. The reason he doesn't really cook is because he finds the kitchen too complicated. Who needs so many utensils ? It's disorienting and feels too clinical (Dick associates cooking with sweet lessons from his mom and having fun with the people from the circus.).
(The times he actually took the time to cook at the manor was when Jason joined and they would try to bake. Dick cooks with Damian sometimes. At first it was to make him comfortable by being domestic, giving the excuse of learning to work together, but now it's just to bond. Bruce joins them sometimes.)
As said previously Jason knows how to cook. I'm not sure if it's canon, but he cooked for his mom, and is never banned from the kitchen in what I read. Similarly to Dick, he grew up cooking easy things. He didn't have access to much food, most of the time stealing from markets and fighting for bread in back alleys. He would stand in the shadows, staring at the window of a restaurant kitchen until he knew the moves by heart and would redo them at home (he'd spend days saving money and stealing the adequate ingredients). It was always simple dishes though. So when Jason first stepped in the kitchen ? He was amazed, and felt like one of those chefs he would observe for ours. The first weeks, he'd wait until everyone was in bed and sneaked in to cook (Alfred always acted like he didn't know). When he came back to Gotham after the pit, he began stress-cooking a lot. He'd steal money from Bruce and cook enough to feed a whole building in Crime Alley (he ate some once and threw up immediately. It tasted too much like home. He never ate anything he cooked again).
(Cooking with Alfred became an excuse to come to the manor and stay for dinner and sometimes even the night. (The first few times, the butler was the only one Jason could be with without activating his fight or flight instinct.) Watching his family unknowingly eat something he cooked and praising the food makes him feel like he may be allowed to be part of the family. Slowly, he starts leaving food to them (on the batmobile because he knows Bruce didn't eat before patrol, in Tim's office because he overworked and didn't go home, in Dick's kitchen because he got hurt during his day job), and nobody ever mentions it.)
I already explained my point of view for Tim in a previous post. Whether his parents were loving or not (fanon vs canon), they still travelled a lot. So Tim grew up having to learn to cook because there wasn't always someone at Drake's manor, and Drakes don't call people in the middle of the night because they're hungry or a little sick. So Tim knew the basics to care for himself, he learnt to wrap and stitch his own wounds at ten after being too close to an explosion where Batman and Riddler fought (seeing later the pictures he got, Tim thought getting some glass in his arm was completely worth it). Of course, he doesn't know any complicated dishes, he does enjoy the chemical aspect of it, the reactions between the ingredients, the way the molecules change with time and temperature variations. Tim also enjoys the historic aspect of it, so he'd learn to make dishes just because he liked the story related to its invention (it has proven useful in many social gatherings to know so much about food and culture). When he started as Robin, those skills became useful when he had to cook for Bruce in the middle of the night because he wouldn't wake Alfred up. After moving in the manor, Tim kind of dropped this little hobby. Alfred is here to cook, and he has other things to worry about (Jason coming back, then Damian being introduced, the whole time stream issue...).
(When he has some time, Tim scrolls on his social media, saving videos about recipes and learning about dishes and their history. He promises himself he'll find some time to try them. When Jason starts leaving each of them food, Tim buys a recipe book. As often as he can, he cooks something, prints a copy of the recipe and drops it off at Jason's current place. One time, when Damian is sick and no one else but Tim is at the manor, he ends up cooking an Arabic dish (a grandma recipe for sick children). Damian stops saying he's useless after this.)
Again, I don't know much about Cass, so it's really how I feel about it. Cass grew with simple dishes. When she joined the batfam, she didn't understand the importance of sharing a meal, people eating together, Alfred spending so much time in the kitchen, or why there were so many ways to cook one ingredient. Just like Dick, the kitchen feels too unnecessarily full, too many things that are just not imperative. To her, food was here to feed and strengthen the body. Cooking should be fast and easy because food was not supposed to be pleasant, just necessary. She doesn't really know how to cook. She can prepare food so it's edible, hunt or light up a fire. But growing up with her father taught her that food is only here to feed. She actually discovers its importance after walking in on Jason and Alfred cooking together. It was one of the rare times Jason would go farther than the cave and into the manor. They were not talking, and yet the atmosphere was soft, acknowledging. Reading Jason's body, she saw happiness and contemptment, the usual tension and anger nowhere in sight. She asks Tim about him (because he's the one who offered to teach her sign language, the one who she goes to when she needs a definition.) and he tells her how cooking can be many things, it can be an offer, it can be death, it can be love, it can be survival...
(Alfred once explained how it was his way of caring. He'd make different dishes depending on people's mood or state. When Cass understood that cooking was a form of language, she took it upon herself to learn. She watches Alfred cook for days, asking questions. She goes to Jason's place to ask him his opinion, teasing him when he gets flustered under her staring. She learns to cook and enjoys it.)
At the league, Damian was a prince. He didn't cook, it was beneath his status, there were servants for that. Like Cass, although he had access to higher quality food, it was only there to feed you. When he arrived at the manor ? The shock to see only one servant, and that his Father sometimes cooked for himself. His Father, who her mother had represented as a king, someone powerful enough to have his grandfather's respect, the man he was supposed to become. It took time for Damian to step into the kitchen for different reasons. First of all, the kitchen was not his place to be, it's Pennyworth's territory. He was not welcome there and knew that to make an enemy out of the man that raised his Father. Secondly, Damian was taught restraint, he would not give in to his basic urge. He could wait until morning even if he felt like his stomach was clenching on itself. The reason for walking in the kitchen was Grayson dragging him inside, promising some bonding time necessary for working together (it was fun, although Damian would not admit it).
(After realising the importance of cooking in the household, Damian decided he could not not know how to cook. Everyone seemed to have the knowledge it wouldn't do for him not to know. Maybe, he also felt like cooking would teach him to be a better part of the family and be accepted as the method he was taught all his life did not work. He learnt to cook on his own, sneaking in the kitchen and training. When he finally mastered a dish, he announced to Alfred he'll be cooking for the evening. Even if he'd never admit it, the praises he received that evening made him feel lighter, like he belonged. And no Grayson, he was not blushing.)
When Duke moves in the manor, it's kinda weird to have a butler. Duke was raised in a normal, middle class family, so cooking is a normal thing he helped his parents with. He would come home from school and help his parents cook dinner, sometimes doing it himself if they were still at work. He didn't know anything fancy or foreign dishes, but he could cook well. So having Alfred do it alone all day ? Not how Duke was raised. The first weeks, he would go into the kitchen and offer his help to Alfred, who would constantly refuse, joking about letting him do his job or he might become useless in his old age. Although it was a joke, Duke (who had just moved in and didn't really know how to act) stopped asking, not wanting to make the butler think he was taking his place.
(He still cooks sometimes, when he feels nostalgic. Cooking reminds him of his parents, his mothers' laughter and his father(s warm hand on his shoulder. When Duke discovers that Cass is learning to cook, he decides to do it with her, learning new recipes from around the world. It helped him a lot to feel at home at the Wayne manor.)
My point is, love the massacre this family can be when left unattended in a kitchen, but they definitely know how to cook.
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black00olive · 8 months ago
Diavolo, Come Back To Sleep
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A/N: How I feel after referencing Hamilton in the title: 🤓 Anyway, I've been cranking out fics like no tomorrow recently what's up with me o.o
Pairing: Diavolo x reader, a sprinkle of everyone else x reader too but it could be read as onesided or just platonic
Wordcount: ~1,200
Summary: Diavolo wakes up early, it’s required of him as future king, but it’s hard to do so when you’re here with him.
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Sometimes— no, that’s not right, he shouldn’t try to lie to himself— Often Diavolo finds himself regretting his decision to have you live under the same roof as the brothers. He’s never enjoyed having these thoughts, seeing as his decision is what has led to so much progress towards his goal of bringing harmony between the three realms. The situation he currently finds himself in would never have been possible if it weren’t for you living in the House of Lamentation and subsequently having pacts with the brothers. Yet, despite these facts Diavolo finds himself grown used to the jealousy that had bloomed in his heart long ago.
The brothers probably see this sight very often, he’s heard from Lucifer how often his brothers tend to find their way to your room in the middle of the night (Lucifer is careful about how he phrases it, as if Diavolo’s internal lie detector would go off if he actually claimed he wasn’t like his brothers). How lucky, Diavolo thinks, bitter jealousy coursing his veins as he brushes away a stray strand of hair from your face. The light touch makes your nose scrunch up and your eyebrows furrow as you slowly shake your head as if to try and shake off whatever it was that touched you. His chest rumbles as he lets out a quiet, groggy chuckle and he feels his jealousy wash away as if it had been nothing but a bad dream. Even when not awake your antics seem to always calm him. The brothers might have had you like this before, but this morning you’re his and his alone.
As he stares at your peaceful, sleeping face he finds himself wondering what you're dreaming about— if you’re dreaming about anything at all. In any case, Diavolo can’t help himself from speculating on what it could even be that you would dream about. Maybe you’re dreaming about going on some great adventure in the jungle or desert or sea. Perhaps you’re dreaming of something more fantastical like being a superhero and saving the world— Ah, however, you did once say that your likes tended to lean more towards the villains most of the time, so perhaps you’re dreaming of something more sinister— more demon-like? Diavolo finds himself smiling at the thought, wouldn’t that be something? Either way, he thinks as he feels the slow, steady rise and fall of your chest against his body and your breath fanning ever so gently on his shoulder, whatever it is your dreaming of he wishes to make it come true. There is very little he wouldn’t do to see your beautiful and bright smile grace your face. When he had first realised that he had been a little terrified over the sheer power you held over him, but now he can’t help but feel some pride over it. Of course you— and only you— are the one that holds such power, it makes sense. In his hearts, it seems right.
Barbatos quietly enters his chambers and it forces Diavolo out of his thoughts. How unfortunate, he thinks as Barbatos pulls open the blinds in his room (though it doesn’t have much impact considering the perpetual night the Devildom is stuck in) and reminds him that it is time he starts to prepare himself for the day. He lets out a half-hearted protest but he knows that he truly doesn’t have much of a choice in the matter. This is just one part of his never-ending responsibilities as crown prince and future king. Barbatos gives him a sympathetic smile as his eyes quickly flick to your sleeping form, understanding evident in his eyes. It’s a curse that you are so charming that you have even his butler wrapped around your finger.
Closing the door as he leaves, Barbatos is showing that he trusts Diavolo to be able to get up himself even with you in his arms. Usually, if he refused to get up when Barbatos told him to, Barbatos would simply force him up. However, in this case that would rouse you and right now you look so sound, neither of them have the hearts to do that.
Diavolo sighs as he gently lets his hold of you go. He stops all movements when your face scrunches up and you start to mumble something incoherent. Once you stop, Diavolo continues to slowly get out of bed; he really needs to get up now and he really wants you to continue sleeping, and it’s proving quite difficult to achieve both things simultaneously. Eventually Diavolo finally manages to get out of bed (though it had taken about 10 minutes longer than average) and he starts to get ready. He grabs the shirt Barbatos had laid out for him and starts to get dressed. It’s moments like these seeds of resentment start to bury themselves in his heart, right now he’d like nothing more than to lie back down with you until you decide it’s time to get up. However, duty calls and his duties are the most important of all.
“Dia?” You mumble as you rub your eyes and Diavolo instantly turns to you. He feels his hearts melt at the sight that greets him, you clearly still halfway asleep and slowly blinking at him with bleary eyes. “It’s so early, why are you getting up?”
Chuckling he walks back over to the bed and sits on the edge of his bed. “I have to get ready for the day,” he presses a chaste kiss on your forehead, “you should sleep some more.” He had only managed to get halfway dressed before you had woken up, so he stands up and goes to finish getting dressed. Feeling a small tug on the back of his shirt he stops and turns back to you, a mistake he quickly realises as he stares at you. A small frown, bordering on a pout, finds itself on your face and Diavolo doubts if you’re fully conscious currently.
“C’mon, you can stay with me a little longer can’t you?” You ask and Diavolo finds it getting increasingly difficult to deny you. He shakes his head and gently removes your hand from his undershirt before he walks over to where Barbatos had left his clothes. Quiet rustling of duvets and comforters and light steps over his floor is all he hears before you wrap your arms around his waist, resting your head against his back. “Diavolo, come back to sleep,” you start and he wonders if you purposefully know what you’re doing, “c'mon,” you plead and he lets go of the clothes he’s holding in his hands. You’re too powerful for your own good, Diavolo thinks as he turns to face you. He sighs before giving you a small smile. “Alright,” he whispers as if Barbatos will hear him if he says it too loudly. He’ll deal with Barbatos’ lectures later.
Right now, he just needs to sleep with you a little longer.
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spideybatsy · 9 months ago
Late Night | Chapter two
Summary: GN!Reader gets a cleaning job working at Wayne Enterprises when a certain billionaire playboy develops an obsession with them. Pairing: Bruce Wayne x GN!Reader WC: 2.4K Warnings: Although the reader is GN, they have female anatomy. With that clear - female and male masturbation (at different times), a bit of exhibitionism, and a blowie. Notes: Can be read as any batsy you’d like, I personally picture Bale bc I’m a slut for him <3 I have never written smut before, so I hope it's enjoyable! Masterlist
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Working for Wayne Enterprises had been going surprisingly well. Despite originally taking the job to make rent, you feel like you've settled right in. Your coworkers often invite you out on the weekends and you really enjoy spending time with them. Russell, the security guard downstairs, continues to chat you up when your shifts overlap. Even though he’s your type, you just aren’t interested in him and you’re not sure why. 
Okay, you know exactly why. It’s the exact same reason why you’re enjoying work so much. 
Bruce has been in almost every day you have, always taking the time out of his busy schedule to stop and talk with you. You’ve seen the magazines and tabloids about him but the real man is nothing like they say. Sure, he’s charismatic and incredibly good looking but he’s also hilarious and affectionate. 
Like, you haven’t had to bring dinner in since that fateful night a month ago. He either brings you into his office to eat with him or leaves something for you in the fridge. When it started happening you were worried about your coworkers being irritated by the blatant favouritism. Sure, the office was almost empty that late but you didn't want a target on your back.  When you brought it up with Bruce, he responded with a simple, “I’ll deal with it.” Meal vouchers have been passed out since. 
Coming into the kitchen, you were pleasantly surprised to find Bruce making coffee.
“Interesting,” you comment as you walk in.
Bruce hums, raising his eyebrows questionably.
“I didn’t know you knew how to,” you gesture at him.
“Make coffee?” He sounds borderline offended. “Of course I can. What do you think I am?”
“A billionaire with a butler at his beck and call.” You shrug playfully, “but what would I know?”
“More than most.” His deep voice does something to you.
A smile creeps up his face as he moves closer to you, towering over your shorter frame. You never really noticed how… big and strong he is. Sturdy. You could climb him like a-
Heat rises to your cheeks and you hope he doesn’t notice but he does. He always does. Rushing past him, you look away and start to fill the sink, trying to collect yourself. 
“I’m going to the ballet this weekend,” he pauses for a moment, panic flashing through his eyes. “Would you lik-”
“Hey, I’ve been thi-” Emily stops short. “Oh, I didn’t see you Mr Wayne. Sorry.”
“No need to apologise,” Bruce’s business voice rears its head and you can’t help but look at him. He’s not smiling anymore and he looks almost irritated. “I was just about to head out anyway, have a good evening you two.”
His eyes meet yours and for a moment, they soften, his lip twitching up. Then he’s gone, leaving you two alone in the kitchen.
“I don’t think he knows my name,” Emily whispers, bringing her dirty cup over. 
“I’m sure he does,” you laugh. 
“I’m just saying, he never took me out for lunch.” 
You grin as you take the cup from her. “Maybe he was just avoiding you.”
“Maybe he just wants to see the good looking cleaner.” 
Your smile softens, as you plunge your hands into the dishwater. “I think he just needed a friend. Someone who sees him as more than Mr Wayne.” 
“And you’re that friend?” She stops and looks at you.
“I don’t know,” you pause. “I hope so.”
She glances at you, “And what if he wants more than that?” 
“More friends?” You ask mindlessly, hands scrubbing at the cup.
“Don’t be obtuse.”
You take a moment to really think, even though you know the answer. Everyone seemingly knows the answer. You’re not oblivious to the knowing looks that follow you everywhere you go.
Bruce leans on the wall outside the door, the two of you ignorant to his eavesdropping. He’s waiting with bated breath, desperate for confirmation that you feel half as attracted to him as he is to you.
“Well, I wouldn’t be opposed.”
“What the fuck does that mean?” Bruce can’t help but grin at Emily’s response. “Do you want to fuck him or not?”
“Of course I want to fuck him,” you blurt out. 
Bruce barely holds back a groan as his trousers suddenly grow tight. 
“Mmm, he does have the face of a god,” Emily comments.
You hum, continuing to wash up. 
“I bet his dick is-”
“As big and bulky as him,” you interrupt. 
Bruce can’t contain the sharp breath that leaves his lips, so loud it echoes off the walls. Before either of you can react, he hurries down the hallway and into his office, practically slamming the door.
You drop the cup into the sink, the water splashing your shirt. 
“Oh my God,” Emily’s hands are against her mouth. “Do you think that was him?”
“I-I don’t know,” you say quietly. “I hope not.”
“It might’ve been Fox.” She tries to reason, “he’s always here late.”
“He called in sick today.”
Emily swears under her breath, pacing through the kitchen. 
“You need to go into his office.”
“Me!” You yelp, pointing at her, “why should I have to go? You’re the one who started the conversation!”
“But you’re his friend,” she throws your previous statement back in your face. “He actually likes you!”
You huff and turn your back on her, thinking through your options. Someone needs to go and talk to him, squash it down before it turns into a big mess. Plus she’s not wrong, you’re definitely closer to him than she is.
“Fine,” you relent. “But if I lose my job, I’ll kill you.”
“Deal.” She nervously follows you to the door, the two of you peaking your heads out to look at the ominous office at the end of the hallway. Her hand comes up and pats you on the back “Good luck.”
God, he hasn’t been this horny since he was a teenager. Bruce has always had immaculate control, especially over something as trivial as his body. 
Yet here he is, fly down and cock in hand as he violently pumps to the memory of your words. You’d said it so quickly, effortlessly even. How often have you thought about his dick? Did you touch yourself while you did? 
He’s mid-stroke when he hears the gentle tapping against his office door. He ignores it for a moment, continuing as he replays your words in his head. Big and thick. Was that your preference? 
“Bruce, please.” 
Your words stop him dead in his tracks. He considers putting himself back in his pants but he’s so swollen it’s borderline painful. 
Carefully, he pulls his chair closer to his desk. Now there’s no way you could see what he’s doing under there. Giving his girth one final squeeze, he places his hands firmly on the desk and calls you in. 
His eyes immediately catch on the wet spots on your shirt, sticking to the tiniest bits of skin. 
“Bruce, I-I’m so sorry-” 
“What for?” He cuts you off.
“For what I said in the kitchen, I was just joking.” He can see the blood rush to your cheeks, your eyes suddenly studying his hands. 
Your name rolls off his tongue, “Look at me.”
The anxiety in your eyes is palpable as they meet his. Guilt suddenly floods his chest, almost drowning him in the tidal wave. How could he be doing this when you’re so upset? He should be comforting you, not stroking his dick to the thought of you.
“It’s fine, honestly.” He tries a gentle smile. “All you did was boost my already enlarged ego.”
“Y-Yeah?” Your eyes shine with unshed tears.
“Oh yeah, you could say my ego is big and bulky.”
His chest warms at your surprised laugh, “I’m so embarrassed.”
He reaches out for you, making sure to use his untainted hand to hold your own.
“You already have lots of embarrassing blackmail material for me, I think it’s only fair.” 
“Thank you.” You smile and take his hand in yours, squeezing it gently. 
“No problem,” he returned the smile and squeezes. “Now get back to work, I wouldn’t want to reprimand you.”
Bruce can’t help but stare at your ass as you walk out of his office, closing the door behind you. Waiting a minute to make sure the coast is clear, he pushes his seat back and looks at himself. His head is red and angry, leaking precum down his designer suit.
As bad as he feels, he can’t endure it any longer. He thrusts into his hand, hips angling until he’s biting back moans and cumming into a tissue. 
There’s something peaceful about being alone in the office, especially in the middle of the night. Even the bustling city seems sleepy beneath you, everything muffled and far away. You don’t miss the big bat symbol amongst the clouds, it’s on almost every night. Although you hope you’ll never need his help, knowing he’s there always brings you comfort. 
Bruce’s office is the only one left to clean and then you’re cleared to go home. You can’t help but chuckle as you remember what happened in this office only an hour ago. It seemed silly to be so stressed, of course he was going to take it in his stride.
But, if you’re being honest, you’re a little disappointed that he brushed it off. Part of you hoped he’d take you words for what they were and make a move. That was just wishful thinking. Bruce could have anyone he wanted, so why would he settle for you?
Something falls out of Bruce’s bin while you’re emptying it, landing right in front of you feet. Without thinking, you pick it up to throw it away. It’s squishy texture catching your attention. You don’t know why, but you feel compelled to open it. 
It’s full of pale white goo, it almost looks like…
Warmth that floods through your nether region. This is recent. He must’ve done this just before he left, which was minutes after you talked. Was this because of you? 
Your breath quickens and you find yourself sitting back on his chair. Was he playing with his cock in this very chair? Was he hard in his pants while you came in and begged for his forgiveness? 
Your hand slowly slides past your waistband and beneath your underwear, fingers rubbing slow circles against your clit. Breathy moans pass your lips as you draw the circles tighter, picking up the pace. Grasping the tissue, you close your eyes and visualise Bruce sitting in this chair, cumming to the thought of you. 
You hip rock against your hand, begging for more as you moan out his name. You cum quicker than ever before, hand continuing but softening its movement to draw out your orgasm. 
In an almost hypnotic state, you stop and take a moment to catch your breath. You slowly open your eyes, a sense of euphoria coursing through you. 
A cock stands to attention right in front of you, it’s head a breath away from your lips.
“Open your mouth, beautiful.” Bruce rumbles.
Your mouth opens as you look up at him through your lashes. His eyes are hooded as he looks back, tongues peaking out to lick his lips.
He hums, bringing his length to rest against your bottom lip.
“I’m going to put my cock in your mouth, baby.” His voice is so deep, you can almost feel the vibration. “And you’re going to suck it like a good little whore, aren’t you?”
You nod, core feeling like molten fire. He smiles, slowly pushing his head into your parted lips. You suck on it, enjoying the taste of his salty pre-cum. His moan echoes through the room, hands fisting at his sides.
He slowly thrusts in and out, inching his way further into your mouth. You’re not sure if you’re doing the right thing but his groans say you are. 
Turns out you weren’t far off the mark when you said he was big and bulky. His member is hot and heavy against your tongue. 
Without thinking, you reach out and take his hand in yours. His breath stutters before he intertwines your fingers.
“You’re so good for me,” his voice is rougher than you’ve ever heard it. “I’ve been thinking about these lips for months.”
Your mind temporarily notes that you’ve only known each other for a month but the thought rushes away as he pushes far enough to hit your gag reflex. Your other hand automatically comes up to rest on his thigh as you push back. He throws his head back as his free hand comes down to grasp your hair. He pulls at it, yet doesn’t push you any further down. You moan as your scalp burns, the vibration running up his dick.
“Fuck, I’m going to cum.” Pride swells in your chest, you’re going to make the Prince of Gotham cum. “You want it in your mouth, baby?”
You hum, which drives him even wilder. The sounds leaving his mouth are otherworldly and you can feel your own slick pooling in your underwear. His thrusts come to a stop as his cum rushes into your mouth. It tastes better than you thought it would, salty yet sweet. 
You swallow without thinking about it, looking up at him through hooded eyes. His face is flushed, mouth open in a perfect O. You think this might be the first time you’ve seen him dishevelled. You love it.
He slowly pulls back, saliva lines bridging the gap as he does. His eyes are glassy as he tucks himself in and slowly lowers to his knees, his hand still intertwined with yours. His free hand travels up your thigh, coming to play with your button.
“What are you doing?” You murmur, eyes focused on the rapid rising and falling of his chest. He stares down at your waistline, a post-orgasmic sheen coating his gaze.
“Repaying the favour.”
Your free hand stops him, causing him to look up at you. 
“You don’t have to do that.” You insist. 
Bruce recognises the panic that starts to swell in your chest, immediately pulling his hand away.
“What’s wrong?” His voice is soft, eyes starting to clear. 
“I-I-'' you fail to actually say anything before jumping from your seat. “My shift is over, I’ve got to go.”
Bruce says your name as he squeezes your hand. “Please, just speak to me.”
“I need you to leave me alone, right now.” You pull your hand from his before rushing out of the office, leaving Bruce alone on his knees.
Taglist: @so-uncute
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yan-lorkai · 1 year ago
*vibrating in excitement for platonic yanderes*
Ok, so I haven't watched black butler in years, imma re-watch it soon tho, so if none of this makes sense it's cause my memories shit and you can just ignore this lol
Anyway, here's my idea/request, Obv platonic yandere Ciel with a young reaper reader (14-16)? Like maybe they meet through Grell who mentors the lil reaper. Or maybe like a young ghost reader, he meets during an investigation or smth.
Your free to pick which one obv, anyway. I hope you are having a wonderful day luv, make sure to eat and stay hydrated!
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: Lemon, I made you wait a little but I finally finished this request hehe, despite having changed it a little and distorted some historical facts. Funfact: Ouija boards were created in 1891, but for the sake of this fic let's all ignore that Ciel was born in 1875; btw yesterday was his birthday. Congratulations Ciel <33. Also, many people have a hc that his real name has something to do with stars, hence the nickname present in the fic. Having said all that, I hope you enjoy Lemon, I loved writing this! Happy reading everyone!!
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warnings: Platonic yandere content, spoiler about Ciel's brother in case nobody knows about it, ouija board and some typos probably!
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Ciel likes to watch the sky. He likes to watch how the clouds race to overtake each other, he likes to watch the sun dancing alone in its place, twirling its colorful skirt of orange, yellow and pink during the hours that pass until finally the moon takes its place.
Quiet moments like this now, where he just sits in his armchair, his work all done and Sebastian far away, is when he can think about the things he's lost. But also the ones he won. If Sebastian had any knowledge about such thoughts, Ciel would certainly be subjected to his jokes and mockery.
The demon, while bound by the contract, could still make fun of his little master and he knew exactly how to embarrass the young lord. But Sebastian didn't need to know how the boy thinks about his twin brother, his parents, the employees and his childhood friend, Y/n; If they were alive now they would be maybe thirteen or fourteen, just like him and his brother. It was a fateful day, indeed.
The murder, the cult, Ciel hates remembering it, but he doesn't know how to let it all go. He's a child and there's no one he can ask for help - even if there was, perhaps his pride wouldn't allow it. He didn't ask for help when he was kidnapped, he didn't ask for help when he went through countless assassination attempts, nor did he ask for help with difficult tasks that the queen assigned him. He was the Phantomhive heir, the family's leader, he couldn't just simply ask for help.
The count narrows his blue eyes at the brooding darkness that has settled in his office, counting how many grains of sand fall into the hourglass and how long he has left in peace before Sebastian shows up to annoy him.
Maybe fifteen minutes.
With enough time for the boy to put his small plan into action, he pulled a wooden board from one of the drawers and placed it on the table. Ciel, by and large, was not superstitious, but recent events had left him puzzled. Moreover, he had a demon as his butler, a boy with super strength as his gardener, a sniper as his maid, and a soldier as his cook. In any case, he had even encountered death gods.
Therefore, if he suspected that the presence lingering over his shoulders while he worked or the entity hiding his items and making them appear in different places was something to be investigated, then he would investigate until his doubts were cleared. The giggles and whispers were becoming unsettling. Of course, he heard voices, but they were the voices of occultists, screams and cries from when they died at the hands of Sebastian.
But this particular voice was incredibly irritating and almost familiar.
Ciel scanned the wooden surface, wondering if he was a fool for buying it. The boy was almost certain that Sebastian knew about the board, but he decided not to comment; the butler had been rather distant since they returned from London that morning. Ciel didn't mind, quickly reading the rules and holding the pointer in his hands, trying to see something through it.
There was nothing… yet.
Ciel laid the pointer on the board and sighed, placing his fingers on it, ready to start. He hadn't said anything yet, but an aura already seemed to completely envelop his office. Or maybe he was anxious; he couldn't tell.
"Is there anyone there?" Ciel murmured, his firm voice echoing in the silent room.
For several moments, nothing happened. He really didn't expect anything to happen, judging this whole thing as something foolish that only became popular because of the horror stories that circulated in cities. He stared at the board intently, each letter in cursive, every mystical symbol adorning it, waiting for a response that would satisfy him. Impatiently, he repeated the question once more.
"Is there anyone there?" He looked at the pointer and then around. "If there is, give me a sign."
This time, the pointer began to move slowly across the board as if the entity on the other side was drowsy, gliding from one letter to another with a calmness that Ciel himself didn't possess. Ciel watched with intensity, his expression impassive. But inside, a strange feeling took hold of him.
It was real, after all. As real as shinigamis or Sebastian. He stifled another sigh in his throat.
"Who is there?" He asked, the words leaving his lips with determination.
Who behind the veil was tormenting him, holding on to him tightly so as not to be pulled into the forgetfulness of eternal sleep. He put more force on the pointer as if everything depended on the answer he would receive.
The letters came together to form words, and Ciel remained focused, but a hint of skepticism was present in his gaze when the words spelled out a name. Your first and last name.
"Y/N?" He wondered aloud.
Ciel may have lost a lot, but he also gained a lot. He gained another family, gained new friends allies, gained a new chance.
And yet… He hadn't gained you back. Or had he?
For a second, he let the pointer rest on the board, feeling a heavy sensation settle in his chest as he thought about the days when you used to stay by his side when he was bedridden with asthma, telling him your silly stories and jokes, all while holding his hand and looking tenderly at him. You were his best friend. And he missed you a lot.
And now you were here. You were here.
He placed his finger on the pointer again, still feeling doubtful if it was really you or some other spirit. Confidently, he asked something that only you knew. "What was the nickname that only you called me, and why?"
The nickname you used for him when it was just the two of you. Not for his brother, not for Ciel. If it was really you there, you would notice the small differences, as you did when you were alive.
The pointer moved, taking with each movement a beat of the young earl's heart. One by one, the letters formed a nickname forgotten by time and bitter memories of the only Phantomhive still wandering through this tedious world.
"Pleiades, that's what I used to call you." There was a pause, and Ciel felt his entire body trembling with the confirmation that yes, it was you on the other side. He straightened up in his chair, trying to show that he was calm — little did he know that you could perceive how surprised he was.
And you would tease him about it later.
"Just like your hair, they are blue, an optical phenomenon caused by the dispersion of light in the Earth's atmosphere." You explained, nodding as if he could see you. Ciel rolled his eyes but almost unconsciously smiled.
"I see you remain a know-it-all." He teased.
And you stuck your tongue out at him, moving your arms to make the chair he was sitting in slide backward. Ciel's cheeks immediately turned pink as a little yelp escaped his lips. He hadn't expected you to have more tricks up your sleeve, but soon he regained his composure and cleared his throat, watching you move the pointer.
"One of us has to be clever," You chuckled. "Obviously, I'm the smart friend."
Ciel let out a long sigh. "Your knowledge is all random, though."
You shrugged. What importance did any kind of knowledge have now that you were dead? You said nothing for a few minutes, running your fingers over the wood of the board and the supposedly mystical symbols. Being dead was boring, different for everyone, and you weren't even sure how your soul managed to escape the shinigamis for so long.
But you had one certainty; you were stuck in this world for some reason still. In many stories, there would be an unfulfilled desire or a want, and you had several, but you had made peace with the fact that you could no longer fulfill them. So what was still keeping you there?
"Hey, can I ask you something?"
Ciel nodded, gesturing with his hand for you to continue.
"Can you free me? Can you invite me out?"
Ciel had already broken some rules, especially the one that said he couldn't play alone and that the player should have a form of spiritual protection, whatever they had faith in — a crucifix, a talisman, anything. Ciel, however, had a mark on his eye, so you assumed that nullified this rule. Did that thing serve as a protective mark, though?
The boy remained silent for some time, seemingly weighing the pros and cons of taking such action. To bind a spirit to himself, to the world of the living, when he knew he should let you rest in peace, when he knew such agreements were dangerous.
But he was still the selfish earl who liked to monopolize your time; he was still that same sickly boy who needed a friend. And no one else could be his friend but you. Only you understood him, after all.
He nodded.
It was foolishness, but not even Sebastian could have stopped him. He pressed the pointer harder, desperate for it to work, but of course, it would work if you were already in front of him, the dead proof that there could be life in death.
"I invite you, Y/n, to leave this board."
A warm feeling flooded your chest, as if your skin were kissed by the sun again after so long. You savored it for a moment, smiling, feeling strangely more alive than before, and withdrew your hand from the pointer.
"Can you see me?" You asked, your voice hoarse from not speaking for months.
But Ciel didn't seem to understand, not yet at least. So you touched his cheek as you did when congratulating him on a chess victory, and he felt it, his eyes widening as he assimilated the situation. You figured that now that you touched him, he could hear you, so you asked the question again.
And slowly, he nodded. You could only imagine what he thought of your bloodstained shirt and disheveled appearance, so different from the one you once proudly preserved. Times change, and so do you, and you were like this now, a lost ghost that not even death seemed to want.
You smiled, squeezing both of his cheeks and watching him shudder. It was good to see him, good to be back, even if nothing would be the same. Nothing could ever be the same again, but being able to touch him again after so long, you didn't hesitate to hug him.
You were together again.
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koolades-world · 2 years ago
The moment the om cast realized they fell in love with you (part three)
requested by a few people! here it is :)
He had been looking forward to the end of the week for what felt like hundreds of years now. He always wished it was the weekend, so that wasn't it. Although the thought of making every day Saturday was very tempting, Lucifer and Barbatos would not forgive him. What he really was looking forward to was his first one-on-one sleepover with Mc. Every time in the past they had happened to have a sleepover, everyone else was there. The brothers loved hogging Mc's attention. Not that he could blame them, though. He adored spending time with Mc. Just the fact that they agreed to come to the palace to spend time with him without the brothers present made him giddy. He wasn't sure if it was getting to have casual time with Mc and getting to learn human sleepover traditions.
When he initially suggested having a sleepover to Mc, it was because they mentioned having lots of fond memories when they were younger of sleepovers. It was only after the fact that he realized what he had just done. It didn't make him any less excited, but he felt more antsy about it. He had even worked extra hard and gotten more work done than he usually would to get Barbatos off his back for a night. Lucifer had even promised to keep his brothers away from them for the night so they could enjoy time together.
Mc had sworn to show him everything that humans younglings do at sleepovers, including doing each others nails and hair, throwing mini fashion shows, reading popular magazines, raiding the fright for midnight snacks, binge watching movies, and of course, playing games. He was looking forward to learning more about humans, but he found himself looking forward to spending time with Mc. He was always so busy, so this would be a rare opportunity.
The moment he heard Mc had finally arrived at the castle, he was scrambling to meet them at the door. Unfortunately Barbatos was too attentive for him, so he had to settle for meeting them in the grand hall. They were carrying a pink duffle bag that could barely close, something they borrowed from Asmo thanks to his name being embroidered across the side. They were dressed in pajamas, already prepared for the night. Mammon stood by their side, looking like he was ready to go out.
"Have fun, Mc. Let me know if ya wanna go home at any time. I'll come getcha even if it's three in the mornin'." He wrapped an arm around Mc's shoulders and side hugged them for a moment before letting go.
"I will. See you tomorrow. Stay safe, get home at a good time. Don't stay out too late." Mc patted Mammon's arm, and he reluctantly left after glancing at Barbatos, Diavolo, and Mc. Diavolo felt smug, but he wasn't sure why. There was no reason to be. He quickly let go of that feeling in favor of finally getting to spend time with Mc. "Hi Dia. Hi Barbatos." Mc waved to the prince and his butler.
"Please let me know if you need anything, My Lord. I'll be attending matters else where. Dinner will be done shortly." Barbatos excused himself.
"So, where are we sleeping?" Mc shifted the bag on their shoulder. Diavolo reached over and took it from them since it looked heavy.
"Well, would you be fine staying in my room? Of course, if you're uncomfortable, I can arrange something else-" Diavolo began to regret his earlier decision and grew anxious that Mc might not like it.
"I don't mind. That's part of a sleepover anyways!" Diavolo let out a mental sigh of relief. He should have known Mc would have been fine with it. They happily followed him through the castle, waving to Little Ds as they passed by. They arrived at his room eventually. He nervously opened the door. He had made sure it was extra clean before hand.
"Earlier today I went out shopping and bought loads of things I think you'll love! It wasn't easy to find some of this." They unzipped the duffle bag once they were in his room. Underneath the clothes and toiletries were an assortment of items. nail polish, various human board games, a Devil Switch that he recognized as Levithan's, and some magazines.
"Woah! You got all of this just for me?" Diavolo excitedly picked up a game box and shook it, listening to the pieces inside.
"I would say let's not start too much right now since Barbatos said dinner is almost done, but, I have another idea. A core part of a sleepover is ordering takeout! My favorite is Chinese and Thai, but pizza is more typical. Actually, do you even have that down here? I'm still not sure." Mc began removing the things they needed from their bag.
"Are you suggesting we... skip dinner?" Diavolo looked at Mc.
"Well, not exactly. We can still eat some, but just leave room for takeout later. I can't deny, Barbatos' cooking will be better." Mc nodded, with mischievous grin. Diavolo felt his heart skip at that smile; the smile they gave to everyone in the room. But, this time, it was all for him. It actually reminded him of the smile of an angel. He basked in their glory.
"Alright! You don't think he'll figure out, will he?" Dia questioned. Mc turned away from him, and when they turned back, he felt blasted by their smile again.
"Oh, there's no way he won't know. I don't think he'll stop us though as long as he eat a little. We can't waste his hard work, after all." Mc stacked the boxed games in a pile, placing the magazines on top of that. They pulled a laptop out of the bag and placed it with Devil Switch. He suddenly felt very stupid. He should have known that Barbatos would know, and probably knows right now.
He could blame the pounding in his chest for this forgetfulness. He always felt this way around Mc. He always managed to find a way to act afool around them. Before their arrival, he was always more put together and serious. Things were more chaotic now, but he wouldn't trade it for anything. He finally had someone to be less princely with, someone who would indulge his shenanigans. He would trade the fun with consequences for the boring days of paperwork any day.
Diavolo suddenly received a text from Barbatos telling him dinner was ready, and to bring Mc. "Barbatos says dinner is done and we should go down to eat." Mc looked up from their things.
"Alright. Let's go then." They began giggling as they left, leaving Diavolo to follow. They pretty knew their way around the castle from how often they were there. They excitedly told him everything they had planned for the rest of the night. He chimed in with all the questions he had, to which Mc answered diligently. Once they reached the grand dining room where Barbatos had set out their plates. Tonight was brushetta, dinner rolls, and a fancy looking pasta dish.
"Thank you Barbatos!" Mc thanked the demon. Despite saying they would not eat very much, they finished their entire plate. The entire meal, both Diavolo and Mc were chortling together to which Barbatos looked at them knowingly. As soon as the meal was over, they both thanked Barbatos again and scurried off quickly.
"First, we have to order the pizza, because we need to eat that before we do our nails, otherwise we might mess them up." Mc turned on their D.D.D. and placed the order online with Dia's opinion. As soon as the order was placed, Mc moved onto the next thing. Dia found it a little hard to keep up, but was excited. Time flew when he was with Mc.
First, the played a few human board games. They played Scrabble, Operation, and Life. Mc had brought more but they decided to stop early since they thought they might run out of time if they kept going. Their food arrived in the middle of the second game, so they ate as they played. After that, Mc insisted they do their nails and skincare. All the products they had were curtesy of Asmo. After using the products he knew he needed to get them for himself. After that, they played games on the Devil Switch that Levi had lent them. However, time seemed to slow when Mc brought out the magazines.
It wasn't the magazines themselves. Mc had brought a few choices, just in case Diavolo wasn't in the mood to read one of them. Mc recommended one fashion magazine to him, but he found himself lost in several places, so Mc suggested they read it together. What he wasn't expecting was for them to climb into his lap. They began flipping through the magazine in his hands, pointing at things on the pages, but all he could focus on was Mc on his lap. No other real thoughts went through his head. Luckily for him, Mc didn't notice and eventually, he was able to pay attention to what they were saying.
He felt warm with all the feelings buzzing inside him. At one point, he thought they might leave him, but they just leant far enough to grab their laptop. They pulled up Deviltube to put on a movie. Again, the entire time, the only thing he could focus on was Mc. Mc was so trusting and kind to him. They had been nothing but the best to him. He just couldn't place what he was feeling for them. It felt oddly familiar. As Mc leant back into his chest, he suddenly realized what that feeling was. He sat on it for a while as the movie played in the background.
"Mc?" Diavolo whispered after the movie was over. Mc didn't respond. He tilted his head and realized they were asleep. He smiled and tucked a blanked over the both of them. Now he was just left with his love for Mc and where he might go from there.
Barbatos carefully set up the tea table for two. He was expecting Mc over at the castle that evening, just after dinner. He would have preferred before dinner in order to steal them away from the brothers for longer, but this still worked. He has to make sure everything was just perfect, for them.
He made sure the tea he made was the kind the liked and all the little snacks were their favorite. He has grown to have them as his favorite too, since it reminded him of them. He thought the little set up for two was quite cute after looking back at his work.
“Barbatos! Mc is here!” A little D called out to him. He quickly stopped rearranging the table cloth. Was it really that time already? He grew slightly embarrassed at losing track of time and not being there in person to greet them.
“Thank you. You are most appreciated.” He made sure he was put together before heading to the door.
“Barb! So happy to see you!” Mc smiled at him as soon as he opened the door and practically tackled him into a hug. He chuckled and patted their back.
“Hell, Mc. It’s a delight to see you as well.” Mc took a step back to look him in the eyes.
“I have something for you!” They rocked on the heels as they presented him with a little gift bag that had a cute little label that said “for Barbatos.” He felt his heart begin to race at how giddy they looked.
“How thoughtful of you.” He accepted the gift and met Mc’s expecting eyes.
“Well, what are you waiting for? Open it! I’m excited to see what you think.” They giggled. He carefully pushed aside the tissue paper to reach what was underneath. Inside, was a few small bags of tea was labels he didn’t recognize. “It’s tea from the human world! I figured you must have tried pretty much all of them by now, but when I went to the human world the other day, I couldn’t help but wander into that shop and think of you.” They clasp their hands together, swinging them around.
“Thank you very much. It smells lovely. You always know exactly what to give as gifts.” He found himself lost in their happy grin.
“If you like them, we can go to the human world together. I remember the name of the shop. I think you would like it in there.” They flipped over one of the small bags to reveal the name of the shop hand written on the back.
“That sounds wonderful. We must do that.” Despite how collected he looked, on the inside he was scrambled. Mc invited him to the cute little tea shop. As… a date? Was he thinking too far into this? They both enjoyed tea, that’s all. Surely that wasn’t their intention.
“Let me know what you think. I tried the green tea, and that one in particular reminded me of you.” They showed him a different bag of a green, almost silvery colored tea with various little pearls of some kind mixed in.
“You really are the most endearing human I have ever met.” He held the bag up to the light, watching as the light eddied and danced around it.
“I’m glad you like it.” Mc smiled nervously. He felt himself begin to melt at their precious smile.
“Let me go drop this off in kitchen, then we will be off to our tea. Please excuse me for a moment.” Barbatos bowed and turned to leave the room. As he left. He heads Mc saying goodbye. He wasn’t sure what they would do while he was gone, but he needed a moment to regather himself.
He placed the tea with the rest, leaving the little gift bag on the counter for later. He glanced in a nearby mirror for a moment. He looked as he usually did. Nothing was amiss with his appearance. It was always perfect. Despite this, he still fixed his hair and shirt. He took a deep breath and made his way back to where he left Mc.
When he reentered the room, he couldn’t find Mc at first. He grew nervous. Had they left him? Was it something he said? However, the situation had no time to escalate. He heard Mc just down a nearby hall, conversing with a Little D.
“Sometimes, I don’t know what to do with Mammon. Maybe Lucifer will let us do a trade! You’re both yellow.” Mc laughed. He has heard that laughter about a million times now, but he never grew tired of it, and how gorgeous is sounded. When he pushed open the door a little more, he saw Mc on the ground. Barbatos rushed over to check on them, just in case something might be wrong.
“Hi! Sorry I wandered off a little. Just helping #2.” Barbatos looked at what was in their hands. They were holding a dust pan flat against the ground. Little D #2 was holding the matching brush and pushing some debris into the pan.
“You are a guest here. Please do not feel obligated to help out around here.” Barbatos knelt beside them to take the dust pan.
“I wanted to! I love #2. I just happened to see them here, and lent a hand since this is what they were doing. You know me. I hate standing around while those I love are hard at work.” Mc placed a hand on his shoulder. At first, he was unsure about how to feel about what they said. Then, he felt a little jealous that Mc had admitted they loved Little D #2. It was stupid of him to be, and he knew it was more of a parental love (even though #2 was much older than Mc). But he couldn’t help it.
Barbatos got back up and watched as Mc finished cleaning with #2, musing over his thoughts. He replayed their words in his head over and over again. Maybe he was looking too deep into it, but he still grew hopeful. Maybe Mc loved him too. Mc always found a way to interrupt his cleaning duties and take them over. He still found it odd that even though they were just a human and were limited on everything that he wasn’t, such as energy and time, they still went out of their way to reduce his work load.
He waved these thoughts away. He was most definitely looking into it too much. “If that’s what you so wish, I will not stop you. If you’re done here, may we proceed to our tea?” Barbatos offered his arm to them once they stood up. He hoped they would take it.
“We may! You’re such a gentleman.” They giggled and accepted his offer. They leant close to him, placing their head on his shoulder. “Bye #2! Nice seeing you!” As Mc waved to the Little D, Barbatos led them to the tea table he set up. He was so giddy at how close they were to him. It felt nice to have them all to himself. It felt good to not have to compete with the brothers or His Majesty.
While he would never admit it, he was always unsettled of sorts that Mc might choose someone else and never return to him. He wasn’t sure how to describe the feeling despite living for as long as he had. He recognized the underlying reason behind all of his bubbling emotions when he was around Mc. It has been so long since he felt like he loved someone they way he did Mc. But he wasn’t willing to admit it, not yet, at least.
The whole way to tea, Mc talked his ear off. Barbatos enjoyed listening to their chatter. He felt like he could listen to it forever. He chimed in at their request, as when they asked questions and such. When they finally reached the cute tea table he had set up, he proudly presented it to them.
"Barb! You shouldn't have! You're so sweet! This is adorable. You remembered my favorites too!" Mc squealed and did a couple little happy hops. They pulled Barbatos into another tight hug. Before they pulled away, however, they gave him a peck on the cheek. He felt himself seize up, his arms frozen around them. Mc didn't notice, as they continued shaking him around joyfully.
If he had felt this before, he surely would have remembered it. He had felt love before, but it hadn't been nearly this strong. The love he had for Mc had him in a tight chokehold. Despite him working hard everyday, nobody appreciated him as much as Mc did. Every little thing he did for Mc did not go unnoticed and they always tried to take some of the work off his back. They always said thank you, which even Lord Diavolo and Lucifer couldn't even match. Once they let him go, he tucked them into their seat and let them pour about how amazing his work was to him.
"Awwww, you even iced my name on the little treats! Next time, you should come to the House of Lamentation, so I can do the same for you! It won't be this but I want to do the same for you." Those words are what finally sealed the coffin. He was most definitely in love with the person across from him. Nobody ever did anything for him. He found himself sad once their time together was over. He insisted on walking them home, so he could keep them safe and enjoy a little more time with them. He had always taken time for granted despite being the one to understand it to the fullest. Now, he treasured every second.
"Thank you Barb. I really had so much fun. I hope you enjoy the tea." Mc leant in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. It was like the one from before, but this one was more deliberate, and lingered.
"It was my pleasure. Please feel free to stop by the castle anytime. We will have to arrange another gathering shortly." He felt himself avoiding eye contact. Mc was the only person with the ability to make him nervous.
"We should! See you tomorrow." They waved to him. Before they shut the door, he saw Lucifer greeting them. He turned to walk away, but before he was out of view from the window, he glaced back. He saw Mc enthusatically waving him goodbye. He waved back with a warm smile.
Once he got back to the castle, he stared down the gift bag. He admired their handwriting on the tag. He found himself almost reluctant to return to his work. He took the little bag to his room and tucked it away in a drawer. He touched his cheek, and sighed. He couldn't wait for tomorrow.
@mona-aiko sorry I took so long!
will do the next part for sol, thirteen, mephisto and simeon!
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misc-obeyme · 11 months ago
How many relationships (or hook-ups) do you think the Demon brothers (+ side characters) had before meeting MC?
All of them are very old and seeing how they live long lives surely they had some experiences, some more than the others.
I'm thinking out of everyone Asmo definitely had the most experience with others. But with Asmo most of his experience are from hookups since he's the most beautiful in all Devildom, so everyone would want to have their way with him. He probably tried going into serious relationships but that didn't go anywhere.
Lucifer's pride might have gotten in the way for him to form a serious relationship in the past (and he was still traumatised being cast out of heaven), but he definitely had hookups here and there. I can see Mammon trying in the past to enter a serious relationship, he was madly in love, but he got taken advantage of :(( Maybe he had hookups for money??
I'm sorry, but Leviathan is an Ancient Virgin. The only experience he had was his right hand. Again it's difficult to say with Satan. He tried relationships and hookups but he wasn't into it and sticks with romance/smut books instead??
I doubt Beelzebub had anything serious going on with someone but maybe he had a few hookups? Belphegor's the same with beelzebub, my guy is too lazy haha.
It's difficult to place Diavolo seeing how he's the next Demon king. This may sound dumb but maybe he had a lot of Physical experience (The best Succubus/incubus for the king! The best Orgies for the King!) but no romantic relationships seeing how easily everyone would want the crown for themselves and how much of a scandal that could be. This could also be said for Mephistopheles since he's a noble too.
Then there's my precious sexy ass Barbatos. It's hard to say but i low-key think he had a few flings here and there when he was still young and not a butler yet. He won't be seeking out any relationships/hookups anymore since he probably tried everything already and that could possibly distract him from his butler duties.
Raphael/Simeon are Angels so i doubt they had any experience in the past when it comes to Relationship/hookups. Solomon DEFINITELY had quite a lot of Relationships/hookups! This guy had a ton of Succubi and wives! As for Thirteen i assume she's not into Relationships/hookups until she meets Mc.
What are your thoughts on this?!
Now this is an interesting topic, anon. I've thought about it a lot, but I don't think I've managed to settle on a solid idea that I like best.
The rest is below a read more because I wrote A LOT, so this way people won't have to scroll as much.
Also NSFW below the read more due to the discussion of sex, but nothing explicit.
I think how experienced the characters are is going to depend on how sex is viewed in their respective realms.
We know how it is in the human world. I personally have a huge issue with the way sex is taboo in our world. It bothers me that there's so much suppression of it and that people are so concerned about stuff that really isn't that big of a deal. It feels manipulative and I've always felt the conservative view of it is the predominant one in our society, which only exists to control people. At least, this is my view of how I've seen it handled around me. So I feel it's important to note that I am a USAmerican. I also happened to grow up in a place that was ultra conservative while not being conservative myself so my opinion may be skewed.
Anyway, the only reason I'm talking about this is that it means I tend to prefer thinking of both the Devildom and the Celestial Realm as more free with this kind of stuff.
Especially the Devildom, but the idea that just because angels are angels means they've never experienced sex or relationships bothers me. I think it's because the CR touts itself as being the pinnacle of all things good and pure and in my opinion, sex is good and pure. I don't like thinking of it as a "sin." (PLEASE NOTE I'm discussing consensual sex between adults, obviously this is not the case for abusive situations.)
That being said, I'm also aware that this is my personal take on it, so it might not really make any sense. Like I just want the CR to be chill about it because that's what I would prefer, not because it necessarily makes sense for them to be chill about it lol.
In the context of the game, it makes more sense for the CR to not be chill about it.
But their stance necessarily alters how much experience I believe characters like the brothers and angels to have.
Because the brothers were obviously angels for a big chunk of their lives.
I also have a personal preference for characters who do have some experience. I think a first love/first sexual encounter is always extremely intense and can be toxic or problematic in ways that the inexperienced person is blind to. (Not necessarily of course, but you kind of move past that all encompassing devotion that you tend to have for your first.)
So for me, it's more appealing for the characters to have moved past that first experience and to have some knowledge of how love and relationships work. It isn't necessarily about the sex part, but sex is often entangled in love and it certainly complicates things.
Which means that in my own personal thoughts about it, Levi is the only one who could even manage to stay a virgin that long.
The reason for that is because he makes it pretty clear that he rarely leaves his room, especially after they fall.
Now if the CR is chill about sex, I think it's possible that Levi had some desperate sort of encounters while he was fighting as the Grand Admiral you know what I'm saying? But if we're going with the idea that they aren't chill, then yeah, he's probably still a virgin.
I do think it's possible that Levi isn't a virgin, though. I honestly think you could easily come up with a situation in which he actually did have the opportunity come up. Maybe he even fell in love with someone over an online message board before meeting them in person. I just think there are options, you know? And in the end, it depends on what you prefer.
In fact, I would say I kinda feel this way about all the characters. I think you could say all of them are virgins if you wanted to. Lucifer, for instance. CR isn't chill, so he never did anything as angel. After he fell, too dedicated to his work and Diavolo to even bother pursuing anybody and always immediately shutting down anyone who came onto him so as not to get distracted.
That's just an example, I'm saying you can change these details to fit with your preference for any of them, though I think Asmo would be the hardest lol.
So here are my ideas on all of the characters, based on the concept that the CR is not stupid and instead chill about sex:
Lucifer is experienced, but not by a ton. In the CR, he's too busy being a seraph and keeping all his lil siblings in line. Maybe there are a couple of people who catch his eye and while he might indulge, I don't think he'd have had a relationship. After they fall, he retreats into himself. At this point, if you're into DiaLuci, that could start to become a thing. But I also think you could say that maybe he had a little bit of time where he kind of went crazy, going out and doing all the things he maybe didn't have time to before, more as a bad way of coping with the reality of the fall and the loss of his sister. After time, when they all get settled, I think it's an every once in a while kinda thing. He just doesn't strike me as the guy who'd have time for relationships unless it was with someone like Diavolo or MC (or Solomon... yes I'm still on the solulu train just you wait). He doesn't have any reason to let someone that close to him, you know?
Mammon, I agree with you on. I think he probably wanted to be in a relationship and likely fell hard for someone, only to have his heart broken. Thus his tsundere attitude now. It's a defense mechanism. I think that could have happened in the CR and then once he fell, he would just do the hookup thing, especially when he's out partying or gambling or something. It doesn't mean anything. He's still protecting his heart until MC comes along.
Levi we've discussed, but I do think he's either a virgin or maybe had some fumbling moments in war time, you know. Pluuuus I kinda think he was probably admired by a lot of angels during that time. So you know.
Satan has a whole stretch of time where he's just trying to figure himself out. I think he'd be cautious about a relationship due to his wrath. I always think of Satan as being super romantic, but he's also concerned about his own anger. He's afraid to hurt people because of it. So I kinda think he'd hold off. He likely had some hookups and such, but I don't think he'd have a full blown relationship until he felt it was someone who truly understood him.
Asmo I agree with you on, but I also think he could have had a serious relationship at some point. I kinda see it both ways. He might not because he doesn't want to tie himself down to any one person, but I think he can also fall in love passionately. So I think he could've had one really intense relationship that inevitably fell apart.
Beel is such a sweetheart, I can imagine someone else falling in love with him easily or other people kinda throwing themselves at him. I don't think Beel would've refused them, either. But I don't think he had a serious relationship, maybe just short ones here and there, probably some hookups, but nothing more.
Belphie I think could go a lot of ways, but I kinda see him being mostly uninterested. He might have had a couple hookups over the years, just because there are so many years and there's no way the opportunity didn't arise at some point. But I don't think he ever cared about anyone enough to pursue a legit relationship.
Okay, now bear with me here, but I kinda like the idea that Diavolo and Mephistopheles hooked up lol. I mean, they were childhood friends, right? Maybe when they got older and started having those thoughts and such, they were like hey... why not? I think it's really cute when bffs decide to be each other's first, even if they never intend to have a serious relationship, you know? Just another reason for Mephisto to hate Lucifer lol. Otherwise I would say Mephisto is probably pretty picky. I think he's more likely to only have been in a serious relationship, considering hookups kinda beneath him.
But aside from that, it's going to depend on what's expected of royalty in the Devildom. I can't imagine they'd have a rule about it, though. It's the Devildom, you know? So I think Diavolo has likely had hookups, but I do think it's a rare occurrence now that he's focused on running the Devildom and united the worlds and all that.
Barbatos, my true love. I like the idea that he was a bit promiscuous in his younger days, traveling through space and time and doing whatever pleased him. He might have been more passionate, more likely to fall in love, a little more free with himself physically. But ever since becoming a butler, I think he clamps down on that quite a bit, just like he does with everything else. He's certainly experienced and I don't think he's like not ever doing anything since becoming a butler, just that he doesn't do it as often as he once did. He's had a few relationships in the past, I think, but not since he started working for Diavolo. He's too dedicated and spends all his time in the castle.
Simeon and Raphael are going to depend on the CR again, but if we're still in my preference of the CR being cool about it, then I think Simeon at least is no virgin. He's too pretty and there is no way a million angels have not come on to him. And like I don't think he'd just fall into the bed of any angel that batted their eyelashes at him, I do think that he's secretly very passionate. Under that cool exterior, he loves hotly and I think he'd have fallen for someone at some point, giving them all of himself. Now he's older and more calm and collected and carrying the grief of losing Lucifer and his brothers.
Raphael I'm not so sure about. Because on the one hand, he's clearly quite passionate too in a "here are the spears" sort of way. But he was also super dedicated to his goal of becoming a seraph, so I don't know if he even had the room for any kind of relationship. Might still be a virgin. But I think you could go either way with him.
Solomon is a human and he's been around for ages there's no way he's still a virgin. I know I said you could make it work, but wow, that'd be tough to do with him, I think. He's like nah, the 700 wives and 300 concubines (or whatever the numbers were lol) are just for show, I didn't actually do anything with them! Wait, no but he had kids. Well you could say that Biblical lore doesn't apply to your story adsklfjdf
However. Solomon is known for being incredibly lonely. Even if he had relationships, he likely had them with other humans who inevitably died and left him alone again. So I think after his normal human lifespan ended and he had to start moving around more and kind of dedicated himself to magic, he likely stopped having relationships of any kind (love or friendship or anything) because it hurt too much. I think he could have hookups or one night stands with people he never saw again. But not so much a relationship.
Thirteen I dunno. That woman is hot af. I could see her having to turn down a lot of advances. I think she might have had some hookups, maybe even a relationship, but nothing too serious. She strikes me as a little more lighthearted about this kind of stuff. Like you know life is fleeting and in the end I'll just have to reap you anyway lol. I don't think she would get serious until MC.
ANYWAY. Sorry for this absolute NOVEL of a response. I didn't realize just how much I had to say until I started... and then I couldn't stop. I hope that somewhat answered the question, anyway??? In the end, I think it's possible to have all the characters as experienced or inexperienced as you like!
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weirdsht · 7 months ago
Disillusioned 9 . Nothing More, Nothing Less (2)
a/n: ngl i really want for reader to start calling rosalyn as big sis but idk if i should use noona or unnie... why can't there just be a gender-neutral honorific for older siblings
tags: everyone is a gossip girl, hans the no 1 reader supporter, feelings in progress
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are currently closed but my ask are still open (read pinned)
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All good things must come to an end.
That’s the truth that Cale tries to deny. However, it’s something he must face because he is set to go back to the Jungle to heal the fake holy maiden.
And that means leaving _____ behind.
Not that it matters much, in Cale’s opinion, it’s just that leaving _____ made him realise that he must work again.
Nothing more, nothing less.
"She is reaching the intermediate stages, but she is not there yet. However, it is still dangerous." 
Cale felt a momentary relief that he left _____ back at the villa, he felt like he made the right decision. He quickly shivered at his line of thought.
'Why did I think that? Am I actually concerned? No, I'm just glad there are less troublesome things to think of.'
The thought left as fast as it entered Cale's mind as he shifted his focus back to the task at hand, and that was saving the swordmaster, Hannah.
At the underground villa.
The healer that occupied Cale’s thoughts is having a friendly conversation with Hans.
Honestly, it's more like Hans keeps asking questions, and _____ just willingly answers. Like a one-sided game of 20 questions.
“Young master _____, why did you agree to heal young master Cale back at the capital?”
“Hans I told you, I’m not a noble anymore so it’s inappropriate to refer to me as young master… but regarding your question, honestly aside from me never refusing to heal someone, it was also because Tasha-nim was the one who asked me to heal Cale-nim.”
Maes, who’s taking a short break from training with Lock, glanced at the two people talking and shook his head. Hans has been talking nonstop ever since Cale left the villa.
“Young master _____ is a young master so as a butler I must refer to you as young master.”
The young wolf could see _____ dazedly nod at the deputy butler’s confusing but logical (? Even Maes isn’t sure) argument.
“However young master, when you and young master Cale met again did you immediately know that you were going to be together?”
The wording used was… weird, but it’s not like Maes has a say since his only eavesdropping.
“You mean teaming up together? Honestly no, there are already so many capable people around him.”
“But young master _____ is special!”
Maes could see _____ stop eating the caramel bar Beacrox served to give Hans a confused stare. The deputy butler ignored the look and continued on his agenda.
“Anyways! The young master and you are quite close nowadays, right? Do you enjoy spending time with him?”
Ah, there it is— the million gallons question.
From the start of the conversation, the young boy knew what Hans’ goal was. Not only he, but everyone in the villa knew the deputy butler was trying to gauge the relationship between the two.
The wolf could only smile as he silently wished the healer to survive Hans’ interrogation.
“Really? I didn’t really notice. However, now that you mention I’ve been spending almost every day with the young master.”
_____ laughed awkwardly.
“I enjoy his company. Back when I was working for the public as a healer I never really had the chance to talk to someone as leisurely as I do with him. Uhm don’t get me wrong, that was also very rewarding. Nonetheless, the tranquil moments I spent with the young master are very special.”
After hearing the healer’s answer Maes went back to training. In the corner of his eyes, the other people that sneakily gathered within hearing range also dispersed. 
In one corner he could see the two kittens ‘napping’ (Maes saw their ears twitch the moment Hans asked the golden question). Rosalyn is ‘talking’ to Choi Han about some sort of energising potion (they haven’t said anything for the past 5 minutes). Beacrox is ‘fixing’ a wheel on the food cart (Maes was most definitely sure that cart was brand new, he heard it was ordered by the countess herself so there’s no way it’s broken already). 
Safe to say that everyone in the villa is curious about the young master’s love life.
The deputy butler and the healer continued talking. Their topics vary but somehow Hans always managed to circle it back to Cale.
Maes isn’t sure if his amazed or scared at the deputy butler’s abilities.
Contrary to what everyone else thinks, Hans isn’t asking simply because his curious.
Sure he is, but there’s another reason he is inquiring this much.
He has a duty to report to the count about the young master. If it looks like the young master is on the path of romance then surely it’s his job to update the parents on the matter.
That and he must vouch for _____.
Not that he thinks the healer will have a hard time getting the Henituse’s approval.
The count already knows of their circumstance (Cale had informed him when they went back to the castle a while ago), they are technically still noble, and their reputation back then was far from bad.
But on the off chance they didn’t approve of _____…
Hans vows to do his best to make them give their approval.
Is the deputy butler getting ahead of himself? Oh definitely.
Does he know he is? Oh definitely.
Will he stop? Oh, definitely not.
It certainly did not help Hans’ delusions when Cale immediately looked for _____ as soon as he arrived even when the healer was at the very back.
When Cale got home he came back with new additions to their group. _____ didn’t know who these twins were, but the power of the Sun God could be felt from them.
The Medicus was both astonished and confused. Astonished because of the holy powers the man is emitting. Confused because the woman has both light and dark attributes.
_____ decides to not question it.
Nevertheless, that night Cale found himself explaining everything to the healer. He explained everything from their encounter at Hais to what happened in the Jungle. He really has no reason to do so. He barely explains unnecessary things to his people, so he can't understand why he's doing the opposite for _____. 
But he can't deny the relief he feels when he sees the healer nod in understanding.
Maybe it was because he felt responsible. After all, all three of them have abilities related to the Sun God.
Nothing more, nothing less.
The weeks after that were lenient on the redhead’s schedule. He spends his days watching everyone train with _____ by his side. Sometimes he lazes around the marble floors with _____. Every so often he has tea with _____.
At this point, the only time the two are separated is when they have to go to their respective rooms to sleep.
That and when Cale had to attend the alliance meeting. However, immediately after he went to seek out the healer. Complaining about how he had to be surrounded by so many vicious people for hours on end, and how fresh air is always the best.
_____’s confused look tells everyone that they didn’t know they were the ‘fresh air’ Cale was talking about.
Not that they need to know for now. They have a lot of time. Even if they don't, everyone in that villa will make sure they do.
The two spent the rest of the summer and the start of fall spending more time with each other. 
Some days they would chat, on others they would simply lounge around and bask in each other's presence. This does not go past the observant eyes of everyone else in the underground villa, and all of them are happy to see Cale finally being close to someone his age.
But of course, every peaceful moment must reach an end. 
This time that ends manifested itself when Toonka updated Cale about the war going on between the empire and the Whipper kingdom.
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flamingpudding · 2 years ago
Part 8 of Ghost Kid in Gotham
<<1 Previous Next
Ghost Cult Guides and Light Silhouettes
Duke had avoided the family drama that was brewing in the manor all day. In the morning he had been too tired to deal with the families usual drama when he had walked in on Dick having gotten bitten by a child that Damian appeared to take care and shined way to bright for him who had just gotten out of a sleepy daze, while Tim and Jason were laughing at the eldest expense.
Lunch he had the excuse by being in the library studying but now that it was dinner time he knew he couldn't avoid it any longer. It was time to see and face whatever craziness this family has gotten themselves into. He knew Bruce was home already but according to the group chat message from Dick the man had locked himself into his office and was brooding again.
The eldest made sure to tell them not to worry and that the reason would be explained by the family dinner Alfred was organizing and had invited everyone too. A must attend event and probably the reason why Dick was going to stay longer in Gotham than he had originally planned.
Well, that was going to be a whole other dinner to go through once everyone was available. For now, he was hopeful in for a nice and calm dinner.
Sitting down at the table he was sort of surprised to find that he was the only one there yet.
"Alfred?" He asked carefully as the butler placed down plates for the others. "Where are the others?"
"Master Jason is attempting to avoid Master Tim, who is very insistent in finding out Master Jason's connection to an occult. Master Damian is currently showing Master Danyal the barn, and Master Richard is still talking to Master Bruce."
Duke nodded. Okay, that's fine. Wait Danyal? Was that the kid he had gotten a bright glimpse of this morning? "Who is Danyal?"
Alfred only smiled softly and Duke couldn't help but wonder, not realizing that Alfred didn't answer his question at all as Jason made his entrance and unceremoniously plopped down in a chair by the end of the table looking like a mix between annoyed and tired.
"Jason! You did not just walk out on me like that! I need to know why you can read these occult sigils!"
Tim stormed in right after aggressively pointing at an open page in the book he was holding. So that was the occult thing Alfred mentioned. Looked like Tim had been pestering Jason all day about that considering how obsessed the other could become with cases.
"For the last time I have never been in a ghost cult!" For a second Duke wondered how many times 'last time' had been said considering the tired and frustrated look Jason was giving Tim. It was strange anyway to see Jason still in the manor if he was this frustrated with the other and Bruce was home too.
Their arguing was sort of amusing so Duke kept quiet and listened to them arguing, wondering how long it would take for them to notice him. Considering, Tim even took the seat right next to him. At least this way he could get a sneak peak of the book Tim was referencing here.
[...Ruler of the realm connecting the universes together supported by the ghosts of ancient time. The sigils covering the artifacts are what keeps their presence in our dimension. A circle created from chalk with the sigils spelling in our known language 'Oh Ruler of the other side, Soul of the old, Ancient of War, King of the Realms. I plead to you to hear my calling' will have a summoning success of 40% and sacrifices no longer… ]
Duke side eyed Tim and decided Steph was never to find out about that book. It was bad enough that whatever the other was working on had him reading a book like that. Duke didn't need Steph to read it and to decide that they all try one of the summoning the book apparently listed. Worst case Tim would go fully along with this in support of whatever he was working on. What did get him this obsessed with…. Duke eyed the book title… 'Ghost Cult 101 How to properly communicate with the other side'.
Yea, he did not want to get involved with that but knowing his luck he would anyway. Just as Duke looked away ready to focus his attention on something else, since the two arguing still hadn't noticed his presence, he had to cover his eyes as a freaking brightness entered his vision of the dining room that had him groaning.
"I need sunglasses." He muttered apparently loud enough for everyone to notice as he covered his eyes with his hands and desperately blinked at the darkness they provided.
"Dude you okay?"
"Danyal, wait!"
He heard someone chirp and for a second he wondered if the others were pulling a prank on him or making fun of him until he felt a small hand pulling on him. Carefully he peaked through his fingers and blinked.
The brightness was reduced and not as strong as it had been earlier. He looked at where a small hand was pulling on him and came face to face with a mini version of Damian with glowing green eyes and also noting the dimmed glow around the kid. Before he could even ask who that kid was, he noticed the light forming a silhouette behind the kid.
"What?" Unconsciously he patted the kids head as he stared at the light silhouette that definitely looked like the Damian he knew. The Silhouette sort of looked sheepish and seemed apologetic to him.
"Thomas?" / "Duke?" He ignored Tim and Damian too focused on the figure. Not even noticing how Damian was next to him looking every bit ready to pull the kid away, he was still patting uncousciously, eyeing him carefully. While Tim was closely observing them.
"How the hell is that kid not hissy with him? Or even attempting to bite him?!" Jason on the other hand complained loudly standing and leaning with his hands on the table.
"Duke, what do you see?"
Before he could even answer, the silhouette made a shushing sign and grinned before disappearing. The light it formed returned to the kid that blinked at him now with blue eyes and Duke blinked back at the kid stunned.
"Um, who is that kid?" He asked in return very confused by what he just saw turning to look at the others for answers. Ignoring that he did not answer Tim's question earlier. Whatever that was, it wanted him to stay quiet about it by the looks of it.
Duke would wait for an explanation of who that Damian look-a-like child was, before deciding if he should tell the others or not.
Suddenly he felt a sting on his fingers and he yelped attention returning to the boy he had been patting and finding the kid nibbling on his finger with sharp teeth giving him an annoyed look.
"Danyal! No, what did I tell you about biting others?" Damian was instantly by the kids' side taking them away from him and seating the boy on the other side of the table.
"What the fuck?! That wasn't even a full bite? Where is the hissing and biteyness?!"
"What?" Rubbing the finger that got nibbled at he stared at the others. "He bites?"
"Normally yes. Maybe he just finds Jason to be the tastier chewtow. We should test it out if he will bite you again." Tim seemed interested and amused at the same time as he studied the kid that now sat quietly on the opposite of Duke. The kids sole focus was now on Jason with a strange clint again, was the boy even blinking?
"Drake, stop wanting Danyal to bite others or suggest them as bait for my brother."
"Wait Brother?"
All three turned to him and Damian opened his mouth to say something as Dick entered the room looking exhausted but smiled when he saw them. Wasn't he supposed to just have a talk with Bruce? Did that art out into one of their famous fights?
"Oh hey Duke. Looks like you meet our youngest brother teethling Danny already!" The eldest walked over to them and reached out a hand to pat the kid sitting next to Damian. Duke watched with a sweat drop how the boy's head instantly turned to Dick hissing and bearing his teeth and snapping them in his direction and causing the oldest to pout.
"I guess I have." He slowly offered as an answer, still very much confused, knowing that he needed a little bit more of an explanation from them. He heard a sigh next to him and turned to Tim.
"You were asleep by then. But Jason got attacked by a child-"
"I did not."
"-last night and that child turned out to be Damian's brother."
"So Bruce has another blood child." Well that also explained why the kid looked so much like Damian and most likely also why Bruce wasn't here but, according to Dick, was brooding in his office.
"So is the kid a meta?" He tried to ask carefully but that was not very easy and considering the light show he had gotten earlier it was either that or the boy harbored some other big secret.
"Why do you ask?"
His eyes went to the boy that was still hissing at Dick sitting at the edge of his chair closest to Damian not paying any of them any attention at all it seemed.
"The kid glows or it had a pretty bright glow earlier now it's more dimmed. Easier on my eyes too." That was probably the safest to say, he still wasn't sure if he should tell them about the Damian look-a-like light silhouette.
"Well…" Tim started carefully, clearly looking for the right words.
"Danyal died when he was eight and apparently got revived and severely contaminated by Lazarus Water." Damian stared at him and Duke couldn't help but straighten under the stare and gulped. "Thomas, what did you see earlier?"
There was really no hiding anything from this family, well he didn't put that much effort into it either. He mentally apologized to the light silhouette as he glanced at the still hissing child before turning his attention to the others.
Not noticing the small flicker of green as Danny's eyes looked at him just as quickly before turning back to Dick and his offending hand that still tried to pat him.
"There was a light figure right behind the little guy. It looked exactly like Damian, though thinking about it now its hair had a different cut and they looked like they were wearing a hazmat suit with a logo on the front."
"Just to clarify. The spirit looked the same age as Damian?" Tim further questioned and Duke nodded.
"Do you think that could be a manifestation of Danny's actual age?" Dick asked withdrawing his hand from the boy who in turn finally stopped hissing turning his attention to the food that Alfred placed down before the child.
"His actual age?"
"As I said before, Thomas. Danyal died at the age of eight. That was eight years ago. If he had lived he would be the same age as me right now." The formerly youngest explained, his attention split between watching the child next to him and their discussion.
Duke gapped, ready to ask more but then Alfred placed a plate before him and smiled at them all, the kind of smile that had all of them stiffening.
"I believe further discussion in regards to Master Danyal's situation can wait until after dinner, yes?"
They all agreed and focused on the meal that had been prepared for them. Well Duke guessed any further questions he had, could wait until after dinner espacially with the way Alfred was making sure they ate.
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jamiesshelves · 11 months ago
Parts of TSC I can't stop thinking about (after my first read)
Jean having a few minutes before Riko got to him and using it to text Renee a warning. NOT asking her to help him. But warning her. Probably to protect Kevin and Neil more than himself.
Jean viewing himself as a captive with Wymack and Abby
Jean calling Neil Nathaniel until that sudden switch (just like when Neil thought of himself as Nathaniel)
Jean being the same age as Neil, so one of the youngest characters we know
Jean worshipping Thea and her calling him Paris
Jean throwing out Andrew's candy
Jean roasting Aaron for being unimportant even with a murder investigation going on
Renee giving Jean forehead kisses
"Right person, wrong time"
Jean taking Renee's picture and it being the only picture he has
The way the world perceives Riko as a martyr after his death
The way the world brushes aside that he almost killed Neil on live TV
"The only one close enough was andrew"
Jean reaching towards the TV as if he could save Neil and wanting him and Andrew to run
Jeremy being brunette through the events of TFC
The Trojans being okay with their plan for the foxes game because they knew they'd lose to the ravens eventually anyway
Jeremy living at home and having an estranged family situation
Jeremy having a butler he loves and trusts more than his family
Jean's promise to Kevin
Jean calling Kevin a "beautiful boy"
Both Jean and Jeremy trusting Kevin whole heartedly
Kevin giving truths about the nest to Jeremy
Kevin admitting to sticking to Andrew like glue because he didn't know how to be by himself after the nest
The coaches concern as they realize the way raven coaches treated Jean
The rumors about Jean and that Neil never thought of them
Jean being confirmed a bi king and simping over everyone except canon beautiful Neil
Jean probably not simping after Neil because he's the partner that could've been, aka a brother/safe space he never got
Jean not realizing why top surgery scars, and his abuse scars, would be seen differently
Jean not understanding why Trojans can pick their own clothes, food, majors, etc
Andrew letting Neil go to the FBI in California without him because he trusts his runaway to come back
Neil's immediate response to hearing about Greyson is hiring a hitman
Neil sassing the FBI
"I guess Drake wasn't a biter"
Neil telling Jean he can lock his door if it makes him feel safe but he doesn't have to worry anymore
Cat wanting to teach Jean to ride a motorcycle
"Kevin has earned the right to be"
Jean being afraid to ever teach anyone French again
Jeremy hiding from the police
"That's putting it mildly." WHAT THE FUCK STUART.
Jean's list.
Jean still texting Renee
The reason the Trojans stay so positive
"I'm not safe with you anymore"
The parallels between Jean and Neil
Jean thinking he never got anything he didn't deserve
Jean only having a carry on bag like Neil
Wymack giving Jean money and his note
The Trojans giving Jean forehead kisses
Jeremy being into Jean but wanting to allow Jean to be able to heal first
Honestly more but this is enough for now lol
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real-fire-emblem-takes · 1 month ago
Morgan and Kana roleswap/parentswap would be funny
>If you thought Morgan was the communal Little Sibling you aren't prepared for the amount of pampering Kana The Apocalypse Baby gets
>"Babies aren't allowed on the battlefield, WHY IS THE BABY ON THE BATTLEFIELD WHO WAS WATCHING THEM"
>with how important being a dragon is to Kana, maybe some actual story significance with being Grima's kid
>"you give me the strength to keep going, you've saved my life" "I am literally eleven"
>Most likely popular supports: Gerome: being spoiled by both him and Minerva. Nah: Asking for Dragon advice from the Elder Dragon, who knows nothing about being a Dragon. Tiki: being a better parent than Grima. Robin: if Babies can't be on the battlefield what CAN babies do, says the Battlefield Baby, who's going to be on the battlefield anyways. Lucina: something along the lines of the above bullet point.
>a little older than Kana and the type who reads textbooks for fun, she's absolutely going to support her Papa(his Mama, just repeat this every time)
>self assigned to be the one to make sure that whatever peace is lasting without Corrin's involvement, because Corrin didn't think about that, they were to focused on making sure their siblings didn't kill each other.
>F!Morgan: I'm not saying we should create arranged political marriages because that's immoral and merely kicking the can down the road, I'm just saying that we should lock Siegbert and Caeldori in a room and whatever happens happens. That's how they handle horses, auntie Lilith told me. (That's worse, you get how that's worse, right?)
>What can we do to insure that economically both nations are tied to each other and can't fight without crashing their own economy. Nohr needs food, but what does Hoshido need that Nohr has? Hoshido isn't exactly keen on masonry... Nohrian alcohol can't hold up the entire economy... Rot? Nohr has a lot of rot, would Hoshido want rot?
>Unlike Kana, who loves everyone equally, Morgan has a family tier list, Leo and Takumi Top Tier followed by Grandma Nyx and Reina
>Actually likes Dwyers coffee, either because older and more willing to explore the flavors or caffeine addict from late night studying
>also self assigned to Fix Auntie Lilith. Morgan knows Magic, kinda.
>Supports -F!Morgan, Nina. A Fujoshi and her enabler who can arrange whatever events she wants. Soleil. A flirty challenge, the two of them keep escalating until Soleil drops out when Morgan sets up a full candlelight dinner. Rahjat. No I won't be a Plan B because you can't fuck my dad you aren't settling for me, I'm going to be your first choice. Ignatius. Morgan can have little a sadism, as a treat.
Supports: Both M and F- Dwyer. I Know I'm your Dealer and butler but I'm a little concerned about how much coffee you're drinking. Butler Martial Arts says it's bedtime. Velouria. Morgan can only be out Puppycoded by the actual puppygirl. Also Same Coat. Sophie. Secret Horse Girl arts taught to Morgan by Aunt Lilith manages to calm down Abel, much to Sophie's chagrin and exasperation as she just can't get them to work when she's Pure Undiluted Horse Girl.
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supremeb1tch8783 · 8 months ago
Something I find really funny as I revisit Black Butler is Sebastian’s character.
It’s been years since the last anime arc release, and an arc that’s animated as a full season rather than a movie. And I haven’t kept up with the manga as much because I will binge read and so I like to let ongoing series rack up chapters and preferably finish whatever arc they’re in so I don’t have to be left on a cliffhanger for a month.
But that’s neither here nor there. Onto Sebastian Michaelis! I’ll be brief!
I find him so absolutely funny because as we see from his cinematic record in the Book of Atlantic, and later as they showed us the specifics of how their contract was formed, he kinda sorta fr hated “Ciel” and found him to be punitive human not worth anything other than a potentially delicious meal lol. He wanted his soul for sure, and he came forth upon Ciels cries because he recognized a high quality meal, but he a) didn’t expect the job to go on for so long, b) didn’t know his new master wanted to do all the investigating rather just letting him run off and kill everyone and return to eat him, and most hilariously c) he didn’t think his new master would expect and demand of him to do a butlers job in a more “human” fashion.
Things like cleaning each room with dusters and brooms, etc. or cooking food step by step rather than just waving a hand and it all being done.
But what I find so funny is that despite him being a demon, and us seeing that very often, him voicing his thoughts on how pathetic and futile a humans life or goals or aspirations to be, he has found some actual pleasure in doing things the human way.
And it’s pointed out so obviously in the pride he takes in being like “ah yes, the linens are all perfectly pressed, dinner is exquisitely prepared, I was able to do XYZ for the Funtom Company, truly I am the best butler to ever butler,” rather than the “best demon to ever act like a butler”
Like he’s lost in his role, the method acting is so strong I wonder if he realizes.
And what’s even funnier is when he’s interrupted. Cuz he’ll be in the zone getting preparations done, having the butler aesthetic going on and then Bard, Meyrin, or Finny will do some off the cuff nonsense and he’s pulled away from what he was doing, like god dammit! I was JUST whisking the meringue to the perfect consistency but now I have to replant our entire greenhouse garden. Etc.
Like he really started out so feral and petty with Ciel when he started, loathing being a butler, finding it annoying, not thinking he was gonna have to do it for over 3 years and now he’s here acting as mother, father, teacher, uncle, aunt, daycare instructor, and on occasion male prostitute to perform his duties as butler to the queens guard dog.
He’s still feral for sure, but there’s a sorta domesticated feeling I get when I look at him being such a loyal demon servant. And he doesn’t hate all humans, he can still find their lives otherwise short and pointless, but he’s respectful in a real meaningful way to people like Tanaka, Agni or even Elizabeth, and despite being a demon the chivalry he’ll show at times is sincere, and once again, he’s been there for so long. It cracks me up sometimes.
Anyways, rant over <3
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sapphic-woes · 28 days ago
Ambessa x princess!Reader
This is an UNFINISHED FIRST DRAFT I'm basically dumping here after asking if anyone would want to read it anyway. I repeat, it is not finished, not edited, and olllld. You have been warned! TW: Blood, gore, death, etc
Your vision was murky. Your corset tight, and your head throbbed something awful. Warm liquid leaked out of your nose, mixing with the sea of bloody remains at your feet.
You tried not to gag at the dismembered bodies, let alone cry. This revolt had resulted in the massacre of everyone in the palace except for you. Your family, the maids, the butlers, the chefs…everyone who had ever served your family was dead. The once vibrant walls of the palace were splattered with blood, yet still more startling screams echoed around you.
"Please…where…?" Your voice crooked, begging for the knights dragging you through the hall to speak. You had never expected the military to rise against your family like this. Yet here you were, scared of the people in uniforms you used to find safety in. They didn't say a word in response, stiff as they walked you into the throne room.
"My queen. We have brought her." You could hardly stand, held up by the two soldiers at your sides. Why haven't they killed me yet? When you had finally been caught hiding, you were certain they would kill you without hesitation. Yet here you were, alive and being brought to their leader.
"…Let her go." The arms holding you up relaxed, and you hit the floor with a groan. Your cheek pressed against the marble floor slick with blood, shivering as you saw who it belonged to.
"F-father…" You whispered in shock, horrified to see your father's lifeless body not far from you. Tears fell as you covered your mouth with your hands, poorly attempting to muffle your weeping.
In the midst of your shock, you didn't notice the figure approaching you until it was too late. Heavy footfalls made you flinch, and you gasped as a large hand shot out–painfully grasping the entirety of your face. Your stifled protests had the dark figure towering over you chuckle, and you shrunk back as the woman before you squatted down.
"Finally, I've come back for you…master." You froze, stomach twisting with dread. Only one person ever called you that. One woman who you'd hated, despised, and done everything to get rid of.
You looked up into dark gray, stormy eyes. Her smirk was still the same, eerie and downright unpleasant. Her face was smeared with blood, but you knew she didn't mind. Ambessa cooed when your eyes trembled and welled with tears, crimson thumb shifting to catch one as they fell.
"And this time, I'll never let you throw me away again."
You met Ambessa when you were twelve, or rather, she was thrown to meet you.
Your father chucked a small creature–no, a child–onto the ground before you, and you blinked. 
You didn't like this. Wasn't she hurt?
"Father, what–"
"You need a playmate, right? We destroyed Noxus, and I thought it would be a good present to bring back to you. Name it and do with it whatever you like. It's nothing more than a toy, understand?" Your father was a cruel man, eating up weaker kingdoms and exploiting them to expand his rule. Noxus had been no different, just one of the many kingdoms your father had decided to take over. 
Usually, he came back after war with a prized jewel or rare artifact to give you in replace of his love…but he had never come back with a living person before.
"I…" You shuffled as you glanced down at the girl before you, swallowing nervously. "I-I am in no need of a toy. I'm older now and I need to mature anyway–"
"Are you rejecting my gift?" His cold tone made your heart stutter, and you gasped as he grabbed the girl's head and jerked her neck back, unsheathing his sword. "Then if she is of no use to you, I have no need to keep such a filthy bloodline alive–"
"No! Forgive me, I spoke without thinking. It was foolish, and I am grateful. Thank you Father." Hastily you spoke, watching your father stare at you for a moment before letting the girl go.
"Good. Train it so you don't humiliate our family more than you already have." With that, your father walked out, slamming the door behind him. You let out a shaky breath before spinning around back to the child, going over to wordlessly help her get treated. Once you both had teamed up together to do a sloppy, yet decent job, you gulped.
"My condolences. To your family that is. I know you probably don't want to hear that from me but…" You bit your bottom lip, reaching out to grasp her hand. 
"I don't want a toy. I want to be your friend, and I promise I'll help you escape. So if you're okay with that, may I please know your name?" The battered and bruised girl before you sniffled. She had been silent this entire time, but now she looked up into your warm gaze. Her eyes were beautiful. Like soft clouds floating in the sky. Her voice croaked as she spoke, but luckily you made out her words regardless.
"I…am Ambessa Medarda."
At sixteen, you drove her away.
"Princess." A shadow cast over you, robbing you of the warm sensation of sunlight on your skin. You grimaced, blinking your eyes open. 
The intimidating silhouette above you was familiar. Hypnotizing as Ambessa crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow. Ah–you had been neglecting your studies once again, and they had sent Ambessa to come find you again.
What a poor choice. I'd rather avoid her than the duchess.
"Five more minutes." You mumbled from your peaceful spot on the ground under the cherry blossom tree. Ambessa snorted, and she bent down to slowly speak.
"Now. Do you know how angry the duchess is? You're to be betrothed soon, so she's especially adamant on your etiquette lessons. She'll complain to his majesty at this rate–and then what will you say?" You groaned as if you'd been stabbed, dramatically rising to your feet.
"Nothing. No matter what I'll say, he'll probably lock me up in that dark room for days. Better yet, instruct the maids to beat my legs till I can't stand." Thick fingers wrapped around your wrist, and you yelped as Ambessa pulled you close.
Oh, did she grow taller again? Unlike you, Ambessa seemed to always gain an inch every time she saw you. Now you had to crane your neck all the way back just to look at her face. You hated the care in her eyes. You knew about her feelings, but you had no right to accept them. You looked away, offering a wry smile to her pained expression.
"Don't look at me like that. Hopefully, whatever old geezer I marry won't be fond of such punishments." Ambessa shook her head.
"Princess, you shouldn't be dealing with this at all. Let me help you–" You stood on the tips of your toes to place your finger on her lips, gently smiling as you hushed her.
"But I do deal with it, quite often too, and if you get involved it'll just give father an excuse to get rid of you." Hands clasped behind your back, you walked backwards while keeping Ambessa's gaze. The summer breeze made your dress flutter, kind smile causing Ambessa's stomach to painfully twist.
"You are my one and only knight, and I your one and only "master"…so before I am used as a bargaining piece, I'll make sure my father can never touch you." Ambessa's face contorted, clearly wanting to object. She gripped her sword's handle, gritting her teeth.
"...What will you do?" Your eyes narrowed. You didn't want to say it out loud. You knew how much it would hurt your kind-hearted knight.
"Nothing I can't handle."Ambessa grumbled, allowing you to continue. "Please Ambessa. You can't stay here. Not when everyone treats you like you're less than human."
"But how can I leave you here?" You let out a small laugh, twirling amongst the flowers around you.
"I've lived in this rotten palace for twelve years before you came. I'll be okay for a few more before they marry me off." Ambessa let out a frustrated sigh.
"But I don't want to see you used like an object–"
"Ambessa." Your commanding tone silenced her protests. You looked down at your feet, trying not to let her words get to you.
Ambessa was the only one who cared about you, but you knew it wasn't right to abuse her kindness. While you considered her your friend, you both publicly kept up the appearance of servant and master. Worst yet, since Ambessa's position as a living trophy of war was technically less than a commoners, most of the palace's servants mistreated her behind your back. No matter how much I love her, she needs freedom more than anything else.
"But I am an object. All princesses are. Just…an object that's pampered until she can secure a national alliance." Ambessa opened her mouth to speak, but you shook your head. "Stop, I won't speak of this again. Let me do this one last thing for you–!"
Suddenly, you yelped as hands gripped your arms, roughly pulling you close. Ambessa stared down at you with furrowed eyebrows, seething as she raised her voice.
"For me? Princess, I want nothing but to stay by your side. So why do you keep insisting I leave? Are you driving me away because I told you about my feelings for you? Am I that uncomfortable to be around now?" The pain in her voice made your heart sink. She wasn't, but you decided it was easiest to lie than say the truth. 
"So what if you are? I can't have you by my side with those feelings. I told you already. You're confused, Ambessa." The words flowed easier than you'd expected. How natural was it to tear at those who loved you? To sneer through the anguish in her eyes?
"Am I supposed to love someone I own? You've mistaken my kindness for–" Your voice became caught in your throat as Ambessa's hands squeezed your arms tight, and you winced in pain.
"A-Ambessa, you're hurting me–"
"Don't say that. Don't invalidate my emotions just because they scare you." Ambessa's voice was strained, and your breath hitched as she leaned in close.
"If you knew what I thought of you, you'd never bother to question me again. I want you more than you could ever know, princess…" Slowly, Ambessa bent to cover the distance between you two. Your heart skipped a beat, and you let out a muffled sound of protest as she kissed you.
Her lips were softer than you expected. She tasted bittersweet. You didn't want to acknowledge the bubbling fluster in your chest, or how your legs grew weak. Your skin was hot, and you moaned as she gripped the back of your head and kissed you deeper–
"How dare you touch the princess?" You gasped as your chambermaid suddenly appeared, having finally found you. She was accompanied by other knights, and you gulped when they drew their swords.
"She's done nothing wrong. She...she was only confused! She m-meant no offense." You shoved Ambessa away to breathlessly speak. Your maid raised her eyebrow.
"She has defiled you. She, a trophy of war, thought herself worthy enough to touch the daughter of the king!" The knights moved toward Ambessa, and she prepared herself, but you stepped in front of her, voice hard.
"Then let me punish her. She is mine, is she not?" The maid glanced at the knights. They seemed to silently communicate before she snarled.
"With all due respect, everyone knows you treat that thing favorably. If you administer a minor punishment, word will spread that you are weak…and it will eventually reach the king." You knew her statement was more of a threat than anything, gritting your teeth in annoyance. She only wanted an opportunity to have Ambessa killed, and sadly kissing a royal was grounds enough for the guillotine.
If I don't push her away now, how long until something like this happens and I can't protect her? You knew this would happen again. You needed to protect her. You took a deep, wavering breath.
"...I will exile her from the capital and send her to the north. Are they not in dire need of manpower there?" At your words, Ambessa immediately stiffened, and you shut your eyes.
The northern border was full of monsters, and being sent there was seen as a death sentence. However, you knew that if you didn't do this your maid would rat you out to your father. Then?
He would definitely have Ambessa killed, and he would make sure you watched.
"If I do this, will you be satisfied?" The unspoken question of will you tell my father hung in the air. Your maid smirked, and you wanted to boil her alive.
"It is sufficient. Now come, there's no need to keep near a being that doesn't know her place, is there?" Your maid tilted her head with a sickly sweet smile, and the knights sheathed their swords. They won't even allow me to say goodbye. 
You had just dictated that Ambessa die a gruesome death, and now you would leave her like this? You wanted to stay and tell her your true feelings. That you did care but couldn't love her while she was forced to stay by your side like this. However, you only nodded, accepting your role and standing beside your maid.
"Good. You're becoming more like a ruler each day. Congratulations, princess. Now take it away." You wanted to gag, but instead you held your head down, as the knights moved to grab Ambessa. You tried to block out the sounds of her struggling, flinching when she called out to you.
"Princess…" You bit your bottom lip. Your vision blurred with hot tears, but if you wavered now the maid would surely tell your father. If he knew you cared for Ambessa, that you actually thought the kiss was divine…how long would it be before he got her killed? You swallowed, forcing a look of displeasure on your face as you glared at your precious knight.
"Didn't you hear? You'll be stationed in the north. Isn't it befitting?" You forced a sinister smirk onto your face, mockingly tilting your head. 
"A disgusting thing like you will be right at home with those vile monsters. Who knows? Maybe you'll find a beast that can actually love you back too."
That was the last time you saw Ambessa. You had abandoned the idea of happiness after that, only content with your spies updating you that she was still alive in the north. However, you hadn't known she had gained a following and power there.
You had heard of the rebels. Hell, you had hoped that they would overthrow your father and end your miserable life. However, you had never expected this.
"A-Ambessa…?" You whispered with wide eyes, shocked to see the woman you had loved right before your eyes. She was bigger now, terrifyingly massive as she stooped over you, skin riddled with scars. 
"Yes, master…" You jumped when her knees hit the floor. Her hand still holding your face dragged you forward against your will, and you could only muster up a whimper and she roughly kissed you. You felt she wanted to eat you whole, unable to push her away as she used her strength against you. She chuckled at your fretful squirming, calmly pressing her lips against your mouth and stealing your breath away. 
Weren't the knights that had dragged you here still in the room? You couldn't do such vulgar things before them! You struggled, but Ambessa merely pushed you down, pressing your back against the bloody floor as she coaxed out a pleading whine from your throat.
"I'm here." You heaved as she pulled back, staring down at your weak form as if you were a delicious snack. 
"Y-you lead the revolt? Why?" Your questions were feebly spoken, still worried she'd kill you. The rebel leader smirked, rising from the floor to grab her sword. Your eyes widened as you realized it was nestled deep into the back of your father, releasing a horrid squelsh as she jerked it out of his body.
"For you of course. Well, maybe to fight off the tyranny and oppression too." You squeaked when Ambessa suddenly stabbed her sword down before you, laughing at your terror, "but mainly? For you, princess." 
You quivered as she lifted her sword to trace its top against the bodice of your dress, moving to lift your expensive necklace off your plush skin. "You don't know how long I spent in that frozen wasteland dreaming of having you in my grasp again. I nearly went insane–"
"Nearly? I'd argue you did." You didn't dare turn away from Ambessa, only using your eyes to glance at one of the rebels coming towards you two. The man looked as wretched as Ambessa as he smirked down at you, whistling low.
"Is that her? Now I finally understand that obsession of yours. She's pretty even when she's covered in blood." Ambessa only glared at him, and he quickly raised his hands up in surrender.
"I know I know–she's yours to rip apart." Rip? You trembled, not wanting to know what that meant. Clearly Ambessa hated you enough to take over the entire kingdom just to have her revenge.
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