#another day in the colony
lapeaudelamemoire · 1 year
Oh. Fuck. The other thing that was really getting me while writing a report for the cognitive assessment I did for a kid client is that all the fucking pages I found on therapy blogs or sites recommending games for kids to improve skills in various areas were all fucking just full of Amazon product links and 'this post contains affiliate links' disclaimers. Capitalist therapy hell.
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bonefall · 5 months
I just read your response about how the Erin's didn't realise the colonialism themes of DOTC and now I'm wondering if it's because they're British - a big fucking colonialist country
I am also British and I have seen first hand how watered down the empire's negative consequences are in schools. I still remember being told, "the only ones that weren't having a great time were the slaves." when in reality no-one but the British was having a good time
It's unthinkable that the fact they are White British Authors of a Certain Age didn't contribute to it. Like... that's just how culture works, even if it somehow wasn't at all related to their formal education. It influences how you think.
(Also as an aside, even most of The British didn't like the whole empire thing. 3/4ths of Britain isn't England. 2024 is still young, come on guys, be hilarious)
I can't ENTIRELY pin this one on you guys though, the writers are English but their biggest audience is American. And the Americans also predictably failed to catch the themes. ALSO a big colonialist country.
(I happened to get a really good education though, especially for a public school. I don't know if My Fellow Americans even learned about the Whiskey Rebellion or the Banana Wars)
It's also hard to explain it, but the Erins also have a very British way of writing fat people. There's overlap between them, but Brit and American fatphobia has two 'trends.'
American fatphobia tends to frame weight as being funny, pathetic, and a sign of a lack of discipline. English fatphobia tends use it to make a villainous or annoying character appear even more vile, greedy, and unhygienic. American media has also had a stronger trend of body positivity lately, whereas I'm having a hard time even thinking of overweight English characters who are not mocked for their size.
These are just the two things I've noticed though. I'm sure there's more noteworthy trends about WC that's influenced by its authors coming from where they do.
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pushing500 · 6 months
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Four-year-old Night Stalker wakes up, dons a flophat, begins working at the crematorium, and chooses violence. Big day for such a little guy!
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Speaking of violence, Magic Man and Fracturedivine did some damage of their own to poor Flea, who wound up in our small hospital with a few bitten-off toes. Nice work, M.M.?
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Buckeye is being strange, and it made me wonder if she has some sort of psychic link to her un-sprouted child that gives her pregnant lady mood swings.
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Euclid continues to be the best tailor I've ever had in a colony.
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I imagine cooking back-to-back with someone who has massive wings and a long prehensile tail is uncomfortable at best, and downright impossible at worst. Blackdragon seems to be making the best of it, though.
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I've been doodling the mechanitor from the next run on everything, and getting the Archonexus popup in the wrong colony amused me.
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Then finally, we had some heartfelt reunions as visitors came to see us. We're going to see if we can recruit Mr Zannakos (Vasso's dad) and Synesthete (Socks' wife) before the guests leave. It will upset their faction, but family reunions are more important, dammit!!
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mexicancat-girl · 9 months
It feels so weird to me that people's take-away after reading/watching The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes is that Sejanus was a fool and deserved what happened to him.
Sejanus was a traumatized, suicidal teenager that was ostracized for most of his life. His father essentially moved his family to a rich place where everyone hates their guts, selling out their own people in the Districts. Sejanus wanted to kill himself in the Arena because of his great sense of justice and his grief over one of his FRIENDS from childhood dying so cruelly while televised to the nation. He wanted to make a statement and show that not everyone agreed with the cruelty of the government.
Sejanus being reckless makes perfect sense in that context, but because Coriolanus is the protagonist--who has little to no empathy for others and is a kiss-ass to the fascist government despite living in poverty himself--it makes it seem like Sejanus is a moron that deserved his death... He didn't.
He was a child who trusted the wrong person, considered Coriolanus his best friend and the only one who understood him, and Coriolanus' need for power and control had him ratting out Sejanus and getting the boy executed.
Sure, Sejanus could've tried to 'play the long game' and change the system from the inside... But everyone around Sejans despised him because they still saw him as District. They would constantly talk behind his back. The only reason people tolerated the Plinths was for their money.
Sejanus had no allies or friends, minus Coriolanus. How was he supposed to make any sort of true political change when he's a child of a family who most of the Capitol elite hate on principal?
That's partially why he went to District 12, because he couldn't stand being in the Capitol anymore and wanted to create real change in the districts themselves. He went there because Coriolanus was his best friend, who saved his life before, and was the only person he could trust.
He was 18 years old and he cared for people. And I'd much rather root for someone who was willing to stick up for his beliefs and help others, even if it got him killed, than someone that wholeheartedly supports the regime of a government that rules with an iron fist and regularly slaughters children.
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nando161mando · 2 months
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Tomorrow is a new day...
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leroibobo · 8 months
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the portugese synagogue in amsterdam in the netherlands. it was founded in 1675.
while most expelled sephardic jews headed to the maghreb, ottoman territories in the middle east and eastern europe, or european colonies around the world, a minority went elsewhere in western europe, mainly to england or the netherlands. the sephardic community in the latter became the largest and richest in europe during the dutch golden age. despite the netherlands' proximity to germany, they predate the arrival of ashkenazi jews to the country by about three centuries.
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koropukgoro · 3 months
Actually I will ramble a bit cuz my friend & I do have a hc we’ve been playing off of that involves tiny Vash but since it’s canon in stampede that Vash can change the density of his Gate & in maximum (my preferred trigun) how Vash can grow really Big and Monstrous (so can Knives) if he adds to his mass so he can support his size that maybe an Opposite effect can happen. While growing, Vash needs added mass to support his weight, but the bigger he gets, the more inhuman and more of a flesh singularity he becomes; that growth also causes him to lose his identity and get consumed by himself temporarily. Because I’m a silly guy who likes thinking his GT with logic… but also… maybe when Vash overuses plant juices, or his body needs to fall into recovery mode after extreme body harm / near fatal situations (or extreme psychological stress), he goes into what my friend and I call “power saving mode”. Back up battery. His body shrinks. Size varies but the smallest he’s gotten is 2 inches. There’s an inherent fear he has if he pushes himself over his limits he might go quantum & never recover… like how in stampede he shrunk his Gate into a quantum state… it’s a very round about kind of canon aligned hc to make Vash shrink and be tiny. And cuz he neglects his plant powers so much he can’t control it… not until much much later in maximum… but he mostly can’t… also reflects his plant ability to absorb / store energy and release it.
Something something we’ve had scenarios where Vash’s body & mind gets so stressed out mini psychotic break or physical issue just causes him to shrink in his hotel room in front of Wolfwood & the Girls… and basically whatever’s on him at the time shrinks too so what he’s wearing n stuff… hehehe itty bitty & a lil squeaky and definitely extremely nervous exchanges between handling & being handled. Also accidentally freaking out his companions. Being small reminds him he’s not human & it makes him feel a lil self conscious…
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vettelcore · 7 months
people with outdoor cats be like: yes my cat came back home half dead, caught hiv, is full of parasites and sometimes has gone missing for weeks but i don't care bc at least the cat is free and not locked inside like selfish people do!!!
#i cannot fucking stress this enough PLEASE do not let your cats roam outside freely if you care about them#if they're used to going outside leash them!!!!#the amount of cats we get at the clinic who come almost dead/with horrible wounds bc they're allowed to be outside is insane#not to mention how many run over cats i see where i live#they could get attacked by other animals too#like its just not worth it#we had to put down a cat today after the owners found her almost dead with an INSANE infection bc she had ruptured her intestines#her hip was shattered too#looked like probably some asshole kicked her#and the owners were like oh we had just buried one of our other cats the other day after she got attacked by another animal#and im just standing there like ?????? and that's normal to you??????#oh but at least the cats can climb trees though 🤪#remember the dude i talked about a while ago who brought his cat in honestly the worst condition I've ever seen?#covered in poop vomit piss and fuck knows what else?#that had a colony of cats all infected with FelV bc he refuses to vax them?#yeah this woman was a family member btw#thank FUCK he didn't come today because that would've been a shitshow#all things considered at least this woman seems to be... not absolutely fucking insane? i guess?#but anyway she kept saying how it was sudden! and how the cat was perfectly fine last night!#oh my gOD that cat had maggots eating her from the inside that doesn't happen overnight#cats are tough and will hide a lot of pain but can't you just tell the truth???#you either didn't care enough to bring this poor baby earlier or you just noticed now what had happened to her
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funkylittlebats · 1 year
I've been writing more again recently and I've been rereading some of my old stuff and I kinda wanna share some of it. But first,
I'd also have to come up with a tag for them so they're all searchable (to the extent that you can search tags on tumblr)
Here's a cute bat for your time
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god help me i'm going insane about dickson xenoblade again
#this is what i get for thinking about lord of the rings too hard this week (specifically denethor / gríma / saruman and the like)#thinking about the way anthony may delivered “when will you learn you HAVE no future?”#he thinks shulk is fully DEAD at that point. he thinks HE killed him. which he very much meant to. but now that the kid is no longer there#now that the terrible future he's been preparing for and actively working to bring about has in fact come about#i don't know that dickson really cared anymore. he played his part he did the deed expected and he did it unquestioningly. So What Now?#well. now nothing. now the world that he spent so long biding his time in; so long getting enmeshed in (even for nefarious purposes)#is about to end; is about to be gone forever.#sure zanza will probably just create another world and maybe he (dickson) will have Even More Power in the new one#(though that's not a given! he doesn't know for SURE his lord and god will keep his promise!)#but like. what the hell does he care at this point#dickson SAYS he wants power but i suspect that long long ago what the giant dickson really wanted was SURVIVAL.#we never get to know just how he became a disciple or what the giant civilization looked like in its heyday or how it ended#but in MY headcanon dickson saw that some kind of destruction coming and he wanted Out#and maybe he hated his peers and figured any power and prestige that came from this bargain was just a bonus#i think he thought of himself as a saruman type: powerful; remote; far above the petty troubles of mortals (even the long-lived high entia)#but i have always headcanoned that by his later days (i.e. when he started engaging w/colony 9; machina village; etc. in earnest)#he committed too hard to the bit and started “going native” as it were; started to give a shit in ways that he would never dare admit#maybe not as much of a shit as; you know; a regular guy would. but more than an immortal disciple and horseman of the apocalypse should.#and all the time knowing that all the world he'd seen would soon be gone#maybe everyone else can get fucked. but shulk had to die too. and that's what their god MADE them to do.#he can't allow himself to care or to hope for another option bc in his mind it's already over; decided; that's it#what else can you do in the face of ultimate power but bow to it and take whatever scraps may fall to an obedient servant?#“you have no future” nor does he except that shulk came back. except that the peoples of bionis/mechonis just wouldn't accept Fate.#and in some final rebellious corner of his mind he starts putting eggs in shulk's basket. “if they can't even defeat telethia they won't#stand a chance against me (or zanza)” so let's see if they CAN. oh they did? how about a dragon? oh fuck they defeated the dragon too?#well fuck. maybe there WAS another option all along. but will/can they stand against me; the final disciple? oh they can??#guess i'll die then bc i'm not looking THAT in the face. i am NOT unpacking my cowardice/failure/lack of vision after all these years.#good luck with that tho <3 you're welcome for the training btw. where i'm going i don't have to see your trauma assuming you live that long.#dickson#xenoblade
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dark-bear-productions · 3 months
When worldbuilding, what's your favourite thing to include?
I would love to hear about people's personal passions in worldbuilding. Allow me to start with one of mine:
I really like that food forests (or forest gardens) are gaining in popularity. They promote biodiversity, they yield a truly wild amount of food for the amount of space they take up, they promote good soil health, and on top of that they're a non-European tradition and I love me a bit of postcolonialism/anticolonialism.
What I also really like is worldbuilding for Fantasy, and Fantasy has a tendency to be very agricultural/pastoral/etc. Huge stretches of grain, herds of cattle driven through town, maybe a rugged hunter in the woods, that sort of thing.
So creating a Fantasy realm in which the people of a city inspired by London gain their food not from those (let's be honest, colonialist) classics, but from food forests they were taught to cultivate by foreigners... Well, that was very fun!
It creates a fun new setting that I personally haven't seen a lot of stories take place in, it creates an interesting political dynamic -- especially when pseudo-London becomes a colonial force all the same --, and it brings something I think is very valuable to people's attention without being forceful or didactic or anything like that. Perfect mix!
So, have you considered using a food forest in your worldbuilding? Or is there some other specific technology, theory, innovation, custom, or what have you that you loved / would love putting into one of your worlds or stories? Do tell me about it; I'm eager to hear!
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swagging-back-to · 5 months
ok update i decided im gonna introduce mochi, sushi, and jasmine to the main colony and I'm going to sell both ten gallon tanks and the 30 gallon, keeping the 15 gallon for a quarantine tank.
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pushing500 · 1 month
I have now also finished Children of Ecthuctu. I was not at all expecting this colony to be so wholesome together. Such sweet cannibalistic torture cultists.
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They'll pretend the "wholesomeness" is on purpose and a cunning ploy to earn the trust of unsuspecting strangers, but they're really just Like That. Well... Laursen and Bella are, and nobody else has the heart to contradict them.
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anybody wanna nominate themselves to kill me with hammers?
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nando161mando · 3 months
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Just Another Day
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pandora-midnight · 8 months
The vast majority of the left has repidly devolved into accelerationists, authoritarians, and sccelrationist authoritarians. Ideologies we used to all rightfully know are actually terrible praxis.
And the worst part is basically no one seems to care.
#my post: shadow#like holy shit#tankies are like half the left on this website suddenly#half of the rest are willing to platform and reblog from them because they post the right feeling things about one or two specific issues#or especially God forbid anyone from another country points#antisemitism has exploded#pro-facist and colonial powers worship had exploded as long as those powers didnt like the “west”#people literally willing to let the us and similar states devolve into right wing facism and leaders who have openly called for genocide so#to “teach” the liberals a lesson#or “jumo start the revolution”#like it's nuts#you all dont even understand actually leftist theory or beliefs#youve all immediately abandonded restorative and rehabilitative justice when you can get blood instead#youve abandoned any real sense of landback unless its able to be weaponized by white authrotatian commies#youve abanonded the global south except when their pawns for you#huge ranges if yall are literally compnaining about democracy being unethical#like wtf is wrong with you people#like you usamericans have a guy whos got a year plan to enact a nazis facist overtake of the country#and has openly discussed the like 6 different minorities he plans to start genociding day fucking one#and half of you are like “well the other guy isnt aggressive enough about ending shit he diesnt have power over#and so imma geasture in the nazis rather then spend 5 minutes voting to keep him out“#and then throw a bitch fot when anyone from your own backass country#points it out#you bitch about imperilism and America centrism and cultural imperialism#and that you demand and force activists and discussion in the rest of the world to use your specific qnd often specific to your issues view#of race#of ethnicity#culture and imperlism and indigenous and religion and everything else#even when it doesnt make sense#even when its actively harmful
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