poetessinthepit · 7 months
Call out anti-palestinianism every single chance you get. Do not tolerate racism. Do not tolerate Islamophobia. Do not tolerate bigotry.
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shadowmaat · 3 months
weaponized labels
How, exactly, are Community Labels supposed to work here on the hellsite? And why, in fact, does adding a tag to something suddenly become a community label?
Seeing all the people getting disappeared off this site for unforgivable crimes like- *checks writing on hand*- being a transwoman is chilling and gross. Watching other blogs get nuked for having the "wrong" kind of content is also gross. And not being able to access someone's blog because it "may contain adult content" is absolutely infuriating.
When I reblog something and tag it as En Ess Eff Dubyou all I mean is exactly that: it isn't something safe to be caught looking at while at work. I am not trying to brand OP or the person I reblogged it from as obscene. I'm not trying to get anyone's blog shut down or censored. I'm just trying to pass along a warning to save people at work (or people squicked by sex/nudity) a bit of discomfort.
If someone wants to label their own blog as being "Mature Content" or whatever, that's their choice. But this system where other people can decide a blog is "naughty" is appalling. And it has very much been weaponized against certain groups; something made worse by the fact that tumblr staff not only allows it, but encourages it.*
Labels and tags are meant to be tools to help, not tools to attack and suppress. And yeah, I know there's not much to be done when the whole system is corrupt from the top down (looking at you, Mulletwig), but COME ON. Maybe it's time for another lawsuit or three, since hitting them in their pockets is the only thing they seem to feel.
*Look, staff. You can protest and handwring all you want about how you're Good People, Actually, and that it's just a few Bad Actors ruining things, but it's time to admit facts: Your whole system is designed to oppress and silence vulnerable minorities. Your CEO is a Redcap Trumpian who singled out a transwoman and tried to put her on blast. He accused her of lying, opened her up to even more hatred and violence than she was already receiving, and tried to act like diversity's champion while instead proving his own rampant transmisogyny,
The people working on your mod team have been consistently antiqueer for decades, and have used their hate to shut down any voices they find objectionable. It isn't a few "bad apples," it's the whole bunch. Or near enough not to make a difference. They also keep proving that, despite what the TOS would suggest, threats of rape, violence, and death are, in fact, allowed here. Hate groups are welcome here. Palestinians and their supporters, however, are not.
Frankly, Mulletwig isn't even the cause, he's just another symptom. This issue predates his tenure by a wide margin. He makes a convenient target, though. A good distraction. Oh, he definitely needs to be kicked out, but he isn't the only one who needs to go, is he?
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imsosocold · 1 month
Nah not Jessie Gender deleting criticism of her ‘Zionism and the Left video’ but keeping clear far right account comments on it
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hungarianmudkip69 · 7 months
my bad, didn't realise you were a fucking zionist when i followed you. thanks for reblogging that stupid post so i could unfollow you! kys please!
me: stop spreading misinformation, the only way palestine will be free is peace, hamas has literally said they want gazans to die. we're not going to let a genocide happen, so after this there will still be jews and palestinians in the levant, so they need to be able to live together for palestinians to be able to live without fear. free palestine
you: zionist. die
fun fact: if you are anti-nuance you are anti-palestinian. i dont even know what post you're referring to but i do know i always consider "am i making sure this does not harm the cause of peace in the levant" when i reblog anything related to i/p
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ladyimaginarium · 3 months
hey y'all so i saw this word floating around on jumblr / jewish tumblr & so i looked it up & i thought id share it w/ yall esp goyim !
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this is pretty much what the iof & the israeli gvmnt is doing ! so like make sure to avoid anyone who spreads these sentiments around !
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palpessoptimist · 5 months
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Read that thread!
tell me what you think
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real-shul-stories · 11 months
Neighbors Lady
This one is lengthy so it's going under a readmore.
tl;dr: we had a call from a woman convinced that her Palestinian neighbors have been attacking and threatening her on the basis of being Jewish, though her family had allegedly been hiding their Jewish identity from her all her life.
i know i put cws in the tags but in light of *gestures vaguely* everything I figured I'd reiterate that this one has a content warning for anti-Palestinian sentiment and general paranoia.
Call from a woman whose voice made her sound like a young adult in her 20s or 30s. She sounded a little frazzled and opened by saying she has a “situation” and isn’t sure what to do. First, she told me her family has been lying to her about her Jewish heritage, and that she recently found out her Jewish status by checking her family tree. This in itself isn’t uncommon, but her next topic was where things started to go a little off the rails: she said that her Palestinian neighbors have been violently harassing her and her family on the basis of their being Jewish.
She described a few of the things her neighbors have allegedly done: breaking into her family’s house and stealing things, trashing their belongings, cyberstalking (seeming to time their harassment with her trying to reach out for help online, things like that). She alleged that they shot chemical weapons into her bedroom and even arranged for a rocket to drop on her neighborhood. (I asked where she lived and she answered with the name of a neighborhood not far from here; I think we would have heard something). She also said that she’s taken it to the police, but they haven’t been doing anything to alleviate the situation.
I asked how long her parents had lived in the house – trying to see if they pre-dated the neighbors – and she said her family had lived there 20 years, but wasn’t sure how long the neighbors had lived there. However, when I asked later whether moving was an option, she said her family had moved six times to try to get away from the neighbors, only for the neighbors to follow them.
When I asked if she could figure out how the neighbors had known about their Jewish status when her parents had been hiding it, she told me she wasn’t sure how they knew either. She also detailed that her discovery of her heritage involved learning that her family was descended from the biblical Jacob, “right there” on her family tree, but didn’t point to any more recent Jewish relatives when prompted.
I told her that I wasn’t sure what we would be able to do to help her, but I asked whether she had tried contacting our local Jewish crisis help center. She told me she did try contacting them, but they were “so scared they couldn’t wait to get me off the phone.” It left me wondering whether she was lying about calling them, or if she really did call and just misinterpreted their response.
Finally, she communicated to me that she wants to become more active in the Jewish community and “set down roots” since she’d been moving so much. She believes it will help in some way—she mentioned her belief that her neighbors have been able to get away with so much because the caller herself hasn’t been speaking to a rabbi or involved Jewishly. She wants to learn more about Judaism and make friends in the community, possibly by volunteering. She mentioned wanting to come to services to see what they’re like.
She had mentioned posting about her situation on facebook and provided her full legal name during our call, so after we got off the phone I decided to search for her. I found her fairly quickly – she is actually middle aged, and all of her posts are publicly visible. Most of the posts were rambling about the damage “the neighbors” are doing to her, her home, and her family, but none of her recent posts mentioned Judaism or identified the neighbors as Palestinians. (Some of them had a very devout Christian bent, though). It made me wonder whether she was merely calling her imaginary neighbors "Palestinians" in an attempt to gain sympathy and support from a Jewish organization when she was very much not Jewish herself.
This person had called on 12/28. About a month later (1/31) she buzzed at the front door asking to speak to a rabbi or secretary. I diverted her to my boss, who went out to speak with her. He successfully redirected her to our local Jewish crisis help center.
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fairuzfan · 5 months
It will always astound me that zionists and zionist sympathizers just state things completely unsupported by facts. Like they deny don't cite a single fact other than "I just know" or the freaking Jewish Virtual Library which is a known antipalestinian and zionist resource. I can cite Avi Shlaim and Ilan pappe and other antizionist jews and Palestinian scholars and I can even literally point to Israeli state archives (because they document themselves pretty proudly committing crimes ACROSS swana) and then they just don't look. They just pretend they didn't see or they ignore it. Or they cite Wikipedia. Like no actually you cannot make assertions without supporting evidence and then pass it off as unadulterated fact. It frustrates me to no end the complete bastardization of fact and mixing it with Israeli talking points completely seriously.
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ysali · 2 months
liking cullen is palestinian culture, so if ur mean to cullen fans you're antipalestinian actually
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grecoromanyaoi · 3 months
so i got racefaker, transphobe, antiblack, antipalestinian, antiromani (despite not mentioning romani ppl like ever?), pedophile (???). anyone wanna add any oppression im partaking in. maybe i hate the chinese who knows.
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spacelazarwolf · 9 months
at this point we can pretty much guarantee you are antisemitic antipalestinian racist and that you for some reason are very hateful of Mohammed El Kurd and other leftist Palestinians who by your words alone are “antisemitic” riiiight. wrong i think u are just not smart and very racist and hate jews so F u
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r4cs0 · 22 days
Hey some guys saying youre an antipalestinian fascist. I've seen lots of people receive the same kind of copypasta, and I'm sure none of that is true because your reblogs are just normal stuff, but it's very odd. Have you recently gotten hacked or something ? Make sure you enable 2auth security and stuff. Peace to you fella !
Well that's a new one lol
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discworldwitches · 6 months
probably going to regret making this post but i am seeing some shit on my dash that’s pissing me off.
i saw someone saying “don’t mention israel in connection to the holy week”, which is such a fucking statement to make. don’t mention that palestinian christians cannot safely practice their religion? that palestinians cannot even access certain churches at all because they’ve been destroyed???
and like this bullshit too:
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herodotus was calling the land palestine five hundred years before jesus was born. names such as palestine & similar ones (palaset) were in use for centuries! jesus grew up in nazareth, was from the galilee (a separate roman client state under roman occupation) and only lived in judea part of the time. it wasn’t until 44 CE (aka ~10 years after he died) that judea and galilee were united under roman occupation, forming syria palestina. the idea that all jews under roman occupation were judean is not true and it’s used to flatten jewish history by people who want to create a collective national origin story. the idea that all jews were judean at some point is also not true since many diaspora groups have origin stories of leaving during the first temple & during the time of the hasmoneans and then roman occupied province of judea, jews were living all over the mediterranean world and making pilgrimages to jerusalem for holidays & festivals. and the language he would’ve spoken is literally called jewish palestinian aramaic! yes, of course jesus was jewish! those calling him palestinian are not the ones distancing him from judaism & his jewishness, it’s those who see palestinian and jewish as mutually exclusive identities. but to compare palestinians (esp palestinian christians) & their allies talking about brutal apartheid & oppression in the state of israel today to christians who commit(ted) easter pogroms is absurd and clearly antipalestinian! it’s just another way to silence people.
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xxxjarchiexxx · 7 months
i genuinely need someone to explain how it's antipalestinian to say someone who went by lily anarkitty online might have been closeted like i don't understand how that draws attention away from palestinian queer people or from the antizionist cause at all and it feels like posts complaining about it aren't explaining and either the logic is weird transmisogyny or i am factually too dumb to get it without it being explained like not putting myself down i have been thinking about it and trying to understand all day and reading and rereading the posts ive seen. everyone in my immediate circle ive asked also doesn't get it so im just posting in the hopes ill be read in good faith and someone will baby steps explain it like im 5 because im so open to overlooking something or having done harm. but all the logic ive read seems to presume that everyone who sees going by the name lily anarkitty online as a flag for transness is like white and doesn't engage with palestinians or the antizionist cause. i don't doubt those people exist, but i don't think these two statements are inherently related as it's not even Most people commenting on it from what ive seen-- in fact ive only seen the post from blogs who post about palestine constantly? again, i fully believe it happens and know it must because people want to make things about themself, but i don't see how seeing he went by lily anarkitty online as Not A Cishet Man Thing is inherently tied to that. idgi.
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vividaway · 10 months
⋆˚⊹ Alyssa, They/She, 21+, Multifandom⊹˚⋆
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my interests include: - miraculous ladybug - steven universe - gabbie hanna - melanie martinez - nostolgiacore - maladaptive daydreaming my hashtags include: #AlyssaPosts for those days i have something to say #AlyssaRants for those nights i get in my thoughts #AlyssaScreams for those times i get heated
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racist, anti-black, against blm
nazi, alt-right
antisemitic, islamophobic, antipalestinianism
map or 'minor attracted person', a pedophile - basically
fetishize mlm OR w/w relationships/pairings/etc
romanticize abuse or mental illnesses
ableist (this includes people who are against self diagnosis too!)
lgbtphobic (lesbophobic, homophobic, biphobic, panphobic, transphobic, exclusionist, etc)
use slurs you can't reclaim
joke about or justify incest in any form
justify or participate in the sexualization of minors
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unbakehisbeans · 3 months
I am all at once very eager and also terrified to teach this fall bc I'll be teaching comp & rhet rather than literature and there will be more opportunities for Palestine to come up in class and as much as I want to talk about it and I want students to talk about it, I'm in such a terribly vulnerable position as an Arab teacher. Like, sure they can fire me and that scares me, but I'm really afraid of being hatecrimed especially as the university has been entirely silent about the several antiarab, antipalestinian, Islamophobic hate crimes both on and off campus.
But I miss teaching :(
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