#anti joe locke
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jewishbarbies · 7 months ago
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would love to see an mcu actor playing a canonically-jewish-character-turned-goy-for-the-screen respond to casting criticism with maturity and understanding some day. maybe an apology, but we won’t get ahead of ourselves.
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shiftingwithmars · 4 months ago
Lowkey Joe Locke playing Billy ruined AAA for me. I mean he’s a good actor but I’ve been seeing too many ads for season 4 of heartstopper and it’s getting annoying.
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swiftiesbuddie · 8 months ago
Marvel once again dropping the ball on casting Romani actors for Romani characters.
EDIT: Also, the fact that in the comics, before Captain Marvel is a White woman, they were a Black woman (at least Mar-vell went from being a White man to a White woman) and the OG Doctor Doom is a Romani man, but in the MCU, our introduction to the characters are both White people. And same goes for the Maximoffs.
And whitewashing Wiccan, Lilia Calderu, the Ancient One, and casting a fairer-skinned actor for America Chavez. Not a good look for them.
(Thanks to everyone for the corrections)
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nnicknnelsonn · 4 months ago
nick’s white shirt appreciation post
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despite harry, still distracted by nick’s white shirt
<<< (3/11 appreciations) >>>
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agentoffangirling · 6 months ago
Makes me laugh my ass off every single time someone does a side by a side of Joe Locke as Wiccan and Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda and being all "he really is just like his mother"
Like no wonder, it's bc they're both whitewashed
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acesartemis · 6 months ago
I'm gonna add some positivity to the tag bc it's being flooded with bs and the show only JUST AIRED
they are handling billy so far way better than i ever expected and joe is doing a good job.
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fallingleaves-46 · 2 years ago
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charlie's speeach at the end of 2x01
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nick's speech at the end of 2x08
i love how both of the vow to be each other's safe place. the journey isn't going to be easy or perfect, but they will 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 be each other's anchor no matter what.
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unhealthyobsessionslol · 11 months ago
Ben finally realised: it's me, hi, i'm the problem, it's me
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maro0on · 5 months ago
i literally keep seeing so many joe locke antis in the mcu fandom and its literally for the stupidest of reasons
"oh hes not even jewish" "he's UgLY"
first of all i need these people's face cards i wanna see something--
second of all, these people are probably the same people who dont give a SHITE when a straight actor plays a gay character, lets be real...
LASTLY, these are probably the same fucking people to follow and stan a conventionally attractive influencer (eg. lilhuddy, nessa barrett) and then get SHOCKED when theyre not even a good person....
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more rants in the tags
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azurecanary · 7 months ago
Everything i learn about the "Teen" casting in Agatha All Along has been against my will
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jewishbarbies · 7 months ago
lmao some fucking tween with a stan account who reposts leftist manifestos and thirsts over bella fucking hadid tried to tell me that joe locke acktually deserves an apology from jews because we were ‘calling him slurs’. I have yet to find a single jew who called him anything other than an ignorant goy that knowingly took a jewish role in place of a jew, and he literally said anyone mad about it is just jealous. you can’t make this shit up. heartstopper stans are so fucking weird.
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cyarskaren52 · 8 months ago
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Ditto! You read it right & I agree with you!
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kcyars99 · 8 months ago
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The media is a flop
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dinosaursatemymom · 2 years ago
rant about heartstopper for a little
just a word of warning, this isn't going to be extremely positive, but it's not hating on the show
Also all of this is just my opinion, but I'm very open for disagreements, as long as it's respectful
Right off the bat, I have to say, I absolutely hate Nick and Charlie together. I just think they are the most bland boring relationship in the entire show(I also don't think the actors are the best on the show which might have something to do with my dislike of them together) I have to say, my dislike of them together likely also stems from fluff not being my favorite (but I did like them in the books). Just looking at the relationship itself, it kinda feels like the writers weren't sure what to do with them after, like the first three or four episodes. All of the drama and conflict felt extremely forced, just for the sake of needing the main couple to be compelling. In the books, the majority of the plot took place in one or two books;but the show obviously had to stretch out the plot, which didn't work great. I feel like I might've liked the relationship more if they just dealed with all the conflict right off the bat, instead of trying to stretch in out. If they had done this, then all of the disgustingly sweet scenes could've happened without forced conflict, and the conflict(which is basically necessary for entertainment) could've been saved for other characters where it wouldn't have felt forced. Also, all of their scenes together just feel so... loud(?) To me...?(idk if that's just me)
I also have to say I do like the way they handled Nick and his getting comfortable with his sexuality. I also really enjoyed Tara and Darcy(for the most part), as well as Tao and Elle in general. I absolutely loved Isaac and his storyline of realizing hes ace and stuff (although I think it's absolutely ridiculous that hes always reading, and it felt a little bit like the creators were saying that ace people can't even enjoy being around their friends)
I also think that s2 was so much better than s1. Pretty much the only thing I didn't like about s2 was the stupid fricking hickey plotline, it was just completely unnecessary. I feel like the hickey could've just been replaced with, like, a video of Charlie kissing someone or something like that. (Idk?? The plotline was dumb is what I'm saying)Other than that, I really liked how Nick and Charlie took a little step back from being in the constant spotlight, and let the other(imo more compelling) characters/storylines shine. It was good, and the extremely disgustingly cringy akward scenes that made me dislike s1, seemed to leave for the most part(which might be due to the actors just getting better at acting and getting more used to being on screen) only one or two moments made me yell at the screen this season, as opposed to s1 where I was yelling every two seconds at something. Also I just love Imogen.
I just feel like, the show is good, not great or horrible, it's just a good show. I feel like that it really should just be taken for what it is, it's nothing revolutionary(I understand it has a lot of queer characters, but so does DC legends of tomorrow and all of those characters are fleshed out better; whilst I feel as though the heartstopper characters are fairly one dimensional) but it is just a good show. I just think that the show wanted to give the exact same vibe as the book and it just didn't translate well to a TV show. Also I'm gonna admit to being extremely biased here because I absolutely HATE Charlies character and portrayal (not so much in the books though), but that's for another rant.
If you'd like, please feel free to share your opinion! I would love to understand what people see in heartstopper, other than representation.
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max-the-entertainer · 21 days ago
The fact that Keir Starmer said he wants to deploy British troops into Ukraine is absolutely disgraceful. What the fuck is wrong with this sad excuse of a man and prime minister? Like, I'm actually speechless, what good is this meant to bring for us or the world in general? I swear to God, first the illegal immigrants, now Ukraine? Keir, stop prioritising foreigners over your own people, you daft cunt, the only thing this will give us is an even more damaged economy, dead men, and people left to grieve and suffer the effects of YOUR fucking incompetence. I'm actually shocked he thinks this is a good approach. If you wanna kiss Donald Trump's ass, why not take a page out of his book and either:
A. Pull out the war like we should, you shit-stirring idiot
B. Try to actually fucking end the war like Trump is. Do something, you stupid prick
You absolute mongrel, actually try and work for your people. What good is this meant to bring? This isn't 2022 anymore, Ukraine can look after itself. For fuck's sake, man. I love the UK, but I've never been more ashamed of it than I am now. It's not our responsibility to fight another country's war. You sad disgrace of a politician, I hope if Russia fires a bomb at us, it hits you directly, fucking faggot
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scarlet--wiccan · 6 months ago
Agatha All Along, the highly anticipated follow-up to WandaVision, begins airing this week on Disney+. Now is the perfect to revisit some important information about both shows and the context in which some of Agatha's new characters are being introduced.
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WandaVision primarily followed the character Wanda Maximoff and expanded on her family history by introducing her late parents as well her twin sons, who are born from magic and age rapidly over the course of the series.
In the Marvel comics source material, Wanda is part of a large, multigenerational family of Jewish and Romani characters whose stories frequently reflect the systemic violence and oppression that both communities face-- including Romani Holocaust victims, who are critically underrepresented in both education and media. In the MCU, these identities and histories are completely erased, and the characters are all played by white actors. Alternate versions of these characters also appear in the Fox X-Men films, and are similarly whitewashed.
The Romani people are a racialized minority that originated as a South Asian diaspora, and who face severe systemic oppression in Europe and North America. The modern Romani population is quite diverse, but they are not of white ethnic origin, and despite the fact that Wanda and her family have historically been drawn with white features, they are minority characters and ought to be considered as such.
Depictions of witches and witchcraft are often entwined with antisemitism and anti-Romani racism. In pop culture, witches and fortunetellers are typically portrayed as visual stereotypes of Romani women. In the real world, fortunetelling is a profession born from survival work, one which Romani families are often heavily policed and racially profiled for practicing. While Wanda usually subverts these tropes, they are often played straight elsewhere in the superhero genre, and any story about witches, especially one featuring Romani characters, needs to be critiqued in this context.
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Agatha All Along introduces viewers to a new cast of characters, including Lilia Calderu, played by Patti LuPone, and the enigmatic "Teen", played by Joe Locke, who is heavily speculated to be an incarnation of Wanda's son, Billy.
In the comics, Lilia is a member of a prominent Romani family in Wanda's community. Often lauded as the "witch queen of the gypsies," Lilia embodies many racial stereotypes about Romani women. In Agatha All Along, Lilia is depicted as an older Sicilian woman, however, being portrayed as a batty fortuneteller with a tawdry psychic shop, she still embodies an offensive trope. Although Lilia is far from "good" representation, this is not an improvement-- if anything, it's even more exploitative.
Billy was raised in a Jewish American household and places a very strong emphasis on his Jewish identity, in addition to having Romani heritage. His identity as a young gay man is always presented in conjunction with this heritage, not in spite of it. Though there is a significance to Locke being a gay actor playing a gay character, his casting-- if he is indeed playing Billy-- is not authentic. White gay representation should not supersede racial inclusivity, and it is not an excuse for whitewashing or Jewish erasure.
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Marvel Studios recently announced that the character Doctor Doom will be played by Robert Downey Jr., who is returning to the franchise after many years in the role of Iron Man. In the source material, Doom is also a Romani character with a very similar background to Wanda's. This identity is central to Doom's character-- although he is written to be both morally and politically challenging, the liberation of his people has always been a primary motive.
Clearly, this type of whitewashing is an ongoing pattern in the MCU franchise. Although "Teen's" identity is still unconfirmed and Lilia may, ultimately, be of little consequence, they are part of a larger problem, and Agatha All Along needs to critiqued in that context.
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