#anti-AI art
eldritchtouched · 9 months
I just saw the take that anti-AI art people are "reactionary." And that just blows my mind that people don't understand the problems with it who aren't part of the grift.
AI art is distilled capitalist exploitation.
And that isn't going to change or become a good version of AI art until capitalism is completely abolished and someone makes a different program entirely from the ground up that actually takes ethics into account.
Massive corporations are stealing everything from everyone who ever posted or had their work posted online. And random other stuff, too, like peoples' family photos, random blog posts, and illegal material like CSEM. They're having people who are paid peanuts sort through it all and tag everything. Their data sets include CSEM because, again, they took everything from everywhere.
Then they're selling access to the programs to people who would rather pay for that than actually have to pay any creatives for their labor. People are being forced to compete with their own and everyone else's stolen labor for their wages.
On top of that, it's an insane resource hog akin to cryptocurrency and NFTs. The amount of water, energy, and other resources it takes to power it is ridiculous. All this AI shit is part of the same grift as NFTs and cryptocurrency! The same people are pushing it! The AI generated stuff has a gatcha mechanic akin to NFTs where there's randomized variation and mass producing similar images!
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eridanidreams · 7 months
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haffu · 5 months
Nightshade: Anti-AI Art Protection Software
It's FREE. I'm going to be trying it, and retroactively putting it on all my art pieces. Doing my part to combat the AI art models scraping images out there, lol.
I highly encourage all genuine artists of ALL skill levels to start using this software, or Glaze , so we can take back real art from theft.
Especially if you're a very popular artist with a really iconic style, this can protect you from people stealing your specific art style as well. But I think if enough artists start poisoning the well, big to small, we can discourage AI Art thieves from targeting people.
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If you’re drawing a piece and start thinking, “I wonder how an AI would tackle this prompt,” don’t fall for the curiosity. That’s the devil talking, and not the sexy one.
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queer-cartoons-quotes · 8 months
I hate it when people hate a film because it's from a stupid studio and they put all the blame on the artists and other people they work with and curse their work instead of blaming the owners and corporatists of the studio, man they did their best, it's not their fault that this shit sucks them in!!!
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I have a cake recipe!!! :DD use it if you want but if you post it here please give me credit :33
Also! I am firmly against my art being used for AI or training AI in any way, shape or form, I do not condone the usage of my art for AI and do not want it used for AI in any way at all
I love the little details I put in like the flower crown, the underlined “1 teaspoon” on Vanilla extract, I really like it all :DD
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scarefox · 2 years
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clovershroom · 6 months
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I blocked said user in question when he tried to follow me a couple of days ago. I'm not messing with anyone who dabbles in AI artwork.
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corgiteatime · 7 months
every time i see gloopy ai art slurry clogging up the architecture tag on social media, i start planning murders. many murders.
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byebyebriar · 7 months
“You liked this before you knew it was AI so you must admit it’s good!”
No? I don’t have to like something if all the reasons I liked it are false?
I like art because of the effort that goes into it. It’s hard drawing perfect circles! Shading is difficult! Sculpting is incredibly easy to fuck up! I love being in awe of someone’s skill.
There is no awe for AI. I feel exactly as much awe at someone’s AI work as I do finding out they copy and pasted from a different artist. They put the same level of effort in after all.
Frankly, I give art a pass to suck because failure is necessary to improve. I know that the sloppy shading and messed up hands is somebody’s doing the terrifying step of putting their work out there for judgement. Who am I to throw stones?
AI has no such person. There is no beginner’s dreams to crush. So, yeah. I’m going to be way harder on a piece of art if I know that my stone is going to hit a computer chip and not flesh.
That’s not even getting into the removal of the conscience and sub-conscience! I don’t like art because it looks neat. I like it because someone wanted something enough to make it a reality!
I like finding the clues put into art! The Easter Eggs and hidden meanings! The satire of real people/politics and the artists slipping past censures because fuck the Hayes Code! Half the fun of art is wondering if the artists knew they were flying their freak flag or if it slipped out like an octopus.
The relationship to the art is half the piece and half the puppet master. AI generated shreds that relationship. The only context for the art is that this is the mathematical average of the prompt.
And…it’s fucking sad? Like, nobody chose the details. Nobody weighed their options (what does culture say about this flower? Is the main character too close to a real life person? Am I out of the color blue? Does the dragon slap?) and made a choice. It’s all just averages with some rules thrown in so porn and copywriter stuff didn’t pop up.
The image you got putting a prompt into Midjourney was always going to be that image. The reply you got from OpenAI was always going to be that reply.
There is no person. There is no free will creature making a choice. There is just the mathematical predictions that were always going to spit out that option because that’s all they can do.
So yeah, I’m going to continue to think AI generated content sucks. Give me the person using their free will and daring to try over it any day.
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waitafrikk · 1 year
glaze < for protecting your artwork from ai
this is a free download and im not entirely sure how it works but it adds encryption onto your artwork so that ai cannot use it when taking from the internet!
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mkanuhea · 2 years
Saw your anti AI post and I agree so much.
I used to work with a friend who is a influencer and youtuber. They asked me to do the thumbnails since they love my art and I've been struggeling with money for a while.
It was a nice extra income.
Until they found AI and that they can just push a button and get free art immidiately.
So I got turned down silently. No official "hey I took something else" nothing. They just started using AI and stopped updating my art schedule. I had an argument with them about it and stated the issue with AI. They kinda don't care. They only see their own profit.
Mind you, this person is super leftist. I expected more from them especially because they complain a lot how other youtubers steal and copy their videos.
Also note: I did a very fair price, I even underpaid myself.
And now I have to see how I'll make through the next few months.
So yeah, AI doesn't only steal art, it steals jobs especially from small artists. I want this shit to fucking end already
First of all, I'm so so SO sorry this happened to you. I really hope that you still continue to stay creative, share your artwork and wishing you loads of business to keep up your art career. Situations like this are awfully discouraging, but I implore you to keep at it. We need real, human artists more than ever. Never stop creating friend.
Personally, I feel like the use of AI "artwork" typically made by so-called leftists or liberals outs that their solidarity is just performative. Whether they realize it or not, I feel as if you're competent enough to realize capitalism is not good for anyone (unless you're swimming in a billion dollars) that you'd come to the understanding AI "art" hurts the working class - because, lets be honest, if you're selling you're artwork/making art to sell, you're working. You're a worker. And it's just even more so baffling when other ARTISTS are making AI art "for shits and giggles" all while acknowledging that the production of AI artwork hurts artists. The cognitive dissonance is real - or or or - their activism is just performative. lol.
I won't support artists who use AI "art" and post it even if it's "just for fun". I don't care if you "just wanted to see" yourself in Greg Rutkowski's style or (the other artist's style, I cannot for the life of me remember their name) and share it on social media. One of my acquaintances on Facebook makes and sells jewelry and is supposedly an avid leftist, and another acquaintance of mine also does commissions and sells their artwork also via Facebook; yet recently posted AI self portraits and my respect for both of them quickly got flushed down the shitter.
Really, and I say this with every micrometer of my fuckn soul, feeding the generator and sharing your AI "artwork" is completely and disgustingly insulting for any competent artist (and I say competent, because this phase has proven some are in fact, not). For those who've posted and shared their AI "art", fuck you for even having the thought and ESPECIALLY a hot and steamy massive fuck you if you've ever acknowledged in the past the destruction of AI-generated artwork. Get shit on.
How to stop this? Stop feeding the fucking robot. Call out/educate those who post AI art. Stop supporting other artists that use and share AI art. While there are many things in a capitalist society we're unfortunately compliant to, this is one of those things we have the power to nip in the butt before it gets worse.
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bravecrab · 1 year
There's an AI pop up happening in Auckland, Hypercinema, in which guests will get there photo taken and asked some questions, and then proceed to walk through a space that will have a bunch of AI generated images/video based on their likeness and answers. To me, it sounds pretty cringe, sure you get to see potentially an art gallery worth of art with you as the subject, and/or a film where you are the star, but I still feel like generative AI in art (and labour in general) is de-valuing. When you can easily saturate yourself with narcissistic art of yourself, you potentially devalue a friend or a commissioned artist making art of you. When you accept films based on madlibs style generation, likely filled in via datamining, like targeted ads, it devalues cinema. Sure, it's personalized to you specifically, but that also means it doesn't challenge you.
I can see this sort of pop up being the next Van Gogh Experience, a novelty experience that rings pretty hollow when mass produced. It's also a pretty tasteless tech demo, trying to sell the general public on AI generated films at a time when film and tv workers are on strike.
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josiebelladonna · 2 years
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as if people who advocate ai art aren’t completely out of their goddamn minds already.
yes, learning to draw a human hand, someone an addictive habit, a boy wanting to cry, gamers gaming, and a guy in a wheelchair trying to work all are things you should conflat—i’m not going to finish that 😂😂 
these people are literally NUT JOBS
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sirislayer · 1 year
The rise of ai art and me now trying to stick to glazing most of my art really is annoying because I now can't just be whimsical and post my art online.
No I have to run it through glaze and wait for that to be done and even posting some fun photos I take of my traditional art isn't fun because I feel like if I don't glaze them they will probably be absorbed by the ai art theft.
The theft of footage to train ai art has made it so, that posting art online for everyone to enjoy is just not as fun anymore.
I wish I could glaze my videos but I reckon it'd cause a massive eyestrain and photosensitivity issues to glaze every single frame. 😔
It just kinda sucks. And ignoring the problem or just accepting "it is what it is" is a mentality I am not willing to succumb to. Yet.
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portuguesedisaster · 2 years
Can we talk about how creppy AI powered stuff is?
We have a kind of technology that has information about everything you do, that answers your questions, knows everything, can use it to make decisions for you. Like, how far are we willing to go with it? I know that there’s a discussion over art made by AI and that’s...bad (let’s put like that, I have no time for that rant lol) but this kind of technology gives me the creeps in ways that only good creepy pastas can accomplish. Yeah, Alexa, you’re fucking creepy.
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