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madebycloud · 1 month ago
No Erase
violet "vi" x female reader — 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞'𝐬⠀𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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summary: on valentine's day, and you've finally worked up the courage to write a letter to your crush confessing your feelings. unfortunately, your friend accidentally gives the letter to the one person you can't stand. warnings/themes: fluff, one sided enemies, valentines, kissing cam, angry confessions, fast burn ig, high school, mordern au words: 10.9k
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You look at the letter in your desk, which you spent at least six hours working on to make sure it's perfect. Not just to make sure the words you're choosing are perfect, though—you want to make sure your handwriting is perfect enough that it doesn't look sloppy.
You grab the letter and read it over one last time… lovey-dovey bullshit, sappy stuff, romantic nonsense, etc.
You cringe at the last words, “Meet me at the bleachers... break time.”
It's so cliché, so stereotypical, and maybe you've had a couple too many cheesy romance movies in the past month. You've probably read a dozen fanfics that start like this.
If it were done by anyone other than yourself, you'd think it was absolutely dumb and corny as hell.
You know you could just message them through snapchat or on insta, or facebook, even just confessing through their email is a good idea… but, no, you just can't do that.
What if you say the wrong thing? what if you just happen to say something extremely cringy in your message? what if they screenshot it and put it on their story for everyone to see? what if they reply with “who is this...?” what if they start ignoring you?
Plus, you love your phone too damn much, and you know you're gonna end up throwing the damn thing because of the absolute panic you're gonna feel when your finger hits that send button.
You probably should have just sent a carrier pigeon or something… at least they could eat that.
Oh wait.
You forgot one thing.
You look around your room, trying to figure out what you left out. Your penmanship is on point, the words are as romantic as they could be, and the grammar is perfect... but what's missing?
The perfume.
The bottle of perfume is on your dresser, hiding behind the jewelry case. You spray it liberally, making sure the paper absorbs the smell of it, before finally folding it up neatly and placing it in the envelope. You seal the envelope with a kiss to the paper and hope it's the ‘special touch’ that it needs.
The smell is nice, just enough to have the paper absorbing it nicely, but not enough to be overwhelming (even if you love the perfume to death). You also want your recipient to be able to read the letter without cringing.
Okay, now it's really done. It's romantic, it smells good, and it's as perfect as you can get it.
Tomorrow's the day, and you finally feel confident. You have everything ready to go, you just have to figure out how to get your friend to deliver it to your crush's locker.
As you get ready for bed, the only thing you can't stop thinking about is how tomorrow will go.
Will they love the letter? will they finally realize the feelings you have for them and confess their own feelings? who knows?
“Come on,” you whine, begging Ekko for the fifth time. “Just do me this favor, please?”
Ekko just scoffs and gestures to the table. “I already told you, I have all of these-” he motions to the dozens of letters in front of him, “-that i'm supposed to deliver for girls that are crushing on Caitlyn.” He sighs. “I can't add any more to my to do list.”
“Please?” you beg, waving the envelope at him. “It's really important.”
Ekko groans and slumps forward, resting his chin on the palm of his hand. “Why can't you just deliver it yourself?”
“It's kinda.. embarrassing… for me to deliver it myself…” You fidget awkwardly.
“Ugh.” Ekko groans again but gives in. “Fine,” he relents, sitting up straight and grabbing the letter from you.
“Thank you.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Ekko waves his hand dismissively. He stands up and stretches out, letting out a deep sigh as he does. “Just remind me what locker number it is?” he asks, shoving the letters into his bag.
“Locker number is 13 C,” you reply, watching as Ekko slings his bag over his shoulder and starts walking out of the cafeteria. “It's pretty much right next to Caitlyn's, so you won't be missing it.”
“Got it,” he says, turning around and flashing a grin at you. “See ya later.” He gives you a salute before he disappears. 
After months of keeping your feelings quiet, your secret would be revealed. You just have to hope that it doesn't blow up in your face.
Ekko walks down the hallway, scanning through the numbers above the lockers until he finds the one he's looking for.
Caitlyn's locker.
He scans the area for any sign of Caitlyn, and luckily for him, the coast is clear.
He pulls out the envelopes from his bag, each one slightly crinkled from being stuffed in there. He counts up the total- ten, no, twelve... wait. Fifteen? that's more than he thought, he could have sworn there were less. He dumps all the letters on top of the locker hole.
He looks down at the remaining letter in his hand. Right, that one isn't for her. He sighs and places the letter next to her locker, just like he was told to do.
He gives the locker one last look but doesn't give it a second thought and starts walking away, whistling as he goes.
But... what Ekko didn't know is that instead of placing it into the locker next to it, he accidentally dumped it into 11C, aka, Vi's locker.
You wait at the entrance of your school, impatiently bouncing on your feet. Valentine's day is tomorrow, and you can't wait for your crush to read the letter you poured your heart into.
Then, you spot Ekko, and you're quick to greet him. “Hey!” You throw an arm around his shoulders. “So, did you put it in?”
He nods, gesturing to the school doors. “Yeah, I did.”
You sigh, relieved that the letter is in your crush's locker and will likely be seen by them soon. “Thanks.” You give him a squeeze on the shoulder before letting go of him. “I seriously owe you one for this.”
Ekko just brushes you off. “It's nothing.” He shrugs and shoves his hands in his pockets as you start walking into the courtyard. “Just doing my good deed of the day.”
“Mhm, hopefully tomorrow goes as planned,” you say, “I just hope they like it…”
Tomorrow finally comes, and it's the day you've been patiently waiting for. Valentine's day.
You're in your first class, waiting for your teacher to come in. You're distracted, your mind racing with thoughts about what your crush thinks of the letter.
Then, someone suddenly sits next to you, and you turn to look at-
“What the hell?” you blurt out, looking at Vi as she makes herself comfortable in the chair.
Vi smirks. “Hey,” she greets.
That smirk alone pisses you off.
You still haven't gotten over the fact that because of her, your grades had taken a nosedive. The two of you had been paired together in science class, and she'd somehow managed to blow up the experiment, all because she wasn't paying attention.
“What the hell are you doing here?” you snap, glaring at her.
She simply glances at you, then back at the desk she's sitting on. “What do you think? I'm sitting.”
The audacity? 
“I know that, but why are you sitting next to me?”
“Come on, don't act like you don't know.” She throws in a wink, and your disgust quickly multiplies.
“Excuse me?” you sputter, completely caught off guard by her sudden flirtatious behavior.
“You really gonna act like you don't know?"
She scoffs and leans towards you, smirk on her lips. “I mean,” she adds, eyeing you up and down, “I thought you'd be... happy... to see me.”
You're stunned, confused, and quite frankly, grossed out. “Happy to—WHY ON EARTH would I be happy to see you?” you spit out.
She huffs and slumps back into the chair. “Oh wow, thanks for the warm welcome.”
“Well, what did you expect? You haven't exactly been... pleasant to be around.”
She narrows her eyes and opens her mouth to reply but stops short as the teacher enters the classroom.
She finally shuts up, and you're left wondering what just happened. Why in the world is someone who is a pain in your butt cheeks suddenly flirting with you? is there something wrong with her? or has she lost her damn mind?
It's recess, and you're sitting on the bleachers, waiting for your crush to show up.
Your palms are sweating, you're starting to worry that your armpits are going to start smelling, you're probably going to end up throwing up on someone's shoes.
The letter was probably too much. The words were too romantic. The whole cliché “meet me at the bleachers” thing was just cringe. Who wrote that? oh right... you did.
But even if the outcome isn't what you hope for, at least you've got a good story to tell later or maybe a good reason to drown yourself in ice cream and cheesy rom-com movies.
You look around the bleachers once, twice, three times. You try to avoid glancing at your phone, but the urge to check the time only grows stronger.
It doesn't help that a couple of assholes are sitting a few feet away from you, loudly laughing at some video playing on one of their phones.
Recess is almost over, and your crush is still not here. Where the hell are they?
Maybe they could possibly be in the bathroom, having a nervous breakdown like you were? or maybe they're just taking their sweet time, making sure they're looking perfect?
Or maybe they're not coming at all.
And then you hear footsteps coming your way,
Is your hair okay? yes. Are your teeth brushed? yes, dumbass.
You quickly wipe your sweaty palms, trying to calm your racing heart. You turn around, ready to see the face of an angel, the face of a goddamn god-
But instead you see the face of someone you'd rather shove into a brick wall.
Why the hell is she... smiling at you?
“Damn, you look good from this angle.” 
Why is this goddamn lesbian here with that stupid smile on her face?
“Why are you here?”
“Isn't it obvious? I'm here to see you.” She pulls out an oddly familiar envelope from her pocket and holds it in her hand, and you realize why it's so familiar.
Wait...  that's your letter!
The one you wrote to your crush. The one that's meant to be in their locker, not in her damn hands.
How the hell did it end up with her?
She looks at the envelope, studying the handwriting on it, and then her eyes lock with yours again. “This is yours, right?”
Your hand quickly snatches the envelope from her hand. “How the fuck did you get that?”
Vi quickly snatches the envelope away, holding it out of your reach. “Whoa, woah, wait-”
“Give me that!” You lunge for the envelope, but she sidesteps you.
Vi laughs, holding the envelope away from you. “Isn't this for me?” She opens the envelope and throws it aside, then pulls out the letter and starts reading it aloud. “Dear... what the hell, how do you... whatever. Dear blah, blah, blah, happy valentine's da-”
“-SHUT UP!” You try to snatch the letter again.
“Hey, I'm not done reading it yet! This is my valentine's gift, after all.”
“That letter is meant for someone else!”
“Really? Then why did I find it in my locker?”
“Wait, what? You found it in—you're joking, right?”
She shakes her head, waving the letter in front of you. “Nope, I'm not joking.”
“How did you-”
“Someone put it in my locker.”
“That's impossible! I would never—I mean to you? there's no way that was meant for you.”
Vi squints at the words in the letter, then looks up at you again. “But this is definitely written in your handwriting, right?”
How did it end up in her locker? and how the hell does she even know what your handwriting looks like?
Your eyes dart from the letter in her hands to her face. Yes, it's definitely your handwriting. Yes, it's definitely the same stupid letter you wrote because you're a hopeless romantic.
“Maybe,” you grumble.
“Maybe? so it is yours?”
You avoid her gaze, avoiding her smug look.
She starts reading over the letter again, reading it aloud. “Meet me at the bleachers, how goddamn cliché-”
“Damn, I didn't think you could be this corny.”
“Shut up, just-” You try to snatch the letter out of her hand once again, but she pulls her arm away.
“You wrote this much for someone?”
“Why do you care so damn much, anyway? You didn't get a valentine gift or something?” and now you're just being bitchy as well.
“What are you, ten?” she retorts.
“And what are you, an idiot?”
“I'm not an idiot, unlike you.”
“Oh, wow, are we back in sixth grade now?”
She looks down at the letter. “I'm not the one who wrote a heartfelt letter for someone who probably doesn't even like you.”
“And how the hell would you know?”
“Have you even talked to them before?” She lifts her head, her smirk coming back when you didn't answer. “Since whoever the hell you have a crush on doesn't like you-”
“They could still-”
“See, everyone has a valentine. Well, almost everyone, which means your crush probably got one too.”
“Yeah, 'cause you got that letter they were supposed to receive.”
“Maybe I was meant to have it then.”
“You're seriously that sure that the universe wants you to have this?”
“Maybe it's a sign.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose. “Are you just dumb on purpose?”
She grins. “I'm not doing it on purpose, and maybe it's a sign that I should be your valentine, that the universe is trying to tell you something.”
You roll your eyes. “Wow, so confident. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you're actually serious.”
“And what if I am serious?” You look at her blankly as she shrugs. She actually thinks she's funny. “I mean, you don't have a valentine, which does kind of suck, and I don't have one, which is by choice, by the way, so I think the universe is clearly telling us something.”
What the actual hell is wrong with her today? she didn't get enough sleep or something, and now she's acting like... like this? this is weird.
She's being weird. 
“What, is the universe now trying to set us up? really? we're gonna get a movie based off this?”
“Hey, no one said this was a movie, maybe it's just a cute little high school romance,” she argues back. “Plus, you put a lot of work into this letter, and I'd hate for it to go to waste.”
“I'm not in the mood to start a cute little high school romance with you, okay?”
She heaves a dramatic sigh. “Look,” she says, holding up a hand to stop you from replying, “it's valentine's day, right? and we both don't have anyone, so it's just... for today, we can, you know... see what happens, and if it doesn't work out, then we can just leave it alone and go back the way we were.”
You blink slowly. “That sounds worse than your whole ‘the universe wants us together’ bullshit.”
“Wow, don't act like the idea of it is so awful. I mean, I'm not that bad, right?”
You're going to disagree with that with every single cell in your body, but you decide not to, instead, you just remain silent.
Vi seems to take your silence as agreement because she gives you this insufferable smirk like she just won something.
She continues. “It makes sense if you think about it. We're both single, you're already in a lovesick mood because of this,” she gestures at the letter, ���so if we do, you know... we can get it out of your system, and you won't have to spend the rest of the school year pining over some person who is probably ignoring you anyway.”
Why is she making some sense? no, why is she sounding like... a good option all of a sudden?
“It's just for today,” she reminds you again. “We'll just see where it goes. Who knows, you might actually have some fun with me.”
This feels like you're cheating on your crush for even entertaining this stupid plan. 
“You're basically saying that we're going to spend one day together and then you'll ditch me?” you retort.
“No, that's not what I'm saying,” she corrects you. “I'm saying we're gonna spend one day together, and if it doesn't work out, then we go our separate ways. It's just one day, it can't hurt. It won't be such a big deal.”
“I'm not going to be your one day entertainment.”
“Who said you'd be my entertainment?” She rolls her eyes, shaking her head at you. “You and I both know you have no other options. What're you gonna do instead, go home and cry over this person who doesn't even know you exist, or just spend the day wallowing in self pity while the rest of the school is celebrating love and stuff with their actual valentines?”
You wince at her harsh words because...  she's got a point.
You don't have anyone to spend this day with, and the person you'd want to spend it with will probably spend it with someone else... so yeah, you have no plans, and yeah, you're probably going to just go home and wallow in self pity, wishing that today was over already.
What would happen, actually? if you go along with her stupid plan. You could finally have an escape from pining over your stupid crush who probably doesn't even notice you.
“Fine.” You snatch the letter back from her.
“Wait, what? really?” She's actually surprised. No wonder, she's the one who came up with this stupid plan in the first place.
“I am,” you say, “you don't want me to?”
She huffs out a laugh. “No, no, of course not. I just… didn't expect you to actually agree.”
“And why is that?”
“I don't know, I figured you'd still have a little bit of decency left in you.”
What a backhanded compliment. “I have plenty of decency left in me, it's you who I'd question, and besides... it's just for today.” You fold the letter and shove it into your pocket.
Vi hums, not taking that offense to your comment. “Just today,” she repeats. “Then tomorrow, boom, everything goes back to normal.”
You nod. “Back to normal.”
“I could kiss you right now.”
Whoa woah woah. Calm down. “Ew, what?”
“I didn't say I will kiss you,” she points out, “I said I could.”
You could say something mean to her words, you could try to change the subject or you could just walk away and forget this conversation ever happened.
But what you actually say is, “What's stopping you then?”
You hate how that sounds so casual. It wasn't meant to come out like that. What the hell?
You're not entirely sure, but something is definitely encouraging you to keep this going. Is it because you find everything she does annoying or that you've been pent-up over your stupid crush lately and you need to get it out of your system?
Vi raises an eyebrow at your words. “You want me to kiss you?” The words drip out of her mouth, like honey on a spoon.
“No,” you reply on instinct, because of course not.
But you can't stop the way your eyes flicker down to look at her lips. You look back at her face, and you know damn well she saw you look down at her lips, but she doesn't say anything about it.
“So now that it's official... you're my valentine, and today, we're going to have the shittiest, most awesome date-” she coughs, “-i mean hangout, that you'll ever have.”
“I doubt it.”
“Hey,” she says, “don't underestimate me, okay? I know how to have a good time,” and then she, god help you, she winks at you.
She looks like she's about to say something more, but she stops when the bell rings.
“Meet me at the parking lot after class?” she asks.
You find yourself nodding. “Yeah, sure.” You look at the field for a second and then look back, just so you can catch her reaction—and it's not at all what you were expecting. She's...  blushing?
It's subtle, more subtle than you'd think, but her cheeks are definitely red, and when she realizes you notice her, she looks away.
She looks embarrassed.
She's embarrassed?
“Anyway, see you there... valentine.” She doesn't look at you. “Try not to miss me too much.”
What? miss her? She sounds like she's trying to joke about it, but something about the way she says it sounds sincere? What the fuck?
She starts to walk away. You're pretty sure you see another smile on her face, and if you didn't like her so much, you'd probably like how she looks when she does.
But you remind yourself, this is Vi.
The same Vi you've known for years, the same Vi who made your grades worse because of a stupid experiment, the same Vi who you'd probably love to throw out the nearest window if you could, and the same Vi you can't stand.
You force yourself to turn away, and you start to walk back to the school building. You try to push the image of her stupid blushing face and her stupid pretty smile out of your brain because you are not... going to make the mistake of being attracted to her.
Time passes by more slowly than a snail.
What's the saying...? ‘A watched pot never boils?’ You're pretty sure you could watch paint dry, and it would move at a faster pace.
Why is time passing so slowly today?
You're not sure if it's because you have this... ‘hangout’ to expect at the end of the day or if it's because you keep getting distracted by the thoughts of what is going to happen later.
What you do know is that you end up spacing out way too much more than a person should.
Thankfully, you don't have any homework, but your notes for the day are just absolutely horrible, a mindless mess of scribbles and pointless words. You're definitely going to regret this later.
The last bell mercifully rings just as you're in the middle of doodling a small sketch of Vi's face in the corner of your notes.
You quickly shut your notebook and stuffed everything into your bag.
You need to find your goddamn common sense first, but it seems to have left the room before you could.
The hallway is a goddamn mess.
Kids are running everywhere in the halls, screaming loud as hell, some girl is trying to stuff her locker to the point where it's going to explode, and some kid has got a goddamn boombox and is blasting music from it. There's the hallway drama that everyone loves listening to even though they should be minding their own business.
Seriously, it feels like you're in the middle of a goddamn jungle with the amount of people screaming.
Walking to the parking lot takes longer than it usually would. When you get there, you see a familiar head of pink hair leaning against a red motor, scrolling through something on her phone.
She hasn't noticed you yet, and you find yourself unable to move your feet for a second.
She's just leaning back against the motorcycle, lazily swiping through something on her phone. She's even biting her lower lip slightly, and for some reason, you really don't know why that's such a good look on her.
Okay, what?
You need to stop letting your brain run away with these thoughts.
You are not going to act like a middle school idiot who just got caught looking at her crush or something. You're an intelligent, mature human being. You're definitely not some dumb kid with an embarrassing crush either. Definitely not.
The sunlight makes her glow, and when she looks up from her phone, you feel you're hit with a wave of goddamn sun poisoning because the sunlight hitting her eyes makes them shine.
She looks over and sees you, shoving her phone into her pocket. She gestures you over with a slight jerk of her head.
You force your feet to start cooperating and get your ass over there.
“Glad you came.” 
What kind of response would even be the right one for that? “Me too” would sound too enthusiastic. “Yep” sounds so disinterested, like you'd rather be anywhere else than here, when that might be partially true, but you're not trying to sound like a dick. “Same here” sounds like such a sarcastic tone, and “Of course I'm here, you're the one who forced me into this” would sound too rude.
Instead, you just say nothing, which she notices, of course.
“What, no smart shits today?”
“I have nothing to say to you,” you mutter as you turn your attention to the red motor behind her. You notice the scuffed up leather seat and the worn tires.
You then glance around the parking lot, wondering how many times you've seen this before. The motorcyclist who's always late to class, the seniors who smoke too much and are always ditching school, the students with cars who love to show off the brand new car their parents gave them, and the popular girls gossiping about some poor girl who can't afford nice clothes.
The sound of a motorcycle engine starting snaps you out of your thoughts, and you look up to see Vi getting onto the motorcycle
She pats the back seat behind her. “You getting on or what?”
“...is it like fast?”
“Is it like fast?"” she mimics in a childish tone before rolling her eyes. “Yeah, it's fast. Get on it and find out.”
“I just asked a question, no need to be a dick.”
“Are you always this bitchy?” she asks, then throws you a helmet. “Put this on.”
You catch the helmet, and you put it on. “Only around you.” You approach the motor and try not to comment on the poor condition and instead climb on behind her.
You have no idea what to do with your legs, so for a few seconds, you just awkwardly sit behind her, trying to position yourself like riding a horse.
“Are you gonna hold on?” Vi calls out.
“Hold on to what?”
“Me, dumbass. Grab my waist.”
“Hell no.”
“It's for your own safety.”
“I'm fine,” you shift around, trying to find a comfortable position.
Vi seems to start losing her patience with you. “If you want to fall off the bike mid ride and splatter onto someone's yard like a squashed bug, be my guest.”
That gets you to hold onto her waist out of pure spite.
“Just don't squeeze my abs too tight. I still need air.”
You scoff. “Who the hell is so narcissistic that they think something as simple as that would affect me?”
She huffs, amused by your snark, and puts on her own helmet. “It's not narcissism. It's just a joke,” she retorts. 
You scoff again, but your hand tightens around her waist reflexively.
She chuckles. “Knew you couldn't resist.”
You pinch her waist. “Just shut up and drive.”
She snorts. “Touchy, aren't we?”
“Yeah, I am,” you reply sarcastically, pinching her waist again.
“Hey!” she exclaims, then sighs. “Okay, fine. I'll stop, just stop it.”
She starts the motor, and the hum of the engine vibrates throughout your body. It's louder being sat on top of the thing compared to how it sounds when you're on the ground. You feel this rumble throughout your chest, and you really want to comment on the poor thing making that much noise.
“Just hold on tight.”
“FUCK YEAH! WOOO!” you shout, punching the air with your fist and standing up. It's hockey, but who cares? you're not a fan, not in the slightest, but you're still screaming and cheering, all in a bid to support the team.
Vi is right beside you, shouting as well, while she eats a hot dog and washes it down with soda. “I thought you hated hockey!” she shouts over the crowd's cheers.
You shrug, but it's impossible to respond. You can't hear each other over the sound of the audience's cheers.
A few of the people sitting in the same section as you give you some weird looks, like you suddenly went insane. Well, can you really blame them? it probably looks like you have the sudden urge to yell random things for no reason.
Vi is the only one who doesn't look at you like you're some lunatic, her gaze is focused on the game, all while cheering, and occasionally making comments about the players.
It's different compared to watching it on TV. You're actually there, in person, surrounded by people who share your excitement and are as loud as you or louder.
You're also next to the most annoying person ever, but you don't want to dwell on that.
You drop down, back into your seat, and lean back, stretching your legs out. Your thighs and legs are starting to feel like jelly from all that screaming and standing. “Damn,” you tell her, shaking your legs. “I think I just strained a muscle or something.”
Vi laughs and sits down on her seat. “You know, I've been around here for years now. I probably know some people here.” She glances around the crowd of people, scanning them like she's trying to find someone in particular.
“Oh yeah? who's that in the third row then?”
She follows the direction of your finger and immediately points at a random person. “That's Fred! I once went to elementary with him.”
You have no idea if she's making that up or not. “And what about the guy next to him with the big hat?”
Vi squints at the section you pointed at. “That's George.” She then points at a girl with a black jacket. “That's Sneha,” she pauses, her eyes catching someone in the distance, “and oh-” her hand abruptly changes direction, pointing forward, “-that's Jenny,” she says, waving her hand. “Yo, Jen!”
The old lady turns around and nods her greeting. “Hi sweetheart, how's it going?”
“Doing good, gramps. Just watching the game with this one.” She nudges at you.
The old lady turns to look at you, her face taking the form of a smile. “Ah, a girlfriend, I see.”
Girlfriend? What's she talking about? “Um, no. Just a friend.”
Vi's eyebrows rise as her whole mouth goes ajar. “Friend?” she repeats, “We're friends now?”
“Only for today. Don't get used to the idea.”
The old lady hums. “Is that so? well, enjoy the game, children.”
“Yeah, yeah, we will,” Vi responds to the old lady, and once the lady turns back to watch the game, she leans in close, bumping her shoulder into yours. “That's Jen. She's basically the team's grandma,” Vi explains. “She's been here for years, goes to almost every game.”
You watch the lady continue to watch the game. “So she's like a regular here.”
“Yeah, sometimes she talks about how things were better in ‘her day.’”
“You two seem close though,” you point out.
“She's old and friendly,” she says, scratching her cheek. “Plus, old ladies are always fond of me. I helped her one time with her groceries after one game, and now she thinks I'm a sweetheart.” Vi shrugs, taking another bite of her hotdog. “She's also a nice lady. Always has candy and stuff to give out to everyone.”
“Candy, huh?”
“Yep,” she swallows and smacks her lips to get any food out from her mouth. “She always has peppermint discs, peppermint sticks, and chocolate sticks in her bag.”
“Why do you know that?”
“Everyone knows that.”
“Why does she have candy anyway?”
Vi takes another bite. “Just something she likes to give out,” she says, between chews, then points at the old lady's lap. “That blue thing she's knitting is actually a hat. She likes to give that out too.”
Vi shrugs again, eating yet another mouthful of her food, still somehow managing to speak at the same time. “Yeah, and don't be fooled by the knitting and the candy. She could beat you in a game of arm wrestling. She's still really buff.”
You nod silently, impressed with this old lady.
When Vi swallows the last bit of her hotdog, she pulls out her phone and points it at you. “I'm gonna take a picture of you... and put it on Tinder.” The second the camera's click sounds off, it takes everything in you to not grab her phone and throw it across the goddamn stadium.
She continues taking pictures, each time saying something different, like, “Look at this one,” or “This one's really good.” She holds up the phone, showing you a picture that's... actually not half bad.  But you know giving her that reaction would just fuel her to do more, so instead, you scoff.
You turn your attention back to the stadium, trying to ignore whatever she's doing beside you. You look around. There are a surprising amount of men, guys, dudes, bros, etc. It's like they outnumber the women.
“There's a lot of dudes in here,” you comment. “Is it a testosterone fest over here, or what?”
Vi looks around as well. “Yep.”
“Do you think any of these guys like girls who love sports?”
Vi snorts. “Nah,” she replies, shoving her phone back into her pocket. “They're more interested in a girl who looks good in a jersey and knows how to bring them a cold beer.”
“So… basically they're only interested if we look cute and we don't open our mouths?”
“Pretty much.”
You groan. “I hate guys like that.”
“Hey, some guys aren't that bad,” she remarks.
“Yeah, and they're the ones in relationships.”
She thinks about it for a moment. “You know… I'm surprised you're not in a relationship.”
You give her a weird look. “Why?”
“Well, you're... y'know… cute.”
Is that a compliment or a fact? you are cute, you're aware of that, but still, it's weird how she said it and... did it look like there was a hint of something else in her tone of voice when she said that?
You force a smile, trying to brush it off. “Thanks.”
You both sit in silence for a moment, a silence you really want to fill with literally anything else than this weird awkwardness.
Just when the awkward silence couldn't possibly get more awkward, a sudden cheer from the crowd interrupts your thoughts. They're all looking up at something on top of the stadium. You furrow your brows before looking up, trying to see what it is they're looking at.
Your eyes land on the huge TV that's attached to the ceiling, and you see the words ‘KISSING CAM’ flashing in bright letters. The camera pans through the crowd, searching for a couple, and it lands on a couple who's sitting not too far from you.
“KISS! KISS! KISS!” You look over at Vi and see her cupping her hands over her mouth. She's standing up and shouting at the couple to kiss.
You watch as the girl looks up and sees the camera pointed towards her and her boyfriend. She whispers something to him, and it doesn't take a genius to know what she just said. The guy grins and leans in, giving his girlfriend a sloppy, wet kiss.
The crowd goes crazy, cheering and whistling. The couple pulls away from each other, both of them smiling.
You look at Vi again, who's still standing up. She seems to be enjoying this a lot more than you are, and you can see hearts in her eyes.
Once it seems like the camera has recorded enough footage, it moves to the next couple.
It goes to a couple sitting not too far away from you. The guy looks uncomfortable, but his girlfriend is completely eager to show some public affection. She grabs his chin and kisses him, but it’s only a quick, chaste kiss.
Vi yells out, “Come on, put some effort into it!” and then she sits down, leaning back in the chair.
The camera pans through the crowd again, skipping over several couples until finally landing on a group of guys. They look like they're having the time of their life, yelling at the camera and making rude gestures.
“Ah, boys…” an older man next to you sighs.
The camera captures the guys for a while, they're all laughing and having a good time.
The camera moves away from the group of guys and lands on Vi and a girl sitting right next to her. 
Vi immediately makes some hand gestures, shaking her head and probably saying no. “We're not-” but before she can finish, the camera moves away from them, unsatisfied with this answer, and lands on the other girl sitting next to Vi.
“KISS! KISS! KISS!” you hear someone, it sounds like the same person who cheered on the other couples.
You look over at Vi, who's watching you with this stupid smile on her face. You glare at her, she's clearly enjoying this way too much.
You lean over to her, through clenched teeth, you hiss, “This isn't funny.”
She shrugs, still smiling. “I think it is.”
“Well, I don't.” 
“It's only a kiss.”
“It’s still embarrassing.”
“Oh come on, it's Valentine's Day!” she replies. “What? are you worried that you'll suck at kissing or something?”
“Excuse me? I am an excellent kisser.”
“Oh yeah?” She quirks an eyebrow. “Then why are you so worried about this? it won't be some gross open mouth kiss, it'll be just a little peck.”
You narrow your eyes at her. “Because I don't want to be seen kissing in public, in front of hundreds of people,” you say, lowering your voice, “And I definitely do not want to kiss you.”
“Come on, you don't have to sound so disgusted by the idea of kissing me.”
“Because I am,” you say simply. “I don't want to kiss you anymore than you'd want to kiss me.”
“I never said I didn't want to kiss you.”
That statement takes you by surprise, you had just assumed that she would be grossed out by the thought of kissing you.
The chants start to get louder as more and more people join in. “KISS! KISS! KISS!”
You hear the same guy from before. “Kiss! c'mon! it's just a quick kiss, do it.”
You hear another girl from behind you. “Oh, come on! one little kiss! what's the big deal?”
It's no big deal. 
But at the same time, you're starting to panic. You don't even know how to act right now, are you supposed to play along with this? are you supposed to ignore it? what the hell is happening?!
Your brain is starting to mush into mush because why are so many people chanting? why are they making such a big deal out of this? it's just a kiss, right? right… so why are you so nervous?
You turn your head to see Vi looking at you, her eyes staring into your soul.
“A kiss on the cheek will do,” she says aloud.
You're going to die.
Your heart is going to explode right here, in the middle of the stadium, and then your guts are going to spill out right in front of everybody.
Maybe it's best just to get this over with?
All you have to do is... just a kiss on the cheek. That's it.
You just have to get it over with before this turns into something bigger.
You're not really gonna enjoy this, you'd just get the feeling like you should have brushed your teeth harder in the morning.
Vi's not even attractive in the way that you would want to kiss her cheek, her skin probably sucks from waking up in the mornings, there's no way she remembers to wash her hair at least three times a week. What about her breath? There is no way that she actually brushes her teeth every day. Her breath probably tastes like stale cheetos and mountain dew. There is no way you're gonna get a single bit of pleasure from kissing her cheek.
But you do it anyway.
You press a kiss on her cheek, and it's... warm, and they burn under your lips. The smell of her body spray isn't overwhelming. It's subtle and pleasant. Her hair isn't as greasy as you imagined, and it feels kinda nice when your fingers brush against the side of her face. Her breath doesn't even smell like mountain dew and cheetos, it's actually minty and fresh, like she just ate a pack of gum.
You pull your face away before you let your brain get to you, but you just keep looking at her face because there is this huge grin plastered on her face that makes your heart beat faster. Her cheeks look red, and the tips of her ears are even red too.
The crowd goes nuts. You can barely hear the music or the announcers over the chanting. The kiss had lasted all but a few seconds, but the feeling on your lips linger.
You're both looking at each other like you've just seen each other for the very first time.
She's actually gorgeous.
How is it possible that you only now realized how beautiful she looks?
You look away, but even in your peripheral vision, you can see her looking at you. There's still a stupid grin on her face, and she looks happy.
She's actually happy that you kissed her on the cheek.
You and Vi are sitting in the parking lot after the game ends. Vi had bought some $5 pizza, but since the place is packed, you're now sitting in the parking lot with Vi's motorcycle parked behind you.
“I'm gonna be honest,” Vi starts, her face twisted up as she chews on a slice of pizza. “This is the best meal I’ve ever had.”
You hum, nodding along.
Vi takes another bite, a big one, and chews on it, her cheeks stuffed. She swallows and sighs contently. “Man, I should have bought two boxes,” she grumbles, looking down at the one last slice left in the box. Then, she looks up, straight at you, and grins. “You want the last slice?” she offers, holding up the box with the slice still left in it.
You shake your head, and she looks at you with skepticism. “Are you sure you don't want it?”
“I had three slices already, I'm fine.”
Vi looks at the slice of pizza that's still in the box, then at you. She looks like she's considering something, then shrugs and pops the slice into her mouth. “Suit yourself,” she says, the words garbled since her mouth is still full of food.
Something about this moment feels... comfortable. Strangely comfortable.
It's weird. You don't understand why you don't feel threatened or uncomfortable or annoyed or any of those things, even though she's sitting right next to you.
But, oddly enough, you feel safe.
Or maybe that's just because you can't think of anything to say.
Or maybe it's because the silence isn't awkward.
Or maybe it's because you're distracted by the way she seems to enjoy her food.
Because... it's so... weirdly satisfying, watching her chew her food, watching her swallow, watching her use the back of her hand to wipe off the sauce on her chin.
You have no idea why you're paying attention to those little details.
But... you are.
You're not sure when you started paying attention to those.
You're not sure why you feel so comfortable around her right now.
You're not sure of a lot of things, actually.
You're not sure how to feel at the moment, or when your dislike of her had dwindled down to... whatever the hell this is, to whatever this weird, unfamiliar feeling in your chest is.
You're not sure why the corners of your lips keep trying to twitch upwards every time she makes some stupid face.
You're not sure why you're fine sitting in the freezing cold of the parking lot. Not even on the motorcycle, but on the cold ass ground, just sitting behind the motor, back leaned against it.
You're just fine sitting here, and you're just fine knowing that after this, you'll have to go back home and deal with a bunch of bullshit again.
You don't get it.
What changed?
She used to get on your nerves, and you used to get on hers.
She's still the same, isn't she?
And you're still the same.
Everything, suddenly, feels... different.
The air feels different, the atmosphere feels different, the whole world feels different.
The only thing that hasn't changed is her.
Well, no, that’s a lie.
She has changed.
She feels different.
She's not the same girl you can't stand.
And you're not the same girl she can't stand.
Everything is just different.
Maybe the two of you had changed.
But you're not sure how.
You're not even sure when you started noticing it.
But those little details about her, those little behaviors and quirks and habits that you used to find irritating and annoying… they're not bothering you anymore.
She's still a pain in the ass, but she's... well, a tolerable one.
For now.
You don't understand.
Or, rather, you won't allow yourself, at least not yet.
Because you're not sure how to process everything.
And, honestly, you're afraid to even try.
You look at her, still eating on the slice of pizza, and there's a small smear of sauce on the corner of her mouth. “You've got something on your face.”
She tilts her head. “I do? Where?”
Your eyes slowly move down, from her eyes to her nose, and then... her lips. Then, you notice something... freckles. She has freckles. little ones, spread across the bridge of her nose and cheeks, and they're… really cute, really, really-
What in ever loving hell are you thinking?
“Hello? you alive over there?”
You snap out of it. You're not about to let her see you be weak just because she happens to have a pretty face. “You had something right… here,” before she can respond, you raise your hand, reaching for her cheek. You wipe the sauce off the corner of her mouth with your thumb. Your thumb accidentally brushes against her lower lip, and something in your chest twitches. 
Vi freezes, her eyes widening as you touch her lips.
Everything feels... slower.
You can hear the sound of her breathing as she exhales, how it hitches when you brush your thumb along her lower lip.
You don't know how, or when, but you find yourself leaning closer to her, your hand still cupped on her cheek.
Her gaze flicks to your lips, her own parting slightly.
Holy shit.
You snatch your hand away, realizing what you just did.
Damn it, what the fuck?
You quickly stand up, trying to regain your composure. “I-” Your voice comes out as a croak. You clear your throat, trying to sound normal. “I should... get home. I think it's getting late.”
Vi is still sitting on the ground, and then she shakes her head, as if waking herself up. “...right. Yeah, it is getting late.” She slowly stands up.
“I... umm…” you start awkwardly. “I should-”
“I'll... drive you home,” she interrupts whatever you were about to say. 
Your head snaps up, surprised by the offer. “What? You don't have to-”
“I want to.” Her tone leaves no room for argument, so you shut your mouth. You don't want to prolong this weird, confusing moment anyway.
Vi's motorcycle comes to a stop in front of your house. The engine making that clunky, sputtering sound before it finally dies.
“We're here,” you say, trying to break the awkward silence that has been between the two of you since you got on the motorcycle.
You manage to finally slide off the motorcycle, but unfortunately, you're still attached to the helmet. You attempt to unbuckle the chin strap, but the damn thing seems to be glued to your head.
“Ugh, this piece of crap,” you mutter, struggling with it.
“Here, let me-” she cuts in, reaching for the straps.
“No, I got it,” you insist.
“I know you can, but let me.” 
You glare at her, feeling stubborn, but it's not like you're getting anywhere. “Fine.” You let your hands fall to your sides as she reaches for the straps.
She unbuckles it with ease, finally freeing your head from its confines.
You take the helmet off and give it to her, trying to not make eye contact. “Thanks.”
There's a moment of what could be an awkward silence before you both speak at the same time.
You cough awkwardly. “Go ahead.”
“No, you can speak first-”
“No, no, I insist. Go ahead-”
“I'm fine-”
“Stop being stubborn-”
“Says you-”
“Yeah, I am stubborn-"
“Shut up-”
“Make me-”
What did she say? Was that... an invitation?
“Are you challenging me-”
She snorts. “Pfft, no, that-”
“Then why would you say something like that?”
“I don't know, thought it'd be funny.”
“It wasn't.”
“It was a little funny.”
“No, it wasn't,” you scoff. “Whatever. You were saying?”
“Oh, yeah,” she replies, shifting on the motorcycle. “I just wanted to say…” Her gaze shifts from you to the side, then back to you. “I just wanted to... say that I had... fun today. Yeah…” She shrugs. “What about you? what were you sayin'?”
Huh. “I guess it wasn't the worst thing that ever happened to me.”
“Wow,” she says, deadpan. “So glad you're not completely miserable being around me.”
“Don't get your hopes up too high, it's just for today, remember?” you remind her.
“Yeah, I remember, I'm not an idiot.”
“Could have fooled me,” you retort, and a smirk makes its way to your face.
“Watch it,” she warns, the corners of her mouth curving upwards. “I'm only tolerating you today.”
“The feeling is mutual,” you quip back.
The two of you share a look and then start laughing. You're glad she's starting to loosen up a little.
“Alright alright, truce?” She holds out her fist.
You roll your eyes but bump your fist with hers anyway. “Truce.” 
There's another silence, but it doesn't feel... awkward like the last ones.
Then, she speaks up, “Well... I guess I should go.”
“Yeah,” you reply. “I guess you should.”
“See you at school, then?”
“Unfortunately,” you grumble. You take a step back, getting ready to turn around and head to the front door.
“Hey,” she suddenly says.
You glance back at her, raising an eyebrow in question.
“Can I…” she starts, then hesitates, “...can I ask you something?”
You shrug. “Yeah, go ahead.”
“Just... promise me you won't be mad,” she hedges, not quite looking at you directly.
“I'm not promising anything-”
“Just... humor me.”
“Fine. I promise I won't get mad.”
She takes a deep breath. “Do... do you… do you actually hate me?” You're silent for a moment, trying to find the words, but she starts backpedaling. “Ugh, never mind, I shouldn't have asked, forget it, it doesn't matter-”
“No, no-" you interject, “I don't- I don't hate you.”
“You don't?”
“No... I don't hate you.”
“You sure?” she presses, leaning forward on the motorcycle, resting her arms on the handlebars. “Then why are you always so pissy whenever you're around me?”
“I dont-” you start, then stop. “I'm not-” you start again and stop again. “Remember that time in science lab?”
“When we lit the bunsen burner, the table caught on fire, we got three detentions, and everyone thought we were going to be expelled?” she recalls.
“Yes… that time.”
“Seriously? that was months ago.”
“I never said I was the most forgiving person.”
“It was a mistake,” she points out. “I didn't mean to do it, I was just being stupid.”
“It was still your fault. You didn't look at the instructions.”
“I was distracted,” she counters.
“By what, your big brain? cause you definitely weren't paying attention to the experiment instructions.”
She looks away, shifting uncomfortably on her motorcycle. “Actually, I was distracted by something…” her eyes return to yours, “-someone.”
“You're making it sound like it was a person you were crushing on or something.”
She falls silent, looking away again.
Hold on.
“Wait—wait a minute,” you demand, walking closer to her.
“You were being distracted because you were crushing on someone during the science lab? That was the reason that whole thing happened? You couldn't keep yourself from being distracted because you were crushing on someone?”
“That's not fair to say,” she protests.
“Not fair to say?” you repeat, scoffing. “I literally got three detentions because you were more interested in staring at someone-”
“Fine! Whatever. Maybe I was distracted, maybe I wasn't paying attention-” she admits defensively “-maybe I was looking at-” she cuts herself off again. “Whatever, I'm going home.” She starts her motorcycle, not glancing at you.
“Hey-” you reach out, grabbing her arm. “Wait.”
“What do you want?”
“What was that person's name?”
“What does it matter?”
“Cause, I have a hunch.”
“Care to share this hunch with me?”
“Uh, Caitlyn Kiramman…?”
She snaps her head to you, eyes tracing up and down. “Are you actually this clueless?” she sneers, then drives away, leaving you alone on the sidewalk.
“Hey!” you shout. “Seriously, what is your problem?” you call out after her. “We were having a decent conversation, why did you-”
Suddenly, she stops, braking abruptly in the middle of the sidewalk with a quick skid. Before you can say, or think, she has her motorcycle facing you once again. She swings her leg over and hops off, walking up to you with a determined look.
“You want to know my problem?” she asks, coming closer. “I'll tell you my problem.” She grabs your shoulders, forcing you to step back. “My problem is that it's been years. Years, and you still have no idea, do you? you're still just as clueless as always.”
“What are you-” you stumble, struggling to keep your footing. Her hands are tight around your shoulders, holding you in place.
“You keep saying I'm the one who causes trouble, I'm the one who always makes your life harder-” she continues. “But you-”
You manage to find your footing and look at her face.
“-don't seem to get that you're just as guilty of making my life miserable.”
“Vi-” you start, but she doesn't let you finish.
“Every time you smile at me, every time you look at me, every time you talk to me.” She shakes you. “Every time you do something stupid, which is all the goddamn time,” she spits. “You don't seem to get that it drives me insane.” She huffs, letting go of you. “I've been right in front of you this whole damn time, and you just didn't even-”
“Didn't what?”
“You had no idea, did you? You don't understand why I’m so damn irritable whenever I'm with you, you don't get why I'm always trying to pick fights, why I can't just be civil, why I can't just be normal around you… you just think I'm a jerk!”
“Well, maybe you are. You did just grab me like a fucking maniac.”
“Oh, shut up,” Vi snaps. “Just shut up for a second.”
You shut up.
She takes a deep breath. “You think I enjoy this?” she asks, and the question sounds genuine enough that you regret the ‘maybe you are’ comment.
She scoffs. “I don't. I wish more than anything that I could just be calm and civil and… and nice around you. But instead, I'm always getting into your face, I'm always picking at you, I'm always trying to piss you off, because it's the only goddamn way I can get your attention.”
“Any time I try to be normal around you,” she continues, “I get... I get ignored. You act like I'm not even there. But the second I get in your face, the second I do something stupid or obnoxious-” she gestures at herself, “-suddenly, you're right there. You're looking right at me, you're talking to me, for once, you're actually paying attention to me-”
“Why do you even care about my attention?!” You don't mean for it to come out as angry as it does, but the pure confusion you feel causes you to raise your voice.
Vi looks away, a frown twisting her lips, before she snaps her gaze back to you. She sounds oddly embarrassed when she speaks. “Maybe because I'm completely, miserably, head over heels in love with you, okay?!”
Wait... what the actual fuck?
Vi looks away, the words leaving her in a rush. “I'm in love with you,” she repeats, quieter and slower. “There's no maybe about it. I've literally been in love with you since middle school.”
“So, instead... instead of just telling me,” you start, “you... you decided to be a jerk to me for the past six years?!”
“I was twelve!” Now her attention is fully on you as she gestures at herself. “I was a dumb kid, I didn't know what to do, but I was desperate for you to notice me. Every time I tried being nice, I got ignored, so... I guess I decided that if you weren't going to notice me in a good way, then I was just gonna piss you off and make you notice me in a bad way.”
“And then, I just kept doing it,” she continues, “because then, you would notice me, and you'd talk to me, and at least you weren't ignoring me. It became a habit. It was the same damn cycle every day. So, you know, I'm sorry if I don't suddenly know how to behave like a normal goddamn human being around you.”
She looks at you defiantly, she's expecting a fight, an argument, and the last thing she expects is for you to... laugh
You laugh. You don't laugh because you think it's funny, you laugh because you're so unbelievably shocked and overwhelmed that the only thing you can do is laugh. You try to cover it up, you try to muffle your laugh by bringing your hand to your mouth, but it's too late, you've already laughed.
“Why are you laughing?” she asks. “I'm being serious, okay? this isn't a joke, it's not some sort of prank. I am dead serious—I just confessed to you, and you start laughing? Jesus, you're actually heartless, you-”
You manage to get your laughter under control, your body still shaking with a few silent chuckles, but you manage to speak in between your breaths. “You have the worst-” and another chuckle, “-worst timing, I swear to god.”
“Oh I'm so sorry that my confession didn't please all of your fucking needs,” Vi says sarcastically, “but I've spent god knows how long in love with you, and I just had to take my shot. And what are you doing? You're laughing at me. Because your pride can't stand-”
“Would you shut up for like two seconds?!” you snap, cutting off her rant in an instant. “I'm not laughing because you confessed to me, okay?!”
“Then why are you laughing, huh? why is this so funny to you? because I don't find it very funny-”
“Because-” you sigh, and you're actually surprised by how... nervous you suddenly feel. “I never expected this, okay? I never expected you to actually... feel that type of way about me, and to top that, you're confessing to me in the stupidest way possible.”
“I didn't plan on confessing to you at all!” she protests. “It just... kind of happened. Plus, you've never been too keen on me.”
“I-” you begin because 'not keen on you' feels like an understatement. You've never liked her, or rather you've never let yourself even consider her as an option because your heart was set on one person only. “I just need some time to... process this.”
Vi scoffs, her face looking annoyed again. “You need time to process this? what's there to process? I just told you how I feel about you.”
“Yeah, well, I need to process that! Because you just dumped a lot of information on me, and right now I'm-” You pause, trying to pick just the right word. “...overwhelmed, okay?”
Vi's features soften, not quite fully, but just enough to show a little bit of sympathy. “Overwhelmed,” she repeats.
“Yeah…” you reply, “I mean... you just confessed to me, and I... I've never-” you gulp. “-I've never really thought of you... that way.”
“Never thought of me, or never let yourself think of me?”
Okay, woah, that's... a very accurate question.
She's right, and it's scary that she just pointed that out.
Maybe in the back of your head, you've wondered things, you've had thoughts, but it was all so brief, you've always been quick to brush them away. It never even crossed your mind that maybe you had been missing out on something.
You're not sure how to reply, and it gives Vi a chance to continue talking.
“You never let yourself think of me like that, huh?” she continues, “That's pretty sad, because I've literally been in love with you for the past six years.”
“Don't guilt trip me,” you snap. “It's not like I asked you to fall in love with me, is it?”
“I'm not guilt tripping you. I'm just trying to get you to understand how I feel. I'm just trying to make you see that I...care about you, okay? I'm not trying to—ugh!” She groans, rubbing a hand over her face. “I'm screwing this up, I'm screwing everything up, because apparently I suck at confessing and you… you mess with my head.”
“I mess with your head?” you repeat. “You're the one who's messing with my head! You're the one who's messing with my emotions, you—you just turned my entire life upside down, and you expect me to respond to it perfectly?!”
“Not perfectly!” she retorts. “You're seriously not getting it, are you? All I want is for you to-”
“What do you want then? you want me to say that I feel the same way about you? that I've secretly been in love with you for years and never said anything?”
“No, that's not what I— that's not what I want you to say at all!” She runs her fingers through her hair and pushes it out of her face because the haircut she has gets everywhere. “All I want you to say is that you'll even consider me as an option! I just want you to give me a chance. Is that so much for me to ask for?”
You groan to yourself. “Look, if you like me that much, then maybe you should at least make an effort… and then maybe... I'll give you a chance!” With that, you walk towards the front door.
Vi doesn't respond, not immediately, she just stands there watching you leave, a stunned look on her face. But she manages to shake herself out of that stupor in time to follow you.
“Are you serious...?"
“You want me? You gotta work for it,” you respond without slowing your footsteps.
“Woah woah woah, what? work for it?” she sputters, trying to keep up with you. “What more do you want from me?”
“I want-” You stop in front of the door, suddenly turning around to her. “-I want you to prove how serious you are. Just confessing to me isn't going to change everything, and if you're being serious,” you jab a finger to her chest, “then prove it.”
“And how exactly am I supposed to prove myself, huh? Please, tell me, because I'm really at a loss here.”
“I don't know, figure it out.” You shrug. “You claim to be in love with me, right? and if that really were the case, then you have six whole years worth of feelings inside that-” you point at her “-that heart of yours, and you better damn use it.”
“Fine,” she says, and her tone is determined. “You want me to prove it? I'll prove it. I'll prove it so much, you're going to be drowning in how much I prove it. I'm going to do everything just to win your heart. Just watch.”
That sounds cheesy, but... you'd be lying if you said you weren't intrigued. You scoff, turning around and opening the door, but not before saying, “We'll see about that.”
Vi stares at the closed door, her thoughts completely occupied with your words.
Prove it.
She shakes her head, a grin on her face as she walks back to her motor.
You and her have had a rocky past, but she's determined to wipe the slate clean.
Vi swings her leg over her motor. She grips the handles tightly and starts the ignition.
She's going to start from the ground zero with you.
And by god, she will prove herself.
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starrynightsxo · 1 year ago
"Jesus Christ woman, I look at you like I'm in love with you"
104 notes · View notes
technically-human · 1 month ago
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Valentine's Day!!
The boys finally get a happy moment after going through the canon events
This was a commission for @i-am-as-normal-as-you-are so thank them for the cuteness!
The bonus is completely my fault though:
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735 notes · View notes
natalievoncatte · 3 months ago
Every part of Lena Luthor’s soul was screaming at her do not do this.
Yet there Kara Danvers
(Kara Zor-El, last daughter of the house of El, LIAR.)
stood, bedraggled and tear-tracked, hunched in Lena’s doorway like a tiny kitten begging her for food. Lena wondered how she did it, how she made herself so small and unassuming, pathetic even. It was more than a change of clothes and hair and ripping off her glasses. She truly changed, somehow.
Changed to deceive. Changed to mock, changed to take without giving, to make Lena a fool.
(it was a cruel thought, a green thought, a Lex thought)
“I’ve told you already, Kara. I don’t want you here. You’re a liar, you and all your little friends mocked me to my face and kept secrets behind my back.”
“It wasn’t like that.”
“I don’t believe you.”
That relentless sad puppy look of hers softened even further.
God above how Lena hated her. Hated her for daring to ask. Fuck you, that’s why.
(nothing hurts more than a question that has no answer)
“I hate you, that’s why.”
Kara swallowed hard, wringing her hands. She was dressed in her pajamas and had probably flown here, then landed and asked to come up like a normal person. Didn’t she see that was the problem?
“I don’t believe you.”
Lena threw up her hands. “Oh fuck off with that, Kara. You lost your favorite toy, get over it. I’m done with you. I moved on, you should too.”
“You let me in. I’ve seen the real you. You’re not vindictive. You’re not cruel. You’re a kind-hearted, selfless, compassionate person.”
“And you didn’t,” Lena snapped, moving to close the door. “You deceived me in the most fundamental way. You made me believe you cared for me and believed in me and saw the good in me. No one sees the fucking good in me, no one. No one did but you… and it was all a trick to keep an eye on the Luthor.”
“No, no, I didn’t-“
“You didn’t? Then why did you get James to spy on me? Why’d you question my motives? Why’d you keep lying to me after I proved myself over and over and over again? Because I was never good enough. It was never real.”
Kara rubbed her arms. “Do you really think I brought you into my circle of friends and held you in when you were sad and brought you to Thanksgiving and let you sleep over in my home to keep an eye on you?”
There was a heavy pause.
“That’s fucking insane,” Kara snarled.
Taken aback, Lena flinched, half at the profanity and half at the anger in Kara’s voice.
“I admit it,” her voice broke suddenly, “I can’t deny it. I can’t just dismiss how you feel, I get that, but I didn’t keep my secret from you because you were some kind of a project, Lena. I kept my secret because keeping it let me keep you. It was selfishness, pure and simple. I wanted my one friend who didn’t see me as a superhero. I wanted… I wanted what I always want, things I cannot have.”
There was such agony in her voice that it cut through Lena’s growing fury like a blade sinking into clay, stuck fast, hot in her chest.
“I knew I’d lose you to it eventually. I didn’t do it for you. I did it for me.”
Lena blinked a few times, feeling her resolve start to shake.
(another manipulation. she will do anything, say anything to get back in your good graces)
(to do what, Lex? to what end?)
“Say what you came here to say.”
“I kind of did, but I have one more thing to ask.”
“Then ask it.”
Kara swallowed. “I want to pretend.”
Lena’s brow arched.
“Pretend what?”
“Just pretend it’s like it was. For one night. Just give me one more night and I promise you I will never bother you again. You’ll never see me or Supergirl for the rest of your life.”
“You’re on TV every day.”
“I meant in person.”
“And stop talking about yourself like you’re two different people.”
Kara sniffed.
“Okay,” she muttered.
Lena stood there for what felt like an eternity, screaming at herself not to do this.
(do it, it’ll make it hurt more)
(me or her?)
Lena stepped aside.
Kara entered. She brushed at her eyes, adjusted her glasses, and walked into Lena’s expansive, cold, dark penthouse.
As soon as she did, it was as if the light came back. It felt warm again, seeing her standing there. Having her here, in her cute little pajamas with her braid over one shoulder, those big eyes open and hopeful.
Lena closed the door.
“What do… what do you want me to do? Us to do?”
“We could watch a movie, maybe get Chinese delivered. Have you eaten? I doubt you’ve eaten.”
Lena hadn’t, actually. She hadn’t eaten today and had eaten only scraps yesterday and only because Jess insisted.
Kara touched Lena’s side, a soft brush of fingers over her ribs, and winced.
“You’re starving yourself,” she murmured. “Oh, Lena.”
She already had her phone out and was ordering. Of course Kara had Lena’s place still saved in DoorDash.
Lena grabbed her hand to stop her.
“My treat.”
Lena fetched her own phone and put in a quick order- of course she had all of Kara’s favorites saved and of course she almost sent them to Kara’s address instead of her own.
“I ordered.”
Lena looked down at herself, wondering why the hell she was doing this. She was still dressed for the lab, so she retreated to her bedroom.
When she opened the closet her eyes immediately went to the maroon Midvale High School sweatshirt hanging at the far end of the rack, where it had been defying her for months. She should have burned the god damn thing but every time she reached for it, her hand pulled back of its own accord.
Not today. She let it fall over her, oversized for her frame and too long, and changed from slacks to leggings and pumps to bare feet, her toes curling from the cold hardwood floors.
Kara had already taken up position on the couch and had put on one of her beloved movies, one they’d already watched together ten times and Kara had probably already seen ten times more. The Princess Bride.
It was a cheap ploy and Lena knew it.
It gouged at her anyway, leaving something raw in her chest. It ripped open every place she’d forced to herself to scab over, broke every stitch. She killed the lights, halfway out of tradition and halfway to make sure Kara didn’t see her fighting back the tears.
Neither of them spoke. They sat on opposite ends of of the couch. When the food arrived, Kara got up to get it from the driver and her absence was keen, the void she left behind ripping at Lena.
When she sat down again right next to her, Lena let her. She shoved a box of take out into Lena’s lap and insisted she eat. They ate in silence.
Kara’s heart wasn’t in it. She are aimlessly rather than shoving her food in her mouth and gobbling it all down in minutes as she usually did. She was pretending, hard.
Lena barely paid any attention to the movie. The food, normally seasoned and spiced to the point where she couldn’t stand it and ate only to please Kara, was bland and tasteless in her mouth.
Kara, haltingly and hesitantly, put her head on Lena’s shoulder, and winced when Lena’s shoulders hitched. Why the fuck was she doing this to herself?
The worst part was that it didn’t hurt. It felt like home. Even now after all she had done and all that Kara had done and said, feeling Kara’s sadness in her soft weight beside her was ripping her apart, the mad anger and rage swept aside by a torrent of grief she couldn’t hold back.
If she was going to pretend she might as well pretend. She put her arm around Kara and leaned into her, nuzzling her nose into Kara’s soft hair, wondering if her alleged best friend ever noticed that Lena’s favorite thing in the entire stupid fucked up world was a Kara Danvers hug and nothing was more precious to her than these times when she almost kissed the crown of Kara’s head.
How she ached.
The movie ended and Netflix began making suggestions.
“Kara,” Lena murmured. “Let’s go to sleep.”
“If we go to sleep the night will be over,” her voice was small, trembling.”
“I know, darling. Just let it be what it is.”
Kara nodded.
Lena’s pulse was pounding as she headed for the bedroom, wondering how Kara had never picked up on how decidedly unplatonic it was to fall asleep in each other’s arms. Neither spoke as they climbed into Lena’s California King, a bed big enough to drown in, sinking beneath a goose down comforter, Kara’s body heat like old coals from a campfire.
For a moment they lay apart, and then slowly came together in their usual way, Kara forming herself into a protective cocoon to shield Lena from… from everything. Morgan Edge, her brother, alien shotgun weddings, random nuts with a gun and a grudge, everything but the greatest threat, her worst enemy.
“I have to go in the morning,” Kara whispered, “so I better say this now. You are not a monster, Lena. I never wanted to ‘keep an eye on you’ other than to protect you and keep you safe. No matter what you do, I will never, ever give up believing in you, but if you want me gone, that’s what I have to do. I love you so much it hurts me. I can’t stand being apart from you but if that’s what you need from me that’s what I’ll give. I would do anything for you. If moving on is what you want…”
Kara took a ragged breath.
“As you wish.”
Lena felt something crack inside her. An image filled her mind: Kara. Kara with graying hair, walking away, walking off into the sunset like the hero she was, and with someone else… with a child between them, a future, a home…
“God damn you, Kara Danvers!” Lena snapped, shocked at the sound of her own voice. “God damn you for making me feel this way! Do you have any idea what you did to me? I can’t just turn it off, I can’t stop feeling.”
“This was a terrible idea,” Kara sighed. “I should have known better. I’m just hurting you more.”
Kara began pulling away.
Lena threw out her arms, locked her hands behind the neck of the most powerful being on the entire planet, and yanked. Hard.
Their lips came together in a crash. The force was all Lena’s, as Kara’s inhuman might yielded to her control. There were no words. Kara hesitated for a shocked moment before she kissed Lena back, looping her arms around Lena’s waist.
This was no stolen glance, no innuendo, no coy hint. When Lena kissed Kara she made as if to devour her, and was mounting her before she realized she was doing it. Kara yielded, she always yielded even when Lena pinned her wrists to the mattress and clamped her legs around Kara’s hips and ground on her like a horny teenager.
She kept expecting Kara to sputter, to push back… to be fucking straight, to be brutally honest about her intentions, but there was nothing straight in the way Kara shifted to grind against her, or the way she twisted her hands free and slid them under the soft Midvale High Sweatshirt and skimmed them over the bare skin of Lena’s back. There was no mistaking the intent of her kisses or the feral sound she made when the shedding of clothing began.
Lena must have shocked her at first, because when Kara recovered, she became a force of nature. Lena was quickly on her back and let out an excited yelp when Kara simply tore her leggings apart and bared her with a feral grin on her face before shedding her top with the same desperate energy.
When they came together, really came together, Lena was nearly overwhelmed. Kara was insatiable, relentless. Hokey cliches like “force of nature” were woefully inadequate.
She never ran out of stamina and she was gentle when needed and forceful when Lena wanted it, every stoke and motion and caress somehow perfect, and she sensed without needing to be told when Lena was ready to give rather than receive and yielded without a word.
They barely even had to talk, and when Lena was finally exhausted, Kara was there with kind touches and soft words and cared for her like the most precious thing in the world.
Lena fell asleep, deeply and soundly, and when she woke up with the sun on her skin and an empty bed she wondered if it was all an elaborate dream until she heard Kara humming halfway across the penthouse, grabbed the sweatshirt, and padded barefoot from the bedroom.
Kara was at the stove cooking breakfast and holding a spatula like a microphone, singing… a fucking Britney Spears song.
“I thought you were going to leave in the morning,” Lena sighed.
Kara froze.
“I’m glad you didn’t. I’d have to come get you.”
Kara turned to her with a billion watt smile.
“I was lying about leaving you alone.”
Lena walked over, arms around her waist, hugging herself. She cupped Lena’s chin with a hooked finger and the casual intimacy of it made Lena’s heart swell.
“I love you so much. I can’t breathe without you,” Kara whispered.
Lena took Kara’s wrist and guided her hand to cup her cheek, nuzzling against the soft skin of Kara’s palm.
Kara nodded.
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reinreingoawayy · 2 months ago
sae itoshi is not one to talk a lot. he reserves his strength to other things rather than talking. but one confrontation leads to another confrontation that lead to a confession. that’s when you saw sae itoshi talked a lot for the first time. you were stunned and so was he. but, “fuck it,” he muttered and pulled you into an urgent kiss.
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swetearss · 9 months ago
lately challengers fics are all porn with a little of plot or they directly have no plot (which i'm not saying is bad, i've read some very good ones), but i'd like to see more sweet and cheesy fics that leave me giggling and kicking my feet or some angsty ones
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messylustt · 2 years ago
hii since u said you’d do something for stilinski can i request a fic where the alpha twins were just introduced and stiles and reader (best friends) like each other (everyone in the pack knows but them) and reader thinks stiles doesn’t like her so they start hanging out with the twins more and stiles gets jealous and it’s like a angry love confession and maybe smut?
++ thank u so much for taking the time to read & write this!! your writing is actually making me happy as sappy as that sounds💗💗
you’re my friend, not theirs — stiles stilinski + reader ( teen wolf ) : stiles getting jealous over the blooming friendship between you and the twins.
contents : jealous!stiles. kissing. sorry no actual p in v. i need to watch teen wolf again — that shit was gooood, and thank you so much ur actually so sweettt
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"I want one." Lydia said, eyes focused behind you and Allison.
You both turn in your chairs to see the two new twins talking by a bookshelf. "Which one?" Allison asked, turning back. You kept your gaze on the twins, mainly for the fact that they were said—by your strange friend group—to be alphas.
Why they chose to go to school you could only guess. Most likely not to actually enjoy classes, but to keep an eye on said strange friend group.
"The straight one." You answered for Lydia. "I'd hope." You turn back in your chair to see Lydia narrowing her eyes.
You smile, just as Stiles slumps in the free chair beside you. Scott taking one beside Lydia. You glance back around at the twins, tilting your head in a slight observation.
Then you feel a poke on your arm. You turn your head to face Stiles, who is eyeing you with furrowed brows. "What are you looking at?"
"Our new classmates." You say, gazing back.
"You know they're alphas, right?" Stiles asks, making you nod. "Like, deadly...scary alphas?" He re-asks narrowing his eyes, as you chuckle.
"I heard they can shift into...like...one big werewolf." You say, in slight awe.
Stiles scoffs. "It's not that impressive."
"It kind of is." You mutter. Then you hear your seat scraping against the floor as Stiles jolts you around to face away from the twins.
"Do you know the distinction between friends and enemies?" Stiles asks, making you scoff. "Scott, did you know that y/n's rather stupid?" He asks Scott, making you elbow his arm.
"Yeah. She thinks the twins are cool." He continues, as you try to shut him up with your hand.
"I'm not the only one." You say defensively, before gesturing to Lydia, who is still eyeing up the straight twin.
"Well that's...Lydia." Stiles grabs your wrist, removing your hand from his mouth.
"Wow, your reasoning is impeccable, Stiles."
Stiles tilts his head at your sarcasm, the edges of his lips curving up a fraction. You get your wrist out of his grip before looking at Lydia—Allison and Scott caught up in conversation. "It's called having taste, Stiles."
Stiles raises his brows. "Taste?" He nearly exclaims. "Did you get hit in the head?"
"Alright...I'm gonna head to science." You say, ignoring stiles, standing, as the others spare you 'goodbyes'.
Stiles calls to your leaving form. "You have zero taste, y/n. Nada!"
You chuckle as you walk out into the hall. Stiles has been your best friend for almost forever. You enjoyed his jokes and even his incessant sarcasm. But you hated the fact that whenever he smiled butterflies would swarm your stomach. Whenever he would look at you a certain way your cheeks would pinken.
You had to brush it all way, knowing he wouldn't feel the same. And ruining such a long friendship would be horrible. Your mind is caught as you nearly collide with someone.
"Shit— sorry." You say looking up, holding a tighter grip on your notes.
One of the alpha twins stares back at you, a small smirk edging his lips. You quickly take in his appearance and the way he holds himself. "And I'd take it your the...straight one?"
He chuckles before beginning to nod. "Aiden." He introduces.
You nod. "Nice to meet you."
He raises his brows awaiting your own introduction. You go to speak, opening your mouth, but pause, seeming to remember exactly who Aiden is. "Will I be in danger if you know my name?" You whisper ask.
Aiden leans down to whisper back. "You might be safe."
"I might?" You ask, raising your brows.
Aiden smirks. "A pretty face usually makes it far."
Your mouth partly opens in slight shock. "Ha. So, you are a flirt." You straighten up. "Lydia's gonna love you."
"Mm, and what about you?" He asks, brushing a strand of hair away from your shoulder.
You chuckle. "Again—Lydia's gonna love you." You then step around him, walking into your class.
Stiles had seen one of the alpha twins follow you out. And of course, with a narrowed gaze—he followed him. He stopped upon seeing the twin speaking to you. Stiles' grip on the doorway was tight as he watched. A scowl formed as he saw the twin brush your hair over your shoulder, you chuckling about something.
What the hell were you talking about?—Stiles wondered, wishing he had scott's hearing. His stomach had tightened the moment he saw you with him. Hating seeing you smile at the enemy. But it wasn't just for the sake that it was the twin you were talking to. Stiles would feel like it no matter what dude it was. He wanted you to smile at him like that. Not someone else.
When you passed the twin for your class Stiles saw the way he eyed your form before leaving for his own class. Stiles scoffed to himself, glaring holes into the back of the alpha's head. No way was that beast getting you.
A few days had passed and through the halls you had caught yourself talking to the twins. It started off brief, just passing nods and a few hello's. But then you started picking up conversations where you'd left off the next time you'd pass eachother.
Stiles saw as you would wave at them or smile, them cracking a joke or a compliment. On the occasion that he would walk with you, Stiles' expression couldn't be more gloomy. You'd bump his shoulder making a comment on the "glare" he'd mastered, but Stiles' couldn't laugh, only hearing Aiden's compliments on your outfit or hair.
At first he didn't want to acknowledge that he was jealous. Because then he'd have to remember his large crush on you. He had had to push it away, knowing you wouldn't feel the same. You were freinds, and Stiles hid behind that concept, forcing himself to reason his glares to him just being a good friend, not wanting you to date someone like Aiden.
But once the days drew out, you and the twins seeming to grow closer, Stiles finally accepted his jealousy. You were his friend not there's. So, when he saw you smile and blush at a compliment Aiden gave you, he couldn't help himself but grab your wrist and pull you somewhere secluded.
You swiftly turned to face Stiles as you stared at him in confusion. You both are in the boys locker room, it being empty—the laccrosse team not practicing today. "What the hell-"
"What the hell is that?" Stiles cuts you off angrily. You stare at him, brows furrowing.
"That." Stiles gestured to the now closed door. "Them. The twins."
"Aiden and Ethan?" You ask.
Stiles scoffs at the first name basis. "Yeah, Aiden and Ethan."
"What about them?" You slowly ask, never really having seen Stiles so mad.
Stiles clenches his jaw, all the past days annoyance bubbling up. "What about them? Really, y/n?"
Your still displaying confusion, as Stiles steps closer. "Why the fuck are you talking to them?"
"You're mad at me becasue I've said hi?"
"Oh, you've said more than hi." Stiles scoffs. "You keep talking with them in the halls as if your the closest of friends."
"Look Stiles, I know you don't like them. And I know they aren't particually saints. But if you spoke to them you'd realise how not in control they are. Deucalion—"
"I don't care for their sobstory, y/n. And you shouldn't either. You barely know them." Stiles has progressively gotten closer, before he's backing away, running his hands through his hair in annoyance. "God." He mutters.
"Stiles." You say, making him meet your gaze. "What is this?" Your tone has stayed calm, not wanting to start an arguement with Stiles of all people. "Are you okay?"
"No, y/n. I'm not." He finally says, fully stepping closer. You slightly stumble back at how swift his movement was. "Why do you want to talk to them?"
"Stiles, they...they're nice. They make me feel good, strangely enough."
"They make you feel good?" Stiles asks, eyeing you.
"They make me laugh. They are quite funny." You mutter, seeing how close Stiles is getting.
"Oh." Stiles chuckles, though the humour is lost. "Aren't they just amazing. Making you laugh and smile. You even blush around Aiden."
Your cheeks begin to redden on embarrassment as you cough. "No, I don't."
"Yeah, you do. And it's really annoying." Stiles says. "You know what else is annoying?" You meet his gaze, pressing your lips together. "The fact that you're blushing for him right now."
You scoff. "I'm not."
You can feel Stiles' breath hit your face. "I really hope that's true."
"Stiles, why are you so angry about this?"
And he cracks. "Because I don't want you to like some rabid wolf, I want you to like me!"
Stiles freezes, processing what he just revealed. Fuck. You stare at him, mouth beginning to open.
"What..." You drift off, your heart beating rapidly in your chest.
"I-" Stiles begins, stepping back, shocked and incredibly nervous at his own words. "I didn't-"
"You...like me?" You slowly ask.
Stiles goes to shake his head for fear of your rejection, but then he thinks of Aiden, and switches to a small nod.
Now your shocked, confirmation that his first confession wasn't a slip up. Silence has engulfed the locker room and Stiles can't bear it. "Say something...please."
"I didn't know...you liked me like that." You mutter, your life long crush's words having taken a toll on you.
He couldn't let you date Aiden and now you knew why. But your moments of silence were crushing his heart. He began to step farther away, thinking he just ruined your friendship, when you quickly grabbed his cheeks, and kissed him.
Stiles eyes widened, before they became hooded, the feel of your soft lips making his stomach do somersaults. But then your pulling away far too soon, eyes wide, your own shock at what you just did easily visible.
But Stiles doesn't waste another moment, smashing his lips back to yours. You slightly stumbled back at the force as Stiles began to lick and eat at your lips. He groaned into your mouth when he was able to finally push himself against you, your back hitting a locker.
"Oh, god." Stiles muttered against your lips. "This means you like me back...right?" He asks as he began to kiss your cheek and jaw, leading all the way to your neck, as his hand slipt around your waist.
"No, Stiles." You sarcastically say, making him chuckle against your skin. You grab his face, bringing him back to your face. "Kissing you doesn't mean I like you." You kiss him, your tongues eagerly meeting.
"I'm glad you've picked up my sacrasm." He says, continusously kissing you. "Otherwise that would hurt."
You smile into the kiss, your head buzzing with this reality. You had begun to unbutton his jeans, making his breath hitch, but he quickly grabs your hand, making you meet his gaze in question. "I didn't like hearing that the twins make you feel good." Stiles says, putting your hands over his shoulders, as he lead one of his hands back down.
He unbuttoned your jeans, slipping his hand inside making you grip his shirt. "I want to make you feel good." Stiles kisses you, as he reaches your panties, pushing them aside as he finds your wetness. You jolt when his fingers find your clit. "Much better than them." He whispered as he began to rub your pussy, circling around.
"Christ." You whispered into his neck, before your head hit back against the locker.
Stiles trailed one finger to your hole, pushing inside, making you whimper. "At first I was hurt, because you were my friend not theirs." Stiles said as he pushed another finger inside you making your hips stutter. "But now that doesn't matter, because you can be their freind all you like." Stiles littered kisses along you collerbone and neck. "As long as I can kiss and touch you like this." He grinned against your skin as you moaned, his pace quickening.
"Oh, god— please." You breathe, finding your hand in his hair. You kiss him, letting your lips bruise as he laps at your tongue. Stiles then kisses your cheeks. "You look so cute when you blush."
Your cheeks had heated due to the actions given by Stiles. "I thought you got annoyed when I b-blushed."
Stiles chuckles, curling his fingers inside you. You pant, sweat forming across your forehead. "That's only because you were blushing for Aiden. But now your blushing for me." Stiles smiles. “All for me."
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© messylustt.tumblr please don’t steal, copy or translate my work onto other platforms
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hearts4werka · 4 months ago
NNN day 15 | Unspoken Words
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“A pathetic what? Loser? Nerd? All bullshit labels you and your friends love throwing around?”
summary: it’s pouring rain outside and you’re in a heated argument with the so-called ‘loser skater boy’ of the school, Chris about your popular friend group constantly picking on him but you don’t know what you could possibly do about it, in the heat of the moment you accidentally confess your love for him that you’ve been bottling inside of you for ages now, how will Chris react to the sudden confession?
warnings: ANGST, heavy language, pouring rain, arguing, angry love confession, kissing, mentions of bullying & possibly more!
authors note: bro this is coming out so late I’m so sorry I seriously am having trouble keeping up with posting fics everyday I might just change the schedule for every two days so I have time to write the fic so from now on I’ll post NNN fics every two days and I’ll try to make them better too, luv y’all sm and hope y’all enjoy this one
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The rain was relentless, pouring down in heavy falls as I stood at the edge of the high school parking lot, glaring at him. Chris, the loser skater dude sat leaned against the slick metal of his beat-up board as water streamed down from his dark hair. It was a pathetic sight, really, the way he was looking at me through the downpour like he truly believed I’d stand there and listen to him whine while my friends were making his life miserable just a few feet away. “Chris, it’s not my fault they’re dicks! Just stand up for yourself!” I yelled, the wind whipping my words back into my face. I could see him flinch at the sharpness in my tone, but honestly? He was pissing me the fuck off right now.
“Easy for you to say,” he spat back, his voice rising above the rain. “You think I want to get into it with them? They’ve made my life hell since middle school. And here you are, acting like you’re above it all.” “Whatever, Chris! You could actually do something about it, but instead, you stand there like a pathetic—” before I could finish my sentence, he cut right into the middle of it. “A pathetic what? Loser? Nerd? All bullshit labels you and your friends love throwing around?” My heart raced as the fight quickly escalated, frustration spilling out of me like the rain pouring down but hee wasn’t wrong, I could feel my friends laughing as they made comments, snickering at his expense as they walked past us.
I was too stubborn to admit that it bothered me, to admit that I felt trapped between two worlds — my friends who I felt loyal to, and Chris, whose passion for skating and the freedom he radiated off him drew me in. “Why don’t you just tell them to stop?” I snapped, fists clenched at my sides. “Oh, right!” he emphasized each word through gritted teeth, “Because you know they’d listen to me. ‘Oh, look at the loser! What a joke!’” He was pacing now, waves of frustration beaming from him as he glared at me. I could tell he was hurt and that made it worse for me. This wasn’t the first time we’d had this conversation, it seemed every time we met, our discussions turned into a bickering fight.
“Why can’t you just grow a backbone for once?” I found myself shouting, the words leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. Chris was the one person I didn’t want to keep fighting with. There was something inside me that pricked me at the thought of him being hurt—something that made me want to shield him from the world, even if I was part of the problem. “I get it, you’re popular, you have to keep up your perfect appearance.” His voice was cold and I hated that I could see right through it. “But that doesn’t mean you need to stand by while they bully someone who hasn’t done anything to you.”
The weight of his words hung between us, and for a moment, we both bathed in the silence, thunder rumbling in the background and threatening to strike. My breaths came ragged, and I could feel the frustration boiling over, a fierce mix of feelings I’d contained far too long. “Do you even care about them?” I shot back, suddenly feeling more bold, “I mean, seriously, do you care that I’m their friend? Or is it just about you being the victim here?” “Maybe if you gave them less attention, they’d stop. Ever think about that?” he shot back with a knife that cut deeper than any of my friends’ insults.
I took a step closer as rain soaked through my clothes, breath hitching as the heat between us crackled. “You think I’m just some heartless bitch, don’t you? You think I enjoy having these petty losers as friends? You know nothing about me,” I spat. He stepped forward, our faces inches apart as the storm raged around us. “So what’s stopping you from saying something? You’re the one with the power in this situation, right?” And just like that, the last strings broke inside me. I wanted to scream, I wanted to shake him and make him understand. “You don’t get it at all, Chris! Maybe I don’t always know what the fuck to do! Maybe—” My voice trembled and before I could think about the honesty I’m about to spill, I continued, “Maybe I just didn’t know how to tell you I liked you!”
His eyes widened, surprise sparkling in them and my heart tripped over itself at my confession. My cheeks burned and beneath the rain, I could feel the silence swallow us whole. The storm around us was like background noise as everything I pooled inside of me far too long, unraveling and honest. My breath caught as he closed the distance, moving so smoothly it caught me off guard. “What are you do—” Before I could finish, he tilted my chin up and pressed his lips to mine. The kiss was sudden as if he was attempting to drown out all the noise in my head, all the rambling I would never stop. It felt electric, warmth pulsing through my veins that made the rain fade into nothing.
When he finally pulled away, my pulse immediately started to race. I blinked up at him, confusion swirling inside of me. “Wait… Did you just really kiss me to shut me up?” He smirked, a shimmer of playfulness in his blue eyes. “Maybe,” he replied and I couldn’t help but laugh, the tension slowly dissolving into something lighter, something filled with hope. “So, popular girl, what now?” I hesitated but with a new fire building inside of me I grinned and said, “We show those little bastard who not to mess with.” And as the rain poured and drenching us both, I realized that maybe, just maybe, we’d figure it out together.
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@hearts4werka |
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𝐆𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 🏷️ | - @sturnsxplr-25 - @strnzzvsp - @luvvs4chriss - @sturniolosweetheart33 - @pussypie456 - @venusxsturnio - @bagsbyclair0 - @sturnstvs - @dykes4chris - @hoe4matt - @cayleeuhithinknott - @strnilolover - @marrykisskilled - @phone4pills - @emely9274 - @cupiidk1lls - @lily-strnlo - @nicksgirlfriend - @sturniolosiphone - @sophand4n4 - @zombiesturniolo - |
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taxidermycanine · 11 months ago
y'all ever have days where every little thing goes wrong and everybody just pisses you off so you're constantly in a state of
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moonshynecybin · 2 days ago
literally marc's pathological need to win and complete cheerful ruthlessness in service of that has ruined multiple lives, careers, and relationships and i for one think it whips total ass
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ihatethebrits · 8 months ago
hawkmetri shippers rn
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seagreenstardust · 10 months ago
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This is the narration over Izuku finally having it spelled out for him that Himiko wants to date him and if this is Katsuki narrating over the very first time Izuku receives a confession I am going to lose my mind
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angy-grrr · 8 months ago
spoilers for chapter 429
idk if you guys remember but ochako does have parallels with All Might, specifically as the side who saves. It’s not that he feels the same for them both or something like that, they serve to represent the type of heroism he naturally goes to; his friend is not his love interest, from his perspective she’s out there having a crisis over not being able to save her, and Izuku reminds her that she is a hero bc she is his hero -she saved him multiple times, and she should be able to feel like a proper hero.
This conversation is not about the nature of their relationship, is about heroism; Izuku relates to a conflict between being a hero who saves and failing to save someone, and doesn’t want to see Ochako ending spiraling because she couldn’t also fulfill that role as expected. She’s his hero not because he loves her romantically -he’s a nerd I’m sure he would be way more nervous and blushing if he was confessing anything he thought was romantic- but because she’s able to go and do what All Might does to Izuku, save him physically and emotionally.
He knows she hides her feelings in order to not be a burden, yet he doesn’t talk about his own feelings outside of his guilt in heroics -what does he feel about losing OFA? About his own failures? About the people he personally lost? He can’t talk for others and claim Ochako is everyone’s hero, but he can speak for himself, and that’s his personal perspective -she is a hero to him, she’s his hero. And then the class appears to make sure she’s able to get support and understand she’s not alone, and she’s important to them too.
but Izuku doesn’t get support. Izuku cries a little and talks a little about himself, but he doesn’t get supported. If this was meant to be romantic, I don’t understand why he would hold back what’s inside of him.
the end of the chapter reveals that boy is going to be helped by that woman who regretfully ignored Tenko, and they both witness it and are happy about it while hearing izuku inspired that change, and iida wonders what’s up with them -this is the conclusion to their relationship. In their hearts these two are saviors who struggle to be heroes who save others, and they are happy there are appearing more people who want to be heroes like them. Heroes who save. Save like All Might.
That grandma for example, interpreting the narrative as what I think is intended, would be that boy’s All Might; she’s his hero.
Izuku and Ochako are heroes who save, and Deku is here to remind her at least she did save him many times, that she is still a hero because she is his hero. I don’t believe is meant to be interpreted as romantic, not that Izuku sees that phrase as it neither -after all, he said he does want to be like All Might and feels good to imitate him, but he doesn’t love him.
Ochako’s All Might hair moment, the parallels with Toshinori telling him he can be a hero, the trying to save from black suffocating quirks, the we can do it and do your best…
Do I need to remind you heroes arent a romantic thing for Izuku Midoriya?
#grrr talking#bkdk#dkbk#bakudeku#dekubaku#I’m not saying I’m happy with the chapter#I have my criticisms#But I don’t want to keep seeing ppl say this is romantic and “izu///ocha canon we won bkdk dead”#First of all no it’s not even if it was canon we would still ship them and make content about them#Second of all this chapter was about ochako getting comfort not a boyfriend#Are we really sitting there believing they are together when ochako doesn’t struggle nor think about her crush at all#And her character goes way beyond liking him or not#And izuku hero nerd midoriya calls her his hero bc he sees all might savior qualities in her???#Bitch where’s the romance#And you know what? I don’t get it now#Bc ppl were all like “yeah it’s platonic” when izuku said he admired all might but katsuki was just right there closer to him#But now they see the whole “you are my hero” as a romantic confession? Fuck off#Personally I always felt kinda strange about that scene in bk vs dk 2#It focuses on the closeness and and it’s strange bc izuku doesn’t strive to be like him at all#He doesn’t want to be the victorious hero side nor want to be a angry and disrespectful when he gets angry#He just is#So. Yeah#ochako is part of the saving chain and she saved him multiple times since the beginning#This is his experience with her and she deserves to be acknowledged as the hero she is#Even if nobody else sees her as that including herself he sees it#She deserves to hear it#When she saved him during black whip with shinso’s help everyone else saw a romantic moment#Mina teased her about it and made things weird for them always trying to look into it as a romantic gesture#And it wasn’t. That was ochako being the hero she is and Izuku confirms that to her#She is a hero not a love interest
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 1 year ago
hey!! i was wondering if you could write a oneshot of larissa or melissa (whatever you think is best) where badicslly r and them literally despise eachother bc they got started off on the wrong foot and every interaction between them has just gone south, but r and larissa or mel find eachother extremely attractive, and then basically someone in the school told them that r is actually in love with them. and basically after that they get into another heated argument and they pull out the “it’s not my fault you’re in love with me” or something along those lines and r denies it ofc and then after that they like kiss n maybe some angry smut if you’re alright with that.
so sorry if this is too specific or you just don’t wanna write it lmfao 😭 TYSM!!
- 🪼
It Ain’t My Fault ~Dom!Melissa Schemmenti xFem Sub!Reader
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Summary— Enemies to Lovers AU, where Melissa and Reader have never gotten along. The tension between them finally snaps… What will happen…? Anon Response— Thank you for the detailed request, anon!! I hope this finds you well. I had fun writing this little smut piece for you. Hope you Enjoy! ♥️
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!, smut, fingering, eating out, semi-public sex, enemies to lovers, fighting, love confessions, screaming/yelling, dominance, light dom/sub implications, implied future smut, etc.
Enjoy (;
“Well It’s not my fault you’re in love with me—!!” Melissa shrieked.
Her classroom suddenly felt too hot and far too cramped, even though it was only the two of you. Your breath hitched and you stepped back slightly.
The two of you had been known to get into yelling matches, and the staff was quick to banish the two of you from the lounge if you felt like going at it. You didn’t even remember what this fight was originally about. You just didn’t get along. Never had. Ever since you had arrived at Abbott, Melissa always undermined you. It drove you insane, how she got under your skin. For Melissa, she could stand you either. You were just so annoying. So young and naive, so quick to disregard and disrespect authority. Neither of you would ever want to admit that you found the other attractive.
“Excuse me…??” You finally spat, coming back to reality from the brief stun.
“You heard me…!” She cocked, placing her hands on her hips and swiveling her head tauntingly.
“I am not in love with you—!” You exclaimed defensively, crossing your arms.
Melissa grinned wickedly and sauntered up towards you. You instinctually began to back up until the back of your legs hit the edge of her desk. Your breath hitched again as the older woman now stood right in front of you.
“Barb says otherwise, and Barb is always right.” She purred condescendingly, tilted her head slightly and staring you down.
Your eyes widened and you gulped. You uncross your arms and lean back a little on the desk, trying to get away from her intense presence.
“I… I don’t know what you’re talking about…” you stammer.
“Fine, then prove it.” She quips, cocking her brow at you.
A challenge is something you can do.
“Ok, try me.” You immediately shoot back.
Melissa smirks and steps just a bit closer, so that her body is almost flush against you but not quite yet.
“Kiss me.”
You nearly choke on your own air, as your face flushes a deep red.
“I… sorry what..??” You choke out.
“Kiss me.” Melissa repeats as if it’s nothing, with a shrug, “Just once.”
“And what’s that going to prove…??” You defensively shot.
She raised her brow.
“You chicken?”
You immediately growled at her words. If there was anything you hated, it was being called incompetent and a coward. And Melissa loved to taunt you with both.
“Shut up.” You growled, before grabbing the back of her neck with one hand and smashing your lips together.
Melissa immediately groaned into the kiss. You really thought that you’d be able to prove your lack of love with this, but you were so wrong. The second you felt her lips, you were hooked. The kiss went from a peck to a sloppy mess in a matter of seconds, and neither one of you minded. You let out a breathy moan as her tongue slid into your mouth.
Her hands snaked around your sides, effectively pinning you to her desk. Yours held the back of her neck, as the other slid to her ass, pulling her flush against you while graciously squeezing her rear. This action made Melissa groan into the kiss once more, which only sent increasing sparks of arousal throughout your body.
After a minute, you both had to pull away, breathless. But the woman still kept you pinned to the edge of the desk by your hips. Her hold on you was bruising and dizzying, as you desperately tried to catch your breath. Melissa looked quite pleased with herself for having kissed you breathless.
When you finally met her eye, you knew she had won. The dark flicker of lustful dominance was something you couldn’t help but fold to. You allowed the woman the hoist you up on the edge of her desk, you allowed her mouth to wander along your exposed skin. You allowed her to take your tits and cunt out, to call you deliciously derogatory names as she sucked and bit at your nipples. You allowed her to shove her fingers into your mouth as a way to keep you quiet as she sucked on your pearl and explored your juicy folds. You allowed her to completely take control. And in return, she allowed you to cum.
Melissa Schemmenti Masterlist
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natalievoncatte · 9 months ago
It wasn’t Kara that destroyed her.
In her secret heart, Lena craved that. She wanted Kara to give back everything Lena had thrown at her. Defeat her. Crush her. Cast her down and treat her like a villain. After all, why had Kara lied? Conspired? Tricked her and manipulated her? Why do all that if she wasn’t a villain?
In her quietest moments with Myriad in her hands or staring at the twisted visage of an alien murderer, a quiet voice from deep within her whispered the truth she could never let herself feel:
This is what you are. It’s in the blood.
If Kara would just treat her like a villain, it would all make sense. There would be no more nagging doubts, no more questions, no more hateful longing. Lena has done everything she could to carve it out of her chest, but it gave her no relief, only the raw throbbing pain of a ragged wound that wouldn’t close.
Then she had been at L-Corp when Jess ran into her office in a blind panic, shouting that she had to turn the television on now, that something terrible had happened.
Lena stared at her dumbly because she already knew. She could feel it somehow, a wash of graveyard chill that enveloped her from nowhere and froze the rotten lump where her heart had been. Her hand shook as she lifted the remote and turned on the screen.
The news chyron stuck her like a hammer blow to the chest and her pathetic excuse for a last meal -a cold half of a Big Belly burger she’d eaten the night before- leapt into her throat, trying to escape.
Supergirl Dead?
They hadn’t called her, and why would they? Why seek her help after all she’d done?
Lena pushed to her feet, almost tumbling to the floor in the process. The news was repeating a ten-second clip, showing a red-white beam slicing through the midday air, so bright that it distorted the image as it struck a tiny blue and red blur and knocked her out of the sky as if a giant hand had swatted her to the ground.
She was moving before she realized she’d taken a step.
“Cancel all my meetings,” Lena snapped.
“But the Japanese investors,” Jess said, lamely.
“Fuck the Japanese investors, cancel all my meetings!”
She pushed past Jess and stormed to her private elevator, twisting the key so hard it nearly snapped. She paced the full two minutes it took to to descend to the garage. There would be no summoning a driver. She ran barefoot across the parking garage floor to the Bugatti and threw herself inside.
When she arrived at the DEO, there was chaos. It took a moment before anyone noticed a barefoot, red-eyed Lena Luthor running into the lobby in a blind panic. When they did notice, she was immediately tackled by two of their goons and handcuffs slammed on her wrists.
“What the hell are you doing?” she demanded. “I’m here to help!”
“Shut up,” the agent growled.
They sent jolts of pain up her arms as they took her in. She thought they were going to take the handcuffs off, but instead they cuffed one hand to a chain locked to a ring in the middle of a concrete table in an interrogation room.
“What the hell?” Lena screamed. “I’m here to help her!”
The door slammed heavily shit and Lena raged, yanking at the handcuffs in a futile gesture that only left her wrist raw. She thought about trying to pick them, but at this rate they might shoot her if she looked to escape. Her stomach sank and she began to spiral.
She’s dead. She’s dead and they’re going to blame me.
Hot tears burned in her eyes and she willed them not to fall, holding them back with all her might, but it was inevitable.
Finally, after what felt like half a day, Alex walked in. Lena knew at once that something terrible had happened. Kara’s sister looked like hell, with dark circles under her eyes and a pained look. She regarded Lena as if she were some ugly thing that crawled out of a crack in the foundations.
“What are you doing here?” said Alex.
“I told your thugs, I’m here to help. You’re wasting time, I need to see her now.”
“Why,” Alex said, “why on God’s green earth would I let you anywhere near her?”
Lena blinked. “At least tell me what’s wrong. I might be able to…”
“You locked her in a kryptonite cage. You talked her into breaching her morals to carry out your sick schemes. You aimed a kryptonite cannon at her face.”
“You what? You didn’t mean it?”
“Alex,” Lena began.
“Shut up. You had me fooled, Luthor. Kara always believed in you. I didn’t. I tried to convince her to be as afraid of her as I was. I just want to know, why now? She left you alone like you wanted. You’ve been quiet. Kara insisted we give you a chance and let you be, a choice I now deeply regret. So why now? What did she do to deserve this?”
The cold fury radiating from Alex choked Lena up for a moment. Her mouth worked silently.
“You think I did this?”
“Why not? You’ve hurt her twice already.”
“I didn’t. I would never. I didn’t want her to die. I just wanted to…”
“To what?”
Lena swallowed hard, speaking before thinking.
“I wanted her to feel what I was feeling.”
Alex’s eyes narrowed and her expression went dark and hard, something vicious twisting her lips. Her hand twitched towards the bulky alien gun on her hip.
With her other hand, she pulled out a phone and turned it to Lena.
Lena’s stomach flipped when she saw Lex’s grinning face.
“I hope you enjoy your new present,” he said into the camera. “A Kryptonite particle beam enhanced with a high-powered laser tuned to a wavelength that will instantly negate her powers.”
Lex’s grin widened.
“Lena sends her regards.”
Lena blinked a few times. She wanted to thrash, yank her chain, accuse, scream.
“That’s impossible.”
“Why, because you wouldn’t?”
“I killed him,” Lena breathed.
“Lex. Lex is dead. I killed him. I killed him!” she was almost hysterical. “I put two shots in his chest and one in his head like he taught me himself. After he escaped last time I killed him.”
Alex’s expression faltered.
“You think I’ll believe that?” she said, but sounded unsure.
“When I was twelve and Lex was away at school, Lillian got drunk and threatened me. I was scared to death she meant it. Lex gave me our father’s gun and taught me to shoot.” A brief, weak smile cursed her lips. “I didn’t realize until a lot later how fucked up that is, but it’s one of my favorite memories of him.”
“You’re telling me you killed him,” said Alex. “After you went behind our backs and used the Hardin-El to heal his ‘cancer.’”
“He was my brother.”
“And you say you killed him.”
Lena looked down, away from her. Tears fell on the table with a soft patter and she choked back a hitching sob.
“She became his new fixation. He was never going to stop. I did what I had to do.”
Alex went silent. Her hand hung by her hip and part of Lena hoped she’d make it fast, the same part that flinched when Alex moved.
The key twisted in the lock and the cuffs ratcheted open. Alex gave her arm a sharp tug. “Get up.”
Lena wobbled to her feet.
“What are you doing?”
“Shut up and walk.”
Alex led her to the elevator, and down a corridor. Kara’s frail form lay behind a layer of plastic curtains, bathed in brilliant light from sunlamps.
“If she comes around,” Alex said, her voice flat. “You can never tell her. She’ll blame herself.”
Alex parted the curtains and led Lena inside. Kara lay n a stretcher with a layer of bandages wound around her bare torso, looking pale and drawn. Her skin shone with a cold sweat and there were dark circles around her eyes. She lay in a nest of wires and was on oxygen.
“My God,” Lena whispered.
“It was like he said. Some kind of particle beam combined with the laser. It’s like she was impaled through the chest with superheated Kryptonite. If Jon hadn’t caught her, the impact would have been fatal.”
Alex rattled it all off with a cold, medical detachment, except for the tension creaking in around the edges of her voice and the way her shoulder hitched.
“You’ve hurt her so much,” Alex whispered. “I don’t think I’m ever going to fully trust you again. But for the love of God, if you can fix her then fix her.”
“I will,” Lena said, the CEO creeping back into her voice. “I’ll need materials from my lab. I’ll give a Brainy a list. I’m not leaving her.”
Lena did not sleep for another thirty-six hours. She worked tirelessly alongside Brainy, who regarded her curiously as she hunched over lab benches and uploaded instructions to nanites.
Finally she said, “what? Why are you looking at me like that?”
He turned back to his own task without answering her.
An hour later, Alex stormed in.
“She’s getting worse. Whatever you’re doing, you have to hurry.”
Brainy turned from his lab bench and took Alex’s arm. He led her into the hall and they had a clipped, quiet conversation that Lena could not hear, except for Alex’s startled cry of “WHAT?”
It didn’t matter, she was finished. She took the devil in her hands and rushed through the door.
“Let’s go, we can’t waste anymore time.”
Alex openly gaped at her, then looked at Brainy. The expression of utter shock on her face arrested Lena in her tracks.
“I,” Alex began, but Brainy grabbed her arm and squeezed hard.
“Let’s go,” said Alex.
Lena swept into the lab carrying the module in her hands as if it were made of precious gold.
“Turn off the sunlamps,” Lena ordered the technicians. “If the poisoning progresses, they’ll kill her faster than they heal her.”
Once they were off, Lena placed the device on Kara’s chest and stepped back.
Its sensors detected the Kryptonite and the system deployed. The pod unfolded like a delicate composite flower, and a wave of nanobots poured over Kara’s skin, instantly devouring and reprogramming the nanites in the wreckage of her suit while consuming the linens and bandages to grant the system more mass.
The entire process unfolded in seconds. It ensconced her in a protective layer and expanded, rapidly building an entire protective pod around her body. Dozens of tiny needles inserted dozens of cannulas into her arms and legs and began pumping her full of nanites, sending them storming through her bloodstream.
Lena bit her lip: there was nothing to do now except watch as the system’s AI administered rapid pulses of red and yellow light to balance the speed of her healing as the nanites in her bloodstream identified irradiated particles and consumed them, using them to make more of themselves.
She sat down. She knew this would take hours.
It ended up taking three days.
Lena slept in the side chair by the bed until someone brought her an uncomfortable recliner. Alex came in and out, as did Brainy and Nia, all of them looking at her oddly.
Finally the pod made a pleasant tone and unfolded. Kara lay on her side within, the nanites having formed a new suit top around her to preserve her modesty. She still wasn’t awake, but she was breathing normally and looked for all the world like her usual beautiful self. Lena was alone with her when it happened, and was glad of it. No one saw her brush the loose strands of gold from her face, and no one saw her rest her palm on Kara’s warm cheek.
They all piled on eventually.
Kara did not wake up.
“Why isn’t she coming around?” Alex demanded. “Why doesn’t she wake up?”
“She’s in a Kryptonian healing trance,” said Brainy. “It’s part of the healing process. She will wake when she is ready.”
“When the hell will that be?”
“We should give Lena the room.”
“What? Why?”
“Trust me,” Brainy said firmly.
Lean was as bewildered as Alex. What was she supposed to do?
When they were gone, she caught herself reflected in the monitors around the bed. She looked like shit, with barely one day’s sleep in four. As haggard as she looked, she didn’t care.
What the hell? It couldn’t hurt.
Lena bent over the bed, leaning on one hand, and took Kara’s in the other.
“I don’t know if you’re in there, but if you can hear me, it’s safe now. You can wake up. We’re all here for you. I’m here.”
It might have been the exhaustion, or the desperation, or the sorrow that filled her to bursting like a molten pain, but something happened and Lena let slip something that she’d held so tight she was sure her heart had long since crushed it.
“I love you, Kara. You don’t have to love me back. You don’t even have to like me. But I need you in the world. I need you. I need you, not Supergirl. I need Kara. I need my Kara. Please, if you’re in there at all,”
Kara’s eyes fluttered open. “Lena?”
“I’m here.”
Kara blinked a few times, and her hand closed gently around Lena’s.
“I had a bad dream,” she said. “It hurt so much, it felt like my heart was ripped out and I was in a dark place, and then I heard your voice leading me home.”
Lena grinned in spite of herself, tears stinging her eyes.
“I’m sorry, Kara. For everything.”
“Hush,” Kara whispered, her angelic voice full of quiet wisdom. “We can do that later. You’re tired. Lay down.”
Lena hesitated for a bare moment and then kicked off her shoes before climbing on next to her. Once she was lying down, sleep came crashing down on her like an avalanche as Kara threw an arm over her and tucked in close.
As she drifted off, Lena heard Alex, somewhere in the hall, snap, “Brainy, you knew this entire time?!”
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neonpaperlanterns · 1 year ago
Okay part two of the last request! (Also good job on the first one).
Dog day x reader heavy angst to fluff.
Poppy, kissy, and dog day realize the reader has been taken by catnap. They search for he and only end up back in play house. Throughout the search dog day gets more and more panicked and aggressive. They find the reader is bad shape and hung in the same jail like dog day used to be. (Trigger warning). Dog day, while seeing this, just losses his mind…his pupils no longer visible in his eye sockets. Catnap taunts dog day asking if he’s that attached to the reader before dog day tackled his and fights him. The fight pretty gore heavy and dog day yells at catnap while fighting saying he should’ve killed him. It gets to a point where dog day is about to kill catnap but the reader weakly calls for him and he immediately stops and looks back to see them okay. They run away and nurse her back to health before dog day confessed that he loves her and the two kiss. The end!
Wake Up
Part two of Star Gazing. [Part one]
[A/n: Trigger warnings for mild blood and gore. And technically attempted murder.]
DogDay fought against the rubble of their destroyed fort. Smoke clogged his nose and made his head spin. The world around him was becoming hazy as he clawed his way out. There was a throbbing sensation in his left leg as he attempted to right himself. Scrubbing at his eyes, he tried to clear his vision. 
It wasn’t working. 
Shapes were blurring together and his knees were buckling. 
“Angel?” He called out, his voice filled with choked panic. He was met with silence. 
“Angel?” He called out again, trying to stay standing as he stumbled through the room. “Poppy? Kissy?” His voice echoed and bounced around in his own skull uncomfortably. 
“Where are you?” DogDay felt his shoulders sagging as his gait became uneven. Tripping into the hallway he tried to brace himself. He had to stay standing. He had to find them, had to find you. But his arms weren’t working, they felt disconnected from the rest of him. And with every shuddering breath he took he filled his lungs with more of that horrible gas. 
“No I have to…. I have to…” words slurred together as he slipped down the wall. “Have to find every… everyone..” Against his will DogDay’s eyes dropped closed. Even behind closed lids all he could see was red.
* * *
“W..ke u.. ,Do..da.. co..e on wa..e up!” DogDay groaned, something was touching him and he needed it to stop. 
“Go away.” He went to push away the insistent thing that kept shoving him but everything was just so heavy.
“No! Ple..e you hav.. to g..t up!” Oh god why were they so loud! 
“DOGDAY!” Every fiber of his being shattered like glass as his eyes snapped open. Adrenaline tore through his veins as he bolted up. Pain lanced through his head as his gaze bounced around unfocused.
“Wha-” small hands grabbed at his face. But something was incorrect, it made the hair on his spine stand on end. 
“It’s us, it’s Poppy.” His heart was thundering in his chest as he tried to even his breathing. Looking down he felt more confused than reassured as he stared at Poppy.
“Where’s..” he trailed off, eyes darting around looking for you. Yet all he found was Kissy and the small doll still grasping at his face. 
“Catnap took them.” Poppy’s voice came out quiet as she clutched at him.
DogDay stopped breathing, his vision was narrowing .
This couldn’t be happening.
No. No. No. 
A low snarl was building in his chest as he dug furrows into the ruined ground. He has no idea how you have kept calm in situations like this. How you kept them all from falling apart. He wished he could be but he wasn’t you. Standing up he felt as the fur around his chin was tugged at and he heard the surprise squeak leave Poppy as she dropped to the ground. If you were here you would comfort her, you wouldn’t have pulled away like he did. But you weren’t and Dogday wasn’t you.
Storming his way out of the school he didn’t stop to see if the others were following. He knew exactly where that traitor had taken you. Ripping out the metal lamppost that stood out front, he felt it twist and bend underneath his grip. 
“DogDay wait, we should think this through.” Poppy called after him but he didn’t listen. You would have listened. You always listened to them, to their concerns, their fears, everything. You listened.
But he was not you.
Gritting his teeth DogDay stared down The Playhouse. 
“Please-” Poppy flinched backwards as a snarl tore from his throat, interrupting her. 
“No! Angel needs us. I will not leave them with that thing for another moment.” Later he would regret how he acted towards Poppy but right now he didn’t care. His heart clenched in his chest and he could feel the blood rushing in his ears. The door loomed above him and he could feel himself hesitating. 
DogDay could still smell the cloying scent of old blood and mildew. He could still see those hungry piercing eyes. Could still feel those gaping ravenous mouths tearing him apart piece by piece. 
Bile pooled at the back of his throat. He had thought he would never have to come back here. Had done everything to make sure that you, him, or the girls wouldn’t have to step foot inside that hellish nightmare again. But here he was and he was hesitating and he hated himself for it.You needed him and he was just standing out here. 
The image of your content face and the feeling of your weight on his chest flooded his mind. 
Gritting his teeth he tightened his grip on the metal pole. 
Metal creaks as he kicks the door.
This isn’t subtle. He was sure Catnap could hear this.
Pain lances through his leg.
DogDay is breathing heavily as dust flies up into the air. He can hear skittering as he runs towards the cells. The feeling of being followed made his skin scrawl as he rushed through the once colorful plush maze. His vision narrowed as he threw himself at the entrance to the pool. 
He stopped again. 
The pool area was shrouded in deep shadows, the only light came from the one above the other door. It flickered sporadically, elongating the silhouettes made by the rusted ducks. 
Memories unbidden clawed their way to the forefront of his mind.
Everything is so quiet, it feels near deafening after the alarms. He can still hear the screaming, how they cried for help. The phantom of pounding fists pulse along his chest and the taste of iron still lingers on his tongue. His head is spinning, the world is tilted and he doesn’t know which way is up.
“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!” DogDay shouts. Ears twitch as Catnap turns to look at him. The feline's head is titled in confusion. He flinches as the cat approaches, slow and measured Catnap looms above him.
“What do you mean what I’ve done?” A heavy purple paw still stained with blood comes up to rest on his shoulder. 
It pulls him closer.
“I think you mean, what have we done.” the words slither along DogDays’s ears. It makes him gag. The smell of poppy’s is suddenly rapidly filling the air.
“And what we have done my friend is give those that hurt us exactly what they deserve.”
Eyes flutter open, DogDay’s vision slowly swims into focus. Everything feels heavy. Attempting to lift his head feels impossible. 
A wheezing groan escapes past his uncomfortably parched mouth.
“Oh you’re awake.” The sound of Catnaps voices makes his stomach churn. 
“That’s unfortunate.” It’s said with dull amusement. “But I suppose you will succumb again soon.” The way the cat was speaking was grating on his ears. 
“Wh.. Why?” He choked out, his throat felt so dry. Catnaps hums at his question. Through blurry eyes he watches as a paw comes up to rest on lower abdomen. 
“He said it would be better this way.” Catnaps' tone continues to hold the same dull amusement.
“What wou- Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!”
DogDay sucked in a breath, heart leaping into his throat as a scream echoed through the decrepit pool room. The sound bounced around in his skull and for a moment he didn’t know if it was real. What was happening? Clutching at his chest he felt like all the air had escaped his lungs.
“Aaaahhhhh!” Another scream and he was moving. Ramming into the other door he burst into the other room. The faint orange glow of old candles littered the hallway. Visibility was low but it didn’t matter. At the end of the room stood Catnap, hunched over with gas billowing out of his mouth. 
He couldn’t see you but he could hear you. Soft quiet sobs drifted through the air. 
“Oh you’re here.” He watched as the feline cocked his head to the side. Something flickered in those cavernous eyes.
“We thought you’d never come.” Catnap’s tail swished lazily as he fully turned to look at DogDay. The traitor's face was on full display now and something snapped inside of the canine. Blood was splattered across the feline's face. It stained the purple fur crimson and the world suddenly became solely centered on the cat. 
DogDay saw red. 
In seconds he was breathing the same air as that… that bastard. Raising his weapon, it made contact with CatNap’s head. The monster screeched as he attempted to scramble backwards. DogDay didn’t let him get far. Bringing the pole down he could hear a CRUNCH.
Catnap’s shoulder sagged. 
He brought it down again.
And again.
And again.
Catnap was screaming. Red was pooling beneath him. He was trying to fight back. Claws would swipe at him, tearing into his skin but he kept bringing the metal pole down. Kept hearing crunch after crunch.
 Scream after scream.
Plea after false plea,
“DOGDAY!” DogDay stopped, the pole raised. His body shook from the aborted motion. 
“DogDay please stop. Please.” His head snapped to the side. You hung there in a cell all too familiar. Your arms stretched above you with belts pulled tight enough to bruise. Blood spotted along your clothes and dripped from your mouth. He swallowed thickly as he looked at your tear stained face.
“Please.” You begged, your voice hoarse. The pole clattered to the floor as he rushed over to you. His hands were shaking as he undid your binds. You dropped heavily into his waiting arms. 
He watched as you curled closer to his chest.
“Please get me out of here.” He could only nod at your request. His voice failed him as he held you close. Taking uneasy steps towards the exit he glanced behind him.
Catnap was a bloody heap. He was breathing, it was shallow but he was breathing. Trickles of smoke fell from his gaping maw and one eye light flickered, stained a murky red. The cat watched them with a look DogDay could not decipher. A paw weakly reached out towards him, Catnaps jaw clicked wordlessly.
DogDay shut the door.
* * *
Hiding above PlayCare DogDay watched over you. 
You’ve been asleep for four days. Barely waking up enough for him to at least get some water in you. Poppy and Kissy would creep in, their movements skittish as they dropped off supplies. He would watch how weary they were, how they kept glancing at him and God he needed to apologize. Yet every time he tried the words would get caught in his throat. 
All he could muster was a nod of acknowledgement and a whispered ‘you don’t have to leave.’ but they wouldn’t stay. He really couldn’t blame them. 
Taking a fresh cloth he wiped it over your face. The cuts along your cheeks and forehead were thankfully shallow. He got the feeling they were meant to be superficial. A way to upset him, which worked. Rage and guilt bubbled in his gut every time he looked at you. 
If he hadn’t hesitated. If he had just been a little bit faster then maybe you wouldn’t be in the state you were.
“Now that’s not the expression I wanted to see when I woke up.” Your cracking voice had him dropping the cloth. His focus solely on your groggy lopsided smile.
“You’re awake.” His voice comes out wobbly.
“How are you feeling?”
“Does it hurt anywhere?”
“Are you hungry?”
“I should go get-” A hand on his face cuts him off. Your thumb is tracing along his cheek and you’re looking at him with such affection that it makes all his thoughts but one come to a halt.
“I’m so happy you’re awake.” He choked out as tears welled in his eyes. “And I’m so sorry.” He cried as he nuzzled further into your hand. 
“No, no, don't apologize.” You’re hushing him, wiping his tears away as you cradled his head in your hands. “Please don’t apologize. What happened wasn’t your fault.” You lean your forehead against his.
Tears blurr his vision as he continues to cry. “But-” A soft bush of lips against his make him pause. Leaning back he stares at you, wide-eyed.
“No buts. I love you, you saved me. You protected me. Never apologize for that.” You shake him a little bit for emphasis. 
“You love me?” He asks, disbelief coloring his tone.
“Yes, very much.” You’re smiling and his heart is beating so fast and hard that he is sure you can hear it.
“I love you too, so much that I feel like my heart is going to burst out of my chest.” Tentatively he leaned forward. “Can.. Can I?” He looks down at your lips then back up to your eyes. 
You answer him by closing the gap. He can feel as your hands gently run over the back of his head. His arms came up to wrap around your waist. 
DogDay melts into your embrace. 
When this is all over he can’t wait to see the stars with you.
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