#anti elain archeron
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roxan1930 · 28 days ago
Kinda tempted to writ a what-if fic where in Silver Flames, when Nesta is given the "choice" to either get locked up in the HoW or being send to the human lands with the expectation to die there, she actually chooses the human lands, saying death would be better than surrounded by obnoxious hypocritical narcisists.
Feyre and Cassian would right away try to backtrack and just want to forced her to the HoW, only for Rhysand to be, "done" and just winnow her to the border and leave.
Back at the NC Feyre and Cassian would be pissed but Rhys just tells them he'll have eyes (not Azriel(he doesn't and hopes she'll just die and plans to pretend the pragnancy made him forget, even while also lying to Feyre about that)) on Nesta, along with some more manipulation and gaslighting till they just give in.
Nesta meanwhile tries to avoid being seen, but soon get's discovered and has to run from a mob, only to get saved by Lucien and Jurian.
They take her back to their manor where she's just in time to see Vassa transform from bird to woman.
She explains what happened and the BoE is disgusted with Feysand and their groupies and offer Nesta to stay with them and she accepts.
Slowly she gets better as she's treated by respect by the BoE and becomes friends with every member in some way (meeting sassy Lucien, mocking spoiled human lordling sons and daughters they grew up surrounded by with Vassa and talking about SMUT books, training with Jurian on her OWN CHOICE after watching him a few times and being offered to join, and all of them just being sarcastic and teasing each other.
They'd also discuss and ask her opinion on political matters( since, like many say, she was right away more suited and courtier than warrior)
When The IC finds out, first Cassian tries to get her back, only to be denied by Nesta and when he doesn't listen to her, get's send away by BoE.
He keeps coming around but keeps getting send away and Azriel starts spying and constantly reports moments where Nesta's happy and Cassian feels jealous of Lucien and Jurian, Feyre of Vassa for being sister-like with Nesta, and Elain of Vassa and also Nesta for being close to her mate.
Maybe have Eris coming over more often too and flirt with Nesta who flirts back, making Cassian worse.
At some point, Cassian get's told by Lucien he's a worthless matee who doesn't care about Nesta and will always easily put the IC over her, and Nesta confirms that while she likes (or liked?) him, he's not what she needs until he actually changes
She also, since she doesn't need to rely on the NC for protection, tears into Feyre for her I-always-did-everything-while-my-sisters-did-nothing attitude, mentioning all kinds of things she did that Feyre ignored and how she's become a selfish obnoxious hypocrite that flaunts money and laughs at those less fortunate.
Also at Elain for always sitting on her ass and being useless and trying to act like the victim after always having Nesta take care of her and protect her, yet turning her back on her as soon as she needed Elain to take care of her for once. Maybe also tear into her for being a bitch to Lucien and saying he deserves better than her.
In the end ereryone does get better but I don't know how yet.
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ladydeath-vanserra · 2 months ago
thinking about that scene where Elain comes to talk to Nesta after she packed up all her things while she got berated by Rhysand and Feyre and Elain manages to flip it back on Nesta and runs out and cries to Rhysand and Cassian about Nesta "not even trying". the audacity of this girl never fails to astound me
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kataraavatara · 8 months ago
keep waiting for the part in silver flames where Nesta was like “yeah, fuck it, let elain do it” when the ic kept holding it over her head that if she didn’t find the trove or do xyz for them elain would have to. like this girl packed up your shit behind your back and sent you off to the house of wind before coming up there, provoking you, and then acting surprised and playing victim when you understandably snapped at her, crying about some “she’s not trying hard enough” let elain lie in the bed she made i beg of u
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achaotichuman · 3 months ago
If you like Elain, don't read.
I'm not gonna sit here and repeat the same tired lines of "I know she was traumatised from the Cauldron blah blah blah" You all know that, you know I know she's traumatised, I talk about this shit like every other day.
Lets talk mating bonds (again)
Elain and Lucien are equal in that they are entirely tied together. In fact, it hurts Lucien *more*. If anything, Elain has the most power in this situation compared to Lucien, she has the most autonomy, she is at risk of having the ghost of mating bond past™ haunt her if she rejects it. Lucien is at risk of actually losing his entire fucking mind.
And you people want to call that fair?????? People genuinely think that Elain is some victim of Lucien in this????
Everyone is so fucking obsessed with 'Elain having choice' ELAIN HAS ALL THE CHOICE, LUCIEN IS ENTIRELY AT HER MERCY
Let's compare Elain and Nesta's situations (AGAIN)
They both suffered the exact same terrifyingly, horrible physical, sexual, emotional and mental torture that the Cauldron inflicted on them. Morphing them against their will.
Now, Nesta immediately went to protect Elain. Her trauma response was to prioritise Elain (probably had to do with that being her ingrained instinct from their years in poverty, but that's another analysis for another day)
What was also Nesta's response? To bring up her walls and shut everyone out. She wanted to handle this on her own. She wanted space and time.
Elain softened. After months of being catatonic, she began a routine and made the best of her situation. Most importantly, her healing did not threaten anyone's egos, so the IC gave her the time, space and place to heal that she needed. They provided that for her.
Not to mention, Lucien is a person that the IC collectively hates, so combined with the fact that Elain is a walking housewife stereotype who doesn't threaten anyone's egos, and that her mate is someone her 'found family' doesn't like. She gets all the protection in the world.
Compare that to Nesta, who does threaten the IC's egos, and does bend their social rules, and doesn't bow down to them, they don't give her space, time or a place to heal. They threaten her, and lock her up. And combine that with the fact that her mate is Cassian, a member of the IC, they disrespect her wishes, and her bodily autonomy.
She has so much power over Lucien, who is quite literally in exile from every home he has ever known, handling more work than most people could ever deal with. Dealing with indescribable trauma of his own, and on top of it, he is receiving no help for it. Sure, he has the band of exiles, wanna guess what? THEYRE HUMANS, HE IS A FAERY, THEY CAN ONLY DO SO MUCH FOR HIM
Elain has ignored Lucien, and actively pursued relationships with others (Azriel), she shits all over Nesta, slut shames and guilt trips her.
But she's the soft one™ so no one is allowed to give her a single consequence to her actions.
I see so many posts of people praising Elain because she's #notawarriorgirly and she's #feminine and she #doesn'twannacarryasword
I hate to break it to you, but SJM hasn't written the feminine rep you've been craving.
Elain is actively putting Lucien in pain, for no reason at all. She is actively hateful towards Nesta who has only ever helped her. She victimises herself if she doesn't get her way.
It's not Elain's story that should be about choice, because she has ALL OF THE FUCKING CHOICE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. FEYRE HAS LESS CHOICE THAN HER
If you think for even two fucking seconds about this, it's pretty damn obvious that Lucien is the one who doesn't have choice in the mating bond. What if he had a romantic relationship with someone? Now, he *has* to give it up, because his 'choices' are:
1- Reject the bond and lose his mind and go mad
2- Don't accept or reject and spend the rest of his life pinning after a woman against his will.
3- Accept the bond and be chained to someone he doesn't want against his will
And on top of the creepy mating bond, this is a man who was being sexually abused by both Ianthe and Feyre! What a combo!
If I see one more 'Elain Deserves Choice' post, I am actually gonna implode I fear...
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iocaisaint · 4 months ago
Random ACOTAR takes
cw*: my unsolicited opinions
I agree with #that woman that canon Lucien and Nesta (and I mean pre-ACOSF) would've been terrible for each other sorry
As of right now Nesta is the only Archeron sister with direct connection to the Dusk Court, like her and her alone 🤷🏾‍♀️
Out of the love square (?) Lucien is lowkey the only one with a storyline that isn't made out of paper mache and hope. There's so many angles you could go: Beron, Eris, LOA, The Autumn Court or Spring Court, Tamlin, or Day Court, Helion, being an heir, or helping Vassa with Koschei + his overall friendship with Jurian + Vassa + humans as a whole and that's without touching on the mating bond even once. Real set-up wished she'd done that with everyone else
That being said, I disagree with a bunch of Lucien's stans when it comes to his characters, y'all have a power fantasy for him that's in direct contradiction to how he's actually written (I mean I get it the books treat him like trash)
If Nesta is pregnant I'll have a crash out to end all crash outs.
Everybody in this fandom bar maybe Feysands are shipping fanon, the scenes that y'all talk about and the ones that exist on page are either not the same or straight up don't exist.
I hate the HK/HQ plot even for Nesta, like is blatant colonialism.
Everybody here is a hypocrite when it comes to their faves we'd all be happier admitting then bending over backwards.
I do not care for Elain, simply because fanon Elain is so far removed from what's on page, that most her pro arguments simply don't make sense to me.
There's no reason for Helion to give up his Pegasi but I know HOFAS was a mess but when the place was revitalised after the Asteri were murdered they came back, my guess is that place and the prison are mirror worlds so the same will happen once the Prison is liberated
Azriel isn't boring but he also isn't extremely interesting. If he was a girl no one would gaf about him, but there are enough concepts of an idea where I could see his book not being awful.
Neither the pro or the anti side gives a fuck about Emerie, double points if you're engaging in that ship war. No I won't expand on this, I'm right.
Nessian sucks, that's all.
Actually no I'm expanding on that point, the fact that people defend no "I love you" from the MMC is crazy, that fact that people defend Nesta being threatened without Cass stepping in even worse, the fact that Rhys knows he can berate Nesta in Cassian's presence....like they had an 800+ page book and I'm still having to hear about how they need to "grow as characters" y'all aren't serious people
I've become more neutral-positive to Feyre because some of the arguments against her are just crazy but on that note she'd be deeply more entertaining if the narrative wrote her refusal for self reflection as a flaw
Gwyn cannot be a evil light singer and irrelevant at the same time please pick one.
Also I don't hate the light singer theory, sorry. Monsters not actually being monsters is this series's bread and butter. It'd be great if a woman finally got that treatment
I can already tell Eris is about to be retconned to hell because SJM hates a character not being vindicated by the narrative to redeem them (she already started by implying Eris wants his father dead for #feminism). Let it be known I like/d him as is
I don't get into arguments about Rhys cause I find him boring. Y'all are fighting day in day out about faerie Ronald Reagan
Nesta should've been bi, how tf did we get stuck with Mor
I have more but that's it for now.
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daybreakmusings · 2 years ago
Elain telling Nesta “All you can think about is what my trauma has done to you” was incredibly ignorant and no one can convince me otherwise.
For some reason, Elain thinks the trauma that had resulted from that night belongs solely to her and Nesta is being selfish for trying to take any ownership of it.
Everything in Nesta’s life, has always been about Elain. She came first and she never stopped to think about how it could impact Nesta. Very rarely does Nesta have the time to face her own trauma and learn to heal from it because she was always in environments/situations that put her on guard to protect her sister. And Elain has always been comfortable allowing her to do so while she retreats to the background where it was safe. She has never thought twice about putting Nesta in these positions all her life. 
When the sisters first come to Pythian, Elain completely checks out from the weight of the loss and trauma she has experienced. Which is completely understandable. But she isn’t the only one to have lost so much. So had Nesta. But at a time where Nesta may have needed her support, she wasn’t there. 
All Elain could think about was what their shared trauma has done to her. But Nesta never cared.
Those first few weeks in Pythian? Nesta was there to check on her. To make sure she is eating. To ensure her wellbeing. To see to her needs. To make sure she is comfortable.
In ACOSF, for the first time in Nesta’s life, she isn’t capable of putting Elain first. But Elain is unwilling to confront the possibility that the trauma they both experienced that night may have affected her sister differently than it did her. As a result, she avoids putting herself in a position where she might have to face the full extent of that truth.
I’m not saying that Elain doesn’t have a right to feel greatly impacted by what had happened to her. She went through alot. But she doesn’t get to pick and choose whose trauma that night was greater and warrants more concern.
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nestaismommy · 2 years ago
Instead she said, “You’re angry with me.”
Bitch you packed her shit behind her back to help the inner circle lock her up, and then you told her to not be so miserable about it and you expected her to not be angry??
“For packing my things while Rhysand and Feyre told me I’m a worthless pile of shit? Yes.” Elain crossed her arms and said calmly, sadly, “Feyre warned me this might happen.” The words struck Nesta like a slap.
This bitch??
“Don’t ever mention him.” Nesta bared her teeth, but kept her voice low. “Never fucking mention him again.”
Guess what? She mentioned him again lmao
Pain slowly washed over Elain’s face. And understanding. “Is that what this is all about? Father?”
Nesta pointed to the door, finger shaking with the effort of keeping that writhing power at bay. Each word from Elain’s mouth threatened to undo her restraint. “Get out.”
Guess what? She didn’t get out lmao and kept on mentioning her father anyways.
And then when Nesta snapped- Elain finally got out, and cried
Her brown eyes were bright with tears, but she kept her chin high. “I want to go home,” she said, voice wobbling slightly.
Yes please go away
Elain stood by the rail, the breeze caressing her hair. “She’s not getting any better. She’s not even trying.” She wrapped her arms around herself and stared toward the distant sea.
So you tell her to not be so miserable, and you mention talking about her with Feyre, and you bring up her father when Nesta clearly said to not mention him, and you proceed to talk about him, and then when she tells you to get out, you don’t get out, and when she snaps and reacts negatively, she’s somehow not getting any better because she’s not nice to you after you were being an asshole. Nice.
See this is the fucking problem, Nesta shows any emotion and somehow she’s not getting better because she should just sit there and take it and be the obedient female they want her to be. They want her to sit back- and allow them to disrespect her and throw very disgusting words at her. And when she isn’t doing that, then she has a problem and she needs to be fixed.
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xstarlightsupremex · 3 months ago
Lmaooo so I watched Wicked (fantastic) and every time NessaRose came on screen I was like,
Ms. Elain Archeron??? Is that you?? What are you doing here??
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viajandopelomar · 2 months ago
II received a question about Elain in Portuguese from @hani-yo, so I'm bringing it to you in English so that more people can see it:
"bro, you know what's worse? I can't even imagine what's going to come out of Elain X Lucien. And I like Elucien, to be honest, because I think Elain could be the sweetness that Lucien is missing after all the disgrace this man has been through. But I don't know Elain, I'm not sure about her. Of all the sisters, I've always found her the most manipulative, since she hides behind her sweet personality and no one seems to notice.
She's the kind of person who doesn't say anything but inside must be dying of anger at certain situations. And even though I already knew that, I still didn't expect her to turn her back on Nestha, you know? Because the two of them were flesh and blood, even in the scams of wanting Feyre to give them money to go out and buy things, they were together.... So, after what she said to Nestha, I totally didn't understand her character anymore.
In fact, I think Sarah Janet has no idea what to do with the character of Elain"
For there are two of us, I don't understand Elain's personality as something useful in a fantasy story. She shouldn't be there. I might love this creature if she were in another genre, a warm romance, but fantasy??? She's so out of tune with the genre that she SLEPT during the battles and even afterwards, while the soldiers screamed in pain. She's actually a plant (which makes me think that in vrd I'd hate her in any book, unless she was actually an npc florist).
We don't have any information about her apart from the fact that she has doe eyes (I personally think of them as the eyes of a fool, because holy shit Feyre, couldn't you describe your sister's eyes better?), that she's the prettiest of the sisters, that she likes flowers and that she kept repeating all the time after she came out of the cauldron that she had lost her fiancé. That's all. Oh, and she also learned to cook later in the war, in a comfortable mansion, and not when they were in the hut 😂.
I also think that SJM doesn't know what to do with her. She must have regretted raising three sisters or not killing any of them.
Regarding Elain and Nesta, I have an opinion that will be very difficult for the author to undo in the plant book. Nesta is in no position to offer Elain anything else. When they were children, Nesta was in her mother's good graces and because Elain was her little doll, she saw that and became close to Nesta. In the hut, it's kind of implied that Nesta did all the housework since, canonically, neither Feyre nor Elain knew how to do anything, so next to Nesta Elain had a maid, who, having grown up seeing her mother treat Elain like a doll, had this ingrained thought that she was fragile. Nesta always saw Feyre as the wild girl who wasn't attached to anything (her mother's and grandmother's clutches), so Feyre, who was never as delicate as Elain, didn't need any attention. I'm talking about the context where they were all children, and how they grew up with THAT dynamic, Feyre never needed attention (but she ended up becoming unbearably needy, crying in Rhysand's lap all the time as if she were his daughter), and Elain got so used to it that now she has Feyre's graces, who grew up watching Elain being protected by Nesta.
In chapter 2 of ACOTAR, Feyre herself thinks that Elain simply DOESN'T THINK she could get her hands dirty and help, something like that. As if she was really dumb, on the same level as that boy who went viral for not knowing how to cut a loaf of bread and the beast who cut sausage, but to the characters she's just innocent and sweet.
So now Nesta is in a position where SHE needs Feyre, because she no longer has any authority. She's a war refugee in strange territory, surrounded by fairies she's learned to hate all her life (her sister is even to blame for this). Nesta is no longer in a position to take care of Elain, because her trauma has finally exploded after she suppressed it for Elain's sake, and Elain who was taken care of and protected by Nesta to the point that Nesta went to the meeting of the Grand Lords as a specimen for appreciation because no one would believe Feyre and Rhsyand, only for no one to dare offer the same offer to Elain. Same thing in ACOSF: they talk to Nesta, she denies it, they say they'll go to Elain, Elain shows up saying she'll go because then Nesta won't be able to threaten them (and they don't want that because they know her power is stifled and they don't want to take it up the ass), and then she's coerced into going.
Do we get any mention in that book of Elain actually learning to look for the objects in case Nesta can't? No, we don't, even though in IC's vision Nesta was rolling around in the library instead of just going there and taking a chance. Feyre would never really demand anything of Elain. She claimed that Elain wouldn't go near Eris, but Nesta should simply DANCE WITH HIM AND SEDUCE HIM! Elain is loving all this. She has more perks with Feyre who is married to Rhsyand than she had before with Nesta (I find it funny that she lives with them, by the way. Nesta has at least moved out of the couple's house. Elain also uses his money but still stays in the house 😂).
Nesta protected Elain and wouldn't let any fairy near her from the cauldron until Feyre came back, but Elain left Nesta the moment Nesta said that she had her life, and they had theirs. But Nesta always had her life and always looked after Elain so that she would remain this cute little doll. A life of care, practically, and in return she received abandonment. When Feyre goes to Nesta in that bar I remember Feyre mentioning that Elain wanted to see Nesta, or something, so Nesta said she could go whenever she wanted, and then Feyre said "you know she doesn't like places like that", but the point was Nesta, wasn't it? Why did it have to be about an environment for Elain, who was fine and laughing and drinking wine right after the war, but Nesta who had isolated herself because she couldn't stand how they were just GARGHAMING after leaving the battlefield had to go to a place Elain liked? Wasn't it Nesta who needed the "cure" now? Wasn't she the one who needed to be reached?
In the same way at the Casa, when Elain only showed up out of the blue after having the audacity to pack Nesta's things. And she left crying because for the first time Nesta didn't treat her like a little doll that needed looking after. It must have pained Elain to realize that she would no longer have Nesta's steel spine as a shield forever and ever. She realized that having done things behind her really did have consequences, and that Nesta wouldn't always welcome her (I would have loved it if this had been addressed in the book, but I'll have to make do with the fanfics), Elain even said that "Nesta's even trying", but she was doing everything she was told, training and working without being paid at the library, wasn't she? What is trying? How did Elain try? In the war she slept, then she laughed... I've never understood what healing in acotar is, why characters heal like that. In the spring Feyre was terrified of red, and at dinner with the IC (the first one, the same day she left the spring), she watched Amren drink blood quietly? That's more from the author, who doesn't address anything. She plays up the trauma and makes it seem serious, then a few pages later it becomes useless because it's no longer there, the personality healed with the magic stick. Nesta is dealing with it in the same way as before: sex. She has sex with Cassian to escape, but in the end nobody cares. Rhsyand smelled it the first time he took Emerie to the house and only let it go when one of the reasons Nesta was arrested WAS UNFREED SEX! But it's okay if the sex is with Cassian, the general, and he doesn't go crazy because his bond has been broken 😏. And elain, the cretin, still cried after the invasion of Nesta's space (again, elain and feyre are very whiny. Too much. That's why Nesta is seen as cold, because for IC it might be normal for girls feyre and elain's age to cry a lot, but Nesta doesn't do that, so feyre says Nesta is cold, and they agree) as if she were the victim, and Rhsyand was pissed. RHYSAND who is always talking crap like choices to everyone, but at the first opportunity is manipulating the choices of even her partner. Right from the start.
I laugh every time I remember Rhsyand telling Feyre that although gardening is something that bears beautiful fruit, it's important to remember that you have to get your hands dirty to reach your goal. I always think he's referring to all gardeners, because she's not even a real gardener, she doesn't do it. She uses Rhsyand's account and does volunteer work with the gardens destroyed in the attack on Velaris. I think Rhsyand also wants to use gardeners as psychics and weapons because he's incapable of doing politics using his brain. He has to destroy something and is happy to have a lot of magic to scare off the possible retaliation he might suffer as a consequence.
Elain is an opportunist, a puppy who wags her tail at whoever gives her the tastiest food.
I use a translator called DeepL, so maybe the English translation sounds a bit confusing
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colorlesschristmastree · 2 years ago
“Don’t blame Nesta and Elain for Feyre’s choices” maybe it’s because i’m not a scummy human being but when someone helps me and is doing something for me, I ask if they need help.
Feyre was 14 and her older sisters and father were about to let her starve, she had no family that would have taken her in. She needed food. She needed to eat. Let’s say she wasn’t planning to feed them, lets say she went hunting for herself only. Where would she have prepared the meat? In the woods where she could be attacked by animals? Closer to town where her game was likely to be stolen? She would’ve had nowhere to go except home and Nesta, Elain, and their father are three selfish people who when Feyre shows up with food, they’re asking for it. So yeah, I will blame those three selfish, lazy people because they are at fault for how things went down.
If Nesta was so adamant about making the father help she shouldn’t have ate the food, she should’ve starved herself to death and rid us all of her presence. But she didn’t, because she didn’t actually care that much about who was bringing in the food, she just wanted an excuse to get someone else to do the work for her. To get someone else to prove themselves to her.
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roxan1930 · 3 months ago
Elain Archeron is a horrible sister
Come at me with all the hate you want.
I'm hoping she gets a better story in her own book, and desperately want to like her, but let's be honest, she's not a good sister.
When they were kids and their dad was being beaten up, she and Nesta ran and hid and left Feyre to deal with watching their dad be beaten, not even bothering with her or their dad
When their family was poor, just like Nesta, Elain was fine with letting Feyre go out into the woods to hunt and put herself in danger constantly.
She kept whining and spending money, mostly on herself and it felt like she only spend on the others to keep up her "sweet and innocent"-act.
She didn't grow vegetables or and when growing flowers it was never mentioned she tried to do anything like sell them or something else to get them food or money
Whenever Nesta was nasty to Feyre or the other way around, Elain would never really tell either of them to knock it off or help when someone was treated unfairly
She went along with whatever Nesta always said and did, and whenever that was wrong, was fine with Nesta getting all the blame instead of owning up to her own faults
After Feyre turned High Lady and Nesta was suffering, like the others, she never considered how Nesta had her own traumas and was suffering
When Feyre and the IC decided to lock Nesta in the House of Wind, Elain packed all Nesta's stuff without her permission, literally betraying the last bit of trust
Like Nesta said, Elain's loyal to whoever keeps her comfortable. When Nesta was always protecting and guarding her, she always chose Nesta's side over Feyre, but when Feyre was the one providing care, a house and food without Elain doing anything for it, she turned her back on Nesta without a second thought
Like I said, I want to like Elain, but I find it annoying how Feyre, Nesta and the Inner Circle all at some point act like Elain's always so "kind and innocent" who should be protected from everything, including the consequences of her own actions and attitude
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ladydeath-vanserra · 4 months ago
it makes me really sad that Nesta has never known unconditional love her entire life. not from her parents, sisters or her mate. Only Gwyn and Emerie have her back 😭
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kataraavatara · 11 months ago
“nesta needs her karma for favoring elain over feyre” SHE GOT IT. nesta poured her whole self into elain. didn’t leave her side for WEEKS when she was catatonic. she was always the closest with elain, thought Elain understood her more than anyone. and as soon as the going got tough elain jumped ship without a second thought. she literally packed up nesta’s things to send to the house of wind. she came up there when nesta was depressed and told her to her face she “doesn’t need to be so miserable about it.” being locked up against her will. she brought up their father and then nesta very clearly told her not to bring up their father and to get out. what did elain do in response? bring up their father again and does not get out. then she acts shocked when nesta snaps after she violated clear set boundaries, runs away crying, and complains about Nesta “not even trying to get better.” when has Elain once stuck up for Nesta? never. All the time, effort, and care was never reciprocated. Yeah, so Nesta got her karma for playing favorites and then some. Acting otherwise is being purposefully dense.
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achaotichuman · 2 months ago
OMG where have you been all this time?😭 People like you could have saved me from this series. I was introduced to the pro- fandom first and so I already had this impression on the characters. Then this Cassian walks in with his ‘I am an adorable goofball who doesn’t understand social cues but I have a heart of gold’ attitude and narrates their past. Then the Morrigan history. I WANTED TO CLAW MY EYES OUT. I was so lost, how can anyone think it’s normal? It’s not even a slow unpacking for people to build a barrier yet. I was hoping for his death at the end of WAR but that fucker survives. Then he gets worse and worse.
I honestly don’t care about the plot in these books really, a whole lot of faux women power and male ego and sword swinging which is tbf exhausting at this point. She found one formula that worked best the first time and she’s milking it. She knows her MMCs are more popular than her FMCs which is the saddest thing for a female author writing a female-centric books. But she doesn’t care, she actually is one of the groupies.
Feyre was her self-insert in TAR and her story was at the centre, not Tamlin. SJM was as neutral as a writer can be towards him. But her interests and love shifted to Rhysand and ever since the books have been about him rather than her FMCs. She retired Feyre so she can imprint on Nesta and even then, rhysand gets more attention than Feyre, who is Nesta’s sister, and it is their tumultuous relationship that apparently leads to SF.
The only comfort I have about Gwyriel is that they aren’t enemies as of now, they have childish banter and some understanding. So there wouldn’t be that heavy tension Feysand or Nessian had. So I’m hoping Gwyn won’t be traumatised for Azriel’s sad boy wallowing. But SJM won’t give up on violence and it’s concerning since both already have a terrible past.
I’d rather have Lucien happily prancing around in Spring all alone than him ending up with Elain😭 That man deserves some happiness and I KNOW how this is going to go down.
Well this took me forever to respond to, I am very sorry about that 😭
I get you with being introduced to the Pro-fandom first, I learned about ACOTAR through TikTok shortly after reading TOG, when I tell you I was *fanatic* for these series, I *loved* them. Dived right into the ACOTAR fandom, I knew the entire series plot like the back of my hand before I even read it, so there were no surprises for me when I read it. And whilst I was never 'anti Tamlin' at any point during my read, I was very pro IC for a while, then Silver Flames rolled around and I was like "Yah... fuck this." And I wrote my own fanfiction.
She found one formula that worked best the first time and she’s milking it.
Preach. SJM is praised continuously for being this super #feminist author, when in reality the themes of feminism in her book are extremely shallow and dependent on what her favourite MMC of the book is doing. There is going to be no reality in which the plot of the future books in this series get better, in fact, I suspect they will get far worse. ACOTAR, especially when compared to her other series, is a money maker. Shitty work that is low effort, that follows a specific formula that she is certain works. It's nothing more.
Entirely agree with you on SJM being at the very least neutral on Feyre and Tamlin's story until she fell in love with Rhysand, then she molded Feyre into an accessory of his. It's *especially* evident with Nesta, as you mentioned, Rhysand is still a focal point in Nesta's own story, despite her not liking him and having zero reason to like him. Their relationship, and 'hugging it out' at the end of Silver Flames is *incredibly* forced, Nesta just gave up everything for him after almost dying in the Blood Rite and the only connection she had with him or the IC before the Rite was them physically punishing her and wanting her dead. It was a cheap shot at creating a relationship for Rhysand and Nesta so SJM can fawn over him.
I definitely believe Gwynriel will be the least abusive of the three bat boys relationships, but I have no hope in Gwyn remaining an independent person, with a title of her own, forging her own path and healing on her own. I will bet two dollars at the end of this entire series, Gwyn, Nesta and Elain will all have babies, and ofc, Emerie being the only POC character will be forgotten about and maybe mentioned if we're lucky being seen alongside her shining, far far far more beautiful, definitely doesn't serve, no one knows why she choose her, girlfriend Morrigan.
I can't even with Elucien. I can only pray that SJM retcons Elain's shitty, shitty personality and she's not as much of an asshole in the Elucien arc, but I highly highly doubt it.
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stargirlfeyre · 2 years ago
“Feyre didn’t see value in Nesta and Elain’s skills” probably because they didn’t have any😭?
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thecatsaesthetics · 1 year ago
It’s not about whether Nesta or Elain should have done more, it’s about how they treated Feyre.
They emotionally, verbally, and financially abused Feyre.
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