#anti brave new world
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justsamwilson · 8 months ago
This blog was created for loving and appreciating the character of Sam Wilson.
And while for years, we have been anticipating the next time we'll get to see Anthony Mackie on screen, playing our favourite character, and proving to everyone how he IS Captain America, this is a reminder that Captain America: Brave New World has been directly called out by the BDS movement (a nearly 20 year old movement created by Palestinians), and we have been asked to boycott it in its entirety.
A zionist settler has been cast. Disney itself has donated $2 million to Israeli relief groups.
it is incredibly saddening that we won't be able to watch one of our favourite's character's long awaited film, but our interest and love for this character, and for superheroes/comics/movies as a whole, are no where near more important then standing up alongside Palestinians, and doing all we can to help them and to listen to their requests.
Join me in boycotting the film. Pirate it if you must.
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starlightshadowsworld · 1 month ago
Since it’s coming up soon, reminder that Captain America: Brave New World will star former IDF solider Shira Haas.
She will be playing Ruth Bat aka the Israeli superhero Sabra. Whose first comic book appearance (Incredible Hulk #256) had her struggle to comprehend why the death of a Palestinian child should be sad.
Because she didn’t see him as human.
Tells ya everything you need to know don’t it?
Marvel have stated that she will be a high ranking US government official and former Black Widow. But those differences do not change that the core of the character.
Nor who is playing her.
The Palestinian lead moment BDS (Boycott Divestment Sanction) has called for the film to be boycott.
Stating that “the characters anti-Palestinian racist history and representation apartheid Israel cannot be sanitised.”
If you support Palestine please don’t support this movie.
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northern-punk-lad · 16 days ago
Some of you will be all “I wanna destroy capitalism” and then throw a fit because you where asked to boycott one marvel movie
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kvtnisseverdeen · 4 months ago
disney/mcu is so diabolical for throwing in a useless israeli character played by an ex-idf soldier in a movie that is finally supposed to feature sam wilson, a black superhero, on his own. there's so many things wrong with this. SO MANY. anyway don't watch this garbage
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wenellyb · 13 days ago
Some Bucky stans make it really hard to enjoy both him & Sam because they treat Bucky like he isn’t capable of navigating the world on his own, & living his own life, that’s a grown man. I’m tired of him being babied & everything needing to revolve around him in some capacity for people to give a fuck about Sam. The way some are acting about Brave New World is really irking because ya’ll really couldn’t be happy Mackie/Sam knowing Bucky will be leading his own film in a few months from now?? So weird.
Hi Anon!!! You're so right. Funny you say this and this is the first post I saw going into the brave new world tag:
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They even had the audacity to tag it as "sam wilson". I did not miss these stans at all..
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margoshansons · 4 months ago
Actually you know what? I think a Black Captain America fighting against an evil Red President is exactly what the US needs right now
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the-desolated-quill · 8 months ago
Okay. Three things about the new Captain America film:
1) Why would Sam Wilson be working for the President when that was literally what he and Steve Rogers were specifically against in the last film?
2) This is clearly a Hulk sequel with Captain America shoved in because Cap is more profitable, and I think Sam Wilson deserves better than that.
3) Sabra’s inclusion in the film, intended to ‘educate’ children on Israel and the Mossad, is unbelievably fucking creepy and inappropriate given what’s happening in Gaza right now. I mean I know Captain America has always technically been propaganda, but this is taking the piss.
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vanesawye · 2 months ago
reminder to boycott the new captain america movie
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jonsnowisthesexiestbastard · 8 months ago
Still pissed that the MCU didn’t bring back Sharon Carter instead of adding THAT character
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starlightshadowsworld · 1 year ago
On the topic of Disney boycotts, Marvel's Captain America 4, titled Captain America: Brave New World (previously titled Captain America: New world order.)
Will be the MCU debut of the superhero, Sabra.
An Israeli superhero, sponsored by the Israeli government.
Sabra aka Ruth Bat-Seraph made her comics debut in 1981 working for what's basically the Israeli secret service.
The comic cover she first appeared in, The Incredible Hulk #256, depicts her blasting the Hulk as a dead Palestinian boy lays in the rubble.
With the caption: Power and Peril in the Promised Land!
The Palestinian boy, called Sahad who was depicted as an illiterate theif was stealing a watermelon from a fruit cart in Tel Aviv.
That Sabra sees as inhuman until the Hulk convinced her otherwise. "It had taken the Hulk to make her see this dead Arab boy as a human being."
Doesn't even refer to him as Palestinian.
Sabra also shares the same name as the Sabra and Shalita Massacre in Lebanon.
A massacre that many agree Israel holds responsibility for allowing.
And yes, Sabra was created before this atrocity but that doesn't mean they aren't associated with each other years later. Especially with Israel's involvement.
See Israel who are also currently bombing Lebanon.
Marvel has stated they will go with a new appprach for Sabra.
But Marvel is owned by Disney. The same company who donated Israel 2 million dollars...yeah I'm sure you're gonna make her less like an Israeli propaganda machine.
An IDF soilder is not a hero, start there.
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lunarspiral1127 · 8 months ago
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Okay, this is just a lose-lose situation here. From what I've seen so far, adding Sabra was controversial due to what's going on between Palestine and Israel. So much so, there's a boycott called for Sam Wilson's movie because of the inclusion of Sabra.
So, they change her character to be Russian (I think) and a former Black Widow, and that pissed off some of the fans due to the erasure of her ethnicity and religion. Guess that means the closest to Jewish representation in the MCU was Moon Knight.
Honestly, there's no winning with this one. It would've been for the best not to include Sabra and put in another character. Could be someone from the comics, or could be an OC.
Then again, this movie has gone through so many reshoots, delays, and rewrites that I don't know if the movie will be good regardless of whether Sabra is in it or not.
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kvtnisseverdeen · 4 months ago
just an fyi that captain america: brave new world hired shira haas as a former israeli black widow (yes she's canonically israeli in the movie) and the cherry on top is that the actress herself was a part of the IDF despite being medically exempt from military service so be sure to boycott this disgusting movie thats really just u.s. military propaganda
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musclesandhammering · 1 year ago
We all agree that Sabra is problematic, but nobody wants to acknowledge that Captain America is problematic for the exact same reasons.
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the-desolated-quill · 8 months ago
The sad thing is there really should be more hype for the new Captain America film. Sam Wilson taking up the mantle should be a big deal. Except it isn’t. Because it’s been undermined at every turn by very stupid creative decisions. Not only is it near impossible for this film to stand out due to the tsunami of MCU content and the resulting franchise fatigue, it also doesn’t help that it’s been preceeded by Falcon And The Winter Soldier, which completely takes the wind out of its sails because this isn’t technically Sam Wilson’s debut as Captain America but rather his second outing. Also Peggy Carter is her own rival version called Captain Carter, which undermines him further. Then there’s the fact that this film feels less like a Captain America movie and more like a stealth Hulk sequel with Captain America shoved in for marketing purposes. Not to mention the reason Sam Wilson became Captain America in the first place wasn’t because of some noble sacrifice or passing the torch moment, but rather because Steve Rogers got bored of being a superhero and wanted to go back to WW2 for some British crumpet.
The whole thing is a joke. What should be a defining moment just comes off as cheap and tacky and purposeless. Seriously, what’s the point of this film? Why is it being made? There’s nothing going for it. It’s just yet another MCU film. Who cares? Is anybody even watching these films anymore? I assume they are because they keep making them. Maybe they shouldn’t. Maybe they should stop. Please. Just stop. 😞
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magic-can · 3 months ago
The BDS Movement has called a boycott for the new Captain America movie and the Snow White remake. Do not watch these movies - don’t even hatewatch them. Let them flop. It sends a message.
This is also a reminder that the BDS are the only people that you should be listening to for boycotts. They are a Palestinian run organization and they know what works best. They have also stated that boycotts of things they have not called for one of actively harm their cause. Please check in with the movement regularly - on their website or on social media.
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universallydestinytaco · 8 months ago
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