#anti daniel larusso
People are talking crap that Johnny is a shitty dad for being there for Miguel and not Robby, but isn't that what Daniel is doing as well? I started season 3 and I think I've seen Anthony twice so far.
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rosie-tyler · 3 months
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Hey hey, you you
I know that you like me
No way no way
I know it's not a secret
Hey hey, you you
I want to be your boyfriend.
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msfbgraves · 3 months
It's so wild to me on a CK rewatch that the writers gave Daniel a son with insane psychological insight who knew:
-His sister was a wanted child and he was an accident;
-His parents demonstrably favoured his sister over him (he's not in the family photos beside their bed for chrissake)
-His parents don't care he knows as he never gets a reaction when he points this out to their face, not even one of reassurance (seriously the heart next to his baby photos in the scrapbook says "gotta love me" - a duty then, not a joy)
-Knew his father has a violent streak he hides even from himself;
-Knew his attention is entirely conditional: you either do what he likes (eating or karate), or he'll ignore you completely unless you act out (case in point: he replaced him with some random kid he moved into the house who did do karate)
-Had "friends" whose love was also entirely conditional, but was so terrified of being alone he was willing to be a bully rather than friendless
-Resented all of this so much he has stopped trying to work for anything, what's the point
-"Anthony you make everything worse"
-Had both an eating disorder and a screen addiction about this at like 12 ("Anthony, stop drinking the butter!")
And then CK went: "Whatever, we only created this kid to show Daniel is a loser who can't parent a Real Man" and promptly forgot about him for the rest of the show
Anthony LaRusso may not be an entirely fun person, but neither is Tory but at least we as the audience get to comiserate with her
The only one we can see give Anthony any positive attention before S5 is his grandma
I bet you Lucille LaRusso is the tech savviest grandma in her whole neighbourhood because she will have shown an interest in him and now she knows how to hack the smartfridges of people she hates
Will someone please make some actual time for this boy....! Even if Daniel was consumed with mad worry and grief over Miyagi right when Anthony was born we've seen Amanda spend more time with Tory than with him and that's his mother!
Yes, he's just some gremlin but under these circumstances, who wouldn't be??
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shiftinggossip · 4 months
Main drs?
My main dr is Karate Kid 🫶(Ralph Macchio version)
I also have different childhood series drs tho like Ninjago, Barbie, Tmnt, Bratz, Winx and Httyd😭
Write your drs in the comments🫶🩷
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johnnyslvr · 4 months
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⁺‧₊˚ ཐི⋆♱⋆ཋྀ ˚₊‧⁺
ཐིཋྀ⋆ Born to be married and have 4 kids with Ralph Macchio, forced to be a teen girl fangirling over him ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱
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ryanjudgesthings · 2 years
Daniel LaRusso being told as a child by his abuser that the crane kick is weak and won't defeat anyone only for Daniel to grow up and crane kick that same abuser in the face is immensely satisfying, I'm just saying.
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terrence-silver · 2 years
Surprised that Amanda is presented as the voice of reason and logic concerning Daniel���s dabblings in the Karate war and even leaves him and takes the children with her for a while when things escalate during the fundraiser where Daniel snaps and pushes Terry into the Bonsai stand, but Johnny has been involved in all of this nonsense for five seasons too now (and is the reason Cobra Kai returned in the first place) and yet that same Amanda never pulls Carmen to the side to express valid concern that her friend is having a baby with effectively the same type of man she herself briefly left...except, you know, not nearly as accomplished, family oriented, successful or stable, only barely on the verge of sobriety. Instead, at the end of the season, Amanda’s there admiring Carmen’s stolen ring, which Johnny removed off of someone’s severed finger all like ‘Yass Queen!!!’ 😬
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yoaisettos · 8 months
when you finally get your friend to watch a show but they diss both your favorite characters
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hazel-eyedserpent · 1 year
No! STOP IT! I don’t like Daniel with Terry! He is literally the ONLY of Daniel’s former rivals/enemies, that has ABSOLUTELY ZERO redeeming qualities, or moments, at any point that I’ve seen him.
Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate that my friends know how much I love the Karate Kid series, and Cobra Kai. And I wouldn’t put someone down because they ship them.
But…this is how I feel when my friends send me pictures and posts about Silverusso….
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shrinkthisviolet · 1 year
Samtory, Lawrusso, and Danmiko for the ship bingo!!
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I love this ship! I doubt it’ll be canon, and tbh I’m fine with that, because generally there are only a few authors I trust to write it well anyway (and within the canon, Samguel has been the driving force throughout all the seasons, so it would be bizarre to throw that away). Canonically, I just want Samtory friendship. Thank you s5 for that (even tho Sam apologizing to Tory first was weird…literally why)
I think Sam and Tory have a fascinating dynamic that some fanfic authors make brilliant use of—and yes, I did color in “they could fix each other” and “they could make each other worse” because tbh it could go either way and I think it goes both ways at times 😂 in fanon, they’re amazing! I have 3 fics about them in my AO3 recs, which I highly recommend 💞
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I’ve talked before about how I don’t like this ship as much as I used to, and it’s because I liked it back when Johnny was a more interesting character who seemed to have an actual arc and growth going for him. There was even a time when I shipped Lawrussomanda (aka the ship with no good OT3 name), because the three of them had such a great dynamic in the early seasons!
But my dislike of Lawrusso now stems from my dislike of Johnny as a character. So much regression and so much backsliding and pointless drama *sigh* I only like them when Johnny is written as a better character (which is why it depends who’s writing them and how they write Johnny).
(However if you wanna read a great fic about them…Root Beer Floats and Green Tea by @desolateice is super long but so incredibly worth it imo 💞 it’s movie-verse and picks up right after KK1!!)
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In the movies, they’re my absolute OTP 💞 in the show, Amaniel’s married, so Damiko besties. Hence, it’s complicated 😂 I liked a few of their s3 scenes, but some others felt like ship-teasing (and I somewhat believe that they dropped the Chozen x Kumiko tease because they realized that they implied emotional cheating and had to cover it up)
I will always, however, side-eye the show writers for not making Damiko married at the show’s outset when it would’ve been so easy to get them back together. Like?? Would that not also make Sam’s arc more interesting?? A half-Japanese kid (maybe one who looks white passing, if they wanna keep Mary Mouser)?? Especially if they kept the white-passing aspect, it could’ve contributed to Sam’s conflict between karate/heritage and fitting in! I just…*sigh*
(This series, btw, is a fantastic Damiko post-KK2 AU, I can’t recommend it enough 💞)
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darkcrowprincess · 11 months
(Don't like don't read. Post hate and I'll block you)
Lawrusso thoughts: for me personally Daniel is the only one for Johnny. But I could see Daniel with several other people(besides Amanda 🤮, never Amanda). Kumiko, Terry Silver, Chozen. But god do I have a soft spot for Johnny and Daniel being together. I could maybe see Johnny and Allie have a second chance romance together if it was better written, Johnny actually had a decently written redemption arc, Daniel was happily married to Kumiko. But over all Lawrusso is my otp. I just all the romantic writing potential they could have if we lived in better world. Thank goodness for fanfiction.
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They are soulmates I tell you! Soulmates!
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"You've burned bridges with pretty much everyone here." Daniel is so mean, especially for someone whose supposed to be the nice one. At least when Johnny is mean to his students he wants them to be better. Daniel isn't wrong. He just could have said it in a better way.
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lulamadison · 3 months
So last night I had a drunk idea for a fanfic. It was miserable as hell, but I seemed very excited about it, judging by my tumblr posts 🤣
Today I found a text file named "Anti Lawrusso fic" on my phone, and it was filled with notes for this fic, so I decided to actually write it... (I am a huge Lawrusso fan, so this fic idea took me by surprise when I read it lol)
Sorry about any mistakes. I haven't even read this through, but I'll fix them tomorrow
I'm actually going to warn for dub-con on this one, even though everything is consensual.
Summary: Johnny will do anything to keep his kids safe, even if it means lying to Daniel.
I Was Made For Loving You
“I love you,” Daniel sighed as he tenderly brushed his fingers through the hair at Johnny's temple.
Daniel was laid on top of him, his weight pressing down, trapping Johnny's spent cock against his damp belly.
Johnny stared up at him, grateful that Daniel was was still with him.
He'd do anything to keep Daniel happy.
No matter what.
It was strange the way it started, Johnny thought.
Daniel had confessed his love in the dojo one day and it had taken him by surprise.
“I love you,” Daniel said, as he reached out and placed his hand on Johnny's arm. “And I know you feel the same way. I've seen how you look at me.”
Johnny took a step back, his mouth opening and closing, before he finally said, “You love me?”
Daniel's face fell, like a sudden and crushing realisation had just hit him, and Johnny couldn't figure out what the hell was going on.
“Oh my god,” Daniel said, as he closed his eyes
“What?” Johnny asked, his head still swimming in confusion.
Daniel looked down at the floor, his face flushing red, as he quietly said, “You don't feel the same way.”
“Wait,” Johnny said, holding up a hand. “You love me?”
“I need to go,” Daniel said, as he turned and started to walk away. He glanced back, over his shoulder and said, “I'm sorry. Just forget this happened.”
“Daniel!” Johnny shouted after him, as the door closed.
Johnny bought a six pack on the way home. He already had one in his refrigerator, but six beers wasn't going to cut it. He needed to get wasted tonight.
Three beers in, sat on his couch, and he still couldn't get it straight in his head.
LaRusso was in love with him.
They were good friends now, yeah, but love?
How the hell had that happened?
Johnny was just thankful every day that LaRusso seemed to have forgiven him for what went down between them back in high school, and he really valued the friendship that they had now. Daniel was someone he could rely on, and he didn't have many people like that in his life.
Sure, he was a loud mouth cocky little shit at heart, just like he'd been at 16, but he knew if he needed help, or simply just someone to grab a beer with on Friday night, Daniel would be there for him.
Apparently Daniel had seen their friendship as something more than that though.
“Shit,” Johnny said, as he sat upright.
Daniel had split with Amanda just a couple of months ago.
Had Daniel left his wife for him? Had LaRusso blown apart his own marriage, only for Johnny to shoot him down in flames?
Daniel wouldn't have done that surely, not without finding out if Johnny felt the same way?
“And I know you feel the same way. I've seen how you look at me.”
That's what Daniel had said, just after his big confession.
“Fuck,” Johnny whispered to himself.
He went to the refrigerator and took out the second six pack.
He really should have bought more beer.
Daniel didn't come to class for the next week.
“He hasn't been answering many of my messages. I think he's sick,” Sam said with a frown, when Johnny asked her where her dad was. “I haven't seen him much to be honest. Since he and my mom split he hasn't been the same.”
“OK, well if you talk to him will you tell him I was asking after him?” Johnny said.
Sam shrugged, she turned away, and over her shoulder she bitterly said, “Tell him yourself. You probably see him more often than I do.”
After class Johnny stopped off at the Mini Mart for more beer.
There was something in Sam's reply that filled him with dread. Did she know her dad was in love with him? Did she know that Daniel torpedoed his own life for a guy who didn't have a clue how he felt?
Johnny picked up his beer and took it to the register, then said, “I need a bottle of Whiskey too.”
The guy placed the bottle on the counter and rang it up, barely looking up as Johnny handed over the cash.
Johnny grabbed the bottle and headed out of the door, walking quickly across the lot towards the van.
As he rounded the corner, pulling his keys out, he came face to face with John Kreese, and dropped the bottle of Whiskey.
“Fuck!” Johnny shouted as the bottle hit the ground and shattered.
“It's for the best,” Kreese said. “You drink too much.”
“What the hell, man?” Johnny asked, staring at him. “What are you doing here? The cops will be looking for you.”
Kreese shrugged. “I'm sure they have more pressing matters than searching for an old man.”
“I'm going to call them, you know?” Johnny said, as he jabbed a finger into Kreese's chest. “You need to be rotting in a cell.”
“I came with a warning,” Kreese said, his face growing dark.
“Oh yeah? What's that?” Johnny asked. “You gonna try something?”
“Terry is getting out of jail tomorrow,” Kreese said. “And I know that he has his sights set on your boy.”
“What?” Johnny gasped. “How is he getting out of jail after what he did?”
“Money will buy you a lot of freedom,” Kreese said.
“Why the hell is taking his shit out on Robby?” Johnny asked. “He should be coming after me or LaRusso.”
“He's not really interested in Robby,” Kreese said. “Taking Robby away from you is your punishment for your part in his downfall, especially now the boy is without a Sensei.”
“What the hell's that supposed to mean?” Johnny asked, taking a step forward. “Robby is my student.”
“No,” Kreese said. “LaRusso is his Sensei and with him in the wind, Robby will be easy to poach.”
Johnny stiffened. “What do you know about LaRusso?”
“I know you've had a falling out and he's no longer on the scene,” Kreese said. “It's a shame because he was really the only thing keeping Terry away, now he knows how to beat him.”
“Daniel?” Johnny asked. “Silver is scared of him?”
“As close to fear as someone like him can feel,” Kreese said with a shrug. “And without LaRusso it's open season on you and your students.”
“You're lying,” Johnny said angrily.
“Am I?” Kreese said, raising and eyebrow. He turned and began to walk away, then turned back and said, “I guess time will tell.”
“Shit,” Johnny said, as he paced his living room.
The kids were in danger. Robby was in danger, because Johnny had scared away the one person who was keeping him at bay.
He had to do something. He had to bring Daniel back.
He couldn't do this without him. He couldn't imagine a world where Miyagi-Do didn't win, and he couldn't do it without Daniel.
He knew what he had to do.
Johnny sat in his car outside LaRusso's new place, downing the last of his Whiskey. He'd drank the small bottle while sitting nervously, trying to get the courage to knock on the door.
His head was swimming with the alcohol, blotting out his thoughts.
He had to do this.
He dropped the empty bottle into the footwell, then climbed out of the car.
He walked down the path and rang the doorbell, praying that Daniel would answer.
The door opened.
“Come to watch me embarrass myself again?” Daniel slurred, holding a bottle of beer in his hand.
“No,” Johnny said as he took a step inside and closed the door after himself.
“So what are you doing here?” Daniel asked, swaying on his feet.
Johnny took a deep breath, then he reached out and grabbed Daniel, as he said, “I came for this.”
He pushed Daniel against the wall and kissed him, pressing his tongue past his lips and into his mouth.
If Johnny kept his eyes closed it was no different to kissing a chick, he reasoned. As long as he ignored the scratch of stubble against his chin.
Daniel groaned into his mouth, raising his hands and threading his fingers through Johnny's hair as he pulled him closer and kissed him hungrily.
Daniel stopped, squirming away, and putting a hand on Johnny's chest, pushing him away.
“No,” Daniel said. “You don't love me.”
“You took me by surprise,” Johnny said, as he reached out and gripped the front of Daniel's shirt, pulling him closer.
“Bullshit,” Daniel said. “I thought you felt the same way, but you acted like you'd never thought about me like that ever.”
“I'd been ignoring my own feelings for so long I'd gotten used to denying them,” Johnny said desperately. “That's why I acted like that.”
“You really do love me?” Daniel asked, his eyes lighting up.
“Yeah,” Johnny said. “I do.”
Six months.
They'd been together six months now.
Daniel didn't seem to notice or care that Johnny was drunk every time they had sex.
It was what he had to do to get through it.
The fact was that Johnny wasn't gay. He didn't find men attractive. He didn't find Daniel attractive, but a man's hand on his dick was still a hand on his dick, so it looked like he enjoyed the sex at least.
The first time Daniel suggested they try anal Johnny knew he wouldn't be able to get it up, so he let Daniel do him.
It felt strange and awful, but he still came.
The rest of the time, it was just like before. They were like two best friends who just happened to live together and sleep together.
Johnny could still count on Daniel to be there when he needed him. They still taught classes together. They still had a drink on Friday night's and watched movies together, just like before.
It was worth it to keep Terry Silver away, Johnny thought.
“I love you,” Daniel breathed again, his fingers still tenderly brushing the hair at Johnny's temple.
Johnny looked up at him, seeing Daniel's eyes so full of love and care.
It was worth it.
It was worth it to keep Daniel happy and the kids safe.
It was worth it to keep Robby safe.
“I love you too,” Johnny lied.
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miyagi-hokarate · 2 months
7 + 8 + 12 for Daniel :)
Hehe hellooo
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
This is such a basic answer, but I just adore it whenever people have Daniel with friends and family ahdkksfdhj; spending time with his ma, learning karate with Mr. Miyagi, becoming friends with Johnny and the Cobras, bonding with the girls he's befriended, etc. I'm a sucker for fluff, especially when it comes to Daniel ahdkskdk
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I don't know about FANDOM (or at least the fandom on Tumblr), but the "Daniel is the real bully" theory is a thought I dislike and disagree with immensely. Any sort of meta discussion or (rare, if it exists) fanfiction that leans towards that interpretation is a 'No' from me, bruv. Anyone Anti Daniel LaRusso is getting the BOOT 🥾
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Going to give THREE headcanons for the price of ONE for funzies:
1. I like the idea of Daniel's favorite flowers being daisies, being as so he's beside them a few times in the first movie
2. Daniel's bike is a sixteenth birthday present (in the same vein as gifting someone a car for their sixteenth)
3. Daniel sometimes makes "snow angels" with his fingers of the bonsai leaf clippings
Thanks for the ask !!
(Send me character asks!)
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tomcat-tapes · 10 months
Movie ranting with Tomcat
One thing about me I LOVE Real Genius it’s a great movie and I recommend it!!
But If i had a nickel for any Real Genius actor being in the karate kid franchise i would have 2 nickels which isnt alot but its weird it happened twice.
Yuji Okumoto was one (Fenton being a background character in Real Genius, and later main anti hero of Karate Kid part 2 as Chozen)
BUT I JUST REALIZED THAT GABRIEL JARRET AKA MITCH TAYLOR WAS ALSO IN FHE KARATE KID FRANCHISE!! Very minor role but he was in Karate Kid part 3 as a dude named Rudy that Daniel punched while at a Club.
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Absolutely wild right?? But oh wait there’s moreeee Michelle Meyrink aka Jordan in Real Genius, was casted in The Outsiders as Marcia (A Soc girl that went to the movies with Cherry)
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And who else was The Outsiders?? None other than Ralph Macchio who is our main character Daniel Larusso in the Karte Kid franchise!!
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And even better, along with Ralph Macchio there was also another notable actor in The Outsiders, the one and only Tom Cruise (playing Steve) who goes on to Star with Val Kilmer our other main character in Real Genius in of the most iconic films of the 80s Top Gun.
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What is this all mean??
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Just that all of my favorite 80s films feature the same actors. I just thought it was neat!
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russolaw · 8 months
3 & 6 for the ask game 🔥🔥🔥
3.screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
I saw an anti sam/robby post (i hate that ship too) talking about how robby never liked sam (?????) and only dated her cause he was afraid hed get kicked out. Idk wtf show they were watching lol. They also said there was a power imbalance and that robby was one larusso tantrum away from getting thrown out. Seems like that person doesnt like Daniel.
Controversial opinion: if you dont like daniel or Johnny, you shouldn't be watching cobra kai
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
Wincest. 100%. Too many of them think it's canon (🤢🤢🤢🤢) and were upset cas confessed his feleings for dean
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