#animal neglect for ts
kedreeva · 1 year
This might be a shitty ask, so I understand if you don't, or can't!, really answer! I'm in AU, where it's an old farmer's trick to freerange peafowl to eat and scare off snakes. My aunt lives on a farm and she's started talking with great enthusiasm about getting peafowl. She doesn't intend to coop or contain them or have any infrastructure for them at all besides food and water bowls. Even if she had fences- which she doesn't- they wouldn't be more than ordinary wire fences. I've spoken pretty strongly against the idea of freeranging any animals on her property, including her chickens, but she doesn't listen to anyone, and other things (like noise) don't seem to be discouraging her. Other than worming and vaccinating them (which I'll be doing from my own pocket) is there anything at all that I can do to minimise the risk of death, harm, or improve QOL for these poor potential peas? Is there any quirk of training or pea mentality that I can use to keep them in a boundary or radius? If I build them a roost on top of a shed, are they likely to stay within a distance of it? (And yes, I haven't ruled out stealing them, giving them to someone responsible, and telling aunt a feral dog got them)
It's no trouble, and the good news is you won't have to tell your aunt a feral dog got them, because the birds will just leave. If she's that intent on flushing several hundred dollars down the toilet, maybe ask if you can have it instead, and skip the middle man of fussing with the peafowl. She's also welcome to send me the money if she is intent on giving it to someone with peafowl, the result will then mostly be the same! She loses a few hundred bucks and has no peafowl, and someone with peafowl gets a few hundred bucks! The key difference is no birds are harmed in this latter process.
Because here's the thing: your aunt IS 99% going to waste a lot of money purchasing peas and releasing them to free range without first containing them 6-12 months in a standard minimum coop (500 square feet)(and the rule any experienced peafowl owner will tell you is "never free range a bird you can't afford to lose" because even with extended containment first, peafowl often just fuck off when free ranged and they don't look back). They will just leave. it's literally the thing they are known for. I have gotten two free peafowl this year due to idiots near me doing this. Every year people in peafowl groups post about the free birds they just got, when people like your aunt bring them home and let them go. It's a little raffle where you win prizes donated by people who didn't do their research before buying peafowl, or who have more money than sense.
Additionally, even if they stay, they won't scare off snakes. Snakes don't give a shit. The peas will possibly harass or kill one if they see it first and there's a group of them to fuss with it. But in Australia, they are just as likely to die to a snake bite as any other fowl. They have PRETTY fast reflexes, but even in the US I see people lose peas to venomous snakes like rattlers or copperheads.
As for the rest, I don't know if there are any vaccinations that can be given to peafowl in Australia. I know there aren't in the US (I don't think even Marek's is made to be used in peafowl, but DO NOT get that one) because US policy on most fowl illness is to just cull the birds. You also can't effectively treat free range birds for parasites without SOMEWHERE to contain them, because most of the products go in the water and free range may find other sources of water, and the ones that don't you have to repeatedly catch the birds to administer orally.
So yeah. That sucks. Please tell her a peafowl breeder you spoke to thinks she's an idiot if she really thinks she's going to magically convince wild game birds to just hang out upon release with only the enticement of a food and water bowl to keep them around lol
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jalwyn21 · 7 months
Seeing previous anon talking about cats, makes me suddenly want to talk about TS' cats.
Apparently a lot of people didn't know that she BOUGHT all three of her cats from BREEDERS while going around saying she ADOPTED them. The terms "adopt" are actually coined by breeders to mask animal trade that they're doing. Since a lot of people have been campaigning to adopt animals instead of shopping for them. It's kind of disheartening for someone claiming themselves to be hardcore cat-lover to BUY cat breed that has been proven to suffer due to their genetic mutations and inbreeding instead of adopting from the local shelters which will certainly help boost adoption rate for the neglected animals.
Also, one thing that I've noticed throughout being a former Swiftie, is that she never actually sends donation to animal shelters as far as I know. All of the donations were raised in her name only by the shelter itself or by the fans. Like during her last birthday, a lot of animal shelters asked for donations in her name in order to celebrate her birthday. Like the project itself is great I think but can't the billionaire perhaps send the donation first so her fans can follow her example? It will certainly gain more traction to the cause.
My point is that, TS and her fans seems to be doing a lot of things like this isn't she? Acting like she's doing something special or virtuous while the truth is she's not doing much for the cause? Her fans like to argue that she shouldn't be expected to raise awareness bcs she's not a politician but wasn't TS the one who claimed herself to be an activist or some sort? Of course people are now expecting her to act the part of what she claimed herself to be.
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Yeah, but that was back in her Joe era …… this is now.
I said this before, but when a couple splits they each take back what they brought to the relationship. Sorry, babe, Joe took all the "activism" and all the "caring about others" with him when he left. 🤷‍♀️
Also, I'm afraid Joe took back all the classiness, the integrity, the honor, the self deprecating humor, the humbleness and most of the haircare products 😹😹😹
She keeps all the houses, the jets, the paps and the billions. Unfortunately she kept Benji too 😭
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mockingbirdshymn · 2 years
way too many camp camp headcanons? why not
part four: space kid space kid space kid spac
(hes one of my favorite little guys ok have some headcanons for him)
sk bites his nails when anxious, usually after some sort of a nightmare
speaking of nightmares, he has them fairly often, because i enjoy giving characters i like a lot of angst
his favorite fast food place is mcdonalds. no matter how many times hes told that the food there is probably made of radioactive waste, he still loves the chicken nuggets there
as an adult he'll be about 5'2, maximum
did someone say angst? his parents are on the brink of divorce and due to that, inadvertantly end up neglecting him emotionally and sometimes physically (ie. forgetting to take him to school, cook meals, do laundry, etc). (sprung from him saying "minute man? mommy calls daddy that when they argue" and the scene in after hours where he says his mom told him to get used not to seeing him, because in space they won't be able to call)
space kid is in honors math, to the surprise of most.
space kid has a dog named Laika and a cat named Félicette, both of who named after the first dog and cat respectively to enter space
his uncle babysits him a lot
space kid's room is filled with
space kid has glow in the dark stars on his room, but they're just dots and organized in such a way by him that it matches up to his favorite constellations in their respective parts in the sky
sk likes the plain white ts, taylor swift, and bruno mars, probably because his mom listened to them a lot when he was younger
space kid still enjoys cars, though it was more of a brief hyperfixation. he still has a few car toys scattered around his room, though
autistic and adhd space kid. he duel wields and i project onto him
he's best friends with dolph, as they shared a tent during camp. their friendship shouldve been a thing in cc and im forever upset at how it wasnt
space kid sometimes stays up late so he can see the stars late at night
space kid doesnt take anything anyone else says to heart, mostly because hes aware at how minuscule it all really is in comparison to the infinite universe and how large it all is. when he thinks about that, the things people say to him dont matter. he focuses on the there and the now, not dwelling on the past or future, just being happy with whatever he does and focusing on that, no matter how he might look doing it
he is very dumb and gulible though. there isnt a thought in his head. his braincells are like the bouncing dvd screensaver and every time it hits the edge he has a thought
space kid has a panda stuffed animal and a polar bear stuffed animal that he calls ursa major and ursa minor
space kid has a weighted space blanket that he cant sleep without
he has an allergy to shellfish. its random but i feel he'd have it
sk felt bad for max when he was made fun of for his stuffed bear, so space kid went in his tent with his own stuffed animals and offered to play to make max feel better. max obviously declined, but the sentiment was sweet and something max didnt forget for a while.
space kid has a strong sense of unclouded morls. he sees something bad happen, he doesnt like it. however in order to have those morals, he needs to know whats going on, and its very easy to manipulate him into not seeing the truth in whats happening
sk tries to see the good in everyone, much like david
sk called gwen mom and david dad on multiple occasions. whenever he does, he gets a little glare from max. he doesnt get why
thats it i love him bye
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The Third Scariest Movie Ever Made
For the third year in a row we're going to expose ourselves to true terror. If you thought the past two years were terrifying, you'd better steel your nerves for THE THIRD SCARIEST MOVIE EVER MADE!! Scary Movie 3.5 06:13-06:16. Character sp*ts. 16:27-16:42. Severity: 8/10. Character g*s and v*s offscreen, graphic aftermath visible. 32:19-32:23. Character ch*kes on object. 39:04-39:08. Severity: 6/10. Character v*s with graphic sound. 46:00-46:03. Character sp*ts offscreen. 58:33-58:40. Severity: 10/10. Characters suddenly v* with graphic visual and sound. 1:10:17-1:10:24. Character g*s. Other Content: Graphic violence, murder, death, gross out humour, misogyny including transmisogyny, drug use, child abuse, neglect, child endangerment, child sexual abuse, heavy gun use, shooting, racism, classism, racial stereotypes, traffic accidents, funerals, animal abuse, ableism.
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mareastrorum · 1 year
WIP Wednesday: TF&TS (Trostenwald)
Here is a scene from an early chapter of a longfic I am working on.
Fanfic Summary: Mollymauk Tealeaf survived the encounter with the Iron Shepherds, but a short time later, a spirit had begun hunting him, claiming that he stole his body. This Campaign 2 AU begins with Episode 26 and continues on from there.
This fanfic will be posted on AO3 starting in July. (AAAAAAAHHHHHH, WE’RE ALMOST THERE.)
Otis desperately wished a mood would come on, but that never happened on demand. It would have made this so much more tolerable.
A cloth mask, hood, and eyepatch were just enough to keep anyone in Trostenwald from looking too closely, but Otis wanted to move on as quickly as possible. Sure, trying the local brews at the Nestled Nook was nostalgic, but there were too many people here that might recognize them, and that would be horrible. They had never returned to this dump for plenty of good reasons. Unfortunately, the Tombtakers had been within a short distance of the town the evening prior, and Tyffial’s insistence on staying somewhere with beds had won out over their discomfort.
As a result, Otis did not mind in the least when they shook hands with Yorda while returning the room keys and an overwhelming icy flood of thoughts and sensation surged up their arm. It let them float away while someone else handled this shit. It was almost like buoying in the Ustaloch near the river mouth, when the current started to shift them along.
So Otis drifted to the Tombtakers’ table and hopped onto the bench, not thinking about anything in particular while they pulled down the mask and ate a breakfast plate that had been waiting for them. The conversation seemed distant, like watching a play from the cheap seats.
“They’re in some sort of forest, very hot and humid,” Cree murmured, the pupils in her yellow eyes blown wide as she stared at the obsidian mirror, set in a gold ring and back, in her hands. “A variety of vibrant green trees and colorful plants everywhere. Many animal noises constantly in the background. Lots of insects. The shadows appear about the same angle as here…”
As Cree described her vision, Tyffial looked at a small, worn map she had pulled from her pack. Otis vaguely thought that it looked like it was in Tyffial’s handwriting, which was odd, since it looked so worn.
Zoran wolfed down his plate and attempted to sneak some bacon from Tyffial’s. A dull butter knife stabbed into the table between his hand and her plate dissuaded him. She hadn’t even looked up from the map. Then he looked at Cree’s untouched meal, though he seemed to think better of it. He sighed and downed his tankard. Otis was glad to be seated on the opposite side of the table, or he’d have stolen from their plate instead.
After several minutes of description, Cree shook her head, her eyes returning to normal. She looked about to check the room, then put the mirror away in her bag.
“Any ideas?” Cree inquired as she looked to Tyffial and took a few bites of her neglected breakfast.
“That could be any number of islands,” Tyffial sighed. “It should be within four days’ distance of Nicodranas, so… most likely the Twinward Isles, Rumblecusp, or Urukayxl. Unless they landed on the mainland and ventured to an inland jungle. Perhaps not Rumblecusp since you didn’t see a volcano, but that might have been hidden by the canopy or simply out of view.”
“We gonna charter a ship to follow?” Zoran asked. “Been a time since I sailed the Lucidian.” Tyffial hummed her agreement, still looking down at her map in disapproval.
“Might need to,” Otis chimed melodically, without a moment of forethought. It was so weird to feel Lucien talking with their body, but it felt fine all the same. Kind of like the Pattern, but calmer and kind of chilly. Relaxing even.
Wow, Otis did not remember the last time they did anything to relax. Did anyone other than elves do that?
“Can you tell the direction, Cree?” Tyffial requested.
Cree hummed-growled as she chewed and pulled a vial of blood from her bag, holding her silver symbol in the same hand. She swirled the liquid within, then looked up and shifted to face another direction, swallowing her food.
“That way. Perhaps four or five hundred miles,” Cree stated with a nod.
Zoran looked down at Tyffial’s compass, then peeked at her map. “That’s south-southwest. In the direction of the gates.”
“They’re either in the Quoraska Jungle or on Urukayxl, then,” Tyffial concluded, showing the map to the group and pointing to the southern tip of the continent and an island further south.
“I’ll be able to tell once we’re closer,” Cree said. “It is difficult to be precise at this distance, even for me.”
“We’re another week out from Nicodranas, so if it’s the island, they might sail even further than that by the time we get a ship,” Tyffial added.
“Or they might return to port. We’ll see once we arrive in Nicodranas, then,” Lucien stated, his voice still layered with Otis’s. “Rather than chase them down, it may be best to wait for their return.”
Zoran snorted, “You wanna wait?”
“I don’t, but trailing after them at sea, outnumbered, with a crew we can’t trust would be worse,” Lucien replied. “Besides, I don’t want to risk my body accidentally sinking in a naval battle.”
“Well, it would probably float,” Tyffial commented with a grin. “But there could be a good chance of cannon damage. You wouldn’t mind losing some weight, would you?”
“If any of you try it, I’m getting you with the next one,” Lucien replied as he pointed with the knife, eliciting some chuckles from the rest. After a moment, he continued, “Before we leave, we’re stopping by the Stockade.”
“Why?” Tyffial asked with a raised brow. “A group like us would attract the wrong sort of attention there.”
“The innkeeper has a good memory,” Lucien drawled as Otis felt a smirk tug on their face instead of their preferred toothy smiles. “The Nein stayed here about two weeks back. Asked about someone named ‘Gustav’ who was a guest of the local lawmaster for some time. A friend of theirs, apparently. They bailed him out and he skipped town, but the lawmaster might have records or memories that could be of use. It won’t take long.”
“If you find any possessions or images of him, it would be easier for me to scry on him as well,” Cree added. “If we are lucky, you might be able to use him as a host.”
“That was the plan,” Lucien grinned. “We’ll see if it pans out. Eat up and let’s move.”
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ratsnbugs · 2 years
feeling very sad about Socks again tonight. Socks was my first tarantula, an Avicularia avicularia I got at PetSmart (Petco claims all their Ts are captive bred; I cannot find anything from PetSmart on this topic). i did TONS of research on how to take care of a T and kind of neglected the where to get a T aspect because i stupidly assumed places just would not sell wild caught animals in 2021. but Socks was My Baby. there were things i should have noticed; Socks was rather large when i purchased him, no one at the store gave me the same estimate of age, when i shared his pic for sexing purposes everyone he’s a mature male, and he never molted in the ~1 year i had him. he passed away suddenly about ~1 year after i got him, which is in the normal time frame for a mature male to live after its final molt. it’s not uncommon for wild caught Ts to be adult males who were caught on the move searching for a mate. i obvi can’t prove this but i think Socks was wild caught. but i was super upset and blamed myself a lot for his death because he was fine one day, his legs were spasming the next, and the next morning he died despite my best efforts to help him. i miss Sockies a lot
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 5 years
Backstories for my Sanders Sides Pets AU
Warnings: Mentions of Death, Mentions of Abuse, Mentions of Neglect, Mentions of Abandonment, Mentions of Selective Dog Breeding, i think that’s all but let me know if i should add any others.
Roman was Thomas’ first pet. Thomas adopted him from a pet shelter his friend, Joan visited to get food for their ferret, Elliot.
Roman was the only surviving puppy of the litter and was going to be euthanized since all his siblings were stillborn and his mother died during her childbirth. His mother was a show dog that was force-breeded to make ‘perfect puppies’ (sadly, the litter Roman was in was her first and only litter).
Joan saved him and took him home and made sure he was well taken care of and very much loved and cared for.
Joan was planning on keeping him at first but then Roman became aquainted with Thomas and Roman just wouldn’t let Thomas not take him home (aka wouldn’t let go). Talyn claims Roman imprinted on him since Thomas was holding him when Ro finally opened his eyes.
Patton was, at first, just being fostered by Thomas for a friend (Terrence) who moved to a new apartment that didn’t allow pets (Terrence only learned this after moving in because the complex owner didn’t care enough to tell him there were no pets allowed until he saw Terrence about to take Patt into the apartment when moving in).
Thomas later adopted him from Terrence when Terrence moved to Arizona where they were both worried if Patton would adapt well or not, so Thomas kept him.
Logan was a stray young cat from a littler of maine coon cats that a feral mother had.
Logan lived behind Thomas’ apartment complex. He took a liking to Thomas so Thomas took him in and gave him shelter. He later adopted him and Logan is a half-indoor/half-outdoor cat now, since Lo still loves the outdoors.
Virgil’s mom was owned by a bad human who let her leave and come back whenever she wanted. His mother got surprise pregnant and the owner couldn’t tell. When she had Virgil, the mom, nor the mom’s owner wanted him, so the owner abandoned him outside.
Once he was outside, Virgil survived on his own for about a week before Logan found him and adopted him as his not-as-furry kitten.
Logan adopted him because he’s all black and Lo determined that this small black half fuzzy thing is a badly groomed cat that can apparently fly now. The flying did kind of confuse him but Logan’s committed so he’s just like ‘yeah, my kid flies, so be it as long as he’s in my sight so he doesn’t get lost’.
Thomas adopted Virgil to stay indoors to keep him protected and let him live as long as possible away from possible predators, since he was already abandoned by his mother.
Deceit (named Ethan)
Ethan was abandoned outside by his mother’s owner (a breeder who simply wanted certain typed of snakes) because he was born the wrong color (the breeder wanted albinos but the momma snake had lil super black pastel Dee).
Logan adopted him as his very not-so-furry kitten and took care of him.
Again, was easier for Lo to mistake him for a kitten since Ethan is all black just like Logan himself. Plus, at that point, Logan had a flying ‘kitten’ and could care less over having a slithery ‘kitten’ or not.
Thomas adopted Ethan when Logan brought him (and Virgil) to Thomas when Eth got sick with an upper respiratory infection and Logan knew Thomas would care for his not-so-fluffy kittens.
Thomas adopted him very shortly after Eth was back to being healthy.
Pets In The Future
He definitely plans to adopt something else but he has yet to fully adopt them.
He’s talked to a chameleon breeder and is planning to adopt one from the new clutch once they’re old enough to be adopted.
He’s also planning to adopt the baby bunny of a a friends’s two rabbits, once it’s big enough that Ethan won’t think it’s food (not that he would, Ethan is still tiny and only likes pinkies, but Thomas doesn’t want to chance it).
He is fostering/caring for two pets for friends. He’s fostering a sugar glider named Emile for Valerie while she is too busy to do so.
He’s taking care of a green iguana named Remy for his friend, Talyn, who had a housefire and Remy was left without somewhere to stay while Talyn stays with Joan (who’s complex owner won’t allow more than one pet in the apartments). Remy did have a few burns when Thomas got him but all are healed over now.
Taglist (I’m just gonna tag a couple who seemed to be interested in the AU in the previous two posts about it): @sirpuppetuniverse @lovesupportandcookies @just-another-rainbowblog @please-nope @dabookwormcat @stormy-sides
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lunaeclipsis · 2 years
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yeah ok bet [ cracks knuckles ] - its been mentioned hundreds of time but ts/4 weirdly has the rest of the gang of toys ( both bonnies original toys and andys toys ) do. very little. the most that the gang did was have jessie pop a tire 2 keep bonnies family in the carnival + their dumbass plan with the gps at the end of the film but like. other times they did nothing which is so. inaccurate? especially when woody was trying 2 get f/orky n shit -- ur telling me his gang wouldn’t wanna try n help him??? thas bull, bebe - woodys arc is Dumb as Shit 2bh! first of all, woody hadn’t had ANY hangups abt andy in the same way he had them in his film; and while i can SEE him comparing bonnie 2 andy, i cant see him doing it in a way where hes an old mf and mourning andy. hes over him. hes OVER him, my god - not only that but buzzs arc is worse? they completely dumbed him down 2 him not even knowing what a CONSCIENCE is and thinking his voicebox ( the fucking “buzz l/ightyea/r to the rescue!” mf ) WAS his conscience. they completely disregarded that he wasnt STUPID, he was DISILLUSIONED. buzz has shown so much ingenuity and smartness in previous films and they had the AUDACITY to do that to him - b/o peep is an issue all in herself shes so clearly meant 2 be a girlbossified cool gal indepent women all that but its just. so boring? not only that but they try n convince people that she was ALWAYS like that in the beginning flashback but she CLEARLY WAS NEVER LIKE THAT, WE ALL SAW THE MOVIES DIDNEY YOU CAN’T GASLIGHT US ABT THIS - woody and bo’s relationship is like. blown out of proportion?? tbh?? they were never each the love of each others life in the previous films. they just flirted and had fun lil innuendos but they were Never “in love” -- and their chemistry in this film is NOTHING !!! buzz and woody and hell JESSIE and woody had more chemistry than those two did the entire film and it drove me INSANE - the ending with the hugs was cute but it wasnt an emotional moment EARNED. it was only emotional bc these are characters we are ATTACHED TO. im not sad bc this is a perfect end to woodys arc im sad bc ur declaring that hes never gonna be in anymore T/OY STORY CONTENT - the idea that bonnie, who was literally so enamored with this cowboy ragdoll, suddenly neglected him and didnt care is such. bullshit? the MOST i can see is her not playing w/ him as much so she doesnt BREAK HIM in rougher playtimes bc hes an OLD FUCKING RAGDOLL TOY . - the new characters arent worth it either 2bh the most i enjoyed was giggles and ducky + bunny and thats only bc im a mf - dont watch this film the pretty animation isnt worth it
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acklelantern · 7 years
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Moose (dark) and Squirrel (light)
They’re named are based on Sam and Dean’s(from the show Supernatural) nicknames. I adopted them from someone who neglected them. And by neglect, I mean never paid attention to them to the point where they had no idea that they were covered from head to toe in fleas, flea poop, and blood. I have never seen an animal so thin before. The person also was feeding them meow mix and apples. I didn’t think they were going to make it. But here my girls are, 2 years later and still alive. They made it. They deserve their names. They are fighters just like Sam and Dean.
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coco96 · 4 years
LDAF - TS Parental/Familial
On The Off Chance (Tony Stark X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Mention of spitting in a drink and some threats of violence, and mention of violence Request: Tony stark parental figure with “i know you’re joking but on the off chance you aren’t, no”
Arranged Plans Cancelled (Peter Parker X Fem!Stark!Reader) Warnings: Bad friends Request: Stark!Reader is often hurt by others, like people will arrange plans + blow her off/friends will make plans in front of her + not invite her. people will get her to do their homework for them bc they know she can’t say no. Peter Parker thinks its really unfair but she handles it really well + doesn’t make a fuss. one day Steve/Tony/someone accidentally upsets her (maybe they cancel plans she’s been really looking forward to or something) and Peter just loses it. she’s really shocked that he noticed and he’s standing up for her. She goes to Midtown too …
Homework Struggles (Tony Stark X Fem!Teen!Reader) Request: What about a reader x father figure tony where the reader is really struggling in school and feels like she’s failing him but instead of being upset he just helps them out and discovers they have adhd and gets them the help they need?
Accidentally Coming Out (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Accidentally coming out, fear of homophobia Request: … reader accidentally makes a comment about being gay and panics bc she’s not out to him yet? And she tries to run away but someone catches her and brings her home?
Taking the Lead (Tony Stark X Son!Reader) Warnings: Spoilers to Infinity War and Endgame, death Requests: … the one who survives in infinity turns to dust and the one did is alive. the reader didn’t urn to dust and he missed his father, even throught they don’t have nice relationship. he learns that he has a sister and he helped to take care of them as he is like a father figure to Morgan. when endgame happened, the reader do the snap. it like the reader do the snap instead of tony
More Like Pepper (Tony Stark X Teenage!Reader) Request: Could I request a fic where the reader is Tony’s kid but lowkey has no time for the teams shit and is savage?
Hiding Hickies (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Hickies/bruises Request: Would you be open to writing a tony x daughter reader where the daughter goes out with a boy for the first time and has to hide hickies? And tony finds out and she’s expecting him to freak out but he just accepts it and is really chill about it?
Metallic Limbs (Peter Parker X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Mention of injury and loss of limbs, mention of surgery Request: … Reader is a quadruple amputee after the Chitauri attack in Manhattan. Tony, As the one who found her in the rubble, feels inclined to watch over her and help her in any way he can. So he has her fitted with state of the art cybernetic limbs. Years later, reader is coming to the avengers HQ to get a tune up and she meets the friendly neighbourhood sideman without the mask. Tony is unsure if he’s okay with them being so chummy together.
Never There (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Absent father, swearing, threatening Request: ... reader has been under Tony’s financial care since she was a child but he never saw her as his child and saw no need to spend time with her until after the Ultron situation. But with all the years or ignorance, is the damage already done?
Science Fair (Tony Stark X Son!Reader) Warnings: Mention of neglectful parent Request: Son male reader x tony stark where tony wants to be better of a parent than Howard to male reader
Bitten (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Blood, near death Request: One more please if available. Tony stark and daughter were she gets bitten by a vampire and tony and team are extremly worried and strange is the only one that can save her? Fluff and angst. Pepper is her mom.
Left Behind (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Mention of death of a parent, a wittle bit of swearing Request: … Tony wants to adopt a kid and he choiced the reader. But the reader is actually Tony’s child by blood m, but he doesn’t know that. and she knows that she is relateted and hates Tony for ‘leaving’ her. …
Looking for Advice (Tony Stark X Son!Reader) Request: Could you maybe do a tony stark x son male reader where the male reader ask for advise to ask a girl out
Dentist Appointment (Tony X Daughter!Reader) Request: Could you write one where the reader needs to have oral surgery to remove some problem teeth but she’s petrified to make the call. But she’s in tears all nigh from the pain? Her dad Tony stark, makes the call behind her back cause he hates seeing her in pain. When they arrive at the hospital she nearly freaks out saying he betrayed her so he hugs her and says it will be ok; but when he did that he also got her in the neck with a sedative to knock her out to make it easier on everyone? Lol
Session (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) TRIGGER WARNING: SELF HARM AND DEPRESSION Request: … reader is Tony’s daughter and has a history with self harming so he sends her to therapy for depression. Tony went to intro session with y/n and she says that she doesnt cut anymore and still maintains the lie and then Tony begins to notice all of the signs that point to her self harming and realises she never actually stopped? If thats okay? If not, i understand?
Dip (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Depression, self-doubt Request: Tony stark x daughter reader where her grades slip bad because of depression and she panics but Tony’s there for her and makes sure she knows it’s okay to fail?
Helping (Avengers X Teen!Reader) Warnings: Bulimia, throwing up, bullying, self conscious reader. Request: I was wondering if you would write one where the reader is Tony’s daughter (although all of them are protective of her) and she has bulimia and she gets caught purging by one of the team members.
Feeling Loved Again (Father!Tony X Teen!Reader) Warnings: Swearing Request:I had an idea. Where the reader is Tony Starks daughter (15-16 yr old) but she lives with her mom. She’s kind of tomboyish and dyes her hair funky colors so her mom gets sick of it and drops her off at the tower unexpectedly and tells tony she’s his problem now. So he gladly signs the custody papers. He totally adores her and celebrates her first night with him with take out and movies with the whole team.
Parker! (Peter Parker X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Bit of bullying, angry over protective dad. Request: Tony Stark’s daughter is popular and in a band and at a concert, Peter is getting picked on for being alone so Reader goes and kisses him and hugs him, surprising everyone with their secret relationship, much to Tony’s disapproval.
Five Days (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) SERIOUS WARNING: EATING DISORDER Other Warnings: Bullying/ teasing Request: Hey love! I was wondering if you could write something along the lines of where the reader has been in recovery from an eating disorder and then has a hard relapse? Maybe with a platonic or father Tony Stark?
It’ll Work Out (Stony X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Spoilers of Civil War, emotions Request: Hey can you do one where reader is stonys daughter and it’s just about how the family is torn apart lots of angst ends in fluff
New Environment (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Mentions of bad background and illegal activities. Request: Do you think you can do a roleplay where tonys daughter doesn’t come from the same background as him and maybe is coming from the ‘ghetto where she lived with her mom and she’s trying to act tough and stuff buts she’s actually really scared? …
Helping (Avengers X Teen!Reader) Warnings: Bulimia, throwing up, bullying, self conscious reader. Request: I was wondering if you would write one where the reader is Tony’s daughter (although all of them are protective of her) and she has bulimia and she gets caught purging by one of the team members.
Sit Down (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Injury Request: … reader sprains her ankle and still tries to do loads of things and won’t let it heal because she’s stubborn af and tony gets all protective? …
Fight Me (Peter Parker X Fem!Reader, Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Threatening (not serious) Request: Hey can I get a Tony x daughter reader where she’s always says fight me like someone says “I Was sitting there” and she says fight me ect. Anyway lots of fluff a little Peter x reader too- Og I forgot Tony x daughter reader fight me she like pure™ thanks😘
To Make You Happy (Tony X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Hints of depression Request: … She’s been depressed and going through a rough time. So to cheer her up her dad gets her a kitten even though he isn’t fond of animals. He knew she always wanted one. And she does start to cheer up and they share a dad daughter fluffy moment.
My Daughter (Tony X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Mention of death of a parent Request: … Tony has a teenage daughter he didn’t know about but the mom dies, so he takes custody and introduces her around and just overall becomes a dad of a teenager? (You don’t have to if it makes you uncomfortable)
Supporting Dad (Tony Stark X Reader) Request: Could you do reader being Tony’s kid and they’re as smart as him and decide to go into music instead of inventing? Like with Tony being the super proud band parent at every concert or somth about him being supportive
Caring Father (Tony X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Self Conscious reader, protective father, verbal abuse, body shaming Request: … reader who is on the phone with their mom and Tony (their bf, or dad, you choose!), being the overprotective dad/bf he is, has been noticing that the reader has been skipping meals. Like, the reader would only eat around lunchtime, and sometimes dinner, but thats it. He overhears her mom chastising her about how the reader needs to lose weight, ect. Can it be really fluffy?
Delirious (Tony X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Sickness Request: Tony stark x daughter request? Where she’s sick with a really high fever and completely delirious and keeps saying crazy shit. As concerned as tony is he can’t help not to laugh at some of her antics so he takes video. When she’s better he shows her the video and they both share a laugh over it.
Bookworms (Loki X Fem!Reader) Request: Hey could I request one where the reader is Tony’s daughter and she does a bunch of reading with Loki, but finds out he hasn’t read Harry Potter, freaks, and makes him read all of them?
Your Daughter (Tony X Daughter!Reader)     |     Part 2 Warnings: Minor Spoilers of Civil War Request: ... reader is Tony’s teenage daughter and he doesn’t know about her and during the airport scene in Civil war this teenage girl arrives in an iron man suit and stops the fight and Tony’s like who are you and then she’s replies with “your daughter” ...
Telling Him (Peter Parker X Male!Reader) Warnings: Mentions of coming out and past murder Request: ... reader is Tony’s son (probably an adoption situation?) and is closeted gay… maybe after Peter is already a part of the avengers, and not during Civil War? ...
I’m Here Now (Tony X Daughter!Reader)     |     Part 2 Warnings: Mention of car crash, death, injury Request: ... Her and her mom got into a bad accident. The mom dies and reader needs a blood transfusion so when the drs test her they match her to Stark. He gets the call and rushes over. Realizing he’s a dad to a teenage girl now he has the team ready a room and he welcomes her into his heart and makes her feel extra special since she lost her mom.
Who Is It? (Tony X Daughter!Reader)     |     Part 2 Request: ... Tonys daughter is sitting in the living room being like ‘hey I hacked into your system 'cause I’m your super smart daughter and have no where else to go’ and Tony starts to get really protectiv over her. And then finds out that she is falling in love with Peter, but Tony is basically the last one to find out? ...
Missing My Voice (Tony X Fem!Reader, Peter x Fem!Reader)     |     Part 2 Warnings: Blood, surgery, needles, injury Request: ... reader loves to sing and play the guitar and a ton of other instruments but goes mute during a mission (due to an injury), and how it impacts Peter and Tony? And can Tony like, go to a ton of doctors and stuff to try and find a solution? ...
Sit Down (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Injury Request: ... reader sprains her ankle and still tries to do loads of things and won’t let it heal because she’s stubborn af and tony gets all protective? ...
Being Tony Stark’s Adopted Daughter Would Include…
Be Careful (Tony X Daughter!Reader, Peter X Fem!Reader)     |     Part 2 Warnings: Blood, getting shot Request: ... reader is Tony’s teenage daughter who’s dating Peter and she’s just the type of person everyone loves but she’s also a really good hacker and fighter so she does missions sometimes and she ends up getting shot? ...
Caring Father (Tony X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Self Conscious reader, protective father, verbal abuse, body shaming Request: ... reader who is on the phone with their mom and Tony ... has been noticing that the reader has been skipping meals. Like, the reader would only eat around lunchtime, and sometimes dinner, but thats it. He overhears her mom chastising her about how the reader needs to lose weight, ect. ...
Approving (Peter Parker X Reader, Tony X Daughter!Reader) Request: ... Tony says to his daughter that he doesn’t like the idea of them dating but behind her back he’s talking to the Avengers about how happy he is that his daughter found a good guy. ...
Warning Signs (Tony and Peter X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Mentions of Domestic abuse Request: ... reader goes to peter Parkers school and she also started interning at the avengers tower as a lab assistant? She gets along with the team and considers them family. She ends up not showing up at school or the tower for a few days so Peter goes to her house to check on her and finds out she’s being abused by her parents. ...
Parental Advice (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader)     |     Part 2 Warnings: Teasing Request: ... Tony goes on with his life as an Avenger and all and it’s getting harder on him ... Meanwhile, you’re struggling with your social life ... you become pretty lonely and your favorite place is the tower with the avengers ... Finally, one morning, you and Tony are both up early(like, 4 am) and you talk to each other about your troubles. ...
Being Pepper’s Adopted Daughter and Tony Adopting You Would Include…
A Little Dense (Tony Stark X Sister!Reader, Clint Barton X Fem!Reader) Warnings: A bit of swearing Request: Clint and tony’s sister. You are trying to tell him that Clints gonna be a dad and tony is gonna be a uncle? The rest of the team finds out at the end. Some cute and fluff.
Meeting Her Husband (Loki X Stark!Reader) Warnings: Pregnancy Request: Tony and sister reader: he and the team discover you are in a secret relationship with Loki and you both are happily married and you are a few months pregnant with loki’s baby and he is not happy about it.
A Little Talk (Tony Stark X Brother!Reader)     |     Part 2 Warnings: Swearing, alcoholism Request: one with Tony as your big brother and you’re both going through a hard time or something?
Unfinished Business (Tony X Brother!Reader) Warnings: Death, death of parents, presumed death, a lot of emotions coming your way Request: … Reader is Tony Starks brother who, at a young age, runaway and now is coming back at Tony? But like Reader has some sort of a supernatural power like seeing ppl? …
I Still Love You (Bucky Barnes X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Spoilers of Civil War Request: With the stark reader and Bucky one, can you do where he blames himself for the death of readers and Tony’s parents, but she still loves him, even though Tony doesn’t allow it. Eventually Tony and reader have a heart to heart and gives her his blessing. Bucky puts aside his guilt?
Passing The Test. (Pietro X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Death threats, unplanned pregnancy, minor violence. Request: … reader being Tony´s sister. She dates Pietro for a long time and gets pregnant, and the avengers find out (exept tony) and their reaction, and at the end Tony realize because of her tummy and wants to kill pietro but at the end he is proud …
Better Choice (Tony Stark X Cousin!Reader, Peter Parker X Reader) Warnings: One swears and mentions of bed relationships and breakups Request: The reader is Tonys younger cousin (teenager) and she starts falling for Peter and tony just pets it happen because he’s better than any boyfriend the reader has had before
Where’s Nat? (Avengers X Teen!Reader) Warnings: Blood. Looooots of blood. Request: teen reader has period and goes to avengers for help but Nat isn’t home – Tony is her uncle!
Overprotective much? (Avengers X Fem!Reader) Warnings: One swear word, threatening, flirting, drinking and attempted murder by an overprotective brother. Request: ... reader is Tony´s sister and she is really beautiful (thats why Tony won´t introduce her) and the avengers are surprised and start bothering Tony and he gots really jealous and protective ...
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kedreeva · 2 years
I know a guy who keeps his chickens / peacock / guinea flock in a large outdoor pen with attached sheds for warmth. The problem is, one time the owner misued a heat lamp and the coop lit it on fire, killing a lot of his birds including some baby chicks. He didn't seem to care at all and kept the same set-up. The birds also get killed by wildlife a lot, or just his parents accidentally killing them through DIY-vet care. I want to softly suggest he stop keeping these birds because they suffer so much. However I don't think he would listen. Is there like, CPS you can call for chickens? He calls it a "peacock palace" but I personally have seen him kill a dozen birds through neglect over the past 5 years.
Unfortunately not really. You can try documenting the neglect and/or turning it over to someplace like the SPCA, human society, animal control, or your local police as a case of animal neglect/abuse, but a) most law enforcement doesn't care and they b) don't know enough about birds/livestock to know what they're looking at, so don't expect it to go far, especially if you just have your word to go on.
The thing is, the use of heat lamps, even the unsafe use of them, is not illegal and is actually seen by many as good care. Predators killing free range livestock - which is what the birds are, for purposes of the law - isn't considered neglect; especially if they have a pen and coop and something gets in. They're within the law to kill every single one of those birds themselves, at any time for any reason, so losing them while attempting home medical care isn't really going to go anywhere.
If nothing else, you might be able to do is check with your local ordinances and see if your town allows the keeping of those specific animals in that specific location. Your local township ordinance officer might care more than animal control or cops.
I'm sorry I don't have better advice than that. Cops suck and animal abuse/neglect laws also suck, they're vague and hard to enforce unless something is SUPER SUPER wrong.
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lucky-sevens · 4 years
mechanisms fiction!
also known as: i read all the fiction so you don’t have to!
under the cut: summaries of each fiction, word count, and content warnings! the summaries are of my own writing, and unlike the ones on the website, i’ve opted for useful rather than intriguing. i’ve also ordered the list to make a bit more sense/fit better timeline-wise!
some of the fiction has an audio version; i’ve included links to TheVoidSings’ lyric videos of said audio where applicable!
i’ve put the ones with relevant lore in bold, the ones i personally like in italics, and i’ve put a * after all the ones that include the mechs!
summary: nastya and aurora have an argument and then both go off to sulk. mostly focuses on nastya. interesting thing: scuzz is in this one!
word count: 707
content warnings: implied nsfw
the story of the toy soldier*
summary: it’s the toy soldier’s backstory! covers what’s probably at least a decade and has a lot of lore! also has illustrations, most likely courtesy of ts!
word count: 605
content warnings: murder, images of choking, implied rape
who killed doctor carmilla?*
summary: carmilla’s just been pushed out an airlock and various mechanisms are going around trying to get an alibi out of everyone.
word count: 647
content warnings: n/a
interview transcript 34/08/7012*
summary: a police officer attempts to interview jonny when he’s in prison. includes a lot of information about him that’s nice to have for characterization!
word count: 782
content warnings: discussed murder, including child murder; attempted suicide
archive footage*
summary: an ivy character study, pretty much! goes into her fucked up brain and how it works. one of my personal favorites, as it’s very well written.
word count: 1390
content warnings: death, minor blood/gore
summary: a short one-off featuring some ashes and jonny banter!
word count: 208
content warnings: guns, animal death
feeding the octokittens*
summary: another one-off: this one has some quality tim, ivy, and nastya content. very fun!
word count: 455
content warnings: animal death
tales of the blogbot*
summary: comes off as an odd fiction, addressing the ‘blogbot’, the thing that used to send out the updates on the mechs mailing list (among other things) and makes passive-aggressive comments about them occasionally. goes through a few answers to what the bot is, and comes to no conclusion, but directly links to the next fiction in my list, ‘ghost in the machine’.
word count: 988
content warnings: referenced mass murder, implied nsfw
ghost in the machine*
summary: what happened to aurora’s programmer when jonny and carmilla took over ‘her’ ship (which is explained/expanded on in ‘how the aurora was won’); lots of aurora lore, as well as a more close view into the actual atrocities the mechanisms commit.
word count: 1152
content warnings: death
how the aurora was won*
jonny steals the aurora from the cyberian navy, in the most unsettling way possible!
word count: 631
content warnings: suicide, graphic depictions of violence
a bedtime story*
some fluffy nastyaurora for the soul!
word count: 326
content warnings: n/a
drive the cold winter away*
part of a group with cyberian demons and nomadic spacers! i think i’ve arranged them chronologically, but might have messed it up.
nastya visits the ruins of cyberia. jonny and ashes are there.
word count: 432
content warnings: n/a
cyberian demons*
a nastya character study- reflections on her memories, as she works on destroying what is left of cyberia.
word count: 1699
content warnings: blood, violence
nomadic spacers*
an outsider pov on the events of ‘drive the cold winter away’ and ‘cyberian demons’.
word count: 1120
content warnings: death
nastya leaves the mechanisms for good after she finds her love, aurora, is no longer who she once was; presumably, this is her death.
word count: 1210
content warnings: suicide
hansel and gretal’s villain origin story! (they were the scientists speaking in ‘the twins’)
word count: 609
content warnings: child neglect, murder, needles/syringes
a bit of a cinders character study/some more of her backstory!
word count: 628
content warnings: n/a
mirror, mirror (audio version here!)
post-pump shanty/snow’s flight. the beginning of snow’s descent into a worse person, and how it overlaps with the myth of snow white/how she begins to take on the role of the evil queen.
word count: 860
content warnings: smoking
a fireside chat
a radio broadcast by scheherazade, king cole’s chief propaganda minister.
word count: 842
content warnings: mentions of concentration camps, death, and bombings
a rebel yell (audio version here!)
counter to ‘a fireside chat’- a radio broadcast by tom thumb, the voice of the rebellion! one of my personal favorites, as it’s very funny.
word count: 574
content warnings: mentions of mass murder
chapter’s end*
mad jack spratt and jonny d’ville play cards.
word count: 790
content warnings: discussions of death
by any other name
basically all the lore around briar rose, in a form of a report by hood, the rebellion’s hacker!
word count: 2023
content warnings: murder, graphic depictions of violence
this little piggy
all of the (incredibly fucked up) lore around the three little pigs!
word count: 993
content warnings: child abuse, brainwashing, non-consensual body modification, medical abuse (it’s a very intense one, please stay safe!)
what big eyes
all the lore we have on hood, in the form of king cole’s intelligence officers trying to figure it out.
word count: 1946
content warnings: mentions of war crimes and death
in the army*
the toy soldier and a group of rose reds hang out in a bar together! it’s a very fun one, with lots of banter! presumably takes place before the toy soldier met the mechanisms, but we don’t know that for sure. lots of lore about the rose reds, as well!
word count: 707
content warnings: mentions of war crimes and death
true love
colonel belle’s report on her efforts to manipulate adam ‘the beast’ bete into joining the resistance. (the mechs’ take on beauty and the beast). also a small bit of lore about rose!
word count: 1151
content warnings: manipulation, torture, unhealthy relationships
one thousand and two
a character study of scheherazade- the thoughts running through her head as rebels are about to find and kill her.
word count: 2236
content warnings: suicide; mentions of torture, concentration camps, and child death
ever after*
you know how jonny was being annoyingly cryptic about what happened to briar rose! well, they have a fiction that says!
word count: 680
content warnings: graphic depictions of violence
you’ll have to tell us the story sometime*
the mechanisms explore the ruins of the city, thousands of years after the events of ulysses dies at dawn!
word count: 469
content warnings: n/a
death in the metropolis
not anything super relevant- a news article about gang violence and the increased shifts for acheron workers as a result, setting a bit of a mood for the city as a whole. establishes hermes’ role in olympus.
word count: 547
content warnings: nothing to note, but there’s the background fucked-up-ness of the city going on and mentioned!
how not to die
another news article, this one focused on a group of people (’helljumpers’) trying to escape the acheron.
word count: 926
content warnings: suicide
fao: hermes – not urgent
a bit of a followup to the previous two fictions! the editor, herodotus, gets in trouble for discussing the helljumpers.
word count: 453
content warnings: n/a
orpheus, dionysus, muriatic acid and the strange whirring thing*
a look into orpheus’ character and how he ended up in the ulysses job! (mechs don’t heavily feature- just a note of the role brian took on, as well as mentions of ashes of course)
word count: 5017
content warnings: addiction, suicidal thoughts, police; implied nsfw, but only in the context of orpheus being a sex worker
orpheus and narcissus go to the seaside
i personally really love this one! it’s low-key the mechanisms’ take on the great gatsby- takes place a few years prior to the above fiction, and explores orpheus and narcissus’ friendship! it’s morbidly funny, with lots of very good banter/interaction! 
word count: 6300
content warnings: eating disorders, addiction, implied nsfw (again in the context of sex work), suicidal thoughts, mental institutions (even if that’s not normally a problem for you, they get very dark and graphic, so be careful), non-consensual drugging; technically self-harm, but it’s a lighthearted joke
in the madness of war
how ulysses was forced into the war (a darker take on the story about him attempting to avoid it at first).
word count: 817
content warnings: n/a
the hacker’s mistake (a fiction to accompany prometheus)
prometheus is revealed as corrupt, but that doesn’t stop people from believing in him, so he is made an example of.
word count: 903
content warnings: torture
one of the chosen
another low-lore worldbuilding piece- this one about a teenage girl who gets conscripted to the acheron early.
word count: 824
content warnings: n/a (it’s fairly dark, though, so be careful).
after the events of ulysses dies at dawn, the mechanisms leave, but not without causing a bit of chaos first.
word count: 464
content warnings: cannibalism
the fastest shot
guinevere’s backstory! 
word count: 792
content warnings: murder, child abuse, alcoholism
the sharpest aim
a western-style tall tale, starring lancelot!
word count: 1667
content warnings: relationship abuse, murder, violence
i will rule this town*
another personal favorite! expanding on ‘ten caliber railgun he got off a bandit in the flooded sectors’, it deals with arthur’s attempts to bring down nimue, the lady of the lake, and gain control! also has some lancelot/arthur/guinevere fluff, and a bit of an insight into his friendship with brian- as well as his original hopeful mindset, and how that diminished.
word count: 1488
content warnings: murder, drowning
the wake
morgan le fay (mordred’s surrogate mother)’s funeral, and mordred’s decision to go seek out camelot.
word count: 1045
content warnings: death (but only in the context of it being a funeral), cultural cannibalism
pellinore and the beast (audio version here)
this one’s a bit of an odd one- i’ve included it for the sake of completion, as it’s on the fiction list, but it’s just the lyrics to the mechs song pellinore and the beast? i’ve excluded the word count and content warnings for this one, as it’s literally just the lyrics. unsure of what to do here.
the prisoner of dorian gray
the mechanisms’ take on the story of dorian grey! this one is part fiction, part song lyrics with a note of the tune they should be sung to.
word count: 1746
content warnings: suicide, torture
and that’s it! the fiction is all very good and well written, and i’d highly recommend reading at least a few of these!
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witching-hourglass · 4 years
here’s where we’ll add links to posts, our dni, and our carrd. please read through this before interacting for the first time, and feel free check back every so often for the changes to linked posts. 💚
note: as of right now, we are operating mostly on queue. this means that our fronting tags are not always accurate to who is fronting at the times things post.
last updated: mar 18, 2021
hiya! we’re the tesseract system. this blog is an amalgamation of whatever we might be interested in at the moment. common topics include witchcraft, activism, disability stuff, neurodivergence, politics, and lgbtqia+/mogai stuff.
other blogs
@just-reddit-responses (our just-shower-thoughts response blog)
@tesseract-system (our system intros)
@tesseract-traumacore (sylvan/saden/regan/red’s personal, untagged vent/ed tumblr, go block it)
@flag-hoarding (jasper and allen’s label collection blog)
here’s our main carrd, which has links to activism stuff, other places you can find us, and our pronouny. it also has our dni and some “fun” facts about us. (note: we’re v lazy and don’t wanna correct it so note that this only really applies to our main alter pre-realization, jasper.)
also, because im too lazy to edit this: we are physically white (incase that meets your dni criteria)
and here is our system carrd with info on each alter!
all of this blog (and our other blogs) applies to “ask to tag” rules. if something triggers you, let us know and we will add it to our list of things we tag. current tags:
inpatient tw (inpatient mental health facilities mentioned)
discourse tw (applied when we start getting hate anons about a post, so a lot of political things get this)
unsanitary tw (gross things)
abuse tw (both mentions and deep dives, especially with our own experiences)
neglect tw (same as above)
mental illness tw (same as above)
ableism tw (same here)
self harm tw (mentions)
current ask posts: (feel free to ask us anything tho!)
current posts we’re signal boosting:
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Halloween 2022: Part 2!
We’re baaaaaack! This time with a bundle of abundant horror guaranteed to give you ghastly nightmares with no end until November! Feast your eyes on the latest installments of a horror movie countdown, a complete series of anthology horror and even a double bill book-and-movie night for the most relaxing spooky night in you’ve ever had! Sleep with one eye open and you’ll see me again soon!! 101 Scariest Horror Movie Moments: Part 2 Episode 6: 09:50-10:21. Severity: 9/10. Clip from Sixth Sense with v*ing character. 26:31-26:55. Severity: 6/10. Clip from Don’t Breathe, character ch*kes and g*s. Episode 7: Nothing to skip! The Midnight Club (2022) * Please note this series centres around themes of death, terminal illness and suicide. See Other Content notes for more information * Episode 1: Nothing to skip! Ep 2: 27:50-28:30. Severity: 7/10. Character repeatedly v*s offscreen with graphic audio and is shown talking in bathroom. Ep 3: Nothing to skip! There are mentions. Ep 4: 21:15-22:32 As in ep. 2, with mentions of n*. Ep.5: 00:30-00:41. Severity: 8/10. Character suddenly v*s with graphic visuals. Ep.6-8: Nothing to skip! Ep.9: 56:13-end of episode. Severity: 8/10. Several characters v* with graphic visual and sound. Skip to the next episode when Dr Stanton appears. Ep.10: 05:07-05:14. Severity: 5/10. Character seizes and v*s. 05:52. Mentions of stomach p*mping. Other Content: Blood, injury detail, cancer, terminal illness, hospice, medical detail, death, suicidal ideation, violence, ghosts, AIDS, self-harm, needles, drug use, alcohol, parental neglect, absentee parents, religious abuse, homophobia, inspiration porn, homeopathy, animal abuse. — For resources and support, please access wannatalkaboutit at: https://www.wannatalkaboutit.com Grady Hendrix’s Demonic Double Bill! My Best Friend’s Exorcism (2022) * Please note the exorcism scene itself contains sounds throughout that may be distressing. It might be helpful to watch the scene muted with subtitles! * 0:24:50-0:25:05. Severity: 10/10. Character suddenly v*s with prolonged visuals and sound. Mentioned at 0:25:18. 0:57:04-0:58:29. Severity: 8/10. Prolonged scene with mentions of v* and some g*ing. Some warnings removed for spoiler reasons, please read a synopsis for details! 1:17:39. No v*, but character sp*ts. 1:25:30-1:26:06. Severity: 10/10. Prolonged v* scene with visuals and sound. Other Content: Blood, injury detail, possession, alcohol abuse, drug use, demons, casual homophobia, use of slurs, eating disorders, abuse, manipulation, bullying, allergies. Some details removed for spoiler reasons, please read a synopsis if unsure!! Horrorstör (2014, UK paperback edition) Ah, the wonders of working retail. The aisles of pristine product, the neverending beep-beep-beep of the checkouts, the endless stream of deal-starved customers. It’s a long, thankless job, but mercifully predictable, at least for most of us. For the employees of Orsk, not so much. There’s something wrong with their superstore, and three of the employees are going to get to the bottom of it. Pages 117-120. Severity: 8/10. Character has sn*t running from face, then v*s with graphic description. No aftermath after pg.120.
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doctordiscord123 · 5 years
The Worst Kind of Pain is the Lonely Kind
Celine is so lonely...so she turns to a close friend for comfort. It spirals into so much more, for better or for worse
I’m gonna have to split this into multiple parts! So keep an eye out uwu
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Tag List: @demon-dark-666 @devon-rever-860 @smash-ash26 @bender-of-life @verse2wo @vociferous-chaos @sammael-is-here @itsjustkyss @takethepainawaybae @the-pan-anon @ts-famderartist @rottingmolars @revolutionbastard @toothfairy2298 @sororia04s @sirkawaiipotato @darkest-shade-of-light @bitchbyebibye @posts-random-art @xoskeletonkid   If you want to be added just let me know!
 Warnings: Emotional Neglect, Touch-Starvation  Characters: Celine, the Colonel, the Actor  Pairings: Celine/the Actor  Word Count: 1929 words
Celine was lonely.
She laid awake -- alone -- in bed, staring idly at the clock. It was nearing dawn. Five-ish am. Mark still wasn’t home. She knew he wouldn’t be, he’d been contracted, shooting a movie...somewhere. Ridiculous hours. And the second he came home in the morning, he’d go straight to bed, and sleep through the day till he left again to continue filming.
Leaving Celine alone 99% of the time.
It wasn’t his fault. She knew that. He loved her, and she loved him. But she was just so tired. Tired of spending her days alone in the massive manor with no one to keep her company. She’d brought up getting a pet, once, to Mark, but his immediate reaction of the face he pulled and him fretting over his suits with possible animal hair getting all over them was an obvious no. Celine tried not to show how disappointed she was, and Mark had tried to comfort her, to cheer her up, but it was all empty words as she was left alone once more.
And again.
And again.
She craved to be held, to be touched, to be kissed. She just wanted to be loved. She knew Mark loved her. She knew that. But it was hard to feel loved when she barely saw him for months on end, and their limited interaction was Celine desperately trying to strike up conversation while Mark brushed her off with exhaustion heavy in his voice and collapsed into bed.
She’d read the entire library twice now, in attempt to pass the time. Lost herself in worlds and relationships that weren’t real, which made her chest ache as the loneliness grew. She baked. She cooked. Food that was never eaten, the she couldn’t eat all herself, and was left to spoil. She just wanted affection, physical affection, acknowledgement, something more than what she was getting!
Was that really too much to ask?
She sighed as the clock struck 7:00am, the time passing so agonizingly slowly, each second a year, and forced her weary, leaden body out of bed, to the kitchen, to make a breakfast she didn’t need to share. She still always made a second helping, in case Mark was ever less tired when he came home, if he ever wanted to actually sit down with her, his wife, and spend time with her. But, so far, he never did. And Celine always ended up setting the plate out in the garden for any animals that desired to visit to eat.
When the doorbell rang, Celine was sitting alone at the table, and a little surprised Mark was home so early. It was usually another hour at least. She got up, leaving her barely eaten and mostly picked at breakfast on the table to answer the door and let Mark in.
Only, it wasn’t Mark at the door.
Celine blinked, rearing back in surprise, before splitting into a happy smile. “Wil!” She threw her arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug, and tried to suppress her shudder at how warm he was, at how good his arms felt wrapped around her as he held her back. She buried her face against his shoulder, standing on her tiptoes, and held back a sigh. “It’s good to see you again!”
William laughed, happily holding her tight and squeezing her a little before pulling back. Celine tried not to let her touch linger, but, well...she couldn’t help herself. He placed his hands on her shoulders, smiling warmly at her, and she could feel her heart ache and plead to hug him again, to be as close as possible, to get the affection she so desperately craved. “Well, this wasn’t a welcome I was expecting.” His mustache twitched into the beginnings of a smirk, and he leaned forward to kiss her forehead. “It’s good to see you, too, Celine. It’s been far too long.” He glanced into the manor, letting go of her shoulder with one hand to push up his ridiculous glasses. Her skin felt so cold with the absence of his touch. “Is my brother home?”
Celine frowned and visibly slumped. “No, not yet. He’s shooting a new movie. Most of the shots need to be done at night, and well. He’ll be home soon, though.” She smiled again, taking his hands and leading him into the manor. “Come in! Have you eaten breakfast yet? I’ve just made some, it should still be warm!”
William laughed again, letting her lead him along with no complaint. Celine knew she was starved for human contact, but she didn’t realize just how bad it was until William arrived on her doorstep. She was loathe to physically part with him, even as she sat him down at the table, every touch lingering, her fingertips dragging across his shoulders, the back of his neck, as she moved to plate the breakfast she’d technically made for Mark. She set the plate down in front of him, and anxiety spiked up her spine when William frowned. “Wait -- isn’t this for Mark? Doesn’t he need breakfast, too?”
Celine waved her hand in vague dismissal, sitting down next to William and shifting her chair a little closer to him subtly, pulling her plate back in front of her. “Oh he’ll be fine. He doesn’t eat much at home these days. I hardly ever see him, to be quite honest. He just comes home in the morning, goes to bed, and disappears once night hits.” There was more than a little bitterness in her tone, no matter how much she tried to hide it, as she stabbed at her food with her fork.
William reached over, covering her hand with his own. “Well, that’s no good. That isn’t right, for him to treat you like that.” He squeezed her hand lightly. “You must be so lonely in this big house all by yourself. God knows Mark and I got lonely as kids, even with each other and the servants. Too big of house.”
Celine smiled at him again, though it was shaky, with tears pricking at her eyes, threatening to fall. She shifted her hand to hold his, squeezing back. “Oh I’m fine. It’s okay. I’m used to it by now. Though I do suppose I get a little bored.”
She tried for a laugh, though she knew William saw right through it. She continued to pick at her food, never actually eating it. Maybe the forest creatures wouldn’t go hungry today after all. William huffed, squeezing her hand again, before drawing back to eat his own breakfast. “Well, that simply won’t do. I’ll make it a point to visit more often, then. I’m afraid I can’t stay much longer than a couple hours today. I have...an appointment.” He cleared his throat, rubbing his right shoulder. He never liked to talk about his time at war. Celine never pushed. She didn’t think it was fair to. But even still, it wasn’t hard to figure out he’s been shot at least once through his shoulder, with the way it acted up and he had difficulty reaching upwards with that arm. And once, Celine had accidentally caught him with his shirt off, applying some salve to another healing bullet wound just under his ribs, on his left. Neither ever brought it up.
Celine cleared her throat, finally spearing a piece of egg onto her fork and lifting it to her mouth. “So, have you talked to Damien recently? He never answers when I try to call.”
William nodded, smiling a bit again. “Yes, just the other day, in fact! Poor sod is so busy, he looked like he was in the middle of three crises at once. Forced him to sit down and have a bit of drink with me, and he seemed marginally calmer.” He grinned. “He’s made a new friend in his office. A District Attorney, it looks like. They’re the one keeping his head from spinning off his shoulders.”
Celine laughed, genuinely this time, and rolled her eyes affectionately. “He’s never been good with stress. Why he decided to run for mayor I’ll never know.”
William snorted. “He’s brilliant at it, though. The city is definitely in better shape than with the last mayor. He left the place little more than a rundown shithole.”
Celine choked on her eggs with her laughter, covering her mouth her hand in a poor attempt to stifle her giggling. William laughed as well, before leaving back in his chair and stretching. Celine couldn’t help but watch. William and Mark may be adopted siblings, but they still looked so much alike somehow. She missed Mark, missed her husband desperately, and William always made nice company, but all he did in this moment was remind her of the hole in her chest.
She didn’t know when her laughter turned to tears. She just knew that in one moment she was laughing along with her childhood friend, and in the next painful sobs were being wrenched from her chest, and William was pulling her close in comfort, practically into his lap, and Celine might’ve blushed were she not so utterly desperate for the contact, so completely touch-starved that every slight brush of William’s skin on hers made her skin tingle and burn. He was so warm, and she clung to him, pressing as close as possible, face hidden against his throat as she sobbed and cried.
William whispered soothing words of comfort into her ear, rubbing her back, his other arms wrapped around her waist. He let Celine cry, let her hold onto him with no complaint. And even when Celine’s tears dried, she made no move to let go of him, pressing as close as possible, trembling in his hold. They were silent, save William humming something low in his chest, voice deep, sending soothing vibrations through Celine akin to a cat’s purr, and she relaxed, slowly, before tensing up again and she tried to nestle closer. Her voice was still thick and cracked with her emotion. “...When do you have to leave?”
William sighed, resting his cheek against her hair. “Not for a while yet. Don’t you worry, I’m not going anywhere.”
Celine nodded idly, making a small noise. Time passed quickly, with William here. She didn’t want him to leave at all. She didn’t want to let go. She wanted to stay here, wrapped in the warmth of his arms, till she fell asleep.
But, the doorbell rang again, and Celine reluctantly got up to let Mark in, William trailing after her. As always, she tried for a smile at the sight of her husband, kissing his cheek. As always, Mark looked exhausted, stage makeup smudged, heavy bags under his eyes. And -- as always -- he brushed her off, immediately retreating to the bedroom to sleep. He didn’t even notice William standing behind her. And Celine was left standing by the open front door, trying to hold back tears once more, as her shoulders dropped and she bowed her head.
A hand was laid on her shoulder, and she spun around, tears trailing down her cheeks without her entirely noticing. That is, until William cupped her face in both hands, brushing them away with his thumbs. “...I’ll make it a point to visit more often,” he said, voice soft. He smiled a bit, mustache twitching again in that adorable way. “Hopefully, I can try and ease your loneliness.”
Celine said nothing, just wrapped her arms around him in another hug, cheek pressed to his chest, and closed her eyes as William’s arms enveloped her.
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walkintravesty · 4 years
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                   —– natalia dyer . the last of us . cisfemale . she/her .  ⟳  →  RETRIEVING INFORMATION FOR     ╱     ELLIE MILLER . the TWENTY FOUR  year old has been making a name for themselves out in arcadia , specifically in ZONE 2 . upon investigation , the government has witnessed the following individual act INDEPENDENT + DETERMINED , although they have the intelligence to know it’s a facade to hide their IMPLUSIVE + SARCASTIC side . the BARTENDER individual reminds the officials of someone that DOING WHAT EVER IT TAKES FOR HER LOVED ONES , HALF FILLED NOTEBOOK ALWAYS IN HER BAG ,  RARELY EVER SLEEPING THOUGH THE NIGHT .
                tw : tlous2 spoilers ( possible brief mention ) , weed , child neglect , animal attack , car accident mention 
general  information  ;
full name ; ellie williams ,  preferred name ellie miller.
alias ; el , brick master.
age ; twenty four.
date of birth ; november 30th.
place of birth ;  unknown.
zodiac ; sagittarius .
gender ; cisfemale.
nationality ; american.
religion ; agnostic.
orientation ; lesbian.
relationship status ; single.
physical  attributes  ;
face claim ; natalia dyer.
height ; 5′3″.
weight ; 160 lbs.
hair color ; redish brown.
eye color ; green.
tattoos ; butterfly and a leaf.
distinguishing marks ; acid burn covering a bite under her tattoo.
outfit/clothing style ;  flannels , graphic ts , skinny jeans & pair of boots.
background  information  ;
hometown ; boston.
current residence ;  arcadia.
spoken languages ; english.
financial status ; low income.
education level ; high school diploma.
occupation ; bartender.
familial  information  ;
mother ; anna williams.
father ; unknown , adoptive father : joel miller.
personality  ;
positive traits ; clever , witty , independent .
negative traits ;  rash , impulsive , temperamental .
likes ; comics , music , art , video games .
dislikes ; ending up alone , losing people she cares about .
moral alignment ; chaotic good.
mbti ; enfp : extraverted , intuitive , feeling & prospecting.
enneagram ; 7w8 : the opportunist
ellie is born to a single mother anna williams after a one night stand. ellies mother wasnt around much as she was always working. 
which pretty much put ellie on her own to fend for herself at a young age. when ellie was twelve or ellie came home to her aunt marlene waiting for her to get home from school because her mother had died in a car accident. 
ellie wasnt with marlene for more then a couple months before both of them was attack by a stray dog while they were hiking one day. the dog bit off her pinky and left ring finger as well as biting marlene pretty bad in the side. 
the two where able to get to the hospital , ellie was able to pull through but marlene had died of blood loss. with ellie being fourteen without any family take her in , they were gonna force her into the system. 
but a friend of her mothers stepped up and was able to take her in , joel helped her get back into school and made sure she staid on the right path. 
ellie appreciated everything joel did for her especially because she had a hard time adjusting to her hand without the fingers. but with his help she was able to graduate high school. 
shes been taking classes online for a forensic science degree while she works nights in the bar
ellie has a dog named scotty that she got from a friend in high school
they live in a small loft around the corner from the bar that she works at 
shes defiantly the friend who always has weed on her , so she always smells just a little bit like it
shes very blunt but shes also always cracking a joke  ,  usually about herself 
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