#anyway Sakura and Shaoran are so cute :)
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shy-sapphic-ace · 7 months ago
#oh my gosh I am so in love with this cute lil show#I loved this so so much! (okay the next few tags are going to be me gushing about this show)#and it’s SURPRISINGLY queer for a kids’ anime from the 90s??#anyway Sakura and Shaoran are so cute :)#and Touya and Yukito are also so cute!! <3#but also? Yue/Touya/Yukito is canon in my heart#Touya gets two boyfriends for the price of one :)#oh oh and a canon nonbinary character!! that was pretty awesome#really though if I ignore the few weird ships this show is like perfect!!#so cute and happy and really well-made#the artstyle was fun and the characters were actually so good!#TOMOYO MY BELOVED#she’s perfect and I love her with my entire heart#her and Sakura are so so cute (but not as a ship cause. cousins)#and I just learned that Tomoyo and Meiling is a ship and I’m?? kind of in love with that idea??#oh and one more thing— that scene where Sakura tells Yukito she has a crush on him?? FUNNIEST THING EVER#she says ‘I really like you…’ and he’s just like ‘oh you like me just like your dad? :)’ and then. he was right#I just thought that was sooo funny#and THEN she said ‘oh so you’re in love with my brother?’ and he just said ‘yeah :)’#and then she gave him her blessing#urghhhh cute#really though Touya and Yukito… the boyfriends ever <3#when I started watching this show I was looking for something happy and fun with a bit of gay#and that’s exactly what I got <3#plus a few bonus beloved background characters I’ll always love <3#cardcaptor sakura#(my beloved)
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sagemoderocklee · 4 years ago
Reiteration ❤️ A (but not GaaLee :p) P T
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
oof. okay so aside from GaaLee:
1) ShikaTema 2) NejiTen 3) Kakagai
i think these are the only like three ships i could say i feel strongly enough about that i’d classify them as OTPs. GaaLee honestly gets its own category anyways. im not really active in any other fandoms, and the only other ship I’ve ever felt as strongly about as i have gaalee was really Harry/Draco and well... ya know. Although if i were still super active in CLAMP fandom KuroFai and DouWata would 100000% be up there. And of course the forever and unbeatable Sakura/Shaoran but specifically CCS SakuShao because I think TRC isn’t quite as good with their romance
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
oh. that’s. okay we’re answering hard questions tonight i see.
something niche for you and me: new member of your MLM/communist/leftist reading group is Very Cute but very new to MLM/etc and needs extra help to understand the complicated history, theories, etc.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything).
oh god. this is really opening a can of worms lmao and also.... i may have to put this under a cut because god i have so fucking many and some of them may need elaboration.
1. Gaara doesn’t ever take up sleeping/napping post Shukaku
this is something that I know a lot of ppl don’t like/want because everyone wants Gaara to be happy and like big same! but i do think that Gaara’s physiology is entirely altered from Shukaku and the lack of sleep. I feel like having it ingrained in him that he couldn’t sleep, knowing the devastation it would cause, plus all the trauma he has--he’d be plagued by nightmares first of all, and no shinobi is gonna wanna take a sleep aid or something to help them sleep more easily because that would just be a huge opening for someone to attack you. but the other thing is i think it would genuinely make him feel sick. like i know that when i get too little sleep i feel sick because my body needs a certain amount. BUT i also know that those days where im too depressed and don’t get out of bed and sleep too much i ALSO feel like shit. Gaara has lived his entire life without sleep--barring specific instances of forced sleep to release Shukaku--and his body has to have adapted to that. fifteen years of not sleeping there’s no way his body would know what to do with that. his body is so used to subsisting (and this is my own like explanation for how Gaara survived pre and post Shukaku) off of massive quantities of food and by funneling his own chakra into his brain to act as rest, healing, etc.  like i think at this point it’s so unconscious that he isn’t even aware he’s doing it anymore--like breathing. His chakra--which is already another physiological system in their bodies--is just taking up the job of the rest portion of his brain.
that all being said, i do still think this will have an overall affect on his lifespan, but not necessarily his physical or mental health in the immediate sense.
2. Kankuro is straight.
this goes for like all the characters i see as straight, and like i hate like putting this in the like “die defending” category, but there’s this sort of.... sense that when you’re LGBT in fandom you’re gonna see every character as gay and you’re sus/someone’s gonna side eye you if you don’t. like i get the whole ‘well obviously everything is straight and cis IRL, and im sick of it’ reasoning behind “everyone is gay/trans” but the thing is.... I wanna see cis and straight people who support their gay/trans friends and family. I don’t need to live in a world where no one is straight and cis. I need to live in a world where people who are straight and cis actually support and love LGBT people. i personally don’t get anything out of the fantasy of no straight cis people because what does that solve? and what does that say about the homophobia and transphobia within the series? It doesn’t solve or say anything. And quite frankly a series like Naruto is inherently homophobic and transphobic (especially trans misogynistic), and i think brushing that aside with an “everyone’s gay/trans” is more insulting than helpful because it’s not addressing the issue. I’m more invested in seeing the characters who aren’t LGBT supporting and loving and working to make the world better for their LGBT friends, family, and community.
like i know not everyone is writing/reading fanfiction or art or what have you in fandom for like realism or whatever, i get the whole escapism of it all, but i approach it this way because for me I just don’t get anything out of pretending that the -isms and -phobias within the series don’t exist.
also straight trans people exist?????
i could go on about this--like some characters are just... not good and i don’t wanna claim that as LGBT because of that--but like i think this is the biggest thing for me at the end of the day: seeing ppl who aren’t LGBT supporting LGBT ppl.
3. Gaara is a polyglot. Also, he’s self-taught in just about everything. He spent most of his youth in the Suna library for obvious reasons, so reading, writing, language, poetry, history, politics, arts, etc he learned there on his own.
4. Shikamaru and Temari live in Suna 6 months out of the year, and Konoha the other 6. Temari does NOT give up her job to be a nagging wife, and Shikamaru is 100% a wife man.
5. Lee is not originally from Konoha or Fire. He doesn’t remember his parents or how he wound up at a Konoha orphanage because trauma. Also his first language isn’t Japanese.
I have more specific HCs about who Lee’s parents are, where he came from, and what happened to his parents, but that’s like spoilers for a fic.
6. Tenten is not an outright orphan. She actually comes from a clan of weapons masters and smiths.
I think it’s fairly common for ppl to assume Tenten is an orphan because we obviously never see her family--granted we just don’t see much of her to begin with--but I personally fell in love with the idea of her having a clan with the focus being weapons. Her parents are still dead, but she lives with her grandmother, who’s renowned for her weapons.
7. Lee has a HUGE amount of chakra. Like obnoxiously huge stores of it that he just doesn’t know how to manipulate--not quite Kisame levels, but definitely a LOT. He gets as far as walking on water and walls, but he absolutely has to be focused to accomplish those feats and prefers just going really fast so he doesn’t fall in/off.
8. Sage mode!Rock Lee.
I have talked about this before(x, x), but you can absolutely pry this from my cold dead hands--actually, you couldn’t. I’d still hold on to this even in death.
9. Lee has like a photographic memory which is why he always writes things down that people tell him.
10. Gaara will be the last Kazekage--whoever comes after him (and i do have a HC for that) will be Kazekage only in the sense that they’re like the figurehead maybe, but ultimately Gaara is working to completely change the shinobi way of life and the Kage system will be dismantled starting with Suna/Gaara.
11. In a modern AU context, Lee is a HUGE fan of Queen and Bruce Lee.
12. Lee definitely grows his hair out later on in life and changes up his attire and becomes his own person.
13. The Kazekage Estate is a generation home--most households in Suna are, and in fact, it’s really fucking weird for someone not to live in a generational home--so Gaara lives there with his siblings. When Temari gets married, she and Shikamaru live there, and continue to do so when they have kids. If Kankuro has a kid (and a spouse), they’ll live there too. Lee eventually moves in. The house is always filled with love. When Gai visits with Kakashi, or when Tenten and Neji visit, they stay there too.
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techouspeaks · 5 years ago
Chaggie: The Troublesome Ship?
I read an interesting Tweet about how hard does a lesbian canon shipping have to prove it’s authenticity. Which yeah I kinda agree and kinda disagree especially the replies over it. One person of course, says it’s the homophobia. Which isn’t completely true. I don’t ship Chaggie but I do have gay OCs and I will ship a couple no matter the sexuality is. I dare you to read more below on that than storm off and not read the rest.
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Another interesting and most common replies to the tweet brought up another issue that I do have to agree on and kinda disagree. Basically, I have conflicted feelings about it and that’s the fact that yeah, apparently if the couple aren’t touchy feely all the time, they’re not a good couple. Which I do agree, that’s bullshit. They don’t need to be all over each other all the time just to be a couple. I totally agree with this, but at the same time and I say this and I ship Charlie with Baxter and they haven’t even met in the show and comic, I’ll be perfectly honest about it. If I didn’t know that Charlie and Vaggie were a couple, I wouldn’t have suspected them to be.
The only real canon hint of romance between the two is the background photo of them in one shot. Other than that, I could easily think the two were just friends and apparently, other people thought this too, including non fans that watch the pilot without even reading about it. Watch some reaction videos of those that went in without knowing any background info, some people reacted to them as just being friends. A lot of fans in the comments below said videos, often had to tell them that Chaggie was a cannon thing.
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This is because, while it’s true, a couple doesn’t need to be on top of each other to show they’re a couple, there needs to be something a little more on the nose, at least once in a while. Like in one scene that was cut out in an old storyboard, Vaggie comes over to Charlie and they look at each other sweetly and in kind of dreamy way as she held her arm gently, right after Alastor agrees to Charlie’s request. That could have indicated the relationship a little more and that’s just a settle thing. For some, it’s not that there needs to be a lot of feely moments, but there should be at least one or two. I mean some can argue that there’s plenty with how they comfort each other, but some could easily argue back that friends can interact the same way.
Shoot, in the beginning, She-Ra 2018 got the same issue. Even full on supporters of the LGBT+ Community said that season 1 of She-Ra didn’t felt like the relationships were legit because they can easily mistake any of the pairings as friendships and they felt they needed to drop, not big hints but hints that are more on the nose. A kiss. (Not on top, smoocharama but a single one.) Just something that kinda separates that fine line between friendship and actual romance.
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Review and interview of that found here
For me, though, even with the cute moments and pictures of the two together as a couple that Viv has drawn, I just see Chaggie as okay. I just don’t feel for them right now but I also know it’s canon and I respect that. I know my headcannons are just for fun and not cannon and that’s fine. I rarely ship cannon anyway, straight or gay! More than half the time in fandoms, I spend my time in my fan ideas anyway just because I like being creative! I like the what ifs and what could bes. That makes me happy and in the end that’s what matters the most. Whatever makes you happy!
It’s true that fans do go overboard and believe that their headcannon is cannon no matter what, which, no it will never will be, but even cannon fans also have their monstrous side too, like again thinking someone is homophobic just because they can’t get into cannon ship that happens to be gay or lesbian. Does that make you heterophobic if don’t agree with a straight cannon couple? Course not! Because there’s a lot of straight cannon couples I can’t really get into myself! Prime example, Shaoran and Sakura from Cardcaptor Sakura and Tsubasa Chronicles. They announce their love and they have the chemistry for it, but I find their relationship as Chaggie. I think it’s a decent relationship but I can’t get into it. I don’t find them nearly as interesting as my headcannon ships and shoot, even my OCs that I ship with each other.
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I know a lot of Sailor Moon fans are gonna hate me, but I honestly am one of the few that thinks UsagiXSeiya are more interesting than UsagiXMamoru. Even with UsagiXMamoru’s chemistry. So sometimes, it’s not even just about if there’s enough chemistry. Some just don’t find a couple as interesting!
To be fair, being an extreme anything, isn’t healthy no matter what side you’re on! For me, everyone needs to know two things. One, headcannons are just that. Headcannons, They’re NOT cannon unless the rare times they become cannon but again. That’s rare. Don’t hold your breath! Just accept it and just have fun!
And two, just because it’s cannon, doesn’t make it sacred! They’re not untouchable! They’re a fictional couple created for the entertainment of the people and to show the writer/artist’s creative vision. It is not the law of some holy deity from above. It’s all for entertainment. It’s all for fun. There’s no need to be upset if someone doesn’t agree with the cannon. I mean we’re all geeks in our own right and we do rage sometimes, but there’s no need to be toxic about it!
I know I stepped on quite a few toes or might have and I apologize for it. I will not link the tweets cuz I’m not that kind of person. I made this to get some thoughts out of my head. Not to call out on anybody personally! That and Twitter wouldn’t allow the room for my thoughts anyway!
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horitsuba · 6 years ago
I had a weird dream of sakura/shaoran fighting THANOS (that ugly guy from avengers). I think it's because i watched the movie recently... Anyway, it started cute with saku & syao studing in a library, they are older and in college now. Sakura is more wise but still funny and trying her best to be great in a test while syaoran was sad because someone of his family is sick (WHO??? I DON'T KNOW, MY DREAM DIDNT TELL ANYTHING). So THANOS WAS THERE AND DESTROYED THE LIBRARY but saku/syaoran ran [1]
[2] to outside in time. Syaoran get hurt and Sakura get pissed because that ugly purple alien hurted her boyfriend and SHIT SHE KICKED HIS ASS! Everything happened too fast and it's hard to explain but sakura uses a lot of cool magic powers! Syaoran uses his sword but not too much because his arm is injured. Everything looks so cool, too bad i can't watch my dream again
lmaaao 😂 😂
That was a weird combination, I never thought I’d ever read a ccs x avengers crossover! hahaha. It sounds amazing though, a dream full of action. I like it 😆
Sakura would definitely kick Thanos’ ass, no doubt of it! 💪 Infinity stones whoo???
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artiikii · 7 years ago
CCS: Syaoran is homosexual/bi: a theory (may contain spoilers; read at your own risk)
Disclaimer(s): I have nothing against the LGBTQ+ community, and actually know a few people who are part of it who are really awesome and talented. I mean no offence to anyone when I talk about this, since there’s already several references in CCS to homosexual relationships (Tomoyo likes Sakura as more than a friend; the obvious Touya and Yukito, and even a few subtle references to Tomoyo’s mother (Sonomi) liking Sakura’s mother (Nadeshiko) as more than just friends/cousins) and I’m just trying to point out another possible reference. Please try not to come at me for being homophobic; im not trying to say anything about Sakura forcing or turning him ‘straight’.
Also, I already stated in the title, but this might have mild spoilers to the original Card Captor Sakura series, and just a smidge of the new Clear Card season. If you haven’t watched either series’, i suggest to you don’t read this. Why would you even read a theory for a show you havent watched anyways?? 
Lastly, this is obviously in reference to the newer dub(?) and original Japanese, since the old dub got rid of every bit of romance/homosexuality/creepy familial stuff/etc (#salty) so if for some reason you’ve only watched the original 2000 (North American?) TV dub, you might be even more confused than someone who hasn’t watched the show at all. Anyways, enough warnings/disclaimers, onto the theory.
This theory might seem obvious since we already know Syaoran/Shaoran/Xiaolang (however you want to spell it; for consistency sake, for the rest of this, I'll use Syaoran) had a small crush.infutation on Yukito, but hear me out. After basically rewatching the original series 3 times+ (if rewatching countless clips bc im an obsessive weeb counts as additional times), I picked up on a few things Syaoran himself, as well as his ‘fiancee’/cousin Meilin/Meiling says (consistency sake, next time I mention her, she’ll be Meiling) in the newer season.
Now, we learned in episode 51 the main reason Syaoran liked/was drawn to Yukito was because of Yue's Moon power(?). This, on one hand, could already debunk Syaoran's homosexuality since it was magic drawing him to Yukito? Plus, they can't have that many homosexual characters in a childrens anime, right? If we include Syaoran, there would be a total of five characters who are (possibly or obviously) into the same sex; Touya, Yukito, Sonomi, Tomoyo, and possibly Syaoran.
Our theory could end here, but Syaoran doesn't seem bothered by the fact that he likes Yukito, who is in fact a man (duh). Rather than that, he seems confused as to why he feels the same way he does with Yukito when he sees Sakura, which can be seen when he keeps shaking his head whenever he thinks of Sakura (obviously, this is also just him denying his feelings, buy why would he do that? He didnt deny his feelings for Yukito). It's also seen in the same episode when Yue tells him why he was so drawn to Yukito. 
He starts to question 'Why does she keep coming up?' whenever he stares at the bear he made. He even gets embarrassed when Yukito asks about the bear, since in his mind, he was probably considering giving it to him before abruptly shouting (or thinking?) "Like I said, why do I have to give it to her?!" As if he thinks he has to, because it's not 'socially appropriate' to give it to Yukito (possibly?) After all, just because he thought of her when Yukito asked 'are you going to give it to someone', doesn't mean he's obliged to give it to Sakura.
As he's running away from Yukito, he thinks "Why does she keep coming up? The only times I turn red or my heart feels like it will explode is when I see him!" This could show his confusion, knowing he likes Yukito. This could also imply he's perfectly fine with liking Yukito, and could possibly be aware he likes/liked men preferrably. 
Now for this part, I'm not just pulling that 'likes men' part out of my ass just because of that one line. There’s more to it than just that.
Later, I think in Clear Card, when Meiling returns for a bit and stays at Sakura's, in epissode 13, she mentions Syaoran never showing interest in any girls when he was in Hong Kong. This could either be a sign that he's just really bad at talking to girls, or that he just never liked girls in the first place until Sakura came along. 
Which means that until he started having feelings for Sakura, he could have been closeted gay. Or, since he was 'obliged' to be Meling's fiance, closeted bi. The other option, which I'm not sure is possible, but I might as well include it for theory sake, is he's gay, but 'straight' or bisexual for Sakura.
Anyways, that's all I have to say. I just thought it was a nice canon to have. I always found Syaoran's reactions to Yukito really cute and hilarious, so even if he didn't end up with Sakura and remained his crush on Yukito, I'd probably be happy too. Even though I love SyaoSaku-- 
Also, sorry this isnt technically art related. I've already wrote one theory (on Miraculous Ladybug, which turned out to be true) so I figured why not let out this one too because it's now my canon.
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aporeticelenchus · 7 years ago
Cardcaptor Sakura? (or another favorite CLAMP canon)
myall-time ultimate fave character: 
Tomoyo. Which I bet any ofyou could have predicted :p
acharacter I didn’t used to like but now do: 
I’m not sure there are any? Iguess I warmed up to Mei-Lin across the anime, but I never had super strongfeelings about her one way or the other.
acharacter I used to like but now don’t: 
acharacter I’m indifferent about: 
Eriol I guess.
acharacter who deserved better: 
Yue sure has had a rough fewcenturies.
aship I’ve never been able to get into:
I’ve never been able to getinto Tomoyo/anyone other than Sakura – with the exception of TRC ships, whichare a different sort of thing.
aship I’ve never been able to get over: 
I’ll just say the obvious;Sakura/Shaoran and Touya/Yukito.
acute, low-key ship: 
Sakura/Tomoyo is really cute.
anunpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: 
Don’t think I have any
aship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: 
Kaho/Touya makes mereallllllyyy uncomfortable. And let’s not even get started on the elementaryschooler who dates her teacher.
myfavourite storyline/moment:
I actually like the secondarc a bit better than the first. I feel like the series has found its feet anddone the work establishing the plot, and is able to get into more detailed storylinesand character beats.
astoryline that never should have been written: 
The manga’s not that long;there’s really not a lot to cut. (Would it be cheating to say the last fewvolumes of TRC?)
myfirst thoughts on the show book: 
I accidentally startedreading the second arc first (it was labelled book 1!), so mostly confusion. Iliked it anyway though.
mythoughts now: 
I’m very fond of the series.It’s a good comfort series for me; one of my undergrad roommates used to watchit when we all had midterms or finals, so I associate it with relaxing withfriends.
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teamgensokyo-blog · 5 years ago
Cosplay Mania 2019 - Voice Actress Fan Meeting - Digest
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On the second day of Cosplay Mania 2019, a fanmeeting panel featuring voice actress, Motoko Kumai and Rumi Okubo was held.
Motoko Kumai is famous for her role as Li Syaoran of Card Captor Sakura, Sumomo of Chobits and Kaoru Koganei of Flame of Recca.
Rumi Okubo is the voice behind Aguri of Gamers!, Rider of Black from Fate/Apocrypha and Elizabeth Bathory of Fate/Grand Order.                     It was a very interesting event and we're glad to share what happened. Please note that this report is based on our memory and notes we wrote down after the event since recording is not allowed in the SP Hall. Some translations might not be accurate and we might be missing some questions as well. Anyway, we still hope it will give you a glimpse of what we experieced.
Here are some questions they have asked and answered: -What motivates you as a voice actress? Kumai: My motivation is to be involve in an anime that moves everyone and everyone will be inspired. If I can be part of that anime, that motivates me most. Okubo: For me, im very happy when people tells me that the anime did very well and I did my job well
-If you are not a voice actress, what could have been your occupation? Kumai: I love baseball so I'll be a baseball player. Okubo: I actually love cosmetics and make up, so I think I'll be working in cosmetics or apparel Kumai: Is it okay if I share something? She (Okubo-san) did her own make-up today. Mine was done with a make-up artist Okubo: It's really beautiful. Kumai: Thank you!
-How do you internalize for a role? Kumai: I'll record it first and if the character is cute, I'll act it out as cute. (After that, she said "Arigato gozaimasu!: in a cute voice) Okubo: I try not to over analyze the character, because it may differ from what the director wants.
After some questions, they proceed in Shiki Board raffle. Each voice actress randomly choose 5 lucky ticket numbers from a bowl. Kumai-san called out the lucky ticket numbers she got. Okubo-san said to please forgive her because her English was bad and called out the numbers in Japanese. She realized that she need to call it out in English. She got embarrassed a bit but I think everyone find it cute.
After the raffle, both guest played the character voice line challenge. They were shown lines they needed to say and they have to say it in different personalities. First line was "Come see me someday, I'll be waiting in Japan". Kumai said the line in a serious mode while Okubo had to say it in a cheeky way. Everyone was cheering her on. The audience loved how Okubo said the line. Second line was "I'm happy I can spend this special day with you". Okubo-san was the first and she had to say it in slow-tempo voice. She, once again, swept the audience with her cute voice. Kumai-san went next and she had to try it in genki voice. She said the line and it's like Li Shaoran was saying it. After that, the host asked both of them to stand at the center of the stage and asked them to say "Mahal ko kayo". Both of the guest did it very well but the audience was swoon off their feet by Okubo-san because of her Elizabeth Bathory voice.
Before the panel ended, Cosplay Mania surprised Okubo-san with a birthday cake and everyone sang happy birthday to her. She was really happy with it and even took a photo of the cake.
It was a nice event. Im glad to see voice actresses grace our local stage and I do hope we get to see more.
That's it!
We hope you enjoyed this report.
photosrc https://twitter.com/motorsports0908
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