#anti bitcoin
saw the funniest freudian slip in an ad today. yeah buddy i sure will experience rapid and sustained price decrease.
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acinomthecat · 2 years
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Rip bozo
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If technology wasn’t such a central aspect of solarpunk, we’d all just be hippies redux. Yet not all tech, right? Because solarpunk is also about living the good life while building a just, inclusive, and sustainable society. So, what is solarpunk’s attitude toward and relationship with tech? How do solarpunks decide what’s worth it and what’s beyond the pale? And what’s all this about appropriate technology?
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nb-spacewolf · 2 months
Republics announced Agenda 47 to take place of Project 2025.
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tarotofbadkitties · 5 months
I get the distinct vibe that Bitcoin is a cult.
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Please donate to the defense of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from DANIAL RADCLIFF? 🙏 🇰🇵
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You don't know who I am! 🪗
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devil-changmin · 1 year
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No, for real, people who do not watch Thai BL are literally missing out on the full range of human emotion
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donotdestroy · 10 months
Pink Floyd - Money
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aiolegalservices · 4 months
Understanding Fraud in Cryptocurrency and How AIO Legal Services Can Help
  Cryptocurrency has gained significant popularity and acceptance over the past decade. Bitcoin, Ethereum, and a host of other cryptocurrencies have revolutionised the financial landscape, offering decentralised and often anonymous transactions. However, this innovation has also opened new avenues for fraud. The unregulated nature of many cryptocurrencies, combined with their anonymity, has made…
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icykalisartblog · 1 year
DDoS Attack Against AO3: Correcting Misinformation
Normally I don't make any posts like this, but I have an interest in cybersecurity and sadly I've seen people are being really ignorant about this recent DDoS attack against the site AO3 (Archive of Our Own), so I thought I'd remind people of a few things:
Anonymous Sudan appears to have no actual link to Sudan at all, or to any previous hacktivist groups that once operated there. This masquerade is probably based in anti-immigration and other racist sentiments, and utilizing those sentiments in other people to scare people and set up Muslims and Sudanese people as a target. This should be obvious from the language used in their note, but this was already known prior to this particular attack.
This so-called Anonymous Sudan has actually been very active recently—remember that they claimed to attack Reddit, Flickr, Riot Games, a huge number of Microsoft web portals like OneDrive and Outlook, etc. before AO3, so AO3 was totally a logical target for them since they've gone after smaller entities before. DDoS attacks like this are easy for any script kiddie to set up, so it's not weird that they'd go for a smaller target like this.
Honestly this group of posers probably just wants money, everybody. They sent AO3 a ransom note asking for Bitcoin (and just in case people don't know, do not pay a ransom if at all possible if this ever happens to you).
My advice to people who've noticed this attack is two-fold: calm down since this is part of a larger pattern that has literally resulted in basically no loss for the end-user of any of the sites, and... I don't really know a better way to put this, but don't believe everything you read. A religiously-motivated hate group wouldn't use terms like "LGBTQ+" and "smuts," and it's so blatantly obvious that the timing of every single one of these attacks is being used to smear Muslims and Sudanese people if you think about current events for like. One second. And if you look up Anonymous Sudan, you'll see their string of attacks and how all experts know that they have nothing to do with Sudan at all. Even AO3 itself told everybody that the group is lying about their motivations... though I think I'd go further than that personally because even their name itself is almost certainly a total sham.
To be clear: this post isn't targeted at anyone in particular. I've just seen a lot of people falling for this overall or not realizing this is part of a pattern, and I also wanted to remind everyone that this isn't anything to be concerned about. What is something to be concerned about is not doing research or thinking critically and then unwittingly spreading racist ideas.
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blog-by-kij · 10 months
Look, idk how important fortune cookies necessarily are in the grand scheme of everything. But. Things need to be said.
You know, it’s a good cookie, tastes good, fun shape, and fun thing inside. Good design all the way around and they have great personalities. I’m sure I’ve heard some people say that the messages inside are bad or whatever, but I personally don’t think they’re meant to be taken that seriously. Idk, to me whatever message inside is a nice thing to read usually. Sometimes they read more like poetry pieces and a lot of the times, they’re common sense things, neither of which are bad to hear too much. You can’t fit an essay in there, so don’t try. So I don’t really see why we need to be mad at them for being simplistic in bakery or literature. Simplistic is not bad in some cases, especially not in the case of the fortune cookie, where simplicity may be one of its greatest features. Simple packaging, simple but good cookie, simple but fun paper message. Simplicity can be a very strong and important feature, and no I did not hear this from a fortune cookie. And you know, the small rectangle of paper is taking on at least two huge tasks: imparting important knowledge and teaching you to speak a whole language. Give the cookie and it’s innards some slack, it’s not easy.
But for whatever criticism, you know at the end of it all there’s nothing really, inherently wrong with two lines, at most, of small poetry, common sense adages, or odd phrases, numbers, and an attempt to teach you a word or phrase from a language.
It’s like getting a letter from a friend. It’s like finding a message in a bottle. I’ll be honest. I have a jar of almost every fortune from a fortune cookie I’ve ever received. I collect the ones from my family too since they don’t care to keep them. I enjoy this jar of paper. I would say fortune cookies are always a pleasant experience. 10/10
Except this time.
You know if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it right? It’s already perfect, why mess with it? I just said that simplicity is one of its greatest features. The cookie is self reflective! Every adage that applies to you applies to it too! Why don’t you learn some self reflection too! Why are you trying to complicate perfectly fine things??? Why are you deliberately choosing to taint what’s good!? FORTUNE COOKIES ARE NOT YOUR TROJAN HORSES!!!!!!
On this great day today I ordered some food from a great local Chinese restaurant. The cookies were there. All is good. At the end of lunch, I pick one at random. Food tastes great. Cookie tastes great. Today is great.
Poker bitcoin ad.
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Billboard signs up and down the yahoo roadways, ad and then ad and then ad on YouTube, pop up this pop up that on every website and I know “get adblocker”. I do have that. It doesn’t always work! Hey do you want to sign in? Are you sure? Are you sure you’re sure? You want to sign in? It doesn’t matter if adblock works sometimes, it’s the principle that’s the point! And I can’t adblock my eyeballs!
I know nothing about which company or companies actually makes the fortune cookies. But god. Can we have one thing without an ad. Can we have one simple thing that exists to simply be pleasant and provide a good experience without it being an ad?!? This particular cookie was good. It’s innards were foul. Was it worth it? Did they pay you good bitcoin poker money to put bitcoin poker ad inside??? Is it worth it???
The words were NOT poetry, NOT a nice adage, those words did NOT exist to be fun for the sake of fun. Those words existed for no other reason than to be an ADVERTISING SLOGAN for poker bitcoin. I never asked. Fuck you. I was neutral before, now I hate poker and bitcoin.
This was not a letter from a friend. It is not a message in a bottle. It a piece of junk mail in my mailbox! It is a call in my inbox about my car’s extended warranty!! IT IS UNBLOCKABLE SPAM!
So I finish eating the cookie. It was good. But I’m feeling odd and I’m like. Never seen this before. My whole jar of fortunes, with fortunes from me and my friends and family. Never seen that before. Feeling a bit down now. Feeling lied to. Feeling like a datapoint. Feeling like a demographic that a company wants. So I google it, and realize oh.
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Do we have to?? Just because online ads have changed doesn’t meant let’s litter the whole world offline with ads now??? Tiny billboard?? I hate big billboard, why would I like tiny billboard? Why just because it’s tiny and inside my food?? Am I nuts??
I, as a consumer, can tell you that I get things or services because I need or want them. I seek out product first, because I need or want it, then maybe I see ads because I’m shopping and then ad tracking happens. I DO NOT get product because product saught out me first! It doesn’t work like that!!
@companies who make fortune cookies, please for the love of god dont put ads in the fortune cookie, I’m not anti-company, I’m sure we can reason through this.
I’d rather an ad be on the outside packaging if needed, why it’s insides? Please what are you doing to the good heart of the fortune cookie?? Why??? Why does anyone think this is good???
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thelostconsultant · 12 days
Not a gold digger
pairing: Max Verstappen x reader
summary: Fans think you only want Max's money. But as it turns out, you were wealthy before he came into your life--you just don't make it obvious.
warnings: No smut, but there's a part that makes me say MDNI.
note: So... I'm kinda back? Idk, I'll see if I'll stick around.
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The toxicity of the fandom was becoming quite entertaining, really. It was the third time since you and Max had made your relationship public half a year ago that someone started an anti gold digger campaign to protect your boyfriend. They truly believed they were doing this for a greater good, and they all begged Max for his attention.
It always began after they sniffed out he had given you something expensive as a gift or took you shopping to a luxury boutique. While there were some people who tried to protect you by pointing out that maybe he enjoyed showering you with gifts, the rest didn't care about that. 
You lived in a small apartment back home, you were driving a five years old Renault SUV, and no one knew what you did for a living. This was enough to enrage them and make them believe all you wanted was Max's money at the end of the day. Just think about the way she's looking at him, one of them wrote about two months ago, she's so clearly not in love with him. Poor Max, someone please save him. 
“Is everything okay?” he asked when he got home and kissed the top of your head. 
You were sitting in his sim rig, using the time while it was free to practice, because you wanted to play with him when you weren't here together, and he was more than happy to show you the basics. “Someone started another campaign to cancel me,” you replied casually as you got out with his help. 
Even when you were standing in front of him, he didn't let go of your hand, instead he raised it to his lips to place a soft kiss on its back. “Gold digging?” You nodded with a sad look on your face, but less than five seconds later you were both laughing. “Look, I know you're having way too much fun with this, but–”
Without waiting for him to finish, you raised your hand to make him stop. “I'm not stepping out of the shadows, Max. I've been hiding for years, even fucking Forbes doesn't know my real name or face,” you told him.
Back in the old days, when Bitcoin appeared, your geeky uncle had gotten into mining and trading it. He knew the potential, so he put most of his savings into buying them, then he held onto them, and by the time he got sick years later, he knew they were valuable and would be worth a lot more in the upcoming years. In his will, he left his savings and his wallet to you, giving you the chance to use them as you wished since you had learned everything about crypto from him.
So now you had Bitcoin as well as old fashioned investments, and you had used your money to help out an up-and-coming tech company for a forty percent share, and it was later sold to a tech giant for a lot of money. But despite your wealth, you chose to stay under the radar, because you loved your small apartment, and you weren't about to trade it for some fancy penthouse. 
You had met Max the year before in Las Vegas. F1 was a sport you watched with your uncle while he was still alive, and you were hell-bent on getting a VIP pass for the weekend. If you asked your boyfriend, he would say it was love at first sight, but in reality he was just annoyed by you. For a solid ten seconds, he would correct you every time you talked about it.
You agreed that you would hide in Max's apartment until this latest campaign died down, which gave you some time to spend together in peace. Every now and then you checked the tags to see how things were going, and after the silence of the past few days, today your name was trending again. Ready to have a good laugh, you opened the tag, but the most popular post gave you a minor stroke.
“Oh, fuck me,” you yelled as you launched your phone into the couch.
Max pulled the headset down to his neck as he looked over at you. “Is everything okay?” You raised your finger to your lips as if you wanted him to stay quiet, but luckily he got the message. “I'm muted. So?”
You grabbed your phone and went over to him. “They know. One of those idiots from the company I helped back in the day posted a tweet to protect me, saying that if it wasn't for me being an angel investor, they wouldn't be millionaires now,” you summarized as you gave him the device.
He scrolled through a series of tweets, and found a post from a journalist of Forbes in which he promised a proper investigative piece based on this info. He handed you the phone, then wrapped an arm around your waist. “It's okay, schatje. I know that's not what you wanted, but maybe they'll stop with the recurring hate campaign now,” he tried. “And if you’re worried about the article… Don’t be. There is nothing compromising about you. Yes, you inherited the money, but you have proven you know what to do with it.”
“Maybe you’re right,” you admitted with a sigh. 
“I’m usually right. C’mere,” he said as he reached out to pull you closer, but you glanced over at the camera. Rolling his eyes, he quickly turned it off, then gave you an expectant look. “Will you hug me now? And I want a kiss too.”
With a laugh, you leaned down to wrap your arms around his neck and gave him a soft kiss. But he wanted more, his hand slowly sneaked under your shorts, his fingers running over your clothed cunt before he decided to pull your panties aside and dip a finger between your folds. You moaned into the kiss, but he pulled away a second later to lick his finger clean. 
Shaking your head with a chuckle, you patted his shoulder and walked back to the couch. You could feel Max’s eyes on you the whole time, and when you looked at him again, he flashed a devilish smile at you. “I should quit the stream. Now that I had a taste, I want more,” he told you. 
“I’m not going anywhere, just try to be patient.”
He looked back at the screen, then put the headset back on his head and unmuted his mic. “Sorry, I have to go. See you next time,” he told the others, then logged out. You couldn’t remember the last time he left the sim rig this fast, and only a few seconds later he was kneeling in front of you, eagerly reaching up to pull your shorts off you.
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liked by user1, user2 and 947,896 others
f1gossips: Breaking news! Turns out Max Verstappen's girlfriend isn't a gold digger after all as she has her own fortune according to the investigative article published by Forbes. Will the fans apologize?
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user2: And here I was, thinking she's just a greedy airhead...
user3: Easy to be wealthy with your uncle's money.
↳ user4: Have you read the whole thing? She invested the money and helped out several startups--that later became pretty successful--as an angel investor. Yes, maybe she inherited a lot of money, but she knows what to do with it.
↳ user5: May I remind you how many F1 drivers started their careers with their families's money?
user6: Told you she wasn't a gold digger. Suck it, haters.
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liked by yourusername, landonorris and 1,577,353 others
maxverstappen1: If you don't buy your girlfriend gifts every once in a while, you're a bad boyfriend. I love to spoil her, it's not a crime. I love her, I'm proud of her, and you can send us as much hate as you want, it will only make us stronger.
tagged: yourusername
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yourusername: I'd be perfectly fine without the gifts, I already told you.
↳ maxverstappen1: I don't care.
landonorris: You're absolutely right!
↳ maxverstappen1: You're single, how would you know?
↳ landonorris: Just FYI, I've been in relationships before.
danielricciardo: You're so disgustingly smitten with her. (I love you both.)
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inkskinned · 1 year
nobody ever gets the mugshot of gluttony right. these days you think it has nothing to do with bodyweight. what a good trick: that gluttony could take a shape. no, there was never any fault in finishing a meal or in taking second helpings. it was always in taking from others that there was an issue - the oil baron's fingers steepled over dead bodies and stolen lands. gluttony - twin of greed, although most think greed and envy are the siblings - gluttony is pleased with the experience of gaining, is thrilled just-by-having. greed is the one that stays hungry, that has to move forever like a shark. gluttony likes it - "a glutton for punishment" is one who is seeking the harm, who loves the rush.
gluttony is a mother using her daughter's body for a diet testing ground, sharpening the bone angles. gluttony is saying why, well not! to the seventh and eighth mansion or yacht. it is not just wanting the six white horses, it is making sure that the horses came from your stables. it is not just bathing in milk - it is bathing in milk while others are starving.
oh, it's true that some sins still blaze in their bright floral prints. wrath in a white woman yelling at a person of color for even daring to be in her neighborhood. the red, incipient rage of a neck tightened at even the thought we would take the guns away. wrath has laurels, and she is good at her job, and works hard.
but sloth wasn't ever the sleepy morning of depression, the hours spent begging a clouded body to please move goddamn it; the protestant work ethic claiming even rest is somehow demonic. it was never chronic fatigue. sloth was subtle, a grey mist. she is watching you get bullied and she is deciding it is none of her business. she crosses the picket line because - what! it's just chicken, isn't it? she is closing her eyes and turning her head when the next anti-gay legislation passes. someone else will handle it. not the tense freeze of anxiety or a lack of preparation - she knows you're hurting and would rather you stay quiet about it. she tells other people i just don't see what the big deal is.
sloth is a father that doesn't do the dishes. sloth is your boyfriend's innocent shrug you're just better at household shit. sloth isn't the missed opportunity - it is the purposeful desire to just get-someone-else-to-do-it.
greed and envy are doing body shots in the back of a private jet. they are the way they always have been, but are lovers in the age of the internet. greed just finished union busting, is rolling a bitcoin over his knuckles, is about to start another MLM. envy is in a broadbrimmed hat, showing off her instagram life, grinning about how if you want it, work for it.
okay, it's true. you have a soft spot for lust, gathering dust in a corner. so tame in comparison to the others. but how funny lust is always painted as being a woman in tight clothes. you've met actually lustful women - the ones that purposefully climb into your partner's lap, the ones that say lesbians are gross but ask bisexual women into bed with their husbands. a lustful woman is not donned in lace and garters and red: that's how men think lust looks, painting their own sins into frame. this way, the sin displaces as fog and hovers above her: a woman in a dress is lust; what the man experiences is just the natural consequence.
here is the thing: lust is doing just fine, save your pity. lust is running more circles than any of them. lust is shutting down safe sexwork sites while also making teenagers in knee-high socks sex sensations. lust is CEO of an advertising network where women never pass 25 years old. all the bras lust makes are pretty to look at but, when worn, legitimately hurt. lust has a podcast, his fur coat looped around his shoulders, sells the idea that only certain people have value, that sex raises some and destroys others. lust is tilting his head and asking what did you expect when you dress like that? lust shuns you, sneers that everything you want is disgusting and taboo - right until he can figure out how to capitalize off of it. lust has the midas ability: everything he touches becomes an object.
people usually say wrath is the scary one. you agree with FMA here, though: the real dangerous one is pride, and the shit-eating grin. the white cloaks and the nationalism and the inability to apologize. it is every partner who threw a book at your head because you don't respect him. it is every mother who said my son doesn't deserve to have his life ruined over allegations. it is the teacher that fails you because you talked back.
you worry you have this one. you feel guilty when you need help but don't ask for it. prideful. ashamed when you complete something and feel good about it. too proud for your own good. but pride is not the reward of hard work or accomplishment: pride is a twitter feed. it is the thing that has to mask i didn't do anything with look at me.
pride is your father's raised hand, his raised voice. how he was never there when you needed him, but he is still "head of house." he ruins dinner and blames it on you: you're an embarrassment to this family. this is the glass you walk around, the cuts in your feet. how he says this isn't how i raised you and you have to bite back the retort: that's because you didn't actually fucking raise me.
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ilucyliu-blog · 2 years
Fraudulent Cryptocurrency Abounds
With indictments and massive fines being announced almost daily, it is becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate between legitimate crypto activity and companies like Binance, and fringe fraud. A year ago, a typical cryptocurrency headline that would grab your attention would be about some obscure coin that suddenly skyrocketed in value. Nowadays, a typical headline about cryptocurrency…
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animentality · 2 years
Elon Musk tries to pretend he wanted to buy Twitter when actually he just talked too much shit on Twitter, and his board was fucking pissed at him for fucking the stock market with his bullshit tweets.
He then gets caught in a fucking legal battle because Twitter is also pissed at his bullshit and plus, Twitter actually isn't that profitable in terms of the social media business.
He then gets forced to buy Twitter seriously, for over 3x the fucking market value, and nasty severance packages for the executive staff.
He gets to pretend he "fired" them when actually he's forced to pay them all 200 million plus certain profits for an extended time frame.
All because he's a trust fund brat who doesn't know how to conduct himself like a fucking business professional.
He then also fires the legal and safety departments AND the algorithm engineers and replaces them with his Tesla engineers.
I'm sure that'll go well.
Twitter's algorithm may suck donkey dick but with Elon firing 75% of the Twitter staff, well.
I'm sure they'll figure it out.
It's Tesla, right, they don't make mistakes 😤
Anyway, so I think Elon also fails to recognize that there is a very real chance that if he doesn't conduct business on Twitter similar to the standards of the previous Twitter policies that he "hates" then Twitter might be fucking banned in Europe.
Their hate speech laws are tighter than American laws.
I for one hope the entire world bans Twitter.
And it gets funnier guys.
Because there are already major advertising companies threatening to leave Twitter if Elon Musk does what he's threatening.
Which is to bring Trump back on.
See they weren't that happy when Trump incited that January 6th riot at the Capitol building.
Plus there are already people spamming the n word and neo Nazi garbage and racist anti semitic homophobic shit.
Capitol fucking One isn't gonna promote itself beside a fucking swastika.
This is kind of amazing to watch.
Ads are just about the only thing that make Twitter profitable.
So right now we just wait and see.
I think he's trying to bring dogecoin and Bitcoin and nft shit directly to Twitter, like use those to monetize it, but.
But I'm not sure how well that'll work in his favor.
We'll see but.
The situation is funny in a dark way.
Very succession levels of dick measuring and feather primping.
I wish Elon Musk a very merry bankruptcy though!
Hope liquidating assets and begging other companies for money satisfied his humiliation kink.
44 billion...hm.
It's like he's trying to become Kanye West.
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vaspider · 5 months
Simply put, there is a ton of fascist-chic cosplay involved. Once an officer joins the Grays, they get a special uniform designed by their tech overlords. The Grays will also donate heavily to police charities and “merge the Gray and police social networks.” Then, in a show of force, they’ll march through the city together. “A huge win would be a Gray Pride parade with 50,000 Grays,” said Srinivasan. “That would start to say: ‘Whose streets? Our streets!’ You have the A.I. Flying Spaghetti Monster. You have the Bitcoin parade. You have the drones flying overhead in formation.... You have bubbling genetic experiments on beakers.… You have the police at the Gray Pride parade. They’re flying the Anduril drones …”
Everyone would be welcome at the Gray Pride march—everyone, that is, except the Blues. Srinivasan defines the Blue political tribe as the liberal voters he implies are responsible for the city’s problems. Blues will be banned from the Gray-controlled zones, said Balaji, unlike Republicans (“Reds”). “Reds should be welcomed there, and people should wear their tribal colors,” said Srinivasan, who compared his color-coded apartheid system to the Bloods vs. Crips gang rivalry. “No Blues should be welcomed there.”
While the Blues would be excluded, they would not be forgotten. Srinivasan imagines public screenings of anti-Blue propaganda films: “In addition to celebrating Gray and celebrating Red, you should have movies shown about Blue abuses.… There should be lots of stories about what Blues are doing that is bad.”
Balaji goes on—and on. The Grays will rename city streets after tech figures and erect public monuments to memorialize the alleged horrors of progressive Democratic governance. Corporate logos and signs will fill the skyline to signify Gray dominance of the city. “Ethnically cleanse,” he said at one point, summing up his idea for a city purged of Blues (this, he says, will prevent Blues from ethnically cleansing the Grays first).
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