#anyway *disappears in a poof of smoke*
crow-with-a-pencil · 2 years
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So um. What if Firefly but he's a cursed alchemist.
(Knight au by @intistone hhhhhhhhhhh)
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lilacgaby · 23 days
𝟎𝟏 | serenity
chapter select!
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katsuki bakugo had a secret.
a secret that'd undo everything he did in his power to build. his reputation would be gone,
his ego destroyed, his life ruined.
at least in his mind.
and that was his obsession with 'serenity.'
serenity was the top manga of the year, surprisingly dominating the shoujo category along with the overall for its recent release. even beating longtime shounen manga with pure sales.
and he was a die hard fan since its creation.
he had randomly scrolled upon it on a piracy manga website, clicking on it becausethe art style was pretty, and the protagonist was even prettier.
it had spiraled from one thing to another, and before he knew it he had become such a longtime supporter, that he and the creator themselves were mutuals on twitter, with katsuki's account being among the biggest fan accounts for [name].
in his room where nobody was allowed, he had a shelf directly under allmights dedicated to the manga, and a corner just for the protagonist,
small trinkets, shitty attempts at fanart, official figures, and stickers littered the corner, with the biggest piece being a rare limited-edition figure that he was sent for being a longtime fan.
[name] was loved in both her manga and in his japan. she was written to be oblivious to just how many people at her school were enamored with her, and was even being pursued by two guys in a love triangle.
the manga was still ongoing, though talks of an anime adaptation were in place, a possible stage play (though katsuki doubted they could find a gorgeous enough actor), and lines of merch were all in the near future.
every sunday, a new volume would be released.
he shouldn't have to waste precious hours that he could spend training on walking down to the store to buy it, but he'd mistakenly made the mistake to wait for the next week and double up on manga volumes once. the entire twist was spoiled by dunce-face and racoon eyes during lunch. he had told them to shut up and avoided hearing any more spoilers from word of mouth but..
he got spoiled on twitter anyways.
so from then on, he opted to take the half-hour trip into town and get it himself.
with a black hoodie covering his face and sunglasses for his eyes, he looked suspicious. not like bakugo katsuki though so, it was good enough.
because he was going out on his own, he knew someone would be tailing him. a security measure.
he took several odd turns and confusing routes to lose them, and lose them he did.
he let out a satisfied laugh, before disappearing into a crowd.
his favorite manga store that always had every issue out on time was pretty busy, thankfully he only noticed people crowding the shounen sections.
he went up and grabbed one of the only latest issues left on the shelf. he smiled at the pretty cover art, though it just looked intimidating due to his strange appearance.
he also grabbed a blind bag, feeling around to try and make sure it wasn't the annoying love interest that he hated, who luckily had a character design with distinguishable hair.
after he was satisfied, he also grabbed a 'serenity' themed pen that had a small chibi figure of [name] on it.
he purchased it, noting how the popularity of the manga was starting to make everything more expensive.
he grumbled angrily to himself as he took a turn into an alley, the fastest way back to the main path to U-A.
a mugger jumped out from behind the trash can. "give me everything you've got kid."
bakugo's face scrunched up distastefully. "no way loser."
he clutched his manga in his hands, the blind bag and pen safely in his pocket.
he instinctually chucked the manga at the guy when the mugger suddenly jerked forward.
the man shot a ray of energy at the book, making
an almost comedic 'poof' sound came out, accompanied by a puff of smoke.
"what the-"
a girl.. not just any girl.
[name] was sitting there in the flesh, looking scared and confused as she took in the scenery around her. her eyes darted between his assaulter and him, perplexity evident in her glassy eyes.
the book was splayed out on the other side of her, the pages now fully blank.
katsuki was shocked, so shocked that he didn't even notice that his sunglasses had fallen, and that his hair was now exposed.
"oh, no shit! you're that crazy U-A kid! i'm out."
the mugger ran away as katsuki was left alone with [name].
"no way.. just-- no way."
"it can't be you!"
she slowly got up, still observing the world around them.
"where am i?"
"um.. you're. you're not in your world anymore [name]."
her face twisted in confusion. "what? what do you mean my world, and-- how do you know my name?"
"this is gonna sound crazy so, ugh..
come with me."
he held his hand out towards her, still not fully believing that this was happening right now.
as she took it, and he felt the solidity of her skin, the physicality of her body, it all set in.
the fact that her beauty was unmatched, the fact that was here, alive, speaking and--
he guided her to a bench, along the main path so they wouldn't be too far from U-A.
they were holding hands until she let go, he was glad though, because his hands were getting extremely sweaty.
he decided to just rip off the bandaid.
"this is going to be hard to hear, but you're not.. real."
"what?!" tears popped into her eyes, she was already on edge, and that was definitely not the right thing to say.
okay bad start.
"well, you are real, just not in this world. in this world you're an anime character."
"...you're not funny."
"im not joking around." he sighed and took out his phone.
he opened it to his fanpage dedicated to her, '[name]thinker.'
he clicked on the media tab and let her scroll through.
her eyes were wide as she saw scenes of her life drawn out in comic form, her friends, family, and even enemies were depicted so beautifully, and it captured all of her core memories.
"so.. you were serious."
"i am."
".. what do i do?" tears finally spilled over as she sunk into the park bench, her hands were gripping the skirt of her school uniform tightly as the fabric began to soak her tears.
"how'd i even get here?"
bakugo awkwardly stood by as she fought her tears.
"uh.. i can um- explain if you want."
she sniffled, and wiped away her tears before nodding, not trusting her voice at the moment.
"so, in this world, there are like-- superpowers. we call them quirks."
she honestly found it hard to believe, but there really would be no other explanation for her existence right now so, she nodded along.
"like, i have the ability to made explosions from my hands because i sweat nitroglycerin. see?"
he set off tiny explosions from his hands, smirking at the way her eyes go wide.
"that's really cool.. um?"
"bakugo. katsuki bakugo."
"oh okay i'm [name], but i guess you already know that."
so, since you all have superpowers, you think that guys had a power to bring me here?"
"that's the only thing it could've been, really. unless something odd happened to you?"
"no, i was just walking to school when i passed out suddenly."
"[name], i think you should come with me."
"okay. where to?"
"my school."
"why would we go to school?"
he gently grabbed her hand and internally fanboyed as they started walking towards U-A.
"we have dorms there, i need to talk to my teacher in the morning, so you can stay with me tonight."
"why would your teacher be able to help? is this a superhero school or something?" she joked.
"yes, it is."
your world is kinda weird."
he resisted the urge to question her thoughts about scenes that he thought were very impactful, and instead explained the simplicities of his world to her. things like the hero system, quirk prejudice, rankings, and specialty schools like U-A.
"so, are you any good then?" she asked, genuinely.
if it was anyone else he would've flipped out, but instead he just answered. "yeah, i know so. some may say im the next number one."
"who's some?"
"oh? i'll have to see you fight then."
they finally made it to U-A, but now came the issue of sneaking [name] in.
"this is a pretty fancy school."
"it's the number one hero school in the country."
"seriously? wow, cool."
"yeah but, we're not really supposed to bring anyone in so..
stay here for a second."
"um, okay."
bakugo went inside, it was still early afternoon, so everyone was out.
more importantly, iida was out. nobody else would snitch if they saw her so.
"coast is clear, come on." he yelled at her.
"got it!"
he shielded her from view as he walked her up to his dorm. before she could go in, he covered the corner of her memorabilia with a random box he had laying around.
"um.. make yourself comfortable [name]."
"thanks bakugo." she said, sitting down on his bed.
once he got over the surrealness of her actually being in his room, he choked out
"call me katsuki, it's only fair."
"hm. okay, thank you katsuki."
his heart did somersaults, she didn't have an official voice actor because none of the characters from her anime were confirmed yet,
but her voice was better than the one he had in his head.
"yeah um.. no problem. by the way, uh.. my teacher is off duty today so we'll have to wait for tomorrow to see what's up."
"oh, i see.
so, if im really an anime character, how am i supposed to like-- even walk out this room?"
"what do you mean?"
"unless im super unpopular, aren't people gonna notice?"
oh, she was right. she looked like she was pulled right out of the papers, because she was, and people would have to question her about it eventually.
"well, you are like really popular. your manga is literally fucking number one everywhere right now."
"really? yes!" she fist-pumped in happiness. hey, if she was gonna be an anime character she might as well be a popular one.
"so, i guess you'd have to say you're a cosplayer, that the author based the character of you, or something. if people knew you were the actual [name].."
"they just wouldn't believe it right?"
"well i mean.. in this world everything is pretty plausible."
"i guess."
she laid back in his bed, staring around his room. there were a couple of posters hanging around of a strange man with a pearly white smile. there was figures and even.. a book about him on the shelf.
"uh.. who's that?" she said, as she pointed to the largest photo with the strange man posing in the middle, 'I AM HERE' in bold, bright yellow letters as he stood proudly.
"oh him? that's all might. he's the best hero in existence, the world will never have another hero like him.
at least until i graduate." he said, nonchalantly leaning into the back of his chair.
"ah, that's really cool katsuki! so even in this hero school you're unmatched? are other quirks significantly weaker than yours?"
"it's not that i'm unmatched, it's that im destined to be at the top. even if someone managed to have a stronger quirk than me, id still be the best."
she let out a soft 'oh' as she got up. "you have anything fun to do?"
he thought about it for a second. in the manga she really liked puzzles so..
"got it, i'll be right back."
he darted out the room, leaving her alone.
he knocked on midoriya's door before barging in, midoriya taking notes at his desk.
"ah- kacchan? what do you need--"
"borrowing this." katsuki walked straight into the room, grabbed a five-hundred piece allmight puzzle, and turned to walk out.
"be careful with that! it's gold edition!"
"got it, deku."
he stormed back to his room, closed the door behind him, and handed [name] the puzzle.
"this should keep you busy. it's double-sided. also don't fuck it up, it's important to some idiot."
"uh, okay. thanks katsuki."
she spent the day completing one side of the puzzle, katsuki helping a bit occasionally as he viewed the manga leaks on twitter, since his version of the new issue of the manga was now fully blank.
he handed her clothes to sleep in, after changing she came out in his signature skull t-shirt and basketball shorts that did not fit her style
at all.
he stifled a laugh at the sight.
"what are you laughing at?"
"nothing, just go to bed loser."
"whatever." she laid on the far side of the bed, closest to the wall.
"uh.. there's no other place to sleep so, i'll just stay over here."
he shoved a blanket down the middle of the bed, laying down right after.
"g'night katsuki." she said, already half-asleep.
"good night [name]."
he couldn't fall asleep for a little while. the character that plagued his dreams was now physically next to him, in his own bed.
the feeling of her body flipping around and grabbing at him pulled him out of his thoughts completely, leaving him speechless.
still not believing this was real, he held her closely, not wanting his 'dream' to end.
| next!
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*poofs from purple smoke and takes off my hat* Hello young Master Pines! How are you today? May I ask how the search for your sister going? *takes my hat and puts it back on my head*
I know the multiverse is quite daunting but I’m sure you will find her soon enough. In fact that’s why I’m here! To give you this.
*pulls out a small leather bound book with mysterious symbols on it and hands it to you* a guide to the multiverse for you! It is written in my native tongue so it might be hard to read but, for someone like you it will be cake. Anyways take care young Master Pines. I’ll see you soon I hope.
*poofs into the same purple smoke and disappears without a trace*
I... feel like accepting that, yeah, sure. I've certainly seen weirder. But "young master Pines"? What's that all about?
*He shrugs and opens the book." Whoa. Hard to read, but... if they're right and this is a guide... maybe it'll help me find Mabel? And... avoid more of those bad universes. *He mutters to himself.* Still not good after that last one.
*He starts to flip through the book, squinting at the letters. He'll definitely be looking at this whenever he has free time.*
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thepoparena · 4 months
Middle Earth Problems #1
Middle Earth consists of Hobbits, Elves, Dwarves and Men. These are their problems. [open on a shot of Samwise Gamgee standing in a field, eyes squinting directly into the camera, thumbs through the belt loops of his pants] SAM: You're best friend's uncle had a birthday party the other daaaaay... [cut to Sam, Frodo Baggins and Gandalf the Grey sitting in chairs in front of Frodo's Hobbit-hole, smoking pipe-weed. Sam opens his mouth, pauses as if to think better of it, then speaks] SAM: Disappeared? FRODO: Vanished. SAM: Turned invisible? GANDALF: Evaporateds. SAM: Dispersed? FRODO: Dissipated. SAM: Faded away? GANDALF: De-materialized. SAM: Just, poof and Bilbo was gone? FRODO: That's a Gondor-sized 10-4, good buddy. SAM: ...Well I'll be sock-darned. [there's a pause, then it's Gandalf turn to open his mouth, think better of it, then speak anyway] GANDALF: How do you knows about socks? FRODO: So later Gandalf was telling me how Bilbo could disappears because of some magic ring he got in his college adventure years. SAM: When he was hanging out with those twelve buff guys? GANDALF: Like, I'm sure you know what socks are objectivesly-like, but it's just odd it'd be in your local vernaculars. FRODO: I think it was thirteen, but yeah. Bilbo found the ring in like a goblin cave or something, won it telling knock-knock jokes to a fish or something. SAM: Are fishes good at knock-knock jokes? Not many doors to knock-knock on in goblin cave waters. FRODO: Something doesn't have to be a door for a knock to qualify as a knock. GANDALF: Familiars enough to be making puns about darning socks? Samwise, you are a Hobbits of many cultures. SAM: We're not talking about a knock, you can knock on anything. FRODO: Knock on wood. SAM: Knock yourself out. GANDALF: Knocks it off. SAM: But only a door can be knock-knocked. A knock-knock implies intent of entrance. A fish has neither the door for knock-knocking, nor the appendages required for knock-knocking in the first place... FRODO: Unless it's a mantis shrimp. Imagine a mantis shrimp could knock-knock pretty good. GANDALF: I'm pretty sures it wasn't a fish at all that your uncle Bilbo met, but I wasn't theres. I was busy looking into some... necros-mancers... [Gandalf starts starring off into the middle distance, lost in thought] SAM: I will concede that a mantis shrimp might be the one fish with any chance at a knock-knock joke competition against your uncle Bilbo, though I still argue it would have a distinct disadvantage do to its lack of doors. FRODO: Well, yeah, Bilbo won. Got him a sweet magic ring, and if you had let me get to the end of my story, that sweet magic ring is now... [Frodo proudly sticks his fingers through the straps of his overalls] ...mine. GANDALF: Oh shits! [Gandalf suddenly springs up and grabs his hat and staff] SAM: Where's the fire, fire-fighter? GANDALF: I thinks that ring might be the evil one ring of legend, forged by the dark lord Sauron... but I gots to get to the library to be sures. Should be back in about seventeen years. FRODO: Seventeen years? GANDALF: I'm a slow reader. Keeps it secret! Keeps it safe! [Gandalf bounds away off-screen. There's a pause, and Frodo sinks a bit into his chair, pouting] FRODO: Oooo, but I just got it! [cut back to Sam standing alone in the field, talking to the camera] SAM: Also, I'm pretty sure a mantis shrimp can't talk to begin with. [cue acoustic guitar]
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Suit of Hearts || Drabble
Fandom: Xmen
Warnings: Bittersweet, Hurt/Comfort, whatever you wanna call it. There's some angst here basically, and uh, I think what Miranda goes through counts as a panic/anxiety attack?
Wordcount: 4041
Summary: But now the day bleeds into nightfall, and you're not here to get me through it all
aka sometimes you gotta seperate your abandonment issues having OC from her main support unit so she turns to someone else for a spell
"I'll be fine, Kurt. Honest."
He wished he could immediately believe that; because she sounded so sure of it herself. Standing underneath the enormous tree where they had their first kiss, at his request to have this conversation, Kurt's yellow eyes quietly met her green ones as he looked for any sign of worry on her end. He knew that she had tuned out of the conversation as soon as it was obvious her name wasn't going to be on the list of people who were going to be send to a mission in Germany.
But since Kurt's name was, he had been trying to figure out how she actually felt about him having to go overseas. Without her. If she was worried, she wasn't showing it.
"Will you? I... I can't help but worry this is going to open an old wound for you. This mission will keep me busy most of the time I'm there, so I can't really contact you, or help, if your worries start playing up."
Her neutral body language seemed to soften a little at that, and his followed suit. She placed a hand on his cheek, he immediately placed his over hers.
"I appreciate that a lot, Kurt; but your team needs you. Rogue, Cyclops and Morph need you on this mission; I promise I'll be fine. I have my team, my family right here, I'll spend more time with them. You're only going to Germany, hardly the end of the world or some distant plane of existence," she let a comfortable silence fall so the words had time to sink in, taking his free hand into her own and pressing a soft kiss to the back of it to which his heart simply melted, "just promise me you'll come back to me in one piece, okay?"
"I promise," he answered in a heartbeat, to which she gave him a soft little smile.
"You're not leaving until next Monday, anyway," she said softly as she let herself get pulled into his embrace, "plenty of time to spend together before you have to go."
Regardless, that Monday inevitably rolled around. Miranda had snuck out of the mansion, popping back into view from her invisibility as she was actually meant to be in the danger room right about now. She heard a poof somewhere behind her, turning to her right a little as a very familiar hand beckoned her to come over to just behind the building before vanishing behind the stones itself
"Sorry about that," he whispered when she very casually made her way around the corner of the building, "but Rogue's watching, I don't think she really bought my excuse that I forgot something. Well, not really an excuse, because I did forget something."
He pulled his rosary necklace over his clothes; it was something he could get Rogue to believe as he never went without one on the jet. She didn't need to know it had been around his neck and under his outfit pretty much from the moment he had woken up.
"More importantly, I didn't want to leave without kissing you. You could just say no and I'll have to stay, of course," he grinned at the last part, and she just laughed softly in response, appreciating the light humor of it.
"No, Kurt, we're not doing takebacks like that. They need you to translate," but she still leaned in to kiss him, glad when he kissed back.
"Now go, before you get in trouble with your sister," she said, her voice a lot softer, "and stay safe, okay?"
"I will. See you soon, Süßer."
She watched him disappear into his signature cloud of smoke, sighing while she added 'I love you' to her words in her mind. She felt like she was doing a great job consistently failing to find a right time, a right moment, to tell him. Her eyes widened a little as she realised she was supposed to be in the danger room to train. She clicked her invisibility back on, making her way to the nearest window to shove open and hop back inside the mansion.
A few of her team members stood in front of the danger room, clearly waiting on her as the man with auburn hair in a ponytail spoke up
"We'll just give her a few more minutes, otherwise we'll-"
"I'm here," appearing seemingly out of nowhere Miranda sheepishly joined the small group of three, making it four with her inclusion, "sorry, Ebak, something came up and I lost my sense of time for a minute. I'm here now."
"I thought I was the only one that happened to," Shadow laughed, though her eyes were very deliberately pointed to Drifting as she did.
"Look, I dont have E's quantum teleportation, five minutes late is not that bad in the grand scheme of things; and the longer we stand here debating the philosophical nature of the passage of time the less training time we'll have."
"Do we have anything to debate timewise when we have Lemming?" asked the man with the beard, to which Miranda just nodded in agreement.
"Exactly. Besides, I have yet to see this werebear form you all say Ber has, hidden away in him. Which seems like the easiest way to fulfil my dream of petting a bear without dying, so why are we out here arguing?"
"If bear not friend, why bear friend shaped?" Ber said with a shrug, laughing a deep hearty laugh as the other three shot their glances at him and three voices simultaneously went "Ber, no."
And thus for a little while, Miranda was actually, genuinely fine. She had people to turn to, finding company and comfort with her friends; each one of them seemingly hellbent on making her die with laughter as their jokes often built on each other. On the other hand she also adored talking to them about when they first realised they were mutants. And all in all it made her feel less bad for leaning on Kurt when she did, because she did genuinely have other people she could also ask for input and comfort; and in that she hoped she would stop feeling like she was straining him and taking advantage of his kindhearted nature.
But even all of that helps little when time ticks by on the clock, second by second, until Miranda saw it turn to 3 am and a groan left her, her mind unwilling to let her sleep. Time control abilities sounded wonderful right about now. She pushed herself up in a sitting position, staring distantly into her dark bedroom hearing the soft but ever moving tick of the clock on the wall.
'I wish he was here right now.'
Though it came from a soft voice in the back of her mind, no matter how softly spoken it was, she still much felt like someone had taken a dagger and stabbed it directly through her heart with zero warning, audibly wincing to herself from the sudden sting of pain. Looking up to the ceiling in almost a desperate plea for her eyes to not start watering with tears, Miranda slowly got out of her bed and back into regular clothes. Maybe getting some fresh air would do her some good, and with that in mind she tried to ignore the low whine of her heart as she wandered out of the front door, shutting it behind her and leaning against the wall right next to her. Her arms crossed over her chest as she looked out into the night.
Quite a lovely night, all things considered; the air was cool but not cold, a gentle breeze going past her and the night sky was filled with stars. It was too beautiful a night to be upset in this was, it was ridiculous to be upset in this way. He was coming back soon and then everything would be okay.
'In what world is two and a half weeks soon?!' her heart whined in protest.
At that same moment, Gambit returned from a solo thing he had gone on earlier in the evening, carefully approaching her with a card in between his fingers as he hadn't expected to see anyone lingering outside the mansion this late- but he tucked the card back in the deck as soon as he recognized it was just Miranda.
"Mais, mon ami; Gambit almost took you for an intruder. Again," he noted, "You usually tap out at 1 am or so, isn't it way past your bedtime?"
Wasn't his best joke, he would admit to that wholeheartedly himself, but the way her million mile stare had been going straight through him without her even acknowledging him once didn't sit well with him with the odd vibe she was giving off.
"... Miranda?" he asked, a little relieved when her name seemed to snap her out of whatever trance she was in, "are you okay?"
He hadn't meant for that to have the same effect as taking a hammer directly to a mirror. Where she had her arms over her chest before, now looked like she was hugging herself in pure desperation to keep herself from shattering apart. Tears that weren't there before poured over her cheeks, her breathing high and panicked as whatever was upsetting her seemed to have a chokehold on her. Gambit panicked a little, debating on what the hell to do and hesitantly reaching a hand out to her until he supportively placed it on her shoulder.
"What's wrong, chère?"
"I miss him so much."
"Who, Kurt?"
Oh he just had to actually say it and immediately make it worse, didn't he? He half expected her to vanish from sight, but she didn't, a temporary flicker of her power seemingly being all she could manage as all her energy went into trying to get a grip on herself.
It was too much, the way the words had almost sounded strangled coming out of her as she squeezed her eyes shut and tightened her embrace on herself. She felt completely torn open, vulnerable, emotionally raw; all she yearned for being either that he would magically appear right now instead of over two weeks away, or failing that for some other way to hide as her invisibility refused to respond to her input.
Green eyes met worried red ones, and in less than the blink of an eye she stepped to him. She let go of herself only to lock her arms around him and pulling him to her with a ferocity he hadn't expected out of her, a noise of surprise and confusion leaving him as she hid her face in the fabric of his jacket over his shoulder. As far as he was concerned he wasn't usually anyone's first choice for this kind of comfort, but the sound of her crying pulled at his heartstrings so bad that he wrapped an arm around her, placing his free hand gently against the back of her head.
"He'll be back before you know it," he said in a soft, hushed tone, trying to soothe her.
"I know I'm being stupid," she managed to get out in between the sobs that left her, "it's like, not even three weeks- but what- what if he runs into trouble? W-what if he's left behind?!"
"Drifting-" he tried to interrupt the spiral he could see her go on in real time, but she interrupted him just as fast
"What if he gets lost, or hurt, or something else happens and they-"
"Miranda," his voice was soft but firm; brotherly in nature in a way she didn't remember he had ever spoken to her before, "Rogue is not going to leave Germany without her brother. Breathe, petite. In, hold, out. Before you wear yourself out or worse."
He just held her, shielding her from the night's breeze as all her fears poured out through the cracks of her broken resolve. Kurt could easily navigate Germany by himself, and that was not even considering that Rogue would simply toss him over her shoulders and bring him back home herself that way if she had to, but the truth wouldn't help when her anxiety was taking reign like this, nor would it make the fear she projected any less real to her.
"Listen to me, chère; these hypothetical what ifs are going to drive you crazy. Your mind is trying its best to convince you otherwise, but I promise you; he'll come back," riding out the storm with her, Gambit let her cry until the sobs that wrecked her body subsided into softer sniffles, "Willing to bet he promised so, himself."
That seemed to do the trick, as she slightly pushed herself away from him but appreciated that he didn't immediately let go; she herself only far enough away to look up at him
"He... I asked him to come back in one piece," she admitted quietly, wiping at her eyes with the palm of her hand, "he.. promised he would."
"There ya go. Gambit's never seen Nightcrawler break a promise like that in his life. He ain't gonna start now."
"... Thank you," and with that she did fully push herself out of his embrace, with him easily letting her go and being somewhat proud of himself that she had calmed down by a lot, "Oh, what the fuck is wrong with me. I was fine; I was doing fine about this. Hell, I have been through a lot worse, by myself, so why am I suddenly bawling my eyes out just because my best friend needs to be in another continent for a while? I'm-"
"It's easy to be fine even when you're missing someone if there's people around to distract you from it. But at these times of night, where everyone else you turn to is asleep and you have to fall back on yourself especially when you only just got used to having the support of others?" he quickly but gently wiped away a lingering tear on her cheek that she hadn't gotten to before, the gesture soft and familial, "That is hard, mon ami. If it helps any, I do think you're very brave. This can't be easy for you."
"It helps a lot, actually. Thank you." it really made a difference that he thought of her as brave instead of stupid or overdramatic. He just nodded at her thanks, tossing a quick glance to the front door.
"'S alright. Don't mention it. Here's what; how about we go inside? Get some tea, play some card games?" he gave a slight smirk at the confused look on her face, "Gambit's glad to distract you a little while longer until you're tired enough to get some sleep."
"I'd... yes, I'd like that. ... Remy? Can you- would you please keep this between us? I appreciate all your help, but... I think I'd prefer if only you knew that I was a desperate trainwreck tonight."
"Hm, how did you put that once upon a time, fifolet? Not my story to tell, right? Come along now."
He gently ushered her inside and along to the kitchen, allowing her to sit down wherever she wanted as he put the kettle on. Taking out his deck of cards, he started shuffling them while waiting for the water to boil, red eyes looking up at his friend.
"Any preference for what we play?"
"As long as it's easy to follow, I don't really care."
The minutes once again went by while they spent their time playing card games, quietly and calmly as he wasn't in a rush to get anywhere and she didn't have the energy for anything speed based; occasionally sipping their teas and reminding each other to not let it go cold.
"So," Gambit eventually started, breaking the surprisingly serene silence between them, "What’cha gonna do when he comes back?"
He just smirked ever so slightly and rolled his eyes as she shrugged, not dignifying his question with an answer as if that would stop him from prodding just a little to see if she would actually spill what the situation was there. For as much as it didn't seem unreasonable for her to be equally as upset if he was merely one of her best friends, something told him there was definitely more going on.
"Come now, chère. You're willing to pour your heart out to me but only in pints at a time? You like the furball, don't you? I think you'll be hard pressed to find anyone who doesn't; hell, Gambit don't trust anyone who say they don't like him at least a little."
"I wish I was more like him," Miranda responded after thinking about it in silence for a moment, "like, I don't know. Kinder. Easier to get along with. Happier. I know he has a lot going on, too, with his mom, and what not...."
Gambit just nodded at that, because it was a fair point to make. You would be just as equally hard pressed to find someone in the Xmen who didn't have some kind of deeper issue going on that they found it hard to talk about. Him included.
"I don't know. For him to have been dragged through so much, and still come out the other end wanting for and trying his hardest to make a better world? To choose to be as kind as he is? That takes a kind of inner strength I wish I had. Last card."
"Probably one of the better X-men to look up to, honestly," he shrugged as well, tossing up another card with a smirk.
"You- damn it. Never mind about the last card, then. You're really not that bad yourself, Remy. You just need to stop selling yourself short."
"Said the pot to the kettle like they're not the exact same color. Last card."
"Touche,” she handed him the win as she ran out of tea, lightly rubbing her eyes as the comfortable vibe between them just hanging out was starting to get to her. The fact that he stuck around even in the aftermath of the emotional storm was honestly incredibly sweet, no matter how much he tried to say he wasn’t worthy of looking up to, "thank you for this, Remy. You're a good friend, you know? I’m… Honestly, I’m glad you showed up when you did. I don’t think I would’ve wanted anyone else to see that I turn into a clingy mess after only three days of.. well, you know,”
He simply gave her a slight, appreciative huff, gathering his cards and casually but rapidly reshuffling the deck multiple times out of habit.
"Funny you mention that, because Gambit's got a feeling you'll be in for a good surprise when he comes home. Think you'll find you're not the only one in the game who we can describe as clingy to people they miss. Don't believe me, do ya?" he asked as he saw the look in her eyes, amused by her slight disbelief at his implication that Kurt was missing her and clingy as well, "wanna bet?"
"Betting? Against Gambit? Hard pass, buddy, the cards were never in my favor like that; that's why I've never been a gambling woman. I'm going to bed. Don't make it too late yourself now, alright? Take care of yourself."
Gambit just hummed a goodnight, shuffling the cards once more but slowly and deliberately this time around instead of his usual speed for it.
"I don't buy that you don't buy the man's clingy, mon ami," he muttered to the empty room and himself, "not when even the missions you two get involved in require him to get so close to you. If you're really best friends, or should I say 'just friends', I don't buy for a minute that he hasn't been dragging you into hugs."
Setting his deck in front of himself, he tapped his fingers rhythmically on the table, mumbling something to himself in Cajun French before taking the first card from the deck. He promptly let out a genuine laugh at what it showed
“Seems like the cards ain't buying your bluff either," he said between light chuckles, flicking the ace of hearts in his fingers before casually placing it down on the table.
As the days went by, their return was just as inevitable as their departure to Germany had been before. Miranda had simply vanished from the mansion beforehand, having kept her schedule open for it and dancing around the subject vehemently when anyone asked about it. While keeping herself somewhat hidden from where the jet actually landed, because she didn't actually want to try and play this off to Morph or Rogue especially, she still couldn't stop a weird sense of anxiety spiking. She watched Cyclops leave the jet, closely followed by- a second Cyclops, and she rolled her eyes a little. Oh, Morph.
Rogue seemed to linger for a moment longer, following after them a longer moment later, again causing her anxiety to spike up a level. Was she talking to someone, had she seen her out here and needled Kurt about someone clearly waiting for him? Speaking of, where was- He truly appeared right out of nowhere, pretty much tackling her into a hug before flitting and teleporting so fast her mind couldn't keep up with what he was doing; somehow landing bridal style in his arms and barely registering that as he had already whisked her off to her own bedroom.
"Hi~ Actually wait," and before she could even breathe to say something else he was gone, returning a few moments and a wardrobe change into comfortable clothes later only to be exactly where he had been before and easily, lightly tossing her into his embrace to which she couldn't help but squeak, "much better. Hi, Süßer, I missed you~"
He nuzzled into her shoulder, purring all the way as his tail wrapped around her waist, and all Miranda could wonder for a second is how the hell she lost a bet with Gambit when she didn't even actually take it on. Her heart simply melted at the return of comfort she had genuinely missed so bad, the familiarity and warmth of his embrace so inviting that her mind finally processed he was actually home. And the moment it did, she wrapped her arms around him, clutching on as she burrowed her face away in his shoulder.
"Missed you too," she said, voice muffled by his fur until she lightly pushed away just so she could get up a little and look into his eyes. Freeing one of her arms, she put her hand gently on the curve of his jaw, allowing herself to get lost in his eyes for a little bit before a slight smirk curled around her lips, "and the fine for the absolute crime of leaving me here to miss you is cuddles and kisses, sir. Honestly, how dare you?"
He laughed at the clear tone of humor in her voice as her faked offense was meant to lighten the mood, but he happily obliged in paying the 'fine', bridging the gap between them to kiss her as his tail wrapped around her ever so slightly more than it already was.
"Seriously though, I missed you, a lot," she quietly admitted when they broke apart from their kiss, nestling her head in the curve of his neck while wrapping her arms back around him and holding on tight, "I do actually need this hug to last a while, if you don't mind."
"Of course I don't mind; nowhere I'd rather be but here."
Okay, fine, she conceded to herself, Gambit had a point. Maybe Kurt was clingy. She didn't need to pretend that he wasn't especially not to people who knew him; wrong move on her part, probably. She listened to the soft purring, the steady beat of his heart, sinking away in the comfort of his equally tight embrace around her that she had missed so much…
Maybe she loved that he was clingy, and from how he was purring up a storm she could only assume he liked her clinginess as well.
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saintunhinged · 2 years
spooky season with nadia, julian, and asra
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Asra :
everyone knows that one of his favorite times of the year is around halloween
he’s a magician, think about all the cool stuff he could possibly do?!
each night before the 31st, he’s more than excited to show you each new trick he’s been working on since the beginning of the month
he is literally the best at his mischievous scare tactics
“I have to make a run!”
sometimes he’d have a really convincing reason as to what he was making a run for
other times you knew he was up to no good
Asra sneaks in through the back door, hoping to catch you off guard so he could have a bit of fun with you
you’d be sitting down reading a book, then the next second something moving in the corner of your eye would catch your attention
illusions! you sometimes knew they were always illusions
and if it weren’t for the comforting sound of his faint and intractable laughter giving a telltale sign of his true location, seeing a headless asra casually walking past would have terrified you
you smile at his half-hearted attempt to frighten you
“You can come out now, Asra,”
the illusion of your partner disappears in a cloud of purple smoke
definitely his magic
you stare purposefully at the counter, waiting for him to reveal himself from behind it
you see the fluff of his white hair first
the tips of his fingers emerge on the edge of the surface next, as he slowly uses it for leverage to pull himself up
lively amethyst eyes find yours, and even with his face still hidden from his nose down, you know there’s a smile of mischief curling his lips
“If you want to scare me you’re gonna have to try harder than that.”
when he doesn’t move any further you take it upon yourself to get him up yourself, his eyes followed you the whole way
you’re shocked to see no body attached to his lower half!?!?
truly, the sight undeniably gave you the heebie-jeebies
you froze on the spot, unable to tear your gaze away from the half-person hanging on your counter
that is until you feel a pair of hands snake around your waist!
you nearly jump at the sudden contact that draws your attention
the image in front of you abruptly disperses with the same similar poof and swirling smoke from minutes earlier
this time you don’t have to turn around to be positive you found the real Asra, the familiar warmth radiating from him makes your sure of it
but you do anyways, just for the sake of it
He erupts in a fit of precious giggles, and the sound quickly melts your heart
the stony expression you try painting over your face fades with each second his contagious laughing goes on
you can’t help but give in to the smile forming on your face
but little did he know, you were already thinking of a way to get him back
Nadia :
you leave ominous handwritten notes in various places around the palace
‘don’t go there!’ ‘I tried to warn you..’ ‘I saw what you did!’
to anyone who found the notes, it would appear it was specifically written for them
the servants and guards were growing paranoid not knowing who was behind it
soon they started reaching out to ask the countess about what was happening, but she immediately recognized your handwriting
“I assure you it’s nothing of the matter to worry about. It would seem someone’s having a little too much fun.”
“I’ll take care of it.”
Nadia isn’t particularly engrossed with tricks and pranks
though it doesn’t mean you can’t have any fun of your own, but nothing too boisterous or outlandish
and it surely doesn’t mean she stays in the background during this time of year
she makes time for you and her to enjoy the seasonal festival she plans each year for the town
the event typically lasts two to four days, but you intend to make the most of the experience
in the middle of the night, while she’s sleeping, you tiptoe out of bed and into the palace kitchen
it takes a hot minute to find all the ingredients you require
but once you do, you start your night task of baking cookies in the shape of pumpkins and ghouls
since she’s always going something for you, you decide to surprise her with them the next morning
Julian :
Julian has so many spooky stories he’s eager to share with you when you sit together and carve pumpkins
some of them are creepy, and while you wish they aren’t true, he refuses to tell you if they’re made up or not
admittedly, Julian’s carving skills could use some work, but you’re more than happy to assist him with it
he gets you to join him in the yearly apple bobbing contest down at the Rowdy Raven
the rest of that night would end in one of you being intoxicated by alcohol, and having to be carried back home
every eerie place he can think of that serves a right amount of fright, Julian wants to visit
foggy churchyards, the deep dark ends of the forest, and even ghost towns
of course, he had a story to keep you occupied on the way there and back
his intention is never to scare you
or at least not too much
so if he sees it’s starting to affect you, he wraps a protective arm around you and tucks you into his side
“Fear not, dear! I will protect you from all the terror in the world.”
if you tell him you want to go home, he has no complaint against it
he guides you both back to the shop where you cuddle in the confines of your home
Julian goes all out on decorations, and with his raven familiar, Malak, flying around and cawing, it truly creates the perfect seasonal display
the pumpkins you spend your afternoons carving are placed thoughtfully throughout the shop and on the ground outside the door
Julian asks if you can use your magic to turn the flame completely red
you’re happy to do just that
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puzzled-pegasus · 10 months
If each of the dragon tribes shot commercials
WARNING: A teensy bit of dark humor related to the mistreatment of a disabled dragon (in the SandWing section)
Skywings: *ultra-manly SkyWing roar voice* DO YOU LIKE BLOOD?? Do you like MEAT!? Are you a TRUE SKYWING and NOT A COWARD??? Come to the Meat Shack and prove your SkyWing toughness by trying out the Meat Shack Meat Eater Challenge!!! Find out if you're a TRUE CARNIVORE by downing this huge array of meaty prey in less than an hour! If you prove yourself to be the biggest, baddest predator in the Sky Kingdom, you'll win this LIMITED EDITION BRONZE ARM BAND that says TRUE CARNIVORE on it, and you eat here FREE for a month!!!
SeaWings: *ocean wave sounds* *video shows a SeaWing couple dancing dramtically on the beach*
SeaWing guy: Mariana...there's something about you I can't resist.
SeaWing lady: I'll tell you my secret...it's the new Citrus Breeze perfume by Pearlescent.
*cuts to showing a bottle of the perfume* *soothing SeaWing lady voice* Pearlescent. Be irresistible.
NightWings: *informative sciency NightWing voice* tired of getting your claws messy when handling prey? You catch an animal and tear it open, and after you eat it, they're covered with blood, hair, and animal fluids. Studies show that having animal residue on your claws can easily make you sick! Well, worry no more! *holds up the new invention, a fork* this device can get rid of the hassle! Simply stab your prey with this thing and avoid the messy talons! Order now, and you get an additional one FREE!
SandWings: *mysterious voice* have you ever seen real magic? Bet you've never seen a dragon pull a jackrabbit out of an empty bag! Or a crow fly out of someone's mouth! Do you want to know your future? Or see a dragon tame the formidable dragon bite viper? What about an adorable lion jumping through a hoop? Or gaze upon the incredible display of a real Color Changing RainWing, and the ridiculous Flightless SkyWing! All these things and more can be seen at the Roadrunner Theatre! Watch dragons do the impossible, right before your very eyes! Do you believe in magic? *poof of smoke as the speaking magician dragon disappears*
IceWings: Are you better than everyone else? Of course you are; you're an IceWing. If you are better, you deserve better--you deserve the luxury of being treated at the Windchill Salon. Get your scales and nails shined, buffed, and polished to look like the glimmering diamond you are! Get a massage, to allieviate the stress of being so much cooler than any other dragon! Take your dragonets here to get their ears pierced, too. Get treated like a royal at the Windchill Salon!
RainWings: *chilled out RainWing voice* Hiya! My name's Budgerigar. Do you ever feel lonely, like you could use a companion that will listen to you, and that you can always have with you? A pet might be the right thing for you! I have a collection of animals in my hut that you can choose to have for yourself! I have birds, sloths, cats, nonvenomous snakes, and some tarantulas! Look, the birds even talk! Say hello, Rainbow Bird!
Scarlet macaw: Rainbow bird!
Budgerigar: That's you! Anyway, I hope to see some RainWings or even NightWings in my shop! I can help you choose your perfect companion. But warning to NightWings-if you eat your pet, I won't give you another one ever again. Come to my pet shop!
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i-miss-breathing · 7 months
I had a dream last night where I was in like Jurassic park but for demons, and I don’t remember all of them but I remember some of them
Like there was a pecking bird, which was like a very skinny hummingbird mixed with a woodpecker, but just the pecking into wood very fast part, that could take off its beak and shoot it. Those things were cool imo, also I don’t think they had ribs
Another bird one - owls with 1k eyes on their beaks, and their beaks were bigger than most owl beaks, and sort of shaped like an African grays beak, lowkey kind of looked like a fungal infection was on its beak from far enough away, but I think it was my brain mixing stolas from demonology with the thousand eyed angels as a ripoff
Then there was like this aligator? thing? it looked like a rendition of some extinct animal, don’t know which one though, but it could like disappear and climb super fast and it’s tail was prehensile and I think it could speak, and it like messed with peoples minds, and it disappear in a poof of smoke but not like magician smoke like it would leave an outline of itself for a couple seconds of smoke like this
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And then it would just be gone, it could have teleported or just turned invisible, chances are it’s not invisible because it likes to play with its prey which means appearing in the corners of your vision or directly behind you or directly in front of you to make you change directions or on your shoulder with its mouth right next to your head until you died or stopped running, in which case he’d eat you, or if you caught up to the priests leading the tour, one Catholic one satanic, and they made it back off
There was also another bird that was like completely normal? Like it was just a green and yellow bird. And like they mated for life and stayed with their children until their children were adults. Like. ??? (Then they sometimes ate the children but still)
There was also a demon tree that could stretch its roots underneath time and space so if you saw a root that looked like it was missing a tree then the tree “saw you”. Guessing it was like the tree of knowledge of good and evil cause knowledge is ever expanding or smthn like that.
Also there was like a wendigo type thing made completely out of wood and the sounds it made were either someone else’s voice or sounds you can make with wood but louder. They could only say things they had heard though, but they could use any voice they had heard to say the words they had heard, like if a little kid cried for mommy and then a different little kid was just like talking near them they could mimic the second kids voice but make them cry for mommy like the first kid had, so if you heard Wood sounds you had to shut up so you didn’t ruin the tour for someone else by giving them a way to trick someone.
We stayed in a little cabin overnight and there were like little cyclops lizards, and a couple of kittens that were like ripping each other apart and then healing instantly and going back at it, which would have been scarier if this dream was set up less like a tv show
and outside there was like a ground sloth type thing, it had sharp teeth and was sniffing around and it was twitchy and it’s tail was longer; and a Tasmanian Tiger that had bulging eyes and it’s teeth were larger than it’s mouth could hold. Someone said they were the same kind of demon but it just didn’t exist until it could mimic something, but that something had to walk that same line of yes it’s real but it doesn’t exist as well, kind of confusing tbh
Anyways if any of you got any artistic inspiration from what I remember from my dream then I would love to see it. Or if you have an interpretation. Or if any of you had a similar dream at some point
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theblacksheepcz · 1 year
Toppin headcanons…because why not.
idk ever since I wrote a fanfic about toppins and little bits of their ‘backstory’ i feel like i should explain some things because maybe not everyone will understand why the toppins are like this in my mind so-
Yes, all of them purr when you pet them.
as for what i mean when i say they only speak gibberish and make squeaking sounds, they sound like: Cell stage creatures (Spore) + Gooballs (World of Goo) + Slimes (Slime Rancher) + Tooth fairies (Rise of the guardians) + Pipapeep (tiktok)
…the reason why at the end i made them human/humanoid was because of all the art of them being kiddos, and I think they just *poof* when they grew up, y’know?? like toppins randomly generate a cloud of smoke and when it disappears a half second later ta-da they’re kids now (cartoon magic)
anyways there’s this mental picture in my brain where it’s the meme with doctors pouring a box of kittens on a dying patient to save him, but it’s Brick and Gustavo pouring the toppins on Peppino.
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cakeleighh · 2 years
Ah yes, Watch me crawl out from under the bush and post -only to disappear in a poof of smoke while you’re confused as you can’t recall your name.
Anyway, MORE BABY DRAGONS!!!!! (Yes this is a continuation of the black baby dragon post thing.)
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I love them all very dearly. They were all part of the ‘curse’ thingy, but I have more development on some rather than others.
Blue dragon; was a human wanderer in the desert with no particular affiliation. They liked drawing what they came across, but particularly things that could fly. Out of all the baby dragons, they were the first to get on the wing, and is the most confident flyer out of all of them. They were taken in by a clan of blue dragons, and were forced to adapt to life with a lot of annoying siblings, but they’d easily give their life to protect them.
Green dragon; I don’t have much on this one, just know that a pair of green dragons saved them from a bad situation and took them in. The baby green dragon desires dangerous adventures above all else, which doesn’t fit well with the fact that green dragons are the most protective over their young.
Red dragon; no clue. But I’m pretty sure they’re the ones that were the catalyst for the ‘curse’ and something else about dying in a battle. Idk. They’re very cute tho.
Brass dragon; a human from a small town in a desert. He kept to himself and spent most of his time in the small library provided. He didn’t like to socialise unless someone was equally into academic studies wanted to discuss something with him (read ; autistic. Yes, I am projecting my autism onto this character, because brass dragons remind me of a lot of the traits). When he turned into a dragon he couldn’t return to his town, but luckily found another brass dragon in their abode. This baby dragon is the smartest of the group, and the most curious about how this curse came to be.
White dragon; where as the others were pretty lucky to find the support they needed in the form of older dragons, this baby white dragon was an elf slave who was almost killed by a white dragon. The slaves were being transported when a white dragon attacked the vehicles while they were on a cliff, both slavers and slaves were killed but the curse took hold as the elf slave fell of the edge. Even as the adult white dragon saw a small white dragon, they were still intent on hunting and killing it. The baby dragon barely got away alive, and she decided the best course of action was to warn the nearest town about the impending dragon attack.
The designs were my interpretation of the dragon species, I’m very well aware they don’t look like the canon traits. This is both for cuteness and just what I would want to draw.
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pluralprompts · 2 years
Submitted Prompt #51
System A and Person B have become pretty close recently. They are spending some downtime together at System A's home, after the two had a few stressful and late nights at work/school. Person B falls asleep. System A notices this, and stops whatever they're doing to place a blanket on Person B before they catch a cold.
Inside System A's headspace, someone new appears close to front. Headmate A.1 is busy controlling the body, finishing up whatever tasks are left before heading to bed as well. Headmate A.2, in co-con, notices the new member though! A perfect reflection of Person B stands very awkwardly, not quite confused but not quite comfortable.
"You must be a new factive! We do tend to get factives when we get to know someone a lot." Headmate A.2 says, greeting Person B.
"I... Don't know what that is," Person B says sheepishly. "What's uhm- what is all this? It's very... Interesting..."
They gesture around at the headspace.
Headmate A.2 grins, leading Person B around a bit. "This is System A! Well, our headspace at least. Oh, we're a bunch of people sharing a body by the way! Ask questions if you need. We've got plenty to do inside and out- this is the front, where you can control the body, but it takes a bit of getting used to. And we've got lots of friends too, like me- oh I'm Headmate A.2 by the way. Then there's A.1, A.3, A.4- wait, I should ask your name! What's your name, newbie?"
"I'm Person B. And wait- you're- we're inside... System A?"
"That's one way to put it."
"In their brain?"
"... But I was in their house just a second ago?" Person B pulls a hand through their hair. "I must've fallen asleep on the couch. This is a weird dream. I always have weird dreams when I sleep on the couch!"
Headmate A.2 quiets for a moment as Person B tries to reason with themself. When their trail of excuses becomes mumbled and soft, they speak up again. "Okay, this can be very confusing for a lot of newbies, but you're... Not actually Person B, you're just based on what we think of them. You can only imagine those memories of being in our house from our perspective, right?"
"No," they answer immediately. "No, it's from my view."
Headmate A.2 sighs. "A.1, can we go check on Person B? This new member is a factive that thinks they really are Person B having a dream."
"Sure." A.1 is a person of much fewer words than A.2, clearly. Person B watches them, realizing they're staring at something almost screen-like. It displays a view of System A's house, and suddenly, there they are on screen, sleeping peacefully on the couch. A fluffy throw blanket is on top of them. That wasn't there before.
Person B stares at the screen. The other two are silently waiting for a reaction.
"Alright. That was fun, but I shouldn't be sleeping on the couch anyways. It's bad for my back."
Both headmates turn towards Person B as they speak. Person B waves, then pinches themself hard in the arm. In a poof of smoke, they disappear- and of course, wake up on the couch. It didn't really feel like waking up, more like they'd just closed their eyes for a few minutes. They sit up, noticing System A is now sitting on an arm chair and staring at them with wide eyes.
Person B smiles. "G'morning. Sorry about dozing off on your couch." They go to stand up, a light weight tangling around their legs. They had the same blanket from their dream on. "Y'know, I had the weirdest dream... Just now."
"Did it... Involve you jumping into my brain somehow?"
Person B nodded. "Always quick on the uptake, aren't you. But yeah it was so weir- wait how did you know that?"
"... Uhh... Shit."
"Wait – did that – was – did you see – feel – hear – me? In your head?" Person B stuttered, the reality of the situation suddenly hitting them. They prayed System A was joking and just hit the luckiest coincidental guess ever- but the mortified look on their face said otherwise.
"Yeah," System A said, eventually, voice so quiet it wouldn't echo in an empty glass.
Falling back on the couch, Person B fainted. And promptly popped back up in System A's headspace again. A.2 threw their hands in the air and shouted, "Welcome back!" And A.1 groaned – both internally and externally.
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getsusun · 6 months
Of sun and feathers
So, there are really big caves in which scientists built their laboratories. Like, really big. So big, that when Red is asked – well, ordered, since there is no option of saying “no”, even if he could speak – to teleport as far as he can, there should be no problems with him accidentally leaving the used area. And anyway, the controlling chip will make sure that Red will return if he turns out to be too far away. So, no problem here.
Since the labs are underground, there is no light down here (not counting some strange glowing mold in the lowest tunnels). And for some reason in addition to illumination in the buildings and tunnels there are a few hundred of giant lamps sticking out from the stone ceiling. The common opinion between mod souls is that it was either the part of another project or an inconsistency in orders due to which someone made those lamps without thinking twice. Scientists may know the real answers, but even if they know, they are not inclined to share. Anyway, no problem with giant glass construction up there too.
No problem on no problem should give no problem as a result, but in Red’s case it is usually the other way around. You see, it is kind of complicated to spot which way he needs to go in that other-subdimensional-dark-red-mist which Red goes through to teleport. Mostly because there are no pointers here – no compass to point to south and north, no sun or moon, and also – most importantly – no gravity which means there is not much difference between up and down.
You are getting where the story is going, right?
So, Red takes a good breath, because he already had learned that breathing that red mist is bad idea and his throat and nose are constantly burning even without it, closes his eyes, concentrates and tugs on that warm and wooly feeling under his ribs. The white walls disappear, replaced by familiar darkness and redness. Red feels dizzy for a moment, so he just waits for a second until he is more or less sure that he is not going to threw up from the first movement, and then he moves ahead, floating in the middle of nothing.
From the outside, as Kurodo mentioned, teleporting looks like a instant thing – Red disappears in the poof of dark-red smoke and reappears at the same moment in some other point. From the inside it was a little differently. For a few beats of his heart Red was able to move in any direction he wanted without any resistance from his surroundings. Then, if he continued to concentrate on moving, the mist seemed to become more and more dense, but Red also kind of felt that he was moving faster – which made sense.
Red was not going to overdo it – it was a sure thing that the scientists will want more tries, until they have enough data or until he passes out from exhaustion, either way. But not doing as he was ordered to was also warranted bad consequences, so Red moved, and moved, and moved until his chest was tight from too little of oxygen (but he was not suffocating yet), and the mist around barely budged. Then Red released the grip on that not-exactly-real-but-definitely-here thing in his chest, slipping back into the normal world.
There is a moment of total disorientation, the world spins around and then Red is falling down on suspiciously familiar outlines of buildings. Very small outlines, growing bigger and bigger with every second.
There is also the whistling of the wind in his ears, which is first time Red feels it, because there is usually not much wind underground, besides the small kudo-provided currents for ventilation. Red’s body tries to scream, which seems like a pretty normal thing to do in his current conditions, but apparently for screaming one needs to have air in their lungs, and Red has none, not able to take a breath, too deep in panic and with heart doing something like a thousand beats per second.
The black dots down on the ground become almost shinigami-shaped.
Red manages to think five words, forming one short “i am going to die” thought.
Then he pushes as strong as he can and goes back into the red mist, with almost no air in his lungs and totally disoriented. But even with urge to take a breath starting to really hurt Red still now has much more time to come up with a strategy to end up not-plummeted-to-his-death from falling from the height of… From a really big fall.
The thing is, teleportation can changes Red’s position and orientation in the space, but it saves the movement as it was at the moment of entering the red mist. It took a long time to adapt to, and Red still ends crashing into the floor or into a sparring partner or, on one memorable case, into a whole bunch of fragile scientific equipment.
So, in theory, think Red, fighting with himself to stay calm – or at least not in full panic – he just needs to go from facing down to facing up. Then the gravity will balance the vertical speed he already has, and the result will be zero. Um. And he probably still will be in the air, and if it would be too high, he will need to teleport down. Red slowly turns around into what he thinks would be a upwards position in the real world. Wait. He probably would not be able to teleport again, because using his powers two times in a row without a break is already unusual luck. Then… Then he needed to do it now, right? To move down as far as he can – but not too far, because if he ends under the upper portion of the cave system, he will certainly become a puddle on the top of one of the tunnels.
...He is so fucked right now.
On the last remains of oxygen in his lungs Red floats forward – so it would be down in the real world – for what kind of feels like almost the distance equal to the height he was at. Then he tries to brace himself, drops out back from the mist, and catches his last thought before everything goes dark despite the lamp on the ceiling of the cave system for a moment being so close that Red can distinguish separate glass panels.
He moved AFTER turning to face up.
A few minutes ago, testing room #7.
Kurodo had a bad feeling about this test. Red was too stubborn for his own good, so Kurodo was waiting for the moment when he will be dragging his friend’s half-unconsciousness body to their cell. But it was more or less normal outcome. Kurodo was for some reason more nervous than usual , and Red in contrast looked pretty calm.
Kurodo just really, really hoped that Red’s unexplainable ability to not teleport inside of a solid objects would not fail today. It never did before, but Kurodo’s imagination was sometimes… A little too good, and while it was useful for his powers, currently it made him uneasy.
At least it is not Ahiriku who is in charge today. This shinigami one is pretty chill by Kurodo’s standards, not prone to torturing and no expecting to be entertained in other ways. But you never can be too careful with shinigami, so Kurodo stands still with a pen at the ready. It pays off to be favored by scientists as not very smart, but obedient and literate assistant. For some reason labs are a little understaffed, and many shinigami here do not want to do a boring work of writing down the raw data.
- Test number one, long-distance teleportation, first run.
The shinigami’s voice is bored, the machine in front of him is humming and blinking a small green dot on the radar screen, currently showing a small zero in the data field. Kurodo glances on Red through the glass wall, and then returns to watching the screen. A quiet bang, and the zero on the screen morphs into a pretty big number. A big number which decreases really fast. And the green spot on the radar seems to stay as it was in its center.
- What the hell? Is it broke alre-
Kurodo rushes ahead and hits the emergency-failsafe button on the panel board at the same moment there is a much more loud sound of something shattering on a distance.
The papers which was in Kurodo’s hands a second ago are on the floor, but he could not care less. Because the green point on the radar finally moved from the center a little to the side. Because the radar shows Red’s chip, and Kurodo did activate the mechanism which should have send the signal to it to make Red teleport into the safety chamber, and since it worked, Red should be here, alive, not falling to his death.
Because Kurodo may be not the brightest candle in the chandelier, but he can connect two dots on how many directions someone can go from the zero point for projection of their position to stay at the same place.
There is some shouting following Kurodo’s escapade, and some explaining, and then – thankfully (it is a fucking blessing that it is not Ahiriku or one of his friends in charge) – some running as fast as Kurodo can, but it all merges into one gray monotony. And then there is the safety chamber, constructed soon after a first few – well, actually, it was closer to ten, but the scientists started to pay attention only when Red started accidentally breaking an equipment instead of his own bones – which should in theory stop any impulse Red still has after teleporting.
Kurodo freezes and tries to make his brain work.
Red is still in one piece, which is good.
There is a lot of blood, which is much less good, especially with the most of it pooling around Red’s head.
There are also a lot of glass shards for some reason, which is not bad on its own, but it is bad that some of them are inside Red’s skin.
And most importantly… Kurodo goes down on his knees and presses two almost-not-trembling fingers to Red’s neck, and finally breathes out. Red is alive.
And Kurodo will take care of the rest.
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖      
Chapter 42 - Message Memory.
-----Andy's point of view----
Andy: I was sitting alone in the darkness, it was a cold crisp night, a few days after the news about the mate bond I now will share with Evan. Things had been weird the whole day. Evan had been very relieved after the news of the bond, well all of us had. But at the same time he had also grown more nervous. Nervous of what news Akin and the clan will find when they start digging around to try to figure more on the matter. The past two hours he had gotten really drunk, and started crying a lot, it had just gotten too much for me, seeing him like that, so Congo and Daniel had offered me to keep an eye on him, and try to sober him up a bit, if I were to go take a small walk. Getting some air. Clearing my head. So here I was, about 100 meters above our house, looking down at it. I loved this little look out post above us, and often went up here for a smoke when I needed a little time for myself. It was a nice opportunity to be alone, without really being alone. If that makes sense. Without the commitment so to speak. From here I could look through the windows, and easily see people move around inside the living room and parts of the kitchen was also visible. I could see people move around, but they couldn't see me here in the darkness. Kinda a little spy-like, I chuckled cheekily at the thought, then returned to scrolling my old messages in my phone. I had been doing this the past 10-15 minutes. Reading old messages between me and Evan from back when we started having something together. It was nice and warming, looking back at how it all started. Like this one message:
January 7, 2015. Andy: Are you still awake?
Evan: Yes?
Andy: I want you but like just laying in bed… cuddling… naked skin against naked skin being close till we doze off
Evan: I'll be over in a minute.
Andy: See you.
I remember how I used to want to be with him as much as possible, afraid he might just disappear any second. Like he would somehow wake up and see what he was doing and then… poof…. turn into dust particles and blow away in the breeze. Well, I still wanna be with him all the time. But for different reasons now. I smiled softly as my eyes returned to the screen
January 9, 2015. Andy: Evan…. I want you… I want you so bad… fuck
Evan: I don't know what to say…
Andy: You don't have to say anything… if it happens, it happens…
Evan: well, for starters we need to shove some food down our throats, and then we need Daniel off our hands… and maybe tonight cuddling would be better?
Andy: Yeah… you might be right. I will take care of Daniel, I have a plan, just roll with it when you get down.. okay?
Evan: Okay. Still plan to kiss you though.
Andy: Yes, please… I miss your lips!
Evan: I miss yours too.
Andy: Damn! Foods here!
Evan: Ill be down in a minute or two…
Andy: Okay will be hard not to kiss you…
I easily remember how hard it was to keep hiding. Especially after we moved into the new house! Evan lived next door with Daniel at that point, but he came over almost every night anyway. Well, when he had the guts at least. He was still somewhat trying to deny things, not fully having the courage to commit to them. So there were always a lot of sneaking around. Which in some ways could be hot and exiting too. But most of all, I just wanted to be near him. I just wanted him to let his guards down.
January 11, 2015. Evan: Hey… I apologize for earlier… don't wanna call and ruin more of your day… I just wanted to apologize for interfering with your couples weekend. Sorry. Hope you both are having a good time.
Andy: Hey, please don't apologize. We are both okay with it. Really don't worry about it, it happens for the best ;) How are you feeling?
Evan: Thank you. Uh, I don't feel so good. Very sick in my stomach, it seems.
Andy: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that :/ still hungover or is it something else?
Evan: Gas I guess, mainly. Gives me a lot of trouble since it doesn't seem to want to get out…
Andy: :/ sucks for sure! Is there anything I can do for you?
Evan: Nah. It will pass eventually. Just sucks to be alone when feeling "sick". You didn't post any pictures today? You know, in those folders you always post in?
Andy: Yes, I can imagine all too well. Wanna come over? And no, I didn't… spent my whole day with Congo :)
Evan: I don't wanna intrude. I hope you two had fun?
Andy: I can barely walk! :P I'll throw some pics together for you, but then I'll go to bed. Congo is already sleeping. He has work early in the morning… at freaking 7!!!! He has to get up at 6!!!! >:(
Evan: You don't have to. You are too sweet. Go to bed. Get some rest :)
Andy: Nah… gotta eat a bit anyway, I'm hungry…
Evan: Okay, thanks :)
I remember how he loved the pictures I used to post in my random folders, well I still do that. But back then I used to post a lot more Yaoi than I do now. He rarely admitted that that was one of the main reasons he was looking forwards to new pics almost every night. Well that, and the fact that maybe he could get to know more about my likes, and that way feel closer to me. It was very transparent, but I shut up about it and enjoyed it in silence. After all I didn't want to scare him off.
January 18, 2015.
Evan: I miss you.
Andy: Then come over silly :P
Evan: No. I just wanted to tell you. I think you and Congo deserve some alone time.
Andy: Congo is on and off the phone for the past 4 hours, trying to salvage what he left at work yesterday, when he hurried home to me. He assures me things are going to be fine, there's just a lot of mess to clean up. Sigh. I was thinking to watch a movie and cuddle…. wanna join?
Evan: No, I'm tired, I think I'll just go to bed for the night. But thank you for the offer. I don't wanna intrude. you need time alone…
Andy: Please? Its the perfect weather for cuddling. I'll even throw in some hot chocolate and marshmallows? Or how about an Irish coffee or 2? Think about it… Daniel will come back tomorrow evening, and then its back to stalking us… and we wont be able to spend as much time together. You will have to stay more around him again, take care of him and so on… and Congo and I will go on vacation soon…. for a week or two….
Evan: Thank you. But I think its better I stay here. Tell Congo I said hi, and that he should be in bed with you instead of hanging on the phone. I'll stop by tomorrow around noon… maybe we can have late breakfast together, or do something, go somewhere… we will see. Good night Andy, sweet dreams :*
I both loved and hated how insecure he was back then. Let's face it, it was damn cute. But also painful that I couldn't be with the man I loved. I missed him so much all the time, and was so afraid he would change his mind any minute. So I just wanted to spend as much time with him as possible, before it would all be over again. It was hard. Very hard. But it was also hard for him.
January 25, 2015. Evan: Andy, can we talk?
Andy: Yes? You want me to come downstairs?
Evan: No, please stay up there… I might lose my nerves…
Andy: Okay? Getting a bit worried now…
Evan: No, please don't… its nothing to worry about
Andy: Okay, but I still fear the worst… You aren't breaking up with me? Are you? Fuck! I'm totally tearing up right now! I mean I didn't think it would last, but I had hoped it would last longer than this I mean… I really like you fuck! I mean, I love you, you know that right? And this time with you have just been so amazing I really didn't want it to end yet and god, I'm so stupid., asking if you are breaking up with me when we aren't even a couple Fuck! I'm sorry Go on Ill shut up I'm sorry I'm freaking out a bit I just really enjoy our time together I hope you know that you have become more than just my best friend
Evan: Andy
Andy: Yes? Please don't!
Evan: Will you please try to breathe, and try to relax?
Andy: Okay… Fuck!
Evan: Relax… take a deep breath… you put all of these unnecessary thoughts in your mind Just try to relax and breathe please
Andy: I'm sorry
Evan: Its okay. But please listen to me when I say there's nothing to worry about, okay?
Andy: Okay
Evan: Now please listen to this as well…. I like you too and you have also become more than my best friend I can't say I'm okay with things…. you know… I'm still pretty lost in all of this…. But as long as you are with me in this, I feel I don't know… I feel not so lost I feel we have become a lot closer since Christmas, and it means a lot to me… you mean a lot to more… more than I would like to admit I'm sorry I want us to hide this thing between us…. I just need time to figure it out… I'm scared…. And I'm sorry that kinda gets taken out on you when you have to hide with me… but I think/hope you understand why I do it I'm not ashamed of you, not at all… I don't think there's any shameful in being gay or doing gay things… I can't explain better… I just hope you understand at least half of what I try to say At this point I don't really know what to do when I'm not around you… I kinda end up just sitting and starring at whatever my eyes falls upon… mostly thinking of you… I see whole new sides of you… or maybe new angles of things I already knew? Sometimes I even catch myself smiling just thinking about you… I have never felt like this towards a man before… and only few times towards women… I had a really great time with you tonight, and I apologize I acted the way I did when we ran into Gaby and George at the cemetery. It was just unexpected and very sudden, and I didn't know where to put myself in it all… I apologize I left you like that. I hope you understand it wasn't about you, but about my own insecurities. I will try to do better next time, although I beg to whatever force is at play that next time wont happen any day soon, cause I just simply don't have the nerves for it. But at least I will try to do better around Gaby and George, now that they know the secret anyway. Just for tonight I need to hide a bit extra and try to restore my pride… ego… whatever it is… Just know that it's not you… it's me… and I know that's such a kliche thing to say, but it's the honest truth… I didn't mean to hurt you, and I'm sorry I did…. I never meant to hurt you with any of this… I just sometimes get really scared… and then I just don't know what to do or how to act or even what to think about it all… I guess it was like that for you as well… although I still don't think I'm gay…and so far Gaby agrees but I do admit there are some feelings there… and you mean more to me than ever before just know, that no matter what happens, I don't ever mean to hurt you… I only wanna bring you happiness and love cause that's what you deserve honestly and you make me happy too Are you there?
Andy: Yes
Evan: Okay. I was starting to worry you had left after I freaked you out… sorry about that
Andy: No, I was listening.
Evan: Okay, thank you.
Andy: Are you done?
Evan: Uh… yeah… I guess I am? Did I talk too much or say something wrong?
Andy: No, and no…
Evan: Okay, you just seem a bit distant? Is there something wrong with what I said, or something wrong in general? Andy? Now you are kinda freaking ME out Are you okay?
Andy: Yes
Evan: will you then please talk to me?
Andy: Yes :)
Evan: What are you thinking?
Andy: I was thinking why you haven't asked me to come kiss you yet?
Evan: Andy, will you please come down and kiss me?
Andy: I thought you would never ask :P
It was the very first time he really opened up towards me and the possibility of having something with me. Of course I was ecstatic! But I had to keep my cool not to overwhelm him in any way. Some days I was good at keeping my cool. Other days…. not so much.
January 26, 2015. Andy: I'm sorry if I caused you trouble. I'm once again terrified this will all end. I love you man. More than you know. I don't want it to end, please. I know I probably shouldn't say this…. but… I'm in love with you… Like, really in love with you. And I know I have Congo and all, and you know I love him more than anything. He is my soul… my mate…. my husband… and I don't wanna replace him with anyone in the whole universe, not even A… But… maybe if you can find it in your heart… maybe you could give this a chance? I mean…. not like a relationship or… you know… I know that's too much to even dream off…. but, maybe you could just find it in your heart to stick around a little longer? Just be me and you, a little longer? If you can? I don't mind hiding…. if that's what you need. Its okay. We can be a secret, And we don't have to be around people that can walk in on us. We can just meet at a motel or something. I don't know. Whatever you need to feel safe in this all. I'm just so sad and terrified of losing what we have had. I love you. I'm in love with you. A lot. I'm sorry.
It was past midnight, and he never answered. I guess he was sleeping. But he never answered when he woke up either. So later in the evening when I woke up, my nerves got the best of me, and I decided to write again. Hoping I wouldn't have scared him off already. After all it was the first time I had admitted being in love with him.
January 26, early evening. Andy: What are you doing?
Evan: Finishing up a phone call with my manager….
Andy: Oh… am I interrupting?
Evan: No. Go on?
Andy: I miss you
Evan: I miss you too
Andy: I want you
Evan: Yeah?
Andy: Yeah.
Evan: I want you too
Andy: :3 fuck!
Evan: What do you want then?
Andy: Fuck!!! I wanna get on my knees in front of you, unzip your pants, while you are sitting on your couch, buried in that phone conversation, and slowly start licking your dick…
Evan: You make me hard!
Andy: I really need you inside me right now! I'm so fucking horny! That new profile picture of yours!!!!!
Evan: Andy, you were the one who posted the picture… It's your own fault
Andy: Yeah, but you didn't have to put it as your profile picture!
Evan: I know but I like to tease you
Andy: :3 DAMN!
Evan: Tell me what else you want…
Andy: Fuck!!! I wanna take you deep into my throat… feel you big and hard as my saliva runs down your shaft
Evan: Keep going
Andy: Are we seriously doing this?
Evan: Yes Keep going…
Andy: God!!!! I wanna suck you like you have never been sucked before. Grab you by your hips and pull you closer to me so you can reach further down, making me gag…
Evan: yes…
Andy: I wanna hear you moan and say my name as I pull back out and twirl my tongue around your head
Evan: go on……
Andy: FUCK!!!! I need to cum!!!! I wanna look you in your beautiful eyes, as I pull you even closer and gently let a finger caress your hole
Evan: …….
Andy: Gliding you inside my mouth again, swallowing you whole… feeling you pulsate in me as you are ready to cum….
Evan: ………….
Andy: So I slowly let just the tip of my finger glide inside you as I pull off your pants and bite your inner thighs
Evan: Go get a shower in the small bathroom downstairs! I'll be there in a minute!!
Andy: FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!
It was the first time we had phone sex… or sexting as it seems to be called these days. And I was majorly relieved to find out my little declaration of love hadn't scared him off. Quite the opposite as he fucked my brains out in that shower when he arrived less than a minute later. It was long time before I entered him the first time, but at least the messages gave me the idea he was not hostile towards maybe trying it out one day. And it drove me mad! February 7, 2015. Evan: I want you.
Andy: I just really wanna kiss you right now. Can I kiss you?
Evan: Not here.
Andy: Can we go outside a bit?
Evan: People will notice. I'm sorrry I can't that doesn't mean I don't want to
Andy: I know…. this is just hard…. I would really love to lean over and kiss you right now… or touch you at least…. just grab your hand and caress it
Evan: I would really love that…. I miss touching you… it's so hard being so close to you, but not able to touch you… that's why I drank so much
Andy: fuck! please go outside with me! I can't stand this any longer!!!!
Evan: Please Andy…. I'm not ready I'm scared
Andy: I'm sorry. I forget sometimes. I understand, and I wont pressure you. I'm sorry.
Evan: Its okay. Thank you. I know it's hard for you too. Jut please don't doubt that I want to. I love you.
Andy: I love you too. Please don't drink more.
Evan: Okay.
I worried about him. The family dinner had taken hard on him. I think he was nervous about my parents maybe figuring out about us, and Daniel of course. He had been on to us since before we left the ranch, and always tried his very best to spy on us. Of course it was bound to put a pressure on poor Evan, so he had been a little too eager with the red wine.
February 12, 2015. Evan: I'm sorry I haven't stopped by yet… I'm freaking out big time right now
Andy: Why???
Evan: Daniel found out about us… I mean we had a joint and some beers I got really high Uh I went to bed, thought I would sleep so tomorrow could come faster and I could get to see you and then he came in to my bed, you know, like always wanting to just talk and talk and talk and I just looked at him and felt so guilty lying to him has just alienated us He asked why I wasnt at your place an I told him about the couples date day he asked if I was jealous I told him no he said I looked jealous apparently I blushed so he asked if I had feelings for you… I almost said no… but it just made me feel even more guilty, so I just nodded He flew up from the bed, 'holy shit!!!' and so on He asked if we had kissed more than that one time, and I said yes… he asked if we had had sex… and I just couldn't handle sticking him another lie so I told him yes he asked if you had fucked me or only the other way around I answered that as well We had a long talk about it, and he seems understanding as to why I wanna keep it a secret I have told him if he wants to talk with someone about it, he can talk to Congo, Gaby or George, but beside that no one else, not even me or you I told him I don't wanna hear about it until I'm ready, and that I don't want him putting pressure on it by talking to you So far he seems fully understanding and actually very gentle with the information. But you know him so naturally now when the weed is wearing off, my brain starts freaking fuck so I don't know if it would be wiser to wait over here till the morning and have another talk with him? I mean, he is sleeping… who can he tell when he is sleeping? But what if he wakes up? I'm just really scared now Are you there?
Andy: Yes
Evan: I'm sorry, I know you don't need this, you have enough to battle already…
Andy: But I need you…
Evan: I need you too :) Still there?
Andy: Yes…
Evan: are you mad at me? you don't speak?
Andy: No, of course I'm not…. I'm proud of you. I think you did the right thing and it's a huge step I think that's the main reason you are freaking out Daniel has changed a lot, and he hasn't said more since Congo had that convo with him… let's try to have a little faith in him besides, he knows if he causes me trouble on purpose, the Andy amusement park closes ;) that should be enough to keep him at bay
Evan: I wouldn't mind if it were to close anyway…
Andy: What? Are you jealous of Daniel?
Evan: A bit?
Andy: Fuck! :3 that's hot! And totally unnecessary! Fuck :3 Anyway, sorry I was quiet, I was just thinking about what you told
Evan: okay
Andy: Evan for fuck sake… just come over please
Evan: Okay. I'll brush my teeth and be over in a few
Andy: And you are really gonna show up this time? Not change your mind like last?
Evan: Yes, I promise.
Andy: Thank you :* See you soon :*
Evan: See you soon :* Andy?
Andy: Yeah?
Evan: I love you <3
Andy: I love you too <3
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. I was so madly in love, and it seemed Evan was definitely falling for me too. I ached for him. To be closer. And when he wasn't around, I ended up missing him so much, it was almost torture.
February 20, 2015. yet another awkward family dinner
Andy: Are you okay? You're blushing… well you look flushed….
Evan: I have a massive boner!
Andy: WHAT?! :3 fuck yeah!!!! I want it so bad! Please let's go down stairs and fuck our brains out!!1 I'm so horny I'm gonna explode!!!!
Evan: Andy… you aren't helping me! We aren't supposed to… and even if we could I can't stand up!
Andy: fuck! :3 I wanna get on my knees and disappear under the table :3
Evan: Don't!!
Andy: how did you end up this horny anyway?
Evan: *inserts a picture I posted on Facebook* And this…. *inserts another picture from Facebook*
Andy: Fuck!!! :3 :3 :3
Evan: yeah and this… I don't know why but it's kinda like I keep seeing the brown haired dude as me *another Yaoi picture*
Andy: :3 mmmm yeah you have some similarities :3 wait… does that mean you right now are getting horny, watching yourself getting fucked? :3 O.o o.O
Evan: I guess so?
Andy: Fuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!
Evan: Andy…. I gotta have you!
Andy: !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I moaned softly as I read the last part. Fuck!! I was hard as stone!! Since the memories of the graveyard fun we had back in the early winter of this year, my boner had been growing, and this last part!!! Nnngh!! As I looked up from my phone, and down on the living room windows, I saw him, sitting in his boxers in front of the fire place with a book in his left hand, and a cup of something steaming hot in his right hand. I HAD to have him! So I got up fast, ran all the way down to our home, burst through the door, man he was surprised, spilling some of his hot drink on the couch as my quick burst through the door startled him. And as I reached him, already unbuckling my pants, he moaned softly, and invited me with a cheeky smile. Quickly placing his drink on the coffee table, and allowing me to pull of his boxers. After 5 minutes of licking, stroking and biting, I entered him with a satisfied moan. We had come long since then. We were creating a bond. A mate bond.
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maskyartist · 1 year
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okay i might've built on it a bit too much h n g now yall gotta deal with my ramblings so i can keep this in one place :0)
reminder that Failsafe AU is inspired by @bafflement's Deaged Oz AU go check it out its a fan favorite of mine ;3c the rest of my ramblings are under the cut
ANYWAYS in the Failsafe AU, Ozpin is mortally wounded during the Fall of Beacon with his battle against Cinder. in a final act of desperation, as restarting in a new body would ruin their chances of stopping Salem, Ozpin reaches for Long Memory and cracks the top similar to how Oscar used it on Monstro. after a bright flash of golden magic, Ozpin's body disappears under the rubble in a poof of smoke.
when Qrow finds the rubble, he finds no Headmaster and Long Memory left in its spot.
when Oscar is towing the fields in the morning, he finds a boy curled up under a bush, using his scarf as a pillow and tucked up into a ball. hes bruised and battered and Oscar knows only one person who could make all those aches better
Ozpin is taken to Oscar's Aunt, Aunty Em, with only two things in his memories.
His name, and that he NEEDS to get to Mistral. other then that, it's a blank slate of past memories and no future ones. he doesnt remember being Headmaster, or his friends, or anything like that. he only knows what 10 year old Ozpin would know, which isnt much.
theres also Ozymandias who has seemed to separate from Ozpin's soul once more, effectively undoing the Merge with this Failsafe that Ozma tucked away into Long Memory.
originally, Ozma had no clue what would HAPPEN with his Failsafe. all he knew was this amount of magic could theoretically teleport his body away from the danger, AND would revert the body back to a time before it was hurt.
however in Ozpin's case, the emotional strain and physical pain he's gone through during his life would revert him back to when he felt SAFEST. that being 10 years old, before the world could truly hurt him. the only pain he has is his leg, and even then he's just a happy kid with a lil leg injury.
Oscar ends up taking Ozpin to Mistral, as he wants to attend Haven Academy anyways so he may as well do some family searching for his new "baby brother".
rather then his normal calm self, young lil baby Ozpin is very shy, often seen lingering around Oscar or Qrow, and is quick to tears if someone pushes him too hard. he wants to be a brave knight like the storybooks and fairytales, and his "best friend" says he'll go down in history one day! but he doesnt have much self esteem
like...hes just a kid. and now he's going on this big adventure with all these Huntsmen and hes so excited! hes gonna be a knight! a wizard! a hero!
meanwhile Qrow is scrambling to find some sorta way to get Ozpin back to normal with the help of Ozymandias, who can't often take over Ozpin's body as he's too young to handle the strain it puts on his fragile soul now, on TOP of all the world-ending war shit going on
oh, and hes an easy target for Salem like this since he's so young :) so thats DOUBLE the struggle of keepin this kid safe!
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tsunflowers · 10 months
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I was really hoping she would just poof into smoke and disappear bc it would have been SO funny. anyway hi kaiserin
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sugarcxbe250 · 11 months
Attempts|| {Xiao X GN!Reader} pt.3
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Warning's: Maybe a OOC (Out of character) and not really edited. Just slightly skimmed and enhanced by my friend.
Italic means thoughts!
Xiao's POV:
        I watched as Y/N walked towards a Hilichurl. Would they be able to defeat it? Foolish mortals... Do they not have the time to use their brain and think? Perhaps I misjudged them too soon. I watched in disappointment as Y/N accidently got hit by a rock. *Sigh*... What are they doing...? I whipped out my polearm and started slaying the camp. Y/N stood there watching me. 
First person POV:
        I watched Xiao in awe as he slayed the monsters one by one. All of them dropping dead instantly. "I- Wow...." I stuttered. "Don't be so careless next time. These areas are dangerous." he stared at me. Disappearing in seconds, leaving a dark heavy smoke that lingered in the air. "Wait! How did you know I needed help?!" ..... No response. Aiyaa... That was unexpected...
(Time skip~)
First person POV:
                I walked to the balcony as I gently placed the plate of almond tofu on the wood of Wanshu inn. I waited… Nothing? Oh, come on! I thought it would work. I hollered his name. 1…2…3… POOF! And he’s here! “What do you want now?” he growled. “Oh heyyy…? Ummm… I wanted to give you this.” I pointed to the dish. “I don’t need it.” he stared at the plate. “Just a bite?” I pleaded. I watched him as he continued staring at the dish. No one moved an inch. “Fine, you mortals can be such a nuisance sometimes.” He sighed. I watched hopefully as he took a whiff and took a bite. I think he likes it? He looks like he’s inhaling it…? You aren’t too sure honestly. “It…. Wasn’t that bad… Pretty goo-“ “REALLY??? YOU LIKE IT??!?” I couldn’t help but smile and jump around like a child. “Ermm…” he stared at me like I was a piece of lint on his clothes. “Right, so are you satisfied with my updated almond tofu?” I batted my lashes furiously at him. “.Yeah…” Xiao said in a defeated voice. “If you awake to a knife at your throat, if monsters dig their claws into you, if death comes knocking at your door, call out my name. Adeptus Xiao. I will be here when you call.” he looked at me dead in the eyes. Oh wow... His eyes are kind of pretty... Oh... I'm just admiring! I don't like him...? No, no I don't.
Xiao's POV:
        That mortal... How am I going to deal with them. Y/N has been calling me for a while now. I teleported to where they were. Of course they had more almond tofu for me. "What do you want now?" I said. Y/N told me how they wanted me to try their dish once again. What's the harm anyways? I reluctantly agreed and took the plate of almond tofu. I watched Y/N stare at me in anticipation as I took a whiff of the food and shoved some down my mouth. This... It's actually really good... "So, are you satisfied with my updated version of almond tofu?" Y/N batted their eyelashes at me at a alarming rate. "It... Wasn't bad... Pretty goo-" I spoke before they interrupt me. "REALLY??? YOU LIKE IT??!?” they squealed. Then they starting jumping around like a frog of some sort. What in the world are they doing? I stared in utter confusion and concern. But of course, I do agree that the food was good. I let out a measly “Yeah…”. For some odd reason I feel the need to protect this human. To keep them safe from harm. “If you awake to a knife at your throat, if monsters dig their claws into you, if death comes knocking at your door, call out my name. Adeptus Xiao. I will be here when you call.” I looked at Y/N dead in the eyes. Ashamed, I looked down. trying to not make eye contact. Ughh... Y/N is too cheery. Must be tiring being this perfect all the time...
Please tell me if I messed up on GN!Reader pronouns!! Again thank you so much for your support!!!!~<333333333 -Your sweetest Sugarcxbe
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