#anti romantic jalec
valyrfia · 1 year
just reread the mortal instruments for the first time in like seven (?) years and like it's fine and all but the concept would've been so much more interesting in the hands of a queer author
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bi-leigh-bi · 6 years
not interested in peace with jalec shippers, when most of them demonize and/or erase Magnus. I don’t support or believe in ship and let ship. so people who want to defend those shippers can stay off my posts or, you know, get blocked. no one has time for that. not me.
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chsesteinarchived · 7 years
favourite female character:gosh i just love everyone but i guess clary favourite male character: ok but magnus babe least favourite female character: camilie “i’m an abuser and a muder and deserves to be in prision” belcout least favourite male character: valentine favourite ship: malec, clace, sizzy, aka the holy trinity least favourite ship: romantic cl@lec, romatic j@lec, romatic cl!imon, r!zzy, sebstain!johnathan/clary or anyone  film/tv show rating: 10/10 i miss my bbys   
send me a show 
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theravennest · 7 years
Every day that Matthew Daddario rejects romantic j@lec is a day we all get closer to God’s light.
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wangsjoon · 8 years
even my mom knows without any explanation from my side that jalec is incest, so pls for the love of god stop 
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tarkenee · 7 years
don’t you just love the parabatai bond? Alec sacrifices and risks so much for Jace. he risks his own happiness and health. even his career and life, just for his parabatai. and jace? he does that too. he also risks Alec’s happiness and health. even Alec’s career and life, just for himself :))
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androgymagnus · 6 years
part of me: alec saying "i would have done the same thing" is a scene about him and clary, not about malec or j*lec. and anyway, even if it was, alec doesn't have to rank his loved ones or choose "who he loves more" and that's bullshit. he loves both of them, and it's not a competition. honestly, he probably meant he would have done that for ANYONE he loves, not even necessarily just "jace or magnus". he would have done it for magnus, for izzy, for maryse, for jace, etc. because that's the kind of person alec is
also me: alec was CLEARLY TALKING ABOUT MAGNUS it even panned over to show magnus's reaction and ANYWAY you CRUSTY ASS BITCHES alec loves magnus WAY MORE THAN JACE "AWFUL FRIEND AND PARABATAI" ONE-MILLION-LAST-NAMES. PLUS alec would NEVER LOVE HIS BROTHER ROMANTICALLY so don't even TRY to make this about your GROSS RACIST INCEST SHIP
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Tumblr media
When :) you :) see :) a :) post :) about :) romantic Jalec :( and :) it :) has :) the :) line :) “There’s nothing ugly about you” :) and :) is :) obviously:) erasing :) Magnus :) and :) his :) relationship:) with :) Alec :) and :) calling :) it :) a :) fix it :) for :) 2x15 :) please :) stop :) supporting:) incest :) and :) being :) racist :) that’s :) extremely:) disgusting:) this :) isn't :) the :) books :)
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alecsimon · 7 years
patronusmagnus replied to your post: new phone who dis
matt wants to fuck himself
it’s called self-cest god
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bi-leigh-bi · 6 years
@ anon
I agree about j@lecs being gross, but I don’t even want to post those screen shots. They can think what they want. Alec and Magnus are in love and they make each other so happy and make each other better people. That’s all that matters.
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chsesteinarchived · 7 years
romatically? kill it with fire!!! alec and jace are brothers its gross! as brother/friends/parabati? let me cry!!! i love them so much! they are so important to each other and i just love them both so much
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kitsword · 4 years
Ok, I need to get it out from my system.
I'm seriously sick of Wessa (or more like anti Jessa stans) saying Tessa loved Will more than Jem or Jem is her second choice.
Just like Jem's first choices was Tessa and Will and Will's was Jem and Tessa.
Jem and Will both were loves of her life, even Woosley said that. She loved the EQUALITY.
She accepted Jem's proposal because she truly loved him. That's why she wearing the necklace from him for over century!
If he would be only her "second choice" she wouldn't fight for his life with Caterina in GOTSM. She was next to his bed the whole time even when he was silent brother and she knew they couldn't be together.
After Will's death she wanted to mourn him with Jem but she knew they can't.
Anti Jessa loves to say that Wessa make out after they found out that Jem is dead. They were both in PAIN. They needed comfort, they loved each other and they wanted to forget about this pain. It wasn't romantic scene and super sexy scene. It was sad and painful. It was about finding comfort in each other arms.
Next thing is their butt hurt about Heronstairs.
So what if some people ship them? This is fucking fictional characters. They WEREN'T BROTHERS. They were PARABATAI and parabatai CAN FALL IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER *cough* Jemma *cough* Robert & Michael *cough*
Yes, Cassie said that Will isn't gay or bi but it's still FICTIONAL CHARACTER. People can ship him even with Gabriel if they want to. It's not hurting anyone.(Maybe except your fragile ego)
Also love between Jem and Will was something more than platonic or romantic love.
I can't even explain but imo it's something more than relationship between Alec & Jace or Simon & Clary. They call each other "My Jem" or "My Will" (Just like "My Tessa *wink*). Will was ready to do EVERYTHING for Jem and Jem was ready to do EVERYTHING for Will. I don't think that Simon/Clary or Jace/Alec put their hands to the fire for something that can save their parabatai (maybe i'm wrong). Also Jem and Will know each other only for 6 YEARS when Climon and Jalec know each other for longer time and we never get such emotional moments of them being parabatai like we had from Heronstairs.
Okay, I guess it's everything I wanted to say. I know it's not make impression on any Anti Jessa but I need to get it out from my head.
Sorry for any typos but English is not my first language and thanks for coming to my ted talk!
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theravennest · 8 years
The worst part about being a SH fan while romantic J@lec is a thing for some of this fandom as the fact that I enjoy Jace and Alec’s relationship as platonic soulmates quite a lot but I can’t go in the J@lec tag without seeing some racist anti Malec, anti Magnus, or anti Harry bullshit.
No matter how many people I block one or two will slip through to spread their filth in the tags.
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wangsjoon · 8 years
yeah even before i watched the show and my friend was explaining the world to me i was like "isnt... isnt alec/jace like incestuous? like yeah jace is adopted but... they were raised as siblings??",
exactly the point. they were raised as siblings, they’ve known each other as brothers for all this time. they were raised together, grew up together, trained together, and they’re parabatai. also alec keeps calling jace his brother in the new season, and the other way around. 
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takaraphoenix · 5 years
Are you doing the anti challenge? If so...Malec or Jalec! :D
*lol* Aw, come ooon, those are both way too easy! *laughs*
Disclaimer (so I won’t frighten people like Bee did ;D): This is a game to apply Anti LogicTM to any ship asked and find out why it is Horrible Awful Problematic. It’s all in good fun and meant to mock this trend of bending backward to find problematic content in fictional ships!
pedophilia, quite clearly. Alec’s 17 when Magnus first hits on him in the books - and even in show canon, Magnus has multiple centuries on Alec, which considering a two year age gap qualifies as pedo, then this qualifies a hundred times over
Alec is Very Problematic because he wilfully ignores Magnus’ alcoholism for like an entire season
Magnus is Very Problematic because instead of having adult conversations (-> his immortality), he mocks his young lover for being so young (which also: see #1)
they both constantly lie to each other, which is super manipulative and toxic and problematic!!
no communication ever, all problems are immediately brushed under the rug! Not Healthy!
Alec was literally in love with Jace for over ten years and then immediately jumped into his relationship with Magnus, using him as a rebound! Magnus deserves better than that!!
Alec was literally down for chipping Magnus “for his own good” like a dog!
the Clave has a centuries-old history of abusing and suppressing Downworlders and thus as a loyal Shadowhunter working under the Clave, Alec is highly problematic for not speaking up and working blindly for them for all his life, only really caring when The Guy He Bones turns out to be part of the suppressed minority. No woke points for only caring about racism when you suddenly start dating someone affected by it...
Magnus danced with Dot and nearly kissed her while opening up to her about things that he couldn’t be bothererd to share with the guy he supposedly loved. That was as good as cheating because it’s about the emotional bond and Alec deserves better!
Ja/ec, which I don’t even have to think about because I got most in anon hate myself already:
incest, since Jace was taken in by the Lightwoods when he was ten as a charge and if you meet someone late in life there is absolutely no way that your feelings could also develop in a romantic way when others tell you that you are now supposed to think of this total stranger as your family!! So this is absolutely incest and thus gross and disgusting!
it’s super racist since Alec happens to be dating a man of color in canon and you know that as soon as you break a relationship featuring a character of color up and have the other party then date a white character, you are clearly only doing it because you are being racist
it’s clearly abusive because of the power-imbalance when Alec becomes head of the Institute and this Jace’s boss
super unhealthy since they constantly nearly die to save each other. that’s super toxic, you shouldn‘t want to die for your lover!
Jace totally manipulates Alec into doing whatever he wants so it’s super unhealthy
Jace nearly murdered Alec when he was possessed by the Owl! ABUSE!!
Clary is the protagonist and Jace’s canon love interest so like you clearly hate women because you’d rather she doesn’t get her One True Love!!!! IT IS CANON SO IT IS THE PERFECT SHIP AND IF YOU DON’T SHIP THE CANON STRAIGHTS, YOU HATE WOMEN
You clearly fetishize gay men!! Since you rather ship a non canon mlm ship over the canon straights! Ewww! Gross fetishizer :O
Send me a ship and I’ll tell you why it’s problematic, with varying degrees of sarcasm!
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rvcket · 8 years
someone: jace deserves to be loved and supported
me: YEAH
someone else: and it should be ALEC but hes too busy being magnus’s SEX TOY
me: choke
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