#any desk mobile online
billthedrake · 1 year
Story idea by and collaboration with top son Turner ([email protected]).
"So what are your goals, Mr. D?"
We were sitting in a side area of a large cinderblock-construction room that was part of a gym the next town over. It was more of a lifter's gym for serious dudes, and a change of pace from the corporate health club I normally went to downtown. And certainly a change from the country club where I golfed on the weekends or on days off.
But when I hit 50 and decided to get a personal trainer, I'd scoured the online listings and read reviews and came across a familiar face: Austin White, a baseball player who'd dated my daughter back in high school. Well, he wasn't playing baseball these days but had graduated from college and was now working back in a nearby suburb as a personal trainer.
"You don't have to call me Mr. D," I reminded him. "You're no longer dating Shannon."
The trainer flashed a pearly white smile. He definitely had Lady Killer written all over him. Strikingly handsome-cute, laidback, and no small amount of easy charm. "Sorry, Scott," he laughed softly. "Old habits..."
I smiled back. "Yeah.... hope you didn't mind me looking you up." It had seemed like a great idea at the time, but now that I was face to face with Shannon's ex boyfriend, I realized there was something a little awkward about it all.
Austin put me at ease. "Glad you did, Scott," he said. "But you didn't answer my question."
"My goals?" I prompted, recalling what he'd asked me. "Well, I turned 50 last week..."
"50's a number," he said, challenging me some. "Not a goal."
I nodded. "I guess I've let myself go some, to be honest. I'd like to get back in shape... healthier. And I guess there are some personal reasons, too," I admitted shyly.
He flashed that Lady Killer smile again. "I'm a professional Scott... you can tell me."
I chuckled. "Well, I'm hoping to rekindle things in the bedroom, you know?"
I felt dumb saying it, particularly to a dude as young and jacked as Austin. But he didn't miss a beat. "That's a pretty good motivation, Scott," he grinned. "And common, too. It's good to be honest with yourself about what drives you." He picked up his clipboard to take notes. "OK, so we know a big goal... any others?"
I filled him in on some lingering back and hip issues. They didn't keep me from being active, but they affected my golf game sometimes. "I'm afraid I haven't always prioritized being active," I said, no longer embarrassed but feeling proud I was taking the first step to being a better Scott Delahunt. "You know, long hours, lots of sitting at a desk..."
"Still doing the executive thing?" Austin asked.
"Yes. CFO," I clarified. "Though at a different company than when I last saw you."
"That's cool," he said. "And we'll work on your back and hip and see if we can improve your overall mobility... training's not a substitute for physical therapy of course but it can complement it," the guy added thoughtfully. "I work with all types of clients, but I specialize in men over 40.... you know more functional training and flexibility."
"Sounds great," I said.
"I just want to make sure my clients are on the same page with expectations."
"I'm putty in your hands, good sir," I half joked.
He laughed. "All right, Scott," he said, standing up from his chair. "Let's do some measurements and a few diagnostics." Austin had put on some muscle since high school for sure, and the form-fitting zip-up and joggers showed off a body that was big but that somehow didn't look overly musclebound. This young dude was definitely gonna be some inspiration for my own fitness journey.
I stepped on the scale. "198," Austin read out. "And 6-foot-even?" he asked.
"Maybe a hair shy, but yeah, 6 foot." I stepped off. "I really would love to lose the spare tire," I said, patting my midsection. I didn't have an outright beer belly, but I had some major love handles and midlife spread there.
Austin's easy smile was gone and he was in full business mode. "We'll work on it," he assured me, gesturing me over to a mat to do a timed plank. "There's no quick fix," he explained as he started the stopwatch. "No crash diets, either... I believe in strength training first as a foundation and then we'll work on the rest, OK?"
"Yeah," I grunted. I was holding my own I guess, but my lack of regular exercise was biting me in the ass, hard.
I did better on some of the diagnostics and not as hot on the other.
"I told you, Austin," I said. "You're getting a real project." Pulling out the self deprecating humor.
He was still in business mode. "I'm not one of those hardass trainers, but I have only one rule, Mr. D," he said, his old nickname slipping back. "No comparing yourself to anyone else. If you're on social media, I want you off it. In here, for 60 minutes twice a week, it's going to be about you... what you're doing and what you can do better and how we can get you there. Not any of the other guys. OK? "
"Got it," I said. It felt weird being bossed around by a man half my age, but Austin was the one with the Instagram body. I'd follow his lead.
We walked on toward the locker area. "And one other thing you'll learn about me, Scott," he added with a wink. "I have more than one rule."
"Beast!" I grunted in encouragement as Scott pumped out a personal record on the bench press. He even did two reps without my spot, before I helped him on the third. As I helped guide the bar back into pace I saw his exertion-red face and concerted look break into a wide smile.
Psychology is a big part of my job. Every client is different and has different things that motivate them as well as different reasons they weren't motivated before they came to me. Being a trainer doesn't mean being a miracle worker, but you try to figure out what's going to work for a man or woman in the gym.
But I'd never seen a man respond so well to encouragement as Scott. I honestly didn't know what to expect when Shannon's dad first contacted me. But I always liked the guy, and he'd always made me feel welcome when I was over at the Delahunt house. He'd always take the time to say hello or chat and ask me how the baseball season was going or what colleges I was considering. When anyone else had grilled me about college, it felt like pressure - like "are you good enough for my daughter" BS - but with Mr. D, it felt like genuine interest.
Now that I'd been training the man for over a year, I'd gotten to see another side of him. He was guarded at first, but after a few months he'd started being more open. Something about the extra time to chat in the gym does wonders for getting the conversation flowing. He didn't talk ill about Mrs. Delahunt, but the man was clearly frustrated in his marriage. I was getting the picture of a man who'd thrown himself into a high-powered career and who liked to show off the spoils of financial success. And he wasn't happy.
"Give it a couple minutes rest," I said as Scott sat up, stretching his arms a little and rubbing out the burn in his triceps. "And maybe we can try for 10 more?"
"Oh yeah," the executive said enthusiastically. "Let's do it."
As he cooled down for a bit, he asked. "You doing anything this weekend, Austin?"
I was putting two fives on the barbell. "My Dad's coming to visit."
Scott looked into my face. "You're not excited are you?" he said, observant as hell.
I sighed. "I don't know, Scott... a dumb part of me looks forward to it every time.... but when he's here, it's like we don't have anything to talk about. He'll spend a couple hours with me, then go meet up with one of his buddies instead."
Scott didn't try to tell me it was OK. Or make excuses for my Dad. He just listened. "That's tough, guy," he finally said. "I guess some parents aren't good with the emotional stuff."
He got into place and went for another set. I had to spot him for a good deal of that one rep. I could read the disappointment in his face.
"Give it a longer rest," I urged. "Refocus. You got this, Scott."
The next attempt wasn't pretty, but it was all Scott. And the beaming look of pride in his face after was one of those moments that makes my job worth it.
"You hear from Shannon lately?" Austin asked between squats. He'd been pushing me more on leg days lately, and I was starting to see progress.
I never knew for sure why Austin and Shannon broke up, but Austin was a grade ahead of Shannon and gone off to college before her. A part of me wondered if Austin still had a thing for my daughter, but I figured this was just something to talk about, the connection that first brought us together in the gym.
"Not lately. I only hear from her when she needs money," I said wryly.
"Oof," my trainer gave a "that hurts" wince. "For real?"
"I exaggerate some," I explained. "But not a lot. Sometimes it feels like she sees her Daddy as a living, walking credit card."
Austin gave me a reassuring, empathetic look. "Well, at least she's probably having a blast in college, right?"
It was the perfectly timed joke, and it made me crack up. "That she is, buddy," I said.
I got in place and knocked out another set of squats. It was a struggle, but I got to eight.
"Nice," I heard Austin say. Then he added some weights.
"Sorry if I'm out of line, Scott, but Shannon is a spoiled B. She kind of always was."
I grimaced. He was right, but I didn't appreciate him talking about my daughter like that. "Maybe she is, but I take some responsibility in that. Kelly too... we both spoiled her growing up. We just wanted her to have the finer things, you know."
Austin gave me a look that said he felt contrite, even if he wasn't saying his apology out loud. "Better than the opposite, Scott," he said. "You're there for her, that's what matters."
"Things been rocky with your Old Man lately?" I asked.
Austin shrugged. He had a jock's bluster, but I could tell he hid how much things bothered him. Even discussing his relationship with his father, he tried to pass it off in an even, unaffected tone. "Worse. I haven't heard from him in two months. I left a couple of voice mails, but felt like some desperate chick wanting a second date."
"I take it you speak from experience in brushing off desperate chicks," I teased, trying to change the subject.
Austin grinned. God, he really was a strikingly handsome young man. "Ah, I talk a big game, Scott. Truth is, I guess I'm just waiting for the right one, you know."
It was adorable to see this muscled up ex-jock act shy, and endearing too. "I'm sure she'll come, Austin," I assured him. "Probably sooner than you think."
He looked at me as if he was trying to decide whether he could share a secret. He did. "It'd be a 'he,' Scott."
"Oh," I muttered dumbly. It didn't even occur to me that Austin would be gay. In fairness, I knew him first as Shannon's boyfriend.
The guy went into reassuring mode. "I don't generally share my personal business," he said. "With any of my clients..."
There was the Mr. Business side of my trainer coming out. Serious, professional.
"I'm glad you did, Austin," I said. "Um, is that why things didn't work out with you and Shannon?" Maybe none of my business, but I was curious as hell.
He didn't seem fazed by my question. "Yes and no. I mean I didn't decide I really preferred men until college. But even in high school I felt I wasn't 100% into dating the girls I was with. No disrespect to your daughter..."
"None taken," I assured him.
I did another set. It was getting really fucking hard now. "Let's stretch some," Austin said, a signal we were done with squats for the day.
On the mat, Austin guided me through some gentle stretches.
My curiosity was still getting the best of me.
"So... you have any boyfriends in college?" I asked. Before stopping myself. "Sorry... that's none of my business."
He didn't admonish me but just said softly. "Yeah, like I say I don't advertise my personal business."
Like with a lot of clients, I told Scott not to weigh himself at home constantly. We'd step on the locker room scale once a month. That way, he'd be focused on strength and diet and not on the ups and downs.
I could tell he was nervous that day as he stepped on, wearing only his compression. I tried to act normal around Scott Delahunt, but the man was my type to a T. Older, just the right amount of muscle, clean cut daddy. A year and a half of training had done wonders for an already good looking man. His back had a nice curve and definition and his shoulders and arms were swells of rounded muscle. He still had a little padding on his middle but his gut was solid muscle behind it. He'd definitely lost some extra weight.
"190!" he beamed. "I haven't weighed 190 since my 30s," he said as he stepped off the scale and turned toward me. Scott wasn't overly hairy but he had a nice pelt of light brown hair on his now defined chest and torso.
"And some of that is extra muscle," I reminded him. "So... you told me your goal when we started... any luck in the bedroom?" I tried to make it sound professional, or maybe buddy-to-buddy. But lately I'd been thinking way too much of Scott Delahunt having sex.
He shook his head. "Not really," he said. I expected a sad sack expression but instead he just replied, "But I've decided I'm doing this for me, actually."
"Yeah?" I asked. I wasn't sure if he was just parroting what he thought I wanted to hear.
"It's about time I focused on what makes me happy, you know?"
"You should," I said. "You deserve that."
He gave me a grateful look. But he didn't respond. Instead, it was like he was displaying his body for me. Not lecherous exactly, and I think I did a damn good job of hiding my attraction to him. But it was like he wanted a gay dude's approval of his improved physique. Some straight dudes have hang ups about gay men checking them out, but I've met a couple of buds who feel they can trust me with my assessment of them physically.
I ventured a compliment. "You're looking really good, Scott. Muscle, definition, and the slimmer midsection are really coming together," I said. "Incredible progress, really."
He ate it up. "I couldn't be doing it without you, buddy. For real."
I forced myself to stop ogling his half naked body, as I told him I'd see him for our session Friday.
When I got home, though, I jerked off. A nice heavy load just imagining mounting Scott doggy style and pounding him hard and fast. As I cleaned up, I had to laugh at how turned on I was by this 51 year old corporate exec. Like, I always had to pine for the unavailable ones.
I just hoped for his sake that Scott Delahunt was getting laid that night.
It was tough getting back into the gym after two weeks. Austin kind of laughed as I showed my frustration at not being able to bench nearly as much as before.
"Been there, Scott," he patted my shoulder as I sat up. He'd been doing that more lately, touching me. Nothing too weird or invasive, kind of like one close buddy might do for another. But knowing Austin was a gay dude made me read something into it, I suppose. Not that he'd be into a middle-aged man like me. But I did find myself wondering a lot about the kind of men Austin was into. I chalked it up to idle curiosity. Austin had opened up a lot to me as we trained and talked, but he kept one part of himself private.
"How was Italy?" he asked.
"Incredible," I replied. "Villa in Tuscany, good weather, amazing food... what's not to like?" I started.
"That's awesome," Austin said. He seemed to enjoy living vicariously through his clients' vacations, and I knew that as a trainer he probably didn't have the time or money to do any big travel.
I nodded. "Yeah, but this sounds spoiled as hell to say... but I would have been as happy on one of your Smokies camping weekends." Austin grew up in the east part of the state and still enjoyed getting up into the mountains from time to time.
He gave me a sympathetic look. "Yeah, why's that?"
I shrugged. I felt like sometimes I unloaded a lot onto my trainer, but it was like he was the one guy who'd understand. "I dunno... With Kelly, it sometimes feels like things have to be perfect... you know, THE best winery and THE best private tour... and she spends half the vacation posting the pictures on Facebook so her friends all know how she's having THE best fucking vacation.... sorry, man, I know I'm being a jaded asshole."
Austin patted my shoulder again. That touch against my warm shoulder through my workout shirt. "Not at all, man. You just have a better perspective on life is all." He gave me another pat. "Ready for another set?"
I nodded and got back into place. We finished up at the bench and went to do a superset of dumbbell exercises.
I was a little out of breath when we finally paused.
"Tough, huh?" Austin said, reading my face.
I nodded, not quite formulating a word. "Yah. Sorry."
"Take a sec," he assured me. He had me drink some water.
As we went to do some stretches and core work, our conversation resumed.
"So... I didn't know you were into camping," Austin said.
"I'm not," I replied. "At least I haven't done it since I was a boy scout. But the idea of getting away from Brentwood seems real appealing sometimes."
Austin squatted down next to me and reached over to pull my hip to correct my form. "No offense, Scott, but you're Brentwood through and through."
I laughed. "Yeah, I guess," I said. Austin was originally from a small town in east Tennessee and had moved to the Nashville suburbs when he was 12. He seemed to have mixed feelings about the tony suburbs we lived in, and I had a hard time figuring them out. "Guilty as charged."
"I'm just razzing ya, Scott," Austin said, that easy going charm coming back.
I'd taken a break from the apps. I told myself it was healthy to do so, but maybe it was healthier to get laid. In case, Scott's break from the gym somehow made me miss the guy. I was becoming crushed out on my client. I told myself that was because I wasn't getting any daddy ass.
My profile was clear. 24yo total top clean cut jock into masculine 40+ daddies. Inexperienced OK. Married or DL OK. Just be willing and ready to take care of my 7.5 inch cock. No-strings fun only.
I had a great set of pictures that got a lot of bites. That first weekend of Scott's vacation I got messaged by five men. Two just weren't my thing, two were smoking hot, and one was OK. I messaged the smoking hot daddies back and clicked with a businessman staying downtown. He wasn't Scott Delahunt hot but he was my type. 48, balding, strong barrel chested build, trimmed goatee. He was married but played when he was out of town. I assured him I was totally discreet.
It had actually been six months since I'd hooked up with a guy. I remembered now how fun it could be. Even dealing with the traffic heading into downtown. When I got to his hotel room, he'd just gotten out of the shower, freshly cleaned for me, and had a towel wrapped around his waist. He had a soft belly, not big but more along the lines of what Scott had when he started with me. His front was incredibly furry and I found the swirls of hair incredibly hot.
"Hey," he grinned as he led me in. He could barely take his eyes off me. I'm not an egotist... well, I am a little. But it's great to have that silent appreciation of my looks. His words made it explicit. "Man," he said in a deeper-South accent. "I thought you wouldn't live up to your pictures, but you're incredible."
My eyes swept his body too. He wasn't the hottest man I'd ever slept with but I loved his real dad-ness... married-with-kids Southern daddy, deep voice, ex-jock vibe. "I'm liking what I see, too," I growled, pulling my shorts up to let my boner ride up. I had been looking forward to some release real bad.
He seemed like he'd won the lottery ticket. "Dang! You really do go for older guys don't ya?"
"Exclusively," I said. I loved the chance to be direct with men about my sexual preferences. I stepped up to him and ran my hands along the soft furred belly before slipping my hands around his waist to pull him toward me for a kiss.
Some married guys aren't into kissing. I forgot to ask if Business Daddy was OK with it. He was. Or made an exception for me. He was used to soft kissing from a woman and was surprised by my approach. But he got into it and was soon pawing at my T-shirt, feeling up my muscle.
I was getting worked up, fast. My fingers undid his towel and felt up the bare buns. Some men like Scott Delahunt had to work to develop a thick round ass. This guy had the genetics for it. I could be satisfied with a nice slow BJ from a hot daddy, but knowing from our DMs that this guy wasn't virgin made me really want to tap his hole.
"What are your thoughts on the D word?" I growled. Business Daddy seemed real into me, and I felt I had the cards, at least enough to push this.
"Daddy?" he asked, to clarify.
"'Dad' is even hotter to me," I said, taking his wrist and guiding it to the hard ridge in my mesh shorts. Instantly his thick fingers curled greedily around it.
He gulped. "Never done that scene," he admitted. "But if it turns you on, buddy..."
"It turns me the fuck on," I assured him. I kissed him again then kissed and licked along his ear lobe. "Why don't you get down and suck my dick, Dad?" I whispered.
He had a naughty look on his face as he crouched down. The man wasn't all that hung and his shorter dick stood out like a spike from his hairy crotch as he got down. He peeled down my shorts, like he was unwrapping a Christmas present.
"Dang... fucking big piece ya got, buddy," he hissed, taking it in his hand and licking it. "Go easy on me, will ya?"
"Yeah, Dad," I hissed, not wanting to get out of this scene now that I had the green light. Then I felt his warm mouth descend on me. Business Daddy wasn't experienced but I wasn't his first cock either. It was a nice sweet spot. I imagined my father doing this to me. Sucking me, learning how to suck me.
"That's it, Dad," I grunted. "Suck your boy. Love your hot fucking mouth on my dick, sir." Some guys were turned off by my verbal approach, and others were way turned off by the incest scene. That's one reason I sometimes found hookups not to be satisfying. It was hard to develop a rapport to go deep with a one-off guy.
But Business Daddy was getting into it, sucking me more fully now, with a bit more of a slow suction that was getting me worked up. I watched his balding head bob up and down on my crotch. My own father had more hair, though it too was thinning. Like Scott Delahunt's.
"If you keep sucking, Dad, I'm gonna cum," I warned. "But I really wanna fuck you, sir."
Business daddy pulled off and took one admiring look at my spit wet dong. "Damn you are a pervy fucker," he laughed.
I kicked off my shorts and peeled off my T-shirt. "Yeah I'm a perv," I replied. In the past I might have felt embarrassed but now I was unapologetic. I fisted my cock and looked him in the eye. "When was the last time you got fucked?"
He seemed to be on the defensive now, and I worried I let my horns get the worst of me. If I fucked this up....
"Two years," he said softly. "I don’t usually...."
"You enjoy it?" I questioned him.
He nodded, blushing some. "A little too much."
"You got ready for me, right?" I just wanted to remind him of the reason I was there and not hooking up with one of the other guys.
He nodded. "You're intense, you know that right?" he said. Like his physical attraction to me was countered by a vibe that just wasn't working for him.
"I'm just horny, man," I explained. "I haven't fucked a guy in six months. I fucking miss it."
"A dude like you... I would have thought..." he started and didn't have to finish.
"Let me eat you for a bit," I said. "I want you to want this, man."
He nodded and got on the bed, pulling his legs back. Fuck, that hole was beautiful. Furry dad trench with a nice tight hole. I got in place and examined it, taking my time before leaning in and licking. Business Daddy was squeaky clean and I took the opportunity to go to town, really feasting on that ass like it was my last meal.
It was a nice cool down from the BJ and the Dad-talk earlier but also worked me up in a way.
"Lube?" I asked when I finally pulled back. He gestured to the small table on the other side of the bed. I went around and Business Daddy scooted to reposition himself on the bed.
I took my time fingering him, talking with him about men and cocks and fucking. I avoided the Dad-Son stuff since I wanted to build the vibe rather than kill it.
"So..." I said as I now slid three slick fingers in and out of his stretched tightness. I had the conquerer gene in me, I suppose, because I LOVED the idea of getting a hole that had barely been fucked. "We talked a little earlier... I'm on PREP and get tested regularly... I'd love to get in you raw, sir."
"I've never done that," he whispered, but I could see his shorter, fatter dick throb as I worked the first inches of his insides.
"Is that a NO?" I challenged him. I was going to respect his wishes, but I was gonna do my damnedest to get the fuck I wanted then.
"Go ahead, man," he said. "I trust ya."
I scooted up and lined my bare cock against his ring. It took some work, alternating fingering with some teasing with my cock. But I finally breached him in a way that was comfortable for him.
"Easy," I hissed as I rubbed his soft belly and pushed deeper. "Just going slow here.... you got this."
He took a deep breath and nodded. "Feels good actually," he said. His eyes had been on mine but now he looked all over my body. "You're so fricking hot."
I grinned. "You like the jocks, huh?"
"I do," he replied. Not embarrassed, but forthright.
"You wanna tell me about any of them?" I was pushing the envelope for sure, but my cock was almost bottomed out in his hole.
He gave me a grin. "I don't play around at home... but there's the neighbor kid. Got a football scholarship at Ole Miss... hot fucker."
I plowed in. Business Daddy accepted me, his dick thwapping excitedly at the full penetration. "You wish he was here fucking you now?"
"God, man," Business Daddy was the one getting into the pervy headspace now. He reached up and clenched at my sides. Hungry. I gave him the kiss he craved. Then I started thrusting into him.
"I'd love both of you guys at once," he admitted. "Tag teaming me."
"That'd be hot," I leered, really getting into this. I rarely got to do this level of verbal with a guy, and it was really working me up. "Two jocks... taking turns.... opening up that Daddy hole."
"Yes," he hissed... "fuck me, stud!"
I was getting more athletic with my pumps. "Been too long hasn't it, Daddy... since you had a young cock in ya?"
Maybe the D word was pushing it, but Business Daddy picked it right up. "God yeah, son. Fuck your Dad!"
Oh jesus. The surprise of those words, and the deep Southern accent of them had my balls pumping. Not a pre-orgasmic warning, but the real deal. I was ejaculating hard into this older business man.
"That's it, son. Get your nut. Show Dad what ya got." For a man who didn't seem into pervy role play, he sure knew what to say now.
I growled my way through my deep orgasm and then kind of fell on him, reclaiming a kiss as my dick pumped out its dribbles into his conquered hole.
I gathered my senses and got back into the original position, squirting some lube on his spike and slowly pumping him as I urged him off. I even had him describe that Ole Miss tight end in detail. His whole body went beet red as he came, and I knew it was a major orgasm for him too.
We made small talk afterwards. He even said he'd hit me up next time he was in Nashville. "You're a wild one, buddy... but I sure as hell enjoyed the ride."
"You got anything going on this weekend?" I asked Austin as he had me do some shoulder raises. I'd been trying to find a nonchalant time to bring it up.
He examined my form and counted my reps silently. "Good," he said as I finished the set and set the dumbbells down on a bench. "Nothing really going on. What about you, man?"
I stood squarely to face him. He was the young jacked stud, but I was getting more proud of my body after a year and a half of working out with him, and more confident in my skin, so to speak. "Well, the Titans have a home game Sunday. I was wondering if you wanted to go see them with me," I ventured.
There came that pearly white smile again, and an excited kid-like look. "What, you got tickets?"
"Two of them," I boasted. "I got 'em through work. A buddy of mine was going to go but had to back out." That second part was a lie.
Austin showed some concern. "Man, I'd love to. Hell, I'd really love to. But I can't afford that." I got the feeling he was an independent-spirited man who didn't like to be beholden to others.
"The ticket's just gonna go to waste,” I said, “and I'll enjoy having someone to go with." I saw his resolve start to melt, so figured I could lay out the rest of my plan. "It's an afternoon game, we can get a hotel downtown for the night and live it up a little. Come on... Kelly's doing some girls trip to Napa, and I have a real bachelor's weekend I want to enjoy."
Austin smiled. "Well, when you put it that way.... jesus, I can't believe you have fucking Titans tickets. You go often?"
I could sense a real envy in his tone. "Yeah, from time to time," I admitted. "I did season tickets a couple years ago, but Kelly griped that my Sundays were all taken up."
He smiled. "I bet these tickets are great seats, too, aren't they?" Teasing me.
"Pretty damn good," I smirked. "We're gonna have a blast, buddy."
I was in a good mood. Strike that, I was in a great mood. The Titans had beaten the Texans but even if they hadn't I just enjoyed being in Nissan Stadium and shouting my lungs out. Scott seemed bemused how into it I was but didn't say anything. The man struck me as something more than a fair weather fan and less than a diehard fan.
But I was grateful for the ticket and that he'd had me tag along. He insisted on covering the hotel room. "Trust me I got a million hotel points to burn through," he countered. So I got the tab as we grabbed beers in one of the downtown bars.
It was a lot of regular guy talk. About the game and the upcoming Titans season. About how September can be the best month in Nashville. About his wife's wine trip and their fall plans. About the cheat day Scott was having and how my metabolism let me get away with stadium concession food and day drinking on occasion.
God, he looked good. Great even, in his snug pale blue Titans T-shirt that clung to his arms and pecs and the hint of dad gut he was still chipping away at. I never saw him outside of the gym, at least not since I'd dated his daughter. He was so focused working out, like that was a second job to him. But this was Scott Delahunt in the mood to let down his hair. Smiling, happy, joking.
Maybe that's what led me to let my hair down too.
"It was my professor," I blurted.
"What?" he asked.
Maybe I enjoyed catching him off guard. But I clarified. "You once asked me who I dated in college. It was my Chemistry professor."
Scott looked at me like I was kidding him. "Are you teasing me?"
I shook my head. "Nah. You're the first guy I've ever told actually. Buy yeah for two years... I don't know if dating was the right word, but it wasn't casual either. He was my first boyfriend."
I kind of wondered if Scott would be put off by the admission. Or even the gay talk. But he seemed laidback about it, and he'd been the one to ask. He took a sip of beer and eyed me up, like he was still trying to decide if I was on the level. "Was this while you were his student or after?"
"While," I replied. "Though we kept hooking up after. That's when I decided maybe I wasn't so bisexual after all."
Scott seemed nervous with that comment but didn't object. Instead, he shook his head. "I would have guessed you would have gone for another college dude."
I shook my head. "Not my thing." Here goes. "I'm only into older guys, actually."
"Really?" Scott was moving from incredulous to amused. "What are we talking about?"
I shrugged. It was kind of a relief to have this open dialogue with the man. "95% of the time, men in their 40s or 50s."
"I knew a buddy in college who was into cougars," he laughed. "The guys gave him a lot of guff, but Taylor got laid so fucking much..." Scott was laughing as he recalled old times then seemed like he had something on his mind.
"What?" I asked.
He paused and looked at me. "Nothing, buddy." He held up his now empty pint glass. "Can I get the next round?"
"No doing, Scott," I said, standing up. "I'm buying."
Bringing Austin along to the game was the right call, I realized. I'd never seen a guy so thrilled. He'd been to a couple of games before, but it was a rare treat for him. I was happy to have given him that.
I didn't have any ulterior plans. Then again, maybe I did and just didn't admit them to myself. I told myself I was just having a good time, too. Hanging out with Austin felt freeing, like my college days. Before my career and family, and before the country club set I socialized with. I liked my golf buddies just fine, but there was always that one-up-manship. I could play that game, too, but with Austin, I didn't have to.
We got a little tipsy but didn't go wild. I told Austin he should just enjoy the downtown nightlife on his own. He clapped a hand on my shoulder and gave a gentle squeeze. "No offense to you heteros, Scott, but drunken hos aren't my idea of fun," he laughed.
I loved that he was freer with me. Not guarded, able to talk about being a gay man. I think stupidly I assumed gay guys didn't have the same problem with sex, of finding regular and compatible partners. But I could tell with Austin, he had some dissatisfactions of his own. I almost asked him about it in the bar, but figured I'd mind my own business. I hoped he'd feel free to share with me some time.
It had been in the back of my mind. What sex with a guy would be like. Yeah. I'd fooled around some in college, but that was just that, fooling around. Naughty fun I'd have with some buds when we didn't have girlfriends or weren't getting enough. After I met Kelly, I'd fantasize about other women, sometimes a lot. I figured most guys do. But I never gave much thought to men.
But as Austin and I got ready for bed in the hotel room, I was thinking of it. His eyes were on me. Quiet lust in his eyes that made me feel sexually attractive in a way I hadn't felt in years. This wasn't some cougar in some downtown hotel bar giving me the heavy eye, this was a young hot stud with an Instagram fitness body. Just a dusting of hair but also lots of pale, smooth muscle.
And, as he strutted out of the bathroom in his boxer briefs, I could see the definition in his round ass and the thick bulge of his crotch. It wasn't fair a young man this perfect should be hung, but I had a good idea he was. I tried not to let him catch me looking at his package, but he gave a soft smirk as I darted my glance away. He ran his thumbs along the waist band to adjust the underwear, but his eyes had a question in them. Maybe a plea.
"Good night, bud," I said. Forcing myself to slip into the covers of one of the two beds, as if my heart weren't racing a million miles an hour.
"Good night, Scott," came his reply. Almost soft, not cocky. I'd been nervous until that point, but that voice gave me a boner beneath the sheets. And the very fact I was responding to his gentle masculinity added to the thrill. A feeling I hadn't felt before but maybe wanted to for a while.
He turned out the light.
I was so hard, I couldn't sleep. Scott Delahunt had starred in my JO fantasies a lot lately, and I knew after this weekend he was gonna be in them a lot more. I tossed and turned and tried to think of other stuff. I tried to think of the Titans season but then I'd remember one of the coaches I wanted to bone.
I hoped the beer would catch up and help me sleep. It didn't. I don't know how long I lay awake. Maybe an hour. I decided to go to the bathroom, where I could jerk off in privacy. It wouldn't take long to get my nut and take the edge off.
"Can't sleep either?" I heard Scott say as I scooted to get off the bed. His voice wasn't quiet but wide awake.
"No," I gulped.
"Anything I can do to help?" came his voice in the dark.
My heart pounded. "God, Scott." I was SO close to just saying, "come over and suck me off Daddy." Instead, Scott could tell the frustration in my voice.
"I'm serious, Austin. If you wanna ask me, I won't judge." he said. Then, "I actually kind of want you to ask me."
My heart melted. Here was my dream man, vulnerable as hell. Maybe I'd made him feel that way. Maybe it was just fate.
"Would you join me in my bed?" I asked. Into the darkness of the room. I thought of turning on the lamp but didn't want to break the spell that was set between us.
Scott didn't answer, and I first I though I'd fucked it up big time. Misread what he was suggesting. But then I heard his mattress squeak and then felt his warm body bump against mine beneath the sheets. I scooted over to give him room.
The man was shaking some, but his hands were not wasting time eagerly touching my body. I knew from his touch he'd been thinking about this, wondering what my muscle would feel like. I let him feel and reached down to take off my briefs in case he wanted to feel more.
"Fuck!" he hissed.
"We can take this slow, Scott," I assured him as my own hands were pawing at his older muscle. I'd never get sick of the feel and rougher skin of a middle aged man. And the idea of what he represented to me. Power, authority, experience. I kept my urges in check and slowly caressed his warm back.
The man pulled his hands back some and like that he was peeling his own underwear off. Baring himself for me.
I don't know what I felt first, his hard dick against mine or his lips pressing into a kiss. It wasn't until that kiss that I realized how much I'd pent up. And how much Scott had pent up himself. He was married, maybe nominally straight or whatever. But this man wanted me.
In my past times with older guys, I insisted on getting serviced. It was part of my thing, I guess, my power trip. But I'd heard enough of Scott's marital woes, that I knew I had to give him a real blow job. I kissed my way down his hairy chest and still padded middle and started licking his cock.
His dick was on the smaller side, between 4.5 and 5 inches and was the hardest dick I'd ever encountered. I was grateful for his size as I opened my mouth and took that cock in.
"Yes," he hissed excitedly.
I rarely suck cock and if I do, it's as a teaser for foreplay. So I'm not an expert, but I must have been better than Mrs. Delahunt.
"Suck me buddy!" Scott gasped. His fingers were in my hair, on my scalp. Not possessively, but more appreciative. Like he'd forgotten what pleasure like this was like. I was reminding him with steady and faster mouth strokes.
I backed off a few seconds before he came. I needed this daddy's mouth on my cock before orgasm removed his willingness to suck me. I climbed up and met Scott in another kiss before I pulled back and scooted up to line up my arching, hard prick to his face.
"Take your time," I urged. Not "please suck me" or "would you blow me too?"
I didn't need the pleasantries. I felt his warm wet tongue lick at my head. Tentative as hell, but it was the kind of tentative fear of not doing it right than not wanting to do it.
"Feels great," I assured him. Now running my fingers through his hair. Appreciative, but definitely possessive. I pushed into his mouth. About three inches. Enough to fill him but not trip any gag reflex. "Just take me, man. Nice shallow strokes... there." I was doing most of the work. Maybe I'd train Scott how to be my cocksucker. The very idea got my balls boiling with my load.
Even if he wasn't doing the work he was doing his best. Sucking at me, trying to keep his saliva contained while forming a ring around my softly pistoning cock. I was thick as well as long, and I knew I was a lot. But the man was acting like a champ.
"I'm gonna cum in your mouth, Scott," I warned him. Giving him an out. He had three seconds to do something about the situation. He didn't, so like that I was firing off big. A heavy load right into his mouth. I pulled back so he'd get it mostly on his tongue. I thought he'd feel more comfortable swallowing it that way, but mostly I wanted him to taste me. To know what my cum was like.
I pulled out and felt my prick twitch in the aftershocks.
The man deserved any release I could give him. I scooted back down to suck him to completion but as I approached his crotch, I smelt that familiar bleachy-floral scent. And felt his hands grip my head to stop me.
"I... just came," he admitted.
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genericpuff · 10 months
hello! i don't know anything about digital art or tablets but it's something i'd like to try out. i was wondering if you know of any affordable tablets that you don't have to hook up to a computer?
So the fortunate thing is that tablets have gotten a LOT cheaper especially with other companies like Huion and XP-Pen stepping up to offer competitive prices compared to Wacom, which is notoriously expensive.
That said, the unfortunate thing is that the cheapest tablets on the market are the ones that you have to hook up to a PC (these are typically desk tablets, i.e. the ones that you basically use as a computer mouse because there are no screens built in to them).
There are PC tablets where they're all in one PC's that offer tablet screens (I used to use a Cintiq Companion 2 which was exactly that) but they're INCREDIBLY expensive and honestly, not much better than just getting an entry level PC and screen tablet / monitor + desk tablet. It's definitely not something you'd want to get if you haven't tried out digital art before either, because there's a risk in that in and of itself - you haven't done it before, so you're not guaranteed to stick with it. And I say that because digital art in and of itself is a medium, there's a learning curve to it even if you already have foundational knowledge in traditional art (though that foundational knowledge will help a lot) and it's not as easy or simple as just pressing some buttons and making art appear. So the last thing you're gonna want to do is spend a whole bunch of money on a drawing tablet / digital art software if you wind up not liking it in the long run.
So I would say your best option for trying out digital art without losing out on a whole lot of money if you wind up not enjoying it (and if you want something that doesn't require hooking up to a PC) would be a Samsung tablet or iPad - and I say that because if you DON'T end up creating digital art in the long term, you'll still have a handy portable PC that you can use for other things. You can get iPads and Samsung tablets at used prices through pawn shops, local marketplaces, etc. or if you have strong rep with your phone company, you might be able to snag a deal next time you renew your phone plan (I would recommend checking around back-to-school season or Christmas/Black Friday/etc. as that's when phone companies offer crazy deals where you can get tablets and accessories basically for free LMAO)
Just make sure you do your research on what tablets offer what in terms of pen and software compatibility, some tablets don't work with pens, others only work with specific kinds of pens, etc. For iPads, you'll typically want something that will ideally work with the Apple Pencil 2, as that's the newest model of the Apple Pencil (and it has that fun way of charging where you can just stick the pen to the side of the tablet and it magnetizes/charges from your iPad's battery).
I can't really give advice on the Samsung tablets as I've never used them, so do your research for that one, there are loads of videos online that talk about all the different models and benefits. Just note that if you want to use Procreate specifically, you'll need an iPad as it's an iOS-only app. Clip Studio and Adobe products , on the other hand, are offered on virtually all mobile devices and software!
I hope that helps! Good luck!! <3
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psychopasss4 · 10 months
Dir. Shiotani PPP interview
Q&A with the Director Shiotani on 6/15/2023.
For reference, I know y'all had read this couple of times as it has been distributed and discussed online 😁🤭
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1. What are your hobbies for the weapons that appear?→Is Assault Dominator a hobby of the director? There were three variations of the assault type before the final design. I'm looking forward to the completion of (Kaiser's Dominator).
2. Is there a window in the criminal division room?→It was originally there. It was hidden by holo wallpaper, but Akane cut it out to create a healthy and refreshing space.
3. Was General always in the north?→ Jack Daw and Vixon only appear in the second half. That's it.
4. What was the reaction of the first staff member to Dango Chika?→I thought about putting it in a movie, but decided against it. I like this hairstyle because it looks the cleanest.
5. The story of the three archangels (Michael, Raphael, Gabriel)→ Raphael is the high-altitude communication equipment, Michael is the mobile weapon, and Gabriel is the land weapon that was also in Aso, and it also appeared in SS3.
6. Doesn't the person who was shot feel pain?→It hurts. Kogami also hurts. But I'm used to it. It's not that it doesn't hurt.
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7. Is the room before going to the holo room similar to the one in John Wick?→The place where Kai and Kogami fought is inside an attraction similar to the Great Kumamoto Exhibition.
8. Who are the Japanese other than Tonami from Peace Breaker?→It disappeared.
9. General's startup sound is good.→ Mr. Koyama did a really great job in the effects department.
10. What about the whiskey on the desk in Kogami's room?→ Offering a glass to Saiga.
11. The meaning of the broken mirror.→Search for "Russia" and "hand mirror".
12. The room in the last scene?→This is Vermilion's room. Let's all look at Akane crying (I vaguely remember).
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13. About Bokamoso→ There was a clear intention in making his Bokamoso look like that (skin color, etc.). thus! I asked for that visual. Maybe you'll hate me? Same as Kai.
14. Why was the anechoic chamber room number 4?→ That's what it means.
15. Why did the doctor use Saiga as a bait?→PROVIDENCE series of unfortunate accidents. He thought he was safe because Saiga was in an isolation facility and couldn't go outside.
16. Did AI try to obtain a body before or after Sibyl?→The timing is about the same. I made it with great irony. Sarcasm towards humans.
17. Why does Kasei stare at Yabuki in the scene regarding the right to investigate the Grozlang?→Good, let's chew the dried squid (nuance).
18. It was evening when Akane entered Saiga's room, but the clock in the room said 23:41?→Confirm.
19. What is the sunflower pattern on the carpet in Saiga's room?→It has meaning. Please chew on the flower language of sunflowers.
20. Is it intentional that the setting sun shines through the hole in the cross in the Yabuki Room?→ That's right.
21. Why does Frederica admire Yabuki?→Yabuki was the one who picked up her and elevated her to that position. The person Frederica is talking to at the end of SS3 is Yabuki.
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22. Doesn't Yabuki look like Superintendent Wong from Infernal Affairs?→It's similar. Because that's where I modeled it.
23. Whose crime coefficient ↑ 300 belongs to when Vermilion points Dominator at you on the rooftop?→Things of light.
24. What is the meaning of the expression that Takumi gives Atsushi?→ ``That was a tough mission,'' he said. Let's think.
25. Is there any meaning in Kai putting down his rifle or throwing his pistol?→It means that you are aware of it. It's a code that says they don't have the will to fight that hard.
26. (About the tumbler with vermilion illustrations)→I'm still drinking sweet tea. Please let Shu's head cool down. To the fullest. Kogami in the back? That's two sides of the same coin.I want a tumbler that changes Ginoza's hairstyle depending on the temperature.
27. I like the way Frederica's hair swings.→It's about the assault type. I am particular about it.
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alicewhitesblog · 3 months
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Do not Press! - A Short Story by © Rebel Version
It’s rare that an inanimate object achieves celebrity status, but that is what happened to elevator number seven of the TransCorp building.
It was just like any other working day, people cramming themselves into the elevator pressing their floor buttons. No-one taking much notice to the bright green star shaped button that had suddenly appeared. In fact, the button would have probably gone unnoticed for awhile if it wasn’t for the warning label emblazoned below it.
Facilities quickly got involved, demanding to know from the maintenance company who serviced the elevators, what was the meaning of installing a button with the instructions DO NOT PRESS!
The maintenance company were just as in the dark as TransCorp and sent an engineer over immediately to see what danger the button was posing.
The engineer, puffed out his cheeks, scratched his head, made a few phone calls, scratched his head some more and came to the conclusion that he could not see what the button would activate if pressed.
Terrorists were briefly considered, but since the building had twenty-four-hour security at the front desk. They were soon ruled out.
Once talk of terrorists were dismissed, the little green button soon became the topic of conversation among the workforce. What would happen if someone were to press it?
Long queues formed outside elevator number seven constantly throughout the day, with people now wanting to take selfies of themselves. Fingers poised dangerously close to the button, looking as if at any moment the picture taker was going to press the button.
Some of the more artistic workers of TransCorp, composed songs to upload on YouTube. While others wrote poems to share in the online company magazine. A prize going to the most original.
One entrepreneur even went to the trouble of getting some t-shirts printed with a picture of the green button and the slogan, ‘DARE YOU PRESS!’ All proceeds made, going obviously to charity.
However, sadly one day all this good-natured hype came crashing down unexpectedly. Despite the email put out by the management in the beginning, instructing staff that under no circumstances were they to press the button. Somebody did!
One morning when a group of people stepped in to ride the elevator, they found a mobile phone lying on the elevator floor next to a pool of blood! All thoughts of the little green button quickly vanished.
Security cleaned the blood off the floor and phone, then proceeded to see who it belonged too. The person who dropped the phone was clearly in need of medical attention. Fortunately, the phone was not locked and upon activation, security found two recent photos.
The first, was of the phone’s owner taking a selfie clearly pressing the button. The second, was a blurred picture of the owner’s face contorted in agony.
Was the phone owner ever found? No.
And as for the star shape green button, that too just disappeared along with its warning,
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catboii · 10 months
((just a "little" (ha) update I guess, nothing major, just a note that I'm sorry if I post alot this week with seemingly no regard for my/my muse's vast presence on the dash, or if I end up writing alot of short weird drabbles to vent.... if there's questionable stuff it'll be tagged like always <3
I understand if you need to unfollow me to keep your dash clear for other people if you're mobile etc. or if you need to blacklist my muse's url for a bit if it's overwhelming
After xmas everything may have settled and if you wanna refollow then I'd welcome you back and wouldn't ask any questions. your comfort (whatever that may classify as in the context) is my utmost priority!
normally I try not to clutter, and I try to keep general post reblogs minimal and just queue most of them. I'm just... not doing too good rn
then again it's a 50/50 that I'll be posting nothing at all, just making my muse's presence known if it wants to sorta wave at someone from the depths of my brain hell jail.
I'll still be checking in around xmas stuff bc this muse gives me v happy bubbly vibes whenever I write it and that's honestly what I need rn.
I'm sorry if your muse reblogs/replies to one of mine's posts or smth and I seemingly glance over it. I genuinely just didn't see it. I always try and respond to stuff, or if it doesn't know how to reply I at least acknowledge that my muse saw it by liking it. but I might not have the mental capacity to actually keep up w stuff
BASICALLY I'm either gonna be kinda quiet or rly hyperfixated on not being in my own head for the next week or so.
I'm obv stressed anyway bc I need to do xmas shopping still and it's a struggle bc online it probs won't come in time. we're going "late night shopping" on thursday though so hopefully we can get a bunch of stuff then
but mainly an old work friend of mine passed away today. He's been unwell for a few years, and I dunno if he knew what it was and was just keeping it quiet, or if they genuinely couldn't work it out. last I heard he was getting MRIs.
I had a complicated relationship w him (positive) bc he was either bipolar or had BPD like me (although he wasn't diagnosed with either, but it was obvious he at least had bipolar), and if you know anything abt BPD you know what an FP (favourite person) is, and we were sort of each other's when we were working together? I think. like I say he wasn't diagnosed, but it felt like that. we hit it off really quick and were both really comfortable with each other, and he was just the sweetest most supportive person. he was one of my FPs, which basically means my brain was cursed to be in intense friendlove with him. He would tell me that he loved me and appreciated my friendship, was always saying you need to tell people you love them, however you can, however you mean it, because you don't know if you'll ever get to tell them again
he always showed off the little things I made him and made sure everyone knew exactly where he got the silly little origami animals on his desk, or who made his juggling balls that were his favourite thing in the whole world bc I made them for him by hand, and picked the fabric out specifically for him.
One time around xmas, bc of covid, we had these big plastic screen dividers between our desks and I used posca paint pens to draw him a HUGE Robin in a scarf and santa hat (his name was Robin and people always got him little Robin themed things, he loved them) on the one by his manager desk, like a name tag, but Facilities told him he needed to clean it off and chastised him thinking he did it, and you're "not supposed to vandalise work equipment" even though they're literally washable and it was xmas. we were sticking decorations everywhere, how is it any different? but he played along but he was really mad. He didn;t wanna say it was me that did it, because he thought I might've gotten in trouble, but he also wanted to argue that I'd put alot of work into it. I hadn't put that much in, it was just for fun and I liked drawing it, and he got to see it! That was the important part. and I said so. but I cleaned it off and drew him a new Robin on a piece of paper and he kept it at his desk like a retired picket sign, and told the story to anyone who would be polite enough to listen
mostly though, he gendered me correctly (and he was in his 60s so being so passionate abt they/them pronouns was just really sweet, though he was clearly bi but still in the closet, so it was maybe a little projection, in a way, or just straight up quiet queer solidarity), and literally agressively made sure everyone else did too, when he realised I'd been just letting people at work use whatever pronouns, he got really proactive and made sure all my paperwork was marked as "them" officially (with my permission). if anyone misgenered me he would get visably annoyed or disgusted, and there were a couple people who "forgot" (every time) and he actually got angry at them about it and reported them for harassment, which might've been a little extreme, but I honestly felt so validated, and I'm tearing up thinking about it. I don't think anyone's ever fought that hard in my corner, especially after only knowing me for, at that point, less than a year.
We worked together in a couple different parts of the business for a couple years, until some stuff happened that I shouldn't say bc I need my rp blog(s) to stay far away from my professional life, but we were gonna be working together doing something else, but it wasn't his thing, it was stressful and there were other reasons, but he just lost it and walked out.
we had a little joke when we were training before he left, he had this soft toy robin that he let me borrow because I was really anxious, and I gave it a little notepad and pencil and wrote something silly on it for when he got it back each time. usually some out of context joke on what we learned that day, so we could both laugh about it. but when he left I still had it, and I messaged him saying I would get it back to him sometime, but he said to keep it to remind me of him.
I put it away to keep it safe, but I'm gonna have to go and find it, because it's one of the only physical things I have left of him.
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fixa-ryeter · 2 years
hello. uh. this is the Mob and Ritsu writing i mentioned. it's like 2000 words but i'm just pasting it all here bc i don't have ao3 or anything AFBHBFD so uh. yeah. <3
edit: I just fixed the formatting on mobile i am SO SORRY I WAS ON PC
Mob watched as his blond disciple dragged Serizawa out of the door to his office after bidding their farewells; heard Reigen’s loud laughing and Serizawa’s exasperated chuckling fade out as they walked down the pavement downstairs. The buzzing fluorescent light was suddenly stark against the silence left behind. Mob put his face in his hands, hips resting against the edge of his desk.
He sighed.
He seemed to do that a lot.
Even more so than usual, noted Reigen earlier that day, who promptly asked him if Tsubomi from across the street had rejected him (he hadn’t even asked her). Serizawa was staring at him again, out of curiosity, but this wasn’t something he could share with them.
Last week. Thankfully none of his employees had been involved, seeing as it wasn’t an actual job. He would have hated for them to witness that experience. That…... that awful feeling, one that stabbed him in the chest and suffocated him before the burst of energy erupted from his core. He saw something, something that he could never remember before. He saw his little brother, he saw the high-schoolers who had picked on them when they were little children; he…... he saw the blur of a spirit—his own, he was sure now—something that had blasted the high-schoolers away, something that blew his brother into the brick wall and—
What was that feeling? Guilt? It didn’t feel quite right. It wasn’t anger, or hate, not exactly fear either……
Mob shuddered and took a deep breath of air, but not much of it seemed to reach his lungs. Then he took another. And another. Slow, dragging, pushing back the familiar nasally watering in his eyes that never seemed to spill over.
All those years he’d spent not remembering. He’d been thinking about it for the whole week now; he didn’t recognize the spirit in the lost memory. He knew it was himself, somehow, because who else could it have been?
He wanted to say no. Say that it might have been someone else. But he just knew.
He was the one who had hurt his little brother all those years ago.
He had been lied to. Mob was never the brightest in school, but he wasn’t outright stupid, he should’ve made that connection long ago. His little brother said that he didn’t remember what happened either—of course he remembered, of course he remembered what had happened, so why did he lie to him?
The urge to call his brother arose once again. His fingers twitched for his cell phone, but did not reach for it. His brother had blocked his number years ago. He hadn’t seen his brother or talked to him for years; he saw his brother around online, of course, what with his building career in the music industry. As much as it hurt to be left in the dust without any preamble, he had decided to respect his little brother’s decision. He never made contact. He never interacted with any of his content, either. Maybe he was protecting himself in the meantime, too, but he couldn't be sure.
But now he understood why his little brother had cut him out from his life. It was for the better, perhaps. But he would not just let it be without a long, long overdue apology first. And after a week of being a coward, Mob was finally ready to grab his keys and head for the address he knew, just before his brother decided not to talk to him anymore. He was grasping at thin straws here.
It was the longest drive of his life. His throat had threatened to close in on itself five too many times on the journey, but with each stop at a traffic light Mob had taken a swig of water to keep it at bay. He only knew to keep driving, because he couldn’t think of what else to do. All that filled his mind was air; it was practically nothing, per se, but it occupied the space and didn’t leave room for anything else.
So he drove.
Then he arrived at the apartment block, parked his car, and walked up to the building, only to rediscover that his little brother had moved away. Then he walked back to the car, got in, and commenced the second longest drive of his life as thoughts began to seep, little by little, back into his head.
There was a cacophony banging against his skull by the time he’d gotten back to his office—he had meant to go straight home but blanked on that idea, too. He dragged his feet up the steps, one, by one, by one, by another.
His boot-clad foot stopped on the last step, in front of the ill-placed wall in front of the stairs. A pin-drop silence drowned out the noise in his head. A familiar aura, an aura that he hadn’t felt in years, one that filled him with nostalgic confusion and disbelief washed over him. He was suddenly hesitant to side-step the wall. But he couldn’t just stay there forever. His boots felt more like lead on his feet than ever as he hoisted himself up the last ledge and forced himself to walk toward his office door, toward a face that had become heavier with fatigue since the last time he saw it years ago.
He forced his lips to move, to address the man who stood before him even as the name turned to ash in his mouth.
Cups of tea stood steaming on the coffee table as the brothers sat on either side of it. You could see the resemblance in their faces: the matching eyebags, the way their gazes fixated on the floor—though that was just an effort to avoid each others’ eyes—their faces both pale from nervousness.
“Thanks for the tea,” said Ritsu awkwardly. His voice was higher than he would’ve liked it to be, a bit of a waver beneath a voice crack. Mob could only nod in response, before:
“How did you find me?”
“Your business is more famous than you think, Shigeo. Nii-san.” The honorific was stale and foreign, something that seemed to take extra effort for Ritsu’s mouth to enunciate, and for Mob’s ears to take in. It didn’t feel wrong, but it didn’t feel right, either. It was confusing.
Ritsu did not like Mob’s silence.
“Sorry. If you don’t want me to call you that-”
“No. Nonono, no, use it. Please.”
Ritsu allowed himself a sweeping gaze over the setup of his brother’s office, his gaze resting momentarily on a pinned photo of Mob and two middle-schoolers before they continued on their trajectory to land on his brother’s face, which looked as blank as ever.
“Ritsu, you lied to me.” It wasn’t an accusation. It was a statement. “The… incident, I mean you probably don’t want to think about it but I—I’m sorry, Ritsu. I know I hurt you. Sorry probably doesn’t cut it but I’m sorry.” It was clear that those were all the words Mob knew how to say, and he couldn’t wait to get them out.
Ritsu could only stare at his brother. He was confused, to say the least. Because Ritsu was the one who came to apologise, and yet his brother was saying sorry, sorry for something he said he couldn’t remember. His own apology fizzled out in his throat. Did Mob remember after all? Did he lie, too, for all those years?
“You remembered?”
“Last week.” The older brother’s words were slow, deliberate, since now he realised that it sounded like he remembered and just didn’t bother to say anything about it for years. “I didn’t remember until then. It’s… complicated.”
Ritsu once again felt the urge to apologise, because unlike himself, Mob was a terrible actor and a worse liar. He had to be telling the truth. And even if Mob was lying, it just put them in the same boat.
“It’s okay. Well it’s—not, okay, like- I’m trying to be okay.”
Then Ritsu remembered his brother needed things told to him straight, because Mob’s dismayed look of confusion almost made him laugh.
“I don’t blame you, Nii-san, it’s not your fault, you know. I just- I-I just couldn’t—didn’t know how to- you know, deal with what happened. I’m sorry for leaving you in the dark for so long and I- cutting you off was a pretty dick move.”
“I get why you did it now.”
“Yeah, no, but still. I’m, uh, getting help for it now.”
“Good.” Even after years of estrangement, Ritsu still recognised the proud little glimmer in Mob’s eyes. “You… I’m. Happy. That you’re getting help.”
Mob put his thumb between his teeth after the words left his lips, chewing anxiously as he crossed a leg over another. “I’m sorry, Ritsu, I really am. I didn’t know. I would’ve done something to make things better if I did.”
As nice as it was to receive an apology, the following guilt that weighed a tonne in Ritsu’s gut wasn’t so nice.
“You weren’t conscious, Nii-san, stop apologising. You couldn’t do anything about it.”
“I wasn’t?”
Ritsu nodded. “None of it — none of this is your fault. It’s me, I need to make things better—I’m telling you I’m sorry from the bottom of my heart and that’s what I came here for.” Usually he would’ve cringed, sounding so cheesy, but his brother deserved a heartfelt apology.
“Ritsu…” Mob stared at his lap, at a loss for words. He didn’t know how to tell him he understood, that he didn’t have to feel bad for it all, that he was the victim of it and wasn’t supposed to be the one to shoulder all the guilt.
“Do you,” Ritsu whispered—when Mob looked up, Ritsu’s eyes were glistening and his lips were trembling— “forgive me?”
Mob watched a tear run down his face, then another, and suddenly he wanted to cry, too. Even after all these years it pained him to see Ritsu cry, it hurt to see Ritsu hurting.
He reached across the coffee table to brush his hand against Ritsu’s.
A cascade of tears dripped from Ritsu’s eyes, but the corners of his lips lifted into a tired smile, a watery chuckle turning into a cough.
“Thank you, so much-“ Ritsu choked on a sob, and Mob hastily pushed the now lukewarm tea toward Ritsu, frowning.
“Ritsu, I don’t have to forgive you, you did nothing wrong.”
“Ritsu, listen to me, sometimes you would flinch when I got too close to you.”
Where was he going with this?
“I know why now, Ritsu, you were scared. And stayed scared. We make mistakes when we’re scared. I don’t blame you.” I blame me, Mob thought guiltily. He knew he shouldn’t. Because if he did, then Ritsu would feel bad, so he didn’t say it out loud.
So he said instead, “drink your tea”, and took his own cup to drink in demonstration.
Ritsu, who had been blubbering the entire time, did the same, gripping the cup between his hands. He could feel Mob’s guilt writhing in his aura. Like a timid snake. He was trying to hide it, so Ritsu decided he wouldn’t say anything. Even now in silence, they were both fighting their own demons, and Ritsu dearly wished they could have helped each other in their battles earlier. The time for apologies was over, for now, or the conversation wouldn’t progress.
“Nii-san,” Ritsu began slowly, “I’m still your brother, right?”
“Only if you want to be.”
“I just want to feel like your little brother again.” Ritsu wiped at his eyes, a deep, shuddering inhale through his nose holding his tears back. “I miss you.”
“I want my little brother back,” Mob agreed, and Ritsu, abashed, rubbed the back of his neck.
“Are you embarrassed?”
“No,” Ritsu lied, then stood up rapidly, arms reaching out, but then he faltered.
“You hate hugs.”
“I hate hugs,” Mob confirmed slowly, but stood up and wrapped his arms around Ritsu. “But I don’t mind family.”
Ritsu hugged back tightly with a relieved sigh. There was a ridiculous height difference, and Ritsu was worried that he would crush his brother, but Mob squeezed tighter, and Ritsu stopped worrying. He stopped worrying about the untouched, unresolved, untouched things, because they could work through them now, with time, with each other.
They would learn how to be brothers again.
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3, 7, and 11 from the disability pride ask game? may the rest of disability pride month go well, anna! 🍀🍀🍀 - 💫 Enc
Hi Enchant! Disability pride has been fairly good this year, and I hope it continues to be so, thank you.
Disability Asks~
3. what, if any, disability aids do you use? (mobility aids, sensory aids, braces, communicative devices, IVs, etc. meds also count here). do you customize them/their containers/outsides?
My disability aids for the most part include my fidget toys (i have a lot), the fidget app on my phone, my headphones (i have both noise cancelling over the ear and in the ear buds) my ear plugs that reduce noise without fully cancelling it out, and my weighted blanket. i don't use meds for my adhd right now but me and my therapist are thinking about putting me on them in the future to help with my depression and anxiety because my adhd makes them worse-
I do some customization! my infinity cube and over the ear headphones both have stickers on them, and the cases that my ear buds and ear plugs come in also have stickers on them <3 I also have a little basket on my desk that most of my fidget toys go in that I decorated. My sister who sews is also helping me make a fleece cover for my weighted blanket because the current texture of the blanket makes my skin crawl.
(for those wondering, as far as fidget toys go, I have: infinity cube (planning on getting another), rattlesnake magnets, a few fidget cubes, chewlery, several stress balls, a few pop-it keychains, several fidget spinners, a fidget pen, and a bunch more I'm probably forgetting)
7. what's a struggle you wish more people talked about?
CW for discussions of ableism, especially how certain disorders are treated in horror/superhero genres/the entertainment industry in general
I wish personality/emotional disorders such as BPD, Bipolar, OCD, DID, Antisocial, Schizophrenic, Narcissistic, etc. were not only talked about more, but villainized much less in our society. My disabilities are cognitive/learning/functioning disorders (autism, adhd, anxiety, etc) that are infantilized/glorified and seen as "stupid/lazy people" disabilities, but I have friends both online and in person who have the kind of mental disabilities that are seen by society as "scary" and "dangerous". Those friends are some of the nicest people I have ever known, nothing like society and the entertainment industry will have you believe.
This is ESPECIALLY an issue with how these disabilities are treated in books/movies/tv shows, and even more especially in horror/superhero movies. The entertainment industry has this problem where the writers try to make the villains scarier by giving them some kind of disability whether unconsciously or not, whether the disability is a very visible one such as Two-Face with Batman comics- or they have some kind of mental disorder like Bipolar, OCD, DID, or any of the disabilities that society accociates with abusers and dangerous people- not unlike Joker or any of the other Batman villains in most Batman adaptations. As a result, disabilities such as these become very stigmatized and feared by society.
(I love Batman and his kids and all the villains, I really do- and this isn't a 100% true all the time- but at the same time there are maybe two Batman villains that aren't mentally or physically disabled, and where those disabilities aren't treated as scary and evil. And other media has a similar issue that the majority of abled people and the entertainment industry will not even acknowledge.)
Mental illness isn't correlated to being the abuser or dangerous person- in fact there's more evidence that actually says people with these mental disabilities/disorders are more likely to become victims and abused by others.
I think this is one of the big reasons why I'm writing Chase in The City is Ours with OCD and Bipolar Disorder- because disabilites like his in media are very often the disorders that villains and abusers have, not heroes. There are little to no protagonist/superhero characters who have personality/mood disorders that aren't portrayed as villains or awful abusers (especially in horror and superhero genres), and I'm hoping I can change that, if only a little bit with Chase.
11. how would you label your support needs?
when I was younger, my support needs were very low I think, because autistic/adhd brain thrived in a school system with a rigid structure (still sucked however, especially with the bullying from students and teachers alike), but as I've grown and the school system and now adult life have become less structured, my support needs are higher. I wouldn't say that I'm high support needs though, I would say that i'm more somewhere in the middle. Short answer, I'm medium support needs (though it could easily change from situation to situation) <3
Thanks @enchanted-lightning-aes !
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Life in the Future
Accepting aromanticism and asexuality was very easy. It took very little time to accept these as part of my identity, and there were no reluctance or hesitation when I arrived at this point. It was because these words really resonated with me, embodied my unconscious that I did not even notice when I was a child.
But what comes after acceptance? What comes after the euphoria and relief and liberation and satisfaction? What will life become now, when it cannot follow the linear path society suggests - dating, marriage, sex, children, and a lifelong companionship?
I think what led me to accept my aromanticism and asexuality faster was that deep down, I felt that life without marriage and children and other things was what has always felt comfortable.
So when I started to think about what my life will be like in the future now that I know I do not like forming romantic or sexual relationships, I started to look forward to that day. I just planned what I wanted to do.
When I go to college, I'll find a boarding house to live in. I don't like heavy, sweet, and greasy foods in the morning so I'll eat bread with cheese fillings for the most part. I'll buy a good notebook with black designs and a friction pen to write notes in Psychology with. If that's too laborious for me, I'd type on my laptop or write on my tablet with a stylus. Maybe I'd have friends or maybe I won't, but I'll hang out in the library or at a cafe with danmei music blasting in my earphones to do my work, while eating cake or drinking milk tea.
I'll read some good novels and webtoons on my freetime. Finally buy their merch. Finally learn Chinese and Korean to read time (lmao can I??). Make some online friends to geek out about these masterpieces.
Download MMORPG and RPG games again. Create a strong and OP character. Maybe experience the pay2win life. Finally try out Mobile Legends, COD, etc.
At night, I'd like to cook for myself: adobong kangkong, fried tofu with pork and eggplant or any egg dish. Maybe try noodles, and some Korean or Chinese cuisine that I can search up some recipes on TikTok. I'd try baking cake and making pizza.
With the time I have left, I'll learn so many things I have always wanted to learn. Kickboxing, knitting, crochet, violin, harp, dancing, singing. Maybe join an organization to learn about people from different professions: former spies, forensic science, marine biology, astrophysics, artificial intelligence, radiation biology, professional hugging, activists, etc.
I'll volunteer in an orphanage and help the community there. Visit every two weeks. Also join a queer support group. Visit my parent once every month and spoil the heck out of them with gifts.
Maybe I'll get a qpp or a close friend who lives next door that I'll hang out with or maybe I don't. I'll get a cat or a dog if they ever choose me and spoil the heck out of them as well. Cuddle them to naps. Take them for walks or travel around the neighborhood with them on a bike. Record videos of them that will be saved on a cloud.
The house will be full of pet supplies but it will be clean. Dreamcatchers and suncatchers will be put next to the windows. For added effect, the windows will have film on them. The portraits on the wall and next to the writing desks will be merchandise or role models. And then, I'll write to my hearts content.
The food I eat, the clothes I'll wear, the games I'd play, the literature I'll read, the house I'd decorate, the profession I'd have, the things I'd learn, the cause I'd fight for, the things I'll hate and like, and the things that I'll cherish. This is the best life.
Either that or I'll just return to the void xx ☠️
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teacherdespair · 1 year
Standard Student Behavioural Plan in 2023:
Thomas Syche (Version 66.6)
Thomas needs to be spoken to in a quiet, reassuring voice, especially when hiding under his desk in the corner and ignoring all attempts to contact him. Thomas needs 30 minutes of rest time for every 3 minutes of work he completes, as well as a further 10 minutes of time to crawl around the classroom in an upside-down wheel position while making seductive cat noises (as jointly approved by college principal, senior board members and Thomas’ guardians). Thomas is very shy and does not like attention, which is why he only responds to questions with shrieking sounds, an indication of his severe feelings of anxiety. These sounds are a genuine form of communication by Thomas and any answers he gives through this language should be recorded and marked by all teaching staff accordingly. Thomas is encouraged to provide his (optional) consent to participate in all group tasks and may wear his teacher-cancelling headphones throughout each lesson. His entire year group are reminded to carry on them at all times the Cat Communication Sounds For Beginners infographic provided by School Psychologist Number 18 (note: numbered in order of recent resignations), in order to best foster successful peer communication and good will. Thomas must be gently reminded (on an ongoing basis) that biting, throwing chairs and hurtful cat screams are not his most effective forms of group work. Thomas has been entrusted with carrying his medication upon his person at all times and should be strongly (yet gently) discouraged from selling it to the Year 3s, overdosing in the maintenance staff toilet, or melting the remaining tablets with the Science lab technician’s bunson burner from behind the bins at the back of the school near the roundabout across from the oval, like last time. Thomas is not allowed to use his mobile phone for any reason during school hours, other than communicating with his best middle-aged online gamer friends in Chechnya for emotional support during tests, as well as to snooze his fifty-seven alarm reminders to take his morning, mid-morning, breakfast, elevensies, afternoon tea, dinner, supper and dessert medications, for which he must be supervised at all times by an appointed staff member to take the exact medical dosage required - see Thomas’ personalised staffing roster for medication supervision (note: roster updated last minute, frequently - seek immediate legal advice if you miss your assigned time). Thomas is both strongly (and gently) discouraged from bringing his katanas, num-chuks and home-made wolverine cutlery claws to class, and has been recommended to keep such emotional support items in his locker, along with his emotional support mature minor medicinal marijuana, emotional support vape, and his emotional support Asus ROG Strix Scar 16 2023 high performance gaming laptop, to which he is legally entitled twelve hours of non-stop extra-curricular daily usage in order to further develop and extend his already significant hyperfocus and bladder retaining abilities (please note, if parental credit card bounces upon game purchase, immediately enact Lock Down Procedure Felidae Carnivora and bypass campus A and B ceiling sprinkler systems, like last time). For any questions or proposed alterations to this behavioural care plan for Thomas, please contact: Thomas himself, directly (and gently) from underneath his desk, exactly 58 minutes and seventeen seconds after his elevenses medication consumption. In communicating with Thomas, please refer to the approved staff copy of the Cat Communication Sounds For Beginners infographic.
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youngster-monster · 1 year
everytime i look back at my own anon asks they get longer and i feel like im writing an essay except the essay is hyperfixation fueled rambling . does that mean anything i WILL get my wow lore from you i HAVE been getting my wow lore from you and there is nothing that any gamer alive can do to stop me because i have more free time than i should be allowed to have and an obsession for two dead gay elves. i think about them every single day and i think that this can be accredited to you, ELVES???? IN MY MULTI-MASSIVELY ONLINE ROLEPLAYING GAME???????? MANY OF THEM??? AND THEYRE COMPETENT TOO?????? oh man oh god i (i am shoveling everything on my desk into a suitcase) i dunno if i (i am hauling my computer and monitors into a comically enormous suitcase that is far larger than the contents would require) dunno if i can (searching "FINAL FANTASY XIV DOWNLOAD") i dont know if i can play that g- okay for real though i May In Fact Download FFXIV . i am scared of games i know nothing about because Uh brain sucks but youve convinced me by setting up one of those stick and box animal traps with promise of elves as the bait. i now get to message my sister who has also been hitting me with ffxiv copypasta and tell her i am interested PLEASE please please i would literally do anything to see subs tank so that they have no choice but to kick illidan out of space hell and by extension kael and vashj too so they can be mean to eachother and have the banter i so crave. to me their banter is what mana addiction is to the high elves. i miss them every single day my brother actually found out about the gay elves when i left wow open on my computer ("what relevance does that have?" you know how you can name your wow character almost anything? yeah so i have this thing where i physically cannot stop myself from testing if ship names are available for use on any game i play and uhm. youll never guess what i was testing on wow right then and there) which is tragically positioned in such a way that it is visible to the entire room and when he saw it he looked so disappointed but in no way surprised whatsoever
the time that i have to message you approaches very quickly because the ask length is getting Worse. it is getting So Bad. my deepest condolences that you have to sift through this whole thing i just have so many things to say at any given time
frankly this reminds me of my old forums days. did y'all ever do that thing where you made a friend on a forum and instead of exchanging numbers (no mobile phone) or skype contacts you'd just exchange novel-length private messages? emails with extra steps.
i am so sorry for the dead elves brainrot. it will get worse.
me 🤝 your sister Come Play FFXIV. They Are Extending The Free Trial In October. You Cannot Escape The Elves
it's actually a good game too especially once you make it past base game! as a wow player i found it pretty easy to get into after a quick period of adaptation ( < forged in the crucible of wotlk-era wow)
i just KNOW the outland trio has some incredibly comedic AND tragic potential with their banter and blizzard is KEEPING IT FROM US.
everyday hapless brothers are subjected to their sibling's dead gay elves obsession.... and it will happen again. when we're in the same room i often ask my brother random wow lore questions and he answers me immediately before going (extremely suspicious) "why. is this for a fanfic." yes it is now tell me more about coastal cities in the eastern kingdom for this throwaway line im trying to write
i also cannot shut the fuck up and i love attention and friendship so i'm having a blast personally 😌 everyday i log on and go "ah :) got a new message from my Secret Connection" like we're two spies in the 17th century corresponding through letters folded under a rock
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clippingamazon · 1 year
Some Great Benefits Of Online Sms Verification Service
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It is easy and quick to validate the authenticity of an individual by using SMS. This is a powerful security device that can help to prevent fraudulent transactions and increase customer satisfaction.
However, it's not an absolute method of authentication on its own. It could be utilized together with other methods to prevent fraud, and also methods of buyer verification.
SMS authentication is an effective method of two-factor authentication because it's readily available for all mobile devices, and the majority of consumers are comfortable to the method. It also costs relatively little and doesn't require any extra hardware or software to implement.
The site is also extremely accessible, which allows customers to log in even if they're not on the internet. This helps reduce the possibility of a help desk call and gives users the confidence that their account is secure.
This adds a bit of friction when you the checkout. If they have to enter the code required to finish their purchase, customers may be annoyed and abandon their purchases. This could be an issue for merchants who need to balance the risk of fraud with the desire to create a seamless purchase experience to their customers. It is important to be aware that, by utilizing their fraud prevention methods, businesses can limit the amount and frequently SMS authentication is required.
Fraud Prevention
The constant war between fraudsters and prevention methods, hackers constantly come up with new ways to defeat two-factor authentication. Cybercriminals who attack famous sites for stealing passwords from databases are particularly vulnerable. The stolen passwords are extremely useful on the black market, and often utilized to access the accounts of customers across other websites that are logged in with the same password.
SMS verification is one way to stop these types account takeovers. It requires that users enter a code that is that is sent to their phone prior to logging in or make purchases. The use of this type of verification may also reduce the possibility of chargebacks resulting from stolen credit card details. However, SMS verification does provide another level of difficulty on the process of checkout and could discourage some customers from making purchases at all or even cause them abandon their cart. This is why merchants should carefully balance their need for security with the need to make their customers satisfied.
SMS verification might be the most popular form of two-factor authentication, because it doesn't require downloads of apps as well as QR codes. It's also a breeze to operate, and people from all ages are able to make use of their mobile phones. It's also affordable, and users don't need to purchase additional hardware or software as they do with other methods of verification.
But there are a few disadvantages to the use of phone number verification service. One is that it adds a layer of friction in the process of signing-in that could deter customers from making purchases or creating accounts. If they decide to utilize or not this method, merchants should weigh the advantages of fraud prevention over the benefits of keeping customers.
Certain websites, like provide free services that enable users to skip SMS confirmation. It's not the best idea. This doesn't make sense and could lead to security concerns for customers of other services.
The Security of Your Own Home
Authentication is an essential part of every fraud prevention plan. This is because it helps to make it more difficult for fraudsters to impersonate you, take your accounts if they are compromised, or create fake tickets that are linked to the identity of your. SMS verification is a very popular method for securing your identity, and is easy to incorporate into the checkout process. It's a simple and cheap method.
The phone number verification works by sending an encrypted code to the user's mobile number. A user has to enter the code received in order to be able to log into their account or make a purchase online. This means that only someone that has access to the phone of the user's phone can use it for fraudulent purposes.
The method, however, is not as secured than other methods of authentication like authentication apps and security keys. Additionally, it depends on the network of the phone for its operation, which means it may fail in the event that the internet goes down. Therefore, it's best to use this method in conjunction with other tools to prevent fraud as well as buyer verification methods.
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id0ntkn0w0101 · 1 year
How to Plan a Book for Spontaneous Overthinkers - Planning/Writing Tools
Heads-up: This post is a long boi. So I'll start by saying that I am not a published author. However, I have been writing for as long as I can remember and in the past 5 years or so have started taking it much more seriously. After 3 failed Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month Challenge) attempts and countless others on my own time, I think I have figured out the best way for me to plan my stories in a way that gives me a set plan without causing me to overthink about planning so writing isn't boring. This first post is literally just on tools I like to use.
Planning Tools
Seeing as how writing is a creative art, a lot of it is left to opinion. So here are my tastes, opinions, and suggestions for writing tools.
Find a Writing Tool You Enjoy: For me this has historically been a typewriter, a fountain pen and a nice sturdy hardcover notebook, or a dip glass pen and ink with a faux weathered journal I got on amazon. For some you may just prefer typing it out on a computer or using a ballpoint pen and a notebook.
If you like typing stuff out on a computer... Google Docs and LibreOffice are my go-tos if you just want a standard writing experience. Google Docs is one you most likely know and lets you store everything in the cloud, but I've noticed it makes my computer run a little slowly and I've had saving issues on multiple occasions since it doesn't have a manual save feature. LibreOffice, on the other hand, is an open-source dupe for Microsoft Office that is completely free, has more features than Google Docs, and lets you manually save. Plus, you'll never have any issues with your Wi-Fi going out and not being able to access your files. If you like being able to do a mix of typing and handwriting, I recommend using OneNote. Despite it being a Microsoft app, it's free and cross-compatible with mobile devices and computers (you do have to manually sync your notebooks sometimes). However, if you use an art tablet with your computer or just a standard touch-screen tablet and a stylus, you can sketch, handwrite, and type all in the same document easily. I use OneNote for most of my planning.
If you like unique or old-fashioned writing tools... Glass or metal dip pens are a fun choice. You do have to do some personal research though based on how you want to write though. For example, I bought a glass dip pen because it had a little bit of a scratchier vibe that I enjoyed and was also better suited for writing in cursive and drawing little doodles when my brain needed a writing break. I got mine on amazon and the brand is called "Freedom of the Starry Sky" It came with a beautiful ink, a carrying case, and a little glass stand to rest the pen on. I don't have any specific recommendations for metal dip pens however. If you want an ink recommendation, however, I use and love the Windsor & Newton Black India Ink, which I got on amazon for about $7. It's great, and its water based so all you have to do to clean the residue off your pen is let it sit in some warm water for a minute and wipe it off.
If you want a typewriter... I am very autistic and typewriters are a special interest of mine so I'll try to keep this brief (spoiler alert, I failed). This isn't the cheapest option by a long shot but I love my typewriter with all my heart so I figured it should be included. Here's my tips: look on Ebay, Mercari, and Facebook Marketplace and try to find one in your budget that is at least mostly functional (my old girl is from the 40s and ribbon doesn't advance but I love her anyway). If you're going to be working at a desk, get a desktop model, but if you're like me and have no clue where you want to type, find one that is portable WITH CASE INCLUDED. Trust me you do not want to be looking for a typewriter case for a vintage typewriter online. Next, determine if you want/need a quieter model. Typewriters will never be silent, but some are made to muffle more noise than others. There is a YouTube channel called Jot and Tittle and they make demos of vintage typewriters where you can hear how loud they are and see how they are to work with. So if you find a specific model you're considering buying, make sure to check there to see if the keys are the right amount of clicky and the write amount of clacky for your needs. You'll also need to find ink ribbon, which you can easily find on ebay. If you have any questions or need to do/have a repair done, I recommend r/typewriters on reddit or finding a typewriter repair shop or other forum online.
Other Things I Recommend:
Random Generators: Whether it be for writing prompts, opening lines, names of any kind you can possibly think of, settings and locations, or really anything, I promise there is a random generator for you. For all things names (locations or people), I use Fantasy Name Generators, but anything you can think of has a generator online if you look.
Baby Name Websites: Sometimes you want a unique but realistic character name and you want to include the meaning or have the meaning of the name be an integral part of the story. If that's you, go to baby name websites. Most of them let you search by meaning or even pick a name you like (for example, a character whose name you like) and find similar names easily.
AI Story Generators: For the love of all that is holy, unholy, or right in the middle, do not publish or post anything written by AI and call it your own. However, if you can't decide how to write a scene or if you need a way to start the next chapter, or anything like that, use an AI generator and EDIT it afterwards. Most of these programs are subscription based or have a free trial or have a limited amount of generations per month, just so you know.
So that's all I have to say on this specific topic, but as soon as I finish this post I will be working on writing the next post on genres and genre expectations using the genres of my own current novel I'm planning as examples, so be sure to check that out if interested. Have a great day and please comment if you have any questions or if you're not going to be an ass. Thanks!
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leam1983 · 2 years
My EDC for Work
I mostly work remote now, but there's still some days that see me head back into the office. My EDC tends to vary depending on what's on my schedule.
a Google Pixel 4XL w/ 128 GB in storage space. Basic comms, mobile file storage, music player, notes.
a Flipper Zero module, which is attached to my keychain and allows me to wipe and clone office-related RFID tags. It saves me on having to walk down to the locked and secured actual cloning machine, with Management having needed a while to come around to my using it. I also use it to control our conference room's projector, seeing as the actual remote is always misplaced. It lets me into my office and allows me to spook my non-tech-savvy EV-using colleagues seeing as Toyota doesn't individualize keyfob NFC signals. I also use it to control our garage door and to head inside the apartment. Oh, and it's also my dedicated IR remote for the media center.
two SanDisk Compact UltraFlash USB drives at 128 GB apiece. One is my Ventoy drive and is crammed with every single OS the office needs, from Linux Mint for the Call Centre to Windows Server 2020, as used by the Art and Production teams, with several variations in-between and a few bootable utilities, such as GParted, Hiren's Boot CD, FreeNAS and Proxmox. Both of them are molded to my keychain using little Sugru putty hoops. The Executive pool being beyond all salvation, I also pack a hacked Windows 11 image file that I've modded to be just a little bit more flexible than the commonplace Tiny11 ISO that's accessible online. Allowing sixteen year-old computers running on spinning rust to function off of a modern operating system has at least allowed us to acclimate the older ends of the Accounting department to modern standards. Unlike the actual Tiny11 ISO, I've kept the authentication suite because y'can't really run homebrew Windows images in an office setting legally if the resulting installation can't phone home...
Admin Days:
my Razer Blade 14 laptop and its associated dongles, running off of Windows 11 Pro. I edit campaign-related documents, review project files and sign off on our dealers having fully-assembled digital care packages packed with everything they'll need to get their sales off the ground. I also confirm the proper placement of documents that will need to be accessible for our Printing associates later. Everything IT takes place there, except for what relates to the Call Center. My laptop allows me to Term into our four server stacks if our checklists detect that something's missing, and to visually report on what needs to be transferred. To do all this, I also pack...
a TP-Link USB-C to RJ45 adapter, which is foldable and takes about zero space in my laptop's bag. It works like any other built-in hardline access point.
a no-name collapsible Cat5 Ethernet cable
a small bean bag. This one actually stays in-office, but I take it out from underneath my desk when I know I'll be watching the local network or mothering file transfers for more than twenty minutes. I am not spending half-an-hour standing up in the hot aisle, no sir.
Call Centre Admin Days:
my 512 GB Steam Deck. It's a couch gaming platform at home and a Linux Terming station at work. Going Linux-to-Linux is much more intuitive for me than loading Windows' Linux tools, seeing as it gives me a complete GUI I can use to guide less computer-savvy call agents through common procedures. It virtualizes a barebones-basic Linux Mint install that I can boot up and peer through if some colleagues report weird bugs or VoIP-specific issues, and I can use it for remote takeovers if things get too complex and require that I actually dig in to fix an issue.
my Steelseries Arctis 9 headset and USB emitter. I'm technically obligated to use wired audio peripherals at work, but Management soon realized I had too many side-jobs to take care of at work to really make the use of anything wired practical on the long term. They're plugged in if I have to lend a hand and make a few calls, but typically operate wirelessly. Everyone at the office knows to ping me on 3CX if I'm working within range of my desk, and to text or message me if I'm not.
On-Site Implementation:
my Google Pixel Slate. This old croaker's really useful when I'm dealing with non-tech-savvy salespersons who need a walkthrough of a campaign's documents or who want a demo run of some of our VR and WebGL content offers. It's a decent notepad on its own, and it comes with its own dongles. It's the PC I'll use to access any dealer's infrastructure and confirm with their Sales Director and Financial Controller that everything's above-board and ready to go.
That last one is the least-frequent of my tasks, seeing as Management knows not to send a cripple halfway across the province on his own. They let me implement campaign materials and check for head offices' go-ahead only for local dealerships, some colleagues of Walt's are scattered across the province for the rest.
All of that sort of informs why I took the Brain Gremlin as a persona, as I'm technically able to crater the company that employs me if I so desired, and could do so during personal or business-related trips.
Failing that, I get to fuck around with our presenting hardware if I'm bored, I can wreak havoc with my fellow geeks' radio-powered desktop toys, and have been known to pull an April Fools on my boss by using my Flipper Zero to put his shelf-mounted radio receiver on his least-liked station without opening the door.
Because Razer are incompetent buffoons that long ago made it clear they had no vested interest in supporting the use of Open Source operating systems, and who made it a requirement to use Windows Update in order to get absolutely anything to work on the Razer Blade 14.
If it's any consolation, I use WSL to run Kali Linux on top of my Windows 11 install on my laptop. The way it's set up, you'd swear it's just a productivity and light gaming machine up until I mouse over to and click on a blank spot in the upper border. Kali's own GUI then drops down.
As to why I'd want to attack or breach my own employer's resources? Having an in-house pen-tester is a lot cheaper in this economy.
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connectdesk · 16 days
Air India UK Flight Date Change Policy: Fees, Process, and Tips
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Travel plans don’t always go as expected, and sometimes, a flight date change becomes necessary. For UK passengers flying with Air India, understanding the airline’s flight date change policy is crucial to avoid unnecessary expenses and hassles. This guide covers the essential aspects of Air India's date change policy, including the associated fees, the process for making changes, and tips to ensure a smooth experience.
For further assistance, reach out to the Connect Desk UK office at +44 203 997 1971.
1. Fees for Changing Your Flight Date
Air India’s fees for changing a flight date depend on several factors, including the type of ticket you’ve purchased, the class of travel, and the timing of the change request. Understanding these variables is key to managing your travel costs.
Refundable vs. Non-Refundable Tickets:
Refundable tickets offer greater flexibility. You can often change the date with minimal fees or no fees at all, especially if the change is made well in advance. However, if the new flight is more expensive, you will need to pay the fare difference.
Non-refundable tickets come with stricter conditions. While a change is still possible, the fees are generally higher, ranging from £50 to £150 depending on the fare class and how close to the departure date you make the request. Passengers with discounted or promotional tickets may face even higher fees, and in some cases, date changes might not be allowed.
Fare Differences: Regardless of the type of ticket, if the new flight costs more than your original booking, you’ll have to cover the fare difference. Conversely, if the fare for the new date is lower, Air India generally does not refund the difference.
Class of Travel: Passengers flying in business or first class generally benefit from lower or no date change fees compared to those in economy class. Higher fare classes often allow more flexibility with fewer penalties for date changes.
2. The Process for Changing Your Flight Date
Air India offers several ways for UK passengers to change their flight dates, making it convenient whether you're at home, at the airport, or need to contact the airline directly.
a. Online via the Website or App
Changing your flight date online is the most convenient and straightforward method. Here’s how to do it:
Visit AirIndia.in or open the Air India mobile app.
Navigate to the “Manage Booking” section.
Enter your booking reference (PNR) and last name to retrieve your ticket.
Look for the option to “Modify Booking” or “Change Date.”
Select a new date based on flight availability. Any fees or fare differences will be shown before you confirm.
Once you make the payment (if required), you’ll receive an updated e-ticket via email.
b. Calling Customer Service
For passengers who prefer speaking with a representative, Air India’s customer service team is available to help with date changes:
UK Contact Number: 0800 048 9254
Provide your PNR and the new travel date, and the representative will inform you of the fees and fare differences. Once you agree to the new terms, they’ll process the change and send the updated ticket to your email.
c. At the Airport Counter
In urgent cases, you can request a date change at an Air India ticketing counter at the airport. While less common for non-emergency changes, this option is useful if you’re already at the airport for a different flight or need to modify your ticket quickly. Connect Desk UK📞📞+44 203 997 1971 😍👈🐘 or London Office ☎️ 0203 997 1971$😍👈🐘
3. Tips for Minimizing Costs and Hassle
Changing a flight can be stressful and costly, but following these tips can help you minimize both.
Act Early: The earlier you request a date change, the better. Fees tend to increase the closer you get to the departure date. Additionally, availability for alternative flights might be limited as the travel date approaches, making it harder to find suitable options.
Understand Your Ticket: Always review the terms and conditions of your ticket before making any changes. Some promotional fares or discounted tickets may not allow date changes, or the fees might be higher than expected. Understanding these terms can help you avoid surprises.
Check for Fare Differences: When selecting a new date, be mindful of fare differences. If your new travel date falls during peak travel times (holidays, weekends, etc.), the fare might be significantly higher than your original booking. Being flexible with your new travel date can help reduce additional costs.
Consider Travel Insurance: If there’s a possibility you might need to change your flight, having travel insurance that covers flight changes can be a valuable investment. Check your policy to see if it includes coverage for date changes due to unforeseen circumstances.
4. Conclusion
Air India's UK flight date change policy is relatively flexible, but it’s important to understand the fees, conditions, and processes involved. Whether you’re changing your flight online, through customer service, or at the airport, acting early and being aware of the costs will help ensure a smooth experience. By following these guidelines, you can adjust your travel plans with minimal stress and expense.
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nithiyanantha · 16 days
5G Technology and Its Impact on Digital Marketing
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The world of digital life is in continuous evolution; among the most innovative revolutions shaping the face of marketing today is the emergence of 5G technology. Next-generation wireless will ensure not only faster internet but also lower latency, better connectivity, and increased data processing power. 5G will realign how businesses, marketers, and consumers interact with digital content-to both a wake-up call and an opportunity for companies to revisit their strategies in light of new digital economic realities.
In this blog, we will show how 5G technology is going to bring huge differences in the field of digital marketing and provide a view on how businesses can use this innovation to level up their marketing and engage more customers. Marketers and business owners stand to gain from these changes, especially at the rapidly growing Digital marketing academy in Tirupur.
What is 5G Technology? First, it is important to look at what 5G technology is and why it's a game changer before looking at its impact on digital marketing. 5G is actually short for the fifth generation of mobile networks and is the giant leap from 4G LTE. It has the following:
More velocity in downloads and uploads: 5G is said to be 100 times speedier than 4G. That is to say, for instance, that data-intensive tasks such as video streaming, downloading of large files, and virtual reality would take place almost instantly.
Low latency: This refers to the word applied to the time taken by data to move from one point to another. 5G reduces latency to just a few milliseconds, so real-time interactions and seamless communication between devices are enabled.
More devices, more connectivity-smart devices, vehicles, among others-stand to be connected within a smart ecosystem through 5G at more per square kilometer.
These features will go a long way and leave an indelible effect on industries across the board, more so on digital marketing.
5G and Content Delivery: Faster, More Engaging Experiences One of the most significant ways in which 5G is going to impact digital marketing is through better content delivery. As internet speeds get quicker, people's way of consuming content online will change. Here's how:
Smarter Video Marketing Video leads the content marketing contribution, and with 5G, it is about to get even bigger. Indeed, with 5G, consumers will be able to view HD and 4K videos without buffering or any delays; hence, it will be more engaging. Because of this fact, marketers will have all the more reasons to create high-value and appealing videos that will help them capture and retain target audience attention.
VR and AR: Both these technologies will be more accessible to virtual reality marketing and augmented reality as latency reduces with 5G. Brands can provide interactive experiences, such as virtual trials of a product or immersive ads where the user can interact directly with the product. For example, suppose there is a Digital marketing academy in Tirupur; it creates a VR tour of its facilities. Probable students can get a feel of it before committing to joining it.
Interactive Content, Real-Time Engagement With 5G offering increased speeds and bandwidth, new, more interactive content formats can be tried out. Imagine everything from polls and quizzes to live video streams down to real-time product demos-all that enable the delivery of more engaging content which invites instant consumer participation.
This would enable real-time communication and, thus, more responsive customer service chatbots, live video calls, and interactive help desks. With 5G, brands can offer customers instant solutions to their issues, which means a much higher user satisfaction ratio.
Better Mobile Experience With the advent of 5G, mobile experiences will change dramatically. In fact, mobile traffic presently constitutes more than half of global web traffic. And as 5G becomes more prevalent, even more people will connect to the internet via their mobile devices. This means that as a digital marketer, one needs to make sure to innovate or optimize a mobile-first approach which should leverage this enhancement in speed and connectivity courtesy of 5G.
Mobile Advertising: With 5G, mobile ads can be more dynamic and engaging. For example, marketers can add interactivity within their mobile ads, such as instantly-on clickable AR features or product videos. This will get users' attention and improve the chances of conversion. The Role of Data in 5G-Driven Digital Marketing Data plays an important and crucial role in digital marketing, and with 5G, the amount and quality of data available to marketers will increase massively. Here is how that could take place:
More Precise Consumer Insights With faster and more reliable internet connectivity, 5G will give speed to marketers in collecting data. Such data will provide richer consumer insights, thus enabling businesses to create more personalized marketing campaigns using live data.
For example, businesses can see in real time the ways in which users are interacting with their content or website and adjust their strategies on the fly. For example, a Digital marketing academy in Tirupur might analyze how prospective students interact with its digital resources and manipulate its marketing messages to provide closer matches for what they are looking for.
More Targeted and Personalized Communications 5G is going to enable marketers to get even more precise in targeting due to increased data processing. With real-time data and behavioral analytics, businesses will be able to create hyper-personalized content for individual users.
For example, real-time location data can be leveraged to deliver personalized messages or offers when the customer reaches any particular location. The more personalization will ensure better user experiences, finally leading to better conversion rates.
5G and Digital Advertising: A New Era of Innovation The arrival of 5G will mark a sea change in digital advertising. Speeds will rise, observed data will improve, and advertisers will be able to make much more engaging and impactful ads. How? Well, here's how:
Immersive Ad Formats With 5G, marketers will have room to experiment with immersive ad formats that bandwidth constrained in the past. For instance, AR ads, interactive videos, and live-streamed ads will be more commonplace because 5G creates a seamless experience and opens these touchpoints up to a wider reach.
What this means is that brands will be able to use immersive advertising to create memorable experiences for their audience that motivate higher levels of engagement rates and brand loyalty.
Programmatic Advertising and AI 5G will be a driver for growth in programmatic advertising, too, which leverages AI to automate buying and placement of ads in real-time. With 5G, because of increased speed and lower latency, data collection and placing ads will fall well below that, making the process even more efficient and effective.
With AI-powered tools, data analysis will also go real-time, thereby further enabling marketers to make quicker decisions and tweak their campaigns where necessary.
The Future of SEO in a 5G World SEO will not be left behind in the impact brought about by 5G technology. As more and more users turn to mobile devices with 5G in tow, search engines will give precedence to websites that offer fast, mobile-friendly experiences.
Faster Load Times Currently, website speed is one of the most important ranking factors in SEO. With 5G, users' appetites for speed would become even more voracious. The optimized websites for speed will rank higher in search engines, while slow-loading ones may suffer ranking-wise.
Voice Search Optimization With 5G, voice search will be more common because of lower latency. As more users will begin to use voice-enabled devices to search for information more quickly, marketers will have to prepare themselves to optimize their content more for voice queries.
Conclusion: Prepare for a 5G-Driven Future with Digital Marketing 5G technology is going to revolutionize digital marketing in ways that were not earlier thought of. With higher speeds, lower latency, and improved connectivity, businesses need to rethink their approach to digital marketing in order to remain relevant. From better video marketing and interactive content to enhanced data collection and real-time engagement, 5G has an endless number of opportunities for marketers in creating more dynamic and immersive experiences.
We are one of the growing digital marketing academies in Tirupur, and staying ahead of these trends surely makes a difference to assure your success in this ever-changing digital world. Adopt 5G and implement it in your digital marketing strategies to add much value to your audience, engagement, and conversion rate.
5G #DigitalMarketing #FutureMarketing #MobileMarketing #SEO #VideoMarketing #ProgrammaticAdvertising #CustomerEngagement #DigitalInnovation #MarketingTrends
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cryptosoftindia · 22 days
For More Details Please Contact Call / Whatsapp: +91 6385108373 Website: www. cryptosoftindia.com 1/124, DLF IT Park Rd, Ramapuram, Chennai – 600116
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applications Development Company The developers Crypto Soft India provide top-notch software solutions for the multi-level marketing sector. The combined experience of each developer makes our team excellent. The team behind Crypto Soft India comprises of software professionals who are young, energetic and experts. They have been working in various MLM software companies as project managers, team leads etc. They have all joined forces to create Crypto Soft India using the vast experience they have amassed from working with clients from all around the world using top-notch MLM software. We are renowned veterans in mobile application development in addition to being masters in all the complexities of the MLM sector. We have highly skilled iOS and Android developers on our team. Importance of Mobile Applications in MLM In contrast to the majority of other industry verticals, the MLM sector requires its participants to be in contact with the company continuously and around- the-clock. Because of this, mobile applications are crucial to the MLM industry. Every member of a multi-level marketing team essentially needs the portability of mobile applications to ensure the seamless operation of his team. A crucial component of being effective in this sector is keeping track of each and every activity inside one’s team. Real-time monitoring of each leg’s development and performance is essential. Customizable MLM Mobile Applications for Android & iOS Additionally, Crypto Soft India gives you the option to personalize your MLM mobile applications. A phone call away are customized mobile solutions that will work for your particular and distinctive business. This is important because, as we all know, each MLM company has a unique set of pay programs and commission structures. One universal mobile application cannot be used to handle them all effectively. This is why Crypto Soft India creative minds are giving you the option of personalized MLM mobile applications. We creates unique mobile apps using cutting-edge, reliable frameworks. We will improve the foundation our mobile app’s customized user modules. You can easily customize our basic software to create a one-of-a-kind mobile application solution. Why do we need a Mobile Application for MLM? Similar to why mobile applications are needed for any other company operation, MLM needs one for a variety of reasons. You can run your business from virtually anywhere with a mobile application. To manage your MLM business, you are not need to be at your desk or office. Thanks to the mobile application, you can access your work quickly and easily whether you’re sitting up in bed or traveling. Network marketing requires a lot of time, therefore this helps you be more efficient while also making your job much simpler. In other words, a mobile app enables you to work less but accomplish more. Advantages of Using MLM Mobile Applications There are more mobile devices than PCs overall in the world. And unlike desktops, practically all mobile devices are connected to the internet. In contrast, it is unlikely that 50% of PCs are online. This makes it much more compelling for you to use mobile apps rather than desktop ones. Some benefits of using MLM mobile applications are listed below. Constant reminder of your MLM business Since mobile devices are always with the users, having an MLM mobile app is also an effective method to keep reminding users about your MLM business. Having an MLM mobile app is another efficient technique to continuously reminding consumers about your MLM business because people always have their mobile devices with them. Increases user engagement People tend to spend more time working if they use their mobile devices for it, for the same reason. Making use of device features Mobile apps utilise capabilities that can only be found on mobile devices, which facilitates work.
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