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malky-tea · 6 months ago
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Anshar, the Visage of the Firmament
My favorite Visage of the Second House. I think if I were a demon, I'd walk to them, haha.
Anshar were doing simple and straightforward work, they were making connections between everything that exists in this world. Mother and child, predator and prey, cause and effect. This included not only concepts, but also directly the connection between earth and sky, for example. "They formed the relationships between everything, from those of the simple animal to the complex range of human emotion". Well, that last one was Warmava's job. She made the connection between chemical processes in the human body and a person's emotional state.
She decided to rebel because she didn't like the fact that humans at that time were not more evolved than animals. It undermined all her hard work, hurt her pride, and prevented her from seeing what other connections people could discover in themselves. She never regretted her decision for a second. After the Fall, she joined the Silver Legion and continued to study her favorite subject. Well, also like Anshar she helped her own by being a saboteur in enemy territory.
After the Abyss, she has taken over the body of a psychotherapist and considers it a true gift of fate. All her age-old knowledge she can apply in her work and it brings her real happiness. She LOVES her work. In the company of other demons, she is known as Lord Inquisitor Ministry of Dragons. And less well known in very narrow circles as Cryptic. Well, that really should be kept a secret.
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arjengelly · 18 days ago
Thinking about my Cosmic Space Brats again 👑 🧚🏻 🤓 👽
These are the characters they remind me of attitude wise
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Kou 👑
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Perri 🧚🏼
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Ace 🤓
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Fiore 👽
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I’m stuck trying to figure out their outfits 😭
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a--piedi--nudi · 1 year ago
Listen/purchase: Anshar by Roberto Mares
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This is a blog, for the various epithets and aspects of the living OSHA building within the OSHAverse.
OSHA Anshar: Epithet of the aspect created by Alam, and his scientific misdemeanours in Sumar.
Basement: Not quite exactly an aspect of Osha, more so a personality derived from the basement of OSHA itself.
OSHA Anshar Deus: An Epithet of Anshar, branched off from the main personality and given life by Oshia.
OSHA Hilarity: A trickster aspect, whom uses past memories as reference to mold and sketch a person’s perceptions of OSHA
OSHA Minos: Draws and cuts strings, to connect and severe the OSHA building to and from various timelines and universes. One of the oldest aspects, as they are responsible for some degree of the main building's infinite nature.
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dragaorpg · 8 months ago
Coridden revela novo trailer de combate e lançamento de fase testes no Steam
A Anshar Publishing anunciou o lançamento do Steam Playtest para seu aguardado RPG cheio de ação, Coridden. A partir de hoje, os jogadores poderão mergulhar na versão mais recente do jogo e desfrutar de um conteúdo nunca antes visto. O Steam Playtest será realizado até o final de julho, permitindo uma oportunidade exclusiva de explorar o jogo e enviar feedback valioso, usando o formulário…
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fancypantsrecords · 2 years ago
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Marcin Przybyłowicz, Magdalena Urbańska, Maciek Dobrowolski & Piotr Musiał - Gamedec (Original Game Soundtrack) | Winylowa | 2023 | Black
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gebo4482 · 2 years ago
Layers of Fear - Unreal Engine 5 Tech Showcase Video
Website / Steam
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iviarellereads · 20 days ago
The Fires of Heaven, Chapter 19 - Memories
(THIS PROJECT IS SPOILER FREE! No spoilers past the chapter you click on. Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Wheel of Time, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
(Dagger icon) In which a queen sings some Queen.
PERSPECTIVE: Morgase hasn't left her room all day, and it's almost noon. Tallanvor (properly Guardsman Lieutenant Martyn Tallanvor) brings her news, surprised she hasn't heard yet. There's rebellion in the Two Rivers, someone's raised the old banner of Manetheren, the Red Eagle. Morgase thinks on how she's struggled to keep both the Two Rivers and the mines in the Mountains of Mist under Andoran control, and the 2Rs had to slip lower on priorities.
She asks if Gaebril has been informed, and Tal says he has, and he laughed, saying the 2Rs throws up trouble, but it's a minor annoyance at best.
Morgase drops her book and sweeps past Tal, who may or may not be smirking grimly at her reaction. She finds Gaebril with lords and ladies gathered all around him. She demands to speak with him about the 2Rs and he says it's been handled. She says absolutely not, he will leave and speak with her, and all these nobles will clear out or she'll have them exiled. He says no, she will go and wait for him to come to her this evening.
She's opening the door to her sitting room before she realizes where she is and what's happened. She feels the urge to go in and wait for him anyway, but she fights it, and walks away, cringing at the idea of Gaebril's disappointment.(1)
The seven nobles who had been gathered around Gaebril are the seven she would have chosen not to pardon, after her succession to the Throne, if she could've done so and not risked civil war against herself. She realizes Gaebril must be plotting against her, probably trying to make himself Andor's first king. And even still, she feels part of herself wanting to go and wait for him as he told her to.
She finds herself going to visit Lini, the woman who had served as nurse for Elayne, Morgase, and Morgase's mother, Maighdin. Lini isn't in, so she looks around, seeing how everything is perfectly organized. She notes portraits of all three of Lini's charges, her own of herself at fourteen looking so innocent.
Lini comes back and says, well, Morgase always had a habit of coming to see her when she needed to work out a problem, but she hasn't been for a while. Morgase says she visits every week, but Lini says she hasn't been here since spring. Must be the trouble with Gaebril, right? Morgase is surprised Lini knows about any trouble, but Lini says the whole castle knows, just nobody's willing to bring it up with the Queen. It's the kind of thing a woman won't believe until she's faced with it herself.
Morgase asks what Lini's referring to, she's the last to know and it may be too late to stop it. Lini says it's not too late, just bundle up Gaebril, Alteima, and the others, and you're all set. Morgase is shocked to learn that Gaebril's been cheating on her, with Alteima and six others. Shocked, and then enraged. Morgase asks where her various allies are, and Lini points out that Morgase had them all exiled last spring. Even had one flogged for asking why. Morgase has only shadowed memories of any of it.
She asks if Lini would recognize Tallanvor, and at confirmation, she asks her to bring him here, but tell nobody that she's in Lini's quarters. When Lini leaves, Morgase dares not stand up from her chair, knowing that if she moves, she might not stop until she's in her sitting room, waiting for Gaebril. If she didn't know better, she'd think he'd used the One Power on her somehow, but no man survives to his age using the Power.(2)
She thinks back on her lovers over the years. Taringail Damodred was cold, though she found joy in their children. Thomdril Merrilin was witty and funny, but twice her age(3) and one day just vanished without a word, so when he returned, her temper got the better of her.(4) Gareth Bryne had turned out to be a treasonous fool. And Gaebril, the crown on her bad life choices.
Lini returns with Tallanvor, and Morgase begins asking questions. She finds that he is the only man left who's truly loyal to her, not to Gaebril. Even the new oath is to throne and law, not to the Queen.
Morgase says she needs to go elsewhere, and begin reestablishing her rule. Tallanvor overrules Morgase's suggested escape route, and suggests she disguise herself and go to the Queen's Blessing inn, where Basel Gill is as loyal to her as Tal himself. When he's gone, Lini asks why she keeps calling Tal young, he's got a few years on Galad and Galad's too old to be Morgase's in the first place.(5)
At any rate, Lini insists on coming, too, so they both dress in simple coarse wool, with some soot to darken Morgase's red-gold hair, and slip out a side gate. As they go, she realizes her reputation is taking the blame for Gaebril's changes.
They reach the Queen's Blessing, and Morgase realizes Lini is breathing hard. Lini waves her off, saying if she can't keep up with Morgase, how will she ever tend Elayne's babes? They go to the stable, where Tal, Basel Gill, Lamgwin (one of Gill's men) and Lamgwin's wife Breane all swear fealty and to accompany her. They ask where she'll go first, and she realizes she hadn't thought that far. All her focus was on getting out of the castle, on defying the urge to go back to Gaebril. Tal suggests they must go to Gareth Bryne first. With him on her side, the rest will reswear allegiance if only because they know he'll win every battle he's in. She almost protests that he's a traitor, but he has a point.
PERSPECTIVE: Padan Fain sneaks to the storage room where the ruby hilted dagger is being stored, guided by his connection to it through Mordeth. He finds the plain iron lock on the door, his precious isn't even guarded by any magic. He picks it, finds the dagger, and is surprised by an Accepted such that he slashes at her in the darkness. She dies quickly, in agony.
Alviarin calls him a fool, thinking there would be no guard on the room, no watch kept. If she'd done as she was supposed to, he'd have found a dozen Warders and Aes Sedai each.
He realizes Alviarin could have raised the alarm herself, and that she must be Black Ajah, saying so aloud. She says that's a dangerous accusation, and Elaida won't hear of it either way.(6) She asks if he means to steal the dagger, saying the ruby's not worth that much and the blade is tainted. He says he could dispose of Elaida for her, but she says if she'd wanted to be the Amyrlin Seat, she would have done so.
Fain spouts all kinds of stuff that means he's been to Shayol Ghul, and Alviarin is impressed. She asks who he is, and why he's here, did one of the Chosen send him? He says his tasks are not for the likes of her to know. She says they'll see, but for now, she'll clean up his mess. She leaves him bound in Air until she's well away, though.
He decides there's no time to find the Horn of Valere just now, he's got followers to meet and work to do, to find al'Thor now that he's whole again with his dagger.(7)
(1) Since we know this is Rahvin, it's all the more heartbreaking and heartening both to see her struggling against his Compulsion like this. She's so strong that she can overcome a Forsaken's weaves on her mind. (2) She's so close to it here. So close! She's gone full Freddie Mercury here, she wants to figure it out, and she wants to break free. (3) Here's a fun fact: we don't have a birth year for Thom, but he was already about twice Morgase's age when they were together, which was the better part of twenty years ago. Morgase is 42. Taringail was assassinated 15 years ago, and Thom's nephew was gentled 14 years ago. So, Morgase was about 27 when they were together, perfectly old enough to make her own choices even with a much older man, especially considering she had the social power as queen. But, even if she was exaggerating a little, that makes Thom at least 50 then, and at least 65 now. Puts poor Dena in a different context. (4) And of course, he couldn't tell her what happened with his nephew, the stigma attached to all aspects of it. She's a queen, and has greater concerns. (5) On the one hand, the lady definitely doth protest too much. On the other, if there's one thing that unites the fandom it's hate for Gawyn, if there are two things it's hate for Gawyn and Tallanvor. (6) Not a denial! So, when Nynaeve thought about the White Tower under Black Ajah control a couple of chapters ago… she wasn't exactly wrong. (7) Just… keep this in mind. Fain was last seen with Whitecloaks, and he's making plans.
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devitalization · 7 months ago
↻ᴹᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉ ˡᵒᵃᵈᵉᵈ ꒰ guidebook.txt now available ꒱
all about gamedecs. who they are, what they carry, etc.
꒰ a private detective who solves crime inside virtual worlds. the decisions [you] make will alter [your character's] traits and impact the course of the game, but cases are riddled with dilemmas and rarely clear-cut.
until the 2170s, gamdecs were called "solvers". they started calling themselves "gamedecs" following the death of sam hawthorne – one of the best of their kind, who used to say that, "detection ends the case."
the labyrinth principle states that whoever is inside the labyrinth cannot perceive its structure. this is why they need an outsider with a bird's eye view. such a person must possess three key characteristics:
is a good gamer
knows basic coding
knows human nature
gamedecs are called in by gamers who cannot cope with an in-game puzzle or need help with a particularly difficult part of gameplay. they are hired by clans looking for an extra gun to use in online battles or sought by game-developing organizations and corporations who suspect they are being sabatoged by their competition. gamedecs are also hired by celebrities and politicians who have gotten involved in subtle gaming relations and need discreet help getting out of it.
every gamedec has a different past, a different story. it's a job performed by former doctors, journalists, businessmen, professional gamers, artists, and soldiers alike. what they all have in common is a similar change in their professional lives. they lost interest in what they had previously done – or in all traditional ways of life, for that matter. they experienced disappointment and disillusion, felt deluded, and opened their eyes – each of them describes it in their own way.
in marcin przybyłek's books, the main protagonist – torkil aymore – couldn't force himself to keep working as a doctor, and working as a toy seller exposed him to the grime of a late 22nd-century business. major duncan powers lost his body on the training ground and started using a military mobrium. his wife could not handle it, and so she left him – taking their daughter with her. as a journalist covering upper-class gossip, vivien lacroix ruined several people's lives before becoming a gamedec. max romanov rejected the superficiality of show business, took up cage fighting, and started working as a gamedec.
what do [you] need to lay games in gamedecverse? [you] need six things. four of them are equipment and two of them are drugs.
[your] equipment consists of a computer, a couch, a suit and a helmet. [your] computer is controlling it all. it's the brain of the whole system. and it's the firewall of the system because it is connected to the global net. so if somebody is trying to hack [you], he must go through [your] computer – which is connected to the couch, suit and helmet.
the couch is primarily a bed, but a very special bed. it does several things. first, it prevents [you] from developing pressure sores that you can get from lying down for a long period by massaging and heating the body. most importantly, it heats the nutrifluid.
[your] suit is something that [you] put on before entering the net. it reinforces the couch's function, by also giving [you] a massage and preventing pressure sores and muscular atrophy. so the suit is extremely important because it protects [you]; with proper equipment, [your] gametime can reach as far as four days straight. playing for longer than the allotted time is extremely dangerous, and we do not recommend it.
[your] helmet is a very intricate piece of machinery. it's very expensive, it's very complicated, and it does three things.
first, users need the helmet for devitalization, which disconnects the movement centers of [your] brain from [your] real body so that [you] can move in the virtual world – in the sensory world. [you] can move [your] hands and legs, but [your] real limbs are still lying on the couch. it's like dreaming. [you] can dream of running or fighting, but [your] real body remains still. the opposite of devitalization is revitalization, which is also done using the helmet. and finally, the most important function is the simulation of the game itself.
we have, in our brains, one hundred billion brain cells and neurons. each of them has, more or less, ten thousand synapses. it's a lot, and the helmet stimulates and controls most of it – it creates the phenomenon of experiencing sensations in the virtual world. [you] can see this world, hear it, touch it, smell it, and [you] can taste it. and, well, [you] don't actually go anywhere. [your] brain doesn't go anywhere. it doesn't enter the game. the game enters [your] brain, and this is all done by the helmet.
and now, let's move on to the drugs.
the first is nutrifluid. well, it's just nourishment. [you] attach it to the couch, and the nutrifluid warms the couch. then, [you] attach it to the nano-socket in your forearm so that [you] don't starve while staying in the net.
the second drug is very complex and expensive – it is called gamepill. gamepill is a little capsule that [you] have to swallow before entering the net. this capsule contains billions of nanobots that change [your] metabolic pathways. so [you[ don't have to worry about overfilling [your] bladder or colon. this is especially important when you stay for longer periods in the net. ꒱
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brutalgamer · 1 year ago
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Long-awaited turn-based RPG Zoria: Age of Shattering quests onto PC
Crafted by a team of three over seven years, Zoria: Age of Shattering continues the turn-based RPG renaissance on the PC.
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malky-tea · 6 months ago
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The Second House. Guardian Angels. House of the Firmament. Asharu. Scourges.
Ellil | Dagan | Anshar Baath is the character of my friend @tomatikoma
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arjengelly · 2 years ago
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W.I.P ☠️
Kou, Perri, Ace & Rey
Kou’s power is sea bunny creation lol
She made a spaceship that looks like a sea bunny on the outside & has them all over the inside.
Her fav attack is shooting out explosive sea bunnies from her horror-scope/cosmic spyglass
She shot one at Rini’s face and had multiple of them damage Helios’s wings during a chase.
The girl has a goal in mind and no one is going to get in her way.
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kbanews · 2 years ago
Penerjemah di Madinah: Anies Baswedan Memiliki Retorika Bahasa Indonesia yang Luar Biasa
JAKARTA | KBA – Lulusan dari International University of Africa – Sudan, Muhammad Fakhrurrazi Anshar menjadi penerjemah Anies Baswedan saat melakukan pertemuan dengan tokoh-tokoh di Madinah. “Alhamdulillah, tugas selesai. Salah satu tugas terberat hari ini, Masya Allah. Menjadi penerjemah Pak @aniesbaswedan dihadapan para tokoh-tokoh di Madinah,” tulisnya dikutip KBA News dari Facebook resminya,…
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talonabraxas · 5 months ago
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Anu 𒀭 “Skyfather and Lord of Firmament, or the Great Above.” Talon Abraxas
Anu (also known as An) is an early Mesopotamian sky god who was later viewed as the Father of the Gods and ruler of the heavens, a position which then passed to his son Enlil. He is the son of the couple Anshar and Kishar (heaven and earth, respectively), the second-born of the primordial couple Apsu and Tiamat.
He was originally a Sumerian sky deity known as An (meaning 'sky') first referenced in writing during the Early Dynastic Period (2900-2334 BCE) who was adopted by the Akkadians c. 2375 BCE as Anu ('heaven') the all-powerful. Sargon the Great of Akkad (r. 2334-2279 BCE) mentions Anu and Inanna in his inscriptions as legitimizing his rule or helping him in his conquests as he established the Akkadian Empire and maintained order.
Anu is most often represented in iconography simply by a crown or crown on a throne symbolizing his status as King of the Gods, an honor and responsibility later conferred upon Enlil, Marduk (son of Enki/Ea, the god of wisdom), and Assur of the Assyrians, all of whom were believed to have been elevated by Anu and blessed by him. His consort is Antu (also known as Uras, goddess of the earth), and among their many children are the Annunaki, the gods of the earth and judges of the dead, and Nisaba, the Sumerian goddess of writing and accounts. He is also given as the husband of his sister Ki (earth) by whom his son Enlil is born.
Although Anu is not featured prominently in many myths, he is often mentioned as a background figure. This is because, as veneration of the god progressed, he became more and more remote. Initially a sky god and one of the many younger gods born of Apsu and Tiamat, Anu gradually became the lord of the heavens above the sky and the god who ordered and maintained all aspects of existence.
Along with Enlil and Enki, Anu formed a triad which governed the heavens, earth, and underworld (in one version) or, in another, heaven, the sky, and the earth. He was also listed among the oldest gods of the Seven Divine Powers: Anu, Enki, Enlil, Inanna, Nanna, Ninhursag, and Utu-Shamash.
Even though he is rarely a main character in a myth, when he does appear, he plays an important role, even when that role might seem minor. He is referenced in some of the best-known myths from Mesopotamia including Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and the Netherworld, The Epic of Gilgamesh, the Myth of Adapa, and the Enuma Elish.
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relenafanel · 7 months ago
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Target Acquired (A Family)
Art by @anshares | Fic by @relenafanel for @mdzsrbb
Wei Wuxian has been on his own for months. It’s easier to pull off surprise assassinations against the sect that destroyed the Jiangs if most people think he’s dead. 
He doesn’t expect Lan Wangji to join with his own vendetta against the Wen. 
And he certainly doesn’t expect to acquire A-Yuan in the middle of a job. 
WTF do two assassins do with a child? Put him in daycare, of course. 
A Buddy Daddies AU.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
tags: Assassins & Hitmen; Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic; Cultivation Sect Politics; Accidental Baby Acquisition; Acquired Family; Yiling Laozu; BAMF WWX; BAMF LWJ; disguises; comedy; fluff
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
fic on Ao3 | art post on Tumblr
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misty--nights · 7 months ago
Here's a short silly thing inspired by this convo with @anshares (you really have to stop giving me such fun ideas). I wrote this in like 30 minutes with no regards for historical accuracy. Enjoy some silly ghost kings banter and He Xuan being down bad for Shi Qingxuan because I have a brand and am incapable of writing his pov without making him pine pathetically ^^
“Is this what you spend my money on?” Hua Cheng asks from his side. He Xuan rolls his eyes.
“What do you care?” He Xuan finally asks. The glass bottle in his hands feels far too frail, like it could shatter with one wrong movement. He Xuan very carefully doesn’t think about what else—who else—feels too fragile under his hands. “I’ll pay you back either way.”
“I’m sure you will,” Hua Cheng mutters. His attention is fixed elsewhere, though, eye caught by a little box decorated with delicate white flowers. One track mind, He Xuan thinks, but doesn’t say.
One can find just about anything in Ghost City. There are many sketchy, and even downright dangerous establishments, but there are also genuine shops, with rare products that are nearly impossible to find elsewhere. It’s just a matter of knowing where to look. He Xuan has had centuries to familiarize himself with the place. He knows exactly where everything he needs can be found. And right now, what he needs is a new hair product Shi Qingxuan has been raving about.
He Xuan opens the bottle in his hands and takes a deep breath. The product inside smells sweet. Like a meadow, he thinks, and the summer breeze. It’s a familiar smell, the same one his mind has come to associate with Shi Qingxuan, the one he always catches when the Wind Master throws his head back to laugh. He Xuan closes his eyes, and he can almost hear that precious laughter. His treacherous chest clenches at that and he knows if he were still alive his whole face would be blushing.
Hua Cheng is looking at him when he opens his eyes again. He raises an eyebrow at him, and He Xuan has to resist the urge to growl. He still has products to buy. It won’t serve him well to anger Hua Cheng before he pays. A silver butterfly flutters down to land on Hua Cheng’s shoulder and his mouth twists into a sharp, dangerous smile.
“What?” He Xuan asks, closing the bottle again and setting it down on the shelf he took it from.
“Nothing,” Hua Cheng says, but that smile is still there, sharper by the second. “Just wait until the next time you complain about my face when talking about His Highness.”
He Xuan feels a shiver run up his spine. He won’t ask, won’t give Hua Cheng the satisfaction, but he knows whatever face he was making when smelling the product will be a blow to his pride for years to come.
“Whatever,” he mutters. He tries to sound indifferent, but he knows it’s not very convincing. Hua Cheng, thanks to some miracle, doesn’t call him out on it. “There’s supposed to be a new scent from this manufacturer. Help me find it.”
“You think I’m here to do your work for you?” Hua Cheng asks with a scoff. He still sets the little box down on the counter and turns towards the hair product bottles. He Xuan doesn’t call him out on it. “Why do you need a different one, anyways? I thought you always used the same.”
“Shi Qingxuan mentioned the new scent reminded him of me,” He Xuan replies without much thought.
He realizes his mistake a second later. Hua Cheng has turned to look at him with an intensity he doesn’t like, both eyebrows raised in surprise. He Xuan holds his gaze for a long moment before he has to look away. Once more, he feels like he would be blushing if he could.
“Well,” Hua Cheng says. He Xuan waits for him to say more, but he doesn’t.
There’s an odd look on his face when He Xuan turns to look at him, one that feels too knowing. In the silence that settles around them, he debates the merits of just puffing out of existence. He doesn’t know how he’ll be able to look Hua Cheng in the eye again after this.
“Just help me find the damn bottle,” he finally manages to bite out after what feels like an eternity.
Hua Cheng just hums and turns back towards the shelf. He lets the topic go for now, but He Xuan is not so naïve. He knows Hua Cheng, and he knows he won’t let it go forever. This conversation will come up again, at the worst possible moment. He will brace himself for that. Until then, though, he will do his very best to pretend he never said anything incriminating, pretend nothing has changed since he first took Ming Yi’s place as the Earth Master. After all, he has become truly amazing at lying to himself on that matter.
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