#mild blood and gore
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zaiciart ¡ 1 month ago
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Don’t Be Afraid, Just Start the Tape
I love my horrible wife and her sad wet kitten, devil’s minion you will always be famous!!! Going back to my iwtv roots. Still not over s2ep5.
I want to also add, my good buddy @sillystrawbs helped me out with coming up with different flowers that mean death and rebirth!!!! Go check them out
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neonpaperlanterns ¡ 1 year ago
Okay part two of the last request! (Also good job on the first one).
Dog day x reader heavy angst to fluff.
Poppy, kissy, and dog day realize the reader has been taken by catnap. They search for he and only end up back in play house. Throughout the search dog day gets more and more panicked and aggressive. They find the reader is bad shape and hung in the same jail like dog day used to be. (Trigger warning). Dog day, while seeing this, just losses his mind…his pupils no longer visible in his eye sockets. Catnap taunts dog day asking if he’s that attached to the reader before dog day tackled his and fights him. The fight pretty gore heavy and dog day yells at catnap while fighting saying he should’ve killed him. It gets to a point where dog day is about to kill catnap but the reader weakly calls for him and he immediately stops and looks back to see them okay. They run away and nurse her back to health before dog day confessed that he loves her and the two kiss. The end!
Wake Up
Part two of Star Gazing. [Part one]
[A/n: Trigger warnings for mild blood and gore. And technically attempted murder.]
DogDay fought against the rubble of their destroyed fort. Smoke clogged his nose and made his head spin. The world around him was becoming hazy as he clawed his way out. There was a throbbing sensation in his left leg as he attempted to right himself. Scrubbing at his eyes, he tried to clear his vision. 
It wasn’t working. 
Shapes were blurring together and his knees were buckling. 
“Angel?” He called out, his voice filled with choked panic. He was met with silence. 
“Angel?” He called out again, trying to stay standing as he stumbled through the room. “Poppy? Kissy?” His voice echoed and bounced around in his own skull uncomfortably. 
“Where are you?” DogDay felt his shoulders sagging as his gait became uneven. Tripping into the hallway he tried to brace himself. He had to stay standing. He had to find them, had to find you. But his arms weren’t working, they felt disconnected from the rest of him. And with every shuddering breath he took he filled his lungs with more of that horrible gas. 
“No I have to…. I have to…” words slurred together as he slipped down the wall. “Have to find every… everyone..” Against his will DogDay’s eyes dropped closed. Even behind closed lids all he could see was red.
* * *
“W..ke u.. ,Do..da.. co..e on wa..e up!” DogDay groaned, something was touching him and he needed it to stop. 
“Go away.” He went to push away the insistent thing that kept shoving him but everything was just so heavy.
“No! Ple..e you hav.. to g..t up!” Oh god why were they so loud! 
“DOGDAY!” Every fiber of his being shattered like glass as his eyes snapped open. Adrenaline tore through his veins as he bolted up. Pain lanced through his head as his gaze bounced around unfocused.
“Wha-” small hands grabbed at his face. But something was incorrect, it made the hair on his spine stand on end. 
“It’s us, it’s Poppy.” His heart was thundering in his chest as he tried to even his breathing. Looking down he felt more confused than reassured as he stared at Poppy.
“Where’s..” he trailed off, eyes darting around looking for you. Yet all he found was Kissy and the small doll still grasping at his face. 
“Catnap took them.” Poppy’s voice came out quiet as she clutched at him.
DogDay stopped breathing, his vision was narrowing .
This couldn’t be happening.
No. No. No. 
A low snarl was building in his chest as he dug furrows into the ruined ground. He has no idea how you have kept calm in situations like this. How you kept them all from falling apart. He wished he could be but he wasn’t you. Standing up he felt as the fur around his chin was tugged at and he heard the surprise squeak leave Poppy as she dropped to the ground. If you were here you would comfort her, you wouldn’t have pulled away like he did. But you weren’t and Dogday wasn’t you.
Storming his way out of the school he didn’t stop to see if the others were following. He knew exactly where that traitor had taken you. Ripping out the metal lamppost that stood out front, he felt it twist and bend underneath his grip. 
“DogDay wait, we should think this through.” Poppy called after him but he didn’t listen. You would have listened. You always listened to them, to their concerns, their fears, everything. You listened.
But he was not you.
Gritting his teeth DogDay stared down The Playhouse. 
“Please-” Poppy flinched backwards as a snarl tore from his throat, interrupting her. 
“No! Angel needs us. I will not leave them with that thing for another moment.” Later he would regret how he acted towards Poppy but right now he didn’t care. His heart clenched in his chest and he could feel the blood rushing in his ears. The door loomed above him and he could feel himself hesitating. 
DogDay could still smell the cloying scent of old blood and mildew. He could still see those hungry piercing eyes. Could still feel those gaping ravenous mouths tearing him apart piece by piece. 
Bile pooled at the back of his throat. He had thought he would never have to come back here. Had done everything to make sure that you, him, or the girls wouldn’t have to step foot inside that hellish nightmare again. But here he was and he was hesitating and he hated himself for it.You needed him and he was just standing out here. 
The image of your content face and the feeling of your weight on his chest flooded his mind. 
Gritting his teeth he tightened his grip on the metal pole. 
Metal creaks as he kicks the door.
This isn’t subtle. He was sure Catnap could hear this.
Pain lances through his leg.
DogDay is breathing heavily as dust flies up into the air. He can hear skittering as he runs towards the cells. The feeling of being followed made his skin scrawl as he rushed through the once colorful plush maze. His vision narrowed as he threw himself at the entrance to the pool. 
He stopped again. 
The pool area was shrouded in deep shadows, the only light came from the one above the other door. It flickered sporadically, elongating the silhouettes made by the rusted ducks. 
Memories unbidden clawed their way to the forefront of his mind.
Everything is so quiet, it feels near deafening after the alarms. He can still hear the screaming, how they cried for help. The phantom of pounding fists pulse along his chest and the taste of iron still lingers on his tongue. His head is spinning, the world is tilted and he doesn’t know which way is up.
“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!” DogDay shouts. Ears twitch as Catnap turns to look at him. The feline's head is titled in confusion. He flinches as the cat approaches, slow and measured Catnap looms above him.
“What do you mean what I’ve done?” A heavy purple paw still stained with blood comes up to rest on his shoulder. 
It pulls him closer.
“I think you mean, what have we done.” the words slither along DogDays’s ears. It makes him gag. The smell of poppy’s is suddenly rapidly filling the air.
“And what we have done my friend is give those that hurt us exactly what they deserve.”
Eyes flutter open, DogDay’s vision slowly swims into focus. Everything feels heavy. Attempting to lift his head feels impossible. 
A wheezing groan escapes past his uncomfortably parched mouth.
“Oh you’re awake.” The sound of Catnaps voices makes his stomach churn. 
“That’s unfortunate.” It’s said with dull amusement. “But I suppose you will succumb again soon.” The way the cat was speaking was grating on his ears. 
“Wh.. Why?” He choked out, his throat felt so dry. Catnaps hums at his question. Through blurry eyes he watches as a paw comes up to rest on lower abdomen. 
“He said it would be better this way.” Catnaps' tone continues to hold the same dull amusement.
“What wou- Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!”
DogDay sucked in a breath, heart leaping into his throat as a scream echoed through the decrepit pool room. The sound bounced around in his skull and for a moment he didn’t know if it was real. What was happening? Clutching at his chest he felt like all the air had escaped his lungs.
“Aaaahhhhh!” Another scream and he was moving. Ramming into the other door he burst into the other room. The faint orange glow of old candles littered the hallway. Visibility was low but it didn’t matter. At the end of the room stood Catnap, hunched over with gas billowing out of his mouth. 
He couldn’t see you but he could hear you. Soft quiet sobs drifted through the air. 
“Oh you’re here.” He watched as the feline cocked his head to the side. Something flickered in those cavernous eyes.
“We thought you’d never come.” Catnap’s tail swished lazily as he fully turned to look at DogDay. The traitor's face was on full display now and something snapped inside of the canine. Blood was splattered across the feline's face. It stained the purple fur crimson and the world suddenly became solely centered on the cat. 
DogDay saw red. 
In seconds he was breathing the same air as that… that bastard. Raising his weapon, it made contact with CatNap’s head. The monster screeched as he attempted to scramble backwards. DogDay didn’t let him get far. Bringing the pole down he could hear a CRUNCH.
Catnap’s shoulder sagged. 
He brought it down again.
And again.
And again.
Catnap was screaming. Red was pooling beneath him. He was trying to fight back. Claws would swipe at him, tearing into his skin but he kept bringing the metal pole down. Kept hearing crunch after crunch.
 Scream after scream.
Plea after false plea,
“DOGDAY!” DogDay stopped, the pole raised. His body shook from the aborted motion. 
“DogDay please stop. Please.” His head snapped to the side. You hung there in a cell all too familiar. Your arms stretched above you with belts pulled tight enough to bruise. Blood spotted along your clothes and dripped from your mouth. He swallowed thickly as he looked at your tear stained face.
“Please.” You begged, your voice hoarse. The pole clattered to the floor as he rushed over to you. His hands were shaking as he undid your binds. You dropped heavily into his waiting arms. 
He watched as you curled closer to his chest.
“Please get me out of here.” He could only nod at your request. His voice failed him as he held you close. Taking uneasy steps towards the exit he glanced behind him.
Catnap was a bloody heap. He was breathing, it was shallow but he was breathing. Trickles of smoke fell from his gaping maw and one eye light flickered, stained a murky red. The cat watched them with a look DogDay could not decipher. A paw weakly reached out towards him, Catnaps jaw clicked wordlessly.
DogDay shut the door.
* * *
Hiding above PlayCare DogDay watched over you. 
You’ve been asleep for four days. Barely waking up enough for him to at least get some water in you. Poppy and Kissy would creep in, their movements skittish as they dropped off supplies. He would watch how weary they were, how they kept glancing at him and God he needed to apologize. Yet every time he tried the words would get caught in his throat. 
All he could muster was a nod of acknowledgement and a whispered ‘you don’t have to leave.�� but they wouldn’t stay. He really couldn’t blame them. 
Taking a fresh cloth he wiped it over your face. The cuts along your cheeks and forehead were thankfully shallow. He got the feeling they were meant to be superficial. A way to upset him, which worked. Rage and guilt bubbled in his gut every time he looked at you. 
If he hadn’t hesitated. If he had just been a little bit faster then maybe you wouldn’t be in the state you were.
“Now that’s not the expression I wanted to see when I woke up.” Your cracking voice had him dropping the cloth. His focus solely on your groggy lopsided smile.
“You’re awake.” His voice comes out wobbly.
“How are you feeling?”
“Does it hurt anywhere?”
“Are you hungry?”
“I should go get-” A hand on his face cuts him off. Your thumb is tracing along his cheek and you’re looking at him with such affection that it makes all his thoughts but one come to a halt.
“I’m so happy you’re awake.” He choked out as tears welled in his eyes. “And I’m so sorry.” He cried as he nuzzled further into your hand. 
“No, no, don't apologize.” You’re hushing him, wiping his tears away as you cradled his head in your hands. “Please don’t apologize. What happened wasn’t your fault.” You lean your forehead against his.
Tears blurr his vision as he continues to cry. “But-” A soft bush of lips against his make him pause. Leaning back he stares at you, wide-eyed.
“No buts. I love you, you saved me. You protected me. Never apologize for that.” You shake him a little bit for emphasis. 
“You love me?” He asks, disbelief coloring his tone.
“Yes, very much.” You’re smiling and his heart is beating so fast and hard that he is sure you can hear it.
“I love you too, so much that I feel like my heart is going to burst out of my chest.” Tentatively he leaned forward. “Can.. Can I?” He looks down at your lips then back up to your eyes. 
You answer him by closing the gap. He can feel as your hands gently run over the back of his head. His arms came up to wrap around your waist. 
DogDay melts into your embrace. 
When this is all over he can’t wait to see the stars with you.
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mcsalturn ¡ 2 years ago
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Steal your heart!
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kurogenesis ¡ 2 years ago
Alright, time for more catch-up. This story is Magicka Amarantha, a high-fantasy story set in a world of myth and monsters, complete with its own legends, religions, and I even made a goddamn calendar system for it! One of the things that originally sparked the idea of this story was - I'll admit it - Fairy Tail. I enjoyed the first season of it, and that kind of planted the seeds of this idea. But it was several years before I really had anything set for it. This is definitely going to be a long ride, but I hope you can enjoy it!
A quick content warning: There are some descriptions of mild blood and gore in this chapter, around page 3. Just putting that out there.
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allium-phyrzz ¡ 10 months ago
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if the you on the internet becomes more real than the real you, don't be alarmed when the monitor grows eyes.
click for higher quality
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cry-ptidd ¡ 3 months ago
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The Iron Lady
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oobbbear ¡ 8 months ago
-Intrusive thoughts-
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Close ups:
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Scene from fic “Ghostlight” by Kittenixe (@ghostlightfic)
Please go read the fic it’s really good/sob, and play the game possibaly for more context
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vira-with-no-v ¡ 6 months ago
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One of the best scenes in the musical imo
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n0ahs-ark ¡ 5 months ago
does mouthwashing go hard on tumblr? i havent opened this app in weeks srry
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hungry-skeleton ¡ 2 months ago
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Bro embraced instinct
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neonpaperlanterns ¡ 8 months ago
Thanks for the Not my neighbor story! And hey, if you want. Have another story request for it.
Sunny (heh) has to get the... Meat... From somewhere. So, after giving your story some thought. How about this.
Sunny works as one of the Double Doormans' coworkers. Going out to "clean" the entry rooms at other apartments, sometimes their own apartment. And "cleaning" up apartments that had a doorman whom... Failed to notice a few inconsistences with a neighbor. Any body left in a doubles' feeding rampage has to be ultimately dealt with.
Basically what this story idea is about, is Sunnys' work day. Maybe having a near death situation and later getting chewed out metaphorically by his roommate once they find out they got tricked long enough for a double to do some damage. To his suit or to himself, I'll leave up to you.
Maybe carrying that... Meat... For his roommate drew Doubles after him on his way home.
They both know Sunny can handle himself. But Sunny is, ultimately human. And humans make mistakes.
-Sunny Anon
Ps. If you ever wanna draw one of these "Sunny" characters. Give em sunflower glasses please.
[A/n: Since you gave Sunny male pronouns I shall to. Double Doorman will be dubbed Ayna. Which if Google translate is to be believed means mirror in Turkish. Also this took a different turn that I intended. The story kinda go away from me.]
[Part one]
Teeth in the Dark
Sunny scrunched up his nose as he stared at the amount of blood that splattered from the door to the hallway. This one had been messy, frantic even.
That only really happened if the Doppel knew it didn't have time. Or they were desperate. No more discretion, no more tricks, just near mindless slaughter. Doors hung from their hinges, claw marks on the ground, and a pile of bodies.
Ayna really hated when Sunny took these jobs in particular. They said it would draw more Doppel's. Like moths to a flame they would swarm. The smell of blood too tantalizing to ignore.
Sunny hadn't actually encountered any problems with these clean ups before. A part of him thought that Ayna was just being over protective, that they worried too much. They didn't like the fact that this was his job. But Sunny also didn't like them working as a Doorman so he would call it even.
Grumbling under his breath he slapped the mop down. The smell of vinegar and salt filled the hallway. Logically he should start with the walls or inside the apartment. The cheap carpet they furnished them with was prone to staines that took the will of God to remove. But he really hated kneeling down and getting his suit covered in blood. Made him feel dirty and this wasn't the only floor that needed cleaning, let alone the only building. So to save himself just the smallest discomfort he started with the floors first. Even if the runoff from the walls would require him to clean them again.
As Sunny cleaned he was surprised at the lack of body parts. Besides the initial gruesome scene on the first floor there wasn't really anything left.
He wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. It was good in the fact that it meant hopefully less people were murdered but bad for him in the fact that the D.D.D were more likely to notice any pieces missing.
The freezer at home was picked clean and the fridge wasn't looking much better. Ayna didn't need to eat every day like him. Doppel's digested slower than human, like snakes. One good meal could tide them over for awhile but it's been awhile since Ayna had a good meal.
Sunny hoped the next stop had more to offer.
It didn't and neither did the next one. Sunny didn't know how to feel about his rising disappointment and crushing relief.
A heavy sigh left Sunny as he carefully packaged what little meat he could scavenge. It feels wrong that he feels so defeated right now. He should be happy that people are dying less. The D.D.D are getting better at their job, he should be celebrating. Yet all he can think about is the fact that Ayna wont get to eat properly.
And he knows it is affecting them no matter how much they are trying to hide it.
Running a hand down his face he slung his bag over his shoulder. Strolling through the facility he kept his gait easy. Exchanged polite goodbyes with any coworkers he passed. Smiled at the gate keeper as he left. Everything he did before meeting Ayna, he did.
Breathing in the night air he looked down at his watch, it was 8 p.m. He had an hour before curfew, if he was not back home before then the D.D.D had the right to search and "detain" anyone they found suspicious.
Still keeping his pace easy Sunny broke out into a light jog. Home was only 35 minutes away. He's done this countless times by now but the worry was still there. Niggling around in the back of his mind.
One slip up was all it would take. He doesn't know what would happen to him if The D.D.D found out. He knows what would happen to Ayna though and he wouldn't let that happen.
Rounding a corner he glanced down at his watch again.
20 minutes till he was home.
Passing in front of an alley a sudden movement caught his eye. Being to slow to react he felt something wrap around his ankle. Sunny felt himself turn sideways as he was yanked towards the alley. The air getting knocked from his lungs as he made contact with the cold concrete of the sidewalk.
"HeLLo~" A voice sang out. The pitch warbly and mismatched as a hand skittered up his other leg. Nails traced along his knee as a gasp left his assailant. Snapping his gaze towards the mouth of the alley he felt himself freeze.
"i'vE SeEn YOu beFOrE~" Sickly green flesh bloomed along the tan arms that held him. Their veins bulging and writhing against the skin.
"yoU ALwaYs SmElL SO strANgE~" It sounded contemplative. Steet lamps flicked to life and reflected off glassy eyes and extended teeth. It's lips smacked as little clicking sounds escaped the wrong mouth.
"LIke US, buT nOt.~" It dragged him in a little further, it's grip a little tighter.
"SHouLd i sTill EaT YOu~" It nuzzled against his calf.
Sunny stopped breathing.
"OR LEt yOU Go aNd LEarN...UnDeRstanD whaT THEY arE doinG~" It searched his face for a moment.
Sunny didn't know what it was looking for.
And then the hands were retreating.
"IT'S alMOsT 9~"
Standing on legs that didn't feel like they could hold him, he looked at the Doppel for a second.
It smiled at him.
Sunny broke out into a dead sprint.
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ella-arch ¡ 5 months ago
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fallen angel anakin
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grim-ghosty ¡ 4 months ago
The amount of aus in my head is crazy. They spins around like a a music box.
Anyways here’s another one. I call this one Cured Branch au.
The whole concept is that the zombie apocalypse happens 2 years after they escape the troll tree (Branch would be 5 when it happened). When he turns 10 he gets bitten and turned. Then as the name implies, he gets cured after 3 years. The whole thing is basically newly cured zombie trolls having to integrate back into society.
His brothers actually all ran into each other and suck together due to, you know, zombies trying to eat you. They didn’t believe they would ever find Branch, until the trolls leaders came together to fine a cure, and once they did they got a visit from queen Viva about their baby brother.
I have way from lore that, when I’m free, I’ll yap about. 
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lostmoonart ¡ 2 months ago
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Drawing practice ft. MK!
CW: mild gore
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hazard-c-horror ¡ 2 months ago
So...Hazard how is the taste of positive star power meat?
Did he taste dark star power meat too?
Relating post/part1. Fun fact: Modrolith was originally going to give Hazard a Dark Star entity meat. But I changed it to an Astral cus I thought that be cooler.
But I did think about what they’d taste like
Read right to left
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And here’s a scraped sketch of a different version of this comic. Scrapped because it didn’t make sense why Hazard only now would try Dark star meat after killing like, 3 of them
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I just love the pose for the first and last panels
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bestjeanistmonster ¡ 10 months ago
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Dc au- a day in the life of having strange af partner in crime
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