#gleeson hedge
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applecidersstuff · 5 months ago
Sally *on the iris massage*: Percy did you take your sister to camp again? We have discussed this before, it’s unsafe for her there and-
Percy: Mom, hold on, I don’t have Estelle, I left her with Paul
Paul *peeking into the room*: I had to go run an errand, but one of Percy’s friends came by and volunteered to watch Estelle until Sally was back. I thought you put her down for a nap
Sally *panicking*: Paul, none of Percy’s friends are in town! It’s the summer, all of them are at camp! Who did you give our daughter to?!
Coach Hedge *bursts into cabin 3*: Jackson! I lost my son, we’re scouting the camp, I need you to check in the lake
Clarrise *across town*: Do you guys think I should’ve told your parents where we went?
6 y.o. Chuck and Estelle *Clarrise stole took them for ice cream*: *simultaneously shake their heads*
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alljustaruse · 2 months ago
buford strikes again on the argo II
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aroaceleovaldez · 3 days ago
I saw you mentioned in a post once that you have headcanons about the crew of the Argo II's cooking skills, and I wanted to ask about them?
general thoughts -
Percy - Easily the best cook on the Argo II. Definitely learned from Sally and also had to feed himself (and probably Gabe) a lot when he was younger. Probably also wanted to learn so he could cook for Sally after she got back from work so she could rest.
Annabeth - Cannot cook for SHIT. Her family is rich and she grew up at CHB and before that was taken care of by Luke and Thalia. She has never had to cook for herself a day in her life. She could burn a pot of water. At most has extremely rough/bad survival cooking skills.
Jason - Knows basic wilderness cooking techniques from Camp Jupiter but otherwise can't cook for shit. He's too used to hanging out with literal wild animals or having the food magically appear for him at camp. He is willing to just eat raw meat. Do not let him cook you WILL get food poisoning.
Piper - Also cannot cook for shit. Again: Rich kid, has basically never had to fend for herself. Her and Annabeth are going to burn down the kitchen. Her and Jason are testing Leo's patience.
Leo - Canonically can cook passably well. Again, like Percy, had to fend for himself for awhile. Probably can't make a ton of things but he can do simple stuff. Single-handedly keeping Piper and Jason alive.
Frank - Has basic kitchen skills and basic camping cooking skills. He will not burn the kitchen down 👍 Maybe can even make something complicated if he tries.
Hazel - Similarly to Percy and Leo, had to fend for herself a lot. Her skill level probably falls between the two of them somewhere.
Nico - He can cook! Decent well! I imagine he liked to shadow Bianca when they were younger and wanted to be taught everything she was learning at the time, and then also being from the 1930s he was expected to be able to take care of himself more when he was younger (Maria wasn't gonna let any son of hers become a deadbeat husband). Then he was fending for himself for a couple of years while living as a rogue.
Reyna - Cannot cook. She has basic survival cooking skills but when growing up Hylla cooked for her, and at Circe's she just did hair stuff. She does not cook. Not as bad as Jason - she will not give you food poisoning. It will be edible. - but it will probably be burnt.
Coach Hedge - Good Luck 👍
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winter-rossie · 7 months ago
Why do I feel like Rick Riordan and Coach Hedge are the same person? Like both of them are like: Die, Die, Die, Die. . .
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vodrae · 8 days ago
Rick robbed me of Piper, Frank and Hazel bitching together in french about the 4 others.
Piper: Ramasse tes chaussettes
Leo: Such class !
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artofkelseywooley · 1 year ago
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As happy as I am to be seeing sweetheart Grover on screen, the unhinged, badass Coach Hedge will always be my favorite satyr of the series.xD I doubt we'll see the him, but fingers crossed for maybe a little cameo.
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sunshines-child · 8 months ago
solangelo only got together because a satyr couldn’t resist nymph bussy.
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wanderingmind867 · 2 months ago
Rick Riordan makes a big deal of Nico, Reyna and Coach Hedge refusing to speak of what happened to them in Albania. And since so few details are handed out, he makes me so curious as to what actually happened in Albania. I'm sure there's fanfics out there to answer all of my questions, but still. I wish I had more definitive answers than the answers I actually do have. Because you can't just drop a joke like that and expect me not to be curious. I'm incredibly curious. What could have happened in Albania? What was so bad (or so embarassing) that Nico, Reyna and Coach Hedge refuse to ever speak of it?
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reocow · 2 years ago
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what an eepy little fella
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darkstarknight03 · 1 year ago
Just realized it's totally possible that Grover got his appreciation for war from one Gleeson Hedge.
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abiethewizardduck · 4 months ago
Coach Hedge: Jason, how do you feel about lifting heavy things? Jason: My doctor just said I should avoid— Coach Hedge: Being a wuss? I agree.
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applecidersstuff · 4 months ago
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Clarrise la Rue every Father’s Day:
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argoii-official · 9 months ago
Coach Hedge, who is you favourite cupcake on board the Argo II?
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 years ago
anybody else remember those youtube TOA trailers for The Hidden Oracle and The Burning Maze or is it just me
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like. Coach Hedge has an official actor? there's an entire series of videos of this? there's ones of Apollo too but of him being lame? these just exist and the fandom just collectively ignores them
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poppitron360 · 3 months ago
Lost Trio Week- Day 1: “Wilderness”
As reluctant as I am to be posted at this backwater dumping ground of a school, I am pleased to inform you that I have been keeping a close eye on the new students here.
No clear suspected Half-Bloods yet, but I’m still getting adjusted to the smell of this place. I’ll sniff ‘em out sooner or later, don’t you worry.
A particular girl has caught my eye as a potential demigod. Name’s Piper Mclean, daughter of famous movie star Tristan Mclean. Daddy paid a lot of money to shove her here. Known kleptomaniac, has a scary-good way with words. Last week, she suggested a specific place to shove my baseball bat, and she sounded so persuasive I was almost convinced to do it… I didn’t, though. But I almost did. Powerful stuff.
No mother that we know of, which is a good sign. Probably dyslexic, too, if her worksheets are anything to go by. I’ve put her through the wringer in gym class, and she’s lasted well. Indications of enhanced speed and strength.
I’ll keep an eye out for any others, and will report back soon.
I’ve been watching closely to see who Mclean keeps company with. Demigods tend to gravitate towards each other.
She’s made friends with this delinquent boy, Leo Valdez. Mother died when he was small, has spent the last seven years between foster homes, correctional schools, and the missing persons’ registry. No father on record. Diagnosed ADHD. Definite Half-Blood smell.
He’s a smart one- got a good knack with gadgets. He reprogrammed my megaphone last week. He’s also a troublemaker. Him and McLean are always up to mischief, doing my goatly head in. I fear Cabin 11 should get a bunk ready.
In other news, I’ve started to sniff the scent of a monster, perhaps masquerading as one of the students. But it could just be the axe body spray some of the kids wear. When can you get me outta here?
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Today, I woke up in a canary cage.
Jason, Leo, and Piper have apparently been on this valiant mission to rescue me from the clutches of the storm spirits. With their top priority out of the way, the four of us are now on a quest to rescue Hera.
After me and Jason bravely fought off King Midas (back from the dead, by the way), narrowly escaping danger within an inch of our lives, we made it safely to the riverside, where we are now attempting to douse Mclean and Valdez who have been unfortunately gold-ified. More to report soon.
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One month into our voyage on the Argo II. Iris messages are becoming few and far between as we get further and further away from home.
I spent my day helping Valdez with one of his damned “projects”. He’s been all over this ever since he found those Archimedes stuff under Rome. I don’t understand it.
Kid’s been anxious. I can tell. I can’t blame him, considering how much he’s got on his shoulders. I know he feels guilty about what happened to Percy and Annabeth. I’ve been trying my best to console him, but I think he thinks it’s pity. The best I can do is help him out with his stuff, keep him smiling, and make sure he remembers to eat.
Jason and Piper saved me a job today, as they came in at around midday with some food for him. The three of them really seem to care for each other. In my 107 years of living, a sight like that is always nice to see.
I patrolled the deck in the evening, with the help of the Di Angelo boy. He puts on a mean exterior, but he’s a sweet kid, and was eager to help me out when he saw me patrolling on my own. I’m not as skilled an empath as some of the other Satyrs at Camp, but it doesn’t take much to feel the waves of pain coming from the boy. After going through Tartarus on his own, and then being trapped in that jar… I can understand why he acts closed off. I would, too.
It won’t be long until we reach the House of Hades. Soon, this will all be over.
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Dear Chuck,
You are one week old today. I look into your eyes, and I see so much joy, so much wonderment, so much love for the world. I hope you never come to know how cruel life can be.
Today, I went to a kid’s funeral.
The aftermath of the battle hit both camps hard. Many demigods lost their lives. A few of them I knew, a few I didn’t. One of them struck me more than most.
As I watched the shroud of the Half-Blood I’d sworn to protect go up in flames, I thought about that joy, that love for the world in your eyes. Leo Valdez was a brave boy, but I could tell he’d had a hard life. I never want you to experience the pain he went through.
There’s talk he might still be out there. I’ve heard rumour that the Seven managed to acquire a physician’s cure, but I’m sceptical. I don’t think anyone could have survived that explosion, not even a son of Hephaestus. But Leo’s a fighter. He’s strong, and I just hope he’s strong enough to make it through.
He gave up his life only a few hours after you were born. He was only sixteen, and even though that’s a lot compared to our lifespan, it’s still so young. Too young.
You will grow up in a safer world because of his sacrifice. I want you to remember that.
I was his protector. And I failed him. I promise I will not fail you.
Papa xxx
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Dear Clarisse,
I’m not sure if you’ll get this with coms down, but the primitive mortal postage system seems to be a bit more reliable than the usual forms of contact. I did manage to receive your letter last week.
Yes, Mellie is recovering nicely- now four months post-partum! Little Chuck has begun teething (so if this letter is a little chewed up, that’s why). He’s hitting all his milestones and is well on his way to being a healthy little boy. You should see his little face when he tried tin cans for the first time!
On a sadder note, the search for Valdez still turns up nothing. Piper’s close to giving up, but Jason, bless his bleating heart is still adamant that the boy’s out there. If you ask me, it’s putting a strain on their relationship. They’ve been fighting more and more. I’d be surprised if they make it ‘til Christmas.
I wish I could be a glass-half-full kinda goat, but as it’s been four months since Leo disappeared, and with no sign aside from that initial message, I hate to admit it but I’m losing hope. And I can’t help but feel like I’m responsible. I was his protector. I could’ve done more to stop it.
There’s something suspicious going on over here in Southern California. Jason and Piper are looking into it, but until we know more, there’s nothing I can really report.
Work as Mr Mclean’s life coach is same as usual.
How is University of Arizona? Are you blending in with mortals enough? If anyone gives you crap, I can beat them up for you.
Lots of Love,
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Jason Grace is dead.
If Grover managed to get home before this letter did, you probably already know.
Leo Valdez finally made it to us, with news of the siege at Camp Jupiter. It’s not looking good. Apollo is heading over there to fight.
Leo seems relatively unharmed considering his brief death.
That’s now two demigods that have died under my protection, despite Valdez’s resurrection.
I will be escorting the Mcleans to their new residence in Oklahoma, and will continue to serve under the guise of Mr Mclean’s life coach, keeping a close eye on Piper and Leo while they’re away from camp. After the war and the fight with the Triumvirate, I don’t think they can take any more onslaught from monsters. I’ll keep them safe, don’t worry.
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I saw Leo and Piper off on their first day at New Rome University today.
I’m glad we got that minor issue of having blown up the city out of the way in time for Valdez to start his freshman year. That kid’s got a bright future ahead of him.
Sometimes I hate being an empath. There was a bittersweet aura around us all, remembering the friends who never got to make it this far.
Nobody said Jason’s name. But I could feel it.
I’m glad these two get a second chance. A chance to keep living. They’re lucky that way.
I hope they do okay there. I really do. I’m gonna miss those two.
Now that they are securely out of harm’s way in the city, I think it’s safe to say that they are no longer under my protection.
And I think it’s time I retire.
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Happy Lost Trio Week!!!
Day One and off to a great start! I am so excited for this week and can’t wait to read all y’all’s fics and see your fanart when I get back from Hiatus.
Some bits with the timeline are probably wrong. I went of Fandom Wikipedia as there’s not much Coach Hedge stuff across the books, but they don’t deal in exact dates (I had to write the dates the wonky American way for the sake of realism but just know that it pained me to do so).
Thanks to @demigod-shenanigans for helping me out with this. The hcs really helped.
I love Hedge. I really do. And I think his relationship with the Lost Trio is super sweet. He does care for them, despite how much of a liability he seems. The fact that Leo died the same day his kid was born is never brought up.
Something a little different to what other people might be doing, I hope. I know it’s not “technically” lost trio but Coach Hedge is the unofficial 4th member and he doesn’t get enough recognition. And showing the Lost Trio through his eyes was quite fun.
@euryvices-deactivated20241019 @deciduowl @lavenderfairiez @ottpopfic @ginnyluna @groverapologist @echo-stimmingrose @keefessketchbook @sleepyycapybara @123letsgobestie @kaleidoskuls @fairytalesociology @four-leafed-queer-gal @child-of-helios @green-tea217 @puzzled-pegasus @twomanyfandomshelp @lokiwiiiiiii @yoshuko-ew @frayna-of-the-hollow @via-rant @daonedaonlyskh @hadeslegacyhephgirl @siimplyapril @pjowasmy1stfandom @thetourturedwritersclub @m-for-now
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theamazingmaddyas · 8 months ago
I need everyone in the Heroes of Olympus or Trials of Apollo fandoms to go right now and look up "Beating the Burning Maze" with Coach Hedge; the advertisement videos made to promote the Burning Maze in 2018 because they are the best thing ever, and I think about them all the time.
Also, Leo 100% found Coach Hedge's exercise videos on Youtube, and hooked up the hologram of Coach Hedge on Buford to do the exercises and made it a mandatory Argo II bonding experience, I don't make the rules. I linked the first one, but really go watch all of them, they're my favorite.
This is how you promote a book. Brilliant.
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