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foosweechin · 3 years ago
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#climatechangeawareness  #animalrightsawareness #saveourplanetearth #savetheforestsavetheworld #saveouroceans #change #pyramidsociety #mindfulnessandcompassion https://www.instagram.com/p/CV4Xv-zPU7f/?utm_medium=tumblr
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veganliberationworld-blog · 6 years ago
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⚠️ Denial ⚠️ ▫️ Credit: ➡ @beyondcarnism ▫️ Since carnism is invisible, people rarely realize that eating animals is a choice, rather than a given. ▫️ In meat-eating cultures around the world, people don't think about why they eat certain animals but not others, or why they eat any animals at all. But when eating animals is not a necessity, which is the case for many people in the world today, then it is a choice - and choices always stem from beliefs. ▫️ 💭 As long as we remain unaware of how carnism impacts us, we will be unable to make our food choices freely - because without awareness, there is no free choice. ▫️ Follow ↙️ 👉 @veganoutreach 👉 @shelter_ugolyok 👉 @animalsaustralia 👉 @mercyforanimals 👉 @animalequality 👉 @nutrition_facts_org 👉 @theveganrush ▫️ Websites ↙️ 🕸 www.eatingveg.org 🕸 www.plantbasednews.org 🕸 www.fastactionnetwork.com 🕸 www.carnism.org 🕸 www.vegankit.com 🕸 www.challenge22.com 🕸 www.adaptt.org ▫️ Follow 👥, Like ♥️, Share 🔄 & Comment 📝 #animalactivist #animaladvocacy #animaladvocate #animaladvocates #animalrightsactivism #animalrightsactivist #animalrightsadvocate #animalrightsawareness #animalrightsmovement #beyondcarnism #capetownvegan #carnism #drmelaniejoy #eatinganimals #melaniejoy #psychology #socialpsychology #southafricanvegan #vegan #veganactivism #veganactivists #veganadvocacy #veganadvocate #veganadvocates #vegancommunity #veganism #veganrush https://www.instagram.com/p/B214MTrpFAf/?igshid=2w9z65dnjj1v
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bobaz · 3 years ago
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Нови Сад - џунгла непрегледних аутомобила и хаотичних људи! 😵‍💫 Сваки паркинг и место где би се могло паркирати напаковани као кутија шибица, непрегледно море гвожђурије на точковима - сви они који могу имају ауто изгледа 🧐 Ок ми је ноћу изаћи овде, али ми се по дану не допада, а и као град, плански… 🤕 - Београд је мој град и ту сам стварно свој 😍 Парк у Новом Саду је много леп и прилази око реке у свако доба дана дивни за шетње, али као целина ми не лежи 🫤 Вероватно зато што сам толико дуго живео у Београду, или због успомена на дугорочну везу која је могла бити много, а завршила се безвезе… кулминација свих тих ствари 🤨 Овде наишао и на пса који је везан за дрво са два метра ланца у гомили смећа! 😡😢 Газде су му Роми који се баве рециклажом и продајом тих старих сировина, ту су поред били, напичили музику док пас бесомучно лаје 🤬 Чекање ћалета испред клинике Global Care Surgery и паркирање испред ми је био најлагоднији део целог јучерашњег дана… 🥵 ..::.. #srbija🇷🇸 #novisad #streetsandplaces #citytraffic #everybodyhasacar #concretejungle #crueltytodogs #animalrightsawareness #doginpain #toyotarav42005 #parkinginthecityisanightmare #ifnotnowwhen⁉️ #mywordsmythoughtsmyfeelings #whataday #firsttimesforeverything (at Novi Sad, Serbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd-IaJRorOK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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classicpolo · 3 years ago
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International Animal Rights Day !
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smashindia · 3 years ago
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International Animal Rights Day !
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prcfindia · 3 years ago
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HELLO FOLKS ❤️🌻 We're back with another episode of the PRCF PAW'DCAST. 🤩💫 All about Laila's recovery from CANINE DISTEMPER. MARK YOUR CALENDARS ☑️ Episode going live on 3rd October,Sunday, 8pm IST. Playing on our micro website 💛 prcfindia.hubhopper.com or on tagged forums 🧡 @tunein @pocketcasts @addictpodcast @listennotesinc @twitter @spotifyindia @spotifypodcasts @googlepodcast @hubhopperofficial @castboxpodcast @hubhopperstudio #acastpodcast #listennotes #bullhornpodcast #addictpodcast #podcast #india #happystories #humaneeducation #animaleducation #animalrescue #animalrights #animalkindnessmatters #animalkindness☺️🤗 #animalrightsawareness https://www.instagram.com/p/CUZgABCs3F3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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pilram16-blog · 7 years ago
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True statement - 😏 #animalrightsactivist #animalrights #animalrightsawareness #animallover #loveanimalsmorethanpeople #vegan #iseenohumanity #behumanfirst #behuman #educateyourself #human #bekindtoanimals #alllivesmatter #educateyourself #vegansofinstagram #animalsoverhumans #humanity #loveandrespectanimals #govegan Repost By animalrights_awareness: Regrann from @theresatoms #picoftheday #friends #friendship #voice https://www.instagram.com/p/BnUd6u5HQNf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1l9dtc6pkvnt2
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veganmorpheus · 7 years ago
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We are diggin the new #365vegan bracelets. These symbolize our mission, which is to spread veganism worldwide. They not only represent us but they get conversations started. #recycle #recycled #recycledmaterials #awareness #awarnessbracelet #veganwear #veganbraclets #vegangear #veganactivism #vegantshirts #vegantshirt #vegantshirtactivism #spreadveganism #veganalldayeveryday #animalrights #animalrightsawareness #animalcompassion #crueltyfree #plantbased #plantbasedclothing #365vegan (at 365vegan)
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apexjoemusic · 5 years ago
POOR HORSE🥺 ran over by Police Car 😢 These animals are being forced into crazy scenarios! When will humans stop abusing animal life? I stand for animal rights 100%! They should have a right to freedom of movement the same as us ... When will we release the animals from their cages and stop interfering with the most powerful forces on this earth, Mother nature and the father of the universe. Why does man think we should own everything? We should control everything? Why not let it blossom? Insemination = Rape Zoo's = Prisons I could go on but I'm not looking to spark a debate. #blacklivesmattermovement #carcrashes #horses #horseloversofinstagram #blacklivesmatteruk #animalrights #blacklivesmatter✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #horseinjury #horselovers #carcrash #blm #wwf #horselove #blacklivesmatter✊🏾 #blacklivesmatter #blacklivesmatter✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #animalrightsmarch2018 #animalrightsmovement #horselover🐴 #crashed #animalrightsactivism #horselover #animalrightsadvocate #horse #animalrightsactivists #roadkill #blacklivesmatters #animalrightsawareness #animalrightsprotest #animalrightsactivist (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBdNavtATR0/?igshid=1so2bjm3uskix
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respectanimalrights · 6 years ago
🚫WARNING WARNING VERY GRAPHIC🚫 Repost from @roeeshpernik ‼️WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT‼️ filmed yesterday 😥 #eideladha #qurbani #slaughter #sickculture #terror #totalanimalliberation #animalshavefeelingstoo #animalrightsawareness https://www.instagram.com/p/B1McnLEFTmh/?igshid=zir3gbpnf9le
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pilram16-blog · 7 years ago
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$180,000 reward for finding the sick person who did this to this puppy in San Bernardino, CA. Thank you to all the people who have donated to make this reward possible, in hopes that this horrible human will be found: @blackjaguarwhitetiger @danawhite @mr.gregyuna @merkin69 @mft07 @the_firm_la @rebeldogsrescue and Kristen Stewart. Please help us find the guy by reposting this. It’s been a while since this incident took place, and nothing has been done. #StopAnimalAbuse #behuman #bekind #BeKindToAllAnimals #standupagainstanimalcruelty #stopanimalcruelty #stopanimalabuse #speakupforanimalrights #alllivesmatter #wakeuppeople #animalrightsactivist #animalrights #animalrightsawareness #animallover Repost By animalrights_awareness: Regrann from @protect.animals.worldwide -#picoftheday #photography #photoshoot #voice https://www.instagram.com/p/BnUdj9unBE0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=h0bp25bc9ylt
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respectanimalrights · 7 years ago
Regrann from @peta - Did your @LouisVuitton bag come from a crocodile who was SKINNED ALIVE? 😢 #notyourskin #animalrightsactivist #animalrightsawareness #animallover #stopanimalcruelty #alllivesmatter #standupagainstanimalcruelty #loveandrespectallanimals #educateyourself #standupforwhatsright #dontignore #dontbesilent #BeHuman Via @animalrights_awareness https://www.instagram.com/p/Bm8Loy6hwWO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1oxk3dp83qzmi
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