#annabeth has aged another year
demigods-posts · 3 months
just a reminder that it's annabeth chase's birthday. happy birthday girlie. incite fear in your enemies. we love you regardless.
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echo-stimmingrose · 9 months
Grover is the satyr equivalent of 12-14 in the first book. He is a child.
When he was tasked with bringing Thalia to camp and failed he would have been at most 9 years old. He was traumatized by her death, and he no doubt blamed himself for it.
He was shamed by the cloven council at (max) 9 years of age for a death he would not have been strong or skilled enough to prevent. He knows the counsel would have preferred that he died trying to save her which likely would have ended up in his and Thalia's deaths. He sometimes wonders if he would have preferred that as well.
When he is trying to get Percy to camp safely Percy hears him muttering "sixth grade- they never make it past sixth grade!" A reference to Thalia and his first mission. Grover is knocked unconscious due to the minotaur but thankfully Percy is able to get to camp without dying. However, he loses his mom in the process. Another death Grover has on his conscience before she comes back.
Thalia, against all odds comes back as well and he's able to feel some kind of relief. He gets to see her alive again and can almost not feel guilty anymore. He starts to calm down, able to ease his own anxiety with the help of Percy and Annabeth. He works on no longer feeling like a failure.
Then he finds the Di Angelo's. The third and fourth big three kids Grover has stumbled across. He tries to hide his anxiety as he gets the two very young kids to camp, focusing on his task because he would not fail again.
They arrive safely to camp unfortunately at the cost of Annabeth being taken. He doesn't know what to feel. It seems his loved ones safety always comes with a sacrifice.
He's the first to volunteer for the quest for her after Thalia. He knows Percy wants to go as well and will not be happy that he can't but a part of Grover wants Percy to stay at camp. Stay where it's safe as selfish as that may be.
Of course his hopes of Percy staying put were unrealistic and he knew that. Percy was far too loyal to rest while someone he loves is in danger. He could sense Percy's anger and restlessness as soon as they left and he knew his best friend would catch up to them very soon.
Grover is now on a quest with three kids he found. Three kids he was tasked with protecting. Three kids from a group of five where two are fated to die.
Bianca is lost and Grover knows that unlike the last two, there is no hope for her return. Even then he digs through the rubble desperately, not stopping until Thalia pulls him away.
They are able to rescue Annabeth and return her to safety. But as always, the safety of his loved ones came with a cost. A sacrifice someone else had to make.
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amoreva · 6 months
Hii I’m so sorry if your request are closed, I didn’t see anything saying if they are or aren’t, but I was wondering if you could write Luke Castellan x Daughter of Aphrodite reader. I don’t really have a prompt in mind other than that. If you don’t want to write if or if your request are closed I totally understand and feel free to ignore this.
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pairing: luke castellan x daughter of aphrodite!reader
summary: you were doomed from the start you were claimed as aphrodite’s daughter. you were doomed from the beginning you joined the hunters of artemis, you were doomed when you saw luke castellan
warnings: pre-tlt, angst, betrayal, alluding to kiss, main character death, spoilers to the last olympian, spoilers to the titan’s curse
a/n: ik this is not accurate to being a hunter of Artemis but i thought it was an interesting concept, so apologies and bare with me on this! also bare with me on columba being a constellation in pre-tlt. it’s all to fit the story and plot. idk if I liked this one as much. lmk if you guys do!
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In every hero story, the protagonist had fatal flaws or in other words weaknesses. Superman had kryptonite. Green Lantern, the color yellow (in your opinion it was a stupid weakness). Annabeth has admitted numerous times her fatal flaw was hubris. Percy couldn’t tell, but his was his excessive loyalty.
And you?
Yours was love and love led to you easily trusting something which ultimately led you to your naivety.
So, you joined the Hunters of Artemis; trying to make the futile attempt to escape your flaw.
“I pledge myself to the Goddess Artemis. I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt.”
Your mother was not thrilled when one of her daughters swore off love and into maidenhood. Additionally, your charmspeak would not be proven useful as a Hunter.
One sacrifice for your life.
You thought it would be the perfect solution to escape your fatal flaw. Artemis required her hunters to reject all forms of romance. If you did happen to fall for a man, you would meet the same fate as Kallisto. If you fell for one of your fellow hunters, you could bargain.
It was perfect.
Until Mr. Greatest swordsman of his time weaseled his way to your heart (again.) The first time was when you arrived at Camp. It was your mother’s revenge: rekindling a past crush you got rid of ages ago.
Luke Castellan managed to flash you one charming smile when the Hunters of Artemis were resting at Camp Half-Blood (much to the displeasure of the hunters).
Your swore your heart beat at least twice as fast as usual when you saw him pass by and flash you a smile. He was as cute as you remembered yet mature and responsible. Quickly, you reminded yourself if you fell—Artemis would turn you into an animal.
“In and out, a week at least due to winter solstice.” That was what Artemis promised the hunters for their duration at Camp.
It only took you a week to fall in love all over again.
After another easy win of Capture the Flag for the Hunters of Artemis, you found yourself in the vicinity of Luke everywhere. He seemed curious. The girl he knew two years ago as the daughter of Aphrodite was now a Hunter of Artemis.
He thought you died due to monsters or refused to come back to camp. Look at you now, a beautiful silver glow and circlet complimenting the beauty you had. Your personality still the same. Aphrodite made his heart beat a little fast when he saw you again.
It was bad. It was really bad.
Guilt twisted in your stomach at the thought of breaking Artemis’ oath. You were not as distrusting and peeved at the thought of men like some of the other Hunters were. You were still relatively new to being a hunter, about a year or so.
You even began to talk to Luke in secrecy, so your fellow Hunters would not pull you away. You knew you fallen for the boy hard when he did some kind gesture. You were still a girl after all.
You should’ve stayed Aphrodite’s daughter. You shouldn’t have ran away from your weakness.
Artemis was supposed to come back the last day the Hunters were staying at Camp. Many girls, like Zoë, were glad to get out of Camp, out into the wild. You…not so much, but it would do you good. Yet, your mother’s plan for revenge was complete.
“Would you still love me if I was a worm?” You asked the night before Artemis came back to camp. Hands twisting in one another as you stared at the moon.
Luke chuckled. The more he talked to you the more he loves your way of talking. He’s heard this question before as a joke from Chris, but the serious look on your face dispels the humor.
“Yes, of course. I’d buy the best damn place for a worm and take care of you still.” Luke reassured and put a hand on yours. Your silver glow fading and fading as your heart beat for him.
“I’m serious.” You conveyed.
“I am too.”
“Luke…I—” You took a moment to compose yourself. “I don’t know what will happen when Lady Artemis comes back tomorrow. She’ll be hurt and disappointed I broke my oath and—and kept this from her. I’ll be turned into an animal when she sees me—she’ll know…”
Luke hears the guilt and panic in your voice. He sees it in your expression. “Hey…hey.” Luke soothed and shushed your worry. “You told me you could bargain if you fell in love with one of your hunters. Maybe…you can do it for this?”
“I can’t…” You denied and shook your head.
“You are the daughter of Aphrodite—surely Artemis will understand.” Luke reassured you and pulled you into a hug.
“I was the daughter of Aphrodite.” You spoke into his shoulder.
“Maybe your mom and Artemis are fighting about this right now?” Luke suggested to try and make you feel better, but he knows better than anyone that the gods and goddesses won’t fight for their kids.
You fell into silence. That silver glow that all Hunters had had completely faded. Your heart hurt with guilt and shame. “Listen.” Luke whispered soothingly into your ear. “Whatever animal you turn into, I will not love again. You will be my first and last love.”
“Luke…you can’t just swear off of love . It’s useless—” You protested. You failed and you doubt Luke would be able to do it.
“I swear on River Styx.” Luke said firmly. The crush that rekindled after so long felt like fire through his and your hearts.
Your first and last kiss was shared by Luke Castellan. It was bittersweet and everlasting.
You confessed to Artemis with downcast eyes the next day. You broke her oath and met the same fate as Kallisto. Aphrodite would be mad at the goddess, but that did nothing to stop her from turning you into an animal.
A dove.
An ironic thing to be turned into.
You were visited by Artemis once more after that crucial day. It was out of pity. The Goddess, herself, knew you would succumb to your emotions as the daughter of Aphrodite. She had warned you once and yet you insisted on joining the Hunt.
You did not deserve a place in the stars, not with your story.
And yet, Artemis pitied you. She forgave you. She ended your life as a dove and blessed you to live in the stars. Just like Kallisto and her son. And soon, just like Zoë Nightshade.
You wondered if Aphrodite wept for you when a new constellation was added to the night sky.
Columba. A faint constellation with the Latin name dove.
Luke stared at the faint constellation as he laid on the battlefield, having stabbed himself. He was to be judged in the Underworld and condemned for all the crimes he committed by being Kronos’ Lieutenant.
Columba was made up of a blue subgiant and a runaway star.
Your story was a reminder that no one should run away from their fatal flaw. That other half-blood should face their weakness head on.
Columba. Luke’s first and last love. The last thing he’ll see in his life.
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A short list of things I would have changed in HoO
It takes place ten ish years after the end of PJO. Percy and Annabeth aren’t a part of the seven but instead appear as cool older mentors to help out the Lost Hero trio. They both have careers and live in New York and go to Sally’s house for dinner every weekend.
Caleo isn’t a thing. In fact, let’s not even mention Calypso. At most we mention she was freed after the last war as idk proof demigods have some power or something.
More than 1 Asian character. Give this one ADHD and dyslexia bc shocker Asian kids can be disabled as well.
For that matter a properly disabled character. I have a deaf OC I would use if I rewrote the series.
Leo is aroace. His arc is about learning that his self worth doesn’t have to be tied to the people around him and his friends love and care about him and he doesn’t need romance to be complete. His flirting is overcompensation bc he doesn’t feel romantic or sexual attraction and is afraid he’ll be alone forever.
Drew and Piper become friends. Drew’s mean girl bullshit is outdated and boring and it would have been a lot cooler to see her icy exterior thaw and her help Piper with her charmspeck (explaining how Piper learned how to use it to begin with) and take on an older sister role
Neither Leo nor Piper become head councilors to their cabins because that’s dumb
Keep the chapter title style from PJO. It was so fun and one of the highlights of the series for me. The relatable nature of PJO in general was kinda lost in HoO and it’s a shame bc there was such a variety of characters for people to identify with there.
Give Reyna a girlfriend or at least a homoerotic friendship that can become an actual relationship in the next series or something
Frank is 14 and he and Hazel aren’t dating, they just have mutual baby crushes on one another.
For that matter what the fuck was ‘Frank is magically not fat due to Mars’s blessing’ bullshit? Frank is a fat character who stays fat but learns to be confident in himself and his body type.
Stop The Adultification of Hazel 2k23. Hazel is 13, she’s the youngest member of the seven and despite her trauma I think that should be obvious. I think emphasizing her relationship with Nico could be fun here - he’s in his 20s so him taking a more ‘that older sibling who toes the line between parent and sibling’ role here could be fun.
Also, I don’t want Hazel to have Hecate’s blessing or whatever. Between her being a magical horsegirl and the daughter of Pluto there’s already a lot of room to expand on her powers that was never used - I think doing more with her cursed jewels and metals powers and her learning the other aspects of her powers, like Shadow Travel, would be fun.
Instead I think having a daughter of Hecate as a part of the Seven would be cool, because we could still have a witchy character with mist manipulation and magic powers.
Give Jason an actual personality, please. Bro’s been a child solider practically since age 2 and has spent his whole life with the weight of other teenagers’ lives on his shoulders as praetor - give him perfectionism issues and anxiety. We’re told that he’s spent his whole life helping others compromise instead of being his own person - show that. Let his arc end with him deciding to try and live a mortal life and find out who he is beyond being a war general.
Show us that Octavian’s a piece of shit, don’t just tell us.
Leo and Piper are the ones who fall into Tartarus. Nothing romantic ever happens but we get heavy emphasis on their friendship and we get to see their grief over Leo’s mom and Piper’s grandfather respectively
Piper’s grandfather has died a few months ago and she cut her hair herself when her dad didn’t want to let her due to that (correct me if I’m wrong but it’s a tradition in Cherokee culture to cut your hair when a loved one dies, correct?), which is why it’s all uneven. A lot of her insecurities stem from going from growing up in rural Oklaholma (not in a reservation bc there aren’t any there) without much money to suddenly being catapulted into a millionaire Hollywood lifestyle and having everyone criticize everything about her and be really racist, all while her Dad drew farther away from both her and her grandfather. Her arc would be reconnecting with both her culture and Dad and learning to find who she is and her self worth again.
They defeat Gaea in a way that isn’t so anticlimactic and fucking stupid
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accio-lo-ki · 8 months
Hii would you have any percabeth fic recs?? I'm just deprived 😭😭
Oh I have a LOT. If you’re as insane about this ship as I am, you’ve probably read all of them but I’m still going to list them down anyway. So, in no particular order:
Whiny Little Pitch by petersgwen - this fic literally made me scream multiple times. everything by this author is chef’s kiss btw. Sports au like no other + exes to lovers
Apartment 305 by waddled - a literal serotonin boost monster of a fic that i’m sure most already know about . i love percy and annabeth’s relationship here, and their characterization. It’s got college romance, olympic athlete Percy, and pipabeth bffism at its finest.
Five Times Percy Jackson Cheated at School by lammermoorian - man this one I reread a lot. I just love it so much. Academic!Percy, domestic percabeth, and just a whole lot of charm
Honesty and Promise Me by Darkmagyk, lammermoorian - never thought I would enjoy punk!annabeth until this fic. it has unexpected pregnancy but it’s so well done! fwb to lovers!
For Real This Time by captainjackson, timelesslords - anything written by this pair is a must-read, but this is one of their best! roman!percy and divorced annabeth! the premise is so interesting and the setting even more so.
Murkiest Intentions by inkncoffee - i feel like this fic shows my age, but when i tell you it’s a classic! jurassic world au (it sounds crazy but it’s so good) i’ve been rereading this since high school and it still holds up
Would it really kill you (if we kissed) by greenconverses - i mean, who hasn’t read this and all the author’s works? but it’s a classic in the fandom and it’s a classic for a reason
The Old Guard au by ananbeth, blackjacktheboss - this series is so well-written with such a solid worldbuilding you have to binge it this instant go
Love me, won’t you by ananbeth, blackjacktheboss - modern romeo and juliet with greece as a backdrop? sign me tf up
the sun stands by petersgwen- if you want pain this is it this fic is pain in fanfiction form
That crosses the white sea by husborth - another well-written masterpiece with percabeth in college
Voice on the radio by PastyPirate - another fandom classic! this one has me giggling kicking my feet everytime i reread it. soulmate au! musician!percy! and friendship bracelets!
The Heart is a Muscle by thebackupkid - I feel like this one is so underrated, but it’s so good and so interesting and distinct! it’s got magic and adventure and fantasy! the worldbuilding again is so good!
Impossible Year by bananannabeth - another pain in fiction form. but this time it has a breakup trope, which destroys me so much I always need years before i want to reread this again. but it’s a masterpiece and you should experience it at least once in your life!!
Game, Set, Match by ananbeth, blackjacktheboss - if there’s a classic percabeth sports au, it’s this. and it has fwb too and it’s just too iconic
Stucco Hearts by ananbeth, writergirl8 - another fandom classic, but this time it’s a soulmate au! this is so so interesting and one of my favorite soulmate aus ever. the worldbuilding is so interesting. another case of it’s a classic for a reason!
Puck It by bipercabeth, jasonmclean - hockey au + friends w benefits. again, another fandom classic. unfortunately i think this was discontinued by the authors but it’s still too good not to read!
Broken glass, no reflection by ananbeth, flyingcrowbar - another (potentially) discontinued fic that I still think about now. it’s a pacific rim au and it’s so. goddamn. good. read it now !!
kiss me once cause you know i had a good night by herecomesthepun - this one is pure comedic fluff and if you need a serotonin boost you have to read it. workplace romance with a twist !
slow motion double vision in a rose blush by herecomesthepun - ooh this one is a high school fwb secret relationship au with a punk percy and a student council president annabeth so basically it’s a classic
and they were roommates by bipercabeth - friends to lovers + college percabeth like no other. another fandom classic
Never Shall We Die by captainjackson, timelesslords - this pirate au series is INSANE it’s crazy good the worldbuilding is amazing it makes me feral actually
Wreck my plan, that’s my man by seaweedbraens - everything by this author is so good they’re a fandom icon but this one in particular i think about daily (tho it’s ongoing)
How to Seduce an Earl by sinfulindulgence - this is hella spicy but it’s also so addicting? i blame bridgerton (this author does so much stuff w this vibe that u should check out too! i liked Revenge of the Duchess as well)
Night at the Museum by lammermoorian - it’s so niche and crazy and camp but also angsty and fluffy and you need to read it right this second ! i LOVE this one
faster than a hairpin trigger by medeaa - this one is the quintessential percabeth fwb college au TO ME. unfortunately it’s (potentially) discontinued, but it’s still one of my favorites.
watch me fall at your feet by maydayparade8123 - this is a really well-written friends to lovers fic that realt explored how confusing it is to fall in love with your best friend like,, it’s a classic but also it’s so real !! this author is a fandom icon but i think they deleted / orphaned their accounts on ff.net and ao3
spellbound by writergirl8 - this is the percabeth hogwarts au. i dont make the rules.
home is where i want to be (but i guess i’m already there) by percivaljackson - fake dating + holidays! this is so well-written!
‘tis the damn season by captainjackson - regency au at its finest!!
This is way too long already lmao i dont have the time to list down everything (i have 700+ percabeth fanfics downloaded on my ibooks app 😭) but these are the ones that i can recall at this time !! Happy reading!
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litiyerses · 9 months
calypso having an emotion-centered character and being viewed & getting treated as the ‘evil woman’ is actually a reflection of how every woman's emotions are villainized when they’re shown vividly and are a main part of their character in popular media.
in general media and riordanverse specifically, women with emotions are always looked down upon because showing emotions is regarded as a dramatic act so when a female character shows and acts on their emotiotions they get degraded and instantly despised because of it. this is done with every single female character while male characters who show emotion are treated like saints and found worthy of self redemption. this happened with annabeth when she didn’t want to believe luke was the bad guy and wanted to try bring him back because she was manipulated by him her entire life, meanwhile luke, who did batshit crimes like causing hundreds of innocent deaths, manipulating little girls by flirting with them, admitting his crush to a 16 year-old at his ripe age of 23, is remembered as a hero and considered ‘redeemed himself’ after sacrificing himself while annabeth was called insufferable when she didn’t believe he was evil in the first place. let’s not forget piper, who’s a lesbian that was forced into a relationship with a man by a goddess and thought she was in the wrong for not feeling right with jason. during the entire relationship she was experiencing a very hard comphet and couldn’t figure herself out because of the fake memories, everybody was bashing her when she was acting confused, when she was, in fact confused. i have a longer post about this specific topic, so if you guys wanna check it out it’s right here. 
 coming back to calypso, first we need to clear out the misconceptions about her curse on percy that affected annabeth. she wasn't blind nor was personally attacking annabeth, her curse was to make someone feel like how she was feeling all time and that’s why percy and annabeth couldn’t reach out to one another while being right next to each other. annabeth’s blindness came from the titan she defeated in the sea of monsters and is actually the first curse to be put by the arai on them, so it has nothing to do with calypso. the curse was affecting annabeth because she happened to be the person percy loved and was right next to him. if percy was there alone either percy would feel alone and abandoned or the curse wouldn’t affect him at all, since there’s no person he can go back to save. and the curse itself wasn’t even a death wish type of curse she just wanted to be heard, be acknowledged and wanted free off her island. not to forget the curse wasn't harming or killing any of them yet it’s still demonized more than by literally every other thing that happened in the books. nothing luke has ever done is seen as evil as her curse just because it was by her and i’m pretty positive if something like this was shown in pjo by luke it would be glossed over and romanticized in the fandom. further proof of how a male character's actions get brushed off and forgiven easily but soon a female character does something even slightly questionable they get villainized on the spot.
she is also despised because she doesn't let everyone's favorite man get away with his misogynistic stuff. calypso doesn't treat leo any worse than he treats her. whenever she starts arguing it is a response to something leo has said or done, which in the most case she's in the right but leo gets so much slack from his past and being fandom favorite to be held accountable for the way he treats people. he's always been written as a misogynist, he never treated any women with any respect. he always had some sort of disrespect for every female character he seems have some sort of closure with like piper, hazel, calypso, the list goes on, but yet calypso is always expected to be more 'tolerable and understanding' bc of his trauma, as if every single character in the series isn't written upon a single trauma they had and have their character built on it. and he always had a problem dealing with others and their emotions and instead of expecting him to be working to change that, calypso is expected to adjust his manners.
oddly enough, she's also expected to show some gratitude towards leo for saving her, when she never asked him to do so and not for a second believed that he was actually going to come back when he said he would. is she grateful that he came back and freed her? yes. should she feel any obligations to make him feel greater because of it? NO. everything leo did for calypso was his and only his choice and nobody else's. calypso is happy that he did so, but expecting her to tolarate every single thing he does solely because of that is wrong.
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my-pjo-stuff · 1 month
AU where instead of Annabeth and Thalia, Luke met Ethan and Alabaster on the run. It could work age-wise, both Ethan and Alabaster are around Annabeth's age.
He wouldn't have gone to Hal's house without Thalia there- so imagine if instead he meets both Ethan and Alabaster when they seek shelter under the same bridge.
The two boys met each other first and were immediately attached at the hip. Their same age, similar reasons for running away and status as demigods wouldn't allow for any different. When Luke sees the two boys, no older than nine and huddled together with a torn and dirty blanket to keep warm, he couldn't do anything but take pity. So he does what he did with Annabeth,and immediately takes Alabaster and Ethan under his wing. He shows them the robes of demigod life, explains to and teaches them what they need to know and looks after them. Ethan and Alabaster are completely enamored with Luke meanwhile. This strong, nice older guy showing up and suddenly protecting the both of them? Offering them comfort, and care? How could they not look at him as if he hung the stars himself? Luke in the meantime tries his best to keep everyone well fed and taken care of. He's just 14, yet he finds himself in charge of two nine year old boys whose only question when he tells them to jump is "how high?". And Luke finds that he can't complain much. Because they are a family. They are brothers. And he will not fail them like his father did him. That doesn't mean that he's not worried about all the monster attacks, especially when Ethan and Alabaster would inevitably reach the age of 12 and their presence would only grow even more.
This is probably why he takes the offer when a satyr finds them and wants to bring them to camp. The decision was up to Luke in the end, both Ethan and Alabaster would follow him unquestionably afterall.
It's not Grover who found the three, instead just being another, random satyr stumbling upon them by sheer luck. But they do arrive at camp at the same time that Thalia and Annabeth reach it (the two having still found and met each other without Luke). They arrive at exactly the same time as Annabeth and Thalia infact, to the point of even meeting up with the girls and Grover right as the enter camp. Monsters are still chasing Thalia and Annabeth as in canon, and they still don't manage to get to camp in time. Thalia still sacrifices herself for the rest, Luke in a half-desperate attempt to at least save someone grabs Annabeth and drags her along as he makes his way to camp together with Ethan and Alabaster. Annabeth hates him in that moment. She hates this stranger who just grabbed her arm and dragged her away from Thalia as she lay dying. She screams and fights and wails as she's dragged away, her only caretaker ripped apart by monsters behind her. She doesn't understand why Grover isn't helping her as she screams for him. The satyr instead just starring at the gruesome scene of Thalia's demise in front of him. It hurts Luke having to do what, and he wishes he didn't have to. But he knows that if he let's that girl go now, she'd most certainly die to the monsters who already took the life of her friend. Ethan and Alabaster, thank the gods- trust him enough to stay quiet and calm. Or at least as quiet and calm as two scarred children can be. Luke knows that all he can do now is making sure he and the others cross over the border safely while trusting their two satyr guides to manage the way themselves.
That night still ends horrid, for everyone involved. Luke is honestly just glad that neither Alabaster and Ethan got hurt. Chiron and Camp all say he's a hero for at least saving the little girl whose name turns out to be Annabeth. It was only his quick thinking that allowed the group to enter camp safely. Luke doesn't feel like a hero. Annabeth, against all the logic she knows, can only see the boy that separated her from Thalia. She has no one know, the only thing leftover from her caretaker being the tree she was turned into. Alabaster and Ethan cling to Luke even more. They do not know camp, and Luke just saved their lives.
Without the relationship to Luke Annabeth distances herself quickly from him. Their relationship mellows out to cordial after a while- once emotions calmed down and Annabeth got older. But they honestly don't have much to do with each other, especially after Annabeth got claimed and moved to the Athena cabin. They are cordial and know the other's name. But not much else. Luke focuses on Ethan and Alabaster. He makes sure they are taken care of, and find belonging. Once they all get claimed and all stay in the Hermes cabin it only secures their relationship even more. The fact that Luke is closer to Alabaster and Ethan now only serves to grow his hate the gods even faster. Because now he's the one comforting Ethan when campers are mean to him for his godly parent again, he's the one listening to Alabaster when he vents about the disrespect he and his siblings have to endure,
When Luke's quest happens and goes wrong, it only get's worse. At the end Luke still joins Kronos and plots to overthrow the gods, only now with both Alabaster and Ethan at his sides from the very beginning. The three of them have stayed together for most of their lives, and they'd stay together no matter what. When Luke gets posessed by Kronos, it was Ethan begging his big brother to return to them that woke Luke up.
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theamazingmaddyas · 2 months
So, I've been hyperfixating on Michael Yew as a character in general (No, I'm not okay, all the fanfictions have emotional destroyed me) and I've been going through everything Michael related, and recently have been looking at Michael fan art, and I've realized that almost every fanart where he's with someone else he's oddly tall? Like, this isn't hate towards the artists, they're out here doing the gods work drawing minor characters, but it leads me to wonder if people really realize how small Michael truly is.
Michael's described as being four foot six, and while one could technically try and argue that Percy is an unreliable narrator and is estimating Michael's height, there is quite a bit of evidence on the contrary. Michael is one of, if not the only person who Percy gives an exact height to; even Annabeth, Percy just describes as being tall, never giving the reader an exact height. Besides, Percy's description of Michael is as followed, "Michael stood four feet six, with another two feet of attitude." If Percy were estimating, or even exaggerating, he'd probably use a preposition in his sentence. So, it's safe to say that Percy is 100% certain of Michael's height (which does leave the question how Percy's so certain of this fact, but we'll never know that, as much as I wish we did.)
I know most countries don't use feet, and as someone who read the U.S. edition, I cannot be positive, but I'd assume if other dialects of English, or different languages, had their prints, it would be in what's common there (probably centimeters?) But if not, here's a conversion chart for everyone:
4ft 6in = 4.5 ft = 54 in = 137.16 cm = 1.37 m
Okay, so we all know how objectively small Michael is, but how does that compare to other people? It's difficult sometimes to make such comparisons between two characters, so I found a height comparision thing to show the height difference. As you, hopefully, can see, the first picture I put Michael (4'6" or 137.16cm) next to Percy (who's about 6' or 182.88 cm). And the second, Michael next to Coach Hedge (5') because his height is made explicit in heroes of olympus, while Percy's is just a guesstimate.
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Michael doesn't even reach Percy's shoulder in height, despite the two being the same age, or Michael being older (which I genuinely believe: see my previous post about Michael). Even with Hedge, who people comment on how small he is, has a noticeable few inches on Michael, who reaches to probably about his nose or upper lip.
Now, mostly Michael is drawn with the other Apollo boys, and I've rarely see a fanart where Will's taller than him. Maybe it's because Will is explicitly a few years younger than him (at minimum, 2½, at maximum, 5ish), or maybe not, I'm not sure.
According to the wikipedia page, Will Solace is 6', but again, we take everything on the wikipedia page with a grain of salt, because Will is just described as tall in the books, specifically in Heroes of Olympus where Will would be about 14 or 15 (though, this is also a bit iffy. I could write a whole thesis on Will's age, specifically how I believe Apollo's description of Will's age is overexaggerated in THO, but that's for another post). Using this math, Will would have been approximately 13 to 14 when Michael kicked the bucket. The average height for a 13 year old boy is 5'1" to 5'5", meaning, if Will's height were truly above average, he'd be, at minimum, 11 inches taller than his brother in TLO, which is:
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Even if the fanart is depicted a young Will like starting it camp, there is no plausable way for him to be taller than Michael.
Here's a chart for average heights of a white boy (while we do not know Michael's ethnicity, this chart is easiest to show). The red dot is Michael's height in The Last Olympian, if he were 16, and the yellow dot is Will's approximate height, at 13.
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If you were to graph out Michael's height, it'll be pretty obvious that the only ages he's taller than Will is when he's really really young (I study neither biology nor math, so I couldn't be bothered to actually figure out the formula, but maybe I will someday) if Michael grew at an average rate. If his growth was normal until about ten and then was stunted, that would be a different story, but we, as readers, will never truly know the reason.
I might not be a bio or math major, but I do double major in creative writing and psychology, and that means I'm interested in why Michael is drawn taller in comparision to who he's with. And for this I have a few theories.
The first one, which I mentioned a bit ago in this post, is age. People percieve being taller as being older—though once you reach adulthood this becomes less infallible, though since they are kids that doesn't matter much—meaning if Michael were drawn his actual height, he'd be percieved as younger. While I'm not positive, I have an inkling this stems from ableism, but I have no proof to back up that claim.
My second theory is that, much like the fact that many people in the fandom say Connor and Travis are twins even though it is explicitly stated they are not, people genuinely forgot. Or one person said something, and it snowballed from there.
My third and final theory is that people just can't fully comprehend the height difference in their mind. I struggle with creating mental images, and it's possible that many other people do.
It's interesting to think about, really. And I'd really like to know if other people noticed this, or if I'm just overthinking everything again.
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The Judo Flip Scene; The Scene that Divided the Percy Jackson Fandom: What Went Wrong?
Annabeth grabbed his wrist and flipped him over her shoulder. He slammed into the stone pavement. Romans cried out. Some surged forward, but Reyna shouted, “Hold! Stand down!”
Annabeth put her knee on Percy’s chest. She pushed her forearm against his throat. She didn’t care what the Romans thought. A white-hot lump of anger expanded in her chest—a tumor of worry and bitterness that she’d been carrying around since last autumn.
“If you ever leave me again,” she said, her eyes stinging, “I swear to all the gods—”
Percy had the nerve to laugh. Suddenly the lump of heated emotions melted inside Annabeth.
“Consider me warned,” Percy said. “I missed you, too.
-Mark of Athena
This scene is one of the, if not most, controversial scenes in the entirety of Rick Riordan's books. It has caused many fans to go deep into the morality of the scene--into the question of boundaries, whether it is just a good boundaries into Percy and Annabeth's relationships or just abusive behaviour. In this post, I will talk about my opinion on, 'What went wrong?'
First, let us dissect this scene, shall we? We have Annabeth, who has lost her only proof of permanence for six months. The guy she was dreading would die for five years before she thought they had their happy ending was suddenly snatched in a time where she thought life couldn't get any better. During this time;
she saw jason falling in love with piper and was stressed that percy would be doing the same without her
she was stressed percy would never even remember her.
she canonically spent hundreds and thousands of drachmas (and probably time too) on iris messaging every monster and god she could just so that she could find him
she spent a WHOLE lot of energy on this.
she was probably advised by people in camp to find another guy, probably got these comments regularly
she was also troubled by athena's roman form to find athena parthenos statue and ditch finding percy, which must have been hard to handle
she was in charge of helping build a WHOLE WAR SHIP
she was also in charge of rebuilding the home of the gods
And you know what? It makes sense that she would have all of these emotions buried inside her. It makes sense that she would be angry, stressed, and depressed and that she would bury all of this inside. "During their separation, something had happened to Annabeth’s feelings. They’d grown painfully intense—like she’d been forced to withdraw from a life-saving medication. Now she wasn’t sure which was more excruciating—living with that horrible absence, or being with him again" Yep, homegirl was going through some stuff.
Though we don't know what his thoughts were on his point of view, from the fact that he laughs and never brings it up later, we can conclude that Rick wanted us to know that he didn't care, and that these interactions are common between both of them, though one could argue that isn't really reliable.
So; Annabeth having an outburst of emotions is a completely normal reaction, judging the amount of things she has gone through, even though it isn't the right way to express her feelings. But, why is the judo flip scene actually bad? Why did it give even percabeth shippers the ick?
The Way Rick Wrote It: Rick treated the scene as if it was funny, Annabeth was such a girly girlboss who did it to keep Percy in his place. "I only judoflip my boyfriend". And people were mad. Mad that girls are portrayed to be girlbosses by making them violent. Mad that this violence was against a guy who was implied to be abused in his childhood.
My Argument: This scene was written in a time where media with violent comedy was popular among kids (tom and jerry, oggy and the cockroaches, i see you), and that it aged badly. Another important thing: a lot of the fandom also thought of it as percabeth's most romantic moments, and hyped it up so much, which contributes towards the whole ick of the scene.
My Argument: One thing to take into account was that the romans were really on guard when the greeks arrived. they were scared it was going to be an ambush. so when annabeth judoflips percy, their nerves took over. i fully believe the humor of 'i only judoflip my bf' was just their way of diffusing a potentially dangerous situation of misunderstanding.
But in the end I do agree, the way this was written was a major disservice to the feelings that Annabeth was experiencing that time. Rick failed to portray that scene as an exhausted traumatised teenager having an unhealthy outburst of emotions, which is what it really was. Instead, he tried to make it a funny type of scene, and the fandom carried it forward by hyping the scene up as if it was one of percabeth's most romantic moments, and even though the intentions were good, he failed to convey the meaning behind what they said properly.
So now that we've answered the question this post was made for, I'd like to end this post with a positive note. I'd like to point out that in cotg, there is no moment that annabeth physically hurted (hurted is too much of an overstatement) percy if you think about it, which shows that she has improved. If you want proof, I searched any time where Annabeth teased percy physically when he said something 'stupid' and what I found was 'nudged me with her toe' and 'lightly pinched me'. So, even though Rick messed up in writing that one scene more than ten years ago, it's safe to say he has improved.
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pjohoo-reclists · 2 months
hey, i was wondering if you had any fics where percy joins luke?
Hi Anon!! You're in luck, I've got a few.
Percy Jackson Joins Luke Castellan Rec List
A list of fics where Percy Jackson joins Luke Castellan and Kronos's side during Titan War. Ships vary. Enjoy!
love is the salvation of the world by crazymateinnit
T | 1.2k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Luke Castellan
The gods are bad parents, Luke Castellan centric, Good Kronos
In another world, Percy Jackson was the Champion of the Gods. But in this world, Percy was born three years earlier. He found the love of his life in a bitter blonde boy who hated his father but still offered Percy all the love in the world. In this world, Percy took a place in the General’s army. In this world, Percy fought against the gods. OR: Percy falls in love with Luke Castellan and joins him in Kronos’s Army.
i was the good kid (and it got me nothing) by phoenix_flying
T | 2.1k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson & Alabaster Torrington, Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase
Good Luke Castellan, Self-indulgent, Percy joins Kronos
“You should’ve died in Tartarus. But you’re just a kid. Younger then me when I got to camp. I have an offer.” “An offer…?” "You could join us.” OR luke and percys chat goes a lil different
Soulmates on Opposing Sides by Takara_Phoenix
T | 2.1k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Luke Castellan/Octavian
Polyamory, Soulmates, Percy joins the rebel army
[Prompts: triads + soulmates] Luke had a plan. A solid plan. Until his soulmate comes stumbling into Camp Half-Blood. Suddenly, his plans need some adjustment. Or: Percy's flaw is his loyalty, what if he has a soulmate with whom that loyalty now lays...?
you shall be deceived by one who calls you a friend by phoenix_flying
G | 2.3k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase, Alabaster Torrington & Annabeth Chase
Good Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson joins Kronos, Post The Lightning Thief
Percy leaned his head on the window, letting his eyes close. His mind drifted to a car ride with his mom, the radio playing some random station they both enjoyed and a comfortable silence as they drove. He missed her. OR percy meets some of his allies
Stripped by robindrake93
M | 2.4k+ | Last Updated Feb 20, 2024
Percy Jackson/Luke Castellan
Homelessness, Runaway Percy Jackson, Action/Adventure
When Luke asks Percy to run away with him, Percy says yes.
A Heroes Fault by EMMESCRISIS
G | 2.7k+ | Last Updated April 27, 2024
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Camp Half-Blood (Percy Jackson), Percy Jackson Needs a Hug, Dark Percy Jackson
Percy joins Luke on his quest to bring back Kronos.
If I Could Kill You, I Would by TheGayGhostKing
T | 3.0k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson & Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood
Dark Percy Jackson, Songfic, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse
Percy joins Luke at the end of TLO Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Songfic
Dark Side of the Sea by Takara_Phoenix
T | 4.0k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Jason Grace, Side Pairings
AU - Canon Divergence, Dark Percy, Fluff
When Percy joins camp, he joins Luke's side of the war, because instead of straight-up trying to murder Percy, Luke actually tries to sway him. Later down the road, Percy is sent to sway some Romans... and Jason Grace finds it impossible not to be swayed by the son of Poseidon.
A New Age by Lukes_pet_scorpion
T | 10k+ | Last Updated March 15 2024
Percy Jackson & Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Manipulative Kronos, Luke Castellan Lives, Dark Percy Jackson
Percy is fed up with how the gods are ruling. The way they could care less if their own children die or not. They send half-bloods on hard quests just to do their bidding. Well, Percy's had enough. That's when Luke Castellan offers Percy another chance to join him. (This is set during The Sea of Monsters-The Last Olympian)
Not Only is it Thicker (Blood is Stickier Than Water) by Simmshine
T | 10k+ | Last Updated March 26, 2024
Percy Jackson & Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Luke Castellan & Annabeth Chase
Brotherly Angst, Cain instinct, Percy Jackson needs a hug
Luke had framed him for his theft, Luke was ready to be a catalyst for a war. Luke was serving Kronos, the very root of Percy's torment, his nightmares. The son of Hermes studies his gaze for a moment, before he turns back to the stone to slash what feels like the final indent into the ruin. The clearing is bathed in crimson, but the sounds of the fireworks are distant now as Percy's hands shake. The older half-blood, the one Percy had oh so idolized, raises his sword. Percy knows he is at a crossroads, two decisions offering themselves to him. He can do nothing, let Luke rip through the barrier and escape the camp with him. Or he can do what he's done for weeks now, the one thing that had gotten his father's attention. He can fight. He looks at Luke and part of him cries brother while the other raises Riptide. TLDR; Percy and Luke's encounter goes differently, and Percy finds himself as a harbinger of war. (Meanwhile, Annabeth just wants a her family back.)
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helphelph · 5 months
Rating pjo ships because I've seen a good amount of people doing it lately and it seems fun. But there's a twist!! I used the wackiest rating system imaginable because I'm insane. Have fun.
Percabeth: a hundred hearts out of five blue cookies.
Their dynamic is not only incredibly fun but also they complement each other very well. Honestly, when I first read the books, I didn't really want them to get together because I didn't want another "main guy gets main girl" situation, but they're honestly made for each other.
Jiper: five daggers out of ten great canyons
They were incredibly forced, but honestly not that bad of a ship. They were really cute but I dont have much to say about it.
Valgrace: fifty festus heads out of ten college aus
One of my favorite Jason ships ever. I love me some tragic gays.
Pipabeth: Two goddesses out of fifteen owls
I will ALWAYS support a good wlw ship. And Piper defo had a microcrush on Annabeth while they were on the Argo II. Plus the fanart of them is SO good.
Jercy/Person: twelve riptides out of ten horses
I like reading about it and it's quite fun to think about. Nothing much to say honestly.
Perachel: Ten prophecies out of nine pancakes drowned in syrup
They could have been cute. I dont really ship them though.
Annrachel(is that the name?): three prophecies out of five spiders
Korrasami vibes lmao. I think they're better off as friends but I will read a fanfic if I find an interesting one.
Solangelo: twenty-six skulls out of ten doctors notes
They were written for each other. As in Rick made sure that they were written for each other. I havent read tsats yet and im still on the first toa book so I don't have much on their dynamic. Still I like them and they visually look good together.
Valdangelo: ninety-four automatons out of six pomegranate seeds
They would have been unstoppable I tell you! Unstoppable!! Or maybe I'm biased. Either way they would have been an amazing couple together but Rick was too much of a coward to let them be (boy)friends. (Can you tell I'm biased?)
Jeyna: One bad father out of two older sisters.
UPDATE!!1!1!1 It has come to my attention that Reyna is canonically aroace with no romantic or sexual interest whatsoever so this ship is out of the window.
Jasico: 3/10
Personally I've never seen the hype for them. I like their dynamic a lot but not really in a shipping way. Sorry pjotumblr😔
Pernico: One bathe in the river styx out of thirteen hades figurines
The angst of Nico having a crush in Percy is a good concept to explore. Both in relationships with other characters and Nico's character development. But them being in a relationship together just irks me. It's not entirely problematic(at least i dont think it is? Correct me if im wrong), but still, the age gap makes me uncomfortable.
Ruegard: thirty-seven drakons out of one patrochilles parallel
Like I said, I love me some wlw ships. And while I've never really been a diehard fan of them, the fanart is amazing, so of course i ship them.
Frazel: 6/10
Rick try to make a girl and a boy stay friends challenge(impossible). But jokes aside, the 13-16 gap makes me annoyed. Three years isn't much but it matters in this situation. And it annoys me bacuse I want to like them. They have a cute dynamic but the maturity gap between them kinda gets in the way. That said, I would probably have liked them a lot better if they just stayed friends.
Valzhang: Nine eagles out of twenty hidden bunkers
Like I said before, I will consume almost every ship in a fandom. And if I find good fanfics of them, I will read it because I like exploring different characters' dynamics with each other. It's fun and I honestly think the pjo fandom should chill out a little. The amount of people who put others down for shipping something that isn't canon is way too much. Just let people enjoy their ships.
I think that's all? I didn't include Grover and Juniper because I honestly don't really have any opinions on them. They just exist and it's kinda like Rick just made them canon because he didn't want grover to feel left out. Let me know if there's other ships you'd want me to rate!
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pagenne · 4 months
Warnings: Mentions of Abuse, Mental Health, Cussing
Genre: Fluff and slight angst
Part 1
I got you sister...
After the war with Gaia and getting out of Tartarus alive whilst forming new friendships with camp jupiter— Percy's days has been pleasantly peaceful, which he believed was too good to be true considering the Gods.
While hanging out with his girlfriend, Annabeth. A young camper suddenly went up to them and told them that Chiron was looking for both of them.
The lovers shared questioning glances at each other, both of them worrying about the same thing if another prophecy had revealed itself, and if it's talking about them.
They went to the big house and was surprised to see Nico waiting outside by the doorframe.
"Nico, what's going on?" Nico didn't say anything for a moment before turning his head and staring at both Percy and Annabeth. "You should go see it for yourselves."
Percy held Annabeth's hand for support as they both went inside and was even more surprised to hear an object being thrown to a wall by the clinic and hurriedly went over there to see what was going on.
"Will!" They saw the young Apollo boy with his hands held in front of him as if in surrender as he tries to calm someone in one of the rooms he was in.
"Shh..." Chiron was inside the room. Shushing the lovers and requesting them to shut their mouths. Percy looked over his girlfriend's shoulder— only to see a little girl hiding behind the beds.
He could hear her sobbing. Her eyes red and puffy as tears continue to drop from her sea green eyes.... 'Wait, Sea green eyes...?' Percy pondered.
"It's okay... Don't be scared... We'll help you..." Will said in a soothing voice, trying to calm the panicked child. After a few minutes, they could see she was slowly calming down and Will took this chance to take a few steps closer to her.
"There, There," Percy watched as how Will gently tries comfort her trembling form and carries her to the bed. He saw dribbles of red blood on her hand, explaining the broken glass and vases inside the room.
Soon after that, Chiron explained to them that a merman that showed up by the coast near the camp, visited him last night with a sleeping girl in his arms. The merman told him that she was a daughter of Poseidon, who had suffered from heavy abuse by her own mother and step-father, together with her other step-siblings. The merman warned him to take good care of her, or else the God of seas will take drastic measures himself.
Percy was confused for a moment. Who was this merman? And did his father really say that? Whatever the case, after hearing what his new little sister had suffered, he didn't really care what his father might do. All he knows is that he needs to let his little sister know that she's safe now.
After an hour, Will got out of the room and informed them that she was sleeping. However, he brought terrible news. Currently, the girl was mute and is suffering from PTSD due to the amount of trauma she carries at such a young age. Furthermore, he had found out last night that she had so many bruises and scars from constant abuse.
Percy's blood almost evaporated like a volcano. Constant abuse? TO A CHILD NOT OLDER THAT 10 YEARS OLD?!
Percy thought that those people with her in that terrible house were fucking insane. They were monsters, each and every one of them.
Chiron told Percy to wait for his little sister until she heals and has the strength to take a step outside the clinic. So for now, he had to prepare his cabin that might not frighten and threaten the little girl's mental health.
Percy immediately jumped into action with the help of Annabeth and his friends. (Grover, Jason, Piper, Leo, Nico, Hazel, Frank, and Will.) They decorated the cabin a little bit, making it a bit more outgoing and radiating a positive aura.
Percy even asked his mom, Sally, if she could bake some cookies for his new little sister, and Sally happily agreed.
When the day has finally come where you get to step out of the clinic and go to your cabin. Your older half-brother was already waiting for you with open arms.
He greeted you with a gentle smile, but you didn't say anything back. You founded it difficult to even utter out a word, and was still scared to say anything regardless. Percy was very understanding with you. Taking his time to understand the things you find comfortable with and the things you dislike.
He noticed that you felt pressured when you were out on public during the camp tour as almost every camper had their eyes on you.
You started sweating and tears were gradually building up in your eyes. Percy noticed it quickly and carried you back to your cabin with his eyes glaring at the people who were staring at you.
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softlytowardthesun · 8 months
I'm thinking about Thalia Grace.
In the Percy Jackson TV show, the shades who go to Asphodel don't meander aimlessly for all eternity. Instead, they physically transform into the asphodel plants. And that got me thinking about Thalia -- a tree with a human soul. Laid down her life at the age of twelve, and now trapped in an evergreen limbo, straddling the line between life and death, just as the shades in Asphodel are somewhere between Paradise and Punishment.
Then (spoilers for a 15-year-old children's novel), she's restored. She wakes up. Her life is her own again, but at the same time, it isn't. There's a prophecy, see, and the prophecy says that she will do ... something when she turns sixteen that will either save or doom the world. So she comes up with a clever solution: she joins Artemis's Hunt and takes the eternal youth that goes along with it. She is now frozen at fifteen years, 364 days old until she leaves the Hunt. She trusts Percy to be a worthy prophecy hero, and watches him grow up.
Two years pass. The prophecy is fulfilled, and she no longer needs to be fifteen indefinitely. But she stays with the Hunters. And why wouldn't she? She's made friends among them. Her long-lost brother returns to her, and he's exactly her age now. She gets to watch him make friends, fall in love, and decide what he wants out of his life. Sure, there's another villain who wants to end the world, but she's beaten that before. She can do it again.
And so it goes. Year after year. Her brother dies barely a year after finding him again. She doesn't even get to say goodbye. And there's another villain who wants to end the world. She has to set aside her feelings, her human heart in an immortal body, and set things right once more.
She stays with the Hunters. Why? The prophecy has come and gone. She's already outlived the only family she had left. And she remains in this loop, somewhere between life and death. How much more of this will she take? How many more friends and loved ones will she lose? Eventually, all of them. Percy and Annabeth are on track towards their happily ever after, but they'll die someday. Thalia will be alone, no different from when she was a tree on Half-Blood Hill.
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
This is a bit of an old post of yours but I saw @/thisismisogynoir reblog it and i just wanted to say: your post about ppl being way too comfortable associating underaged characters with sexual stuff put what i've been thinking for the longest time into words. That stuff genuinely makes me SO uncomfortable yet almost no one around me understands. Its so disgusting how often underage characters are sexualized in fandom spaces and the worst part is, it starts with grown ass pedo adults doing it then it SPREADS to most of the KIDS in the fandom who then see that behavior as normal!!
It's particularly sickening for me since i come from a culture where "childhood" lasts alot longer, like 21 year olds are still considered kids and still at the age to be pampered and cared for by their parents so you can imagine my horror when I got into fandom spaces and saw people justifying making NSFW content of 16 YEAR OLDS. I once literally got called SENSITIVE in an Instagram comments section by other PJO fans for saying that it's creepy to make sex jokes about Percy and Annabeth, and they said I was overreacting bc "they're almost adults anyway, real teens have sex at this age"...... Like just because irl teens do doesnt mean you should be encouraging that and normalizing it!!
Hi Nina!!!Thanks for the ask,i agree so much and you've given me the perfect opportunity to tqlk about a similar phenomenon re the sexualization of characters who're minors
So in current canon Pjo,Percy and Annabeth are not 'almost adults',they just ARE adults as their latest apperance in the timeline has them at 18 with confirmation from Rick.Yet fans choose to make these jokes about them as minors even though that book has been out for 4 years.Much like this,Spiderman fans do sm*t of Mcu Peter and Spiderverse Gwen even though in the comics which have way more material they are adults.This also applies to Naruto,Bleach,Toh,Httyd,Atla and other media that have the protagonists start out as kids but grow up either as the story goes along or in an epilogue
If you have the option between sexualizing an adult version of character and an underaged version of the character that're both presented as equally canon and you choose the latter,you are a pedophile.Full point blank.That's the definition of pedophillia.You saw a grown up and a kid and found the kid more attractive.There's no excuse for that.There's no reason for an adult to want to see a child in sexual situations over another adult in sexual situations.You've made a disgusting choice so people have a right to call the pedo a pedo
(Also:You are NOT sensitive.You just have a backbone and care about minors being safe and the fact that they pulled that over a CHILDREN'S BOOK SERIES is insane.A Pjo fan once told me 'legit thought you were 12' in an argument because i said Percy is an anarchist and instigator and activist punk and not a skater boy at all and actually transfem,as if Percy dosen't start out at 12 because that's starting age the series is for.Pjo fans gain self-awareness and also employement challenge)
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bluecrocss · 3 months
Another Yap-sesh: PJO CASTING for Season 2 (Please read)
In light of the recent casting announcements, I just wanted to remind the greater PJO fandom (not that I should have to), THIS ADAPTATION IS NOT CONCERNED WITH "BOOK ACCURACY" WHEN IT COMES TO PHYSICAL APPEARANCE.
They are prioritizing personality and acting ability.
I shouldn't HAVE to spell this out, since none of the literal main characters have been book accurate, but I'm still seeing shit like, "Idc if annabeth is black, but Rachel BETTER have red hair", "Thalia HAS to have her blue eyes! It's so important in the book", yadda yadda yadda
If the main characters aren't book accurate, idk why y'all are acting like they're suddenly going to lock in with side characters based off features that y'all are pretending are more important than they are because in all honesty, you just don't like change (let's at least be honest).
Like... no, it doesn't matter that Rachel Dare's initials spell out R.E.D. The red hair, literally does not fundamentally affect her story arc in the original series (I know y'all are gonna come up with some dumb B.S. like "that's the first thing Percy noticed about her! Red hair is the ONLY thing that will make her stand out!" "We're losing redhead rep. Rachel is the only character that made me feel okay about having red hair!" blah blah blah lmao)
Listen, with the exception of characters like Nico, Bianca, Ethan Nakamura, etc. Where their ethnicity actually plays into the character or story arc, y'all need to let go of hair color, skin tone, eye color, etc.
The announcements that have been leaked for Thalia and Tyson are asking for actors of any ethnicity and have no mention of any particular physical features (just an age range, that Thalia will have a punk aesthetic and Tyson needs to look like a large teenager). So accept the following:
Thalia might not have dark hair or blue eyes
Either character may be non-white (that doesn't mean they'll be black, cuz I know some of y'all will automatically try to use this as an excuse to be anti-black [["Anti-woke" losers try not use black people as a scapegoat challenge, level: impossible]]. And also, they never actually described Tyson's racial identity lmao. Y'all just tend to default to white. I'm sure you won't be losing your minds about "book accuracy" when the actor doesn't have big, disjointed, yellow teeth either).
Anyway, I'm actually deviating from the point. I don't particularly have any aesthetic demands for the characters, believe it or not. I personally don't need either of them to be poc (but I will always stand by, that DEI is a good thing and white people can never lose "rep", since it's not something y'all were ever barred from), nor do I care about eye color or hair color. They could both be completely "book accurate" and I wouldn't have an issue with it (although, I kinda hope Rachel Dare won't be a redhead, so the last of the "book accuracy" as a shield for bigotry cry babies will finally drop this series once and for all, so the rest of us can enjoy it for what it is).
The point of the post is that there is a *chance* they might not be physically book accurate, and there is no reason for y'all to put another young actor through what you demons put 12 year old Leah through (feel free to read the pinned on my page, careful tho, I'm a yapper, to get a clearer idea of that whole mess).
Once y'all leave your little echo-chamber of false reality that is the internet, actors are working people who apply for jobs they are qualified for. If there are no physical or racial specifications for a role, these working actors, who are hoping for their big break have every right to audition (btw, it's not "race-swapping" if the auditions are open to everyone. Check my pinned). When they are given that role, that is the decision of Disney, the casting directors, and Mr. Rick Riordan himself. If you disagree, find the private emails of the people responsible and contact them yourselves. Harassing the actors for fairly earning the role, and complaining about their casting on public pages "(not based off their performance, solely on their looks), which will just incite more hate towards them for being a WORKING ACTOR and accepting a JOB, makes you a bigot. No two ways about it. It is just insane behavior.
What's that completely inaccurate adage about insanity, again? Something about doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.
Y'all have seen the first season. The author, show-runners, writers AND producers have spoken ad nauseam about the direction of this adaptation. The books have not been burned. They still exist in all their glory for you to read. If you need 1:1 book accuracy, this adaptation is not for you. Plenty of people have enjoyed it for what it is. Why are you making yourself miserable? Why are you making the fandom miserable? Why are you desperately trying to make the actors (most of whom are minors) miserable?
Nobody is holding a gun to your head. Simply, don't. Watch. It.
Cuz if they announce the casting for season 2, and y'all starting acting shocked that they're not "book accurate" and sending hate mobs to young actors and inciting racism and bigotry in the Fandom AGAIN... I think it'll finally speak to the true nature of this fandom. It was never about "book accuracy" it was always about hate. Whatever superiority complex the PJO fandom has been carrying over a certain *wizarding* series... y'all can just chuck out the window.
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starlightshadowsworld · 7 months
What if Jason had been the eldest child instead of Thalia?
If they keep their age gap and that Jason was taken at 2 years old by Lupa, I don't think Jason and Thalia would know each other at all.
Thalia would hear stories from her mother about her "sweet baby boy" who was stolen from her.
Beryl being in love with Zeus but also angry because his wife stole her child and being terrified to lose Thalia.
And Thalia leaving anyway. She wants to find her big brother, though sometimes she questions if he exists at all.
Thalia gets turned into a tree. Annabeth asks Chiron if there really is another child of Zeus.
Chiron says he knows nothing about that. But Annabeth knows he's lying. So when Percy shows up she knows it's not him.
Percy still had some pressure at the whole Prophecy thing, because no ones ever seen this older son of Zeus.
But when Thalia returns she says its true and people believe her. I don't know if she'd still join the hunt in that case.
Titan war comes and goes, camp leaders switches places and Jason Grace finally makes an appearance.
Some of the Greeks are angry with him because they feel he abandoned him during the Titan war. But Jason has no idea what they're talking about.
Annabeth, sensing somethings amiss tells him everything and Jason's just processing it.
"I have a sister?"
Jason feels terrible, because apparently he abandoned these people and his little sister that he knew nothing about.
Chiron clears everything up with an explanation of Camp Jupiter. He tells them that Jason was stolen as a sacrifice to Hera and than given to Lupa before being raised by the Roman Camp.
Like everyone needed more reasons to hate Hera.
Jason and Thalia meeting each other, he instantly assumes the proud big brother role. Thalia rolls her eyes at it but there's a fondness to it and she's glad she found him.
Both lost the only biological family they had only to gain another. Also Jason is now the oldest of the seven and is protective over everyone.
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