#anti Sigyn
kratioed · 7 months
Honestly- I don't mind Sigyn and the Logyn ship itself. I just found it eye-rolling whenever I see her as a typical white woman while she's paired up with Atreus in this fandom. Understandable, since Sigyn is usually shown as a white woman throughout the media in Norse retellings.
Just feels like they preferred Atreus with a white girl instead of Angrboða, and overall made it difficult for me to like Sigyn as a additional character. Even if they made them as a throuple to add into possible poly ships in GOW, Angrboða would still be written off considering that Giants aren't entirely immortal to begin with.
And due to my experience with this fanbase, I know for sure if Sigyn were included in GOWR, those kinds of fans would have relished the romantic pairing between Atreus and Sigyn just as they did with him and Thrúd (and not to mention it would put Angrboða as the "Disposable Black GF" trope in the narrative).
It sounds like it doesn't matter if it was accurate to canon mythology or even to Sigyn, when it's hard not to feel like it mattered more for them see Atreus have a white love interest be there for him like arm candy. Funnily enough- It feels like they forgotten that Atreus isn't entirely white, but biracial/multiracial who passes off as white from the start. So their bias against Angrboða being Atreus' love interest made no sense whatsoever.
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sourpatchgrapes · 10 months
I feel like talking shit about Marvel Sigyn stans. Not only do they think Ikol should be held accountable for his dead past self's actions he probably can't remember (they've been shown to have memory issues). They blame him for America acting in self-defense towards one of the hostile exes that tied him up to hang from the ceiling upside down. What? Now they want America to let herself be harmed for fucking Sigyn?
If Sigyn didn't want to get beat up, maybe she should have gotten out of America's way and not ganged up on Ikol with the rest of the hostile exes. Also, I fucking cringe at how they scream "misogyny" because "they erased Sigyn!!" when she's got no personality. And they use her misogyny and try to brand it as "quirky." One thought it was funny that she slut-shamed Lorelei, and that she seemed pleased that Amora was forcefully being given to a giant.
Anon,if you told me them ikol isn't sigyn Loki's they gonna say "well, it's old canon and it retconned now" like no bitch it isn't that canon is still there.
As for the Lorelie and Amora thing I personally wouldn't have thought much of it wasn't for the fact they judge every other woman for shit sigyn dose. If sigyn gets to be a misogynist so can everyone else,you don't get to pick and choose.
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randomtheidiot · 3 months
Something that deeply upsets me.
I hate how Hades and Persephone have become the archetypal “healthy goth mythology couple who love each other” when
-Hades kidnapped Persephone (his niece) when she was a young girl and tricked her into eating pomegranate seeds to trap her with him forever, which was a very bad thing to do. (Also, anyone who says that there’s a secret feminist version of the myth is talking out their ass, there is no such thing in any of the recorded versions of the myth.)
-Loki and Sigyn were rIGHT FUCKING THERE-
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And for the record, I blame OSP for this.
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tiredfrogclown · 2 months
“Hmm, why did I have such a negative opinion on Logyn/Sigyn before?”
I watch Marvel, including the Loki series*
I read The Gospel of Loki
I own Melvin Burgess’s ‘Loki’
I read Neil-piece-of-shit-Gaiman’s book on Norse Mythology
Of course you were lead to believe Sigyn was a pathetic trad-wife who Loki cheated on and didn’t care for. Of course you were lead to believe they didn’t love each other or were forced into a marriage.
My bad guys, I’m gonna go apologise to them both, and I’ve realised that:
a) Sigyn is a beautiful badass
b) She is very under-appreciated and misrepresented
c) Logyn is such a cute and wholesome relationship
Also thank you again to @jonquilclegane for helping me start my journey of appreciation for this amazing goddess and adorable couple!
Edit: and @voidpunkpixie you’re both so cool!
*while I did enjoy the Loki series, it wasn’t the best way the writers could have explored his character, Sigyn should’ve been in it, they barely touched on his variants, it seemed like just another way to get rid of him (regardless of how popular he is) and maaaany other problems.
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ryebread-x · 3 months
This might catch me some flack, but honestly, I think it needs to be said , Loki x Sigyn isn't comparable to Hades and Persephone, in my opinion.
Persephone was kidnapped
Sigyn wasn't
Sigyn actively chose to stay with Loki and actually loved Loki with no strings attached
Persephone is forced to stay in the Underworld for 6 months with Hades
She never wanted to marry Hades
Sigyn wanted to marry Loki because if she didn't, I doubt she would have stuck by his side after her children were killed and he was imprisoned
Persephone is described as being distressed after being taken from her mother , refusing to eat and openly weeping
Sigyn not only chooses to stay with Loki but protects him from the snake's venom
Persephone didn't choose Hades, nor did she want to marry him. The fact she wandered into Underworld is a modern retelling
Demeter isn't an overbearing mother, and while Hades may be more a chill god tyen others and doesn't screw everything he sees. He is still not a good husband if he actively kidnaps his wife without her or her mother's consent (Yes , culturally speaking, he only needed Zeus's permission, but it doesn't negate the fact Zeus isn't the only one in the wrong here)
That all being said
I don't believe Loki x Sigyn is remotely comparable to Hades x Persephone. Both relationships are completely different from one another
A lot can be said by one scene, and everything people like to think Hades x Persephone is, can be found in Loki x Sigyn or even Eros x Psyche. Which are 10x more healthier relationships then Hades and Persephone.
But like I said ,these are my opinions
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celerieth · 1 year
The only way the Loki series can redeem itself at this point is if season 2 ends with Sylvie dead and a threesome between Loki, Sigyn and Theo Bell, along with accurate rep for all three of them.
Of course, I know it isn't going to happen because a) the second series has already been filmed;
b) Disney would never go for any actual queer rep;
c) Disney is also too focused on their self-insert/OC who makes for a nice cishet-looking relationship to kill her off;
d) Theo's supposedly gay (I mean, that's his generally accepted sexuality in the fandom, but it's a bit ambiguous in the book itself; Mrs Sharpe alludes to the possibility of him being bisexual, but then says she hasn't talked to him about it, and Theo's feelings didn't seem to change when Loki told him about their genderfluidity, though admittedly that might be because Loki was male-presenting throughout the book.);
e) it's too late;
f) Where Mischief Lies is somewhere in the grey area between actual canon and legal fanfiction;
g) I don't trust Marvel Studios with Sigyn after what the comics did to her;
and finally h) Marvel/Disney hates Loki too much to give them that kind of happy ending.
Thank you for listening to this.
Update: I've found the passage I was talking about where Mrs Sharpe alludes to Theo possibly being bisexual. It's just below, found in the last paragraph of page 218 ⬇️
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peach-fiz · 10 months
Wandavision was racist as hell and the writing of Wanda in it in particular is racist, antisemitic, and ableist. They turned surviving a racist hate crime in the comics into being obsessed with racist American sitcoms for some reason. I don’t care how bad Loki was anything is better than that crime against humanity 🙏
Loki(2021) did actually have some weird like undertones, I believe. Like they introduce all of these bipoc characters and literally all of them are villains. Kang, Ravonna, Hunter B-15 for at least most of season 1. They also slightly mention Loki being bi to get praise and money from the queer community only to force him into a romantic relationship with a female version of himself from an alternate timeline
And it's even weirder when Loki is also confirmed to be genderfluid through the show but in the same season they make a joke ab how a female Loki is rare and terrifying. Like mf that was you Tuesday.
And I'm not at all trying to discredit your opinion on Wandavision because I also have major issues with how they've adapted her for the screen, but Wandavision isn't about praising old American sitcoms
The reason she loves them is because they were a comfort to her after she had lost everything. It's more ab healing from trauma via nostalgia which is very relatable to audiences. Also I would love to hear your opinion on how it's ableist if you wouldn't mind sending another ask explaining!!
(Also just last thing but if we're talking about mischaracterization Multiverse of Madness was SO much worse than Wandavision imo and was written by the guy who wrote Loki)
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loveloki555 · 5 months
Thor: The Odinforce
AU for Thor Ragnarok part 2
part 1 - https://www.tumblr.com/loveloki555/750039954682445824/thor-the-odinforce?source=share
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''How do you know that?'' Thor asked as he approached her.
''I was with him in this hour, he had last wish… before that…'' she said, looking at Thor without fear. Loki was there, trying to be diplomatic. Let's hope Thor doesn't spoil everything as usual.
''What was his last wish?'' both of them asked, in sync.
''He wanted to reconcile with his wife…I gave him access to talk to her spirit form,'' the woman said.
''It's impossible…such a spell is not possible.'' Loki looked at her.
''Not for humans, not for ordinary gods, but I know how to do it,'' she said.
''I would know, I would know such a spell,'' Loki said.
''No, not you… because this spell is more than seidr,'' she said.
Loki looked at her. The woman was incredibly beautiful… She was essence of beauty. Could she trick the gates of Valhalla itself with her beauty and do the impossible. He would do anything to take back his last words. Frigga was his mother. If he could ask… he would give anything to talk for a while…
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''Did Odin see her ?''Loki asked. Thor was curious too, because he was silent. Not easy thing for God of Thunder.
'Yes… I made this spell and after then…he died… I buried him in a boat on the river until his body returned to Valhalla'' she said.
So he died like his. Mighty Odin died with one woman, who buried him. He was not buried with Asgard's honors.
''How did he die?'' Thor asked, looking at Loki.
''It was, well…I don't call it peaceful death… it was more like full of regret…and maybe I told also many sharp words… but in the end he found peace…after meeting his wife'' she said.
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kratioed · 1 year
INCOMING WALL OF TEXT RANT: There will never be a moment when I will understand why some people wanted Sigyn to be included in God of War, considering Santa Monica's clear direction with Atreus and Angrboða for future installments. Sigyn was never suggested nor presented as a character throughout the Norse era; Angrboða, on the other hand, has been referenced once since 2018 in Jörmungandr's shrine, implying her inclusion as a character even before the announcement of Ragnarök came out. Jörmungandr's reveal and mentions of Fenrir and Hel (along with Angrboða's mural) within his shrine from 2018 are obvious from the very beginning.
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I also don't understand why Santa Monica's exclusion of Sigyn in God of War: Ragnarök is considered inaccurate; the franchise itself is loosely alluded to from various mythological sources, and they were never traditional nor faithful from those same sources and used creative liberties for storytelling purposes. Literally, the entire Greek Saga was never accurately represented to begin with, and for some reason, Sigyn's exclusion in GOW is where you draw the line? But okay, some accurate depictions from said mythological sources can be alright as long they serve the narrative or contribute significantly to the main story; Angrboða as Atreus' love interest is one of them, and there are many instances that emphasize his relationship with Angrboða. Atreus consistently found himself in the presence of adults throughout his childhood, resulting his rapid maturity at a young age from the grim reality that no child shouldn't deserve, particularly within the universe of GOW. Angrboða is the first individual around his age he ever encountered and offers him a safe haven from the grim reality he has to endure, especially after he learnt of his father's prophetic death. Angrboða's childlike nature and the comforting atmosphere of Ironwood allow Atreus to escape from the darker aspects of GOWverse, the sanctuary where he can finally embrace his own age and behave like any carefree child as he should be, which is one of the main reasons why Kratos trusted Angrboða in the first place; because of her benevolent nature and companionship with Atreus, that's when Kratos knew that his son would be in good hands under Angrboða's care. I seen a few people argued that Sigyn should have been the one to guide Atreus instead of Angrboða, as Angrboða is supposedly Loki's "mistress" with Sigyn as his true wife in the Norse mythos, and one even claimed that Angrboða essentially "stole" Sigyn's place when really…that's not the case?
As far as we know (from storywise perspective), Atreus has a keen interest in his Giant lineage, not only because it's tied to his identity as Loki but also to his mother as a whole. Faye never had the opportunity to teach Atreus about their heritage due to Odin's prejudice towards Giants, she's was also recognized as an sworn enemy as "Laufey The Just" from the Æsir clan (specifically Thor & Odin), not only she had to conceal her identity from Odin but also to ensure the safety of her own family.
Atreus even thought the entire race of Giants had perished from Odin's genocide campaign...that is until he meets Angrboða, the first Giant he ever encounters, who then guides Atreus through understanding their heritage within the hidden sanctuary away from Odin. She also gave Atreus the necessary tools and purpose to restore the kingdom of Jötunheim and gains a deeper understanding of Loki's identity as part of his coming-of-age story. That's what makes Angrboða so important to Atreus' character arc along with why she's an essential addition for Ragnarök. And if we're going by the material sources from Norse Mythology, Angrboða is only mentioned as Loki's mate rather than his mistress. It's possible that Loki loved Angrboða just like he did with Sigyn, so Atreus being Angrboða's love interest is expected and aligns accurately with the material sources depicted in GOW. And what also gets me are those awful speculations regarding the possibility of Thrúd and Sigyn being the same person, and combining the fact that Dude Bros preferred Atreus with Thrúd due to skin color is just exhausting at this point...and from what I have observed; Sigyn is always depicted as a white woman in most media, which strengthens my hope she never appears in future installments at all. It's obvious that Angrboða will probably appear again in the long run due to her recent development and promising potential in the future. Sigyn's inclusion seems unnecessary, and I hope Santa Monica never considers about writing Angrboða off just to pair Atreus with Sigyn for the sake of it. TL;DR: I think Angrboða is a better match for Atreus rather than Sigyn in GOW. I'm sick and tired with certain fans dismissing Angrboða's importance and deeming her unworthy as Atreus' wife, especially when it comes to her race and her erroneous label as Loki's "mistress" solely because Sigyn was Loki's actual wife in Norse Mythology. Anyone who hates Angrboða because of Sigyn are just bitter that their favorite character isn't there to fulfill their Logyn ship with Atreus. Angrboða and Atreus are going to be a thing. Cope and seethe.
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sourpatchgrapes · 11 months
What's the point of the " anti"insert something" tags if the fans of these stuff won't just fucking mute those tags and move on?? Like??In have those tags for a reason 😑
Stop hijacking my posts.
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annachum · 1 year
Some more HCs about the Sigyn variants in tow in my Loki S2 ideas :
. Classic! Sigyn becomes like a Mary Poppins like aunt figure to the rest. She understands what all her variants have been through and shit and tries her best to offer them empathy
. MCU! Sigyn defo is a rebel leader in this Loki S2. However, Even tho she becomes a Princess by marriage. She lacks experience in comparison to Classic! Sigyn, which can sometime leads to tough spots. Nevertheless, she often looks to Classic! Sigyn for advice and is an empathetic person who tries her best to make everyone feel included
. 616! Sigyn.....sadly becomes a deconstructed version of a Classic Princess trope and basically, at those points, becomes a shell of herself and even FORGOT what it's like to enjoy some of the things she enjoyed before. Through the rest of the Sigyn variants in tow, 616! Sigyn remembers who she is, and her life changed forever
. Fox! Sigyn is a playful and sometimes flirty fox who also loves animal fashion related shit and can be FERAL in attack. She is sweet AND fierce
. The Sigyn variants in tow basically become a superhero group that leads a Rebellion against the TVA
. They all just eventually came to hate Sylvie altogether cuz honestly Sylvie has become insufferable
. Like Sylvie constantly whines about her struggles while all the Sigyn variants in tow are like, '.....We get that you been through shit but they way you keep whining about it is becoming REALLY annoying. "
. Justice Friends! Sigyn aka Sigrid kinda reminds me of Glinda the Good Witch, Sugar Plum Fairy and Millie( Helluva Boss ) in some ways. She basically loves space pop related matters, got a beautiful silvery magic wand and also has a sweet tooth
. Valhalla 1986! Sigyn becomes a therapist of the Sigyn variants - defo is skilled in Healer related shit and TRIES her best to offer solace to the rest of the Sigyn variants. She defo SOBS with 616! Sigyn after hearing about 616! Sigyn's heart wrenching story
. These 2 Sigyn variants may not appear in Loki S2 - it's just a fun idea of mine
. Ofc they defo regularly compliment each other on their magic styles
. And then they probably bet on WHEN Sylvie is gonna turn her back on the rest of the Loki variants in tow
. Cuz ALL the Sigyn variants in tow sensed something fishy with Sylvie from the start
. ALL of them would LOVE the Barbie movie ( I LOVE THAT MOVIE TOO!!! ) 🤩🤩🤩🥺🥺🥺
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thegreatwicked · 6 months
Oh, my Macabrlings, it's wild to see how much more I've written in the last year. It'd been a long time since I wrote anything back when I started up my Tumblr and y'all have been so lovely to me with your likes, comments, reblogs, and asks. So, I'm sitting in a pretty good spot with my two main stories being Shadows of Deception and Unbreakable Bonds BUT, a couple of my WIPS are growling at me every time I look at them so, so I'm going to challenge myself for what's left of the month of March!
I'm going to pick three of my oldest WIPS and try to finish them by the end of the month, if I don't, well, I guess they remain a priority until... I finish... them? Is that how this works? Meh. Whatever, without further ado here are the top three WIP contenders in no particular order!
Healing Hands: Set in the Arkham Verse following a first-person narrative of Jason Todd, the second Robin and formerly the Arkham Knight. Grappling with demons is lonely and dirty work that Jason Todd often does alone, but tonight he needs backup, following a brawl in the rain-slicked streets. The ghosts of his past are nipping at his heels and in the absence of Batman or his bat siblings, he turns to the one person he knows will understand his pain. A kindred spirit, his girlfriend, the Omen. Jason Todd/Wrenna Jameson (OFC) Smut, and fluff.
The One That Got Away: The sequel to Bet You Wish You Had Me Back and personally requested by @sodasbqe The follow-up to Shane and Austin's story, I see you there and I have been kicking around a few ideas for their story but they've been slow coming but I am working on it! Austin's been running for something for a long time and after the night she and Shane had together he's not willing to let her keep running. The past isn't so scary with a man like Shane Walsh at her back and in her heart. Shane Walsh/Austin Walker (OFC) Smut and fluff.
1001 Nights of Mischief: Follow Loki as he searches for his fiance, Sigyn; seems she's led him on a little bit of a scavenger hunt to Midguard. How does one keep the God of Mischief from getting into too much mischief? Simple. Make sure he's too busy and sated to cause any trouble. Loki/Sigyn Smut.
These are the top three I will be focusing on outside of my two main projects so if you've got any thoughts on the subject or words of encouragement let me hear them!
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Hot Take #3: Marvel’s version of Sigyn is not a fledged character and she is horribly written. Stop acting like she is better written than Sylvie.
Everytime I see someone say that she should be brought into the MCU (or the comics), I roll my eyes. In the comics, she’s just a prop to show how cruel Loki is because early depictions wanted him to be evil incarnate. And stop bringing Norse mythology into the Marvel versions about how they did love each other at some point due to her holding the bowl to protect Loki’s face until Ragnarok, blah blah. MCU is the MCU, Marvel comics are Marvel comics, and the myths are the myths, and y’all keep moving the goalposts with what you pick and chose from the various different media depictions. It’s perfectly fine if you included Sigyn for your fanfic or AU, but acting like it should be cannon because you cherry-picked the myths, and trash-talking an established MCU female character (Sylvie) is obnoxious. And how the fuck do you all expect everyone to be on the same page with you?
I don’t want her back in the comics unless there is some MAJOR rewriting of the relationship between her and Loki. The comics constantly retcon events to make characters either worse or more sympathetic. And I think a lot of the heroes have likely done something horribly shitty at some point but get it retconned or added. So why can’t they retcon her existance? Her story is not helpful or empowering to women. As a woman, I don’t want to see that.
And if anything, it promotes the “depraved effeminate man is especially dangerous to women” trope. That pisses me off because I have never been harrassed or in any way hurt by queer men. Cishet gender-conforming men, on the other hand… It pisses me off when a demographic that is not the typical offender gets overrepresented as such in media (*cough* Buffalo Bill). Like how “nazi” was added as a pejorative to feminist with the “feminazi” term.
I see these weird Marvel Sigyn stans acting like she is a real person and Loki “must be held accountable.” They’re not real. They’re drawings. CHILL. Use that energy to condemn real abusers (I better not learn any of you sided with Depp).
Marvel comics!Sigyn upholds the myth of the “perfect victim” that never fights back. This myth is responsible for terms such as “reactive abuse” and “mutual abuse.” There’s no such thing, it’s just self-defense.
And I find it annoying how you all act like being loyal to your abusive husband is a sign of sainthood. As if she wasn’t offered a way out from the very start and constantly aided a supervillain, which gives ideas to make her character more interesting. Make her morally grey and tone down Loki’s cruelty in the relationship or retcon it. For someone to be so committed to Loki in that manner, they need a cruel streak. Make her the Kim Wexler to Loki’s Jimmy McGill if you really must include her.
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therese-lokidottir · 1 year
I see ship war between sigyn and sylvie any of them battle who is better for loki (mcu). Honestly I am not care as long whoever be his couple is care for loki and well don't expect Sylvie to care or kind to loki because 'she have hard time since childhood so she will just mean to everyone, while turn out she can be nice , she just no want'
Many Sylvie fans said she is perfect match for loki because she is a true Queen and a girlboss (because she is mean, cruel and selfish)
And they said sigyn is weak, pathetic and a Karen (because she is kind, specially to loki)
What with peoples that hate kindness?
Did they forget that violence will bring more violence. Basically they said that loki need more violence and getting more smackdown in his life, rather a kindness
Being kind is the opposite of a Karen is
The reason I hot so deep into Sigyn and the Logyn ship was because it was mostly free of Sylvie and the thing is I've seen a few Logyn shippers just pair off Sylvie with different version of Sigyn. That way everybody wins
There are those types of Sylvie fans that must be right about their like and insist that she THE best character and drag anyone else could suggest otherwise. Form what I've seen they usually they mostly insult Amora.
Like, even outside of Sylvie fans and the Loki2021 discourse Sigyn has been horrible misrepresented in pop culture and that hasn't good for her image. So I've all types of people look down on her.
All us Loki+Sigyn fans want is someone who actually kind to Loki, and if Sylvie fans were patient they would find that people would just give her the Goddess of Fidelity as a love interest too
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violetvapours · 1 year
Looking for any logyn ship blogs that still follow basic fandom etiquette like SALS, that are safe for:
💚mcu fans (even if we don't 100% love every piece of media)
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artnamikasd · 2 years
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Polyship aesthetic board : Loki x Siri x Sylvie / LoSiSyl / Double Frosthoney
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