#another love letter to this game
goremet-chef · 1 year
just found someone who makes monster hunter lego builds do NOT speak to me im. this. GRGRGRG
anyways heres some gifs i have of monsters cuz im in love with this series forever and always (super long ramble SFJKS ive been writing this for hours)
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odogaron + ebony odo is like.... you dont understand. thats me i kin so many monsters from MH its insane like.. thats literally me nothing reflects me better LOOK AT THEM. rathalos, odogaron, nargacuga like any red scary thing i resonate with deep in my soul its insane
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this one is one of my headmates favorites. shrieking legi really came thru when he was having a bad time and i love this for him. ITS JUST LIKE... so many of the monsters resonate with us on such personal levels, that its hard to even explain. i am selfish, and i do view monster hunter as my game (got that autism special) like these are my creatures they were made for me
REAL TALK THO, these two were genuinely actually made for me look at this shit
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unknown (black flying wyvern) and valstrax my beloveds. fucking god tier
the fact that i already resonate with the rathalos so hard, and it turns out theres a black and red edgier cool version of it/????like are you insane when i discovered this thing i was. SO UNWELL IN MY CHANNEL ON DISCORD i literally rambled about it for AN HOUR STRAIGHT. then when i found out about valstrax i rambled about that one for an hour too SKFJS like wow they are so cool. autism is real
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also have this one, xeno'jiiva is so. MHW was my first MH game (say what you will) and god damn. im gonna be real idk if id be so into it if it wasnt for MHW, cuz like.... the main appeal of the entire game series to me is the monsters themselves. like im. when i first started i was TOO SCARED TO FIGHT THE GREAT JAGRAS (yknow. the first large monster you fight 😭😭 like the 3rd quest. insane) because ive never been into fighting games and having something large PURSUE ME didnt sound pleasant
crazy that i went from being too scared to play it again to LITERALLY playing for 72 hours almost STRAIGHT with minimal pee and sleep breaks, and giving myself carpal fucking tunnel cuz i was just. obsessed. AUTISM IS REAL
went from couldnt stand 10 minutes of it to 400 hours in game SKFJSD
and i would do it again bitch!!!
so what im SAYING. alright. is that im not a fighter in games (well NOW i am, but before i super wasnt) but what drew me in was how i could just.. watch. how i could see all the big scary monsters sleep and eat and walk around and fight eachother. how i could get their tracks, listen to their sounds, ETC. like it was so. IT WAS THRILLING and ive never been more in love
like for context my first special interest is fnaf and i wouldnt be anything like myself if i never got into fnaf like life changing shit. but i gotta say, i mean. ive played the fnaf games and i love the story and EVERYTHING this is not a diss on my first home!!!! but i played MHW to the point of exhaustion, to where i needed to have an arm brace and even then despite the HORRIBLE PAIN in my wrist, i still kept playing
i played so much i literally managed to rub the s and w letters of my siblings keyboard KSJFSF like it was for real. i miss that, like a lot. i dont play as much anymore because i mean. i have it on my laptop. my laptop is a gaming laptop and it can run!! but its better for my
yknow i dont think i have an actual reason and im literally about to cry thinking about it SKFSFJ the good computer with the good graphics and running is my siblings and id need permission, yknow how it is. PLUS im a bit stuck? i need an urugaan ruby for my barioth mission lmao but ill get there
monster hunter world is so beautiful. the environments are fucking stunning, the visual upgrade for the monsters was INSANE and just watching them be animals? it brings me so much joy KSJSJSJ
one of my favorites is the rotten vale, which is funny cuz i remember the first time i ever went there i was so. PARANOID. i use sound with pretty much everything i play since my eyes might not track everything thats happening, so hearing the ambience for the vale freaked me out so much, i stayedat the camp for SO LONG and good thing too cuz the radobaan makes its way down that path and i was shook SKFJSF
also the big fucking dalamadur skeleton in the vale is so. UGHHHH
i love horror and rot and decay!!! its frightening its unsettling but even still the vale is such a necessary part of the ecosystem!!! like wow monsters come there to DIE? are youINSANE
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(dalamadur is like one of the biggest monsters for reference. the whole upper part of the vale is made of its skeleton cuz its a big snake its so UGHHH)
also the???? STOMACH ACID POOL?
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they were cooking bro,,,,, such a gorgeous and unsettling environment goddd
like GOD i cant think of anything better, the story for MHW is so good man. the tracker said "its an ecological marvel" and i took that personally (i repeat that so much about random shit its not even funny how long ive been doing that for)
or how like... any of the docile monsters (tobi kadachi, banbaro, kulu ya ku, ETC) i genuinely if i go on expedition, and i see theres a docile monster in one of the locales, ill go there and just follow them around the ENTIRE TIME SFKSFS
heres SEVERAL pics of me with banbaros at different times KSJFS
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that isnt even all of them with JUST banbaro 💀💀💀 its my favorite activity
and sometimes i get hit with the banbaro / nightshade paolumu / coral pukei combo!!!! thats a triple docile whammy!!!!! thriving
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also heres a cute viper tobi shot :] love viper tobi
also also i cant believe i never said anything yet but VAAL HAZAK??? my actual liege look at this mf
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MY LORD!!! vaal is so fucking cool man. and the KICKER??? DOCILE
whenever i do this quest i do just follow it around for a while (which. ive had to do this quest A LOT cuz i thought i get vitality crystals from it (yknow cuz i got some from it) so i have probably 100% killed more vaal hazak than any of the other elder dragons SKFJSF
vaal hazak is so cool cuz its covered in rotten meat and uses the effluvium (corpse gas) as its like. life source. it pulls excess effluvium from the vale into itself and expels it when theres not enough, so its keeping the ecosystem tame its so cool UGHH
also one of its moves it plays dead its so fucked up itll fall over like you've knocked it over and then just lay there but you hear its inhale and it looks up and BLASTS YOU with its effluvia gas beam (WHICH. THAT THING HURTS!!!!!! for real the effluvium attack is so. plus it also halves yr health? like if vaal hits you with that shit itll give you miasma or whatever and it HALFS YR HEALTH BAR and you gotta eat a nulberry to negate it
im not one for switching shit around in my like item bar tho (MAINLY cuz most the time ive played MHW was with my siblings mouse and its scroll bare was broken so swapping items was hard) so i just put on like 3 effluvia resistance gems and it cant give me miasma. problem solved SKFSJF
i did get so tired of fighting it cuz yknw its a hard fight its an elder dragon, but i will say like the MUSIC? thats one of the things like. when we fought megan in the forest, they gave us battle music and THAT is why i kicked ass and abandoned all my fear, monster hunter instincts kicked in and i tanked alright like it was NOTHING, battle music just hits different
vaal hazak theme is so fucking good!!!! "keeper of hades" ARE YOU INSANE? HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND????? i cant believe this shit!!!!!!!!
monster hunter stop being the coolest franchise ever challenge KSFJSF
i did do vaal hazak fight with no music before cuz i was trying to see and. THE MUSIC DOES SO MUCH? literally there was like no adrenaline without the music it was just. :| oh. im in the vale. thats the dragon. hes gonna breath attack. okay LIKE IT WAS SO LACK LUSTER IT WAS INSANE
i never realized how much the music did for fights but its so.. vital bro like it gets you in the fighting mood it compliments the monster and the area its !!!GRAAAAHHHH
monster hunter soundtrack is literally so fucking good. BANGERS back to back literally every song is so fucking cracked its epic
dont even get me STARTED on "proof of a hero" that song makes me stim so fucking hard man it makes me feel so fucking good. my sibling made his ringtone for me that song and AUGHHH crying sobbing
like yeah this is proof that im a hero!!! literally makes me feel so proud and FOR WHATTTT
idk im such a firm believer in the importance of sound design, sound design is EVERYTHINGGG and MH does such a good job with that shit, the monster roars and environmental ambience, audio cues to what attack is gonna happen, the music its all. perfect 10/10 godtier shit
anyways this is my monster hunter ramble, it most likely will happen again. love this game with all my heart
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linipik · 2 years
[PART 7]
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kg-clark-inthedark · 3 months
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My gift for @puddtoast for @dishonoredgiftexchange’s 2024 fugue feast. I went with the prompt of Aramis Stilton thinking about lost love in the wake of Luca’s downfall while listening to his last audiograph from Theodanis Abele, and then realizing he’ll be okay when a monarch butterfly lands on the audiograph player.
I’ve been head over heels for this emotional sucker punch of a prompt, so I hope I did it justice!! Also I’m delighted to have finally drawn Stilton for the first time. Thank you for providing such fun and detailed prompts to choose from! (Btw I didn’t know what symbolism you were hoping for - if any - when requesting a monarch, so I ran with what I grew up with, in terms of the whole “carrying souls of the dead” thing. Hope that works for you!)
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natjennie · 5 months
this has to be the d20 season with the greatest number of diagetic, physical forms and files the intrepid heroes had to fill out for sure right.
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For the character asks, Blanche. Questions 8, 10 & 12 😊
hiii friend!! thank you for the questions!! <3
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Oh wow. This is a dangerous question, haha!
‘Despise' is a pretty strong word. I feel like the one thing I really can't stand is character assassination (although this is true for every character I like, to be honest). I'm not the authority on what makes Blanche Blanche, of course, but I have seen a few instances when it felt like people only saw the superficial parts of her and forgot about everything else, you know what I mean? Thankfully that's pretty rare around these parts though :)
There's one thing that's more specifically Blanche-related that's a pet-peeve of mine, and it’s the accent thing. I don't really like it when accents are explicitly written down in fanfic, and since Blanche is the one with the strongest accent in the cast, this happens to her sometimes. I just want to point out that this is not wrong per se, it's just a me thing! I prefer to 'hear’ the accent in my mind while I read — if I have to stop and parse the meaning of a sentence mid-action, it's harder for me to fully immerse myself in the story. I don't mind the occasional truncation of a 'g' at the end of a verb, or the odd 'y'all' in a phrase, but if every sentence is written like that it does get a bit hard for me 😅 once again though, this is just my personal preference, and I definitely don't despise the practice.
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
I'm actually not sure how to answer this! If we didn't know each other at all, I think we'd need to be in a situation where we have to spend some time together in order to become friends (like, idk, working together or something like that). We don't share lots of interests (appreciation for art aside), and her passion for men would definitely throw me off at the beginning, so I'd need a reason to spend time with her to get to know her! But we are more similar than we seem, so once I did get to know her better, I'd love to be her friend :) we'd probably drive each other crazy on some things, but I need someone to get me out of my comfort zone at times, and she'd probably benefit from having a more 'grounded' friend, in the same way she benefits from having Dorothy as a friend.
... of course, this is all assuming that she'd want to be my friend in the first place, which is not a given 😂 I'm probably not interesting or fun enough to convince her to give me a chance, but a gal can dream, you know?
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Just one? :')
I've said it before on here, but I headcanon that she's a cover hog. It just makes sense to me! And, still related to sleep, I feel like this is basically canon, but she's a night owl. She's more active during the night, she sleeps in, and it takes her a while to wake up in the mornings.
She actually is knowledgeable about art -- but not necessarily about artists! I think she likely doesn't have a lot of formal education about art (and especially art history), and even if she did study anything related to it she doesn't strike me as an exceptional student overall, but she has a natural instinct for visual beauty -- she's great at things like recognizing which paintings were made with similar techniques or within the same artistic current, distinguishing the traits and characteristics of painters, identifying specific shades of colour, this kind of stuff. Show her a painting and she'll correctly tell you that it's a Van Gogh, how he painted it, the precise shades of colour he chose and why he chose them -- but she also doesn't know that he cut off his ear, you know?
She was a bit of a reckless driver, especially in her youth -- the kind who likes to hit the gas just a tad too much, who plays the music just a tad too loud. She likes acting larger than life, she likes having fun, and she likes attention, so this feels appropriate for her. I figure it probably wasn't noticeable because she rarely drove herself (she always had a gentleman at her side to drive her around), but she never really grew out of that particular trait -- until George's death. After that, I think any imprudence behind the wheel would evoke his accident in her mind, so by the time the Girls met her she had turned into a very conscientious driver.
Thank you, these were so much fun to answer!! I love love love talking about Blanche <3
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six-improbable-things · 5 months
After playing several hours of Disco Elysium I've come to the conclusion that 1) more games should let you be cringefail. Not every protagonist needs to be awesome or badass. Sometimes playing a pathetic little guy is a lot of fun. And 2) dream sequences are highly underutilized in RPG video games. Don't let resting just be resting!!! Get a little weird with it!! (BG3 kinda-sorta does this with the Dream Visitor, but those aren't really dreams. They're real conversations, so it feels different. Not as interesting.)
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zevrans-remade · 10 months
so i got the epilogue finally :") and god.. i don't want this game to end 🤧 the credits hit me one more 🥲😭
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anothergiselle · 11 months
Antonio's bday letter changed the life course of many twt users
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natjennie · 9 months
nothing makes me want to play d&d more than little in character props. when the bad kids are riffling through aguefort's office and brennan hands them pieces of paper for the payroll information. ouuauguuhhhhh baby I want that so bad.
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lvebug · 6 months
an andie eliot reading guide (tags drop pt 1)
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jessielefey · 6 months
One should play the Drakengard/nier games in reverse publishing order in order to get the most out of them. Like how Bloodborne can be said as to "teach you how to play Souls games", Automata followed by Drakengard 3 followed by Replicant teaches you how to read Drakengard as a metacommentary in a way that conceptually proves "just starting from the first game in the series" is doomed to leave you confused and angry and heartbroken; in this essay I will...
#but seriously: thing that seems to have been lost by new kids jumping on from automata... the meme used to be 'cavia hates you'#or to give it more context: cavia got sorta notorious as like evil!Kojima games; cavia *loves* games but *hates* players#yoko taro doesn't hate us anymore but he remembers when he did#and it's all over the newer games this... sorta step-by-step guide on how to read theme into game mechanics#if you just go from Automata -- a love letter -- to the first Drakengard -- an active sneering declaration of war...#it's not hard to see why people just bounce off like 'wow this game is shit'; bad-on-purpose/bad-for-a-purpose is sketch ground to pick#but the both necessary and entirely unnecessary ten thousand automata endings? that's a lesson.#drakengard 3 going so meta its plot implodes and all you're left with is the symbolic story? another#nier literally mocking you for doing unnecessary side quests and the only good ending is to literally not-play? now you're almost ready#if you can appreciate *what the game is saying* in nier by the easy gameplay doing just about everything to get you to the end#the same end that tells you your effort was less than pointless and then lights it on fire as it makes you watch#*now* you're ready to look at drakengard's maliciously jank gameplay and story that actively punishes you for digging and understand#(reason why nier both is and is not a drakengard game is in the difference between the maliciously too-easy gameplay#and 'we're the bad guys' this was all futile conclusion and drakengard's maliciously too-hard gameplay#and 'we're the bad guys but from the opposite angle' we as devs are literally laughing at you conclusion)#(and you can see that best in drakengard 3 which *is* a drakengard game through and through even with less jank mechanics)#heh hot take: drakengard and pathologic are kissing cousins#also also: Drakengard is to NIN's Hurt as Automata is to Cash's Hurt#(((but where's the essay OP? in the tags apparently; keep up :-p)))
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king0fcrows · 6 months
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rivers-for-me · 10 months
My headcanon for you is that you're actually secretly Hozier AND Snufkin AND a famous poet from the 1800's <333
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rotisseries · 1 year
n for the ask game!!
ok so you get new invention by I don't know how but they found me!
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dynjay · 1 year
I'm currently obsessed with 2 things presently:
The new Mario movie
And the game Pizza Tower
May ramble about them later hahahaha
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charmcoindied · 4 months
YESSSSSS i was very fixated on borderlands back around 2020 ish LOL my url before i remade was a canon borderlands url my icon was rhys for like months and months. i've been wanting to replay tftbl for eveerrrrr and am just now getting around to it. It lives in my brain
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