#anonymity is futile
origamancy · 9 months
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sweatermuppet · 5 months
This is probably a futile message but genuinely most radfems wish nothing but the best for trans individuals, including dressing and living however they want and being called whatever they want. So radfems will reblog or agree with a post by a trans person and have no problem with that, you know. It’s totally fine to disagree with any or every aspect of radical feminism but I find that a lot of people who are militantly against it don’t really know what it actually is. I feel like a lot of people feel more in danger/more hated/more targeted than they need to online because of this, which hurts them and their mental health in addition to preventing them from learning different or challenging viewpoints. Most radfems see radical feminism as something that challenges popular talking points or perspectives in modern LGBTQ activism, but which doesn’t oppose the humanity of trans individuals. Whether or not you agree with that assessment is obviously up to you, but that’s the place most radfems you see online are coming from. A lot of them lived as transgender at some point or continue to do so. Hope this message comes across in good faith and that you have a good day.
can you step up to the mic & explain clearly & loudly how "most radfems support & agree with transsexual lifestyles" when i see, every single day without fail, radfems harassing transsexuals i know & love, usually by targeting trans women?
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10thmusemoon · 6 months
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Doomed by the narrative.
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ckret2 · 2 months
I have never read your Goldilocks Bill stuff but I do come across it and I would like to make a wild guess. Is it based from the fairy tale Goldilocks and the Three Bears?
This is exactly why I need to change the fucking name
No. It's not. The fairy tale isn't even relevant as a metaphor. It has NOTHING to do with the story.
the reason it's called that is because the Pines needed a nickname to call their prisoner around outsiders so no one knows it's Bill Cipher, and Mabel goes "well you have curly yellow hair so how about Goldilocks."
That's THE ONLY connection.
Add this on top of the list of reasons I'm kicking my past self for going "this is a perfectly acceptable nickname for the fic while I try to think of a better one! this will never backfire on me!"
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hey guys really cool reminder that this blog doesn't condone witch hunting and if you try to get information outta here I'm deleting your ask and giving you nothing
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charcubed · 3 months
why does it matter what wendy-tumblr-blog-43567 is doing. why fandom drama and frustration. just remove it from your feed and enjoy bi dean
most of the time I just keep it moving, it’s true. but when something has 500+ notes of people validating it as Great Meta… and it’s being served up into my feed by someone I follow who seemingly temporarily forgot how to fucking read even in 2024… then yeah I do indeed get a little frustrated by how people in fandom will act like media illiteracy is somehow a form of enlightenment if it sounds good enough instead of approaching it critically and/or realizing it’s perpetuating biphobia (which is why it matters btw). and I do indeed get a little frustrated by how people will act like I’m just trying to create drama if I re-indicate I give any kind of a shit about it no matter my approach
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taleswritten · 7 days
Astarion, my perfect prey,
You know how this ends -on your knees, trembling, begging for me to take you. I'll make you submit, strip away that defiance, and drink in every last moan. You'll fall apart for me, and I'll savor it, over and over. R
Send my muse love letters on anon. Bonus points if you drop a hint on who sent it.
Astarion stares at the letter, reads it over for only a moment and scoffs, crumples it up in a ball and then throws it in the camp fire as yet another act of defiance.
"Fuck you, Devil."
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naramdil · 2 years
who's your favourite gilmore girls character? And why?
babette and miss patty!! they are so iconic. they live their lives on their own terms, are unapologetically themselves, and they do not dictate their behavior based on male approval. they are the real feminist icons of the show if we are being honest. also babette and morey have the healthiest romantic relationship on the entire show which is sad bc I think a lot of the side characters are meant to exist as a joke in comparison to the gilmores but truly on accident (or not, idk) they end up exhibiting better traits than the gilmores & living the more fulfilled lives imo
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a-dotrivenitupontop · 2 years
Anon Thought for the day: Do you think that, if we were happy for our entire lives, we would die feeling like we'd missed out on something? - @thoughtforthedaysolitaire
i mean depends on why we’re not feeling anything other than happy. are we incapable of unhappiness in this hypothetical? or are our lives so perfect we can only be happy with our situation?
this may sound niche but either way i think this can be answered with buddhist philosophy. from what ive learnt in gsce re, the middle way is seen as the best way to reach nirvana (enlightenment). the middle way refers to the idea that humans need a perfect balance of pleasure and dukkha (suffering) since the latter is a truth of life and happiness is needed to counteract it sort of. if we only were happy then we wouldn’t reach nirvana and since we’re going by the buddhist belief, we would miss out on our potential as buddhas/bodhisattvas so to say.
there’s probably more i could say about like the inevitability of dukkha in buddhism but im tired and lazy so.. it is an interesting topic though and id recommend anyone to look into it if it interests you! but yeah im too tired to write out a whole essay so do the reading yourselves lol
will just say one final thing: how would we feel this sense of missing out if the only thing we feel is happiness? perhaps the missing out is a form of happiness? are we glad we avoided everything else?
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dreadseadreams · 19 days
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gen tag drop
#—༺❀༻— ❝ unseen‚ unknown‚ unrelenting‚ the gaze of the observer is unchanging. ❞—✦ ooc#—༺❀༻— ❝ words unfathomable and strange only understandable through madness already spake. ❞—✦ ooc replies#—༺❀༻— ❝ the seas swell and tide falls‚ deliverance of what lurks in the deep‚ dreaded and decayed. ❞—✦ queue#—༺❀༻— ❝ answers sought against silent reprise‚ the divination of the mad incomprehensible and precise. ❞—✦ ooc answered#—༺❀༻— ❝ down came the horror from the deep‚ burrowing into the flesh of the earth‚ opening a wound of promise. ❞—✦ open starter#—༺❀༻— ❝ though it may not be considered a game‚ none possess the intention of being played. ❞—✦ meme | prompt#—༺❀༻— ❝ testament‚ ordinance‚ edict‚ words unspoken and tacit sentiment felt with a great and resounding ardor. ❞—✦ psa#—༺❀༻— ❝ the dawn opens with an ode to your name‚ the dusk echoes such a ballad with joyous refrain. ❞—✦ promo#—༺❀༻— ❝ banners raise and battle drums reverberate‚ the vainglory‚ the vice‚ the victory. ❞—✦ self promo#—༺❀༻— ❝ first and final advent of a story left untold‚ all such tales therein spun like gold. ❞—✦ starter call#—༺❀༻— ❝ the horror of a history rewritten‚ the dread of time unbound‚ reality becomes strange as it is unwound. ❞—✦ plotting call#—༺❀༻— ❝ that farthest fathom yet unfurled‚ within the dreadful deep reside the horrors unseen. ❞—✦ long post#—༺❀༻— ❝ there will always be more and it will always be desired‚ the sum of all worlds is not yet enough. ❞—✦ wishlist#—༺❀༻— ❝ little droplet in the great sea‚ return to the origin waylaid by futile attempts to flee. ❞—✦ anonymous#—༺❀༻— ❝ the conclusion is a forgone and forgotten thing‚ left to rot even in remembrance. ❞—✦ to be deleted#—༺❀༻— ❝ treasure kept by the ancient sentinels of the dreaded deep‚ buried by the dark waters yet eternally preserved. ❞—✦ saved#—༺❀༻— ❝ that which emerged from fog and mist‚ phantasm illuminated by a fleeting flicker of the lighthouse upon the ridge. ❞—✦ art#—༺❀༻— ❝ all the tides sing thine name‚ a deluge‚ a refrain resounds as all rivers return to the sea. ❞—✦ mobile
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soulsbetrayed · 25 days
Anonymous asked: [ there's a little box of assorted macarons around a cupcake with a single candle stuck in the frosting. A simple note of "Happy Birthday, Netzach !!" is attached and decorated with hand drawn stars ]
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"Hey, will you look at that." he takes the card and smiles warmly as he wondered who left it. Netzach was not a major sweet tooth but these will not go unappreciated. "Wonder who left this here..." he murmurs taking a lemon macaron and biting into it.
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slowtumbling · 5 months
Kohelet Speaks To Modernity
The Four Principles of Futility Preface Let me introduce you , dear reader, to the four principles of futility first described by Kohelet and herein expanded upon. Why only four you may ask? I would only answer that in the night as I wrestled yet again with the angel that has become my constant nemesis. These were the phrases left with me before the winged one released me unto sleep. If…
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thelasttime · 1 year
Thoughts on the discourse over americans (who have seen multiple shows) flying to international shows?
personally, as someone who has seen 2 shows already (and is very lucky to have even gotten tickets), i would not fly to international shows because i wouldn’t want to take a ticket away from someone who lives there and hasn’t seen eras tour yet
but i also understand that that’s just me and there will be many many american fans who will try to buy tickets for international shows because they just want to see more shows (and there’s nothing i or anyone can do about that)
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yandere-daydreams · 9 months
Title: Loving Suffocation.
A Continuation Of This Piece.
Written for a very lovely, very indulgent anonymous commissioner.
Pairing: Yandere!Loid x Reader x Yandere!Yor (SxF).
Word Count: 4k.
TW: Non/Con, AFAB!Reader, Slight Somnophilia, Spanking, Sex Toys, Breeding, Mentions of Pregnancy, Medical Malpractice, Oral Sex, Obsessive Behavior, Slight Gaslighting, Bruising/Marking, and Overstimulation.
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You never did get to see your opera. A lack of oxygen turned your cramped world blurry and abstract, and you faded in and out of consciousness while Yor fussed over your ruined dress and gathered you up in her arms, the strip of fabric she’d tied around your neck and stuffed in your mouth – not quite a gag, but enough to convince your uncooperative vocal cords that calling for help wouldn’t be worth the effort. Sometime between being pulled against Yor’s chest and slipping out of that sex-saturated storage closet, you blinked and by the time you could find the strength to open your eyes again, you were in your apartment, in your own bed, your makeshift gag gone and your wrists bound  behind your back with a generous amount of duct tape. You briefly considered calling for help, but you were past the point of screaming. Even if you tried, the Forgers were your only neighbors close enough to hear, and you’d seen enough of enough of that family for a lifetime.
Just as exhaustion began to overwhelm your better judgement, you caught stifled footsteps in the near distance, heard the door to your bedroom creak open and shut with enough force to shake the drywall. This time, when you closed your eyes, it was in a deliberate effort to will yourself to sleep. An effort that was, of course, rendered futile by Yor’s hand on your forehead, a soft hum too tender to be purposefully deceptive. “I think they might be asleep. The poor thing could barely hold their eyes open.”
“That’s fine.” Instantly, your heart dropped into the pit of your stomach. He spoke quietly, keeping his voice low and airy, but even in worst dreams, Loid seemed to be able to carve out a place for himself. It made sense for him to make an appearance in this nightmare, too. “Can you show me where the damage is?”
You held your breath as Yor’s hand drifted from your face to your thigh. After a moment of hesitation, she nudged you onto your back, pulling the ragged remains of your skirt up to your waist. You fought not to bolt up as cold air washed over your exposed, abused cunt – not to ball your fists as you felt Loid’s narrowed eyes pry into you the way they always seemed to when you passed each other in the hall, when he got home before you could find a reason to get out of the Forgers’ suffocating apartment. You managed to hold yourself still as he clicked his tongue, edging that much closer to the foot of your bed. You could picture him leaning over you, perfectly styled blonde hair falling ever so slightly out of place as he took long, agonizing seconds to evaluate the bruises lining the inside of your thighs, the crescent-shaped marks Yor’s nails had left pressed in your hips, your waist. Calloused fingertips brushed over your ankle, but further restraint was deemed unnecessary as his attention shifted back to his wife. “And you said you found them…?”
“Unconscious,” she filled in. You could hear her shifting her weight, feigning concern as her husband evaluated you. “In front of our building. I tried to wake them up, but they panicked, and I remembered the treatment you told me about for—for hysteria.” She paused, swallowed. “I thought I could help, but I’m afraid I might’ve just made things worse…”
Loid’s response was delayed, put off in favor of inching that much closer to you. The mattress dipped as he rested a knee on the foot of your bed. Don’t move, you repeated to yourself, despite the ever-growing urge to get up and run gnawing violently at the back of your mind. If you pretended to be asleep, you’d only have to tolerate a few minutes of his attention before he got tired of leering at your conscious body. If you pretended to be asleep, they’d leave and you could start to forget this ever happened.
It got harder to be so rational as he reached out, running two fingers over your slit and splitting apart the lips of your pussy, giving himself a better view of your abused clit, your entrance – still pitifully drooling slick. You tried to remember what kind of doctor he was, but any specialties that might’ve come to mind were immediately forgotten as his gloved fingers slipped inside of you. You had to bite back a quiet hiss as he scissored open the sore walls of your cunt, his touch probing and experimental. At least Yor had the decency not to draw it out. “You reacted swiftly and efficiently. Even trained paramedics leave residual damage.” He drew back suddenly, and you fought not to jolt at his callousness. “Can you show me what exactly your…” He trailed off. You could practically hear the curiosity in his voice. “…your treatment entailed?”
Yor made a noise you couldn’t decipher. Loid moved away from you entirely, but Yor was quick to take his place. She settled into the space between your legs, her hands – shaking ever so slightly – taking up your hips, her fingertips near-perfectly aligned with the dark bruises pressed into your skin. You felt her breath ghost over the inside of your thighs, the flat of her tongue run gingerly over your slit, and you bolted upward on instinct, mouth open and ready to—
—ready to have your scream stifled and suffocated by Loid’s palm as he forced his hand over your mouth and shoved you back into the mattress. Unable to claw at his arm, to pry him off of you, you thrashed under his steadfast hold, but he didn’t seem to pay you any mind. Rather, his eyes met yours for all of half a second before flickering to his wife, sparing her a slight nod. “Patients usually react with some level of resistance. You can go on.”
Yor’s eyes widened, but any shock she might’ve felt seemed to melt away at her husband’s assurance. She was more nervous, now that she was performing for an audience rather than assaulting you in the privacy of her chosen hideaway, but the little, tentative movements of her tongue got braver over time, her eyes closing as her hands drifted from your waist to your thighs. She nudged your legs onto her shoulders and latched onto your clit, suckling with just enough force to draw a reaction out of your burnt-out nerves, to leave you trembling and struggling to swallow back pained moans and pathetic whimpers. It hurt – more than anything, it hurt – but she had your body trained, knew just what points to hit to get what she wanted out of you. More than that, your body knew that it wasn’t going to end until she reached her goal, until she had you cumming on her tongue for the— god, how many times would this make? You’d lost track after the first dozen, but even if you hadn’t, it would’ve been impossible to tell, impossible to know what she’d accomplished the first time reality started to blur and consciousness was rendered more of revokable privilege than something you’d ever be capable of holding on to without help. In less than a minute, you were grinding against her tongue involuntarily, the movement of your hips stilted and jerky. You couldn’t have called it a real orgasm, not when any pleasure you could’ve felt was so overshadowed by a searing sort of ache, but Yor seemed satisfied – drawing the back of her hand over her chin as she lifted her head, sending Loid a sheepish smile.
“I just, uh,” she started, drumming her fingers over your thigh. “I just did that until they calmed down. I’m not sure if it helped.”
“I see.” Loid, for his part, failed to let his air of stoic professionalism so much as waver.  “And how many times did the patient reach climax?”
“…thirty?” Yor let out an airy, nervous laugh. “Maybe more. It… It was a little hard to keep track, in the moment.”
“And they’re still so unruly.” He was kind enough to feign concern, to let his tone soften and purse his lips into a thin frown. For a second, you let yourself believe that you’d just stumbled into a bad situation – that he and his wife were under some shared delusion and genuinely thought they might’ve been helping you, but then you caught a spec of crimson on the collar of Yor’s dress out of the corner of your eye and thought better of trying to humanize them. “Would you mind if I took a closer look?”
The question was posed to Yor, not you. “Please do, you’re the doctor here,” she spouted, hurrying to get out of Loid’s way. Loid was more hesitant, his palm lingering over your mouth as his eyes found yours. He was cold at the best of times – his expression often hollow when he thought your attention was elsewhere, his touch enough to send a chill down your spine on the rare occasion he found an excuse to put his hands on you – but the look he sent you as he uncovered your mouth was nothing short of frigid. The threat was clear, albeit ambiguous. You had no idea what Loid was capable of, let alone what extremes he was willing to go to.
But, you knew what Yor could do – you’d caught her in the act.
And you weren’t eager to find out what’d she’d do to you at her husband’s request.
When his hand finally fell away from your mouth, you didn’t make a sound. Rather, you dug your teeth into the inside of your cheek as Loid wrapped an arm around your waist and hauled you onto his lap – his thighs cutting harshly into your stomach. The position was enough to leave your cheeks burning and humiliation tying knots in the back of your throat, but whatever embarrassment you might’ve felt was multiplied ten-fold as his hand ghosted over the buttons lining the back of your dress and your only remaining protective barrier fell away – mutilated fabric now limp and useless beneath you. You started to writhe, but the heel of Loid’s palm found the small of your back, pressing into the base of your spine with just enough force a pained whimper past your lips. Reflectively, Yor moved to reach towards you, but Loid shook his head. “It’s important to test for reactiveness,” he explained, tone flat and steely. “I can take care of bruises and cuts, but lasting nerve damage will make things—” He paused, clicked his tongue. “—difficult.”
“Oh!” Yor clapped her hands together. At least she seemed to sincerely believe that, even if she wasn’t helping you, her husband might be. You couldn’t tell what Loid was thinking, but it couldn’t have been so benevolent. “Is that what you’re doing now? Testing for reactiveness?”
“Exactly.” Loid flashed her a smile. You felt him shift, fish something out of the pocket of his suit jacket. Aching numbness had put you at a distance from his invasive touch before, but Yor’s mouth had done away with that – resurrecting the buzzing sort of hyper-sensitivity that meant you weren’t able to hide the way your hips bucked against his thigh as he slid something sleek and metallic into your drenched pussy. It was oddly shaped – one end tapered and the other flat, small enough to fit in the palm of your hand but still big enough to leave you squirming uncomfortably as Loid pulled back. “Normally, I’d use more intricate equipment, but there are a few experiments I can run on my own.”
You heard nails against metal, a soft click muffled by stiff machinery. After a second of delay, the object inside of you let out an abrupt pulse of pure vibration – harsh and sudden and awful. Your reaction was reflexive, undisguisable. You threw your head forward as you bit back a bubbling, broken moan; waves of intense reverberation beating at the walls of your cunt. There was no time to brace yourself, to grow into the piercing sting – it was already too much. The walls of your pussy clenched around the source of your agony, and before you could think to stifle your reactions, to give them as little as you possibly could, tears were blurring your vision, dripping down your cheeks. Yor cooed, kneeling in front of you and cupping your cheeks. “Poor thing…” she mumbled, before looking up towards Loid. “I don’t think they’re enjoying it.”
Another wave of pulsing reverberation, a jagged cry forced past your lips. “P-please, turn it off, take it out, I can’t—”
It took you a second to process the sound of a palm against flesh, how it might’ve been connected to the bright flash of pain just below the curve of your ass. When you could bring yourself to glance over your shoulder, his hand was raised, his expression stern. The sight was enough to make your heart ache in your chest – a sensitivity which surprised you. You hadn’t thought there was anything the Forgers could do to hurt you more than they already had.
“We’re going out of our way to help you.” It was the same tone he used with Anya when she refused to do her homework or threatened to drop out of her upper-crust academy. Whatever genuine sympathy he might’ve had for you was buried beneath a heavy layer of practiced stoicism and nearly totalitarian authority, turning the words cold where they should’ve been comforting. “It’s unfair to be so ungrateful when Yor’s already sacrificed so much of her time for the sake of your health. Why don’t you apologize to her?”
Again, you heard that same soft click, and the vibrations pulsing out of the object in your cunt doubled in intensity. You let your head fall forward, clenching your eyes shut as you struggled to spit something out. “I… I’m sorry, Yor, I didn’t mean to—”
You were cut off by a sharp moan, the feeling of Loid’s fingers tracing over your slit. Soon, the pad of his thumb found your clit, pushing dull circles into the sensitive bundle of nerves. He let out an airy chuckle as you withered into yourself, your legs spreading involuntarily as your feet struggled to find purchase on carpeting that seemed to be just an inch too far, to ground yourself on something that Loid didn’t even have to try to keep just out of your grasp. “Don’t strain yourself,” he muttered, your unwanted reward for your easy compliance. “How does this—” He pushed a rough pattern into your clit, drawing out a wavering cry. “—feel?”
Miserable. Torturous. The worst thing that’d ever been inflected onto your poor, spent body. You deflated, your chest flattening against Loid’s thighs. “…it hurts.”
This time, he let you finish before pulling back, his palm striking your ass with twice the force he’d used before. You cried out, the noise uneven and anguished, but your pain didn’t seem to rank very high on his nebulous list of concerns. “I’ve already told you not to be so ungrateful,” he said, shaking his head. “Do you know what would’ve happened if we weren’t here to help you?” Another strike, another ragged sob. “You’d be suffering on your own, in excruciating pain and spiraling into your own delusions. If we hadn’t been there to correct you so quickly, you would’ve been unrecoverable.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” You were babbling, now, your apologies clumped together and nearly unintelligible. Loid cut in, pointed as ever.
“You’ve already apologized.” Two digits slipped into you, splitting your pussy open. Somehow, the added stimulation only seemed to make his device’s vibration more unbearable. “Now, it’s time to tell Yor how thankful you are.”
“Thank you—” There was no hesitation, no resistance. If you’d been able to, if you hands hadn’t been bound, you would’ve clung to her, dug your nails into her shoulder and your teeth into Loid’s thigh, anything to feel like you weren’t about to fall apart altogether. “Thank you, I’m so— I can’t— Thank you—”
It was Yor, this time – her mouth crashing against yours as her hand found the back of your head. Her tongue slipped past your lips, raking over yours with a ginger sort of tenderness and raking her fingers through your hair, drinking down every little moan and whimper her husband forced out of you with enthusiasm. She lingered there, lips moving gently against yours, as you reached your next climax – the number completely lost on you, now. When she pulled away, eyes glazed over and a dark blush painted over her cheeks, Loid hummed approvingly, fishing his bullet-shaped device out of your pussy and switching it off. Slick dripped down the inside of your thighs, your chest heaving stiltedly against his lap, and you noticed, for the first time, something large and stiff pressing into your stomach. For your own sake, you decided you weren’t going to think about it.
But, like always, Loid was quick to tear even the comfort you found in your own mind away from you.
“You did what you could,” Loid started, with heavy sigh. “But their condition is worse than I thought. It might take more than the usual treatment to set them back on the right path.” A lengthy pause, an arm looped underneath you. With more care than he’d seen fit to show you all night, Loid repositioned you on your back in the center of your bed. You were too exhausted to so much as try to protest. “For cases like this, insemination is the only known cure.”
Yor blinked up at him, more curious than confused. “Insemination?”
“Pregnancy,” Loid filled in. “It can be done artificially, but for cases this severe…”
Your heart dropped into your stomach. Weakly, you tried to sit up, but it was Yor that stopped you, this time, pressing her hand flat against your shoulder and pinning you down effortlessly. “If that’s what’s best,” she chimed, her smile wide and brilliant. “Can I help?”
For the first time, Loid’s expression seemed to warm. “Of course.”
Less than a full minute later, you were slotted against Yor, your head resting on her chest and her arms loosely wrapped around your midriff. Loid had reclaimed his position in the space between your open legs, one hand on your hip and the other toying with his clothes, shifting the waist of his now-wrinkled dress pants down just far enough to free his flush cock – already hard, already leaking pearls of arousal. The sight, paired with the breathy sigh he let out as he wrapped his fist around his shaft, was enough to dash any hopes you might’ve had of a last-minute change of heart.
You squirmed in Yor’s hold, your fists balling around your own near ruined sheets as Loid aligned himself with your entrance. You didn’t realize you were talking until you heard your own voice, fragile and desperate, nearly too broken to be comprehensible. “Please don’t, I—I’m not sick, please don’t—”
It was Yor who hushed you, this time, smiling as she pressed a fleeting kiss into your cheek. “He’s going to help you,” she whispered, tone simpering where you wished it would be sterile. “You can just sit back and relax while we—” She paused, squeezed you against her playfully. “—make sure you’re alright.”
There was a beat of silence, of stillness. Eventually, you managed to stutter out, “I don’t want your help.”
Loid let out an airy chuckle, tracing the flushed tipped of his cock over your slit. “You don’t have to want anything.” He bowed his head, leaning down far enough to rest his lips against the top of your head. “You’ll need all the help you can get, in a few weeks.”
You didn’t have time to protest, not before he thrust into you – sheathing himself to the hilt in a single stroke.
You tried to scream, but Yor’s mouth found yours in a moment, swallowing any fractured noises you might’ve been able to make. Loid didn’t seem interested in giving you time to adjust; immediately falling into a rhythm just as forceful and just as cruel as anything else he’d done to you. It wasn’t a question of if it would hurt, anymore, but how badly. The feeling of his not inconsiderably length splitting open your aching pussy alone was enough to bring tears to your eyes, and his rough thrusts, his shattering pace – all of it only working to agitate the few parts of you that hadn’t already gone numb to his assult. You clenched your eyes shut, willing yourself to go completely numb, but Yor cooed, one of her hands falling away from you only to find its way to the curve of your stomach, her palm soon pressed flat against your skin. “Miss Anya did mention wanting a younger sister,” she muttered, nuzzling into the dip of your shoulder. “It’ll be difficult to hide, ‘till it’s over with. There used to be a single mother working at city hall, but the State Security Service paid her a visit and…” She trailed off, shaking her head. “But I’m sure that won’t be an issue for you!”
“Of course not.” Loid’s voice was breathy, his attention mostly elsewhere. He did his best to stay composed, to maintain that painstakingly professionally air, but you could feel him twitch inside of you, feel his hips stutter as his pace grew that much more brutal. “We’ll be taking care of you. When you start to show, you’ll move in with us, and—” A groan, a pair of tired eyes allowed to close. “—and if you cooperate, we’ll make it so you don’t have to worry about anything aside from the baby. Any added stress will only make the pregnancy more difficult.”
Loid’s hips pressed against yours, Yor’s mouth on the curve of your neck. “Our little family is growing so quickly.” You could feel her grin against your throat, fangs ready to clamp down at the first sign of resistance. “I can’t wait until you’re better. You’ll be so happy, when you’re in your right mind again.”
Your mouth fell open, but anything you might’ve said died in your throat long before it could ever reach your tongue. There was no pleasure to it, no stimulation other than the same grating sensation and the pinpoints of pressure where Loid’s fingertips dug into your waist, but if your comfort mattered to Loid, he would’ve stopped as soon as he saw what his wife did to you. He cursed under his breath, throwing his hand forward and hauling your rigid body that much closer to his. You didn’t have a chance to brace yourself, to trick your pain-addled mind into believing there was anything you could possibly do to get away from him before he went still, something thick and searing flooding into your unprotected cunt. He lingered there, his cum leaking out of you despite your pussy’s futile attempts to cling to his cock, and for the first time, you let yourself think about what they were taking about – insemination, pregnancy, growing families and new siblings. You let yourself acknowledge the weight of Yor’s hand against your stomach, Loid’s hips against yours. You let yourself breath in, holding the air in your lungs for a moment before exhaling and going limp against Yor.
If you never saw the Forgers again, it’d still be a day too soon.
Yor started to pull away from you, but Loid stopped her. “Conception can be fickle,” he started, fighting not to pant audibly. “It’d be for the best if we were…” His eyes dropped to you. “…thorough.”
“Do you hear that?” Her hold grew that much tighter, her smile that much brighter. Her lips ghosted over the shell of your ear. The feeling might’ve sent a chill down your spine, if you still had the strength to be afraid of them.
“Loid’s going to take very good care of you.”
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common-toad · 1 year
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You're miserable, and you're lonely, and you're going to trap me here to keep me every bit as miserable and lonely too!
4x12 || annabelle--cane || 2x19 || our song - rainbow kitten surprise || 8x20 || r/AmItheAsshole || 7x16 || anonymous || 3x22 || do your worst - the happy fits || 2x16 || ask polly || 8x16 || it's all futile! it's all pointless! - wilbur soot || 4x12
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whatasillyguy · 8 months
" But my dearest!~ "
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a small alastor x reader headcannon.
♡ cw/tw ; soft!alastor , clingy!alastor , demon!alastor , demon!reader , fluff , fluffy/animal-ish!reader , reader has fluffy ears , reader is fem!oriented , reader has no skin color, but is depicted to have fluffy hair , 1930-ish time set. alastor is not aromantic in this one, but still acesexual , reader is acesexual.
hair color: (H/C)
skin color: (S/C)
eye color: (E/C)
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you've been frequenting hell for a couple of years now, this day was the day you arrived, as well being the day you met your lovely partner Alastor!
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sitting up for the shared bed of you and your lover alastor, you'd get out of bed, attempting to start your morning routine, before being able to sit up fully, slim arms would rap around your middle, pulling you back into the bed before you could even get a sip of water on the nightstand near you.
"dearest, where are you off to?"
he'd say into your back, a small purr coming from his chest as he had pulled you even closer to himself.
"alastor love, I must get up for work"
with a small twitch of his eye, and a flick of your (H/C) ear, your attempt to pull away again, pulling at his iron grip at your midriff.
" But my dearest!~ "
" you said we were to stay in bed today. "
he'd practically growl, his ears drooping slightly, a small, albeit fake, hiss coming from him, he'd think to himself for a moment, if anyone were to see him like this, he'd surely kill them before it spread to another soul.
he'd huff slightly, scoffing at another attempt from you to pull away from him;
" Alastor, my dear I apologize, but work must be finished, I apologize again my love "
another attempt of pulling away was futile, his horns had grown a bit, and he practically yanked you back to his embrace, soon going back to purring happily, and nudging your back with the side of his head.
sighing heavily, you'd accept your fate, pulling back a bit; much to the dismay of alastor, just to turn to him and snuggle back up to him, soon a happy purr coming from the both you you, his small tail wagging happily, as your long (H/C) ears folded, and you soon began to go back to your, much needed slumber.
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please do not copy, translate, or repost (on tumblr or another site) if you wish to take inspo, please anonymously ask, or DM me for the go ahead. tag me if you are to ever take inspo from anyone of my projects.
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(ALL BANNERS BELONG TO @cafekitsune)
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