#antis do no interact
sneakyboythingz · 2 years
🐰 Welcome! Im SneakyBoy, i enjoy any type of media, im always getting interested in new stuff, talking about my interests/random things and writing some fics (mostly one-shots) so feel free to follow and Interact If you like any of these things ✌️
💜Fictional Husband ( a.k.a Romantic F/O ):
- Jax from TADC (/srs)
Biggest interest(s) at the moment:
• The Amazing Digital Circus
Favorite ship(s) at the moment:
- FunnyBunny ( Pomni x Jax) [OTP]
- Bunnydoll ( Jax x Ragatha )
( But only on a very specific way )
- MeanJokes ( Jax x Kaufmo)
- CyNcest ( Cyn x N )
🐇 Please read these things below before following 👇
❗I dont care about morality with fictional stuff, i just ship and enjoy anything i want (including problematic things) so feel free to block me If that makes you uncomfortable
[- that doesn't mean i support media that are related to things like transphobia,nazism,racism and others of course ]
❗Do not interact If you believe that fiction affects reality on a 1:1 basis and If you believe that someone's taste in fantasy is a direct reflection of their real morals/desires (fiction ≠ reality basically)
❗Please block me If you're an anti-recovery, pro-contact proud paraphile regarding the harmful ones (pedo,zoo,necro, etc). Being proship and pro-kink has nothing to do with real attractions so please respect when some fiction only people are uncomfortable with your presence
[- im not against harmless paraphilias, i just have a very restrict view on the big three (pedo,zoo,necro) and their mere presence makes me uncomfortable since i am focused on fiction only. I dont acctually wish any harm upon the ones who don't want to act on their atracttions ]
❗Please block me If you condone any of these things in real life, pedos,MAPs, zoos,incestous people,rapists, predators, and others are not welcome here! ( Im also not really comfortable with anti-contact harmful paras, sorry )
❗I fully support and engage with anti-censorship/pro-ship/pro-kink ideologies, but that doesn't mean i dont have personal limits and some specific things do make me feel uncomfortable
❗Do not interact If you are weirdly invasive and public about RPF content of popular public figures, I believe that theres no harm on these type of works as long they are never shared publicity/never ever shown to the actual person
❗Block me If you make RPF of child actors/minors
❗Block me If you have any bigoted ideology ( racism, transphobia, terfs, ableism, homophobia etc... )
❗i make suggestive and heavily suggestive posts about my interests sometimes and i put them in the main tags, but its nothing too heavy or explicit, feel free to block me If that makes you uncomfortable
❗I make my explicit nsfw posts on @sneakyboycream ( for people older than 17 Only )
❗Dont interact If you're a heavy gore or real life porn blog pls! Nothing against It but i personally dont want that related to my blog
❗If you're gonna interact just to send hate please dont interact at all, i just wanna enjoy my things, dont waste your time 👍
❗I will block anything and anyone that makes me uncomfortable
❗Feel free to dm me and send me anything on my ask box just dont be weird 👍
❗Im not really a lgbt+ rad-inclusionist but im not a rad-exclusionist either.
❗Feel free If you want me to tag specific words/hashtags on my posts for any reason!
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lilithism1848 · 20 days
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xxchromies · 1 month
I don't really care if rapists can be rehabilitated or not, they don't deserve to be.
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radfemridiculous · 20 days
I find it endlessly amusing that men are so confused, affronted, and concerned about the birth rates and marriage rates declining globally and then they behave like subhuman creatures. There are sex toys now that allow men to simulate fucking the decapitated head of a woman. Men cannot handle rejection and frequently become violent. Men are responsible for 75% of crime and 98% of sex crimes. Pornography has become increasingly violent and stomach-turning. Turns out when you act like an animal and treat women like a commodity, they don't wanna fuck you OR chain themselves to you and make themselves your legal property! Isn't that fun
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formywriyinglalala · 6 months
this genuinely breaks my heart
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radifemsara · 5 months
Women were never created from men's ribs, not ever. It is HE who emerges from HER womb. Framing the father as the life giver is a patriarchal lie, it's not true.
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autopsycollective · 6 months
a reminder that the host isn’t the only person in the system who should be respected and made to feel comfortable.
the host is not ‘the important part’, we are all completely conscious and capable of our own thoughts, feelings and our own boundaries. our brain created us because it decided that we are all important and needed.
the host is not the only member of a system you should care about.
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lilithism1848 · 22 days
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lesbionia · 3 months
It costs a few hundred dollars or more for a full bag of makeup. Or you could skip it and bank the money. 
It takes about 30-60+ minutes to do a face of makeup in the morning. Or you could skip it and sleep in. 
It takes time and money to shave, and it has to be done on a regular basis. Or you could skip it, bank the money, and remove a task from your mental load. 
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camomileapplesyrup · 3 months
libfems be like: FUCK religion. it is OPPRESSIVE. it HARMS WOMEN. it's NONSENSICAL. how could you believe in your SKY DADDY. ANYONE who believes in religion is stupid and not worth the conversation!
... but not that one. that one's fine! listen to the people who practice it!! (in a conveniently western and privileged area) it's okay when they say women is property because it's cultural.
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vouam · 6 months
Honestly when I hear people say “not receiving gender affirming surgeries will make me feel suicidal” I hear the same thing as if someone said “if I don’t get a nose job I’ll feel suicidal”
It’s a physical insecurity that wouldn’t exist in a vacuum. I’m sorry that you were influenced to feel this way, but surgery will not fix something that is rooted in self-hatred. If you change it with surgery, you will find another insecurity to fixate on within a week.
Also, can we talk about how rebranding gender affirming surgery as some life-saving procedure is just promoting and glamorising a very misogynistic and corrupt industry.
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internally-weird · 2 months
some anti on tiktok: hey guys just so you know 🌺💞 is a proshit combo for mom x daughter, 🐺🍡 means adult x child and 🦷🧠 is cannibalism kink!!
other antis in the comments: omg thank you!! now i know who to block
proshippers who have never seen those combos in their lives: what
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cage-of-atonement · 2 months
Do things for your system offline.
Being a system affects life more than just online. (contrary to endo beliefs) While having some amazing resources online to help organize and track things, there are a million reasons to have your physical life have resources set up as well.
you'll never know if an alter might not even know what a phone is yet, and gods forbid if for some reason a new alter is alone without help. Trust me, we had a new alter try to just up and leave our fiance on a vacation. We have also had alters who definitely needed a picture guide on how to use the system discord lol.
Here are some ideas we do to help ensure our system is safe, but also helps alters feel more grounded and present with themselves!
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Fronting Kandii bracelets, it can really help when you can't use your phone for switches, but also good for systems with significant barriers between alters and memory, so you can see who was here last!
a physical notebook labeled in bold for "if confused/lost read this" and inside keep important information; (what is a system, what the body name is, what your job is, and how to open and use a phone just in case, and also what to do to contact a gatekeeper or what to do if they can't, such as how to call out of work or avoid the family/friends asking what's wrong.)
another notebook might be helpful for alters to have fun decorating an 'about page' but also having your system journal individually as alters is REALLY IMPORTANT TO HAVE IN CASE YOU WANT TO TALK TO A DOCTOR ABOUT GETTING DIAGNOSED. It can really help the doctor see a track of things. We started our first journal in 2017, even outside of doctors, it's good for a physical medium for alters to express in.
these next ones are focused on alters having their own space and grounding in the real world!
having a small box or basket or something like that to keep their favorite or 'personal' items. our system likes having our own individual space and items, and for us it helps not only keep the peace, but also help us ground when we have our own things like clothes, comforts, snacks on hand, personal notebooks, etc.
remember kids, if your system is affecting you irl, when no one is looking then you are not faking! no sys doubting here pookies <3
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radifemsara · 7 months
If "girls mature faster" then why aren't we given more positions and seats of power & authority?! Yall only use that sentence to hold us to greater accountability than boys and to justify men's attraction to little girls.
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feliaes · 8 months
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virtual-kangel · 3 months
antis: *enjoying media with dark themes like murder, drug trafficking, abuse, etc *
also antis when the media becomes even remotely sexual:
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