#anytime I learn something new about her it makes us more similar
thistableforone · 2 years
just told my favorite aunt – the one that I've always resembled so much – that I bought a bike, and instead of worrying she was incredibly happy and said she used to have one too.
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They're Mates - with Y/N Pt 1
Summary - Feyre meets Rhys's Inner Circle and witnesses the strength of the mating bond.
Warnings - abusive family mentioned.
Other Notes - 1k words; Please note that most of these lines/plot points are inspired or directly quoted from ACOMAF; I originally posted this where Reader was given the name 'Vee' but am putting this one out for anyone who might prefer y/n.
Part One || Part Two || Part Three || Part Four || Masterlist
Feyre looked up to see the same two males from earlier standing in the doorway, grinning, and a new presence. A beautiful female with wings like the others. She wore a deep blue gown that reached the floor––her hair resting over both her shoulders. The two males wore black leather with a sword strapped against their backs. Feyre noted the power each of them seemed to hold.
The male who was a bit large than the other, spoke up with a light chuckle. “We don’t bite. Unless you ask us to Feyre.”
The female shot him a pointed look. “Last time I checked, nobody wanted to take you up on that offer, Cassian.” The male who stood between the female and Cassian let out a light, short, laugh before whispering something into the female’s ear making her eyes twinkle subtly. Feyre watched as Cassian gave his own pointed look.
“No secrets in front of our guest, Az,” Cassian said with a grin.
The light danced across their faces allowing Feyre to observe their physical features for a moment. Similar to Rhysand, all three were dark-haired. Both males had tanned skin and hazel eyes. Feyre couldn’t quite tell the eye color of the female standing next to Az, but she gave off an air of beauty and power.
Cassian grinned again, looking Rhys and Feyre up and down. “You made poor Feyre dress up, brother,” he said before winking in her direction. His features were rough like someone had molded him, from the earth.
The second male was more classically beautiful, though hard to read. He was certainly the one who would be a surprise in the dark, the hidden knife. Feyre noticed the light sparkle in his eyes anytime he looked at the female to his left. It piqued a curiosity in Feyre.
Rhys said, “Azriel––my spymaster,” indicating the one in the middle. He then indicated the female. “Y/N. An emissary for the Night Court.” A name, Feyre later learned, Az had adopted for the emissary after she declared she did not want the name her abusive family had given her.
She immediately offered her hand with a warm smile. “Welcome, Feyre.” She gently squeezed Feyre’s before she quickly let go and Feyre does her best to not seem eager as she stepped back to stand next to the High Lord of the night Court, again.
“You’re brothers?” Feyre asked. The two males before her looked similar. The kind of similar where people who come from the same place do, not familial similar.
“All bastards are brothers in some sense,” Rhys responded, sticking his hands in his pockets.
Before Feyre could ask Cassian said, “And I command Rhys’s armies.”
Feyre nodded, shifting on her feet slightly before her eyes glanced to see Azriel taking another glance in the emissary’s direction. She looked right back with a smile that showed a clear fondness for the spymaster. The moment went as quickly as it came when Az turned his gaze to Feyre. “Cassian also excels at pissing everyone off. Especially amongst our friends. So, as a friend of Rhysand, good luck.”
Feyre was giving more attention to not being recognized as the girl Under the Mountain. She wondered, for just a moment if they knew––maybe they didn’t. That was quickly  answered when Cassian nudged past the Night Court’s spymaster requiring Az to flare his wings to keep himself balanced. Feyre watched Y/N’s hand fall to Azriel’s lower back to assist. Feyre noticed the fleeting moment of eye contact between the spymaster and the emissary, but it quickly became a second thought as Cassian asked his question about how Feyre had made the bone ladder in the Middengard Wyrm’s lair, when as he put it, “you looked like your own bones could snap at any moment.”
Y/N shot Cassian another pointed gaze, but it turned into a grin after Feyre made a sarcastic comment of her own. The general laughed and Azriel’s eyebrow lifted with approval as the shadows swirled around him, tighter. Feyre’s need to understand the gift only furthered when the shadows swirled up and around Y/N’s wrist playfully, before weaving around the ends of her hair.
Her curiosity once again was pushed to the side when Feyre heard, thankfully, a familiar voice…Mor. “I hope Cassian’s howling means Feyre told him to shut his fat mouth.”
Y/N quickly whispered something into Az’s ear, his shadows lightened slightly from around him. Feyre’s curiosity about the nature of their relationship increasing.
“I don’t know why I forget you two are related,” Cassian told Mor, while glancing over at Rhys for just a moment. “You two and your clothing.” The High Lord rolled his eyes, but Feyre had her own focus on the emissary and the spymaster who were both standing in silence, stealing glances at each other.
“I wanted to impress Feyre. You could have tried to make an effort to comb your hair,” Mor responded.
Cassian braced his feet a little farther apart on the floor in a fighting stance Feyre recognized, perhaps too well. “Unlike some people, I have better things to do with my time than sit in front of the mirror for hours,” the general bit back.
“Yes,” Mor the said, tossing her hair over her shoulder, “since swaggering around––”
“We have company,” Azriel said in a soft warning, spreading his wings as he tried to herd everyone.
“Relax, Az,” Mor said as she dodged the spymaster’s outstretched wing. “We won’t fight. We promised Rhys.”
Feyre barely noticed Az stop in his tracks, letting out the smallest of huff and his shadows seem to become thicker. She then watched as Y/N took one of Az’s hands in her own, gently pressing her lips to the back of it. His shadows lightened around him. Apparently the question about their relationship reached Feyre’s face because Rhys leaned down slightly to say, “They’re mates. Azriel and Y/N. They’ve known each other a little over 500 years and been mates just under 500.”
Feyre considered that fact, thinking there was something delicately beautiful about nearly 500 years of commitment between the two. Now she just had a few thousand more questions about the court’s spymaster and emissary. Question she decided were for another time as Mor indicated the empty seat beside her. Feyre knew the image of Az whispering into his mate’s ear and the twinkle in her eye would be etched into the back of her mind forever.
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harrywavycurly · 2 years
I like how Wayne handled asking about Eddie’s relationship could we get more of that? Maybe Wayne helping Eddie spoil the reader?👀☺️
Hiiii babes!! Of course you can get more Wayne!! I hope you enjoy 💖
- Look here for everything related to Eddie and his Princess✨
*Wayne may not understand why Eddie does what he does but that doesn’t mean he won’t help him when he asks*
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“You need what?” “One of those things that when you cut up watermelon or that green melon what’s that called?” “Son you’re asking the wrong person about fruits…” “right..doesn’t matter what it’s called but I know you have one of those things that makes it into like little balls and shit I need to borrow it.” “Ohh you’re talking about a melon baller?” “Is…that really what it’s called?” “Don’t look at me I didn’t name the damn thing…but yeah it’s in the junk drawer I’ve never used it…you can keep it.” “Thanks Wayne…this is perfect.” “What do you need it for?” “She doesn’t eat enough fruit so I figured if it’s in cute little shapes and shit she’ll eat more of it.” “Cute little shapes huh?” “Don’t start…” “here maybe take those old cookie cutters too? If the balls don’t work maybe the heart and star will?” “Oh that’s a great idea. Thanks Wayne I appreciate it.” “Anytime…let me know how it goes.”
“She won’t like that one.” “What? Why not?” “It’s…scratchy.” “It may be god awful ugly with these green dots all over…but it sure as shit ain’t scratchy…” “to us yeah it’s soft but I know her…she won’t like how it feels and she needs a new blanket for the living room the one she uses now is falling apart.” “Okay what about that pink one with the white hearts? It doesn’t look scratchy?” “Let’s see…this could work…yeah she’ll like this one it’s similar to the one she already has and she typically likes to get the exact same things over and over.” “So this will work?…damn that’s soft…might have to get me one of these.” “Yeah it’ll work the only difference is the one she has now has white and purple hearts.” “And you don’t think she’ll notice?” “Oh she’ll notice but she won’t care…are you really getting one?” “Yeah this is the softest thing I’ve ever felt…she has good taste.” “She’ll love that you two have the same blanket.”
“Now just relax for a moment and tell me what happened.” “Some fucking dude at work asked for her number…even called her sweetheart.” “Okay and I can tell that’s made you upset.” “Well yeah she’s mine why do people think they can talk to her like that?” “Listen..I know you like to keep her wrapped up in this bubble of…safety but you’re not always gonna be around and…well she’s a cute girl so you’ve gotta just learn to deal with people making passes at her.” “I just know people will try to take advantage of her…I can’t fucking stand the thought of something happening to her because I wasn’t there and she doesn’t know how to defend herself.” “Then teach her.” “Teach her? Teach her what?” “How to tell someone to fuck off and defend herself…teach her how to feel confident enough to be able to stand her ground when you’re not there to do it for her.” “I don’t want to freak her out and teaching her how to hit someone will for sure…freak her out…” “don’t teach her to fight Eddie teach her how to say things with enough confidence that creeps and weirdos get the hint and leave her alone.” “I..how do I do that?” “I’ll help you okay? Just maybe bring her over sometime this week.” “She’s…just too nice sometimes…” “and that’s okay we just gotta teach her when to not be nice.” “Okay Roadhouse…”
“I got these for her.” “Oh tye dye socks…she’ll love these.” “Yeah? I wasn’t sure but I figured they were colorful and fuzzy for when she’s in the house and on sale so…I hope they fit.” “It’s socks Wayne they typically always fit but yeah…she needed new fuzzy ones she doesn’t like the flowered ones anymore they’ve gotten all dingy.” “I saw her in slippers the other day…I thought you had gotten rid of them because she kept trying to wear them outside the house?” “I tried…” “you tried?” “She looked like I just told her the tooth fairy wasn’t real when I tried to take them out of her closet…so yeah…she still has them.” “You’re such a softy…” “says the man worried about if she’s gonna like these fuzzy socks…” “i just want her to be comfortable while at home that’s all.” “Mhmm…right…” “listen you spoil her so damn much the least I can do is get her some damn socks okay?” “Okay…don’t worry she’ll love them.”
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jack-kellys · 3 months
For the bad things happen bingo: Jack + bridal carry?
oh well hey there stranger. it was very much my instinct to have jack be carried but im actually so strong and didn't (quite) cave. also i made this a treat for u
available bingo squares here, ao3 series here! there r also some details in my ao3 tags/notes that make a few things about jack more objective.
Jack doesn’t like his new job, but he’s used to being good at things–adapting to things, maybe–that he doesn’t quite enjoy. 
Selling papers hadn’t been his life’s goal or anything, but he needed people to look out for him and a roof so he got damn good at it all. Same goes for these ridiculous cartoons for Pulitzer: Jack keeps his head down, his trap shut, and his pencil busy. By now he’s learned that making a bunch of very similar drafts is the way to go, so the old men upstairs can mull and hum and mutter about which reads the best when they all read the damn same. 
What is great about this newer gig is Katherine. Without it he’s not sure he’d see nearly as much of her as he’d like, and there’s so many doors to nothing and cramped little hiding places for them to giggle and tease and kiss in when they take a break from work. And since Jack isn’t technically granted any breaks, all Katherine needs to do is talk down to his boss with a cold glare and the whole matter is solved. And more importantly, they can go back to locking lips. The best days are when Davey comes by before the evening edition comes out after school, and the three of them share a cigarette. Katherine’s started to look at Davey the way Jack knows he has been for a while now, and he’s not sure what it means, but it makes butterflies reawaken in his stomach again. 
What’s not great about the gig is observing Katherine’s work life. 
Since the strike, she’s not needing to type up just one article anymore- by now it’s three, and when the Sun’s offices close for the day she ventures over to the World because she has a key and uses the typewriters there. Her father never stops her. And Jack sees her, because, you know, his rules for himself could also be stricter, but he’s used to that schedule. Up at dawn and asleep after he collapses has been his life, never hers. Jack watches her try to adjust- she’s always shooting him an upbeat smile, usually excited to be writing–and writing and writing and writing–when it’s something that interests her, but Jack doesn’t think he’ll get used to seeing circles under her amber eyes anytime soon. 
It’s November now, late in it, the time of year where there’s already a dent in supplies at the lodge that makes Jack sweat since it’s harder to steal in the winter. Jack’s at his drawing desk early this morning, wanting to have some time between when he gets out and the evening edition to try and hit up a few shops for medicines they’re running low on. Blink’s got a nasty cough right now, and the boy’s trying to puff out his chest about it, but Jack knows the truth. 
He heads up the stairs for a quick smoke break after a few hours, and catches Katherine coming in the front door from the cold in a hurry.
“Hey,” he says, greeting her just inside the main door. “You’re here early, what’s the deal at the-”
Jack observes her, and Katherine must read his mind. She sighs, shaking her head. 
“Jack, I’m okay. Rough morning,” she excuses. There’s no way a rough morning can excuse the redness surrounding her nose, the bags underneath her eyes so obvious they nearly look purple, which pops against how pale her skin looks. “And it’s cold out, too, so-”
“You catch Blink’s cold?” he asks. A middle ground, since whatever is going on with her looks worse than a cough. 
“Maybe,” Katherine agrees, which means she’s got to be feeling worse than a cold. “I’ll take it easier today if it makes you feel better.”
“It’ll make you feel better.”
Jack glances down, feeling her fingers against his own. Katherine threads her hand into his, before lifting up, dawn-pink lips pressing a small, cold kiss to his dark knuckles. 
“Go draw, Mr. Kelly,” she says to him, taking her hand away. “I’ll see you at three.”
Three is too long, and Jack can feel the time ticking by in the back of his mind, each hour making his palms itch worse. It’s not easy for him to get up and away–and especially into other parts of the huge building–without Katherine, so if she doesn’t make sure to come down and visit him he can’t really go up and see her. 
He practically rockets into motion the moment the clock strikes three, shuffling his drafts into his portfolio and shoving it into his desk, tugging his coat on, hiking his bag over his shoulder, then stands-
-up too fast. He wobbles, gripping the back of his chair and blinking his sudden spinning vision straight. Jack takes a breath, and finally exits the room, glaring at his boots. He hates whenever Mush’s hypothesis is proven a little right- Jack’s got something weird with his blood, wrong with the iron in his body. It gets him jumpy in the winter, gets him worried about everyone and the cold. 
Glancing around the hall, he sneaks up the stairs to where Katherine prefers to work- Bryan Denton’s office, who’s been out on assignments after shifting from the Sun for two months now and taught Kath a lot of what she knows. Jack knocks, before pushing open the door. 
“Oh, Kathy,” he sighs, smiling slightly. Her head’s tucked on the typewriter’s keys as if it were a pillow, arms rested under her chin as her chest rises and falls evenly. Jack’s sort of glad she fell asleep- doing all this work for hours on end in her condition hadn’t been Katherine’s best idea. 
Jack crosses over to her, drawing a hand through her hair. He pauses.
The ends of her wavy fringe his sweaty, he notices. Jack swipes his hand over her forehead.
Hot- burning hot. And her hands are cold when one of his own closes around them.
“Kath. Katherine,” Jack says, and says again. He shakes her shoulder gently. “Katherine, come on. Wake up, sweetheart.”
Slowly, her eyes flutter open with a small moan. Katherine’s eyebrows scrunch, confused- probably wondering why the first thing she’s seeing is an ‘f’ key. 
“Did I…? Jack?” she mumbles, lifting her head. Her face turns to his, and she pouts, blinking sluggishly. “Oh, I didn’t go down to you, did I. I’m sorry.” 
“That’s alright,” he reassures, two hands on her shoulders now. “Day’s over, yeah? Lemme get you- I’m gonna take you to the lodge for now. So you can rest some more.” 
She shakes her head, expression pinched.
“Not necessary,” she insists, carefully standing up. “Everyone falls asleep at their desk, right? Right. One time- one…”
She sways suddenly, but catches herself just as Jack’s muscles go taut. 
“One time.. thing,” she manages. She takes a step, and her dull eyes flutter, and Jack’s taut muscles send him surging forward as she falls sideways, only six inches or so from the side of her head slamming into the wall. Jack catches her, thank god, her form crashing heavily into his outreached arms. He hefts her up shakily, her temple finding his shoulder to rest on while his arms curl around her back and under her knees. 
“Kath?” he tries. “Katherine. Katherine.” 
She doesn’t wake, expression lax save for the strained twitch of her brow. 
“Fuck,” he hisses, because he’s alone, with his unconscious partner, in an office that isn’t his and in a building that doesn’t like letting him inside. And Kath’s not waking up. Jack’s heart starts to pound louder, it feels like- sounds like.
Stairs. Stairs. He needs the stairs. 
Jack rushes to them, doing his best not to jostle Kath as he starts downward. He needs to mind his footsteps- Katherine is practically his height, and her dress could easily cause both of them to go sprawling. 
He makes it down, trying not to breathe too hard, and shoves with his back out the front door.
“Jack? -Kath?”
Jack’s head swings to the right, and Davey’s there. 
“What happened?” the boy rushes out, striding over to Jack. “I was waiting for you two, they wouldn’t let me- is she alright? What-”
Jack lets Davey touch her forehead, watches him recoil and his eyebrows shoot up, before he traces her cheek gently.
“She’s sick. Came in and worked a whole day anyway,” Jack mutters. The November breeze makes Katherine shiver suddenly, but she still doesn’t wake, only looks more pained. Jack bites his lip.
“Hold her for a moment?” he asks Davey.
“What?” Davey splutters, eyes going huge. “Jack I can’t- I dunno if-”
Jack sets her in the taller boy’s arms anyway, and quickly sheds his coat. “Knew you were strong enough, Dee.”
“Whatever,” Davey mutters, narrowing his eyes at Jack, who sets his coat over Katherine. “Jack, you need that.”
“I ain’t sick,” he says, and carefully takes her back into his grasp.
“You’ll get sick. Or, you’ll-”
Jack starts walking. He’s fine. His nose is already chilled to the bone, but he’ll manage. He hears Davey quickly keep up, and they walk in strained silence for a while.
“You know, it’s my textbook on anatomy I had Mush borrow,” Davey murmurs. “And I read a good amount of it.”
“Good for you,” Jack mutters, though his body tenses up more than it already is as another gust of wind blows through. 
“It ain’t good for you to be out and cold like this,” Davey continues, and Jack keeps his gaze pointedly forward. “You’re already losing color and it’s only been ten minutes-”
“Dave,” Jack interjects, gazing down at Katherine. His coat’s helped, maybe, but she still shivers and burns and shakes in his arms and he wishes he could somehow grip her even closer. “I’m worried about her, alright? Lemme- just lemme hold her.”
Davey goes quiet for a moment. Before too long, Jack feels the boy’s arm come around his waist, rubbing his back, warming him.
“Okay,” Davey says softly. “Okay, Jack.”
They make it to the lodge, and the front door of it is all Jack can focus on. He lets Davey open it, and he heads in with her, going up the stairs, away from the colder first floor. He sets her in Racer’s lower bunk, since that’s always a safe bet. Pulls the covers up. 
Now what. 
There’re other things he should do, he knows that, but his brain can’t seem to connect the dots, the red string of his thought process being held limply with no direction. 
The hand on his back returns, and his name’s being said.
“-ck, you should get some rest too,” Davey’s saying. “You listening?”
“Always,” is Jack’s smart reply. “Yeah, I- well, I gotta run down to Mush first if he’s around, let ‘im know what’s going on.”
“Well, I can do that,” Davey brushes off. Then, he takes Jack’s hands, finding his wrists and cupping his palms around them. “You need to warm up, and rest, Jack, you just carried Katherine for a mile.”
“Yeah but I-” Jack shakes his head slightly. His shoulders hike as he fights a sudden shiver, slipping out of Davey’s hands as the red string finally lands around a thought. “I gotta grab some extra blankets, too.” 
He stands up, gripping the bottom of the top bunk to steady himself, blinking a few times. Fine. He’s fine. He’s going- he was going to get… something. 
The red string suddenly slips away, and his head aches, his chest clenches, and he’s really, really cold. His vision flits between darkness and wood bunks as his eyelids flutter. Stronger arms than he thought he knew slip under his own right as he feels he’s about to sink, though, and his face lands against a warm chest. He yawns, lightheaded, brain feeling separate from the rest of his body.
“Breathe,” Davey’s saying, urgently. “Jack. Jackie, can you hear me? Just breathe, in slowly, out slowly.” 
Jack’s trying to focus, but he’s not totally sure why he can’t, and his knees want to buckle. Davey’s strong, holding him up like this. Jack doesn’t feel like he’s holding anything. 
He feels his eyes close, which makes the breathing easier but the focusing harder. Davey’s holding him close, safe. He’s tracing the side of Jack’s head soothingly with a finger in the space between his braids, and Jack lets himself yawn again, though this time his brain feels less like it’s suffocating than it did a minute ago. 
“You gonna let me find Mush?” Davey says softly, but Jack can picture the ‘I was right’ smirk that’s probably residing on the boy’s pink lips. Jack simply nods into his chest. He lets Davey sit him on the bunk, still leaned into the other until he feels Davey shift him- trying to lay him down. Jack thinks he falls asleep before the boy even can- he remembers Davey’s chest as his resting spot, not the pillow beside Katherine. 
He wakes groggily a couple hours later, his suspenders and dress shirt missing. His shoes are off, too, and there’s wavy, auburn hair tickling his nose and someone’s back he’s tucked into. Just barely, he raises his head, opening his eyes just enough. 
Katherine’s awake, thank god, attire loosened. Jack’s arm is rested over her hip, but she’s petting someone’s hair, looking down at someone the way she looks at Jack. His head raises higher.
Davey’s fast asleep sitting half on the floor, face pillowed by his arm on the bunk mattress and hair being delicately combed through by Katherine’s fingers. Suddenly she pauses, and glances behind her. Jack meets her gaze, and she looks exhausted, but she gives him a tired smile. Jack tries to return it despite the fog going through his brain. 
“Go back to sleep, Jackie,” she whispers, so gently it nearly convinces his eyes to shut then and there. “You’re off duty, alright?” 
“How long’s he been asleep?” he asks her anyway. He leans over her a little, arm slipping away from her waist to find Davey’s cheek to caress. 
“Maybe an hour,” she provides. “Adorable, hm?”
Jack hums his agreement, but feels his head bob downward, despite his desire to ask Katherine how she feels. Jack wraps himself closer around her middle, nuzzling his face between her shoulder blades. The hand that isn’t resting against Davey’s cheek finds Jack’s hand over her stomach, their fingers threading together. All three connected, like one snaking string. He smiles to himself. 
“Sleep, Jack,” Kath says again over her shoulder. He listens. 
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blueisquitetired · 1 year
Employees of the Celestic Railway Network
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(A faeU piece!)
Wondering why there hasn’t been much art on my account lately? It’s because of this! I was working on it for five months straight!!!!!
But it’s done now! Woo!
If you like this picture please please reblog it. I don’t normally ask, but this took me hundreds of hours so I would appreciate the support.
Anyway, character info and world building under the cut-
Warden Gaeric, Warden of the Icicle Line
Species: Human 
Of all of the creatures in the grand realm of Hisui, humans are debatably the strangest of all. Beings that are not pokémon nor fae, but something else entirely. Humans have almost no natural magic, yet are able to live and thrive anyway thanks to their natural adaptability. Their bodies naturally absorb and convert the energies of local pokémon, fae, and environments in order to better match them, and they learn things at a rate not seen in any other creature. Despite their lack of magic, they are able to grow and thrive in almost any environment, and many have made Hisui their home.
While Warden Gaeric might boast larger than life strength and power, he’s still as human as they come, not even bothering to practice simple spell casting. He doesn’t need magic to do what he does, and he takes a certain amount of pride in that fact. Hard work has gotten him this far, and he doesn’t see it letting him down anytime soon. 
(Although there is a running theory that he is blessed with the human oddity dubbed “Main Character Syndrome” or “Plot Armor”. Such claims cannot be proven though, as it isn’t a widely understood phenomenon, so it remains as just a theory)
Warden Melli, Warden of the Zap Line
Species: Human
Warden Melli immigrated to Hisui as a young adult, and has since never gone back, seeing no reason to return to the mortal coil. His skill with a needle and thread impressed Subway Boss Adaman so much that he was originally hired to mend and charm uniforms- but was quickly promoted to warden when Lord Electrode was taken by his dramatics. Nowadays, his embroidery skill is mostly used for protection spells and charm making, something he is extremely proficient at. Unfortunately, despite being a master spell caster in his own right, the temperamental nature of the medium causes him to disvalue his own skill, viewing it as “not real magic.”
Despite that though, he still is responsible for most of the charms sewn into the uniforms of his fellow human wardens.
Warden Palina, Warden of the Flame Line
Species: Selkie
Selkies are a subspecies of the poké pelt line of fae, a fae type that is mostly known for its ability to switch between the form of a humanoid and a pokémon- but only if they have access to their magic hide. A poké pelt whose skin has been stolen will find themselves unable to transform and unable to do most magic. This has caused most of their myths and legends to revolve around a malicious third party stealing their pelt and hiding it away somewhere.
The Selkie sub species in particular are known to transform into certain water types- specifically pokémon such as dewgong and spheal.
Palina is one of the more senior wardens, despite being a relatively short lived race. (Only living for around 100-200 years- similar to a human) Her long wardenship is due to the fact that she has served two separate lords. A rare thing indeed, as most new nobles will choose a new warden upon their ascension.
Of course, she isn’t one to brag about such a thing, and is much more likely to sing praises for her lover and husband- Warden Iscan. Famously, the two met when she got caught in Warden’s Iscan’s net- back when he was living in Galar and had never had any real encounter with the fae. Still, despite that, the two hit it off, falling in love and marrying. The couple are known for being annoyingly lovey dovey, Palina going so far as to let Iscan carry her pelt for her while at work as a sign of trust and love.
Warden Iscan, Warden of the Splash Line
Species: Human
Warden Iscan may have spent his entire life in Galar if not for his meeting with his future wife- an event that changed his life forever. Formally a fisherman from Hulbury, Iscan’s secret love for trains and general disinterest in fishing in general made moving to Hisui with his new love an easy choice to make. A choice made even easier when Lord Bascilegion chose him as his warden.
He builds and collects model trains in his free time, storing most of them in the unused Splash Apartment.
Warden Sabi, Warden of the Sky Line
Species: Delphi*
The Delphi are an extremely long-lived race (living for several millennia, and likely unable to die of old age) with the ability to see into the future. Not much is known about the delphi as they tend to keep to themselves- but considering their strong magic and fantastic abilities, that’s probably for the best.
For all intents and purposes, Warden Sabi is basically a baby. Barely 100 years old, with an expectant life span in the thousands, it’s a miracle her family let her leave their house- much less hold a job. Yet hold a job she does, even if her actual job description is nebulous at best. She enjoys getting up to mischief and practicing her fledgling future sight powers- mostly in the form of little “prophecy of the week” cards that she hands out. 
Still, she shouldn’t be underestimated, and her advice should be heeded. The future might not be set in stone, but she can see the changes in the tide of time far clearer than anyone else.
*(While most of the species of fae seen in FaeU are modified versions of actual myths and legends, Delphi are an original creation. Many fae have the nebulous ability of “seeing the future” but I couldn’t find any specific species that fit what I was looking for. Thus, the Delphi were created.)
(The name is in reference to the Oracle of Delphi from Greek mythology)
Warden Mai, Warden of the Mind Line
Species: Satyr
Satyr are a species of humanoid fae adorned with horns and hooves- known for their culture of singing, drinking, mischief, and general merriment. This has given them a reputation of being cheats, thieves, and layabouts, something that causes many to inherently distrust them.
They are also closely linked with nature and song, and can be powerful spell casters with enough practice- but their inherent abilities leave much to be desired.
Warden Mai used to be quite the rebel when she was younger. Sick of the expectations and pressures of her peers and parents, Mai ran away from home as a teenager. Unfortunately, her rash temperament and attitude made it hard for her to hold a job for longer than a year at a time. Thankfully, with the support and guidance of the former Lord Wyrdeer she ended up finding herself and mellowing out quite a bit, now being a well adjusted adult.
She plays guitar in a band and does some spell casting recreationally- but refuses to play the flute or seriously learn magic. Apparently, her mother’s intense pan flute lessons were one of the factors that originally drove her to running away. Because of this, she plays her Celestic flute like a train whistle and gleefully cackles any time she startles someone with it.
Warden Arezu, Warden of the Meadow Line
Species: Pixie
When most humans think of fae, their minds usually fall to pixies- a common race of small winged faerie. Their curiosity and mischief often leads them to wander into the mortal coil for brief periods of time, leading to millions of sightings and thousands of myths and legends. 
Coming in at on average six inches tall, pixies aren’t a very powerful race naturally, and tend to stay in groups. If you see a pixie on their own, there's a good chance a group of them is hiding nearby, often egging the singular pixie on.
Some powerful, practiced pixies may leave their communities to live among other fae- but these pixies tend to learn growth magic early on in order to increase their size. Increasing in size is often uncomfortable and makes it harder to fly, but being taken more seriously by others, and more easily interacting with the world around them is a trade off many pixies find favorable.
While the Celestic railways can be ridden by fae and humans of any sort, its passengers by in large consist mostly of city fae- a type of fae that has grown accustomed to iron and smog, making their homes in large communities and towns in a similar vein as humans. Which is what makes it all the more impressive that Warden Arezu is not a city fae.
Most of Warden Arezu’s life was spent in a small pixie community deep in a hidden woodland. She was curious and social, and eventually her limited social circle and never changing circumstances drove her to explore the world as a whole, eventually leading her to the Celestic Rail Network. While she isn’t a train fan by any stretch of the imagination, she still thoroughly enjoys how the rails bring in fae from all corners of Hisui, each with stories to tell and fashion to share.
Eventually, she dreams of opening a hair salon, but for now, wardenship suits her just fine.
Warden Calaba, Warden of the Earth Line
Species: Human
Warden Calaba is old- older than any human has any right to be. How old remains a mystery, one that most doubt she will ever indulge. But with that age comes knowledge, years of healing and potion brewing knowledge that far outstrips what anyone would expect of a human like her. 
Still, she is long overdue to retire, and Subway Boss Irida and Adaman have been gently trying to encourage her too for years now. She refuses though, stating that she will man her post until she is able to impart her knowledge onto another being, or when Sinnoh tears her soul from her body. Considering she has scared off every apprentice she has ever taken, most are betting that it will be the latter.
Warden Lian, Warden of the Insect Line
Species: Human
Lian has lived on the Celestic Rails most of his life. No one was surprised when the current Lord Klevor chose him as his warden, as he has been the station darling since he was a toddler. Still, he takes his work seriously, doing his best to fulfill his duties and be the best warden anyone could ask for.
In his free time, Warden Lian enjoys collecting and perusing rocks- especially ones of the magical variety. He dreams of one day using them to become a spell caster, but his young age and lack of mentor has made the adults around him implore him to wait a few years. For now, he researches, collects, and dreams.
Subway Boss Adaman, Conductor of Time
Species: High Fae (Formally a dryad)
High Fae are less so fae and more so demigods, fae who’s power far surpasses any natural being. There are very few high fae in existence, and each one is fundamentally unique. Some high fae are born that way, but many are elevated from their lowly status by major legendaries or other such beings.
Dryads are a common nature fae, most well known for their unique connection to foliage. Each dryad is born from a certain plant, (usually trees) and will live for as long as that plant does. If the plant withers and dies, so will they, leaving them as extremely fragile beings. Dryads will often conceal the location of their linked plant for safety reasons.
Subway Boss Adaman was born as an unremarkable fir dryad a very, very, long time ago- when Hisui was untamed and dangerous, without a respite to be seen. He spent most of his early years living a fairly uneventful life, (as uneventful as life could be back then) save for his regular interactions with a local frost sprite, one which quickly grew into a fierce rivalry. Said rivalry slowly transformed from begrudging respect to close friends- overtime becoming an extraordinarily deep bond.
Of course, the two's lives changed forever when, on a stint to the mortal realm, they came across a train station. Adaman was blown away by its consistent and accurate timing and wished to bring that stability to Hisui. He eventually ended up pitching the idea to Dialga- who absolutely adored the plan and granted Adaman the powers of a high fae. (Specifically, power over time)
Nowadays, Adaman runs half of the Celestic Rail Network with his partner Irida, keeping the time in the railway stable and making sure the trains run according to schedule. (There are many rumors of what became of his original fir tree, as his relationship on it is no doubt different than it was from before he became high fae. Subway Boss Adaman has never commented on it though, so rumors will continue to speculate) 
Subway Boss Irida, Conductor of Space
Species: High Fae (Formally a frost sprite)
Nature sprites, not to be confused with pixies, are common fae found often in strong natural settings. It’s said when an aspect of nature’s magic coalesces en mass, it forms a sprite of that aspect. These are, in some ways, the most common type of fae, as the sprite genus covers millions of subspecies. They come in all forms and fashions, but by and large are relatively weak, only having mild magic relating to the aspect of nature that they are composed of.
Frost sprites are, unsurprisingly, sprites born from the essence of frost.
Subway Boss Irida was never long for the world- but she kept going anyway. Despite her relatively low life expectancy and naturally weak magic, she managed to live long past her years by moving with the seasons and living in a perpetual winter. Inevitably, she settled in a mountainous fir tree forest where it was snowy year round- and inevitably met a local dryad. 
Of course, her life changed forever when she and the dryad visited the mortal plane and beheld a train line for the first time. Irida was blown away by its ability to cross vast spaces safely and efficiently and wished to bring that stability to Hisui. She eventually brought the idea to Palkia- who eagerly signed off on the plan and gave her the power of a high fae. (Specifically, power over space)
Nowadays, Irida runs half of the Celestic Rail Network with her partner Adaman, keeping the space the railways run through stable and making sure the trains are able to reach where they are headed. (There are many rumors of the exact nature of her and Adaman’s relationship, as the two are close enough to be lovers if they so desired.  Unfortunately, neither party are willing to comment on the matter, so rumors will continue to speculate) 
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quillofspirit · 11 months
In honour of me having absolutely no self-control whatsoever
Here are my thoughts if there were more horses in @esta-elavaris fics, featuring Theodora and Sybil! I'll leave the names up to imagination!
Theodora Byrne
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p.s. I only put the dress there because it's purple, and I can't get Theo in a purple dress out of my head, and I know it's not lilac but I love this colour
An Irish cob stallion. It would come in her life by accident. They did need a new horse, mostly for supplies, and Theo had been meaning to learn to ride better. First, she’d not be stuck with the slow horses, second she could race (and win) against James, third she would be able to go anywhere anytime. I think she’d come across it not when they’d first settled, but maybe 1 or 2 years after. They were receiving a carriage of supply, whether for their joint business or their home. The merchant lead the horse to the entrance, and made an off-hand comment about knowing a good stable if they needed horses, patting his cob’s wide neck. The supplies were being unloaded while they discussed easily. Theo found herself standing beside the horse, and startled when she felt the soft bristles of its nose on her cheek. She let it smell her, and it nuzzled into her neck, reminding her of her two beloved dogs. It struck her how similar the colours were too. She’d made her mind then, and the merchant had left with more coin and on foot.
The Irish cobs are known to be extremely gentle, yet capable horses. They are versatile, and while they generally won’t win all the races, they make incredible sturdy and remarkably comfortable companions. In my experience, some horses truly are agents of chaos. I think that would be a nice play by the universe if Theo was payed back all her chaos ten-fold in the form of a tall block of muscle that has found a way to open doors ☺️ I also was not not inspired to create an iconic duo of hair, with cobs having beautiful flowing manes and pretty feathers on their feet.
fun fact! this horse color is called a seal brown, and it love it
Also do forgive the brave vibes, I only realised later that I’d paired a fiery red head with a cob horse
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A Lusitano mare. Lusitanos are nowadays often used for dressage, though they used to be considered ideal horses for war. They are sure-footed, reliable, and have strong nerves. Lusitanos are incredibly loyal, they create strong bonds to their owners. On top of that, mares tend to have only a few humans they tolerate, and often have very strong personalities. I think a good fit for Sybil would be stubborn but love her to death, sometimes going a little too far to protect her, and be a little jealous at times. The type to request scratches and snort aggressively at someone if they interrupt their bonding time.
From what I understand of Sybil, she’d need a few weeks to really bond with her horse, but she would be absolutely delighted the first time her horse went at full speed. To feel the wind in her hair, the sun on her cheeks and the strong companion underneath her. Oh its a wonderful feeling.
BONUS the horse really didn’t like Boromir at first. I AM SORRY. I have this image in my head of Boromir saying something, Sybil deciding to walk it off, and going to her horse to brush it and think of other things - because brushing a horse is, in my opinion, one of the easiest ways to meditate - and Boromir following, only for the horse to put itself between them and paw at him. I love protective horses. And temperamental mares make the best companions with calmer riders.
Am I slowly starting to forcibly put more horses in everyting? yes. Will I apologize for wanting to share the beauty and chaos of horses? Never.
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ficfanatictrf · 2 years
Give me some vikky fluff where hes learning new things about his s/o's hobbies BUT they are really into Urban arts and literature and analyzing the art and books and film, PLEASEEE
I am so very sorry that this was so short! Spraypaint
Word Count : >1k
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If there was one thing about your relationship with Viktor that had been different than any other relationship you had in the past, it was the fact that he was always supportive of your artistic pursuits- even though he didn’t know a thing about art. 
When the two of you had first started dating, museums had been on the best date ideas. With the range of interests the two of you had combined, one of you always had information to tell the other about when it came to the subject material. It also was something that didn’t put too much strain on his leg, given that seating was always readily available. Plus, anytime he needed to rest was just an extra reason to talk. 
Viktor was a history buff it seemed, always telling you random little facts about the information in front of you. While anytime things had to do with art, you were able to feel how Viktor must feel all the time, being able to stun the person you were talking to with your expertise. 
You still remembered how after slipping away to go to the bathroom, you had come back to find Viktor intently looking at painting, Monet’s Impression, Sunrise. As you slipped up next to him, you whispered your own random fact, much like he did all the time. 
At the mention that when the painting had debuted, it had been heavily criticized. With the most famous review critiquing that it looked unfinished and similar to wallpaper, you could see Viktor’s brows scrunch up in confusion.
“How could someone assume this was unfinished?” The man whispered softly, looking for an area of the painting that wasn’t covered with paint. 
With a grin, you enjoyed that you got to explain a cliff-note version of the Impressionist movement in art. The two of you having ended up sitting down as he listened and asked questions - letting you info dump about the whole thing for over an hour. 
Even though it was the second date, that had been the date that Viktor had kissed you on your doorstep. Afterwards, he admitted that it was because of your passion that you spoke with that had truly cemented your place in his heart, the man finding you far to enamoring.
Each of you took turns picking the museum to visit. At first the two of you picked the ones that went with what you liked, but as the time passed the two of you started to pick the ones that would get the other to talk more. You would look for different scientific lectures, enjoying the little sidebar whispers that Viktor would add to whoever was talking. Either ideas on future research, little tidbits about the scientist, or even his own critiques over the person's work and how they conducted their experiments - how he would have done it better. 
Viktor would then also find the most hole-in-the-wall art exhibits he could find just so that you could go into detail about why the artist might have used the colors that they did or the meaning behind the different flowers or jewelry in the piece. 
It was how you found yourself heading down to the undercity. Viktor makes sure to get you both clothing that would allow you to blend in, but also a respirator mask to blend in even further. 
Sneakily, he had led you by the hand through the alleyways, refusing to give you any hints on what exactly you were going to see at the destination. 
As you rounded a corner, the sight before you was mesmerizing. 
Spray painted onto the walls was a woman with brown hair and, white birds soaring just beneath her. It was beautiful and the fact that Viktor was willing to bring you all the way there to see it was heartwarming. 
“This is something that has been here since my childhood. There are many places down here that have similar art to the pieces that you liked a lot at the last art exhibit we saw. I figured…well, maybe we could start making trips down here, safely, for you to see them?” 
“I would love that” 
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yourkimjaejin · 2 years
Aurora is NOT cute
Content Warning: This post contains conversations about periods and talks about period symptoms.
New Aurora post is here!! Have fun and thanks for reading! Enjoy! ~ Author Izzy
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Legend: During Candy Filming
“Okay CUT!. That was a great take guys. Aurora you especially. You’re so cute!! This concept was made for you.” The director turned his attention to the rest of the members not even seeing the scathing look the girl shot at him. “You all can take a break for a second while we reset.” At his words, The girl dressed in pink stormed off, slamming the door to the group's dressing room.
Mark waved off the crew's concern, gesturing that they would handle it. 
“Soooo, whose turn is it to handle this AB.” Haechan turned to the maknaes first. Chenle smirked.
“Well after the last one, Myself and Jisung were demoted to support so we cannot help unsupervised.” Haechan shook his head, he knew that would come back to haunt him. 
“I know it's not Mark’s or min. We handled the last one.” The singer turned to Jeno and Jaemin who were messing with the props of the set. “Don't look at us. We handled the one before that.” That took Jeno and Jaemin out. Then that leaves..
“Where’s Renjun?” Haechan asked. 
“He followed after Aurora.” their manager answered. Leave it to Renjun to know when it’s his turn. 
“I told you we needed to carry the schedule with us.” Jaemin said while spinning around in the chair. Jeno pushed him away while Jaemin shouted, “YAH!”
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Renjun eased the door open. He spotted Aurora pacing the floor before growing frustrated and flopping onto the couch. 
AB’s are code for Aurora Breakdowns. The Dreamies came up with the name after Aurora lost it when Haechan called her ‘shortie’ when they first met. Lets just say, Aurora made her presence known at that dance lesson. When it became apparent that Aurora was around to stay, the boys made it their mission to learn more about her. In a beautiful moment, a year later, Aurora confirmed they were more than friends. They were family. 
Soon after, the boys came up with a system to help Aurora when her teen years came to rear their head. Aurora was important to them and they wanted her to know they were there for her even when her brain tried to convince her otherwise. In a true moment of organization, they came up with a schedule of what members would help her anytime one of these AB’s came up. The schedule came with versions for when Aurora was with 127, Dream, WayV or AG. Because Aurora was with Dream it fell to Renjun to solve this.
“Rora? Can I come in?” Renjun didn’t set foot in the room without her permission. A groan was all he got in response. Hopefully, that is a good thing. Renjun walked in and shut the door quietly, just in case Aurora had a headache she didn’t tell anyone about. Renjun sat down next to the younger, grabbing her hand. A familiar gesture that would hopefully calm her down.
When her shoulders relaxed a bit, Renjun took a mental note: Okay she’s mad about something.
Renjun’s approach to AB’s is similar to Jisung’s. Be quiet and wait. Sometimes when Aurora’s mad talking makes it worse. Renjun would wait as long as he had to until Aurora felt like talking. Whether it took minutes or hours. 
Luckily today, it was minutes. 
“I hate being called cute.” The adjective haunted Aurora for years. After her parents divorced, Aurora and her mom moved back to Korea. Aurora was enrolled in the closest elementary school where she was faced with Minjae. This little twerp’s smirking face was embedded in 6 year old Aurora’s brain. Every day he managed to turn around and mockingly call out “OH LOOK!! IT’S CUTIE EUNJI!!!” 
If Aurora could have slapped without getting in trouble she would have but she was already on thin ice after stomping on her classmates foot for stealing her favorite pen. 
For week’s Aurora just took the jabs. Until she reached her boiling point. She may have gotten a suspension but hearing the impact of her six year-old fist against Minjae’s face brought her a satisfaction that no suspension could take away. But ever since she's been left with bitter feelings towards the word cute. It just got worse as puberty hit. 
She rejected anything that resembled ‘cute’. No pink, no skirts, and definitely no fluff or frills. She became the antithesis of cute and she LOVED it. 
Becoming a kpop idol was probably the wrong choice. 
Once again luck was on Aurora’s side because she started training with baby shinki which led to herself and Moxy becoming the first women in NCT. No more having to worry about cutesy concepts, too short skirts and fake lovey dovey eyes. She could be herself and no one would question her. 
Until today…
Chenle will swear up and down that Aurora glare could cut his head off when Dream’s manager explains to the group the concept for the Candy video. She kept her mouth shut as their director explained what would be going on during the filming. She kept her mouth shut as she was handed a fluffy pink sweater on the day of their photobook shoot. She kept her mouth shut every time the photographer asked her to brighten her smile. 
After all that, Today was just too much. She wanted out of the clothes and just wanted to go home.
Renjun grabbed Aurora's hand, “First off, It's not a bad thing, being called cute. Trust me. I know more than anyone how grating it is to be known as the cute one.” Tugging on her hand, Aurora met his eyes, “What you have to focus on is the facts. Me, the members, and our trusted managers would never call you cute to mock you. You have a feral cuteness that fits you. There’s a reason Haechan likes to glomp onto you when you glare at him.” That memory made Aurora laugh. 
“I just thought he was a masochist.” Renjun was stunned by the younger one even knowing what that word means. 
“First off, why do you know that?” When Aurora shrugged, Renjun shook his head. “You know what? I don’t wanna know. Secondly….you’re probably right.” The two laughed, some levity entering the room.
“You’ve been called cute before and you were able to shake it off and keep going.” At Renjun’s words Aurora went stiff. She kept her eyes on the ground but Renjun could see through that. Her gaze keeps shifting from crack to crack, Never staying in one place. 
“Is there a reason you had a worse reaction today than years ago?” Aurora sighed, tension escaping her tiny frame. Renjun didn’t speak letting his question hang between them until Aurora felt comfortable enough to answer
“I started early.” A pink blush rose across her cheek. Renjun, on the other hand, was panicking.
“What!!? But you’re scheduled for three days from now.” Renjun whipped out his phone to check the period tracker on his phone. The boys had a discussion after the disaster of Aurora first period that one of them should keep track of her periods going forward. So if Aurora was away from her AG members, they could still help. All of them, while willing to help, decided to delegate this to one person through a game of rock, paper, scissors. 
Renjun lost. 
“I don't know. Hannah unnie warned me that flows can change days whenever they feel like it. I took medicine this morning and I have backup’s in case of changes.” the blush grew furious. While appreciating the help, it was still embarrassing to talk about with her male members. 
“Luckily, your first day is usually light. Were you cramping this morning?” Renjun vetted answers to jot down on the symptoms chart. Aurora answers quietly. The reassuring look on her oppa’s face helps the embarrassment run its course. 
“OKAY! Now that's done let's get back out there.” The two stood up but Renjun embraced the younger before they opened the door. 
“You may be cute but you're also fierce. You can be both.” He let go but kept a hold of her shoulders. Aurora's eyes shined, a small smile on her face. Renjuns smile mirroring hers. “Be both, Eunji-ah.” Aurora took a deep breath, letting everything shed away, leaving determination in its wake. Renjun waited until Aurora nodded to open the door
Behind the door was their other members waiting to see if everything was ok. They all looked relieved to see Aurora calm and ready to film. Renjun discreetly caught Jaemin and Haechan’s gaze and mouthed ‘Code: Red’. Nodding back, The two immediately covered the youngest member between them using their natural charms to keep Aurora distracted yet focused on finishing their filming.
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leorawright · 2 years
Hello there! ♡
Oh boy..it's hard to pick between Overwatch and Resident Evil 8, xhisdnznksso I'll pick Overwatch match up! Please and thank you! This was actually a hard decision!
I'm agender, lesbian, INFJ (very accurate) and Gemini Sun, Aquarius Moon, and Leo Rising.
I'm 5'2, with blue eyes, fair skin, brown hair (I get headaches if it's too long ;-;) and a curvy body type. My clothing style is a bit wacky, I sorta wear anything and don't match. If I had a NASA sweater, I'd wear it all the time. I'm a BIG ole science nerd!
My dream job was to be an astronaut or something that deals with space entirely, but that got messed up in high school. Hence why it’s a dream now :(. Now it’s to be an artist or writer because it’s one of the ways I know how to express myself.
I'm not comfortable with my own feelings, so I have trouble expressing them, believing that if I do, only bad things will open. I often stay trapped in my own thoughts. I'm very loyal, can be awkward in most situations(very uncomfortable in social situations), selfless, and love to help people no matter what. Once I've opened up to anyone, I don't shut up, and I love to goof around with them. I don't actually get mad. It's a hard emotion to get out of me. However, I'm told that I am quite tone deaf, not with music but actually talking tones.
I love to write, draw, fold origami, play games and listen to music(any genre that isn't country). I enjoy space and looking at the stars, I can sit for hours talking about them. Scary movies, I LOVE watching them so much. I wish to travel the world but funds and a fear of heights stop me. Greek mythology is wonderful as well!
It's probably not important, but I do have anxiety and depression.. I have breakdowns, but not as often as I used to.
Things I don’t like..The one thing I can think of is when someone assumes something about me. I can get rather defensive over the assumption and cry about it later, LOL. I’m also kinda a picky eater, but I’m willing to try new foods?
Things that attract me..I've never given much thought to it. I'd say that a few similar general interests, doesn't have to be a ton! I love learning new things, so if interests don't match fully, I'll be learning more about the person and what they like. ♡
Thank you so much in advance, and I'm sorry if it's kinda long qwq ♡
You know what boo? Just for you I'll do both Overwatch and Resident Evil!
For Overwatch I've decided on...
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For Ashe, loyalty is very important so you two fight perfectly in that category!
She can easily handle social situations for you and honestly she's happy too!
You being slow to anger balances her out since sometimes her anger can get a bit much (although she never yells at you)
She's a little appalled you don't listen to country music but it's not a game changer for her
She always shows you the best stargazing spots and she learned how to make an origami flower to give you
She's always on the lookout for any signs that your depression is hitting hard that day bevause if it is she'll have a quiet day in with you
She doesn't mind you being a picky eater in fact if you only ever ate one food she'd drive to the other side of the country to get it for you
She's down to watch scary movies anytime with you and she also is very intently listening when you talk to her about Greek mythology
If anyone mentions your mismatched clothes Ashe informs them that in fact you look amazing and they need to mind their own business
For Resident Evil 8? I've gotta say...
Donna Beneviento!
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Donna is such a sweetheart
She doesn't mind your clothes, in fact she makes you a lot of clothes and she's delighted I'd you wear them
Her gardens provide a great view of the stars and sometimes Donna and you go for midnight walks under the stars.
She doesn't like social situations either so you two often stay in Donna's house
She loves listening to you talk and is super happy you don't get mad easily because she deals with enough anger when she's around Dimitrescu and Heisenberg
Despite how terrifying her power can be horror movies aren't her favorite so expect her to hide in your side during them
She'd love to learn origami and she'd be delighted if you taught her
She knows a bit of Greek mythology but is happy to learn more
She's super understanding about your depression and assures you she'll always do her best to help you
She's pretty open minded about new people so don't worry about her assuming things about you
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
Ramble About: 2k12 Karai! Specifically, her dealing with her new siblings [Foot!Casey AU basically] xD
| ramble about your muse
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I will be keeping this mostly to the foot!Casey Au cause im living for this whole concept now uwu
At first karai like many kids when new kids are brought into the family hated them. Well more the idea of her father having more kids.
it didn't take long for the three to become close however
Angel is just pure baby and Karai took to being a big sister pretty easy
I like to think Karai helps with doing Angel's hair
that the two have little slumber parties that Casey either is allowed to join or just sort of joins in on
The first time Angel refered to Karai as her big sister she almost cried. She has some family issue all things consider so it was nice.
She tots uses Angel to gag up on Casey cause Angel can get him to agree to anything.
She has "bought" a lot of gifts for Angel over the years
Casey took a bit more to warm up to cause of them having similar tempers and Casey being pretty brash
Karai now feeling she had competition for Shredders approval as well considering she and Casey are the same age (some sexist bullshit too since Casey's a boy I sure she felt her place could be taken at any moment as the heir to Shredders clan.)
With all this pressure one day Shredder snapped at her and she handle it fine in front of everyone but once she could she took off and hid to cry.
Casey came to check on her and manged to cheer her up cause well hes a lovable idiot.
Soon Casey wasn't just a sort of rival but also a source of comfort.
She wasn't alone anymore she had siblings and that kind of changed everything for her.
Casey and Her fight all the time often butting heads ofc but anytime someone wanted to call out Casey as merely being adopted in the clan? they were dealing with Karai.
Casey lives for the fact hes a month older than her and during that month where he is she has to deal with him being the biggest bitch. Since Casey likes to say he's the oldest meanwhile Karai all well im the heir but age matter more apparently XD
Despite all this because Karai is known as a trouble maker rebel as they got older she used to sneak him and her out so they could sneak into hockey games. Especially for his brithday.
Karai, Casey and Angel often would do this as well just sneak out into the town for a bit
If Shredder got mad Karai always took the fall for them all. So to protect the other two and because Shredder would hold back a bit with Karai.
I can see the three of them getting all done up like doing make up get dressed up in street clothes and such to hit the city or just something to do at home.
They likely had a sort of movie night thing to least when younger when they got older not as easy since karai often is busy with foot clan stuff to learn from Shredder.
I feel Shredder dose plan on each kid doing something in the clan when they get older. Karai is still heir but maybe plans Casey being like right hand so the one in charge of missions which is why he gets the mission to play double agent later.
Even if they fight often they do have nice moments here and there so when Casey was given his mission to be double agent so to speak? She was very worried
Casey is a bitch and such but Karai knows he has a good heart as well so she keep tabs on his progress
When she noticed he seemed to be getting closer to Raphael though? She worried not ever thinking he betray them no because eventually Casey was going to have to betray Raph and that may lead to Casey's heart being broken
Often would tease him over this obvious development but it was her way of checking in on him.
Look she knows hes a freak and monster fucker but she can tell Casey clearly caught feelings here.
Karai is known to throw some wins at the turtles in this AU it was away to let Casey have more time because she could tell her brother was actually enjoying his time, buying him a bit more of that before things had to be put to an end
In other words despite all their head butting Karai would do anything for her brother to be happy and her sister of course.
Once Casey's cover is blown and his mission is considered a success? Karai poses Shredder should maybe keep the turtles? Since he hasn't fully decided what to do. Her motive? maybe Casey can still be with Raph somehow.
I never liked this jacket as part of her wardrobe so I have decided it's Casey's and she fucking stole it uwu
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mxstball · 17 days
[Scorching Sandgems] A Phone Call
Oreburgh City, Sinnoh
Heidi, Sapphire, and Lati were resting at the Pokémon Center. The two trainers agreed to meet up and hang out at the Pokémon Center of each town since they were taking a similar path. So, they were exchanging information and talking about their journey so far.
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"Wow, so you got Roark's badge already? How was it?" Heidi was amazed by Sapphire's progress.
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"Pretty straight-forward, actually." Sapphire nodded. "Piplup kind of carried me the entire way. Have you tried to challenge him yet, mom?"
Heidi shook her head. "Not yet. Lati and I have been taking our time to study the wildlife. She's been really curious about them."
Lati giggled. "We saw this teeny tiny Zubat! He was soooo cute."
"A Zubat? That's awesome! Did you battle it?"
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"Uh-huh! He used Absorb and it tickled… but then I was so dizzy from Supersonic… but then mom caught him! We're friends now!"
"Oh! That's so cool! Though, I'm surprised that he didn't use Leech Life on you--"
Heidi shook her head. "Leech Life is a much stronger move in this world than back home, Sapphire. If it had that, then Lati wouldn't have stood a chance."
"It is?" Sapphire tilted her head. "How'd you learn that?"
Heidi blushed. "...the hard way--"
"Oh… right… sorry. I'll have to look into that, then." She nodded. "Who knew that even existing moves can be different between the worlds. I'll have to research more into that, then."
Just as they were finishing that portion of their conversation, Ghost appeared next to Heidi and started to ring. It seems that someone was calling her. Heidi grabbed Ghost and checked to see who it was from.
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"...? Lauren? Hey, Sapph, Lati. I'll be right back. Your aunt's calling me." Heidi got up and walked outside.
"Okay! Tell Auntie I said hi!" Lati was emphatically waving.
When Heidi picked up the phone, Lauren looked a little relieved. She wasn't sure if it were too early in the morning to call.
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"Hello? What's up, big sis?"
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"Morning, little sis. Hope it wasn't too early."
"No. Just in time." Heidi chuckled. "I was just spending some time with Sapphire and Lati at the Pokémon Center. Lati says 'hi', by the way. She brings you up anytime we register a Pokémon in the Pokédex."
"Awww… tell my little niece that I said 'hello'. So, your journey's been going well so far?"
"Yeah. Sapphire's more focused on the gym challenge, but Lati and I have been taking our time to see the different Pokémon in the area. She's especially enamored with the different sizes of even the same species. I'll have you examine my dex progress later but you'll see that we registered a lot of the species in the area of all different sizes. Though, we normally just release them right after."
"Makes sense. You don't want to mess with the local habitat just for a little bit of fun."
"Yeah. It's also teaching her to say goodbye to friends and to let go, too. She felt a bit heartbroken when we first started releasing, but she's been really mature about it ever since."
"Aww. That's good for her. She's growing up so well -- and quickly, too."
"Yeah…" Heidi giggled. "Anyway, did you look into that space tear sample that I gave you?"
"That's actually one of the two things that I need to talk to you about. I did… and I know who caused it."
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"Oh! Well, that was quick. Let's talk about that first, and then we can get to your other thing."
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"Alright." Lauren pulled up the sample on her end. "I ran an analysis of the space scar. Both Chrona and I can confirm that there is only a single species of Pokémon that can do something like that: Palkia."
"So, I was right, then." Heidi crossed her arms. The phone simply floated. 
"But that's not the weird part about it. I was also able to identify the world of origin of this Palkia, and… you won't believe this."
"Already? That was quick."
"Yeah, and that's the problem. It was quick because… I know this Palkia --"
"You do? Who is it?"
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"Pally-- Morrigan's Palkia."
Heidi nearly choked at the news. That was the Palkia from Lauren's home world. What could it be doing here in this world? Could Morrigan be up to something? There's no way that she could be onto them already… right?
"Daiyu told me that Palkia hasn't been seen since before the war -- that it disappeared from the world to avoid getting involved in killing it. There were even rumors that Morrigan killed it to prevent it from getting away. What would it be doing here, and why would it show up now of all things?"
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"I don't know, but, no matter what its reasons are, I don't think it's for asylum."
"Perhaps not. Either way, be on your guard. Chrona has already gone to Sinnoh to investigate further. Should she contact you, then you know what it's for."
"Got it. Thanks, Lauren."
0 notes
They're Mates
Summary - Feyre meets Rhys's Inner Circle and witnesses the strength of the mating bond.
Warnings - abusive family mentioned
Other Notes - 1k words; Please note that most of these lines/plot points are inspired or directly quoted from ACOMAF; I gave reader the name 'Vee' because I know y/n can be obnoxious and i also think it adds to the Az x Reader story.
Part Two
Feyre looked up to see the same two males from earlier standing in the doorway, grinning, and a new presence. A beautiful female with wings like the others. She wore a deep blue gown that reached the floor––her hair resting over both her shoulders. The two males wore black leather with a sword strapped against their backs. Feyre noted the power each of them seemed to hold.
The male who was a bit large than the other, spoke up with a light chuckle. “We don’t bite. Unless you ask to us to Feyre.”
The female shot him a pointed look. “Last time I checked, nobody wanted to take you up on that offer, Cassian.” The male who stood between the female and Cassian let out a light, short, laugh before whispering something into the female’s ear making her eyes twinkle subtly. Feyre watched as Cassian gave his own pointed look.
“No secrets in front of our guest, Az,” Cassian said with a grin.
The light danced across their faces allowing Feyre to observe their physical features for a moment. Similar to Rhysand, all three were dark-haired. Both males had tanned skin and hazel eyes. Feyre couldn’t quite tell the eye color of the female standing next to Az, but she gave off an heir of beauty and power.
Cassian grinned again, looking Rhys and Feyre up and down. “You made poor Feyre dress up, brother,” he said before winking in her direction. His features were rough like someone had molded him, from the earth.
The second male was more classically beautiful, though hard to read. He was certainly the one who would be a surprise in the dark, the hidden knife. Feyre noticed the light sparkle in his anytime he looked at the female to his left. It piqued a curiosity in Feyre.
Rhys said, “Azriel––my spymaster,” indicating the one in the middle. He then indicated the female. “Vee. An emissary for the Night Court.” A name, Feyre later learned, Az had adopted for the emissary after she declared she did not want the name her abusive family had given her.
She immediately offered her hand with a warm smile. “Welcome, Feyre.” She gently squeezed Feyre’s before she quickly let go and Feyre does her best to not seem eager as she stepped back to stand next to the High Lord of the night Court, again.
“You’re brothers?” Feyre asked. The two males before her looked similar. The kind of similar where people who come from the same place do, not familial similar.
“All bastards are brothers in some sense,” Rhys responded, sticking his hands in his pockets.
Before Feyre could ask Cassian said, “And I command Rhys’s armies.”
Feyre nodded, shifting on her feet slightly before her eyes glanced to see Azriel taking another glance in the emissary’s direction. She looked right back with a smile that showed a clear fondness for the spymaster. The moment went as quickly as it came when Az turned his gaze to Feyre. “Cassian also excels at pissing everyone off. Especially amongst our friends. So, as a friend of Rhysand, good luck.”
Feyre was giving more attention to not being recognized as the girl Under the Mountain. She wondered, for just a moment if they knew––maybe they didn’t. That was quickly  answered when Cassian nudged past the Night Court’s spymaster requiring Az to flare his wings to keep himself balanced. Feyre watched Vee’s hand fall to Azriel’s lower back to assist. Feyre noticed the fleeting moment of eye contact between the spymaster and the emissary, but it quickly became a second thought as Cassian asked his question about how Feyre had made the bone ladder in the Middengard Wyrm’s lair, when as he put it, “you looked like your own bones could snap at any moment.”
Vee shot Cassian another pointed gaze, but it turned into a grin after Feyre made a sarcastic comment of her own. The general laughed and Azriel’s eyebrow lifted with approval as the shadows swirled around him, tighter. Feyre’s need to understand the gift only furthered when the shadows swirled up and around Vee’ wrist playfully, before weaving around the ends of her hair.
Her curiosity once again was pushed to the side when Feyre heard, thankfully, a familiar voice…Mor. “I hope Cassian’s howling means Feyre told him to shut his fat mouth.”
Vee quickly whispered something into Az’s ear, his shadows lightened slightly from around him. Feyre’s curiosity about the nature of their relationship increasing.
“I don’t know why I forget you two are related,” Cassian told Mor, while glancing over at Rhys for just a moment. “You two and your clothing.” The High Lord rolled his eyes, but Feyre had her own focus on the emissary and the spymaster who were both standing in silence, stealing glances at each other.
“I wanted to impress Feyre. You could have tried to make an effort to comb your hair,” Mor responded.
Cassian braced his feet a little farther apart on the floor in a fighting stance Feyre recognized, perhaps too well. “Unlike some people, I have better things to do with my time than sit in front of the mirror for hours,” the general bit back.
“Yes,” Mor said, tossing her hair over her shoulder, “since swaggering around––”
“We have company,” Azriel said in a soft warning, spreading his wings as he tried to herd everyone.
“Relax, Az,” Mor said as she dodged the spymaster’s outstretched wing. “We won’t fight. We promised Rhys.”
Feyre barely noticed Az stop in his tracks, letting out the smallest of huff and his shadows seem to become thicker. She then watched as Vee took one of Az’s hands in her own, gently pressing her lips to the back of it. His shadows lightened around him. Apparently the question about their relationship reached Feyre’s face because Rhys leaned down slightly to say, “They’re mates. Azriel and Vee. They’ve known each other a little over 500 years and been mates just under 500.”
Feyre considered that fact, thinking there was something delicately beautiful about nearly 500 years of commitment between the two. Now she just had a few thousand more questions about the court’s spymaster and emissary. Question she decided were for another time as Mor indicated the empty seat beside her. Feyre knew the image of Az whispering into his mate’s ear and the twinkle in her eye would be etched into the back of her mind forever.
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red-scarf1 · 2 years
A Red Scarf For Amazing Women
The scarves characterize the red ribbon which is the worldwide symbol of HIV/AIDS awareness. Not only do the scarves help elevate consciousness about HIV/AIDS, but additionally they share the warmth for many who could also be in need. Ji-li's red scarf is her connection to stuff that occurred method again when, before she was even born. She's happy with her heritage and wears that purple scarf with delight learn more.
Just for joining you’ll get personalised recommendations in your dashboard day by day and features just for members. You can opt-out of the sale or sharing of a red cashmere scarf anytime. After a dangerous escape, Sofia endures months of desolation and hardship. But, clinging to a promise she made to Anna, she subsists on the belief that sometime she will observe down Vasily. In a distant village, she’s nursed again to health by a Gypsy household, and there she finds more than refuge–she also finds Mikhail Pashin, who, her heart tells her, is Vasily in disguise.
Pink Takes A Bold Leap Of Faith In ‘trustfall’ Video
Combining the scarf reference with the re-release of Red, the red scarf emoji is the proper image to help Swift right now. It's a giant day for her fans as November 12, 2021 marks the day that Swift releases the re-recording of her album Red. She's launching the report in a giant means, as she additionally debuts her brief movie All Too Well, which is predicated off of the music of the identical name. Between Warwickand the entire world searching for this scarf, it's sure to achieve Taylor finally.Right? It's unclear — but what is obvious is that purple scarfs are in larger demand than ever, and now's the time to get in on this season's most-talked-about accessory. It was boring so I determined to write about issues I love.
It's a beautiful vivid Mandarin Red colour with a tasseled trim.
Cameras flashed to Frankel reading messages from Krauss during a solid highway trip, saying “he doesn’t stop” with the messages.
Over the years, the headscarf has turn into a logo of heartbreak and a source of cultural curiosity.
Meaning the scarf could be on its means again to her at this very moment.
For those excited about scarf-making, merely use a pair of knitting needles and a ball of yarn.
Even a stupid non-romantic fool like myself knows that a Rinne Date has dual meanings… it’s a vacation that’s historically celebrated with family… but particularly has been a well-liked holiday for couples. If Hinata was any other girl--she would have both jumped to conclusions after I gave her the ring and thought I was mocking her emotions or--worse, get totally turned off by the idea of marrying me. I totally bombed on the gift-giving front, and but I’m in a place to stroll out of right here with the promise of a rinne date. It’s… it’s simply, I’ve by no means received...something so fairly as a gift earlier than.” she says. When I look down, I’m surprised to see a version of Hinata with shoulder size hair, a stoic look on her face.
Mutsu from Sekirei wears a yellow scarf, and is doubtless certainly one of the strongest of the titular battle aliens. In Saki Achiga-hen, Yuu Matsumi, who is especially prone to chilly, wears a shawl even in the summer. During some of her extra impressive moments, it seems as this, similar to when Izumi displays on how she's unable to win towards Yuu and two other third-years. And makes it stay as much as the "Ass-kicking" part, by turning it into a lethal Whip Sword. Since her major mode of transportation is a supersonic Vespa, it makes a bit more sense than most...
Vmas 2022: Taylor Swift Declares Brand New Album 'midnights'
Strictly Necessary Cookie ought to be enabled always in order that we are ready to save your preferences for cookie settings. “I love you too.” I hear myself say and a small part of me--in the again of my brain--told me to recollect this second. Just then I caught sight of the froggy purse that I obtained her for a Rinne present, a froggy purse that was sticking it’s tongue out at me. I await Hinata’s response, which takes some time, as a result of I could tell she’s making an attempt to consider a pleasant way to reject this really sloppy proposal. Look at her--the first girl I ask out and she’s already gonna run for the hills... ” she’s eager to point out me her group too, and it type of makes all the warm and fuzzy emotions I actually have for her grow even more--she loves and respects her staff identical to I do.
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At the same time, Ji-Li is too intelligent to disregard the ironies and contradictions in her tormentors' dogma. Jiang's writing sometimes strains for effect, and the narrative ends abruptly, but the story is partaking. She is a real hero who actually relates her experiences as a child in a complicated time, her growing conclusions about what was happening around her -- and the difficult selections she had to make. Parents need to know that this a memoir of a lady rising up during China's Cultural Revolution and contains particulars about beatings and suicides. Ji-Li Jiang paints a clear and devastating portrait of a brutal political motion that ruined many lives -- and had a deep impact on her family. The engaging story makes younger readers want to know more concerning the subject.
Perfect for on a daily basis put on, we're keen on the superbly portioned sq. silhouette that may fold up and fit into your bag when living life on the go. However, as the short ends, it's price noting that one explicit Easter egg involving a red scarf serves a very meta function. Browse forty two,620 pink scarf inventory pictures and images out there, or seek for pink scarf isolated or floating pink scarf to search out extra nice stock pictures and footage. Originally released in 2012 on her album Red, this five-minute ballad turned an prompt fan favorite. While some of us could not even keep in mind who we had been in 2012 (I was a twelve-year-old who definitely couldn't comprehend a metaphor), Swift unapologetically recalls her expertise with perfect readability and sentiment. Besos' pink scarves and purple shawls range in design and color from dark ruby purple to burnt shades of brick and pale pink.
No worries, we only use your email to inform you when this item is back in stock. Ji-li's name for a person who tries to get her to testify towards her father. He leads the Red Guards in the search of the Jiang house that discovers the incriminating letter written by Ji-li's mother. Listen to the story of Vanessa the Lost Butterfly, impressed by the painting ‘Flowers in a Glass Vase’ by Davidsz de Heem.
This merchandise article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all gadgets. However, fans consider he might have responded through a cat account on Instagram that is rumored to belong to him. On Tuesday, the Instagram account, @ms.flufflestiltskin, posted a photo with the caption, "MEOUCH — y'all need to clam down and cease cyber bullying." Top editors provide the tales you want — delivered proper to your inbox every weekday. Fans consider the song was inspired by Jake Gyllenhaal and a few have demanded he return the scarf to Swift. Christa entered the challenge to honor her family’s long custom of serving our country.
Red Scarf Pictures, Photographs And Inventory Pictures
But when Comrade Li, certainly one of Mao's political officers, moves into a room in their apartment, Ling begins to witness the gradual disintegration of her world. In an atmosphere of accelerating mistrust, Ling fears for the safety of her neighbors and, quickly, for herself and household. I struggled to finish it because of the pain in the guide. I all the time picture myself as the main particular person in a guide so whilst an grownup I had graphic nightmares after I listened to it. Death, murder, graphic suicide, primary characters thoughts of suicide, abuse, assault, hunger, family separation, wrongful imprisonment.
Searches for “Taylor Swift pink cardigan” additionally increased by 4,350 p.c after the album’s launch. The search refers again to the knit cardigan the singer released on her merchandise store after the rereleased album dropped. Swift’s impression extended to beauty, with searches for “what red lipstick does Taylor Swift wear” increasing by 800 %. Swift, who has lengthy been a fan of red lipstick and has frequently worn the color during her press appearances for the album, has not revealed the model of her go-to lipstick. We also defined the meaning of the red scarf…my daughter was slightly unhappy about why they wore the headscarf and puzzled about why they can’t have freedom like we do. After a couple of considerate moments, she proudly introduced that since she is an American, she will wear that scarf to assist her remember to hope for those children!
Fans imagine that Taylor's confirmation of the headscarf being a metaphor is eluding to Taylor’s sexual debut - aka dropping her virginity. This limited-edition silk twill scarf by Ed Ruscha, produced by Massif Central, has been launched by and Gagosian. one hundred pc of sales will go to , the place the web proceeds raised will help the battle for equitable entry to COVID reduction within the world’s most vulnerable communities. Doubling the impact, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will generously match every dollar raised for the Global Fund. She graduated from Shanghai Teachers' College and Shanghai University and was a science teacher earlier than she got here to the United States in 1984. After her graduation from the University of Hawaii, Ms. Jiang worked as an operations analyst for a resort chain in Hawaii,then as budget director for a health-care company in Chicago.
He is pressured to do exhausting labor and is possibly tortured with out being allowed to see his household. Ji-Li's father is one of the causes for Ji-li's troubles in class, and in life. His being a rightist has put her into conditions the place she can't do what she wants. Ji-li's grandma was married to a landlord which is taken into account a fourold.
Wine Purple Cashmere Scarf Mikasa Ackerman Scarf
It pairs nicely with impartial colors, adding a bright pop to any outfit. It makes for an ideal accent on a cold autumn or spring evening so that you simply can keep heat. Johnstons of Elgin is a luxurious trend model with a rich historical past relationship again to 1797. Based in Scotland, the model is understood for its high-quality craftsmanship and timeless type. From traditional cashmere knitwear to fashionable accessories, Johnstons of Elgin provides a variety of kinds for all ages.
It is tremendous lengthy and wide and can maintain you warm and comfortable. The scarf is created from a high-quality 100 percent wool cashmere. Ultra cozy and heat, enjoy a heat winter with this cashmere scarf. Please change your delivery location to avoid losing gadgets from your buying bag throughout checkout. Incredibly gentle cashmere yarn with a raw edge and 3cm fringe, this scarf has an analogous end to the Classic cashmere scarf in Slate. Stay cozy with the enduring enchantment of hunting examine pattern this winter.
Men's 100% Cashmere Red/black Square Verify Tartan Plaid Scarf Made In Scotland
I authorize the use of my personal knowledge for the profiling functions indicated in the'Privacy Policy. You look great within the jacket and will most likely give others an opportunity to enjoy their excellent hue of red. I recognize that you just identified the totally different reds.
Personalise our cashmere scarves in an array of colors with up to three initials. Unfortunately it arrived over every week after Christmas as a result of some delays in delivery and I needed to get a backup Christmas present. I appreciated the team’s monitoring and communications in the course of the delay. I didn't purchase the two Ovcio scarves I gave as Christmas presents to my wife and adult daughter until December sixteen, 2022; so, they did not arrive in time for Christmas. However, once they did arrive, they were a giant hit. The texture was scrumptious and the scarves have been well made.
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The most typical scarf measurement is a hundred and fifty cm x 30 cm/60" x 12", which was simply too brief for most men, resulting in insufficient safety from the weather. Select a sort choice to type products on this category. Cashmere pashmina into your rotation, for a wardrobe that works. All orders are shipped directly from our Edinburgh warehouse, where Kiltane operates from Monday - Friday, excluding UK public holidays. At a time when our governments are flouting our democratic values. With its giant bands of color and its 2.30 m length, this huge maxi scarf...
Not only is this cashmere scarf fully breathable, it’s extremely soft with no itchy side effects. We made sure to cost this scarf to be affordable, so you'll find a way to wrap yourself in cashmere and hold additional cash in your wallet. Enjoy the luxurious drape of the red cashmere scarf.
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Perhaps it will turn out to be a chunk she will by no means take off. I even have a pair of purple leather gloves to brighten my black or grey winter coats. By selecting the Create Account button I comply with receive day by day e mail alerts in your fabulous new designer sales launching every day on BrandAlley. Leave it to Loewe to make the perfect cashmere scarf. This kelly-green scarf will add some shade to your life. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas - but what's your progress report on presents?
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You’ll also want the receipt or proof of purchase. Their brilliant purple lips are painted to provide the illusion of a flower bud. Red is an element of life in Japan, and we honour its custom and natural magnificence in our assortment of brilliant purple scarves. Enjoy our choice of scarves in purple, pink, orange, purple and related colours. Owning a scarf made from cashmere is an indulgence to be really treasured— after all, it takes one little goat 4 years to provide enough wool to make just one scarf.
For the sustainably minded, you may wish to put money into a shawl made from recycled cashmere. If you scroll through Who What Wear on any given day, you'd most likely glean that we love French fashion. One may assume that our obsession is rooted within the release of the third season of Netflix's breakout showEmily in Paris, starring our latest cowl starLily Collins. But in truth, we wereabout French trend long earlier than it grew to become a half of the broader zeitgeist. From searchingParis's runways for trends to scouring our feeds for outfit inspiration, we will not get sufficient of every thing French adjoining.
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multifandomwritings · 3 years
hi!! can i request a slashers x fem! s/o who has really bad explosive anger issues
a s/o whos basically a huge girly girl. im talking about plushies, pink everything, skirts, heels, etc lmao.
Hi! Sorry for the wait! I decided to do the second request because I had more ideas for it ^^ Hope you like it! (Also, I didn't include everyone I usually do! Sometimes some people might be omitted if I can't think of anything. If anyone requests and absolutely wants a certain character included be sure to say so! I'll include most of them most of the time but yah ^^)
How the slashers would react to a girly S/O
- You're so cute 🥺 And pretty 👉👈 No he isn't staring! (If you catch him he'll be so embarrassed plz)
- Brings you flowers he finds around the fields and forest surrounding the house, thinking of you each time he sees them :')
- He really isn't one to care too much about style but he thinks you're so bright and pretty! Probably feels a little insecure about himself since he is all dirty and such but if you reassure him he'll be wrapped around your finger
(a random thought: Thomas would adore being doted over, complimented and praised. I will not elaborate at this time lol x_x)
- Thinks you’re so cute and will stare at you very obviously. Not really in a creepy way? (Okay kind of creepy) But he just thinks you’re pretty!
- Plushies? He will melt at how cute this is. Will also steal one, but he'll feel bad about later and will return it (hoping you don't notice it disappeared)
- Constantly admiring you and complimenting you. He adores your style and isn't shy to tell you so
- Pretty indifferent to personal style and appearance in general, tbh. Still, he'd be a bit amused by your love of pink and cute things like plushies. You are the total opposite of him and he can't help but find it a little endearing
- Anytime he sees cute and pinks things while ~out and about~ he tilts his head and thinks of you. Contemplates taking it to you but...No
- Well, maybe. Sometimes. Only if he knows you won't know it was him that gave it, though. (Cue you finding a random plushie you've never seen before among your own and being like...Michael??? *door closes in distance as he quickly exits*)
- Jason doesn’t care too much about style and such, you’re perfect no matter what! Still, he does find you totally adorable
- Like Thomas, he'll bring you things like flowers and such he finds that reminds him of you
- He adores how colorful your outfits can be and how bright you are. Your love for plushies is also extremely sweet to him :') (brings you a random forest animal one day since you seemingly like fluffy little animals and you're like um...Jason what am I supposed to do with this squirrel :/ and the squirrel is like lol yall why :/ but he MEANS WELL)
- Bubba adores it so much. You look like a doll, wearing all pink, skirts, heels, etc.
- Supportive and compliments you a lot. Notices anytime you wear something new and makes sure you know how pretty it is! If he sees something pretty and pink you're definitely getting it
- Also thinks your love of plushies is very cute. He's pretty crafty and will probably make you his own version if you like
Chop Top:
- Thinks you're cute! Gives weird compliments though but he means well
- He'll steal your clothes and plushies sometimes. He'll also give you new ones though, don't worry y/n :^)
- He would like any kind of personal expression as far as style goes. Whatever that means to each individual doesn't matter, but he would appreciate when people (you in this context) outwardly express themselves. In other words he likes your style a lot lol:)
- No comment really, especially at first, but thinks you're cute. No, he isn't staring. No, he isn't blushing, either. sHH
- Gives you plushies that are slightly dirty that came from who knows where. He's very eager and happy about it so....accept and cherish them lol
- Cute and shy compliments. You're pretty 🥺 You're so bright and colorful :') You look like a flower <3 things like that (very supportive in other words, says sweet stuff like that every day)
- Thinks you're cute, and he'll be sure to tell you often in his own way
- He is shameless when it comes to admiring you. He would no matter what your style was to be honest, looking you up and down while you watch and grinning if he gets you to blush
- Calls you surprisingly sweet monikers (honey, sweetheart, etc) constantly. So often, in fact, that when he actually uses your name you get surprised
- Subtle and probably doesn't seem to notice/pay much attention, visibly. He definitely does notice though, he's just more of the ~admires from afar~ type
- Makes you pretty art you inspired. Paintings, wax figurines, etc. all in pastel colors and of pretty things that reminded him of you
- He really thinks you're so pretty regardless of style though. Like of course he loves your style. But you could really wear a potato sack and he'd think you're the most beautiful person because he's romantic lol
- Genuinely admires you. You're so pretty and bright! He'll stare when he thinks you aren't looking, shyly turning away if you catch him (or just smiling shamelessly because why wouldn't he stare??)
- Gives the cutest compliments. They're always a little awkward and badly phrased which is what makes them so endearing
- Your love for plushies really does him in. It's the cutest thing ever and he's very supportive, also loves them he learns. If he finds them while out and about he'll pick one up every now and then and melts at your reactions to them
Billy Lenz:
- Fascinated, he loves your bright colors and style. He's another one that doesn't really care about style and appearance and such, but he thinks you're very pretty:)
- He already calls you his piggy anyways but since you're so pretty and colorful, now he has a million other variations to call you
- Billy, like Brahms, would also steal one of your plushies. However, as Billy is a gremlin, he would not return it. Tough luck, Y/N :^) 
Asa Emory (The Collector):
- He adores your style so much and isn’t shy to express it. You’re wearing heels/skirt? Asa will be staring shamelessly
- He thinks of you more than you'd think. Anytime he sees something that reminds him of you, he’ll surprise you with it, though in a subtle way, leaving it for you to find later (will wait around for you to mention something about it later expectantly)
- 100% will give you bug plushies with a deadly serious face. Don't laugh, Y/N 👀
Tiffany Valentine:
- She adores it! You have similar tastes but you're like the pastel, pink version and she thinks it's precious (this would be such a cute pair T-T)
- Shopping trips :') She gets mostly gothic and dark things and you're the opposite and it's *cute*
- Thinks you're the cutest and is sure to tell you often. She can be really sweet so her compliments reflect that
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Omg OBSESSED with your new stucky fic!! Like.. perfection. Can I request something sort of similar like angsty but fluffy end? Maybe Stucky was established before it was Stucky x reader and the reader finds them together one night without her and she gets irrationally jealous/hurt of their close relationship without her. Like she feels like they don’t need her and she just completely disappears for awhile.
(Just a note I used she/her pronouns, but don’t mind if you switch it up for gender neutral!🥰)
No Room Available 
A/N: Thank you so much for the request and the kind words! :) I’m really glad you liked the first Stucky fic I posted. I was VERY nervous to upload it lol. But, I loved writing this and I’m excited to write more Stucky fic in the future. I hope you enjoy and as always, feedback is appreciated!
Pairing: Stucky x Avenger! Reader
Warnings: angst/fluff, cursing, alcohol 
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When you became an Avenger, you were instantly attracted to both Bucky and Steve. To you, Bucky is the moon, while Steve represents the sun. Polar opposites. Yet, they manage to work so well together, especially in a romantic sense. You quickly learned Bucky and Steve are a couple, and that intrigued you to no end. However, to your excitement, they started making multiple advances towards you, making you think they wanted you to become a part of their relationship. 
It all started when you were on a mission with Natasha, Tony, Bucky, and Steve. You had all split up to complete separate tasks, but somehow, you still managed to run into Bucky and Steve. 
As you headed towards the lab to find any remaining super soldier serum, you turned the corner and ran right into Bucky’s chest. 
His hands shot out to grab your arms, steadying you. 
“Whoa there, doll,” Bucky said. His metal hand ran up and down your arm in an attempt to soothe you. “Don’t want my favorite getting hurt.” He winked at you. 
“Thanks,” you replied, distracted by Bucky’s touches. 
“Anytime.” He let go of you and started to run further down the hall, before stopping abruptly. 
His head turned to look at you again. “If you need me, just give me a holler.” His lips curled up in a smirk. “And, while I know you can take care of yourself… one day, I hope you do need me.” 
He ran off before you could respond. 
After that, you thought about Bucky’s words for weeks on end. You’d stay up late, imagining him touching you with his metal hand and whispering sweet nothings into your ear. 
It wasn’t just Bucky though. On that same mission, you happened to also run into Steve. 
As you were in the lab, collecting the super soldier serum and placing them in a briefcase, Steve ran into the room. 
You whipped your head around, startled by the sudden intrusion. “Steve?” you asked. “Aren’t you supposed to be helping Tony?” 
Placing his shield down on the floor, he walked over to you. “I just wanted to check in on you. Make sure you’re okay down here. Which was stupid of me. I know you’re more than capable of taking care of yourself.” 
He crouched down, so he was eye level with you. “I guess I just wanted to be around you,” he whispered. 
At a loss for words, Steve rose back up and left before you could even register what he had said. 
From that moment on, you knew you were going to be with them both. And, you couldn’t wait. 
For the past year, you’ve been in a relationship with both Bucky and Steve. It’s been amazing, but lately, you’ve been feeling left out. Since Bucky and Steve have been together long before you showed up, you knew that they have a really close bond. Usually, they’ve been really great at making you feel included, but for the past two weeks, you haven’t been around them as much. 
Sighing, you reach for a bottle of water in the fridge. Taking a sip, you look around the kitchen and wonder where the two of them currently are. As you’re thinking to yourself, Wanda walks into the kitchen. 
“Hey, Y/N,” she says, looking at you, head tilted to the side. “I can feel the anxiety pouring off you. What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing, I’m okay,” you say. “Do you happen to know where Bucky is? Or Steve?” 
She nods her head towards the elevator. “I saw them go up to Bucky’s room.”
Placing the water on the counter, you rush towards the elevator. “Thanks!” you yell, not bothering to turn around to look back at Wanda. 
Once on Bucky’s floor, you run up to the door and knock. 
“Come in!” Steve yells from inside the room. 
Immediately, you open the door and stop in your tracks when you see them. They’re both sitting on Bucky’s bed, against the headboard, with Bucky’s arm dangling around Steve. 
When you look over at the TV, you notice they’re watching “Grown Ups”. Your favorite fucking movie. The one movie that the three of you always watch together. 
Turning your attention back towards them, you take a few steps forward. “What the fuck is this?” you ask, gesturing towards the TV. 
“Grown Ups,” Bucky answers. 
Glaring at him, you roll your eyes. “No, I’ve got that. I know what fucking movie it is. It’s the movie we always watch together. As in, the three of us. But, I guess since the two of you have been excluding me for these past couple of weeks, I shouldn’t be surprised that you’re watching it without me.” 
Steve pushes Bucky’s arm off his shoulder and stands up. “What’re you talking about, Y/N? Why do you feel like we’re excluding you?” 
Bucky moves to stand and walks towards you. “I was with you all yesterday, doll. We went out and got ice cream together.” 
Scoffing, you cross your arms over your chest. “If by ‘all yesterday’, you mean for two hours, then yeah, we hung out for two hours yesterday and got ice cream.” 
“Well, we would have hung out longer, but you told me…”
Steve puts his hand up, stopping Bucky from continuing his sentence. “I just don’t understand. We all hang out alone with each other. I was just with you on Monday, without Bucky. When did this become a problem?” Steve asks. 
“When you both decided to focus on only each other for the past two weeks!” you yell. 
Bucky steps forward again, moving until he’s only a foot away from you. “Y/N,” he says, reaching his hand out towards you. “Do you think we don’t want you in this relationship with us?” 
Tearing up, you step back, putting a few more feet between you and Bucky. “No,” you whisper, afraid that your tears will fall if you talk any louder. “I just think you guys don’t need me anymore.” 
“Y/N…” Steve starts to say. 
You cut him off. “Don’t.” You look between him and Bucky. “Just don’t.” You open the door and step outside, sparing them one last glance. “Have fun with each other.” 
“Doll!” Bucky yells, running forward. 
Taking off, you head back towards the elevator, with Bucky and Steve on your heels. 
“Y/N, stop!” they both yell. 
Ignoring them, you make it to the elevator and slam on the “close door” button repeatedly. Thankfully, the doors shut right before the two of them can make it inside. 
Leaning against the elevator wall, you sigh and close your eyes, allowing the tears to finally fall down your face. 
Tony’s California vacation home has been nothing but relaxing. Since your outburst at Bucky and Steve, you asked Tony if you could disappear to one of his many homes. He was more than happy to hand you a key. 
Looking out at the water, you sink further into your lounge chair, a margarita resting in your hand. You watch as the waves continuously crash into the sand. The seagulls overhead distract you from the never-ending thoughts in your head. 
After a couple minutes of staring and taking sips of your drink, you hear a door shut behind you. 
“Glad to know you’re enjoying yourself,” Bucky says. 
Startled, your hand shakes, causing your drink to fall to the ground. 
“I’ve got it,” Steve says, rushing to your side to pick up the broken glass. 
“No, leave it. I’ll get it later,” you reply, shooing him away with your hand. 
Standing up, you turn around to face the both of them. “What’re you doing here?” 
“Are you serious?” Bucky asks. “You run off to one of Tony’s fancy houses, without saying anything to us, and have the nerve to ask what we’re doing here?” He points his finger at you. “What’re you doing here? You should be back at the compound with us.” 
“What? So, I can continue to be excluded from this relationship?” you ask. 
Steve steps forward. “Y/N, we are so sorry that you felt excluded, but that wasn’t our intention. And, there’s no way that we don’t need you. You mean so much. To both of us. Our relationship means nothing without you in it.” 
Chewing on your lower lip, you take a second before answering. “I… I guess I just got in my head. You’ve both known each other for forever and have been together longer than you’ve known me. I feel like I will never mean the same to you that you mean to each other.” 
Bucky walks up to you, wrapping his arm around your waist. “You mean the world to me, doll. Hell, I like you more than Steve. He acts like a punk, most of the time.” 
Laughing, you relax your head on his shoulder. “Steve can be a punk, can’t he?” 
Steve throws his arms up in exasperation. “When did this turn into a ‘pick on Steve’ event?” 
Bucky looks at you, smirking. “Since we need to cheer our favorite person up.” 
“I’m still your favorite?” you ask. 
Squeezing you into his side, Bucky leans in to kiss the top of your head. “Always have been, doll. Nothing’s ever gonna change that.” 
Feeling movement on your other side, you turn to see Steve next to you. “I’m sorry you felt like we were excluding you, Y/N. We will work on including you in more things. But, promise us that if you ever start to feel like this again, you’ll tell us right away. I don’t want you hurting on your own. That’s what we’re here for. To be your shoulders to lean on.” 
Nodding your head, you look between the both of them. “I promise.” You reach your hands up and grab both of their chins. “I couldn’t stay away from my boys for too long anyway.” 
Bucky gives you another kiss on your head. “Of course you couldn’t. Now, where can a fella get a margarita? I have a headache from the plane ride here. Steve wouldn’t stop talking.” 
“Uh, you were the one who started talking to me!” Steve argues back. 
“That’s not how I remember it,” Bucky says. “Now please, a margarita.” 
You gesture towards the house. “The stuff is inside the kitchen.” 
“Thanks, doll! I’ll make you one too!” Bucky yells, running inside. 
As you watch Bucky, you feel Steve wrap his arm around you. “We really missed you, Y/N.” 
Looking over at him, you squint your eyes against the glare of the sun. “I missed you too.” 
He leans in until his face is only inches from yours. “Never leave again,” he whispers, his breath fanning across your face. 
“Never,” you whisper back. As Steve kisses you, you sigh happily into his mouth. 
Your relationship wasn’t perfect, but it meant everything. And, that’s all that matters. 
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xmemeanonx · 3 years
Howdy! I was wondering if I could request a Yandere Poly with Adora and Catra with a fem reader. I was thinking that before the war with the Horde ended, that the reader had ended up on both the horde side and the alliance and acted as a pillar of support for both of them. They both grew attached but now that the war is over, the reader states that they don't need her anymore since they have each other. The reader thinks they can just leave like that, they do not. Thank you for your time anyway!
 Here you go! So,,, I'm not entirely sure if Adora and Catra are of age, so I made it more platonic than romantic. But eh,,,, it's never specifically stated. 
This is very long, so it will be under the cut. Whole bunch of lesbian bs >:D
Tw; eh just the usual yandere stuff
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Adora: protective, worshipper, obsessive, delusional  
Catra: protective, possessive, guilt-tripper, manipulative
= = = 
During the Rebellion (S1-S4) 
Adora, in my opinion, is one of the best yanderes you could ever possibly have. She's devoted, she's respectful, and she cares so much about you. Even when the two of you just met, Adora was always on her best behaviour around you. She cares about you, your opinions and your thoughts the most. She felt so safe around you, you felt so. . . familiar to her. Adora couldnt place her finger on it.  
When you told her of your affiliations with the horde it all made sense, but that didn't stop Adora from being highly disturbed. Of course, anytime anyone makes a negative comment or a hint of distrust towards you, Adora never hesitates to defend you. Adora would never use violence as a way to keep you by her side, so once she learned of your allegiance to both the princess rebellion and the horde, she knew that she was going to have to find a different way of keeping you by her side. Most of the time it's just by being the best and kindest friend she can be, but she does have her manipulative moments. Anytime you plan on leaving, she'll hit you with the, “well you could leave. . .  or you could just stay here? With me!” 
But don't be misguided, it's never coming from a place of possessiveness or cruelty, but from a place of loving-protectiveness. Especially with her knowing of your relationship with Catra.
Catra is less forgiving than her blonde counterpart. Still aching from the loss of her oldest “friend,” Catra, like an alleycat, tends to lash out at anything that gets too close. But something about you brings a feeling of calmness to Catra. Years of scars from the jealousy, abuse, and harsh words she received from her childhood seem to heal quicker when she's around you.
At first, Catra thinks that it must be due to your similarities to Adora, and tries to use you as a cheap replacement. But when you put your foot down, and show you're not someone to be treated as a poor rebound, Catra somehow starts adoring you even more. She realizes just how special you are, how you bring an entire new feeling of life to her own, and she can't get enough. Even if Catra knows that she will never deserve to have you in her life, especially after all she's done, she's too damn sour to ever let anyone else have you. You belong to her now, she's decided it. 
Believe me, she almost goes insane when she finds out about your relationship with the rebels, and Adora. She gives you a scar of your own, but quickly drops to her knees when she's realized what she has done. She sobs and cries and grips on to you, begging you not to leave her like Adora did. She doesn't know why she did it. Was it anger? or the fear of the pain of being left behind once more? Or was it a way to scare you into staying? She doesn't know, Catra doesn't know what she feels most of the time, and she needs you to stay to help her through it. 
After that incident, Catras' uglier tendiences start to shine through. (imagine her during s4 + the fear of losing you,,, yikess) Her manipulativeness comes through with sly, “pitiful” guilt tripping and terrifying uses of force with the horde soldiers. You better believe once you tell her of your relationship with Adora, you won't be leaving the fright zone ever again (this is around s4).  
After the rebellion and Horde Prime
After Catra and Adora are finally able to fix their relationship, they finally take a moment to talk about you. They both know they want you in their lives, they knew that even if they had eachother it still wouldn't feel right without you. You were their pillar of support in times when they needed it, their rock, the person they adored the most besides each other. You, who had done nothing but help, support, and love them. You deserve the best, and even better than that, and they planned on giving you it, no matter what.  
You were a survivor. You could talk, fight, and wiggle your way out of any situation. You watched the uprising of She Ra and the princess rebellion, you had survived as the horde destroyed most of Etheria and your home, and you fought against the invasion of Horde Prime, surrounded by ex-horde soldiers and rebels alike. 
You have never backed down from a fight, and you have constantly fought for the lives of the innocent. But despite all your great adventures and achievements, you pride yourself the most on being a good person and an even better friend. Anytime anyone you have met on your travels needed someone to talk to, you always were happy to help. You sat with Adora when she felt uncertain with her title as She Ra, listening to her fears on what Catra might do to Etheria if the rebellion fails. You watched and listened as Catra walked around the room, ranting of future battles plans, and how the horde will crush and leave the rebellion and its precious She Ra in the dust.
You knew that you probably should have told the rebellion of what Catra had planned, and vice versa. You know that was why the others didn't fully trust you, but you could recognize the words and tone of someone who has been through too much pain and betrayal to stay sane, and you weren't going to add to that agony.
But now Adora and Catra are finally on the path of healing, they have defeated evil together, both physically and metaphorically. You feel so happy for them and you can feel a bit of pride, knowing you took part in the betterment of their lives and all of those in Etheria. But, what about you? With the both Horde threats gone, you plan on traveling the world, helping whoever may need it. This isn't an easy choice for you, of course. You have friends here and Bright Moon is so comforting and beautiful, but it can be very small once you get used to it and you can do more good out there.
You worry how Adora and Catra will react, especially Catra. You hadn't talked to her in so long, but one look at her and you knew that she had changed, she looked like a different person, she looked good. So, you knew that she would understand, as would Adora of course. But as you watch the newly added stars of Despondos to the night sky, you tell your two friends of your plans. You want to help people, just as you helped them, you want to learn more of Etheria and you hope that one day, you could learn more of what happened to your real family. You see the two still at that. You wait for a reaction, a response. As you watch the stars, you see them share a look and smile. 
You realize that they aren't leaving your side, you realize Catra is faster than you, you realize Adora is stronger than you, you realize you aren't going anywhere.
Adora grips your shoulder.
= = =
Wow Y/N mom lets you have 2 gfs
Lonnie has definitely called you the cat whisperer gahh she's so cool! Im sorry if this is bad, its very late and I am very tired so late, its early heh 
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