#animal assistance pet
pwouted · 2 months
um updated version of this post. our dear sweet boy has passed away, and i don't even know what to do i never have, experienced loss like this in such a long time and it hurts so. so much. knowing that it could have been prevented and knowing that because of who we are and what we live through effected him in the end.
i will still be keeping my ko-fi up, to be able to afford getting him cremated as soon as possible because it's honestly what we would prefer. thank you for those who tried to help to get him treatment. thank you to those who shared. thank you for keeping him on your mind and in your hearts. i know he will always be in mine.
from now on we're just going to do our best to care for our youngest boy, and make sure that he can stay as happy and healthy as he is forever and ever.
i will also be leaving my pypal link, if you would prefer to send it directly. it can be found here. so far we did have 130 raised out of our 480 goal
the vet actually called us bakcjfjkg we told them what happened and they said it could cost around 200 dollars for cremation. um, we'll try to raise about 200 to try and get him a good urn as well and such and because of transport and such or whatever i don't even know.
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please please please, keep this angel in your heart please :( thank you this is very urgent so :( yes thank you
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kay-lynnetaylor-blog · 5 months
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Savor the day
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venusforfran · 4 months
And who bags the body?
A zine about the life of a vet assistant and partially why I left the feel. Do keep in mind its quite a sad zine.
Here's a digital zine of it.
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glitterghost · 1 year
! ! ! ! Please Read ! ! ! !
I came across this little guy's gofundme page. He sadly got bit by a poisonous snake twice. He's fighting for his life, requiring lots of treatment that's going to add up financially, with no promise of a positive outcome. Please read the info and consider donating anything you can, if possible. Or reblog and help this little guy by getting the word out to others that can help!
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sprinklethecat · 2 years
Can anyone spare some money for cat food?
We adopted a cat to try and help with my partner's mental health, but it turns out she was pregnant. We've got plenty of kibble and food for mama and also Sprinkle is fine on food, but we're going to run out of canned food for the kittens after Christmas. :(
I set up an Amazon wishlist, but also can order from chewy. I need $50 to get free shipping from chewy and can use a gift card to get things.
If you can get the gift card, my email is [email protected]
The wish list is here.
Please reblog if you can't help! It'd be appreciated. 🥺🥹
I'll share some pictures of the little ones soon!
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cvt2dvm · 13 days
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TLDR Summary: CVT2DVM is run by me, Elizabeth, a 23-year-old pre-vet student who shares my small on-call apartment with 2 dogs and 2 cats. I work full-time in veterinary medicine while also taking night classes. My Tag: #CVT2DVM
Hi Everyone! My name is Elizabeth, I'm a 2nd generation veterinary professional currently in phase 2 of 3 in my journey to a DVM pursuing my associate's of veterinary technology. I have 4 critters of my own, 2 cats (Olive 10, and Hannibal 6 months) and 2 dogs (Chewbacca 7, and Phobos 2). My Blog is best viewed on a desktop via cvt2dvm.tumblr.com
About Me:
Name: Elizabeth
Age: 23
Meyers-Briggs: ENTJ
Enneagram: 8
Astrology Big Three: Scorpio Sun, Cancer Moon, Libra Rising
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Religion: Episcopalian
Nationality: American
Ethnic Background: Polish & Irish
Languages: English, Polish, Gaeilge, Greek, Latin
Job: Live In, On-Call Veterinary Assistant
Bite Sports (PSA, KNPV Trials, French Ring)
Sports Medicine, Canine & Equine Fitness, and Rehabilitation
Women's Fitness and Nutrition
Comparative Theology both within the Christian faith and with world religions
Volunteering as an escort for both my local Women's DV Shelter and Planned Parenthood
Feminist Theory
Being on a breakfast team at Church
Line Dancing
Ice Breaker:
Guilty Pleasure: Contemporary Cowboy Romance Novels
Drink of Choice: Coffee with cinnamon and honey during the day,
Cardio or Weights?: Weights, but I love going line dancing as a form of Cardio
Favorite Indulgence: A glass of merlot, a baguette, and warmed brie by a fire
Favorite Show to Binge: ER or American Horror Story
Ocean, Lake, or River?: River
Usually Craving: Soy-Free Teriyaki Flank Steak
Celeb I'd Love to Meet: Anna Wintour or Reese Witherspoon
Alternate Job: Singer-Songwriter or Cabinetmaker
Current Goals
Gain more muscle mass
Maintain a minimum 3.8 GPA
Achieve PSA 1 by Fall 2025 with Phobos, and continue pursuing PSA 2 and PSA 3
Be an advocate for my patients with both their medical team and their owners.
Graduate on Schedule as Class of 2027, and earn my CVT License while continuing to pursue my pre-requisites for Vet School while being realistic about my financial situation and responsibilities
Further deepen my relationship with Christ
Get back into the saddle in a lesson program
Case Studies
Revised Notes
Accountability posts
Dog Training & Sports Content
Cats Adventuring
Lakeside views
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sunsetspectre-main · 25 days
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I’m reaching out because my sweet kittens, Miro, Ms. Midnight, and Bandana, need urgent medical care. They’re battling eye infections and likely pneumonia, and we’re still feeling the loss of their brother, Soot, who we had to say goodbye to too soon. Your support means the world to us—every little bit helps cover their vet bills and keep them healthy. Please like, comment, and share this post to help us spread the word and find more friends who can help these little furballs! 🐾💔 #gofundme
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tatzelwyrm · 1 year
How come I can recruit a gardener, a fisherman, a DJ and an interior designer for my base, but not a therapist?
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mothusband · 4 months
applied for another job which thankfully didnt ask me 100 questions about my education (only 2!) so hopefully that works out, bc i dont think the first place is going to get back with me lol
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limescars · 1 year
emergency vet bills !!!
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Our kitten Shrimp had an emergency and almost went into cardiac arrest yesterday. He's slowly recovering and is spending two nights at the vet's, as they believe it may be pneumonia, but he's so little that they can't run the usual tests.
Now that he's in good hands, we've been focusing on raising the money needed for his bills. We need $4000 overall, so anything helps, and all support is appreciated, whether it be donations or just liking and reposting. Thank you so much <3
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mambo-by-a-mile · 6 months
For all the gushing done in my inbox and by myself about how small and holdable Mambo is, I actually don't get the impression that he is somebody who likes to be manhandled. From what we see in the film like Munk grabbing his wrist and dragging him away or Ella grabbing it to lift him up from the dwarves' cottage roof with Munk grabbing his tail he's not Rocket Raccoon levels of 'don't touch/pet me!', but I get the feeling he would be irritated if he was ever cooed over like he was a plush toy. I think he would enjoy ear scratches but be taken aback by the actual moment someone reaches out to randomly touch them or boop him on the nose. He doesn't strike me as a guy who would want to be picked up and cuddled with, or even the physically affectionate type.
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petdogs · 9 months
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What is the best way to help dogs who are afraid of strangers?
Certain dogs have a severe dread of strangers. Any unfamiliar individual they encounter causes them to shrink, shake, and attempt to hide. Even though it's common for dogs to be wary of strangers, the best course of action is to greet them with open kindness rather than by hiding or taking off. It's an excellent move to learn the causes of your dog's extreme fear of strangers so you can assist it in overcoming its phobia. Read More...
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somerawlime · 1 year
i have a request
i want a photo of a bunny/rabbit looking at a box of trix with default snapchat text with the words "don't you fucking dare" because i think it'd be funny
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powerofpets · 17 days
Did you have difficulty bonding with a new dog after the loss of your previous companion?
If so, then you're not alone as recent research has uncovered evidence of successor dog syndrome in assistance dogs as well as pet dogs.
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petcatandkitten · 10 months
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Can cats and birds coexist in the same house?
Given that birds are naturally prey and cats are naturally predators, having these two types of pets together may not go well. Cartoons frequently show that cats, both indoors and outdoors, will stalk and jump birds since these are very innate behaviors. But can house cats and pet birds transcend these innate tendencies to live in harmony with one another? Read More...
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hsmagazine254 · 1 year
Unlocking Financial Success Through Furry Companionship - H&S Pets Galore
Exploring The Unexpected Ways Owning Pets Can Impact Your Financial Well-being Owning a pet brings countless joys and rewards, from companionship to unconditional love. But did you know that having a furry friend by your side could also impact your financial success? While the connection might not be immediately obvious, various studies and real-life examples have shown that pets can contribute…
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