#anonymous admirer
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grenadinexo · 3 months ago
Any chance we can see some ass to celebrate the return ?
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woe, ass be upon thee
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themetalhiro · 1 year ago
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And all was right in the world.
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canisalbus · 8 months ago
machete is like a delicate looking white flower, one where the petals turn transparent when it rains. vasco is a marigold for many reasons.
Ooo I like that! It never even crossed my mind to assign marigolds to Vasco, but it makes perfect sense. I had to look it up but the flower that turns transparent in the rain is called skeleton flower, and yeah, I can see how that would fit Machete.
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I tend to associate irises, damask roses, and forget-me-nots with Vasco
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And red carnations and poppies with Machete
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popfizzles · 7 months ago
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...he's cool i guess.
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helenvader · 4 months ago
This was very much necessary. :))))
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Now we have a complete collection for his (so far) four personalities. :)
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And some bonus stuff.
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danthropologie · 5 months ago
Idk why but watching max holding Daniel’s umbrella makes me think…everything might just turn out fine
it IS gonna be fine cause the one constant we'll always have is that those two just like each other so fucking much that it's almost a little bit gross. no matter what happens, they can never take that away from us <3
but delusional tinfoil hat on...........just thinking back to how glued at the hip they were just before summer break when the swap was originally meant to happen........very much giving shades of that tbh.........
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 4 months ago
This is what I mean when I say this fandom has an incredible Noldor bias and insists on twisting everything so the Feanorians come out looking as charitable as possible, because the accusations that Thingol/Dior/Elwing knew they'd be condemning the Feanorians to the Void to keep the Silmaril and it was therefore justified that the Feanorians attacked Doriath and Sirion rely on some truly nonsense assumptions. How would those three know about the oath? Even if they did hear that it was a thing, how would they have the information that the Feanorians believe they'll be sent to super hell if they don't get the Silmarils back? AND even if they somehow did have this info, the oath literally says the Feanorians will come for whoever comes in contact with the Silmaril, regardless of what they do with it afterwards. On top of all that, I've seen people claim that the Feanorians "begged" Thingol/Dior/Elwing to give them the Silmaril, which, lmfao. These people read Tumblr metas and decided that counted as reading the Silm.
i don't have much to add here anon, just a resounding "yeah." i mean, maybe thingol has heard about the oath through some hearsay from beren, who received vague tidbits from finrod, but regardless, that eternal damnation business is definitely not something he'd be aware of. doubtful that finrod, or anyone outside of the feanorians themselves and their followers, know about that. and it's even more nonsense to say that dior or elwing would have any way of hearing the details of the oath. and!!! like you said! i don't usually find myself including this in my arguments because, as i've said, thingol and dior and elwing wouldn't know what exactly the oath stipulates anyway -- but it quite literally says "neither law, nor love, nor league of swords, dread nor danger, not doom itself, shall defend him from feanor, and feanor's kin, whoso hideth or hoardeth, or in hand taketh, finding keepeth or afar casteth a silmaril." it doesn't matter what this person does afterward -- whether they keep or cast away a silmaril once they have it, the feanorians are going to go after them.
and as for that third point specifically -- that's the most egregious, imo. it's always hilarious to see people act like the feanorians were any iota of polite or diplomatic, let alone humbled themselves and begged, when dealing with thingol, or dior, or elwing. seriously, the way the word "unreasonable" is hurled at those three specifically is something else considering for whose defense the accusation is made in the first place. on the feanorians' part -- zero attempts at reparations made for the murder, kidnapping, and attempted rape. zero indications that they give a fraction of a fuck about any of the teleri. and from the perspective of the iathrim/inhabitants of sirion, zero indications that they are even decent enough people who would honor their own terms and leave doriath/sirion alone if the silmaril is surrendered. as per the text, straight up negative indications that they ever, lmfao, acted with any type of respect towards thingol or dior or elwing, all people whose family they have sorely wronged. towards thingol we get that they "reminded him of haughty words of their claim," and that their words were "proud and threatening." to dior we don't get specifics, but the text does say explicitly that they "sent to him to claim their own," which certainly doesn't make it sound like they were being tactful about it. to elwing and sirion they send messages "of friendship and yet of stern demand." begging? begging where? diplomacy where? attempts to acknowledge their wrongs and make even the barest offer of amends where? yet thingol and dior and elwing, the ones whose families were their victims -- the ones whose kin were murdered, kidnapped, and/or almost raped by them -- are the unreasonable and unfair ones. they are the ones who should have acted differently, and upon whom every bit of blame and culpability lies. the poor sad feanorians are tormented and tragic as they're forced to *checks notes* make good on their own oath to murder innocents which they chose to swear long before anyone other than morgoth was in possession of the silmarils. they tried sooo hard (except no they did not) but those big mean bigoted bullies thingol, dior, and elwing were just too mean and bigoted to listen to them and they had no other choice. they were forced to commit mass murder. boohoo.
so yeah, anon. "relies on some truly nonsense assumptions" is an accurate way to put it. nah, i'd say it's even a nice way to put it, because fucking stupid is what it is
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grenadinexo · 1 year ago
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canisalbus · 6 months ago
My auntie keeps Golden Guernsey goats on our island, like many of our local unique breeds of livestock they nearly went extinct in the starving during ww2 occupation surviving by only one smuggled flock. They're super friendly and energetic and their colouration might be of interest :eyes:
Oh OH these are very pretty
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popfizzles · 4 months ago
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[from this prompt list]
this was a fun one because i had to think super hard about which of my favorite animals boba would prefer
i chose ferret >:)
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kabukiaku · 6 months ago
I'm so sorry, but I would sacrifice my left arm to see you depict Omega fully topping Terzo, the thought haunts me 😵‍💫
I have some 🌶️ art for that ;) feel free to browse my collection on my AO3*
*only 18+ though. Please.
These two love to switch it up. It’s really whoever is in the mood to be top or bottom. the goal is to have a night of naughty fun, together 🖤
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cirrus-grey · 1 year ago
i hope the admiral exists in tmagp too
I hope the same cat exists, but Georgie named him The Privateer in this universe so the two can have epic interdimensional sea battles over who is the more pampered and adored
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blue-rose-soul · 1 year ago
For grown up together au: how awkward when Lucifer visits the hotel residents?
On a scale of one to ten? 37.
Charlie's relationship with Lucifer here is the same as canon, and while Alastor's not quite as vitriolic towards Lucifer as in canon, their relationship is still a little shaky. He feels more like Charlie's brother than Lucifer's son, especially with how Lucifer started shutting them both out in his depressive state. A little part of him blames Lucifer for letting Nicaise be murdered. Mainly, he feels like he was an obligation to Lucifer and nothing more.
So, even though Charlie invited Lucifer to the hotel to try and help, the moment he shows up Alastor slams the door in his face. Charlie lets him in a minute later.
I don't think Lucifer and Alastor would really make up at the end of that episode like Charlie and Lucifer do. Charlie had genuine admiration for her dad and was looking for a connection, she was just hurt by how disinterested he seemed in her and her dream. Alastor's happy for Charlie. He really. Really. Is. But, he's not there yet. He might never be.
At the end before Lucifer leaves, Alastor at least offers him a handshake. Lucifer pulls him into a tight hug that has Alastor looking all stiff and uncomfortable while Vaggie and Angel have a chuckle at his expense. Alastor gives it three seconds before shoving Lucifer off and fixing his coat.
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eternal-moss · 8 months ago
Genshin impact? Sorry, all I know is the
🔸🔥Jinyan Cinematic Multiverse🔥🔸
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swaps55 · 7 months ago
Hi! I saw a post where you mentioned that your interpretation of Hackett is based off Chrisjen Avasarala. While Chrisjen still has close loved ones like her family, how do you see Hackett’s relations with other people? He’s detached when it comes to Shepard et al, but do you see there being anyone he is or could be attached to, or do you see him as consumed by job and goals? I suppose I’m just wondering what motivated him to ambitiously climb to the top, in your view, before the threat of the Reapers.
Oooh, this is a great question! I do not have a fully formed answer, but I do have a partially formed one that has been percolating.
As for what drove him to the top, I imagine part of it is being ambitious by nature, and perhaps another is as simple as the discovery of the relays. It's easy to forget how recent that is in human history, and I imagine a discovery of this magnitude that immediately catapults the human race to war with the first alien culture it meets would have a pretty profound effect on someone smart, ambitious, and driven. The opportunity was right in front of him to take humanity to new heights, and he seized it.
One of the big differences between him and Sam is that Hackett really is dedicated to The Cause, whereas Sam isn't. Hackett has a fixed goalpost: protect and elevate humanity in this strange, new galaxy we have discovered around us. Sam, on the other hand, is up against a constantly moving goalpost that can't be reached: "I have to earn the love of my mother and be worth the death of my father."
In some ways I see Hackett as a nice foil to the Illusive Man - both claim to champion humanity, but Hackett has a moral center where TIM doesn't. And I think what keeps Hackett's brand of ruthlessness more or less on the right moral path is that power isn't his primary goal, the way TIM's is.
So why is that? How does someone with an unforseen and unprecedented amount of power over the fate of humanity not fall victim to that power?
I don't envision Hackett as being a successful family man (though perhaps he tried), or having a plethora of close, personal connections. But I do think there is someone he is very attached to, and that's Major Farrow, his right hand. She's come up a few times in Opus, though her appearances have been brief. Their relationship is not romantic, but she means a great deal to him. I think perhaps maybe she does have a family, and her family puts a face on humanity that helps keep him from losing sight of what's at stake.
Hackett is the ultimate "I will plant the seed of trees whose shade I will never sit under." The trees he plants are not for him, but for someone else's children who may or may not even know he exists.
I've toyed with the idea of integrating this into the next Opus story, when the reapers attack and Hackett is faced with overseeing the largest loss of life in human history. I don't know yet what I'll ultimately do, but it's something that is definitely sitting at the back of my mind.
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soundleer · 21 days ago
I love how you draw happy blushes as heart-shaped!
wheee yea i love do lil blush languages and drawing different shapes to convey different emotions, they were silly fun yee!!
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