#anti good omens fandom
gay-jewish-bucky · 11 months
anyways if you're a gomens fan and are demanding only amazon negotiate with actors and writers for no other reason than you want season 3, you're selfish and don't actually care about the workers being exploited by every single studio
like... do you not see the optics of "i only care about the strike ending as long as i get what i want out of it", you're being manipulated into blaming the strike for not getting your precious show renewed instead of being mad at the studios exploiting their workers
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orionsangel86 · 10 months
My friend just linked me to this article in light of my rage at all the stupid bullshit comments to that dumb post that Neil Gaiman answered attacking any Good Omens meta that may suggest AziraCrow may want sex in the future.
This article focuses on Heartstopper and Red, White, and Royal Blue, but its relevant. Purity culture is insidious and a current plague infecting our fandom spaces. Don't let puritanicals use asexuality as a disguise and shield for their shitty views either. This has nothing to do with asexuality and everything to do with an infestation of conservative christian fundamentalist viewpoints within fandom spaces specifically aimed at attacking canon mlm media.
The fact that apparently in Good Omens fandom fans arent even allowed to make their own posts discussing potential themes and subtext within the show that dares to imply AziraCrow could have a sexual relationship without puritanicals going to Neil Gaimans inbox to complain that such discussions are offending their delicate puritanical sensibilities is horrifying to me. Its not an attack on your sexuality if fans claim that an intense ox eating scene is oddly sexually charged in their opinion.
We really must keep up the discussion against purity culture and stamp down on sex shaming within fandom.
Anyway it's an excellent article. Please read it.
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midnights-dragon · 6 months
if i see one (1) more tiktok mischaracterizing aziraphale like this and making him into the villain it’s on SIGHT.
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deadthingposting · 2 years
If you are part of fandom culture and respect fandom artists I'm begging you please don't use ai art, for decades fanartists had put their passion on art works keeping fandoms alive by making content for free of a shared loved for a show or media, to use ai art it's to basically signal to those talented individuals that their work and passion is not important at all against a short term gratification and all their work is not worthy. ai art is art theft.
Keep fanart and fanwork culture alive
Keep fandom alive
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healingheartssociety · 3 months
Begging non aspec people to understand that just because two characters don't fuck doesn't mean they aren't very much in love with each other. You can be in love without wanting to get in the other person's pants. This isn't a hard concept to grasp.
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qwilanikan · 4 months
On Marriage in Fandom (with specific emphasis on Good Omens)
I’ve been reading a lot of GO fan fiction recently, and mostly I have been loving it! There are some amazing writers in this community and I’m so grateful to be able to benefit from their time and skill and imagination! But… I have a lot of cognitive dissonance when it comes to shipping Azicrow, and others, and the romanticization that fandoms put on marriage and them being married/husbands.
Some context:  I am a relationship anarchist.  
I wrote another post with more details about what this means to me, including my opinions on marriage as an institution, with a bunch of links to articles and resources if you are interested in digging into this a bit more.
So, I mentioned some cognitive dissonance.  I am pretty obsessed with Good Omens and with Aziraphale and Crowley and their relationship.  But, the fact that they rely solely on each other, does not align with my own values.  I don’t think it is healthy for them to have no other sources of support.  
And, of course there is a lot of discourse about them being ‘husbands’, what with the ‘ineffable husbands’ thing and such. 
This is something I’ve been thinking about for a while and felt compelled to try to express after encountering it over and over. Even though there are things about their relationship that don’t align with my values, I gush over Azicrow since they are not real, it’s a fantasy.  I have lifelong friends that I rely on and trust and care about deeply.  And so I can admire that in their relationship.  But once it enters the realm of marriage it gets harder for me.  
I see a lot of idealization of marriage in fandom without reflection or critique.  This is not unique to fandom by any means, it’s ingrained in our socialization.  
I am uncomfortable with so much emphasis on marriage (and hierarchical romantic relationships). I think organized monogamy and rule-based relationships (especially marriage) are about control and ownership, not love and respect and trust.  I don’t find that appealing at all. I wish the focus was on their love for each other, rather than creating a rule-based relationship between them and idealizing that.
I try to suspend my disbelief and just enjoy the warm fuzzies of Aziraphale and Crowley being cute. I love Aziracrow because I see their love and care for each other and their care for the world and humanity.  I want to celebrate that love and I don’t want to imagine that they are trying to control and coerce each other.  I don’t think that supports their love, I think it supports unhealthy systems in our society. 
* I want to acknowledge that this is not specific to Good Omens.  For instance this has been very present on the OFMD fandom since season two, and is just everywhere all the time.
* I have historically mostly lurked, and consumed fandom, rather than engaging publicly myself.  But this is something that I really care about and I want to be able to discuss. (Please feel free to engage with me about this!)
*I read one fic, (To reveal my heart in ink by chaoticlivi), which I loved. And something that I really appreciated about this fic is that even though Az and Crowley’s relationship was definitely sexual, and probably romantic (whatever that means… but that’s another topic), Az still continued to call Crowley ‘friend’ the whole time.  I loved that so much! There’s no reason they can’t still call each other ‘friend’ regardless of the ways that they relate might shift over time.
* Also, as occult/ethereal beings there is no practical advantage of them getting married, as they don’t need the financial or governmental benefits it gives you, so the only reason to do it is to idealize the idea of it and its hierarchical nature
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icedsodapop · 1 year
Me looking at the Jinn and Salim's love story from American Gods: RIP Jinn x Salim, who should have gotten the same hype that Aziraphale x Crowley gets that they will never get becos they are both Brown and Muslim and society loves to center White people 😒😒😒
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gaytedlasso · 1 year
I think that tumblr is burning but I don't really understand what's happening 💀
What's happening with Neil? Good omens? Destiel?
Good Omens season 2 trailer dropped yesterday which included a shot of Crowley and Assiraphale kissing it seems. The trailer was taken down and edited real quick but not before people saw it. Neil was disappointed in the leak situation which, yeah sure I get it. It was probably done for publicity and idk how much control the dude has over this stuff cuz idc. But anyway, the disappointment and anger was turned towards the fans for spreading the screenshot rather than Amazon who literally posted it. Neil literally reblogged a post saying such and said “This.”
As for destiel, the entire fandom is Misha coded and we’re uncomfortable when things are not about us ❤️. So since the show with a gay angel got an on screen kiss we’re making it about Destiel of course. It’s all just jokes.
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therealvinelle · 11 months
Since you hated the angels in SPN (i can't disagree with you about how they butchered them for people who are religious)
What do you think of good omens if you read/watched it?
I've both read and watched it!
I think it's a very good book and a very good adaptation, though I prefer the book and don't plan on seeing the upcoming season of the show.
At the risk of ruffling feathers, I think the best parts of the book came from Pratchett, I really like Gaiman's work (Having read American Gods, Coraline, and one of his short story collections) but... the two authors have different strengths, I think I'll say, and Good Omens played more on Pratchett's strengths than Gaiman's.
Mainly, with Gaiman, my issue is that while he comes up with very good concepts and has the prose to back his ideas up, he can't really carry a plot through to a satisfying end. His short stories are great because it doesn't become a problem, his attempt to write full length stories tend to suffer.
That being said, reading Good Omens you get the idea the authors wrote it to have fun and mess around with nifty characters and "hehe well what if 'his number shall be' was actually referring to a phone number!". Power to them, I'm guilty of the same when I cowrite with @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin, but the thing that strikes me about Good Omens is that there's a lot that... doesn't actually need to be in the book.
Let's say that we take out Shadwell, Madame Tracy, Anathema, and Newt Pulcifer.
How does this change things?
We lose out on a lot of the fun interactions that make Good Omens what it is, but the story wouldn't actually change at all. Perhaps they don't have to, I rather enjoy that Aziraphale and Crowley risked everything to prevent the Apocalypse, the novel is about an angel and a demon preventing the Apocalypse, only for them to not matter at all as Adam makes the decision on his own: but rather than ending the book on a punchline as the entire cast just sort of stands around awkwardly wondering if they can congratulate themselves when they uh haven't done anything, there's instead the soaring music of "They did it!"
"Uh, what did they do?"
"Something, I'm sure!"
Very Good Omens of them, but there's a strange dissonance where it seems we really are meant to think they did something.
Adam too is an odd character, in that he has been the unknowing God of his little world who is strongly implied to have created The Them (quite literally, given how his power seems to work). He is a facsimile of a human, one who seems to very much want a perfect human life and is capable of creating this for himself, but in doing so becomes so artificial that the weather reports give Newt the creeps.
And yet we don't... do anything with him. He's too humanised to come across as what I described above, but not human enough for me to not see him the way I do. He's just sort of there.
So yes, I have complaints about Good Omens, but overall it truly is a delightful book, just one where I would have chosen differently from the authors at many points.
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stedebonnit · 11 months
I am neither a coffee theory hater nor supporter. The number of times that specific coffee was shown in the intro does tell me that its not nothing. BUT!! I think it can have some truth and still be a moment of true disconnect between them!! I don't think that coffee theory even holds any weight if they weren't both already flawed!! Because if they had spent any damn time communicating instead of hiding shit from each other then Crowley would have known something was wrong, would have gone with him, or believed that Aziraphale genuinely wanted to make Heaven worthy of him.
If Aziraphale hadn't spent centuries hurting Crowley and making him feel like he was lesser then Crowley wouldn't have been so hurt by it.
I'm not saying that this makes coffee theory true, in fact I don't personally believe in coffee theory as an overt "Aziraphale was drugged and had no control" thing - I suspect if it is true that its far more subtle than that, something that drove a wedge between them rather than something that just mind controlled him (I mean, if that were true, wouldn't Aziraphale leaving have been overtly crueler? Perhaps even just leaving without a word? No, its far more painful if the persuasion is subtle, if Aziraphale isn't controlled, but nudged in the "right" direction).
I'm not entirely sure where I'm going with this, but as someone firmly in neither camp, I just want to say that coffee theory doesn't negate Aziraphale and Crowleys autonomy or choice in that finale. It isn't a magic "no one did anything wrong" plotline that makes the characters 2D. If anything it draws intentionally on their flaws to pull them slowly apart.
Because what is better for Heaven and Hell than to separate the love that saved the world last time?
This isn't just about drawing Aziraphale in, its about tearing Aziraphale and Crowley apart at the seams, and coffee or not, Heaven knew exactly how to do it without making either of them suspect a thing.
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phantomram-b00 · 3 months
Anyone recommend how to get my sister to stop pronouncing “A-Zero-Phale” without trying to tell her the entire iceberg on why he is not a zero?/hj 🥲
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orionsangel86 · 10 months
So, I'm not in the Good Omens fandom, but having seen the "controversy" over a potential sex scene (or even confirmation of a sexual relationship) and it's striking me that the "asexuals vs. other queer identities" thing used by fandom puritains is LITERALLY the classic "divide and conquer" tactic used to prevent effective unity among minorities since time immemorial. By making the different letters of the rainbow alphabet fight each other, they can never unite enough to get ANY rep, and the fandom puritains are basically doing exactly what status-quo loving studios want.
Yeah this 100%.
I may have calmed down on the salty rage after getting a good nights sleep, but if there is one thing I really can't stand its the incessant infiltration of queer spaces by puritans.
I wish more people could see that the rhetoric they are parroting around the echo chamber is just anti sex puritanical conservative bullshit and not the "call for ace representation" that they think it is.
It is very much an attempt to divide the community and turn sex positive queer folk and asexual people against each other (when actually they are the same people).
Asexuality is simply a lack of sexual attraction, it is not a complete disgust and repulsion of all things sexual to the point that you must ban the entire internet for daring to think of the word sex!
Whats so funny about this is that I am totally on board with the ace Aziracrow headcanon, but these people are claiming META ANALYSIS that might indicate any hint towards sexual desire or an interest in sex between them is somehow gross and aphobic.
I dont even think Aziracrow will be having sex in s3. Its unlikely. But if they do drop a few jokes and hints about the possibility, the last thing we need is a fandom full of puritans blowing up acting like its the end of the world because two male presenting beings might have possibly fucked.
Once you peel back the layers it does end up just looking like your run of the mill conservative christian homophobia. Fandoms must become more skilled at recognising the signs of puritanical infiltration and must start fighting back and thinking for themselves rather than following the crowd because it seems like they are "supporting ace people".
Honestly I'm tired. I've been calling out this bullshit for 8 years in fandom. It only seems to have got worse.
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biceratops7 · 2 years
Full disclosure,
I really hate the word “Proshipper” because when someone claims it I legit can’t tell if they see the value of problematic themes in media, or if they’re a closet p*do (aka I “think relationships between 14 and 20 year olds should be shown on screen for reasons”). Those things should definitely fucking not be under the same label.
Like seriously when tf did we collectively decide that you can either think every thing under the sun is worth representing in any light and all censorship is bad, or that everything anyone may possibly deem problematic must be censored? How tf did we make one of the most grey area, individualized dilemmas into binary internet teams??
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deadthingposting · 10 months
You know a thing makes me very proud
I've never seen a single What we do in the Shadows, Good omens or Our flag means Death AI generated fanart
Maybe is because I am in a good corner of the internet but as someone who sometimes lurk on the Harry Potter Fandom, Marvel fandom or A court of thorns and roses Fandom the amount of those shitty glossy ai hyperrealistic shit that come up ever now and then its disgusting
So yeah Good omens, our flag means death and what we do in the shadows yall deserve a little gold star for actually doing your own art
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Hello welcome. welcome to the Rotten woodlands . Enjoy your stay. It won't be Long.
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My name is Spider.
I am the author , here is some Information of and about me.
Kin shift. Other kin. Therian. Non religious witch. I do not identify with your terms of knowing but this is the best I can do for now.
I go by many names. I am the current Host of this system.
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My age bodily is 18. I am a system.
Pro nouns creature )creature self.
It) itself.
He or him
ECT. I am nb ftm trans masc gender fluid.
Queer leaning pansexual ish but I do not enjoy labels.
I am disabled mentally and physically disabled.
I write nsfw fluff ECT angst. And am a multi fandom writer. However this is 18+ so no one below the ages of eighteen is aloud upon my platform of posting. I do requests just be respectful and if I don't answer don't be pushy.
Dni racists Minors terfs biases right wing parties and zoophiles pedos lolicons ECT. Get the Hell out of here you Are Not Welcome and the bog creatures will eat you.
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magicofthepiper · 11 months
It's a little bit wild to think back on the shipping wankery that went on in the VLD fanbase, and how deeply it affected today's fandom culture.
A common consensus I see is that the definition of aoc goes by California's penal code 261.5. Therefore, the minimum is 18, and without room for Romeo and Juliet law unless married. It's a strictly age-based moral standard.
However, it was clearly Klance shippers that that were the most vocally anti Shaladin. Eventually, they would label themselves 'antis' as a badge of moral righteousness. Meanwhile, it was Sheith shippers who were the face of the anti-anti or proship side of the wankery.
Much of this was due to ambiguous wording describing the cast as teenagers and whether that applied to Shiro or not. And then came the day that DreamWorks decided to release a publication with the character's ages clearly stated. Shiro was 25, Lance was 17, and Keith.... was 18.
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