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bcacstuff · 2 months ago
Did Sam buy it for him ?
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😂😂😂😂 ... are you 2 serious? I mean, Sam gets a dinner with a firedancer and a boat trip drinking his own booze and smoking cigars.... and AN would get an Aston Martin? Tell me another joke please!
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Of course not, he gifted himself his toy! 🙄
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I think it is another style
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A whole lot of zeros behind a number, at least not the kinda money you earn selling whisky as a businesspartner, that much I know!
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Just in case people still don't get who's lifestyle they are sponsoring...
#wakeuppeople #openyoureyes
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dashagirl · 2 years ago
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paulrobertbowmanjr · 1 year ago
Former IRS Commissioner admits that paying Federal Income Taxes is voluntary! #wakeuppeople #rationallivingmatters
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djcrash · 2 years ago
It’s all perspective. 🤔 quote: unknown. Follow @djcrashusa #sotrue #memes #funny #meme #love #lol #true #relatable #funnymemes #life #truth #facts #quotes #wth #lmao #wow #follow #comedy #wtf #hilarious #quoteoftheday #dankmemes #thetruth #quote #wakeup #somuchtruth #bigmanogtv #wakeuppeople #soserious
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kaptainsolo · 2 years ago
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sanchezkk · 2 years ago
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Posted @withrepost • @wake_up_from_the_matrix7 #crimesagainsthumanity #tyranny #wakeuppeople #questioneverything #newworldorder #brainwashedsociety #clownworld #fuckthesystem #predictiveprogramming #fightforfreedom #awake #conspiracytheory #timetowakeup #fightforfreedom #momonamission #wakeupamerica #wakeupworld #stopthemandate #votered #conservative #desantis #freethinker #freedomfighter #redpill #hollyweird #maga #awakened #hiddeninplainsight #conspiracyfiles #operationmockingbird https://www.instagram.com/p/ClLpE_sOEeXDZ2b_RZGlwDQHvZnPy02hDnrXeE0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chexawe · 4 years ago
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Reposted from @blackmadguru Believe it or not, this is a fact. There is a system set up to control the masses keeping them trapped and attached to this 3d world. They don't want you to know how powerful you are that's why they are trying their best to make you think that you are limited. You are not a human being trying to be spiritual instead you are a spirit having a human experience. . . . #goverment #nwo #population #control #newworldorder #elite #explorepage #pinealgland #wakeuppeople #truthseeker #anonymous #conscious #secretsocieties #openyoureyes #mindcontrol #awake #consciousawareness #freedomthinker #illuminati #truthseeker #seekthetruth #awareness #peoplepower #depopulation #conspiracy #truth #wokebreed #woke #staywoke https://www.instagram.com/p/COXIDYNniTds1HmlqiqV2a1cFc1AGwqss96wX40/?igshid=c5wj8sn094hu
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oillampslit · 5 years ago
Please research EVERYTHING you possibly can about this world. You will find that many of what we believe is a lie. We need to study up and pray hard and keep a strong faith and educate ourselves because if we don't, then all we are doing is allowing ourselves to be brainwashed.
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spanky606 · 6 years ago
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Reposted from @conspiracyrealists - The Pharmaceutical Industry is a trillion dollar business, and anyone that threatens that gets silenced. There are thousands of doctors and professionals who have risked their lives trying to expose the truth and do the right thing but they are labelled as frauds, quacks or worse killed.. Do the research. The truth and evidence behind it all is out there, but you won't find it from a 2 minute google search. • #bigpharmakills #populationcontrol #staywoke #nwo #population #newworldorder #elite #explorepage #pinealgland #wakeuppeople #truthseeker #thirdeye #wakeupsheeple #anonymous #truthinplainsight #sheeple #secretsocieties #openyoureyes #mindcontrol #consciousawareness #politics #selfaware #freedomthinker #illuminati #truthseeker #conscious #awareness #peoplepower #depopulation #conspiracy #wakeup Repost @vaccinetruth https://www.instagram.com/p/ButSjlDnujk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7uxbj51cllt7
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We need to open our eyes, and admit we need to change, then actually follow through. Do some research, find a species that’s in danger in YOUR backyard, and put a few plants out for them. It can be as simple as that. If you are uncertain of where to start, start with bee’s. They’re basically international, and have declined in population by around 20% in Europe alone, with mortality rates ranging being between 1.8% and 53% depending on the country.
They need our help.
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leakyouofficial · 6 years ago
The 21-year-old man fatally shot by police in #Vallejo on Saturday was identified as Willie McCoy, a local rapper known as Willie Bo with the group FBG. Police shot McCoy after finding him asleep in a car in a Taco Bell drive-through lane, officials said. Now McCoy’s family wants to know why their loved one was killed. The incident began shortly after 10:30 p.m., when an employee of the restaurant on Admiral Callaghan Lane reported that a driver was slumped over in the driver’s seat of a silver Mercedes. Officers arrived and found the man unresponsive, they said. But as they assessed the situation, the driver suddenly moved, police said. - Follow @3rd_eye_control_it for daily content like this and More 💯 - Tag a friend below 👥 Share/repost to your story - - #leakyou #videooftheday #fuckthepolice #williebo #fbg #truthbomb #populationcontrol #tacobell #seekthetruthjapan #freethinker #policethepolice #wakeupsheeple #staywoke #police #policeofficer #policeman👮 #police_usa #woke #wakeuppeople #truth #truthseeker #seekthetruth #facts #knowledge #policebrutality #WillieMccoy #policebrutality #policevideos https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt48GXJFrVz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1654zygap6vnp
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kaptainsolo · 2 years ago
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blackswanproduction · 2 years ago
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…the school is #SchoolsNoPlace4Police especially when they run when kids are in danger & beat up on children … These officers need to be fired for using this type of force on children who could’ve been killed or paralyzed from the way they were thrown down & on metal bars #POOFF #PrOtectOurFutureFamilies #KeeptheDreamsAlive #EnoughisEnough #TedCruzGot2Go didn’t attend NOT ONE FUNERAL of the kids killed … #WAKEUPPEOPLE #STOP lining the pockets of those that have shown they don’t care about you or your community with campaign funding https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci8gFw2r88YUG9PIYIMkmElbUeMutpYZZDA7Sk0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sanchezkk · 2 years ago
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Reposted from @wake_up_from_the_matrix7 #brainwashedsociety #wakeuppeople #newworldorder #truth #crimesagainsthumanity #tyranny #questioneverything #clownworld #fuckthesystem #predictiveprogramming #fightforfreedom #awake #conspiracytheory #timetowakeup #fightforfreedom #momonamission #wakeupamerica #wakeupworld #stopthemandate #conservative #freethinker #newworldorderagenda #redpill #hollyweird #maga #awakened #hiddeninplainsight #conspiracyfiles #censorship https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm4WBjDO8MZMK8fVm4kIenh4DhuBZR_omd6lqA0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chexawe · 5 years ago
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Reposted from @t.frio (@get_regrann) - Anytime you hear Christians or Hebrews mention the word "Pagan," they're actually referring to indigenous people, who pay homage to the forces of nature & the cosmos. Theres nothing wrong with worshipping the Sun or the forces of nature. ⁣ ⁣ The original Christmas-like celebration occurred when ancient Kemetic people chopped down certain evergreen trees & erected them in sacred temples. The evergreen tree being erected, symbolized Osiris being resurected from the underworld. Over 2,000 years later, in Rome, this ritual was still being conducted by the Moors, but the caucasians in Rome who didn't want to be under Moorish rulership, they made a mockery of the winter solstice celebration, by creating their own celebration known as "Saturnalia." ⁣ ⁣ Saturnalia consisted of many barbaric activities, such as sacrificing "black" people, children, & animals, burning down peoples homes, raping women, etc. The star on top of the tree represents the Sirius star.The ornaments on the tree symbolizes a certain group of Moors who were slaughtered & hung. Christ-mas. Christ-Massacre.⁣ ⁣ The Massacre of the children of the True Christ, Ausar/Osiris. This was done because most caucasians during that period in Rome, wanted to pay homage to their God of the Bible, who is indeed Saturn/Cronus, & his servant Krampus. Santa Clause is really Satan Clause, AKA Saturn Clause, the Prince of Air, flying around with a damn sickel so he could harvest children. Krampus was also a demon who specialized in child sacrifice & pedophelia.⁣ ⁣ Dont let these Christians tell you that Saturn Clause & Krampus are different, because they both serve the same agenda. The Celebration of Christmas was actually outlawed in the U.S. until 1840 I believe.. ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #RFGRepost ⁣ #goverment #nwo #marshalllaw #newworldorder #elite #christmasexposed #pinealgland #wakeuppeople #truthseeker #anonymous #conscious #secretsocieties #openyoureyes #mindcontrol #saturnalia #consciousawareness #freedomthinker #illuminati #truthseeker #seekthetruth #awareness #peoplepower #depopulation #conspiracy #truth #wokebreed #woke #staywoke https://www.instagram.com/p/B6f_mh6Bv-WYJeFBuJuvPHaVedALoZaghFKINU0/?igshid=xhpe7ffvhqbi
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oillampslit · 5 years ago
They are not even hiding things anymore. Everything they do is all now in plain-sight. All Subliminal, until you are awake and aware to these things that are going on #wakeup #Subliminalmessages #plainsight
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