#anthony party rentals
fitrahgolden · 1 year
Lilies and Soap: 2 - Bane of My Existence
“The power you possess
And don't seem to even know
I bet it would hurt less
If you had mercy and let it show
Then I might have a defence
I might have a chance
Or a way to do penance
A way to escape this trance
I can’t escape, Darling
I don’t want to”
“Bane of My Existence” by Lilies and Soap. 
Lyrics by A. E. Bridgerton.
"Yes, Tony. You seem to forget that we all took the same Applied Aural Skills courses at the RCM. You actually aren't special. Sorry if I’m the first person to tell you that. But, please, oh, please, explain it to me again. And use simple words, for I am but a woman."
Anthony's dramatic eye roll could put all pre-teens to shame. "Oh, come off it, Lamb–"
"Don't fucking call me that right now."
"Fine," Anthony chuckled.
"And don't fucking laugh at me!" Kate jabbed a finger directly into his chest and he smacked it away.
"Um, we're very much in public. Do they know that?" Eloise looked over to Benedict as their party of nine congregated outside of the train station in Pembrokeshire. "Isn't it your job to, like," she gestured vaguely, "sort them out?"
“Oh, I gave up on them two hours ago. And so did, I believe, literally everyone else on the train. But by all means, if you’d like to have a go, El, feel free to mediate. Godspeed."
"I think they're gonna kiss." Hyacinth seemed to be studying the scene with laser focus. 
Eloise laughed. "Oh, yeah? How do you figure?" she asked, bemused.
"They fight the way people in films do right before they kiss. They have chemistry."
"Is that right? Chemistry? How old are you?"
Gregory shook his head. "They always fight like this and they never kiss. And Anthony goes on dates. He wouldn’t do that if he wanted to kiss Kate."
“One would think,” Benedict muttered under his breath.
"They should kiss, though," Hyacinth said with a sage air of authority.
"I think you're onto something, Hy." Benedict put his arm around his sister's shoulders. "I think life would be easier for all of us if they would just kiss."
The four were joined by Violet, Colin, and Francesca as they watched Anthony and Kate being too engrossed in their bickering to notice the excited teenager walking up to them.
"I'm sorry, are you guys Lilies and Soap?"
Kate whipped around and immediately neutralised her scowl. “Hi! Yes, we are. I’m Kate.” She held out her hand.
“Oh, I’m Mia!” Mia’s grin was so wide it looked like it hurt as she enthusiastically shook Kate’s hand.
“Mia, this,” Kate looked back and cut her eyes at Anthony, “is Anthony.”
Anthony’s smile was tight as he offered his hand, but it warmed as Mia shook it and told the pair about how much she loved their music.
"May I please have a picture?"
“Of course, love.” Kate guided Mia to stand in between them. After Mia took a selfie, Colin jogged up to them and offered to take another photo for her.
Mia gushed a little more before giving Kate and Anthony both hugs and going on her way. As they watched her leave, Anthony whispered something to Kate and she turned to him and growled, “Why can’t you let this go?! We were having a nice moment.”
“Because we weren’t done talking.”
“I was done.”
“That’s not how conversations work, Kate.”
“That’s actually exactly how they work, Anthony.”
“Jesus Christ, who invited Anthony?” Colin asked no one in particular.
“Do you mean Kate, Dear?”
Two shuttles pulled up to take the Bridgertons to their holiday rental.
“I am not sharing a van with those two,” Eloise declared.
“Well, I’m certainly not. I’ve had to sit next to them all day. Make the kids ride with them.” Benedict offered.
“I don’t think I want to be there when they kiss.”
“They aren’t going to kiss, Hy!” 
"Honestly,” Francesca finally spoke up, “the rest of us could all fit in one and leave them alone in the other."
Everyone looked at each other before Benedict kissed Francesca hard on the cheek. “Franny, you absolutely star! Hurry, let’s go before they notice.”
Anthony looked back at Kate as they silently moved through the streets of Pembrokeshire towards Haverfordwest. She was writing furiously in one of her notebooks. The pen moving rapidly across the paper was the only sound in the van besides the rumble of the engine and the various sounds of the towns they passed.
Anthony moved to sit in the back of the van with her. “Writing about me, are you?”
Kate’s only response was a glower in his direction before returning to her notes.
Anthony was shameless. He subtly tried to angle his body so he could see what she was writing. The only clear phrase he could make out was, “breaking me down so I can collect the pieces and give them right back to you,” before he felt guilty and looked away. That couldn’t possibly be about him. Their stupid fights could never warrant that kind of imagery.
The second shuttle wasn’t that far behind the first, but when Kate and Anthony entered the house they would be staying in for the next four nights, they were annoyed to find all the rooms had been claimed except for the two that were furthest away from all the others.
“Well, I guess we deserve that.” Kate said, her voice and face impassive.
“Go ahead and pick which one you want,” Anthony said, but Kate was already down the hall to do just that.
After everyone settled in and had a makeshift, “every man for himself” style dinner, Kate and Anthony went out with Benedict and Colin to the closest pub. Mercifully, Benedict and Colin had stopped avoiding them, so they had more to do than not speak to each other. The mood had mellowed and when his brothers went back to the bar for another round of drinks, Anthony went to the jukebox and queued up two songs. He walked back over to Kate’s side of the booth and offered his hand. Kate looked up at him.
“Dance with me, Lamb?”
Kate gave him a small, sweet smile before grabbing his hand and letting herself be led to the small dancefloor.
Bill Withers’s “Ain’t No Sunshine” began to play and Kate shook her head and smiled.
“Damn you,” she whispered as she slid an arm around his neck and Anthony placed one of his against the middle of her back. They swayed to one of her all time favourite songs for a while before Anthony spoke.
“Why do we do this?”
Kate looked up at him with wide eyes. “Do what?”
“The asinine squabbling.”
“Oh. I think it’s only asinine on one side.”
“Fine, sorry. I don’t know. We get going on something that doesn’t matter and it just becomes…”
“It somehow becomes the only thing that matters.”
Kate nodded as she chuckled. “Yeah. It’s weird. But… I don’t know, I kind of like it? I may find it just a little enjoyable and no one else can get under my skin quite the way you do, so unfortunately, you will forever be my sparring partner, I’m afraid. Until you find someone you want to keep and she demands we stop under penalty of leaving you.”
“Someone I want to keep?”
“I know you, Tony. You may date around, but you want to settle down. You know, commit to someone and have the house and the babies and the domestic bliss, and all that.”
“Yeah, I guess I do. You don’t?”
“I’m… not sure yet. Give it a go and let me know how you like it.”
“Right,” Anthony whispered.
They didn’t say much after that. Kate once again was pleasantly surprised when another one of her favourites came on next, Pete Yorn’s cover of “Ever Fallen in Love.”
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“No fucking way.” Kate looked horror stricken as she and Anthony were perusing an outdoor market in Haverfordwest the next day and she paused in the middle of a walkway. Anthony pulled her aside with concern as he looked in the same direction, following Kate's gaze to an older couple.
“Who’s that?”
“Mum’s parents.”
“No fucking way.”
“That’s what I said. Of all the fucking places.”
Anthony pulled Kate close to him. She couldn’t look away.
“When was the last time you saw them?”
“I don’t know, maybe eight years? Yeah, it was right after Appa died. They didn't even go to the funeral, but they sure as hell descended upon our house a week later with the intent to scoop Edwina up and send her to a boarding school they had selected for her. They barely said anything to Mum, just made their demands and expected Edwina to leave with them that same day. They ignored Amma completely, which you know didn’t go ever well. She was actually the one to kick them out of Mary’s house.” Kate laughed a little, but still looked nervous. “Fuck, I made eye contact. Quick let’s–”
Kate swore.
“You must be mistaking me for someone else,” she said as she peered at the woman who wore a pinched expression that seemed to be permanent.
“Oh, right, no, it’s… Kathani. Right, of course. Lovely name.”
“Right. Kate’s still fine.”
Mrs. Sheffield looked up to Anthony. “And you must be Kate’s… associate in this, er, little music project I hear she has going on?”
“Yep,” Anthony offered his hand to her and then her disinterested husband. “Anthony Bridgerton.”
“Lady Amala Sheffield, and this is my husband, Earl Lucius Sheffield.”
Kate rolled her eyes and swore again under her breath.
“A pleasure, I’m sure.” Anthony gave them a smile that Kate knew was false as hell, but she didn’t blame him. Who could genuinely smile at the Sheffields?
"So, you heard about my…'little project?' Big into the indie music scene, are you?"
"Heavens, no. A friend told me his niece was telling him how fond she was of you, actually. Anyway, enough about that. Tell me, dear, how on earth did you find yourself here?”
“In Pembrokeshire? I’m on holiday with the Bridgertons.”
“Ah, that makes sense. How charitable of them to let you tag along on what I assume was meant to be a family holiday.”
“Amala…” Lucius warned, looking desperate to move on from this interaction.
“Kate is family.” Anthony said matter-of-factly, pulling her closer to him.
‘Well, how wonderful for Kate. Anyway, we really must get going. Lovely to see you.”
“Yes, maybe you’ll happen upon one of us again in another eight years.”
With that, Kate brusquely rushed past them, Anthony following close behind. Her pace was swift as she navigated through the crowds. “The dickheads didn’t even mention their own fucking daughter or grandchild. What the fuck?”
“Do you want to leave?” Anthony asked.
“No. Fuck them. I just need to sit down for a little bit.”
They found a bench and sat down. Anthony rubbed a hand up and down Kate’s arm.
“Are you going to tell your family you saw them?”
Kate thought for a moment. “No. No, there’s no point. It’ll just upset Mum and Edwina. And Amma will have too much to say about it.”
Anthony nodded. After a few beats, he said, “We should change our band name.”
“You think? To what?”
“Little Music Project Associates, obviously. Lady Sheffield has given us a gift.”
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japhan2024 · 11 months
Kinktober day 25: Just like that II
Read part 1 here
"So, I had something happen to me today, on the boat." Damien just had to confront Anthony. He couldn't bare to live with secrets. His thoughts were intrusive enough without that stress on top.
"Oh, hi! Damien? What are you doing here?"
"Oh, hi An... A.. Anthony?" Damien blinked furiously, and his heart felt like it beat out of his chest.
The two colleagues that just happened to bump into each other at the Dover port, hugged and chatted a bit.
"I'm on a mini holiday to my favorite city, London," Damien said. There was a tension creeping up his legs all the way to his throat. He had just been deliciously buttfucked by a stranger who Damien SWORE had Anthony's hand tattoos.
"Oh that's such a coincidence man, I am too! London is such a great city, a lot of youtubers live here as well so I'm visiting them. One has a live show tomorrow night that I'm going to."
"Yeah, absolutely coincidental... So, why didn't you take a plane?"
"Um, well haha, I just also like France and decided to make the most of the European experience! Didn't you tell me you went with this ferry a lot as a child? I thought I would try this experience, and indeed, it's such a great feeling on the water, the night sky and the wind in your hair..."
Damien blushed furiously. So he had been on the deck as well. Had he seen Damien? Had he been the one after all? Anthony showed absolutely no signs of being embarrassed.
"Do you have a rental car as well?" Damien asked, staring down hard at the ground.
"Oh no, I'm actually going back to the bus. It was cheaper haha."
Anthony bobbed around on his feet, his hands in the pockets of his skinny black jeans. Damien's people pleasing instincts took over.
"Shall I give you a ride then? That must be more comfortable than the bus?"
"Really? That's so sweet of you dude! Let me go and get my stuff!"
Anthony walked away. Damien checked him out. He wore an annoyingly well-fitting ripped sweater and crazy Yeezys. With those pants, he looked like a lost LA hipster. He didn't belong here, in Europe. Damien checked his phone. His little community of fans and peers were memeing and vibing, as they should. He smiled one-sidedly. At least that part of his life was still the same.
"Damien! Here I am again. Let's get to your car!"
"Yeah, sure, we're almost there."
They got to the rental, Anthony threw his stuff in the back seat and sat down next to Damien.
"It's a British car so it seems less like we're driving on the wrong side of the road, even if we still are."
Anthony stared at Damien.
"What's up?"
"Oh nothing. Where are you staying in London?"
"I rented an Airbnb in the city center. It has a great view of the Thames.
"Brooo. I was going to stay with my British youtuber friends, but wouldn't it be more fun to stay with you? We could make this a joint vacation!"
"Oh, yeah, sure! That will be fun!" Damien heard himself speak, he couldn't help it. And he also didn't want to help it. His eyes were on the road but Anthony's hands were in his peripheral, and his dick started to harden again.
"No, focus on traffic!" He told himself. Suddenly, the road was a Roman via, and he was riding a horse, Anthony next to him. Marc Anthony, no less. They were travelling to meet queen Cleopatra. This worked. He calmed down and drove all the way to the apartment.
"Wooow, this is so amazing, Damien!"
"Yeah, could be worse!"
"I call shotgun on the main bedroom!"
"Sure, boss man."
"Naww, we are just friend here, okay? No smoshy business."
"I don't believe that."
"Okay, fair, I'm kinda on a workation. I'm free tonight but tomorrow I'm working until I go to the live show. Do you wanna come?"
"Sure, should be great!"
"You're such a cutie."
Damien felt himself blush again, damn why was he such a softie for Anthony. He walked up to the fridge that had been stacked for him, took out a bottle of champaign and popped it in front of Anthony.
"Woo-hoo! Party time!" Anthony cheered. And he giggled. Not as wildly like he did at Ian at the office, but enough to make Damien proud he'd made him laugh.
Damien drank straight out of the bottle and handed it to Anthony. Anthony drank as well. Damien sat down on a chair in the small room. Anthony sat down in the other.
"So, I had something happen to me today, on the boat." Damien just had to confront Anthony. He couldn't bare to live with secrets. His thoughts were intrusive enough without that stress on top.
"What happened, dude?" Anthony took another wild swing of champaign, and it dribbled all down his chin. Damien was completely distracted. He stood up and turned around so as not to show his face blushing again.
"Someone just grabbed and fucked me on the deck."
"Oh my god, are you alright?"
"Yeah, it was nice actually, I don't know who it was, though."
"You... liked it?"
"Like... this?"
Anthony had gotten up from his chair as well and came closer. And closer.
"Fuck, it was you, wasn't it?"
"I saw you stand there, so serenely..."
Anthony put his hands right back in that perfect place.
"And you begged for it, what was I supposed to do?"
Damien couldn't handle it anymore. He pulled down his own pants and said: "and I'm begging you again! Let me have it, Anthony."
"Damien, I'm gonna fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk tomorrow," Anthony said in a low voice. And he was inside. Thrusting, pumping, pushing Damien forward until he was squished against the wall.
Damien groaned and panted. "Please, yes!"
"Beg harder!"
"Please fuck me, Anthony! Please, I'm your little slut, I'm just here for you to fuck, I just want you to have your way with me. Do whatever you want, Anthony!"
Anthony pushed Damien's head against the wall and bit his neck, his back and fucked him as hard as he could. Damien's butt was like a cushion, catching every blow and bounci g it back. It made Anthony insane with lust. He screamed and pounded into Damien, it went on for a while and then finally, that hot semen squirted into Damien, who had been stroking his own dick and came as well, against the wall.
"Damien..." Anthony walked to the bed and collapsed. Damien got in beside him.
"Anthony..." Damien stroked those shiny curls and kissed him for the very first time. Anthony's lips were still salty from the sea air.
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avandelay20 · 4 months
Who would have thought Dutton and his party would pick this side of the argument... yet here we are.
Finally - someone is willing to state the hard truth.
Excessive immigration has led to excessive demand in housing which is driving up prices and increasing homelessness.
Government bureaucrats have arrived at this same conclusion.
If Labor continues to ignore this obvious truth, they need to go.
Said Dutton:
“We wanted the message last night to be about housing and that’s of huge priority for millions of Australians who can’t get a home under this government,” the Opposition Leader said. “We’ve got people who are sleeping rough, homelessness figures are the highest in this country under this government. You’ve got a situation where young Australians want to buy a home or want to rent a home (and) they can’t find a home. And why? “Because the Prime Minister’s brought almost a million people in over the last two years we’ve only got about a quarter of a million homes that’ve been built.” Anthony Albanese’s disproportionate intake of migrants against the number of houses built has also worsened the rise in homelessness, which is at an all-time high, Mr Dutton argued. “At the moment you can’t bring a million people in when you’ve only a quarter of a million homes because they need somewhere to sleep,” he said. “The Prime Minister surely would have thought about this and what’s happened is Australians have been displaced from homes. Had the government introduced from year one what we’re proposing now, over a five-year period there would be about 325,000 homes that would be available in the rental market for young Australians to realise their dream of home ownership. “At the moment is just compounding the problem. They keep predicting that the number will go down but of course it won’t.”
Other coverage https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/politics/peter-dutton-slams-immigration-minister-andrew-giles-claims-hes-to-blame-for-a-lot-of-things-amid-migration-surge/news-story/d05f97bc7d03fe80fc5884293822f615
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ctweddingdj · 7 months
Why Wedding Rental Is A Smart Choice: Rental Secrets You Need to Know - #86
Wedding rental of some items can save you time, money, and unnecessary stress. But why should you choose rentals over buying?
  This podcast is for engaged couples who are stressed out with wedding planning and family expectations but want a fun wedding day.
  From tables and chairs to linens, decor, and centerpieces. Everything you need for your dream wedding with the most elegant and stylish wedding rentals that will transform any venue into your unique style!
  No more worrying about buying items that you might not use again, only to collect dust forever. Plus you only get the highest quality and luxury products.
  Our guest Harry Ofori, the owner of Harry's Party Rentals, shares his insights and expertise on wedding rentals so that you can turn your wedding vision into a reality!
  And here's the best part - Harry's Party Rentals offers tailgate service, which means they take care of the delivery, set up, and tear down, leaving you with less stress and more time to enjoy your special day!
  Listen now and get empowered with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions and have a stress-free and memorable wedding day.
  The Stress-free Wedding Planning Podcast #86 - Why Wedding Rental Is A Smart Choice:  Rental Secrets You Need to Know
Host: Sal & Sam Music: "Sam's Tune" by Rick Anthony
Guest: Harry Ofori, the owner of Harry's Party Rentals
00:00 Introduction to Why Wedding Rental Is A Smart Choice: The Rental Secrets You Need to Know.
03:00 The Importance of Wedding Rental Questions
03:32 The Benefits of Renting Over Buying
04:23 The Importance of Licensing and Insurance
04:44 The Role of Venue Inspection in Wedding Rentals
06:02 The Importance of Customer Service in Wedding Rentals
07:13 Understanding Wedding Rental Contracts
08:35 The Importance of Deposits in Wedding Rentals
10:00 Harry’s Party Rental Social Media and Contact Info
10:30 Wedding Tip Wednesday
14:00 The Role of Delivery and Setup in Wedding Rentals
15:00 Timing of Deliveries
17:48 Handling Broken or Lost Rental Items
18:38 Harry’s Party Rental Social Media and Contact Info
19:00 Final Thoughts and Podcast Wrap-up
20:00 Close
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Sponsored in part by Clear Vision Productions and the Wedding Styles of CT Wedding Shows.   https://www.weddingstylesofct.com/   https://www.theclearvisionagency.com/
Wedding Tip Wednesday on the Stress-free Wedding Planning Podcast is sponsored by EMERGE Cosmetics – 10% OFF promo code: SF1 https://shopemergecosmetics.com/ Copyright © 2024 Atmosphere Productions LLC All Rights Reserved. Produced By Atmosphere Productions in association with After Hours Events of New England https://atmosphere-productions.com https://www.afterhourseventsofne.com #stressfreeweddingplanning #stressfreeweddingplanningpodcast #ctweddingdj #atmosphereproductions #afterhourseventsofne #cvpevents #clearvisionproductions #theclearvisionagency #dreamwedding #WalkDownTheAisle
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The Early Education Rip Off In Australia
I have a daughter working in child care in Australia. She loves her job and is very good at what she does. However, she is paid a pittance for her skills in this space and the undervaluing of early education in Australia is a disgrace. Listening to Jessica Rudd from The Parenthood advocacy group speak at the National Press Club was enlightening and inspiring. Very little has shifted over many years in this space. The early education rip off in Australia continues. Ten years of Coalition federal governments did next to nothing for the nation in this important sector. Photo by Oleksandr P on Pexels.com
Child Care An Expensive Failure In Australia
The Libs and the Nat’s are all about private enterprise making profits at the expense of the national need, especially when it comes to the care sector. Proper restructuring and investment by government in the early education space is required. Australia is considered to be a wealthy nation by the raw numbers alone. However, much of this wealth is hoarded by private interests and the policies of the two main political parties are designed around this. Australia is lacking in affordable universal child care, proper aged care, and universal dental care as part of Medicare. Social housing is now a crisis black hole in Australia after decades of neoliberal policies, which neglected investment in the social infrastructure of the nation. Private Wealth Interests At The Expense Of Public Need The economic policies of the conservatively minded parties are all about individuals amassing wealth at the expense of the shared fiscal responsibilities of the nation. No capital gains tax on the family home, even if it is worth tens of millions of dollars. No death taxes. There is no redistribution of wealth measures to help promote a level playing field. The Coalition introduced regressive taxation measures, which are culminating with the stage 3 tax cuts. These further entrench divergence between those born into wealth and those not. The wealth divide in Australia jumped massively during the last decade via the economic policies of the Liberal party and National party governments. “Capital gains tax concessions for a main residence were worth $48bn in 2022-23 and rental deductions $24.4bn. In 2019-20 taxpayers reported total rental losses of $10.2bn, delivering them a $3.6bn negative gearing tax benefit.” - (https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/mar/01/albanese-rejects-changes-to-capital-gains-tax-on-the-family-home-full-stop-exclamation-mark) Peter Dutton spends his time in parliament aggressively attacking the Albanese government over emotive issues like race, refugees, and war in Gaza and Israel. The Opposition under Dutton refuses all bipartisan entreaties and says No to everything proposed by the government. You would think that after 10 years in government the Coalition would find some grace. Most of the economic policies which have put Australia where it is are from their time in office. It takes at least 18 months to several years for government policies to bear macroeconomic fruit. Toxic Masculinity LNP Politics Not Serving The Care Sector The toxic masculinity of the LNP in Australia – see Peter Dutton – is in large part to blame for the underinvestment in the care sector. This predominantly feminised workforce has been treated with indifference and disdain by Coalition governments. They consider them to be babysitters and women with free time on their hands to look after kids and oldies. The LNP do not have many women members in their ranks – they are underrepresented. Those that they have in parliament are working within a toxic masculine framework. The LNP see politics as a brutal arena where bullies and strongmen prevail. Dutton thinks he can bully Anthony Albanese out of office. Child Care Rip Off Merchants The early education rip off in Australia has private providers charging what they like. “Australia's consumer watchdog has lifted the lid on the burden of childcare costs, revealing families are paying some of the highest costs in the world for their children's education. An ACCC report found Aussie parents are paying nearly 80 per cent more than families overseas, with calls for education providers who are "ripping off" families with unreasonable price increases to be named and shamed. "Australian parents are actually paying 16 per cent of their income towards childcare compared to other countries where it is just nine per cent," mother-of-two and Working Mummas founder, Carina O'Brien told Today.” - (https://9now.nine.com.au/today/early-education-rip-off-consumer-report-finds-aussie-families-paying-80-per-cent-more-than-other-countries/c0569fbb-4d12-4436-80c5-78bcb5d4d7ba) It is time that the Albanese government grows some courage and gets its hands dirty when it comes to leading this country. ALP lite is no longer going to work in the current economic climate. Start paying early educators proper wages, so that the sector can attract and maintain quality staff. Intervene in rural areas by operating national early education centres where they are required. Use existing crown land, where schools are already located in regional areas. The private sector neoliberal approach does not work in too many instances, when it comes to the child care early education sector. “At The Parenthood, our vision is clear: every child, irrespective of background or location, deserves the chance to flourish through access to top-tier early childhood education. It’s not merely about education; it’s about building the bedrock of a just and prosperous society,” Ms Rudd said. ​ Addressing the political and economic landscape, in her speech Ms Rudd will acknowledge the government’s commitment to universal ECEC while also raising concerns about potential challenges and stressed the importance of staying true to this vision. ​ “Reforming early childhood education is legacy material. It’s a reform that will deliver immediate benefits for families on cost of living, but it is also a reform that will build our future capability. It’s an investment in the leaders of tomorrow,” she notes.  ​ “Australia should be the best place in the world to be a parent and raise a child. We are the country of Bluey, for goodness sake. We have mangoes and verandahs, the oldest continuing cultures in the world. We are resilient and diverse; vast and bold.”  ​ Highlighting last week’s report from the Productivity Commission, Ms Rudd will also speak on the flaws in the current activity test – which requires parents to work or study for at least 30 hours a week in order to get the Child Care Subsidy – and the urgent need for workforce reforms in the early childhood education sector. “ - (https://thesector.com.au/2023/11/29/parenthood-ceo-will-address-national-press-club-today-speaking-on-ecec-reform/) Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt, and Financial Freedom.  ©MidasWord Read the full article
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rahmercy · 2 years
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𝐍𝖾ω 𝐄𝗏𝖾𐓣𝗍 𝐑𝖾𐓣𝗍αᥣ 𝚰𐓣𝗏𝖾𐓣𝗍ⱺ𝗋𝗒 𝐀ᥣ𝖾𝗋𝗍!: 𝚆𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝙽𝚎𝚘𝚗 𝙻𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 🔖Book an illuminating sign for your upcoming event for the most lit event experience! ______________________________ Contact us to book your next corporate event, party decor, event furniture or prop rentals TODAY! ↗️ | ➕ 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 & 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒔 𝑭𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘 @SHIFTEventRental ______________________________ 📱𝑻𝒆𝒙𝒕 𝑹𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑨𝑳𝑺 𝒕𝒐 𝟖𝟑𝟑-𝟓𝟏𝟎-𝟑𝟐𝟗𝟗 📞 (𝟗𝟏𝟗) 𝟔𝟗𝟓 -𝟑𝟕𝟔𝟔 📍 𝑫𝒖𝒓𝒉𝒂𝒎, 𝑵𝑪 | ✈️𝑾𝒆 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒍 & 𝒅𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒘𝒊𝒅𝒆🚐 🌐https://linktr.ee/shifteventrentals ______________________________ Song mood artist: @anthonyhamiltonofficial Anthony #eventrentals #eventfurniturerental #eventfurniturerentals #furniturerental #shifteventrental #luxurydecor #eventrental #partyrentals #eventlighting #partyrental #nceventrental #eventfurniture #luxuryeventrentals #weddingrentals #corporaterentals #shifteventrentals #raleigheventplanner #corporateeventplanner #nceventplanner #celebrityeventplanner #eventrentalservices #ncevents #brandactivation #durhamevents #cltevents #corporateevent #raleighevents #neonsigns #neonsign #neonlight (at Durham-Raleigh, NC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpDx1fcvg6y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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anthonyberritto · 2 years
Dedicated Warehousing vs. Shared Warehousing
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The CEO of SalSon Logistics, Anthony Berritto started as a driver in 1983 and has grown the company to generate annual revenue of over $100 million. Under Anthony Berritto's direction, Salson Logistics offers various services, such as dedicated warehousing.
Also called contract warehousing, dedicated warehousing refers to an outsourced warehouse management contract where a third-party (3PL) company takes responsibility for all warehousing operations on behalf of a single tenant or business. Shared warehousing is an outsourced warehouse management contract where a 3PL company manages warehouse operations on behalf of multiple tenants or businesses in a single facility. In both types of contract, a 3PL company may own or rent the warehouse facility.
Dedicated warehousing and shared warehousing have different payment structures. In dedicated warehousing, the single client (tenant) pays their 3PL provider for the entire cost of managing the warehouse. This includes capital equipment costs, warehouse management system costs, labor costs, and warehouse rental costs. Dedicated warehousing contracts are also long-term and last for a minimum of three years. The cost is typically fixed (independent of the volume of orders) and may be paid monthly. Businesses that transport a large volume of stock to a given location can opt for dedicated warehousing.
In shared warehousing, tenants share the cost of outsourced service and warehouse space. The cost is typically spread evenly among tenants, although some 3PL companies offer flexible billing depending on a business' order volume and activity level at a given time. Businesses with erratic or low shipping activity can opt for shared warehousing.
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mikethemovieguy · 2 years
Watch the Official Horror Trailer for SHADY GROVE
Watch the Official Horror Trailer for SHADY GROVE
Directed by Dale Resteghini, SHADY GROVE tells the story of a young African-American couple, Shaina (Niki McElroy) and Mark (Todd Anthony), as they leave behind their party lifestyle to find tranquility in an isolated rental cabin with their friend, Elijah (Juhahn Jones). It doesn’t take long for them to realize they have checked into a sinister nightmare as the locals reveal the true reason for…
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mainsram · 2 years
Principle volkswagen
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When management asked the mechanic to go look at the car, the mechanic was yelling and cussing about the car and refused to go. I asked management if I could show the mechanic the car with the new starter. After installing the new starter, the car would not start. I agreed to do so to prove my original starter was not bad and that it was the same electrical problem I came with that was causing my car not to start.
After unsuccessfully talking with management at Principle I was told I could go down the street, buy a starter, and install it myself. I returned to Principle and showed them a video of the starter working. I took the starter to a third party company that specializes in starters to diagnose. "I drove my car to Principle to have electrical problems diagnosed, my car was loosing all electrical while driving down the street. I am very appreciative to them and their service. Principle was able to get me in Monday morning and give me a rental to use while they repaired my vehicle. "Visiting my family my engine light came back on with another issue. All else was fine except for I do wish they would take off the service number tags from the key chain and mirror after completing the work." They did say that I would get a car wash and vacuum but that didn't get done. "The service was fast and I had a key programmed which works great. The repairs were completed and we have had no more leaks from either gas tank or transmission. He worked with us to give us his best deal and provided financing alternatives. Throughout, Anthony communicated weekly and additionally whenever there was a notable change. Parts are difficult to find and labor is complex. The car is a rare one though not particularly valuable. "In addition to above, the gas tank needed to be replaced. 2-way communication throughout the day for any questions and follow up as needed was easy and efficient (email, text and phone all were available)."
They offered a free shuttle if needed as well, which is great. The service advisor admitted my car quickly, efficiently, and with knowledge of the service my vehicle needed. How to reduce the need to commute is something employers and business people can look into – for example, work from home, flexible working hours, expanded online services including shopping, are options that can make a difference in this issue."Very easy to make the appointment. When the need to commute is reduced, globally, then traffic volume will decrease. The answer is no – because available facilities will be used to the maximum to by users for convenience (as opposed to needs). Will both PT and the various expressways solve the traffic problems for good? The ORR is meant to allow traffic from the outer areas to travel to another outer area without crossing the congested inner areas. Google these to understand the traffic management strategy. The East KV Expressway, currently in progress, was the other part of the missing link. Why we stopped the MRT network some years back? … this was a huge mistake for which we are suffering now.Īs for this newly proposed NODE – it is the last part of the missing link to the KV outer ring road, the ORR. This should reduce the road traffic volume to and from West KV to KL and beyond as well as enable more users to opt for the PT rail system.Ī large number of the residents in Kelang and Shah Alam work in KL/PJ but cannot afford to own property near the city, so are forced to commute by road until the MRT network is completed. The PT network is a work in progress, nearing completion now and hopefully all completed by end of 2023, which will connect Kelang and Shah Alam into the KV PT rail system.
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madhansband · 7 months
Song of the week from the previous show:
சலோமியா | Salomiya Song | Prashant & Karan |Madhan's Band | NIT Trichy | Deva Hits | gaana tamil
For Event Bookings and Enquiries: Call: +919840153443 / +919786766666
Music Band: Madhan's Band & Team Location : National Institute of Technology, Trichy
Kindly Support us with your reviews by giving us 5 Star Ratings and by your valuable comments. Madhan's band Google Review Link:
Services we offer: -Corporate Events -Virtual Events -Weddings & parties -Abroad Shows -Musical Instruments Rental
Get in touch with Madhan’s Band:
Website: http://www.madhansband.com/ MOBILE: +91 97867 66666 / +91 98401 53443 EMAIL: [email protected] / [email protected]
Social Links: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MadhansBandMusic/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Madhansband/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/MadhansBand Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MadhansBand Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/MadhansBand/
Original Song Credits:
Movie: கண்ணெதிரே தோன்றினாள் / Kannethirae Thondrinal Singer : Deva Music by : Deva Starring: Prasanth & Karan Year 1988
சலோமியா… சலோமியா… சுண்டக்கஞ்சி சோறுடா சுதும்பு கருவாடுடா வாளமீனு காலுடா வர்ற Style'ஹ பாருடா சலோமியா… சலோமியா… சுண்டக்கஞ்சி சோறுடா சுதும்பு கருவாடுடா வாளமீனு காலுடா வர்ற Style'ஹ பாருடா சலோமியா… சலோமியா… விறலோ நெத்திலி மீனு கண்ணோ காரப்பொடி முகமோ கெளுத்தி மீனு மனமோ சென்னாகுனி இது விலாங்குடா கையில் சிக்காதுடா அவ ரெக்க வச்ச வாவ்வாளுடா இது விலாங்குடா கையில் சிக்காதுடா அவ ரெக்க வச்ச வாவ்வாளுடா ஏ Anthony, ஏ அல்போன்ஸு அவ பொன்மேனி ரொம்ப சில்பான்ஸு அந்த கடல கேளு அலையே சொல்லும் கன்னியே கேளு புது கதையே சொல்லும் சலோமியா… சலோமியா… கிளிஞ்சல் சிரிப்புக்காரி சங்கு கழுத்துக்காரி இரவில் விளக்கு போடும் Lighthouse கண்ணுக்காரி அவ சூரங்கனி பாடும் மச்சக்கன்னி கொக்கு கொத்திக்கிட்டு போகாதுடா, அவ சூரங்கனி பாடும் மச்சக்கன்னி கொக்கு கொத்திக்கிட்டு போகாதுடா ஏ Anthony, ஏ அல்போன்ஸு அவ தொட்டுப்புட்டா அது உன் Chance'ஸு மீன் கொலம்பப்போல மணக்கும் பொண்ணு கட்டுமரத்தப்போல உன்ன சோமக்கும் கண்ணுசோ சலோமியா… சலோமியா… சுண்டக்கஞ்சி சோறுடா சுதும்பு கருவாடுடா வாளமீனு காலுடா வர்ற Style'ஹ பாருடா சலோமியா… சலோமியா…
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berserk-jewel · 3 years
Deal? Joseph (Slasher OC) x GN Reader
[A/N: this was longer than I thought and also went in a completely different direction than I thought it would go. I'm very very tempted to write up a second part two that's nsfw 👉👈
Also, as usual (I think? For now?), the reader isn't gendered.]
You spent your free time working at the local video rental store.
Joseph, your best friend, spent all of his free time there as well.
You'd joked multiple times that he might as well just get a job there too at this point. But, every time, he replied with something along the lines of wanting to enjoy his free time without having a schedule. What he meant by that when he was always there keeping you company during your shift anyway, you'd never know.
When he wasn't browsing the horror movie section, he was usually sitting behind you at the checkout counter doing homework. You were the only cashier in the evenings when you worked but, Joseph was around so often that most people assumed he worked there as well.
That's how things usually went in your friendship. Wherever you were, Joseph was most likely somewhere nearby. Unless it was a party. He hated crowded places and wouldn't brave them most of the time - even for you, which was saying something.
Now, however, was closing time. Which meant that while you tidied up the store (with Joseph insisting to help) the two of you bickered over what movie to watch tonight. Movie Night was sacred, even though it was most nights, which meant actually picky a movie was an arduous endeavor.
"My Bloody Valentine," you yelled from across the store in the comedy section.
"We watched that last week though. Friday the 13th," Joseph countered, sweeping between the romance aisles.
"You always want to watch Friday the 13th," you joked.
"It's a good movie." Joseph came around the corner, half-heartedly sweeping at your shoes. He leaned against the handle of the broom, resting his chin on his hands and watching you straighten the VHS tapes on the shelf through his oversized glasses.
"Fine, we can watch Friday the 13th. But, only if we watch My Bloody Valentine too," you offer, holding out your hand. "Deal?"
Joseph paused for a moment, looking down at your outstretched hand and tensing slightly before he places his hand in yours. You give it a firm shake, smiling broadly as his face turns red. Cute. You're about to tease him for it when the bell above the front door sounds, causing you to turn your attention to it.
"Oh, I'm sorry but we closed at 10!" you say, turning around, Joseph's hand still loosely held in yours.
The tips of his ears were red with embarrassment and it only worsened when the two of you recognized who'd just strolled through the door. His usually laid back and relaxed demeanor shifted into something you didn't get to see him express often: pure, unadulterated contempt. Even without looking at the door, you could have guess what - or rather, who - had made him look so disgusted.
Brian Anthony.
You didn't know what it was about the jock that inspired so much disdain in Joseph. Maybe it was simply because he was the stereotypical jock type that Joseph despised so much, although he had a different excuse everytime you asked. He'd even insisted once that "no one should have two first names as their whole name." But, usually, his gripe with the overconfident asshole was typically how rude he was to you. Joseph could easily handle being insulted or belittled himself but, as soon as that negative attention was turned to you, he immediately became more short-tempered.
A short-tempered Joseph was a rare sight but, it usually meant he was trying to defend you. You were flattered that he wanted to although, he could be overbearing in his protectiveness. You'd lost track of how many times you'd go on a first date only for your date to call a few days later to say they didn't want to break up your close friendship with Joseph. That was if you even got a call back.
"Well, I mean, the lights are still on," Brian said with an over-exaggerated shrug as he strolled into the building. His eyes caught sight of Joseph's hand still loosely clasped in yours and a slow, smug smile spread across his face as he approached the two of you.
"Wooow, Joey-boy, I didn't know you had it in you. Am I interrupting anything?" he drawled, hands tucked in the pockets of his red and gold letterman jacket.
"Yeah, no shit the lights are on. You're interrupting us cleaning," you said. Beside you, you could feel how Joseph had tensed up even more from Brian's comment. You hated the guy too but nowhere near the extent that Joseph did.
"I've already closed the register for tonight so if you want to rent something you've gotta come back tomorrow," you added, trying to get the jock out of the store quickly.
He didn't seem to notice that he wasn't welcomed. Or maybe he did and just didn't care. You were willing to bet that the latter was true. Either way, he was now standing uncomfortably close to you and Joseph looked like he was going to punch him.
Which would be a very bad idea.
You give Joseph's hand a little squeeze, startling him just enough to distract him. His eyes widen as his head quickly swivels to look at you but you ignore him, settling on your sternest expression again.
"Listen, Brian, unless you want everyone in town to know how many times you've rented Pretty Pony Island Adventure 4, get out of here," you said.
The jock immediately clammed up, scowling at you deeply. "It's for my sister and you know that!" he insisted.
Of course you did. But that was a small detail you didn't have to mention when you put up posters around town mocking him for it.
"Ugh, whatever. The two of you are boring anyway," he scoffed, making up an excuse to get out of there quickly. Brian paused by the entrance, turning to glare back at Joseph. "This isn't over Joey-boy. Your little friend isn't always going to be here to defend you."
"Seven times!" you shouted back at him. "Seven times in one month!"
"Fine!" Brian snapped, finally leaving. The glass door swung shut behind him, the little bell announcing his departure.
You sighed and shook your head, watching through the glass storefront as Brian begrudgingly marched outside and jumped into his red AMC Eagle. Joseph said your name.
"Hm?" you inquired, turning to look at him only to see that his gaze was lowered.
You looked down as well before remembering that his hand was still in yours. You quickly pulled it away
"I'm sorry, Joseph! Did that make you uncomfortable?" you asked, worried about giving Brian another reason to pick on either of you.
You'd held hands before, of course. You were such close friends that physical affection like that was second nature, even if Joseph was so easily-flustered.
"It's fine. You know that I don't mind," he said. Joseph looked away, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck as his now-free hand hung at his side.
You smiled, relieved that you hadn't actually embarrassed him despite how red his face was.
"Great; let's finish up!"
Another positive of having Joseph hang around when you worked closing was that you could close up twice as fast. He also saved you trouble of having to walk home so late at night. You watched way too many scary movies together for you to risk that.
Joseph drove you home and the two of you did what usually did most nights: watched horror movies and ate way too many snacks. You'd both seen My Bloody Valentine and Friday the 13th more times than you could count and spent the night ribbing on them. By the time you were halfway through Friday the 13th, you were getting tired, pressed up against Joseph's side on the overstuffed floral print couch in your living room. The blue glow from the TV made the freckles beneath his eyes more pronounced and you couldn't help but stare at his profile as he tossed a handful of popcorn into his mouth.
This light made you reflective of Joseph. His clinginess could be annoying but he was always there for you. Even tonight with Brian, you knew that if you hadn't stopped him, he probably would have tried to punch the much larger man. Which would have definitely ended poorly for him. Joseph didn't care though, too caught up in trying to help you.
He must have asked you a question because he turned his gaze to look at you curiously but you weren't paying attention. You grinned as he turned as red as the gore on screen once he realized you weren't focused on the movie anymore. Joseph quickly brushed a hand over his mouth in confusion.
"What? Is there s-something on my face?" he asked anxiously as you shook your head.
"No, I was just looking at you."
If anything, that response just flustered him even more as his eyes widened. You rested your head against Joseph's shoulder and started watching the movie again, feeling how tense he got. When you glanced up at him he was sitting stockstill, looking straight ahead.
This time, when you placed your hand in his, he squeezed it back.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
Star, March 1
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Humiliated Jennifer Lopez used for money and fame by Alex Rodriguez
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Page 1: Princess Eugenie and her husband Jack Brooksbank, who is a UK ambassador for George Clooney and Rande Gerber's tequila brand, welcomed a son on February 9 at London's Portland Hospital
Page 2: Contents, Robin Thicke in front of a piano at Gold Diggers studio in L.A.
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Page 3: Star Shots -- Serena Williams honored late Olympic gold medalist Florence Griffith Joyner by rocking a one-legged Nike catsuit at the first day of the Australian open, Chrissy Metz brought some vibrancy to the virtual SCAD aTVFest where she discussed This Is Us and was honored with the Vanguard Award, Olivia Culpo checked out the view before heading to the Shaq Bowl in Tampa
Page 4: Inside Britney Spears' nightmare -- a shocking new documentary exposes how Britney was used and abused by people she trusted -- Britney's unable to communicate with fans directly without permission -- fans flooded Justin Timberlake's Instagram to demand an apology for what one called profiting from trashing a woman
Page 5: Facing a lawsuit from her estranged older sister has rattled Mariah Carey -- Alison Carey alleged to a NYC court that Mariah had intentionally inflicted emotional distress by writing about her in the 2020 tell-all The Meaning of Mariah Carey and Alison is seeking $1.25 million after the singer accused her of, among other things, throwing boiling hot tea on her and trying to sell a 12-year-old Mariah to a pimp -- now Mariah has become wary of even those in her inner circle and is making longtime employees re-interview for their jobs -- Mariah's always been on the paranoid side but everyone is a suspect now and she's grilling everyone from bodyguards to chefs to stylists and household staff who have been with her for years and if anyone pushes back they are shown the door -- her great fear is that people could cross over and spill secrets to the enemy because she's been caught off guard before by those she trusted
* Catching ZZZs has become a real problem for Kelly Clarkson -- between her gig as a daytime host, trying to sell homes in Nashville and Encino, and battling her ex Brandon Blackstock over custody of their two kids, she is beyond stressed and she can't sleep and nothing works; the most shut-eye she gets is two to three hours -- it's gotten so bad she's even tried hypnotherapy but her workaholic brain outwits it -- meanwhile her legal woes including a lawsuit with her husband and ex father-in-law's talent agency are getting nastier and Brandon has told her in no uncertain terms that he's not going to stop until he gets what he wants which is a ton of money and time with the kids
* She was the most loathed mother in America and now Casey Anthony wants her say -- 10 years after she was acquitted of murdering her two-year-old daughter Caylee, Casey is making a documentary about the trial and she thinks she can clear her name -- she's not looking for sympathy but she believes she's a victim too and was unfairly convicted in the public eye -- she is planning on dropping bombshells in the doc including her take on the theory that the toddler accidentally drowned in the family pool as well as shocking secrets about her own abusive upbringing but don't expect much remorse
Page 6: Just over a year after her father Kobe Bryant and sister Gianna Bryant perished in a tragic helicopter crash, Natalia Bryant who is Kobe's oldest daughter, has signed a modeling contract with IMG Models who also represent Bella Hadid and Gigi Hadid and the just signed Inauguration standout poet Amanda Gorman
* Rumer Willis was heartbroken when her months-long relationship with Armie Hammer fizzled out in December but after harrowing reports of Armie's alleged abuse of women including asking to barbecue their ribs and carry their severed toes in his pocket, Rumer is telling friends she feels lucky -- she wanted to defend him when the cannibalism stories first came out because she thought they were outrageous and now she feels badly for all of the victims and she's really grateful she didn't get caught up in the Armie nightmare
* Star Spots the Stars -- Eva Longoria, Mandy Moore, Demi Lovato, Dan Levy, Dorinda Medley
Page 8: Star Shots -- Meg Ryan wore some wide-legged trousers and a cute cap on a nature walk in Santa Barbara, Gavin Rossdale wore pink socks while playing tennis in L.A., Ciara holding six-month-old son Win during a family getaway to Hawaii
Page 9: Delilah Belle Hamlin and Love Island's Eyal Booker removed their masks for a quick street smooch during a coffee date in L.A., Sofia Richie enjoyed some PDA with shipping heir Gil Ofer in Miami
Page 12: Kate Upton doing yoga, Tia Mowry-Hardrict and her husband Cory Hardrict shared dishwashing duty after cooking at home, Robin Roberts tasted a treat on Good Morning America in New York City
Page 13: Pregnant Brittany Cartwright brought her dog along to retrieve the mail in L.A., Victoria Justice showed off her toned tummy post-workout in L.A.
Page 14: Goldie Hawn turned quality time with granddaughter Rani into a workout toting her in a backpack, Madonna and Guy Ritchie's son Rocco Ritchie waded in during a vacation in Tulum in Mexico, Lucy Hale on a stroll with her dog Elvis in L.A.
Page 16: Chris Noth put in a day's work on The Equalizer in Paterson in New Jersey, Flavor Flav and Flo Rida at The Super Glow Super Bowl kick-off party in Tampa, Bradley Cooper kept daughter Lea close as the two ran errands in NYC
Page 17: More than a week after celebrating 18 months of sobriety Lily Allen enjoyed a snack on-the-go in London, Jessica Alba lifted her son Hayes while riding scooters with husband Cash Warren in Beverly Hills
Page 18: Normal or Not? Cody Simpson got physical with new girlfriend Marloes Stevens during a romantic getaway in St. Barts -- normal, Selling Sunset's Christine Quinn picking up a portrait of herself in L.A. -- normal, Jack Black raised Thor's hammer in a parody posted on Instagram prompting Chris Hemsworth to call it the greatest thing he's ever seen -- not normal
Page 19: The Crown's Emma Corrin looked intrigued by a leafy object she stumbled upon during a stroll in London -- not normal, Sarah Jessica Parker kicked back in heels during a break from assisting shoppers at her flagship store in NYC -- not normal
Page 20: Fashion -- stars look sweet in tiered dresses -- Maude Apatow, Logan Browning, Margot Robbie
Page 21: Julianne Moore, Camila Morrone, Saoirse Ronan
Page 24: After months of quietly dating, Aaron Rodgers and Shailene Woodley are ready to marry and they announced it in the most low-key way possible and the couple are madly in love and feel unequivocally that this is the real deal -- Aaron and Shailene were friends long before sparks flew in August last year and having to endure a long-distance romance during football season actually made their bond stronger -- Aaron and Shailene are already planning to start a family and they're at that stage when they feel ready to be parents and are keen to have a baby
Page 25: Olivia Wilde and Harry Styles have found another dynamic duo to spend their downtime with which is Florence Pugh and Zach Braff -- the foursome hit it off on the set of Don't Worry, Darling which Olivia is directing and in which Florence and Harry star -- they have the best time together and know how to forget the world outside -- as it turns out bearing witness to Florence and Zach's happy relationship despite their 20-year age difference played a part in Olivia taking a chance on dating Harry who is nine years her junior following her split from Jason Sudeikis and seeing them together inspired Olivia to go for it with Harry and she's so glad she did
* While some couples are overwhelmed being with their kids 24/7 in lockdown, Prince William and Duchess Kate have enjoyed the extended family time with Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis -- having the kids at home during the pandemic has given Kate baby fever and she loves being around them and wants to have one more and she and William are trying for another, with Kate saying she's hoping for a girl -- as for raising four young kids, the pair are up to the challenge because Kate's a pro at multitasking and William is a devoted dad and they'll split parenting duties
* Matt Damon is hoping a change of scenery will save his rocky 17-year relationship with wife Luciana Barroso as the couple and their three girls have set up house in a lavish $7000-a-night rental in Australia's tony Byron Bay while the actor films Thor: Love and Thunder -- the beachy new surroundings are just what the couple needs after hitting a rough patch and Matt is working overtime to make sure Luciana enjoys herself Down Under by arranging date nights and buying gifts for her to open every day and even when he's working he's got time set aside for just them and the gestures seem to be working and it's the shot in the arm they both needed
Page 26: Cover Story -- Jennifer Lopez humiliated and used -- shocking cheating allegations rock J.Lo's world as fiance Alex Rodriguez's mistress Madison LeCroy tells all -- while Jennifer is putting on a brave face the affair rumors are devastating to her whether she admits it or not -- after revealing she and Alex exchanged DMs Madison said she doesn't want anything bad for his family or for hers -- Alex says it was innocent and that nothing happened but Jennifer is not fully buying it -- Jennifer and Alex's relationship is personal but it's also business; together, their fortunes have doubled
Page 30: Chip and Joanna Gaines -- inside our farmhouse reno -- Chip and Jo are expanding and renovating their Waco home and it may be their toughest job yet
Page 32: Celeb Parenting Fails -- these celebrity moms and dads share their hilarious hapless moments -- Anne Hathaway, Brad Pitt
Page 33: Willie Geist, Mila Kunis, Pink
Page 48: Parting Shot -- Despite it being her first concert in over a year, Miley Cyrus was ready to rock while headlining the TikTok Tailgate Super Bowl pre-show event in Tampa -- the show treated 7500 Florida-based healthcare workers to a set that included guest appearances by Joan Jett and Billy Idol, who both collaborated on Miley's latest album
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abovethesmokestacks · 4 years
Hiya! For Moodboard-tober, what if there was another serum enhanced, a female philanthropist/scientist/genius, turned around the 50s or 60s, Tony's godmother, but lives in London keeping a low profile (even though she's American and the accent is fake). Flies under the radar until Tony's reckless ways cause too much damage to his personal life and the world (a Halloween party is all over the internet) and The Falcon&Winter Solider are sent to retrieve the "big guns" "Iron Woman" --
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Moodboard-tober 20
Bucky hadn’t seen London for almost 80 years. Smelled the same, but all around him there was change. He and Sam step out of their rental car before staring down the row of townhouses, one in particular their destination.
Sam is prattling on, Bucky had stopped paying attention half an hour ago. “All I’m saying is that you don’t always have to be strapped for a fight. You could kill someone with your bare hands, why complicate-” They step aside for a woman to pass between them on the sidewalk and Sam mutters an, “Excuse us, miss.”
Unlined face. Confident posture. Gardenia perfume. Red lipstick. Had curry for lunch. Black luggage is at least two years old.
That’s all Bucky gleans in the two steps they share space.
It isn’t until they ask after you and a housekeeper points them back down the road that it clicks.
The two men share a look. “Those’re the ‘Big Guns’ we were warned about?” Sam wonders aloud before scrambling down the front steps after you. Bucky follows at a slower pace.
Sam shouts your name and a “Yes?” of a quick British clip responds as gloved hands shut the boot of the car.
You stand with one hand tucked in your pocket, poised around a weapon, if Bucky had to guess. Not that he had to guess.
“I believe we’re the ride you asked for, ma’am.”
Your voice drops low, flat - void of the London accent. “I didn’t ask for a ride, I’ve no need to be retrieved. I have a godson and his family to tend to.” 
Sam, forced to be the diplomat, smiles. “We can at least escort you to the airport, that’s what was asked of us. I’m sure you can agree it’s in all of our best interest to stay on Pepper’s good side right now.” Sam chuckles, leans on a hand he’d placed on the car.
Creating camaraderie through a shared acquaintance. Not bad. Appealing to Pepper’s vulnerable state. What’re they naming the kid? Think it starts with an ‘M’...
You couldn’t look less impressed if you tried.
“The minute I received news of Anthony’s... tumble off the wagon on Halloween I’d already made plans to intervene. I would’ve come sooner, but James insisted I wait for you. Though now that you’re here I fail to understand why.” Sam chokes on his own spit, Bucky crosses his arms. “If you gentlemen want to follow me to the airfield, be my guest. My plane leaves in an hour. Neither of you are on the flight manifest. Nor do I plan on adding you to it. I suppose I’ll be seeing you in New York.” You open the driver’s side door before adding, “Unfortunately,” under your breath - so quiet only Bucky’s hearing enhancement could have caught it. 
The door slams, engine turns over.
Bucky’s head is cocked, eyes trained on your silhouette. There was something familiar about you.
He could see the shit-eating grin on Sam’s face without turning his head to look. “Cat got your tongue? Or something with a little more bite?”
Slowly, Bucky pulls a knife from the sheath at the back of his belt, admiring it in the gloomy daylight. “If I were you, Sam, I’d be more worried about the fate of your own tongue.”
“Come on man, were we not just talking about the knife thing!”
Your car retreats past them at a high speed, prompting Sam and Bucky to jog to their own car.
Hmm. A chase that might actually be fun.
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moodboard by abovethesmokestacks
drabble by @hispeculiartreasure
| want to request a moodboard and drabble? |
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kegasyo-blog · 4 years
And will they be able to rebound with Michigan State?
Program was about developing the whole young man, not just the athlete, Sirkin said. Idea was: how do you teach them to be good citizens? How do you teach them to be good family members? How do you teach them to be good friends? first Sports U team was an average squad, but by the third year Bright brought on St. Anthony assistant Brian Coleman as coach and he provided instant credibility.
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petedriessen · 5 years
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Pivotal Turntable Tactics
Pete Driessen
Northern Pacific Rail Yard
Opening Saturday, October 5, 5-8 pm
RoundHouse Wedge Installation
Blacksmith Circle
Turntable Docking Installation
Sound Composition by Eric Anthony Frye
Boiler Shop/Process Space
Related Activity:
Oct. 5:         Tiny School of Art of Design 2-5 pm
                     Sullivan & Co. Dance 7:00 pm
                     After Party: Roundhouse Brewery 8-10 pm
                     Featuring Special Ltd. Ed. Turntable Ale
Oct. 12:        Artist Dialogue & Tour with Curator Sheila Dickinson
                     & Writer Susan Smith-Grier 3 pm
                     Sullivan & Co. Dance 4:30 pm
Shows Runs October 2 – November 2, 2019
The outside Roundhouse sculpture is open daily to the public during daylight hours.
The inside Turntable gallery hours Wednesday - Sunday - 11-5 and by appointment
at [email protected]. Closed Mondays & Tuesdays.
1330 Northern Pacific Road, Brainerd, MN USA 56401
www.forecast.org            www.npc1871.com
Image: Pete Driessen © 2019. Untitled (Roundhouse). Modified digital image. Size varies w/context. Courtesy the artist.  
Pete Driessen is a fiscal year 2019 recipient of an Artist Initiative Grant from the MN State Arts Board. This activity is funded in part by the MN State Legislature from the State’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund with money from the vote of the creative people of MN on November 4, 2008.
This public art project is supported by a Forecast Public Art Mid Career Project Grant with funding from The McKnight Foundation.
This project is generously assisted and/or sponsored by Minnesota State Arts Board, Forecast Public Art, NP Event Space, Northern Pacific Center, Driessen Water, TuckUnder Projects, Ace Hardware, Allegra Printing, American Earth Anchor, Blakeman Pumping, Brainerd Community Ed., Brian’s Welding, BuyCasters.com, Crow Wing County Historical Society & Museum, Don Wille Logging, General Rental, Joel Sisson Productions, Midwest Machinery, Music General, Nisswa Dock, Prairie Bay, Progressive Property Management, Quality Equipment, Roundhouse Brewery, Simpson StrongTie, Tiny School of Art & Design, United Rental, The UPS Store, Widseth Smith Nolting, and many individuals.
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happyspiralefamily · 5 years
HSF_Where everything started
Only some months ago Bob & Loop met at Dijon, friendship grown trough a common interest : electronic music. Although they were about 20 yo and in complicated life situations, they decided to organize a new year’s eve party.
The one was a backpacker who just came back from a Croatia road-trip and lived in the streets, the other was stuck in unpleasant studies and had just a car and few guitar amps. With some rental stuff like generators and a HK-Audio system they organized some local DJ’s and invited all their friends.
One of the rental generators (6kva) refused to start*, they had to wire it differently and make the system work only on some percent of it’s full power, but after some hours of Bobcore’s livesets, the general mood was so good that the party lasted until 3rd january (96h).
The original video was uploaded by a member of the crew, re-uploaded by the Facebook page FreePartyTeufTek and massively shared by Freeteknomusic.org wich generated up to 60k views and a huge bunch of amazing comments.
Fox Rez ❝ Oh putain mais trop bon, ça donne tellement le smile ! Merciii ! ❞ Tob Neha ❝ Tekno connecting people... Teknofamily. ❞ Edlihtam Terev ❝ C'est magnifique à voir ! Des gens si heureux c'est franchement beau. Ce son est au top au petit matin 😜 ❞ Roy Smet ❝ I get happy iff i see this. ❞ Françoise Gabrielle Legall ❝ C'était surtout un groupe d'amis qui se retrouvaient dans des coins perdus pour passer un super bon moment ensemble. ❞ Anthony Ots Kentuky ❝ C'est bien pour ça que j'aime la Free, jamais tu verras des gens aussi heureux devant de la musique qu'en Free. Les gens qui sortent en boîte, c'est pas pour danser mais pour chopper, les gens qui vont en Free y vont juste pour passer un bon moment, tout en dansant sur de la musique qui les entraîne. ❞ Jérémy Lovetek ❝ Ca fait plaisir à voir une tawa en mode smile. ❞ Mickaël Marsilly ❝ Petit pétage de plomb bon délire. ❞
[Soundtrack : Mix Delux - Amelymelo]
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