#anthony j crowley imagines
emotinalsupportturtle · 10 months
neil gaiman and RTD are absolute legends for being the showrunners of 2 mainstream shows funded by large production companies in the year 2023, and proceeding to make the most queer positive episodes ever seen by man
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meanwhile david tennant is just vibrating with joy because he gets more opportunities to wear his one-thousand-and-twenty-four pride pins
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fact-dogsarehappiness · 5 months
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They’re all at Tesco’s at the same time
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disaster-bay-leaf · 1 year
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- From Eden, Hozier
coloured in
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allysketches · 1 year
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getting that season 3 angst possibilities out of my system... the usual fluff will be returning soon 🥹
lyrics are from 'neptune' by sleeping at last, give it a listen for the full heartbreak experience 🥺✌️
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entitled-fangirl · 8 months
He may always be a demon from hell, but she still loves him.
Crowley x human!reader
Summary: The reader and Crowley discuss what she's reading. She says it reminds her of him, to which he panics.
Words: 1,784
Warnings: demon, heavy makeout session, angst, alcohol
Author's note: I don't own the character or the book mentioned in this! Eeeeek enjoy!
Masterlist <3
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Crowley looked up from the glass of bourbon in his hands as he sat in one of Aziraphale’s many chairs. There she sat across from him. The pretty little human.
Her legs were pulled up onto the couch, her body curled into itself as she held her book out in front of her to read.
She was quite pretty. He had always thought so. Of all his years on this earth, this one was by far the best he had seen. And her soul simply solidified it. Her mind, body, and soul were precious. 
She was entirely focused on her book, not noticing Crowley’s gaze. He took that to his advantage, his eyes scanning her entire frame before finally resting on her face. He opened his mouth to speak. He didn’t know what he was going to say, but he knew he would do anything to talk to her as much as he could in her lifetime.
“What are you reading, Flower?”
That was his name for her. Aziraphale was his angel, sure. And she seemed like an angel herself, the metaphorical kind, anyway. She was not like a real angel, which is annoying and dull. No, she wasn’t like that at all. He hadn’t read many books but knew how humans romanticized the term 'angel.' The innocence it carried in its title. 
No, no, no. She was his flower. He spend many days searching for the right name, but once he came up with that one, it stuck like glue. He loved plants. He loved plants so much. And he loved her. She was his flower.
Now, her head perked up to let her eyes meet his. She held his gaze, admiring the snake-like pupils the demon had. She seemed to snap out of it quickly, regaining her composure. “Oh, uh…,” her voice soft, “it’s the Phantom of the Opera. Have… Have you read it, Angel?”
His eyes closed. He loved it when she called him that. He was no angel by any means, but she used the term every chance she could the day she learned that he had once been so. She had two angels as far as she was concerned. And while one had a significantly more gothic wardrobe, she still considered him just the same.
He nods, “I was around when it was written and published. Hated it then.”
Her lips slowly pull into an amused smile. “And now?”
He shrugs, looking back into her eyes, “…Do YOU like it, Flower?”
A soft breath comes from her lungs, “…Not sure, but I believe so. Won’t say until I finish it. You know how it ends, Angel?”
He shakes his head, “Can’t say I do. Didn’t care enough to finish it.”
She finds that quite amusing. She pulls her legs closer to her to get comfortable, trying to keep herself warm. “Well, I’ll let you know when I’m done, yeah? If it’s good enough, will you try to read it again?”
“Tell me why you like it so much, Flower.”
She considers his words carefully, “I… perhaps see similarities in it… sometimes. You know?”
His eyes move back down to the liquor glass in his hand. He remained quiet, a silent sigh for her elaborate on her findings. 
“That was… stupid. I shouldn’t have said it. I’m… I’m sorry…”
He was much more intrigued than before. Sorry? For what? He wished sometimes he could just see what was going on in that funny little brain of hers. “No. Tell me.”
She knew that wasn’t a reassurance that he wasn’t annoyed. It was more of a demand. 
“I don’t know, Crowley…”
He grins, pulling the glass to his lips to take another sip.
“Tell me what you DO know, Flower.”
Her eyes wander around the room in thought. “I suppose I feel remorse for the Phantom…”
He hums.
“…and… everyone makes him out to be a horrid creature. A vile beast worth ending. And he believes it too about himself. That he’s awful and cruel. But they don’t know anything about him. Nothing. They even assume it’s a ghost sometimes…”
By now, he’s hooked on her words. Not that he cared for the plot much, but just her. She was beautiful like this, the sunlight from the windows behind her casting a light against her back, giving her body a glowing effect. 
“…anyways, this girl falls in love with him. And she finds out he’s just a man. He’s a man like anyone else. He’s not the vile thing everyone makes him out to be.”
He’s taking in every word.
Her voice drops to a low volume, “They call him a demon from hell.”
Crowley felt his jaw clench at her words. 
“…But, he’s not. Not at all. He’s just a man. A man who deserves much more than life handed him. He was no demon. He could’ve been an angel. He’s kind and fair. Honest and witty. He protects her with his life. And he’s loyal. He is quite admirable, honestly.”
She held this look. It was a loving look as she stared at Crowley. This time, he could read her like an open book. She was referencing him. That everyone believed Crowley was vile and cruel. But he was just like a man. 
“…You’re awfully quiet, Angel.”
That sold it for him. Angel. Her angel. His eyes closed, taking in a deep breath. 
He stood up quickly, setting his glass on the side table before approaching the sofa she occupied. She noticed, scooting over slightly to make room for him, but he didn’t sit. He kneeled in front of the couch, in front of her. 
If his eyes could produce tears, they’d be running. “Flower? You truly think that of me? That I’m just a man?”
She nods, her breath quickening at his proximity. 
He wanted to believe her. He truly did, but he couldn’t. He leaned in, making their faces inches apart. 
“You think all this and you haven’t finished the book?”
She nods again, her gaze staring to settle on his lips.
His hand reached forward, grabbing her face gently. His voice became a low growl, “And what if this angel truly is a demon from hell? Would the girl stop loving him, Flower?”
She isn’t sure what to say. She’s not sure who they’re even talking about at this point. Her gut told her to say one thing, but her head said another. And his grip on her face was not helping her focus.
“I.. I don’t think… love takes what they are into con… consideration when it chooses them…”
Satan, she was perfect. She always knew exactly what to say, the sneaky thing. It stilled his vessel’s heart, his eyes still drilling into hers. 
“And… will she truly listen to her heart?”
She nods. “She would be a fool not to, Angel.”
He couldn’t take it anymore. Here she was, sitting so pretty for him, her words causing a fire to erupt in his stomach. He leaned forward, pulling her face towards his. 
Their lips meet in a gentle kiss. It doesn’t last long because Crowley pulls away.
“Maybe you should finish the book before you make your conclusions, Flower. Perhaps he’ll always be that demon from hell.”
He stands, sliding his hands into his pockets with a sigh before exiting the bookshop.
Days pass and Crowley acts as if their interaction never happened. It broke her heart. Aziraphale couldn’t take the two ignoring each other and decided to fix it. 
He told Crowley to be at the bookshop at a certain time. But Aziraphale wouldn’t be there. No, this was to get the demon alone with her to talk again, as they had before. And that plan worked perfectly.
This time, however, she was placing books on the bookshelf when he entered. He walked in confidently, but the confidence soon fell as he saw her pretty face. 
“Oh. I… where’s Angel?”
She shrugs, “Haven’t seen him all day.”
Curse that blasted angel from his stupid plans that always work. 
Crowley sighs, “I’m sorry I ran out on you.”
Her eyes finally move to find his. “I finished the book.”
His shoulders dropped somewhat at her sudden change of subject, but he went along with it nonetheless. “…Well, Flower?”
Her fingers lightly played with the spine of the book she had in her hand. “He may always be the demon from hell, but she still loves him.”
He was so stupid to leave her. To abandon his sweet Christine like this. His little flower that was always in bloom. 
“Oh, Flower…”
He moved forward, immediately wrapping his arms around her. He pulled her in for a kiss.
This kiss was very much different from their first. Where the first was soft and hesitant, this one was heated and passionate, as if this was their only method of communication. And to Crowley, it was. He needed her to see just how much her words meant to him. How much he craved to feel her lips on his again. How he imagined her the nights before. 
Her hands move to him, the book in her hand long forgotten. One rested on his forearm, the other cradling his face. She kissed him back with as much reverence as he did. She needed him to know she didn’t care. She didn’t care about what he was. What he did. She needed him to know that she loved him.
She loved him.
His tongue darted out to swipe across her bottom lip. She left out a soft moan, paring her lips. His tongue gently began to explore her mouth, their bodies holding each other in fear that they could be ripped from each other at any moment. 
She gently pushed him away, needing to catch her breath. “Sorry… sorry, Angel.. just… just gotta breathe…”
He smiled, leaning down to kiss her jaw lightly, trailing the kisses up towards her ear before whispering softly, “‘If I am to be saved, it is because your love redeems me.’”
She let out a soft gasp, and her hand moved to the back of his neck, her fingers playing with his hair. “You… you know it?”
She could practically feel his smile against her neck, his voice vibrating the bones there, “Read it again after we talked…. All the way through this time…”
She was speechless at his words. He had went back and not only read the story for her, but then was able to quote it. She had never felt love radiate in a room until this very moment in time.
She pulled him back in for another sweet kiss.
He was no demon. To her, he was an angel. Her angel.
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crowlixcx · 10 months
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hikarry · 5 months
Do you ever think Aziraphale watches Ducktales and went he hears Scrooge speaks he is like "...wait!"
"Why were you watching cartoons anyway?"
"That's not the point, Crowley." Aziraphale points at the tv. "Listen." They both keep quiet as the animated wealthy duck speaks to his house keeper.
"You don't hear it?"
"Hear what?"
Frustrated, Aziraphale huffs and grabs the tv remote, turning up the volume.
"It sounds exactly like you! But Scottish!"
"Ngk-" Crowley looks up at the ceiling, moving his hands nervously as he searches for the sunglasses on the side table without looking at it.
"Mhm." He finally finds the glasses and puts them on, getting up from the sofa. "Gotta go, angel. Fun evening but cartoons are not my-"
"Wait up!" Aziraphale holds him by the arm, stopping him from taking another step forward. "You are nervous." He feels the muscles under his fingers tense up. "You are! You are lying to me!" The angel gets up, ever without letting go of the arm, and walks until he is face to face with the demon. "What are you hiding."
"It was just for fun!"
Both fall silent, looking at each other.
"You know I created Disney. Greed and controlling the minds of the young and whatnot." Crowley starts gesticulating quickly, ever without looking directly at Aziraphale. "And then they decided to remake Ducktales and I thought 'Oh, that show was popular back then. And I make a mean impression of Scrooge. I could spread evil through it!' so I maneuvered my way into voice acting with a bit of manipulation and schmoozing and whatever." He was talking very fast and hissing, as he did when he got agitated. "And there I ended up voice acting for 3 seasons - with evil intentions, obviously."
Aziraphale stared at him, mouth slightly open, completely dumbfounded. Crowley finally looked down at him. The angel couldn't see it, cause the sunglasses were pretty good at protecting him, but the demon was indeed nervous. He would never admit to it, but he was. Truly. He never thought Aziraphale would end up so bored he would watch cartoons, much less evil greedy Disney and not some old almost-forgotten relic like Betty Boop or something.
"You...voice act?"
"I voice acted. Once. For one character."
Slowly, a smile spread on Aziraphale's lips.
"Can you do the accent?"
"Absolutely not."
"My dear-"
"Never again."
The angel reached out, putting his hands on each of Crowley's cheeks, stopping him from talking.
"I am an adventurer, boys!" Aziraphale's scottish accent sucked. Badly.
Crowley put his hand over Aziraphale's mouth and pushed him slightly away, just enough for his hands to leave his face.
"Never, ever disrespect Scotland like that again."
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spn-lesbian · 1 year
manifesting Aziraphale saying “heaven is a place on earth with you” to Crowley next season
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Aziraphale: Someone take me to art museums and make out with me.
Crowley: But they said not to touch the masterpieces.
Aziraphale: Well somebody's got to pin the artwork to the wall.
Y/n, on a walkie talkie: Those idiots are fucking around in the East wing again.
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mercyraph · 7 months
Actually the real reason Crowley dibs on being a nanny was that he cant start to imagine Aziraphale being motherly to a child or else he'll start building their imaginary family tree then he'll be truly, deeply, insanely fucked. Baby fever runs deep and Crowley is not exempt from that.
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bi-bard · 1 year
When a Demon Stumbles onto the Doorstep of a Bookshop - Crowley Imagine [Good Omens]
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Title: When a Demon Stumbles onto the Doorstep of a Bookshop
Pairing: Crowley X Reader
Word Count: 1,944 words
Warning(s): **SEASON 2 SPOILERS** mention of abandonment, drunk character
Summary: [Post-Season 2] After Aziraphale's departure, (Y/n) joins Muriel in the goal of taking care of the bookshop and the tasks that may come with that. One of those many tasks includes being prepared for the moment that a familiar demon finds his way to the doorstep at odd hours of the night.
Author's Note: Listen. I said that I was going to focus on my writing challenges. I know. But someone made this headcanon on Tiktok and I couldn't shake it. If anyone has the user, please let me know because I cannot find it, but I might also just be stupid.
When I first found Muriel in charge of Aziraphale's bookshop, I knew that I needed to step in and help where I could.
Well, that's not quite right.
I actually started off very scared.
After what had happened the night before that with the legion of demons coming to attack and Crowley ushering everyone away from the building, I knew that I needed answers. The only way to get those answers was to get back to the bookshop when the coast seemed to be clear.
If I had slammed the doors open any harder, then they would have surely popped off the hinges.
What I saw was Muriel standing in the middle of the room with a stack of books in their hands. They jumped at the sudden noise, quickly scrambling to keep from dropping the books.
"Oh, you scared me," they said before placing the books on the table. "Hello!"
"Who are you," I asked, ignoring any introduction.
"I am a human police officer," they motioned down at their all-white uniform. Angel. Got it. "And bookshop owner... now."
"Where's Aziraphale?"
"Oh, just... off."
That was the very moment that my fear turned to annoyance and anger. "Off?"
"Yeah... y'know, off."
"Oh, well..."
I stepped forward. "Listen. Aziraphale has been one of the dearest in my life for years now. I know about the angel thing. I know about demons that were here last night. Hell, I know about the failed apocalypse. So, when I hear that he's 'off' and has left his beloved bookshop in the charge of some random angel that I've never seen, I get very upset and very worried. I suggest that you tell me what happened to him."
"I can't-"
"And I suggest that you do it quick because he is not the only celestial being that I have on speed dial."
That seemed to be the only push that Muriel needed to tell me everything that had happened while I was gone. Gabriel's memories coming back, Gabriel and Beelzebub running off together, the offer that Aziraphale had taken, and the one that Crowley had apparently turned down. All of it. Well, as much as Muriel knew at the time.
I stood there for a few moments. Stunned into silence.
"Are you-"
"He didn't even say goodbye," I muttered.
"Well, the Metatron seemed very insistent that he needed to go right away- where are you going?"
I had already turned around and walked out of the bookshop again. I looked down the street before going to grab my phone. I frantically clicked Crowley's contact.
It rang a few times before going to voicemail.
"Crowley," I murmured. "Please, answer. Please. I... I found out about Aziraphale and I... I don't know what to do or where to go. Please."
I hung up and walked a little further down the road, wiping my eyes as tears started falling.
The moment that I went to call him a second time, I heard a car engine racing closer to me. I looked down the road to see the all too familiar Bentley pulling up to the curb next to me.
I put my phone away as he got out of the car.
I was cut off by him pulling me into a hug. I hid my face in his shoulder for a moment.
"He didn't even say goodbye," I repeated pathetically.
"Trust me, it would've been worse if he had."
It was then that I knew that we were losing the same person, yet grieving two very different things.
After that day, I made myself a new home in the room that had previously been used by "Jim". I had thrown a bit of a fit about the bookshop being entrusted to some random angel instead of a friend. Muriel was kind enough to let me stay. I think that they needed the help, but I was willing to call it merely an act of kindness if it made them feel better.
I didn't know how beneficial my presence would be in the shop.
I knew that I could help organize and clean. I could protect Aziraphale's precious books and keep Maggie's record shop safe. I could try to teach Muriel how to appear more human. I knew that stuff.
I never expected to become accustomed to Crowley turning up at odd hours of the night, often- if not always- drunk.
He would knock on the door or just barge in, yelling for Aziraphale. He wouldn't stop until I had gone down there and broke the news to him that Aziraphale may not come back. That he might be staying in Heaven forever and we may never be able to see him again.
It hurt. And I imagine that it always will. Having to put him to rest on the couch or watch him stumble back outside.
He always wore his glasses, but the heartbreak was so clear that it passed the lenses too easily.
It was one of those nights that he told me the truth of what happened before Aziraphale left. What happened between them.
I had been startled awake by the loud sound of the door slamming open and shut.
I walked out of my room immediately. Muriel stepped out, but I held a hand out. I had been taking care of this since it all started. I wasn't going to stop now.
I walked downstairs, hearing Crowley calling for his angel as I made it downstairs.
"Angel!" he was spinning in circles as he yelled. "I know that you can hear me! Come here and talk to me!"
"Crowley," I said gently as I approached him. "Stop it."
"Stop it!"
He didn't listen to me, instead still walking around and spinning as he yelled for Aziraphale to just talk to him.
He didn't stop until I grabbed his wrists and forced him to look at me.
"Stop, Crowley," I tried to keep my voice firm. "This is not going to get Aziraphale to come back! I don't even think that he can hear you! Stop it!"
The demon fell quiet as he stared at me. There was a long pause between us. I immediately began to question what I had said. I was constantly terrified of being too harsh. I didn't want to be some additional reason for Crowley to be hopeless over the whole event.
I grabbed the wine bottle that was sitting in his hand before placing it on the table nearby. "Come on... you're staying here tonight."
He didn't follow me when I tried to drag him over to the small couch.
"I don't... I don't want to sleep on that couch."
I frowned at him. "I'm not letting you sleep in your car right now, Crowley."
We both stopped. I had learned a lot about stubbornness over the course of my friendship with Crowley. And he knew that. And I'm certain that some part of him despised teaching me that skill.
"Come on," I said, dragging him toward the staircase. He followed me begrudgingly.
I pulled him to my room and motioned to the small bed in there.
"Go on," I pushed when he didn't move at first.
I heard him grumbling under his breath as he walked over. He somewhat flopped on the mattress, and I shook my head as I went to pull the blanket over him.
"Yeah, sure," he grumbled.
"Want to take off your glasses-"
"Leave them."
He hadn't taken off his glasses in front of me since Aziraphale left. Not that he often did anyway.
I took a deep breath and went to walk away.
"Would you...," he trailed off.
"What," I asked.
"Nothing. Never mind."
There's that stubbornness and closed-off attitude. "What is it, Crowley?"
"Would you stay?" he finally muttered.
"Just stay in here? Sure-"
"I meant lay with me. Please."
I glanced at the minimal empty space next to him for a moment. "Are you sure that you'd be comfortable with that?"
"I'm a demon. I have spent my nights in far more uncomfortable places than a small bed."
One day, I would need to question him on those 'I'm a demon' excuses.
I awkwardly shifted my way under the covers, fixing them over him as I did so. After a few more awkward moments, I reached out and wrapped my arms around his torso quietly. I expected some grumbling or some kind of fight. Nothing happened. Instead, Crowley merely sighed and seemed to relax into the pillow more.
I spent some time thinking. Mainly about whether or not demons actually had any need for sleep or for blankets to keep warm. I had thought about it before.
There was plenty that I knew.
I knew that food was more of a luxury than it was a necessity. I knew that they had a lot more control over things around me than I thought before. I knew that they could travel to and from Hell with a particular elevator or particular stairways.
I also knew that Crowley had the ability to sober himself up in an instant.
He had shown me that trick ages ago because I was curious.
So, when he began showing up at the bookshop while completely drunk, I questioned why he wouldn't sober himself up when on the couch or in his car or on any occasion like this.
It didn't take me very long to figure out why that was the case.
It was grief.
Not just normal grief, but grief for someone who was still very much living and breathing.
There was something so much worse about grieving someone who wasn't even dead yet.
When they aren't dead, there's always some remaining shred of hope that they will choose to come back. Which should be comforting, in theory. But when they don't come back... it only feels like a constant reminder that you truly may not be enough for them to fight for or want to fight for.
I could only guess that those thoughts were going through Crowley's mind because they were going through my mind.
"I kissed him."
My ears pricked up at his sudden words. "What?"
"I kissed him," Crowley repeated.
I knew that Crowley and Aziraphale loved each other. It was painfully obvious. I always thought that one of them finally saying something about it would have a dramatically different ending. I imagined them both hiding away in the bookshop. Not much changing... just what was normal for Aziraphale and Crowley but with a little more hand-holding. Not this.
I took a deep breath. "When?"
"After I rejected his offer to become an angel," he explained. "He had told me all about the Metatron's plan. I would have rejected it no matter what, but I had just been scolded by Nina and Maggie for not telling Aziraphale about how I felt. It just... It felt like the only chance that I had left to get him to stay."
I wondered if Crowley was telling me this because he trusted me or if it was merely because he was drunk.
"I miss him."
"I know," I muttered, hugging him a little tighter. "I miss him too."
I closed my eyes as I did that.
What else could I offer?
There was so much that I could understand. So much that I could offer him in terms of help and comfort. All I could do was hope that everything would eventually work itself out.
And at that point, that hope was getting harder and harder to hold onto.
Maybe some force in the universe would keep me from letting go of it completely. Eventually.
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the-butterbun · 1 year
She's an icon, She's a legend AND SHE IS THE MOMENT✨
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azultecnicolor · 7 months
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AU were Aziraphale gives in to temptation and chooses Crowley instead of heaven
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marauderswolf22 · 9 months
how the hell did i never think about crowley with tattoos???? other than the snake one ofc, but how? just a bunch of small, astronomy tattoos and little symbolic things/places that would bring him up some of his and aziraphale's memories togheter.
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hoarder-of-dragons · 1 year
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No but if, instead of this scene being Azirphale realizing his love for Crowley, it was him realizing Crowley loves him back Aziraphale's seen Crowley swoop in to rescue him tons of times throughout history. And he has known Crowley to "tempt" him several times, just as a pretext to spend time together. But this, saving his books outright with no other ulterior motive other than just to make Aziraphale happy, well obviously he would react like that when he finds out.
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ilomilodailystuff · 6 months
Aziraphale walking in the bookshop before stumbling on something : Oh— Crowley ?
Big black snek, looking up at Aziraphale : hissssss
Aziraphale : What are you doing here, darling ? It's been a while since you last turned into your snake form. Aw, but you're adorable like this...
Snek, showing his fangs : hisssssssss !!
Aziraphale (with heart eyes), starting to rub the snake's head gently : Awww, yes, you're so evil, so dangerous...
Crowley, looking at the snake over Aziraphale's shoulder : What the hell are you doing ?
Aziraphale : ...
Snek : ...
Aziraphale, paralyzed by fear : *loud screaming of conflicted emotions*
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