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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖      
Chapter 48 - Wedding Nights And Babies. Episode 3.
-----River's house------
Jackall: I guess that goofy look on your face means you definitely are doing it by now… good for you! I hear he's very big, and very capable of driving his stick he smiled cheekily
Evan: I felt myself blush Who told? I grunted as I realized only one could have told stories like that Daniel…
Jackall: Chuckled deeply Who else? He sipped his beer and nodded at me So, you're really deep in love huh?
River: Sighed deeply from somewhere inside his own world
Evan: I'm not sure River wants to hear about this?
Jackall: Oh no… the love part he doesn't care about… it's the sex part that makes him… weird…
River: Grunted I really don't care Jackall
Jackall: See he pointed at River and chuckled so you are in love with Congo, right? And here I mean like really deeply in love, not just high school girl in love…
Evan: I nodded softly Yes Jackall… I am I sipped my coffee and hoped no more questions would follow
Jackall: And he is in love with you just as much?
Evan: I groaned deeply I guess so…
Jackall: So what are you doing here among the roaches?
Lily: Hey man! I'm here too you know… I'm a bit offended I have to say she chuckled softly
Jackall: Laughed loudly If you out of free will can live here… in this mess… and not be bothered by it, it must mean you're just as fucked as the rest of the residents of this household. So yes, you my dear pretty girl, are a roach too.
Evan: I chuckled softly and sipped my coffee, and observed River who seemingly now had gotten lost in a track on the record that had been playing the last 30 minutes
River: Hm… he tilted his head and looked at the record player, contemplating something no… He slowly got up I don't care much for this track. He slowly made his way to the record player and skipped the song, nodding agreeing as the next track started playing: ffffffffff bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbzaaaa` He quickly made his way to Lily, reaching his hand towards her Dance with me, me lady.
Lily: She chuckled softly, grabbed his hand, and together they made it to the middle of the floor. Dancing together, getting lost in the music. I was kinda relieved they knew they were siblings, cause the way they were dancing was borderline incest. Strange for someone like River. The least sexual person I know. But somehow, they made it work. Maybe because it after all wasn't sexual at all.
Evan: I grabbed my phone in front of me and saw it had died, grunting softly
Jackall: What?
Evan: I sighed softly My phone has died… which means Congo probably is worried sick by now. Can I borrow your phone, just to check Facebook?
Jackall: Sure he pushed his phone over the table
Evan: Yes, as I feared Congo had left a worried message on my wall. I rubbed my forehead gently
Jackall: Evan… it's fairly simple. You need space. Time to digest. But you also need him. Them. Go home. Figure it out. You're not gonna figure it out by sitting here starring at River doing whatever it is River does. Us… you don't really need to figure us out. There's not much to figure really. We are both broken in each our way, and so are you. So is everyone. We will be here when you have the energy for us. Go home and figure the other stuff first. Be there for Andy, and let Congo be there for you. And dare to dive some more into it. I'm sure you wont regret. He sounds like a great match for you. So what the hell are you doing here, on this dirty kitchen chair? Go home, Evan!
Evan: Not the greatest peptalk ever, but it woke something in me. I got up from the chair fast, smiled at him, and ran out the door. Quickly got up on my bike, and within 10 minutes I was driving up our mountain, smiling bright as I turned the corner leading straight to our house, seeing it become bigger and bigger as I got closer. My heart was pounding fast. I had to be with him. Right now. The love for him was pounding through my veins, making me chuckle behind my helmet. And then, ice. It came so fast I didn't get to react. I just felt the bike disappear under me, as I was sent gliding over the road. A loud bump was all I heard, as my bike crashed into the garage door, then my eyes were turned towards the dark night sky above me, white gentle snowflakes floating towards my face
Congo: EVAN!!!
Evan: I heard his footsteps pound the ground as he ran towards me and kneeled down next to my face
Congo: Are you okay? his voice was terrified and I heard him sniffle his nose as he slipped a hand under my back head
Evan: I nodded softly as I looked up at him
Congo: Can you move?
Evan: Yeah I nodded again and felt tears in my eyes
Congo: Are you in pain?
Evan: I shook my head lightly and grabbed on to his upper arms as I dragged myself up to sit No… I chuckled nervously and looked around for my helmet that had come off in the fall I landed pretty soft I padded my hand on the snow beneath me
Congo: You gave us quite a scare! You sure you aren't hurt? Are you dizzy?
Evan: No… I'm fine….
Congo: He placed his hands on my cheeks and planted a loving kiss on my forehead I was so worried about you! Where have you been?? I'm so sorry if I pushed you too far. Maybe if we just..
Evan: I sobbed loudly as my nerves from the crash hit me, pressing my face against Congo's chest I'm sorry! I'm so fucking sorry I left you here to worry! I don't know why I left! I can't even remember what we argued about! It was so fucking stupid! I'm just so stressed out! I feel I have no time to catch up with everything! I feel drained and weak. I feel so tired I could sleep for weeks! I'm so happy and thankful for the babies, but I can't even enjoy it! I'm so scared! I want them so much, but at the same time it terrifies me we don't know when they will arrive… I just I coughed as my sobbing got worse
Congo: Shhh shhh he wrapped his arms around me tight Evan… I don't have enough clothes on to sit out here… hold on to me
Evan: I did as he said, and he slowly lifted me up
Andy: Shit is everything alright? We were so fucking worried!
Evan: I turned my head slowly and looked at Andy and Lenny few meters from us
Congo: His voice was warm and soothing Yes… everything is fine, he's just pretty shaken up. The snow thankfully broke the fall. I just want us to get inside before we catch a cold… you should too…
Andy: He nodded agreeing and smiled softly at me I'll watch a movie with dad…
Lenny: I'll just pick up the bike and get it into the garage.
Congo: Thank you Lenny, I would appreciate that. He planted a soft kiss on Andy's lips, then Andy planted one on my cheek. And few minutes later Congo and I were safe and warm, laying in bed, naked, cuddled up with a movie on the big tv. I was safe in his arms, snuggling my head against his chest I have told Andy to stay here, I hate when he's away, even if it's only next door with Daniel. Specially now when he's pregnant, I prefer him to be as close as possible.
Evan: I nodded softly Me too…
Congo: He kissed my forehead softly I understand you need space and time to digest it all. So I have told Andy the next few days, you and I will stay down here, until you feel a bit better, until you feel you can cope better. He is not banned from the room, but I told him to give you space. And Andy himself added that he wants to give us space to get comfortable in this relationship. He wants us to just be Evan and Congo for a few days. If that's alright with you?
Evan: I smiled shyly I would very much like that.
Congo: Me too he smiled warmly and planted a soft kiss on my lips Lenny will stay here with him. And I'm sure we can both figure Daniel will come running at some point. But we will stay here, you and I, as much as possible. It has been almost 3 weeks since the wedding, and neither you or I have had time to catch much break. I could really need some time to catch up as well. I will still go with Andy every time he needs to have check ups, but beside that, as long as the pregnancy is calm and he doesn't feel it much, I will stay here… with you.
Evan: I smiled bright and felt tears in my eyes again
Congo: Is that happy tears? He chuckled softly and planted a gentle kiss on my nose
Evan: I nodded softly
Congo: Good… that's good… that was the reaction I was hoping for. Evan…
Evan: Yeah?
Congo: I love you very much, and I'm very thankful you came home.
Evan: I love you too I leaned upwards and kissed him lovingly
Congo: May I ask where you went?
Evan: To see the roaches.
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garrgoyleart · 1 month ago
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sherlockig · 1 year ago
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the headless unicornman
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fakirchan · 11 months ago
I'm just a man but specifically unicornman
I'm a unicorn
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pigspeetsandhooflikefeets · 3 years ago
*slides in* SO going with the "eveyone is some fusion thingy expect Schmitty" Schmitty is allergic to bees now i just imagine buzz and Schmitty getting an argument about somthing and buzz just goes..."Schmitty if you don't shut the fuck up i will sting you"
I definitely think I've made that joke because it's SO funny, as well as the fact that
1. Drones can't sting, they don't have stingers. If Buzz was cis, he would not have a stinger or be able to sting Schmitty. Unless Schmitty knows Buzz is canonically trans, Schmitty would think Buzz is a drone without a stinger
2. Bees can only sting once, we absolutely know Buzz would not kamikaze himself for the sake of killing Schmitty (ok MAYBE)
3. I HEAVILY doubt Schmitty knows either fact about bees, and would 100% see the threat as genuine and be terrified as hell
I wish the host conversations during The Ride were longer. Schmitty was so threatened by Buzz's presence. It would be the perfect place for Buzz to say that
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agnessieart · 7 years ago
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My new favourite supernatural character Sparkle!! He needs more love❤️
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nika-shannara · 7 years ago
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#unicornman #blackandwhite #sketch #sketchbook #unicorn #disegnoconlabic
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kaleb-and-bianca · 5 years ago
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Look at my hubby's socks, to die for. Unicorn power 🦄😍❤️ #unicornsocks #unicornman #funnypic #funnysocks #oddsocks #homelife #parenthood #parenting #funny https://www.instagram.com/p/CAA3D__Fj-X/?igshid=1xw9vlzu2w55a
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tasselfairy · 8 years ago
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Its totally time for another trip to @togatherdtla to stock up on yarn. There's a pastel garland dancing around in my head that I need to make stat! 💕🦄😍💜 #unicornmane #CloudlandLiving #tasselfairyshop (at Los Angeles, California)
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖      
Chapter 36 - Spin the bottle. Episode 1.
-----Evan's point of view------
Evan: I woke up the next day just past noon. My head was hurting, and I felt drier in my mouth than a hot summers day on a dirty highway. I stretched and looked around, no Andy next to me, so I decided to throw some random clothes on I found on the floor and quickly ran my fingers through my hair before I walked upstairs.
Robert: He was pacing back and forwards on the floor with his back against me, in front of the fire place, holding his cell phone to his ear. His posture looked defeated and sad, and he sighed deeply a few times. No Hannah. I know I lied to you. But he's your SON! He's OUR son! I couldn't just sit and watch him crash any longer, and you shouldn't ask me too either. He paused as he clearly got interrupted, and although I couldn't hear what my mom was saying on the line, I could clearly hear her yelling something. Hannah! They are IN LOVE! One time you seemed to remember how that felt. Our boy is happy. Yes, yes I know he's depressed, but that has nothing to do with his relationship with Andy. They have a nice, healthy relationship, and Andy takes such good care of our son, I am proud to have him as a son in law. If you would stop being so stubborn and come down here, you would be able to see it for yourself! It's been many years since I last saw so much love as there is in this house. He sighed softly Fine. Maybe I will stay here, if that's what you want. He sighed even deeper and lowered his voice, talking much sweeter now Hannah, I don't wanna fight any longer, please. I will come home one of the next days, and then we can talk it all out, okay? Maybe we need to go away a bit you and I? How about that trip to Italy we have been postponing for years? He paused for a while, clearly listening to whatever answer my mom had, then sighed deeply Yes, I was afraid it was heading towards this, I had just hoped maybe I could reason with you. But, if a divorce is what you want, I guess I can't force you to stay. But it saddens me. I would hate to lose you. He looked at his phone and sighed deeply, it was easy to guess she was no longer on the line as he pushed his phone back in his pants pocket
Congo: Frowned softly from his spot under the sink in the kitchen, as he turned to look at my dad I'm sorry Robert. That was probably a conversation I shouldn't have been listening in on. But my hands are kinda buried here. Do you wanna talk about it? He grunted a bit as he tried to loosen a screw on a pipe, clearly very busy with some plumbing If you need a place to crash for a while….
Robert: He sighed deeply and rubbed his forehead That's mighty generous of you, Congo. But I'm sure the youngsters wouldn't want an old dad around.
Congo: He chuckled deeply Robert, have you seen the size of this house? The kids mostly spend the time in the basement anyway, so they wont notice you're here unless they spend time up here. I'm sure it wouldn't be an issue, or I wouldn't offer. He smiled softly at my dad, then he frowned deep as he seemed to notice me. Evan… he quickly grabbed a dirty towel next to him and dried his oily fingers in it
Robert: He turned around quickly and looked at me with a worried frown Did you listen too?
Evan: Yeah dad… I frowned softly and quickly walked to the fridge, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone on the way, as I was still quite embarrassed by yesterdays little happening. I quickly grabbed a soda in the fridge, opened it and drank a good amount, still hiding behind the big door as I spoke up in a deep voice You can stay here…. if you need to….
Congo: He smiled at me warmly as he got up, and planted a big hand on my shoulder, giving it a light squeeze
Evan: I'm okay my voice was soft as I looked up at him with a small forced smile
Congo: He nodded understanding, and looked at my dad with a warm smile So it's settled then, Robert. You'll stay here as long as you need, and I wont hear more of it. So call and cancel your room at the motel, you're better of staying here, have some proper family time with us. I could need some company anyway. The young ones often forget me he chuckled softly and gave my shoulder another squeeze, before dragging me in for one of his big warm bear hugs. And I can't say it wasn't what I needed. I dug my fingers deep inside his back, and hit my face against him, letting the feeling of safety wash over me. Congo's arms had become a place I could hide from the world, even for only a few seconds, it always seemed to comfort me.
Andy: What did we miss?
Evan: I turned my head quickly and smiled softly at him and Daniel as they had just walked in from outside, judging by their oil greased clothes Not much… my eyes flickered towards my dad
Congo: He planted a soft kiss on my forehead and let go of me, grabbing two cold beers from the fridge Catch! He threw one to Daniel, and one to Andy, then grabbed two more, and walked towards my dad, opening them on the way, and handing one to him Robert will be staying with us for a while….
Andy: Smiled a bit nervous towards me, so I gave him a soft smile back Uhmm?
Robert: It looks like me and the misses are getting a divorce. As he finished the sentence, he sipped the beer and smiled thankfully at Congo
Congo: He grunted softly and nodded at Andy Are you okay with this?
Andy: Uh… yeah… sure… I got no problems at all with that, if Evan is okay? he looked at me a bit worried
Evan: I nodded softly and grabbed a banana Yeah… I'm fine. I would rather have him here, than with… I frowned deeply and rubbed my forehead
Congo: Good… it's settled then… unless Daniel has…
Daniel: I'm good he jumped up to sit on the kitchen counter and smiled at me cheekily as I bit into the banana Uhh… easy there tiger he winked at me cheekily and licked his lips you know I like it rough!
Evan: I shook my head and glared at him
Andy: Chuckled hoarse and lit a cig, quickly making his way to me, and lightly wrapped his arm around my waist as he gently kissed my hair. It was good to know he was there
Congo: Alright… let's go make you a room upstairs, shall we? They both disappeared quickly upstairs
Andy: He looked at me with worried eyes
Evan: I shook my head softly I'm fine… really… If Daniel would just stop flirting with my banana!
Daniel: Oh honey, I'll always flirt with your banana! He grinned wide and sipped his beer
Andy: He chuckled hoarse but kept looking slightly worried at me You know it would be okay if you wanted us to stay next door a couple of days…. or if you would rather your dad stayed there? I could just casually let Congo know… you didn't have to be the one to say it…
Evan: I sighed softly I'm fine, really. I lived with him before. And he's pretty easy to be around. Besides, Congo looks way too happy about him staying here, I wouldn't wanna ruin that now I chuckled softly and shook my head as I noticed Daniels stupid ass face again I can't deal with this I quickly handed the rest of the banana to Andy and made my way to the fridge to find something less sexual to eat, although I was rather thankful for Daniels own version of trying to lighten the mood. I quickly grabbed a bit of left over dinner that was sat aside on a small plate, and when I turned around, I was not at all surprised to see Andy mimicking a blowjob on the poor banana while Daniel was licking the whole in the bottle neck of his beer... I sighed deeply. What did I ever do to get friends like this? After observing them a few seconds I couldn't help but burst out in a loud laughter. idiots!
-------Congo's point of view--------
Congo: The day had gone pretty fine after the gloomy news on the phone. Robert had helped me fix the sink while the boys had continued to work on their bikes. Evan had mostly just kept to himself, mostly reading in a corner of the garden. I had once in a while brought him a beer or a snack, and along the line exchanged a few words with him. He was okay under the circumstances, and I got the feeling he truly was okay with his dad being here, maybe even a bit relieved. Early evening we had all gone down the mountain to shop for food and other supplies, and when we returned home, Robert and I had fired up the grill. We had grilled for hours, enjoying delicious food, beers, wine, positive conversations, a nice atmosphere had spread through the whole garden, and as Sparkle around midnight had stopped by to look for Daniel, we had invited her to join us. That was now about two hours ago, a big bonfire had been made in the middle of our garden, and everyone was gathered around it. I had been laying in the grass for a while, with a hand under my head, observing the kids on the other side of the fire, smiling as I was listening in on their conversations
Sparkle: No! That's just stupid! She laughed loudly and pointed her tongue at Daniel, who at this point had stuck a corn cob inside his pants, letting half of it peek over the pants line, clearly imitating a dick Get that thing out from there!
Daniel: Laughed cheekily and nodded at it Not until you lick it!
Robert: He chuckled softly and reached a beer down to me as he came back from the toilet Are they always…
Congo: I nodded softly and sipped the beer, chuckling a bit as I shook my head They're just getting started.
Robert: Chuckled softly and sat down next to me, sipping his own beer
Daniel: If you don't lick it, you wont get any of this! He wiggled a joint in front of her eyes and lit it with a grin, blowing a big cloud of smoke out in her face
Sparkle: Pointed her tongue at him Well, I won't need to smoke if you keep doing that!
Daniel: Chuckled hoarse and took another big drag, keeping the smoke in his lungs as he grabbed the cob and dragged it out of his pants, biting into it and started munching
Andy: Chuckled hoarse and pointed at the joint well at least pass that on if you plan to eat now…
Daniel: Grinned wide Sorry… Congo? He reached the joint towards me and nodded softly
Congo: I smiled softly No thanks Daniel, not tonight… there's no reason scaring Robert away so fast I chuckled warmly
Robert: He smiled friendly at Daniel and reached his arm towards him I'll take it…
Daniel: Smiled surprised and reached the joint towards Robert Way to go Robert! I never took you for a smoker?
Robert: Chuckled softly I used to smoke quite a lot before I got kids.
Daniel: Chuckled warmly I'm surprised… have fun! He winked at Robert and returned to munching the corn cob
Evan: Uh… dad…
Robert: Smiled warmly at his son Yes dear?
Evan: Frowned softly Just be careful alright… it's pretty strong medical joints, so no more than a couple of puffs alright?
Robert: Looked at the joint a bit hesitating, then took a small drag Thanks for the warning.
Congo: About an hour later the joint had really kicked in, and everyone around the fire was chuckling and laughing. The mood was high and all worries seemed far away. I had stuck with alcohol though, but had switched to stronger medicine, such as my all time favorite, Whiskey. By now, even I was feeling a light buzz in my system, and it seemed as if happiness was the only feeling in my body.
Daniel: Suddenly jumped up like something had stung him Oi! Let's play a game of truth and dare?! he looked way too exited for any of us to disagree, so I quickly grabbed a wine bottle and handed it to him with a small chuckle, watching him eagerly spin it around, and his face light up as it landed on Sparkle Truth or dare?
Sparkle: Shook her head chuckling a bit Uhm truth…
Daniel: Grinned wide How much do you love me?
Sparkle: Chuckled warmly Uhm… this much? she held two fingers up measuring about the size of Daniels dick
Andy: Laughed out loudly and Daniel followed as he finally got the joke as well
Sparkle: Chuckled warmly and grabbed the bottle, spinning it around, smiling softly as it landed on me Truth or dare big guy?
Congo: I smiled warmly Well, I always liked the truth…
Sparkle: She smiled warmly Uhm…. Have you ever had sex with a woman?
Congo: I smiled softly Yes, as a matter of fact I have. Twice.
Sparkle: Looked at me surprised
Congo: Methos… I smiled softly and grabbed the bottle, spinning it and smiling warmly as it landed on Evan Truth or dare dear?
Evan: Sighed softly and smiled at me Dare…
Congo: I smiled softly I dare you to… give Andy a kiss.
Evan: He smiled warmly and leaned to the side where Andy was sitting, planting a gentle loving kiss on Andy's lips, slightly blushing at the thought of us all watching
Andy: He smiled happily at me as Evan grabbed the bottle and spun it
Evan: Smiled softly at me as the bottle once again pointed at me
Congo: I'll take truth again, please…
Evan: He smiled at me softly Are you ready for the wedding?
Congo: I chuckled softly As ready as I can be. I quickly explained everything to Robert, and along the way of course invited him to join us for the wedding 3 days later. Then grabbed the bottle and spun it, chuckling cheeky as it landed on Daniel Truth or dare Mr Hartwig?
Daniel: Grinned wide Dare!!
Congo: I chuckled warmly and everybody laughed at Daniels growing enthusiasm Alright… I dare you… to… kiss…. no… I dare you to…. it was fun seeing his enthusiasm getting ready to burst to… go grab another round of beers for us all… I laughed warmly as he pouted dissappointed
Daniel: Okay… he pointed his tongue at me as he got up, and quickly ran inside, only a minute later he joined us again with a flock of beers, sat down and spun the bottle fast, grinning wide as the bottle pointed at Andy Truth or dare?
Andy: Chuckled hoarse Uh… truth…
Daniel: Who is the best kisser around this fire?
Andy: chuckled warmly Do I HAVE to pick?
Daniel: Nodded eagerly Yes!
Andy: Uhmm…. he chuckled hoarse and blushed lightly I can't choose… uhm… Robert?
Daniel: Looked at him surprised You kissed? He laughed loudly as he finally got it was a joke Ahh good one!
Andy: He chuckled warmly and grabbed the bottle, spinning it lightly Ahh… speaking of the devil he smiled warmly at Robert Truth or dare?
Robert: He smiled warmly I'll go with truth, please.
Andy: Are you happy you decided to stay?
Robert: Yes, I am very happy I decided to stay. I'm having the most fun I have had in years! That might be the joints doing, but I like to think it's the great company. He smiled warmly at all of us you seem like a nice group of people… I'm happy my son has people like you in his life. He sipped his beer lightly and spun the bottle, chuckling softly as it once again landed on Daniel Truth or dare?
Daniel: Dare!
Robert: Chuckled warmly I dare you to light another of those miracle joints.
Danie: Fuck yeah!! I thought no one would ever say it!! Glad at least one around this fire gets me! He laughed warmly and we all laughed with him
Congo: I'm pretty sure we all get you, and got what you wanted… Robert is just the only one nice enough not to tease you.
Daniel: Rolled his eyes You people! I don't know why I put up with you? We all know I'm better than all of you!
We all laughed loudly for quite a while, and as the joint started circling between us, even I joined in
Daniel: Spun the bottle and smiled eager as it pointed at' Evan Truth or dare?
Evan: Sighed softly Truth.
Daniel: Are you happy your dad is here?
Evan: Nodded softly and smiled at his dad Yeah… it's nice to see him happy.
Robert: Smiled warmly at his son and took a drag of the joint
Evan: Grabbed the bottle and spun it, smiling lovingly as it pointed on Andy Truth or dare?
Andy: Truth…
Evan: Will you still love me when I get old and wrinkly?
Andy: I will love you even more! He leaned in and gave Evan a long and tender kiss, then kissed his forehead gently when he pulled away to spin the bottle Ahh Miss Diamondsheart… truth or dare?
Sparkle: Giggled softly for quite a while
Andy: What's so funny?
Sparkle: My last name… continued giggling
Andy: Started chuckling
Daniel: Chuckled warmly I think you have both had enough!
Sparkle: Coughed softly to pull herself together Uh… truth please.
Daniel: Smiled satisfied Who has been your best fuck ever?
Sparkle: Shook her head and chuckled softly You Daniel…
Daniel: Smiled bright I like that!
Sparkle: Of course you do! Pointed tongue at him and spun the bottle Daniel… truth or dare?
Daniel: Truth….
Sparkle: Who has been your best fuck ever?
Daniel: Grinned wide Andy. Sorry Sparkle…
Sparkle: No no… who can ever compare with Andy? She chuckled warmly and pointed her tongue at Andy
Andy: Chuckled hoarse and smiled satisfied
Daniel: Spun the bottle Ahh Robert… truth or dare?
Robert: Chuckled softly Truth, please.
Daniel: So now when you're practically a free man, are you gonna run your horns off then so to speak?
Robert: Coughed a bit on his beer laughing I don't know Daniel. Let's get the divorce papers signed first? But it's not too far off, maybe I should? Lord knows I haven't had good sex in a couple of years, and I could really use to let some steam off very soon… sorry Evan…
Evan: Grunted softly Yeah, no… it's okay… understandable I guess…
Robert: Smiled apologizing at his son
Daniel: So you're horny?
Robert: Smiled softly at Daniel Let's just leave it at that.
Daniel: Chuckled cheekily Alright, your turn.
Robert: He spun the bottle softly and smiled relieved as it pointed on me
Congo: I'll take dare for a change
Daniel: It was just, I have someone in mind if you needed to let some steam off…
Robert: Chuckled warmly and smiled at me I dare you to make Daniel stop talking…
We all laughed warmly
Congo: I can do that I winked at Robert and smiled cheekily at Daniel Shut your mouth, boy.
Daniel: Bit his lips and moaned softly
Robert: I'm impressed. You should do that some more… you seem to have a good grip on him.
Congo: Yeah, trust me on this one I chuckled hoarse I shouldn't… at least not while you're around, or it might end up in another sex scene unfolding in front of you I winked at him and spun the bottle
Robert: Looked a bit confused Ohh… so… oh okay he chuckled warmly and grabbed the joint as Andy passed it to him
Congo: Truth or dare Andy?
Andy: Licked his lips hungry Dare…
Congo: I dare you to… kiss me…
Andy: Bit his lips hungry I can certainly do that! He slowly crawled closer, and leaned in, kissing me passionately for a good minute before he drew back and returned to his spot, spinning the bottle, I can't say I didn't feel ready to eat him right there and then, damn those joints always got me fired up! Truth or dare Sparkle?
Sparkle: Mmm… I'll take dare this time She smiled goofy and chuckled, clearly very stoned at this point, and I can't say the rest of us were less stoned
Andy: I dare you to kiss… me?
Sparkle: Instantly blushed bright red Uhm… would that be okay? She looked a bit hesitating at Evan, but as he didn't protest, she leaned towards Andy and placed a big kiss on his lips, quickly drawing back again and sipped her beer shyly as she spun the bottle Uhm.. truth or dare Evan?
Evan: Just stared blank into the fire with no certain expression on his face
Sparkle: Earth calling Evan?
Evan: No sign of him hearing anything at all
Andy: Are you okay? He lightly brushed a few strands of hair behind Evan's ear and kissed his cheekbone softly
Evan: chuckled softly Sorry… got a bit lost there… as he looked up he had a goofy smile on his face, and his eyes was very red, not from crying, but from the joint. Somehow Evan seemed to be the most stoned one of all of us
Andy: So, you're good? Chuckled hoarse
Evan: Nodded very slowly, and his speak was also very slow and blurry yeah… I'm good… he chuckled softly I just need…. to lay…. and watch the…. stars…. he bumped down on his back and laughed softly as he spread his arms out to the sides
Andy: Observed him for a while chuckling
Sparkle: Chuckled softly is he alright?
Andy: He good… he real good….
Sparkle: Chuckled Should we?
Andy: Nah… it's better we leave him like that, right now all his worries are gone… he deserves this. He spun the bottle and chuckled hoarse Truth or dare Robert?
Robert: Smiled warmly Truth.
Andy: Do you trust us with your boy now that you have come to know us all a little better?
Robert: Smiled warmly I wouldn't want him to be anywhere else in the world… you are all the perfect people for him to be with… specially you and Congo… thank you… all of you.
We continued playing for about an hour before Robert decided he was too tired and wanted to go to bed, and as I got up to help the very stoned Robert to bed, I noticed Sparkle had fallen asleep a few meter away from the rest of us on Daniels jacket
Congo: I'll take care of her when I get back…
Daniel: No… I can just…. started chuckling uncontrollably
Congo: Yeah… don't… I'll do it when I get back. Stay where you are. That's and order… boy!
Daniel: Bit his lips hungry and moaned as he let himself fall down in the grass
Congo: I smiled softly at Andy who was finishing the last joint we had lit 15 minutes ago I'll be back shortly… I'll just quickly help Robert find his bed, okay? Have fun!
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lillithdv8 · 3 years ago
Never change Misha you beautiful unicornman
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mytorridmind · 8 years ago
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#nofilter #lavenderhairdontcare #lavenderhair #lavender #unicornhair #unicornmane #unicornsarereal #badass #survivor #alopeciaareata #alopeciaawareness #alopecianbeauty #alopiciahairstyle #alopicia
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empiresblrmybeloved · 2 years ago
and so our adventures journey begins, meet Alastor, the shapeshifter rouge with a very, touchy job at the tavern. Unicornman (im dead serious abt that the character name), a short but fiesty barbarian, catching wind of his brother-in-arms being in town, and Sun, a deer centaur simply looking for a fun adventure!
Joim this party as they explore wildemount, and discovers the secrets it holds, meeting strangers, and maybe even new allies along the way!
This is: The Queer Party of Wildemount.
genuinely considering hosting a dnd game. Right out of my ass. Screw the planning we pass the one set of dice around and have fun. <- i brought my mini dnd dice to school and am wondering if thisis a good idea lol
What do you guys think?
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dalishwolfhound · 7 years ago
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Took the sides of my hair and now i feel like me again. It was quite a realisation that the reason I was getting more and more irritable and self conscious was bc my hair was growing and making me really dysphoric. I still find my own gender dysphoria really hard to recognise when it's about stuff i accidentally sorted before it became an issue (like hair apparently haha) #UnicornMane
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quevidantonio · 5 years ago
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Bojack Unicornman e o Pirata Barba Translúcida. (Só os astutos conseguem ver a barba dele). 😜 #filhos #familia #carnaval #unicornio https://www.instagram.com/p/B8zWYI_lYuw/?igshid=1m247bmqv4995
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gospellightsociety · 6 years ago
“We are told,” said Camilla, “to pray to his image, and then he himself will come from behind us and lay his hundred hands upon our heads and breathe into us the greater life so that we shall live no longer with our own life but with his. No one has ever dreamed it was the Unicornman. We were told you bore stings not for us but for our enemies.”
“But do those who have been through it never tell?”
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