It's the not so nice angels~
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An ask blog for my OCs.
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un-holyangels · 2 years ago
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I finally made the last one of my angel OCs after like what, 2 years… and I say that as if I made full designs for Raguel and Barachiel lol Well this one Uriel and he weird. Like all of them. The end.  But I really like his design for once, had some inspiration left after work.
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un-holyangels · 2 years ago
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Height: 165 cm, he is a gremlin and looks like one, will bite your ankles
Date of Birth:
Likes: Michael, fighting and picking fights
Favourite food: everything junk food, the greasier the better
Least favourite food: broccoli
Hobbies: fighting, spends even more time online then Gabriel, 
Favourite Animal: snakes
• the only one that Raphael refers to as insane • idolizes Michael for everything and takes him as a role model but also completely overdoes it • everyone is vary of him since they don’t know how strong he is yet and he’s just crazy • follows all of Michael’s orders without even thinking about it • was send to the human world for a long while to learn more about them, though the others suspect it was more because Michael needed a break from him and it was an easy way to get rid of him for a while • didn’t help making him less crazy
• the youngest of all of the angels, was made way after the war to act as Michael’s guardian even though he really doesn’t need one 
• he’s extremely fast and agile • has two small sickles as his weapon of choice that can turn into full scythes if he wants them to
• likes very oversized and chunky clothes • somewhat fashionable in his style
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un-holyangels · 2 years ago
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Height: 225cm
Date of Birth:
Favourite food:
Least favourite food:
Favourite Animal:
• very extroverted and loud • outgoing and extremely nice to get along with, it doesn’t take him long to make friends • doesn’t take his guardian duties too seriously when he doesn’t have to, so he doesn’t stick around Raphael 24/7 • only one that refers to the others with nicknames • loves having fun and jokes around a lot • the only normal one without any issues as I like to say
Lore •
Powers • primarily uses all sorts of magic  • very wide range and all sorts of types
• he doesn’t pay much attention to it but also isn’t an absolute disaster like Hesediel
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un-holyangels · 2 years ago
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Mikki c:
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un-holyangels · 2 years ago
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Never uploaded the finished version of this one here. November 2021
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un-holyangels · 2 years ago
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Spending some time together outside~ On a date..?
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un-holyangels · 4 years ago
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General Information
Height: 200cm
Date of Birth: 
Likes: insects of all kinds, researching new plants, having some peace and quiet, getting in on the latest gossip with Gabriel and Hesediel
Dislikes: noisy people, absolutely despises and heavily afraid of bees thanks to an incident, never ever accidentally step into highly over-bread and very deadly Devildom bees
Favourite food: he loves all kind of food and also snacks a lot, it’s comfort for him so he’ll most likely always chew on something
Least favourite food: he really doesn’t like meat, if he has to he eats beef but he absolutey hates white meat, usually only eats fish
Hobbies: drawing, hiking to all kinds of different places to find new species and plants, is very fond of the Devildom for that and sneaks down there without his guardian on a regular basis
Favourite Animal: butterflies and all their variations
• shy, timid and friendly • tries to avoid people unless he really can’t /cough/ Michael /cough/ • thought you’ll actually rarely anywhere inside the building when he has free time, he’s always wandering around trying to discover new things and doesn’t stop with just one of the three realms • Michael really isn’t too fond of that, especially not with him going to the Devildom since he is one of the most important figures there and he thinks it’s too dangerous and he never even takes his guardian, Barachiel, with him because he prefers being alone • if he is not out and about he is in his office and researches the new plants he found or makes little hand drawn guides about them • definitely has a secret stash of preserved Devildom insects somewhere in his room  • is the one responsible keeping everyone in good health but is also kinda petty about it • like an evil chiropractor that enjoys cracking their bones [I headcanon angel wings need the same treatment as other bones/joints sometimes things get jangled up and have to be readjusted] • makes even the strongest warrior cry /cough Hesediel cough/ • everyone is secretly but also not so secretly scared of him, especially on physical checkup day where he has too see too many angels on one single day and he loses it •  he doesn’t understand why everyone kinda talks behind his back and is careful not to offend him in any way /he knows exactly/ • it’s his form of revenge for putting up with these loud people all day long, constantly being pulled away from drawing and his medical work because someone bent their back a little too far or pulled a muscle or broke an arm again or has a sword stuck somewhere /cough all the guardians cough/ • can make well tasting medicine but decides not to • it’s disgusting and he does it on purpose • but he’s a cinnamon bun so everyone forgives him • or they don’t say anything because holding too long of a conversation with him that is not about his job gives him anxiety
Bee Incident: He was just snooping around Devildom trying to find new insects and plants like he usually does. No guardian and anyone knowing where he is like usual. Saw a bee he had never seen before and just followed it, accidentally stepping onto a high level demons property, Tartarus, who is highly praised by Diavolo’s family for his business of smuggling humans into there. He also has a hobby of breeding deadly insects to make them a lot worse. Raphael didn’t know any of that following the small bee only to be greeted by bees 12 times that size, deadly poison and sharp teeth and stingers that could pull out your eyeball. He would’ve died there if Tarte didn’t save him back then. That and the fact that he was heaven’s healer and therefore had the most powerful healing magic. In that moment he also fell for the demon he didn’t even recognize at that point and thought he saved him out of the goodness of his heart. Raph pls it’s an evil demon something is wrong with your brain. Tarte however didn’t care about that, he only saved him because his business was already highly dangerous to the peace of the realms and therefore Diavolo’s plans, that was the only reason he ordered the bees to stop attacking him. Angels were just off limits. He also didn’t realize what high level angel Raphael was also making him have no personal interest in the angel whatsoever. Raphael still tries to find out who it was up to this date. He only heard his voice and that’s all he has to go from. Only Gabriel and Hesediel, aka Heave’s gossip throuple,  know about all of that. He was interrogated, aka tickled because Gabriel got suspicious since he was behaving differently a few days after that and it wasn’t because of the pain he was in. 
• is heaven’s healer esentially • is even powerful enough to revive humans and angels alike, though humans are technically prohibited since interfering with their lifes and therefor lifespans is • can see into people’s hearts and souls and knows how they feel it helps with the healing process • has a staff as his weapon
• really doesn’t care much, he wears pretty much the same every day • just a button down shirt and most importantly comfortable hiking boots
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un-holyangels · 4 years ago
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General Information
Michael’s demon alter ego, if you want to call him that, well that was what he was intended to be but it went a little off and now he is his own person.
Height: 210-215 cm, exactly the same as Michael
Date of Birth: 1st May
Likes: social media, skincare and being clean and proper in general, attention, sex
Dislikes: Michael, Acies, horribly scared of Hesediel but would never admit that, being ignored 
Favourite food: Peas, everything sweet but isn’t as picky as Michael
Least favourite food: hates bitter food as much as Michael, raw fish/meat
Hobbies: engaging in what he likes
Favourite Animal: Betta Fishes, can’t keep them alive for the sake of him tho so he just lurks around in pet stores.
•  was made by Michael and Acies, who stole a book with the necessary spells, so that Michael could keep a better eye on Lucifer and actually talk with him in one way since he was controlling Pike •  he is an exact replica of him, completely made by angels but supposed to represent a demon and slowly turned into one • is supposed to infiltrate RAD on their behalf • Raphael helped in the sense that he added some spells so that none would be able to recognize that it’s a copy of Michael • only Diavolo is able to smell that something is wrong with his existence, even though he is a full demon he still smells like angel and it doesn’t make sense • took some time to convince Michael to actually try and go along with this plan but also none else was strong enough to pull this off • solely Acies’ fault. • Hesediel’s the one with the orders to get rid of him if he acts up and goes out of control and he knows • he just doesn’t know that Michael’s secretly attached to him and wouldn’t let it come to that • Michael blames Diavolo again for ruining him, he thought he was fine for a demon as well, still keeping himself back and having some self restraint engaging in sins, that didn’t last long however
• was first completely controlled by Michael so essentially being the same as him  • slowly but surely turned into more and more of a true demon thanks to Acies teaching him how to blend in and started to develop his own personality, being and soul • was only supposed to by a spy and to keep a low profile, but he can’t do that, he stands out and his actions don’t help much with that • has a nice habit of bursting into people’s rooms without knocking, now matter their status • he behaves like the strongest demon and has no respect for anyone because he thinks he is • even though none believes it, he actually managed to befriend Lucifer, Michael really didn’t like that • especially thinking about how much Lucifer actually detests Michael those two get along just fine • is actually quiet cunning and the only one who can see through Acies’ plans, that’s why he started to hate them so much, he got them figured out and knows what they are up to, would snitch on them if they didn’t cover his living costs • people find him a lot more likable then Michael, he has no restraints to say what he likes and whats unlike his Original, resulting in too much confidence and Pride, but most people are actually attracted to that • used to like being tucked into bed by his parents but someone told him that’s not cool so he doesn’t do that anymore, he has his own apartment now he doesn’t need affection • was actually supposed to stay far away from Diavolo not to be found out but his ego didn’t agree with that so he just burst into his office one day to see what he even is about [found him less scary then Hesediel] • is extremely dominant and even though he is a lot weaker he made pretty much all of RAD submit to him • everyone is talking about the weird new transfer student • newspapers are after him but he has a weird habit of undressing himself if he knows someone is going to take his picture, thanks Acies • was as insecure about feeling comfortable showing himself like Mike, but the convidence training was a little excessive • has set a goal for himself to become member of the student council • is a weird and unhealthy mixture of both his parents • very sexually active but also very vanilla, he doesn't like things like orgies and is not very romantic • he's honest with himself and decided to not  have the same stupid boundaries as his maker. That probably makes him very sad deep inside, probably one of the few good things Acies taught him was to accept himself how he is and not be ashamed of it, so why is Mike rejecting him? • Pike thinks Mike is ashamed for the wrong reasons, he isn't of him but more of himself for not being able to have confidence in things like that, it gets more apparent to him seeing how easy it is for Pike to make friends. And Mike can't accept this side of him because he just sees it as wrong and bad, since that's what he's been thought all the time. Pike can't understand that since he doesn't have access to all of Mikes memories to understand him so he doesn't know where the feelings are coming from that he feel and he thinks they are against him. Maybe deep down Mike likes him in a way but just can't accept him being himself because he can't himself • but Michael actually likes him, a version of himself confident enough to take what he wants, but sadly Mike doesn't think of him like that, he sees wrongness and shame when it comes to giving in to his desires just the opposite of Acies whos all about getting what one wants,"the end justify the mean"Pike would being the middle, he knows what he wants and even though he is more prone to evil bc he is a demon, he know the way to get what he want not being as censored as Mike or as psycho as Acies • He gets what he wants with a bit more class and finesse then Acies, more like Mike does things, just that Mike never does things for purely himself :o So Mike is a bit envious of him in that way • when Acies and Michael were busy or fighting what they were going to do with him now a certain angel had to watch over him with might’ve resulted in him swearing too much and being a bit too obsessed with how he looks 
• very weak, lower level demon • they could’ve made him stronger but as a spy it was easier to hide him, well they thought that • they just didn’t know that Michaels personality, completely unhinged, made up that  • the type to pick fights and then just get annahilated • well he has other tools to win ~
• really likes tight and revealing clothes  • edgy teenager that’s in a phase - fashion [well that’s kinda what he is] • wears leather pants two sizes too small, idk looks like he likes that • saw it in a fashion magazine and thought it was cool he couldn’t read properly at that time that the headline said that it’s the seasons no-go • actually dies his hair dark grey, would otherwise be blonde like Michael
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un-holyangels · 4 years ago
What is it Gabriel? What can I do for you~
Yes. Now I'm sure I'm definitely not going to order from you.
Why not....
Well, you'll probably forget what I ordered and bring me something that you deem better that will probably be 90% honey and maybe something to make the honey more liquid. That and I don't trust you with a tray of sticky sweet water anywhere near me. Clumsy idiot.
Well... Michael he isn't wrong..
No that's not true you don't know my charm! I'll bring drinks to anyone now!
I hate it here.
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My brain wanted bunny!Mike ;A; And I tried to try just making a coloured sketch, I don’t have time to make full drawings constantly, but I still want to get ideas out before it’s too late. I hate it.
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un-holyangels · 4 years ago
Gabriel is looking as fabulous as always! Of course I am. ..cute... Yes.
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Gabriel in his casual clothes~
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un-holyangels · 4 years ago
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I said I’ll make more angels, so here is another one! Gabriel’s guardian: Hesediel. He scary, don’t meet him alone in dark alleys pls. I made a separate blog for them with more information.
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un-holyangels · 4 years ago
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU LOSER! I forgot but my subconsciousness made start this pic just in time. Weird… Someone tell him to get out of my head.
This took long, but I’m also really proud of how it came out! I think it’s the best thing I drew until now, and since it’s my OC… I put the design up on redbubble! Just in case someone is interested!
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un-holyangels · 4 years ago
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It Michael again, winking at you. Don’t wink back pls. Just ignore him and move on with your life. 
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un-holyangels · 4 years ago
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Tiny Gabriel too c: Or the white blob how I like to call him. Because that’s what he is. Now I got those out of my system, back to regularly scheduled Obey Me program. 
Not an official design, just my interpretation. My own character c:
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un-holyangels · 4 years ago
Does Gabriel swear? 👁️👁️ It's for science
Yes. Yes he does. He's a nastly lil potty mouth. I mean he tries to use fancy people words, but sometimes /99% of the time/ he slips. 🤣
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un-holyangels · 4 years ago
I have some questions about Michael and Gabriel:
Likes and dislikes (besides Mike hate of Dia and Gabe's hate of everyone/Mike)
Favorite foods and which ones they don't like?
Birthday (if they have any)
That's it for now👀
Okay I thought really hard about this BUT I LOVE YOUR QUESTIONS. SO MANY THINGS. Gabriel in green and Michael in Blue:3
24th December
6th September
Lucifer, sweets, attention, helping people, humans in general, praise from everyone
Fashion and hairstyling, beauty routines, having time for himself, watching people, cold weather
Demons in general, demons interferring with human lifes, being ignored, being touched, cold weather
Constantly having people around him /happens all the time since Michael drags him everywhere and with him come the people/, bad hair days, impolite and rude people
Favourite food
Dessert and anything sweet, for something savoury he really likes lasagna
Any type of grilled meat
Least favourite food
Hates everything that tastes bitter /watch Gabriel give him grapefruits instead of oranges/
Dislikes most vegetables aside from broccoli by themselves, included in dishes they are fine, not too fond if sweets either, prefers savoury
His work is his Hobby aka making peoples lives harder by helping them, like flooding a desert so the land will be fertile again, even when that translates to people having no houses and dying, but the next generations will be better!!!, just likes to spend his time talking with people, listenting to them how great he is, he is very extroverted and social, likes enganging in team sports once in a while, anything that involves him being around others, knows how to sew /tought himself to make something for Gabriel once in a while/
Loves doing embriodery and his own jewelry, reading, watching the night sky alone by himself
That's it for now! 🥺
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un-holyangels · 4 years ago
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I wanted to draw, and I needed colour to be happy, and I also was too lazy to do Lineart so I just didn’t. Michael with his wings, he a fancy boi. /don’t praise him tho, it get’s too his head/
Not an official design, just my interpretation. My own character c:
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