#anxious barry allen
zemkzone · 9 months
That Rare Arctic Thunderstorm: Ch15 (on AO3)
Happy 2024, y'all!!!
Caitlin’s life had taken unexpected turns in the last two years. After the particle accelerator explosion, she’d grieved the loss of her fiancé by burying herself in work within the broken remains of what had once been a renowned scientific institution. Months later, when she’d been at her lowest, she’d been given two mysterious coma patients to care for. Nearly a year after the explosion, the Flash and Captain Cold were born. Impossible, improbable things became her new normal. She worked with metahumans to defend the city against other metahumans. She got her fiancé back, and he was now her husband. She’d also gained an extended found family. And learned things about herself she wasn’t sure she wanted—was ready—to know. She put that uncomfortable thought aside as Professor Stein and Hartley stepped into the morgue and closed the doors behind them. “Does Lyla have everything she needs?” she asked. “They’re as comfortable as they can be,” Professor Stein replied with a tight smile. “Considering that they’re in a room with a portal to another dimension, guarding an evil telepathic gorilla in a medically induced coma,” Hartley amended. Caitlin shuddered. She still couldn’t wrap her head around how the captive primate she’d once spent hours monitoring, playing with, and taking care of had become something out of a nightmare. On the way from the airfield, Lyla had kept the details to a minimum, but Caitlin had guessed the worst from the agent’s grim expression. Ronnie, wrapped in an emergency foil blanket, rubbed her shoulder from the seat to her left as Cisco grimaced on her right. Grodd wasn’t their most pressing concern now, though. From the way Barry was rubbing his fingers and rocking back on his feet, their latest dilemma was the farthest thing from simple. “I take it you haven’t told this lot about Leonard and the Eye of Calm.” The strange British magician who’d introduced himself as John Constantine rolled his shoulders and passed a transparent glass sphere between his hands. “No,” Barry replied in the guiltiest tone Caitlin had ever heard. He wouldn’t look anyone in the eye. “Len and I kept it to ourselves.” “What’s this eye thing?” Ronnie asked, pulling his blanket even tighter around his himself. “It sounds like the title of an Indiana Jones movie.”  Harry, a hoodie and baseball cap firmly covering his head in case someone walked in, snorted loudly from where he’d been looking at metahuman remains in the drawers. “It sounds like another secret that shouldn’t have been one.” “This has nothing to do with you!” Barry snapped, uncharacteristically explosive. His arms were vibrating as he rounded on Constantine. “And this wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t given Len that magic necklace in the first place!”
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
Yandad Barry Allen with a child who is also a superhero and end up getting really hurt? 🏃‍♀️
He would be so overcome with the terrifying thought of losing them. Even if the injury isn’t too bad or all that severe at all, Barry would be incredibly worried about them (as would Wally and Bart). He’d be fussing over them like a mother hen and tending to everything they needed, he’s not letting them lift a finger for anything even long after they’ve recovered and are all better. He may even bring up them stopping the hero stuff just so they won’t get hurt again. Or worse.
More times then not, Barry really tries to be there whenever his bby is going about their hero work. He just wants to be there in case anything goes awry but usually he lets them do their thing and he’s so proud the entire time, hooting and hollering as they bring the big baddies down. But if his darling had gotten hurt when he wasn’t there or he was too late to prevent it from happening he would blame himself to no end. It wouldn’t matter whether they were barely scratched or if they were on the brink of death, Barry would never let it go that he wasn’t fast enough to get to them in time.
If his darling went behind his back and was purposely doing their hero shenanigans without him there to oversee it and be their backup he would be upset. But them getting hurt in the process, especially if it was dire, would eat him alive. He again would blame himself for not keeping his bby on a tighter leash and keeping a closer watch over them but also he would become much more overbearing. He’d of course still tend to them and be there while they healed up and got better but depending on how affected he feels about the whole thing and the severity of their injury, Barry will either set some very strict ground rules from then on out about when and what all they’ll be allowed to do regarding their hero work or he’ll make them quit altogether. There’s no real in between.
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dangerdeficit · 2 years
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love this girlboss and malewife dynamic (from The Flash [2016] #10)
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Help! I've Landed in a Fanfiction
Pairing: fem!OC x Justice League
Genre: OC insert, Soulmate AU, Isekai, Reverse Harem
Characters: OC, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Hal Jordan, Diana Prince, Barry Allen, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Cassandra Cain, Barbara Gordon, John Constantine, and other DC characters as the story progresses
Warnings: all warnings not tagged, suicidal ideation, domestic violence, general violence and dark, 18+ themes, read at your own risk
Summary: Katie Smith wakes up in a new world, one out of comic books and ridiculously cheesy tropes. All she wants to do is find her way back home, but no one is helping her. Worst of all, they claim to be her soulmates. Surely it's all dream. How can she make herself wake up?
Chapter 1 (This One)
Chapter 2
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Chapter One: This Bald Guy is Seriously Creepy
Katie woke up sore and freezing. The soreness was nothing new, of course, but instead of her weighted blanket and soft mattress, the floor under her was hard and chilly. Goosebumps trailed up and down her arms. Groaning, she sat up, keeping her eyes closed to stave off the headache that was forming at her temple. God, I feel so hungover. Given that Katie hadn't touched alcohol since college, however, she shook that thought from her head.
Opening her eyes, she found herself in a small, empty room. There was a large mirror in front of her, spanning the length of the wall. The other three walls were made of cinder block, and she didn't see a door. It looked like a bastardized version of a police holding cell (she had bailed Matt out enough to know that space intimately), but there was no furniture. Shakily getting to her feet, she examined herself in the mirror.
Her hair was messy, and her pajama shorts did nothing to hide the cellulite on her thighs or the outline of her stomach. She cringed as she noticed her plain gray shirt riding up. She pulled it down and stepped closer to the mirror. Her black eye was fading (small mercies) but the wrinkles around her eyes didn't do anything to make her feel better about herself. Matthew would've commented on her ability to make herself look unattractive even in her sleep, and she felt a strong wave of shame come over her. She was about to turn away from the strange mirror when a shock of color visible on her shoulder stopped her. She pulled down her collar to investigate.
A large circle of dark green vines looked to be tattooed on her left shoulder, trailing from her collar bone to above her heart. In the middle were five smaller intersecting circles, golden yellow and almost sparkling. There was a small outline of a dove in the middle, in the same color green as the vines. She was mesmerized. It almost seemed to throb with her heartbeat. She was about to touch it when she shook herself out of her trance. Where was she?
An intercom buzzed overhead. Katie looked up but didn't see a speaker anywhere. She tried not to flinch. A deep, rich voice filled the space.
"I've been waiting all day for you to wake up, my dear. Unfortunately, I can't be there right now to give you a proper welcome."
Katie counted to ten in her head. She heard somewhere that you could get out of dreams that way and was anxious to try it. The voice sounded friendly, but in a dangerous way. She was well-acquainted with that tone and wondered why her brain would dredge it up here, especially since this week Matthew would be gone on a work trip and she was relatively safe. When nothing happened, Katie cleared her throat awkwardly.
"Um. I. I am confused?" She said timidly, lilting her voice into a question at the end.
"Of course, my rules are simple." The voice ignored Katie. She wondered it it was a recording. "Follow my directions and get privileges. Disobey and you will be more uncomfortable than you find yourself now."
"Where am I?"
The lights plunged into darkness and a screen was projected onto the mirror. A tall man in a bespoke suit appeared on the screen. He was sitting behind a desk, holding a scotch in one hand and tapping his other hand on his desktop as if he were already bored with the conversation. He was bald, but looked to be around Katie's age, if not a little older.
"There you are. I imagine you are confused but I don't have the time to explain everything. Rest assured, you will want to listen to me and listen closely. You are under my jurisdiction right now. You will do nothing without my permission. You will eat when I say, sleep when I say, and shit when I say."
"This has got to be a dream." Katie said absently, touching the mirror, wondering at her own imagination. It was the most vivid thing she had ever experienced.
"Are you listening to me?" The man cleared his throat, annoyed.
"Who are you?" Katie tilted her head.
He rolled his eyes. "You can call me Sir."
Katie snorted.
"You find that funny?"
"I mean, that's such a cheesy line. You realize that right?" Katie was still walking around the small cell, trying to find the door with her fingers.
"Look at me." Katie did flinch here, and cursed her dream-self for having the same reaction to a stern dream-voice as she did to a stern-real-world voice.
"I do not have time for this. All you need to know is I brought you here and I can keep you here."
"Mkay. You might want to chill on the villain talk. You sound like a movie character. I'm not calling you Sir, by the way." That's the thing about dreams, Katie thought. Bravery was a lot easier when everything was fake.
"I'll give you time to rethink that then." With that the video popped off and the room was filled with darkness. Katie couldn't see her hand in front of her face, and after bumping into the wall, she decided to sit down. She squeezed her eyes tightly and tried to transport herself to a dream-cabin or dream-beach. Surely she could imagine Hawaii. Instead of feeling the warm sand between her toes, however, all she felt was cold. It was like the room dipped even lower in temperature. She shivered and huddled in a corner. The darkness was oppressive--the silence was too. Her stomach grumbled, and she held it, eventually curling into a ball. She couldn't gauge the time but it felt like hours. She fell into a restless sleep, her last thought wondering if sleeping in a dream was going to send her into an Inception like trance. She laughed to herself, and hoped when she woke up she could forget everything and take a warm bath.
Katie woke up, a little warmer, still hungry, and unfortunately not back in her bedroom. She was no longer in the weird cell, but instead tied to a chair. Her gray shirt had been removed, leaving her in her bra and pajama shorts. Her wrists ached with the bindings and her glasses were slipping down her nose. She tried to push them up with her shoulder but couldn't move much.
She was in a large office. There was a window that spanned the floor to the ceiling and she could tell that she was high up, as the only thing visible was clouds and the tops of buildings.
A clearing of a throat let her know she wasn't alone. Katie groaned.
"You again?" The bald man looked affronted.
She felt at her bindings, again surprised that everything was so vivid. It really hurt and she had never thought being asleep could feel so real. She was rethinking her initial hypothesis. Hadn't recovered coma patients talked about feeling sensations in their unconsciousness?
"I realize I was remiss in not introducing myself the other day. So let's start over. Your name is?"
Katie looked incredulously at the man. "Katherine." She spit out.
"Katherine." He sneered. "I am Lex Luthor," he said self-importantly.
Ok then, back to her original hypothesis. Definitely a dream. Katie barked out a laugh.
"Yeah, right. And I'm Batman." She growled mockingly. "Honestly."
The man stepped closer. It's not like Katie was unaware of the comic books and movies, but she had never had time to really dive in. She was too busy managing Matt's schedule and making sure everything was perfect at home. The last time Katie picked up one of his collectibles to dust, she found herself with a lot more than a black eye. It wasn't really something she was interested in anymore. But she knew of Lex Luthor. He kind of looked like she would have imagined him looking, which made sense she guessed, if her brain was making it all up.
He trailed his fingers on her shoulder, tracing the weird design on her chest from her collarbone to just above her bra. She shivered in revulsion but the way she was tied to the chair didn't allow her much movement.
"Interesting." He hummed. "Have you heard of me?"
She looked him in the eyes and then looked away quickly as he smirked at her. "I mean, yeah? Comic book character, Lex Luthor. Superman's nemesis, right? I mean, I've never really read them or anything, but I saw Smallville once."
He was staring at her like a bug under a microscope. "Mm. What else do you know about me?"
Katie quirked an eyebrow. "I am confused."
"I expected that. You don't seem like a particularly bright woman. Definitely plain looking, overweight, extremely unremarkable. It's fascinating, isn't it?"
It's not like any of that was something Katie didn't think about herself daily, but she still felt a bit betrayed by her brain.
"What is?" She bit out.
"That you were chosen out of all the people in your world. That you were the one the whole universe decided upon. It's a shame. I'm sure there were so many more worthy than you."
"What are you talking about?"
"You know me as a character, darling? Tell me. How many people lived in your world?"
"My world? What are you talking about?"
"The global population. Try to keep up."
Katie was confused at what that could mean or why he was asking. She decided to play along since last time ended with her in a cold cell for hours.
"I don't know. Over 7 billion."
"Over 7 billion." He purred, practically petting the weird tattoo on her chest. "How does it feel to know that 7 billion people were sacrificed for the unimpressive specimen you are?"
Katie scrunched her nose. The man cosplaying as Lex Luthor in her mind laughed. "Do you know what this is?" He tapped the tattoo. She stayed silent.
"No. You wouldn't, would you? You don't know much. A world where the greatest minds are comic book characters. Where soul marks don't exist." Soul marks?, Katie mouthed to herself. "I almost feel sorry for you, honey. But at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter, does it? You're here for one reason and one reason only."
He ran his fingers through her messy hair. An alarm sounded in the distance.
"Let the games begin."
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ebonyheartnet · 2 years
Allergist: Listen, when you start using the nebulizer, only take half a vial and see how you feel. You can always titrate up, but albuterol hits different like this.
Me: Sure thing, doc.
-two weeks later-
Me: *listens to their doctor*
Me: This albuterol ain’t shit. I can definitely handle the rest.
-10 minutes after taking the other half-
Me, vibrating through walls like my name is Barry Allen: Mistakes Were Made
Edit: I’m so glad that everyone’s finding this hilarious, as intended, but I feel the need to clarify on the main a few ridiculous things said in reblogs. My secret ID isn’t actually Flash, it’s Spider-Man, because that was my body yelling, “YOU JUST HAD SOMETHING YOU’RE ALLERGIC TO!”
Because, ya know, increasing the anxiety of someone 3 psychs have called, “[their] most anxious patient,” is something I’m gonna notice as weird. 🙄
Was I reacting to the new medication like a sensible person? Nope.
I am allergic to new plastic fumes, and I forgot to let the damn nebulizer breathe outside the box for a few weeks.
Such is the life of MCAS.
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moriavis · 6 months
First Lines Tag Game
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 posted fics and see if there’s a pattern!
Once again, I've been tagged by the lovely @incorrectcoldflashblog Thank you!
For the sake of this one, I"m going to ignore the kiss prompts I've been posting on tumblr and look at my last fics posted on AO3.
Each breath Leonard took burned in his lungs, acrid with smoke and the sharp chemical tang of plastic and electricity. the sun shines through (Coldflash)
Leonard had to admit it— he loved everything about how crazy the world had become. Adrenaline (Coldflash)
Shawna Baez didn't necessarily have a particular fondness for Central City, all things considered. Jello Shots (Iris/Shawna)
Catra was never at her best when she butted heads with Adora. Tangled (Catradora)
Barry cast another anxious look over the bed, reaching out to adjust the pillow beneath the curve of Leonard's back, and Leonard couldn't help but smirk, flexing his hands just so Barry would lose his focus and double check the long coils of red silk currently binding Leonard's wrists above his head. In Silk (Coldflash) Holy run-on sentence, Batman! JFC.
The moment Barry Allen walked into the board room, Leonard's attention was fragmented. a little give and take (Coldflash)
Barry let Leonard pull him onto the dance floor and take the lead, the familiar warm affection filling him as Leonard rested his hand against the small of Barry's back, guiding him further into the crowd. Reception (Coldflash)
Eobard couldn't say when it changed. Ouroboros (Eobarry)
Electricity crackled over Barry's skin, and Leonard sank his teeth into Barry's bottom lip, shuddering as sparks ignited everywhere they touched, stinging Leonard's fingertips and tongue before grounding in the button on his jeans. Kiss Kiss (Coldflash)
Bill tossed back his scotch and wiped his mouth against his forearm, turning his attention to the left where the TV was playing the news, the sound lost beneath the bustling of the bar. Agree to Forget (Holden/Bill)
This is actually pretty interesting! I generally start sentences with the name of my POV character at the beginning of the story, but I didn't realize I did it so consistently. Also, things that are smutty start off with longer sentences. I wonder why that is!
Tagging: @saekhwa @scheherezhad @kisahawklin @sperrywink @sproutwings @qlala and anyone else who wants to do it!
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under the cut is muses i am anxious to play, but have had no or little interest for threads. if you would like a one sentence starter, please comment on who. i would love you forever!
rand al’thor -wheel of time qui gon jinn-star wars finn-star wars Enid Sinclair-wednesday Sav Bhandari-degrassi Fiona Coyne-degrassi Clare Edwards-degrassi Jake Martin-degrassi Drew Torres-degrassi Terra Harvey-fate the winx saga Bloom Peters-fate the winx saga Magnus Bane-shadowhunters Clary Fray-shadowhunters Alexander Clearmond Diaz-red, white, & royal Henry Stuart Fox -red, white, & royal Five Hargreeves-the umbrella academy Sloane Hargreeves-the umbrella academy Jill Pole-Narnia Eustance Clarence Scrubb-Narnia Esme Frost-Marvel Scott Summers-Marvel Elena Gilbert-TVD Verse Lizzie Saltzman-TVD Verse Dinah Lance-DC Tommy Merlyn-arrowverse/dc Gar Logan-dc Virgil Hawkins-dc Barry Allen-dc tom jones (tom jones 2023) Sebastian de poitiers (reign) Wendy Darling-Peter Pan/Disney Elinor Fairmont-First Kill Juliette Fairmont-First Kill samwise gamgee-lord of the rings
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jewishcissiekj · 2 years
Welcome to the DC Comics JewShowdown!
In which 32 Jewish DC characters (the ones who matter) will battle it out in a who-can-eat-the-most-maror-without-water competition. Or just vote for your favorite ig
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(Don't try to zoom in on this thing, I'll be listing off the contestants here, the quality in this is awful, and I stretched the pics out so far to fit the frame so they're plain ugly)
I'll be starting off with 16 matches (Oh fuck) and progress from there. Here are the starting matches:
Albert Rothstein Vs. Alice Cohen II Barbara Gordon/Batgirl (DC Super Hero Girls TV Series) Vs. Barry Allen (DCEU) Benjamin Gruener/Reaper I Vs. Bruce Wayne Cissie King-Jones/Arrowette (formerly) Vs. Michael Schorr Dan Dreiberg/Nite Owl (Watchmen) Vs. Wesley Dodds/Sandman I Beth Kane/Alice Vs. Eric Cohen Eric Strauss Vs. Frieda Goren Gim Allon Vs. Booster Gold/Michael Carter (ignore my typo in the image) Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) Vs. Jesus of Nazareth (New Earth) Harleen Quinzel Vs. Jonathan Osterman (Watchmen) Katherine Kane Vs. Morris Edelstein/Morgan Edge (Earth-One) Miriam Bätzel/Miri Marvel (DC Bombshells) Vs. Moyshe Nakhman Myndi Mayer Vs. Nyssa Raatko Rachel Goldman/Sublime (Wildstorm) Vs. Rory Regan Sebastian Ives Vs. Ursula Zandt (Watchmen) Willow Zimmerman Vs. Zatanna Zatara (DC Bombshells)
This will be split into 4 rounds each divided in two (hence the two sides), and a final round. there's gonna be a day to vote for each poll, and you can find all of them in the #DC Jewish tournament tag. Starting with Round 1A, the first 8 matches I'll post all in one batch, and so on (I think it'll be clearer once I post them) I. I'll post the entirety of round 1A once this post reaches 10 notes bc I'm anxious and I need to know there is an audience, and 10 notes in enough for me. I'll post round 1B once the voting for round 1A will be closed, and do the same for the rest.
some explanations for some characters that might not seem like they fit here: All but three characters here were listed as Jews (I am Jewish, I can say that) in the DC Database category page and I've made sure there's a source to that (DCEU Barry calling himself a Jewish Boy, DC Superhero Girls Babs being in a Happy Hanukka post from the show's account, etc). The three characters that weren't are Bruce Wayne (Jewish by association with Kate Kane bc her writers don't know how Judaism works and once made her dad Jewish which would make his sister, Bruce's mom Jewish and make him Jewish), Booster Gold (confirmed to be Jewish by Jeff Katz, a Booster Gold writer, on Twitter) and Cissie King-Jones (I decided she's Jewish, and it's my poll, so shut up), and I have explanations for them all.
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hiso03 · 4 months
id love to see gym bros, knights and wizards, and halbarry tango!
Gym bros
The idea is a bit simple and was mostly inspired by conversations I had with my friends about eating disorders or problems with their weight.
How hard it can be for someone to lose weight and get used to that new weight or how hard it can be for someone to gain weight and get used to it.
The story is alternate universe without powers where Barry has problems with his weight and has had it for a long time since he tends to eat out of anxiety and stress, which has led him to gain a lot of weight and receive a lot of comments for this.
Encouraged by his friend, Iris decides to go to a gym, feeling self-conscious when he sees all the bodies, muscles and attractiveness around him.
He feels like a failure and thinks about leaving after his first bad day until a brunette guy comes over to talk to him.
Barry thinks maybe the boy is flirting with him, but rejects the idea immediately.
Barry observes the boy's bright smile as he stands in front of him with his hand outstretched. Out of politeness she stretches out her hand and takes the hand of the other man who squeezes it sympathetically.
"Well, Barry, it'll be nice to see you here, I hope you'll come back often." "Thank you." "If you need anything, you can come to me," he says casually. "I usually come at least three times a week, but I try to do it daily; I'm usually around this time." Barry again asserts shyly, unable to understand why a man as handsome and attractive as Hal would specifically come forward to talk to someone like him. Were they playing a prank on him? Was he being recorded? His thoughts begin to choke him and make him a little anxious, but he manages to control himself when he realizes that Hal is still next to him, mumbling a bunch of nonsensical complaints that Barry doesn't really understand."
"Knights and Wizards"
It's really two stories in the same document.
The first is a short story where Hal is the captain of the green lantern task force that is in the service of King Kal-El, who has recently had a political marriage to the prince of Gotham, Bruce Wayne.
Hal meets Bruce's sorcerer and falls in love with him, the same could be said for the wizard, but Barry doesn't plan to be so easily convinced.
"Hal knew that these last few days were especially difficult since His Majesty had married the Prince of Gotham to frame a political settlement. Since then, the number of problems they had had to face, including plots and some internal conflicts, had been stopped by the Lantern army. Hal had been exhausted ever since and especially down, as because of the stupid traitors trying to dethrone Kal-El, he had been unable to see the healer, Barry Allen, anymore."
And the second story is inspired a bit by Oscar Wilde's tale of the rose and the nightingale.
Hal is in love with a maiden from his hometown, she agrees to marry him on the condition that he gives her a unique rose that blooms only once a year, Hal accepts and joins his best friend Barry, a student of sorcery embarks on a mission where they end up making other friends.
(I don't have anything from the second story because I'm thinking about whether to do it or not because it may be too long.)
Halbarry tango.
It doesn't have a fixed plot, it's just a little piece of writing that sometimes I don't want plots to work on.
I just know it's about Hal taking Barry out to tango.
"He knows Hal well enough to know that if he refuses the first time, he's capable of kneeling in front of him and begging him to dance together. So fearful, he ends up accepting. Hal jumps to his feet, makes a bow that catches the attention of more people than he should, and extends his hand in invitation.  Barry laughs nervously, gets up from his chair and takes the hand of the brunette who in the blink of an eye had already dragged them to the center of the court.  The blonde's heart flutters as Hal gently hugs him and pulls him closer to him. He knows that the song deserves closeness, but that doesn't stop his heart from being moved by the simple gesture that means more to him than perhaps Hal is aware of."
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WIP Tag Game
Tagged by @squirrelno2 (thank you!)
Rules: make a 24 hour poll with the titles of your wips, and when it's done write a sentence for every vote the winner gets (I’ll be writing a sentence for every single one bc I need to work on them lol. Inspired by Meghan to do this)
I’m not going to tag anyone bc it makes me really anxious but I desperately want to write so! Anyone who wants to pick this up, feel free! Please tag me I wanna know who I inspire!!
I have more WIPS than this but we’ll start here for now and as I write/finish them I’ll redo it until we make a dent in them
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
Ohhh how would the speedster family (DC) react if the child reader who also fast as them , rapidly aged up? I’m talking about adult age or teenager ? Got this idea after watching justice league crises on to earths
I love this idea! Especially if the darling only rapidly ages/continues to rapidly age if they exert themselves by over stepping the boundaries of their own capabilities.
Barry would be a little freaked out about it. As long as it’s a one time thing though he’ll be fine but if this is something that happens due to their darling’s speed than they’ll have to put a stop to them utilizing it or at the very least put some restrictions on them. If this is in the case that their darling only ages up when they enter themself than Barry would be very adamant after the first time it happens that his darling be very mindful of how far they push themself. He fears losing them in general but this would escalate his fear more than ever. Hell, he’s barely tolerating them being a hero along side him, Wally and Bart but he knew they would have done so on their own if he hadn’t allowed it. At least this way he can keep a close watchful eye on them. But this new development would have Barry on edge, especially if this is something at happens more than once. He wouldn’t want his bby taking on too much, he may even have them handle the smaller criminals/villains just so they won’t have to use too much of their power and end up aging themself even more than they already have.
At first, Wally would be shocked to see his younger sibling is now the same age as him or even older than him. He may even find it kind of cool but seeing Barry’s worried reaction would be enough to get Wally to take it more seriously. It would take some getting use to for Wally but it wouldn’t be too much of a big deal. In lessthe darling is taller than him or something like that. In the case that their darling only ages up when they overuse their power, Barry would especially count on Wally to keep an eye on their darling when he can’t. He would trust Wally to not let their darling over exert themself into aging more than they already have. Barry, Wally, and Bart wouldn’t allow their darling to use their speed more than necessary. Show off? Not allowed. The remote is just a little too far out of reach? Then either one of them will get it or their darling’s gonna have to walk to get it. Alien invasion and the world is in peril? Okay, you can use a little bit of speed but don’t go crazy with it. Or maybe you should just stay with Iris?
Bart would think it was so cool that their darling aged up. He’d be pretty bummed that they’re now older and or taller than him but he still thinks it’s neat. He may even hope that he’ll end up aging up too if he runs fast enough. When it first happens, Bart would be running circles around the darling asking them question after question. How did they do it? Why did they do it! Did they not like being closer to or the same age as him? Why’d they have to leave him behind like that? Could they teach him how to do that? Bart would just be a ball of curious energy and maybe a little silky but only for a bit. In the case that the darling rapidly ages if they push themself too much, Bart would be very concerned about his sibling. Like the first time was cool and all but if it keeps happening then that mmm when the worry really sets in. He’ll help bower he can, keeping his eye on them too and even staying glued to their side the most out of the family. He’d beg and plead their darling not to over do it out of fear of them eventual aging too much and turning into dust or something like that and losing them altogether.
Iris would be similar to Barry and worry about their bby having aged up rapidly as they have. When she first sees them afterwards she’s taken aback at how her little bby is now a whole grown teenager or even a whole ass adult. She’s at a loss for words, it would take awhile before she can fully process what she’s greeted with. Similar to Wally it would take her awhile to get use to her now older and taller bby but she eventually will. If anything, Iris has the hardest time coming to terms with it. She can’t even say that they grew before her eyes cause they didn’t. As far as she sees it they may as well have come back an entire different person but she knows they’re still her bby no matter how much bigger or older they are now. In the case that they continue to age rapidly due to overusing their powers, Iris would want them to hang up their suit and stop using their speed altogether. She wouldn’t even bother acknowledging any kind of restrictions or cutting down on how much of their power they use or how often. Iris is immediate and only thought I’d that they need to stop everything. She knows she’s asking a lot but her bby’s life means the most to her and she’d rather have them safe and alive then watch them run themself into a pile of dust right before her eyes. Nothing her darling could say or plead would change her mind.
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headcanons for Nora West-Allen, Eddie Thawne, Siv, and Jay 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️😇👻👽💔👗🔪😬😶
🏳️‍🌈 A sexuality headcanon
Nora is a useless lesbian. The second a girl so much as looks at her she forgets how to speedster and usually crashes full-speed into a telephone pole.
Eddie is an extremely repressed bisexual. He was very much aware of the sexual tension between him and Barry.
Siv's attracted to women and Howl from Howl's Moving Castle.
While Jay is Pansexual and doesn't have a gender preference, he definitely has a type (women who could kill him)
🏳️‍⚧️ A gender headcanon
Nora gives off she/they vibes, and no, I have no idea why.
Eddie is 100% cis, but he's definitely willing to play around with gender. Man+, if you would.
Siv has questioned if she might be a he/they rather than a she/they, but eventually settled on the pronouns that they currently use.
Jay's known he was trans since he was like, 3.
😇 A headcanon about their religion/lack thereof
Nora's agnostic, but she believes in angels.
Eddie was raised Catholic and still goes to mass on the holidays.
Siv was raised secular, and has never really looked into or cared about religion.
Jay was raised Christian, but he's agnostic as an adult.
👻 A headcanon about what scares them
Nora believes in ghosts, and she does not fuck around with places that claim to be haunted.
Eddie, after being rescued from Thawne, still gets anxious when he sees that specific shade of yellow in the corner of his eye.
Siv is terrified of ostriches. Blame her 6th birthday trip to the petting zoo for that.
Jay is arachnophobic, and despite him being extremely brave in the face of dangerous superhuman criminals, the second a spider appears, he's yelling for Cassandra to come and kill it because he's too busy screaming.
👽 A headcanon about a weird quirk of theirs
Nora is constantly jittery, and to keep her excess energy in check, she tends to bounce on the balls of her feet.
Eddie eats fried eggs in a bowl, so he can catch all the yolk.
Siv walks with her hands clasped behind her back as a pressure stim (and because her dad used to do it all the time)
Jay used to nibble on the ends of his glasses when he was nervous.
💔 An angsty headcanon
Nora's speed was extremely hard to control at first, due to it having been suppressed for so long.
Eddie blames himself for the death of the guy who was killed by Hannibal Bates, even though it was a shapeshifter in his form, not him.
Siv almost died after the death of the Speed Force, due to her needing a stable connection in order to live, and developed a severe addiction to V9 because of that.
Jay has trouble with PTSD around Siv, even though he knows they would never hurt him, he just can't be around speedsters after what happened with Zoom.
👗 A headcanon about their clothes
Nora's favorite color is not purple. It's Iris' favorite (the jacket's from "Run, Iris, Run").
Eddie basically lives in his uniform. He owns other clothes, but why bother getting other clothes dirty if you're only going to be wearing them for a few hours before bed?
Siv dresses in all black not for edgelord reasons, but because she can't match clothes for the life of her and they know that black always matches black.
Even after he has top surgery, Jay still wears his "dysphoria hoodie" with Storm from X-Men all the time because he got it just before Gina died.
🔪 A headcanon relating to fighting/violence
Before getting her powers, Nora had never been in a physical fight outside of schoolyard scrapes.
If he has to shoot a person in the line of duty, Eddie is unable to sleep for days after.
Siv's septum piercing is crooked due to the fact that she has a deviated septum (deeeeeeeeeefinitely not from all the fights they got in as a kid).
While Jay is usually a very calm, thoughtful guy, when his berzerk button goes off, he goes absolutely apeshit. Like, full-on bloodlust rampage.
😬 A headcanon about the worst thing they’ve done
The worst thing Nora's done is continue working with Thawne after finding out that he killed her grandma. However, because that felt so long ago and Nora had no real connection to her because both her and Barry were dead by the time Nora was like, 2, she didn't see it as much of a big deal as it should have been.
Eddie feels extremely guilty for attempting to track down and neutralize The Flash, not knowing that it was Barry.
Siv shot and killed their universe's Eddie Thawne, effectively committing temporal suicide to erase her father. The guilt for his death still follows her, haunting them just like Gina's death.
When Cassandra was kidnapped and replaced by a shapeshifter, Jay did not hesitate to vaporize said shapeshifter for torturing Cassandra while she was held captive.
😶 A random headcanon!
Nora is green/orange colorblind
Eddie wonders if his influence had anything to do with Eobard being a massive jerk (it didn't)
Siv is extremely lactose intolerant, and is very upset that being a speedster didn't fix that.
Jay 3D printed little spikes to put on the handles of his wheelchair so strangers wouldn't touch it without his consent.
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zemkzone · 1 year
You’re anxious, but before you tell him you still want a relationship, he needs to adjust to being home first. Don’t rush this.
Cecile Horton to Barry Allen, Ch3 of That Rare Arctic Thunderstorm
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World Building Wednesday + Elena Isley, please?
@dancingsunflowers-ocs 🖤💚🖤
Thanks a bunch for this, Alexandra!!
full name: Elena Pamela Isley.
gender: Cisgender female.
sexuality: Panromantic, asexual (sex-positive).
pronouns: She/her.
family: Pamela Isley (mother), unknown father, Bruce Wayne (adoptive father).
birthplace: Gotham City, New Jersey, USA.
job: University creative writing major, vigilante.
phobias: Becoming her mother, losing those she cares about, needles, irregular patterns or holes.
guilty pleasures: Cute animal videos, reality television, cheesy 80’s pop music.
morality alignment?: Neutral Good.
sins - Lust/Greed/Gluttony/Sloth/Pride/Envy/Wrath.
virtues - Chastity/Charity/Diligence/Humility/Kindness/Patience/Justice.
introvert/extrovert: Ambivert.
organized/disorganized: Organized.
close minded/open-minded: Open-minded.
calm/anxious: Calm.
disagreeable/agreeable: Agreeable.
cautious/reckless: Cautious.
patient/impatient: Patient.
outspoken/reserved: Outspoken.
leader/follower: Follower.
empathetic/unemphatic: Empathetic.
optimistic/pessimistic: Pessimistic.
traditional/modern: Modern.
hard-working/lazy: Hard-working.
otp: Elena + Barry Allen.
ot3: Elena + Barry Allen + Victor Stone.
brotp: Elena + Diana Prince.
notp: Elena + Bruce Wayne.
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ciegeinc · 1 year
Movie Review...The Flash
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(1/5) I am going to start this off with a "1" (Bad) but that may change as I write this. Thoughts are just flowing right now and right now this was a strong 1/5. I can't remember if I have ever walked out of a movie before.  I feel like I have and this was going to be the second time it would have happened.  Before Michael Keaton came on that screen I was ready to walk out.  Keaton was the best part of this movie just like he stole the show in Spider Man.  
He was the only exciting/interesting part about the movie.  DCEU's Barry/Flash character, the CGI and this story are all what made this a horrible movie.  Probably one of the worse ones I've seen.  Was this worse than Suicide Squad? (Imma see if I can answer that before the end of this review).
Now to the DCEU's Barry/Flash.  Did they take into account that visually, from the television show, that people would have some type of concept of Barry already?  The films depiction of Barry is so different from the show it's kinda off putting.  
Ezra's jittery, worrisome and anxious Barry Allen is better suited for like a Kid Flash character not a grown man with chest hair. And even when he met the other/younger version of himself he was able to see that (looking on the outside now) but it was magnified and reduced to the comedic relief for the rest of the film.  Which got tired quickly.  He (present day Barry/Flash) had to be the more serious version of himself now but he was just mostly annoyed...like me in the audience.  His 18 came off as 12 and it got old.  And sweet Jesus...that run.  It is silly.
Now to this CGI.  What in the Matrix Reloaded is going on.  WB yall should know better than that by now.  With the previews it was already looking like the Matrix but I thought it would be corrected by the final film.  But with the future direction of the DCEU and the Ezra's off screen drama...it was clear they were not investing in this project anymore than they had to...and it showed.
Lastly the story, was not illustrated or executed well. I think the television show and animated film did a better job telling this story.  And then the ending...what were you trying to say with that Batman, with that Bruce (the worse one).  
Naw yeah...this a strong one outta five.
Worlds collide in "The Flash" when Barry uses his superpowers to travel back in time in order to change the events of the past. But when his attempt to save his family inadvertently alters the future, Barry becomes trapped in a reality in which General Zod has returned, threatening annihilation, and there are no Super Heroes to turn to. That is, unless Barry can coax a very different Batman out of retirement and rescue an imprisoned Kryptonian... albeit not the one he's looking for. Ultimately, to save the world that he is in and return to the future that he knows, Barry's only hope is to race for his life. But will making the ultimate sacrifice be enough to reset the universe?                
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drarreckyninja · 1 year
The Flash in the Harry Potter 'Verse
Barry Allen is an average bespectacled eleven-year-old boy who has lived with the West family ever since his parents died in a car crash. For some reason, the family has always mistreated him. On his eleventh birthday, a giant man named Harrison Wells hands him a letter telling him that he has been accepted as a student at the Central City School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Barry learns that his parents were wizards and were killed by the evil wizard Reverse Flash, a truth that was hidden from him all these years. He embarks on his new life as a student, gathering two good friends Cisco Ramon and Caitlin Snow along the way. They soon learn that something very valuable is hidden somewhere inside the school and Reverse Flash is very anxious to lay his hands on it.
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