#anti hinata must be end
rileyquinblog23 · 2 months
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Hey everyone,
I need to address something troubling that's been happening recently. There's been a rise in disgusting, mean-spirited comments online targeting Hinata and her fans, specifically coming from a girl named Gabby Erdman. This kind of behavior isn’t just rude—it’s outright cyberbullying. Using public platforms to spread hate and disrespect is unacceptable and harmful.
Hinata and her fans deserve to engage with the community positively, just like everyone else. No one should have to face this kind of abuse. We need to call out these harmful actions and support each other against such negativity. Let's work together to create a kinder, more respectful online space. 🌟
#StopCyberbullying #SupportHinata #KindnessMatters
I want to address a concerning issue that’s been popping up more frequently: the misuse of character hatred as a form of cyberbullying. It’s crucial to recognize that disliking a fictional character should never justify attacking, threatening, or bullying others.
When people let their negative feelings towards a character turn into harassment against fans, creators, or anyone associated, it crosses the line from healthy critique to harmful cyberbullying. This behavior is not only hurtful but can also escalate into serious threats, which is unacceptable.
We need to remember that it’s perfectly fine to dislike a character or disagree with a storyline. However, using that disdain as an excuse to harass or threaten others is not justifiable and should not be tolerated. Let’s focus on fostering respectful discussions and addressing differences without resorting to personal attacks or intimidation.
Together, we can create a safer, more supportive community where everyone can express their opinions without fear of being bullied. Let’s work towards constructive conversations and kindness in all our interactions. 🌟
Cyberbullying is more than just hurtful comments and online harassment—it can lead to significant issues like inequality and bad behavior. When people are targeted online, it not only affects their mental health but can also perpetuate a culture of fear and division.
The impact of cyberbullying extends beyond the individual. It reinforces harmful stereotypes, creates hostile environments, and can lead to systemic inequality by discouraging diverse voices and perspectives. Additionally, when people see or experience cyberbullying, it can normalize bad behavior and contribute to a cycle of negativity and intolerance.
We must address cyberbullying not just as a personal issue, but as a societal problem that affects how we interact and respect each other. Promoting empathy, support, and respectful dialogue online is crucial in combating these issues and fostering a more inclusive and positive digital space.
Let’s work together to create an environment where everyone feels safe and valued, and where we stand up against inequality and harmful behavior. 🌟
CyberbullyingAwareness #RespectInFandom #HealthyDebate
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naruhinalife555 · 1 year
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"The weird romantic choices in Naruto: Naruhina
Warning: This is mostly anti-naruhina.
Well, here we go again with another ship analysis, deconstruction, criticism, however you want to call it lol.
You see, to me this is all tided with that bland aftertaste of Naruto's ending, because it just wasn't necessary. They canon ships don't add anything to the story, if any they make the overall message further dissatisfying.
Before I continue, this is still important:
I won't pretend to understand Japanese culture. I was born and raised in a Latin culture, which probably has a completely opposite view of romance (we are loud, we kind of take pride in PDA, and we wear our hearts in our sleeves). So, it's more than possible that I'm making a misinterpretation of what Kishi wanted to say. Nevertheless, Naruto reached an international public, so I won't feel bad about making an interpretation of it either.
I'm not an anti-shipper or pro-shipper, this is just an analysis, please feel free to ship whoever you want (whatever makes you happy while you don't hurt anybody in the process).
That said, I think what upsets me the most about Naruhina are the expectations.
Naruto is a shounen, romance is already trowing the expectations of the genre away. But at the same time, it doesn't take too much risk or screen time on developing this subtopic. Now, it becomes problematic in the sense that it's unclear if it is important to the story or not, because romance can play a big role in the story (thinking of Hell's Paradise for comparison) or not (e.g. Jujutsu Kaisen).
Allow me to elaborate.
Naruto states on chapter 3 that he likes Sakura. It's weird and shallow. But whatever, it gives the character some personality."
Naruto really doesn't declare in chapter 3 that he loves Sakura it's just a crush and not romantic feelings because if it was like that Naruto wouldn't have been so worried about Hinata in the tsunin exams after she got hurt Kishi wouldn't draw his grave holding hands with Hinata In fact Kishi thought of Naruha before the manga started
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"Needless to say that Sakura don't like Naruto at all. So, expectations are that a) Naruto somehow wins Sakura's heart (which is kind hinted as a possibility in the same chapter 3), or b) he realizes that he has no reasons to like Sakura (beside her physics) and gets over it. However, none of that happened.
An option C is later added with the introduction of Hinata. The girl is obsessed with Naruto just the same as Sakura is obsessed with Sasuke. Now, Hinata's feelings have a bit more development in the sense that Naruto pays attention to her where she is the black sheep of the Hyuga. This stuff is not healthy (wanting validation from another person and thinking "it must be love"), but at least it makes sense since she is insecure about herself.But Naruto doesn't see Hinata that way. Most of the time he's being friendly."
He wanted Hinata to watch him you forgot that part
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Here's another idiot who didn't read the manga right Hinata is really not obsessed with Naruto Naruhina and SasuSku are two completely different things don't you dare mix them up obviously Naruhina is forced in your opinion otherwise why would Naruto hold the hand of someone who is just a friend for him in the chunin exams and more everyone including Sakura is watching him
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Naruto wanted fought for his future wife so much he sacrificed for her Something he never did for Sakura
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So, the story is set up as: Hinata wants Naruto, Naruto wants Sakura (tho he shows more interest in Sasuke), Sakura wants Sasuke, Sasuke wants revenge.
And there are so many possibilities you can play with with that narrative elements. Yet at the same time, the author could have just let it all blank because it is a shounen. It's not about romance. And for a while, he kind of does.
Then this happens:
soul no manga proof that naruto wanted sakura understand? You missed the part where Naruto protected Hinata if his entire body after the confession, what with Narusaku getting an ugly and forced hug!After the pain saga
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"Now, I won't criticize Hinata for her reckless actions (there are some good posts about that already like this one). But Naruto never says a word about this. It's annoying, because again there's a lot of potential to build their relationship here. And I'm not saying that Naruto should be jumping in one leg because someone loves him... But couldn't he say something?
In contrast, imagine this scenario (I can't believe I'm about to build up a love-triangle...):
Again this bullshit omg I can't enynore please man do you have the fact from the manga that Naruto even not understand in woman before that he bron Kushina said that her self 🤦
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First, after Naruto returned from his training with Jiraya, Sakura actually seems to be feeling something for the blonde man. He's not as annoying as before.
How they even canto call NaruSaku ship?? This is what you are want for Sakura? Fake life with a person that She even not love.? Or vice versa this what you want for Naruto a forced life?
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He's actually fun, warm, and refreshing. Like the sun after being in the darkness for so long. After having that hole inside her chest where Sasuke used to be. But it's not right. She can't give up on Sasuke. Even if at the end of the day she chooses Naruto, first they have to save Sasuke. (This is to build up the possibility of Narusaku)."
Bullshit let's go to talk about that, Minato he is never think like this! Why are they liars? I don't understand why they always wake up from their grave? Is fucking 2023 hard to get the fact that Naruto and Sakura they are loves other people???🤦
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"Naruto feels the same as Sakura. He can't get distracted right now. He can't make a real move with her because he's afraid that he'll get too comfortable and forget about Sasuke, or worst, that she will choose the Uchiha over him. (And add some conflict).
So, to get distracted (without getting distracted) he spends some time with Hinata. She's a good listener and she spends more time in the village than his other friends (she's the Hyuga heiress (at least in name)). She even laughs at his jokes. He considers her a good friend. (Build the relationship between Naruto and Hinata, even if it happens off screen)."
really not good friends don't act like that naruto really doesn't want to get sakura it wasn't his goal kishimoto knew full well what he was doing the only reason he teased narusaku towards the start of part 2 was because he wanted a love triangle which he later abandoned and then drowned narusaku Final request for pain and the five cages.
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"But then Hinata confesses her love to him. Naruto gets angry. He is angry at the hypocrisy of the village. They suddenly love him, Hinata suddenly love him (because he obviously doesn't see the signs). Where were they before? No. Only Sakura and Sasuke have being with him from the start. Maybe he even calls Hinata an hypocrite, though he would regret it instantly. (Add some more conflict).
After he cools down, he considers it. Hinata is kind of cute, and it's easy to spend time with her. But he just can't think of this, he has to save Sasuke. Hence he never talks with Hinata about her confession until after the war.
(Side note: Consider that the conflict presented is internal. It's the characters messing up their own lives because of their own wants/fears/needs)
Okay, end of the fanfic-ish moment."
what ???? What the fuck are you talking about sasuke and sakura were with him from the beginning not really team 7 was shit all along and of course hinata did encourage him and was by his side when all the campher hated him he never thought hinata was a crazy hypocrite please girl stop your bullshit why did you invent fun art? Team 7 sucks that he never supports Naruto Sakura especially that he is just a team. Sakura is not like Kushina and her bedmate!🙄
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"My point is that there's a lot that can be build as an inside view of the characters while using romance as a narrative resource. Like exploring the things Naruto gave up to pursue Sasuke, Sakura's doubts and convictions about her feelings, and Hinata's persistence and good nature.
Sakura never doubted her feelings she was with Sasuke wholeheartedly second the fact that Naruto wanted Sasuke back never stopped him from thinking about Hinata
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But, returning to canon, after Hinata confessed her feelings for Naruto, she disappears from the story. It's not important. It seams that Naruto doesn't even care to properly reject her. And what about her self-esteem? All the village saw her display... What about her father's opinion? Surely Hiashi Hyuga must have an opinion about that. This is a fantastic opportunity for character development because it tackles her fears: her father, and being on the spotlight. Yet the story treats this as it never happened (the confession part lol).
No no Naruto didn't reject Hinata you can see that he thought of her after she sacrificed her life for him you are talking nonsense because already in the search for Sasuke Naruto was actually happy by Hinata's side
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and in the war Naruhina had much more significant moments than Narusaku
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And it's quite clear in chapter 469 that Naruto still have feelings for Sakura. He even calls her his girlfriend in the middle of the war."
Once again that shit Naruto told a joke and he wasn't serious at all god enough that's an excuse from the ass Naruto thought of Hinata again a second after that
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Yet somehow Naruto and Hinata end up together (I'm not going to get to The Last or the added scenes in the anime, this is manga only).
Naruto doesn't get over Sakura at any point in the manga, from chapter 3 to 631. Even when he knows she's obsessed with Sasuke. I don't think this was necessary. Naruto could have realized that they were better off as friends at some point of the story, which ironically could have been a weak motivator for Sakura to keep pursuing Sasuke.
So what's the issue?
Well I would argue that Naruto never truly loved Sakura which was explained in the last. To me Naruto only thought he liked Sakura because he had literally no other female friends and when he did get them he still hardly hung out with them. 🤦
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Well, what is the message of Naruhina? Could it be persistence? Wouldn't that be the same as Sakusasu? And that's hammering down on terrible advice as I said here:
From Sakuras POV it's: "it's okay to be obsessed with a guy who's not-that-into you because he'll come around." This is something I would never say to another human being. Again it could be the Latin blood in me, but romance should bring fireworks. If a person doesn't SHOW that you are their sun and moon, it's not worth it.
However, besides that, it's a waste of story to have something happening twice. Let me rephrase that. It's a waste of story to have two relationships to say the same message. It's just not necessary, but repetitive. And don't get me wrong, repetition is an important element on any story, but it has to be balanced or it will be either predictable or boring.
In other words, characters on stories (if done in a highly efficient manner) represent different concepts of the themes in the service of saying this truth at the end (the message). For example, in an initial concept of team 7 (because this was retconed) Naruto is the shinobi rejected by the village, Sasuke is the one that is admired (for his bloodline and genius status), and Sakura is normal, just another shinobi fulfilling her duty. They represent 3 different viewpoints of growing up in the shinobi system. And their stories had the potential of delivering different complementary pieces of this big message (maybe it is, but I dislike the idea that the message of Naruto is something like: conform and obey).
To illustrate better, you can think of the story of The Lord of the Rings. Each character of the fellowship is different, they not only represent different races but also different conflicts inside the world. And each of them get a different conclusion at the end of the book which ties up in the different forms of unity (because the message of the book is: "evil can only be defeated by joining forces and working together").
Then again, it's evident that the author wanted to stretch as long as possible the idea of Narusaku. Why else having the scene of Naruto holding Hinata's hand before the scene of him telling Minato that Sakura is his girlfriend? However this relationship is always portrait as one-sided (even more than Sasusaku). Naruto had no chance there.
I would dare to say Naruhina it's not in-character for Naruto. Kishi made sure of two things to support this argument: 1) Naruto's infatuation with Sakura, and 2) his desire to have a fireworks kind of love. For what other reason would he reject Sakura in chapter 469?
Hinata also not need the moment that she is holding hand with Naruto. kishi always planed NaruHina and not NaruSaku. Naruto never loves Sakura. Before the war things happen beween him and Hinata Sai said that Naruto lovesc Sakura but the words never come from Naruto. so shut up Why Kishi would he did it? for comedy sometimes autors writers put it in their stories naruto was joking he didn't really say sakura was his girlfriend
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He could have accepted Sakura's fake love confession, but he didn't, even when his initial reaction is pure joy.
For Hinata, I'd say it's in-character because she doesn't get much development. Her two main traits are being shy and insecure, and being in love with Naruto. In her case, Naruto is actually a positive figure because he believes in her when no one else does. Then again, he also caused her almost dying at Neji's hands during the chunin exams (there's a point when you need to acknowledge that you're not strong enough (need to work on your skills) and accept defeat, Naruto encouraging her to keep fighting until she dies is... stupid). So maybe I'm wrong in saying it's positive.
Well stop it please this person only said his opinion why you toxic? Kishimoto never said that he kill Neji for NaruHina why you put to him word to maut? Naruto close to Hinata before that he is dead Neji literally look on them
Finally, I can't get over the fact that Neji literally died in front of Naruto and Naruto didn't develop some kind of PTSD while looking at Hinata's eyes. It should be triggering. For contrast's sake, there's Tsunade's fear of blood because she saw Dan dying on her arms. Not saying is the same, but strong emotions get attached to senses, like sight. (This is just me, so take it as a headcanon).
Sorry that this didn't turn out as poetic as my post on Sasusaku lol, but there's not much to say about Hinata, she's heavily sidelined. And, even if they are friends, it's portrayed as a one-sided romance during all the manga. Just saying, Hinata doesn't get this reaction from Naruto:
Blushing not proving that Naruto loves Sakura romantically Not true Naruto doesn't even want to fulfill the promise he made for Sakura. Stop distorting the manga already between Naruto and Sakura never was anything romantic. NaruSaku fans they fool people who don't read manga correctly. So shut up stupid girl. 🤦🤦
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odalali · 2 years
9 Most Hate Anime Characters
1- Gabi Braun - Attack on Titan
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Gabi was turned into a Titan, In chapter 138 of the manga, along with other Eldians at Fort Salta. However, she is only either a normal or abnormal Titan, rather than an actual Titan shifter and will need to eat someone that has one of the Nine Titans' powers to turn back into a human.
2- Sakura Haruno - Anime Naruto 
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Though there were only subtle hints of romance throughout the series, it was always apparent that Naruto had two potential love interests: Sakura and Hinata. Fans who stayed until the end know that Naruto eventually married Hinata while Sakura ended up with Sasuke, but it certainly did not go without much debate.
3- Danzo Shimura Is Ruthless & Brutal - Anime Naruto
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He is a Villain, the leader of an organization called Root. Danzo was behind many crimes that led to many tragedies. He was interested in becoming the Sixth Hokage after Tsunade was incapacitated fighting against Pain. Follow us for more Anime stuff Princess Malty on Amazon  
4- Princess Malty Melromarc Is A Shameless Schemer - 
Anime The Rising Of The Shield Hero
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She seems to have sided with him purely because of his good looks. She easily convinced Motoyasu of falsely claiming Naofumi of having a "brainwashing shield", by which he supposedly brainwashed the people, kidnapping the second princess and killing Ren and Itsuki.  Follow us for more Anime stuff The Rising Of The Shield Hero on Amazon  
5- Shou Tucker - Anime Full metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
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Shou Tucker Villain, Nina, inhabits the body of a dog-like beast. This creature has a brown mane, the same color as Nina's original hair. This chimera has the ability to speak, as did the chimera Tucker created from his wife. Follow us for more Anime stuff  Full metal Alchemist: Brotherhood on Amazon @Odalali
6- Near - Anime Death Note
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Near is a young, slender, fair-skinned man with a petite build, gray eyes, and short, shaggy platinum blonde hair which he often plays with. He is only seen wearing a white, long-sleeved pajama top and white pajama pants. In the anime, Near's pants are light blue. In the Death Note One-Shot Special, which takes place three years after the end of the Kira case, Near is shown to have sharp bags under his eyes, slightly longer hair, and to have undergone a growth spurt. He sits in a posture similar to L's and is often seen being expressionless. Follow us for more Anime stuff  Near Death Note on Amazon. @Odalali645
7- Asta - Anime Black Cover
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As the main protagonist on the show and future Emperor of the Clover Kingdom, Asta is easily the most powerful character on the show. He learns to channel the energy throughout his body and attains a form where Anti-Magic courses through him and covers part of his body, gaining a horn on the right side of his head. To activate the form, Asta must stand still with one of his swords and concentrate on circulating the energy, which leaves him open to attack. 
8- Pariston Hill - Anime Hunter x Hunter
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Pariston Hill  is a Villain Triple-Star Hunter and both the former 13th Chairman and 12th Vice Chairman of the Hunter Association. He is also a former member of the Zodiacs with the code name "Rat". He can be considered one of the main antagonists of the 13th Hunter Chairman Election arc. Pariston indeed won the election, as Gon picked him because he knew Leorio after all wanted to be a doctor. 
9- Rachel - Anime Tower of God
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SIU himself sees Rachel, not as a villain, but the opposite of Baam. She is a character he cares about a lot, too, despite her getting hate.
One of the most asked questions to anime-only watchers of the Tower of God anime was why Rachel was hated so much by fans of the manhwa. Follow us for more Anime stuff Tower of God on Amazon @Odalali
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mainstoryarchive · 1 month
Kingdom - 71: Destiny
Nazuna: Ahem, we're sorry for making you wait this long!
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: Auditorium
Nazuna: Ahem, we're sorry for making you wait this long!
The tallying of the votes has finally ended, so I will now announce the results of this S1 ♪
By the way, the one delivering the results to everyone is me, the broadcasting committee's Nazuna Nito, also enrolled in Yumenosaki Academy like the others here ☆
I am also the leader of a unit called Ra*bits, so in time I will surely be greeting you as an idol on top of the stage.
Rei: You calculatingly put in advertisement for your own unit. As always, you don't miss any chances… Nito-kun?
And as always, you are very adorable. You must be acting like that on purpose, how pleasant to see you putting on a cute face…♪
Nazuna: Sh-Shut up! Stop disrupting me, I'll knock you off the stage!
Rei: Calm down, you have the habit of fumbling your words when you get angry. Keep orderly at least until you announce the results, in order to fulfill your responsibilities as the presenter.
Nazuna: I-I had planned to do so from the very start! Don't say any more unnecessary things and keep silent!
Hm, well it's fine. I'm in a very good mood today ♪
Runrun ♪[1] Leaders of the units that participated in this S1, please line up.
The leader of the unit that won will be illuminated by the spotlights ☆
Everyone, please look over them while holding your breaths!
Which unit showed you the most excellent performance… no, who made you enjoy yourself the most today!?
I hope you're highly anticipating it! In the end, which unit will grab the mark of victory!?
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Keito: Just for caution's sake, I am going to confirm this with you. It seems you were moving around restlessly, but you didn't manipulate the votes, did you?
Nazuna: How rude! I didn't have enough free time to do something like that, I was really busy with editing the footage and broadcasting it up until just now!
I still have a grudge over the S2 the other day so I am anti-student council, but I make sure to do my job properly!
I will announce the results fairly, don't make fun of me just because I'm small!
Keito: It isn't like I'm underestimating you because you are small… I'd even go as far as to say that my opinion of you has improved thanks to all the things you have done.
I've been done in. It is too late to regret now, it seems there is nothing keeping me steady anymore.
I underestimated you people, I dug my own grave.
They say that a cornered rat bites the cat, but it seems that rabbits bite as well.
Ra*bits, huh… I should have completely annihilated you in that DreamFes the other day so that you would lose the will to ever retaliate after that.
Well, fine. We brought out our best in this live, I will silently accept the results.
Rei: How manly, you can struggle more and act more pitiful, you know?
Now is the last moment you will be able to stand there with a calm face. The attitude of standing with your head held high like kings until the end at least, is commendable.
There are only a few more moments left until you are dragged off your throne… At the very least you are allowed to stay arrogant.
Keito: The results aren't set in stone yet. Until the moment that a loss is recorded in the official records, we of AKATSUKI are the reigning power in this Yumenosaki Academy.
Rei: Fufu, even though you yourself also don't believe you won. You have seen it as well, haven't you? Trickstar's radiance…?
That is the trigger that will help open the curtain to a new era.
The stronger the light is, the deeper the shadows grow. Those very shadows are the territory of us, UNDEAD. This position is quite comfortable ♪
Well then, transfer student. Step one more step forward.
No need to hold back, you are the main characters tonight. I will make sure to at least give you applause from here in the shadows.
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Hinata: Hmm… Unlike Sakuma-senpai, we don't really like being supporting characters, though.
Well, it's fine, both the training and the live itself were fun after all.
We are still first years, we have a future. Next time 2wink will aim for the top, me and Yuta-kun ♪
Rei: Oh, Hinata-kun came out. So you were the leader of 2wink?
Hinata: Well, I am the older brother. At any rate, we have been acquainted for quite some time now, so please be able to keep us apart, Sakuma-senpai.
Nazuna: You guys, you're chattering too much! Keep quiet, I will be announcing the results ☆
[ ☆ ]
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This is the sound of Nazuna humming.
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letadlock · 3 months
A Place Further Than the Universe
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Within the episode, we are introduced to Mari Tamaki, a second year high school student determined to get the most out of her youth. After years of holding back from starting new clubs, adventures, and opportunities, she decides to embark on a journey to the Antarctic with her new friend Shirase Kobuchizawa, whose mother disappeared on an expedition. Within the pilot episode, it is apparent this story will tackle and build upon the idea of finding purpose in youth. However, in order to fund this trip across the Southern Ocean, the girls need to save up. In the second episode, Mari begins the job search where she meets Hinata Miyake, a sixteen year old girl who dropped out of school and spends her time working at a convenience store and preparing for college entrance exams. In the third episode the three girls meet Yuzuki Shiraishi, an idol whose mother plans to have her work as a reporter at a new job in Antarctica. Intrigued by the opportunity to join her, the three girls try to befriend a lonely Yuzuki and convince her to join them on their trip.
While the show primarily centers around the girls strong-willed intentions to go on this expedition to the Antarctic, an underlying need to make money troubles each of them. Shirase is so preoccupied with her after-school job that she does not make any friends before Mari and is even given the name "Antarctica Girl" by classmates who recognize her hard work. Mari spends her time after school working at the convenience store with Hinata who works there all day since she's not in school, and Yuzuki is too busy working under her mother's management as an idol to make friends. Regardless, the girls are bonded together by the idea of going on this journey to Antarctica together. Despite the long hours working and the obstacles they encountered leading up to the expedition, the idea serves as an escape from the working and moral troubles that plague each of them.
Relating back to our readings, Haber's Anti-Utopia argument is harnessed upon in this show where there really is no escape from capitalism anywhere in the world. When Hinata loses her passport the girls even joke about her working at a convenience store in Singapore. Even after the girls successfully arrive to Antarctica and no longer have to work to save up, they must still work hard on the base to keep it operating. The girls bounce around fulfilling various roles and contributing to the labor it takes to both produce the broadcast and operate the base.
In my own experience I definitely relate to the struggles the girls go through prior to the trip about making money. Outside of school and extracurriculars I would work at Starbucks to save up for a trip to Italy I wanted to go on after I graduated. While I was able to save up enough and had a wonderful time with my friends I eventually had to come back from my vacation and work again to save up for future excursions. A seemingly inescapable cycle of needing money.
Personally, I was happy with the ending of this anime. I thought it was bittersweet how even though Shirase had to come to terms with her mother's death she met friends along the way who were willing to go to go all the way to Antarctica for her. While not an anime I would have normally picked to watch I am satisfied I had the opportunity to.
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maoam · 3 years
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I wanted to take a deeper look at Hinata’s character, considering there are a lot of claims about her out there, that she’s strong, that she’s kind, that she’s complex and relatable, that she’s the perfect woman and that she’s at least better than Sakura. I don’t really think so, and I’ll explain why. I’ll be focusing on canon, so no fillers or novels will be included in this post. I’ll say this as a warning, if you’re a fan of her character this probably won’t be something you’ll like. This will be tagged with the anti tags and put under read more so please do not complain if tumblr somehow puts this in the normal tags, it is not intentional. Also Sakura stans please don’t write lengthy comments about Sakura under this, I’m not a fan of her either and I’ll write about her later. Make your own post instead.
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Hinata is generally really bad as a shinobi and I’m not sure where the claims that she is strong come from. Hinata's entire character revolves around her being weak. This could have been fine if she actually developed, or if she found some other area for herself, yet she's mediocre at best and a waste of panels at worst, because she never becomes good or strong at anything. She’s not only physically weak from start to finish, but she’s also the equivalent of a damsel in distress. Everytime Hinata attempts to do something, she ends up failing, getting beaten up and having to be saved. She lost to her sister who is five years younger than her, which is what marked her as a failure in her clan. She tried to fight Neji in the chunin exams and ended up coughing up blood and losing her consciousness, and Naruto had to beat Neji for her. After Kabuto heals her fully, she spends the rest of part 1 either sleeping or missing in action. Very underwhelming.
If this had been only the beginning, it would have maybe been fine, but it’s a reoccuring pattern with her character. She throws herself in front of Pain, managing to do nothing but get one-paneled and almost killed. Even at the start of the war she had to be saved by Naruto. She tried to run to Naruto and tripped over a rock. Actually, she’s so weak she got Neji killed, when he had to jump in front of her so she wouldn’t get impaled. Why is she even in the front lines when she can’t fight? Even in Naruto the Last movie she had to be saved multiple times. In Boruto the movie she is still useless and reckless, leaving her daughter’s side to help Naruto, ending up defeated and having to be healed by Sakura once again.
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I can’t say she’s mentally strong either. She has the personality of someone who hates conflict and tries to avoid it as best as they can, to the point of agreeing with others on everything, as Neji pointed out. Even without him saying it out loud, most of Hinata’s moments that aren’t her thinking about Naruto are her doing exactly this. This is not the personality of someone who is strong mentally. It’s the personality of someone who is too weak to have their own mind, someone who will go with the flow and is easily led and convinced. It can be dangerous the more you think about it. Hinata is also the bystander who never stands up for Naruto despite liking and admiring him. If she’s a compassionate girl, why isn’t she showing this by reaching out to Naruto and befriending him? Why doesn’t she show he’s not alone? Why is she only drawing inspiration from him? I don’t normally watch fillers, but there was one filler scene unrelated to Hinata where this girl says if you only look at the loser and do nothing, you aren’t much better than the oppressors, which probably wasn’t meant to be a call out for Hinata, but ended up being so anyway. Another thing that’s annoying is how she is berating herself often, yet doing nothing, it comes off as self-pity. Even in the Last movie, she is talking about how she must be a bad sister for knitting a scarf when her sister is in danger. Then why are you doing it and not stopping? Of course everytime this happens Naruto must cheer her up because she just can’t stop moping around and doing something herself.
Aside from all this, from the very beginning Hinata’s honor needed to be defended by Naruto because she couldn’t stand up for herself. Of course, after Naruto’s words she did stood up for a moment, and that was good, but it should have been a wake up call which altered her course. Instead, she kept doing the same she always did. If we take the Last movie into consideration, she’s still not strong enough to do anything even about her crush on Naruto. She needs genjutsu and Sakura to do the work for her. So even when it comes to the only thing she cares about 90 % of the time, which is Naruto-kun, she can’t do anything about it. That’s really sad.
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There’s one mistake I see people make often, and that’s assuming characters that are quiet and shy are automatically kind. I wouldn’t say Hinata is as kind as the fandom makes her out to be. She simply comes off that way because you don’t really see her have her own opinions or disagree with the other characters. Hinata’s shyness on the other hand is most of the time a fetishized quirk to appeal to certain subset of fans. Her shyness doesn’t stop her from taking exams or hanging around Shino and Kiba, or talking to characters other than Naruto. She also has enough attitude to rub Neji’s status as a house slave in his face during their match, but because she stutters Naruto-kun every five minutes she’s supposedly kind. Kindness is shown through actions, not through standing around and stuttering. For comparison, we see Ino befriend an unpopular kid like Sakura, and give her confidence. That’s an act of kindness. Did Hinata ever cared about helping the branch members in any way? No.
She's supposedly "kind" but like I mentioned before she never shows this kindness by standing up for Naruto, or reaching out to him. She simply stares at him behind a tree and draws inspiration from his suffering. The only time she can actually stand up is to selfishly confess her love and die. She even said she felt like being selfish, and like I said she knew there was nothing she could do, she was told she’d only be in the way. She came there only to confess and commit suicide. This actually reminds me of another anime where this female character, after being unable to receive a male character’s love killed herself in front of him and said ”now you’ll never forget me”.
In the end, she cares about nothing but her own hormonal urges. Hinata tried to help Naruto cheat to pass an exam at the risk of disqualifying her whole team. This is the first individual action we see her character take. Did she consider Shino and Kiba during that moment? No, she didn’t even have an inner conflict on whether she should do this, whether it’s right towards her teammates. Even Naruto considers he might get Hinata, Sasuke and Sakura all in trouble if he accepts Hinata’s offer, which is why he doesn’t do it. Then when Hinata wonders if she can cheer for Naruto during his and Kiba’s match, she thinks Kiba might get mad. It’s more about how Kiba views her rather than whether she should cheer for Kiba because they are in the same team and should support each other. During the Pain attack, she left an injured shinobi, who couldn’t move, to go to Naruto, even when said shinobi told her she would only be in Naruto’s way. She didn’t try to save people, she simply wanted to confess and act in front of Naruto. This is about a threat to the entire village, which includes her comrades and her sister and she’s thinking only about her romantic feelings towards a guy she had maybe two conversations with and who barely remembers she exists. How is she better than Sakura? War arc really was the icing on the cake that Hinata’s character is only about Naruto. We should not forget the infamous ”Naruto-kun’s hand is so big… so manly...” is that really the right time to be thirsty? When Neji just died? Shikamaru mentions that he could help out Naruto as a right-hand man and then Hinata thinks “I-I want to be by Naruto-kun’s side too.” Then there’s of course the scene where she starts running to Naruto, leaving her post and teammates, even when Naruto is a mile away and already in the hands of medical ninjas, and even that ends up her pathetically tripping over a rock. Kiba has to remind her to use her byakugan because she is too busy gushing about Naruto. Eventually her only last line is “Naruto-kun”, when everyone is put into IT. It’s like a parody by this point. She doesn’t have any concern for her sister, her father, her teammates, Kurenai or her baby. It’s just “Naruto-kun” like it always is. Even in the Last movie, she is knitting a scarf for Naruto during the mission where they’re supposed to save her sister. Who brings a scarf on a mission? Why is she thinking about her romantic gift to Naruto so much she has to take it with her on a mission which focus is saving her sister? She even looks more devastated when Toneri tores the scarf apart than she ever does for Hanabi’s sake. It’s just silly and selfish.
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Is she complex though? Her development goes from standing behind a tree looking at her crush she never talks to, to committing suicide for feelings that could never be reciprocated, to… waiting that a genjutsu and Sakura guilt trip Naruto enough for him to be with her? Like I already mentioned her character revolves entirely around Naruto, she has no hobbies or interests we know of aside from him. She has no motivations aside from being by Naruto’s side. She once had an interesting goal and backstory, but that was never fully explored, and it turned into her wanting Naruto’s attention and thinking about him. Her clan plot was irrelevant, she showed no interest in wanting to be a leader or even wanting to make things better for the branch members. It’s funny because immediately after the ending, no one cared about the Hyuuga branch and how the storyline was dropped and had no resolution. It was only when Hinata was being attacked for not showing to care did her fans start to over-analyze all the panels looking for the tiniest little clue that might hint at some changes.
It’s possible to be both shy, anxious and quiet and also to be strong, motivated and have interests and dreams. Hinata is never strong for herself, she’s only strong to be with Naruto, to die for Naruto, to motivate Naruto, to have Naruto look at her even for a moment. All the while Naruto doesn’t pay much attention to her unless she’s literally dying in front of him or she slapped him. Even when a big climax is happening, what’s on her mind is always her romantic feelings and her crush. I saw someone say if she were a male character, and she pulled this pointless sacrifice and theatrical confession in the final fight of an arc, she would’ve been universally mocked. Actually, I think even if it was Sakura who did this instead of Hinata the former would have been mocked, because their stans are unable to see the same flaws in their own fave as they see in the other girl. Naruto is a battle manga, characters are supposed to contribute to the defeat of the villain in some material way. The only reason people praise Hinata for what she did in the Pain arc is because they either pity her or because they’re men who think women killing themselves for a man is great because it boosts their ego.
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I also notice many Hinata fans don’t notice the vanity in their own fandom. They call Hinata “princess”, ”heiress”, ”Konoha’s first lady” and draw fanart glorifying these concepts and how it makes Hinata good, because they like the superficial status, what they don’t care is the titles are unearned. I thought Hinata’s appeal was that she’s the underdog and a loser? Or maybe her real appeal is the idea of getting everything you want without doing much in order to get it?  Another claim is that Hinata is the perfect woman, which you might see from men. This is what I might dislike the most. Men judge Hinata’s worth and whether she’s a good character based on what kind of woman they want and think is the right kind of woman. Hinata has big breasts, she’s submissive, she has no other interests than the man she likes, and she’s the only girl in her class who didn’t go for the popular guy. Many men hate Sakura, Ino and Karin for being fangirls but praise Hinata for being a fangirl. Basically to them if a character is a fangirl of the wrong guy, she’s a stupid slut. If she fangirls their self insert, she’s wife material and the ideal woman. If Sakura has to be saved, she’s useless. If Hinata tries to kill herself for Naruto, she’s ”so kind”. Rin is a one-dimensional character, but Hinata saying Naruto-kun for the 50th time is depth. Hinata is also claimed to be better than the other girls because she had more kids and thus is more ”fertile”. It’s like feminism never happened and we are back to the 16th century. Why are we judging women’s worth on how many kids they have and how much they can please a man?
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I could also talk about how Studio Pierrot turned Hinata into a hentai bait for otakus, which also plays a part in her popularity, but I don’t think it’s necessary, so I will just offer this picture which speaks for itself.
Hinata is simply just a sexist stereotype, a shadow of a real woman, with not much depth, and who is certainly not better than Sakura either. Both of them are fangirls whose characters revolve around men. It’s wild to me how there are women who genuinely act like one must be a misogynist if they reject Hinata’s superficial, one-dimensional and boy crazy character. Her character itself is misogynist for crying out loud. And honestly, what does it say when even the creator himself assumes that Hinata is someone’s favorite character because he must like big boobs?
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madara-fate · 2 years
Not very hard to understand sns. At the base they are sakura haters, and want to be with sasuke. Sakura is obviously not an option because she is less powerful than sasuke, so they aren't equal or whatever, hence, she isn't the one they can use. That leaves Naruto since karin can be eliminated by the same logic. Naruto is very, very bad for sasuke. But according to sns, he stands up to him, fights him, and even turns out to be stronger. Hence, perfect for self-insert shipping since they're dynamic fits there easy. Easy to make tropes, situations, etc about sasuke and Naruto, but all these ppl don't understand sasuke one bit, but just like Naruto , they want to own him. I do ship ss, but I have read a lot of top sns during my early Naruto days and comparing it to sns fiction now, it hasn't changed one bit. Most of them are about how sasuke's redemption journey is not at all important, how sasuke's feelings aren't important, he's just a toy for Naruto to get in the end. No travelling for them obviously, since Naruto is a complete nationalist and no one even dares to try and make him hate konoha or realise sasuke's desire for revenge. Little to no hate for hinata, she's used to make sasuke jealous, sakura bashing almost always, sometimes even bashing Sai for no reason at all, hating on team taka/team 7 depending on their interpretation. I've also observed that the threat to their ship is mostly sakura, but never hinata. Hinata is never the problem because they are all self inserting as Naruto, he can have as many people in love with him as they want, but god forbid sasuke may have ambiguous feelings for sakura or they may even have dated in the past. Although hinata is also not treated very kindly as well, she is just used to make sasuke jealous, or for Naruto to reject, and then simply fade into the background. Sometimes she is also bashed, but it's mostly sakura in sns fics. It's funny and sad that no one really understands sasuke, majority of sns, ss , and God the sk and sasuhina shippers , who are the weirdest bunch of them all XD
All of them in general want sasuke to repent for his revenge , for leaving so and so behind, but it's never about them understanding why and how hard it was for him to do so. Sasuke has just become this object to achieve, as if his perspective isn't important at all. Kishimoto has done a lot of things wrong in Naruto , but making sasuke this complex and unreachable for 90% of the series has mostly started these fan wars. Sns love to call sakura obsessed with sasuke for no reason or shallow reasons , but they can't see that Naruto was just as obsessed, and if they can, they can't see just how obsessed they are with sasuke, for no good reason other than the fact that he would look good with their self insert.
This is the problem with maximum pro sasuke ppl on Tumblr as well as outside, they all turn out to be sns , which just makes their entire page a lie, if you are pro sasuke , hate konoha, but turn around and ship sasuke with the number 1 nationalist Naruto, you really do have some issues lol.
I've been in the fandom for a while now, and despite all the losses sns have had to face, they still are trying to find material in boruto to support their self insert ships, and go hysterical when they are beaten by canon ships, most ss because nh has been dry for content lately, it's very fun to watch them try to cancel entire companies like viz, whose translations they often use to discredit sakura at every turn. It's sakura they are the most scared of, both the people in their otp loved her in their lives, hence she must be eliminated at all times. People are this defensive only when they start thinking that they are one half of their otp.
They're so many examples of this on Tumblr where a pro sasuke who is anti ss turns out to be sns, when the sasuke they all adore, the one in shippuden, had no interest in anyone but his desire to avenge the uchiha.
Same problem with sakura x others, to try and diminish sasuke's value in her life is the dumbest shit I have ever seen and makes me instantly abandon a story. Even if she falls out of love, don't make it seem like it was just a crush or sasuke abhors her. There are stories in which sasuke is downright cruel to her even after his redemption, just to villainize him. It's awful to see how little people understand sasuke, and just use him however for the sake of their self insert. It's making me hate fanfiction again, I definitely agree with you, sasuke is mostly character assassinated in these stories, and it's hard to find stuff where his perspective is properly considered, especially in the sns side of the fandom.
This was a lot to take in, but I can see your point.
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
Hey! In the wedding of Naruto and Hinata, there was a letter from sasuke that only says 'congratulations' but instead of having naruto get it, why did it have to go to sakura? Also what do you think did sasuke feel, and why did he not show up??
I'm an anti-ending and I really don't get why did it have to go that way, with them marrying women they don't even have love or have chemistry with.
I hope I can get your opinion, thank you.♡
Honestly, When I saw this ask in the notifications section...
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Like this...
My reaction was "Please Not again!!! I will never watch that Last Movie... Please don't ask me anything regarding that movie😩"
After opening it... "😌Thank God!!! That's not it"
So, to answer your question
Tbh, anything that comes after Episode 479 is not canon. So, to base our theories on filler episodes will always leads to Dead End, Anon.
SS peeps were arguing that Sasuke sent that Note to wish her on her Birthday... But someone in Youtube comment section said, He could've used the word Happy Birthday instead of Congratulations... 🤷🏻‍♀️
I heard that, by sending 'Congratulatory Note' through Sakura, it means... He wants Sakura to represent him on his behalf (as a Couple) and deliver it to Naruto. Atleast, through this way, they can confirm SS.
Do I believe this theory???
Hell, No.
The Sasuke created by Kishimoto would never do such acts. He didn't even wish Naruto on his Birthday after VoTE2 fight. Let alone sending a Congratulatory Note.
But inside Anime, that theory makes sense.
As for how Sasuke felt??
He must have been furious but eventually would have understood the reality...
The reason he didn't show up was because Naruto never invited Sasuke in the first place🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️. Throughout those last bunch of episode, I heard Naruto neven even brought up Sasuke's name at any point. So, probably he became a Horny moron in the Anime to neglect his 'Friend' to his wedding.
See, my answers don't even make sense to me😑😑😑 That's why it's difficult to speculate anything that was not drawn by the Author.
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shannarous · 2 years
I only ship SasuSaku in Naruto, but after the ending, I tried to look to other shipping fans to see other opinions. I found a few nice people, who just really ship their fanon ships in peace.
What makes the Naruto fandom so toxic till this day, are the antis of other ships who still believe, that Kishi wrote the manga wrong in the end, and only them are truly capable of seeing the "true ending". These people bash characters, ships, fans of those characters and ships and bash Kishi too. Sadly I have the feeling the most of their hate is towards SasuSaku and Sakura (and Sasuke sometimes too). I think NH is mostly left out by the antis or maybe I just don't see it, because I don't ship NH and so I am only focused on SasuSaku.
And I know, that here are toxic SasuSaku shippers too. I don't want to claim, that the SasuSaku fandom is full of innocent little angels. I know we have bad apples just like EVERY fandom.
I agree with all of this, anon.
Sasuke and Sakura already get a lot of hate individually, Sakura even more than Sasuke, so sadly it comes as no surprise that SasuSaku is one the, if not the most hated ship of the series. I guess this is almost natural because it's also the only canon ship that includes two main characters. Compared to NaruHina, with Hinata as a side character having much less screentime than Sakura, they simply get more attention. And with a lot of attention comes a lot of hate.
As main characters they also had more character development than other characters, which means we know their personalities in depth. This includes flaws and issues as well, and especially Sasuke has a lot of them. Combine that with his cold and unbothered attitude and a certain amount of people is bound to dislike him. And then there's Sakura, the heroine and most developed female character in the series, who is a caring and kind person and therefore should be very likeable, but her flaws have been exposed in episode 1 and so she has amassed an unbelievable amount of haters who refuse to see her growth (maybe because she's cockblocking their own OTP, who knows).
Now the two of them together, oh boy. Kishi has made it very clear they love each other and are happy together, but they aren't the "sunshine family" (which has its own problems that no one talks about). They have issues, and those issues are used as plot fuel like no other. Kishi has said himself that he just can't let them be happy, there always needs to be something up with the Uchihas. And they sell. Because while they're probably the most hated ship, they also do have tons of fans who love them. And even those who dislike the ship keep the attention up.
I gave up trying to understand why all of this must always lead to such toxic behavior of some antis. Why can't they all be like the nice people you mentioned who just enjoy their fanon ships in peace.
Last but not least you're absolutely right, there are bad apples in every fandom and the SasuSaku fandom is no exception. There are those who just defend themselves from antis, but also those who actively look for trouble. It's frustrating that this behavior of a few often reflects on the whole fandom, but well, that can also be said for every other fandom.
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cafeleningrad · 3 years
From all god damn nostalgia fandoms my colleagues could be into, they're into Naruto and I've thoughts about it, again. Hello 12 year old me!
But apart from any jokes I've zero interest in engaging with the fandom even more the meta because it's ultimately pointless to go through all the Hiruzen-slander, or Uchiha-lore, trying argue for or against Sakura because ultimately Naruto in Shippuden, in it's end is an entire different beast than it's classic beginning.
So, Naruto was a series made for Shounen Jump who's target audience are young teenage boys. The point of Naruto 'n friends being Ninjas who got into tough fights in which people spit fire, throw knives at each other, summon gigantic animals, or teleport through puddles wasn't set up commentary on child soldiers. Ninja-wizards running around in an action setting is the action shit stuff young teens love.
Sure, observed the premise of Naruto under a critical lense, Naruto living on his own since he was a baby is at least a case for the ninja from Child-care-services-gakure to at most extremely unlikely to have survived on his own. (I mean, getting nit-picky, why would people have let survive the kid harbouring the fox-monster in first place???) Same goes for Sasuke living on his own or being as emotionally and mentally stable as he is. Or Hinata. Same for Neji or for Gaara recovering as quickly after being tackled down my talking-no Jutsu. But you now what this unrealistic scenario is very much the same dramatic stuff you about people's first OCs because well duh, again, a series for young teens. A certain lack of realism in a world in which Foxes of thensize of Mount Rushmore live in a mouthy 12-year-old kid could be accepted.
I know, I know, Naruto later became super critical about it's own premise it set up Shippuden but frankly, I can't agree to any anti-Hiruzen-sentiment because Hiruzen's entire function in classic Naruto was the one of a grandfatherly mentor-figure, no more critical thought spent on Naruto's actual life before the start of the story
But we're also talking about an environment in which stuck up adults can get beaten by an oiroke-no-jutsu. Like, the entire world of Classic Naruto was a bit nuts and silly. Naruto transforms into a cute girl just to mess up annoying adults, wins a fight by farting, his mentor is a die hard fan of and constantly has his head stuck between the pages of this world's version of "Fifty Shades of Grey", his next mentor is the best-selling author of named series, that way of running (we all know what I mean), side characters recognizable mostly by very outstanding quirks. The entire world of classic Naruto was whimsical and kinda adoring the details to no end. Be it the art style depicting Konohagakure as a town full full of different shops and quirky architecture, Naruto having plants standing around because his hobbies include gardening, or every character wearing a unique wardrobe, including their choice on where to wear their headbands.
Look, I neither envy nor feel I can blame Kishimoto for weird writing choices. The Shounen-Jump is hell for draining their creator's energies and resources in many ways. The fact even millenium exceptions like Eiichiro Oda come to struggle, indicates how hard it must be for those who don't posses his exceptional stamina and flow of ideas. Definitely a lot what I'm going to criticize is very likely related to Jump not giving their artists the chance to take a break, recover, gain new energy to rejuvenate themselves or their ideas.
Still, when focusing on the plot- progression only, I believe the essence of what made Naruto beloved by so many in it's run shifted rather drastically.
All in all, I think what happened in Naruto Shippuden (well actually kinda beginning at Sasuke's retrival arc beginning to shift the story's focal point on Sasuke's and Naruto's rivalry as driving force :/ ) is what happened to Star Wars with it's sequels:
Overexplaining the whimse actually giving the world it's essence; at some point self refering to it's biggest hits (Tenseigan arc... sure some parts were emotional but man... that was fanservice for hype's sake...), and making everyone special.
In theory I've nothing against Naruto being Minato's son (my suspicion is his looks in classic Naruto weren't designed on accident) but what was charming about Naruto as a disregarded orphan, an underdog protagonist was him much unlike his usual contemporary shounen counterparts (speaking from the date of his first appearence in Jump in the late 90s). Even Gon or Son Goku were already talented from the beginning whereas Naruto may be funny but has to work hard for his achievements. A nobody underdog creating his own place and meaning in life is a super strong concept for a protagonist - if not a great message for young readers.
Yet... in the end Naruto is a reincarnated god or something, so is his rival???Who's family and their Ramen-to-Tonkatsu-gan as 2684th version of the sharingan, in fact Konoha from all various Ninja villages is suddenly the center of all attention. By that point the story could as well has been named "UCHIHA vs the WORLD!!! feat. that runs after that one dense family member (if that wasn't the Jump we could offically name it as it is: gay)".
The existence of jutsu needs to be explained when the audience before just did fine with the idea of "chakra".
Another self-reference and kind of a betrayal regarding the original's theme of becoming your own person was team 7 being carved as copy of the legendary three sanin over taking their abilities and symbolism (RIP Sakura's potential of better character developement.)
Okay, I'm not argumenting properly anymore. So some small notes: * The ninja fights were always a tad bit unrealistic from actual ninja fighting style (surprise who would've guessed orange is an unsuitable for an occupation entailing espionage...). Still the power limit was extremely clear from the beginning. The adults knew more jutsus with more impact, the fights were strategic as no kekkai genkai was so unique as a meteor crushing an opponent to overpower them. In Shippuden ninja abilities are just allover massive impact sayin attacks. * Where on Earth was Iruka, Naruto's central parental figure, during Naruto's emotional struggles?? * So much of the humor is gone. Aside from a few jokes here and there a lot of fun and silliness from the beginning is missing. * The lack of environmental details, more and more reduced individuality in clothing style already in the art style showcase how little energy and thoughts were left for the world.
Don't even get me started on the ending. Konoha destroying, preying on teenagers, organizing an infiltration of not only one but two ninja villages, killing one Hokage Orochimaru is now just the quirky uncle. Naruto and Sasuke who's common trauma was the lack of a loving family in life are bad parents???
One note on Sakura. Arguing about her being "useful" or "good character" is kinda pointless in my eyes because ultimately that would mean trying to make sense of the splotchy development and characterisation she got over the story. (Where was her talent for genjutsu?? Where was potential for her not having to fit the self-referential mold? Boy, I could write a long ass post what I would've loved to happed to her.)
In the end this rant became a full blown mess, and it will take me a while before I can formulate fully structured arguments but my final point is: I can't get meta about a story which is initially split in essentially two different spirits.
One being a quirky world for a young teen action shounen story. The other being a supernatural drama about the Uchiha clan feat. that runs after that one dense family member (if that wasn't the Jump we could offically name it as it is: gay).
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leportraitducadavre · 4 years
At least Hinata can actually get her man to not leave her for over a decade and Naruto didn't try and kill her, Sakura is such a soy-filled cuck that she just lets Sasuke run her over. They're not even in the same league. NaruHina: Relationship GOALS
Oh my god you still have energy for this? Bitch were did you get the idea that I like SAS*SAKU?! I fucking loathe that ship, and guess what? I hate Nar*Hina too! So you can stop comparing them both because both are trash, both are awful, and both Naruto and Sasuke deserve better than those two fan girls who did nothing but pitty them into fuck them.
Go to your little ship tag to enjoy the fillers that you desperately need in order to give Hinata something close to a freaking good characterization, and leave me, my blog, and my readers alone.
Look at you, you're so insecure that you need to come to an anti blog to start an argument about why your ship is better than the garbage of SS, like I fucking care. Hinata is an awful person who manipulated Naruto emotionally so he would give two fucks about her, but hilariously she ended up needing a spin off to actually do it. Great work there, hime.
Hinata is an EGOISTICAL character who only cared for her feelings for Naruto, letting her clan SLAVE people like Neji, having the nerve of calling him brother while she did NOTHING about the seal that FORCED him to obey her.
Don't come here trying to make me believe that the "Na-Na-Naruto-kun" stalker had some relevance for the plot or is better than Sakura, because even Shino had more depth than her.
I tag correctly my posts, and even indulged you by replying to you respectfully, but no, you still come at me with the stupidest come backs like I fucking ship SS. How delusional are you? I really hope you're a troll, because other wise I worry about your health, honestly.
Like I said, you need to literally compare NH to the worst possible ship in existence on the Narutoverse to see SOME positive light on it. Naruto doesn't care for Hinata, or his offsprings, he didn't go away for ten years (Yey!) He's still barely home, he even wants to go with Sasuke.
If NH is your "relationship goals" then honey, I need to tell you, you are aspiring for the bare minimum. Oh, Naruto doesn't cheat on her! Oh, then that must mean he loves her and that he's happy! Like LMAO, do you even know what a healthy relationship is? Do you think not arguing makes them better? Pf, please.
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char-lotteral · 3 years
I know you are kidding, but Naruto does have a slogan "No Ramen, No Life." If for him Hinata > Ramen, then for Naruto, it must be "No Hinata, might as well let the world end" which he almost did btw lol ☕
right??? like i know its kinda bad writing and lazy that they went with that route ngl xD but i think its kinda cute and so Naruto.
I thought it was really cute and funny that Sakura had to sit him down and teach him about the difference between loving a woman and loving food xD
Keep in mind that Ramen is his comfort food, the very first food he ate that made him feel belonged for the first time ever. And I like to think that he associates the same comfort he feels when he eats his ramen every time he hangs out with Hinata. So in a way, Hinata is kinda like his comfort food too X))
antis will probably disagree with this and call it "being delusional youre reaching too hard or mental gymnastics" or whatever, i personally have my issues but eh at the end of the day its really just an anime and kishi already explained his side how awful he is at writing romance. Yeah no shit now move on like the rest of us
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faceless-eater · 3 years
2021 and the ending of Naruto and the existence of Boruto
its 2021 and the ending to Naruto and the conception of Boruto will always be the biggest media betrayal and fanservice corruption. just a reminder that you can ship Naruhina, but you must remember that the story needs to make sense. 
pandering, changing history and so one will make creators like me speculate that the entirety of the last bit of the manga/anime is entirely within a dreamstate, coma-theory, or genjutsu. In my own mind, if I acknowledge where Naruto went and the whole of Boruto- my brain says that this is an illusionary, made up world all spanned by Hinata. Hinata, if you look at her as a character, doesn’t speak to me as a healthy, mentally well character. 
its 2021 and I use the Naruto ending and Boruto as an EXAMPLE of why I need to reference the past of my characters and previous publications (or not, based on my personal, non fanfiction work). 
I’m no longer angry about the shipping wars, or the shit around it. I can go to my niches and enjoy it just fine, and others can do the same. Being anti-something inside a fandom just makes it toxic. 
For that reason, I am not tagging Boruto plainly, but I WILL tag Naruto. I want input on this, I want conversation. 
Peace and love, friends. 
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pinkbarefacedbeauty · 4 years
Be honest
“Get over it!” said the NH fan. 
Why do I need to? People still reed the bible and it has been around for an extremely long time. People still read and critique Shakespeare. Literally become scholars studying his works. So what is your point?
How am I the one that needs to get over it when you are still here as well? Tumblr is not just dedicated to just Naruto so how tf are you finding my posts? If you are still over it why are you still searching up Naruto related things? Why are you still commenting on Pro and Anti Naruto pages? Why are you still searching up Naruto? period? If you are so over it? Obviously there is something you must be unsatisfied with, no? Because by your logic satisfied people don’t come back to shows they already watched/ already read.
I don’t mind people who like Hinata like I said. I like Hinata’s potential as a character herself and in different ships. But I will never understand NH.
If you wanted to make NH happen, we should have seen the progress. In their own movie, Naruto didn’t interact with Hinata much. He questioned why he should walk her home (when remember he offered to walk Sakura home plenty of times). “That’s because he thought she is strong!” No that’s because he doesn’t know why it should be HIS responsibility to walk her home. Further establishing his disinterest IN THEIR OWN MOVIE. Remember he still hasn’t even thought about her confession in the pein fight. Even after that, he is still showing and expressing his love of Sakura after that moment.
I would have rather seen Naruto getting over Sakura if NH was absolutely necessary (which it isn’t). I would have rather seen him interacting with Hinata. Obviously they wouldn’t animate years and years into movie as it’d be too long, but at least show that they established some type of-ANY type of friendship relationship at all to where she can actually hold a freaking conversation. THEN you could have had them in missions more or even around the freaking village and show them falling for each other. Instead you basically showing him hypnotized by her memories and all of a sudden he likes her.
I find the thing most insulting of this movie is them proclaiming Naruto...NARUTO OF ALL PEOPLE DOESN’T KNOW LOVE!?????????? LIKE WTF? The whole freaking series deals with him and love. Love for family, love for found family, love for friends, love for village (otherwise he would have destroyed village himself for how he was treated), and romantic love. For at the end to regress his brain/intelligence to that of Goku. *Goku is a battle strategist but there’s not really any intelligence outside of that* Naruto is not like that. He is both a battle strategist and possesses common knowledge of other things. Naruto who fought (rather embraced) his own inner demon because all of his repressed feelings doesnt know LOVE??? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SMOKING???
Red herring my ass. NS was planned. Karin and Sasuke was planned. What the fuck would be Karin’s purpose. There could have easily been a male healer on team taka or better yet a female w/o any feelings for Sasuke on Team taka. (If you don’t know how to write love why keep writing more and more characters liking other certain characters.
If you like Hinata because of her hair. That’s perfectly okay. If you like her for her Color scheme or family or powers. That’s completely fine. If you like her body or If you like her for no reason at all. THAT’S FINE. But don’t dare try to lie and attribute to falsify her character by demeaning another. Calling Sakura useless etc but then you go on to stan Hinata who was so irrelevant in the whole entire series. If you replace Hinata with any other character nothing would have changed. Period. 
A lot of boys feel like Hinata is their ideal “waifu” (they literally say this-waifu) in body, submissiveness, and will literally not combat you. They hate Sakura because they feel she is *that girl*. That girl that always rejected them and is not physically what they wanted anyway. It’s a lot of self imposing that goes on in here. Be honest. 
Naruto: “Hate people who lies to themselves” but apparently (The Last’s logic) he was faking loving Sakura through a rivalry with Sasuke even though Sasuke paid her no attention and Naruto liked Sakura even before the teams were made...... Sakura would be a “bad woman” to give up on Sasuke but Naruto is not a “bad man” for giving up on Sakura???? NH fans how does it feel that the only reason  NH is together is because of sexism? Kishimoto says Hinata would be pitiful if NH didn’t happen as if women can’t grow up and Sakura is bad if she moves on? Together not because of chemistry, scenes or anything other than sexism?
I like sensical things. Make it make sense. 
More to add later but lazy** Stop spamming my inbox and I’ll stop replying. Simple.
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coliverxxx · 4 years
I just want to say that not all “fanfictions” are PWP
You know, it's funny. I recently began watching Haikyuu!! By recent, I meant I began watching yesterday only (despite the constant pestering of my brother to watch it because apparently it's that good and it's the sort of anime you'd love all characters, not just the protagonists). Well, I am actually currently watching a historical drama but the Internet connection sucks for two days and I have seasons one and two of Haikyuu!! already downloaded anyway. That's why yesterday I decided to give it a try (also to save my mind from not knowing what's happening next to said historical drama). And what can I say, so far, there's no anime suggestion from my brother that failed me.
Anyway, because of the situation brought by the pandemic caused by COVID-19, I had an online meeting last night with people from work, and as I was not the best employee and because meetings like that tend to be monologues by our manager only, I was reading fan fictions while the meeting was on going. Well, Haikyuu!! fan fictions. It was interesting because apparently, Haikyuu!! fandom is the second most written about anime fandom after Boku No Hero Academia. At least, that was the case in Archive Of Our Own when I searched for fan fictions last night. (Please correct me if after reading for years there now I still don't understand how it properly works.) I was on my second story when the meeting adjourned and I just couldn't stop reading until I finished it even when we were about to have dinner. My brother caught a glimpse of what I was reading and told me in an accusing tone, "You're reading those? I know already... If it's fan fiction, I know already.”
I wasn't even reading something explicit or mature! (But I knew that's what my brother was thinking given his accusing tone and expression.) I filtered all stories so that it wouldn't even show those tagged explicit or mature since I was reading outside the safety of my room for my family to see. (I'm not sure my parents would appreciate certain stories that might be involving specific toys, or polyamorous exercises.) But when I was reading and my brother saw me, it was sort of the part when Hinata and Kageyama kissed. That didn't help since my brother was sort of an anti-fan fiction type of anime fan. He questioned me why I read "those kind of stories" that he said "he knew already" what those were about and I wasn't stupid. I knew he meant like all fan fictions were porn without plot, just sex, dirty, explicit, whatever. And I just couldn't let him say that but I also didn't want a debate since both of our parents were also within hearing distance. That's why I said, "What do you mean, I read fan fictions? I also write them. I contribute to the community." That was quite... well, my brother didn't say anything anymore. He was probably shocked that I wrote “those kind of stories” as well.
I began writing fan fictions when I was in college. It was strange actually at first to write about certain characters or certain people because you'd want how you write them to be as precise as possible, or in-character, if I should say, but then, when you get the hang out of it, it's pretty much like writing with your own characters, excruciating and fulfilling, except you still don’t own these characters. I have published online more than a hundred stories now and have written probably about five hundred unfinished ones all hidden in the drives of my laptop (I’m so sorry, stories, I failed). If I would categorize my published stories, out of the hundred, probably fifty were sad or angst, twenty have one or two characters dying, about seventeen have happy endings, and only three were explicit or mature (but I really think they're all just failed smuts to be honest).
Now I know I'm speaking for myself here and my own experience. I have seen authors online who were great in writing explicit and mature content which sort of consisted almost a hundred percent of their writing portfolio that a lot of people enjoyed. But what I was trying to say here was, it wasn't all like that. I wish people could not have closed minds because it really wasn't all like that. Fan fictions were just like every book collection, or library, for home authors, student authors, unpublished authors, people who just wanted to write and leave something in this world, and people who just wanted to connect through words. We have adventures, love stories, stories about friendship, and even horror stories just as much as we have for adult stories like what you would see in an actual book store. I've read my fair share of those explicit and mature fan fictions as well, some of which were incredibly well-written and have actual plot. They weren't all just porn, trust me. And if I could just tell you how many stories have tugged my heart, made me cry, made me realize a lot of things, that I read from fan fictions, we wouldn't end here.
I began reading fan fictions pretty much the same time I began writing them. It was just like what they say, if you can't find the story you want to read, write it. I pretty much applied that all through college and honestly, it was a good way to pass college days — through reading and writing (also I wasn't the party or studious type of person anyway). I couldn't remember how many stories I've read through college until now because there were so many amazing authors online that deserve their works read. Until now, I can still remember my favorite Super Junior fan fiction and it wasn't even explicit. It was just Jongwoon losing his voice and Kyuhyun taking care of him even though at that time, Jongwoon was wary and irritable of him because that was the time when he first joined the group and Jongwoon thought he had another competition for song parts. It was just... warm, if I should describe the story. It made you feel warm and I really liked it and I never really forgot about it even though I couldn't find that story now. Another story which I really like was an EXO fan fiction about best friend Baekhyun setting up best friend Jongdae with almost everyone but it didn't seem to work until they figured out why no one was working and the reason was obvious. That story was both funny and sweet when realization both hit them. From the recent stories I've read, one of the many notable ones was a Seventeen fan fiction about best friends Mingyu and Minghao who talked with what they call flower language. I don't even like daisies that much but after that, I began liking daisies. I even left a comment for the author which went like, "I'm not even that happy right now but this story made me so happy." You could say I enjoy reading these best friend stories ending happily because I often write them in angst. (I'm so sorry, beloved readers.) However, the one story that affected me the most recently was a fix-it Naruto fan fiction and it wasn't happy. It explained how the hell Sakura ended up with Sasuke. That story stressed me the same way it gave me relief and it shook my existence to the point that I had to ask the author to let me create an epilogue while at work. (I sort of read it during lunch break at work and I just had to message the author immediately.) Fortunately, the author was kind and gave me permission to do as I pleased and even commended my epilogue when I published it. None of these stories I just mentioned were porn without plot type fan fictions but I love all of them nevertheless.
You see, it wasn't all just porn. Sure, I wouldn't say there wasn't a lot of it. I know there was a ton of mature and explicit fan fictions out there and I just couldn't understand what was so wrong with it. If you don't like it, I'm not forcing you to bleed your eyes reading them. I guess I'm just saying let it be, let people who enjoy writing them write them and let people who enjoy reading them read them. I just couldn't understand how some people are still bothered by the mere existence of things even though they have all the power in them to not read or even see these things that are bothering them because some people do enjoy them and these are not going to go away just because they couldn't deal with that. And also, don't generalize that everything there is in fan fictions is porn because there are a lot more, I am telling you. There are a lot more. Don't — I don't even know how to stress this enough — freaking generalize all stories you know are fan fictions to one or two genres. Believe me, there are a lot of talented authors out there and they don't all just write one or two genres.
Ultimately, I also wrote this post to thank everyone in the community in every fandom for your contribution. You don't know how many people across the globe (or even your closet neighbor fan) you are making happy, you are making smile, or you are saving their life with the words you are writing, the pages you are drawing, all the craft you are creating, so please continue to do so. We don't own these characters but we still have a voice, through the words or strokes we're putting together to create another form of art, another form of life. (How can that be so wrong?) Also, I read this somewhere in Pinterest but it fits so: Art, like love and life, must always be free.
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mysticdragon3md3 · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I tried to limit my choices to my MOST current fandoms/obsessions, otherwise, I’d never be able to decide.  
Whenever Good Smile posts these "surveys for fun", I can't help but think they're trying to gauge which figures they should make next.   In that case SCHOOL UNIFORM PERSONA 5 NENDOROIDS!!!  AND PHANTOM THIEF FUTABA SAKURA NENDOROID!  And yes, I want Nendoroids for “My Next Life as a Villainess”, but my wallet doesn’t!  ;o;!   Hopefully, listing Akira Kurusu on a Good Smile Company survey like this will ensure he'll get more figures.  I'm actually not sure if I'd consider him my husbando.  I just want more figures, especially Nendoroids.  lol  
Best Boy / Best Girl: I hate choosing just one.  But if I go with my most recent favorites, it'll help narrow things down.   Ryuji Sakamoto / Maria Campbell Ryuji Sakamoto / Catarina Claes LOL  it's been a long time since I loved a super genki gutsy girl like Catarina.  Maybe not since Lina Inverse!  lol  There have been a lot of kuudere queens since Lina.  lol  Though...I guess if you count Rukia's sillier moments, maybe she can be pretty genki and enthusiastic?   . Waifu / Husbando:   Maria Campbell / Akira Kurusu I wasn't expecting to separate Best Boy/Girl from Husbando/Waifu.  o.o?  Once again, I'll go with my latest fandoms, just to make it easier.  But Akira?  Husbando material???  I guess?...  He is really cool.  He just doesn't cause those stupid zoned-out warm smiles to spread across your face, the way Ryuji Sakamoto does.  But that's why I choose Ryuji as Best Boy.  Though I guess I'm constantly swooning over how goddamned pretty Akira is.  How did Soejima design such a goddmaned pretty bishounen?!  Damn it!  But if we're talking about crushes, I can be absolutely sure about Maria.  I'm a sucker for ingenue.  She definitely causes those doki doki, forget-to-breath, then sigh stupidly moments.  *___* If I was still as obsessed with DateSana as I used to be, I probably would have chosen one of them.  Probably Yukimura.  He's the most perfect cinnamon roll to have ever cinnamon rolled!  ...But that's not the series I'm obsessed with right now.  .....Though, I've always liked Mido Ban.  He's both silly and cool.  ^.^  I'll try looking through my old #husbando Tumblr posts.   (https://mysticdragon3md3.tumblr.com/post/156909097412/rightstufanime-in-celebration-of-valentines) (https://mysticdragon3md3.tumblr.com/post/125329019812/this-was-supposed-to-be-a-chart-of-characters-i) (https://mysticdragon3md3.tumblr.com/post/125373206597/the-other-day-i-made-a-chart-of-my-favorite) Seems like I was just using the word "husbando" for my favorite characters, and not for characters I was crushing on.  Well, this is going to make it akward to put merely a "favorite character" next to "Maria Campbell" who makes me swoon.   I think the problem is that since I grew up very anti-girlygirl and am still in the process of getting over that, I have some kind of mental block vs admitting if I have a crush on a male character.  And I have such low self esteem, that I can't "see" myself with anyone.  Whereas with waifu, there's no stigma in my psyche, so I can just unabashedly admit when I'm drooling over a girl and just stupid in love.  So if I have to think of a male character that makes me feel the same as an ingenue like Maria Campbell, then it'd have to be someone that I just stupidly smile and sigh in the presence of, especially when they smile or whenever they talk, someone for whom I always want to protect their happiness and rain adoration onto...  The funny thing is that when I compare (https://mysticdragon3md3.tumblr.com/post/125329019812/this-was-supposed-to-be-a-chart-of-characters-i) vs (https://mysticdragon3md3.tumblr.com/post/125373206597/the-other-day-i-made-a-chart-of-my-favorite), there are a lot of favorite characters who I think are the coolest and I respect the most, but I'm not a drooling crushing idiot, over everything they say.  Actually, the characters in the more expanded list (https://mysticdragon3md3.tumblr.com/post/125329019812/this-was-supposed-to-be-a-chart-of-characters-i), who are more like secondary favorite characters, better fit that reaction from me.  Like Makoto Tachibana.  He's like an ingenue shojo stuck in a boy's body.  Everything he says and does is precious.  Yet, as much as I like him, he didn't make the cut into my narrower list of favorite characters (https://mysticdragon3md3.tumblr.com/post/125373206597/the-other-day-i-made-a-chart-of-my-favorite). If I stick to current fandoms and choose Akira Kurusu as husbando, that would explain why I tend to be jealous over him.  Ryuji, I can ship with Ann or entertain other people's ship art with Ryuji, even though I prefer Ryuji with Akira.  But if I catch even a glimpse of anyone besides Ryuji with Akira, I click away from the entire website!  Like a voice in my head will not tolerate anyone with Akira who isn't Ryuji!  ^^;;;;;;;  Maybe that's a sign that Akira is my husbando.  ...Am I saying jealousy can be equated to the adoration I feel for ingenues like Maria Campbell?!?  That doesn't sound right.     Y'know what?  If I don't have an answer for husbando, then I just don't have an answer for husbando.   . Must see arc:   omg  I don't know.  Are we talking about just anime?  I guess if I added manga, it would just make the indecision harder on myself.  x_x;  I guess I always did like that last arc in Code Geass enough to re-watch it a zillion times.   Emperor Lelouch story arc (Code Geass) . Best anime OP/ED:   If we're going with current obsessions, lately a day hardly goes by without the Carole & Tuesday opening theme going through my head.  Though I do love anything by Asian Kung Fu Generation and T.M.Revolution/Abingdon Boys School/Takanori Nishikawa.  His Kamen Rider Zero One opening theme is amazing!  *u*  And I really love the themes from Fullmetal Alchemist's "Rewrite" opening theme from Asian Kung Fu Generation.  But L'Arc En Ciel's opening theme for FMA was also amazing...  And I love Yui; she's done a lot of anime themes...  See, this is why I said to limit myself to current obsessions.  So, "Kiss Me" by Nai Br. XX and Celeina Ann.   As for ending theme...?  I've always loved the ending theme for the Devil May Cry anime.  I had my eye on Oikawa Rin ever since she did the insert song "She Said" for the live action movie Kamikaze Girls. And I think she's done some Mamoru Hosoda movies too---Wait.  That was Hanako Oku.  Her music is good too!  *o*   I wonder if I could just pick one song instead of 1 opening theme AND 1 ending theme.  I'm too indecisive for 2 songs.   Well, since I'm limiting myself to only my most current fandoms, then I wouldn't have to check too many songs.  Haikyuu to the Top has a good ending theme.  I think Dr. Stone had a good one too.  And since I'm now watching My Next Life as a Villainess, I can add that to the candidates.   Dr. Stone's ending theme is good, but it's not as invigorating as Haikyuu season 4's.  At least to me. Naw, MNLAAV's ED is kind of typical.  Haikyuu s4's ED really grabs me.  "Kessen Spirit" (Haikyuu to the Top) . Best weapon:   ??????????????????  Should I include magical powers too??????  I've always liked swords.  So, magic sword?  Or am I supposed to be specific?  Like a specific mecha or specific Persona?  Should I include skills?  Like Hinata Shoyo's athleticism?  Should the answer be metaphysical, like how Love motivated Homura Akemi to re-make the universe?  But maybe "best weapon" is necessarily the most powerful.  Should it be the tool that enables the most good? A metaphysical tool that does good has got to be a Shonen protagonist's determination.  Y'know what I've always liked?  The innovation in Ranma Saotome's martial arts skill.  Someone online commented a LONG time ago, that Ranma can pretty much learn any martial arts technique, even really difficult ones, sometimes overnight or in a week.  And during a lot of his duels, he often has to throw out whatever technique he trained for, specifically to use against that opponent, and come up with something on the fly.  And that impromptu fighting technique usually works!  So is the best weapon a "sharp mind"?  Maybe I should just say "magical swords" to be simple and humorous.  It'd be really cool if I could think of something specific as my favorite.  Y'know what?  It's already 12:57 AM 5/16/2020.  I'm gonna go with "a sharp mind".  It was what made Nabiki Tendo dominate every situation, it's a key component to Lelouch vi Britannia whom I love so much.  ...a sharp mind & martial arts...  Now that I'm filling it out, maybe I should just pick a personal favorite weapon, vs "the best".  How about Natsume Takashi's compassion?  "magic sword, sharp mind, Shonen protagonist's determination".  Titual character plot armor?  lol   "Shonen protagonist's determination; Shojo protagonist's compassion" . Best mecha: I've never really been into mecha.  Even when I was obsessed with Magic Knight Rayearth, I still wasn't that interested in their mecha.  I usually always say "Deathscythe Hell" is my favorite mecha, because even though I'm not into that much mecha anime, I used to be into Gundam Wing, Duo was my favorite, his mecha was really distinct with its scythe, and his emotional connection with it was very endearing.  But Code Geass is one of my favorite anime now.  Gurren is cool, becasue Kallen Kozuki is cool and they've both been through a lot together.  But I feel like I should say Shinkiro is best mecha, since I love Lelouch.  Earlier today, Bluefin revealed a new figurine for the Shinkiro and my jaw dropped.  Maybe I should say Shinkiro?  But I don't really know even the specifics of Shinkiro? Maybe that's not a requirement.  Maybe I should just put anything, since I'm not a mecha expert.  Maybe I should go "classic" with Escaflowne?  Naw, that's a copout, not my personal answer.  The problem with choosing the Guren or Shinkiro is that I'm not so much favoring the mecha, as much as I am the pilot.  But the question is about the mecha.  In terms of capabilities, Shinkiro's calculating abilities might be more amazing, but only Lelouch specifically can use it.  But that ability can be used for both calculating defense and attacks... And the lazer dispersing gem on the Shinkiro is pretty cool too.  I guess I like the aesthetics of Shinkiro better than Guren.  But Guren's Radiant Waver Surger arm has turned the tide of so many battles, I can't help but be emotionally attached to that capability too. And should I say "Guren", "Guren Mark II", or "Guren Seiten" is best?  I love Guren Seiten's wings.  Y'know what?  I'm just gonna put both.  "Guren Seiten / Shinkiro"
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