#taylor writes💋
taylormarieee · 3 days
-Birds of a feather ~A Dean Winchester oneshot~
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Summary: you and dean used to be a thing, attached at the hip like birds of a feather, he thinks you guys should stick together and honestly, so do you...
Word count: 2.7k
Pairing: dean winchester x fem!hunter!reader
Warnings: hurt to comfort, slight angst, fluff, illusions to sex but none takes place, sam being a supporter/wingman, kisses, touches, mutual pining, reader playing hard to get(just a lil bit), teasing, that's it! lmk if I missed stuff<33
A/N: Hey... how yall doing... I know i've been absent and i'm sorry, so here's a little fic to bring back the life in my blog!
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You and dean were the "IT" couple. You guys did everything together, you guys were two peas in a pod. He loved and adored you and you respected and loved him.
You guys were made for each other and it showed. Sam used to get disgusted after a while when you two were so smitten about each other, but then came the arguments.
The arguments about the tiniest things. the arguments that led to angry sex. The moaning, and sweat on each others bodies. The feeling of him inside you was always a good way to release the stress, but then after that there would be a good day and then the cycle started again.
Until there was no more sex, just arguments that led to dean leaving at all hours of the night and you finding comfort in his younger brother.
Talking to sam felt like the best thing in the world every time you fought with dean. You hated fighting with him. He was your love, your future husband, the man of your dreams.
He meant the world to you, and you couldn't bear losing him to some shapeshifter or some demon or even just speeding to fast in his car.
That's why it hurt you when sam got the call that his brother was seriously injured in the hospital due to a car crash. He loved his car so it shocked you when you found out.
You both rushed to the hospital and never left his side. When he finally woke up, you hated to break it to him but you couldn't do it anymore. The arguments, the cold shoulders, him driving off and staying out drinking his life away in all hours of the night.
You kissed him goodbye and left. You lived with Bobby for a little while just until you got on your feet but then you found out a demon was after you for what your father did, something you'll never know.
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He's been dead for a little while. Your father. You've been trying to follow in his tracks for a while now.
But anyway, you have been living with Bobby for a while now and every time Bobby said that Dean and Sam were coming over, you always made sure you were never home.
But one day, Bobby didn't tell you and you heard the rev of that impala and immediately froze. You were in your room finishing up your drawing on this Wendigo you killed last week for Bobby with the help of Rufus.
"Hey bobby, what's up." Sam spoke, the vibration of his voice echoing around the halls.
You grabbed your sketchbook and tried to sneak downstairs and run out the back to where your car was parked but unfortunately, they were in the kitchen where the backdoor was.
You peeked in and of course Dean had to be the first one to notice you.
"C'mon out and stop hiding ya ijit!" bobby calls out drawing now Sams attention. Both of the Winchester brother's had wide eyes as they watched you come out from the corner.
You were wearing a black long sleeved crop-top with baggy jeans that had stars on the pant legs.
"I'm not an ijit bobby, how many times are you gonna call me that!?" you ask bobby while rolling your eyes trying not to acknowledge the brothers, specifically Dean whose eyes cannot leave your body and face.
'When did you get so many piercings.' he thought to himself.
"Well when you stop leaving the house for hours everytime I tell you there coming over, you haven't seen em in months almost a year now, you can't keep hiding." Bobby tells you.
you sigh and look at the both of them and that's when you lock eyes with dean again.
"Hey dean. Hey sam."
"Hey." they say in unison. you give them a tightlipped awkward smile and then put your journal down.
"Wanna see some of the drawings of my most recent kills so far? It's a lot of vampires, demons, wendigo's you know, the whole shebang." you aks with a smile.
They both smile at you like there proud and say sure. you nod and open your journal.
You had some notes and details next to your drawings. They all looked at it in fascination and awe.
"These are amazing! Did you hunt them all on your own?" Sam asks as he flips through the pages.
"N-no, well kinda. I had help every now and then." you say looking at bobby with a smile.
He grew to be your father and you really appreciated him for who he was and what he's done for you.
"These are really great but uh, can I talk to you outside for a minute? Please?" Dean asks looking at you with those puppy dog eyes that you knew you couldn't say no to.
"Yeah Dean, sure... cmon." you say as you walk outside with him near all of bobby's abandoned junky cars.
"What's up dean?" you asks folding your arms across your chest.
"how have you been?" he asks keeping it casual and short.
"I've been doing fine, how about you?" he smiles and steps a bit closer to you. you fight the urge to step back.
"I've been thinking about you. For months. Wonderin' where you've been, how you've been holdin' up but I see you've been doin' just fine." he says with a slight tilt of his head.
"Yea I have de-"
"I ain't finished just yet doll. Why have you been avoiding us? Avoiding me?" he asks sternly.
you roll your eyes, 'here we go'.
The conversation you've been dreading to have. You thought he'd just leave it alone but what the hell were you thinking?
This is Dean, THE Dean Winchester we are talking about here. He's relentless until he gets his way.
"Look Dean, I really don't want to talk about this right now ok? I don't wanna argue with you." you tell him in the most nicest way possible.
"Ok..." he takes a long pause. "Why not?" he asks, making you sigh a very annoyed and long sigh.
"Because Dean, the way we could turn a civil conversation into an argument was honestly stupid and insane, so please for the sake of saving me a headache and meltdown and you getting into another severe car crash, drop it." you explain to him.
His eyes soften almost. Letting the relentless side of him slowly fade away bringing out your dean, the soft mushy bear dean.
"You- you still remember that night?" he asks softly.
"dean I remember it like it was yesterday. All I have are nightmares of you in the hospital, your heart stopped beating for 5 minutes! How could I not think about how the man I loved died right in front of me over a damn argument! I always blame myself!" you shout.
"You shouldn't ha-" he starts.
"I shouldn't what? Have that guilt?! Oh, but I do Dean. Every day I play scenarios in my head. M-Maybe i-if I was more understanding then you wouldn't have left, maybe if I wasn't so mad over the smallest thing, maybe if I just talked it out like a normal human being, then maybe, MAYBE! the love of my life would still be with me right now."
His eyes widen. He's stunned at your confession but you don't even give him time to talk as you walk towards your car, A Cadillac DTS.
You hop in and drive off.
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Your car finally pulls up in the driveway and you notice that dean's impala is still here. 'So there staying the night huh?' you thought.
you turn off your car and get out. you open the door with the key you have and walk inside the house.
Bobby's asleep on the couch in front of the new tv you bought him two weeks ago.
You smile and grab the nearest blanket you can find and wrap it around him to shield him from the cold outside.
You lay a soft kiss to his head and whisper him a goodnight. you turn around and notice a figure standing in the kitchen, you jump and pull out your pocket knife but you realize it's just Sam.
"Hey, sam." you greet quietly.
H eturns around clearly pretending to not know about your prescence and smiles.
"Oh hey! I promised Bobby I'd still be awake in case you ever came back." he says as you walk over to stand next to him.
"aw thank's Sammy." you say with a geniune smile to which he reciprocates.
"hey, can I uhm, tell you something that I think you should hear?" he asks shifting his weight.
"yea go ahead." you respond crossing your arms in front of you, a habit you had.
"Dean hasn't been focused or okay ever since you left. He's been kinda broken. Screwing any girl that looked at him the right way or taking his anger out on me and that's nothing I can't handle but, I just hate seeing him like that." Sam expresses.
"Hate seeing him like what?" you ask concerned.
"Like a part of him is missing. Whenever I look at dean, he's staring into nothing, as if he's dead. There are nights where he mutters your name and hugs the motel pillows like they are you. Only to wake up facing the reality that your not there, your not here with him anymore." he explains.
"I just can't keep seeing my brother drink and fuck his life away until he slowly fades into nothing. I watched him die for 5 minutes, I'm not going to watch him suffer anymore. Please, bring the life back into my brother, that is all I ask." Sam asks and then walks away.
"goodnight." he say lastly before dissappearing into the other room.
you stand there, contemplating on what you just heard, clearly not seeing the effect you left not only on dean but on sam as well. It tugs at your heart and suddenly you feel dizzy, almost like you can't breathe.
You step outside for a second and breathe in the cool air. You sit down and cry, you just cry and cry.
"Sam come on please. You gotta tell her. I can't keep doing this anymore, you said it yourself Sammy." dean pleads with sam.
Dean had asked Sam to talk to you, to just tell her how he's been feeling and tell her that he needs you, that he can't keep living without you.
After you broke up with him so randomly in the hospital, he just couldn't keep going.
He was constantly overstimulated and constantly angry. The anger in him never died down until he saw you today for the first time in months.
His heart warmed up at the thought of seeing you in that outfit and being so bubbly, it made him miss you all the more.
Like a burning flame that was slowly dying and losing its light and being drained of its passion by the coldness of your heart.
It left him stunned that you could do something to him after such a tramatic experience.
All he wanted was for you to fuel him back to life, bring the happiness back into his life.
All those other chicks he fucked and left in different towns just weren't doing it for him anymore.
Not like you.
You had him hooked. Enfatued by your mere presence. He needed to be careful with you though.
Placing the sofest touch to the weakest petal. Caring for you like a rare feather.
He never wanted you to leave his side, because right now? He was going crazy in the maze in his empty mind.
He may be speaking in poems or riddle form but for you? He couldn't contain or shield his seeping heart that was torn.
And that his why his brother had to confess that to you, what dean didn't predict was for it to go that way.
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Your just sitting outside now, all forms of crying done. You didn't know how much you hurt dean that night.
You were just doing what was best for you, but I guess that was you being selfish. You only added salt to an already salty wound.
You made him bleed more than he did that night. You made his heart collapse.
He was your everything, and you guess seeing him die that night, you felt the need to distance yourself as much as possible to make sure you didn't lose him again.
And yet, all you did was hurt him even more and make your life and his ten times worse.
Bobby was right, you couldn't keep hiding from him. He was your savior and your becon.
He was always there at your beck and call. You both flew together like two parrots in love.
You stuck by each other like seahorses. You made him whole and he made you complete.
You were each other's puzzle pieces. He was the Clyde to your Bonnie.
You were going to do everything and anything it takes to get him back to you.
You get up, ready to open the door but someones hand is already turning the knob before you and it swings open.
"Oh sorry, I didn't know anyone was out here," he announces tiredly.
Your frozen, you forgot how good Dean always looked when he woke up in the middle of the night.
Tousled hair, soft pink lips, and glazed-over eyes shining in the moonlight.
"n-no it's ok, I was actually going to come look for you. I wanted to talk to you. Is that ok?"
"Yea yea, that's fine with me." he says a slight smile on his face.
You both sit down staring at the stars in silence before Dean speaks up.
“so, what’s wrong?” He speaks out into the misty air of the night.
“I’m so fucking sorry. I should have never left you that night. You died and then came back and you were fucking suffering and I just hurt you even more. I know you can probably never forgive me for that and I just wanted to let you know that I am incredibly sorry. I love you Dean, your the love of my life, your my safe place. I wouldn’t even be alive half the time if it wasn’t for you, I am grateful for you, your my future husband and I know I ruined my chance of ever getting to kiss you again but just know it’s ok and I’m sorry.” You speak out in one breath!
Dean blinks as it takes him a second to register what you said because you spoke so fast but he eventually chuckled and pulls you closer to him.
“Oh doll, I love you so much and I forgive you, why wouldn’t I? You’re the only thing that kept me going. My motivation to find my dad, my motivation to move on and protect Sam. I don't know where I would be without you and my brother. I love you for that and I’m grateful to have you here with me right now. No more focusing on the past, time for the future. Cmon, let’s go inside.” He says with a smile on his face
you nod and smile grabbing deans hand so he can pull you up. He walks towards the door to open it and you stop him by grabbing his hand.
“Dean wait!” you exclaim. He turns around with confusion and you grab his face and kiss him. You kiss him roughly and you kiss him with so much passion.
He grabs your waist and kisses you back with the same amount of passion.
you both break the kiss and rest your heads on each other.
“don’t know what that was for but I really liked it.” Dean speaks with a smirk on his face to which you giggle at.
“wanted to seal the deal of our love.” You say with a smile.
“your such a tease you know that? I was pining for you all day.” He says with a smile
“well what can I say? I’m a girl that likes to play hard to get. The moment I laid eyes on you today I wanted to pounce on you.”
“Well baby, you got all night.” He says with a smirk and a wink.
Birds of a feather, we always knew you two would stick together...
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Taglist: @dollyfl1rt @itzdarling + anyone else who wants to join!
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Summer headcanons in honour of Jas (@devil-doll13) doing them for her ocs
Cylas tans easily when in the sun and doesn't really get sunburned when they remember to put on sunscreen. Although they avoid going outside as much as possible since they don't like the heat and hate sweating, having to do garden work does force them to spend some time there. Probably doesn't tan evenly since she wears shorts and tank tops, sometimes even crop tops in her free time, but usually longer pants when working in the garden. Also, some type of head covering if she knows she'll be out for a longer period of time due to her scars.
Selena/Ghost is a creature of the night - or might as well be. Due to being so pale, she basically only has to think of sunlight and gets sunburned, plus bright light hurting her eyes. If she is awake during the day and going outside can't be avoided she'll most likely wear the lightest possible clothes that minimise heat and sweating while also protecting her from the evil uv light. Plus ungodly amounts of sunscreen.
Candy actually likes summer, although finding a way to keep her make-up from getting runny or smearing due to sweat is a struggle. Loves to go swimming, both with friends or family, good at entertaining the younger children. Always keeping an eye on people and making sure everyone puts on sunscreen. Also has the skills to be a lifeguard though she does - at least secretly - worry that her height could limit her in an actual emergency situation. Sometimes has issues to actually allow herself to just relax and have fun instead of watching to make sure everyone is safe, but usually can be brought out of that mindset with a little convincing. Does try and make sure to tan evenly and enjoys sunbathing.
Esther is a sun lover and seemingly doesn't feel the heat at all. She can easily keep up with working in the community gardens, playing with the children outside, and doesn't mind cooking or baking even if it's still hot. She doesn't care much about tanning and wears short sleeves that cover her shoulders, while trousers or skirts have to reach her knees.
Cathryn isn't particularly fond of the sun and... well, while she doesn't burn as in bursting into flames, sunlight does tend to dry her out more than it does with humans, and no amount of water can prevent that. It also makes her feel overall more exhausted and sluggish so she tends to avoid it. Plus being more vulnerable and all.
Taylor is fine with any and every season and can see the advantages in all of them. Her freckles become more pronounced, and despite her being a redhead and pale, she isn't really prone to get sunburned. If you ask her about it, she'll tell you it's because of the sunscreen that her family has been making themselves for generations, and will sell it (or share for free if you're close enough). However, the actual ingredients are a well-kept secret. Though she obviously does ask for info regarding allergies the other person might have.
Rón doesn't get sunburns but doesn't significantly tan either. People joke that he is immune to sun, or UV-repelling. He usually just shrugs and says it's got to do with genes, that everyone in his family is like that. The whole thing gets even more unusual when one takes into consideration that he does have Irish heritage, but... the human body is strange. Maybe his family just consists of strange pale Irish people who are immune to sunburns and tanning. Regardless, his pale skin even in summer does not deter people from considering him attractive.
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superblysubpar · 11 months
I don’t write or anything so idk what this is but what’s a beta?
So I think it's technically defined as someone who reads your drafts/final draft for you for plot purposes in like, the "professional" world. They aren't looking to correct your sentence structure or your grammar (like an actual editor would do) but more so the actual grit to your story - "Hey I got really lost here, I think it needs more grounding in the setting." "JESUS FUCK THAT DESCRIPTION YOU POET" "Why do we care about the reader/character is going through in this scene? Okay. Show me." you get the picture.
I personally do a mixture when I beta, but I lean more heavily on the grammar cause I just can't help it. I know a lot of people have multiple beta readers which is a great idea! People just catch or point out different things 💛
It's also really helpful to have multiple people you send like little snippets to while you're writing aside from sending them the whole big thing at the end - they can help get you unstuck/fix a problem before it's so big it blows everything up (I'm still working on reaching out to mine when I need this 😅)
But anyways! I hope that helps! They're like an editor, your person(s) you trust with your baby before you share it with the world. It's an honor and privilege and a fun but big responsibility 💛💛
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maplesyrupsainz · 8 months
˖⁺。˚⋆˙ like a feather 🪶 | CL16 ˖⁺。˚⋆˙
pairing: charles leclerc x singer!reader y/n (she/her)
genre: social media au
warnings: none just fluff as per
summary: in which you're his celebrity crush and he eventually becomes yours too
a/n: me doing research to write this fic 🤓 (watching the feather mv)
request!!!: Hi, how are you? sooo i was thinking maybe a smau where Charles is dating a singer and he's playing the guy who Milo was (in Sabrina Carpenter's Feather music video) and this breaks the internet and this leads to them dating ??? idk, just like a really wholesome one where she was his celebrity crush like Taylor and Travis's relationship. Sabrina Carpenter as a face claim if this okay and thank you.
fc: sabrina carpenter
my masterlist
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liked by charles_leclerc, dualipa, and 1,023,821 others
yourusername virtual postcards 💋
view all 22,293 comments
gracieabrams wow wow wow
yourusername blushingg
user1 omg mother
user2 ilysm
user3 she is so insane
yourbff wow i love u
yourusername i love u more
user4 im in love
dualipa beautiful as always 💋
liked by yourusername
user5 anyone else peep charles leclerc in the likes?? anyone? just me
user6 is y/n his next victim
user7 i would never allow it
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yourusername posted a story
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liked by yourbff, maxverstappen1, and 991,284 others
user12 urm yn??
user13 what does this mean
user14 Y/N???
yourbff ur gonna send ppl crazy with this
yourusername hehehehe
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liked by taylorswift, charles_leclerc, and 1,827,023 others
yourusername the feather music video is urs now !!! <333 tysm for all the love on this track & to everyone who helped out with the making of the mv, u might notice a certain someone starring!!!! thank u to our mr ferrari , charles leclerc🙏🪶❤️
view all 31,294 comments
charles_leclerc thanks so much for having me, y/n! it was so much fun
yourusername tysm for being soo cooperative it was the most fun ever!!!! sorry if it was too crazy
charles_leclerc never too crazy
user20 omg 🥲🥲🥲
user21 OH MY GOD
user22 omg they are so hot
user24 this mv is my new roman empire
user25 they srsly need to date
yourbff wow congrats gorgeous girl !!
liked by yourusername
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charles_leclerc posted a story
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liked by yourbff, carlossainz55, and 398,183 others
user33 CHARLES????!!!!!! AND Y/N?
user34 hard launch or friends
maxverstappen1 wow wait a minute
pierregasly hello?
user35 they're dating i know it
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liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1, and 809,841 others
charles_leclerc ✈️
view all 27,283 comments
user37 omg...
user38 ok. im speechless
user39 this looks a lot like a hard launch
alex_albon go off
liked by yourusername
gracieabrams love love loveee
charles_leclerc ❤️
yourbff omg
liked by charles_leclerc
user40 HARD LAUNCH??!
user41 omg we've come so far
user42 "she doesnt know who i am" 😭😭😭
francisca.cgomes omg please introduce me
liked by charles_leclerc, yourusername
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly, and 1,087,918 others
yourusername well, sure and well, my cat loves him
view all 33,293 comments
maxverstappen1 this has been amazing to watch, so thank you y/n
charles_leclerc i hate you
yourusername hahahah
yourbff i just knew this would happen
pierregasly you're not the only one
user51 everything about this is amazing
user52 most iconic crossover ever
user53 the 2024 season in the ferrari garage is going to go OFF with y/n there
liked by charles_leclerc
user54 fast times? no, fast cars
user55 charles piano feature on a y/n track when
yourusername 👀
user56 OMG
charles_leclerc i feel so lucky
yourusername you're my celebrity crush 🫶
user57 omg
user58 i screamed
2K notes · View notes
81folklore · 1 month
so high school - OB87
pairings: ollie bearman x black!fem!reader (fc: @/inamouala + pinterest)
summary: a glimpse into the life of ollie bearmans girlfriend
type: social media au (smau)
note: this idea has been in my drafts since silverstone and ive only just gotten round to writing it🫣
note 2: lowkey rushed the end bcs i just wanted something posted so sorry but i hope to post more soon!!!
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liked by olliebearman, yourfriend3 and 4,920 others
lifes pretty nice when it looks like this 🫐🤍🌴
tagged olliebearman
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yourfriend3 miss you gorgeous😣😣
youruser miss youuu🩷
olliebearman a literal dream🥹 liked by youruser
olliebearman my princess💐
youruser my pretty boyyyy😣
yourfriend6 ahhh miss you so much!!! hope ur having lots of fun💕
youruser i feel like i havent seen you in agesss🥹 message me when ur nearby and we can do something together😚
user72 you guys are so cute☹️
user34 this is ollies gf?? how have i never seen her before shes stunning oml
user68 yesss!! they are pretty lowkey and dont post eachother a lot which is probably why youve never seen her!
user34 oh ok! do we know how they met?
user72 pretty sure they have been together since school so a good few years now! liked by youruser
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liked by olliebearman, paularon_ and 6,396 others
just a bit of everything 📸🥀
tagged yourfriend2 and olliebearman
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olliebearman pretty pretty girl🥹 liked by youruser
olliebearman love youu💐
youruser i love uuuu🌟😚
yourfriend2 tell ollie to stop hogging you please🙏
olliebearman no can do im afraid!!
yourfriend2 😔😔 (can i come next week)
olliebearman 😁😁 (yes, yn misses you)
user55 the hand placement🫠
user63 ur so gorgeous oh my god🤩
user84 can ollie fight?? (please say no🤞🤞)
youruser 📍silverstone
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liked by olliebearman, oscarpiastri and 7,201 others
life in the very fast lane for me and b-man🧸
tagged olliebearman
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yourfriend3 unreal😮‍💨
yourfriend7 💋💋💋
olliebearman my angel💐 liked by youruser
youruser my pretty photographer 😚😚
user88 wait ollie ate with those photos
user52 nahhh its all yn trust liked by olliebearman
user79 i love when yn is at the races so much!!!
user46 my favorite school sweethearts🫠🫠
user55 yn calling him b-man🥹🥹
olliebearman 🎵 so high school - taylor swift
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liked by youruser, alexpowellracing and 337,496 others
summers with my best friend💐🌴🌟
tagged youruser
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youruser god has his favorites and im one of them!!!
olliebearman me too!! me too!!
user52 i am NOT one of them :((
youruser such a special boy🤩🎀
olliebearman my favourite forever and ever
user83 these two make me feel so painfully alone😕
user95 shes his best friend🥹🥹😕
user7 i cant cope with these two
user39 ahhhhh i love yn so much
olliebearman me too🤭🤭
user74 ollie using so high school🥹
user1 officially their song
user74 true!! i dont make the rules i just enforce them!!
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CM Friends-with-Benefits Challenge
Hey everyone, I’m back with another monthly challenge! For the months of August AND September, I am formally challenging any willing writer to take a stab at writing fanfiction including friends with benefits/situationships using their choice of Criminal Minds characters! Reader, Original Character, Character/Characterships, Gen/Platonic fics are allowed! Please check out the Rules below the Keep Reading.
There are a LOT of prompts below the cut, so keep going!
(**This is NOT a request list for me—this is a prompt list of other writers! Feel free to request from someone else, and be sure to let them know about the challenge!)
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🥰 Song Prompts 🥰
"Sex" by The 1975
"Too Sweet" by Hozier
"dress" by Taylor Swift
"august" by Taylor Swift
"Casual" by Chappell Roan
"Dinner & Diatribes" by Hozier
"Close to You" by Gracie Abrams
“Stuck in the Middle” by Tai Verdes
"Good Luck, Babe!" by Chappell Roan
"I Wanna Be Yours" by Arctic Monkeys
“Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High?” by Arctic Monkeys
💌 Dialogue Prompts 💌
“I’m just in it for the snacks.”
“No wonder you’re single…” (joking?)
“So... what’s the stance on cuddling?”
"You deserve something real. I want us to be real.”
“We’re just friends with benefits.” // “Right, and the benefit is being madly in love.” (sarcasm?)
“We’re… friends. With benefits.” // “Without sex? What’s the benefit?” // “My delightful company, asshole.”
"I'm your boyfriend without the benefits." // "Do you want the benefits?" // "Yes—No... I'm your fluffer!" ('New Girl')
“What is up with those two lately?” // “They’re sleeping together.” // “Yeah, right. Imagine… wait, seriously?”
General & NSFW Prompts Below!
🌹 General Prompts 🌹
Someone figures out the situation. A and B try to figure out how.
A is blindsided by jealousy when someone shows an interest in B.
A and B try to be normal so no one knows. Literally everyone knows.
A is so worried about B falling for them that A fails to realize A already fell for B.
A realizes they are happier with B than any actual significant other they’ve had.
A is totally B’s type, which has never worked out before. As a result, A keeps sabotaging things.
A agrees to a situationship with B because they think it's the only way they'll be able to have them.
A reaches out to B for a hookup but gets rejected, and they each struggle with their disappointment.
A is treating the arrangement like a formal business deal. B gets tired of it and shuts them up with a kiss.
A and B used to be friends with benefits. When they meet again later, the arrangement is still appealing.
A has to leave town for a long time. They have one last night with B but don’t tell them. They’re gone in the morning and leave B wondering what they wanted to say the night before.
Anything else you can think of!
💋 NSFW Prompts 💋
A completely defies B’s expectations of what they’re like in bed.
A and B decide to hook up one last time (or maybe not the last...)
A agreed to take B’s virginity as long as B didn’t catch feelings. It seems like B didn’t. A did, though.
A and B's no-judgment rule means they're finally comfortable to ask for what they've always wanted to try in bed.
A is annoyed with B, so they start loudly complaining/joking about their situationship. Angry/playful sex ensues.
A and B have never felt truly satisfied in bed until there were no strings attached... it definitely wasn't because of finding the right partner.
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The fic can be a Reader insert, an Original Character, a character/character ship, a platonic ship, or a Gen fic. It can feature any Criminal Minds character. AUs and crossovers are more than welcome.
Tag me in the fic, or send the link to me in a Direct Message. It can be already written, or you can write it for the challenge - I’m collecting both! You can also tag it “#mentioningmargins” which is a tag I track.
The fic can be any genre, but ONLY send me smut if your bio states you are 18+. I DO NOT WANT smut written by minors. Ever. At all. I will check.Platonic ships and pure, fluffy fics are 100% allowed.
Please include Content Warnings and a one-sentence Summary of the fic in your post.
Have fun!
The Masterlist of fics will be posted around Sept. 30. If you finish after that, no problem - just send me the fic once you’re done and I’ll add it after-the-fact!
Feel free to message me if you want help developing a plot, have any questions, or just want to gush about your fic. I’m happy to help, and I’m happy you’re here ❤️
Happy Writing!
441 notes · View notes
harrysfolklore · 10 months
i thought about this concept when i watched the eras tour film and you guys encouraged me to write it so here it is ! i enjoyed it a lot so i really hope you like it
ps. the usernames on the comments are taylor’s dancers ! (they’re all so cool i’m obsessed with them)
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liked by audreydouglass, kamnsaunders and 11,927 others
yourinstagram ready for hotel rooms to be my new home now 🕺
view all 638 comments
audreydouglass ❤️
taylorfan1 she’s one of the eras tour dancers ! make sure to follow them all
gemmastyles Best of lucks !
janravanik Let’s go !
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liked by yourinstagram, jefezoff and 3,392,087 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Manila. March, 2023.
view all 72,927 comments
harryfan1 BABYYYY
yourinstagram miss you 🤍
harryfan2 he’s pocket size
alessandro_michele ❤️
harryfan3 i love singlerry
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liked by annetwist, janravanik and 17,927 others
yourinstagram 2023 had a blank space, and i wrote @taylorswift in it. let the games begin, the era’s tour !
to the cast… i can’t wait to spend this season of life with you.
view all 701 comments
yourbestie Wishing you the best 💘💘
taylorfan1 YOU KILLED IT
nat_b_peterson A true star love you ❤️let’s do this
taylorfan2 my dream job
annetwist ❤️
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 19,927 others
view all 989 comments
harryfan1 WTF???
harryfan2 NO WAY
taylorfan1 is that really him ??
taylorfan2 HUH?
taylorfan3 taylor’s best ex
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liked by janravanik, gemmastyles and 20,016 comments
yourinstagram who’s coming to tampa night two?? let the games begin ⚡️
view all 907 comments
taylorfan1 obsessed with them
gracieabrams Best one out there 🕺
taylorfan2 i love the tour dancers soooo much
taylorfan3 MY SHOWWW
gemmastyles I cannot wait to see this show
↳ harryfan1 gemma hello ???
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liked by taylorfan1, annetwist and 22,827 others
yourinstagram when your boy couldn’t make it to nashville but he’s a hopeless romantic lol
view all 913 comments
taylorfan1 aweee
kamnsaunders That boy is head over heels !
taylorfan2 she has a boyfriend nooo :( she’s my crush
annetwist ❤️
↳ harryfan1 i think she’s a family friend or something, anne and gemma always comment on her posts lol
nat_b_peterson This relationship gives me life
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liked by harryfan1, taylorfan1 and 297,894 others
tmz_tv Looks like #TaylorSwift & #HarryStyles really never go out of Style. Tap the link in our bio to see what we know about their recent rekindle!
view all 1,109 comments
harryfan1 huh?
↳ harryfan1 AND JEFF AZOFF
harryfan2 man i hate tmz with a passion
taylorfan2 y’all is this true?
harryfan3 you guys are better than believing TMZ
taylorfan3 IT COUPLE IS BACK
yourinstagram 😂😂😂😂
↳ janravanik I was about to send you this !
↳ taylorfan4 taylor’s dancers are laughing its FAKE
Harry Styles and Taylor Swift have their fans buzzing with excitement at the possibility that they’re back together.. and based on the many sightings of him at Taylor’s concerts.. they may be on to something.
The former flames, who had a brief but memorable relationship back in the day, have sent the internet into a frenzy with speculations about a possible rekindling of their romance.
The' As it Was' singer was seen sneaking into the opening night of Taylor Swift's tour in Arizona, catching the attention of eagle-eyed fans who couldn't believe their luck witnessing both pop icons under one roof. But that wasn't all – Styles continued his tour attendance, popping up at shows in Tampa and Atlanta, adding fuel to the already rumors of a reconnection.
A source has also provided us pictures of Harry pulling up at Gillette Stadium in Foxborough, Massachusetts, where Taylor’s show took place this weekend.
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Their history is no secret – Taylor Swift and Harry Styles' romance made headlines years ago, with their short-lived yet highly publicized relationship making fans go crazy. From romantic strolls in Central Park to cozying up at award shows, their time together never goes out of style.
But what does Harry's sudden appearance at Taylor's tour mean? Could it just be a friendly show of support between two mega-stars, or is there something more happening behind the scenes?
Fans have taken to social media, discussing every moment of their recent encounters, analyzing their body language, and even coming up with conspiracy theories about secret messages hidden in their song lyrics. Some die-hard 'Haylor' shippers are convinced this could be the moment they've been waiting for – the reunion of one of pop culture's most talked-about couples.
Both Styles and Swift have remained notoriously private about their personal lives, keeping fans guessing and rumors going around. Neither camp has confirmed or denied the speculations, leaving the world to wonder if there's a romantic renaissance on the horizon.
As the 'Eras Tour' continues its journey across the country, all eyes remain glued to the stage, anticipating every possible hint of a rekindled spark between Harry Styles and Taylor Swift.
Stay tuned as we keep our lenses focused and our ears to the ground for any whispers, sightings or signs of this potential Hollywood romance getting back together.
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 10,927 others
harryupdates Harry out in New York today !
view all 196 comments
harryfan1 AHHHHH
harryfan2 who is THAT
harryfan3 waiiiiiit whats going on
harryfan4 chill istg y’all have been sooooo dense lately, first starting rumors of him and taylor getting back together and now freaking out over harry greeting a (probably) a friend
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liked by gemmastyles, kamsaunders and 25,927 others
yourinstagram i really do 🫶🏻 new york
📸by my, my, my, my, my, loverrrr 💘
view all 940 comments
taylorfan1 she’s so prettyyyyy
audreydouglass You both give me life 🥹
janravanik Quoting the boss 🤩
gemmastyles I can’t wait to see you rock the stage tonight
taylorfan2 eras tour dancers give me life
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan3 and 15,928 others
harryupdates Harry and Gemma at The Eras Tour in MetLife Stadium tonight !
view all 196 comments
harryfan1 WTF?????????
harryfan2 i’m officially believing the rumors that him and taylor at back together
taylorfan1 WE?
harryfan3 what the actually fuck is going on this is the FOURTH show he attends and now with his family ?? lord i’m coming up
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liked by annetwist, yourinstagram and 866,297 others
gemmastyles I went to The Eras Tour in my Reputation era I guess ✨🖤🐍
view all 21,036 comments
harryfan1 SLAAAY
annetwist My turn now ! ❤️
↳ harryfan2 ANNE IS GOING TO THE ERAS TOUR ??? wtf is going on
yourinstagram love you so much, so happy you could make it 🥹💘
↳ harryfan3 see i’ve been saying that she must be a family friend
harryfan4 rumors of haylor being a thing again lowkey don’t sound too crazy
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liked by harrystyles, yourinstagram and 803,827 others
annetwist The Eras Tour with my girl @gemmastyles 👯‍♀️ watching the amazing @yourinstagram rock the stage. Of course the star of the show @taylorswift gave her all and blew us away ! Amazing night ❤️🎶
view all 23,972 comments
harryfan1 OMG
gemmastyles Oh I love being a woman 💘
↳ harryfan2 she gets it
yourinstagram love you both so much ! thanks for coming 🤍
↳ harryfan3 she must be gemma’s bff or smth
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 17,029 others
harryupdates Harry just followed this account on Instagram !
view all 201 comments
harryfan1 oh????
harryfan2 he has attended so many eras tour shows he befriended the cast
harryfan3 she also interacts with gemma a lot 👀
harryfan4 how crazy would it be if he’s dating her and not back with taylor like everyone thinks lol
↳ taylorfan1 don’t be delusional
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liked by harryfan1, taylorfan1 and 22,017 others
view all 206 comments
harryfan1 STOOOP
harryfan2 i was against the rumors of haylor rekindling but this is so 😭
taylorfan1 if i had a nickel for every time harry has attended the eras tour i’d have more than 5 nickels which is INSANE
harryfan3 the rumors are true i guess
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liked by gemmastyles, kamnsaunders and 27,018 others
yourinstagram the way fans figure things out never ceases to amaze me 😛 #randomthougts
view all 932 comments
harryfan1 is this who we think harry is dating?
tamiyaxlewis 😂😂 Love youuuu
taylorfan1 i want to know the eras tour inside tea
gemmastyles Welcome to my life
harryfan2 blink if you’re dating harry
harryfan3 she’s so pretty tho
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liked by harryfan1, taylorfan2 and 10,726 others
view all 201 comments
harryfan1 OMFGGG
↳ taylorfan1 yes there’s pictures around twitter !
taylorfan2 i think a collab with harry is possible since it’s been denied that they’re back together !
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liked by harrystyles, gemmastyles and 96,827 others
yourinstagram here’s the reason he attended so many shows 🥹💘 (if you know you know)
view all 5,927 comments
harryfan1 HUH?
kamnsaunders FINALLY !!!
harryfan2 if i can’t see his face it’s not real
annetwist Love, love ❤️
taylorfan1 this is hilarious LMAO y’all really thought it was all about haylor
harrystyles ❤️
↳ harryfan1 STOP
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liked by harrystyles, gemmastyles and 102,927 others
yourinstagram Taylor Swift: Era’s Tour World Premiere 🫶🏻✨🥹 To Taylor and the cast: I just love y’all. That’s it.
view all 5,207 comments
harryfan1 okay she’s stunning
audreydouglass She’s beauty and she’s grace… love you twin 🥰
↳ harryfan3 i don’t think so there’s no pics
annetwist Congratulations ❤️
harryfan4 i’ve lived 293728 lives since the first time harry was spotted at the eras tour
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 12,028 others
view all 1,002 comments
harryfan1 AHHHh
harryfan2 HE LOOKS SO BABY
harryfan3 my heart he gave yn her time to shine
harryfan4 I LOVE THIS COUPLE !! who would’ve thought harry would be dating one of the era’s tour dancers
taglist: @lightsoutstyles @willowpains @straightontilmornin n @sleutherclaw @gimsaysay y @hazzassmirk @platinumbarbie143 @musicforcinemas @celesteblack08 @scntfrhs @eleanordaisy @lomlolivia a @iceebabies @iloveshawn @be-with-me-so-happily @watermelonsugacry @rayisthehoe @drewrry @white-wolf-buckaroo
951 notes · View notes
redbullgirly · 8 months
Hi, how are you? I saw your requests are open so can you please write a social media au where charles leclerc is dating a singer similar to Taylor and Travis's relationship and just the internet reactions to it the rest is up to you, thank you 🫶🏻
sabrina carpenter as face claims if you're okay with it
Charles Leclerc x singer!reader
Summary: Everybody wants to attend Y/N's world tour and that clearly includes the Ferrari star driver, Charles Leclerc. Though when at a concert, he doesn't get the chance to speak with the famous singer and ask her out, and then gets asked about it in an interview, he isn't shy to admit what his intentions were. Maybe that'll bring Y/N's attention to him... and it definitely will bring the fan's attention. Soon enough, rumors about the couple dating start running around.
Warnings: I worked on this for like 8 hours straight so it's very much possible there are some mistakes or spelling errors I didn't even notice after all that time XD.
Author's Note: Here you go Anon, hope you'll like it! I used Sabrina Carpenter as face claim because let's be honest, she has great photos for this type of social media au and is a singer as well. I made this more like a story of how Y/N and Charles started dating and the fans reaction to that and also somehow tried to replicate Taylor's and Travis' way of meeting, some events and timelines, but to match it with Formula 1 world. Thanks for the request and enjoy! :)
yourusername posted on instagram
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liked by arianagrande, charles_leclerc, blakelively and 7,230,197 others
yourusername It's always great to be home, even if you're on a world tour!🇺🇸 Thank you LA for having me, singing in the rain with me and creating special atmosphere I'll remember my whole life!❤️‍🔥 And now Rio de Janeiro is waiting as the next stop of my Heart On Tour!✨🎤
view all 15,492 comments
user1 NO ONE looks that good in the rain except her
arianagrande perfect💋
liked by the author
user2 the concert was so good y'all don't understand now I can't live without knowing I'll see her sing again 😭💔
user4 Real angel right here 🤍
taylorswift Nothing screams girl power more than you honey!❤️‍🔥
yourusername thx sm taylor!!! you're literally my biggest inspo ever, love youu 🥰
user5 I love how they're fighting for the most successful and profitable tour ever but still support each other!
user6 omg stop it this is so sweet🥹
user7 The tabloids that constantly try to pit them against each other should be embarrassed XD
user9 taylor swift & y/n y/l/n... the best celebrity duo ever😻
user10 ur literally the people‘s pop princess
charles_leclerc Great concert!😍
user12 lol user11 the fact that Ariana herself is under this post as well 😭
user13 not charles trying to shoot his shot with your queen
user14 Why is my fav f1 driver randomly commenting under Y/N's post?!🤠
user15 waiiittt does this mean he's been at the concert???
user16 omg NO WAYYYY🫢
user17 guys I think he was trying to flirt w her and you kinda ruined it💀
liked by charles_leclerc
user17 what the hell-
user18 you left a whole country speechless💗
user19 More like the whole world!!!
spotify WOW 🤩
user20 I wanna be Y/N so baaad
victoriassecret If you ever retire from singing, come and be our angel!💘
user21 so who's here just to first handedly look at charle's sus comment? admit it🤨
user22 meeee
user23 I thought I'm the only one 😭
user24 well when you put it like that user21...
user25 I wish I could repost comments on ig 😃
user26 🫢🫢
user27 Yeah me too guys
user28 honestly i'm not even ashamed🤷‍♀️
user29 Models are lucky you’re not a model
user30 FR
user32 i seriously dont get the hype she has 🖕
user33 Then go away lol
user34 I can sense the formula one side of twitter is going to eat this upppp
user35 It's so funny how the crazy fan girls can get hyped over one comment... like be fr yn is a world famous singer ofc charles knows about her and can be her fan 🙄
user36 yeah plus I think she said herself she knows him too and is f1 fan bc she watched it with her dad or smth
user37 OMG they're each other's fans?!🥺 Idgaf about being crazy fan girly if it means we'll get this romance story!!!
user39 maybe i'm broke now but this concert was worth the money
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interview with Charles
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instagram direct messages between Y/N and Charles
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charles_leclerc posted on instagram
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liked by pierregasly, arthur_leclerc, yourusername, shawnmendes and 2,590,231 others
charles_leclerc Good days off. ❤️
view all 4,385 comments
user1 no way a woman made it to his babygirl filter instagram feed😧
user2 it's not a woman anymore... it's THE woman
user3 Uhmm...who is that girl?? In the second picture??
user4 I have a feeling that it's Y/N Y/L/N 🤭
user4 No way oh my god?!
user5 calm down guys it isn't confirmed or anything😑
carlossainz55 You are giving everybody a headache mate
liked by the author and yourusername
user6 you tell him carlito!!!!!
user7 OMG look at who liked his comment😃
user9 ehm charlie honey... who is that???🧐
user10 Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/NNNN
user11 Manifesting in real life lmao
user12 whats hapeningggggg
user13 he isn't single anymore 💔💔
user14 but it's y/n ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
user15 I hope so 😔❤️‍🩹
user16 What a way to start my day
user17 i literally spat out my morning coffee
user18 this is such a random soft launch help😭
user19 You see, I know that blonde hair from somewhere... 😏
user20 DAMN
user21 sorry not sorry but that's clearly y/n in the third pic🤷‍♀️
user22 💯💯💯🥇🏆
scuderiaferrari Let's rock the next Grand Prix!❤️‍🔥
liked by the author
charles_leclerc ❤️‍🔥
user24 interesting choice of emoji that's associated with y/n and the heart on tour 🥸🥸
user23 SUS
user24 Hard smash
user25 i love that even while soft launching he can't let go of the aesthetic filter he uses for his whole ig💀
joris__trouche lol true
user25 ohhh hi joris😭
user26 Idk who she is and tbh idgaf 'cause she's hooot 🥵😩
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yourusername posted on instagram
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liked by charlec_leclerc, f1, emilia_clarke, pascale.leclerc.355 and 8,016,555 others
tagged: scuderiaferrari
yourusername cruising down the street in my red car, feeling the wind whisper secrets, oh so far. 💄🎸🏎
view all 19,120 comments
user1 i never knew i needed ferrari coded y/n to live till we got her 😩
yourusername me neither babes
user1 oh my god what does that meeaaannn???!!!
user2 pop princess is living the dream so happy for you and all of your success
scuderiaferrari Everybody is a Ferrari fan ❤️
yourusername ofc!!🫡
user3 Yes we are... just pls stop giving us depression
user4 ohhh the caption screams NEW SONG
user5 right?! it's giving ✨lyrics✨
user6 let's pray for a release soon
user7 🙏🙏🙏
charles_leclerc Red suits you ❤️
liked by the author
user8 omg
yourusername wonder why ❤️
user8 OMG
user9 i dont want to be delusional... but c'mmon they gotta be dating
user11 ...so we're not talking about how the gp ended (or started) for charles, right?🥲
user12 idk what you're talking about🥲
user13 formation lap? naaaah it didn't happen🥲
user14 um so like you’re actually perfect
spotify you are GLOWING 🤩
user15 mommy- sorry... mommy-sorry... MOTHER
lilymhe my girl crush strikes again
liked by the author
user16 she's just like us xd
user17 I can't blame you Lily😌
user19 Yall think she's real?😍
user20 congrats on dating our babygirl driver y/n!
user20 (delulu is the solulu if you're wondering)
user21 Does Charles' mom in the likes mean something??🤔
user22 i bet he talks about y/n at home 😏
user23 you two are making me too obsessed with this couple that isn't even couple and their family relationships
user22 isn't couple YET!
user24 That's the thinking I like user22 😂
user25 ICONIC❤️‍🔥
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yourusername posted on instagram
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liked by maxverstappen1, sophiet, charles_leclerc, kellypiquet and 11,920,374 others
tagged: charles_leclerc
yourusername secret's out i guess... love u with my whole heart and i'll be forever glad you went to my concert!💝
speaking of music, he's also my muse y'all so be prepared for new album coming soon 😚
view all 20,199 comments
user2 only acceptable reaction
user2 again, only acceptable reaction
charles_leclerc Proud of you mi amor!😘
liked by the author
yourusername and i'm proud of you too honey 🥹🫶
user3 they're so sweet I caaaaan't
user4 FINALLY!!!! big congrats to you both
arthur_leclerc How did he even get you to date him?😆
yourusername let's say your big bro can be charming when he wants to... 😌
arthur_leclerc Okay NO NEED for details😅
yourusername xdd
user6 everybody's roman empire im afraid😍
user7 how can you both be so damn hot?!
carlossainz55 Does this mean free tickets? 😏
yourusername we'll se about that
landonorris pls y/n
danielricciardo hiiii y/n
alex_albon think of my gf y/n
yourusername okay okay you convinced me
maxverstappen1 I bet it was Alex's comment that convinced you
yourusername ...no need to expose me like that max emilian ☹️
user8 they're the IT couple
user9 Look at how cute Charlie looks in the 5th photo🥰
user10 OMG YEEES
user11 hey am I the only one who's instagram is glitching and not working???
user12 loool Y/N and Charles broke the internet😭
user13 Yeah and they took it too literally 'cause my ig is acting weird as well 💀
user15 look at my fav couple 😻
user16 I hope she'll bring him luck in the next f1 season
scuderiaferrari Everybody is an Y/N fan ❤️
liked by the author
charles_leclerc 🫡
user17 FACTS!!!
user18 mommy and daddy right there
user19 idgaf about her and Charles THE QUEEN IS WORKING ON MORE SONGS YEEEES
f1 Welcome to the family Y/N! 🫶
liked by the author and charles_leclerc
user20 she's the best wag ever 💕
user22 I'm looking at the third photo respectfully 🤭
user23 i love this soft side of Charles omg🥺
user24 righttt? he should post photos like this as well, its better than those professional ones on his profile
user25 Totally agree with this
user26 my jaw dropped but I'm happy about it
user27 idk but charles & y/n definitely won my heart
user28 😍😍
user30 Y/N Y/L/N you'll be forever famous!❤️‍🔥
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Enchanted Wheels by Y/N Y/L/N (lyrics):
Cruising down the street in my red car,
Feeling the wind whisper secrets, oh so far.
Monaco lights, they dance in the night,
As I search for a love that feels so right.
In this city so bright, I'm lost in the haze,
But I know deep inside, I'll find my soul's maze.
I'm chasing dreams, like chasing the moon,
In this journey, I'll find my love soon.
Enchanted wheels taking me away,
Through the starlit skies, where love will stay.
In the magic of Monaco, my heart takes flight,
Hoping destiny guides me to my soulmate tonight.
Driving through the streets, past midnight's hour,
Looking for heartbeats that give me the power.
In every stranger's eyes, I see fleeting sparks,
But I won't settle for less, only love from the heart.
Monaco's captivating, but love's the real deal,
I won't let go until my heart can finally heal.
The city's alive with endless possibilities,
Somewhere out here, there's a love meant for me.
Enchanted wheels taking me away,
Through the starlit skies, where love will stay.
In the magic of Monaco, my heart takes flight,
Hoping destiny guides me to my soulmate tonight.
I've been searching high and low,
Through the crowds, I hope you'll show.
I believe in fate, destiny's plan,
Perhaps you're just one turn away, my soul's lifeline.
Enchanted wheels taking me away,
Through the starlit skies, where love will stay.
In the magic of Monaco, my heart takes flight,
Hoping destiny guides me to my soulmate tonight.
With every passing mile, my hope grows stronger,
In this journey for love, I won't wait any longer.
Enchanted wheels, lead me to my greatest win,
In Monaco, I'll find my soulmate, love from within.
Author's Note: Wow, this took m longer than expected (and the worst part was finding that one picture that somehow matches Charles' instagram filter), but I'm really satisfied with the result. Hope you liked this social media au and once again, I'll be grateful for likes, comments, reblogs, follows and every other way of showing your support. Also a little disclaimer: I didn't write the whole song, just a part of it and then helped myself with AI because I'm not really good in songwriting. Though I'm still curious if you liked the bonus, so let me know. Good night! :)
746 notes · View notes
evermoreal · 9 months
it always leads to you ࿐
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pairing: simon riley x reader
genre: dad’s best friend au, fluff, smut, a touch of angst
cw: smut - this is 18+ minors dni, age gap (ghost is in his 40s, reader is in her 20s), fem!reader, reader is implied to be shorter than ghost, unprotected sex (bad idea!!!!!), praise kink (excessive use of ‘good girl’), oral (m & f receiving), face-fucking (he’s gentle abt it), ummmm a man that is Not ghost makes unwanted sexual advances, small mention of blood (someone gets a cut on their forehead). please lmk if i missed anything !!!!!!
summary: coming home for the holidays is both a blessing and a curse — cheesy music, bittersweet nostalgia, and simon riley, your father’s best friend and the man you’ve had a stupidly big crush on for years.
author’s note: hiii!! um a Few things . firstly, i seldom write smut & when i do i never post it. i have put off posting this for so long bc i was so nervous — it was originally meant to be a christmas gift to u guys 😭😭 n e ways we Prevail. also i despite being Obsessed w him i’ve never written for ghost !!!! i want to do soo much more for him & the other cod men, so if u have any reqs/ideas, my asks are always open !!! love u guys soooooo much i hope i enjoy ! 💋💋
word count: 11k (sorry 😭)
credits: title is from tis the damn season by taylor swift, and the beauuuutifullll render/edit of ghost is by user dwisesz on twitter!
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before you met him, you’d heard endless stories. for as long as you could remember, your father recounted tales of his friend ‘ghost’ from the army. every time he came back from deployment, there’d be something new — ghost’s snipe from 2,700 meters away, ghost making your dad laugh so hard beer came out of his nose, ghost making a new recruit cry simply by staring at them.
there were others, of course, too; gaz, who your father had quite the soft spot for; john, who quickly became your favourite when you met him a few years ago and he snuck you a sip of wine at dinner; soap, who was new to the team but had enough passion to carry an entire army on his back.
ghost, though — he was your dad’s favourite. though he claimed to be too honourable for favourites, the way your father spoke about him made it clear. a simultaneous respect and affection woven through every recounted story.
it was a shock you didn’t meet him until your freshman year of college. your father and ghost’s leave fell around the same time, and your father had invited him to stay with your family. your father never revealed much about ghost’s history, but you knew it was dark and splattered with blood. he was alone now, and though he claimed he preferred it that way, he’d accepted your father’s invitation.
from your bedroom, you’d heard the front door creak open, and without so much as a breath you were bounding down the stairs, bare feet smacking against the hardwood. your father was in the midst of putting down his bags when you threw your arms around him. ��dad!”
he reciprocated immediately, pulling you tightly against him. “hi, honey. i missed you.”
as you pulled back, he patted your head, and you spotted a shadow along the floor. following it toward the still-open door, you found a broad, menacing figure, blocking most of the sunlight. he was nearly as wide as the doorway, and the top of his head just barely made it under the threshold. over his face was hidden by a black balaclava with the faint impression of a skull along the front, faded with age and use. despite the endless stories, you were immediately intimidated, and stepped closer to your father.
your dad squeezed your arm, chuckling. “lieutenant, this is my daughter.”
looking between the two of you, simon took a slow step forward, and extended his hand. his movements were careful, like you were a wild animal he didn’t want to spook.
hesitating briefly, you slipped your hand into his. the warmth of ghost’s hand bled through the gloves he wore as he squeezed yours once. “nice to meet you, sweetheart.”
“it’s nice to meet you, um, mr ghost.” you had to crane your neck to look him in the eye.
a low, raspy chuckle rumbled from his chest, and beneath the balaclava, his eyes creased into tiny half-moons. “just simon is fine, love.”
and, really, he didn’t even give you a chance. there was no warning, no preamble. in an instant, fear ignited into something far more dangerous — attraction.
with a warm stomach, you smiled, and tried your hardest to keep it from growing too wide. “right. um. simon. yes.” you bit your cheek. “i’ve heard a lot about you.”
finally releasing your hand, he murmured, “terrible things, i assume.” his wink was quick and cheeky and certainly wasn’t meant to release a swarm of butterflies in your stomach, and yet . . .
“mostly,” you joked, and beside you, your father laughed. it was a rude awakening — ice water splashed over your silly little daydream. this man was only a few years younger than your father — in no universe would he give you a chance, and in no world should you want him to.
as quickly and as unassumingly as you could, you excused yourself, claiming you were in the middle of packing — which was mostly true. you were due on campus in less than two weeks, and if you didn’t start now, you’d leave it until the night before and end up forgetting something.
initially, you’d dreaded spending two weeks under the same roof as simon. it was a surefire plan to end up embarrassing yourself, because you’d never really been able to act normally around a crush, especially one in the shape of a 6-foot-whatever behemoth. yet, as the days went on, that dread steadily began to lift. despite your school girl crush, simon was easy to talk to. a lot of the time he was quiet, but his eyes never wavered from you, listening intently and humming where it mattered. he was fun, too — he recommended good movies, took you shopping while your father ran errands, taught you the best places to hit a man if one attacked you.
(a picture of simon, dramatically curled up in pain after you’d accidentally kicked him in the balls during a lesson now sits in your phone’s ‘favourites’ folder).
two weeks went by far too quickly, and before you knew it, your dad and simon were lugging your belongings up and into your dorm. not a single bag was left for you — you were tasked with the important duty of telling them what went where. when all was said and done, simon handed you a tiny piece of paper with a ten-digit number scrawled messily across it.
“in case you ever need me,” he explained, warm brown eyes peering at you beneath terribly long lashes. “i know your dad’s always there, but — just in case.”
then, he’d patted your head and squeezed your shoulder, murmuring a, “good luck, kid.”
and, though he was lovely to look at and talk with and exist around, you knew it would never be anything more. no matter how desperately a silly little part of you wished it. he spent time with you because he didn’t have anyone else. never had a daughter or a niece to spoil or playfight with. it was endearing, the way he interacted with you. wholesome and innocent and if that was all you’d ever get, you’d be happy.
— ∘♡༉∘ —
college was a lot. it was simultaneously the best and worst time of your life, passing by at both a snail’s and bullet’s pace. somehow, you ended up halfway through your final year. the holidays had rolled around, leaving you on a train, weaving over the tracks as you made your way back home.
in the years you’d been away, you’d kept in contact with simon. he joined your family for every holiday, and beyond that, you texted him often. sent him photos of your proudest grades, spirit days, or yummy meals. he’d even occasionally text you first, asking how your classes were going, if it was raining there like it was here, if you got home safe on the nights he knew you went out.
the landlord he’d rented his shitty apartment from ended up selling the place and simon had to relocate, finding a place only a few minutes from your dad’s. they loved to bug you, now — sending selfies and videos. to occupy themselves on their offtime, they’d opened a car repair shop together, and it only got worse.
you weren’t supposed to be home until tomorrow, but you were feeling homesick and your bags were already packed. before long, you were stepping out of a taxi, bags in hand, and ambling up to the shop.
the reception area was tiny, sweetly decorated for the holidays and playing some generic christmas station. leaning against the desk was soap, slyly flirting with the blushing woman behind it.
his eyes lit up upon seeing you. “the fuck’re you doin’ ‘ere, lass?” he questioned far too loudly. immediately, you shushed him, and he caught on. “ooh, i love surprises. they’re back in the garage, workin’ away. y’want me t’film it?”
giggling, you shook your head, accepting the quick side hug he gave you. when you slipped through the garage door — opening it bit by bit, never too quickly lest it creak, soap returned to the customer.
the garage was stocked with cars in disrepair and various parts you couldn’t name if your life depended on it. the stench of motor oil, cigar smoke, and antifreeze stung your nose as you made your way over, where simon was wheeled beneath a car, thick thighs flexed inside oil-stained jeans. your father was turned away from you, bent over a shoddy metal table table and observing an array of papers. an ancient radio sat next to them, croaking out a rock song from your childhood.
“one of these days, i’m gonna teach you to use spotify,” you called, voice bouncing off the cement walls and ceiling.
a bang proceeded your words, and in the same instant, your father turned around, exclaiming your name and wrapping you in the world’s tightest bear-hug.
“we were supposed to pick you up tomorrow!” he said, voice muffled to your ears beneath the suffocating squeeze of his arms.
“figured i’d surprise you,” you supplied, stepping back from his grasp once it loosened. immediately after, you were enveloped by simon, who stunk of grease, cheap cologne, and tobacco. you inhaled; it was lovely.
“my favourite college student,” he murmured into the top of your head. “how y’been, trouble?”
when you pulled away, a dark splotch caught your eye. a small but growing patch of blood stained the top of his balaclava, turning the black fabric a murky shade of brown.
“shit! you’re bleeding!” you yelped, stepping away from him and searching your surroundings — there wasn’t much for medical supplies in a garage.
beside you, your dad was laughing; a deep, wheezy sound. “did y’hit your head?”
simon grunted, shooting you a playful glare. “if college doesn’t work out, kid, y’ve got an easy spot on the one-four-one. you’re quiet as a mouse. scared the shit outta me.”
despite yourself, you snorted. “i’ll keep that in mind. d’you guys have any bandaids?”
“there’s some in the office. bottom drawer of my desk,” your father replied, voice tinged with amusement.
“thank you, dad. simon, come. i took a first-aid course in high school.”
obediently, simon followed, keeping just a step behind as you moved through the garage. from his table, your father called, “we’re going out for dinner tonight, don’t make plans!”
“sir yes sir!”
simon and your father’s office was a small room just off the garage. carpeted, with off-white walls and dusty blinds letting in yellowish rays of sunlight. dusty photos hung from the wall; a few of you and your father; the 141; a german shepherd simon adored.
moving to the desk, you bent over and dug through the mountain of junk in the bottom drawer. the box of bandaids was shoved into the corner, bent and creased. simon copied your movements, rounding the desk and sitting on the worn desk chair.
“d’you know if you have anything to clean it with? hydrogen peroxide, saline, any kind of antiseptic?” you questioned, opening the drawer above it, which contained only invoices and a chequebook.
humming, simon stood, moving to the cabinet and pulling out a bottle of whiskey. at the roll of your eyes, he chuckled. “it works, doesn’t it?”
“i suppose it does,” you replied, collecting the fast food napkins you’d spotted while searching for the bandaids. then, after he’d sat once more, you softy placed your fingers at the bottom of simon’s balaclava. “may i?”
whenever simon’s eyes met yours, your breath hitched. every single time. whether it was because of that stupid crush that never went away or because his gaze were simply so intense, like an entire world existed within small pools of deep brown. pulling you in, drowning you. it was impossible to look away.
again, he hummed, granting you permission. gently, you rolled the fabric up, revealing his face inch by inch. this wouldn’t be the first time you’d seen his face — he spent far too much time around you to hide it. he still wore it more often than not, though, and every time he bothered to tug it off, it was like seeing it for the first time. roman nose, full lips, the scar across his brow, the prickly dusting of facial hair along his jaw. it was a shame he hated photographs — you’d frame it if you had any less sanity.
in your distraction, the tension had grown thick, humming in the silence of the room. clearing your throat, you took the whiskey from him, turning it over in your hands. “this stuff is shit.”
his face twisted. “how the hell d’you know what whiskey tastes like?”
snorting, you uncapped the bottle, and began to soak the corner of a napkin. “y’know, riley, i’ve been legal for a while now.”
his lip twitched, forming a crooked smile. “i know. it’s hard not to. y’keep growing. every time i see you, you’re . . .”
he trailed off. placing a gentle hand on his forehead, you tilted his head backward, and began to gently wipe at the cut. “i’m what?”
imperceptibly, he shook his head, careful not to jostle you. “more of a woman.”
you barked a laugh at that, and his smile grew. “more of a woman? what does that mean? i had tits when i met you, simon.”
simon rolled his eyes. “that’s not — what i meant. you’re . . . not a kid. you’re meaner now, for one.”
resuming the cleaning of his wound, you pouted. “mean? you wound me. maybe i’m just not scared of you anymore.”
“no, you’re not mean. always been a sweetheart.” his eyes fluttered shut beneath your ministrations. “you were scared of me?”
you giggled, and placed the bloodied napkin in the trash. then, you dug out a bandaid. “no, not really. nervous, maybe. intimidated.”
“is my handsome face really so daunting?”
this time, your laugh was lacklustre — he’d hit the nail straight on the head. “you’re bigfoot in a skull mask. before you spoke, i was a bit nervous.”
“but you’re not? now?”
peeling the parchment from the back of the bandaid, you met his gaze. “no. why would i be?”
this time, it was simon that looked away. you delicately placed the band-aid over the cut, before he said, “thank you, angel.”
you smiled, and, like you were drunk of the proximity of him, placed a quick, daring kiss to the band-aid. “if i wasn’t such a generous nurse, i’d say you owe me. you’re lucky.”
simon breathed laugh, and if you didn’t know better, you’d think the tops of his cheeks were pink. clenching and unclenching his jaw, he murmured, “lucky indeed.”
— ∘♡༉∘ —
in hindsight, believing your high school friends were capable of growing up was one of your less intelligent ideas. call it boredom or stupidity, but when a few of your old friends invited you out to the bar, you were compelled to accept.
it, unsurprisingly, went dreadfully. the first half of the night was fine — the first round of shots was purchased by one of the sweeter ones. you caught up over murky-coloured cocktails, swapping stories about your new lives and reminiscing over your old ones. the alcohol warmed your skin and loosened your limbs. the night went on and the amount of patrons doubled; you recognized a lot of them from old classes or bus rides or kindergarten friendships.
a boy from high school, one that hadn’t said a single nice thing to you in the entire four years, approached you with something that was supposed to be a smirk. you were polite at first, nodding along to his slurred words, exhaling when he attempted a joke. he dragged a hand over your thigh, and when you shifted away he easily followed. you excused yourself, muttering something about using the restroom, and he took it as an invitation.
“y’like it public, huh? never took you as the type,” he garbled, sliding off the barstool and following your movements. “i like whatever you like, baby.”
“no, i — actually need to pee,” you stated, glancing around the bar for your lost friends. he stared at you for a long minute, eyes narrowing.
“mm, fine. i’ll — i’ll pull up my car, we can head back to my place.”
“no, i—” you began, eyeing his sleazy grin and glazed-over leer. “i don’t want to go home with you. i’m not interested. i’m sorry.”
it takes a few moments for him to wrap his head around your words; each one spelled out across his face as it’s processed. finally, his expression twisted into a sneer.
“should’ve fuckin’ known not to waste my time with you,” he barked, unfocused eyes glaring daggers at you. “once a whore always a whore, huh?”
the most embarrassing part of this was the tears. you didn’t let him see them — too prideful to let them fall before you muttered a “fuck you,” and escaped out the side door.
the night air was freezing, twinged with the sharp bite of early winter. without a jacket or alcohol — you’d sobered up as soon as his hand touched your leg — to warm you, you were left hugging yourself, digging your phone out of your purse.
you could have sobbed when a red battery symbol lights up the screen, before flickering back off, dead. you just might have had you not spotted a pay-phone a few meters away.
there were only a few coins in your purse. had it not been kept for just-in-case situations like these, there would be none at all. shoving a few into the coin slot, you dial the number you’d had memorized from childhood.
it rang several times, wind whistling in your other ear, before your father’s voice stated, “sorry, can’t reach the phone. leave a message.”
a choked sound left your throat. what the hell were you supposed to do? most of your friends had split off into tiny sub-groups, and you were too ashamed to ask any of them for a ride. there was the option of asking a bartender to call a cab, though the idea of that was, for no real reason, profusely embarrassing. then, you remembered the one other phone number you’d memorized.
you don’t really know why — there was no reason for you to remember it, especially over any other phone number. yet, when he’d handed you that crumbled sheet of paper, your eyes had traced over the shapes of the numbers, and for some reason committed them to memory with no further effort.
whatever the reason was, you didn’t feel like questioning it. you were merely thankful you did. with cold fingertips, you pressed the digits into the payphone.
he picked up on the fourth ring. “who’s this?” was the greeting.
“it’s me,” you replied, and you barely were able to finish saying your name before he was cutting you off.
”what’s wrong? are you alright?”
huffing a quiet laugh, you said, “‘m fine, simon. i just—” you sighed, clutching the phone tighter in your hand. “i went out with my friends, an’ i—i’m just not having a good time. i tried to call my dad, but it’s past ten, so he’s passed out. i’m sorry—”
“where are you?” he asked, and there was a rustling in the background.
there were only a few bars in town—he knew immediately where this one was. “i’m on my way, i’ll be there in ten. are you in a safe spot, sweetheart?”
“i’m in a telephone booth. my phone died.”
“of course it did. would you be willing to go in an’ ask the bartender to use the phone?”
“alright. okay. just stay on the line with me then, okay? d’you have any extra change, in case y’run outta minutes?”
”yeah. i should be good. i’m—listen, si, i’m really sorry—”
“if i hear that word come outta y’r mouth again we’re gonna have issues,” he said, and you laughed despite yourself. “‘m glad you called. now i’ll get t’see your pretty face.”
a girlish giggle sounded from your chest, and if it weren’t so damn cold, you might’ve been embarrassed. “i hate bars.”
“y’go to the wrong ones,” he replied. “one day i’ll take you out to one of my favourites. show you a decent drink.”
“my drinks are decent,” you argued. there was a whooshing sound on the line, and you panicked. “you’re not driving your motorcycle, are you?”
“didn’t have anything else with me,” he said. “y’got a problem with my harley, trouble?”
“your harley is a death machine.”
simon chuckled. “i’ll drive slow with you.”
“you should be driving slow now.”
another laugh. “i’ll be there in three.”
“simon!” you admonished. “you said ten!”
“that was four minutes ago.”
shaking your head, you said, “your lack of self-preservation should be studied.”
in the few seconds he took to reply, your teeth clacked together, and simon swiftly asked, “are you chattering?”
your lack of response served as one on its own, and he continued, “doll, what’re you wearing in this telephone booth?”
“um,” you started, chewing your bottom lip. “a skirt.”
“and a jacket?”
“christ,” he swore. “your lack of self-preservation should be studied. it’s not even 5° out.”
“jackets are a lot of work to carry around in a bar,” you argued, though you knew it was fruitless. “and i wasn’t really planning on spending any time in a telephone booth.”
“y’should always prepare for the worst,” he stated. “what if i hadn’t picked up, hm?”
“you always pick up.”
for a short moment, the other line was quiet, with only the quiet whoosh of the wind brushing past the speakers. then, “yeah, i do.”
the way he said it — so tenderly, like an admission — had any response dying on your tongue. your heart felt oddly warm, and didn’t quite know what to do with yourself, curling and uncurling the phone cord around your fingers.
“‘m here, trouble,” simon said, saving you from further awkward silence. a headlight glared against the glass of the phone booth, hallowing fingerprints and rain stains. squeaking out an, “okay,” you hung up the phone with a click and stepped out.
he was off his motorcycle already, immediately tugging off his jacket and wrapping it around your shoulders before pulling you against him.
“god, you’re a fuckin’ ice cube, sweetheart,” he said. he held you like that for a while, arms wrapped so tightly around your frame that you worried you’d morph into him. not that you minded — he was warm.
afterwards, simon cupped your cheeks, tilting your head upward as he examined you, as if you were ill or injured. furrowing his brow, he asked, “were you crying?”
you attempted to look away, ashamed, but in his grip it proved futile. “not much.”
“what happened?” he asked, and there was something in his voice, laced in the low rumble of it, that sounded threatening. it wasn’t meant for you, that was clear — he’d never direct anything hostile toward you. before he had even the barest idea of who or what made you cry, he was already furious at it.
“it’s nothing.”
“tell me,” he demanded. then, softer, “please. i just — need to know.”
moving your gaze from a far-off shape in the night towards his, you were unable to keep it from him. “i—this guy. i went to high school with him.”
a spark lit his gaze. “what’d he do?”
for a few breaths, you were quiet, trying to sort the words into something only mildly wrath-inducing. “he wanted, um, to take me home. i didn’t want to. he got upset.”
the spark caught, lighting his gaze into a furious blaze. even beneath the balaclava, you could see his jaw clench. he stepped away from you and set on a warpath toward the bar.
“simon—no,” you yelped, hurrying to catch up with him. it was a difficult task—your shoes weren’t comfortable and his long legs moved swiftly. finally, you caught his leather sleeve in your grasp. “don’t. please, don’t.”
at the sound of your voice, soft and warbled, he stopped, turning to face you once more, and whatever he saw on your face had his eyes softening.
“i don’t want to deal with him any more than i already have,” you said, staring up at him. “i just—i just want to leave. can we go to your house, please? i don’t want to be alone. i don’t want to think.”
the neon bar lights cast strange shadows across your frames, illuminating you in various bright colours as you stood, gazes caught in one another. simon seemed to fight with himself for a moment, fury and something far more tender battling for authority. the latter won out; he exhaled a long breath, hand cupping the back of your head and pulling you into him once more.
“let’s go, yeah?”
you nodded, following with your arm wrapped around his as he led you to the bike. attached to the back was an extra helmet, which he placed atop your head, adjusting it with a heady stare you couldn’t meet. the helmet smelled like pine and tobacco and vanilla and simon — it was everywhere, and you blissfully drowned in it.
when it was to his satisfaction, he tugged his gloves off and pulled them over your fingers. they were large and loose on you, and they were still warm from his skin. afterward, he pulled his own helmet back on, and held a hand out, helping you onto the back of the machine. large hands adjusted your hips, manhandling you into the right position, and it took everything in you not to make some sort of embarrassing squeak.
“okay,” he murmured, bent over your shoulder. “i’m gonna sit on the front here. you’ll have your arms wrapped around my torso, okay? and you’re not gonna let go, at all. yeah?”
you nodded. “mmhmm.”
“i need to hear your words, love.”
meeting his gaze for the briefest second, you repeated, “i won’t let go.”
“good. i won’t too fast with you, but if y’need me to pullover, just let me know, yeah?”
another nod, and this time he gave you a pointed look. “i’ll let you know,” you stated, lips just barely twitching.
with a gloved hand, simon pat your helmet and mounted the bike. after the briefest moment of hesitation, you wrapped your arms around his middle. even through the leather, he was warm; you couldn’t help but burrow a bit further into him. with merely a glance at simon, it was obvious he was built — far more than any other man you knew. to feel it beneath you, though, was an entirely separate thing. he was solid and unyielding but not harsh; a thin layer of fat kept him just soft enough.
“good girl,” he praised, patting the hands you’d entwined in front of his belly. you pressed your eager grin between his shoulders.
the motorcycle rumbled beneath you, and, slowly, he eased the gas, weaving through the tightly-crammed parking lot. just as he was about to exit the lot, he asked, above the exhaust, “you alright?”
“mmhmm,” you hummed, cheek pressed against leather. then, “yes.”
with that, he accelerated onto the road, joining the late-night traffic. the wind whistled in your ears and bit at your exposed legs; you pressed yourself further against him, and his back vibrated with the sound he made in acknowledgment. above, yellowish streetlights warmed the pavement and passing cars. gas stations and markets and various homes passed by in a colourful blur.
at a red light, while you sat still, simon’s hand came down, brushing over your knuckles in slow circles. the movement was featherlight and you wondered if it was unconscious — as soon as it flicked back to green, he moved the hand back to the handles without any acknowledgment.
the ride to his place was closer than it would have been to yours. simon lived in a small, red brick townhouse, far enough from downtown to be quiet, and close enough to access it without any hassle. he could afford better, though he opted for this because ‘it was all he needed.’ a stove to cook on, quiet neighbours, and a bed to sleep in — these were his only requirements.
steering the motorcycle beside the curb, he parked it there, and leaned backward into you. “how was that?” he asked. the world seemed strangely quiet without the hum of the engine.
“fast,” you said lamely, honestly. “not as bad as i thought, but i still prefer cars. they have walls. and heat.”
simon laughed, shaking his head. the sound echoed through his shoulders, which you were still pressed against. “when i get you a jacket i’ll make sure it’s heated.”
the idea of simon purchasing you a leather jacket to ride with him more often — it made your face heat up and your cheeks ache with a restrained grin. you were barely able to get yourself under control before he was sliding off the bike and offering a hand to you. even with his help, maneuvering your way off with mostly-numb legs was a difficult task. you just barely were able to land steady-footed on the pavement. as if simon knew this, he kept a hand on the small of your back as you walked up the steps to his home.
inside, it smelled like simon. pine, english breakfast tea, and something unique to him. the only thing missing was the stench of a cigarette; you knew he refused to smoke inside.
the decorations were minimal yet cozy; it was surprisingly neat. besides the pair he’d just kicked off, the shoes were lined up along the wall. you’d been inside very few times, and never long enough to observe. in the living room, the lamp was still on, bathing the room in warmth. there was a cup of tea on the coffee table, only a few sips left. beside it was a novel you didn’t recognize, dog-eared halfway through.
every detail felt important, like a glimpse into him. had the bar not left you feeling sticky and unkempt, you could have stayed here observing for hours. yet, your shirt felt suffocating across your chest, and the nape of your neck felt sweaty despite the earlier chill.
“um,” you began ungracefully. “do you mind if i use your shower? i feel . . . icky.”
his lips twitched at your choice of words, and he nodded. “yeah. lemme show you the bathroom, sweets.”
following him up the stairs, he directed you to the bathroom, pulling two towels out of his linen-closet. then, he said, “shower’s fuckin’ complicated. too fancy. lemme get it started for you.”
you watched as he ducked in, fiddling with buttons and knobs until steam danced over the glass doors. afterward, he looked back at you, peering at your figure. “that’s not very comfortable.”
you followed his gaze, glancing over your outfit. “well, no.”
he huffed. “i’ll get y’something of mine,” he stated, and made his way toward the door. “i’ll leave it on my bed, yeah? just down the hall. if y’need anything, sweetheart, just shout. i’ll be downstairs.”
giving a soft smile, you nodded and said, “okay. thank you, simon. really.”
“no need. i’d let y’live here if it meant never going to that fuckin’ shitehole again.”
“it wasn’t that bad of a bar.”
he gave you a dead-pan stare. “shite. hole.”
amused, you rolled your eyes, and pushed the door shut. on the other side, you heard a chuckle — the smile that bloomed on your face at the sound was unbidden.
it’d be a lie to say it didn’t feel strange to strip in simon’s house. the fact that only a few walls stood between you sent a strange thrill through you. it was in your best interest to ignore it — your heart and body had incredibly inappropriate reactions to the man, and tonight they seemed to be at an all time high.
he was being kind, nothing else.
once your clothes were peeled off and discarded on the tiled floor, you stepped into the shower. immediately, the warmth enveloped you, melting the tension out of your muscles and washing it away.
simon didn’t have much of a selection when it came to soaps. you were thankful he had a decent face wash, though — at least there were no three-in-ones.
the body wash smelled lovely — that dizzying, woodsy scent native to simon danced alongside the steam in the bathroom as you lathered it across your skin. though it was tempting to stay for longer, you didn’t want to waste too much of his water. you stepped out, and wrapped a shockingly soft towel around your abdomen.
the house was quiet when you stepped out of the restroom, clothes collected in your hands as you padded toward simon’s bedroom. this was the one room you hadn’t yet seen, though you could have predicted quite a bit of it. neat, minimal decorations. a king-sized bed because anything smaller wouldn’t fit him. folded atop were joggers and a sweatshirt.
it wasn’t a surprise you had to roll up the pant legs until they were ridiculously cuffed at the bottom. the sight of yourself in the mirror made you snort; you were drowning in simon’s clothes. butterflies swarmed your tummy, too—you were in his clothes, like you belonged to him. the train of thought was dangerous, you quickly looked away.
exiting his bedroom, you heard a quiet, continuous popping sound. padding down the stairs, you followed it into the kitchen where simon stood, collecting a bit of butter and a salt shaker.
though your steps were quiet, simon’s eyes were on you before you even stepped inside the room. his gaze swept your figure, dwarfed in his clothes, lingering just long enough for you to catch it before he was shifting it away, jaw twitching beneath his balaclava.
after a moment too long, he said, “hey, trouble.” his voice was low. “making popcorn. there’s tea.” he gestured with his chin to the counter where two mugs sat, one of which you’d gifted to him nearly three years ago now. a black cat was painted on the front, a grumpy expression wrinkling it’s little face (“it reminds me of you,” you’d said). in a significantly less interesting mug was your tea, several shades lighter than his black.
“thank you,” you murmured against the lip of the glass, wincing slightly when a sip burned your tongue.
“do you—” he began, taking the popcorn out of the microwave and pouring it into a bowl. “how’s a movie sound?”
you grinned. “it sounds lovely.”
“there’re dvds in the cupboard out there,” he explained, sifting the butter and salt through the popcorn. “take your pick.”
a snort. “why am i not surprised you still use dvds?”
simon raised a brow. “i spend half my life in barracks. netflix is a scam, love.”
“sure,” you said, grinning impishly. “grandpa.”
despite your teasing, his movie collection was vast. a lot of them you hadn’t heard of, though you picked out a familiar one, presenting him with your choice when he joined you in the living room.
“diehard, hm?” he gave a crooked smile. “tis the season, i suppose. you have good taste, sweetheart.”
“i know,” you stated proudly. “but you should keep complimenting me.”
simon huffed a laugh, and placed the disc in the dvd player. “i already feed your ego too much.”
making yourself comfortable on his couch, you agreed, “you really do.” then, when he procured a blanket and draped it across your lap, you snorted. “this isn’t helping.”
placing the popcorn between you, simon tugged off his balaclava and shoved a few pieces in his mouth, saying, “sorry, sweets. can’t help it.” his smile was lopsided and boyish, charming. the tv flickered on, basking the room in a blueish glow, before simon clicked ‘play’ on the movie.
together, you watched the opening scenes of the movie. a few jokes were muttered back and forth, but, other than that and the sounds of the film, it was quiet. the popcorn was delicious, lathered in an unhealthy amount of butter and salt, you shovelled it into your mouth.
the tea, too, was lovely. warm and sweet, and, combined with the comfort of simon’s presence, you were sleepily lulling back into the plush couch. with low eyelids, you tried to make yourself comfortable, manoeuvring your body this way and that. huffing, you stared down at the couch, searching for a decent position, when you spotted simon’s lap.
all muscled and soft, he’d make the perfect pillow. would he mind? you sincerely doubted he would. it was innocent, after all. you simply wanted to relax. the only one it might be awkward for was you, and if you could get past your stupid crush for a single hour, it’d be perfect.
after one more moment of doubt, you stretched yourself out and hesitantly laid your head on simon’s lap. beneath you, he tensed for a moment, and you just about thought you’d fucked everything up before he relaxed back into the couch. a large hand made a home on your back, running soothingly up and down your spine.
laying against simon like this — it was so peaceful. your mind hushed to a low hum as you nestled further into him, eyes trained on the screen. his fingers trailed upward, tracing a pattern on the nape of your neck and returning south.
the movie was entertaining, though you felt yourself slipping into sleep. occasionally, simon’s fingers would slip over a ticklish slip of skin, and you’d shiver, causing him to exhale a chuckle.
slowly, as your mind quieted, so did the sound of the film, until it was an unintelligible mumble. the world started and ended with simon’s thighs beneath your cheek, and his hand against your shoulders.
against your eyelids, the screen was bright, lighting them up uncomfortably. huffing sleepily, you pressed your face into simon’s lap, burrowing further in an attempt to make yourself comfortable. beneath you, something firm prodded against your cheek, and at once you were very awake.
simon, suddenly, stiffened. the hand on your back halted, fingers hovering over your skin before dropping away completely. “oh, fuck—christ, sweetheart, i’m so sorry. i’ll drive you home, okay? or—i’ll call a cab, if you’d rather that—”
“simon.” the word was firm enough to catch his attention, quieting him if only for a moment. your mind swam—a mess of confusion, lust, excitement, and need. when it proved too difficult to sift through, too impossible to cohere, you voiced the one word you could manage:
despite the long-forgotten movie being your only source of light, the reaction simon had was the clearest you’d ever seen. his breath hitched, chest rising and falling rapidly. his gaze, so dilated it was almost entirely black, narrowed on your face. it darted between your features, like he was searching for some sort of hidden meaning in your words, like he didn’t quite believe you.
in retaliation, your hand, trembling only slightly, came up and grazed the too-large tent in his trousers. immediately simon’s hand gripped your wrist, squeezing his eyes shut and inhaling sharply.
“kid—” he said then, and the word was wrapped in molten heat. it was gravelly in a way you’d never heard before, a rumble in his chest. goosebumps broke out along your skin. “don’t start something you’ll regret.”
“i’m not,” you stated bravely, daringly. you adjusted your position, only to face him better, and he did not let go of your wrist. you hoped he couldn’t feel the rapid thrum of your pulse beneath his thumb. “please, simon. i want this. i’ve wanted this.”
that snagged on something in his brain; caught his attention and held it. he stared at you, intense as ever. behind his gaze was a dilemma; a war you could only see traces of. after a few suffocatingly long moments spent beneath heavy tension, something won out, and the grip on your wrist loosened.
immediately, with years of want behind your touch, you grazed your hand over his clothed length once more. the breath in your chest stuttered when you grasped it, feeling just how big he was beneath your fingers.
a sound rumbled in simon’s chest; a groan of sorts. exploratorily, you tilted your head down, holding his burning gaze as you brushed your lips over his trousers.
“fuck,” simon cursed, hand grasping the back of your skull. he didn’t push or move you at all; he simply held it there, like he couldn’t bare to not be touching you himself.
the button of his trousers was difficult to undo with shaking hands, but you managed, pulling down his fly barely seconds after. with uneven breaths, you delved beneath the band of his briefs, pulling him up and out of the fabric.
the sight of simon’s cock was enough to get you off on it’s own; too thick for one of your hands to wrap around it, long enough that it bobbed against his shirt as you stared, too entranced for embarrassment. he was uncut, and there was a mound of curly, dirty-blond hair at the base, trimmed just enough to stay out of the way. you exhaled, breath ghosting along his length. the grip simon had on you tightened
again, you looked up at him. simon’s gaze was unwavering, as if looking away was some sin he was too pious to commit. it was then, as he gazed down at you with a burning gaze, that he seemed to read something in your expression. a pleading, a search for guidance. whatever it was, it had him speaking. “go ahead, sweet girl. get y’mouth on me.”
like his words triggered some sort of instinctual response in your body, your mouth was immediately moving. you licked a long, languid stripe from base to tip, revelling in the warm, salty taste. then, your lips wrapped around the head, suckling slightly before descending another inch.
“fuck,” he cursed again, hand moving in soothing circles against the back of your skull. “good fuckin’ girl. such a good listener, aren’t you?“
the words pulled a whimper from your throat. you released his dick for the briefest moment, a string of saliva connecting you, before wrapping your lips around him again, hollowed cheeks taking as much as you could manage. the fact that it was only half was disappointing.
“christ, angel. y’mouth is — heaven. fuck.” the choked sound of his voice only emphasized his point. when you made another noise, something between a whimper and a whine, he chuckled, and said, “like me talking to you like that? telling you how good you are? fuck, y’re so sweet. my sweet girl.”
moaning against him, you attempted to take more. betrayed by your gag reflex, you pulled back, choking, eyes glistening with tears.
simon cooed, hands cupping your jaw and thumb brushing over your cheek, wiping away a tear that’d escaped. “oh, angel, y’don’t need to take so much so fast. you’re doing so well. lemme show you. is that okay? can i help you?”
swallowing the excess drool in your mouth, you nodded, and his eyes crinkled with a smile as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“words, love.” though his voice was soft, it was a command. “thought i taught you this already.”
“please,” you whispered. “show me how,” his face was close enough to see the thin wrinkles around his eyes, the soft dusting of a five o’clock shadow over his jaw. “wanna make you feel good.”
simon’s lips curved before they pressed against yours, all gentle and soft like you’d break if he were any rougher. it was inebriating to be treated so reverently, hands holding your jaw like you were something precious. simon made you feel like you were.
his lips moved languidly. he took control of it easily, guiding your lips with his own. he didn’t escalate it, didn’t shove his tongue into your mouth like so many other boys had. he kissed like he found pleasure in this alone.
arms tangling around his neck, you gently ran your nails over the nape of his neck, where fabric met skin. simon groaned, softly nipping at your bottom lip. you giggled.
as much as you adored this — you’d kiss simon for hours if he’d let you — you were getting impatient. you’d gotten a taste for him, and you were quickly becoming addicted.
when you pulled away, he let you, stare darting between your kiss-swollen lips and glazed-over eyes. he watched your gaze trail back down to his crotch, and chuckled quietly.
“eager thing, aren’t you?” he questioned, leaning in to press one last kiss to the corner of your mouth. “go ahead, trouble.”
you didn’t need to be told twice — keeping your head on his lap, you laid out on your belly, across the couch. his hand found your head again, and this time, he gently guided you forward, allowing your lips to find his cock once more.
“that’s it, love,” he murmured. he had you stay like that for a while, suckling contentedly on the head and lapping your tongue over his slit.
“if y’need to come up for air, tap my thigh, alright?” he instructed. you nodded, before correcting yourself, allowing him to slip from your mouth only to voice, “okay.”
simon exhaled, the sound shaking towards the end as your long laved the underside of the head. “good fuckin’ girl.”
though you’d blown guys before, this — simon — was different. something about him, his scent or the sound of his voice or simply his presence, created a haze that had your mind going cloudy. with your lips wrapped tightly around his cock, your world started and ended with simon riley.
little by little, he inched you down his cock. never too quick and never too much. in that moment, he seemed to know your body better than you. always stopping just before your gag reflex was triggered, just before your limit was reached.
“look at you, breathing outta your nose. you’re a natural.”
your breathy moan vibrated against simon’s cock; his thighs tensed, though he didn’t buck his hips or push you down. he continued his languid pace, inching you down only when you could handle it.
“so good,” he muttered. at this point you’d taken more than half of of him. breathing steadily out of your nose, you used a spare hand to grip the remaining length, pumping it in time with your mouth. “fuck. ah, angel, ‘m gonna cum if you keep tha’ up.”
spurred on, you hollowed your cheeks and took another inch, blinking away tears. his pelvis barely a few centimeters from your nose, now, and with one last deep breath, you swallowed back the rest of his cock.
“fucking christ—!” simon swore, pulling you off of him as gently as he could manage. you sputtered, coughing and sniffling as tears ran freely from your eyes.
“oh, none of that now, love,” he cooed, big hands cradling your jaw as he kissed away your tears.
“did i do something wrong?” you asked. your voice was raw.
“no, no. of course not, love. you could never do anything wrong,” he stated, pressing a lingering kiss to your hairline. then, he chuckled, warm breath ghosting along your skin. “‘m not as young as i used to be, pretty girl. ‘n if i’m finishing tonight, i want it to be in this sweet cunt.” to make his point, he cupped you over your panties, which had become embarrassingly wet over the last bit. sensitive, you whimpered, curling further into him and grinding down. “how’s that sound, hm? y’gonna let me fill y’up?”
vehemently, you nod, gripping the wrist that’d snuck up your skirt for support. “please. yeah, yeah. i want that, si.”
with shaking hands, you gripped the bottom of your top in an attempt to yank it off. swiftly, simon stopped you, one hand large enough to catch the both of yours. “mm-mm. if ‘m gonna fuck you, ‘m gonna do it proper. y’deserve better than a shitty couch, dove.”
in the next breath, you were swept up into simon’s arms, legs wrapped tightly around his torso. a high-pitched squeak escaped you and tapered into a laugh as he carried you up the stairs, towards his bedroom.
“such a gentleman,” you joked, toying with the collar of his shirt.
“i try’,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to your palm when it cupped his jaw.
after closing the door behind him, simon gently dropped you on the bed. you giggled as you bounced, bracing yourself on your elbows and looking up at him. for a moment, simon stood, gaze locked on your frame, fists clenching and unclenching at his sides.
“fucking hell,” he cursed, finally. “you’re a dream.”
“a dream?” you echoed, grin simpering into a smirk. “y’been dreamin’ about me, riley?”
in a single, fluid motion, simon tugged his shirt off. he was a mass of muscle, age just barely softening his edges. tattoos ran up his arms and across most of his chest, where hair the same shade as his happy trail grew.
“‘course i have,” he answered, like it was obvious. then, he kicked off his slippers and fit himself between your legs, arms bracing himself just inches above you. “making me act like a fucking teenager again, wakin’ up to wet boxers.”
the thought of simon having wet dreams about you made your head spin. dumbly, you blinked up at him, and found yourself unimpressed with the balaclava still covering the upper-half of his face.
“can i?” you asked, voice quiet enough you wondered if he’d even be able to hear it. his small smile, though, gave him away. he nodded.
little by little, you rolled the offending material upward, revealing every mesmerizing inch of his face. tossing it to the side, you took a long moment to admire him: the long blond lashes, the sloping scars, the light spattering of freckles, his crooked nose.
“y’so pretty,” you stated, honestly. rose blossomed across his cheeks and nose, leaving you with a wide grin. simon pressed a kiss behind your ear, though you had a sneaking suspicion it was to hide his face.
“think that’s supposed t’be my line, love,” simon replied, gently nipping your throat. as you giggled, he continued downward, kisses growing sloppier as they reached your collarbones. then, he pulled back, fingers slipping over the hem of your shirt. he met your gaze for a brief second, searching for the permission you’d always give him, and tugged it off.
left in only the lacy scrap the lingerie shop deemed a bra, simon stated openly at you. this time, it was your turn to squirm, hands instinctively reaching to hide your face. easily, he caught your wrists.
“no. no. i wanna see you,” he said, squeezing your arms once. “cover your face and i stop, alright?”
huffing, you kept your hands at your side, and he twitched his lips. afterward, he smoothed large hands across your skin, over your stomach and ribs, cupping your chest. “so gorgeous.” he squeezed. “fuckin’ hate the idea of you going out in somethin’ like this when i’m not with you. no more. if y’wearin’ this, it’s for me, yeah? no one else.”
biting your lip, you nodded, not trusting your voice enough to speak. simon disagreed with your decision, seeing as he pinched your side. “no one else,” you affirmed.
“good girl.” he drew out the words, eyes trained on your chest, before he was reaching behind and unclamping your bra with his fingers. sliding it off, he tossed it haphazardly into the growing pile of clothes on his floor.
simon wasted no time in resuming his assault on your skin, leaving a kiss here and a bite there. he swirled his tongue over your tits, paying special attention to your nipples, playing with one while he had his mouth on the other. little marks littered your saliva-soaked skin when he reached the top of your skirt.
one more glance at you and he was tugging it down, along with the flimsy nylons you’d worn. swiftly, he pressed an open-mouthed kissed to your cloth-covered cunt, easily keeping your hips down when they tried to buck.
the air was cold against your soaked cunt when he peeled back the fabric, pulling it over your ankles and discarding it on the floor. as had become his habit, simon took a moment to admire you. eyes blazing and turning the skin beneath it warm. your hands fisted the blankets as you resisted the urge to cover up.
“so pretty,” he said, moving backward down the bed and climbing off it. then, he tugged you with him, earning a tiny yelp, before kneeling at the end of it. “wanted t’taste you for fucking ever. y’gonna let me, sweetheart? hm? you gonna let me taste your sweet cunt?”
nodding, you squeezed your eyes shut and breathed, “please, simon.”
his fingers, warm and steady, trailed up your thighs, pulling a shiver from you. “spread your legs a little wider for me, baby. there y’go. good.” then, slowly, they inched towards your centre, spreading you open. you didn’t have to look to know he was staring.
all at once, his tongue was on you, licking a long stripe up your folds and over your clit. you moaned embarrassingly loudly, trailing off into a long whine when he didn’t let up. your fingers knitted themselves in his blond waves, tugging as gently as you could manage. he groaned in approval, the sound vibrating through your cunt and sending your back arching.
“fuck! simon,” you yelped. his hands held your legs apart when they attempted to close, overwhelmed by pleasure.
he slipped away from your heat only to say, “keep sayin’ my name.”
whining, you pushed his head back into you, and he chuckled, resuming his ministrations on your cunt. simon was talented with his tongue — something jealous burned you at the thought of how he got so good. the thought was quickly scrubbed from your brain, though, when he flicked the tip of his tongue over your clit, circling it once, twice, before descending again.
“please,” you whined, though you didn’t know what you were asking for. his pace had slowed, now, sloppily making out with your cunt like it was something he could worship. “simon . . . ”
the pleasure was inescapable; your body was torn between grinding down on his mouth and trying to wriggle away from it. it didn’t help that he was doing it so leisurely; tongue moving languidly through your folds and over your clit like it was for his pleasure instead of yours. that thought got you off all the more.
your legs trembled, winding around simon’s head and damn near suffocating him — not that he cared. when you glanced down, he was watching you, nose shiny as it brushed against your clit. simon smirked — you could feel the movement against you.
had you been in any other state, the sound you made as you tumbled over the edge might have embarrassed you. as it was, though, you didn’t have the mind for anything other than pleasure as your back bowed off the bed and your legs tightened around simon’s skull.
he was saying something — you only understood bits of it, but it sounded like a mindless litany of praise. “there you are, there we go. so good, so fucking good.”
he paired each praise with a kiss to your cunt until you were trembling from overstimulation, just pushing past the edge of too much. simon climbed up the bed and pressed wet kisses across your face; when he licked into your mouth and you tasted yourself, you moaned.
“you’re a fuckin’ vision, sweetheart. never knew you’d cum so pretty. y’gonna let me see it again? hm? y’gonna let me fuck you, baby?”
you were nodding before the words were even out of his mouth, snaking your arms around his neck and kissing him deeply. without breaking it for longer than a few seconds, simon moved the two of you further up the bed until your head rested against his surprisingly soft pillows.
simon groaned appreciatively when your nails scraped against his skull. you grinned, and breathed, “you like pain just as much as me.”
simon chuckled, biting your chin. “maybe. when it’s you.”
“what was that you said earlier? something ‘bout feeding my ego?”
another laugh, and he joked, “i’m too far gone, now, i think. i’m just here to serve.”
“prove it.” your lips curved into a lust-drunk smile. “fuck me.”
with one last peck against your lips, simon smirked, and said, “yes ma’am.”
he leaned over you, then, tugging open the creaky drawer to his bedside table and fishing around. “shit.”
“hm?” you hummed, following his gaze to the foil packet between his fingers.
“‘s fuckin’ expired.” simon’s brow furrowed, and he brought the packet closer, squinting. you grabbed it from him, tossing it on the floor.
“i don’t care,” you said, probably stupidly, but the thought of not fucking simon right now had something foul twisting in your belly. “want you.”
running broad hands over your legs, simon gazed down at you, like your expression would say otherwise. you rolled your eyes. “i’m clean. i’m assuming you’re clean, if your condoms are expired.” simon pinched your side, and you giggled. ”please? want you to fuck me, simon.”
simon exhaled, and shook his head, smirking. “yeah?” he asked, fingers trailing over your belly. “y’want me to fuck you? cum in this little cunt?”
“yeah, yeah. please. want that.”
his lips press against yours again, hands continuing their journey downward until he was exploring your sensitive folds. you whimpered, quietly, but simon caught the sound and tutted. “i know, sweets. but i’ve gotta stretch you. don’t wanna hurt you, right? not tonight.”
lubing his fingers up with your slick, he started with his middle, circling your hole before slowly pushing inward. your earlier orgasm had relaxed you already, and he was able to add a second in no time. he explored for a moment, pumping his fingers in and out, curling them upward until he found that spongy spot that had your head rolling back in pleasure.
“there it is,” he said, and though your eyes were squeezed shut, you felt his smirk against your skin; heard it in his voice. “that feel good, pretty?”
the answering nod you gave was shaky and sudden, hands gripping onto his forearm for dear life. “fuck me, si. please—want your cock.”
“i know, i know. one more finger, how about that? then we can give you what you need.”
with a groan, you nodded, and sent him a short glare. he snorted, and muttered, “so impatient.”
“been waiting for fucking years,” you argued, though your point might’ve been lost in the quiver of your voice. “‘m allowed to be a little impatient.”
“years, hm?” his third finger prodded at your entrance. “guess i should hurry, then. poor thing.”
the way you dug your nails into his skin was both in pleasure and retaliation. three thick fingers pumped slowly in and out of you, curling in a way that had your thighs shaking.
finally, he slipped the fingers from you, the whine you gave turning into a moan when he plunged them into his mouth instead, savouring every bit of you. “so fuckin’ sweet.”
when simon’s fat tip ran through your folds, you tensed, and questioned if three fingers would really be enough. “simon . . . ”
though his voice was strained, he stopped, glancing up at you. “yeah, sweetheart?”
“i don’t—” his tip ran over your clit ”—fuck, i don’t know if you’ll fit.”
simon tsked, the hand not controlling his cock coming up to brush the hair out of your face. “don’t gimme that, sweets. you can take it, i know you can.” he kissed your jaw. “i’ll make it fit, yeah? how’s that?”
shakily, you exhaled, meeting his gaze. truly, you didn’t know if it’d wavered from your face all night. his eyes were so sure — you could do nothing but believe him. it’d fit. you nodded.
“yeah, yeah. there’s my girl.” again, his lips were on yours, tongue licking into your mouth. minty toothpaste, tea, and cigarettes overwhelmed your senses as his thick tip pushed inside, swallowing every moan you gave.
when he’d made it a few inches, simon pulled back. “how’s that?” he questioned. “y’okay, lovey? want me to keep going?”
you couldn’t nod fast enough. there was a bit of pain, but the pleasure of the stretch won out easily. tangling your hands in his hair, you yanked simon back down for a long, messy kiss. really, it was more so a clash of teeth and tongue and heavy breathing than a kiss, but you digress.
by the time simon was fully sheathed inside you, it felt like he was in your fucking lungs. he gave you as much time as you needed to adjust, though the way his fists clenched and unclenched beside your head proved how greatly he wanted to move. digging one of the legs wrapped around him further into his skin, you urged him to.
“fucking christ,” he groaned. simon dropped his head for a moment, hot breath fanning over your neck as he slowly rocked in and out. “y’so fucking tight.”
“m’not tight, you’re just huge,” you argued, a furrow in your brow. simon bit the juncture between your throat and shoulder—you giggled, the sound delirious.
propping himself up on his forearms once more, simon slowly pulled out, leaving only his tip inside of you, before swiftly thrusting back in, setting a harsh, steady pace.
little high-pitched sounds came from your chest with every thrust, cock abusing that spongy spot inside you that lit fireworks behind your eyelids. with the way you were clawing at his back, you’d be surprised if simon didn’t look like he was mauled by a wildcat tomorrow.
“so good. gripping me like a fuckin’ vice. swear it was like you were made for me,” he breathed, teeth grazing over your ear.
sense had long since left you — you only nodded, murmuring back, “for you, f’you.”
maybe the way his cock kissed your cervix would have you cursing tomorrow, maybe the way your back bowed with pleasured tension would have you hunching over in the morning — you didn’t care. right now, your world consisted of simon’s searing brown eyes and the toe-curling pleasure he supplied.
“feels so good.” your words were breathy, punctuated with a tug to his hair.
“yeah?” he questioned, smiling lopsidedly. “good. gonna fucking ruin you. you’ll never be able to take another cock without thinking of me—thinking of how good i made you feel.”
shaking your head, you whines, “no. no one else. only you.”
simon growled, thrusting especially hard as he licked and sucked at your throat. “yeah. you’re mine, aren’t you? my girl.”
“yours,” you nodded. “‘m yours, f’rever.”
simon groaned out a slew of curses, cock twitching inside of you. one hand reached down toy with your clit, making quick, slippery circles. “want you to cum again, baby. ‘m not gonna last much longer and — fuck — i need t’see it again.”
you’d already been dancing along the edge — his thick fingers and raspy words were a harsh push, leaving you dangling by one hand.
your eyes rolled back into your head, and his other hand was swiftly gripping your chin, gently shaking you. “on me, love, keep y’r eyes on me.”
with great effort, you kept your hazy gaze on his face, which was twisted in the effort to stave off his orgasm. you whimpered, and murmured, “say it again. say i’m yours. please.”
“oh, sweetheart,” he groaned, head dipping into the crook of your neck for a moment before finding your eyes again. “you’re mine, ain’t ya? my sweet girl. yeah. an’ i’m yours — always will be.”
the second the words left his mouth, you tumbled over the edge. your entire body shook, curving inward and wrapping itself around simon like it was trying to burrow inside him. in the haze of it, you heard simon shout, before warmth was spilling inside your cunt, filling you up to the fucking brim. if simon wasn’t simon, you were sure the grip you had on him would’ve broken something by now.
when you came back to, the world was quiet — soft breathing echoed through your ears, his and yours indistinguishable from each other. simon’s head was buried in your neck, the weight of him just bridging the edge of uncomfortable. it was bliss.
eventually, he rolled over, cock pulling out with an equally disgusting and enticing squelch. his spend leaked out of you, dirtying his sheets. neither of you minded, it seemed — he easily pulled you across his chest, pressing his lips to your warm forehead.
“y’with me, lovie?” his voice was barely more than a murmur.
you hummed, hand moving upward to trace over his sweat-soaked chest. “i think so.”
a quiet laugh vibrated in his chest, breath dancing across your face. you smiled in turn, crooking your neck to gaze at him. keeping in theme with the rest of the night, simon was already staring at you — his eyes seemed to shine when they found yours, and his lips curled up in a rare smile. you were met with the embarrassing urge to take a picture.
“you’re a mess,” he stated, chuckling quietly as his eyes darted across your face and body.
narrowing your eyes, you pinched his pec, and his chuckle became a laugh. “a beautiful mess, sweetheart. ‘s the prettiest you’ve ever looked, i promise.”
you rolled your eyes, and argued, “‘s your fault.” then, attempted to sit up — though his strong grip on your shoulder kept you down. simon frowned. “where d’you think you’re going?”
“i need to pee,” you stated, and he let you up with a huff. “then i need to fucking shower, again.”
simon made a sound. “how ‘bout i run you a bath, hm? lemme do the work.”
smiling softly, you glanced back at him. he took your hand that lingered on his chest and brought it to his mouth, pressing kisses over your knuckles. “that’d be lovely.”
simon stood, and when you looked over him, you smiled. hair mussed, lips swollen, skin glazed in sweat — he was just as much of a mess as you. in a single movement, simon swept you into his arms. with a yelp, you clung to him, and he carried you, bridal-style, into the bathroom.
placing you on the lip of the bathtub, simon left for only a moment to dig through his linen closet, and returned with a wash cloth. after running it under warm water in the sink, he helped you up once more and gently ran it between your legs.
afterward, while you used the restroom, simon ran the bath, using that intoxicating body-wash as bubble bath. spotting his back, which was covered in bright-red scratches, you giggled, feeling only a little bad.
“i’d say sorry for y’back, but really i look no better,” you stated. hickies and bite-marks littered your skin, decorating your neck, chest, and thighs.
snorting, simon moved to look in the mirror, eyes tracing the pinkish abrasions trailing from shoulders to spine. “i’ll wear ‘em with pride.”
once the tub had filled, steam dancing around the mound of bubbles, simon, again, helped you up. his skin was warm, and if the bath wasn’t so enticing, you’d be tempted to stay here, pressed against him.
easily, he lifted you up and into the bath, following you not long afterward. it was a shock he could fit all of his limbs in the tub, even moreso when you could fit between his legs. it was a bit squishy, but you couldn’t have traded it for anything — laying against his chest while his hands ran up and down your body. thighs, stomach, chest, arms — he touched you softly, reverently, lips pressing behind your ear.
“did you mean it?” you asked. the quiet hum of your voice seemed loud in the silence of the room.
“mean what, love?”
swallowing, you played with his fingers, and supplied, “that ‘m yours. that you’re mine.”
simon exhaled, and you could feel the small curve of his lips against the back of your neck. “i meant it.”
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xoxo-sarah · 2 months
So Highschool
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Request by the lovely @honoraryfairy : hello darling i love your blog! i was wondering if you could write a scenario for robin and reader inspired by so high school by taylor swift (but lesbian of course <3) i was thinking maybe a summer sleepover at steve’s? but whatever wonderful thing you come up with will be perfect i’m sure 💞💋much love!!!
↝a/n: thank you for requesting, love! You're so sweet.🩷 Hope you enjoy.
↝pairing: Robin Buckley x cheerleader!fem!reader
↝warning: fluff, kissing, I don't know a thing about cheerleading<3, not proofread, rushed
|| Disclaimer: I do not own Robin Buckley, or any character from Stranger Things. I only own y/n and any characters I create with my own brain. ||
↝⎙ 8.4.24
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Robin stood on the bleachers, eyes searching for you in the bustling of cheerleaders making their way on the floor. They line up, giving Robin the perfect opportunity to find you. Your hair was in a pretty updo, and your makeup was perfect. The uniform fit you nicely, with the shade of green being Robin's favorite, mostly because it matched her band uniform. 
You smiled toward the stands, cheering to get everyone excited about the game. Even when all the other girls were jumping, cheering, and chanting, Robin's eyes were on you, with a smile on her face. You make her heart race. 
Your eyes connected, a grin spreading from ear to ear on your face, your eyes twinkling. You held eye contact as you ran across the gym floor, letting the other girls help you form a pyramid. While in the air, you did the Hawkins's cheer before jumping down, holding your breath until your feet were safely on the ground.
Yet another basketball game was won, leaving all the kids to discuss the after-party. You made a beeline to Robin, watching as she took the boxy hat off and fixed her hair. She smiled, watching as you walked over. “Steve's parents aren't home, so he offered for us to celebrate with a little night swim, if you're down.” She leaned forward, her lips brushing against your cheek. “I'm always down.” 
You sat on the edge of Harrington's pool, the top half of your body feeling the nip of the night air, whereas your feet were swishing in the water, used to the coldness. Robin stood in the pool, slotted between your knees. Her hands stroked at the top of your thigh in deep conversation with Steve as he sat in one of the tanning chairs, nursing a beer.
You bit your bottom lip, eyes trailing over her whole face, not paying attention to their conversation at all. She was pretty. In her band uniform, sleep clothes, and bathing suit. You name it, and she made it work somehow. Half the time, she didn't even have to try to get your attention. You were constantly looking at her, admiring her beauty. How could you not?
The giddy feelings that come with new love were strong, seemingly only getting stronger as days went by. It was like a drug—she was like a drug. 
Steve was the one drinking the alcohol, but you were the one intoxicated. 
Robin threw her head back in laughter, finally breaking you out of your trance. When she brought her head back, you were quick to collapse your lips. She made a surprised sound, tightening her grip on your leg for a split second.
“Alright,” Steve grumbled, standing to make his way back into the house. ”I'm too sober for this."
You smiled against Robin's cheek, pecking a freckle right by her ear.
“You scared him away.”
“That was my goal.”
This time it was Robin's time to smile, standing on her tippy-toes against the bottom of the pool, moving to wrap her arms around your waist. “You did amazing today.” She mumbled against your neck, feeling the rumble as you replied.
“So did you. Even with the feather-y hat, you're still the prettiest person on earth.”
“Hey, we don't talk about the forsaken hat.”
Pursing your lips, you dramatically shook your head, “Right, right. Sorry." 
Now dry, you sat on Steve's couch, a random movie playing on the TV. Steve sat in a recliner, little snores escaping his slightly parted lips.
Robin laid across the couch, paying attention to the movie, trying to figure out the plot, while playing with your hair as you laid on top of her. Your hands were around her waist, fingers skimming the skin on her under her sleep shirt. Robin felt as you tried muffling a yawn into her stomach, her hands stopping momentarily. “Go to sleep, love.” She whispered, craning her neck to kiss your hair. 
“Wanna finish the movie.” You slurred, your eyes closing in a long blink.
Robin's lip twitched. “I'll tell you how it ends.” 
You reluctantly agreed, letting sleep consume you. She was warm and soft; her breathing and heartbeat lulling you to sleep.
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•2021-2024 by xoxo-sarah on Tumblr•
•My work is not to be translated, copied, modified, and/or reposted on any other site without my permission. [I don't give permission!]
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whowantslovergirl · 1 year
hey! can i req a spencer reid dating someone that’s like ,,, taylor swift level of famous? and like maybe the team teases him whenever a romantic song that’s clearly ab him plays?
An: YESYESYES ima use Taylor swift songs and I don’t really listen to her so bare with me guys 😍 all for you my lover 🤍 and please bare with me I’m going to write the teams dynamic as best as possible and I took notes on how to write Spencer the way matthew gray gubler is my husband he just doesn’t know it yet 💋
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Dr.Spencer Reid x famous af! reader ( reader is female with she/her pronouns)
warnings: some cursing, fluff af, and i think that’s it hope you enjoy my lovers 💖 criminal minds masterlist
Summary: The team finding out about Spencer’s kinda famous girlfriend
posted: April 6,2023
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When Spencer woke up this morning he knew that he was going to have a great day. The team had no cases. He talked to you last night to compliment your new song. And he found out that you’re coming over later tonight.
The day couldn’t be better.
Until he actually went to work.
You got that James Dean daydream look in your eyes
And I got that red lip classic thing that you like
And when we go crashing down, we come back every time
‘Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style
He heard your song blasting through the BAU. He saw Penelope singing and dancing.
He never been more confused in his life.
“Hey pretty boy!” Derek yelled since he can’t hear himself think.
“Hey Morgan! What’s going on?!”
“Garcia and her fascination with Y/N L/N!” The music paused.
“I just want it to be known that Y/N L/N has blessed your ears with her angelic voice this morning.” She saw Spencer. “Hey Reid!”
“Hey Garcia.” She continued playing the song.
“What’s going on? It’s way to early for this.” Emily said walking in with her coffee.
“Babygirl’s favorite singer released her new single.”
Her eyes lit up.
“Oh! Replay it! I want to hear it!” And she did what she was told.
Long story short everyone heard and loved his girlfriend’s new song.
“Hey guys, is it just me or the lyrics sound like Spencer?” JJ said out of nowhere.
Everyone looked at him and agreed.
“Yeah I can see that.”
“You make a good point JJ.”
“It does make sense.” Derek said while inspecting him.
“What! No it doesn’t!”
It does.
“Oh come on Spencer! You got that long hair slicked back white t shirt. That is so you!”
“Just because I have long hair does not mean she is talking about me Penelope.”
‘Besides half of the song isn’t even true.’ He mumbled hoping they didn’t hear them.
But they did.
“What did you just say pretty boy.”
“Shit. Did I say that out loud?”
Penelope gasped. “You never curse unless your hiding something or you’re frustrated! And I’m pretty sure you are not frustrated right now Spencer.”
He didn’t know what to say.
“How would you know half the song isn’t true? You don’t even listen to modern music.” Emily said with a questioning tone.
“Unless you know the song is about you!” Penelope exclaimed.
“Come on! I would not be able to get with Y/N L/N! We are in different calibers. I am a profiler and she is a pop-star with a huge- no, massive fan base. It just would never work.” Everyone looked at him surprised.
“Are you dating Y/N L/N?” Hotch walked in.
“You ramble when you’re nervous a lot.” Emily said.
“And he’s getting sweaty.” Derek said with a questioning tone as well.
“Guys I am not dating N/N!”
Penelope gasped once again. “You said her nickname!”
He once again was speechless.
He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out.
You were going to be so mad at him.
“That’s hilarious!” You said laughing over the phone.
“What! No it’s not N/N.” You rolled your eyes. “So how did your team of profilers find out?”
He told her everything. And she laughed even more.
“Y/N stop laughing!” He said while his face was heating up.
It was the next day and Spencer found out that you can’t come until next week. So of course his mood is a little down.
“Why the long face pretty boy.” Derek continues. “Your N/N isn’t coming?” Spencer rolled his eyes. “I wouldn’t know because I’m not dating her.”
“Keep telling yourself that Spence.” JJ said and Emily laughed.
“Eek! Y/N is coming out with a new album!” Penelope exclaimed while walking in. “My whole life is complete. I have no more reason of living after such extraordinary news.” Everyone just laughed at her.
“ We should go out together. I need to express my gratitude for this album.”
Everyone just agreed, even Spencer.
He really missed you but at least he has his friends.
He wasn’t ready for tomorrow.
Everyone came in work at the same time and saw someone at Spencer’s desk.
“Who is that?” Penelope asked.
The person in the chair turned around and Spencer’s face lit up.
“Hey guys.” You say waving not noticing Spencer yet.
“Oh my god! Oh my god! That’s Y/N L/N! She’s here!” Penelope said hitting Morgan excitedly.
“Oh my god it is.” He said surprised.
“Have you guys seen Spencer?”
“Y/N” Spencer said surprised as well.
“Spencer!” You said running up to him and jumping into his arms.
The whole team just looked at you guys with shock in their faces.
You guys are totally oblivious at the looks that are being given.
“I thought you weren’t coming until next week.”
“It was obviously a surprise Spence now shut up and kiss me baby!” You say smiling.
You press his lips onto his and he melts in the kiss. Your hands went up to his hair and his hands rest on your hips. Hotch cleared his throat. You two broke apart.
You turn around and apologized and you saw Penelope shaking with excitement.
“You must be Penelope. I have some gifts for you.” You walked over to Spencer’s desk. “This is my new album on a disk and it even has some songs that didn’t make the cut.” You say winking. She was just staring in awe.
“And it’s also signed. I also have backstage passes to a tour that hasn’t been announced yet.” She squealed and you just laughed.
She looked at your boyfriend. “I’m never letting her go.”
Everyone laughed.
Spencer is not living this one down.
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An: AHHHHH I just want to apologize for not giving exactly want the request said this just took a mind of its own fr but I hoped you enjoyed until I post again my lovers 🤍
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6ix9inewiturmom · 1 month
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Broken Melodies- Christopher Sturniolo (blurb)
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Summary: In which in this story Chris is a singer but fame get to him and he looses the one thing he loves the most
Warnings: none that I know of..
A/N: I was gonna write a Matt fic but this came to my mind and I HAD to write it :) please remember in this story Chris isn’t a social media influencer he is a singer :)
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Y/N sat on the edge of the bed, staring at the empty space where Chris used to lie. The room was filled with an eerie silence, punctuated only by the faint hum of the city outside. It had been a week since Chris left, a week since their last argument, a week since her heart had been shattered.
Christopher Sturniolo was the love of her life, but fame had changed him. His music career had taken off, and with it came late nights, endless parties, and a distance that grew with every passing day. Y/N had tried to hold on, tried to support him, but the man she fell in love with was slipping away.
Their last fight played on a loop in her mind. She had begged him to stay, to talk, to let her in, but Chris had just stared at her with those haunted eyes, full of sorrow and something she couldn't quite name. "I'm sorry, Y/N," he had whispered before walking out the door, leaving her in a suffocating silence.
Now, the apartment was a graveyard of memories. Y/N wandered through the rooms, touching the places where their laughter used to echo. She found his guitar, the strings untouched, gathering dust. The sight of it made her chest tighten. Music had brought them together, but now it felt like it was tearing them apart.
Days turned into nights, and Y/N found herself sinking deeper into a void of loneliness. She tried to paint, to pour her emotions onto the canvas, but every stroke felt hollow. Her art, once a source of solace, now mirrored her desolation.
One evening, as she sat in their living room, Y/N heard a faint knock on the door. Her heart leapt, hoping it was Chris. She opened the door to find a small package on the doorstep, addressed to her in Chris’ handwriting. With trembling hands, she brought it inside and tore it open. Inside was a letter and a USB drive.
Y/N unfolded the letter, her eyes scanning Christopher's familiar scrawl.
I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I need you to understand. I was lost, drowning in a world I couldn't navigate. The fame, the pressure, it was too much. I felt like I was losing myself, and in the process, I lost you. I'm so sorry. I wrote something for you. It's on the USB. I hope it helps you understand how much you mean to me, even if I couldn't show it the way you deserved.
Love always,
With tears streaming down her face, Y/N plugged the USB into her laptop. A single audio file popped up, titled "For Y/N." She clicked play, and Chris' voice filled the room, raw and filled with emotion.
The song was a haunting melody, a beautiful yet heartbreaking confession of his struggles, his love for her, and his regret. As Y/N listened, she felt a mix of pain and love swell within her. Each note was a piece of his soul, laid bare for her to see.
By the time the song ended, Y/N was sobbing. She knew Chris was battling demons she couldn't fully understand, but this song, this final gift, was a glimpse into his tortured heart. It was a reminder of the love they shared, even in their darkest moments.
Y/N clutched the letter to her chest, whispering to the empty room, "I forgive you, Christopher. I love you."
She didn't know if he would ever come back, but she hoped he found peace. And as the last notes of his song echoed in her mind, she felt a spark of hope. Maybe, just maybe, they could find their way back to each other, one broken melody at a time.
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A/N P2: idk if anyone wants a part 2, i definitely have ideas for part 2, but if you DOOOO then you should def comment on this :)
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superblysubpar · 7 months
Alright, love. I’m dying to knoooow 14, 28, 29, and 33 💕💌
- xoxoxo Amanda 🔍
(@curiositydooropened duh)
come ask me a writing question (or a few!) 💛
anything for youuu Amanda! Also these were tough to answer, but I'm so glad you asked them!
14) Write and share the first sentence of a new fic. Just that.
okay, technically cheating as this was yesterday AND it's technically two sentences but I'M VERY EXCITED It was the late 80’s, a Friday night, a perfect Summer evening.  One where the tick of the sprinklers and the kids' laughter floated down a street that's lined with porches that creaked, that held swings and chairs that swayed and rocked under weight, that held gossip and drops of tart lemonade and sweet coke. 
28) Any writing advice that works for you and you feel like sharing?
I'd say be flexible with where and how your writing wants to come out and don't be afraid to shake things up - with the writing itself or the method. Maybe it's coming out easier today with a pencil and sitting on the ground vs at your desk or laptop. Maybe a coffee shop is what you need. Maybe your notes app on a walk. OR maybe you just need to write something totally opposite than what you're used to, venture into a different genre and just have fun.
29) What's the hardest thing about writing?
pffttt. what isn't hard? In all seriousness, I think currently, for me, the hardest part of writing is balancing writing something for myself and having fun with it, and knowing I shouldn't want the external validation, but wanting it anyways. I'm a little lost with it all right now - craving feedback and support and feeling a bit like I don't quite fit in or click anywhere, missing talking about writing or hearing what other people think of mine. Do I know that's not why I should be writing? Of course. And it doesn't feel like I am writing for others, it's more so just needing that support that we all need from time to time and learning how to not have it the way I crave without letting that deter me from keeping moving forward.
33) Give your writing a compliment.
Again?! Okay... I think that while I have many an unfinished project and docs with titles and summaries and nothing else, I have a knack for thinking of plots and story ideas, and I think they're really great and should be told!
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dolliestfairy · 1 year
𝑆𝑜𝑓𝑡 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝐹𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑦 ❁ ₊ ˖  ་ ݁٬ ࣪✧ ،
Fluff Billy Loomis, Jason Voorhees, Michael myers, Jennifer check headcanons with Chubby!fem!reader who is a Flower Fairy ʚ(❛▿❛❁)ɞ
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𖧷 Warning : Killing, Disembowel, Slaughtering, Killing in Public, Overprotectiveness, Mocking/bullying, maybe some misspelled word and yeah thats it.. i think. lmk if i miss anything. Reader Skin Color Is Not Announced
𖧷 A/N : Just taking a break yesterday, and now i'm writing again. hope you like it. and please give me reblog and feedbacks if you enjoy my writings :)
Enjoy Reading My Fairies ₊ ˖  ་ ݁٬ ࣪ ،♡ 🧚🏻‍♀️
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𖧷 Billy Loomis
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• He freaking love about the opposite vibration you both gave to each other
• would kill for you, not definetly, but obviously.
• first time he know that you're a no human he kinda freaked out a little bit
• he doesnt want to admit this but he really think that you're a cool person.
• you can grow flowers and nature and leaves and bla bla bla, thats freaking cool yk..
• would try to keep the secret that you're a fairy,
• although sometimes he cant help but let a few words about you leave out of his mouth making his buddies confused.
• but overall he really loves you and ESPESSIALLY the curves of your body... chefs kiss 💋
• really proud having a chubby flower fairy as his gf ₊ ˖  ་ ݁٬ 🧚🏻‍♀️💌
𖧷 Jason Voorhees
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• thinks he doesnt deserve you.
• now dont get me wrong here, he freaking loves you and its a fact that you manage to bring the little jason out of his big mass body.
• but as we know, he's also a very very insecure boy :( so compare to your beautiful body he sometimes think he doesnt deserve you, and you deserve someone better than him.
• but you always make him feel better in bed where you make him feel so good it boost his confidence <3
• its only make him love you even more.
• and just like billy, he had no problems to disembowel anyone who dare to touch your hair in a wrong way,
• and given the fact that you're a fairy, he might get a little too overprotective of you, but its also because he love you so much and would love to keep the secret of you being a fairy tight-tight.
𖧷 Michael Myers
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• he first think of you as a weirdo 😁💀
• but as times goes by, he also known the fact that you're not a weirdo, you're just simply a non human creature (unless you're actually a weirdo, that would be plus-plus <3)
• he thinks it cool of how you manage to make a flower bloom, to grow flowers with your power and ect..
• but since he doesnt talk, he just sometimes like, like he sees you 'performing' and then he just aggresively nodding at what you're doing.
• thats actually how he shows himself enjoying something.
• he also thinks your wings is a pretty combination with your chubby body.
• he would rather die than admitting this, but he is freaking love cuddling with you.
• and yes, he also had no problem to slaughtered everyone who talk down and look down on you.
• even if he had to kill everyone in a public place, in the middle of the city or whatever, he had ZERO problem.
• also since he doesnt talk, you dont have to fear about getting your secret spilled. and even if someone already like heared a little about you being a fairy, you best believe they're gonna be dead in just a few days later.
𖧷 Jennifer Check
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• oh my god yk what?? this reminds me of like Lana del rey and Taylor swift friendship dynamic!!
• like she's the Lana del rey girl, and you're the Taylor swift girlie (unless you also like lana del rey just like me, it will also be a plus plus<3)
• REALLY REALLY PROUD having you as her partner.
• if someone mock your relationship with her because since she always view as an it girl or simply a 'perfection' it will be no doubt that you might get mock a bit.
• and when she find out about the fact that you're getting mocked by someone? oh god.. you best believe they're gonna be dead with their stomach ripped open.
• she gives zero fuck about their gender, age or status or whatever. if they fuck with you, they fuck with her, and you know what happen if someone fuck with her
• fuck with her is already bad, and now they want to fire it with fucking with you? nuh uh. honestly, not the best idea ever.
• and ok i know she's like very popular and she's also an extroverted lady, but she would try her best to keep the secret of you being a fairy.
• and since you both are non human, she didnt afraid to tell you what kind of creature she is.
• but she is, somehow, well not afraid, just worry that you might leave or hate her for eating a mankind.
• but overall, she's really love you and your talent, she might get a little envy about your talent or whatever, but that enviness will be quickly replaced by her proud nature about having a 'secret' flower fairy partner.
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mrsnancywheeler · 7 months
the official w.i.p list
disclaimer: asks get eaten sometimes, I don't get all of them and I'm so sorry for that. also I have so many requests that it's just inevitably going to take me a while to put the effort and thought necessary into each thing I write. I try to space out requests and my personal things I want to write so there's variety but sometimes I just want to write something in that moment so I will and it will get done faster. that being said I love your requests and asks so much and really just want to put the most effort I can into each story to make sure you feel like you for the bang for your buck yk. love you all 💋
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𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖆𝖑 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖏𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖘
the rest of the river
finnick x virgin!reader
finnick x reader x annie modern college!au
𝖗𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖘: 𝔦𝔫 𝔬𝔯𝔡𝔢𝔯 𝔬𝔣 𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔭𝔩𝔢𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫
angst with fluff one-shot, reader with self-esteem issues
fluffy one-shot, finnick teaching reader to swim
finnick with reader who has an english accent
one-shot based off of 'slut!' by taylor swift
one-shot based off of 'she' by dodie
angst one-shot, reader thinks finnick is cheating
one-shot jealous!reader, fake dating and mutual pining tropes
notting hill au with smut
one-shot where reader is based off of the archer by taylor swift
✨smut✨ we'll see which of the two options I pick when I get here
fluffy, smutty part two of let me down easy
an angsty ANGSTY one-shot and like I can't even describe it the request is so good and sad and I'm just gonna drop this one on you guys without explanation 💋
one-shot, finnick x reader x annie reunite in district 13, a fluffy, smutty girlie
one-shot based off of mastermind by taylor swift
not to be dramatic but this might be the series after the river is done because it's a soulmate, royalty au request and since I've said finnick and his sweet girl are every lifetime maybe I'll just use this as an opportunity to explore them in said other lifetime 💋
one-shot where reader is taken by Capitol, forgets about finnick, but they were in their enemies to lovers arc
one-shot based off of paper rings by taylor swift
fluffy rivals to lovers type beat with drunk!reader
finnick x short!reader
angsty one-shot, eventual fluff, reader taken by Captiol, forgets everything, closed off, angry, and she's pregnant
pregnant!reader, district 13, angst bc she's scared the baby is someone involved in the trafficking, hurt/comfort things
one-shot based off of I think he knows by taylor swift
one-shot based off of national anthem by lana del ray
how to lose a guy in 10 days au
angsty one-shot, 'cheating' that's actually trafficking, reader gets reaped, breakups, finnick lies and says he's cheating to keep reader safe from snow
model!reader x finnick, hurt/comfort
coincidentally I had two asks about finnick being the one hijacked one right after the other so yeah we're definitely exploring that one
smut, finnick jerking off the picture of reader
finnick x mermaid!reader one-shot
finnick and reader who faints
finnick introducing reader to johanna
finnick x deaf!reader
oral fixation reader one-shot
finnick showing love through non-sexual intimacy
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tojifile · 9 months
@Dazai Osamu . . . ( ノ´ヮ`) ノ
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Tags: ada!dazai, camgirl!reader, mentions of sex, suggestive, pining, cursing
A/N: Since a lot of people liked the first part I’m going to write chapter two. No, they don’t have sex. And Yes, the chapter title is a Taylor Swift reference. No, I am not a swiftie, I am a casual enjoyer. (December Mo: Hi guys, this will be my LAST post with the old style and probably the last time I’ll be doing a long, drawn-out fic. The old title was ‘Whiskey on Ice’ so that explains what I said before.)
Inspo: Mingwa’s BJ Alex. Links: Part 1 , Masterlist
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Camgirl’s Crush – 💋
“I was wondering if you wanted to go to a bar with me tonight, since you did say I was such a good boy today.” Dazai whispered seductively in your ear. You felt the heat of his breath on your neck, “O- okay..” you nervously spoke. Dazai had a way of making you feel nervous at times, especially when his moves are sensual.
You’ve experienced teasing and flirting before, but when he whispers in your ear, when he pays attention to your idiosyncrasies, when he takes you out on little dates; only to disguise it as “work lunch” you feel—special.
Dazai was still holding you by the waist as you walked back to the agency to clock out. You told him that the both of you had to do it before going to the bar to which Dazai reluctantly agreed; he just wanted to make you happy. “Osamu-kun, people might make up stories if they see us together like this..”
Like he cared anyways. He chuckled at your worries, “Ah darling! You don’t need to worry about that! Pretty soon, those rumors would be true anyways, yeah?” Without thinking, you immediately respond, “yeah!”
You then realized what you just said. Your face turned red and you looked away from Dazai. “I- ‘m.. sorry.” You nervously mumbled. Dazai found your actions adorable! You were just so cute, he wanted to keep you all to himself.
Once you got to the agency, Dazai hurriedly clocked the both of you out while you waited for him downstairs. While he was upstairs, you thought of your moments with Dazai, you wanted him so bad. You’d fantasize about him during your streams and sometimes—at work. You were definitely not proud of that.
“Darling!” Dazai’s words snapped you back into reality. He ran to you then scooped you up into his arms, carrying you roughly to the bar. “Osamu!! Put me down!” You huffed.
But he didn’t, and you were happy. He almost makes you want to quit streaming. You just want to be his and you hope he wants to be yours. You just held onto him tightly, silently hoping he liked you back.
Dazai smiled softly as you held onto him tightly. He liked you like this, sweet and vulnerable. If there was one thing on his mind, it’d be if there was someone else or not, if you heard of him—IU, and if you could hear the love in him, waiting to burst.
His touchiness with you didn’t stop when you got to the bar. Not that you expected it to, but it was quite the opposite. He placed you on top of him, with your back to his chest as his bandaged arms encircled your waist.
He bought you drinks, obviously, he wanted you drunk. Dazai wanted to take advantage of his cute little coworker who may or may not be his favorite cam girl, not that he watches any other.
“Darling..” he whispered in a deep, sultry voice. “Wanna go home to my place? I’ll take care of you, I promise.” You only nodded in response. You knew you shouldn’t, you knew this couldn’t be. But you were only human, a slave to your urges. And right now, what you want is Dazai Osamu.
He gently laid you on his bed once you got to his apartment. Can you believe he carried you all the way there? It was his fault anyways, he got you so drunk!
“So cute..” he whispered underneath his breath. “‘Samu..” you called out softly. You then put your arms up, opening and closing your fists, wanting him to give you a hug. God! If you were sober this would’ve been embarrassing, acting like a fucking baby?!
“Hold me!!” You whined, to which Dazai chuckled. But he still happily complied. Taking off your shoes and sitting beside you on his bed, pulling you closer to his body. “Such a cute girl..” he whispered as he gave you a kiss on the cheek.
As the clock struck 10PM he saw that there was no new livestream, but there was an announcement. But he knew you had typed this out when you were waiting for him downstairs as he clocked the both of you out. Such a sneaky girl.
There was no going back now that Dazai knew that his adorable, seemingly innocent coworker was a cam girl.
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@toxicramune @oh-my-beel @nymphsdomain @morinuu – Comment 🪩 to be on my taglist !
++ @yasu-masashige @ninin8nin (who asked for pt.2)
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