#anyway both of yall should fight i think
taylormarieee · 6 days
-Birds of a feather ~A Dean Winchester oneshot~
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Summary: you and dean used to be a thing, attached at the hip like birds of a feather, he thinks you guys should stick together and honestly, so do you...
Word count: 2.7k
Pairing: dean winchester x fem!hunter!reader
Warnings: hurt to comfort, slight angst, fluff, illusions to sex but none takes place, sam being a supporter/wingman, kisses, touches, mutual pining, reader playing hard to get(just a lil bit), teasing, that's it! lmk if I missed stuff<33
A/N: Hey... how yall doing... I know i've been absent and i'm sorry, so here's a little fic to bring back the life in my blog!
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You and dean were the "IT" couple. You guys did everything together, you guys were two peas in a pod. He loved and adored you and you respected and loved him.
You guys were made for each other and it showed. Sam used to get disgusted after a while when you two were so smitten about each other, but then came the arguments.
The arguments about the tiniest things. the arguments that led to angry sex. The moaning, and sweat on each others bodies. The feeling of him inside you was always a good way to release the stress, but then after that there would be a good day and then the cycle started again.
Until there was no more sex, just arguments that led to dean leaving at all hours of the night and you finding comfort in his younger brother.
Talking to sam felt like the best thing in the world every time you fought with dean. You hated fighting with him. He was your love, your future husband, the man of your dreams.
He meant the world to you, and you couldn't bear losing him to some shapeshifter or some demon or even just speeding to fast in his car.
That's why it hurt you when sam got the call that his brother was seriously injured in the hospital due to a car crash. He loved his car so it shocked you when you found out.
You both rushed to the hospital and never left his side. When he finally woke up, you hated to break it to him but you couldn't do it anymore. The arguments, the cold shoulders, him driving off and staying out drinking his life away in all hours of the night.
You kissed him goodbye and left. You lived with Bobby for a little while just until you got on your feet but then you found out a demon was after you for what your father did, something you'll never know.
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He's been dead for a little while. Your father. You've been trying to follow in his tracks for a while now.
But anyway, you have been living with Bobby for a while now and every time Bobby said that Dean and Sam were coming over, you always made sure you were never home.
But one day, Bobby didn't tell you and you heard the rev of that impala and immediately froze. You were in your room finishing up your drawing on this Wendigo you killed last week for Bobby with the help of Rufus.
"Hey bobby, what's up." Sam spoke, the vibration of his voice echoing around the halls.
You grabbed your sketchbook and tried to sneak downstairs and run out the back to where your car was parked but unfortunately, they were in the kitchen where the backdoor was.
You peeked in and of course Dean had to be the first one to notice you.
"C'mon out and stop hiding ya ijit!" bobby calls out drawing now Sams attention. Both of the Winchester brother's had wide eyes as they watched you come out from the corner.
You were wearing a black long sleeved crop-top with baggy jeans that had stars on the pant legs.
"I'm not an ijit bobby, how many times are you gonna call me that!?" you ask bobby while rolling your eyes trying not to acknowledge the brothers, specifically Dean whose eyes cannot leave your body and face.
'When did you get so many piercings.' he thought to himself.
"Well when you stop leaving the house for hours everytime I tell you there coming over, you haven't seen em in months almost a year now, you can't keep hiding." Bobby tells you.
you sigh and look at the both of them and that's when you lock eyes with dean again.
"Hey dean. Hey sam."
"Hey." they say in unison. you give them a tightlipped awkward smile and then put your journal down.
"Wanna see some of the drawings of my most recent kills so far? It's a lot of vampires, demons, wendigo's you know, the whole shebang." you aks with a smile.
They both smile at you like there proud and say sure. you nod and open your journal.
You had some notes and details next to your drawings. They all looked at it in fascination and awe.
"These are amazing! Did you hunt them all on your own?" Sam asks as he flips through the pages.
"N-no, well kinda. I had help every now and then." you say looking at bobby with a smile.
He grew to be your father and you really appreciated him for who he was and what he's done for you.
"These are really great but uh, can I talk to you outside for a minute? Please?" Dean asks looking at you with those puppy dog eyes that you knew you couldn't say no to.
"Yeah Dean, sure... cmon." you say as you walk outside with him near all of bobby's abandoned junky cars.
"What's up dean?" you asks folding your arms across your chest.
"how have you been?" he asks keeping it casual and short.
"I've been doing fine, how about you?" he smiles and steps a bit closer to you. you fight the urge to step back.
"I've been thinking about you. For months. Wonderin' where you've been, how you've been holdin' up but I see you've been doin' just fine." he says with a slight tilt of his head.
"Yea I have de-"
"I ain't finished just yet doll. Why have you been avoiding us? Avoiding me?" he asks sternly.
you roll your eyes, 'here we go'.
The conversation you've been dreading to have. You thought he'd just leave it alone but what the hell were you thinking?
This is Dean, THE Dean Winchester we are talking about here. He's relentless until he gets his way.
"Look Dean, I really don't want to talk about this right now ok? I don't wanna argue with you." you tell him in the most nicest way possible.
"Ok..." he takes a long pause. "Why not?" he asks, making you sigh a very annoyed and long sigh.
"Because Dean, the way we could turn a civil conversation into an argument was honestly stupid and insane, so please for the sake of saving me a headache and meltdown and you getting into another severe car crash, drop it." you explain to him.
His eyes soften almost. Letting the relentless side of him slowly fade away bringing out your dean, the soft mushy bear dean.
"You- you still remember that night?" he asks softly.
"dean I remember it like it was yesterday. All I have are nightmares of you in the hospital, your heart stopped beating for 5 minutes! How could I not think about how the man I loved died right in front of me over a damn argument! I always blame myself!" you shout.
"You shouldn't ha-" he starts.
"I shouldn't what? Have that guilt?! Oh, but I do Dean. Every day I play scenarios in my head. M-Maybe i-if I was more understanding then you wouldn't have left, maybe if I wasn't so mad over the smallest thing, maybe if I just talked it out like a normal human being, then maybe, MAYBE! the love of my life would still be with me right now."
His eyes widen. He's stunned at your confession but you don't even give him time to talk as you walk towards your car, A Cadillac DTS.
You hop in and drive off.
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Your car finally pulls up in the driveway and you notice that dean's impala is still here. 'So there staying the night huh?' you thought.
you turn off your car and get out. you open the door with the key you have and walk inside the house.
Bobby's asleep on the couch in front of the new tv you bought him two weeks ago.
You smile and grab the nearest blanket you can find and wrap it around him to shield him from the cold outside.
You lay a soft kiss to his head and whisper him a goodnight. you turn around and notice a figure standing in the kitchen, you jump and pull out your pocket knife but you realize it's just Sam.
"Hey, sam." you greet quietly.
H eturns around clearly pretending to not know about your prescence and smiles.
"Oh hey! I promised Bobby I'd still be awake in case you ever came back." he says as you walk over to stand next to him.
"aw thank's Sammy." you say with a geniune smile to which he reciprocates.
"hey, can I uhm, tell you something that I think you should hear?" he asks shifting his weight.
"yea go ahead." you respond crossing your arms in front of you, a habit you had.
"Dean hasn't been focused or okay ever since you left. He's been kinda broken. Screwing any girl that looked at him the right way or taking his anger out on me and that's nothing I can't handle but, I just hate seeing him like that." Sam expresses.
"Hate seeing him like what?" you ask concerned.
"Like a part of him is missing. Whenever I look at dean, he's staring into nothing, as if he's dead. There are nights where he mutters your name and hugs the motel pillows like they are you. Only to wake up facing the reality that your not there, your not here with him anymore." he explains.
"I just can't keep seeing my brother drink and fuck his life away until he slowly fades into nothing. I watched him die for 5 minutes, I'm not going to watch him suffer anymore. Please, bring the life back into my brother, that is all I ask." Sam asks and then walks away.
"goodnight." he say lastly before dissappearing into the other room.
you stand there, contemplating on what you just heard, clearly not seeing the effect you left not only on dean but on sam as well. It tugs at your heart and suddenly you feel dizzy, almost like you can't breathe.
You step outside for a second and breathe in the cool air. You sit down and cry, you just cry and cry.
"Sam come on please. You gotta tell her. I can't keep doing this anymore, you said it yourself Sammy." dean pleads with sam.
Dean had asked Sam to talk to you, to just tell her how he's been feeling and tell her that he needs you, that he can't keep living without you.
After you broke up with him so randomly in the hospital, he just couldn't keep going.
He was constantly overstimulated and constantly angry. The anger in him never died down until he saw you today for the first time in months.
His heart warmed up at the thought of seeing you in that outfit and being so bubbly, it made him miss you all the more.
Like a burning flame that was slowly dying and losing its light and being drained of its passion by the coldness of your heart.
It left him stunned that you could do something to him after such a tramatic experience.
All he wanted was for you to fuel him back to life, bring the happiness back into his life.
All those other chicks he fucked and left in different towns just weren't doing it for him anymore.
Not like you.
You had him hooked. Enfatued by your mere presence. He needed to be careful with you though.
Placing the sofest touch to the weakest petal. Caring for you like a rare feather.
He never wanted you to leave his side, because right now? He was going crazy in the maze in his empty mind.
He may be speaking in poems or riddle form but for you? He couldn't contain or shield his seeping heart that was torn.
And that his why his brother had to confess that to you, what dean didn't predict was for it to go that way.
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Your just sitting outside now, all forms of crying done. You didn't know how much you hurt dean that night.
You were just doing what was best for you, but I guess that was you being selfish. You only added salt to an already salty wound.
You made him bleed more than he did that night. You made his heart collapse.
He was your everything, and you guess seeing him die that night, you felt the need to distance yourself as much as possible to make sure you didn't lose him again.
And yet, all you did was hurt him even more and make your life and his ten times worse.
Bobby was right, you couldn't keep hiding from him. He was your savior and your becon.
He was always there at your beck and call. You both flew together like two parrots in love.
You stuck by each other like seahorses. You made him whole and he made you complete.
You were each other's puzzle pieces. He was the Clyde to your Bonnie.
You were going to do everything and anything it takes to get him back to you.
You get up, ready to open the door but someones hand is already turning the knob before you and it swings open.
"Oh sorry, I didn't know anyone was out here," he announces tiredly.
Your frozen, you forgot how good Dean always looked when he woke up in the middle of the night.
Tousled hair, soft pink lips, and glazed-over eyes shining in the moonlight.
"n-no it's ok, I was actually going to come look for you. I wanted to talk to you. Is that ok?"
"Yea yea, that's fine with me." he says a slight smile on his face.
You both sit down staring at the stars in silence before Dean speaks up.
“so, what’s wrong?” He speaks out into the misty air of the night.
“I’m so fucking sorry. I should have never left you that night. You died and then came back and you were fucking suffering and I just hurt you even more. I know you can probably never forgive me for that and I just wanted to let you know that I am incredibly sorry. I love you Dean, your the love of my life, your my safe place. I wouldn’t even be alive half the time if it wasn’t for you, I am grateful for you, your my future husband and I know I ruined my chance of ever getting to kiss you again but just know it’s ok and I’m sorry.” You speak out in one breath!
Dean blinks as it takes him a second to register what you said because you spoke so fast but he eventually chuckled and pulls you closer to him.
“Oh doll, I love you so much and I forgive you, why wouldn’t I? You’re the only thing that kept me going. My motivation to find my dad, my motivation to move on and protect Sam. I don't know where I would be without you and my brother. I love you for that and I’m grateful to have you here with me right now. No more focusing on the past, time for the future. Cmon, let’s go inside.” He says with a smile on his face
you nod and smile grabbing deans hand so he can pull you up. He walks towards the door to open it and you stop him by grabbing his hand.
“Dean wait!” you exclaim. He turns around with confusion and you grab his face and kiss him. You kiss him roughly and you kiss him with so much passion.
He grabs your waist and kisses you back with the same amount of passion.
you both break the kiss and rest your heads on each other.
“don’t know what that was for but I really liked it.” Dean speaks with a smirk on his face to which you giggle at.
“wanted to seal the deal of our love.” You say with a smile.
“your such a tease you know that? I was pining for you all day.” He says with a smile
“well what can I say? I’m a girl that likes to play hard to get. The moment I laid eyes on you today I wanted to pounce on you.”
“Well baby, you got all night.” He says with a smirk and a wink.
Birds of a feather, we always knew you two would stick together...
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Taglist: @dollyfl1rt @itzdarling + anyone else who wants to join!
165 notes · View notes
Erik x Valencia
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Part One.
What am I going to do? I’m pregnant and it’s my freshman year. I don’t know if I should keep the baby or not. Any advice?
-Florida A&M
My stupid boyfriend cheated on me so I fucked his homeboy. Now both of them are fighting over me 🤭
I think my roommate has a thing for me. I’m not gay, but I’ve caught myself staring at his dick a few times. This shit is confusing me. I don’t like dick I like pussy!
-Morehouse College
My girlfriend wants me to eat her butt. She keeps begging me to do it. Who on here ever ate ass before? I need some advice because gahdamn she won’t leave a nigga alone.
-Morgan State
I already know what yall gonna say but I don’t give a fuck. My homegirl keep telling me about how her man is cheating on her. He’s cheating with me. I’m the side chick. The D is just too good. At this point I’m already too far gone. Judge me if you want I don’t care 🤷🏿‍♀️
-Clark Atlanta University
I had a train ran on me the other night. No, they didn’t fuck me. They ate me 😩 and it was a bunch of Omegas! Since they like to show their tongue so much I wanted to see which one of them could make me cum the hardest 😘
-Howard University
-I wish to remain anonymous. I’m not as experienced in the sex department and I am 21 years old. I want to hook up with someone here. Maybe I have unrealistic expectations, but I want it to be with someone I’ve been eyeing around campus. He doesn’t know I exist, but he’s so beautiful. If I could just have one chance with him…
-Texas Southern
“I did it.”
Valencia shut her MacBook Pro and fell back against her bed within her dorm room. Across from her sat her roommate, Brielle. They’d been roommates since freshman year.
“It was an anonymous submission, right? Nothing to worry about.” Brielle replied while looking over her notes for her A&P lab practical.
“I know, but what if someone figures it out?—
Her phone buzzed next to her thigh again.
“Jesus…he keeps fucking calling me.”
Brielle chuckles, “His ego is bruised. He probably wants to make sure you don’t say anything about it.”
“It’s been a week. He needs to let the shit go.”
Valencia ends the call for the eighth time that rainy evening. She’s already angry with herself for even allowing that man to have his way with her body. It was the worst experience. Worse than her first time.
“Head was trash, dick was trash…”
“So, I guess it isn’t all true that Que’s are great in bed, huh?” Brielle jokes.
“It’s definitely not true. I just wish it was with him.”
Valencia grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. Brielle simply laughed at her antics.
“Isn’t he a Que too?” Brielle questions.
“He is. Maybe he’ll be the exception.”
Valencia slowly removed the pillow from her face and blinked her eyes up at the ceiling. Butterflies formed in her belly just thinking about him.
“He’s so damn fine, Brie. Like, why couldn’t it be him that had all of this instead of Isaiah?!”
“Who is this again? Girl, you know my attention span is fucked up.” Brielle replied with a laugh.
“His name is Erik. He’s getting his doctorate.”
“Hm,” Brielle highlighted a section in her textbook orange, “How old is he?”
“I don’t know, like…thirties maybe?”
“Since when do you like them older?” Brielle asked with a shocked tone of voice.
“Since now! He’s too fine, Brie. And he’s really smart. Like a genius. He has so many accomplishments. A sexy nerd.”
“He sounds like he’s out of your league—”
“He’s also a TA—”
Brielle’s eyes went wide.
“A TA? Girl…don’t do it.”
Valencia had to admit that Brielle was right.
“It’ll never happen anyway. That man walks past me everyday like he doesn’t see me. I’ll just crush from afar at this point I don’t even know why I sent that fucking message.”
Valencia pouted in bed. Silence filled the room as she laid there staring at the television. Brielle was completely absorbed into her notes to care. Valencia could be doing some schoolwork herself, but the thought of her anonymous ask kept circulating in her mind.
Valencia sat up on her elbow and reached for her laptop again. Brielle cut her brown eyes at her and smirked playfully. Valencia checked the blog and noticed one note. Clicking on it, it was just a like. Her submission is nothing compared to the other wild confessions.
“There he goes again,” Brielle motioned with her eyes at Valencia’s phone, “Do you want me to cuss his ass out? Block that nigga!”
Valencia grabbed her phone and proceeded to block him.
“You know I have Chemistry with that limp dick fucker, right?” Brielle said.
“Just ignore him, Brie. He’ll be alright.”
“He keeps harassing you!”
Valencia sat her laptop on their shared desk. She shut off her lamp light snd slipped beneath the sheets. She had an early class tomorrow and needed to ease her mind into slumber.
“Goodnight, Brie. Don’t stay up too late.” Valencia said.
“I’ll try. You know I’m a night owl.” Brielle grumbled.
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The rain seemed to flow into the following afternoon. Valencia ran as fast as she could back to her dorm after the boring lecture she had to endure. A fellow student held the door for her and she made it inside although she was drenched from head to toe. She smoothed wet braids from her face and adjusted her cropped T-shirt. The brisk air of the building caused goosebumps to form along her sepia skin. She could even feel her teeth chattering.
Removing her heavy school bag from her shoulder, Valencia took long strides towards the elevators. She waited impatiently while rubbing her wet arms to try and warm up. She silently cursed herself for not bringing her umbrella. The sunny morning and clear sky deceived her. She stared down at her black and white Adidas Campus 00s for two seconds before the elevator doors opened. Valencia took a step forward and just then a deep timbre sent a shiver up her spine.
“Going up?”
Valencia was halfway into the elevator when her chocolate orbs fell upon the one person she wasn’t expecting to see in her dorm building.
Valencia may have met her match with Erik Stevens.
“Yes,” She stepped to the side so that he could enter.
“Thank you.”
Valencia scooted towards the corner of the elevator.
“Which floor?”
“Bet, that’s where I’m going.”
He has a dorm on the sixth floor? She thought.
She focused on him like she was studying a passage out of one of her textbooks. First, her eyes took in the style of his hair. He kept the sides and back tapered but the rest was beautifully loc’d and braided back. His eyes were shielded with gold-rimmed glasses that complimented his face and made him like artsy. She trailed her gaze down his neck to his broad shoulders. He wore a cream-colored hoodie and khaki cargo pants. On his feet were a pair of boots and in his firm grip was a dripping wet umbrella.
“After you.”
Valencia picked herself up and slipped past him since he was holding the door for her. She could smell his cologne and it was her new favorite smell.
“Thank you.” She said.
She instantly felt warm and fuzzy. He had this effect on her she hadn’t felt in a long while truly. Not even for that lackluster lay she had a week ago. Isaiah who?
Valencia walked into a crowded lounge area with a confused look on her face. She spotted Brielle near the window sitting on a lounger. She was chatting with a few of their mutual girl friends. The grey clouds outside began to allow the sun to peek through. She walked over to them and dropped her bag to the floor.
“Cindy, Skai…”
Cindy jutted out her petite hip and smiled with her braces in greeting. Skai raised her hand and fluttered her fingers covered in various gold rings. Skai was playing in Brielle’s ginger-colored coily hair as she typed away on her tablet.
“Why is everybody sitting here in the lounge?” Valencia questioned.
“Rumor has it, Rochelle isn’t our RA anymore.” Skai revealed.
Valencia furrowed her brows and squinted her eyes.
The chatter amongst everyone died down to a pregnant pause. Everyone looked towards Erik. Valencia caught his eye briefly and she could feel herself squirming from that small interaction alone.
“My name is Erik. I’m sure some of you have seen your emails, and for those that haven’t, I’m here to fill you in. Rochelle had a personal emergency and she will not continue as your RA for the final months of this semester. I will take over that position from here on out.”
Whispers circulated around the room. Erik stood there with his back straight, arms folded, and poker-faced.
Elusive nature.
Valencia turned her gaze towards Brielle. Her friend gave her a mischievous smirk. Valencia suppressed a laugh and threw her hands in the air dismissively.
“I will be staying on this floor for the remainder of the semester to keep an eye on things and act as a guide. I know a lot about TSU and I’m more than happy to help. Does anyone have any questions for me?”
Erik scanned the room through his glasses intently, similar to a drill sergeant. For some reason, his presence evoked a feeling of obedience.
A quiet Alpha.
“Well, that’s all I have to say for now,” Erik clapped his hands together in finality, “You can resume studying or whatever it is you were doing. Matt, right?”
Erik pointed to a freshman sitting at a desk. Matt was tall and lanky with designer braids in his hair and dressed like he was ready for a runway. A lot of designer. Definitely attention seeking.
“Yeah. How you know me?”
“I’m a Que Dog. You still interested, right?”
Something in Matt shifted. He stood taller and raised his chin with confidence.
“Absolutely.” Matt replied with excitement.
“Your probationary period starts tonight. You got a lot of work to do.”
Valencia could sense the nervousness in Matt.
“I’m ready.” Matt replied.
“We’ll see.”
Erik walked past Matt and towards the elevators. Valencia watched him leave and when he’d finally gone she let out a shaky breath.
“I don’t think I’m going to enjoy a man being our RA,” Cindy said with obvious disdain.
“Same,” Skai stood up and pulled her tight denim skirt down over her rotund backside and generous thighs.
“Valencia is going to keep me up playing DJ hero every night since her crush is our new RA.”
Valencia glared at Brielle.
“You have a crush on him?!” Cindy questioned with a surprised expression.
“What happened to Isaiah?” Skai asked.
“Isaiah was a disappointment. He talked a big game after that party and when we went back to his room he pretty much did the opposite of what he said he was gonna do.” Valencia recalled with frustration.
“I’M GoNnA MAke YoU CuM,” Brielle mocked.
“I’Mma GiVe YoU THIs DiCk AnD HaVE YOu BeGGiNG FoR MorE.” Valencia said
“oh my fucking GOD,” Cindy giggled, “It was that horrible?”
“Cindy, horrible isn’t even the word. If I could find a word to describe how awful it was I would. Can’t eat pussy for shit, constantly tried to stick it in my ass because he couldn’t find my pussy, has a big dick but can’t fuck, kept asking me if I liked it, it was terrible.”
“I’m so sorry for you, sis,” Skai shook her head, “I really thought he was going to knock the Sonic rings out that coochie.”
“Maybe he was drunk?” Cindy said
“He wasn’t. He had a little bit of weed, that’s it.”
Valencia reached for her bag and stood up to leave.
“Let me go study, I’ll catch up with ya’ll later.”
“Sure you don’t wanna come out with us for drinks tonight?” Brielle asked with a smile.
“I have to train. I have a swim meet coming up.”
“Fine! Maybe Saturday!”
Valencia put a thumb up as she walked away towards her dorm room.
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Thirty notes.
Girl if you don’t approach this man!
Who is it? I wanna know 👀
If he hasn’t taken the hint by now he don’t want you.
Valencia’s heart sank to the pit of her stomach. Most of the replies were nothing but discouraging. She wished she could take back her anonymous submission. Sitting at their shared desk in an oversized yellow Nike hoodie and her braided hair in a messy bun, she clicked on a tab on her MacBook to continue reading about Erik’s accomplishments at TSU. He’s an alumni receiving his doctorate in Computer Hardware Engineering. Summa cum laude. Pledge President. Star Football player. Leading place in various academic clubs and competitions. Tutor in multiple complex subjects such as quantum physics, chemistry, mathematics, and philosophy. Fluent in languages such as French, Spanish, Chinese, Latin, and signing.
Overly intellectual.
Valencia could go on and on about how perfect Erik seemed to be. She was infatuated past the point of no return. Far gone. The sexist fucking nerd she’d ever known. But still, it was just a reminder that he wouldn’t be concerned with a twenty-one-year-old chick with no experience and nowhere near as much maturity as him. He probably wanted a sophisticated woman. confident, in charge, and calm. A lot of experience and knowledge about the world and about culture, art, and literature. Someone who can quote Aristotle.
Oh? He was in the Military? That explains a lot.
Valencia clicked out of the tab and back to the HBCU Confessions blog. As she scrolled the page, she wondered to herself who could have created it? She’d heard whispers around campus about how the infamous blog became active again after some years.
As she scrolled, an instant message icon popped up. She shifted her hips in her seat and leaned in to click on the message. It was probably some old man asking if she wanted to be their sugar baby or a bot. Valencia’s dark brown eyes scanned the message.
It was the blog. HBCU Confessions. The owner.
-Hello ❤️
Why would they message her?
-I read your submission. Probably the most innocent out of them all.
Valencia didn’t know how to take that. Was it an issue?
-Unfortunately for you, I don’t have THAT MUCH excitement in my life lol
-Nothing wrong with that. It prompted me to message you personally.
-It was that interesting? Lol
-I’d like to understand and see if I could give you some advice.
-Thank you! I’d actually love some advice. 🥰
-Perfect. What makes it an unrealistic expectation? Because I can tell you now, I doubt it is.
-He’s on a different level than me. He’s also older than me. Idk I just get this vibe that he wouldn’t be interested.
Valencia grabbed her hot pink Stanley cup to take a sip of water.
-How much older? I know you’re 21.
-All I know is that he’s in his 30s.
-I’m still not seeing where it’s unrealistic. Have you tried anything at all? A smile? Anything?
-No. I’ve been too shy to.
-Shy or afraid of rejection?
-You gotta break out of that.
-Do you know for sure if he’s single?
-I’ve seen him around campus with this professor sometimes for lunch but that’s it. I’m not sure if they are dating or just friends lol
-What school are you attending again?
-Texas Southern
-Really? 👀
Valencia made a face at her laptop screen. Did they know something she didn’t?
-Is there something I should know?
-I think I may know who you’re talking about. He’s not available from what I know…
So, this person attended TSU as well? Makes sense now why they singled out her confession.
-Who am I talking about then? 😌
-He’s 33 by the way.
Valencia’s shoulders slumped.
-This still doesn’t confirm that we’re talking about the same person.
-He’s a Nupe, right?
-No. he’s a Que. lol
-You sure? He’s about 6’0, teaches chemistry, spends time with that one English Literature professor…
Valencia considered their description of Erik but she was sure he said that he was a Que Dog earlier. And he’s a TA for quantum physics not chemistry. The only similarity is the English Lit teacher. Professor Boyd.
-I don’t think we’re talking about the same person. Send me a picture.
Valencia waited two minutes before a picture popped up in their chat.
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-His name is James Parham.
-He’s cute but that’s not my crush 😂
-Well then I have no idea who you’re talking about lol.
Valencia waited. She stood up from her seat at the desk to grab her phone from the charger. Checking her notifications, she received a text from Brielle an hour ago. Valencia opened the text thread and there was a video. She pressed play and it was a lot of motion to keep the phone steady until the video zoomed into a table far off in the corner. Valencia squinted her eyes and recognition washed over her face.
He was sitting alone in a booth with a drink in his hand, bobbing his head to the music.
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-Is it him?
-😌 ohhh so Erik?
-He’s definitely single.
-Make a move before it’s too late.
-what do you suggest I do? Can you give me some advice please?
-Erik is introverted and often mistaken for being timid. He is indeed an Omega and takes pride in that. You can find him around campus reading a book or working out. He’s a homebody for sure. Sometimes you may catch him out and about. He’s a chill dude with this mysterious aura about him. That’s what I’ve gathered from just seeing him around campus.
-I would start off by playing into his interests. He likes to read so find out what books he likes. From what I know he’s big on poetry. He likes to run around campus at 6 am. Need help tutoring? See if he’s offering some study hours for that. Start there and see where it goes.
-This is really good advice! It’s very subtle and a perfect way to get his attention without being too obvious. Thank you! ❤️
-You’re welcome love 💗 I’m here if you need anything. Feel free to chat with me.
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Intent listener…
“I really don’t know what to do about it, Erik…”
Andrea, Erik’s friend from college and English Literature professor at TSU walked alongside him in the early afternoon the following day.
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“He’s so confusing half the damn time, I can’t even tell if he’s into me or not.”
Erik had both hands in the pockets of his slacks. Today was his day to assistant teach quantum physics. He really wasn’t up for it because he’d been up so late in the dorms trying to settle a sneaky party. Apparently, Rochelle allowed them to party and have drinks which is against the rules and grounds for expulsion. He just walked and listened. Out of his friend group, he’s the one they go to to vent because he doesn’t disrupt them, and he gives great advice.
“How long have we known James, Drea? That nigga can’t express himself for shit. Just know, he’s feelin’ you. He’s always had a thing for you.” Erik replied.
Andrea took a sip of her super green smoothie.
“Well, I’m not gonna wait around for him to speak up. What is he so afraid of?”
Erik turned his gaze onto Andrea through his gold-rimmed glasses.
“We’ve been friends for about ten years, Drea. Maybe he’s afraid that if things don’t work out with you two romantically, it’ll mess up the bond you both had as friends.”
Andrea mulled over Erik’s words. They settled in front of the school fountain and sat down on a bench facing it.
“You have a point. We’re going to a spoken word tonight. We’ll see how it goes.”
“Spoken word, huh? Wow…I haven’t done one of those in forever.” Erik replied with a smirk.
“Coming back to Texas is nostalgic, ain’t it?” Andrea said with a giggle.
“It is—”
“Oh! Guess what?”
Andrea leaned into Erik with a playful look in her eyes. Erik narrowed his eyes at her in response.
“Are you gonna guess?” Andrea pestered.
“Aight, You’re finally gonna write that book you’ve been talking about all these years.”
“No! I changed my mind about the book,” Andrea rolls her eyes, “the blog…”
Erik’s eyebrows shot up.
“Yep. It’s been so long I had to see what was going on with it.”
Erik chuckled, “Nah. You’re back on there? Drea,” Erik shook his head, “You’re a professor now! What if somebody finds out?”
“Who’s gonna find out, Erik? We never revealed ourselves when we used it. Nobody knows what school we went to or who we were. Well…I think I may have slipped up last night…”
“What the hell did you do, Drea?”
Erik surveyed his surroundings to make sure they were safe to talk about this.
“I got the sweetest confession from a student here and I just had to message them.” Andrea said.
“Okay, what did they say?”
“So, they pretty much confessed to having a crush on someone here and being afraid to approach them…”
“Who?” Erik said impatiently.
Andrea laughed at Erik’s expression. He furrowed his brows and looked at her like she was talking gibberish.
“…Did they say who they were?” Erik asked.
His interest was peeked.
“No. All I know is she’s twenty-one, very shy, feels as if she has no chance in hell with you.”
“Why are you telling me this?” Erik fussed.
“Because I thought you’d want to know! You need some action in your life, Erik. When was the last time you had sex?”
“Aye, don’t worry about it, girl,” Erik playfully shoved Andrea, “I’m just saying, what am I supposed to do with this information? Like…I don’t even know how the girl looks.”
“You will eventually. I gave her some advice. She may pop up today…”
Erik couldn’t deny that he was intrigued. Could be fun to see how things play out.
“Okay, okay…the log in still the same?”
Andrea smirked, “Still the same. You remember?”
“Yeah…it was my idea, wasn’t it?” Erik smart-mouthed.
“Alright, smart ass.”
Andrea checked the time on her Apple Watch.
“Let me head back to my office. When does your class start?”
“In an hour. I’m gonna head over to the library and do a bit of grading to kill some time.”
Andrea and Erik stood up at the same time. Andrea opened her arms to accept a hug from Erik. She squeezed her old friend and then kissed his cheek.
“Aight, Daka, I’ll catch you later.”
“Have a good class, Drea.”
They parted ways and headed in opposite directions.
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Valencia felt cute today.
She did her makeup for once. She dressed in a body con black dress that enhanced her curves. She wore her favorite Carolina Herrera perfume. Anything to get his attention.
On her way to the library after her philosophy class, Valencia entered the library with a grace that turned heads. She took the elevators to the third level of the library, her stomach doing flips because of how nervous she was. She exited onto the third level and walked further into the silent area until she was near the windows that overlooked the campus.
Valencia took a seat and proceeded to retrieve her MacBook, and textbook. She wanted to format her notes with bullet points and colors while the information was still fresh on her mind. It was Friday evening and she didn’t want to spend her weekend catching up on school work. Her cafe noir eyes would look up to see if her crush had shown up yet.
After some time, her attention veered back to the HBCU Confessions blog. She was excited to see that there was a new message from the blog.
-Any luck today?
Valencia typed.
-No 😪
Erik strolled over to a desk diagonal to Valencia. He quickly took his laptop and other work out of his bag. It was the last thing on his mind after what Andrea told him. He opened his laptop and found his way back to Tumblr. Being back sparked memories of mischief and lust. Erik started this blog for laughs and he honestly didn’t expect it to transform into what it is today. What started out as a blog strictly for TSU, expanded to other colleges unexpectedly. So many scandalous things go down at college and it sucked that our people didn’t really have their own way of connecting across HBCUs. So, Erik started the blog for fun, and it quickly evolved.
He’d known secrets about people across colleges. It didn’t matter if you were the dean, a professor, a student, or a coach, your deepest darkest thoughts and feelings were exposed for everyone to see with the option of remaining anonymous. Erik witnessed breakups and hookups. It was a guilty pleasure of his, like watching hentai. Erik had many guilty pleasures. Who didn’t?
He successfully logged back in and found himself staring at hundreds of notifications. The only thing he was concerned with was whoever this anonymous person was that had a crush on him. It’s been a while since he’d been with a woman. Being in the military as an engineer was a busy job. He worked a lot and on top of that he moved around from state to state. Hardly any time to settle down or date. He did date a few women, but it was all a dead end.
Erik found what he was looking for.
ebonygoddess1990s_-No 😪
Erik read the entire thread and couldn’t help but chuckle quietly. He was tickled by Andrea’s advice to his secret admirer. She knew him like she knew her classic literature. He was indeed laidback, quiet, nerdy, and ambitious. The more he read the messages, the more he wanted to find out who this woman was. He decided to respond to their message. Why not? It would be fun to play along. Just like the old days.
-Where are you right now?
Meanwhile, Valencia’s head shot up at her MacBook when she heard the ping of a new message. She read the message.
-Where are you right now?
-Library ☺️
-Usually he’s there around this time.
Valencia looked up and she was staring at him sitting at a table diagonally from her table. He didn’t know that she was eyeing him down since he was focused on his laptop. He wore a pair of slim fit paisley and gray pants with a white button down shirt and brown loafers.
-He’s here now 😳
Erik sat up straighter and his eyes locked with Valencia’s. She quickly averted her gaze to her laptop, tucking her braids behind her left ear. Erik took his time admiring Valencia. His eyes started at her feet. She wore a pair of black gladiator sandals with silver spikes on them. She had red painted toes and smooth, brown legs. His onyx eyes ascended further up her body, over the curve of her hip, the hourglass shape of her waist, her toned arms, ample cleavage, neatly braided hair, and then finally her beautiful face.
He really really liked the shape of her lips. Large and wide set with a plump, pouty appearance and equally full on the top and bottom. He’d seen plenty of beautiful women every day, but whoever this girl was, she was the most beautiful. It was her rich, brown skin. Her pretty doe eyes. That body. Erik was certain that she’s his secret admirer, but he needed to be sure. Excitement brewed in him as he typed a response.
-You should say hi. Get his attention.
-I’m nervous 😭
-Don’t be. Just go for it. How else will you know if he’s interested?
-I dare you to give him a flirty wave with a seductive smile. 😏
Valencia’s eyes went round with surprise. That was bold. Bolder than she initially planned to be. She cleared her throat and turned in her seat. Crossing one leg over the other, Valencia flipped her braids so that it gave her a messy look and then she made her eyes look sleepy and hypnotic like Dorothy Dandridge. She took a deep breath in and focused her gaze on Erik steadily. After five seconds, he looked up and did a double take. Valencia raised a small hand and waved at him slowly while her lips were formed in a smile.
Erik simply smirked at her and raked his eyes up and down her frame. That’s all. He just smirked at her and then he dropped his gaze back to his laptop. Valencia gripped the back of her chair to try and calm her racing heart. That slight interaction had her bewitched. He smirked at her and he checked her out. She wanted to jump up and down.
-How did it go?
-He smiled at me and then he looked me up and down. 😭 clearly he likes what he sees!
Erik nibbled on his bottom lip to control the urge to smile with all of his teeth. This was so much fun. The most fun he’d had an a long time. It was good to be back.
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Erik packed his things so that he could be on his way to the class he needed to assist. As he was getting ready to leave, he felt his phone vibrating with an incoming call. He plucked his cell from his pocket and brought it to his ear. His eyes connected with Valencia’s briefly before turning away.
“Hello? Hey…I was headed there now—really? You sure? Okay…no, no…it’s all good. Uh…I’ll just finish grading everything and drop it off later? Perfect. Alright…see you next Friday…”
Erik ended the call. Fuck it. He didn’t want to assist that class today anyway now that something and someone had his attention more. He stole a glance at her and she was reading from a philosophy textbook. He knew philosophy well. So well that he tutored for it. Erik had an idea. He took his seat again and brought his laptop back out. He opened it to the messages and began typing away.
-That’s a good thing 😌 What’s he doing now?
-He was going to leave but changed his mind. I wonder why. Hmmm…maybe he can’t get enough of me lol
-maybe 🤔 lol. What are you doing now? Are you studying?
-I am. It’s philosophy. It’s so boring but I have to do it.
-Philosophy, huh? He actually tutors philosophy.
Valencia giggled to herself and shook her head.
-Why am I not surprised. He’s so smart 😍
Erik licked his lips. She was infatuated with his intellect. He liked that.
-You want another dare?
Valencia looked heavenward. Erik peeked over at her.
-Okay. What do you dare?
Valencia’s eyes veered from her laptop to Erik again.
-I dare you to ask him to be your tutor.
Valencia exhaled louder than she’d expected to. She brought a hand to her belly to calm the butterflies. That actually wouldn’t be a bad idea. She just needed to calm her nerves. Valencia counted down from ten in her head and stood up from her seat. She paused with her fingertips against her philosophy textbook before lifting it from the table. She pressed it against her, beneath her cleavage, hugging it with both arms like those school girls from teen dramas.
She started making her way towards him slowly. Erik didn’t look away from his laptop until she was standing next to him. Being that close to him, his features more prominent, Valencia couldn’t find the words to speak. Erik looked up at her through his glasses and gave her a friendly smile before recognition washed over his face.
“Hi.” Erik said.
Valencia shifted her focus on the empty seat at the table. She took a moment to gather herself before scooting out the chair and making herself comfortable.
“Weren’t you in the elevator the other day?” Erik said.
“Yeah…yeah that was me,” Valencia smiles.
Erik nodded his head, “You look different.”
She wasn’t as dolled up and she was soaked from head to toe.
“I didn’t look very flattering,” Valencia released a dry chuckle, growing more bashful the more his eyes were on her.
“No, what I mean is…you’re not all wet.”
Valencia blinked at Erik. Heat crept up her face. The way he said wet…
Erik’s eyes fell to the book that pushed her titties up.
“Philosophy. What’s your major?”
“Psychology.” Valencia replied.
“It doesn’t matter how slowly you go, as long as you don’t stop…”
He sounded those words out so smooth like he was serenading her. Valencia furrowed her brows at Erik’s response. Her full lips parted invitingly.
“…What?” She questions.
“Confucius. Confucianism? the importance of having a good moral character?”
Valencia sat her textbook down and giggled.
“Right, right…I had a brain fart.”
Erik laughed.
“Uhm…do you tutor?”
Valencia leaned in, unknowingly exposing her cleavage more. Erik fought the urge to look, focusing his penetrating gaze on her face.
He adjusted his glasses very studiously, “I do actually.”
“That’s perfect actually,” Valencia folds her arms against the table, “I could use a tutor. You seem to be well versed in the subject.”
Valencia looked at Erik expectantly with those doe eyes and honestly she could have whatever she wanted if she kept staring at him like that.
“Are you asking me?” Erik quirked a brow.
Valencia folded her hands and pouted her bottom lip. It was adorable.
“Are you free after five?” Erik inquired.
“I am, actually. Tonight I have plans with friends but I can meet at five.”
“Alright,” Erik shut his laptop, “We can study in the lounge at the dorms. Wait…”
Erik touched Valencia’s arm, stopping her from standing. The hairs on her arm stood up like a jolt of electricity coursed through her.
“I didn’t catch your name…”
“Oh…sorry. Valencia.”
“Nice to formally meet you, Miss Valencia. I’m Erik.”
“I remember.”
They smiled at each other. Erik stood up, placing his laptop in his bag. Valencia took her time retrieving her textbook, unsure of what else to say.
“Well, I guess this is goodbye for now—”
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The last person she’d hope to run into. He looked irritated with her as he approached them. Valencia fixed her face into a look of frustration and Erik noticed straight away. The tension between them was palpable.
“What it do, shawty? You avoiding me?”
Valencia looked between Erik and Isaiah. Isaiah loomed closer, draping his arm around her shoulder. Valencia rolled her eyes.
“What can I do for you, Isaiah?” Valencia quipped.
“Did you block me?”
“I did—”
“For what? Didn’t we have a good time?”
Valencia pursed her lips and shut her eyes.
“Isaiah, don’t make me embarrass you…”
Truthfully, she was the one embarrassed at the moment. Erik’s eyebrows ticked up and the corner of his mouth twitched. Isaiah cut his eyes at Erik, sizing him up initially before he recognized him.
“Oh, shit what’s poppin’, Poet?”
Isaiah raised his hand to dab Erik. Erik slowly brought his hand forward and their palms collided with a loud smack and a firm grip. Erik released his hand and watched as Isaiah discreetly flexed his fingers.
“Don’t mind us, just tryna see why my girl mad at me.”
Isaiah clearly couldn’t read the room.
“I’m not your girl, Isaiah.”
Valencia lifted his arm from around her and turned to leave. She threw Erik a furtive glance before retreating quickly.
He was in a library after all.
Isaiah was ready to chase her down but Erik yoked him up by his backpack to stop him.
“Gahdamn, Bro,” Isaiah fixed his bag.
“She’s not interested, One Pump Chump.”
“Fuck you and that nickname. That was one fucking time. I was drunk.”
“Yeahhhh and I’m sure the same happened with Valencia?”
Isaiah glared dangerously at Erik.
“If it didn’t happen that way, it shouldn’t matter, right?”
Erik slapped Isaiah on the back and proceeded to walk away.
“I’ll catch you later, little bruh.”
Erik threw up a hook and twisted his tongue before descending the stairs with a laugh.
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miralunawritez · 9 months
Here are some dating hcs for Velvet and Veneer yall can eat up while I work on requests
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Absolutely PRAISES you
You ate today? Praise. You picked out an outfit? Praise. Posted on social media? PRAISEEEE.
Spoils the FUCK out of you
You own items from every designer brand you can think of. New iPhone model? Consider it bought.
100% blows up your phone with tiktok videos of weird millennials, cat videos, and edits of him
"Veneer, its been 30 minutes and you already sent me 68 videos?"
Definitely looks at your face to see if you're watching the videos he sent you
"Did you see the one of the cat?" "Baby theres like 46 videos of cats in here"
He wants everyone to know your his so you guys match everytime y'all go out together
Writes songs with you (______ by Veneer (ft. Y/N) or vice versa)
You guys have about 5 songs with both of yall in it
Clingy as shit
Anytime he gets he will cling to you, hugging you from behind while you do your makeup, holding your hand while you get dressed, arm around your shoulders while y'all walk around in public, etc.
Listens to all of your songs and is the first to hear your new ones
"This is amazing (Y/N)!" immediately added to his playlist
Posts you all over his socials, this boy is so proud of himself for having the privilege of being your boyfriend
"Look (Y/N), this picture of us got 4 million likes!"
Uses pet names like my love, my angel, baby, sweetheart, darling
"I love you so much my angel"
Cant stand up for himself for shit but will fight a bitch for you
"Veneer..its okay, all they said was they dont like me" you say as he finishes flaming the person
Like I said before, he plays the piano for you while you sing
He cherishes moments like this, being able to listen to your voice while he plays the music for you
Velvet (fem reader):
Spoils you HARD
You glance at it for a second? You have 3 of the same item now
Acts like she gets annoyed when you cling to her but she secretly loves it
She scoffs as you hug her but immediately pulls you back in once you let go
Unlike Veneer, she likes to keep y'alls relationship on the low (the people find out anyways)
"Velvet why dont you ever post pictures of us?" "Theres some weird people out there (Y/N)"
Once the people find out she posts you nonstop
"Which picture should I post? This one...orrrr..this one? Fuck it, I'm posting both"
Like Veneer, she loves to match so you guys match all the time
The people eat it up, loving every outfit you guys put together
Makes sure you are safe when at her shows
"Velvet, is this necessary?" you say as 4 bodyguards surround you
Writes songs about you and plays them for you before performing them
"Do you like it?" "Velvet I-" "Of course you do"
Not big on PDA but will cling to you when you guys are alone or just around Veneer
She will hold your hand in public though to make sure you are safe and dont leave her side
Gets jealous really easily
She HATES it when you give Veneer any over your attention, even if its just you passing him a makeup brush. She also gets really jealous when you are featured in other peoples songs and when you perform with other people.
She hated you at first, absolutely despised you
"I actually hated you when I first met you so I wouldn't test your limits if I were you"
Does your makeup for you and you do hers (matching, duh)
"Dont we look so cute?" she says as she holds you face against hers while looking in the mirror
When you guys performed together she kissed you at the end of the show
The crowd went absolutely wild, so did the paparazzi <3
Bonus hcs that I thought of and thought they were funny and wanted to add
Sits outside the bathroom door while you use the bathroom
Like deadass sits on the floor outside of the bathroom door (occasionally shoving his fingers under the door)
Ticklish as fuck
Shows you the dances him and velvet made up as kids
Favorite show is Family Guy
Never learned how to swim
Poor baby still has to use a ring floatie
You guys die of laughter while going through each others tiktok drafts
He has a few videos of him using the bold glamour filter in there
Has the windex bottle laugh (contagious as fuck, has you rolling on his bed and kicking your feet while laughing)
Really good at character impressions and faking accents
Lowkey athletic, he's really good at baseball
Velvet (fem reader):
You guys play fight A LOT
She initiates its every single time
She can pinch with her toes
Pinches your legs with her toes every chance she gets (leading to play fighting and wrestling)
SUPER goofy when yall are alone
This girl has you cracking up
Likes to do funny challenges with you
Doing each others makeup blind folded, trying to guess what the other person is saying while having music blasted in their ears, etc.
Looks you right in the eyes with a very serious face before charging at you and pinching you (with her fingers)
Has that demonic wheeze laugh (the one that sound like goose and it's contagious as fuck)
Her laughs have both of yall rolling, like face turning red, eyes watering, cant breathe, and smacking the closest thing to yall
Smacks you repeatedly when you lay on her hair, not stopping until you get up
You guys cant take anything seriously when yall are alone and its past 10:30 at night
Seriously, just looking at each other has y'all pissing y'alls pants from laughter
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literallythegrabber · 6 months
Hcs about how would you think they would react at a Haunted house ? Thank you for reading 👍
sorry this took so long, I was procrastinating again, and my teachers love when I don't sleep to do their unnecessarily large portions of work!😁 Anyway, I hope you enjoy.
He's a scaredy cat
He doesn't want to admit it because he wants to look cool, but it's obvious.
He's shuddering the whole time yall are there. You tell him if he's scared, yall can leave, and he just like
"Y/n, don't worry, I'm just cold" he says while looking around anxiously.
"Finney, it's 70 degrees out, there's no way ur cold."
He's in a complete state of paranoia, and nothing can shake him out of it.
Yall remember that scene, when he was watching that scary movie while Gwen was at Susie's house?
And he got so freaked out, even though the blood looked like tomato sauce.
He's like that but 10 times worst.
You could lightly, like a feather) tap him on the shoulder, and he'll turn into Hoppy Hopscotch and flinch away from you.
Won't let go of your hand the entire time, he uses you to stay grounded (sane).
Would probably go with you and Gwen or Robin because he wants them to protect you cause he knows he can't.
Is probably a little bit freaked out, but he channels it differently.
Like... with his fist.
He's squared up the entire time your there.
He's a bit jumpy, so try not to touch him unprovoked.
Like you just tap him on the shoulder, and he freaks out and hits you square in the face.
"I told you not to sneak up on me! Dumbass..."
"Dude I said I was sorry."
Will probably fight the actors, and get you both kicked out.
Like, I honestly wouldn't go with him, sir you're staying home today.
He kinda ruins the experience, he has you behind him at all times, so you literally can't see shit.
Your parent/parents would ask you "Was it scary y/n?"
Ur like "Well I wouldn't know, you should ask Robin 😒"
While he's walking you home, he's thinking to himself about how cool he must've looked in front of you, protecting you and stuff.
and ur like, "Robin, I had no fun. You ruined the ENTIRE thing."
Safe to say yall are going to the arcade for your next date.
Probably the best to go with tbh.
Is just there to have fun, that's it.
I don't think he gets that scared, like he'll jump a little and then that's it.
If he does get scared, he'll probably just start complimenting the actor while ur just standing there like "😐"
Yall are just skipping down a dark, creepy hallway holding hands and you get jumpscared.
Ur over here about to pass out and he's just like "nice hat".
Like hello?
He just doesn't get that scared.
But he'll want to reassure you if you're the type to get scared easily.
Will try and sneak his baseball bat in the house (idk how he'll pull that off lmao) if it makes you feel better.
And this isn't really important, but I feel like he'd be the dumbest in horror movies.
Since he doesn't get frightened easily, he'd most likely be the most naive and say, "Let's split up!😃".
(that's probably what got him kidnapped💀)
Have I mentioned how annoying he is?
People think I have some personal beef with his character, but I swear I don't.
I just headcanon him as a bitch lmao.
But at a haunted house I think he'd be fearless.
He'd just be unbothered the entire time.
He'd probably complain about going. You guys spend most of your dates at grabngo (lame ass date vance) playing pinball.
So it makes sense that he'd rather be there.
His face the entire time would just be "😒", like turn that frown upside down?
He'd probably laugh when you get jumpscared.
But if you do get a little too frightened, he'd start cursing the actor out instead of just leaving.
Like the man is just trying to do his job.
So you guys would probably get kicked out, thanks Vance 😊.
But if yall don't, and you get scared, he'd place a reassuring hand on your wrist, to calm you down.
And that's about it, otherwise he's a jerk.
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ggukiepie · 11 months
one of your girls (pt. 2) (jungkook x reader)
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we go 'round again, we jump back in bed that's what you do when you love somebody these bad omens, i look right through them that's what you do when you love somebody bad omens by 5sos
pairing: jungkook x fem oc
tags: smut, angst, fluff, fuckboy!jk, fwb rel, oc is...she thinks with her heart <//3, college au, jungkook is sus and a bit mean but is oc any better ? hmmmm
warnings: kissing, fingering, protected sex, mirror kink, backshots wooo but make it romantic, light choking, multiple orgasms, a little bit of aftercare, cuddling :o
word count: 6k
a/n: weeeee part 2 is finally here !! sorry this took so long yall. i have two more parts to release for this series (flashback then part 3). anw happy reading !! uhhhhhh the ending..dont scream at me :D / part 1 / drabble i (flashback)
taglist: @yuwaimo @haileycannotcometothephonern @hoseokteardrop @hoodrejects @agrika @joonwater @moonchild1
It's sunny today which calls for hanging out at the quad. It's what you and your friends usually do to take advantage of the rare warm days. Jihyo's busy bickering with Mingyu, you don't know what they're really talking about because you're busy re-writing your notes. You haven't seen Jimin yet but he texted the group chat saying he's just buying food. And Jungkook...well you don't know if he's going to show up today. You haven't talked to him since that night. It's just been three days anyway.
You feel someone sit down beside you and you notice it's Jimin. He's wearing those skinny jeans he loves so much because he says it makes his ass look nice. You roll your eyes every time he mentions that.
"Cool guy alert," Mingyu suddenly calls out. You whip your head up to stare at Jimin who's wearing the biggest pair of sunglasses you've ever seen, it's covering half of his face already.
"Too sunny for you, Jiminie?" Jihyo teases this time.
You all watch Jimin silently as he removes the sunglasses. His left eye is bruised and it's ugly and purple and almost black.
"What the fuck," Jihyo says to break the silence. "What happened to you?"
Jimin doesn't say anything yet, just simply fixes his hair and shakes his head. You can tell he's trying not to get angry because his jaw is clenched.
"Jimin?" you whisper.
"It was Jungkook," he says gruffly. Your heart stops again at the mention of his name. Why would Jimin and Jungkook fight? Their friendship is pretty solid and they always get along well. You've never seen them annoyed at each other.
Your eyes flit to Mingyu and you think he knows what happened because he's silent, no hint of surprise on his face. He's looking down at the table while playing with his food.
"You guys never fight," Jihyo interjects. "What happened?"
Jimin turns to face you and you suddenly think you know why. You don't want to say it yourself but you think you've got an inkling why Jungkook punched him. You just hope you're wrong.
"You need to talk to him," Jimin tells you, completely ignoring Jihyo's question. You nod silently and check your phone to see if Jungkook has texted you at all. Of course he hasn't. Typical. But you'll find him today. You don't know exactly what went down but Jimin telling you to find him confirms your suspicions. It's enough to get you mad, your body heating and tensing up in simmering anger. You don't mind what Jungkook does to you, how he hurts your feelings without intending to, how he treats you like you're some disposable object, like you're just there always on the sidelines waiting for him. What you can't tolerate is Jungkook bringing both your friends into your situationship. What goes on between you and Jungkook should stay between you both and that's it. You can't handle him hurting Jimin as well.
There are a few places where you think Jungkook might be. You walk to the cafeteria first and search for him in the crowd. He's not there so you head to the library instead and your heart drops the moment you see him talking to some girl.
"Hey," you practically shout, suprising the people in the library and yourself as well, even. You're usually never this angry. Never address someone in such a venomous way. But you can't help but feel irked at what Jungkook's done.
He looks back and his eyes widen at your angry form. It only lasts for a second before he smirks and walks closer to you.
"Yeah?" he says, all smug and cocky.
"We need to talk."
Then you turn around and start walking out of the library, could hear Jungkook walking behind you already. Girl he was talking to all forgotten.
Surprisingly, you end up at his place.
You walk into his living room, ignoring him when he tells you to take a seat on the couch.
"Did you punch Jimin?" you ask right away, wanting to get this stupid issue over with.
You watch as his jaw clenches, tongue poking the inside of his cheek. He looks at you for a moment, eyes in slits at your hostility. "And what if I did?"
"What the fuck was that, Jungkook?" You look at him with stern eyes and could tell he's angry as well, chest rising up and down in quick breaths.
"Don't mess with my friends," he says.
"Jimin is my friend too!" you retort. "What happens between me and Jimin has nothing to do with you."
"Just what, Jungkook?" you cut him off. "You had no right to punch Jimin like that. Why'd you even do it in the first place?" You place your hands on your hips as you wait for him to answer you, puffing out a breath in frustration.
He looks a bit lost, eyes darting from side to side to look for an answer. The longer the silence goes, the shorter your patience gets.
"Well?" you prompt.
"Just don't, alright?" he says lamely. You roll your eyes. "You can sleep with anyone else except—"
"Who the fuck gave you the right to tell me who I can and can't sleep with?" You're almost screaming now but you don't care. This push and pull with Jungkook is making you so angry you want to punch him. You walk up to him and shove at his chest but he barely stumbles back. It just angers you even further. "I don't even give you shit when you sleep with other girls!" You continue pushing him back, practically punching his chest now. "It's not like you agreed to be exclusive. You said it yourself that you still wanted to fuck around. That was the agreement."
Jungkook grabs your wrists to stop you from pushing him. You watch him clench his jaw as he makes eye contact with you. "What if I want to take back what I said?"
"What?" you mumble dumbly, all the fight leaving your body.
He lets go of your wrists and takes a step back. You watch him pace back and forth in his room. "What if I want us to be exclusive?"
You say the first thing that comes to mind. "You're lying." He must be. He's just trying to lure you in, get him on your good side again.
He looks at you dead in the eyes and it seems like all the anger and frustration is leaving his body as well. He looks defeated and tired, and you're sure you look the same. "I'm not. I never lie to you."
"You do, Kook," you say quietly. But you're not saying it to make him feel bad. You're simply saying it because it's the truth and both of you know that.
He sits down beside you on his bed and buries his face in his hands. You watch him and try to keep your tears at bay.
"Kook, if this is some sick joke—"
"It's not," he says all of a sudden. "What if I want us to be exclusive?" he tries again.
You don't like it when he looks at you like that. Like you matter to him. Like he actually cares. Like he feels the same way as you. Looking into his eyes is too much so you turn your head away and stare at the wall instead.
"Why?" you whisper.
"Because..." he tries. "Because—"
"Because what, Kook? Suddenly you don't like the idea of me sleeping with other guys? But you can sleep with other girls? And if I say yes to you, what'll happen then?" you say harshly. "Huh? You're gonna forget about me? Just use me whenever you want?"
"It's not like that, sweetheart." He tries grabbing your hand but you shake him off. You stand up and walk to the other side of the room, suddenly wanting to be away from him. Being near Jungkook clouds your senses and makes you act irrationally.
"Don't call me that." You feel your lips trembling and you're pretty sure tears are streaming down your face. "I don't know what you want from me, Jungkook. You can't even explain why you want us to be exclusive."
He mirrors your expression, big doe eyes suddenly teary as well. "I'm sorry," he chokes out. It stays silent after that. You nod to yourself. Maybe this is the best explanation you'll get. You gather your things and mumble a goodbye. You exit his bedroom and Jungkook doesn't chase after you. At this point you don't expect him to anymore. You bump into Mingyu and Jihyo upon exiting Jungkook's apartment. They call out to you but you ignore them and speed walk out of the building.
Your heart hurts. Like, it physically hurts. You know you should feel happy with what Jungkook's just told you. It's what you wanted ever since you fell for him. But why are you pushing away? Why don't you want to believe him all of a sudden?
Because you used to. Believe him, that is. Used to look at him all starry eyed with whatever he said. Said yes to whatever he asked. Looked at him like he can achieve world peace. Something stupid of the sort. Wore your heart on your sleeve every time you were with him. Even when you weren't, now that you think about it.
You always showed your feelings through your actions. He just showed his feelings through his words.
It's different but it's the same. This time you don't believe him. Stopped believing his words some time ago. Always knew there was some lie beneath his words. Always doubted what he said. Or just brushed it over your shoulder. Never let it settle in the crevices of your heart, which is sadly just filled with him. Him, him, him.
Jungkook, Jungkook, Jungkook.
You should feel sorry for yourself for how much he's changed you without even trying to directly. You never thought you'd have to change yourself for a man. But here he is, making you doubt him and the world. You were never like this before.
You thought love was easy. That if it was the right person, everything would fall into place naturally. You didn't know love would be like this. That you'd always be cautious, always had your walls up, looking over your shoulder. That you had to fight for love, or that it hurt so much you found difficulty in breathing.
But is Jungkook the right person?
It's not something you want to answer yourself, because you'll get hurt either way. You just brush the thought aside like you do with your feelings.
You don't go back to your apartment because you know Jihyo thinks it'll be the first place you go to. Will barge in your room because she has a spare key. Is confrontational and protective of you like that, she'll ask questions right away.
But you don't want to think of what just transpired. You want to forget. Move on. Not sure if that means moving on from Jungkook entirely (you doubt you ever will) but you just want to forget about today.
So you keep walking. No destination in mind, you just let your feet walk you to wherever. Away from campus. Walking through some random park. Eventually, you end up at a Korean BBQ. Don't realize the meaning this place holds till you're seated. It's Jungkook's favorite restaurant. He brought you here twice.
Now you're here alone. You start feeling pathetic. Who the fuck goes to a restaurant like this alone? You scan the area—you see couples, friends, families eating together. But you're alone which means you have to grill the meat alone. Serve yourself. Eat by yourself.
You order two bottles of soju. Might as well be drunk while looking pathetic.
You think you've made a good decision. The food is good and you're doing everything yourself so you have no time to think about other things. Or people. Person.
You flip the meat only to see that you've flipped it too early. It's not properly cooked yet. Jungkook always knew when to flip it at the right time.
You sigh. That was what, twenty minutes of him being out of your head? At least it's progress. Somewhat.
After a while you decide you can't inhale anymore food. You'll probably explode. But a happy tummy is a happy heart. Or whatever people say. You're drunk, can't think straight. You're drunk but not stupid, so you ask Jihyo if she can pick you up.
She simply replies otw and is outside the restaurant ten minutes later. She comes in full force—which is really just Mingyu and Jimin with her in the car. It's Mingyu's car, anyway, so you expected to see him. You don't know why Jimin's with them, but you don't mind. Seeing your group of friends eases the ache in your heart even more. Even though one person's missing.
You don't mind. Well, just a little.
You smile at them as you walk to the car while Jihyo runs out of it to give you a big hug. She doesn't say anything as she rubs your back soothingly and you don't cry on her shoulder like you normally would. You're too tired of crying. Being sad.
You don't say anything as the both of you get back in the car. They don't ask about what happened and for that you're grateful. You don't want to process it yet, anyway. Don't think there's much to process. You love Jungkook and he doesn't love you back. Simple.
Your friends fill in the quiet pretty well. Jimin goes off on some tangent. You don't really know the topic. But Jihyo's interjecting from time to time. Mingyu makes a joke and it has all of you laughing. Eventually you get to Jimin's place. It's the usual hangout spot. A one bedroom apartment with a nice balcony. Not too big but not too small either. Just right for the four of you.
Usually five.
You don't know what transpired after you left Jungkook's place. How Mingyu and Jihyo saw you running out with tears down your cheeks. You don't know and you don't ask. You all watch a movie together. All fall asleep in Jimin's living room. Will complain about your backs hurting the next morning but you don't care. It's nice to be around them.
You leave Jimin's place the morning after. You, Mingyu and Jihyo leave because Jimin shoos all of you out. Says he has an exam to study for. He'll probably complain about it during lunch. Tuesdays are reserved for lunch with each other. Out on the quad, if it's sunny enough. In the cafeteria otherwise. You're not sure if Jungkook will show up. You doubt he will.
Mingyu and Jihyo walk you home. You shower and get ready for class. You move as if you're on autopilot. Shower. Get dressed. Get the right textbooks. Lock your door. Walk to class.
You put yourself in this bubble, in this false sense of security that things are ok. You'll be okay. You've been through a lot and you're still here standing, breathing, living. This? This is nothing.
You just have to give yourself time. Have to push your feelings away. Out of sight, out of mind. Don't think it works like that when it's about your feelings. Whatever. Your heart will mend itself back to place.
But what makes a heart whole? It's people, mostly. It's your friends. Your family.
Always gonna be Jungkook.
And you're back at square one.
jk (sent two weeks ago): can we talk?
jk (sent one week ago): hi
jk (sent one week ago): can we talk pls?
jk (sent five days ago): y/n?
jk (sent three days ago): im so sorry, y/n. i just want to talk. please.
It's been two weeks since the incident and your group hasn't been complete ever since. Either Mingyu and Jihyo are with Jungkook, or with you. Things are starting to change for the worse, and it's making you sad.
At least Jimin and Jungkook have made up already. You don't know the details exactly (because you didn't ask), but you've heard that they've started hanging out again.
You and Jungkook?
You haven't replied to any of his texts. You haven't seen him for two weeks. It's weird. It feels like there's something wrong, something off. Like there's a small pebble in your shoe. Like there's a nagging voice in your head telling you to go back home because you forgot to unplug your straightener.
Like you're missing a piece of you. This hole in your chest that leaves you feeling empty.
You miss Jungkook. And not just the sex. You also miss the friendship. The intimate moments.
You don't have the courage to ask about him, to text him back or look for him. Frankly, you're still hurt from what transpired and you think you might just break if he hurts you again.
It's even raining today. The cold and gloomy weather dampens your mood even more. You baked cookies to try to cheer you up. You used to love baking but haven't done so in a while, you're not really sure why. But you needed an extra pick me up today.
You're holding the tupperware of cookies close to your chest when you walk in the cafeteria, looking for your friends. You always bake extra for them—love the looks on their faces when Jihyo counts all the cookies first and divides it accordingly, when Mingyu gets more than what he should have, when they all fight over the last piece.
When Jungkook would ask if you had extra cookies back at your place.
You don't think that'll happen anymore.
You spot your friends by a table in the corner of the cafeteria, next to a large window where the rain hits it outside in a steady patter.
You see Mingyu who's taking to Jimin, Jihyo typing something on her laptop.
And there's the missing piece, beanie-clad head hung low, tattooed hand busy writing on his notebook.
You feel your heart lurch in your chest. You stop walking, not minding that you're blocking the way.
You take deep breaths to calm your nerves. You have to see each other at some point. And also, you don't want your friends to feel awkward anymore.
You continue walking again and because the universe wants to torture you even further, the only available seat left is right across Jungkook.
"Hi," you chirp, trying to sound as cheery as you can as you sit down. Mingyu, Jihyo and Jimin all look at you in surprise, then Jimin starts talking about his day to fill in the awkward silence. The three of them try to make things go back to normal. You would've laughed at the looks of your friends' faces (sans Jungkook, because you refuse to look at him) if you didn't feel so nervous.
You join in the conversation as well, not an ounce of sadness shown on your face. You don't want your situation with Jungkook to affect the rest of your friends.
The both of you never address each other directly, but you do feel him looking at you from time to time.
You place the cookies in the middle of the table. Like old times, Jihyo counts all the cookies and tells everyone they can only have three pieces each. Mingyu eats more than three. The three of them fight over the last piece, Jimin proposing that they battle it out through rock paper scissors.
You're laughing at the scene in front of you. Good thing you saved some for yourself back at your apartment.
Amidst the chaos, you feel Jungkook lean over the table to whisper in your ear.
"You got more cookies back at yours?"
Your body stiffens at the proximity. Usually you'd say yes. He'd follow you home, make some small talk while you place cookies in a ziplock for him, then he'd hug you goodbye.
That was before the agreement. It was essentially the same routine when you started sleeping with each other, though of course he'd stay a little bit longer.
You turn your head and look at him for the first time. You will yourself not to cry, to steel your emotions.
He looks so soft, so comfy like he just rolled out of bed. He's wearing a beanie to tame his curls, and he's wearing one of his oversized shirts paired with gray sweatpants.
He smells good too. And you realize that you really, really miss him.
"Yeah," you say just as quietly. You feel your heart lighten, but your head's screaming at you to reject him.
Jungkook doesn't say anything else and neither do you. You wait for your friends to finish eating and once everyone stands up, Jungkook walks to your side. Jihyo looks at you quizzically but you just shake your head, silently telling her not to voice out anything out loud. You say your goodbyes and start walking towards your apartment, Jungkook right beside you.
It's silent. And a little bit awkward. You're thinking of what to tell him, whether he wants to talk about what happened, or he just wants your damn cookies.
You close the door behind the both of you and you immediately walk to your small kitchen, grabbing the container of extra cookies and putting some in a ziplock, like you usually do. You feel from the corner of your eyes that Jungkook's watching you, and you feel like your heart is about to burst at what he might say.
"About that night..." he starts.
You sigh and drop the cookies on the counter, turning to him to look at him directly. For the first time in a while, Jungkook looks nervous. Fingers fidgeting, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.
"You know I like you, right?" you suddenly say.
"Yeah," he answers right away without a beat of hesitation.
"Then I want to stop whatever it is we have between us."
You watch Jungkook's face for his reaction. How his eyes widen, how he clenches and unclenches his fists, how his chest rises up and down in quick beats.
"Why?" he simply asks.
You bite your lip in thought, thinking of the right words to say. "I can't let you treat me like shit anymore, Jungkook. It's not healthy for the both of us. I don't know how you feel or what you want but look," you sigh. "You punched Jimin because what? Because I slept with him?"
"What if I want us to try?"
Now it's your turn for your eyes to widen, for your heart to lurch in your chest, body seizing at the question. Acting the same way you did when he asked the first time.
Jungkook nods, lips pursed as he walks closer to you. "You and me. Let's try. No more fooling around with other people." He swears under his breath as he comes to stand in front of you, both arms caging you against the counter. He breathes out and rests his forehead against yours, eyes closed like he's tired.
You're tired as well. But you let him do what he wants. Like you always do.
"(Y/N)," he starts to say. "Look, I— The thought of you sleeping with someone else... It made me crazy," he laughs dryly.
You lean back and scrunch your eyebrows at him. "Jungkook, I'm not some object for you to be possessive over. You just can't—"
"I don't mean it like that," he says, looking at you directly now. Your knees would've buckled at the intensity of his gaze were it not for your body leaning on the kitchen counter. "I just mean..." He turns his head to look away. "I just mean I can't bear the thought of you being with someone else anymore. Doing the things we do."
You open your mouth in reply then close it again when you realize you don't know what to say. You've been waiting to hear this confession for so long, but now that you've heard it, you're suddenly not happy. You're unsure. Guarded. Hurt.
"Jungkook," you whisper unsurely.
He turns his head back to you, gaze right on your lips before he locks eyes with you again.
"We can try. Please," he whispers. It's weird seeing Jungkook this way, all vulnerable and desperate. Begging. Usually, you'd be in his position. Not the other way around. "I promise this time."
You feel your resolve slowly crumbling. All the walls you've built up from your last interaction with him come falling down. You should hate yourself, you really should. But you know where your heart lies. What it wants. That you'd take any inkling of love he'd give you. Even if he may not mean it. Even if it might not last forever.
"Okay," you say, and the moment you do, you see the most beautiful smile grace his face. It makes you smile as well, ignoring the little voice in the back of your head to say no. "But we start slowly, alright?"
He nods his head, smile still there, body slowly pressing against yours. He nuzzles his head in the crook of your neck and your arms automatically go around him.
"Kook," you sigh. "We should probably talk first—"
"In the morning, baby," he says in between the kisses he's placing on your shoulder. "I promise."
You play with his hair while Jungkook does what he wants. Kissing your shoulder, your collarbone, up to your jaw. It's playful at first, big smooches echoing in your apartment. Then it starts getting heated the moment you feel his tongue on your skin.
"J-Jungkook," you stutter.
He grips your waist and lifts you up so you're seated on the counter. "You drive me crazy, I hope you know that."
You smile at him and say nothing else as you grab his face towards yours, finally reconnecting your lips with his. It's soft and sensual, no sense of urgency like how you usually kiss. Like how Jungkook had somewhere to be after. Or that he wanted to get it over with.
He's taking his time now by the way his lips mold slowly against yours, like he wants to map out how you taste, how you feel, how your tongue feels like pressed against his.
You stay like that for a while, just kissing and basking in each other's presence. Jungkook holds your waist firmly like he doesn't want to let go. Frankly, you don't want him to either.
You start getting antsy so you grab the hem of his shirt and try to slip it over his head. He laughs at your impatience as you throw the shirt somewhere in your apartment, hands going to his back instantly. Scratching your nails lightly down his skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake. Then your hands go down to his pants and you start toying with his jeans.
"Sweetheart," he leans back and chuckles. He holds your face gently. "There's no need to rush, okay? We've got all the time in the world."
You lean back as well, exhaling the breath you didn't know you were holding. "Okay," you agree. "Yeah, sorry."
"Let me take my time with you," he murmurs as he leans in again to kiss you.
Jungkook does his take time. Practically kisses every inch of your skin. Takes off your clothing one by one. Fingers you slowly that you're seeing stars. Cleans you up with his mouth that you're left breathless and dizzy. Disoriented. You're both (finally) naked by the time you're in bed.
"Look at yourself, baby," he whispers right into your ear.
His words go in your ear and out the other, head too clouded with the mind blowing orgasm he just gave you. You don't understand what he's telling you to do until he gently grabs your chin and turns it to where he wants you to look. Your eyes spot your full length mirror. You see yourself, bare and sitting on the bed with your legs folded beneath you, thighs open and pussy on display. Jungkook's right behind you in a similar position, body so big and wide that you notice the stark difference of your bodies.
You see your chest heaving up and down, tits moving in sync with your breaths. Your hands are resting on his thighs. Jungkook slithers his arm to wrap around your waist. Finally, you lock eyes with him through the mirror.
"See?" he says, though you don't really know what he wants you to see. "You look so pretty. S'why I can't get enough of you."
"Oh," you breathe out.
"Yeah, oh," Jungkook chuckles lightly. "Gonna fuck you now, okay?"
You nod your head in reply and Jungkook lifts you up a bit to enter you from behind. You gasp when he fills you up right away, a perfect fit like always. He starts thrusting slowly but deeply, and you feel his tip kiss your cervix each time. You would've toppled forward were it not for his protective hold around your waist.
"Feels good," you finally moan out.
"I know, baby," he pants from behind you. "You take me so well. Like you were made for me. Like we were made for each other."
Your heart seizes at that, and all words get stuck in your throat when Jungkook picks up the pace of his thrusts, both hands going to your chest to cup your breasts.
Jungkook presses his chest to your back, practically molding himself around your body, you're starting to feel as one. He buries his face in the crook of your neck, lips on your sweaty skin.
"I might not last long," he grunts.
"Me too," you mewl. It stays silent for a while, just both your breaths filling the room. It's not like you need to say anything, to be vocal like you both usually are. It's different this time and you know Jungkook can feel it too. With the way his body is pressed to yours, to his tight hold on you like you might disappear into thin air if he lets go, how his mouth never seems to leave your skin, how your hand holds his. Like you're too overwhelmed with the events that happened today, the past few weeks—since this started. That it's all coming to an end, but an end with a new beautiful beginning. It feels overwhelming because you're entering new territory. You still have your doubts (you don't think those will ever leave), but at least now you're on the same page with Jungkook. Together. Jumping into the unknown. Even if you're not sure how this will turn out—being together with him, for real this time. If it'll end in greater heartbreak or will be your best decision yet. But you're here because you want to try. You've let him in because you want to try. Because your heart has been with his from the start, you realize.
You're brought back to reality when Jungkook brings his hand up to wrap around your throat—not tightly, a hold barely there but firm enough to know he has you in his hold. You stare at yourself again in the mirror, at Jungkook moving his hips from behind you. How you're so pressed into each other.
"Jungkook," you choke out, suddenly so overwhelmed and full of emotion. His gaze shifts from your body to your face, looking at you through the mirror so intently you feel like melting. You move your hips back to meet his thrusts, your body feeling like it's on fire and that you might snap soon. "Kook, I—"
"I know, baby," he murmured. "I know." Knows that you're close, that this moment feels different, electrifying. "I got you, okay?" he whispers so sweetly. You lean your head back against his shoulder. "Let go for me. Hm?"
"Okay," you whisper, eyes closing and focusing on doing just that. It doesn't take you much longer to reach your peak, to let go and let the pleasure take control of your body. It comes to you gradually, getting stronger and stronger, and Jungkook talks you through it all. Though you can't make out his words since everything sounds so muffled. Like you're under water and the wave's crashed.
"Gonna come too," he grunts. "You're so beautiful when you come, baby. I can't—"
Jungkook reaches his orgasm after and fills up the condom. Fucks you so slow and deep through his high it sets you off once more. Don't realize that his finger is rubbing your clit slowly. Like he wanted you to reach your high again.
"That's it," he whispers. "So good for me."
You almost fall face first on your bed, but Jungkook catches you with a hand around your waist. Moves you around the bed so that you're laying on your back with him right beside you. You curl into him instantly as his arm wraps around your shoulder. He brings his lips to the crown of your head and places a gentle kiss.
You close your eyes and listen to the beat of his heart slowing down, focusing on the rise and fall of his chest. "We need to clean up soon," you mumble after a while.
"I'll do it," he mumbles back. "Let me just— Let me catch my breath first."
You laugh lightly, your body slowly succumbing to sleep. You feel Jungkook stand up and for a second your heart seizes in your chest. You keep your eyes closed while you try to listen for any sounds of clothes being picked up, of him getting dressed.
All you hear is your bathroom door being open then closed, then you feel a damp washcloth between your legs, and only then does your heart start beating again. Jungkook's back beside you in bed a few moments later, and then you finally succumb to sleep.
An alarm wakes you up the next morning. You know it isn't yours since it's not the usual ringtone you use. You open your eyes slowly and smile sleepily at Jungkook's arm draped across your waist. You look back to see him sleeping peacefully, mouth slightly ajar. You reach your arm out to your beside table to look for the noisy phone, realizing it's Jungkook's when you bring it close to your face to turn off the alarm.
You notice he's gotten a few notifications since last night, are about to place it back on your table when a text stands out to you. Waking you up fully. Your tummy churning, your breath seizing.
You can't see the preview of the message, but the name is enough to leave you feeling dizzy.
It's from Iseul. You know her because she's one of Jungkook's regulars. And you know this because she texts him a lot, her name always popping up in his phone. Not that you secretly went through it before, but sometimes Jungkook likes showing his phone to you and your friends, either of a cool photo he took lately or some random meme.
You try to stop your thoughts from thinking of the worst, but you can't help it. You and Jungkook haven't talked much about your relationship, because there is a lot to talk about. You know it won't all be fixed in one sitting. So you don't know if they're still seeing each other. You don't know if he meant what he said last night.
You start feeling ill, your palms sweating and your head beginning to pound. You find yourself standing up, getting dressed and grabbing just your phone with you. Never mind the fact that you're leaving Jungkook yet you're in your place. That he might still be here when you're back, whenever that will be. For the first time since you started this thing with him, you leave without saying goodbye.
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lordsukunas · 7 months
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baby, it’s our love.
tldr: megumi has to put up with (idiot) you and idiot bf!yuuji while debating whether or not water is wet. oh and yuuji is madly in love w u <3
cw: none tbh, it’s just a buncha fluff. black coded!reader, btw.
a/n: happy yuuji!!! i luv bf!yuuji fluff bc hes just so cuter patooter and doesnt deserve the hell gege is putting him thru rn. trying out (kinda) fancy layout stuff, not quite sure if i got the hang of it yet lol :p anyway, i hope yall enjoy this lil drabble!
megumi might actually pop a blood vessel.
“for the last time, water isn’t wet.” he pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. “water makes other things wet, so it can’t make itself wet.”
“that’s stupid,” you say, chewing on a starburst, and there’s so much confidence in your voice that it makes megumi want to shake some sense into you. “water isn’t dry, so it gotta be wet.”
okay, well, you’re helpless.
“you do know that it can be neither, right?” he mutters before looking over at yuuji, who’s currently unwrapping a now and later. “please say you actually have common sense and agree with me.”
your boyfriend pops the piece of candy into his mouth and hums in thought. maybe, just maybe, yuuji has the extra braincell today...
but then, the other boy shakes his head, and megumi’s hopes are popped like a balloon. “nah. water definitely gotta be wet, ‘cause it isn’t dry.”
... there’s no way two people can be this dumb.
megumi drags a hand down his face. what happened to opposites attract?
you, on the other hand, press a kiss to yuuji’s cheek and smirk. “see! yuu gets it.” the tips of his ears burn hot, and even though it’s been a few weeks since the two of you have begun dating, he still can’t subdue the butterflies in his stomach.
megumi kisses his teeth. “what? itadori’s grades are worse than yours.”
you scoff. “and? grades aren’t everything, fushiguro, you should know that. my boyfriend is super smart and amazing, so not too much on him.”
the dark-haired boy glances between the both of you, and, suddenly, he feels like sisyphus.
clearly, both of you are helpless.
“idiots,” megumi states, and gets out of his seat before pushing the chair in. you can practically feel the annoyance rolling off of him in waves as you watch him leaves.
“see ya later, fushiguro!” yuuji calls, his sentence punctuated by the door slamming shut.
it’s silent until he hears your poorly stifled snickering. yuuji’s eyes seem to have a mind of their own because they slide right over to meet yours, and before he can stop himself, he’s bursting into a fit of giggles right along with you.
and, woah, you’re gorgeous.
the whole water debate disappears into the back of his mind, and yuuji’s giggles trail off as he stares at you.
the corners of your eyes are crinkled, your full lips are curved upward into a grin that sends an arrow right into his heart, and your smile lines squish your cheeks. the fading sunlight catches on your curls, outlining you in an orange glow.
everyday yuuji thinks he’s lucky to have you, but moment like these? moments where you’re happy and content and alive? god, it just doubles down on that. he wants more of these moments, he wants them for life.
if he risks megumi’s irritation? he’ll do it.
if he has to face nobara’s wrath? he’ll do it.
if he has to fight sukuna a million times to see you smile, yuuji will do it.
you mean the world to him, and you don’t even know it.
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ratcash-wasgud · 9 months
hi! i just came by your work last night, loved it! stayed up reading it! 11/10 *cheff kiss* Are you up for a petition? maybe another mizuxreader, perhaps villainxhero kinda situation. the reader could be one of the money/sex hungry affiliated with the white man (not a white men herself but like a lap dog of someone with higher power than Abijah Fowle). instead of mizu taking Fowler she takes the *reader*, keeps her alive and makes her speak 7u7 maybe scream. they end up helping each other in the end after much fighting. ofc adding some nsfw there pfff if that wasnt obvious.
hope you see this! lmfao
Omg, yes!! Genius. This set something ablaze inside me (especially since I love witty villain characters). I was thinking about making this a one shot tho, but if yall want a second part tell me, and i'll try. Try. Anyways, this'll be more lighthearted than my other works. Oh, and I'm sorry if this isn't how you imagined the story to go. I interpreted some of the originaly show's story, but mostly I just wen't along with what's the easiest to get my own story going, and I probably got some cannon info wrong too, but please don't yell at me lmao.
Btw!! I'm really glad i got a request!! So thank you! If anyone has any other ideas, I'd be glad to try and working with it!!
Okay, enjoy!!
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ℕ𝕖𝕜𝕠 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕨𝕖𝕤𝕥.
When Mizu pulled up to tea with Heji Shindou, instead of the half-blad old guy, she was faced with you. Some woman in strange clothing. It seemed like it was a mix of western clothing, and some japanese casual wear. You even had your hair down, letting it flow freely. How unusual.
"Ah, the infamous samurai who is tearing through anyone in his way!" You say with a smirk on your face, opening up your arms. "Come, come. Oh, and I see you've bought a dog too." You add, looking smugly at Taigen.
"How dare-" He starts, but gets shut down by Mizu quickly, and the two follow you to sit down.
"So, I've heard you're after the white men, huh?" You say, not sitting on your knees, but sitting down criss-cross style. "Why? What is it that you're after? Money?" You ask, starting to pour some tea.
"I don't need things like that. I have a vow. I swore revenge." Mizu says simply. "And what is it that you need from me?"
"Oh, nada." You shrug. "I'm just willing to offer a deal." You shoot the both of them a smirk. "I'd love to have that fat bastard dead too! My loyalty isn't with him at all!" You say it like it's the most exciting thing ever. "You see, that sack of shit has everything in the world! Money, power, connections...and he's still complaining! Ha! Meaning, he doesn't deserve it." You say as you lift your tea and take a sip. "I, on the other hand, would take much better care of his privilages."
"So you want me to kill him so you can take his place?" Mizu asks, highly suspicious. She glances at Taigen, who is still giving you a dirty look for your comment from earlier.
"Yap." You nod, tossing down your cup. "Fowler wouldn't be an easy target, so without my help, you could already start planning your funeral." You say, but now a small dangerous glint appears in your eyes.
"And why should I trust you?" Mizu asks, her eyes narrowing at you, but your smirk doesn't falter.
"You shouldn't. Didn't you mother tell you not to trust strangers?" You say with a chuckle and Mizu rewards it with a small glare. A small, but cold one. "Still, it's up to you. Do you wanna kill that bastard so much you're willing to take the risk?"
"And how do we know this is not an ambush? That you won't just kill us if we say no?" Taigen cuts in, putting his hands on the table which you reward with your smile getting smugger.
"Oh, please." You put your hands up in defense. "You really think I'd waste weapons and men on you?" You say, looking him straight in the eye. "And besides, you won't say no." You look back at Mizu. "My deal has only benefits for you. You'll just have to gulp down some self respect."
Mizu raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" She can't deny, having someone close to Fowler himself helping her would be a huge positive, but...you just seem so sly. Like a cat.
"Ah, you see, I can get you inside Fowler's little residence." You stand up to pull of a blanket off a big barrel. "You'd fit inside quite well. You're a scrawny thing anyways." You say with a taunting smirk.
"It's a trap!" Taigen says to Mizu right away, but Mizu seems unfazed and steps closer. "How exactly would you get me inside?"
"Aw, I wanted that one to be a surprise." You say with a mock pout. "Fowler thinks I'm out getting a good deal on sake, and I kinda am." You take the barrel's to of, revealing that it's half full of sake. "I'd have you delivered right to his nose."
"You'd die." Taigen cuts in again, and Mizu can see your eye twitch at that.
"Could you shut your lil' pet up? The adults are talking." You say, your smirk disappearing.
"She's obviously untrustworthy!" Taigen draws his sword on a whim, but he's met with a revolver to his head right away.
"Don't try that shit with me." You say, tilting your head at him, but you then seel Mizu's blade at your nape. "Touché." You mutter.
"So what now?" You ask with a smirk breaking out on your face again. "Kill me and lose your only chance at killing the man you swore to slay down? Ha! Go on then." You say, glancing over at your shoulder at her, and you see Mizu tense up.
Suddenly, you feel a sharp pain in your head and you fall to the ground. Mizu hit you with the hilt of her blade, stripping you of your conciousness.
The next thing you see is a capmfire and a siluette around you. As you blink a lot to clear your vision, you notice Mizu and as you look down, ropes around you. She tied you up.
"So you didn't kill me after all." You say out loud, getting Mizu's attention. "The other guy? The one with a bald spot and a funny glare. The dog." You look around.
"Away." Mizu shrugs simply. It's the truth though, Ringo is away in a nearby town, getting supplements for the road, and she left Taigen with a promise of a later duel.
"So...What is you plan now, big bad samurai? Try and torture me into telling you shit? Ha!" You say, wriggling in the ropes.
"I'm planning to exchange you for information." Mizu says simply, staring at the campfire. "I'm sure Heji Shindo would like to have you back."
You grit your teeth. "That old fucker doesn't give a shit about anything but his money and his dick. I'm sure that power hungry bastard is happy I'm gone." You say, scoffing. "But go on, try." Suddenly, you realize something. "What did you do with my gun?" You ask in a hurry, trying to feel around at your hilt.
Suddenly, Mizu lifts your gun, holding it between two fingers. "This?" She asks, looking at you from the corner of her eyes.
"Don't you dare lose it! I want it back when you're done with me!" You stomp your foot as much as you can.
"You know, for someone talking so big earlier, you're quite pissy now." Mizu says, rolling her eyes and you huff in response.
Then...as you glanced back at the fire, you noticed a small pot, boiling. You tried to lift yourself to see what's in it, but the ropes didn't allowed you to.
"...if I starve to death, I'm just gonna be a waste, you know." You mumble under your nose, and Mizu snorts. She then reaches for the pot, and pours out some what seems like soup into a small bowl and she puts it beside you.
You stare at the bowl, your eye twitching. "I can't reach it." You say, your eyebrows creasing together and she just looks at you with a small, amused grin.
"Huh." She says, leaning back on her hands. "Really?" She taunts you. Oh, this woman is horrible. Fine, you think. In one swift motion, you move your leg as much as you're able, and kick the bowl, spilling it all on Mizu.
Mizu's eyes widen and she looks down on her clothes. "...oh, you little bitch." She hisses at you.
"Come, kill me then!" You stick out your tongue childishly.
"You know damn well I could!" Mizu huffs back, throwing the bowl at you.
"Ha-ha, your whole little quest depends on me!" You laugh right into her face and wriggle your legs. Mizu almost growls at you and suddenly she picks up your gun again, and holds it above the fire, threathening to drop it.
"No!" You yell out, and fall forward, and bite into her ankle. Mizu yanks her leg away with a hiss and reaches down to pull you up by your collar.
"Okay, what's your fucking deal?" She says from behind greitted teeth.
"What's yours?" You ask right back, snarling right back at her. "If you'd wanted to kill me, you'd have done it by now. So, want me to talk? Earn it!" You say, getting closer to her face, trying to stand your ground.
"The fuck you want?" Mizu tosses you away, and sits at a reasonable distance from you. "To have Fowler dead? Then just tell me how to get in, and where he is!"
"I want you to untie me, and hand me back my gun!" You demand, and lift your nose, refusing to look at her.
"What's so great about this gun anyways?" Mizu picks up the gun again and looks at it more closely. It's obviously a western gun with a leather grip and engravings along it's barrel in the form of some kind of bird.
You scoff in response. "That was my first gun. It's special." You say like it's the most obvious thing ever. "I will bring it with me when I finally travel aboard, away from this stuck-in-the-past land."
"Huh?" Mizu raises her eyebrows. "You wanna leave Japan? For what?" She asks mockingly.
"Because! This place isn't wide enough for my potential! After Fowler is out of the picture, I will visit take his money and go to London. Start a new life and all. I will really bloom there." You say, rolling onto your back. "People will understand me there."
Mizu narrows her eyes. "I don't think people in Japan are the problem, you're just a common lunatic." That earns a chuckle from you.
"Says the guy who is set out to kill four men he doesn't know shit about." You says, glancing at her, and Mizu can't help herself, cracks a smirk.
"You have guts to talk back to your captor, you know." She says and lifts her eyebrows in amusement. She glances up at the sky too. The stars are very bright tonight.
"You won't kill me." You say, tilting your head so that you're looking straight at her. It's just now that she notcied how nicely the stars reflect in your eyes. Your eyes now look calm, and they don't have any slyness, or mischief in them at the moment. "It wouldn't benefit you." You shrug. "And torturing me would be useless. Pain passes."
"Say," Mizu starts, looking back at the fire. "You said that you're not loyal to Fowler. So who are you loyal to?"
"Me." You say withouth hesitation. "The one who I want the best for and I trust the most is myself. I'm not loyal to any old, egostical bastard with money, like most people in this country are." Say say it with disgust. "I never was and never will be loyal to anyone else, but me."
Mizu scoffs. "What are you, a stray cat?" She asks with a hint of amusement as she looks down at you. "That just makes you even more untrustworty."
You scoff back. "Who said that I want to be trustwhorty?" You ask, rolling your eyes. "Plus, I'm free. Well, not yet, but I will be. And it's not like you can say the same."
Mizu can't help but snicker. "Is that it? Freedom? I'm free enough, thank you."
"Naaaaah." You shake your head. "You're tied down by your own revenge. It tells you where to go, what to see, what to feel...if I told you where's Fowler, you'd get going by tomorrow. Even if I told you you'd die, you'd still go. Not because you want to die, but because that's the only thing you know. Revenge and rage. You'd jump in the well if I said Fowler's at the bottom of it." You say boldly, and look her straight in the eyes before you smirk slyly.
"You think you know everything, huh?" Mizu frowns and gets up to you, grabbing you by the hair. "You know nothing of me. I need this. I will throw my life away if I have to, to finish what I've started, so I won't think twice about taking yours too."
"You're all talk about killing me. Deep down, you know you need me." You taunt her. "You won't find that bastard withouth me. I work under his arm, I could get you there soooo easily, but you're throwing it away because you get too emotional." Your smirk gets even more smug. You kinda look like a cat, Mizu notices again. A cat that has just pushed off something expensive off a shelf, breaking it, and knowing it too.
Mizu noticed that sometimes you force that smugness into your little smirks. She sees it because the corners of your lips twitch. In reality, you are scared of her, but you'd rather die than let her see that. She never met a woman like you. She doesn't know how you got to the place you are, but she respects it. And still, you kow she could take your life. You're tied up, tripped of your weapons and vulnerable, yet you still taunt her. You're very annoying but somehow she can't help but admire your bravery. But the moment you're cornerned into a corner, you hiss and scratch.
After that, she lets you go and walks to be at a good six and a half feet away from you before she lays down, and decides to sleep withouth another word. Not much time passes when Mizu stays sleepless, but she hears you snore. And for some reason, she can't help but smile. You breathe through your mouth when you sleep. It's kind of cute.
The next couple of days are spent with Mizu travelling with Ringo and Taigen, and she drags you along too. Literally. She drags you while you're tied up. During those days, you managed to talk to Ringo a lot. Most of the time he's the one who's assigned to watch over you, and it doesn't seem like he has even as much as a mean bone in his body. You could even call some of your conversations pleasent. The other two on the other hand...you sometimes talk to Mizu and you two always end up in a neck to neck situation. Mizu wants to get you to talk, but she hasn't hurt you yet. She just always threathens you, yells and curses. You just flat out insult her at every chance you get though. It's not because you hate her, persay, but because you find it funny. You're being held captive after all, you need to use every chance you get to have fun.
Currently, you are left alone for the first time in weeks, as the others left your outside of town while they get something done. When you're sure they're out of seeing and hearing range, you start to rub the ropes on your wrist against a bigger rock you've found, trying to "saw" through it. When that irritating thing finally snaps, and you begind to get yourself free, you suddenly hear a very menacing sound from behind.
"The fuck are you doing?" You turn your head and see Mizu, glaring and gripping her sword. Fuck, you think and as she charges at you. You quickly throw away the rest of your ropes, and dogde out of the way. You didn't got to where you are now withouth knowing how to stand your ground, and defending yourself...and knowing how to cheat, of course.
You jump to your feet and get behind Mizu, and with one swift, forward kick to her side, you don't just get her to grunt and almost fall, you also send your gun flying from her side. By now, you've learned that that's where she keeps it. You're still just happy she didn't outright get rid of it. As the gun slides on the cold ground, you jump after it while Mizu regains her composure, and finally obtain it once again.
"Yes!" You silently cheer to yourself and point the gun at Mizu, who just looks at you, her blade covering half her face.
You gulp. Do you really wanna fire at Mizu? Kill her even? You did kinda want to kill her and betray her at first, but now you're...not sure. Sure, she's an asshole but...over those days as being her captive, you learned some things about her...she's not as heartless and cold. She fed you herself, she managed to keep you safe, even if she kept you in robes, and she just wants revenge...she even kept your gun safe.
But you can't show weakness. That's not what you stand for, so you shoot, but aim at her leg. She dodges of course, and manages to pin you down with her blade at your neck, but your gun at her stomach.
You just stare at her eachother, panting, not sure who's gonna kill who first. Mizu stares into your eyes, seeing her own reflection in them. Suddenly she notices that familiar glint in them, and how you swallow while panting, and how nose moves when you take a deep breath...and she feels her stomach fluttering. With adrenaling flowing through her veins and her skin haven't feeling contact with someone else's for so long, she makes a decision. A quick, and a little foolish one.
She pushes her lips against yours, her eyes closing and her breathing speeding up even more. And to her biggest surprise...you kiss back right away. It's all happening so fast. One minute you're nearly killing eachother, and in the other, you're passionately making out with her hands under your clothes, feeling your skin with your weapons thrown to the side.
"Asshole. You fired at me." Mizu mumbles into the kiss, her hands firmly feeling up the skin on your sides, while you rin your hands down her spine.
"Dickhead. You kept me tied up for weeks." You mumble back, gently biting into her lower lip, which Mizu rewards with a small gasp. Suddenly, she feels your hands under her clothes too.
"I knew it." You whisper. "A man could never have a soul like yours." You say and pull her back into a kiss. You feel her knees between your legs, pushing at your core, and in response you squeeze one of her breasts. Mizu starts to get rid of your clothes one by one, and as she does that, you quickly strip her of her own too.
Mizu's slander fingers slowly travel to your slit, but as she does, you grip her wrist and stop her. "No." You mumble. "Not like this." You flip her over (not easily though, she fights back even now), and look down at her naked form, quickly throwing away her chest bindings too.
"Fuck..." You mumble as you carefully align your core with hers, your clits touching, and moving together with every breath. And as you start to move gently, holding yourself up on your hands next to her head, you can hear her moan. She grinds back against yours, your juices mixing together. Even in this moment, it's as if you're both fighting for dominance. You don't know when will Mizu just reach up and choke you to death, but honestly? That's the best part.
You feel her hands around you, one clawing at your back, the other on your jaw...then cheeks, then lips, then the last thing you know is that she's forcing a finger inside of your mouth while you quietly moan and bite down on it. In response you push harder against her, almost squishing her clit with yours, which end in a louder moan from both of you.
"Can't...can't fucking take it..." Mizu moans, pushing her finger deeper inside your mouth before she retreats it, and uses her other hand to pull on your hair instead.
"What? Gonna cum? Ha." You manage to murmur out, not being able to stop your hips, feeling yourself getting closer to the edge too.
"You...fucking wish...ah!" Mizu's whole body twitches as you angle yourself a little differently, giving a whole new sensation to both of you, making you bite into her shoulder while she grips a handful of your hair thightly. And with that, a louder, choked back moan escpaed from both of you...being in perfect balance with eachother, and reaching your climax at the same time.
You stay there, just quietly panting and laying there, on top of eachother in silence for a while. You ahve your face burried into Mizu's neck, basking in her scent while Mizu still has her hand in your hair, feeling it's texture against her cheek.
"...you gotta go through a tunnel." You mumble.
"What?" Mizu perk up, lifting your head by your hair to look into your eyes.
"To get into Fowler's castle. You gotta go through a tunnel that is like...twenty steps away from the road's end and is filled to the brim with traps." You mumble, having your eyes open only halfway. "You gotta head East after you leave the last small village before the forest."
Mizu takes all that in. Now she knows how to get there...now she knows everything. "So that's what it took you to talk? For me to fuck you?"
"I fucked you." You say with a huff and get off of her, putting your clothes back on. "Well, I guess you got what you wanted, and I'm free too." You say, not really sure why. There are no ropes holding you back anymore, so...íthis is your cue to leave, isn't it?
"Wait, where are you going?" Mizu sits up, looking after you.
"Back to Fowler." You shrug. "I'm still his right hand. He probably sent men to find me." You sigh as you finish dressing up. "See you...at the castle." You say, look at her above your shoulder.
"..." Mizu narrows her eyes. "Fuck you." She spits.
"Check." You put on that so familiar smug smirk and hold up a thumbs up. "Spare me a seat in the audience when you cut his head off." You wave as you start walking away.
"...like a fucking stray cat." Mizu sighs, and before you dissappear, the last thing she sees is your wink.
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wonuwrites · 5 months
ot13’s reaction to “would you love me if I was a worm?” 🪱
Tbh idk what this is either but i got inspired after eating a cheesy gordita crunch and watched a bird look for food a few days ago so here ya go LMFAOOO
Warning: nothing really. blame taco bell.
also randomly putting songs on that came on for the people in case yall wanted new music to listen to <3
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🪱 S. Coups: (Song Note: this song is so Seungcheol coded and I can't even tell you why lmaoooo)
"A worm?" "A worm," you said before taking a sip of your beverage. One of your favorite past times was asking Seungcheol stupid questions you'd see on tiktok and see his reaction. He always entertained them and you were thankful because both of you knew the answers meant NOTHING and that your relationship was solid. Or so you thought. "Well, if you were a worm I guess I would be a bird." "Excuse me!?" "Yeah, I'd be a bird." "Baby, birds eat worms though..." "Yeah and? Don't I do that every night anyway?" He asked while raising a cheeky eyebrow before taking a sip of his drink. You couldn't help but blush at his crude joke and hit his chest softly which caused him to laugh before pulling you close.
🪱 Jeonghan: (Song Note: im feeling nostalgic today~~ lmfaooooo)
To say you caught Jeonghan off guard is an understatement. You would be in the car with him listening to the radio in a comfortable silence when you just sprung the question on him. He half tempted to pull over and give you a genuine "what the fuck" face but instead he just scoffed and started to laugh. "Where did this question come from, (Y/N)?" He would question you. "Just answer, baby. Would you, Yoon Jeonghan, love me if I was a worm?" The use of his full name made him laugh before he just rubbed your thigh and glanced over at you. "Baby, I love you even when you act like a clown. I would love you no matter what."
🪱 Joshua: (Song Note: I got nothing but like yeehaw lmfaoooo. sorry Shua.)
Sometimes, Jisoo and you would give each other "silent treatments" when you were both play fighting and today, it was Jisoo's time to give you the treatment. Why? Well, you ate some leftovers he was thinking about for the last two hours and it killed his pride lolol. While he wasn't mad because truth be told, he was happy you remembered to eat, but still you should've known he was thinking about it because y'all were 'soulmates' or whatever. You rolled your eyes when you realized he was giving you the silent treatment as he started to make Ramen. You started to just playfully annoy him while wrapping your arms around him and just doing the yapping for both of you. He was close to cracking once you started but he finally lost it when you asked him "would you love me if I was a worm." When he didn't say yes right away, you then gave him the "silent treatment" and then it would be his turn to try to annoy you into talking to him.
🪱 Jun: (Song Note: ooo should I do a "sour" version of this? Someone tell me yes pls)
You honestly caught Jun off guard when you asked him. He would just stare at you confused before slowly nodding at you. When you laughed at his reaction it would make him even more confused. You would drop it shortly after you asked but he would think about it for awhile. Shoot, he might text some of the members for advice because well, you really stumped him hahaha. Before you both went to bed, he would roll over and whisper, "So... would you love me if I was a worm?" You would just roll your eyes before kissing him and telling him of course you would.
🪱 Hoshi: (Song Note: Stan BamBam for clear skin. This shoulda been the title imo.)
Soonyoung and you had a really goofy love life for the most part. Sure, you both had your "serious" moments but there was no questioning that you both knew how to be unserious. Today was one of those days. You both were laying on the couch together watching Spongebob. Soonyoung was mindlessly playing with your hair before you decided to hit him with such an important question for him. "Soonyoung?" "hmmm?" "Would you love me if I was a worm?" His hand would stop massaging your head for a minute while he thought about it. You fake gawked at him because he didn't answer as quick as you thought he should. Before you could scold him he would give you a smirk before wrapping his arms around you tight, "why be a worm when you can be a tigress, (y/n)? Let's be tigers forever and ever and ever." You would groan at the 'tiger agenda' but would laugh as he started kissing you all over your face.
🪱 Wonwoo: (Song Note: literally one of the most underrated songs to EVER exist.)
Wonwoo thought he would be safe from this question when it came to you. You see he had already been hit with this question from several members of the maknae line. *cough cough* Mingyu, Hansol, Seokmin, and Chan. *cough cough* so when y'all where getting ready for bed and you asked him he couldn't help but laugh which would make you so confused. He would just smile at you and find you so precious, "of course I would love you if you were a worm you lil cutie." He would give you a soft kiss before pulling you into his chest while you smiled stupidly and contently at his answer.
🪱 Woozi: (Song Note/Rant: If you are still sleeping on Ian you need to reevaluate your life because OMG.)
To be completely honest, I can see Jihoon just giving you a blank stare because his brain just went ???? he didn't know the trend and the question would break his brain. He didn't know what to say so he would just go "uhh sure?" You would fake sulk at his answer and he probably would text one of the younger members to ask for help. I can see Hansol being like "the answer is always yes!!! omg." LOL
🪱 DK: (Song Note: why do I want Seokmin to sing this to me to help me sleep at night? omg)
You would be sitting next to Seokmin on a park bench watching birds just be birds. You were both waiting for Soonyoung and his partner to meet you for a double date and were currently in a comfortable silence. That was until you asked him, "Seokminnie, would you still love me if I was a worm?" As you asked that, a bird had grabbed a worm from the ground and flew away. You both were flabbergasted at the timing and just broke down laughing together. Once you both calmed down he reminded you he'd always love you no matter the life time but for the rest of the day he would lovingly call you "bird food" as if it were a pet name which left Soonyoung and his partner hella confused lmaoooo.
🪱 Mingyu: (Song Note: Nelly will always be that girly for me <3)
One of MIngyu favorite errands to run with you was going grocery shopping. Just spending time with you while planning meals to eat with each other or grabbing snacks with his favorite snack just fueled him with so much happiness. You loved it too because when you were with him, you could turn your brain off and just be yourself. That's why Mingyu wasn't too surprised when you looked at gummy worms and deadpanned asked him, "Baby, if I was a worm would you still love me?" You couldn't see the loving smile he had on his face before he wrapped his arms around you from behind. "Of course, baby. You would be the prettiest and nicest worm to exist."
🪱 Minghao: (Song Note: ngl this might be a future song reaction thingy for my ot13 series I do.)
When you asked Minghao if he would "still love you if you were a worm" he would giggle at your question because duh. He's in this for life baby. He would tell you he would find the BESTEST dirt for you live in and would fight any birds that would try to eat you. It would honestly be just a giggle fest between the both of you.
🪱 Seungkwan: (Song Note: CLC deserved better.)
Seungkwan and you were staying in for the night and were both just hanging out while mindlessly scrolling on your phones. You then crossed a meme that reminded you of the "would you still love me if I was a worm" question. You decided now was the perfect time to make your lovable stud muffin to answer your question. Once you asked him he gave you a stank judgemental side eye before *respectfully* ignoring you. You kept scooting closer and asking him before he couldn't help but laugh and just saying "yes."
🪱 Vernon: (Song Note: When the remix is better than the original... Red Velvet wins always.)
To be real, Hansol was READY for this question. He had seen it on his fyp and knew it was only a matter of time before you would waddle over and ask him if you would still love him if you were a worm. He would be doing whatever Hansol does and just say "yes, I would love you if you were a worm." and also "yes I promise." He would find it very funny when you were pleased by his answer.
🪱 Dino: (Song Note: this song has no business being as much of a bop as it is.)
Chan could go two different ways lmao. He would either laugh at the question before saying "of course I would, but would you love ME?" Or, he would overthink it. Were you an Earthworm? A gummy worm? A pinworm that would be a pain in the ass? He just had to know. Soon you both would be ranking worms and would forget about the question hahaha.
btw just wanted yall to know how committed to writing Chan's part I was:
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I forgot what they were called LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Anyways, which one was your favorite? Mine personally was Seokmin's. I feel like I've been writing so many sad things for him lately so it's been nice to write something super cute like that. <3
Hope yall enjoyed <3 if yall were worms, I would love you all :)
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queenofallimagines · 6 months
Can you do Blue Lock Sae x female reader x Rin? The brothers are fighting for her love.
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A/N: I SURE THE FUCK CAN!! The itoshi effect is hating them both and then post backstory explanation coming to like them both a lot😔
TAGLIST: @priv-rose
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Sae & Rin itoshi:
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- okay so boom
- Had another OC though of being like a counselor at blue lock bc none of them boys is right in the head😭
- You have previous connections to Sae bc you were a counselor for another team he was on and his manager liked you so he would schedule private sessions
- Ended up in you leaving bc he’s so frustrating but alas fate has other plans
- You show up to the U-20 match bc DUH
- Anri doesn’t have any money to hire a manager also so you’re taking over that role
- Sorry😔
- Anyway rin comes to respect you for dragging him by his eyelashes about his trauma
- “So are we gunna start with hating yourself and thinking you’re not good enough to prove a point to your shitty brother OR are we working on your material conditions that stem from that today?”
- “…..off yourself”
- Like he can’t say shit back bc you got em!
- Comes in often enough now that he doesn’t schedule sessions he just shows up to spill the tea
- (Isagi and bachira are the same. the spies on the inside that tell you how the others are doing)
- He comes in and flops down in the chair
- “I’m not looking forward to seeing him. Why the fuck did they call HIM to help the team? His ass should have stayed in Spain!”
- “Oh I hear ya, I’m not looking forward to even making eye contact with his ass either. I’m counting on yall to win.”
- “The game-“
- “I want yall to crush him. I have my own personal beef with him.”
- “…….im not asking how.”
- You’re being restrained from jumping over the divider during the game to go swing on Sae
- Like did you see that?? THE AUDACITY
- Yeah I would have swing on his ass right when the final whistle blew
- Better than me for him to get that mess out his mouth about isagi
- Would have stood up and clocked his ass
- When they’re all jumping all over each other celebrating you can feel the bad vibes coming from rin
- It’s suffocating
- You run to the locker rooms to catch him and bump into sae(accompanied by shidou)
- “……”
- Glaring at his ass
- Give him the dirtiest look ever
- And then turn to Ryusei smiling like you saw a puppy
- “Hey Ryu! Wonderful performance you put on today. You definitely stole the show.”
- Like lmao just ignore him pls
- After saving rin from going off the deep end; bc baby I’m so sorry that an ugly ass bitch would say something like that to you
- Their two week vacation starts
- Rin is surprised to see you in not work clothes chilling like a regular person
- Ends up hanging out with you a lot bc you’re the only one who he can speak freely to
- Unfortunately his brother is also back in the country
- Running into Sae while hanging out with his brother was NOT on your vacation bingo card but here we are
- “You’re here?”
- “I could really say the same to you. You haven’t gotten citizenship to stay your ass over there yet?”
- Flashback✨ y’all had a casual thing back in the day because when he’s not closed off he can be pretty fun to be around
- Then he let a white man get in his feelings and refused to talk about them and lashed out on you
- So he just kinda got these feelings and nothing to do with them
- Didn’t think he’d ever see you again to be honest so now stuff that he buried ages ago is in his face
- Can’t tell you sorry. Doesn’t know how.
- Sees you smiling and doting on rin how you used to him and can’t help but get jealous
- Makes sure to approach you when rin isn’t around
- You go to the kitchen to get water boom he’s there too now
- “Jesus Christ do you ever announce yourself?”
- “You’re in MY house”
- “Is it your house if you only show up one a year?”
- Can’t help but start arguments when he just wants to talk regularly
- Rin already picking up what his brother is trying to lay down and he’s not having it
- He’s already developed a crush on you like you CANT leave
- Gets nervous bc if your past with sae that he might snatch you up too
- Not letting his brother take something else away from him
- So all of a sudden he’s a lot more touchy with you
- Trust me inside he’s screaming and throwing up bc he’s never done this before but he will try
- You can feel his stiff ass hand around your waist😭
- Poor baby
- The silent itoshi beef isn’t missed by you but you don’t know that they’re competing off the pitch too
- “You sure you don’t want to go do something? Like we watched horror movies in your room all day yesterday, I had errands to run-“
- “Well I wanted to start the final destination franchise so you gotta watch all 5 of them there’s a new one coming out”
- “Yeah in 2025! That’s like 3 years away!”
- “Shhhh, the movie starting🙄”
- Hoards you all to himself in his room because you’re surrounded by HIM and less chances for Sae to sneak up on you in public and steal you away or join your date outing together
- Thinks you look cute wrapped in his blankets and tries not to blush when you cling to him
- “I swear to god-“
- “My bad forgot there’s a jumpscare here I’ll warn you about the next one promise.”
- He won’t
- Sae rolling his eyes to the back of his head bc you just always in the house now and Rin hanging off you like a sad puppy
- Sae is more strategic where rin is impulsive
- So he’s the type to do shit from the past that he knew would make your heart flutter and run will be blunt and impulsive with his actions
- Sae will touch your lower back as he comes up behind you to grab a class from the cub board and hand it to you
- Sae will bring you home your favorite snack when he knows rin wont see him give it to you
- Rin will grab your hand in public and not let go to make sure you don’t get lost on a crowd
- Rin will clumsily press his lips to your forehead when you are most distracted
- Both are very annoying
- And after a good WEEK of getting mixed signals from both of them you’re ready to stay your ass at home for the rest of the vacation before it’s back to work
- Monday morning Rin invites you on a morning run
- Which you obviously say fuck NO to bc the sun ain’t even up
- But he shows up to your front door at the asscrack of dawn telling you to get dressed you have no say in the matter unfortunately
- The jog isn’t so bad and he has the decency to buy you breakfast afterwards so that’s nice
- Decent conversation surprisingly
- When he drops you off back at your home he kisses you before literally sprinting off
- He was working up the nerve to do that all morning
- Can’t even say thanks or whatever yet before he presses his body close to you and lifts your head to slot his lips against yours
- Puts all his feelings into that kiss before managing to get out “bye” before his throat completely closes up
- And then sprints off before you can even blink
- Clown
- Giggling and kicking his feet when he gets home
- Sae is packing for his trip back to Spain at the end of the week
- When he catches you leaving his house after another Rin spontaneous all day movie marathon
- Offers to drive you home because it’s dark and he remembers the address
- Didn’t really offer so much as grab his Keys complaining about how you know better than to be outside this late
- Sir 🫤🫤
- The ride is kinda tense until he forces a conversation
- Unsurprisingly e vividly remembers all the right buttons to press to see that smile he’s been dying to see
- Don’t even notice he took the long way back to your home
- Puts his new number in your phone and tells you to stop being stubborn and answer when he texts you
- He’s a gentleman before all else so he walks you right to your front door
- Man barely hears a word you said before pulling you closer by your neck pressing his lips to yours
- Remembers you like the back of his hand the way his lips fit so familiar with yours
- Ends up with your arms around his neck and your back pressed into the front door
- Clearly wanting to come inside he pulls away because he’s fond of the chase🙄😒
- Wishes you a good night before kissing your forehead and going back to his car
- both of them have laid their cards out on the table
- Just up to you to make a choice I’m afraid
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Best and Worst of Both worlds (part 9)
Tw: monty being a fuckin creep, vomiting, the girls are fightingggg, so blood and violence, yves being a dick and elitist, using the word queer in a derogatory manner
DAMN i was expecting the votes to be like to go to the uni cause Yves is hottest choice rn
anyways if u guys read the original series where Monty was from, u would know he's like a sub but his behavior depends on the reader, he's actually a switch
tanks for reading, pls send in anon asks, reblog or comments i love 2 hear yalls thoughts and it keeps me going PLSPLSPLS I AM DESPERATEEE
Part 10
The mall it is. You've been visiting the university too much to escape your home and to take your dreaded exams, despite having air conditioning, you're going to feel miserable there. You barely have friends in the university aside from Yves. A change of scenery would be nice, to note down the things you wanted for yourself.
You tried to decide how you feel about Yves. The urge to run away from him and hide is there, but it's not as strong anymore. Because he already saw it all. The mold, your room, your tears, your puke... you can't possibly embarrass yourself again to that degree, right? The worst should be over.
And, he did say it himself; he is interested in you too. So... it should be safe to proceed with this weird relationship. You think. He's already doing way more than what a lover typically does, let alone someone who you barely went on a first date with.
You shouldn't be afraid of bumping into him. He's not going to bite your head off, you hope.
And speak of the devil, you received a text from him.
"(Name), this is Yves. I hope you slept well. Please reply to me as soon as you wake up."
You bit the inside of your cheek, you held onto your bag tightly as the bus drove over a hump.
It's not like he could see that you read it. You don't know what he is going to say next, once you respond.
But it's rude to just leave him hanging like that. He's probably going to find out you're ignoring him anyways.
Might as well text him back. You told him that you're now awake. He must be a fast typer because you received a message a few seconds later.
"Good afternoon, how are you feeling?"
You replied that you're feeling fine.
"I assume you are currently resting at home?"
You don't know if you should lie. But then he could easily find out the truth by asking your housemates. So you let out a defeated sigh and told him the half-truth. You said no. That was it, you didn't elaborate further.
"Where are you? Did you at least apply sunscreen?"
You replied that you're now getting off the bus. You're going to text him back later. After that, you put your phone into your pocket.
You walked away from the bus stand and looked at the billboards littered all over the area. It takes a six-minute walk to get to the Mall, maybe a bit longer because your usual path is blocked by a construction job. The workers gave the pedestrians an alternative pathway to travel.
As you start walking, you wonder why was the bus stop never built directly in front of its entrance. It's such a nuisance to get there if you don't own a car.
You frown because the sun is beating against your head, you're among a group of people being funneled into this other path and you're starting to overheat. You remembered Yves packed a UV ray-blocking umbrella, so you went ahead and took it out. You opened it and shielded yourself from the rays, sighing in relief as you felt coolness instantly wash over you.
You were minding your own business and fighting your own inner demons until suddenly a large hand clamped itself onto your shoulder. You let out a surprised yelp and a jolt at the unexpected contact, this cannot be Yves's because it's too calloused and careless, mildly hurting you in the process.
You turned whipped your head to the back and saw the person who paid for your poisoned meal. He took your umbrella off your hands, making you hiss at the sun.
"It really is you!" His eyes lit up and the corners of his mouth curled up into a wide, happy grin. "How ya' been? I didn't see you yesterday. Where were ya?"
You eyed him up and down, he's in uniform.
"I'm on my break right now." His hand guided your back. "C'mon, let me treat you lunch."
You said that you had food poisoning from the place you ate with him. And you asked what he meant by "Didn't see you yesterday".
His jaw dropped in shock at your words.
"It really sucks to hear that, so that's why you look a lil' too thin today. I guess you're just not used to their cookin'. I was fine and dandy." You and him seem to move along with the crowd aimlessly.
You repeated your question about what he meant by not seeing you yesterday.
"I came by your school 'cause I got you some Chinese. I couldn't find ya' and no one seems to know who the hell was I talkin' about. Why didn't ya' call me? I was waitin' all night for your voice."
Luckily you gave him the fake name of "Joe M." on your first meeting with him. But it's not like he would have gotten any information on you anyway, you're invisible in your university. Unless he happened to come across Yves, which you doubt he will divulge him about you.
You just said 'oh'.
"Hope you're feelin' better though. Hey, I know a great place to get some hearty chicken soup. It's gotta be good for your belly, it sure helped me when I'm sick as a dog." You took notice of his deepening southern accent.
You're starting to feel uncomfortable around this man, he's wrapping his arm around your shoulder like he's your boyfriend.
You said that you were full, you had something to eat earlier.
"Aw shucks. That's fine, I'll just hang out with you till my break's over." He ruffled your hair affectionately, laughing as you tried to smoothen it out.
You don't like him. Who does he think he is? You're barely even acquaintances with him. But you think it's safer to play along until you find an opportunity to escape, there is no way you could fight off a 6'5 man who lifts steel pillars for a living.
"You got any plans this weekend? I wanna take you out to have fun, you must've spent all your time studyin', and that's good! Education is important. But you gotta loosen up a little 'cause life is short!" Montgomery is either oblivious to or disregards your uncomfortable body language.
You said you made plans already. He momentarily looked dejected, but he reverted back to his cheerful self when he thought of something.
"What about next week? I heard there is a festival goin' on by the pier. There's going to be a Ferris wheel, cotton candy, funnel cakes--"
You decided to rip the bandaid off and straight up tell him that you're not interested in pursuing a relationship with him. Since there were witnesses, you wriggled out of his hold and waited to see what he would do to you. Hoping that he would just respectfully leave you alone but expecting to be angrily punched right in front of everyone.
He was stunned, speechless for a moment until there was a strange glimmer in his eyes that was concealed by his shaggy, brown hair.
"...You're playing hard to get."
A horrified, incredulous look crossed your face. Absolutely not! What makes him think of you that way? You took a couple steps backward as he tried to get closer.
"I see how it is, sweetheart. You want me to chase you, don't ya'?" He playfully pinched both of your cheeks. You wince, struggling to pull his hands off.
You genuinely do not understand why he has this impression of you. As anyone would do, you vehemently denied it.
"Aww, look at you. Red-faced and all." He giggled, grabbing you by the wrist and pulling you away from the main foot traffic so he could toy with you in private. "If you weren't into me, you would have left me to die that night. I may not be the richest or the most handsome..." his smile faltered when it came to the topic of his looks. "...but I know you saw something in me! I'm gonna make sure you don't regret saving me!" You're already regretting being born.
You called him crazy, anyone would have helped him! You're no one special, he teasingly rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, keep telling yourself that, beautiful. Anything to help you sleep at night."
You were adamant that you're not interested and you already have a boyfriend! But this doesn't seem to faze him, he just bent down to your level and placed his hands behind his back.
"Oh yeah? Where is he then? Get outta here, you don't have one. At least, not yet." He winked at you.
Yeah. He is impossible to reason with.
You argued that you do. In fact, he is right behind Montgomery!
He's definitely not believing you, but he turns around anyway to see... no one, as expected.
"I don't see him, do you-- huh?" He was momentarily dumbfounded when all there was in front of him was air.
You managed to blend in with the crowd and successfully entered the mall. You ran into the nearest retail store and hid behind one of the shelves. Everyone was too busy shopping to care what someone shaking like a leaf was doing crouching in the baby and maternal department.
Your hand trembled as you pulled your phone out to see Yves sent you another text.
"Take care. Send me a text message as soon as possible. I will give you a call fifteen minutes later if I do not hear from you by then."
It's been 12 minutes since he sent that text. The next reasonable course of action is to seek comfort and safety from Yves. You thought Montgomery was unhinged and delusional, he thinks you're his just because you saved him that night. You cared as much as everyone else, no one wanted to see another person die if they could help it! But he took it as some ultimate love confession for him.
Then you realize that you should have run as soon as you first rejected him. You hit yourself on the head, he must have thought all the attention you gave him trying to explain yourself was a green light for him to go forward!
You called yourself stupid for not catching this earlier. There's not much you could do now except tell Yves you don't feel safe.
You texted Yves your exact location, even down to the aisle and section. Your texts are a series of panic-induced typos begging him to pick you up because you're scared.
"I will be there in 15 minutes. Is it safe for me to call you?"
You disregarded that text and just dialed his number.
"(name)?" It was so good to hear his smooth, calm voice. Your blood pressure momentarily dropped but rose back again after remembering why you called him in the first place.
You frantically explained what had happened, even your first meeting with Montgomery and the takeaway that gave you food poisoning. Spilling everything even though you didn't mean to, but you're just scared and trapped in a store. You felt upset that he had the umbrella, you apologized and-
"Raise your hand above your head for me, please." He cut you off. You did exactly what he asked, now distracted from your ranting.
"Inhale, following my count." He counted up to four.
"Hold." He counted to seven.
"Exhale." You breathed out for eight seconds. He repeated the cycle a few more times until he could tell you calmed down. Montgomery wouldn't find you from where you're hiding.
"Very good." He praised. "You may put your hand down."
You forgot about that, so you quickly retract your arm to your side.
"I will stay on the line with you until I arrive. Do you understand, (name)?" You gulped and said a shaky yes.
"Stay where you are. You're safe there." He continued. Yves sounded so confident in his answers that you can't help but trust him fully.
You wished you had friends. You wouldn't need to solely rely on him if you did.
"What did you think of the breakfast I made for you?" He asked, in a tone and cadence as if he was casually chatting up with his partner about their day. But you can tell he's speeding through the highways by the intense humming of his car engine.
You said that it's nice. You thanked him for taking care of you.
"I'm happy you enjoyed it. I will be making chicken soup for you tonight, did you apply sunscreen before leaving the house?"
You paused for a while, trying to remember what you did. You eventually tell him no.
"It is important for you to protect your skin. Remember to do so next ti--"
The call suddenly dropped. Your heart started beating wildly again, what happened? You pulled your phone away from your ear and looked at the screen.
You let out a visceral scream that caught everyone's attention, your phone battery is dead.
Seeing that you caused a scene, you flee the store out of embarrassment, forgetting about Yves telling you your original spot is the safest place for you to be in. Now with no means of contacting your savior and being out in the open like this, your brain starts to short-circuit. You begin running aimlessly in no particular direction.
All this stress and explosive physical exertion on you right after a bout of illness is making you queasy again.
But you kept going, just... roaming around while periodically looking over your shoulders. Customers and staff alike were staring at you, thinking that you were suffering from some sort of inner turmoil or drug abuse issues. However, they knew better than to intercept.
However, you focused too much on your back, and not too much on the front.
You slammed into a sturdy pillar, lost your balance, and fell back onto your rear.
"Whoa! You alright?" Except that pillar can speak. And it was the last person you want to see right now. Concern riddled his face as he crouched down to help you up. "This is fun and all, but you gotta watch where you're goin-"
At that moment, your stomach decided to empty itself onto Montgomery's chest. He grimaced as you continued to spew and release more vomit from your mouth.
Yves knows where you are. He knew your phone battery died, Yves is just mildly annoyed he didn't catch the fact that one of your room outlets was faulty. It so happened to be the one you used to charge your phone.
Yves pushed the door of the mall's clinic open, glaring daggers at Montgomery as he spotted him waiting on the bench, covered in your puke; noting his filthy fingers wrapping the handle of your bag. He was taken aback by this sudden hostility from an apparent stranger, he looked at Yves confused, what did he ever do to him? Was he offended that he happened to be covered in someone else's throw-up? What a stuck-up bitch!
Yves took his wallet out of his handbag and walked up to the receptionist. He shared a few hushed words with her and spared a couple of unkind glances for Montgomery. The woman behind the counter had both eyebrows raised momentarily before she nodded and picked up a phone. While speaking to someone unknown on the other side of the line, she accepted Yves's credit card.
Soon after, she handed him a clipboard and a pen. He had to sign something before receiving a receipt.
Montgomery looked him up and down with equal animosity, his eyes trailing behind Yves as he took the seat opposite of him.
The dark-haired male elegantly crossed his legs and rested his hands on his knee. Now a blank expression took over his beautiful face. Montgomery took note of his feminine demeanor including his usage of makeup. He somehow deluded himself that he was better than Yves even though he was hunched over, resting his forearms on his thighs while spreading his legs.
Montgomery tried to look away and ignore this stranger. But he couldn't, because Yves was burning holes through his head with his constant stare.
This really ruffled Montgomery's feathers. He's clearly trying to start something.
"What the hell is your problem?"
All eyes landed on Montgomery. Young or old, they're now invested in this sudden outburst.
"What do you mean?" Replied Yves calmly as he tilted his head to the side to feign ignorance.
"You're lookin' at me like you wanted to fight!" Montgomery finally sat up straight while accusing Yves. Meanwhile, the graceful man placed a hand on his chest to express disbelief.
"I do not understand this explosive reaction from you, I have done nothing wrong." Yves's long eyelashes fluttered as he blinked, already winning the hearts of the public. It ticked Montgomery off so bad. For some reason, this androgynous person is making him angrier than usual. Maybe it's because Yves's old money aura reminded him of every city girl and boy who fucked him over emotionally, socially, financially, or physically.
It was quite unusual, Montgomery would usually just not engage with these citizens. But today, Yves is exceptionally infuriating while doing the least. He even smelled the same as those rich bastards, they all must be using the same cologne.
A mere five minutes had elapsed since they first met, yet Montgomery despised him with every fiber of his being.
Yves knows his own effect on the construction worker.
"Don't play with me! You had that stupid look on your face, what have I done to you, huh!?" He rose from his seat.
A ghost of a smile graced Yves's otherwise serious face. That simpleton took the bait.
"Please calm down. You're causing a scene out of nothing." Yves continued provoking him. Mothers began to leave the room with their children, and other patients quietly changed their seats to be further away from the two men.
"Why you-" Something distracted him from his rage.
Yves turned his head and saw you slowly dragging yourself out of the hallway, carrying a prescription slip in one hand and cradling your stomach in the other. You look pale and exhausted as you limp towards the waiting room.
"Joe!" Montgomery called out for you. "Are you alright? What did ya' doctor say?"
You were spooked, you froze in your tracks. Not noticing that Yves is a few steps away from you.
"Dear." You snapped your neck to the source of the quiet but assuring voice. Yves is now standing tall, his arms open for you to run into.
And so, you did. You buried your face in his chest, refusing to see the other man. Yves had a pleased smile as he picked your prescription script from your hands, he slid it into his handbag. Right after, he wrapped his arms around you.
The room was eerily quiet. Everyone was holding their breaths, wondering what was going to happen.
You felt Yves stroke your hair. But you couldn't see or hear anything. So you lift your head a little to see what was going on, he rested his palm on your shoulder.
Montgomery has his eyes open so wide staring at your boyfriend. His mouth is open but soundless. The veins on his forehead and arm were throbbing while he trembled uncontrollably.
"Do you know him, my love? He seems dangerous. You know you shouldn't mingle around men like him, they're usually raised by dysfunctional families- sometimes, they don't even have one." Yves asked you, soft enough for no one else to hear, but loud enough that his pathetic excuse of a rival absorbed every word. This was the last straw for Montgomery.
Finally, he dropped your bag to the ground before launching himself against Yves. Your boyfriend pushed you out of harm's way as he allowed himself to get tackled by the unstable male.
Yves closed his eyes as he took a devastating punch to the face, he was flung to the side from the force and it left a reddish mark on his once pristine face.
"Fuck you! The fuck you mean that's 'your love', you don't mean shit to them!" Montgomery yelled in Yves's ear, and a struggle ensued between them.
Screams and shouts filled the clinic, and the patients present all ran out of the room. Those who stayed tried to film the tussle. Some doctors and customers poked their heads out of the consultation rooms to see what the commotion was all about.
Whereas you grabbed your bag and went outside, securing your safety behind the tempered glass walls.
"You think you better than me?! I'll teach you a fucking lesson to be humble!" Montgomery swung at him again, but Yves dodged in time and utilized his long, slender legs to trip him. Now that he has gotten what he wanted out of this scenario, Yves allows himself to defend his own body.
He got up fairly quickly and tried to land another punch, but Yves grabbed his wrist on time and used minimal force to twist his arm against his back. Montgomery cried out in pain as his limb was contorted to an unnatural position. Being an opportunist, Yves took his chance to strike his broken rib using the side of his hand.
This made Montgomery's legs buckle on itself. You silently cheered for Yves as he subdued the creep on the cold hard tiles.
He pressed a heel against his chest, right behind on fractured bone. So Montgomery was powerless against him.
Yves reached for his handbag and pulled his phone out. He dialed emergency services and reported Montgomery as being aggressive, being a danger to the general public.
"Bullcrap! Fuck you asshole! I will kill you!" Screeched the man currently being stepped on and humiliated in front of his object of obsession. Unfortunately for him, the operator heard his threat towards Yves, increasing your boyfriend's credibility.
He tried to grab his leg, but Yves only drove his sharp heel deeper into his ribs, knocking the air out of him and making stars appear in his vision.
At the same time, the mall security arrives with their batons.
They took over from there, it took more than ten of them to try and get Montgomery under control. He was like a bull seeing red, only goal was to try and disfigure the pretty boy's face as much as possible.
He was forcefully expelled from the premises while kicking, howling, and straining. You saw the tears of anguish in his eyes as he cussed everyone out for treating him as subhuman, he wished horrible fates on all who witnessed but stood by. He was shouting incoherently about having everything stolen from him by the rich, he had one thing good going on but a billionaire had to come along and take you away from him.
He vowed to take what was rightfully his and punish the bad, especially Yves who he referred to as "That fucking queer freak".
Eventually, though, his yelling became inaudible as he got further and further away. The others returned to their day, dispersing as nothing else interesting was going on.
You walked up to Yves, who is now gently dabbing his bleeding nostrils with a folded piece of tissue. He smiled at you, caressing your cheek with his thumb.
"Well done." He praised. Disposing of the soiled napkin into a trashcan nearby.
You said you didn't contribute to anything good. In fact, you're the one who caused all this.
"Don't think too lowly of yourself." He picked up a hairbrush from his bag and started fixing your hair. You looked at his face.
The patch around his nose and under his left eye is already starting to bruise, swelling to a degree that he can only see out of his right. Red dripped down his chin and onto the floor, splattering into many dots.
You look around and see the broken pot, flipped chair, and scattered magazines.
You shudder, asking Yves if you could go home.
"Not yet, (name). The police should be here soon, they have to take my statement." He invited you into his arms, and you snuggled into him as his blood dripped onto you too.
"I packed you something to eat." He softly pried you off him. Reaching for his handbag once again, he retrieved a square container before handing it to you.
You opened it to see a sandwich. It's intentionally bland to accommodate your current weak stomach. As if on cue, your belly growled. However, Yves stopped you from devouring it.
"Always sanitize your hands before eating." He squeezed a good amount of hand sanitizer on your palms. Yves only handed the meal back to you after he was satisfied with your application.
You sit on a chair as you take bites off it. Yves sat next to you too, this time he was tidying his luscious black hair with the same brush and compact mirror.
You continued munching on as you heard distant sirens growing louder.
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marimeeko · 5 months
I know we are still processing the new OP with Kacchan looking at the camera and then him pushing Izuku onward and Izuku looking back (only at Kacchan, a detail a director has said was intentional apparently?!?)
But have yall thought about when at the half season mark, we get another new OP?
Have yall thought about what's going to be in THAT ONE??
I think it's going to be just after or soon after Katsuki actually 💀 and Izuku finds him.
I know the OP at that point will have a lot to do with izuku getting to Tenko (and it should) but there's also gotta be a bit of BBEG AFO and Shigaraki, and some damselfied Kacchan.
I can see there being some bits of symbolism like Kacchan being taken away, hurt, reaching desperately out for Izuku, or vice versa, maybe it'll look like that one cover of Izuku holding Katsuki in his arms?
(To be fair also I think there would be some of badass, Quirk evolved Kacchan rivaling AFO to represent their upcoming fight)(hopefully done so that it's not given away though bc that reveal was insane and I hope we keep that energy in the anime)
Or, maybe there will be a more hopeful note of kacchan emerging and then Izuku and him finally taking each others hand as they take on AFO. (Or both tbh)
They jam pack a lot of things in the OPs, so of course I think AllMight in his suit would be hinted at too, maybe even Stain
And I'm hoping Gentle and La Brava will get a shot.(bc I love them)
And let's not forget about togachako and the Todoroki fam.
Anyway this was starting as a post on how the second OP of this season( is it the last OP of them all?? ) could ruin us Bkdks even more, but it kind of turned into a general wishlist for the OP lol.
Again, though, I am eagerly awaiting what crazy symbolism they have in next OP for bkdk since losing Kacchan is a really big deal and literally causes Izuku to fly into another rage probably half way through the season, if the timing is looking correct. So it'd be fitting if they inject some of that emotion into the OP.
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ovaova · 2 years
Teehee a list of head cannons for family man Bakugo, I’m sorry but I’m such a simp for dilf Bakugo <3
No minors! If you get in some trouble, that ain’t on me 🤷🏽‍♀️
And if you know me…no you don’t 🙃
May have many typos but oops🤭
Oki babes enjoy <3
✧ ╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╝ ✧
• Honestly…at first, he couldn’t see himself as a father- absolutely no way
• But oops, he got you pregnant 3 times so here we are 🤷🏽‍♀️
• First child was a boy and two after are girls
• During the first diaper change with his son, he got peed on 💀 one of his fav shirts too
• You can bet you laughed your ass off, and yeah he was mad but he’ll be okay 🤭
• He loves his kids with his whole heart but during them toddler years, he would hate when they ass got sick, wanna know why?
• You know when kids (specifically toddlers) would get sick and they never wipe their nose so the mucus just stays there and clumps up and gets crusty 💀 yeah he hates that shit- but who wouldn’t?
• And he LOWKEY feels bad, cause his kids would just be jumping around him happy and shi to see their balding ass daddy but he can’t help but grimace at they nose
• “Hey c’mere for a second 💀-“ he would state all calmly and shi before basically wiping off their skin with a tissue
• yeah he don’t play bout that
• DO NOT LET THIS MAN PLAN NO VACATIONS- cause he’ll over do it 💀
• For example, one year yall took the kids to Disney World- BRUH, even when packing, this man was acting like if this trip didn’t go according to schedule- it was gonna kill him 💀
• But in reality he’s just super excited to take his family on vacation. While packing in yalls bedroom he would be like this-
• “So we’re going to animal kingdom on the first day, and then (C/N) wants to go see the princesses, and we’ll need matching shirts or something, oh and can’t forget new bathing suits bc (C/N) needs a new one and then they’ll all want one so everyone is gettin one- and you wanna go to Epcot and-“
• You would say he sounds like Izuku with all this muttering
• This man literally makes y’all be at the airport like 3 hours before the actual flight 💀
• “I wanna make sure we can get situated, I don’t feel like dealing with all those extra people-“
“Okay fair, BUT THREE HOURS? 💀”
• Most def has the dad airport pose, just standing there like “🧍🏼‍♂️ “ …especially at baggage claim
• Anyways, will always spoils y’all-
• On the plane? First class. Hotel? In Disney world where the park is walking distance. Parks? Basically all of em-
• He can’t help himself, you and him are always so busy with being heroes and parents so he can’t help but spoil the hell out of y’all even though he knows he shouldn’t as much as he does
• Most def one of those dads to y’all instead of stopping your kids when they fight
• Like when you’re at work or something, he’ll be baby sitting talking to Kirishima on the phone or whatever from the couch- and then he’ll hear scuffling loud noises coming from somewhere in yalls house
• “Yeah man and it was crazy, I think we should all get together and go one day-“
“Yeah hold up shitty hair, give me a minute- HEY, YALL BETTER NOT BE MESSING UP THIS DAMN HOUSE……………yeah definitely, we should get together,”
While Kirishima is still lon the line like 🧍🏼‍♂️
• Or like whenever they fight when your both cuddling at home and you’ll be looking at him, expecting him to stop them but he’ll just be like 🤨???
• “It builds character…that’s how I was raised and look I’m fine…“
😟 FINE WHERE?? (Everywhere)
• okay so idk but this was a memory I had with my dad, but I was a very hard headed kid and never knew when to stop asking for shit I didn’t know nothing about- specifically alcohol 💀
• Like I would always think It was juice and my dad would always say “no it’s not and it’s nasty, you’re not gonna like it-“ but I convinced my self that him and all adults were lying just so kids wouldn’t drink their “special juice”
• But ofc I was persistent and constantly kept asking and he finally let me take a swig and yeah I learned my lesson 💀
• But yeah I can see him possibly doin that 💀 it would be like-
“I want Juice-!”
“It’s not juice, it’s nasty, you won’t like it..”
“Yes it is, I want some of that Juice!!”
“It’s not juice-!”
“FINE- here DAMN, go ahead-“
“YEAH- told you you wouldn’t like it. Now do you want more juice?”
“Yeah that’s what I thought…okay now go get some actual juice- I don’t want your mama on my case..“
• One of his fav things is to cook for his family, like if it was up to him, he would most def take on cooking every night but you won’t let him cause you don’t want him burnt out <3
• His middle daughter specifically loves to help him cook tho when she can, she’s most def his lil sous chef
• Loves to bake with him and everything, oml it’s so cute
• He tries his best to spend quality time with each of his kids, like with his son, going out into nature, his middle daughter, cooking, and his youngest daughter, designing things and dressing him up
• But whenever he spends time, that goes for you too
• Like any personal time he can get with you, he’ll take it
• like as soon as the kids go over to his parents for the weekend, oh yeah he’s all over you
• Grinding on you, eating you out like a starved man, letting you ride him whenever he gets a chance (yeah he’s trying to get all he can out of this weekend)
• And like you can be as loud as you want 🤭
• He most def walks around shirtless when no kids around, he has a bit of a dad bod but it’s still hawt and you can still see the scratch marks on his back from your last session tee hee
• He loves these intimate moments with you. They’re more of a need, but sometimes he puts too much into it 🤭
• And oops, there goes baby #4 🧍🏽‍♀️
• Welp that’s my take on Family Man Bakugo 🤷🏽‍♀️
⬇️Song of the day ⬇️
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pub-lius · 2 months
Hyper niche question for my autism warrior: What was the perception of aide-de-camps during the AmRev like? I assume it would be viewed as a softer position - though of course, the extent would vary depending who your CO was - but many did see action and a few were reassigned so they could fight
Hey y’all… how y’all doing… i know its been yet another period of many moons since ive posted or answered (i hope this information is still relevant btw), but ive had a lot going on with getting a job, finding colleges, my mommy issues, travel, etc. anyway, im back, and im here to tell you about my main men
It actually was not viewed as a softer position at all! The station of aide-de-camp was highly desirable for several reasons, which i will describe approximately right now
1) people had to compliment you a LOT to get in
Most of the results I got from my research on this ask were letters of recommendation for potential aides-de-camp. Letters of recommendation were high honors for any station, especially for that of a military capacity. According to my favorite source on the American Revolution (which you should know by now), George Washington’s Indispensable Men by Arthur S. Lefkowitz, it was practically impossible to get a job as an aide-de-camp if you did not have a widely positive reputation or a letter of recommendation from someone reputable (or both if you wanted to clerk for the Commander-in-Chief).
I found one letter of recommendation from j*hn ad*ms that i think serves as a very good example of the sort of statements that could land you a seat at a Continental officer’s writing desk:
“There is another Gentleman of liberal Education and real Genius, as well as great Activity, who I find is a Major in the Army; his Name is Jonathan Williams Austin. I mention him, sir, not for the Sake of recommending him to any particular Favour, as to give the General an opportunity of observing a youth of great abilities, and of reclaiming him from certain Follies, which have hitherto, in other Departments of Life obscurd him.”
-John Adams to George Washington, June 19-20, 1775, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Founders Online, Washington Papers)
Those are my italics btw. These compliments are carefully chosen to suit the honor culture that was so pervasive throughout the 18th century and first half of the 19th century. A liberal education at the time was very hard to come by, and would be of great importance in a clerical position. Great activity also helps, because you dont want some lazy ass writing to Congress under your name, or god forbid George Washington himself, you might get hung (not really). The mention of youth is also intentional, since young men have always been preyed upon by the military. I think it’s especially noteworthy the final phrase of “reclaiming him from certain Follies”, which indicates that he might have previously had a negative reputation- whether it was warranted or not, im not sure.
2) the pay was fucking fire
For this we’re going to be utilizing my super amazing math scores that im renown for throughout the math community (yall dont know about my math tumblr), and we’re going to be using Alexander Hamilton as our lab rat, as per usual.
Alexander Hamilton joined Washington’s staff in early 1777 where a regular aide-de-camp (not a military secretary) made $33 dollars a month, which averages to about $1.10 a day. Meanwhile, according to the University of Missouri, the highest paid laborer in Massachusetts in the same year made $0.50 a day, which is about $15 a month, others making as little as about $0.22 a day, so around $7 a month. If you’re looking for ratios, by the end of the war, a pound of raisins was around $0.30. So, the highest paid Massachusetts laborer could save up every paycheck from 1777 to 1782 and buy 324 pounds of raisins, and Alexander fucking Hamilton could waltz up next to him and buy 712.8 pounds of raisins and rub it in his sad, poor face. And he wouldn’t even share because he was a congressman by that time and congressmen HATE THE POOR.
Disclaimer: Hamilton’s numbers dont include the time he quit the office bc I didn’t feel like googling how long he was away for and also i dont care. And yeah he probably would share his raisins with the guy, Hamilton was pretty nice, but i dont think he’d buy 712.8 pounds of raisins in Massachusetts anyway. Or maybe he would, I dont fucking know, stop asking me questions
3) it gave you a lot of street cred
There are many instances of aides-de-camps rising to higher status after their service, but i dont give a fuck about those nerds going into politics and law and stuff.
Most people now only know about Washington’s aides (or if you’re really autistic you know Lafayette’s too), but at the time, being an ADC to any general would get you fairly well known in society. General Sullivan’s aides seem to have been pretty well known and admired, as they are frequently mentioned in John Adams’ correspondence with other congressmen, as well as that of Benjamin Franklin with French diplomats all the way across the Atlantic.
But I imagine you’re also wondering (or at least i am) about what the everyday enlisted man thought of the ADCs, and that answer doesn’t really change. Of course, the men sitting out in the rain and mud without food for the past week are going to be envious of the guys who get to sleep in a house, but their quarters weren’t the most comfortable either. Aides-de-camp were probably the most connected out of the disconnected officers, if that makes sense. They weren’t fraternizing with the enlisted, but they were seen by them more frequently than the generals, and they were the ones advocating for the needs of the enlisted men. Even if they didn’t have any battle experience whatsoever (which really was never the case, i cant think of an aide who WOULDNT have seen battle), they would still be respected by the men as hardworkers and the only people who might actually get them food and clothes.
Thank you for the ask! I really enjoyed researching it and my family had a great time joking about me hunched over my ipad reading through the national archives while we all watched jeopardy, misspelling like every other word because its hard to type on an ipad. Im going to try to be more active, so please feel free to send further questions! I forgot how cathartic research is for me so id be very happy to do more. I have one more ask in my inbox i’ll try to get done sometime in the next few days. Love yall!
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ellieslittleburrow · 6 months
Requested by anon : i hope this isn’t too dark but could i request joel with a daughter who’s a recovering addict?? and just how he would deal with that
Warnings : ADDICTION recovery, swearing, a clingy father and a ghostly mention of a blackout.
A/N : i hope you like this, anon.❤❤ Also i have a feeling i conveyed Joel a bit weaker than he usual is??? But in my brain it's the Joel that met up with Tommy again. The exact addiction was also not specified so i tried to make it as neutral as possible. Anyway, enjoy yall! 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️
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"Hey" A soft smile phantoms over your dad's face as he enters the room. "How are we feeling this morning?" He attempts enthusiasm but fails. You don't push... At least he tries...That's what you keep saying to yourself.
It's been a few months since your last episode. Call it episode of whatever you want, anger, last straw, the moment you gave yourself another chance...
"We're good..." You awkwardly stand in the middle of the room, timidly swinging your foot forward and backward "Should we...?" You throw your chin forward, motioning towards the door.
Since that last time, living with Joel has been a blessing and a curse. The heavy silence that sets in the car every time you went somewhere, the weight of knowing what occupied both of your minds and not being able to do anything about it.
There were fights. Like that time he entered your room without knocking, causing you to startle and to to swing your habd behind your back.
He'd ruin the fucking surpr-
"What are you hiding behind your back?" His low tone slaps you like thunder and you realize wht he has in mind.
Your heart stings and you scoff. stupid you for thinking about him, yeah?
You hold out the glass jar, examining its contents one last time. A letter, a pocket watch, a small knife and a monarch butterfly you stupidly taxidermied, thinking it was the thing he loved the most. "Monarch butterflies..creatures guided by an ancient instinct to seek sanctuary in distant lands...Kinda remind me of myself..." He'd always say. So you violently hurl the bottle at the ground, meeting his eyes as the bottle shatters. "Well, it was your gift." You force a smile. "There it goes." And before brushing past him, you make sure to spit on the contents, just in case he ever decided to pick them up after you.
He grips your arm as you walk by. But you yanked it away, throwing him a glare before leaving.
He begs later. More than once, for a few days. "I-I-I'm sorry, I-I" He holds your hand. "I can't imagine how much that hurt..."
There were also other times where tears flowed. Tears being his...least favorite thing.
Like that time your body shut down...Went numb and you found yourself on your knees, hyperventilating as you search for air to breathe. Nothing serious, just pure exhaustion and lack of sleep. On his face of the moon, you fell to the ground and were unable to breathe, your colors washed off and your eyes widened....What's happening to you??? He doesn't know.
He rushes down to the ground and leans close to your face, feeling for..symptoms. "What-w-what is it-what's happening?" He shouts through panicky unsteady breaths. And as you struggle to even utter a word or two, tears stream down his face. "Please tell me what's happening."
Again, nothing serious on your side. Just a bad flashback for him, from back when you blacked out last. When he almost lost you.
That being said, bad moments weren't the only things that shaped your relationship. There were good moments too.
Good moments where words weren't needed for him to show how much he cared for you. He'd -not-so-discreetly watch you eat, from the corner of his eyes. and he'd sometimes lay awake, waiting to comfort you.
he'd also supervise you from time to time (More like spy on you).
You once couldn't deal with it anymore. And your prankster attitude couldn't let it slide easily. So you decided to prank him.
On your stroll through the woods, you stopped in your tracks, whirling around to point your rifle at him.
"Show yourself or i'm shooting your eyeballs off." Stern and threatening, you shout.
He startles, abruptly raising his arms up. "It's me!!!! It's me." Fear laces his voice. "It's just me."
A smirk creeps up on your face. "I know." You snort. "I got ya good." You got him goood.
His shoulders slouch and he breathes out heavily. "You sure did."
"Are you following me?" You ask, still keeping the same distance between the two of you.
"N-no, i'm j-"
"Just following me."
He sighs again. "No, i a-"
"NO! I'm just making sure you're not....Just making sure you're okay."
You debate whether to tell him that's literally spying or to just leave it. So you just shrug. "Okay...sure."
It can be suffocating at times, But you appreciate the effort anyways.
"Go home, dude." You turn on your heels and head away from him.
On your road to full recovery, you find yourself missing things that you promised yourself and the world you'd stay away from. With Joel on your side -and sometimes up your ass- You find yourself wanting to run, but always ending up wanting him back by your side. Because as protective and annoying as he can be, he's also always there whenever you find yourself falling back down, easing the burden of being this new person you're trying to be.
"Are you listening?"
You smile at him, thrown off by the sudden come back you had to do. "Yeah. Let's go."
Hiiii! I hope yall enjoyed thiis, even though it's different from the usual style ❤❤🌸🥀🥀
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inner-viper · 1 year
Your next Sexual Encounter (MORE ON PATRON) 18+ MATURE
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Hello, I had so much fun channeling this! A lot of this was very sensual and sometimes I can feel it?! Like damn this is really good for yall LMAO. Anyways, I am thinking of making a what is your first time with them? I think it would be a good idea or maybe I should do a non-sexual topic as a bonus but I think that reading may end up being shorter than sexual topics, as they tend to have less details. I hope you enjoy! 
Support patron for more exclusive content. The first 10 patron subscribers get a free reading, no matter which tier.
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Pile 1
Nine of Cups, Four of Pentacles, and Knight of Pentacles  Healing: “To unlearn past trauma responses” and Food Trips: “Trying out multiple cuisines, trendy, and different foods” Cock Trampling, “You are so easy”, “Act like you don’t care”, and Yummy
You may be out on a date, you will be chilling on your bed maybe scrolling through TikTok or for some doing their hair and makeup. I see some people chilling, though, because you have nothing much to do today. You may have gone through some slight drama because this caused you to not want to go out and venture out to shop or eat out. Perhaps ordering takeout because you don’t want to do anything. I think this is a drama between friends, some sort of event with friends is coming to mind. That is for a select few though! I also am seeing for some people who selected this pile, you are just trying not to be wasteful with your money. So you really don’t want to spend because you may struggle with overspending or holding on to your coin in fear of running out. Whence why you don’t want to go out. You will be talking to this person, this person wants to take you out. I see for some people it is their current partner, or current partner during that time period. For others, this person is someone you are interested in. You are interested in them sexually and mentally. They are physically attractive and they are physically attracted to you! They are also financially abundant or well off because they are coming through with the money. They may just have more money/savings than you. They may be a work alcoholic so you may not see them as often as you would like. You would like to see them more often because you feel like you guys don’t hang out or go on dates as often as you should. They will be texting you the day before for some on the day of. They will be texting you and asking where you want to go out! So this is a date! You agree because you miss them and they miss you too! This date is a late night evening, or during the evening. You will be at a fancy restaurant and sipping your margarita or some expensive white wine? For some just a plain soda lol! You both will be giving flirtatious stares and looking at each other with sinful eyes! I see you playing footsies under the table and they join in too because they want to playfully fight back. They are into feet or legs, some area around there. 
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Pile 2
Page of Wands (in reverse), High Priestess (in reverse), and Two of Swords Trust Issues, Family and Friends Meeting, “Purchasing a home together” “I just want to use your body”, Ball Busting, and Restraint
Immediately getting that this is a situation that happens at work. You may work with this person, for others there may be work drama and you'll bring that home to your partner. You may even start to get aggravated at them. They will be trying to help you and you won’t be having it. I see you snapping at them and this causes an argument to break out. It is just a bad day, although I do see you guys taking it too far. Try not to internalize your hatred towards your partner ok! They didn’t do anything wrong! So this is toxic and something that you need to work on, if this isn’t resonating then it could be them, or this is not your pile! Maybe the sexual encounter is only what resonates! So I am seeing for some there was a playful disagreement with something, maybe one of you didn’t really like having to cook today and the other didn’t want to spend any money out. It could be because they are going through a financial struggle or they are just too lazy. Some of them could be on a new diet/workout routine that they got going on, and they rather avoid eating out. In fear of them gaining weight, while they are trying to gain muscle and lose fat. So either one of you could be in that situation. I am getting that you both started to get heated and you got annoyed at each other. You wanted them to see your perspective meanwhile they weren’t seeing your perspective. You decided to focus on creating some peace with yourself. I see that for some of you being at peace may mean you playing with yourself. I see some of you like to channel that aggressive energy in multiple ways. Meanwhile, your partner left to go do something. You both just gave each other some space and time to reflect. I see that one of you messages first because they decided to be brave enough to do so. You may respond angrily too! I see that for some it's because it is your first time arguing with this person. It is the first time that you had such a strong disagreement with them. They’ll come around to apologize or you. Whoever was in the wrong will reflect on that and will come out to apologize first because they recognize that they are in the wrong. I am seeing one of you making your way to their place or your shared place. I see someone driving recklessly to get there too, so be careful on the road, if it is you. You both beginning to channel out your rough energy! You both just want to release this pent-up energy. So it is like you explode. They will be stripping your clothes off aggressively. They will make you try to submit to them.
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Pile 3
Three of Wands, The Emperor, and Death Music: “I hear you in every love song”, and Jealousy Ball Stretching, Feet, and “I want to dominate you so badly”
Immediately this is someone getting jealous of their partner. So I see that you may be chilling at a party with your partner but then someone comes up to flirt with you. You tell them you are in a relationship, and you aren’t interested. Your partner doesn’t want to lose you, and they may be afraid of someone stealing you away. That's because you are a high-value person. This may happen that you have been getting ready to go out to this party or club for a while now. So you put on your best fit to go out that night! You obviously take your partner with you because you like to have a good time with them and you like to have fun. Your partner is the dominant one in this encounter. You want to have fun but they will be feeling jealous! They want to claim you, they don’t do anything risky out in about though. So they’ll be just all over you at this event. They’ll be getting your drinks and be holding onto your waist. Not wanting to let you go, they are clingy as fuck, I am not going to lie! This is how they show love though, they just want to be around you and have all your attention on them. I see that they’ll be having a fun time just hanging around you too though, so it is not going to ruin your whole night! They ain’t toxic like that. They’ll want to leave the event early. You’ll be getting drunk though! I see they’ll be tipsy. So they won’t be blacking out or acting crazy. I see that you will be stuttering and just be all over the place. You are letting loose, laughing, and having such a good time. This is where I do see that you garner attention because people love to see this sensual energy of yours coming out, and you’ll be oozing with that energy. It reminds me of Mars or Venusian energy. I see a person coming up, honestly, an older man who may be rich, coming towards you and you’ll be like telling them no you aren’t interested. Your partner will see this person and tell them to back off. They seem respectful enough to leave too. You’ll honestly not really care too much and you’ll be like idc and just laughing it off. I see that you both leave the party/club. They’ll be taking you home at their place so you both could chill. I see you sobering up and you both talk about it. I see this could help either you or your partner just be more secure because they know they have this person all to themselves. It starts off with a passionate makeout session. I see you both making love, a deep kiss to start off the night. I see them pulling all over the fabrics that you wear that night. Caressing every part of you, and you run your hands all over them. 
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Thanks for reading!
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nothorses · 2 years
Aren't you the one with the weird ass misogyny kink
This is such a perfect example of how fucking stupid callout culture is, actually.
For context, nearly two years ago now, a few blogs known for picking fights & starting harassment campaigns picked a fight & started a harassment campaign against first one transmasc blogger, then a bunch of other transmascs they harassed about reblogging his post who either didn't respond to them, or who responded unfavorably.
I won't get into the nitty-gritty here, but I did elsewhere [1] [2] and so have a few other folks.
I wasn't the original person called out. I was tacked on after the fact because I didn't respond.
What I've been "called out" for since then is, essentially, a bunch of complete bullshit made up by people who are pissed off that I encouraged people to think critically about the callout posts they came across.
Even among those lies, my sex life, kinks, fetishes, whatever- none of it has ever come up. Because I don't engage with that online, I never have, and I never will, for exactly this reason.
Would you be surprised if I told you this wasn't the first time I'd been accused of the "crimes" that original person was accused of?
You probably shouldn't be! This shit happens all the time, and it's only a natural progression of the callout culture it all stems from: one person has some shit they said taken out of context and painted in a bad light by a vindictive and usually transphobic internet loser, everyone who doesn't publicly disavow them immediately and without question is guilty by association, and what reason do they have to defend this person anyway, except so they can get away with the same thing? They must be doing it too!
And this ask especially is phrased in such a blatantly manipulate way. There's no good way to answer this: either I say "yes, but" and people stop thinking or caring there, or I say "no, here's what really happened" and I look weak and dubious for defending myself at all. The accusation has been made, the question has been asked, and now everything I say is with the assumption that this is something I am responsible for proving or disproving.
It's stupid and pointless and it's all fucking made up. It's designed to run on instinctive disgust and outrage, and what better conduit is there for rage and disgust than trans people? Especially trans people who talk about being trans.
And even putting all that aside: who fucking cares?
Who cares if one dude gets off to some shit he, in real life, both suffers from and actively tries to combat? Why are you so concerned with the private sexual fantasies of one random internet stranger? Why is it so important to you that everyone in the world know what this one dude thinks is hot when acted out between two consenting adults?
Come off anon and tell me all your kinks, anon. Tell me every single thing you have ever been turned on by, everything you've masturbated to, and why. I want detailed notes. I want links to porn. If you've made art, written fanfic, roleplayed- I want to see it.
C'mon, if this should be publicly available knowledge, let's start with you. It shouldn't matter as long as none of it's weird or off-putting to anyone else, right? You don't need to hide anything, right? There's nothing there you'd be embarrassed about, nothing you'd rather keep private, right? So what's the hold-up, why haven't you done this already? Why are you on anon to begin with; what are you hiding?
If anyone's the "sex freak" or whatever, anon, it's you. Nobody fucking needs this information about anyone, especially if they aren't sexually involved with each other. It's a massive invasion of privacy, and much more importantly it is textbook sexual harassment.
Anyway. Hi, voc and w-oc. I should be more surprised to see you two in my inbox, but I guess yall are obsessive enough to respond to, literally, a couple of tags on one reblog containing undefined, contextless acronyms of your urls. Hope you talk to a therapist about that someday.
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