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getsusun · 8 months ago
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Zangetsu had to teach Hichigo a lot of things. And, since just-awakened zanpakuto spirit had some... Difficulties with concentration, the best course of action turned out to mix lectures and calm activities with sparrings.
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getsusun · 3 months ago
Got an idea yesterday-today about Getsu being tortured to death and dying in the catacombs and Nova being too late and finding only his skeleton, literally fragmented from how much Getsu was hurt. Nova takes his skull. Just, you know, absolutely normal thing to do with the body of the person you loved & adored.
A few years later Ichigo & Company go into afterlife-limbo-etc dimension for Reasons. They met a spirit/ghost who helps them. When returning back to the real world, Ichigo briefly wishes for that ghost to not have died when they did - it sounded awful, you know. Apparently, due to Ichigo & his friends forming a unique combination of powers, it turns out to be enough to. Well. Resurrect this spirit back to life.
After having a few (hours) of panic attacks (because being resurrected led to Getsu remembering in much too vivid detail the last days before his death, and if he had a lot of trauma before that, now the amount of mental trauma he acquired was literally insane), Getsu meets Nova once again.
And now Getsu is, uh. Distressed for himself and Nova both, because talking to your deceased mentor's skull is not a Very Good Sign.
some (a lot) of bloodshed from Nova, who is Not Happy with someone torturing and killing his Sensei.
Kuchiki clan having Problems. And sudden Clan Head change. (To Byakuya from his Grandfather). And some structural damage to their buildings.
Giant mural in Getsu's memory. Getsu is having an Experience looking at it.
Nova afraid to lose his Sensei again and being a little insane because of it. And trauma.
Nova turning gray from grief. Getsu turning gray from torture and dying and coming back.
Other mod souls being too in the mood for revenge for Getsu, but also a little afraid for Nova going much too far with it. But they get it.
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getsusun · 4 months ago
Looking at my old drabbles of Zaraki Kenpachi / Old Man Zangetsu (+ rusty_paths au) and. They are so much not like I am writing now. (For example, this is not my active OTP anymore, though I still like it.) They may be are not very good or plot-consistent (well, they are drabbles)... But they are so *alive*. Don't remember the year when I wrote those, but it was quite a long time ago, I think?
Kinda want to translate them to English to find new inspiration, but I am afraid the live and emotions will be lost...
> After Yamomoto the next in front of Evil stepped Kurosaki, and Zaraki was having none of it. They - he - were not going to hide behind the kid's back again. Only Zaraki didn't make it. Or rather, was beat to it. Nameless appeared from nowhere, emerged from flows of reitsu filling all around. For a very, very long moment the world was frozen - Kurosaki, Uhwach, the thin black shadow between them. And then the Chaos prevailed.
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getsusun · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Bleach (Anime & Manga), Cyberpunk 2077 (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Noba/Old Man Zangetsu | Quincy Zangetsu Characters: Noba (Bleach), Old Man Zangetsu | Quincy Zangetsu Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Cyberpunk, Porn With Plot, Accidental Stimulation, Cyberpunk 2077 Slang Summary:
Nova has his highly illegal implant malfunctioning, but he also has a chance to meet the most famous ripper of the Soul City - the mysterious Sword. During the maintenance Nova finds out that he may have a little... Unexpected reaction on Sword's techniques. (And voice).
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getsusun · 1 year ago
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Out of those two, who can possibly wreak more chaos over Seireitei?
From the one side, we have Getsu:
Less then hundred years short from being a thousand years old zanpakuto spirit with reading as one of his favorite hobbies.
Calm. Concentrated. Introverted. Can be seen meditating on the top of (former) Sokyoku hill.
Is concerned over all (yes, including Senbonsakura) zanpakuto spirits wellbeing. Can and will intervene when witnessing shinigami abusing their weapons.
Has lectured countless shinigami over concept of active consent and consent overall. (Usually when being in the form of shinigami himself, Ri Hanaro from the Thirteen Squad, but it is the story for another time).
Strongly disapproves of any alcohol consumption.
Is wary of scientists. Especially ones who engage with studying souls.
Has a long history with Kuchiki clan. Usually ignores it. Captain Kuchiki ignores him too.
Respects the concept of walls. Excluding the ones that belong to Kuchiki.
From the other side impatiently bounces on his feet Noba:
Not even full hundred years old mod soul who sometimes has difficulties with understanding of the concept of "personal items"
Can teleport, thus can infiltrate (almost) any part of Seireitei. Has no concept of "if the door is closed you are not supposed to be on the other side of it".
Likes to party with other mod souls, usually brings his own boose, since his metabolism makes it pretty hard to stay drunk and even tipsy. (No one asks where he gets so much alcohol. And why it looks so old.)
Hates the scientists. Won't go to Twelve's Squad territory unless there is no other choice.
I actually do not know the answer. Well, the easy answer will be "if you meet those two together on the war path - RUN." What were they up to separatedly:
Accompanying Yachiru in her quest of catching carps from Kuchiki's pond. Repeatedly. (Getsu. He also convinced her to relocate most of the fish to Ukitake's pond. Excluding the ones they ate.)
Fighting Kenpachi for fun. (Also Getsu.)
Being the reason the lower floors and labs of Twelve Squad were flooded. Repeatedly. With water, mice and semi-sentient slime. (Nova.)
Demonstratively breaking through Kuchiki's guards to visit a graveyard on an anniversary. The security gave up and started to turn the kudo spells off on this day, but the protection somehow activates back just to be loudly broken. (Getsu. He is making a point.)
Teaching Chad to smoke. Smoking weed with Chad. Facing the consequences. (Nova. Getsu was the consequences).
Making sure that Ichigo's gang will not be caught (too soon) when running through Seireitei. Wreaking more chaos. (Nova, with assistance of others. Getsu was busy teaching Hichigo to zanpakuto.)
Becoming a psychotherapist for Quincy Emperor. (Getsu. Yes, he also has no idea how and why.)
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getsusun · 1 year ago
There is silence, there is cold.
0.5 whump points out of ten. A little more than an eight hundred of years before main Bleach storyline.
It takes Naumi almost two weeks to require his zanpakuto actually to be present in shinigami’s inner world. Koigetsu can’t say that he is surprised. He also can’t say that he anticipated the call. Koigetsu returned to his shinigami, of course, not like there was a lot of choice. Things were already tense between them, and now, after…
white pillars / scorching sun / hands tied up / pain / humiliation / hot breath on his neck
Koigetsu shuddered and forcefully stopped this line of thoughts. While his back was healing, although Koigetsu could already feel that it would scar badly and that he was in for a long time of movements restricted by pain, it was not the blade of sword that made the deepest wounds. And these wounds were more on the souls than on the body. Koigetsu took a deep breath and tried to relax his mind.
He was standing on the top of one of the thousands of mirrors filling in Naumi’s inner world. Everything around was familiar to Koigetsu, the scenery he had spend all his time before they with Naumi mastered manifestation, and most of the time before zanpakuto spirit himself learned to materialize without help of his master. The cloudy darkness of endless space – was it really not that dark before, was it barely of light shade of gray? - and, of course, the mirrors.
A long, long time before Koigetsu loved them. The mirrors, all of different colors, could work as windows into the real world as much as in Naumi’s memories and thoughts, allowing Koigetsu to accompany his shinigami in everyday’s life with ease. Naumi himself, when visiting his inner world, could use the mirrors as a tool to master his emotions, to understand himself.
Naumi barely did.
Now, however, Koigetsu rarely caught a glimpse of image in the dark depths of the mirrors. They never reflected zanpakuto spirit fully, usually showing him a blurry humanoid shape instead. Now, when almost all his body was covered with cloth, Koigetsu couldn’t see more than a hint of movement. He prefers not to look into the mirrors much anymore.
While the mirrors varied in sizes, from small ones, barely of child’s height, to the large ones, ten times higher than Koigetsu was, and some wide enough to reflect a whole street, the one detail all of them had in common. They had narrow edges, not even flat ones – tapering into sharp blade-like lines.
When Koigetsu only started to be aware of his existence, when he first realized that he had a body, legs to walk and eyes to see, these edges were like streets for him. He had no footwear then, also no long sleeves and collar, and he felt light enough, like a feather, so he could step on sharp upper edges of mirrors and walk on them. He could sit on them, lay down, do whatever he wanted.
Koigetsu remembers quite clearly when did it changed. Well, may be not exactly the date – the year or even the decade, he still had difficulties tracking the passage of time. But Koigetsu remembered that it was soon after he mastered the trick of helping Naumi with manifestation. His shinigami was happy. Naumi was still in Academy then, just a student, but as a Kuchiki he got separate room, and Koigetsu had spent a lot of time in this room. Koigetsu was happy to be with his master, even if already not all Naumi’s choices of activities were quite… Pleasant. But it was enough that Naumi was enjoying himself.
That was what Koigetsu said to himself then, and that was what he thought he believed. But one night after returning to Naumi’s inner world a single misstep left Koigetsu with a deep wound on the sole of his foot. It was sudden and scary feeling, even if Koigetsu already knew pain. He, however, never before had cut wounds not from training with Naumi, and at that time wound from Naumi’s sword never hurt and never stayed for long. There was also rarely blood shed, at least more than a couple of drops of it.
The cut on Koigetsu’s foot stayed and scarred. He became more careful after, always protecting points of contact with sharp edges with additional layer of reitsu, and one day this protection just stayed, transformed into a pair of soft black boots. At that time Koigetsu was satisfied that at least Naumi was not affected by the strange behavior of mirrors. Also, with Koigetsu spending more time in manifested state, having a footwear was convenient.
Over the last hundred years Naumi’s inner world became a dark, lonely place. Koigetsu often contemplated on how it was his own fault. Zanpakuto should take care of their wielders, should support and help them to grow and master their powers. What had Koigetsu done wrong? Why everything seemed to became just worse and worse?
Strangely, Naumi didn’t actually seemed unhappy. Koigetsu felt him being angry – pretty often, on his elders, and on his – well, at this point their, considering how much paperwork Koigetsu had done over the last decades – Captain, and on Koigetsu himself. Bored. Joyful and satisfied, lately more often than not by Koigetsu’s expense, but… It still counted, right?
It is not like Koigetsu could actually die. Probably. Even with bankai broken – yes, Koigetsu was scared, and it was horrible and painful and wrong, but Koigetsu still could fight. Mostly. ...Good exercise in using his right arm instead of left one?
Koigetsu shuddered again and tucked his aching elbow closer to his chest. No, he could try to come up with any number of reasons, but the truth was that broken bankai was a big thing. A big bad thing which should never had happened.
Was it always that cold in here?
Lately Koigetsu sometimes felt a strange duality of his thoughts. One half of his mind diminished justified any tortures and cruelties Naumi performed, over his zanpakuto spirit and over others. The other half… The other half, which became stronger and stronger with every hit and every insult and each control collar being fastened on Koigetsu’s neck, was thinking about how it was not right. How it was not right for Naumi to be like that with his own soul, and – at the same time – how it was not right for Koigetsu to blame himself for all of it.
How it was wrong that Koigetsu loved being alone while manifested more and more. Away from his master. He shouldn’t be capable of being happy away from Naumi, and still. Somehow. He was.
Was it always that… Quiet?
Koigetsu frowned. He hadn’t paid attention before, but it was eerily quiet. It is not like Naumi’s inner world was a loud place, no, but there was always a peaceful hum of mirrors, and – and there were always echoes of Naumi’s thoughts, barely audible, not clear enough to distinguish words, but here, a background noise of emotions.
There was nothing now. Koigetsu could hear only his own breathing – a previously irritating, but lately calming habit of his, which he got after staying materialized for too long (after drinking tea with Juushiro, his mind suggests, but Koigetsu pushes that thought away). His breathing, occasional rustle of clothes, heartbeat becoming louder and louder with every passing second.
Koigetsu closed eyes and concentrated. The bond between him and Naumi was here, as it always was, but many years – decades – had passed since their bond was a thick and springy flow of energy. Now it is stretched to its limits. One moment it is barely perceptible, only the small fracture of reitsu from Naumi transmitting, the other moment – ready to burst from the volume of energy being drained out of Koigetsu. Koigetsu learned a lot about how to balance their bond, mostly through trial and error, and for a long time he was managing fine – they could fight, Naumi used shikai without thinking, they even had bankai, for hell’s sake!
Not anymore, apparently. Both about balancing and bankai.
The bond is weak, but it is here, and Koigetsu reaches out for Naumi, calls him – but there is nothing. A cold and rigid nothing, which is somehow worse than having energy drained out of Koigetsu.
- Master?
Koigetsu calls softly, long time of being used to speak seldom and quietly forcing his voice down. He feels how the bond shifts, reacting on his voice reaching to Naumi, and his shinigami should be able to sense that, but there is nothing, no spark of attention, not even an annoyed mental shrug. Emptiness.
Koigetsu spends a long time calling for Naumi. The time in inner world flows strangely, and what felt like days – weeks, even – could have been both hours and months in the real world. Koigetsu goes through negative half of spectrum of emotions, from anger to fear, from despair to denial. His throat aches, and it should be – must be – a fantom pain, because Koigetsu does not have a body now, is not manifested, but it still hurts.
Long, long time later Koigetsu not quite gives up, but more like spends all energy he had, mental and physical. He listens to the quiet of Naumi’s inner world for a while, surrounded by dark mirrors, and than whispers, softly, but with more power to break through the invisible shield to his master than he ever had.
- Can you hear me, Naumi?
Koigetsu does not care how furious could become Naumi after being called by name. Naumi may be his master, his wielder, but Koigetsu is also half of his soul, and even if he failed as a zanpakuto spirit, his shinigami should be still able to hear him.
Koigetsu waits. Calls. Waits and calls. But there is nothing.
Koigetsu feels like crying. But Naumi does not wants him to cry, and after dying from hunger, alone, in the stone pit Koigetsu really can’t anymore. But his eyes burn, and the scars in form of words on his wrists burn, and his back feels raw, like if the skin just melted, leaving inflamed flash exposed. The last one is not as far away from truth as Koigetsu would have liked. Yes, the pain lessened after Juushiro treated the wounds on his back, but it was still bad.
Koigetsu feels like a ruin. Wreck of a sword, like one of the debris that scattered on the earth when his bankai was broken. Koigetsu himself was broken, it seems, because what zanpakuto spirit he is, if he can’t even speak to his wielder anymore?
It takes a long time for the feeling of self-hate to stop being the strongest one. Even longer for sadness to settle into a calm shield around Koigetsu’s mind. But if he has something now, then it is time. A lot of time of being alone in the quiet darkness.
The darkness seems to become thicker, eating up even the sounds Koigetsu himself makes. At some point he starts speaking again, this time not to Naumi, to noone in particular. Quote poems from his memory, chapters from books he read. Koigetsu remembered a lot.
His voice dies down, and finally Koigetsu feels some kind of peace. He is getting sleepy, actually. Too tired to think, too tired to feel anything. Koigetsu is still standing on the mirror – not the same one, he may have moved around a little, trying to calm his thoughts. He is standing, perfectly balancing with the help of reflexes developed over the decades, but at one moment it seems easier to make one step ahead and just float in the empty darkness. Not much control and energy is required for that, and Koigetsu feels himself slipping into the sleep.
He wakes up – how long was he asleep? Does it matter? - and he is not floating, but falling down into the void, and it should bother him, but for some reason it does not. It is hard to think, and Koigetsu still wants to sleep – now even more than before, so he closes his eyes again. Not much changes.
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getsusun · 1 year ago
Hello there!
For (mostly) future me:
#drawing_getsu - Mostly Bleach fanart. And when speaking Bleach I usually mean Zangetsu/Noba. :D
#writing_getsu - Everything with text. Some headcanons, fanfics pieces, etc.
#rambling_getsu - Just some thoughts.
@zangetsu-art is for uninterrupted stream of Zangetsu art
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