Le Duc | Falgardien
208 posts
Spine animator / Illustrator  Fr ID: 338509 (Falgardien) 
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falgardien · 16 hours ago
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I draw Orleans while I was listening some bardcore song. I think I'll adopt the otter face on coalt, it's match well! ♥
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falgardien · 5 days ago
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Thank you @stormtideclan and everyone who got me to 10000 reblogs!
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Did a little this for the topic Draw the dragon above you on Flight rising ♥
Model: Netherrack
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falgardien · 5 days ago
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Hello! Illustrhater and sublimation was finally out in french. That's how I see Adrinette now... (Someone give Marinette ritaline, she really need it!!)
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falgardien · 8 days ago
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Did a little this for the topic Draw the dragon above you on Flight rising ♥
Model: Netherrack
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falgardien · 22 days ago
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Commission for @rustyace from her Witch and Werebeast Au ♥
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falgardien · 2 months ago
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Did a little something! :D After reading Chapter 11 of Sideways (Mariclaw fanfiction by @ladynoirfanao3 ) I needed to draw Claw wielding Ladybug and Black cat miraculous!
Turn out the boy wear the 80's anime hair style very well! ♥
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falgardien · 2 months ago
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Miraculous Ladybug redesign ft disabled Adrien and some thoughts
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falgardien · 2 months ago
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“A magical charm to keep you from harm”
— wonderful art created by Randommrachel for Miraculers for Palestine
🍉 Don’t forget! Artists and writers can still sign up as contributors here!
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falgardien · 2 months ago
Omg another animation!
Something done last year. Cause I love her so much.
I need more Nathalie in my life. she is my everything.
And I'm still hopping for seing Mayura again.
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falgardien · 2 months ago
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Yes I'm going to keep drawing the same character and his various versions over and over. No I don't have a problem.
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falgardien · 3 months ago
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Happy birthday to my 9yo Paladin ♥ Love you pixel baby dragon
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falgardien · 3 months ago
2024 Art Wrap
This was a big animation year for me. It’s really nice to do these art wraps to remind myself all the work I’ve accomplished.
See how I make room guardians on my Patreon!
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falgardien · 3 months ago
i finally... fiished a multi chapter fic... HUZZAH
the entire thing is already complete with 8 chapters but ill update it every monday and thursday!
Adrien's mother returns! But now, Adrien seems to acting different, everyone can notice it, even himself. Why can't he remember basic facts about himself?
im excited for this one!
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falgardien · 3 months ago
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Amongst the monstera
(Redraw of this piece from 2022)
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falgardien · 3 months ago
Hello! @sleepysebris :DD I'm your secret santa from ashville server. I admit, when I saw '"any combo with the sentitwins" on your list ... I haven't think twice and just go. :'D Hope you like it ♥
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falgardien · 3 months ago
woaaaaaaaaaa!!! Never though I'll saw all four together! thank you so much!! I really love Lepidopterist's name!!! ♥♥ Shady and claw; who do trouble cause they don't want to go home, it's soooo funny!! XD Thank you a lot for the text!! Hope you'll get lo of good time during this ending year o/ ♥
Multiversal Meetup
Hey @falgardien, I am your secret Santa from @mlsecretsanta. I hope you are doing well and I hope you enjoy this short story!
characters: Shadybug, Claw Noir, Bunnix, Mister Bug, Ladynoire, and a surprise Theme: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
While exploring the vast timelines inside the burrow, Bunnix was assisting two formiliar friends, but they weren't quite the same as she had once known them. These two had troubled pasts and were very rough around the edges. They were known as Shadybug and Claw Noir, and all they wanna do was go home. 
"We've been traveling these times for what seems like forever,” Shadybug said with a raised tone.
“Hey, don’t yell at me,” Bunnix yelled back. “It’s not my fault that my Ladybug just gave me this thing and decided to dump me here until further notice like I did something wrong.” 
As they were looking through all the timelines, Claw Noir found one that looked more peaceful than his own. His and Shadybug's timeline was full of despair and was ruled by a mysterious person known as the Supreme. But this one here was peaceful with beautiful blue skies, happy people, and nothing to fear. 
"What about this timeline?" Claw Noir said as they both saw what he was looking at. 
"It looks peaceful," Shadybug said, admiring its beauty. 
"It looks like it's not your timeline," Bunnix said as she grew more annoyed with these two's antics. "Let's just keep going until we find your RIGHT timeline." Bunnix was expecting there to be some groaning or backtalk from the two but never received any. This worried Bunnix as she looked around, but saw that they were both gone into the new timeline. 
"Oh hell no," Bunnyx got really mad about that and stormed into the window, chasing the two multiversal hooligans. 
Inside the new timeline, both Shaydbug and Claw Noir were leaping from rooftop to rooftop, enjoying this new freedom of there. This new timeline currently has an evening sky, so nobody would see them hopping around much, which made for their freedom to have no witnesses. 
"Finally, we're no longer in the burrow!" Claw Noir said as he was laughing happily. 
"And no more short rabbit girl bullying us every chance she got," Shadybug said as she ran with Claw Noir. As she did, she joined him in laughing happily. It’s been a few days? Weeks? Months? It was a while since both she and Claw Noir were accidentally trapped in the Burrow, and despite the best efforts of Bunnix, the so-called “guardian of time”, they did not find their way back and have been trapped there for who knows how long. It was just exiting to finally run on solid ground again instead of hovering and floating inside the burrow. Traveling through all of time and finding different time differences to find their way back to the proper timeline. 
“WHOO, FREEDOM!!” Claw Noir yelled in happiness as both him and Shadybug were hauled into their place by another ladybug and black cat duo but with differences. 
“Either these are some impressive cosplays, or we might be dealing with some doppelgänger akumas,” the male ladybug hero said. 
“Just what I needed, another Copycat,” The female black cat heroine said. 
“The hell?” Shadybug said as she got a good look at them both. “The fuck are you two supposed to be?”
“You don’t know us? Seriously?” The female black cat heroine said. “I’m Lady Noire, and this is my partner Mister Bug.”
“A pleasure to make your acquaintance, as long as you are not an Akuma or a Sentimonster,” Mister Bug respectfully said. “We swore to keep this beautiful city clean from Featherman and the Lepidopterist.”
“And we should give a rats ass about them why?” Shadybug asked.
“If you ask me, I think all of you sound ridiculous,” Claw Noir added on. “I mean… Featherman?”
“Featherman gave us a lot of trouble in the past, as he created these awful sentimonsters that terrorized the city, usually as assistants for the Lepidaopterist’s akumas,” Mister Bug explained as it slowly clicked together. “Wait, you two aren’t exactly from here, are you?”
“No shit, Sherlock,” Claw Noir said as he huffed. “We’re from another timeline.”
As the two of them heard that, Shadybug and Claw Noir expected the two prudes to be surprised and be scared at the fact that all of this is happening, but what instead happened shocked even the two guests.
They understood what was going on.
“Is your rabbit user nearby? I wanna see if this is legit or not,” Mister Bug said as he’s kind of exited to meet another rabbit user.
“Wait, you know about the rabbit fiascos?” Shadybug asked in shock.
“Yeah. Our rabbit heroine, Foo Foo, did say that multiversal traveling is possible thanks to another rabbit figuring that out by pure accident,” Lady Noire said. “It’s quite a long story.”
“Yeah, I bet it is,” Shadybug replied to lady noire. “But what’s with those outfits? You look like me but with the Black Cat miraculous.”
“And you look like me with the ladybug miraculous,” Claw Noir said, pointing at Mister Bug.
“I know we may be different than the other timelines, but this is what we were gifted by the Guardian to fight off the Lepidopterist and her partner Featherman,” Mister Bug explained. “It may be odd to you, but not to here.”
“And we even have a few other Allie’s here as well,” Lady Noire happily replied. “Including a fox, a bee, and a turtle.”
“Now that’s something we don’t have from our timeline,” Shadybug said, noticing the detail. “In almost every timeline, there’s always a full team of heroes that comes to save the day. Sometimes known as the Miraculous team, sometimes the Miracle Force. Heck, we once saw one of them called the Protectors.”
“Oh, I love those guys!” Mister Bug said as his eyes lit up. “We’ve never met, but we saw their work through Foo Foo’s burrow that once, right Lady Noire?”
“Oh yea, I remember now!” Lady Noire said as she laughed. “Those guys were fun, and make us want to do a full team. Sadly we can’t because our guardian is too scared to let any Miraculouses fall in the villains hands.”
“That’s usually how it goes,” Shadybug said as she looked down, remembering the mistakes she and her partner/boyfriend made while serving under their timeline’s Supreme. She liked it at first as she got to let loose her anger, but over time, it wasn’t fun anymore. But she and her partner were committed to stopping the Supreme and trying to find as many friends as possible to help them. As she was thinking, they all suddenly heard screaming from a distance as the four of them saw a gigantic flock of pigeons in the sky, and they were all being controlled by one older woman, and next to her, was some sort of mutant pigeon centaur hybrid.
"i didnt know you guys had a Monsieur Pigeon in this timeline," Claw Noire asked, surprised at the sudden akuma attack.
"She goes by Madame Pigeon in ours," Lady Noire replied, informing the new duo. "And it looks like Featherman gave her a friend."
"So, what do you two say in doing a team-up?" Mister Bug asked the new duo. Both Shadybug and Claw Noir smirked in unison as they readied themselves.
"Fuck yeah, let's do it," They both said as the four of them leaped into action.
Roughly 20 minutes later, Bunnix was still searching for the two runaways when she heard a loud crash nearby.
"An akuma attack? In this timeline? Or is it them causing mayhem?" Bunnix asked herself as she kept leaping from roof to roof, hoping to find the answer, but then saw a few swarms of ladybugs clearing the debris nearby. She knew this was the work of a ladybug's Miracle Cure. Finally, she landed down to street level where she saw Shadybug and Claw Noir fistbumping the timeline's version of the red and black duo.
"POUND IT!" All 4 of them happily said as Bunnix drew to the conclusion that the four of them handled the Akuma all by themselves. Bunnix can't help herself from smiling at how far the two corrupted heroes have come.
"There you two are," Bunnix said as she interrupted their victory. "I was wondering where you two went." As she said that, Shadybug and Claw Noir jumped in surprise as they saw Bunnix smiling at them. They did not know if it was a genuine smile or a plan of something sinister smile, and that was scaring them. While Mister Bug and Lady Noire saw this, they noticed the hair on top of the rabbit hero's hair and knew exactly who she was underneath.
"And you must be their rabbit hero," Mister Bug said as he came to introduce himself. "I'm Mister Bug, and this here's my partner-slash-girlfriend, Lady Noire."
"The name's Bunnix and I'm not exactly their rabbit. I'm just helping them get home because it's my responsibility," Bunnix said as she introduced herself. "Thanks for keeping an eye out on these knuckleheads for me."
"It's no problem, really," Lady Noire said. "In fact, we actually had a great time defeating an akuma together."
"I was the one who did a lucky charm and everything," Shadybug said with a proud expression on her face.
"Yeah, and we would never had this fun if someone wasn't a bit hellbent on keeping us in the burrow," Claw Noir said as he was still mad at her.
"I really didint know where you two were supposed to go, honest," Bunnix said as she was trying to defend herself. "But... I'll give it more of a try. Heck, I could even call in a favor of another rabbit user or two to help out." As she said that, another burrow opened up to showcase two more rabbit users. One was short and had blonde hair, and the other was tall with orange hair, glasses, and very stern.
"Foo Foo!" Mister Bug and Lady Noire said in happiness.
"Hoppu Bunny?" Bunnix said, shocked by this.
"Did somebody want to call in a favor?" Foo Foo asked. "Because I'd be down to help.
"And we already know where these two are supposed to go as well!" Hoppy Bunny said, giving Shadybug and Claw Noir the good news.
"About fucking time!" Claw Noir said as he cheered. He then turned to face Mister Bug and Lady Noire. "Thanks for the fight, guys. I actually needed to get some stress out."
"Yeah, same here!" Shadbug said as she shook Lady Noire's hands. "If you ever need help, call us and We'll be there to help with a rabbit's help."
"And you can count on me," Lady Noire said, saying her goodbyes. As she did that, all 3 of the rabbits, plus Shadybug and Claw Noire left in a borrow while waving at the two domestic heroes.
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falgardien · 3 months ago
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Happy holidays @falgardien ! I’m your Ashville Secret Santa! 🎄✨
You said shadyclaw and animal traits/hybrids as some of your prompts and I… got way too excited and couldn’t stop drawing blorbos jkfskfkls. Here’s Werechat with some Werebug(?) !! I have so many more ideas for these guys so I might draw more of them eventually ❤️🖤💚
I hope you have a wonderful day! :D
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