#happy disability pride month!
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rapunziedameron · 8 months ago
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#how to mask as neurotypical, an unsuccessful guide by marc spector
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cherrybombfangirlwrites · 2 years ago
Hey, remember how during Pride Month the writeblr community has posts circulating where queer authors are encouraged to promote their books with queer representation?
July is disability pride month, Disabled people are at risk of falling below the poverty line especially and i'd love to help those who are published get paid this month if i can, so...
Let's do the same thing but with Disability Pride Month!!!
Disabled Writers feel free to promote your stuff!
I'll start:
Hello, I'm Anna, I'm an Autistic and ADHD author! Here are my canonically disabled characters in books that will come out in like 50 years because I'm a slow writer:
(I noticed most of these are mental disabilities and disorders, probably because that's where most of my personal experience is, BUT i do have quite a few physical disabilities in there, and there's also quite a bit of intersectionality <333)
Prince Kaye (FSF series): Kaye has OCD! He's also mixed latino and bisexual <3 very sweet scrawny peacemaker prince born to a family of warlords <3
Captain Cassandra (FSF series): Cassandra is mute due to trading her voice and tail for human legs, and partially deaf due to an explosion on the seas during a battle. Due to losing her tail for human legs, she also experiences chronic pain in her feet (the original curse of every step feeling like walking on knives if you will). She's also plus sized, pansexual, and gets a pirate girlfriend
Erica (FSF series): Erica is an amputee pirate with a peg leg. She's also lesbian, polynesian, plus sized, and Cassandra's hopeless romantic pirate girlfriend.
Princess Hestia (FSF series): Hestia has an anxiety disorder! She's also plus sized, South Asian mixed (like her brother), and falls in love with a shy blonde bookworm trans boi named Elliot
Raven (FSF series): Raven is Autistic! He's a morally gray knight charged with being the personal bodyguard of a reckless princess. He's so Latino and bisexual <3
Princess Sapphire (FSF series): Sapphire has ADHD! She's the reckless adventure seeking and impulsive princess that Raven has to protect. She's also a redhead, and demisexual <3
Triveya (FSF series): Triveya is autistic and adhd! She's the resident wizard and magic expert in the cast of FSF, and is a little bit feral with a bubbly and nerdy personality
Kylee (TCIO series): Kylee is autistic and non speaking! She's a superhero with super speed and invisibility powers, and she's the youngest of the team while also being a mischievous and outgoing ball of sunshine
Bryson (TCIO series): Bryson is diabetic! I'm still developing his character so i haven't figured out which type he is yet (leaning towards type 2). He's the superhero team medic with healing powers (can't heal himself or emotional injuries with said powers), and he's also a black guy and the token straight of the team that's on thin ice
Chase (TCIO series): Chase has OCD, a bipolar mood disorder, and chronic depression and anxiety to go with it! He's the tech guy on the team of superheroes, and doesn't have any supernatural abilities, but he's really good with computers and tech. He's cynical and sarcastic (because of the ableism he's experienced in the past) but secretly does care, and he's also Romani American and Jewish!
Corie (Galaxy Des. series): Corie is a cyborg and has prosthetic limbs! She has a prosthetic eye, arm, and leg. The eye does come with a small interface and her arm does have a laser gun attachment. She built and repairs all of her robot parts herself, and is a highly feared and valuable assassin in the galactic underworld. She's also mixed brown and is AroAce!
NOVA (Galaxy Des. series): Nova is epileptic! She is an android who was scrapped due to malfunction, and became a smuggler who is good at her trade. Due to faulty wiring she's epileptic. She's a cynical and grumpy android who accidentally falls in love with a loveable human lesbian rogue. She's bisexual and has shiny chrome skin with cyan lighting in the cracks.
Pandora (Galaxy Des. series): Pandora is a part-time wheelchair user, autistic and adhd, and tourettic! He is a biologist that formerly did morally questionable work for the galactic government, and now does that same work in the criminal underworld and sells it to the highest bidder. She also uses he/she pronouns, is mixed brown, and pansexual!
Ethel (unnamed witchy wip): Ethel has one eye and PTSD! She's a witch in a world where magic has just been outlawed, and a witch hunting cult has been hired by the new king and queen to hunt down and eradicate witches. She's also AroAce and very underdeveloped because this is a backburner wip.
Thanks for reading! Links to my wips are in my pinned post! If you are a disabled writer and or have disabled characters, do share!
Happy Disability Pride Month!
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genzforbettergenerations · 2 years ago
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Happy Disability Pride Month!
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 8 months ago
Yang: Pride Month is over. you know what that means?
Weiss: Let me guess.Wrath?
Yang: That's the joke, but no. It's disability pride month.
Weiss: Disability pride month?
Yang: Yes, it's a lot like pride month, but for, well, disabilities.
Pietro: It's a month to reflect on the achievements, the struggles and the strife that disabled people deal with, whether is obvious, such as being unable to walk a majority of the time-
Yang: *Waving her arm* -Or missing a limb-
Pietro: or for less noticeable things, or things you might not think are disabilities, Like Arrhythmia or chronic pain.
Neo: Or Mutism, selective or not.
Maria: Even just a cane for walking! Oh, and my eyes I guess.
Yang: It can be easy to miss or forget what a Disability is, or that there are many people that have them; It's especially hard when there's very little public access for people that have them and are able to get outside.
Weiss: Like wheelchair ramps?
Pietro: Those are a form of assistance, yes, but they tend to be too steep for many people to roll themselves up. It's why I built my chair with legs.
Pietro: Well, that and I didn't want people pushing me around either to "Help" me or just get me out of the way.
Yang: Not only that, but so many medications and assistive devices are incredibly expensive. The only reason I have my arm was because Qrow knew Ironwood personally. Otherwise, even basic, aesthetic prosthetics are stupidly expensive.
Pietro: The Public is a hard place for disabled people, so disabled people stay inside, so the public thinks disabled folks don't exist.
Weiss: That so unfair! Is there anyway I can assist? Perhaps donating to a charity?
Yang: I'm certain there is, but I can't think of any right now. Maybe somebody else knows, but I wouldn't know where to start asking.
Yang: Maybe anyone who overhears can reply or add onto this conversation?
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foxgirlbeans · 8 months ago
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I don’t think I’ve ever seen a minifigure with prosthetics before, cool!
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kerosene-saint · 2 years ago
fuck you, disability month forever and ever
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ineffably-poetic · 2 years ago
hi i thought it was still june 28
turns out it’s july 1st
happy disability pride month y’all !! <333
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purpleandsilver · 8 months ago
Happy pride month to me and all my disabled besties. 🥰
"Pride month is over"
WRONG! Your pride month is over! Me and all the other disabled queers are having pride month two: disability edition
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sailingtocertaindeath · 7 months ago
Happy disabilty pride month!!
oop- I didn't know about this 😅
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wispforever · 8 months ago
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happy pride, everybody. ask me about my queer system
[Edit: now has image description]
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chronicallycouchbound · 8 months ago
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A drawing of my wheelchair for disability pride month!
(ID: on a medium grey background is a line art drawing of an ultra-lightweight wheelchair, specifically a Tilite Aero Z chair. The line art is colored in a gradient in stripes to mimic the disability pride flag. The colors from the lower left to the upper right are: a muted red, yellow, white, sky blue and a hunter green. End ID)
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cherrybombfangirlwrites · 2 years ago
9, 12, and 15?
Hi anon! Thanks for stopping by <3
Disability Asks~
9. how do you measure your energy? (spoons, battery, something else?)
I can't remember who or where, but a while back someone on the internet introduced me to a theory that more accurately describes my energy than spoon theory or battery ever did: ✨Ticket Theory✨.
Ticket Theory is similar to spoon theory, but more accurate for executive dysfunction and the thing where autistics/ADHDers have a lot of energy but can't do certain things. Here's how it works:
each ticket is one unit of energy
the tickets are each labeled with specific tasks or activities
the amount of tickets i get and what they're labeled with are never consistent or predictable
the tickets can and will expire quickly without warning
i cannot exchange, refund, or get back any tickets that aren't used before they expire
I have zero control over how many tickets I get and what task they will be labeled with or how long they will last
and i can only use a ticket for the task it is specifically labeled with.
For instance: it may have a lot of 'dishes' tickets, but no 'laundry' tickets, this means I may have a lot of energy, but no laundry is getting done while dishes will, no matter what I do. I may have a bunch of 'art' tickets, but no tickets for anything else, so even though I have a ton of energy the only thing getting done is art, despite how much I want and need to do tasks like cleaning or hygiene. and the worst one of all: I have tickets for everything, all the tasks and chores and activities- but the one thing I don't have a ticket for is getting out of bed. <- it's like having tickets for every ride at a theme park EXCEPT FOR A TICKET TO GET INTO THE PARK ITSELF, and it is so fucking frustrating.
This theory has been so helpful for explaining to impatient people or neurotypicals who just don't understand why I may have a lot of energy, but things I want to get done or need to get done won't get done no matter how much I want to or try. And it's honestly been more helpful to help myself understand what's going on in my head. Before being introduced to ticket theory, I used spoon theory, but it didn't quite fit and just made others more confused about my dysfunction and the randomness to my energy levels.
12. what's something (a struggle, a symptom, a weird phenomenon, or even a funny experience) people don't realize about your disability?
for my autism: pathological demand avoidance. for some reason, when a person asks or requests that I do something (even if they're very nice and polite)- my brain immediately perceives it as a threat or challenge, and all of the sudden I very much don't want to do the thing at all under any circumstance (even if i wanted to or was in the middle of doing said thing) to the point where i'll say "well now I don't want to do it", throw up my hands and not do it. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. no matter what the thing is. it's not so much of a struggle, it's mostly weird and a little funny.
for my adhd: waiting mode, I think. it's the thing where we adhders have a very important thing at a certain time (such as an appointment or interview), and for some reason under no circumstances can't I do anything while I am waiting, so I end up getting ready and then sitting for sometimes hours just waiting for when it's time for the thing. I can't do anything other than sit in anxious silence and wait, under any circumstance- not clean, not watch a movie, not work on something, NOTHING BUT WAIT. it's a bit of struggle and mainly a weird phenomenon.
15. what does disability pride mean to you?
For the most part- being unapologetically disabled, and very loudly telling the world "i don't have to change for you, I deserve to live a happy and full life just like everyone else, and you don't have the right to take that away from me."
Also self love. Lots and lots of self love and acceptance <33333
Thanks Anon!
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olisix823 · 8 months ago
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Happy Disabled Pride month!
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thatonegaybrit · 9 months ago
; happy pride to everyone ! And I mean everyone. All of you. Even the ones that aren't usually mentioned !!?
; including but not limited to:
BIPOC queers
Disabled queers
Neurodivergent queers
Closeted people
People in countries it's extremely illegal to be queer ( stay safe, it'll be okay !! )
People in unsupportive families ( stay safe, you'll find family / friends who support you, I promise <3 )
Trans folk who haven't and / or have no desire to medically transition
Xenogender users
Neopronoun users
People who use " conflicting " labels like being masc-aligned and a lesbian
Aroallo people ( exclusionists be damned,, you are valid !! )
Intersex people who are AFAB / AMAB
Intersex people in general
Queer people who don't fit their stereotypes ( i.e. Fem lesbian, masc gay, non-androgynous enby )
Black trans women who continue to be masculinized and misgendered ( you are a woman !! A beautiful one at that. )
Gay asian men who are fetishized ( you're not a fetish !! )
Old queer people who are forgotten / underrepresented
Alternative people who are queer ( mainly black / non-white ppl .. But also all of you !! Valid !! )
People who use uncommon microlabels and are always forgotten
Plus-sized queers !!
People who didn't realize they were LGBTQIA+ until much later in life
People who aren't out and proud and are actually having lots of doubts,, it's okay to have doubts !! You're still valid !!
Transmascs / transfems who don't specifically identify as a man / woman
People who are religious and queer
; and everyone else who's often excluded / forgotten !! You're a part of this community and you're so so valid and you deserve to enjoy pride month too ! However you do so. :]
; brief caps tw below this <33
; pt: HAPPY PRIDE MONTH <3 :end pt
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kerosene-saint · 2 years ago
making my cane taller cause I'm wearing my platform converse 😎
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kipskiptrip · 2 years ago
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Happy Disability Pride Month! This comic was never meant to be pretty or neat, but rather meant to tell my story with internalized ableism and dealing with medical trauma. It's a very personal story, and even making it was a tough decision, but I went through too much recovery not to do so.
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