#anti rose bs
arson-09 · 7 months
Nesta and Tamlin being like the only reasonable characters in acotar yet also the most hated is so funny. They have the most nuance and in my humble opinion actual character yet they are heavily boiled down to being… mean. like thats all they get.
They dont fall for the night courts bullshit and get fucking crucified by the majority fandom for it. They have negative emotions that effect Feyfey and rice and tamlin and nesta are EVIL for it. Im sorry to break it to all yall feysanders but the whole world doesnt revolve around those mfs and character (and real people) are allowed to dislike and not agree with them💀💀 especially when they are FUCKING HYPOCRITES AND SUCK🗣️🗣️
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leikeliscomet · 2 months
I have no idea if this was directed at me and I didnt see myself doing anti-rosemartha posts on the tl again but regardless, I don't think white sapphic dw stans understand how much white womanhood/proximity to it affects Black women. They don't understand how much of women's representation and issues, including sapphic rep, centres white women. There's a reason why you rarely see Black sapphic ships. There's a reason why fandoms care more about the white sapphic in interracial pairings and paints the Black sapphic as dominant, aggressive and masc, even if she's none of those things. 'Oh but I see it as Rose is the one to show Martha's she loved' 'Rose makes Martha feel good about herself' 'Rose teaches Martha to be happy' Again Rose Rose Rose. You don't see Martha as having love, confidence and joy if it's not tied to her in some way the same way you don't think or want Ten/The Doctor to. You don't see Martha as a Black sapphic woman, you see her as an extension of Rose again. Your only likeable quality about Martha is that she could be Rose's bestie or gf, but not as a character in her own right. You'll call it misogyny for people to not like RoseMartha and go 'what about TenMartha' as if it's not possible to walk and chew gum at the same time. As if Black women don't experience that same misogyny you're weaponising. As if being a white woman as opposed to a white man is a free pass for misogynoir.
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freyjas-musings · 3 months
So , now that the event has officially come to an end I think I would like to say my 2 cents on the troll account that popped in the middle of an event . Irrespective of which fandom or side this person belongs to one thing that is accurate is that it's an abomination that shouldn't have been born at all. I am a 100% sure its someone everyone hates in their real life too.
Now, is it fair to blame the entire group of Elriels for that troll? No , but what is shitty is Elriels pretending an Elriel has "never" done anything like that.... That's inaccurate...
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Below is an example from a verified Elriel account saying exactly the same sort of shit .... since some of you want to pretend it's not an elriel thing
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There you go a verified Elriel who has been around for a while ... and consistent discourse in SA insensitivity. .. So its reasonable for people to assume the troll account is an Elriel... stop pretending to be Victims. I have a few more examples from other accounts that are verified Elriel too
One of Elriels lead Commissioners on Gwyn ... So this BS that Elriels have never made hate posts or insensitive posts about Gwyn is farthest from the truth. No one is buying it .
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2. This troll account popped up in the middle of an event, an event that was going exceptionally well and was getting the recognition and reach it deserved , why would one of our own cause Drama to disrupt that ?
3. The trolls brain , the quality of that brain is unbelievable.... its unfortunately questionable ... How ?
Elriels: They are trying to pretend to be Elriel so they can make us look bad....
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Troll : while completely engaging in anti gwyn and Gwynriel discourse ... Littering all over an event page by leaving disgusting comments on the content.... tagging all their posts Elriel
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I mean the quality of that brain, if this was someone who created that account to make Elriels look bad why on earth would they say they "aren't" Elriel 😅😅😅😅😅
This is the sort of brain that comes up with bread and roses so please don't blame us for assuming this asshole is an Elriel.
Now , do I care which side that asshole belongs to ? Not really , anyone who has been here a while knows shitty people in this fandom are rampant irrespective of the side .
Sexual Abuse is not limited to females so when someone writes terrible things about SA survivors it's not gender based hate speech , Male assault is just as real and relevant too.. its an insult to SA Survivors as a whole ... I don't give a fuck about people's personal opinions about fictional characters but when you specifically write posts that are insensitive towards what is a very real issue in today's world you should stand up against it irrespective of the group .
I am specifically not tagging Elriel in this post because I have no interest in interacting with any of them . This is for my side , my people for Gwyn stans ... for Gwynriel stans .... so I am specifically asking Elriels to stay away from my blog and posts.
I am going to be inactive on this account for a few weeks , I am truly burnt out with the fandom and some of the things I have read about survivors in the recent few days has unfortunately triggered me a lot. Based on my discussion with my friends and my husband I do feel the best course of action for me would be to take a brief break ... I will be back for Elucien Week 🤗
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sonik-kun · 10 months
JC antis trying not to be patronising, misogynistic incels challenge (impossible)
Assuming we only like JC because he is hot and implying us JC fans are "dumb" and "vapid" with our opinions because we "simp" for him makes you sound like a load of raging incels fyi.
You all willingly ignore the evidence we put forward as to why we love JC's character and how he is more than just some cookie cut out "angry man" character who happens to be good looking.
Reducing our takes to something to be seen at surface level and nothing more is gatekeeping and it's annoying af. Espeically when y'all don't even want to consider his CANON good traits that make his character interesting and nuanced.
Jiang Cheng was a character who was given a shit hand and put in many difficult situations. It's only natural that people are going to have different opinions on the choices he makes, depending on one's own lived experiences and culture.
The whole point of the book is to not see everything as black and white. Acting like your opinion is superior over ours and implying we can only see JC through rose tinted lenses because we "simp" for him is something a bellend would say, btw. Hope you're all aware of that.
I've said it once, and I'll say it again, but stick to talking about you faves and stay in your lane. Because reading your patronising bs opinions on here is getting rather dull. Especially this many years on in the fandom.
It's time to grow up and let people enjoy characters however they want. Accept we all have differences in opinion and don't be a dick about it.
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sophieinwonderland · 8 months
people who are progressive online tend to make up unreasonable shit to get mad at so they feel better about harassing people they dont like, even when the thing they get mad at isnt something they get mad at usually
(This came in shortly after the r/systemscringe Hellenist decided to feign being upset because I mentioned Tartarus. 🙄)
So, yes... this can certainly a problem in left-leaning circles.
My host was in the Steven Universe Fandom when people tried to cyberbully a fan artist into committing suicide because she drew Rose Quartz a bit thinner than normal. There are definitely bullies out there who will take these issues way too far.
What I find striking in these cases is that anti-endo tactics far more resemble those of the alt-right.
See, in my experience, actual progressives, even if they go overboard, are genuinely upset over the thing they claim to be upset over.
The alt-right and other bigots learned these tactics to give themselves the appearance of the moral high ground while actually just using them to defend bigotry.
Gina Carano recently filed suit against Disney for firing her. Rather than argue "Disney is bad because they fired Gina Carano for transphobia" or "Gina Carano should have the right to compare right-wingers to holocaust victims," they instead went with this...
“Even though ‘the Force is female,’ Defendants chose to target a woman while looking the other way when it came to men. While Carano was fired, Defendants took no action against male actors who took equally or more vigorous and controversial positions on social media,”
An absolute load of BS, but one that takes the language of the oppressed to try to protect a bigot.
They don't really believe what they're saying for a moment. But they can use that to turn marginalized communities against each other. Make the narrative about transgender people vs women rather than good people vs transphobes.
The whole "tulpas are appropriation" narrative is an example of this. It was invented and pushed by bigots as a talking point to smear endogenic systems. A similar example is how people claimed faegender was appropriation as a way of driving a wedge in the transgender community and turn people against neopronoun users.
Ultimately, I feel this isn't a progressive tactic, but a regressive one that happens to be dressed up in progressive language.
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cartoonartistpng · 6 months
I'll see your Dadphiles AU and raise you "Sonic Prime but Dadphiles". No idea if/how that would work, but it lodged itself into the back of my head and won't leave. Also, when I stumbled across this AU it made me think of "The Monster Underneath Your Bed" by Madame Macabre. If you haven't listened to it, go to YouTube and do it right now.
Ooooo now that’d be interesting
My joking answer is that Mephiles would put Sonic in time-out for fracturing time and space while he cleaned it all up (Sonic would pout in the corner.)
As for my serious answer… We only have one of creator’s words that Prime is canonical to the games, despite the actual show kind of not reflecting that at all. Since Dadphiles is mainly Games-Canon, I’m gonna Err on the side of caution and say that Prime just doesn’t exist in this AU
However, if it did, I’d place it sometime between Sonic 06 and Sonic Forces. Sonic, Shadow, Silver, and Tails would all be living together, with Silver’s place in the family dynamic still fairly fresh. Shadow wouldn’t have fought Sonic and delayed his arrived at the Paradox Prism, plus Silver and Shadow would likely be able enough to stop their brother before he could shatter the Prism.
However, for the sake of this Thought-Experiment, let’s say they didn’t. Shadow would still Chaos Control while everyone else would be Shattered, this time including Silver. New Yolk!Silver would probably be a mysterious anti-hero—not wanting to work with the Resistance since they’d “slow him down” but still fighting against the Council—while Boscage!Silver would be right there alongside Thorn Rose in protecting the jungle. No Place!Silver… I think it’d be interesting if he’d either being a rival to Dread (as the only one able to see through his BS) or the shy, selectively-mute older brother of Sails who talks enough for both of them and somehow always seems to know what No Place!Silver is “saying”. Maybe even a bit of both.
The rest of Prime would probably go mostly the same, with Shadow being more cooperative and forgiving toward Sonic. Shadow is concerned toward how attached Sonic has gotten to these counterparts of their brothers, particularly Nine. Shadow tries protesting lightly, only for Sonic to break.
“How would you know what Tails is like? Maybe you just didn’t love him enough to get to know him!”
This causes a bit of a rift, with both hedgehogs wrapped up in their own guilt but believing the other won’t forgive them if they said anything. Shadow pushes his suspicions of Nine down while Sonic avoids his brother, unsure how to apologize but also terrified of accidentally hurting Shadow further. The end result of the show would largely remain the same, with Nine betraying them, trying to create his own world, getting defeated, and everything going back to normal with only Shadow and Sonic remembering what happened.
As this all would happened prior to Forces, Solaris would still be shattered and therefore too weak and scattered to actually do anything about this all.
Joke Answer is Sonic would be sent into time-out by Mephiles. True answer is that Prime doesn’t happen in Dadphiles because Sonic wouldn’t be late to the fight and Silver could just stop him with his powers.
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lboogie1906 · 1 month
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Rev. Dr. Wyatt Tee Walker (August 16, 1928 - January 23, 2018) civil rights leader, pastor, and theologian was born in Brockton, Massachusetts to John Wise and Maude Pinn Walker. He earned a BS in Chemistry and Physics from Virginia Union University. He married Theresa Ann Walker (1950). The couple had four children. He received his Master of Divinity from Virginia Union’s Graduate School of Religion.
He became the pastor of Gillfield Baptist Church in Petersburg. He served as president of the NAACP and as director of the state’s CORE. He founded the Petersburg Improvement Association. He became a member of SCLC. He rose in the organization, King appointed him the executive director of SCLC and King’s chief of staff.
His civil rights participation reached beyond his administrative duties. He was arrested in Birmingham for participating in a Freedom Ride. He helped organize the 1963 March on Washington.
He relocated to New York City to become pastor of Canaan Baptist Church of Christ in Harlem. The congregation grew from 800 to 3,000. He served as an Urban Affairs Specialist to New York Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller. He earned a D.Min from Colgate-Rochester Divinity School. He released his first of several books: Somebody’s Calling My Name: Black Sacred Music and Social Change.
He became a part of the anti-apartheid movement. He became a member of the American Committee on Africa, where he co-founded the Religious Action Network. He served as chair of the Central Harlem Local Development Corporation.
He received national recognition when Ebony magazine named him one of America’s “15 Greatest Black Preachers.” He retired as pastor of Canaan. He earned more acclaim in 2008 when he was inducted into the Civil Rights “Walk of Fame”. During the inauguration events for President Barack Obama, he received the “Keepers of the Flame” award at the African-American Church Inaugural Ball. He was a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and taught at the School of Theology at Virginia Union University. He was survived by his wife, Teresa; his daughter, and three sons. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #alphaphialpha
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wegonbealright-09 · 7 months
Honestly it's just both his good and bad goes viral a lot and the encore went viral. Like Jennie from BP for instance. I'm not a fan at all but everyone knows she acted in the idol so that's an easy target. She also went viral for walking off during her performances as well a couple of times too. However I also know the song she did with the weekend is hot on the charts. I've even seen her come up once or twice in GP videos of those interview tiktoks where they ask who are some people's favourite rapper (though people made fun of her name being among people like Kanye and Eminem)
Take that versus someone like rose. I literally have no idea about anything good or bad she's done. So if a blink attacks your kpop group, who do you think is going to get all the vile comments - Jennie or Rose? Jennie obviously. But who's more famous and also loved among the two. Still Jennie. And is she becoming any less famous or loved just because people on X are wasting their time on her? Not really
It's not great that Jimin keeps getting involved in fanwars and that that encore video went viral for no reason but it unfortunately comes with the territory of being someone like Jimin who lives rent free in everyone's minds including his antis. It's like how BTS as a group would keep getting dragged by kpopies for random bs while they were coming up. You can't stop it happening. The only good thing is that pjms are getting so good at clapping back. I esp love it when they put so many of jimins other great performances and include the other persons faves doing terrible performances and drag them back viciously. No need to lost morals but we can comment on their faves mediocrity and do it with multiple clips not just one tired encore clip
So it's because he lives rent free in kpopies minds and because he's the biggest kpop solo artist ever, okay got it.
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sleepynegress · 1 year
Are Yall this Gulliable??? This Leathbriar person... WHO KEEPS making these TROLL-ASS ANTI-BLACK posts about Uhura...
....That seem complimentary, but keep using words like "arrogant" and "annoying", and somehow yall are giving this person all the likes??? This is yet ANOTHER sockpoppet of this weird little troll playing "fan" of Uhura using all the racist fucking tropes. WTF??! Yall?? Just post after post and yall just liking them... without any sense of the tropes that go against black women. This is the same weirdo who called Celia Rose too masculine to play Uhura!!
Trekkies what is wrong with yall??? This is so frustrating as a black fan of Uhura, in all iterations to constantly see this troll using racist tropes and GETTING LIKES!!! by making mutiple "love" posts about Uhura but sneaking in all the racist tropes! Sneaking words like "arrogant" and "annoying" and pushy bs.... YALL NOT SEEING THIS SHIT??? YALL JUST CO-SIGNING??? .....Ninety something likes from yall???
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BETTER. P.S. STOP ANSWERING anon asks about how "ugly" Celia Rose is. It's the same racist weirdo troll.
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nayenburg · 1 year
was looking for a specific old post through words i remember being in the tags and i came across this post 🤡 claiming tenrose shippers are into tenrose purely because it’s a good-looking pairing isn’t just an inaccurate and narrow-minded assumption, but also an offensive one as it’s calling people ‘shallow’ without using the actual word. like. piss off
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i also realized that’s the same person who i once saw in rose tyler search making a lengthy ass post about rose becoming “purely a love interest in s2” or smth.. they pretend to care about rose but they shade her quite a lot, not-to-subtly slander tentoo/tentoorose, blatantly drag tenrose down whenever they get the chance but curiously love ninerose/s1 rose.. surprised? i am not.. here’s the post btw
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these antis in disguise.. they weirdly have a hate boner when it comes to rose and what's worse is that they all try to hide it behind pretentious bs and “constructive” criticism. you all ain’t slick yk
this person sometimes pops up under doctorrose posts with subtly detrimental bullshit. thought it’s something y’all would like to be aware of if only so you guys don’t give clout to antis unknowingly
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deancaslover · 11 months
As a poc who grew up in the middle east and have family in the middle east and have experienced know the impact of islamaphobia my take on m.c is definelity complicated. He should not have made the comments on the denial of genocide 100% and I'm glad he deleted those tweets hopefully because he understood it was wrong and not simply due to backlash. And I do believe that's the main part that he should be held accountable with
I do think misha has a emotional stake with family/ friends that are Jewish that probably has strong opinions and is also giving out information, working and helping with Ukraine, having the chance to talk to President of Ukraine abt the war, etc whilst Ukraine is still allies with Israel. I do see how that would have influenced his opinion on isreal and Palestine.
I think what's not stopping me from my support or whatever is in general I believe in the intentions and I just don't see the malicious intent. When reading his article it was very pro anti war and very attempted neutral on both parts, made sure to condemn only hammas and not the Palestinian ppl, humanising the Palestinian ppl. (Which is not special take but I do think when america talk abt middle east and war they usually talk about the humans (women are forced to wear hijab and have no rights! Which yea bs) and not talk specifically about the terrorist groups) so I do think that part was crucial and important. I also can appreciate that he replied to a person against islamaphobia in one of his replies. And in his substack which now has 106 comments the majority is in support of Palestine and there's links being shared about either genocide or more information that's currently happening in Palestine so for ppl looking to get informed there's links. So I do appreciate that the comments are not being filtered. And perhaps I am being too generous or looking at cup half full perspective but the positive part that I do see in this is that m.c main fanbase will also be other white fans who when going to look for his article they are being exposed to information.and is also learning if they haven't.
Idk like should he have written an article? No. But he has, and I'm glad he said this part
" Israel has a right to defend itself against terrorism, but when Israel does so by committing atrocities and war crimes of its own, then it defends itself without moral authority and only further entrenches both sides in an interminable conflict where there are no “good guys” and there will be no “winner.”  
Like again I'm glad when he's talking negatively about Palestine he specifically talks about hammas and in then in general terms isreal commiting war crimes. I just think it's important that for his fanbase that probably consists of white fanbase that is already been fed from the western media that it is important that it was neutral and humanisation of the Palestinian ppl
And again maybe because I have been in the spn fandom and have been exposed to gishwishes. Allowing them to pay medical bills, and other good things, his open support if the lgbt community I do have a soft spot and perhaps I'm looking at this in rose tinted glasses but i genuinely am not seeing the malicious or hateful intent when talking about the isreal/ Palestine that I see when others talk I.e piers Morgan etc . what I do condem is his comments on genocide and the denial of it so I'm glad those got deleted quick, hopefully because he understood that was just wrong. And he needs to address that. But yea in general I suppose the support is still there,
I read this as soon as I got it and thought, "I'll definitely answer it," so thank you, anon. I value your input on this.
First, you're totally entitled to your feelings and thoughts about him and his words. My intention is never to tell others how to react; I'm just very vocal about what I think.
I can understand your position. I'm not Muslim, and I'm not from the Middle East, but I'm a POC (basically half indigenous and half colonizer) in Latin America, and we, too, share a very dark history with imperialism from the USA and his son Israel but maybe it's a bit more invisible here.
That's why I'm so radical and unforgiving about privileged people's stances regarding colonization and genocide. To me it's not enough that he says he wants peace, that the bare minimum and the least we can expect from someone like him. I don't see how having family and friends who are Jewish is an impediment to understanding what is going on in Palestine when many Jewish people go out to the streets to claim they're 100% against occupation and don't support a Jewish Estate. Zionists want to make us believe they are the eternal victims, and Misha decided to go with that. In his statement he mentioned the Holocaust several times but he fails to see that Israel is doing the same to Palestinians right now. "Well, they have committed some war crimes, but it's not a real genocide like the Jewish one." Ugh, disgusting. There's no coming back from that in my opinion.
Like I've said, we as fans have given him the benefit of the doubt more than once, for both little and bigger things. Knowing his intentions are "good" isn't enough for me anymore. He's been in politics for decades; he's always doing political activism, so he's not particularly ignorant. He's not your average dumb American, and he has followers from all over the world. I expect(ed) a lot of him, because he put himself in that position from the start. I've been a fan for over a decade, and I even did gishwhes three years in a row, so yes, it's not easy to just say goodbye to all that overnight. But I'm being true to myself, and so I have to walk away.
Whatever path you follow on all this, whether it's the same as now or it changes, I send you my support, stay strong and you can write to me whenever you want <3
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dragonfly0808 · 1 year
The WINX favorite K-POP song?
Also, in your opinion, which group(s) would be their favorite?
Bloom: Itzy. Bet On Me, Wannabe and Voltage
Stella: Twice. Cruel, F.I.L.A and Feel Special
Flora: Ive/StayC. Beautiful Monster, Slow Down, Stereotype, Love Dive, Mine and Heroine
Musa: Le Sserafim/The Rose/Class:y. Impurities, No Celestial, Antifragile. Back to Me and Tick Tick Boom
Tecna: Kep1er. MVSK, Le Voya9e and Downtown
Aisha: Gidle. Lucid, Peter Pan, Nxde and Lion
Sky: Dreamcatcher. Deja Vu, Scream and Vision
Brandon: Nmixx. Love Me Like This and Dice
Helia: Kard/BTS. Gunshot, Break Down, Ride on the Wind, Dimelo, ON, Fake Love, BS&T and The Truth Untold
Riven: Stray Kids. S-Class, Thunderous and Domino
Timmy: TXT. Loser=Lover, Anti-Romantic and Dear Sputnik
Nabu: Pixy/Purple Kiss. The Moon, Wings, Deja Vu, Ponzona and Zombie
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To your other anons who were worrying about other people’s opinions on SMF pt2:
Proof that these kpop stans don’t know a GODDAMN thing they’re talking about. They spout bullshit because they know they rarely get called out and that other people will support them just because they don’t like Jimin will give them a pat in the back and amplify the BS.
Trust your ears. If the sounds good to you, then it’s good. Stop worrying about what other people think on what you should think about it. You have your own ears and your own brain and that’s all you need to have to listen to the music.
Ask 2: Bpp hi! I noticed something with JM's new song that I also saw when NewJeans released OMG. Immediately after OMG, Kpoppies said NewJeans was mocking mental illness and that Min Heejin was responsible for suicides in SM entertainment agency. It was like all kpop fandoms joined hands to hate on NJ saying the vocals were mid, they were trivializing mental illness and that Hybe was brainwashing fans to accept the song. But OMG became very popular with the general public and has gone viral. Since Jimin's solo album was announced, the rose colored glasses has fallen from my eyes. I used to think Armys are the worst fandom but now I see SM entertainment fans are the worst. Taemin fans dragging Jimin bc of an album called FACE??? I couldn't believe it. The same people are attacking Set Me Free saying that Jimin is mocking mental illness with the voices in auto-tune, that Armys ears are damaged and Hybe brainwashed Armys to accept Jimin as a good idol when he's inferior to Kai and Taemin. Each time I checked hit tweets dragging Jimin it was either a Shinee fan or Exo fan that started it. Now they're even attacking reactors and reviewers who are giving Jimin positive comments
https:// twitter .com/sarasfilter/status/1637457811515777024
Attacking reactors! Taemin stans are attacking reactors Bpp. My mouth is on the floor in shock. And then I saw they;re the same people who filed a petition with the PRESIDENT OF KOREA TO DISBAND BTS IN 2018!!!
https:// twitter .com/TheKoreaHerald/status/1049951488842166272
Those kpoppies haven't changed in 6 years!! Now I understand why Armys are how they are. Eff those SM fans. Jimin doesn't need them. Armys we should keep supporting JM!!!
Hi Anon(s),
Your link Anon in ask 1. Anon in ask 2, your link 1 and link 2.
Imagine how tired we are. Imagine how tired BTS's team is.
But, this...
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...is nearly a perfect example of what counts for 'criticism' or 'discourse' in k-pop spaces.
It's the exact same thing that happens every time: people with only passing knowledge at best on the subject of music/dance being the most eager and most confident in giving their hare-brained takes, and I guess it's just a coincidence most of the repeat offenders just happen to be antis, multis, or people who belong to rival fandoms.
Without fail, in the 10+ years I've been into k-pop, the people most eager to say they're providing critical discourse on a subject, fandom, or group, are people who hate/dislike said subject, fandom, or group. This has been true 10 times out of 10 for BTS, ARMY, and Jimin - in my experience at least. Sometimes they use neutral academic language or $10 words to give the impression they're knowledgeable about music/BTS/k-pop, but if you pay attention you'll realize these people have zero idea what they're talking about.
But that behaviour is the norm in k-pop spaces because that is what the system rewards, because of how toxically hyper-competitive the industry is.
Anon 2, I'd rather you didn't generalize all fans of SME groups, because obviously we don't know how widespread those sentiments towards Jimin are. But I will say something I've said before, which is that though I'd been following BTS since 2014, I only became ARMY in 2018; and the amount of tomfoolery towards BTS and ARMYs from k-pop stans in 2018, most of which was from fans of Big3 groups, was such that I'd never seen ever in the history of the genre, nor have I seen since. Like ARMYs were getting physically assaulted for no other reason than being ARMY and BTS were getting explicit insults thrown in their face five years into their career from industry mouthpieces backed by the Big3.
It. Was. Wild.
Anon 2, that petition you linked asking the government of Korea to step in to disband BTS, was just one of the several 'what the fuck' moments I had that year. It still makes me laugh till today, and is one reason why I can't take seriously anyone who ignores this history. Cause a lot of ARMYs from back then are still here, and believe me when I tell you that unfortunately, those dominant behaviours from k-pop stans haven't changed. What has changed is the ARMY fandom that since 2020 or so, now mirrors a lot of those behaviours rather than acting counter-culturally to the wider k-pop fandom.
It's nice you're both already noticing how things work here. And why it's best to focus on the actual music and the artists. Everything else is noise. If you're able to avoid 'discourse', that will save you time to focus more on the music. And after the latest Like Crazy poster, I feel we're all going to need as much energy as we can conserve for the beauty that Jimin is about to serve.
Stream Set Me Free Pt 2 for clear skin.
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thebadtimewolf · 1 year
jfc why are your takes on docrose so negative all the time???? stop pretending you like rose and/or docrose when your takes on them are so similar to anti takes. esp with this “tenrose bland” “romantic ten/donna” “hahaha ten became the tlv for donna and not for rose” “why do you guys ship rose with the doctor when she was so young” typa bs that i have seen you occasionally coming up with under ten/docrose content for quite sometime now. and stop pretending you love nine/rose as well cos’ no one is having it. just keep your stupid, brain-dead takes the fuck away from rose / docrose content. keep them to yourself. you’re not fooling anyone with your billie pfp. istg you’re so annoying
hey i thought you blocked me so why are you complaining? anyway.
brain dead ahaha! because what how many dw stories involving near death experiences or full death of one or someone else's brain. i know you may unintentionally stumble into that. But. Like. I find that story theme neat.
hey why is the one time rose got to kiss the alien dr as herself with full autonomy of her mind and body was CUT FROM THE AUDIOBOOK BUT WE GOT
like i dunno about you but i would like rose marion tyler the vampire-human to actually be the monsterfucker we were promised twice (NINE AND TEN) and we only got with river. who is doing all the heavy lifting by herself.
antis just dont like rose tyler. even when she breathes. even when she don't.
i dont want him fucking a memory of a shop girl. i dont want fucking the tardis possessing said shop girl or lady cassandra possessing the shop girl or THE LITERAL BOMB THAT SLAUGHTERED HIS OWN KIND. i dont want fanfic. i dont want tentoo (i love you but no. um most of his screentime was in torchwood and with jack and martha. as a hand. no. congrats on the kid tho).
you settled for crumbs. dust. and the rot that you had to portion out to your starved near-carcass form as if it were just as a warm, filling feast fit for the cold like the ones in the paper images you salivate over. like river. like weirdly the tenth doctor adventures with donna (big finish seriously this anon has a good point why are you shipping donna and ten. i mean manifesting clearly works because ✨️60th✨️) forever out of reach. forever in the cycle of heteronormative monoamorous disappointment. lackluster strictly-audio sexual tension. yet that taunt of promise like ten dangling the key to martha, you too with eager hands of rotted crumb after 9 day-past-expiry-date crumb to the point where crumb has only become the delusion of a 8 course meal in your rose-colored eyes.
free yourself. break free. let dame rose marion tyler be the polyamorous monsterfucker she desired to be but moffat et al refused through mockery and misogyny and also abuse (? seriously why is every other ninerose comic is her killing nine and traumatizing jack like wtf bbc wtf im supposed to believe SHE loved HIM?? bbc u ok????)
just because you settled for dust happily so doesnt mean I HAVE TO.
tenrose audios are romantically bland tho. great story. I LOVE THE FRENCH ONE AND THE JUDOON ONE IM I LOVE WHEN THEY HAVE WITTY BANTER LIKE IN LOVE AND MONSTERS AND NEW EARTH AND SCHOOL REUNION. tho in the audios by big finish: they are romantically bland. i mean unless ur into emotionally deprived edging in such a severe degree that you too would nearly batman-jump jack harkness', adam mitchell's, and tentoo's bones or shoot the doctor on first sight with no heaitation until the next issue drops. then good for you! they are great platonically in the big finish audios but im waiting for a ninerose audio from big finish. im clinging.
but yeah, the other references you mentioned i've made - thats all big finish.
i stand by "why do you guys ship the doctor with someone so young" bit. because literally martha, donna, clara, river, amy, rory, jack, yaz (all the ones that are shipped with the dr that are written really scarily well) ARE ALL OLDER THAN ROSE WHEN SHE FIRST MET THE DOCTOR. SHES THE BABY AND THATS EVEN WORSE BECAUSE RIVER WAS SHOWN AS A LITERAL BABY ONSCREEN. YEARS AFTER THEM ALL AND SHES THE OLDER ONE?? BESIDES JACK???
um. i dont know about you. but once you see it like that? in that grand scheme? yeah im going point it out. even the curator dont ship it. like do you not grasp that? i do! thats what devastated me! even the titular character dont ship it anymore because the alien moved on. the dr is known to us to break the 4th wall because "what would they be without their audience" - give us a little rose memory bit by bit. crumb by crumb. dust by dust.
but see im in too deep, im melting into the walls. just like docrose is but another indistinguishable pore along their skin, so is every take. or theory. i may have. And the dr's black now. So like every dr x poc companion ship, theyll be ignored or villified.
and you seem like the person that would ignore or villify 15 (or really any of them, anonymous that sounds like 2013ish era tumblr - remember when we didnt have ads here?)
but yeah. yall settled for dust, ya get dust. sorry ur still bitter on the doctorrose truth pill but yeah. she left a human to settle for a human even though being heavily promoted to romance essentially an eldritch bring that has snapped people's necks before the war just for fun or in spontaneous burst of emotion. again for fun.
sorry that im the only one complaining about a writing issue of a tv character.
my takes will stop being negative when billie piper comes back as a doctor who villain (i want her as the new master. thats the exact villain i am referring to. dig that knife in. we all seen collateral and penny dreadful and her clown self in i hate suzie SHES GOT THE RANGE. LET HER BE THE MASTER PLEASE. THE CLOSEST WE GOT WAS THE MOMENT. AND SHE WAS JUST SHALKA!MASTER REDUX)
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mystech-master · 2 years
Death Battle Heroes Team Up
I and my friend have been talking about this idea for a while.
Imagine all of the heroes/anti-heroes that have shown up in Death Battle
The candidates for this team are anyone who can be considered a full-on hero (fight bad guys and save the world), or even an anti-hero (same but maybe with darker/more brutal methods/motivations, Red Hood, Venom became bros with Spidey later on IIRC, etc.), and they must have appeared on Death Battle, but I am willing to extend it to characters who have appeared in the animation but aren't the advertised combatants (Trish and Jeanne) or are basically confirmed (Ruby Rose and Maka Albarn + Soul Eater), just to add some variety to their franchise reps b/c DB has a shit load of Marvel and DC and many franchises have like 1-2 reps with many of them not even having their main character yet.
I imagine this crossover taking place in some weird nexus outside of space-time so we don't have to deal with the complete consequences of their settings crossing over as well as to explain how canonically dead characters are here too.
All Pokemon who appear in DB will just be a part of Red's collection. Charizard has the Mega Stone and we've seen that Mewtwo can Mega Evolve under his own power.
Imagine the chaos of having Tatsumaki, the Reds and Blues (Xeno Trunks would have an aneurysm after hearing about their time travel BS), 3 My Little Ponies, A couple of Shonen Dumbass protagonists, and more all working together.
Ben has pretty good samples of badass new DNA to scan for cool new transformations: Goku, Superman, Optimus Prime, and Glacius for example. I wonder if he would get Chozo DNA from scanning Samus?
Imagine all of the technology/science-based heroes all bringing their heads together to make something badass (Give Genos a freaking Upgrade so he isn't reduced to scraps in most of his fights).
Goku and Zoro now have plenty of new martial artists/swordsmen to learn and grow from. Yes, Goku is like 50 billion times Universal now and could wipe out all of them in one move, but he can still hold back against a weaker opponent if he thinks he can learn something new from them. Or at the very least he'd be happy to help other martial artists grow, like Ryu (Street Fighter, not Hayabusa), Po, Guy, and Lee.
We recently talked about the possibility that The Seven from The Boys, specifically Homelander, would try to muscle in and lead this team, saying that they are totally awesome heroes, but with Op people like Goku and Superman or the 4 super wizards (Fate, Zatanna, Strange, and Scarlet Witch) they are gonna be put in their place eventually.
The main problem with some of the options for heroes is that they are a bit too dark/brutal. Like we have Guts as a possible hero, but the world of Berserk is super hardcore compared to a lot of these franchises. It feels like if you have the setting or something from Berserk, someone would basically need to have all sorts of horrible shit happen to them (Killed, Eaten, that third thing that Boomstick mentioned in Guts vs Nightmare, or all 3 at once). The tonal clash really messes with this.
This is just a fun idea my friend and I have been talking about that I thought I'd share. It'd be interesting to see if anyone else has any interesting possible interactions between the heroes.
I'll try to list who I have as options (see after read more)
Starwars: Luke, Obi-Wan, Yoda
Metroid: Samus Aran
Street Fighter/Final Fight: Mike Haggar, Zangief, Chun-Li, Blanka, Ryu, Dan Hibiki, Cammy, Ken Masters
Mortal Kombat: Raiden, Scorpion, Sonya Blade, Sub-Zero, Johnny Cage
Marvel: Rogue, Thor, Spider-Man, Captain America, Deadpool, Iron Man, Beast, Wolverine, Hawkeye, Quicksilver, Hulk, Venom, Captain Marvel, Spider-Man 2099, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Daredevil, Namor, Black Widow, Ghost Rider, Miles Morales, War Machine, Cable, Winter Soldier, Spider-Gwen, Iron Fist, Storm, Scarlet Witch, Magneto
DC: Wonder Woman, Batman, Superman, Green Arrow, Barry Alan, Batman Beyond, Raven, Doctor Fate, Nightwing, Aquaman, Shazam, Green Lantern, Static, Black Canary, Booster Gold, Wally West, Red Hood, Batgirl, Harley Quinn, Zatanna
Mario Bros: Yoshi, Mario, Peach, Luigi, Donkey Kong
TMNT (either the 2003 4Kids version or Rise): Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo
Battletoads: Zitz
Killer Instinct: Black Orchid, Fulgore (the version who is starting to gain Eagle's mind), Glacius, TJ Combo, Sabrewulf (if they can get him help w his Lycanthropy)
Darkstalkers: Felicia, Jon Talbain
Blazblue: Taokaka, Ragna the Bloodedge
God of War: Kratos
Dragon Ball: Vegeta, Son Goku, Majin Buu, Hercule Satan, Android 18, Master Roshi, Beerus, Broly, Trunks (not Xeno version so he'll match and Xenoverse is its own complicated BS). Since Gogeta and Vegito are the same guys they'll just have a pair of Potara so other characters can fuse even though they lack DBZ powers
Sonic the Hedgehog: Shadow, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Silver (similar deal to Trunks)
Harry Potter
Fatal Fury: Mai Shiranui, Terry Bogard
Transformers: Optimus Prime
MLP: Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle
Halo/Red vs Blue (It's implied that they share a universe right?): Master Chief, Carolina, Sarge, Simmons, Griff, Donut, Lopez, Church, Tucker, Caboose, Tex (this one is subject to change with how they reference a lot of other media but it would mostly involve ignoring a joke or 3)
DOOM: Doomguy
Mega Man: Mega Man, Zero, Megaman X, Mega Man Trigger/Volnutt, Lan Hikari & MegaMan.EXE, Geo Stellar and Omega-Xis
Final Fantasy VII: Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockhart
Pokemon: Red (all pokemon are in his arsenal): Charizard, Blastoise, Venusaur, Pikachu, Mewtwo, Lucario, Machamp
He-Man and She-Ra
Thundercats: Lion-O
Ninja Gaiden: Ryu Hayabusa
Strider: Strider Hiryu
Fox MCloud, Bucky O'hare, Terminator, RoboCop, Godzilla (iteration where he is more of an ally), MechaGodzilla (with or without Akane), Gamera
Power Rangers: Tommy Oliver (Tigerzord and Dragonzord), Jason, Billy, Trini, Tack, Kimberly
Gundam: Zechs in the Epyon, Amuro in the RX-78-2
Kirby: Kirby, King Dedede
Guilty Gear: Sol Badguy
Naruto: Gaara, Naruto Uzumaki, Jiraiya, Sasuke Uchiha, Might Guy, Kakashi Hatake, Rock Lee
Avatar: Toph, Aang, Zuko, Korra
Guts, Goliath
Metal Gear, Solid Snake, Otacon (remember if they show up in the animation they count), Raiden
Splinter Cell: Sam Fisher, Grimm
RWBY: Yang, Weiss, Blake, you could possibly count Ruby since Ben Singer did say that that matchup WILL happen as it was Monty's Request
Astro Boy
Tai and Agumon, Renamon
Devil May Cry: Dante, Trish, Vergil
Bayonetta, Jeanne
Ratchet & Clank
Jak and Daxter
One Piece: Zoro, Ace, Sanji
Fairy Tail: Erza, Natsu, Gray
Lara Croft, Nathan Drake, Scrooge McDuck (reboot version), Shovel Knight
Voltron: Keith, Lance, Hunk, Alura, Pidge
Ichigo Kurosaki
JJBA: Jotaro Kujo, Jonathan Joestar
Kenshiro, Crash Bandicoot + Aku Aku, Spyro the Dragon + Sparx
Sora, Donald, Goofy, and King Mickey
Pit, Leon Kennedy, Frank West (the last 2 were almost ignored but Marvel vs Capcom made me rethink it), Jin Kazama, Samurai Jack, Afro Samurai
MAYBE Lucy from Elfen Lied if some of the more paragon heroes manage to help get through to her, but she'd be a challenge
Ben Tennyson, Mitsuru Kirijo, Captain Falcon, Edward Elric, Hiei, Mob
One-Punch Man: Tatsumaki, Genos, Saitama
My Hero Academia: All Might, Shoto Todoroki, Deku
Danny Phantom, Jake Long
Like I said the Seven would try to join and take over but the super powerful characters can put them in their place: Homelander, Black Noir, Queen Maeve, A-Train, The Deep, and Starlight. Butcher might be brought in as well.
Soul Eater: Crona, and Maka + Soul Eater (similar logic to Ruby Rose up in the RWBy section)
Kill la Kill: Ryuko and Senketsu
Mikasa Ackerman, Po, Steven Universe, Star Butterfly, Alucard (the 4 super wizards putting a leash on him, some of the heroes' honorable nature, and DIO + Dracula being evil vampires might allow him to play nice for a time), Tanjiro and Nezuko Kamado, Omni-Man, Excalibur
Bond and Wick are a bit too down to Earth to fit among all this fiction so either they'd be cut or they'd have to be handled very carefully
Spongebob and Asta
That is the total list of heroes that we've considered for this crossover.
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Looking To America Is Fraught
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Unfortunately, many in the world still look to America as the leading example of humanity in the current era. The superpower in military and economic terms remains a showcase for much of the world. In 2024, however, we have reached a nadir via Trump and his influence on American political and cultural life. The anti-elite mood of that nation now glorifies what is stupid, nasty, and brutish about the USA. Fascism is making a cyclical return to the political spectrum via the GOP in its current form. White supremacy and the shadow of America’s slaver past seems to be infecting the future of this once great country. Looking to America is fraught with illustrations of what is worst about humanity.
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American Democracy Under Attack
The rule of law does not apply to those in the Trump cult, apparently, as they seek to overthrow democracy and centuries of adherence to the American Constitution. Those on the red side refuse to see January 6th as anything but political shenanigans, despite police dying on duty defending the Capital from the violent insurrectionists. These same folk who want to instigate cruel and harsh laws around women seeking abortions for unwanted pregnancies are immune from the current rule of law in their own eyes. These same folk want to ban the rights of LGBTQIA folk to go about their business. These predominantly white Americans want to terminate all those ‘evening up’ measures designed to assist African Americans who have been discriminated against over many generations. Only 6% of doctors in America are black. Of the nearly one million Americans who died from Covid-19 under President Trump many of them were African Americans. The cracks and divides in America are giant fissures established from decades of Jim Crow apartheid laws and segregation - which still exists in education and housing across the nation.
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Der Amerika Spiegel Hollywood has always promoted America as a great place to live and work. You cannot believe everything you see in the movies, however. Hollywood was originally the rose coloured vision of eastern European Jewish emigres, who wanted to paint a picture of the best of America in the hope it would encourage its development in that direction. Prior to the rise of Hollywood the nascent movie business was a white supremacist vision involving luminaries like Thomas Edison and Henry Ford. These giants of the business world were arch white supremacists and funded the making of telling movies about the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan doing heroic things. The WASP version of America remains like an undercurrent of toxicity running through the veins of white America. Trump has tapped into this and the GOP runs on its fumes in 2024.
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Donald J Frankenstein & The White Monster We cannot, however, just blame Trump, because this poison lives within too many Americans. Donald J Trump is the Dr Frankenstein giving the spark of life to the monster – he is giving it arms and legs in the 21C. The toxic attitudes and beliefs, however, still reside within a section of the American population today. They are too willing to believe in the BS fed to them by neocons within the GOP. Downward envy is almost an Olympic sport for white folk in some parts of the country. I was watching a movie about Jesse Owens winning gold medals at the Berlin Games in 1936. On his return they held a big party for him at some swanky hotel in New York City and they made him and his wife enter through the service door because no blacks were allowed. The White House never formerly recognised his swag of gold medals (4) at the time in fear of the political backlash in a racist nation. The Nazis borrowed plenty from the US in terms of eugenic programs and examples of apartheid laws. “Nearly half of those in the US want to see Donald Trump’s 2020 election subversion case resolved before the former president runs for the White House again in November, according to a poll published on Monday. Meanwhile, a quarter of Americans do not think Trump will ever concede if he loses a second time to Joe Biden, said the survey, commissioned by CNN. The survey in question found that 48% of those polled believed it was “essential” for there to be a verdict before November’s election. Another 16% said that they would at least prefer to see one.” _ (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/05/trump-election-subversion-verdict-november-voting)
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Blaming ‘the other’ is the Fox News mantra. Liberal lefties and perverted progressives are the bane of America, according to the right wing media. Looking to  America is fraught with contradictions for those watching on from afar. President Joe Biden is a most unlikely mastermind bad guy. The predilection for conspiracy theories among Americans borders on insanity. The reality is that Biden has steered the economy through a challenging time and come out the other side in good shape. The politics of grievance are so caught up in the culture wars and social identity crap. Somehow lots of folk don’t want to share a nation anymore, it seems. They want to turn the clock back and live in 1950. I call this the politics of nostalgia and it is another BS stratagem. There is no time machine and no turning back. Life is essentially about progress and evolution.
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‘Your laws do not apply to me!’ This is the GOP cult of Trump ethos. The fascist state storm troopers are arming themselves with their AR-15’s. These folk are threatening the government and all who stand in their way. Bully boys and a bully pulpit. Right wing terrorists and their militias. Christian Nationalists intolerant of everybody else. The Trump modus operandi is to warn of the dangers of electoral interference and then go out and commit it. When they are caught red-handed they deny, obfuscate, and downplay. They claim the high moral ground and then go around smashing things up. Definitely behaviour out of the Nazi playbook of the 1930’s. Anti-elitism has delivered a bunch of GOP politicians who can barely read and write. They make a lot of noise, however, about ‘draining the swamp’ and other such inane sloganeering. The political heroes on the right all turn out to be crooks and scumbags. Nixon. Bush. Now Trump. The GOP is the home of the swamp. These folk are not going to clean anything up, but they will clean us out given half a chance.
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In the end it is always a battle between public good and private wealth. America has been in a see saw struggle on this score for centuries. Abraham Lincoln rescued the nation from slavery back in 1865. America repaid him by killing him in a cowardly assassination. Hoover and the Gilded age took the US into the Great Depression through their corporate greed and stupidity. Teddy Roosevelt brought in those anti-trust laws to break things up. It has always been a battle between wealth and power vs opportunity for the working poor. FDR saved the nation and the world with the New Deal. Eventually, the neocons got control again after the assassination of JFK. Reagan the bought and paid for B grade actor, the spokesman for General Electric, brought the neoliberal economic polices to bear. These would usher in decades of corporate greed and dismantling of union power. The ‘trickledown effect’ was promised and most of us are still waiting some 40 years later for our share of the wealth. The divide between rich and the working poor has never been greater across the globe. Obscene amounts of money are paid to CEO’s. Oligopolies and duopolies have killed competition and produced price setting for corporate price gouging and record profits during a time of high inflation. Capitalism is a rigged game in 2024. The free market is a bad joke and the rentier economy places fees, fines, and charges on every aspect of living. Ordinary citizens cannot afford to buy a home. We all are worse off than our parent’s generation. Despite all this, non-college educated Trump voters cannot see the conman and grifter before their eyes. They buy all this baloney about cultural values and the dangers of woke, whilst they are getting their pockets picked by the GOP big business policies. Stupid is as stupid does, I suppose. Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt, and Financial Freedom.  ©WordsForWeb
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