#angrily grumbling to myself while drawing
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eights-world · 2 months ago
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saw the shittiest ai image of dogman doing the sonic pose and it made me so mad i had to redraw it to make myself happy
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ortetbones · 2 years ago
Hello, Lunter fandom! For the anniversary of Hunting Palismen, I’ve written a Hunting Palismen Lunter fic. A little under 2k words, third-person Luz POV. Contains some bickering, a touch-starved Hunter, Luz developing (and being in denial about) a crush, and lots and lots of fluff!
“Too slow,” Luz crowed, cackling as she ran from him, her witch’s wool cloak streaming behind her. The Golden Guard groaned in annoyance and followed after. “Let’s get this over with,” he grumbled.
She hadn’t gone far. She’d spied nearby a crumbling wall that contained an almost perfectly circular hole. She ran through the mist spell in her mind again, trying to picture how the glyphs would connect both with each other and the structure of the wall. Yes, this just might work. 
She turned to the Golden Guard, who was hovering behind her impatiently. “Okay, I’ve got a plan,” she said. “There’s a marketplace down there, right? Think you could go get me some sleeping nettles while I start preparing things here?”
He scoffed. “Do you think I’m stupid, human? Sure, you can stay here, unattended with the palismen, and in the meantime I’ll go provide you with means of drugging me.”
“It’s not for you, it’s--”
“Well, I’m afraid it wouldn’t work, anyway,” he said, puffing out his chest a bit. “I am on high alert at all times, and could not possibly be put to sleep that easily.”
Luz glanced at the noticeable dark circles beneath his sunken eyes. “You know, I seriously believe that.”
She sighed. “Well, someone’s gotta be here keeping an eye on Kikimora. Why don’t you wait here, and I’ll go get the supplies, okay?” And I guess I’ll just have to draw out the glyphs when I get back.
He frowned at her, but gave a curt nod and turned back to where the little red demon was currently in a heated argument with the Emperor’s Coven scouts.
Luz turned to leave as well, but stopped and looked back when she heard the boy let out a small huff.
She was met with an interesting sight. The Golden Guard currently had one arm over his shoulder, his gloved fingers scrambling awkwardly as he tried to maneuver his hand beneath his armor. She watched in mild amusement as he tried again with the other arm in what was clearly a losing battle.
“You got a little problem there, Golden Guard?” she asked innocently, unable to keep the smirk from showing in her voice.
He whipped around to face her. “No,” he spat defensively. His nose was scrunched up, openly betraying his discomfort, as though he was used to relying heavily on his mask to conceal his emotions. “Not that that’s any of your business, anywa--Why are you laughing?!”
Luz snorted, catching her breath. “Sorry, just didn’t really expect one little itch could bring the Emperor’s right-hand man to his knees.” She started snickering again.
His cheeks flushed angrily. “Shut up,” he muttered. “You’re making it worse. Just leave me alone.” His large elf ears had flattened and turned downward, one of them twitching slightly. Luz hadn’t seen any other witches’ ears move like that before.
She watched his arm automatically start to reach for his back again and rolled her eyes. “Dude, just take off your armor already. I’m getting secondhand embarrassment.”
“You seem to misunderstand the point of armor, human,” he said through gritted teeth. “Though to be fair, I suppose you’d probably prefer I expose myself to enemy attack.” He straightened up, clearing his throat. “Well, I for one have more important things to deal with right now. And shouldn’t you be off collecting your supplies, anyway?”
His ear twitched again.
Luz sighed. “Just c’mere. I’ll get it for you.”
The boy froze. “W-What? You seriously think I would just let you...As if you’d actually be trying to help me--”
“Look,” she said, interrupting his indignant sputtering. “You said it yourself. I’m too nice to do anything to hurt you. You’re safe with me. And for the record, I am not”--she added forcefully--“doing this to help you. But we’re gonna have to fly on your staff if we want to keep up with Kikimora’s dragon, and I’d rather not have a distracted driver. That’s all.”
It was Luz’s turn to be taken off guard. “What?”
He was beet red, his fists clenched and eyes fixed firmly on the ground. “F-For the sake of the mission...I-I will accept your assistance, human.”
Luz kneeled on the ground and patted her lap, motioning for him to lie with his chest resting on her legs. He did as instructed, though he held himself up awkwardly, essentially just doing a plank in front of her, clearly trying to avoid touching her as much as possible.
With her left hand, Luz lifted up the boy’s armor from his back as best she could. She then slipped her right hand underneath, though in reality she could fit only a few fingers, and began to gently scratch the areas she could reach.
The boy tensed and gasped softly under his breath. A smirk made its way onto Luz’s face again and she applied a bit more pressure with her nails. “D’aww, is that the spot, big guy?” she cooed teasingly. 
She was expecting him to get flustered again. That she would see his face flush and hear more of his sputtered protests. Or maybe he’d even have an actual comeback this time.
“Oh, Titan,” the boy whimpered, his arms buckling as he collapsed face first into her lap.
She was not expecting that.
Luz felt her cheeks grow oddly warm. She looked down in wonder at the boy, who had completely relaxed in her embrace, his eyelids fluttering closed. She resumed gently running her nails across his back, and he hummed softly at her touch.
They remained like that for a while, until suddenly he let out another huff and started squirming uncomfortably. “Lower?” he mumbled into her lap.
Luz jumped slightly, snapping herself out of her daze. What had gotten into her? She cleared her throat. “Welp, you’re outta luck there, buddy. That’s as far as I can reach with your armor on.”
She barely had time to register what was happening before the boy had sat up, practically tearing his armor off himself in his haste and tossing it aside. He then nestled back down into her lap, letting his entire weight sink into her again. “How about now?”
She gaped at him, dumbfounded. What had happened to the proud Golden Guard that struggled to accept even the slightest bit of help? The corners of her mouth twitched, and she inhaled, ready to snark him again. To call attention to the fact that he had just doffed the armor he had made such a fuss about keeping on. To point out that he could easily reach his back by himself now.
But as she gazed down at him, for some reason, she just didn’t have it in her to make fun of him. She obliged him, scratching her nails across the parts of his back that had been covered by the armor. He immediately melted into her touch again, letting out a sigh of contentment.
His itch was surely gone by now, and they were running short on time if they wanted to stop Kikimora. Not to mention that Luz was more than a little mad at herself for getting so distracted like this. If��she had just left him here to deal with his problems himself, she probably could’ve had the entire spell ready by now. Man, she really needed to work on her weakness for princes. Even if this one was, objectively speaking, kind of cute, she supposed, she didn’t know what had possessed her to...
She was pulled from her thoughts by a sudden vibration she felt coming from his chest, that was soon accompanied by a low trilling in his throat. 
Now this was just unfair. The Golden Guard could purr? She had never heard Eda or any of her friends from Hexside purr! No one could have warned her that witches possessed such an irresistibly adorable trait before she was forced to face it coming from her mortal enemy?
Luz couldn’t help herself. Barely stifling a squeal of delight, she continued running her nails across his back and began gently carding her other hand through his (notably soft) hair. The boy’s purring was soon joined by another noise, a slight whistling sound that seemed to accompany each exhale. Curious, Luz tilted her head to get a better look at his face.
The Emperor’s right-hand man had fallen asleep in her lap.
His scarred and battered face looked remarkably serene, his lips parted slightly. She realized the whistling sound was the result of his gentle snores passing through the gap between his front teeth.
Her gaze lingered on his lips for a moment, as it had earlier when she’d first laid eyes on his unmasked face. As if on instinct, she let her hands come to a stop for a moment as she slowly leaned in closer, her lips mere inches from his.
The instant her touch stilled, the boy jolted awake, jumping and nearly bonking heads with Luz. He stared at her for a moment, confusion evident on his face, before a deep scarlet color spread across his cheeks and all the way to the tips of his ears. He scrambled off of her and rushed to put his armor back on, his fingers fumbling with it clumsily.
“I...I...This...This never happened,” he stammered. “And...And you will not speak of this to anyone, or else I’ll...or else. Are we clear?” His voice was shaking so badly Luz almost felt guilty. Though that also might have been the fact that she had almost tried to kiss him. “We’re clear,” she replied, giving him what she hoped was a reassuring smile.
He fidgeted awkwardly with his hands. “I-I’ll go get those sleeping nettles,” he said, stumbling to his feet. He paused a moment and met her gaze again. “Um...thanks,” he said, his tone sincere and gentle, reminiscent not of the Golden Guard but of the boy she’d held cradled in her lap.
Luz nodded and watched him walk away, his blush still slightly visible on the backs of his ears. A smile bloomed on her face in amusement at the whole situation. Though at the same time, something inside of her couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed, and she wondered, maybe if things were different...
She pushed her thoughts aside and got to work on her glyphs.
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blackhakumen · 8 months ago
Mini Fanfic #1215: UNO Shenanigans Vol. 1 (Variety)
Destiny Angel Island Gang
Pit: So.....Question.
Viridi: Hm?
Sora/Kairi/Kirby: Shoot./Poyo.
Pit: You guys ever heard of this game called Dos? (Place his Matching Colored Card Down on the Pile) I saw a pack in the Coin Store the other day and it looks like it's the in the same brand as Uno. (Shows Everyone a Picture of the Dos Pack on his Phone) See?
Everyone leans over to take a more closer look at the picture in question.
Sora: Ah yeah. Kairi and I saw one of these in the grocery store the other day. (Place a Matching Card onto the Pile)
Kairi: (Giggles a Bit at the Memory) We were craving over Riu's cooking so much at the time that we really didn't think much of it afterwards. (Tales a Look at the Four Cards She's Holding Before Clicking her Teeth a Bit) Man.....(Draws Another Card From the Stack)
Kirby: (Turns to Riku) Poyo Poyo Poyo?
Riku: Sort of? From what I've heard you only had to match the numbers rather than that and the colors it's based around. You guys think we should give it a try one of these days?
Everyone: (Happily Nodded) Yeah/Sure, I'm down/Poyo!
Viridi: ('Sigh') If it gives me better luck than it's predecessor, then sure, why not.
Pit: (Smiles Sheepishly at his Girlfriend Next to Him) You're not a fan of Uno so far, aren't you, Vi?
Viridi: I will be once this dumb game stop finding ways to screw me over at the last second. (Angrily Points at Riku) And Mister Sore Winner here quit winning all the freaking time!!
Riku: (Gives Viridi Sheepish, Apologetic Smile on his Face) I'm sure you'll have your win soon enough, Goddess. It's not like I win all time, you know?
Sora and Kairi give their boyfriend unconventional glares and grumbles on both their faces.
Riku: What? It's the truth! I mean, come on, there's plenty of areas you guys beaten me at, even in recent years.
Kairi: Yeah. But that pales in comparison to the amount of wins you've gotten thus far.
Sora: Approximately three hundred and nineteen wins to be exact.
Pit, Viridi, amd Kirby's eyes starts to widen up in shock by the amount of numbers Sora just announced.
Sora: Yeah. We counted and kept score since childhood. That's how sucky it was.
The Smash Trio turn their heads to the silver haired Keyblade Master as he sighs in defeat.
Riku: Okay. So maybe I am bit of a Sore Winner-
Sora/Kairi: (Comically Glares at Their Boyfriend) MAYBE!? BIT!?
Riku: (Glares Back at His Idiot Lovers) You know exactly what I mean! shaddup!
Sora: (Crosses his Arms Along with Kairi) We will if you give us cuddles tonight.
Kairi: (Nodded in Agreement) Mmhmm.
Riku: I give you cuddles almost everyday already!
Kairi: Oh. Well.......W-We want more of it tonight!
Sora: Yeah!
Riku: I- ('Ugh') Fine! More cuddles it is then.......
Sora and Kairi shares a victory high five.
Pit: (Turns to Viridi with a Bit of Puppy Dog Eyes) Hey Viridi, can you give Kirby and I cuddles tonight whether you win or loss please?~
Viridi: Sure, I'm in modd for one. (Forms a Smug Looking Smirk on her Face as She Lays her Card Down on the Pile) Especially now that I got myself an Uno!~ ('Haha') Nothing could stop me now-
Kirby: (Happily Lays Down a Draw 4 Card on the Pile) Poyo!~
Samus and Daisy VS. Chun-Li and Luigi
Luigi/Chun-Li: Uno Out!~
Daisy: (Snaps her Finger While Groaning in Defeat and Sitting on One Side of her and Luigi's Bed with Samus) Damnit! I thought we had you guys that time.....
Samus: Right? How the hell have you two nerds been able to beat us five times in a round sp far?
Luigi: (Casually Shrugs With a Smug Look on his and Chun-Li's Face While Sitting on the Other Side of the Bed) What can we say?~ Lady Luck has been on our side today.
Chun-Li: (Smiles Brightly) Hey, you made a rhyme just now~
Luigi: ('Gasps') Momma Mia, you're right! (Smiles Brightly as He Sticks his Habd Out to Chun-Li) Up top!~
Chun-Li giggles softly aa she gives Luigi a High-Five right in frond of their girlfriends.
Daisy: Awwwww~
Samus: (Starts Snipping her Finger at her Partner) Hey! Focus back on the game, Mayflower! It ain't over yet.
Daisy: (Pouts at Samus) I know that! But can you really blame me though? They look so cute as team~
Samus: (Stares at her Opponent Giggling Among One Another Before Sighing) Okay, I'll admit. They're adorable. But cuteness could only get 'em so far. Hey! Laughing McGees!
Chun-Li: (Turns her Attention Back on Her Opponent While Smirking Along with Luigi) Oh hi there, ladies!~
Luigi: Getting cold feet over there?
Samus: ('Scoffs') Please. The temperature in here feels too good in here to quit now.
Chun-Li: So one more round then?
Daisy: Yep! (Forms a Cheeky Grin on her Face) But how we make ourselves a negotiable dealhere.
Luigi/Chun-Li: A deal? (Looks at One Another Before Turning Back to Their Girlfriends)
Chun-Li: Okay.....(Raises an Eyebrow) What do you have to offer?
Samus: (Starts Smirking) Oh it's simple really. If we win this round, ypu guys have to go to the Haunted House at town.
Daisy: Alone~
Luigi/Chun-Li: (Eyes Widened in Fear) What!?
Luigi: (Starts Shivering in Fear) B-B-But it was crown as the Most......S-Scariest Attraction of the Whole Town.....
Chun-Li: (Starts Shivering as Well) A-And the ghosts there look.....WAY more terrifying from what I've heard.......You seriously want is to go there!?
Luigi/Chun-Li: (Hug One Another While Shivering) It's Julyyyyyyy!~
Samus: (Chuckles Lightly) Oh will you relax, you big babies? It won't be that bad.
Daisy: (Happily Nodded) Yeah, you two are the strongest, bravest pair we know. You got this!
Luigi: (Turns to Chun-Li) We have faced scarier stuff before.
Chun-Li: ('Sigh') True.....(Turns Back to Samus and Daisy) Alright, we'll accept those terms. (Points at the Ladies with Pure Determination) But if WE WIN, we'll....uhh.....uhhh-
Luigi: (Gimmicks his Partner's Action) We'll be taking you ladies on a one free trip to Pound Town tonight!!
Chun-Li: (Turns Back to Luigi with a Taken Back Look on her Face) Huh?
Daisy: (Giggles Softly) Ohoo!~ Sweetie!~ (Forms a Seductive Smirk on her Face) How bold you've gotten~
Samus: No surprise there. (Turns to Daisy) You've been tainting most of his innocence with your perverted tendencies for years now.
Daisy: (Forms a Proud Grin on her Face) And I ain't sorry about it one bit!~ My baby's almost as freaky as I am these days. (Starts Wiping Away a Single Tear From her Eyes) ('Sniff') I'm so proud~
Samus: ('Sigh'') Whatevs. (Turns Back to Luigi) You sure this what you guys want, Weeg?
Luigi: Yep! (Turns to Chun-Li with a Sheepish Smile) T-That is if it's okay with you, of course.
Chun-Li: (Shrugs with a Smile) That's fine. I could use a bit more excitement in my life. (Whispers into Luigi's Ear) I could even teach you a very special position to use on Daisy if you like~ (Winks at Luigi)
Luigi: (Eyes Widened a Bit) Really? You will?
Chun-Li: (Giggles Softly) Of course!~ We're a team aren't we? Plus, I've used it on Sammy multiple times already and she loves every second of it. (Forms of Smirk of her Own Once She Notices her Girlfriend Panickly Swinging her Hand by her Neck) Not surprising considering how she LOVES the way I take charg-
Daisy: (Eyes Widened in Shock at Chun-Li) WOWOWOAH! TIME OUT! You're telling me that Samus Aran, one if the most ruthless Bounty Hunter in all the galaxies......Is the BOTTOM IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP!?
Samus: NO-
Chun-Li: Yes. A Power Bottom to exact~
Samus: (Quickly Glares at Her Girlfriend While Blushing Madly) WOMAN-
Chun-Li: (Gives Samus a Playfully Motherly Glare) Don't you "Woman" me, Samus Aran!~ You love me every second of me dominating you from start to finish. So much to the point that you started begging for more on ocassions, all while calling me "Mommy"~
Luigi and Daisy stares at an already flustered Samus for a brief second before burst out laughing at her dispense.
Luigi: (Trying his Hardest to Calm his Laughter Down) M-Momma Mia!~
Daisy: My god, girl!~ (Points at Samus While Wheezing) You're even more freaky than we are!~ Maybe even more than Lili if you keep this up!~
Samus: (Comically Glares at Daisy and Luigi) Oh piss off, both of you! I bet you're twice as more Bottom tier than I ever was!
Daisy: On the contrare, Sammy, Weegie and I are classified as "Switches".
Samus: Switches. Really?
Luigi: It's true. There are some nights where I want Daisy take extra good care of me while taking charge-
Daisy: -And there's some nights where I want my man to let loose and assert his dominance. (Forns a Satisfied Smirk on her Face) Gets more exciting every time~
Chun-Li: I think that's something we should try and do for a change, eh, Sammy?
Samus: ('Sighs Heavily') If it helps bring my image back to it's normal glory, then sure. But enough talk. We got a Uno game to finish.
Daisy: (Wraps her Arm Around Samus' Shoulder While Giving her Opponents a Determined, Competitive Smile While Pointing at Them) Better prepare yourselves, sweeties! You may have bested us in those past few rounds, but I have a feeling this last one will be our biggest comeback YET-
Samus and Daisy has lost the final round of 2-v-2 Uno shortly after and are now taken to Pound Town for the remainder of the evening.
Happy 4th of July
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bh-writingdump · 7 months ago
Eggcellent Duo
A lil silly crack story
Two eggs lie in bed. One bearing mustachio in curlers sleeps while the other has hairnet over a pair of caterpillar thick eye bros shifts. Both tucked into a twin-size bed like two bugs in a rug.
The eyebrow one rolls over, his heated gaze penetrating even the deepest of sleep. “Eggbert?”
Eggbert pops out his mustache curlers, “yeah Jefferegg?”
“I know what we’re gonna do today.” Jefferegg smiles to Eggbert’s annoyance. His mustache twitches angrily at the early hour.
“Eggcellent.” Eggbert grumbles, falling back to sleep in Jefferegg’s arms.
*Several Hours Later*
Fields of grain wave in the wind. Grasshoppers reap the grain with their mighty scythes. Aside from smelling quite ripe, Eggbert struggles to find anything wrong with this serene scene. Eggbert casts his companion an unimpressed look. “I got up at an even number for this?”
“Wait for it.” Eggbert says with a conspiratorial grin, setting the poor mustachioed egg on edge.
The two waited on the edge of the road. The chatter of the crickets their only company while a human wind rolls over the hills. Condensation gathers on Eggbert’s shell. He attempts to wipe it away but his hankerchief quickly gets soaked.
Meanwhile, his companion sits, hands perched on his knees, ready for the chaos to unfold.
Compared to the last field, this one doesn’t take long at all. thunder claps in the endless blue sky. Out of it, appears a ginormous foot and leg. Not just any but a fleshy one that looks like a shaved rat. Its heel digs into the dry earth, bringing more grain to its demise. The grasshoppers chirp angrily, slicing at the demon creature’s skin. Milky white blood seeps between its wounds.
“Gogogo!” Jefferegg shouts, eyes a sparkling with excitement Eggbert only sees when disaster strikes.
“Alright alright.” Jefferegg lets Eggbert shove him down the hill. They roll far faster than grasshoppers can leap away. Easily reaching the foot just as electrostatic cling sends Jefferegg’s whole mustache on edge.
“DO IT! NOW!” Though Jefferegg doubts that Eggbert can hear him. Eggberet paints with reckless abandonment a crude rendering of himself penetrating the foot with a metal spike with the added bonus of a grasshopper defecating on said symbolic foot.
By the time the foot disappears bac into the sky, leaving a raining cloud of dirt, another dirt appears across the field.
“You’re turn! Your turn!” Eggbert shouts behind him as he runs off again.
Jefferegg trails behind at quick trot. His suspenders keep getting covered in wheat and bugs. Jefferegg tries to brush them off only to be grabbed in the face. “Brother Egg. This is your chance.”
“To do what?”
“Make your mark like Sibling Egg said. The Holy Yolk Commands It!” He forces Jefferegg to look at the disgusting abomination of an appendage.
“Make your mark. Make your mark!” Jefferegg charts grow louder and louder.
Jefferegg shoves him away. “Why isn’t your mark enough? You know I can’t draw.”
Eggburt’s eyes grow watery. “Brother Egg!”
“Don’t you start—”
“I thought—”
“—you-you’d scramble with me. Am I not good enough to scramble with?”
“You know very well that’s beside the point. You’re capable of doing this well enough on your own….”
At this point, Eggbert’s eyes flooded with tears, cascading down their cheeks. The sniffles turning in to choked sobs.
“No, no. you would—oh, no, Jeffers. This is hardly necessary, let me get that.” Jefferegg pulls out a clean handkerchief dabbing away the tears. Eggbert’s hands remain defiantly at his sides while he stares ahead at the foot. Tears still coming. “You’re being unreasonable.”
“But-but it’s your soul.”
“Casting out the Flesh won’t do me any good. You worry about you; I’ll worry about myself.” Eggbert does his best to clean Jefferegg up. Though, the stiffness doesn’t leaf nor the quiver that entered Jefferegg’s usually bouncy frame.
The mustachioed egg sighs, “Perhaps one time.”
Jefferegg’s eyes sparkle like a thousands grains of sugar. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” Pulling him into a big hug. “You won’t regret it, I promise.”
“It’s just a mark.” Jefferegg mumbles. His shell turning a shade that should only be seen on a rare steak.
By the time the eggrrior reached said crime against nature, it had pulled the surrounding five feet of grain into the pit. Unlike the last one which remained still once making contact, this one has the disconcerting habit of turning its heel. Taking out a quil and parchment, Jefferegg writes a brief list of grievances ending with a “Murder will be afoot if you set foot on Hopper’s farm again.” Setting the paper between the useless digits.
“Make your mark, not tickle it.”
“Fine! Have it your way.” Jefferegg takes a nearby nail and hammers the paper into the foot with his shoe with a mighty THWACK!
All of a sudden, the foot shoots into the sky, crashing down, shooting up before finally leaving the wretched land for good. The force of it sends Jefferegg flying back into Eggbert. The two tumbling into a mound of dirt, staring at the sky as dirt continues to rain down like a spring thunder storm.
“I don’t think the foot liked that.”
Jefferegg corrects his mustache. “Then perhaps it’ll think twice next time.”
“What did you write?” Jefferegg helps Eggbert to his feet. “A treatise of war.”
Eggbert gasps, “Jeffers! Think of what Sunny Side Up would do? Would he threaten them?”
“Perhaps they’ll think twice before putting their filthy appendages there they don’t belong.”
Eggbert shakes their head. “Then who will we mark then?” He raises a bushy brow.
Jefferegg sighs, “We’re eggs, we’ll think of something.”
Jefferegg takes his quill and scratches out a circle n hiss cheek. “Tada! I’ve made my mark.” He puts away his quill, “Can we go or is there another stampede today?”
“So you’re saying..” A predatory look engulfs Eggbert.
“It was a demonstration, not an invitation.” Jefferegg gives Eggbert a wide birth.
The egg cackles, “you wish,” before diving at him with a paint brush.
The two ran the whole way home marking each other.
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myloveforjiminnnnnnn · 8 months ago
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A Taste Of Home.
Jimin’s pov:
It was the last day of high school, I was finally graduating, I want to leave this sick place as soon as possible, especially these imbeciles.
See I’ve always been the popular guy, I host parties, play soccer, and I even play basketball, I’m also a rich kid, but the thing is, I was never planning on going to college to be a famous soccer player like I told all my friends, and never will.
I wanna be a famous chef, the kind of chef you have to pay millions, or thousands just to have a bite, the kind where you melt as soon as you taste my food, I’ve been cooking ever since I was 9. And god do I love it.
It’s like my own twisted sick passion that I can’t get enough of, I would cook for my friends but I pretend to act dumb since I’ve realized exactly why, that would be a dumb idea.
The only two people who know are Taehyung, and Jungkook. Mostly because we’ve been friends since we were babies and also because we all wanna be chefs, we plan on heading to Seoul to peruse our dreams and all, as soon as this school day ends. And it couldn’t hurry up and just end.
I was tapping my pencil, since today was the last day, and since we had graduation. For some reason I was watching this girl, I didn’t know who she was or what she planned on doing when she was older, I leaned a bit, not to far up, and saw her name tag, “Kim, Y/n” hm. Who the hell is this?
She had siren cat eyes, and she had delicate hands, ones I imagined myself as the perfect hands to cook with, her hands were very steady, and thin. Her hair was down, curled, and she had a pencil in her hand, drawing the waves of an ocean?
Time to leave this hell hole.
End of flashback:
Y/n pov:
It had been almost 4 years since I’ve been back to Busan after college, I was a full time model for Calvin and Klein, and a painter on the side, I painted nude models, I liked seeing them nervous. That’s weird I know. I’ve also did some acting here and there, in hit tv shows. Barely any movies.
My mom, and dad have been asking me since last month if I could come back down to Busan, I was now in Seoul, and one I just couldn’t stand going back to that hell hole, two I just didn’t have the courage to.
But I made my manager cancel all of my plans for two weeks, because I was finally going back. There’s nothing wrong with going back for the holidays… right? My brother Hoseok promised he’d tag along too (he’s my half brother, we’re related through our mom) Hoseok had made it in life as rapper, he was very rich, even though he had a net worth of 50 million I had a net worth of 82 million. I could tell it bothered him, but it never really affected anything.
Hoseok, usually goes by hobi, so I’m gonna call him that, hobi was wearing the CRINGIEST sweater ever, he got in the car annoyed as always as I sped off on my way to Busan.
“What’s wrong with you now?” I said, trying to contain the laughter fading to come out if I looked at his angry face once more. “Mom’s making me wear this stupid sweater! Hey?! Where’s yours!” He said angrily.
“Calm down weirdo, I’m wearing a long sleeve white shirt right now, the sweater is in the backseat.” I said chuckling, he grumbled, making sure I wasn’t lying, checking for himself.
He finally got outve his mood, and we started dancing and bumping to music, and singing, and talking.
“Hey? Y’know that Park Jimin dude?” He said, with a questionable grin, I look at him a bit confused and speak, “don’t think so” hobi’s grin grows wider. “We went to school with him! He was in your math class”
It finally clicked, I speak with a jumpy tone “I know him! He used to seem like he couldn’t wait to leave the school” hobi laughed, “looks like he’s back in town too.” I shrug but I hit the brakes while we were in the middle of nowhere when hobi spoke an again, “with Jin”. “JIN? LIKE MY COUSIN JIN?” You said with a shaky breath.
Wasn’t Jin staying with us too!? Mom didn’t tell me they were bringing a friend.
“Well, this is gonna be awkward” Hobi states quietly, you start driving again. “How? He’s just a cook, he’s not nearly as famous as us.” You nudge his arm.
“He crushed on you for 2 years after he saw you on the last day of high school.” Hobi said almost above a whisper. “HE WHAT?!” Hobi jumped a bit when I said that, sorry… “I mean, when I went to college, Jin and jimin were roommates. And Jin said he couldn’t stop talking about you.”
You start driving steadily again. I mean he was hot, but I’m sure he’s matured by now, and it was just a young adult crush… right? “Hobi it wouldn’t have been awkward until you told me!” You scold him.
“I’m sorry! I just had to get that off my chest.. I’ve been holding that in for 2 years… you know I can’t keep secrets.” He says in a sorry tone.
“Whatever, he’s just a chef. Nothing special.” Hobi scoffs. “Yes there is. He’s got millions of women chasing him, sending him letters, and you’re not worried we’re all gonna be in the SAME house?!” Hobi says, you look at him, side eyeing him, as you guys finally reach the city of Busan.
“Well, I’m not worried, if you aren’t worried.” I said trying to let him know nothing is going to happen. Hobi rolls his eyes, “y/n, you’re literally a fashion icon, not to mention. People would die to meet you to. I don’t see how, BUT! I just worry that you two will fall in love”
You look at him, I would never! Is he crazy?! “Hobi, what?” You werent even caring anymore, you just wanted to get to the unusually big home, yall grew up in as kids. “What I’m really saying is, you are not in the best position to be trying to fall in love, I mean, mom and dad still want you two together.”
By you two, he meant Suga. Or should I say Yoongi, there was nothing wrong with Yoongi. He was funny, cute, sweet, and, seductive. The problem was, he didn’t want kids… and of course i respected his decisions… by breaking up with him duh… he also didn’t respect boundaries. He also didn’t care about you, because you saw through his facade.
“Hobi, I’m not gonna do anything” hobi chuckled at me, “just don’t get pregnant” “HOBI” “ow, ow, I’m sorry you win okay!”
We finally got to the house.
Hobi looked at me confused, “where’s your sweater” he said, a bit with attitude. “I’m not putting it on duce face” I said, arguing back. “I will tell mom you threw it out the window on the way down here.” I gasp at his words. “YOU WOULDNT!” He nods, I grab the sweater, “can we at least just take them off and make sure jimin isn’t here” he rolls his eyes, and takes his sweater off, revealing his tight black shirt muscles hid beneath.
“Someone’s getting fit.” I nudged him as our boots crunched in the snow, he laughed. And nudged me back, “someone’s got a modeling body” I laughed at his words, “just trying to catch up to my sister” I laughed again at what he said.
You two entered the house, “MOM?” Jin instead came running up to me, hugging me and twirling me in the air. “I said mom!” I giggled in the air, he put me down, “how’s the little Calvin Klein model doing?!” He asked, “okay.” He nodded and moved onto hobi, “HOWS MY FAVORITE RAPPER?!” Jin said loudly, obviously proud of hobi, hobi whispered, “you make things so awkward man”
Jimin came behind Jin, muscular than he was in high school, hotter, fairer, and a chef. “If it isn’t the Ms.Kim herself.. nice to meet you, I’m jimin.” He gave me a warm smile, it was cute and nice. “Nice to meet you too, jimin, is it?” He nodded at your question and went to my brother, Jin was still praising him, I laughed and walked to the living room.
It’d been years since you stood in front of that very fireplace. You walk a bit more, and the doors to your old art studio stood in front of you, opened, your mother was always proud of your work, she always scolded you for not being a full time artist, you always giggled at her.
Paintings from 5-7 years ago stood in that very room, some of them finished, some of them still unfinished. You sat down in your chair, that had wheels and spun around. And the big window you used to paint until you reached perfection. The view of the river, a few miles out.
You look at the skylights, and everything around you. It amazed you how much you used to paint, your father walks in the room with a cup of coffee greyed, still fit, he only gained a little weight, his oily skin, but it was from his ‘skincare routine’ “I see you’re looking at the paintings.”
You nod, smiling at him, god… time has passed, “dad, how are you.” You smile and walk up and hug him. And he hugs you back, “honey, I’ve been great. I’ve been missing my step son, and my real daughter though.” He said chuckling. “So, why’d you let Jin’s friend stay” you ask confused.
He chuckled, “the boy is an amazing cook, and plus, we both know you’re old man, and you’re dumb nut brother aren’t gonna help you and you’re mother cook this year, and we wanted to keep it small this year… you could’ve brought a friend too…” he shrugged off what he just said you shake your head and smiled.
“Well I’m gonna settle in” he nodded and we both walked out. I reach the stairs in front of my room and I see jimin, talking to someone on the phone, “Jeon Jungkook! You do NOT mess that dinner up, and you tell TAEHYUNG he has to cook the steaks MEDIUM WELL. You guys know nothing when I’m not there! I’m on vacation for once! Don’t fuck this up for me!” He says in a low enough angry voice before taking a deep breath.
I pretend I didn’t hear that, I walk to my room passing him. He tilted his head at me. “Hey y/n”. I mentally cursed myself before I turned around, “yes?” I said anxiously, thank god I lied a lot to my parents. There was no way he could see how anxious I was.
“Where exactly is the bathroom.” I shake my head, you might wanna go to the one downstairs, between Jin and hobi, there’s no hope for that bathroom.” I smile before turning away and walking to my room and he notices the bathroom by my door, inside my room.
“Do you mind if I just use yours?” I turn around cursing myself again. “Sure? Why not” he smiled, and walked past me to go pee, sigh before I turned on my fireplace and my tv, I sat down on my bed and I felt tension in my neck I slowly rolled my neck and then I head a voice.
“Need help?” He smiled at me. Gosh, not right now, I liked rewarding myself for getting the tension out my neck. I couldn’t resist… “sure…”
He sat on my bed, and the bed sank, he started working on my neck, damn he was good, oh my god, he started kneeing into it, and my neck finally released the tension, I let him know it was out.
“Thanks” I said with a half smile before turning my night light off. Jimin nodded, and walked back to the door to leave. But he turned around to say something to you. “Do you care if I just use your restroom to get ready and everything?? I promise I’ll be quiet” I nodded. Dammit y/n, it’s NO!
He smiled and spoke again, “I’ll just let you know, I take a shower at 5 am, try not to use the restroom during 5? Hm?” He smiled, I nodded again. Barely listening. What was his deal on using MY bathroom. Bullshit.
I woke up at 5 am, damn, what the hell is that noise?! The shower is running? Who the hell is in my shower?! Oh no… did someone break in?
(This is how slow you are when you first wake up)
Just as you were about to open the door realization hit, and you hurried up and jumped back in bed when you heard the door open a few minutes later, you barley opened one eye, you know, the kind nobody could notice?!
I looked at the person, secretively, they were only in a towel, and it sounded like that husky, manly, light hearted voice. Jimin.
“Aishhh, I forgot my clothes.” He has the towel wrapped around his waist,
He looked at me and tilted his head, the clock was ticking on my digital alarm clock, “how is she still that beautiful??” He said examining my face.
That made you cringe BADLY. You wanted cover your face up and laugh hysterically, but you were, ‘asleep’.
He held his hand to his chin, still smiling, “should I remove my clothes” no! No! No! God don’t do that, you wanted to say aloud, did he know you were awake. “Oh, y/nnnnnnn” he said loudly, but softly. “I know you’re awake”
You still didn’t budge, he grunted and looked at the clock. “That coffee maker is too fancy… I don’t know how to work it please wake up… I can’t survive without coffee” he shook you.
God, this man. “I’m up” you said grumpily, you jumped at the sight of his abs, and his v line, god, was he perfect. “Oh sorry, here, let me dress, and I need you to show me how to work the coffee maker.” He said softly, and forcefully sat me up.
I sat up scratching my head, in the silky floral, tank top, with lace at the top and the silky shorts to match. “Ughhhh” you groaned, he was rolling his sweater sleeve up, with the turtle neck, it was red, and he had a silver Rolex on, with black glasses, and black dress pants on, with black dress shoes.
“That’s no Christmas spirit” he said, smiling, with a laugh. “Couldn’t you have asked hobi?” I said, still grumpy. “He refused to get up and said you drink tea every morning.” He shrugged.
“Jimin, that has nothing to do with coffee” he shrugged, “close enough.”
He waited for me to get up, I groaned and put my slippers on, my white socks, I opened my door walking past him, he smelt like strong cologne.
We walked down the stairs to the kitchen, the newly renovated kitchen.
“Do your parents renovate their kitchen every 4 years?” He asked, I snapped my head to him while I grabbed a mug. “How’d you know?”
He chuckles, “my parents do the same. And I can tell.” He smiles, I give him a half smile and start his coffee while I balance myself on the counter still sleepy, the sun hadn’t even risen, and I was still sleepy.
“So when did you start modeling.” You look at him a little weird, “how’d you know that?” I asked confused. “You’re on billboards.” He said, reassuring. You did a little sigh.
“I don’t know, just one day i hired a manager, and started modeling, and some acting.” He nodded at you, his coffee was ready, he sipped it and smiled.
“Thanks” he smiled, you were about to leave but he said something. “So you’re a painter? Right?” He smiled. You knew he meant your old art studio, and if he asked you to paint him, you would have to explain you only do nude paintings now… and you still haven’t confessed to your parents about that.
“Yeah, that’s just old work though” you scratched your head, he smiled again, before he sipped his coffee again, and he spoke, after taking a sip. “What kind of work do you do now?”
You almost choked at that, was he interrogating you? Does he know? What was his purpose in knowing? “Just… you know… art.” He tilted his head, and narrowed his eyes.
“That’s it?” He asked, “yeah.” You said a bit nervously, he shook his head, “what do you like to paint.” He asked instead… “people” you asked, that was it. Please don’t ask me anything else.
“That’s pretty cool… you should paint me one time” you calmly pressed your lips together… “so here’s the thing…” he sat his mug on the counter and waited, “I only do nude work” his eyes widened a bit, and he stumbled a bit, after balancing himself from the counter he was leaning on.
“Oh! Well, I don’t mind” he replied, fuck, I do not need to paint some naked chef at all. “Y/n, me, hobi, and Jin, planned on getting in some last minute Christmas shopping, like wrapping paper, cards, etc.” he paused and spoke again, “care to join along?” He asked calmly, you replied——
“Sure, why not.” He smiled and nodded, you saw the sun rising, I better go wake hobi up you thought to yourself. “I’m gonna go wake up hobi.” He nodded. I smiled, and ran up the stairs. You barged in Hobi’s room.
You took the covers off and he was in his blue pajamas, silk of course, you shook him furiously forcing him to get up.
“YAH! What are you doing demon!!!” He questioned, loudly, “Forcing you to WAKE UP!” You yelled! “Ow! Ow! I’m up!” He yelled as you pinched him. “Wanna tell me one good reason why I shouldn’t suffocate you right now! FOR TELLING JIMIN TO WAKE ME UP FOR COFFEE!” You whisper yelled the last part.
“Because you love me?” He said with a sense of hope, you groaned and got off of him, “it’s like six-thirty am, I’m not getting up” he said grumpily. “Hobi I will choke you” you said, he sat up quickly with a grunt.
“Come on and get ready, we’re going walking” you said angrily. Hobi looked at you, and said, “there’s no way you’re my younger sister, you’re too BOSSY!” “Yah!” You chased him around with a slipper around his room until Jin walked in.
“Will you two stop it?!” Jin groaned rubbing his puffy eyes, Jimin walked in turning the light on. “What happens in the span of five minutes?” He looked at the bed sheets on the ground, one of my slippers across the room, and the pillow on the dresser hanging on the tv.
“You don’t wanna know.” Hobi said catching his breath. “I heard something about a walk?” Jin said, “so you were listening” I said annoyed. He shrugged, “can we tag along” you rubbed the back of your neck, “see, it’s kindve a sibli-.”
Hobi hit your back, “yeah of course, but bring boots?” They both smiled and left at Hobi’s comment, “why would you do that?” Hobi groaned, “because, Jin is like an annoying kid, and won’t leave you alone until you do. No point in saying no.” He groaned and pushed you out.
I scoffed, whatever, you walk over to your room, and get dressed, black leggings, boots, white socks, grey sweater, brown jacket, and a black and white bucket hat. You come outve your room to see jimin wearing the same clothes except with a long black jacket, and black glasses. The same as yours.
I walk down the stairs and jimin walked behind me, he’s gonna be cold, just one jacket? Weirdo. Hobi and Jin were waiting for us, “yah! What took you two so long?”, Jin said, you glared, and Hobi scoffed at us. Whatever. Jin and Hobi end up walking in front of us. Leaving us two.
I enjoy the fresh winter smell, our boots crunching in the snow, the garden around us, covered in snow, the pond, barely frozen over. God do I miss this. “This is nice.” Jimin said, your head snapped towards his, you didn’t realized he kept up with your slow pace, I thought he already left me.
“Yeah” you said with a bit of smile, you keep walking, and he speaks again, “Y/n, can I ask you something?” He asks me. Here we fucking go. Gosh, what now.
“Hm?” You answer, “why didn’t you just become a full time painter?” You tilted your head. “Well, i couldn’t answer that with full honesty… cause im never honest with myself about it” you shrug. He shooks his head, “I just don’t get it, modeling and acting over painting? You’d rather have cameras flashing everywhere you go? Instead of painting a peaceful river?”
You shrugged, why did he care anyway. “Yeah? So?” You replied. He stopped us both. “What I mean is you’d rather be called, ‘the venom to the industry’ ‘the villain of Korea’ ‘the ace’, and model for Calvin and Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, and Chanel? Than paint a river? The moon?” He said.
You crossed your arms, “I do what I do for the same reasons you cook, why does it matter to you?” You ask. “So you like this?” You nod. “It’s my life jimin. This is life, reality. And nothing will change that.” You said. He sighed, and we started walking again.
we kept walking silently, until we reached Jin and Hobi, Jin saw the angry look on your face. “Yah! Hobi, me and y/n are gonna take left, yall take right, let’s all meet at the fountain.” Hobi nods and shrugs. We continue walking. “Whats with the look” Jin asked.
“Jimin was asking me questions why I’m a model, and why I act, and why I didn’t paint” Jin laughs. “Not funny.” You said grumpy. “Maybe because he was obsessed with you for a while, maybe he wanted you to be that artist, so he wouldn’t have to worry about the public eye wanting you.” Jin said. “Oddly specific” you replied back.
“Wait? How’d you know I knew he used to be obsessed with me?” You asked. “Hobi told me. Boy can’t hold water” we both laugh. And suddenly we run into jimin and hobi. “Can we go shopping now?” Jimin asked complaining. Jin chuckles and nods and we head to the house.
Once we get inside we’re all just kindve standing there, waiting for Jin to get his scarf. “So jimin your a chef?” Hobi asked. “Yeah.” Jimin replied. “Is your food like… amazing?” I hit hobi in his arm, jimin laughed, “yes some would say yes.” He smiled.
Jin came downstairs, “everyone ready” “omg, literally yes” I replied, and we all headed out walking, hobi went to the car, “I don’t wanna walk!” Hobi complained, “don’t be a wuss” I replied, he glared, and catched up to us. “The store is literally down the street” I said he shrugged.
We got in the store and I separated from them, looking by myself, I saw an ornament with angel wings and decided to buy it for our grandmother, I bought some last minute cards to.
I look over and see a pastry, they had croissants and a lot of pastries, plus it was right across the street. And Jimin was nowhere to be found. And Hobi and Jin were in their own world.
I paid for my things and hurried to the pastry shop, and it was beautiful, a woman, from France was in there, she had paintings, and flowers hanged everywhere, wooden floors, and the glass that protected the pastry’s, had flowers painted on it.
I asked her for a chocolate croissant, she nodded and gave me 3??! “Oh no ma’am! I meant one!”
She smiled at me, “don’t worry about it dear. I’m fixing to close shop for the day, and for the rest of the month to head back to France, for Christmas” she smiled, “anything else? It’s on the house? How about a hot chocolate?” I nodded quickly and she fixed me a cup. I smiled back.
I suddenly look behind me to see jimin smiling at a table. What was he doing here. I ignored him and walked out the pastry shop. “Wait Y/n-.” The pastry shop woman looked confused.
“Y/n, why aren’t you eating in there?” I shrug, “idk… do you want me to?” He nodded quickly. And pulled me back inside. His cheeks and nose red from the cold… so cute.
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devildomdisaster · 4 years ago
Idk if you read Lore Olympus but chapter 129 gave me an angsty request idea.
So Persephone, who’s the goddess of spring, goes into a hibernation-like state and when her emotions go out of control, she ends up growing her hair really long and her body sprouts a lot of plants from her; to the point of covering her and whatever area she’s in with her plants.
So I would like to request head cannons of the Brothers reacting to an MC who gets really sad whenever the brothers insult or threaten them and after several weeks of being berated by demons it causes MC to shut down and go to their room but mistakes a comfort spell with a plant curse that causes their hair and plants to grow continuously long. The plants fill up MC’s room and while they would normally be surprised at the mistake, they don’t care any more. They allow the plants to to grow, even wrap around their neck and body, and hopes the curse kills them off before the brothers notice as they go in the “hibernation” stage of the curse (The curse causes the victim to grow a lot of plants and vines from their body until they die, which can take a few days).
I’m sorry for being so long and descriptive, I just wanna see the Bros panic and feel guilty that MC felt pushed to do this to themselves but I understand if you don’t want to do it
I don't read Lore Olympus but you described the situation really well so I hope this is something close to what you wanted.
Comfort spell gone wrong
Lately, nothing seemed to be good enough for the demons. No matter what you did one of them would find something to berate you for.
“Mc, your grades are subpar even for an exchange student. You’ll have to try harder in order to not be a disappointment to Diavolo and myself.” Lucifer warned over breakfast.
“Mc, you burned dinner. You should learn to be a better cook.” Beel grumbled. As if you had ever seen any of these ingredients before ending up in the Devildom.
Even Mammon seemed to be in a particularly unpleasant mood. A never-ending string of complaints about how hard it is to protect an ordinary human. “Geez, you’re such a hassle human.”
Taking refuge in the library to study and to give Mammon a break from you proved disastrous and nearly deadly. Somehow you’d managed to spill your cup of tea all over an old somewhat rare text after Asmo had barged in and startled you. Your string of bad luck continued when Satan rounded the corner and saw the soggy tea-stained pages you’d been trying to decipher. In his fit of rage, he’d called you several unpleasant names and asked if you were “capable of doing anything right or if all humans are as stupid as you?” You’d left as quickly as you were able to avoid any more of his wrath.
No matter where you went you kept walking in on Belphie napping and without fail he’d say something nasty to you, that would make tears burn the backs of your eyes.
Levi had angrily called you a “useless normie,” who he wished would “never come back.” and had pushed you from his room with a slam of his door.
Even Asmo who usually just ignored you when he was upset found every reason imaginable to critique your every aspect. Physical and personality. Not a single one of which made you feel any more than worthless.
So was it any wonder when at the end of a long week you’d locked yourself in your room and decided to try that comfort spell you’d heard Solomon talking about? It seemed simple enough. But then your tears had blurred your vision as you’d recited the words and your Latin was still shaky at best. But it was just a few lines! And there was no way you were going to go to one of the brothers for comfort when they had seemed perfectly happy to make you miserable for the last few weeks.
You’d read the spell aloud and curled up hoping that the spell would kick in and you’d feel even just the slightest bit better. The blinding green light and sudden drop in energy was the first and only warning the spell had gone wrong. But being new to magic meant it still sapped your energy, so you didn’t stop to think something might be wrong. By the time you realized what was happening, everything was out of control. Plants had begun to sprout from your skin and the floor around you, growing and growing. With each inch they grew you felt your exhaustion creep up and consume you. You were just so tired. Your eyes fluttered closed. This was wrong! You forced your eyes open again. You need to fix this. The spell! But a short nap wouldn’t hurt, would it? You’d have more energy after you woke up. Then you could go get one of the brothers. Satan would know how to fix this. Or Lucifer! He’d clean the spell up easily. Yes, after you woke up…
Lucifer hadn’t seen you all weekend. He figures you’re most likely studying. But you don’t show up for meals and none of his brothers have seen you either… and oh Diavolo! He can feel the spell from the dining room. How did he not notice sooner? The cold pulling sensation of the spell, like it was sucking the warmth and life from its surroundings.
When Lucifer reaches your door Mammon is already there. Knocking and shouting for you, but there's no answer. He all but breaks your door down, his brothers behind him, and finds you at the center of the spell. Unresponsive and covered in the plants using your energy to grow. The plants had begun climbing up the walls and twisting through your hair, sending out snow-white flowers.
“Beel! Don’t!” Lucifer warns as Beel reaches out to pull a handful of plants from you. “We don’t know what did this and what will happen to Mc if we just rip the spell off like that.”
“Lucifer, Mc did this to themself,” Satan points to the open spellbook. “It looks like they got a comfort spell mixed up.”
Fortunately, your last tired thoughts were correct and Lucifer is able to break the spell quickly. You wake surrounded by the brothers.
All this happened for a comfort spell? Because you didn’t feel like you could come to him, to any of them?
He’s so sorry Mc. Enough that as he leans down to pick you up out of the mess of withering plants you can feel tears fall onto your face.
“Nothing I did was good enough for you Lucifer. Any of you. I just wanted to feel… I just wanted-”
His heart breaks when he realizes this is his brother’s fault, his fault. “You are always good enough, Mc. Much more than I could ever ask you to be, and if I ever made you feel like you weren't. No, the fact that I made you feel like you weren’t, means I have been truly terrible.”
You’re choking back your own tears now and you curl further into his arms as he carries you down the hall. “You said I was a disappointment.”
“My dear Mc, you have never been, nor could you ever be a disappointment to me. Forgive me for ever making you feel as if you were.”
Lucifer takes you to his bathroom and draws you a bath to wash away the last of the plant matter from your body.
Afterward, he’ll bring you anything you ask for. He wants to wrap you in his arms but doesn’t want to push you, so he asks softly if he can hold you.
He’ll spend weeks trying to make this up to you, even after you forgive him, he’ll be sure to tell you how much he loves you more often than he did before.
Shit human! Why didn’t you come to him? He loves you so much and oh. He made you feel like a burden.
How could he be so stupid when he knows how his brothers make him feel?
Mammon begs for your forgiveness in front of all his brothers.
“Please can ya forgive me? I never meant to make ya feel like a burden. You're the only human I- I want to protect you Mc. I’m so sorry.”
Mammon helps you up and since your room is covered in plants he offers to let you sleep in his room for the night.
He wraps you in blankets and brushes the hair from your face with trembling fingertips.
There are still a few stubborn leaves sticking to your face and in your hair so Mammon takes a warm washcloth and wipes them from your face before gently untangling the plants from your hair.
You’ll be getting little gifts and tokens of mammon’s affections for the foreseeable future.
He threw you out of his room when you came to him for comfort and the guilt at seeing you almost die because of it is eating him alive.
He feels frozen
Maybe you would be better off without an otaku shut-in like him. He starts avoiding you like the plague.
You start to think that Levi is so disgusted with the fact that you did that spell that he doesn’t want anything to do with you anymore.
Despite this Levi still checks up on you. He wants to know that you are ok, he just does it without you knowing.
He’ll ask his brothers about you and discreetly glance at you during meals to make sure you’re eating enough and look healthy.
A few days later when your favorite and manga anime start showing up outside your door you confront Levi. “Are you mad at me? Do you just not want to be around me after what happened? Levi, I miss you!”
He is shook, and he can’t believe he messed up so badly.
He’s happy that he can invite you to hang out again, and he makes sure to spend long nights gaming or watching movies with you until you fall asleep against him. He’ll even stutter out how much he treasures his time with you, blushing fiercely all the while.
Satan feels anger swell up inside him. How could he have let this happen? How could no one have seen how upset you were?
Once the spell has been dissolved he is at your side instantly. Brushing vines from your skin. His fingers are shaking in anger but his touch is so gentle.
When both you and your room are cleaned up Satan sits at your bedside, book in hand, reading to you.
He just wants to be close to you now. He wants you to know how much he cares about you but is still too worked up to get his thoughts out properly.
Eventually, his thoughts calm and he stops reading in the middle of a sentence. “Mc, I am so sorry. I never meant to make you feel unwanted. Every day I spend with you is infinitely better than a day without you. I know the spell was a mistake but… we almost lost you. I almost lost you.”
He wants to talk about what pushed you to do this. He won’t push but he really does think that he will be better able to help you if he understands.
Satan makes sure to spend more time with you from now on. He makes a conscious effort to check his temper at the door and be with you when you need him.
Sometimes he’ll just read to you until one of you confides in the other in quiet voices.
As you blink your eyes open Asmo gently brushes some plants from your cheek.
You are so pale and his heart breaks as you flinch away from him. You feel like a mess and you know you must look like one too so curl your body away from him trying to hide. Trying to avoid his critical gaze.
This is the moment Asmo knows he screwed up.
He draws his hand back, for a moment, before reaching out to you again. Cupping your cheek and wiping your tears away with perfectly manicured hands.
Lucifer has him take you to his bathroom to clean up while the rest of the brothers work to clear the plants from your room.
Asmo is quiet for a long while as he untangles plants from your hair.
“You’re so loved, Mc,” he says softly. “You are.” he insists when you shake your head no.
“More than you could ever know, and it’s our fault for not telling you. My fault for not making you feel worthy.”
After this incident, Asmo wants to make sure you know how beautiful you are. He starts self-care days once a week that soon turn into whole family affairs. Each week different combinations of his brother attend and you all work to pamper each other.
Asmo makes sure nothing like this happens again, he never wants to be part of the reason you feel unloved ever again.
At first, Beel thinks you did this on purpose. Once the brothers realize you messed up the spell he is less angry but no less distraught.
Once you wake up, he wants to take you to get desserts. He’s heard humans eat Chocolate/ other sweets to feel better. And this makes sense to him, food does make everything better.
But you don’t want to go to Madam Screams or the kitchen to make your own. You’re still so tired. Not to mention embarrassed that you screwed the spell up this bad.
And now they are all staring at you like they care so much when none of them had any time to notice how they were making you feel before.
When you become unresponsive to the brother’s questions and apologies Beel scoops you up in his arms and walks away with you.
Something about the way he holds you close to his chest and his warmth causes you to finally let go.
You bury your face in his shirt to muffle your crying.
“I just… I felt so alone! And… I...but no one” you gasp out shakily between sobs.
Beel soothes you with soft murmuring as he gently cards his fingers through your hair and strokes down your back.
Once your crying quiets he starts to speak “Don’t do that again. You can always come to me Mc. I’m so sorry you felt like you couldn’t”
Belphie thinks it’s a joke at first. “Man, how could they mess up this bad?”
Then he sees Lucifer’s panicked expression and it hits him how serious this is.
Belphie is immediately by your side. Hands frantically feeling your wrist for a pulse.
After Lucifer breaks the spell and your eyes flutter open Belphie is filled with relief until a wave of guilt washes through him.
He can’t believe he fucked up so badly again. Sure this time he didn’t directly cause you physical harm, but he did play a role in causing you to almost die again.
“I am so very sorry Mc, I never meant to hurt you.”
He does everything he can think of to make it up to you. Anything you ask him for, as long as it’s within his power, is yours. No questions asked.
He asks permission just to hold your hand for weeks afterward as if he thinks you’ll come to your senses and decide you don’t want anything to do with him.
He wants to comfort you so bad.
To make sure you don’t feel like this again Belphie pulls you away to nap with him as often as he can get away with it. Most likely only a few times a week (much less often than he would like). Sometimes he uses this time just to talk with you. Others you really do nap, and Belphie curls himself around you. Occasionally he enters your dreams while you nap together to make sure no nightmares can touch you.
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x-amount-verbs · 3 years ago
A Helping Hand - Part 12
[start here] || Part 11 || Part 12 || Part 13
[Silco POV for ch11 if you missed it]
[silco x f!reader] [2.4k words] [no y/n] [during timeskip] [touch-starved reader] [henchwoman!reader] [rated M] [dom silco]
I am… so sorry. 🤣 -verbs
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‘Just the thing’ is motherfucking chopsticks.
They’re horrible and you hate them.
“I’m left handed! I couldn’t even use them right handed when I had a hand!” you argue, struggling to pick up the stupid noodles that cling together like they’re actively trying to pull you down with them (and succeeding).
Silco had kept up that intimidating aura while his people went to prepare you food, using the wait as an opportunity to run the usual tests, as well as top up the fluid levels in your prosthesis, your body on high alert as he sat next to you on the sofa. You may have been too focused on his arms as soon as he rolled up his sleeves to get to work. You can’t help it, really, there’s just something so… not to sound like some pretentious topside poet, but there’s something alluring about the way his skin gets bared with that purposeful roll of his sleeves.
He turned down the power draw once his dastardly plot was revealed, letting you grumble and scowl to your heart's content.
On the plus side, you have both hands this time, so you can steady the bowl as you try to manipulate the irritatingly thin utensils. And you’re thankfully not in that… weird headspace that you were in with your arm bound behind your back. Both things are a relief.
“Mm, consequences,” Silco observes in a self-satisfied hum from his desk as he sifts through the pages that had been delivered to him along with your meal.
You shoot him a glare, and receive nothing but the hint of a hidden smirk in return, eyes never leaving his reading.
Letting out a frustrated breath, you decide to cheat. Benefit of having two hands and all that. You grab the chopsticks in your right fist and stab at the mess of noodles, twirling and tilting until you have a messy clump wrapped around the utensils. You have to angle your fist oddly to eat the strange mess, but you can finally lean forward and take a bite.
Okay yeah, you’re hungry. You knew that before, but now that you've had a taste it’s even more apparent. An involuntary sigh hums from your nose as you chew happily. They’re good noodles, even if you’re eating them entirely incorrectly.
Silco sets his papers down. “I believe this would be considered bad faith cooperation.”
“I’m using the chopsticks,” you point out, taking another bite.
You lift your prosthetic limb: “And with the right hand,” you add, emphatically.
“You were a good deal more cooperative when tied up,” he muses, eyes finding yours. He turns it on for a moment, that focused attention that steals your breath and makes your body heat — and then he looks down, and so do you, brow furrowed as you angrily take another bite, ignoring the flush of your cheeks. Your flesh hand tightens on the bowl, almost protectively, like he might come take it away.
Pretty fucked up that you’d let him do it again.
Pretty fucked up that you kind of want him to do it again.
There’s a sound as Silco’s chair rolls out from his desk, and you glance up like you’ve been caught red handed. First instinct says just keep eating before he steals it back, cause that’s what you sense coming. You try to chew faster, even if you feel a little stupid with your stubborn noodle lollipop.
Silco walks to you, and your movements slow, too hung up on watching him, feeling silly when he comes to you so gracefully, so casually, hands tucked in his pockets and looking like he doesn’t have a care in the world— apart from the way his gaze lights a fire on your skin.
“If you can’t do it properly, I’ll do it myself.”
Your grip slips, the mess falling back into the bowl, utensils ringing against the rim.
His lips press closed, but you can sense that amusement from him as he lets his gaze slide sideways, freeing you from his hold long enough to swallow and make an informed decision. Because if he hadn’t… Well, you’re not sure you’d be capable, regardless of intent.
Looking down, you untangle the sticks, ears burning, a frown turning your lips. “…Unnecessarily finicky pieces of shit,” you mutter, trying to fix your hold again. If you’re not looking at him, things are easier. But he’s still standing there, on the other side of the coffee table, watching you struggle and making sure you don’t cheat.
In the hopes of lightening the unbearable self-awareness, you babble as you work. “I really am sorry for yesterday,” your grudgingly sheepish tone manages to combat the frustration at your task. “I felt like an idiot just leaving. But you two were having a moment and I didn’t want to- shit—” Another slip up, losing the delicate balance you’d achieved with one stick as the other slides into it.
As soon as your apology began, Silco looked away, lessening his grip on your attention even more. Sparing you. “If Jinx didn’t wish to assist, she wouldn’t have done it. I would not have asked her to.” His tone is even, but not soft per se. Level and relaxed. Calm.
You believe him, but you still find yourself breathing a short skeptical laugh.
From the corner of your eye, you see Silco’s face turn back to you. “You doubt it?”
You keep your eyes on your task, resituating the utensils. No comment.
“You think I’d ask her to do something against her will?” It’s more curious than offended, luckily.
Your lips tighten, cheeks heating, but keep focused on the bowl, finally getting things in the right position, and focusing instead on picking apart the tangle for a small enough portion to lift. She wouldn’t be the first.
Silco’s steps toward you only make your cheeks burn hotter. Slow steps. They get you on high alert every time. “…You think I’d ask you to do something against your will?” He intuits your argument without you needing to say a word.
And you’re not sure you even can, once he’s standing barely a foot from you.
“If you’re referring to the tasks set to aid your recovery,” his voice is casual, but professional, “your consent is assumed on the agreement of employment. You know perfectly well you can refuse, and I’ll simply reclaim my investment.”
So, chop off my hand again.
“…As for the rest, you’ve made some limits clear.”
Shock makes your eyes snap up to his. The rest. “The…” Your mouth is dry. The rest. There’s a ‘the rest.’
Silco’s brow raises as though waiting for your argument. Or maybe your confession. Or something. When you don’t respond, he adds, almost pityingly; “I use the tools at my disposal for your own well-being, my dear.”
You frown your confusion. Is he playing with you? How serious—? Is he—? You can’t tell if Silco is only using this game of his to get you to cooperate. And you’re not sure if you prefer it that way.
“…And the most useful tool, with you, is your willing obedience.”
…You don’t think you do prefer it that way, actually.
Indignant brows furrow, but it’s hard to get your tongue to cooperate. “I— I don’t-”
And then you’re not thinking at all, because Silco is close enough for his boots to hit yours, and he’s taking the bowl from your hands, plucking up the chopsticks like they’re nothing, and twirling a mouthful onto them easily. Of fucking course he can do it.
He lifts the food slightly. “Open.”
Your brain is not wanting to cooperate. But humiliation at being treated like a child very nearly wins out. “I don’t need you to-”
For a second you’re silent, just looking up at him in confusion. What does this mean? Why is he doing this, what point is he proving, and what does it mean?
His stare is even, and somehow he manages to lessen that pull, even while maintaining eye contact. A subtle smoulder in that ember eye, rather than a blaze. Silco lowers himself to one knee, and your head spins. He doesn’t repeat the order. He just says your name.
And you melt.
Your gaze lowers to his collar, pulse roaring in your ears as you open your mouth and let him feed you. It should not feel nearly as erotic as it does.
“Good girl.”
Your eyelids flutter, trying to hide the current that just raced up your spine. The urge to do highly inappropriate things to chopsticks pops into your mind, and you nobly resist. Still, you feel the blush making you lightheaded as you finish the mouthful and open again.
Silco doesn’t offer you another.
And then you realize you’ve fallen straight into his trap.
Your mouth snaps shut.
“I believe I’ve proven my point.”
You could probably drop dead right now. Just… cease to exist, utterly destroyed by your own stupidity. It’s mortifying. But everything about him is just— ugh. You can’t help it! He makes you stupid, in a way that is both infuriating and insanely arousing. In your head, things move even faster, his grip in your hair and teeth nipping your earlobe and hands— gods, his hands could be anywhere on you and you’d submit. Complete and absolute surrender, even if you kinda hate yourself for it.
You’ve killed people. You hold a record for the armory district’s unofficial timed trials on marksmanship. You should not want to be— conquered.
And yet Silco on his knee before you, feeding you, that scarred eye all spark and coal? Your blood rushes, threatening to make you topple over. To swoon against the sofa and just let him take you.
Except, as evidenced by his words: he doesn’t intend to do that. Your obedience is a tool, used against you for your own good.
…Any chance you can convince him that having him fuck you would also be for your own good?
Stop that. Your boss.
It feels far too late for that criticism.
“Now: finish.”
Your eyes may go a little blank at that command as he sets the bowl back in your hands. Not like you’ll be saving that little soundbite for later.
No. Nope. No later. Boss. Your boss.
Who so very clearly knows you’re into him, so is it really so bad if—
Yes. Bad.
Silco rises back to his feet, looking down on you expectantly. Your stunned silence persists as you make yourself obey, valiantly attempting the task.
His approving hum is slightly less devastating than outright patronizing praise, but it still makes your insides hot liquid. Just focus on the task. Just focus. The task.
Never before has a bowl of noodles felt like hell.
You have varying degrees of success as the minutes tick by. By the time you get your own proper bite picked up and into your mouth (even if your mouth is practically at the rim of the bowl) they’re tepid at best, more like cold. Silco long ago returned to his work, content to let you struggle with the consequences of your own actions.
“I have a meeting tonight,” he announces— at the worst possible time, as you just got another mouthful.
You look up at him, unable to hide the minor annoyance in your gaze, the hint of accusation. Spitefully, you chew slower. Not gonna reply. If he’s expecting you to, he’ll just have to wait. He’s the one who made you do this to begin with.
“It’s a good thing you came in early, actually. Convenient.”
So apparently he isn’t expecting you to reply.
“I’d like you to apologize to Jinx.”
Your stubborn annoyance slips, that touch of shame back. Poor kid. The spite is set aside, hurriedly swallowing so you can respond. “I can certainly do that.”
Silco leans back in his seat, head cocked slightly as he considers you. That power dial is ramping up again, you can feel it. Your gaze drops to the desk in front of him, fingers trying not to lose your grip on the chopsticks. Actually— you just focus on your task. That’s the way to avoid it; just do what he asked.
A moment later the tension dissipates.
You’re as relieved as you are disappointed.
“In fact, I’d like you to make it up to her. I’m sure she can come up with all kinds of activities: all you have to do is use the proper hand.”
It’s such a strange request. Or, command, rather. Assignment? Whichever it is, you didn’t expect it. He’s been so intent on you, so specific in his instruction and testing… Is this… a punishment?
You got another bite wrangled. So you take it.
But he says your name while you’re in the middle of chewing, and you’re left glancing up at him feeling like a chipmunk. Truly, haven’t felt this desirable in fucking years, looking like a dumbass with cheeks full of noodles. And he’s turning it back on. It’s like as soon as he acknowledged how well you respond to it, he decided to just fiddle with that power dial constantly.
“I wonder if you’ve become too informal.”
Excuse me?
Your confusion must be evident, because Silco leans forward, words firm and instructive. “Let’s try again. For your assignments today, and instead of our meeting this evening, I expect you to apologize to Jinx, and then supervise her in her activities, and participate using your non-dominant hand. When given the time to do so, I expect you to practice with that hand, regardless of whether or not you are being observed.”
You swallow. By context he clearly means practice the same way you have here: using it to lift and use utensils and open doors and things like that. It’s your own dirty mind putting meaning on that word.
“Is that clear?” Silco’s brow raises, prompting you. At least he waited for you to be able to speak before expecting you to.
His head tilts ever so slightly. Like he’s waiting on something.
Oh. “Yes, sir.” Never before has one word sparked on your skin and electrified all your nerves at once.
That small smirk feels like gloating. As does the condescending, “Good girl.”
But you already knew two words could have that effect. Skin simmers with an electric heat, tightening across your chest and rendering all your tension to a liquid that pools low in your belly. Maybe if he just keeps using it, you’ll grow desensitized.
You can only hope.
Because you’re not sure your clothing can handle hearing that on a regular basis. You’ll have to start wearing skirts, at this rate; feels like you could soak through your trousers.
[next part]
[lmao I’m so sorry for trolling with that last cliffhanger, but hopefully the Silco POV helped soothe the pain 😏
Standard begging applies: please reblog if you liked it, to combat whatever tumblr does to posts that contain the amount of links I have in these posts; please PLEASE gimme your reactions via tags or comments or asks, and/or give it some love over on ao3. If you want to make sure you’re tagged whenever a new chapter or reverse POV oneshot goes up, join the taglist by commenting on this linked post.
Please forgive me for being a tease 🥺👉👈 ❤️ -verbs]
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i-did-not-mean-to · 2 years ago
October 1st
Apple picking
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This first ficlet is dedicated to my e-husband @the-girl-with-the-algebra-book, @sortumavaara's beautiful art, @eunoiaastralwings and @maglor-my-beloved's TRSB fic pertaining to Erestor's parentage.
Poooo, rather nervous to be opening with a pairing I've never written before...😅😅😅
Words: 550
Warnings: None
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Erestor looked up in outrage as something cold and hard hit his forehead with considerable force as he sat bent over an old tome.
“What is this?” he cried out angrily.
“Why, Erestor, my dearest, it’s an apple!” Glorfindel leaned cockily against a bookshelf much too old and valuable to be treated this callously and seemed only minimally distressed by his bad aim.
Or had he done that on purpose?
“Pray tell, dearest,” the seated victim of this vicious attack hissed, “why would you pelt me with fruit?”
“It’s good for your health…the apple, I mean, not the pelting!”
Erestor’s brows drew together further until they looked like slim caterpillars about to lean in for a coy kiss. “Is that so? It seems quite a marvel then that I’ve lived through so many ages unscathed without the invaluable counsel of one who – as far as memory serves – has died and been spit out again for being too annoying even for the Valar to withstand.”
The radiant light of Glorfindel’s countenance flickered for a heartbeat or two before he caught the fond gleam of indulgence in the forbidding librarian’s gaze. 
“Moreover,” Erestor declared after inspecting the missile critically for a moment, “this apple is quite subpar. Is this the measure of your affection for me?”
With a dramatic groan, the bold and beautiful Lord melted onto the desk to bat his golden lashes seductively at his still graciously sedentary lover glowering down impressively at him.
“Oh, you’re his son and there’s no doubt about it; it is good to see the old blood heating up as it ever has,” Glorfindel mused, stricken with a heart-wrenching pang of nostalgia and longing. “I’d see it sustained for a while longer yet, is that really so devious?”
“By throwing bruised fruit at a skull that shall soon be equally as damaged?” Erestor shot back with a glint of sharp humour, holding the truly rather unfortunate-looking fruit aloft by the stem.
Unable to resist the pull, Glorfindel touched a warm hand to that tense jaw and caressed his lover tenderly; he had been roaming the fields all morning and, overcome with the desire to spend the afternoon with the one he had known for longer than his whole present life, he might just have been swept away by his own ebullient enthusiasm. Charm always worked better on Erestor than brute force, he well knew, and so – quickly and elegantly – he changed his tactics.
“Might I avail myself of your guidance and sweet company in the orchard then?” he purred softly, biting back a grin as he saw the dour expression progressively drain from that beloved face tilted down at him with fond forbearance now. “You may point out the most beautiful specimens to me and it will be my honour to retrieve them for you.”
“You just want to jump around in the trees like the savage you are,” Erestor grumbled, but – his papers having been thoroughly crumpled and set awry by Glorfindel’s antics – he shrugged into his previously discarded overcoat with a sigh, nonetheless.
“Let’s go apple picking then,” he chuckled, “sweet love of mine.”
“I knew I’d convince you,” Glorfindel hooted and leapt ahead, evidently very pleased with himself and his successful scheme to draw Erestor out of the dusty library on such a golden autumn day.
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So this is the first entry for my October ficlet run.
@fellowshipofthefics thank you for this amazing prompt sheet.
If you liked this, please let me know, I am sincerely struggling with my writing, my person, and my life in general at the moment and I would very much welcome any sign that I am not just a massive waste of space on this planet.
Thank you 🥲
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alewritesfics · 3 years ago
Summary: the one time she accepted
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Sharma Sister! Reader
Word count: 3.6k
Warnings: unedited, angst, arguments, fluff, happy endings.
Series masterlist
sorry for the delay, I got distracted watching the TV 😅😅
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“Miss Y/n, How nice to see you” the Duke of Fairfield said as I entered the drawing room, followed by Edwina, who came to chaperone, he handed me a bouquet of roses
“Your grace” I bowed “Thank you for the flowers”
“What did I say about formalities?” I smiled sheepishly “So, there is a reason I have come here”
I nodded “I figured”
“Have you thought about what I said while I was gone?”
“Uh, I know I said I will give you a chance but…” I trailed off
“I get it, I cannot go away for a few weeks and not expect that nothing has changed” he smiled reassuringly “He proposed, then?”
“I am so sorry, the truth was that honestly, I did not even know if I was going to be able to allow you to court me, and it was wrong for me to agree when I was in love with the Viscount, you deserve a lady that puts her whole heart into your courtship. I could not do that” I explained “He has proposed, but I have not accepted”
“Something that we are very annoyed with, might I add” Edwina interjected making the Duke laugh “He has not stopped coming over everyday bringing flowers, we do not even know where to put them anymore. And I am certain he spends more time here than he does at his own home”
“Oh, do not be dramatic, bon” I scoff amused
“We love it, It shows he is genuine”
“Well, I got the answer I came for, so I must take my leave, I am having Lunch with her majesty, the queen, and she does not like to be kept waiting” Louis said as he went to walk away. I looked at Edwina, who was staring at the Duke and smiled.
“Your grace,” He stopped as I walked closer to him “ It may have not worked with me but… Edwina is a sweet, young lady, it will not hurt to try, will it” I smiled giddily
Louis looked at Edwina, observing her before he smiled and nodded his head, , Anthony walked in as Louis gave me a last smile before he walked out.
“Y/n, Miss Edwina” He greeted as he handed me a bouquet of lilacs
“Lord Bridgerton” Edwina greeted “ We do not have any more free vases, where are we supposed to put this one?” Edwina grumbled as she walked away, leaving us.
“Tell Lady Danbury and Mama, that Anthony and I are going for a ride and will be back soon” I called out to her, I heard her say something in agreement “Are you ready for a ride?” I smiled but his face stayed unreadable
“What is wrong?” I asked
“What was the Duke doing here?” I furrowed my eyebrows at his tone
“He was just passing by, wanting to greet me, a friend”
“Yes, because friends give other friends flowers” he gestured to the roses
“ I did not ask him to buy me flowers, he just brought them to me” I furrowed my eyebrows “he is my friend” I sighed
“You do not even spend time together, how can you be friends?” He remarks, clenching his jaw
“Why are you so mad? We do not have to spend every single moment together to be friends, it was just a friendly gesture, the flowers” I added
“Yes, well if I was the one to call on another young lady, and gifted her flowers, you would have something to say, would you not?” Anthony snapped
“No, because I cannot say anything about who you are friends with, Just like you do not get to choose who I have as friends!” I insisted angrily
“Men do not want to be your friends!” He argued “I know men, I am one myself, I know how they think, and what they want. When they look at you, they do not think of being your friend”
“Why can you not trust me?!” I said
“I do trust you, it is them I do not trust!” We look at each other angrily “Is he why?”
“Why what?” I scoffed
“Why you do not want to accept my proposal-“
“No! You keep on rejecting me over and over again, I thought it was just because you wanted me to pursue you, but it has been a week, and you have not given in. But this is just it, is it not? You are just waiting for the duke to make his own proposal, being Viscountess is not enough for you, so what is better than being a duchess? And of course, it certainly helps that he is richer” I looked at him in disbelief
“Do you not know me?” I scoff “You know neither does a title or money matter to me. Why are you even saying this, have you not gotten to know me all this months we have spent together?”
“Yes, well I am not sure if I even know you anymore” Anthony grumbled “Perhaps you never were the person you acted like, and now I got to know your true colors, you are nothing more than the same as the rest of ladies in the ton, all interested in titles and money, and nothing else”
Tears prickled in my eyes “Well I am glad I finally got to know what it is you think about me. You finally found out, what you think I am really like, before It was too late, did it not?”
“And to think I was finally going to agree to be your wife today, thought I made you wait too long, seems like it was the right decision to reject you from the start, after all” I walked away from him, opening the door and going outside
“Wait,” He called out but I ignored him “Y/n, wait”
I ran off towards the stables, and with just my luck, the sky was now cloudy, rain pouring down. I continued down my path, opening up the stables and grabbing a horse.
It did not matter whether it was prepared to be ridden for or not, I wanted to get away from the house, and Anthony, as quickly as possible. I climbed on and nudged the horse to start running.
“Y/n, wait!” Anthony called out opening the door and running after me “It is too dangerous, you can get hurt!”
Rain continued pouring, my body and clothes now wet, and blurring my vision. We trudged through the fields, I making the horse turn to the side, trying to loose Anthony who was now behind me, he had grabbed a horse and rode after me.
“Y/n!” I heard Anthony get closer
I looked around everywhere, trying to decipher where I could go to loose him. I saw a space between some trees, unfortunately, rocks and shrubbery blocked the path. I breathed in, trying to let go of my fear. I urged the horse to go faster, so I could be be able to jump over it.
“No, no!” Anthony yelled frightened “Do not do it!”
The horse stood up on its hind legs, the force of gravity and my fingers slipping off the reigns, made me fall off.
I hit my head on a rock, the impact making black spots cloud my eyes before everything darkened.
Anthony stared at Y/n’s body in shock, his blood went frozen cold, horror racking all over his body as he urged the horse to ride faster towards her. He did not even wait for the horse to stop before he jumped off, running quickly to Y/n.
He kneeled next to her, taking off his coat and covering her with it. “Stay with me. Come on, now” he went to pick her up, his hand touching her head, he stopped himself once he felt something coating his hand. He turned it around and saw blood, his face turned even more pale.
“Stay with me” Anthony pleaded, wrapping her hand around his neck and picking her up
He saw a carriage getting closer to them and walked towards it quickly.
He stumbled through the door of Lady Danbury’s house, Y/n on his arms. “Make room!” he yelled once everyone started to crowd around them
Hearing the commotion, Lady Mary, Lady Danbury, Kate and Edwina Sharma, walked down the stairs quickly, they gasped horrified once they saw Y/n unconscious
“Call the surgeon at once!” Anthony ordered carrying Y/n up stairs
He marched towards her bedchambers, laying her down on her bed, as maids, the surgeon, and her family crowded around the room.
“She has a cut on the back of her head” Anthony informed them “I kept pressure on it, but it need stitching”
“Miss Sharma? Can you hear me?” Anthony stood around the bed as the surgeon tended to Y/n, grabbing anything so he could occupy himself
“She needs more blankets. She is still shivering!” Anthony yelled exasperated
“Allow me to get to work” The surgeon pleaded to him
Anthony stepped back allowing the surgeon his space, his eyes on Y/n’s figure, desperation obvious in his face
“What happened?” Benedict Bridgerton entered the room “My valet saw you carrying Miss Sharma inside, is she alright?”
“I do not know” Anthony answers an unreadable look in his face
“Are you all right?” Benedict asked his brother, looking at him worriedly
Anthony looked away from Y/n’s body, and to the Sharma’s on the other side of the bed, crying and praying for Y/n’s safety and recovery. His eyes filled with tears, a lump forming in his throat as his he felt a weight on his chest.
“It is my fault” his lips trembled “It is all my fault” he felt it harder to breath, his chest heaves up and down quickly, trying to fill his lungs with air.
“Anthony?” Benedict called but Anthony did not hear him and stumbled out of the room, ignoring his brothers calls behind him, his emotions weighing him down, he could even hear his heart beating faster
“No one cared to inform me that we have lost three staff in the last month?” Anthony Bridgerton said angrily as he walked into the drawing room of the Bridgerton house “These are precisely the things I must know about” his siblings looked up at him startled
“We are not the only ones affected by our ill reputation of late, Anthony” Lady Bridgerton mused
“Colin, would you care to inform me about anything?” Anthony said
“I do not take note of staff changes, brother” Colin answered confused
“What about our accounts?” Anthony raised his eyebrows “Apparently you do not take note of them either since I spent the last two days balancing our books, only to discover that you have taken out a rather large sum, whatever for?” Everyone looked at Colin intrigued
Colin swallowed under their stares “If you must know, I was exploring an investment with Lord Featherington”
“This is just what makes the difficulties in this household. No one gives any thought as to how it must be managed” the Viscount snapped
“He is one and twenty, brother” Benedict defended Colin
“Is no one in this family allowed to make their own decisions?” Eloise added
“You, keep your doodling” Anthony told Benedict “And do not ask me to speak of your activities, I would not know where to begin” he looked at Eloise scowling
Eloise looked at her brother angrily “May I be excused?” She stood up and left without another word
“I must go too” Colin said packing up his things “But do not worry, brother, I shall send you notice of every step I take today”
“Yes, doodling awaits, I suppose”
“I do have too much to breath”
“I have my Latin”
And now, there was only Lady Bridgerton and Anthony left in the drawing room. He sighed and pinched his nose in frustration.
“How is she?” Anthony looked at his mother
“Still not awake from the last I heard four days ago” he answered
“Have you not gone to see her? What if-“
“Have I not made it clear, I’ve been busy?” Anthony snaps at her
Lady Bridgerton sighed and walked closer to her son “I would be lying if I said I was not worries about you, Anthony” She told her son
The Viscount looked at her emotionlessly “I do not have time for this” he murmured
“Well..” Lady Danbury still looked at her son with care, giving him a small smile “ You might wish to make time" She then left
Anthony blinked his tears away, sighing sadly
Y/n opened her eyes, the sun’s light hitting her eyes. She looked around the room and saw her sisters sitter on a chair near the bed
“Kate, Edwina?” She called out. Both sisters turned to look at her, happy tears instantly filling their eyes.
“Mama! Lady Danbury! Make haste!” Edwina yelled as they crowded around Y/n
Footsteps could be heard rushing to the room, Lady Mary and Lady Danbury entering the room soon after.
“Dearest?” Lady Mary questioned
“She's awake!” Kate said happily
“Thank heavens. Send for the doctor!”
“Y/n” Lady Mary grins “Do you remember?”
“I remember the argument, and me riding in the park. And the fall” Y/n looked at her family sadly “I am so sorry”
“You must rest, bon, do not strain yourself” Kate smiled
Y/n smiled at them, before it faded, thoughts consuming her “Did Anthony come to see me?”
They all looked at each other doubtful before Lady Danbury spoke up “He rescued you in the park, gallantly, in fact. He brought you back here several days ago. Would not leave your bedside for a second” She smiled “Although, he stopped coming four days ago” Y/n nodded smiling sadly
“It is alright” She sighed “Well, tell me what I missed” they laughed
“A fall never takes off your love for gossip does it?” Y/n laughed at Kate's words
“Never” They all laughed once again
Anthony Bridgerton stood in his study, reading over papers that required his attention.
“I will join the family in the drawing room momentarily” He spoke up once he heard footsteps heading his way, one hundred percent sure it was his mother
“Anthony” Lady Bridgerton said, happiness evident in her tone
Anthony looked up from the papers, his heart starting to beat rapidly in his chest. He took one look at his mother and he knew. “She’s awake”
“Mrs. Wilson heard from one of the maids” She smiled
Anthony nodded, relief flooded through his body as he looked back at the papers. His lips trembled, his eyes filling with tears as he covered his face with both hands, crying silently.
His mother frowned sadly as she looked at him, sitting next to him on the davenport. Her own eyes filled with tears as she heard his heavy breathing, and the way he tried to control his cries.
“It is… unthinkable" Violet started “Finding someone like that. Someone you love.” Anthony uncovered his face, wiping away his tears
“I am so sorry” Violet sniffled “ I am so sorry that it was you who was with your father that day. And I am.. sorry for everything that happened in the days that followed. If I could go back and change thing… you have no idea how much I wish I could change everything”
“It is what I think about every night before I close my eyes, and then again every morning before I open them. It will never go away.” She cried
“I do not think that I can see her” Anthony whispered once they calmed down
“Losing Edmund was the most difficult time in my life, and the pain that I felt… beyond description. But there is one thing that has given me at least some modicum of solace. It is knowing that I would still choose the life I lead with him, each and every time.” Tears fell down their faces again “And I would undoubtedly feel the same pain I felt over again if I had to because real, true love, is worth it. No matter what.”
“Now, go be with her” Anthony nodded, composing himself before walking away determinedly, to go win back his woman.
“ Lord Bridgerton” Y/n said once she saw Anthony walk into her room
“I am glad to see you are awake” Anthony handed her a bouquet of lilacs
“I hear it was you who found me and brought me home safe” Y/n grabbed the flowers
“I suppose I should be grateful for that first race I had with Miss Sharma and you, if it were not for that fateful moment, I do not know what would have happened” Y/n stares at him, the unreadable look on her face making him nervous
“Although, I was also told you have not come to see me since four days ago” She huffed
Anthony sat down on a chair near the bed “Yes, I am sorry for that, I was here the first days, never leaving your side in case you had woken up and you needed me there, but it had been a week and you had not woken up yet and-“ he sighed shakily, rubbing his face before looking back up at her, tears noticeable in his eyes “I was fearful of losing you, it was why I could not visit you anymore, I could not bring myself to after I remembered why it even happen in the first place” he sniffled, she sadly looked into his face as he explained himself.
“ Y/n, I am so sorry” he cried out, tears filling Y/n’s eyes as she saw him break down “ I am so sorry for what I said, I did not mean it, those cruel words I said, I know you are not like that, but I was jealous after I saw the Duke, thought he had taken you away from me, I also know that is no excuse to have acted like that, that is why I am going to spend the rest of my life making up for that, if you allow me”
“I love you” She looked at him shocked “ I’ve loved you from that moment I first saw you in the park, I’ve loved you in every dance, on every walk, every time we have been together and every time we have been apart, you do not have to accept, embrace it or allow it, but you must know it in your heart, and I am certain you feel the same way” tears streamed down both of their faces
“I love everything about you, your kindness, the way you smile and your eyes crinkled in the corner, how when you laugh, you try to hide your beautiful laugh behind your hands because your are insecure about it, but I assure it, it is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard in my life. I love how you bite your lip when you are nervous, or how your eyebrows furrow when you are sad. I love how you tried to help me win over your sister when it was so clearly breaking you inside, that just shows how supportive you are, and how you put everyone’s happiness above your own. Or how when we slept together and I felt your skin next to mine, they way your lips tasted, I felt like everything I have ever dreamed of became true. Because there is no where in this damn world I’d rather be than with you, and you are my heaven” Y/n rested her forehead on top of his
“I forgive you, Anthony” Y/n whispered pulling away, wiping away her tears “You do not even have to prove yourself because I forgave you the moment I left, I was hurt, yes, but I needed time.”
“And… I love you too” She smiled, Anthony smiled back happily
“I want a life that suits us both. I know I am imperfect, but I will humble myself before you because I cannot imagine my life without you, and that is why I wish to marry you, so what do you say? Will you marry me?”
She looked at him “You do know I will find every way I can to annoy you, and I will still boast about how I was right about Nectar and High Flyer, even if it was months ago” Anthony laughed, looking at her adoringly
“And I will not even complain, just to make you happy” He smiled
“Then yes, I will marry you!” Anthony cheered
Y/n laughed as Anthony picked her up from the bed, twirling her around in circles before putting her down and pulling her into a kiss. She laughed into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him even closer.
They did not even pay attention to her family who was, not so secretly spying from the door, nor to their grumbles and playfully gags they made once Y/n and Anthony kissed. Although they could not deny how happy they were for them and how in loved they are.
They will finally have the happy ending they longed for.
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This is it folks, we are done with Tales Of A Heart, but don't worry, there will be an epilogue + a few more bonus chapters.
Another thing, I want to thank all of you for the support and love you have given my story, when I first posted the first part, I didn't think anyone would like it, but one person like it and then more and more. I am grateful for each and everyone of you, I love you all♡♡♡♡
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angelicamerlinbarnes · 4 years ago
I just want Severus being a protective dad to Harry. Like,
(or, some conversations i think should happen.)
Year One
Severus: It’s not me, Harry.
Harry: But Dad, you like magical shiny things -
Severus: Harry. Go bother Professor Quirrell.
One book later…
Severus, storming through the castle on a rampage: WHO THE FUCK HIRED THAT TURBAN BITCH WHO TRIED TO KILL MY SON?!
Year Two
Harry: They’re going after Muggleborns. Like Mom and Hermione.
Severus: *pen snaps in his hand under desk* Hm. I’ll take care of it, Harry.
In Mcgonogall’s office later with her and Dumbledore…
Severus: My son is coming home with me whether you like it or not. And I’m inviting every other student too.
Dumbledore: We have everything under control.
Mcgonogall: Severus, I hate to break this to you, but four thousand students are not just going to follow you home.
Severus: *laser eyes ignite* They will if I offer them free A’s and no homework. And I think you’re forgetting that my son is the Chosen One, Minerva.
Mcgonogall: Bitch if you think I won’t slap you -
Dumbledore: *snores loudly*
The rest of the book later…
Severus: You are never allowed to speak Parseltongue again.
Harry: Then how will we talk when you’re in your Animagus form?
Severus: *mocking Harry’s voice* Then how will we talk when you’re in your Animagus form? We won’t, you idiot! I only do that for incredibly dangerous missions or to get some goddamn alone time!
Harry: *starts to tear up*
Severus: Oh no. Oh no no no. Harry, no, don’t cry, not the crying, I didn’t mean, fuck, love, no, I, Harry -
Year Three
Harry: Dad, um… Professor Lupin invited me for tea.
Severus, without looking up from drawing smiley faces all over graded tests: Yes, yes. Go see him. Don’t be late. And tell him a good strong “fuck you” from me.
Half a book later…
Severus: I can’t believe you laughed at that paper’s comment on my nose.
Harry: Dad -
Severus: I did not marry James Potter and Lily Evans so our son could make fun of me. I have not dragged myself through thirteen years of your incessant crying and misplaced sarcasm to have you laugh at my nose. I could have killed myself Harry. You could have grown up with Petunia.
Harry: Dad, I’m sorry -
Severus, huffing and dropping down in his chair and turning his back on Harry: My only son. A traitor!
Harry: *groans*
The other half of the book later…
Sirius: Snape -
Remus, stepping in front of Sirius: Now, Severus -
Hermione: Uh, guys? Full moon?
Remus and Sirius: Shit.
Severus, already rolling up his sleeves and tugging his idiot son and said idiot son’s idiot friends out of the Shack: Come meet James, she said. It’ll be fun, she said. They’re not that bad, she said…
Year Four
Severus: No.
Harry: I didn’t put my name in there, believe me, but Dumbledore says -
Severus: Fuck Dumbledore. I’m your father and I said no.
Harry: Dumbledore says there’s wards -
Severus: No.
Harry: But -
Severus: No.
Harry: Dad -
Severus: No.
Most of a book later in Severus’ office…
Harry, curled against Severus’ robes: Dad, he just… and Cedric… he’s back… it’s all my fault - *bursts into tears*
Severus: *kisses the top of Harry’s head* Nonsense. I’ll protect you, love. You’re gonna be just fine. And Voldy dearest can just fuck right off if he thinks he can get to the son of James Potter and Severus Snape and Lily fucking Evans -
Harry: *laughs wetly and wipes his eyes and nose on Severus’ robes*
Severus: *withholds disownment*
Rest of the book later in Dumbledore’s office…
Dumbledore: *sighs* Severus -
Dumbledore: *face scrunches up like a lemon* You want me to… what, Harry-proof the school?
Severus: *crosses arms over chest* Yes.
Dumbledore: *sighs* Severus -
Year Five
Severus: She did what.
Harry: *swallows nervously* Um. Nothing, Dad, just a blood quill -
Five minutes later…
Hermione: Harry? Why is your father cussing out Professor Umbridge and hexing her luggage when she’s not looking in the courtyard?
Ron: Yeah, and why’d I see him pay Fred and George like five hundred galleons in the hallway back there?
Harry, watching his father literally throw Umbridge down the steps while still shouting curse words in languages Harry didn’t even know existed: *facepalms*
Most of a book later…
Harry, sobbing and limping towards Severus: Dad… Dad, she killed… Dad, Sirius… *sobs brittlely*
Severus: *kisses the top of Harry’s head and pushes him gently into Remus’ shaking arms* Nonsense, love. Now, where’s the stupid veil?
Remus: *points trembling finger*
Severus: *nods sharply*
Severus: *returns ten minutes later dragging a soaking wet and violently shaking but otherwise fine Sirius Potter Lupin behind him* Found him.
Remus: *immediately pulls Sirius into the filthiest kiss of his life*
Severus: *wrinkles his nose* You’re welcome.
Harry: *laughs wetly and buries his face in Severus’ robes* Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you -
Severus: *awkwardly pats head* Um. Sure.
Unseen epilogue we all wanted…
Severus: I now pronounce you Dumb and Dumber.
Harry: *nudges Severus* Dad.
Severus: *huffs* Husband and husband, whatever.
Sirius: *grins devilishly and dips Remus back in a kiss*
Harry: *claps enthusiastically*
Severus: *gags to hide his face as he wipes away a tear*
At the reception…
Harry: *puts a flowercrown of lilies on Severus’ head*
Severus: I’m disowning you. You’re no longer my son. Enjoy homelessness, bitch -
Harry: Mum and Dad would like it.
Severus, now bright red and squeaky: Ah. Well. Fuck you.
Harry: *leans his head on Severus’ shoulder* I love you, Dad.
Severus, grumbling: You suck, kid.
Year Six
Severus: Give me your wand.
Harry: Dad -
Severus: Give me your wand.
Harry: Dad, Draco deserved it -
Severus: *shoots up and leans over the desk* Harry James Potter Evans Snape. No one deserves what you just did. What you just did was moronic, stupid, and above all, cruel. I know you’ve heard the stories about your idiot father and you know better than that, Harry. You are better than that. And if you want to make your parents proud, and I know you do, this incident will never be repeated. Do you understand?
Harry, in tears: Yes, Dad.
Severus, through gritted teeth: Yes, what?
Harry: Yes, I understand and I won’t do it again.
Severus: *sits back in his chair* Good. Now give me your wand.
Harry: *hands over wand*
Harry: *sniffs*
Severus, sighing and standing up: Come here.
Harry: *shuffles into his arms*
Severus: *kisses his head* I love you, kid.
Harry, sniffling: Mmph.
Severus: *closes his eyes* And I’m proud of you. We all are.
Harry: *laughs wetly and shoves his face into Severus’ robes* We’re proud of you too, Dad.
A quarter of a book later…
Harry: Hey Dad, I found this awesome book and I don’t know who wrote it but -
Severus: Give that to me, Harry.
Harry: But Dad! This thing is literally the only reason I’m passing Potions at all -
Severus: I know. Because you told Minerva you want to be an Auror. Now that, Mr. Potter, is a fucking lie, and you shouldn’t be taking Potions anymore. So. What do you really want to do?
Harry: I wanna be the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor.
Severus: There you go. But bitch, if you get the position before me -
Harry: Dad -
Severus: And if you tell anyone who wrote this book I swear to Merlin I’ll make sure you meet your parents far earlier than expected -
Harry: The Half-Blood Prince? Why? Do you know him?
Severus: I’m raising a dumbass.
Half a book later…
Harry: *bursts rudely into Severus’ office* Dad, Draco -
Severus: I know, Harry.
Harry: No, you don’t, this time I’m actually -
Severus: I know, Harry.
Harry: Dad, he’s -
Severus: *finally looks up from grading papers* Harry. I know. It’s okay.
Harry, sputtering: It’s not okay -
Severus: Harry, love. I don’t lie to you.
Harry: I know. Okay.
Severus: *looks back down at his papers* Just don’t be dick.
Harry: I do not -
Severus: *raises his eyebrow*
Harry: Yes, Dad.
Three quarters of a book later…
Severus: So. Harry. I heard you’re dating Ginny Weasley.
Harry: No. Nope. I’m not.
Severus: I see. Well, either way -
Harry: Oh no.
Severus: Oh, yes. We need to have this conversation; you’re a growing sixteen year old boy. Of course, as your body grows there will be things -
Harry, bright red: No. No no no. Oh my god, Dad -
Severus, maintaining intense eye contact: When two or more people love each other very much, like your parents and I did -
Harry: *bolts right up* Dad, I will go to the Astronomy Tower and throw myself off right the fuck now if you don’t shut up, I swear to Merlin.
Severus: Good. Now, about protection -
Harry: I’ll do it.
Severus: So you’ve said. Madame Pomfrey has -
Harry: *throws his hands up in the air* I’m not even dating anyone!
Severus: *gives him a look* Of course people will be lining up eventually, you are the Chosen One after all.
Severus: *gives Harry a once-over and smirks*
Severus: Though I do wonder how you plan to defeat You-Know-Who when you can’t even sit through a discussion about the protection charms your mother cast when she sacrificed herself for you.
Severus: *giggling manically*
The rest of the book later…
Harry: Dad. No. Please, no.
Severus: I’m sorry, Harry.
Severus, externally: *looks at Dumbledore* Avada Kedavra.
Severus, internally: That’s what you get for hurting my son, you shitty old bitch.
Year Seven
Hermione: Harry, you need to talk about it.
Harry, setting up a tent “successfully”: Talk about what? I’m fine.
Hermione: *sighs* Your dad.
Harry: Okay. You wanna talk about your Obliviated parents?
Harry: Yeah, that’s what I thought.
Ron: *accidentally knocks the tent over*
Meanwhile, Severus…
Severus, staring blankly at the Carrows: What son.
Carrow #1: *sneers* Your son. Harry Potter.
Severus: You think I raised that idiot?
Carrow #2: That’s… actually a fair point.
Severus: *huffs and crosses his arms over his chest*
Severus: *flips hair*
Severus, internally: Damn right it is, bitch.
Severus, externally: See? Obviously not my son.
Carrow #1, snickering: Plus no one would ever sleep with you.
Severus: *turns his head slowly so he can glare right into Carrow #1’s eyes*
Severus, in that dangerous, painfully slow drawl of his: Of course not. Carrot.
In Mcgonogall’s office at three a.m….
Severus: Where is he?
Mcgonogall: I don’t know, Severus.
Severus: But he’s alive, right?
Mcgonogall, sighing: If he wasn’t we’d have heard by now.
Severus, pacing: Right. Right. He’s fine. He’s fine. Har - he’s fine.
Half a book later…
Severus, poking his head into the Gryffindor common room at like two a.m.: Hello? Y’all coming?
Ginny, stepping forward while the rest of Gryffindor rallies behind her with small bags and pillows: Yeah.
Severus, creeping into the Hufflepuff dorms: Marshmallows? You guys ready?
Hufflepuffs, in perfect chorus as they gather with blankets and stuffies: Yes, Professor.
Severus, knocking on the Ravenclaws’ doors: Yo, smartasses, it’s time.
Luna, hugging a stuffed white rabbit with the rest of Ravenclaw behind her: Hi, Professor.
Severus: *heart melts a little bit* Hello, Luna.
Severus: *leads them all to the Room of Requirement under a mass invisibility spell*
Severus: *gets them all settled for a long-term sleepover*
Severus, straightening up: Okay. Anyone want goodnight hugs?
A few pages later…
Severus: You have a list for me?
Draco, handing over a piece of parchment: It’s alphabetized.
Severus: Hm. Thank you.
Severus: *reads list*
Severus: Get Zabini to put Zonko’s products in the bed of everyone on this list. Have Pansy get the rest of you prepped on the plan. If you’re all still on board, that is.
Draco: *shrugs* We may be Slytherins, sir, but we’re not cowards.
Severus: *eyes suddenly shiny* No. No, you’re not.
Most of a book later I think I haven’t read them in years…
Harry: You killed him.
Severus: *pleads with his eyes*
Harry: How dare you stand where he stood?
Severus, internally: FUCK why do I have to be the tortured one??? Kiss me, James said. Marry me, James said. Let’s have a kid, James said. This is all his fault. I swear Jamie when I die I am going to kill you. You fuckwad -
Severus, externally: *starts shooting harmless spells at Mcgonogall*
Quite a bit later…
Severus, internally: Fuck, I hate snakes. Why is that my Animagus? I already have this shitty tattoo and I’m in the snake House why do I need to die by a fucking snake too oh look my son’s here that’s humiliating
Harry, overwhelmed with tears: Dad -
Severus, internally: I’m fine go away jeez
Severus, externally: *gurgles*
Harry: *flurries his hands around Severus’ body uselessly*
Hermione, exasperated: Harry, move.
Harry, blubbering now: *whimpers* Mione -
Hermione, wand out and pointed at Severus’ wounds: Harry, move.
Two minutes later…
Severus, freshly healed and more than a little pissed off: Now let’s go tell that snake ass motherfucker to go fuck himself -
Harry, clinging to him desperately: Daddy you can’t -
Severus: Like fuck I can’t. That slimy ass shitwipe killed my spouses, tried to kill me, and has gone after you for your entire life as if you don’t have enough shit to deal with already so yeah I’m gonna go murder him.
Harry, burying his face in Severus’ robes: Dad, I have to go.
Severus: No, you don’t.
Harry: It’s the right thing to do.
Severus: Since when I have cared about the right thing?
Harry: Since always.
Severus: You’re grounded for the rest of your life after you survive this.
Harry: *laughs wetly* Dad, I’m not gonna -
Severus: *kisses his forehead* I love you, Harry.
Harry: I love you, Dad.
*dead silence*
Hermione: Harry. We have to go.
Harry, whispering: Keep them safe, Dad.
Severus, also whispering: Of course, love.
Idontevenfuckingknow later…
Voldemort: Harry Potter is dead!
Everyone: *crying*
Severus, internally: The fuck no he’s not like you could kill my son.
Severus, externally: *stares at Voldemort*
Five minutes later…
Harry: Expelliarmus!
Severus: I KNEW IT
The end…
Harry: Hi, Dad.
Severus, tugging him into a hug: You’re grounded forever you fucking idiot.
Harry, grinning and hugging back: Yeah, I figured as much.
A little bit after the end…
Remus: You did a good job.
Sirius: You really did. I can’t say I’m not surprised.
Severus, internally: I can’t believe I saved your life you fucking dick.
Severus, externally: I know.
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spxllcxstxr · 4 years ago
Game On • J.P
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(Gif not mine)
Writing Challenge: @lunalovecroft ‘s 2.7k Trope Writing Challenge! Congrats again! Everyone go check out their fantastic blog! Trope: Quidditch Rivals and Secret Dating
Summary: No one knows that rival captains, Potter and (Y/Ln), have been in a secret relationship for quite some time. Then, the Championship Game arrives.
Warnings: cursing, a small hint of steaminess (nothing big—it’s like a quick mention and that’s it), slight Wolfstar and Dorlene mention, mention of breakfast at the Great Hall, kissing, use of Ms when referring to the reader (only once), nonGryffindor!reader
Word Count: 2k
A.N: Kinda long winded but I actually like the dialogue for once??? Wow. Congrats again on 2.7k! Everyone go follow them because I get so happy seeing them on my dash ❤️ Hope you all enjoy and love you all ❤️
Your eyes snap open hours before they have to, your dorm still pitch black, the soft snores of your friends filling up the otherwise quiet space. The covers feel heavy and restricting on top of you, something you quickly remedy by kicking them clear off the mattress.
You swing your legs over the edge, feet meeting the cool wooden floor.
Rubbing your eyes, you glance over at the ornate clock on your nightstand. One in the morning. You sigh, your goal of getting a good night’s sleep before your important match in ruins.
Your skin crawls at the thought of the Championship Match only hours from now. The amount of blood, sweat, and tears you’ve shed in preparation for it is frankly quite concerning.
Unable to get back to sleep, you drag yourself out of bed, shoving your feet into plush slippers before slipping quietly out of your room. You’re forced to tiptoe around scattered books, most of them Quidditch related from last night.
There’s no way you’ll be getting back to sleep anytime soon, the anxiety of the morning’s match coursing through your veins. The nerves were the worst part of competitive Quidditch—after all these years you still couldn’t shake them.
Absentmindedly, you think about heading to the Kitchens, the warm and comfortable environment sounding like exactly what you need.
Late night visits to the Kitchens aren’t anything new, you and James often sneak out after curfew hidden underneath his Invisibility Cloak. Sitting in the far corner behind countless shelves and barrels was a frequent date for the two of you since it offered enough privacy from the rest of the castle.
The two of you could hold hands on the table, his thumb open to draw little figure eights between your knuckles. Your eyes could light up just looking at him without the fear of being called out. His lips could capture yours in a sweet or passionate kiss and no one would know.
The real and complete reason for keeping your relationship a secret was long since forgotten, but the general idea is still shared. It’s just easier being Quidditch rivals instead of being Quidditch rivals that snogged the second feet touched the ground. Neither of you were ever accused of going easy on the other during matches, and that’s how the two of you preferred it.
Plus, there was something romantic about sneaking around the castle and through secret passage ways pressed closely underneath his cloak. Stolen kisses in empty classrooms and quick shags in broom closets were fun when they weren’t inconvenient.
In the back of your mind you have an inkling that James might be huddled up in the usual spot as well, considering he has a match as well in a few hours.
You shuffle through the common room, a few third years spread out on the couch, sleeping atop their textbooks and notes. The fire crackles and pops lowly. A shiver runs down your spine as you step out into the corridor.
A murky blue light blooms from the tip of your wand, lighting up the dark corridor.
You shuffle across the stone, the occasional laugh or snore echoing throughout.
Filch isn’t an issue at this time of night, surprisingly the old care taker does get some sort of beauty sleep, though it does him no good, so you find yourself walking normally instead of carefully creeping around.
It doesn’t take long to get to the portrait of the bowl of fruit, faint giggles coming from the pear. You extend your arm to tickle the bottom of the pear, it’s giggles erupting even louder before morphing into an intricate brass doorknob.
Stepping through the threshold you’re immediately met with a blast of heat due to the large fireplace that practically takes up the wall to your right. Even though it’s the middle of the night, plates and goblets and utensils are clanking and crashing together, the pitter patter of house-elves darting around the area isn’t surprising at this point.
The blue light fades and flickering orange takes over.
A small and pale grey figure rushes up to you, jittery like they’ve just consumed a gallon of coffee. One ear droops low enough where it’s almost dragging across the floor while the other is significantly shorter.
“Ms. (Y/Ln)!” The house-elf squeaks, wringing their lavender cloth between their fingers. “Mr. Potter is waiting for you!”
“Alright, Tilly.” You smile warmly at the elf. “Thank you.”
As you make your way to your usual spot in the back of the Kitchens, you hear Tilly bound back over to the counters, joining the many other house-elves that work down here.
Behind stacks of old crates and barrels, there’s an old and decrepit picnic table, obscured from the rest of the room. Each time you and James show up you’re surprised the house-elves haven’t chucked it into the large fire yet. It’s so rickety it’s practically only good for firewood.
And being the spot for the two of you to find refuge in.
James is sitting with his back against the wall, legs outstretched across the bench just like you suspected. He’s lazily tracing a finger around the lip of his steaming mug, hazel eyes lost in thought. From your spot you can see his teeth toying with his bottom lip.
“You ok Jamie?” You ask softly, trying not to startle him out of his thoughts.
His eyes flick up to yours before he fixes his glasses and runs a hand through his bedhead.
“Knew you’d join me eventually, love.” He sends over a wink, face lighting up.
“And you didn’t think to pick me up at my common room?” You playfully scoff, slotting yourself between his legs, face pressed into his chest.
The red fabric smells suspiciously like the Quidditch shed, like he got in some late night practice.
“Oh yes, because standing out in the cold corridors outside of your common room after curfew is much better than just waiting for you in the warm Kitchens.” James’ chin rests in the top of your head, his arms wrapped securely around your waist.
“Blimey, chivalry really is dead.”
“Y’know, you could’ve waited outside the Gryffindor Tower for me.” James points out, chuckling at your complaint.
“I’m sorry.” You gasp. “Who has the Invisibility Cloak, again?”
“You got here just fine, didn’t you, love?” He snorts, chest rumbling.
“Whatever.” You grumble, rolling your eyes in defeat.
James sighs, rubbing your side. “You ready for the morning?”
You hum noncommittally, the thought of tomorrow’s match swirling through your mind.
“Nervous, love?” His voice is soft and delicate against your temple.
“I mean, this is my last chance, Jamie.” You mumble into his chest. “And of course it’s against you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean, (Y/n)?” James asks, concern laced within his voice.
“It’s just that you’re an amazing player and I’m—“
“A spectacular player as well.” He interjects. “I’ve seen you out there practicing. You’ve built a bloody good team this year. We’re on equal footing.”
“Yeah well, I’ve never beaten you before.” You huff lightly, playing with the hem of his shirt.
“So?” He questions. “That doesn’t mean anything. There’s a reason you’ve made it into the Championship match, (Y/n). Because you’re a fucking phenomenal Captain. And I’ll hex anyone that tells you otherwise.” You feel his fingers flex angrily against your waist.
“You’re so sweet.” You pick your head up slightly to face him, a pout tugging at your lips.
“Guess I should give you a good luck kiss now, considering we won’t have time in the morning.” James’ hazel eyes shine in the flickering light while looking into your own.
“Does luck even last that long?” You bring your fingers up to hover over his sharp jawline.
“Sadly, love, we’ll have to test that.” He sighs.
You bring your lips to meet his, your fatigue making it a bit sloppier than it should’ve been. He nips at your lips, pulling you closer to his chest momentarily before pulling away.
You whine slightly at the loss of warmth.
“Gotta save some of that luck for myself, love. Can’t just let you win.” He smirks, lips grazing your hairline.
The two of you end up sitting there for another hour or so, listening to the fire crackling and the house-elves rummage around. Eventually, he pulls you underneath his cloak and drops you back off at your common room, a quick peck pressed to your lips.
You manage to drift back off to sleep, dreaming of James rather than Quidditch.
When you pry your eyes open for the second time, the sun is actually filtering through your curtains and most of your dormmates are awake and shuffling around.
You tune them out the best you can, opting to go through your routine in whatever silence you can find.
Your routine is quite simple, you let your joints pop and muscles stretch, trying to shake yourself awake.
The rest of the castle seems to be alive with boisterous laughter and over the top festivities. Glancing around at the corridors and the Great Hall, you’re able to notice a pretty even split between red and gold and your own house colors.
This was going to be one hell of a rematch.
Marlene and Sirius have a crowd forming around them as they flex and throw out trash talk. You watch as Remus and Dorcas try to coax them down from the tabletop, but they seem unsuccessful.
Peter, Mary, and Lily are fawning over James, hyping him up, even you can tell from across the Hall.
But he isn’t paying attention to them, his eyes are clearly trained on you behind his round glasses.
“Already envisioning Potter’s demise?”
You tear your eyes away from him, instead focusing on your teammate.
“Oh absolutely.” You smirk, before throwing yourself into last minute charts and maneuvers.
Breakfast goes by quick, your leg never stops bouncing underneath the table and your fingers tap incessantly against your goblet.
You and your team strut down to the pitch earlier than anyone else. There’s a slight breeze rolling through the grounds, something you take into account.
It becomes a bit of a blur after you’ve changed into your uniform, the crowd begins to show up and their cheers take over your hearing.
Remus is announcing the game, which you have no idea why since it never goes well for anyone. His commentary ranges from picking on James to flirting with Sirius to just trying to get McGonagall pissed off.
Marching out to the center of the grassy pitch, broom in hand, you’re bombarded with your name being enthusiastically chanted across the entire stadium. Confidence bubbles inside of you as you face James, Madam Hooch just beside you.
“Alright everyone, I expect a nice, clean, and fair game today. This is the Championship, no one will get away with any funny business.” Her tone is clipped as her yellow eyes take in everyone. “Captains, shake hands.”
You and James take a step forward, his hand firmly grasping yours.
“Good luck, love.”
With your hands still connected, James plants his lips on your own, and you eagerly kiss back.
The crowd erupts into even louder cheers.
“Bloody hell!” You hear Remus exclaim over the loud speaker. “James and (Y/Ln) are now snogging on the pitch! You own me five bloody Galleons, Sirius Black! I told you, you—“
James takes a step back, his usual smirk painted across his face. His hazel eyes glint mischievously behind his goggles, which he takes the time to adjust like they were his own glasses.
The roar of the entire castle fills your ears after your little reveal.
It’s a little overwhelming, you have to admit, but it doesn’t deter you. You’ve spent too many hours training for this very moment to back down now.
You roll your neck, taking a deep breath to calm your nerves, but pixies have already erupted in your stomach. You feel James’ stare burning into you.
“Mount your brooms.” Madam Hooch’s harsh tone cuts through the crowd, but you’re barely paying attention to her as you swing a leg over your broom handle.
The whistle pops into her mouth like usual, but in the split second before she blows with all the air in her lungs, you lock eyes with your boyfriend.
His red and gold robes billow behind him, confidence just rolling off of him. Dark and chaotic curls drift in the breeze.
He sends you a wink.
“Game on, love.”
All Character Taglist: @aspiringsloth20 @amourtentiaa @cherie-draco
For @lunalovecroft go check their blog out!
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randomshyperson · 4 years ago
The Scarlet Witch Prophecy - The Fourth Year (Part II) - Chapter 5
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Series Masterlist ||  Read on AO3 || All Works Masterlist
Summary: As the youngest daughter of Howard Stark, you have ordinary expectations for your years at Hogwarts. Little do you know what adventures await you when your destiny is intertwined with the legendary Scarlet Witch.
Warnings: +16. Adaptation of the Harry Potter Saga, Magical Thematic, Prophecies, Mentions of Violence, Torture and dark magic, Language (swearing and minor/major offenses), manipulation of will, Underage kissing, insinuation of smut with minors, Smut (overage), descriptions of death, aggression, obscurity, angst, fluffy, soulmates analogies.
Chapter Words:  11.433K (they keep getting bigger and bigger don’t they?)
Authors note: I told myself i would only updated this once i finished writing two chapters ahead, but here we are. I hope everyone has a good reading, please let me know what you think and if you have any questions regarding the story i’m as lost as you are but i believe everything will make sense at the end.
When you woke up in the morning, you were really irritated.
Not having slept very well, both because of the time you went back to bed, and because of the strange dreams with red lights that you kept having, you were really sleepy when you had to get up.
And well, the first class was History of Magic, so the universe was not in your favor.
But you were quite surprised when you reached Professor Okoye's classroom and found a small crowd of students waiting at the door.
"What's going on?" You asked Quill as soon as you identified him in the crowd, Mantis right behind you. 
"I don't think we're going to have class today." He replied while looking into the room. You copied his movement, and could see the teacher moving the tables and chairs in the room away to the corner, leaving a nice clear space. When she was finished, she waved for everyone to come in.
You stood with Quill and Mantis and the rest of the students scattered around the room, and the teacher in the center. She closed the door with a wave of her wand as they all entered, a small smile on her lips.
"I have an announcement to make, students." She begins. "According to the traditions of the triwizard tournament, the host school must organize a winter ball during christmas night after the first task." She tells and has to raise her voice a bit because the students start talking to each other excitedly. "And as head of the Gryffindor house, renowned for its chivalry, I was made responsible for organizing dance class sessions." She pauses briefly, looking at the students until they fall silent. "I also expect the Hufflepuff house to behave as respectfully as my Gryffindor students, since the honorable Helga Hufflepuff was known for her great charity balls."
With a wave of Okoye's wand, a cabinet in the corner of the room opens, and out of it flies a small music organ to the corner of the room. When she waves it again, a soft melody fills the entire room.
"Let's begin."
It is only at lunchtime that you get to talk to Wanda. And your feet still hurt from the times Quill stepped on them during the dance class.
You throw your bag on the Slytherin bench and sit down next to Wanda, looking at her expectantly. The girl makes a confused frown.
"What?" she asks with a slight humor in her voice.
"Really, Wands?" You reply in the same tone. "I want to talk to you."
"About what?"
"The tournament." 
Wanda rolls her eyes, turning her attention back to the plate in front of her. You frown at the way she is being casual about it.
"What about the tournament?"
You let out a short laugh.
"What do you mean “what about the tournament”? You're the champion of Hogwarts! The underage champion of Hogwarts!" You clarify, but Wanda doesn't look at you. You blink in confusion, and reach your forearm down on the table, touching her lightly so that she looks at you. Your chest aches as she pulls her arm away. "What's wrong?"
Wanda sighs, running her hands through her hair lightly.
"I just don't want to hear about how I'm an irresponsible cheater or how dangerous the tournament is." She replies looking at you.
"I wasn't going to say that." You retort, and Wanda rolls her eyes, which irritates you. "You haven't even heard what I have to say and you've already drawn your own conclusions."
Wanda clenches her jaw, her cheeks slightly reddened.
"And what do you have to say about it then?"
"I was gonna offer to help you practice for the tasks!" You clarify angrily. And Wanda blinks in confusion. You turn your face forward next, crossing your arms. Arguing with Wanda was absolutely the worst. 
It takes a moment, but her posture softens completely and she sighs, reaching out for your arm afterwards.
"Hey." She calls tenderly, but you continue to stare straight ahead. "Hey, I'm sorry. Look at me."
You slowly turn to the side, looking down at your lap. Wanda waits for you to look up, and when you do, she gives you a weak smile.
" I'm sorry." She repeats, and you sigh, nodding. Wanda bites her lip, looking at you for a moment. "I need to tell you something. Is about..."
Wanda falls silent as your friends arrive at the table, commenting excitedly on the news of the dance that has already spread throughout the school. She sighs softly, straightening herself to look forward. You bite the inside of your cheeks, curious to know what she was going to say, but not wanting to press her.
When Nebula and Gamora sit across from you, you strain to pay attention to their conversation.
"But Wanda, tell us, what is it like to be a Hogwarts champion?" Gamora asks after the topic about the ball closes. Wanda tenses momentarily, and you want to ask why Pietro is sitting at the other end of the table with boys you don't know instead of with his sister, but the brunette forces a smile and you don't.
"I don't recommend the experience, if you ask me." She retorted with slight irony in her voice, making the group laugh. "After the selection, the principals of the other schools were not at all happy about my participation."  She counters twisting her fingers lightly. "I think they were questioning the security of the Goblet choice. But Principal Harkness stood up for me, in her own way at least. She insisted that nothing could be done, because the magical contract with the goblet can only be broken with the end of the tournament."
"I imagine you had no idea this was all going to happen when you put your name on the goblet, eh?" Nebula asked wryly, making the group laugh. But Wanda frowned.
"I didn't put my name on the goblet." Wanda declared. Her friends gave a short laugh, thinking she was joking. But the other girl's serious expression makes them look at her in surprise.
"Wait, are you serious?" Gamora questions and Wanda nods, sighing. She exchanges shocked looks with Nebula and Mantis. Next, Gamora looks at you. "I guess that goes on your list of weird things this year, huh?"
You shake your head slightly, not wanting the girl in front of you to mention what happened in the cup, but Gamora is already commenting on your nightmares the next moment.
Wanda turns to you next.
"What nightmares?" She questions, and you sigh, losing your appetite. "And why didn't you tell me about what you saw in the cup? And well, if you were worried, you could have asked if everything was okay with me, we've been at Hogwarts for a month now and..."
"Wanda." You interrupt with a short smile. "Calm down, okay? I was just trying to find the right time to talk to you about everything."
"I am calm, I just want to know why you are hiding things from me! " She hits back and you frown in surprise.
"Look who's talking!"
You regret the way you speak, because Wanda gasps in surprise, her gaze hurt. Your friends witness the discussion intently.
"What did you mean by that?" She retorts angrily.
"You know very well what I meant." You reply in the same tone, feeling your stomach turn in nervousness. "You always hide things, whether with your family, or with your magic! And you won't tell me what's going on with us!"
Wanda looks at you in a mixture of surprise, anger and hurt, and you feel your heart racing. Some students are looking at you curiously, but Wanda's lack of response only disappoints you. You cast her an angry glance before getting up and leaving the hall.
You feel bad that you have accused Wanda the moment you reach your dorm. You don't know if she has the answers you seek. But you are tired, because it seems that everyone is keeping secrets from you.
Throwing yourself down on the sofa, you sigh as you close your eyes. You don't feel like studying right now, but soon you have a Defense Against the Dark Arts period and you need to get up. You don't rush, though, using all the remaining time at lunch to calm yourself, trying to push out the thoughts that you and Wanda would no longer be friends.
Mantis meets you at the door to the communal hall as soon as you leave, and you thank her for bringing your backpack back. 
"Are you okay?" She asks as you both walk toward the tower.
"Yeah, it was just a silly argument." You mumble clumsily.
"Wanda was pretty upset after you left." She counters, and you mutter in understanding. "I hope you two can make up soon."
"Me too."
When you arrived at the D.A.D.A. room, few minutes later, you grumbled softly because you could only find chairs in the front, and students who sat near Professor Fury were always called in.
The professor entered soon after, his long black cape dragging across the floor, and the customary eye patch hiding a scar on his face.
"Good afternoon, everyone." He announced loudly as he entered, and waited until everyone was seated to begin. Drawing out his wand, he charmed the chalk on the blackboard to write the subject of the day. Some buzz began to circulate as the words "unforgivable curses" formed on the board. "Who here can tell me what the unforgivable curses are?"
The room was completely silent. Fury walked between the tables.
"No one?" He asked. "How disappointing."
You knew that no one answered the question because it was a huge taboo in the witch community to talk about the dark arts so freely. Professor Fury seemed to know that too, and that only seemed to make him angry.
“Unforgivable curses are three of the most powerful and sinister spells in the world of magic.” Fury explains next. “Their use is forbidden in all magical communities, and if a wizard or witch casts any of them on another wizard or witch, they will receive a sentence in Azkaban.”
Fury made another motion with his wand and the closet at the back of the room opened, a small cage secured in an iron compartment with wheels crawled to the front. 
You and the rest of the room let out exclamations of surprise as you observed the creature inside. A large, hairy spider, very scary. Mantis shrank into the chair beside you.
"As an antidote to your ignorance, I recommend that you read the book of this subject before the next class, and bring me two scrolls about the first three chapters, specifying the history of the prohibition of unforgivable curses." Professor Fury then announced, drawing an unsatisfied buzz from the students. The room fell silent the next minute, however, as the professor opened the cage.
The spider moved on the iron, looking practically startled and shrinking into the cage. 
"The first unforgivable curse is the command curse." Fury explained, pointing his wand at the bug next. "Imperio."
You and the rest of the students watched in shock as the small crystallized flash came from the tip of the wand to the creature, which stretched its legs and then moved outward. It wasn't hard to deduce that it was Professor Fury who was controlling the spider, since from the movement of his wand, it was moving.
"The Imperium curse consists of absolute control of another living being." Fury told as he moved the spider around the room, drawing exclamations of fear and shock. "You see, during the last witch war, many sorcerers claimed that they were only fighting for Mephisto because of this curse." 
The mention of Mephisto made everyone hold their breath, but the professor didn't stop talking.
"The ministry found an efficient way to find out who was lying." He counters with a short smile. Bringing the spider back to the front of the room, to his desk for all to see, he holds it still. "You will find out eventually, children, that moral lines are usually broken during wars."
You exchanged a look with your colleagues, all clearly surprised and frightened. Fury cleared his throat, pointing his wand at the spider.
"Crucio" He spoke and unlike the other, no light came out. The spider cringed, making a high-pitched noise that filled the entire room. You understood that it was screaming in pain, and you felt your stomach clench. Before you knew it, you stood up abruptly, the noise attracting everyone's attention.
"Stop it!" You shouted angrily. "Can't you see you're hurting her?"
The teacher stopped, and you tried to control your uncompensated breathing. He cleared his throat, ignoring the buzz in the room as he extended his hand to the spider, which obediently climbed into his hand.
He turned to you, placing the animal on your desk, and you swallowed dryly, keeping your gaze on the back of the room, knowing exactly what was coming. Professor Fury looked at the creature with contempt. 
"The last unforgivable curse is the killing curse." He explains. "Avada Kedavra."
You close your eyes for a moment, feeling your body tremble. When you look down, the spider was dead. The room in complete silence.
You look at Professor Fury with watery eyes.
"No one should survive this curse." He tells you. Before you can say anything, he softens his expression, looking around. "And none survived, of course. Now, why aren't you guys writing down what I said?"
You don't feel very well for the rest of the class.
The vast majority of the students seem far more impressed with how dark Fury's classes have become than afraid. You can't say the same, because it seems that every time he has to explain something about dark magic, you feel sick. Gamora tried to cheer you up by joking that auror wouldn't be the right profession for you, but you've been so upset about the absence of Wanda that you've barely been able to smile.
As the first assignment approaches, you want to forget that you fought and apologize, but the girl also seems to be avoiding you, so you do the same.
Pietro has also been distant, and Nebula told you that he and Wanda were not yet on the best of terms, and Pietro was spending much more time with Monica and Darcy than with you all. 
When the day of the first task finally arrived, you ignored the fact that you were fighting and went to look for Wanda, unable to ignore the feeling of worry that took over your whole body.
You had no idea what the first task was going to be, but Miss Harkness had asked the whole school to go to the Quidditch field on Saturday, and there were tents set up at the north end. You told Gamora that you would join her in the stands in a moment, that you needed to talk to Wanda first, and you snuck through the crowd to reach the champions' tent area.
"Psst." You called out from between the canvas of the tent, recognizing the gloomy figure sitting in the corner of the place as you entered from the back. Wanda looked around, and then stood up, frowning when she could see your shadow.
Opening the tarp, she looked at you in a mixture of surprise and irritation.
"What do you want here?"
"I didn't come to fight with you." You let her know as you realize the tone in her voice. You bite your lips for a moment, and then sigh. "Damn, I missed you."
Wanda looks away, her cheeks reddening as she crosses her arms. You swallow dryly, ignoring your uncompensated heartbeat.
"Is this what you came for?" She asks half-heartedly, staring at the floor.
"No." You say. "I needed to make sure everything was okay, and I wanted to wish you good luck."
"Why do you care?" She hits back in defiance, and you roll your eyes.
"I'm still your friend, Wanda." You reply. "We fought, but that doesn't mean I don't care about you anymore."
Wanda looks away again, and you switch the weight on your foot.
"Well, that was it." You say. "Good luck to you."
"Thank you." She mumbles without looking at you. When you turn around, her arms wrap around you in a tight embrace. Wanda rests her head on your back and sighs, and you recover from the surprise, caressing her hands resting on your belly with your thumbs. Before you can turn to correspond properly, she releases you. "Now get out of here before a teacher sees you."
You smile at her before walking away.
Wanda would confront a dragon. You think you're controlling yourself pretty well despite everything.
She was going to be the last to do so, but your heart was already racing from the moment Principal Harkness walked to the center of the Quidditch pitch and after making the general announcements, nodded toward the locker room area that had been enchanted so that the beast could hide inside. The next minute there were witches bringing a dragon into the stadium and the crowd screamed with excitement and fear.
The champions needed to capture the golden egg for the second task, and well, everyone was curious to know how they would do it.
Gamora handed you a small booklet, and you frowned when you realized that it was an enchanted betting chart. She gave you a little smile, waving to someone behind her, and you noticed that almost all the people were betting on the winners, and the game flyers were circulating around the stands. You felt your stomach turn as you watched the enchanted drawing of a dragon spit fire at the image of three witches. 
You ended up handing the flyer to Mantis and didn't bet on anyone, focused on watching the task.
Jean Grey captured the egg in fifteen minutes. She took on the Common Welsh Green dragon, and everyone was impressed to watch her use a mirroring spell to confuse the dragon about the true location of the golden egg. She finished the task unhurt, and unseen and you joined the crowd in cheering, watching her receive the perfect score.
Maria Hill was injured in her ordeal, but this certainly brought a lot more entertainment to the audience. She faced the Norwegian Crested Back, and tried to bewitch the dragon with a sleeping spell, but the creature awoke as soon as she reached for the egg. 
The audience screamed with excitement as the dragon began to spit fire everywhere, furious. Fortunately, Maria only had minor burns, as she was able to charm the beast again. Her score was lower than Jean's, but still high.
When Wanda's turn came, many of the Gryffindor students began to boo, and you clenched your jaw. 
You relaxed momentarily when Wanda looked around the audience, smiling at you before focusing on the creature in front of her.
"That one looks bigger than the other two, huh?" you grumble to Gamora with concern as you observe the beast in the center of the field. 
"Maybe he's more docile." She remarks, but it's not true, especially since the next second the creature roars ferociously as it notices Wanda approaching.
The Ukrainian Iron Belly moved his long tail around the field, the iron chains swinging as he did. Wanda was holding her wand, hiding behind a rock. You can barely hear the crowd with the ringing in your ears, your heart racing a thousand an hour in your chest.
As Wanda approaches again, trying to bewitch the beast, the Iron Belly roars, raising its tail in the air to strike her. You blink in astonishment as you watch a shield spell form around Wanda. She rolls across the field, faster than the beast, and runs to reach the egg.
She casts a spell on its snout that leaves it bewildered long enough for her to grab the prize.
On the way back, the creature wags its tail rapidly across the field, roaring with irritation, and hits Wanda in the back, throwing her a few meters forward.
"Y/N what are you doing? Put that away!" Gamora warns you at the next second. You blink in confusion, realizing that you have your wand in hand, raising it in front of you. Gamora lowers your hands, and because of all the commotion, no one else seems to notice. She looks at you with concern, but you feel your mouth go numb; you need to help Wanda.
"Let me go, Wanda needs me." You grumble pushing her hands away, and hurrying to get down from the bleachers. Gamora calls out to you but you don't turn around.
The test continues on the field next to you, but you have to look forward to get down, pushing people aside as you rush to catch up to Wanda, your wand vibrating in your fingers as the rest of your body.
Professor Heimdall stops you at the edge of the stands.
"I need you to focus on my voice, Stark." He asks as he places his hands on your shoulders. You gasp in surprise, trying to turn your head to look at the field, but the firm grip holds you in place.
"Let me go." You ask panting, a pain beginning to well up in your head. "Wanda is in danger."
"Look at me." He commands as he lifts his thumbs to your cheek, pinning your face to look at him. You stare at the yellow irises feeling your breath hitch. You need to help Wanda. But somehow, as the seconds tick by, the yellow eyes are all you can think about. "Pull yourself together. Can't you hear the celebration from the audience? Wanda has completed the test. She is safe."
You choke on the professor's words, feeling an urge to cry with relief. He keeps his expression serious, though.
"Pull it together. Keep your wand away." He commands. "Don't tell anyone about this, not everyone is your friend here."
But Professor Heimdall lets you go, quickly taking your wand and putting it back in your cloak pocket. He looks around, and smiles at someone behind you. Only now you notice the celebratory noise around you, and you turn around. The crowd is descending, and Principal Harkness is announcing the final scores.
Your friends are coming toward you, happy and smiling. Professor Heimdall steps aside to join the teachers' group, and then you are being dragged with your friends to the center of the field, along with the rest of the crowd celebrating the end of the task. You hear fireworks and shouts of victory, but your gaze is searching for Wanda.
She is shaking hands with the Minister of Magic, Johann Shmidt, and you gasp when you catch sight of her. She has barely turned toward you, smiling and waving shyly when she realizes that you and your friends are coming to greet her, when you run toward her, throwing your arms around her when you reach her.
"Wow." She gasps in surprise, but hugs you back, chuckling softly. You don't let go, and soon your friends are hugging you two too. And they are laughing and celebrating, and you are holding back your tears, not understanding why the possibility of losing Wanda seems worse than death.
Things get better after the first task. After you left the Quidditch camp, you joined the celebration in the Slytherin communal hall, which was filled with people from all the houses.
All the students who had stood against Wanda before she defeated the dragon now seemed keen to become her friends, praising her and congratulating her on the way she killed the beast. 
You still don't understand what exactly happened, but Wanda used some spell that hit the creature in the heart, and well, killing the dragon earned her first place. The other directors were not happy with the judge's decision, but the rest of the school certainly liked it.
You are in the corner of the room, surrounded by your friends and Tony's friends, trying to stay sociable while ignoring how tired you feel.
"Why are you so quiet?" Gamora asks you softly, noticing your lack of enthusiasm to join in the explosive snap game that Quill has just suggested to everyone. 
"It's nothing." You lie forcing a smile. Professor Heimdall's words still echoing in your head. "I'm just not in the mood to party. I guess I'm sleepy."
Gamora murmurs in understanding, assessing your face for a few moments. But Nebula is pulling her sister over to look at the items Tony got on his last trip to Hogsmeade, and you don't join in the conversation. 
Your gaze searches for Wanda, who is locked in conversation with a seventh grader who has never spoken to you guys before, but seemed very willing to become Wanda's friend now that she has become a champion.
You were thinking of waiting until Wanda had finished talking to the girl to say good-bye, but then you felt irritation boil up in the pit of your stomach as you watched the older girl toss her hair to the side, her hand running up Wanda's arm, as Wanda gave her a wry smile. 
You really didn't want to watch Wanda flirting with anyone, so you hurried out of the dorm, hopefully everyone would be busy enough with the party to notice.
Outside, as you turned the corner, you saw something you didn't want to see.
Tony and Steve were kissing against a wall, your brother's hands inside the other boy's shirt. You let out a loud exclamation of shock, covering your eyes.
"God, get a room!" You complained loudly with your eyes closed, feeling your cheeks very hot. You heard Tony and Steve giggle, and waited a moment to open your eyes, only to find Steve very red, looking away, and your brother with his arms crossed.
"Don't be such a baby." He teased. "One of these days I'm going to find you like this."
You choke lightly, letting out an indignant laugh.
"Excuse me, but I don't want to hook up with anyone in the corners of the castle." You mumble in embarrassment, and Tony exchanges a look with Steve, letting out a chuckle.
"Damn, do girls go through puberty later or something?" He teases and you look at him wide-eyed. "I'm teasing you little sister, no need to freak out about it." He mocks as he pulls Steve by the sleeve, when he is walking away, he turns his head to you again. "Let me know if you change your mind, I bet Natasha that you were going to propose to Wanda this year!" He shouts before turning down the hall, leaving you behind with cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
You figure you'd better get back to the dorm before you run into some teacher.
You have another nightmare during the night. As real as the vision you had during the quidditch cup. You see the graveyard and the red light, but this time, it is you who is attacking. You wake up in fright, but feeling absolutely exhausted, you go back to sleep almost immediately afterwards. This time you dream of someone holding your hand.
"Have you decided who you're going to ask to the dance?" It is the first question Gamora asks you during breakfast, and you choke on your pumpkin juice. She ignores your reaction and continues talking. "By the way, where were you last night?"
"I told you I was tired." You reply wiping up the juice you spilled with a napkin. "I went back to my dorm."
"You missed the best part of the party." She retorted excitedly. "Some Ravenclaw kids conjured up a fireworks dragon and someone handed out candy from Honeydukes to everyone."
"Sounds amazing." You grumble before going back to eating. Gamora looks at you expectantly, and you sigh, understanding that she is waiting for you to answer her first question. "I don't know if I want to go to the dance."
"You’re not going to the dance?" It is Wanda who asks as she arrives at the table. You almost choke again, but just roll your eyes at the insinuating look Gamora gives you as Wanda sits down. 
"Oh, she's just saying that because no one invited her." Gamora teases with an insinuating tone, and you try to hit her but she laughs as she moves away from your grasp.
"You know, you can ask someone if you want to. You don't have to wait for the invitation." Nebula then suggests, and you are surprised because she wasn't even paying attention to the conversation, a spell book laid out in front of her. "Unless you're afraid of rejection."
"What is it with you guys today?" You mutter irritatedly, feeling your cheeks flush with embarrassment as you observe the insinuating glances of the two girls in front of you. "Besides, why are you talking about invitations, Gamora? Who invited you?"
Gamora lets out a shy giggle, and then looks away. She nods toward Quill, and you let out a surprised exclamation.
"And you're just telling me this now?" You retort excitedly.
"You're the one who left the party yesterday!" She replies. "He invited me last night, and I was going to tell you, but you left without even looking back."
You roll your eyes with amusement.
"Are you really waiting for someone to invite you?" Wanda asks next, and you look at her, feeling your heart miss a beat. What the hell is going on with you lately?
"I... well, I don't know." You answer clumsily. "I haven't really thought about it.”
"But you want to be asked?" Wanda inquires and you swallow dryly. 
"I don't know, maybe."
"But if someone were to invite you now, would you like it?"
"God, just ask her at once!" Gamora interrupts impatiently, causing you and Wanda to look at her wide-eyed. Nebula lets out a chuckle, without looking away from the book on your desk. Gamora gestures in Wanda's direction. "Sorry, girls, I just got a little carried away. Please, Wanda, continue with your embarrassing attempt to ask the dumbest person in this school to the dance."
You mumble clumsily, feeling your cheeks warm. Wanda giggles.
The brunette next to you pokes you lightly in the ribs, and waits for you to look at her again before speaking.
"Gamora's right, actually." She says shyly, and you feel your heart speed up. "All champions need to dance at the ball, and well, the first person I thought of asking was you." She confesses quickly. "But it's okay if you don't want to go..."
"No!" you interrupt quickly, feeling your face hot. You smile next. "I'd love to go to the dance with you, Wands."
Wanda looks at you for a few seconds, and you look back. Your stomach flipping with nervousness.
"I'm getting diabetes." Nebula comments next, breaking the moment. Gamora laughs, pushing her shoulder lightly against her sister as you and Wanda look forward uncomfortably.
"Stop it, they're adorable." Gamora hits back with a smile, you clear your throat, feeling embarrassed as you pretend to pay attention to the daily prophet lying on the table and not the presence of the brunette next to you or the comments of your friends.
Things go well between you and Wanda after that. The discussion you two had is long forgotten. You imagine that Gamora and Tony think that as you begin to help Wanda try to decipher the egg, that you have mentioned to her the connection you have been feeling, but you have not yet found the moment to speak up.
You told her about the other things, though. About the sky mark on the Quidditch canopy, and Tony's investigation of your father and the followers of Mephisto. Wanda was also surprised to learn that Howard and Erik had been friends in school days, but she knew as little as you did about all the issues. You felt bad for having accused her of hiding things from you, and bought Honeydukes candy to apologize.
And so time passed, and the day of the winter ball finally arrived.
To say that you were looking forward to it was an understatement. And you weren't the only one, as during the whole day, the vast majority of the students talked only about this.
Your prom outfits arrived the same day during breakfast. You had written to Jarvis to buy Gamora's and Nebula's costumes as well, and they were very happy to receive the dresses. Tony had a piece of toast in his mouth when you left his suit that arrived in the same package as yours on the table, before you turned to check your own outfit.
"It's very nice, isn't it?" You commented to Gamora as soon as you held out the material aloft. The girl let out a sigh of excitement.
"My god, you're going to look beautiful!" She exclaims, and then gives you an insinuating look. "In fact, you're already a cutie." She teases with a wink, making you laugh. 
"Good morning." Wanda said as she joined you, she widened her eyes slightly when she realized that you were looking at the ball costumes. 
"Great, you're here!" Gamora speaks to the brunette excitedly. "I want to see your dress!".
Wanda smiled awkwardly.
"It's in my room." She informs you as she sits down next to Gamora. Her gaze lingers on you for a moment, but when you notice, she deflects. "You can see it when we go to get ready."
The conversation eventually went in the direction of comparing outfits and forming combinations, and then you thought it best to put your clothes away before they got dirty with some of the delicious food from the breakfast.
You were a little surprised to hear that the girls were going to start getting ready for the ball as early as the afternoon, but you didn't object to joining them in the Slytherin communal hall, taking your costume package with you.
"Are you going to wear any makeup?" Gamora asked you as you all stood in the Slytherin dormitory bathroom, which had several girls in it. Fortunately the communal hall was the most luxurious in the entire school and had enough space for everyone. You were sitting on one of the sink benches, after showering and putting on your prom costume, waiting for the girls to finish.
"I don't know how to wear makeup, Gamora." You respond by looking at her. She smiles, looking away from the mirror to look at you. 
"If you want, I can help you." She says and seeing your hesitation, she smiles. "Only if you want me to, honey."
"I don't know." You say. "Maybe just lipstick."
Gamora laughs lightly, nodding in agreement. Nebula starts complaining loudly next, not being able to button the zippers of her dress properly, and Gamora gives a giggle, stepping aside to help her sister. 
"Stop moving." Gamora warns Nebula, and you chuckle at the scene. Wanda is coming out of the cabin she had come in from to put on her dress, and you feel your breath hitch when you see her. She is adjusting the straps and smiles shyly at the look you cast at her, and you do your best to cover it up.
"You look pretty." She comments as she approaches, looking at you for a moment before looking away to the mirror.
"You look beautiful, Wanda." You retort the next moment, half out of breath. Wanda smiles, her cheeks reddening as she keeps her gaze on her own reflection, fixing her hair.
"Wanda, help Y/N with her makeup, I think Nebula messed up her zipper." Gamora asks the next moment, pulling out her wand to concertize her sister's clothes, who fusses impatiently. You and Wanda share a giggle at the scene, but your giggle dies as Wanda approaches you, a lipstick in her hands. 
"I think this color suits your costume." She comments with a smile, opening the lipstick and lifting it to your face height. You feel your breath hitch, watching with slightly wide eyes as Wanda stands between your legs and touches your face with her other hand to hold you in place. "Stand still so it doesn't smudge."
You want to tell her you're not going anywhere, but she's putting the makeup on you in the next second. You keep your mouth ajar, trying to ignore the tingling sensation you feel on your skin where Wanda's fingers are touching, or the way your heart is racing. Wanda is concentrating on her task, and bites her lower lip as she puts on your make-up. 
"There you go." She whispers as she pushes the lipstick away from your lips, her gaze lingering on your mouth however. The dark glow in her irises makes your stomach do a flip-flop. You think Wanda is going to kiss you, because she is so close and her fingers are still on your chin, and you wish she would.
But Gamora lets out an exclamation of satisfaction as she manages to tidy up her sister's dress, and Wanda frowns, shaking her head slightly as she steps back.
"You look gorgeous, Y/N!" Gamora says as soon as she glances at you, making you smile awkwardly. You're feeling a little out of breath from all the interaction with Wanda, so you just keep your gaze on your own lap, waiting for the girls to finish the finishing touches. Nebula remarks something about a funny story in the Daily Prophet next and you get distracted.
You are a nervous wreck when you all reach the main hall. 
Gamora nods to Quill, standing in the doorway in his dark brown suit, looking very handsome with the tie that matches his eyes. He flashes her a contented smile as they greet each other with a kiss on the cheek. You see Pietro and Monica have entered the room as well, their arms intertwined. Darcy is right behind, accompanied by a girl you don't know.
You clear your throat, turning to Wanda as you stop at the entrance, but Professor Okoye catches up with you before you can ask if Wanda wants to come in yet.
"Maximoff, dear, there you are." Okoye announces sounding rushed. "The dance of champions is about to begin, I imagine you'll be the partner, right miss Stark?"
"R-right, professor." You reply and the woman nods in agreement, grabbing yours and Wanda's arm to drag you to a corner, where the other champions were already waiting. She hurried out the next moment, signaling to the students outside to come in that she needed to announce the start of the dance.
"Are you ready?" you ask Wanda ignoring the nervous feeling in your stomach. The brunette smiles, her hand slipping into yours and making your heart soar.
"I hope I don't stumble." She retorts with a shy smile, you think she looks absolutely stunning.
"Don't worry." You say looking forward, the other champions straightening up to get in line. "I won't let you fall."
You twist Wanda in your arms to the rhythm of the music, a laugh escaping your lips. This is already the fourth song in a row that you have danced to together, and the feeling is so incredible that you think you will dance all night.
Two more songs later, you feel thirsty and approach Wanda to tell her you'll get a drink for you two, completely oblivious to the way the girl's cheeks flush when you whisper in her ear.
At the drinks table, Gamora approaches you, her cheeks rosy.
"I just kissed Peter!" She announces and you almost knock over the punch.
"What?" you ask in surprise and your sister laughs, maybe from nervousness or excitement, you can't tell. "Did you like it?
"Sure." She assures you with a smile, looking pleased. You make a mental note to tease her about her blushing cheeks another time. "It was weird the first time, but the sensation is really good when you get the rhythm right."
You nod in understanding, not knowing exactly what you can add in this matter.
"And what are you doing here with me? Go kiss your boyfriend!" You tease next, smiling encouragingly and making Gamora laugh. She turns to leave, but then decides to tell you something.
"Don't forget to tell me how it was with Wanda. I think kissing a girl must feel different."
She then leaves, laughing lightly at your shocked expression. Your heart is racing because the only thing you can think about right now is the possibility of kissing Wanda.
Your gaze returns to the dance floor, and you feel your nervousness increase. Wanda dances timidly to the rhythm of the music, her hips swaying and her eyes closed. She looks beautiful. She is beautiful. Out of your reach.
You shake your head to push these thoughts away, and you take a deep breath before walking over to her again with the drinks in your hand.
After drinking and dancing to three more songs, the band finally changes to a softer melody, and you smile shyly at Wanda as you hold out your hand to her.
With your hands together, you hold Wanda around the waist, and she rests her free hand on your shoulder. She is blushing at the closeness of your faces, so she gives you a shy smile before resting her chin on the hand on your shoulder. You enjoy the proximity as you move slowly to the rhythm of the music.
You close your eyes, feeling quite good this way. In her arms. Peaceful.
When the music ends, it takes a moment for you to move away, your hands remaining together. 
Wanda looks at you for a moment, and then nods her head to the side to signal you two to leave. You bite your lips as she takes you by the hand to escort you out of the room.
You are too busy thinking about the feeling of your hands intertwined to worry about the path, and are slightly surprised when you end up in an empty room.
Wanda lets go of your hand as you enter. And you close the door as she walks inside. She stops walking when she reaches the teacher's desk, and turns around, leaning against the wood. You watch her twist the rings on her fingers nervously as you walk toward her. 
You stop at the desk in front of her, mimicking her motion of leaning against the wood as you risk a glance at her.
"What are we doing here, Wands?" You ask ignoring your heartbeat quickened by the tension in the air.
Wanda looks at you, pressing her lips together for a moment. 
"What do you think?" She retorts with slight defiance, and you bite back a smile, feeling your cheeks heat up.
"You... you know we don't have to do anything just because everyone else is doing it, right?" You say, and Wanda lets out a short laugh, looking at you slightly impressed. "What?"
"Nothing, it's just that's such a Gryffindor thing to say. Very chivalrous." She teases and you chuckle awkwardly, shrugging your shoulders.
"Well, I am a hatstall after all." You mutter and Wanda frowns in confusion. You shake your head, briefly mentioning what the sorting hat told you in first year and drawing an impressed exclamation from Wanda.
"That's pretty awesome, you know, right?" she adds with a smile.
"Yeah, I'm pretty awesome indeed." You joke making Wanda laugh.
"Oh, there's the Slytherin part I see." She teases. "But I haven't found your Ravenclaw trait yet, are you sure you inherited the intelligence?"
You pretend to be offended for a moment with a grimace, and Wanda laughs, unconsciously or consciously stepping forward.
"Excuse me, but I am a very competent sorceress."  You argue smiling, ignoring the nervousness that grows as the proximity between you two increases. "Best charm student in the whole school."
"Oh, really?" Wanda retorts. "Last time I checked I had that position."
"It's okay, we can share first place." You assure almost in a whisper, Wanda is too close for you to think of adding anything else right now.
"There's the Hufflepuff." She says with a shy smile, approaching you one last time. You can feel her breath against your cheek, the emerald eyes fixed on yours. You swallow dryly, risking a look at the lips so inviting. "I'm going to kiss you now, okay?"
"Not if I kiss you first." You breathlessly challenge, and Wanda smiles before moving forward, both of you closing your eyes at the same time as you meet her halfway.
Her lips were soft, just as you imagined they would be. You swallow hard, feeling your whole body heat up. You stood with your mouths together for a moment, before Wanda pulled away, her breathing uncompensated as much as yours, as your lips tingle. 
"Kiss me again." She asks hoarsely, and you move forward. This time it's even better, because Wanda's hands go to your neck and yours to her waist. And when she sighs, you ask for passage with your tongue, following your instincts completely.
The sensation is intoxicating, and sends a shiver through your whole body. Wanda tastes like cherry punch, and you gasp at the sensation of your tongues together, squeezing her waist lightly.
You parted for breath, keeping your foreheads together and your eyes closed.
"Wow." You exclaimed softly breathlessly.
"Yeah, I know." She agrees in the same tone, her hands coming down from your neck to squeeze your shoulders lightly. Wanda kisses you again, her tongue moving against yours slowly, exploring your mouth. You moan softly at the sensation and Wanda pulls away breathlessly, blushing due the sound she has managed to wring out.
"S-sorry." You gasp quickly, feeling your cheeks as hot as the rest of your body.
"Don't be." She says. "That was hot."
You let out a clumsy laugh, and Wanda copies, and the moment dissipates from palpable tension to humorous lightness. You kiss briefly before Wanda circles her arms around your shoulders in a hug that you reciprocate equally.
"Do you want to go back to the party?" You ask when she breaks the embrace, but her hands remain intertwined behind your neck. 
"Not really." She replies with a smile, biting her lips as she looks at you. " I just came to be with you."
"Oh, yeah?" You ask with slight teasing, and Wanda lowers her gaze to your lips.
"Hu-huh. And now that I have you, I don't want to let you go."
You smile, lifting your hands to her neck, caressing her nape lightly as you kiss her again, not as intensely as before, and with a smile on your lips.
When you pull away, Wanda is smiling too.
"Don't worry, Wands. I'm not going anywhere."
After the ball, there is a new tension in your relationship with Wanda that makes you lose focus on anything other than her. 
Gamora missed no opportunity to tease you about this. And every time she caught you casting passionate glances at Wanda, or the other way around, you got a wry comment to get a room. It was harmless, but it made you and Wanda both blush like tomatoes.
The best change was the kisses. 
They could happen suddenly, or be almost planned. Wanda liked to take you by surprise, you could tell. Stealing firm kisses between corridors that made you blush and clumsy, or kisses when you spent time together with your friends, and her hand slipped into yours. 
You loved all the kisses she wanted to give you. But you had your favorites. The ones that happened when you were alone, and all you could think about was Wanda. They were usually planned, because to have free time, without friends, you need a little organization. So they usually happened when you went to Hogsmeade together, or when you helped her study for the tournament. It was amazing to finish a study session with Wanda's mouth on yours.
But you knew you still needed to talk to her. You were afraid you would lose the kisses if you did.
As the date for the second assignment approached, Wanda began to get anxious, because you all still hadn't deciphered the golden egg clue.
At that moment you were in the Slytherin communal room, sitting cross-legged on the floor with many books around you. Wanda was lying on the couch, a book enchanted to be at her eye level. Gamora and Nebula in the armchairs, also reading. You are trying to find some clue to decipher the egg.
"We've tried the basic open and close spells, right?" Gamora asks without taking her eyes off the book, probably reading about what she mention. 
"Of course." Wanda replies. She sighs in frustration the next moment, taking the enchanted book off her face, and closing it in her lap. You move your hand to hers, trying to reassure her. "I need to figure this out soon, because the task is in a few weeks."
"We will." You tell her with a smile.
"Just out of curiosity, what happens if you don't break out the clue?" Nebula asks and Wanda sighs.
"I won't have any idea what the second task is about and I won't know how to prepare."  She replies. "And then I'll lose and be humiliated in front of the whole school. Feel free to drown me in the great lake if that happens."
Wanda's dramatization makes you all laugh, but then you get an idea and your expression fades. Wanda, who was watching you, looks at you curiously, but you are already getting up, hurrying to get the golden egg that was on the couch.
"What are you going to do?" Gamora asked, as curious as the other girls. You walked over to one of the aquariums and held the egg up high.
"Sorry, folks." You said to the fish, and then opened the clasp. The shrill noise filled the room, but before the girls could complain, you dipped the egg into the water and the sound stopped.
You leaned forward and could hear the low melody.
"I can' believe it." You grumbled contentedly, and then dipped your head into the water. Your friends looked at you with wide eyes.
"Has she finally lost her mind?" Nebula sneered at the other two.
When you surfaced again, you had a smile on your face.
"Girls, it's the merpeople!" You counted excitedly. "That's the clue. I can't believe we stared at the great lake all this time and didn't come up with this idea."
Natasha entered the communal hall next, and when she saw your wet torso, she frowned.
" Should I ask...?" She began with mild irony, watching you take the egg from the aquarium and return to the couches, the water dripping all over the hall.
"She just deciphered the egg!" Wanda warned contentedly, and when you approached, she ran her hands down your neck and gave you a lingering kiss, and you almost dropped the egg on the floor.
"For merlin, get a room." Nat teased before Gamora could do it, and you and Wanda parted with giggles.
You used the wand to dry your body and the floor, returning the egg to Wanda. Nat sat down in one of the free armchairs.
After you finished cleaning up, you repeated the lyrics of the song to them. 
"Does that mean you're going to be underwater for an hour?" Nebula questioned in surprise to Wanda, and the girl sighed.
"I guess so." She replied thoughtfully. "And now I'm going to need to figure out a way to do that."
"If you were an animagus, you could turn into a fish." Nat mocked making the group smile. 
"I thought you'd have a better resistance to holding your breath, Wands. Since you're kissing all the time." Nebula added and Gamora and Nat laughed, while you rolled your eyes awkwardly, and Wanda raised her middle finger at the girl, her cheeks flushed.
"Let's focus, please." Asked the sorceress in front of you, embarrassed by the teasing.
"Yes, yes." Gamora agreed, gesturing. She settled herself in the armchair before speaking again. "I think you could use some plants. I'm sure Mantis must know some herb that will make you breathe underwater."
"Speaking of Mantis, where is she?" Nat asked and you turned your head in her direction.
"She has private lessons with Professor Heimdall, Tasha." You explained. "Of divination. She's pretty good, I think."
Nat murmurs in understanding, and Wanda says she will talk to Mantis about it when she is free. You gather up the books, and decide to spend some time playing chess and drinking tea now that you no longer have to worry about unraveling the egg.
You miss many opportunities to tell Wanda about your connection with her. That's because you have too many moments alone, between conversations and make-out sessions, and you just don't tell. And the feeling of keeping something from her corrupts you inside, but you bear it.
And then the date for the second task comes, and you're a nervous wreck, and Wanda doesn't understand why you're especially affectionate this morning, but she's not complaining.
Mantis got some kind of plant for her, which would give Wanda enough time to stay submerged as long as necessary.
You and the girls had also practiced swimming in the great lake with Wanda many times since the day you discovered the clue. And the vision of Wanda in her swimsuit was still preserved somewhere in your mind.
"Have you seen Pietro anywhere?" Wanda asked annoyed, looking around as you all had breakfast. The vast majority of the school was already on their feet as well, excited for the start of the task.
"I last saw him last night, after we went to Quidditch practice." Quill counters distractedly, passing jam on one of the toasts. 
"You two had worked things out, right?" You ask as you are sitting next to Wanda, she nods and then sighs.
"I think so." She mumbles. "I wanted to see him before the task."
You bite the inside of your cheek, not knowing how to help her. It was already time to leave, and you hoped that Pietro wouldn't be so stubborn to stay away from his sister on this day. You kept your hand intertwined in Wanda's all the way, trying to assure her, and she was very grateful.
The clue was right after all. The whole school was carried to the middle of the lake through the boats, up to huge iron bleachers that were conjured up during the night. 
"You look so cute in that uniform." You comment in Wanda's ear before bidding her farewell to go up to the bleachers, talking about the Slytherin competition uniform, and smiling at the way her cheeks redden. "Be careful, Wands."
"I will." She assures before kissing you. She joins the champions and you look at her one last time before going upstairs to join the rest of the students.
When Principal Harkness announces the start of the task, after explaining that an important treasure had been taken from the champions and they would need to find it in the lake, you stand with your body tense with nervousness, clenching your hands on the railing as you look down.  The whistle sounds and you hold your breath as you watch Wanda dive in. 
"Hey, are you going to be okay?" Gamora asks next to you, placing her hand on top of yours on the metal. You swallow dryly, looking away from the lake to her.
"I will." You say trying to force a smile. "As long as she does."
Gamora looks at you a moment, assessing your face.
"I'm sure Wanda will be fine." She says. 
You nod, looking down again. Now all that was left to do was wait.
"Did you hear what Tony just said?" 
You blinked a few times. You were in the circle with your friends in the bleachers, and you got distracted again by looking at the lake. Everyone was anxiously awaiting the return of the champions to the surface, talking among themselves and placing bets on the winners. Tony's friends joined in as soon as the task began.
"Sorry, Gamora." You say. "What?"
"Natasha is missing too." She says and you frown in confusion looking at the rest of the group. 
"Pietro and Tasha, Y/N." Gamora says. "Tony just said they were supposed to meet last night, but she didn't show up. And no one saw her, just like Pietro."
You didn't know exactly what to make of that, but when you looked at the lake, you frowned.
"Gamora, you don't think that..."
"That's exactly what we're thinking." It is Tony who speaks now, looking at your expression and deciphering the idea that has gone through your head. "I just talked to the Durmstrang guys. One of their boys vanishes at night too, I think he's Grey's best friend."
You widened your eyes, and then leaned on the railing, looking down. Tony and Gamora mimicked your position.
"That's insane." Gamora commented, and you nodded in agreement.
"What happens if the champions lose the task?" Tony asked and you shook your head, not liking the possibility.
"I'm sure Professor Harkness wouldn't let anything bad happen." You say. "Right?"
Gamora and Tony murmur in agreement, and you find that your words were more to reassure you than to reassure them.
With thirty-eight minutes on the clock, Jean Grey emerged from the lake. And she was not alone.
The crowd started cheering as she and Scott Lang, as Harkness announced, swam out of the lake. Reporters from the Daily Prophet were also taking several pictures, and you noticed the Durmstrang flags in the hands of some students.
Your friends seemed reassured to see Scott's condition, deducing that Pietro and Natasha would also be fine. You only felt more nervous because Wanda was still at the lake.
Twelve minutes after Jean, it was Maria Hill's turn to step up. The crowd celebrated as they watched the remainder of her transfiguration into a shark before she returned to human form, bringing Nat with her. You and your friends rushed downstairs to Tasha, but you barely caught Gamora's teasing about the redhead being the treasure of the foreign student, as your gaze was on the lake while you were on the edge.
"Ten minutes to the end of the second task!" Announced one of the judges loudly, causing the crowd to cheer. You felt your stomach drop. Where was Wanda? 
And then you saw her. But only inside your head. 
It was another vision, and you felt your body go cold as if you were in the lake. It was dark and blue, and you couldn't breathe properly.
Then you blinked and were back in the stands.
With a sob, you jumped into the lake.
Immediately, as soon as you did, the crowd and the teachers looked at you with shock, but you dove in the next.
It was very cold.
The lake was as dark underneath as you thought it would be. And you were gradually running out of air as you sank, but you didn't care. You needed to find Wanda.
When you began to lose consciousness, you thought you saw a light, and struggled to swim a little further. But then your air ran out completely, and you passed out.
You woke up in a jolt, feeling like you were drowning. 
But you were warm, and lying on a soft surface. It took you a few seconds to realize that it was the bed in the infirmary.
The warmth came from the comforter at the level of your neck, clearly bewitching judging by the way it shimmered softly.
"Hey." It was Wanda. At your side. Safe. 
You moved out of the covers quickly, your hand reaching for hers on the bed.
"Hey, how are you feeling? You didn't get hurt did you?" The questions escaped your mouth faster than you even thought about them. Wanda had a frown on her face, but she squeezed your hand back and with the other she touched your face, and you leaned into the touch, feeling your body relax.
"I'm fine, I promise." She assures. "I just don't understand why you did that."
"Did what exactly?" You ask confused, trying to remember how you ended up in the infirmary. Had you hit your head somewhere?
Wanda looks at you with confusion.
"Jump in the lake." She clarified. "Why did you jump in the lake after me?"
You blinked in surprise, giving a short laugh.
"What are you talking about, Wands?" you asked. "I was watching you. Are you sure I didn't fall? Maybe I hit my head and..."
"You don't remember?" She interrupts in shock, and then lets out an incredulous sigh. "Okay, now I'm even more worried."
You were feeling your head aching, and you rubbed your fingers over the tip of your forehead a moment, before sighing.
"What happened to you in the task, anyway? You were gone long." 
Wanda looked away from yours, biting her lip.
"It was nothing." She grumbled and you frowned.
"Wanda..." You started. "Don't lie to me."
"I'm not lying." She retorted snidely. But when she looked at you, she didn't keep her gaze and you sighed, letting go of her hand and throwing yourself back on the bed, feeling frustrated. "I just don't want you to think I'm weird."
You frown at the statement, turning your head to look at her again. Wanda takes a deep breath before confessing.
"I've been having visions in my head." 
You think you can laugh at the irony of the facts. Wanda takes advantage of your lack of reaction to continue explaining.
"S-started last year. I... I don't know what they mean, but sometimes they make me too distracted. And well, I had one during the task, and I got lost. So it took me a while to find Pietro, but I was fine." She recounts. "You didn't have to jump in the lake and..."
"I saw you." You interrupt half breathlessly. "In my head. I... I thought you were drowning." You recount recalling, feeling a slight pain deep in your eyes. "It was dark and I felt like I was being pulled under."
Wanda's eyes widen.
"I fought with Grindylows down there for a moment." She says. "They tried to pull me to the bottom, and well, it was quite despairing, but I managed to take them on. It was right after I got lost."
Both of you are silent for a moment, your breaths slightly uncompensated as you try to understand exactly what it all means. You clear your throat deciding to break the silence.
"Wanda, what happened to me?" 
"You almost drowned." She says lowering her gaze to the bed. "I found you on the way back. Unconscious." Wanda counters with watery eyes. "For a moment I thought..."
She sighs softly, controlling the urge to cry by shaking her head slightly and forcing a smile. You feel horrible for worrying her like that.
"Heimtall and Strange jumped into the lake a little later behind you. I guess everyone thought you were playing tricks, but when you didn't climb back up they realized something was wrong. I was trying to carry you along with Pietro when they caught up with us."
"Come here." You ask opening your arms and Wanda climbs on the bed, sinking against you. You both immediately relax from the embrace, and you close your eyes as Wanda buries her face in your neck, running her hands behind your back.
"Please don't ever do anything like that again." She whispers against your skin, and you swallow dryly. Judging from the facts, you can't promise her that.
Your friends came to visit you in the infirmary too. You had a short episode of hypothermia, so Nurse Cho wanted you to rest and had let only Wanda stay to see you. Everyone had agreed that you would like to see her first. 
Tony told the teachers and judges that he had dared you to jump in the lake, and even though your friends didn't understand why Tony didn't want the adults to know what was going on with you lately, they all backed up the story.
You and Tony ended up with a month's detention for this.
The only relatively good thing about this whole story was that you and Wanda shared the same experiences. You told her about your visions and nightmares, and she told you about hers. Visions of red lights as her powers, and masked witches. 
You talked to Wanda about your connection on a rainy Thursday in May. You both were on your bed in the dormitory, a few spell books between you to finish the lesson Professor Stephen had passed on, and Wanda was concentrating, the strands of brown hair falling down her face as she bit the end of her pencil and read the words in front of you. She was beautiful, and you were in love. And you could no longer hide it.
"I need to tell you something." 
Wanda looked at you with a mildly surprised expression, but smiled, shifting on the bed to look at you.
You watched her expression go from confused, to embarrassed, and then to worried in a few seconds after the words "There's something weird going on with me. I think I'm magically connected to you, and I'm not just talking about liking you" came out of your mouth. And then you told about the way you felt every time you thought of her in danger, and Wanda swallowed dryly, looking away.
"I don't know what to say." She confessed clumsily, and then clasped her hands to her face for a moment in frustration. "Shit, I have no idea what that means."
You sighed, reaching out to reach for her hand on the bed. Wanda watched your fingers together, and you frowned as her eyes filled with tears.
"I'm putting you in danger, aren't I?" She asked in a whisper, and you looked at her with confusion, but she didn't wait for you to speak. "I'm talking about the lake. You almost drowned to follow me. What happens if I get hurt?"
"No." She interrupts forcing a smile, and releasing his hand. "Do you realize how dangerous magical connections can be? What happens if, I don't know, the third task is even more dangerous? Will you throw yourself in front of some other monster? How far does it go? I don't want your life to depend on mine!"
Wanda stands up, babbling nervously about things that might happen, and you look at her in surprise, standing up as well. You try to touch her shoulder, but she pushes your hand away.
"Do you even know if you really like me? If it isn't just because of the magic?" She accuses and you take a step back.
"Don't say that." You retort starting to feel irritated and hurt.
"No, I mean it." She repeats in a whiny voice. "How can you be sure your feelings are real? It could just be the magic and.... "
"I am in love with you." You interrupt, but Wanda just shakes her head in disbelief, letting the tears flow. When you try to touch her again, she sobs and pulls away. "Wanda, I really am. Please..."
"Stop." She gasps as she pulls further away. "Just stop." She asks and you hold yourself in place, feeling your face wet. Wanda takes a deep breath, wiping away her tears. "I need time. I don't...I don't know what to make of this right now."
You swallow dryly, looking at her in shock.
"I don't want us to end." You say and Wanda just sobs softly, shaking her head.
"I can't stay with you without knowing if what you feel for me is real." She retorts in a voice hoarse from crying, but her gaze doesn't flinch. Your stomach turns the wrong way, because you feel terrible. "I need time to think. And I can't think with you by my side."
"I'm sorry." 
Then she left. And you let the tears flow freely. 
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queen18xo · 3 years ago
I Brought The God Of War To His Knees (With The Back Of My Hand Wiped The Blood From My Cheek) - Geralt & Jaskier
Geralt breezes into the Lettenhove estate, Roach, his mare trotting happily alongside him as they make their way across the pretentious stone courtyard the ample, open space surrounding the sizeable estate. Lining the dreary grey stone pathway is a trail of vibrant flowers bedded in healthy mounds of grass. The wide array of colourful flowers adding a much-needed boost of life to the otherwise severe-looking estate.
Geralt winces as the loud screech of the large doors leading into the estate swing open, a stocky man hurrying out of the doors, his arms stretched wide in a welcoming gesture. "White Wolf, we are honoured and humbled by your presence here at the Lettenhove estate", the man greets loudly, his sharp, overly polite voice grating on Geralts thin patience. "Please allow our stable boy to tend to your horse while we relocate to the meeting room", the count drones on, his eyes darting sharply to a raggedly dressed boy, shifting nervously beside them.
"Yes, master witcher, it would be an honour to tend to your mare", the boy voices shakily, his eyes downcast as he carefully approaches. Geralt bites back a wince, the sour scent of the boys fear assaulting his nose as he roughly extends Roach's reins to the stable boy, parting ways with a sharp grunt of thanks.
Geralt idly trails behind the count, his observant eyes drinking in his surroundings as he's led down twisted, barren halls, the estate appearing lifeless and cold as the stocky man steers him towards the meeting room.
The count pushes into a room, its doors tucked into a small alcove that veers off from the corridor; he settles himself comfortably against the edge of the desk, his arms folded over his chest as he waits for Geralt to enter the room. "If you could shut the doors, please, I'd prefer it if we weren't overheard", the count urges cordially. Geralt bites back an amused chuckle as he pushes the doors closed, his golden gaze catching on a striking pair of curious cornflower blue eyes as the small gap closes.
Geralt turns to face the count, leaning back against the far wall, his corded arms folding across his impressive chest as he raises an expectant brow. "I assume you know why I'm here?" Geralt grunts, his voice a deep threatening rumble as he addresses the count, purposefully skipping the pleasantries.
Geralts eyes flicker to the doors, his heightened hearing easily catching the stuttered heartbeat muffled behind the large doors. The count squares his shoulders, the subtle movement recapturing Geralts attention as the wolf refocuses on the count with a stern glare. "I do not have your payment witcher, but I do have something far better to offer", the count gloats, a nervous smile tugging at his lips. Geralt sighs inwardly, fighting the urge to rub his temples in frustration as dread settles heavily in his gut.
The dread curling in his stomach intensifies as a soft rap of knuckles against the door echos through the room, the quiet sound drawing the gaze of both men. "You may enter, Julian", the count snaps harshly, barely concealed disgust marring his features as he urges the guest to enter.
The doors clatter open loudly, the sharp sound earning a wince from Geralt as a lanky brunette stumbles clumsily into the room, the boy wincing sympathetically as he hurries to the count's side, briefly casting a curious glance to where Geralts perched menacingly against the wall.
"You called for me, father," the boy rushes out, panting heavily as he bows his head politely in greeting. A delicate flush colours his cheeks as his downcast eyes flicker to meet Geralts before he inclines his head courteously, acknowledging the witchers presence.
"Do not address me that way, boy", the count reprimands harshly, his face twisted into an ugly grimace. The boy flinches violently, instinctively curling away from the man as he raises his hand to strike the boy.
Geralt growls lowly, the dangerous sound rumbling from his chest, drawing the angry count's attention away from the cowering boy and back to himself. A pair of wet cornflower blue eyes blink up at him, the boy's soft pink lips curling up into a faint, grateful smile as Geralts gaze briefly flickers to him. Geralt quickly directs his attention back to the count, the boy's soft expression causing an unwelcome warmth to unfurl in his chest.
"I do not have the means to pay you witcher, but you may take the boy", the count offers, gesturing lazily to the boy cowering at his side. The urge to deny the counts offer and claim his territory as payment on the tip of his tongue, but a glimpse of the boy's trembling frame has the response dying on his tongue.
"Fuck", Geralt curses quietly, his lips curling into a menacing scowl as his eyes rove over the boy's slender frame before snapping to the counts, meeting his smut gaze with a furious glare. Geralt releases a resigned sigh as he pushes himself from the wall. "I will take the boy", Geralt grumbles unhappily.
"No - you wouldn't-" Julian stutters out in frantic protest, his pleading blue eyes snapping to his father, the count blatantly ignoring the boys desperate pleading as he keeps his gaze resolutely trained on Geralt.
"Enough-" the count snaps impatiently, effectively silencing the boys shaky protests. "You'll go with the witcher, and ill hear no more of it-" the count seethes, his fat fingers twisting roughly into the boy's hair as he pushes him forward, the boy's delicate features twisting into a pained grimace as he's shoved towards Geralt.
"But mother-" Julian tries, his eyes shining wetly as they flick between his father's stocky build and Geralts imposing frame before dropping to the ground as he fights against the tears burning his eyes.
"Your mother is gone, Julian!" The count screeches his chest, heaving angrily. "Get out of my sight, you pathetic child", the count snarls, the stinging slap of his palm connecting harshly with the boys soft cheek echoing loudly in Geralts sensitive ears.
The boy's small hands snap up to shakily cup the angry red welt forming across his pale cheek, the delicate flesh throbbing violently, his bright blue eyes shining with shame as he bows his head apologetically to the witcher. "May I get my things?" Julian breathes out tentatively, his voice barely more than a whisper as he cautiously addresses Geralt.
"You may", Geralt permits gruffly, his golden eyes following the boy as he rushes from the room, the salty tang of tears permeating the air; the boys chocked breaths loud in Geralts ears as he flees. "I will take the boy in place of your payment this time", Geralts confirms angrily, towering menacingly over the stocky count, his golden eyes glinting dangerously. "Pull something like this again, and you'll be cut down where you're stood", Geralt threatens, his sharp teeth bared dangerously.
"Sorry", Julian apologises as he stumbles back into the room, carefully observing the tension riddled confrontation between Geralt and the count before averting his gaze and bowing his head submissively. Geralts eyes drop to the bag slung over the boy's shoulder, the bag near bursting where it rests. The witcher quirks a brow expecting the lithe boy to struggle with the weight, but he holds the undoubtedly heavy bag with no complaints.
"Does he have a horse?" Geralt voices questioningly, his assessing gaze flicking over the boy's delicate appearance.
"I can answer for myself," Julian huffs impatiently, his heart stuttering beneath his ribs, a bright flush colouring his cheeks as the witchers heavy gaze falls to him, causing him to shift nervously.
Geralt gives the boy a short nod, the hint of a smile curling at his lips, impressed with the boy's courage and distinct lack of fear. "Well, answer then," Geralt prompts roughly, eyeing the boy curiously, his eyes briefly catching on the angry welt marring his delicate cheek.
"Right - yes", the boy stutters out apologetically, his cheeks flushing as his bright eyes drop from Geralts as he stumbles over his words, his flush darkening as the count huffs impatiently behind him. Geralt quirks a brow at the boy, his golden iris' alight with amusement. "I do - have a horse that is, Pegasus, a truly beautiful mare", Julian elaborates, words spilling from his lips unbidden, his eyes widening at his own nervous spiel.
Geralt offers the boy a short nod, a faint smile on his lips. "We'll be leaving then", Geralt rumbles, sparing the count a brief nod as he stalks out of the room; the distinct lack of footfalls behind him has him turning back, casting a glance behind himself, catching the sight of Julian frozen in front of his father.
Geralt watches curiously as the boys face shutters, a dark gleam clouding his bright eyes as his bag drops from his shoulder with a dull thumb; Geralt takes a cautious step forward, careful not to crowd the pair. "You're a vile old man, and I hope you rot", Julian spits, his venomous tone catching the witcher by surprise as he stands protectively behind the boy. Geralts eyes widen, his brows arching into his hairline as Julian's arm coils back before connecting with the counts jaw roughly, a sickening crack briefly breaking the tense silence.
A low growl forms in Geralts chest as the count readies to retaliate; Geralt strides across the room, capturing the mans curled fist before it can connect. "I wouldn't if I were you", Geralt warns darkly; he drops his gaze to Julian, the boy's awe-filled eyes blinking up at him from beneath a thick fan of lashes. "Go ready your horse", Geralt demands, watching as the boy reluctantly retreats, continuously glancing back as he disappears from the room.
The count breathes out harshly as Geralt's large hand tightens around his balled fist, the small bones groaning in protest, before the witcher ducks down, collecting Julian's bag and swiftly leaving, a mean smile curling at his lips as he hears the count hissing in pain behind him.
Geralt bursts out of the estate, a furious gleam burning in his golden eyes as he approaches the stable. His ire easing slightly as he approaches Julian, his slender frame bracketed by his mare and Roach, the boy softly murmuring to the two as he cards dainty hands through their manes.
"Ready?" Geralt rumbles impatiently, barely waiting for the boy's stilted nod of agreement before his large hands curl around the boy's slim waist drawing a shocked gasp from Julian's lips. Geralts grip tightens instinctively, his eyes falling to meet Julian's wide-eyed gaze as he easily hefts him into the saddle before securing his overstuffed bag to the mare.
"Thank you", Julian voices quietly, his bright eyes shining with gratitude as he thanks the witcher, earning a grunt of acknowledgement in response as Geralt hoists himself into Roach's saddle.
"Keep up", Geralt grunts, sparing the boy a brief glance before setting Roach off at a fast-paced trot, Pegasus quickly falling in line behind the older mare as Julian expertly guides her. The wolf releases a sigh of relief as they escape through the gates, distancing themselves from the estate's oppressive clutches.
Not long into their journey, Geralts observant eyes spot an ideal clearing to set up camp, the spot hidden from view by thick foliage. He pulls Roach to a sudden stop, eyeing Julian with an impressed gleam in his eyes as the boy swiftly pulls his own mare to an effortless stop beside Roach.
He casts a curious glance over to Geralt as he softly cards agile fingers through Pegasus' man. "We'll stop here for the night; it'll be dark soon", Geralt rumbles in explanation as he moves to stand beside Julian. He reaches out, his strong hands gripping the boy's hips, Julian's dainty fingers instinctively curling over his broad shoulders as the wolf carefully lifts him from the saddle and places him on the floor.
Julian blinks up at him through a dark fan of lashes, his erratic heartbeat loud in Geralts ears as the boy looks up at him, but his scent is clear of the sharp tang of fear or anxiety. Geralt looks down at him questioningly as a dark flush colours the boy's cheeks, his golden gaze briefly catching on the angry outline of the count's palm. The wolf reaches out instinctively, the rough pad of his thumb grazing the angry welt, the action pulling a sharp hiss from the boy's lips. Geralts eyes darken with guilt as he takes a hurried step away from Julian, the movement borderline clumsy as he retreats.
"Put your stuff over there - I'll go collect firewood", Geralt rumbles, gesturing vaguely towards the large clearing behind himself before he's turning on his heel and disappearing into the thick forest bordering the clearing.
Julian sighs dejectedly before leading the two mares towards the clearing and allowing them to graze as he gets to work on removing their saddles and tending to them. He methodically works his way through a mental checklist; he starts by detaching their saddlebags, placing Geralts against a tree as he fights the pressing urge to root through the witchers belongings.
He moves onto Pegasus, leaving his solitary bag leant haphazardly beside Geralt's belongings; he unzips a small compartment in his bag, pulling from it Pegaus' favoured brush, and breezes past Pegasus, earning himself an unimpressed nicker from the mare. "Sorry girl, I'll brush you next, okay - promise," he murmurs quietly to the mare before making his way over to Roach, where the horse is grazing happily.
"Hello girl, unfortunately, the witcher didn't tell me your name", Julian huffs, earning a soft nicker from the mare as he gently cards his fingers through her mane, untangling a few stubborn knots from the deep caramel hairs.
"Her names Roach" Geralt voices as he breaks through the trees, his eyes dropping to Julian's dainty hands as they work the knots from Roach's mane with well-practised ease.
"don't do that", Julian exclaims, his hand flying to his chest as he startles, the brush slipping from his grip with a barely audible thud. "I'm only twenty. That is far too young for a heart attack, dear witcher", Julain huffs fondly, rolling his eyes as he collects the brush.
"I didn't intend to startle you", Geralt voices awkwardly, his eyes flicking to where his belongings are carefully perched against a tree. "You didn't have to do that", Geralt mumbles, his eyes flickering between his belongings and Roach before settling on Julian, the boy gazing up at him with a fond smile.
"No, I suppose I didn't", Julian hums, smiling softly before returning to his previous task. Geralt starts working on a fire, darkness slowly beginning to creep in as Julian idly tends to the mares, his gaze occasionally falling to the witcher as the man prepares dinner.
Julian sighs tiredly before perching across from Geralt, the blazing fire roaring between them as Geralt idly fiddles with a well-crafted dagger, his eyes briefly flickering to meet Julians before falling to their meal slowly roasting over the fire.
Geralt handles the blade with ease, expertly flicking the dagger from hand to hand, his heavy gaze falling to Julian. He watches as the boy's eyes follow every subtle twitch of his hands as the dagger glides between them.
Geralt hums consideringly, propelling the dagger towards Julian, the sound punctuated by the deadly hiss of the blade as it slices through the air. Julian's sharp eyes widen, his dainty hand easily curling around the hilt as he expertly snatches the blade from the air. He holds the flesh warmed hilt in his hand, his wide eyes flicking between Geralt and the dagger nestled in his palm.
"Impressive", Geralt hums, a faint smile curling at his lips ", who taught you that trick, little prince" Geralt teases softly, a smirk forming on his lips as the boy scoffs indignantly, his iris' darkening with challenge.
"I'm a viscount-"
"Not anymore, you're not", Geralt rumbles, swiftly cutting the boy off.
"Yes, I suppose you're right", Julian sighs dejectedly, his gaze falling from Geralts as he idly twists the dagger's hilt in his hold, his eyes tracing the beautiful detailing adorning to rich leather.
Regret curls in Geralt gut as the delicate boys features form a frown, his fingertips carefully dancing across the blades sharpened edge.
"If you can use it, you can keep it", Geralt rumbles, his deep voice loud in the heavy silence settled between them. Julian's wide-eyed gaze snaps to Geralt, eyeing the man curiously as he mulls his words over thoughtfully.
"You wish for me to fight you?" Julian questions hesitantly, his nervous blue eyes flicking searchingly between Geralts golden iris' as the blade carefully held in his palm.
Geralt stands from the floor, moving himself a safe distance from the fire, idly dusting himself off as the boy nervously pulls himself to his feet. "I won't hurt you", Geralt assures the boy noticing his hesitancy.
"And if I hurt you, witcher?" Julian asks as he moves to stand before the man, quirking a questing brow.
Geralt scoffs, an amused smile dancing across his usually impassive features as he regards the boy's slight frame. "You couldn't", Geralt chuckles, his golden eyes filled with warmth as they meet Julians.
"Do not underestimate me, wolf", Julian warns, his voice holding a dangerous edge to it. Geralt tilts his head questioningly, his steady gaze locked with Julians, "Your medallion" Julian responds to the man's non-verbal question, his sharp eyes darting to the silver medallion hanging from his neck, the bright silver standing out starkly against the witcher's black armour.
"Geralt", He huffs out, a faint frown tugging at his lips as he waits for the boy's expression to darken, the connotations attached to his name far from pleasant.
"Not just any wolf witcher then", Julian murmurs but remains non plussed by the confession, as Geralt eyes him sceptically. "You wish to spar then, white wolf?" Julian questions, his eyes glinting dangerously, his heart thumping heavily behind his ribs as he carefully advances on the wolf.
Geralt smirks, rolling his eyes fondly as he retrieves a hidden dagger from a sheath that clings to the corded muscle of his thigh; Julian's gaze follows the movement, his eyes darkening as they catch on the thick muscle. Geralt's golden eyes darken in response as the boys heavy gaze meets his, the heady scent of Julian's lust thick in the air between them as they lazily circle each other.
Julian's tongue darts out, swiping across his chapped lips, a flush colouring his cheeks as he holds Geralt's knowing gaze. "As you wish-" Julian pauses, sucking in a deep, steadying breath. "Geralt", he breathes out a subtle shake to his melodic voice as the man's name falls from his lips.
Geralt releases a sharp exhale, his name on Julian's lips sounding unreasonably sinful. "You attack, I'll block", Geralt instructs, his voice dropping an octave as the dagger dances expertly in his hand as he adjusts to its light weight in his large, sword calloused palm.
Julian sucks in a shaky breath as he lowers his stance for better balance, his pants constricting tightly around his supple thighs, the material stretching to allow him more mobility than his formal wear typically would. Julian strikes out with fluid motion; his dagger brandished as an extension of himself, the speed and elegance of his strike momentarily startling Geralt.
The witcher easily deflects, the sharp clang of their clashing blades ringing out loudly in the small clearing as dusk settles around them. "Not bad", Geralt praises roughly, slowly circling the boy, his sharp eyes tracking Julian's sleek movements, his body moving with a fluidity the witcher hadn't expected from the boy.
Julian spins on his heels, lunging towards the witcher, his blade thrust forward towards the man's sternum. Geralt catches his forearm swiftly, effortlessly twirling the boy, tugging his slender frame flush to his chest roughly. "Your footing could use some work", Geralt teases, his voice a deep rumble that vibrates through Julian's frame, his breath hot against the shell of Julian's ear, eliciting a shiver from the dainty boy.
"Is that so witcher" Julian growls lowly, his ankle sweeping out to curl around Geralts calf as his elbow swiftly connects with the man's muscular stomach causing him to stumble back a step. Geralts dagger falls from his slick grip, clattering to the floor in his momentary surprise; Julian drops his blade alongside the witchers, the two laying side by side like a matching pair. Julian advances on the witcher with sure steps, the wolf's lips curling into a slow smirk as the boy approaches.
Julian strikes with a tightly curled fist; the witcher easily deflects the boys surprisingly powerful strike with his muscular forearm, the boys face furrowed in concentration. Julian brings a knee up, Geralt swiftly knocking it aside with a corded thigh, his pants clinging to the bulging muscle as it tenses. He curls a strong arm around Julian's dainty waist as the boy stumbles, losing his balance; Geralt carefully tumbles them to the ground. The witcher easily twisting their bodies, so Julian's slender frame lands atop his, Geralts muscular form protecting him from the harsh ground.
Julian lands against Geralt's powerful frame with a heavy thud, his chest heaving as he pants heavily against the man, his breaths puffing hotly against Geralts cheek as he catches his breath.
Julian pushes himself up, bracing himself on his forearms as he hovers above the witcher, his bright eyes blinking down at the man laid beneath. He slowly presses closer, his dainty frame flush against Geralts, the wolf's warm breaths ghosting across his lips as he tentatively closes the distance between them. Julian's heart thunders in his chest as his blue eyes flicker between Geralts golden gaze and his full lips.
The witcher stiffens beneath him as he reluctantly turns his head away from the boy. "You don't want to do that, kid", Geralt mumbles warningly, screwing his eyes shut to avoid Julians searching gaze.
"I'm old enough to decide what I want for myself", Julian voices quietly, his voice shaking as he responds.
"No stop- I may not be some ancient, all-knowing witcher, but I am old enough to make my own damn decisions." Julian snaps defensively, his dainty hands pressing firmly to Geralts muscular chest, holding the man against the floor as he glares down at the witcher.
"I am 80 years your senior kid; trust me, you don't want this", Geralt grumbles. He turns to face the boy, his gaze falling to the soft pout of Julian's plump lips unbidden, his fingers itching with the desire to engulf his hips and draw his delicate frame closer.
"Yet you still want me", Julian whispers, his voice loud in the charged air swirling between them. Julian's lips curl up into a sinful smirk as he pushes into Geralts space, his eyes dropping to Geralts parted lips, as the witcher gazes up at him slack-jawed, sharp huffs of breath tumbling from his parted lips.
"This isn't right", Geralt argues; he pushes the boy away carefully before quickly scrambling away from the tempting boy, easily pushing himself onto his feet. Julian sits blinking up at him dazedly from his ungainly sprawl on the grassy floor.
Julian follows in Geralts steed, clumsily pushing himself to stand, brushing the dirt from his drab attire, his blue iris' burning bright with frustration as he levels the witcher with a cold glare. "Why? Why isn't it?" Julian barks, his shaking hands clenched into tight fists at his sides.
"You're a child! You don't know what you want, and it sure as hell wouldn't be a-"
"Don't you dare finish that sentence, Geralt", Julian warns, exhaling a sharp breath as he screws his eyes shut. He pinches the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger before his eyelids flutter open, his fiery blue eyes connecting with Geralts.
"Why can't handle the truth, little prince?" Geralt taunts meanly, his lips curling up into a dangerous snarl, his sharp teeth glinting in the soft glow of firelight. "I'm a monster, a mutant, a warlord", Geralt seethes, pushing into Julian space abruptly.
Julan reaches out instinctively, his palm tenderly curling around the man's cheek. "You don't believe that", Julian gasps out brokenly, his delicate features twisted with sadness. Geralt screws his eyes shut against the barrage of emotions as he gently nuzzles into the boy's palm relishing in the warm comfort. "Please, Geralt - please tell me you don't believe that", Julian chokes out, his soft voice cracking with emotion.
Geralts golden eyes flutter open, his gaze meeting Julains bright eyes, his blue eyes shining wetly as he holds the witchers gaze. "I'm not a good man Julian, I'm barely a man at all", Geralt confesses quietly, reluctantly pulling himself from Julians hold, his thumb tenderly brushing along the boy's soft cheek before he turns away.
Julian growls lowly as he reaches out, tangling his agile fingers in Geralt's long white hair, tugging the strands roughly as he urges the man to face him, the action drawing a strangled groan from the witcher. "You are more of a man than most dear wolf", Julian confesses softly, a haunted look flickering in his bright eyes.
Julian presses closer, his tantalising scent almost suffocating as he crowds into Geralt's space, his striking blue eyes peering up at Geralt through a thick fan of dark lashes. "I want you witcher", Julian admits quietly.
"Hmm - that's a dangerous thing to say", Geralt growls, his fingertips pressing firmly to the delicate curve of Julian waist. He presses the boy back, his slim frame colliding roughly with the firm bark of a tree, Geralts large frame pressing flush against him. "Are you really that stupid?" Geralt questions lowly, his fingertips pressing bruises into the soft flesh of Julian's hips, pulling a broken whine from the boy's plump lips.
"I guess I am" Julian smiles softly, his doe eyes blinking up at Geralt, his lashes fluttering shut lazily as he tips his head back against the tree, baring the tempting expanse of his pale throat to the wolf in a submissive gesture.
"Don't-" Geralt chokes out on a ragged breath, tearing himself away from the boy, ripping his hungry gaze from the exposed flesh of his throat to the vibrant grass glimmering under the soft moonlight illuminating the clearing. Geralt sucks in a sharp breath, regaining his tenuous grip on his fraying control, the fire dancing in his golden eyes as he meets Julian's gaze.
Julian leans back against the tree, his chest heaving as he pants heavily, the picture of debauchery, his pink lips parted around ragged breaths, his cheeks flushed, and eyes dazed as he meets the witchers intense gaze. "We'll be leaving at dawn - eat something and get some rest", Geralt instructs firmly. He reluctantly turns away from the tempting sight as he places a careful distance between them, turning his back to the boy as he settles beside the fire and begins the arduous task of sharpening his swords.
He hears the stilted shuffling of material as Julian slips into his bedroll, the boys heavy gaze hot against his back. "Goodnight, Geralt", Julian breathes out quietly.
"Goodnight, Julian", Geralt sighs softly, his head bowed over his swords. He hears Julian's heart audibly stuttering his chest, causing the witcher to instinctively turn to face the boy curled in his bedroll, meeting a pair of heavy-lidded blue eyes.
"Jaskier", Julian mumbles, "I prefer Jaskier", he confesses sheepishly, his tired eyes fluttering shut.
"Goodnight, Jaskier", Geralt breathes out, his chest constricting uncomfortably as he watches the boys features slacken with sleep. His heart racing in an unfamiliar way as he familiarises himself with the boy's soft features.
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yellowsuitcase · 4 years ago
Let me help you // Draco Malfoy
Request: heyy, I wanted to make a request bc I love your writting sm!!! I was wondering if u would like to do an imagine where the reader is on the Gryffindor quidditch team and after a match she is tired and Draco helps her shower or sth like that? maybe smut if you feel like? idk u are the writer and if u can could u include prompts 33 and 98? omg im sorry if this is too long honestly just do whatever feels confortable to u i just had that idea, thanks keep up the good work.
A/N: I started writing this soon after I received this request because omg the amount of smut I’ve been writing has been k i l l i n g me and I knew I could turn this into something super fluffy, so I did. It may not be my best, my wrist has been hurting a lot and my fingers do be swollen. But I hope you enjoy!
Summary: After an intense quidditch game, Y/N is really sore and Draco helps her wash up.
Warning(s): None... it’s super super fluffy :)
Word Count: 3.1k
Prompts: 33 & 98
Y/N stumbled into the quidditch changing room and sat onto the nearest bench. She was utterly exhausted from the match. Her team, Gryffindor, had versed Ravenclaw, and even though they had won, it was not an easy fight. Y/N was a beater; thus, she often threw herself in front of the bludgers to wack them with her bat. In this particular game, they had been tied with Ravenclaw at 70 - 70. 
{During the game}
Y/N was scanning the field for bludgers when she noticed Harry had spotted the snitch and was chasing after it. Her heart leaped with joy until she saw it, a bludger heading straight for him. She zoomed towards him without hesitating and raised her bat to hit it away, but then the worst happened. Y/N dropped her bat. The Ravenclaw seeker was hot on Harry’s tail, and if Y/N let the bludger hit him, she knew they’d lose the match, and it would be her fault. So, she grasped her broom and slowly placed her right foot on the wooden handle. Once it was stable, she let go of her broom entirely and lifted her left foot onto the broom. She was now riding it as if it were a surfboard. 
Her eyes narrowed in on the bludger. Just as it was moments away from crashing into Harry, Y/N leaped off her Comet 180 and landed on top of the hurling ball. She gripped the bludger tight and gritted her teeth as she was thrown around in the air. It was getting harder and harder to hold on, but then Y/N heard the cheers from the crowd; Harry had successfully caught the golden snitch. Gryffindor had won. She quickly looked around and found that the bludger was driving her towards the stands. Faced with only two options, Y/N held her breath and let go of the bludger. Screams and gasps erupted from the crowd as she fell. But no spell saved her, and she hit the ground with a thud. Her legs seemed to have taken the brunt of the fall, and her back was definitely affected, but luckily, the bludger had lowered her close to the earth, and when she fell, she only dropped about eight or nine feet. Still, her team promptly rushed over to her with worry in their eyes.
And now she was sitting on an old wooden bench, trying to gather the strength to lift her arms and begin pulling off her boots. Her teammates were already long gone since Madam Hooch had held Y/N back after the game to assess her. By the time the silver-haired woman had determined she was alright, her friends had already headed to the showers. Y/N sighed softly, slowly bent over, and began untying her boots. All while doing her best to ignore the pain. The knot was loose when she heard loud footsteps drawing near. Y/N quickly snatched her wand from her locker, just to be safe, and turned towards the tent entrance. A few moments later, Draco, her boyfriend, came bursting inside. He was terribly out of breath and stopped to put his hands on his knees and regain steady breathing. As his chest heaved, he picked his head up to scan the room, spotting Y/N instantly. A look of relief washed over his face when he saw her, and he straightened his back. “Thank Merlin, you’re still here,” he mumbled while taking long strides towards her. 
“I’m fine, Draco, seriously. You didn’t have to run all the way back here,” she scolded her boyfriend gently, trying to convince him and herself that she was perfectly fine. But the Slytherin paid her no mind. Instead, he kissed her head, knelt down in front of her, and began untying her quidditch shoes. “I can do it myself!” she insisted. Draco raised an eyebrow. “Is that so? Alright then, do it,” he retorted while rising from the floor. Y/N gulped. She hadn’t expected Draco to believe her. But, she wasn’t one to admit weakness so easily. She took a deep breath and once again bent herself over and took her thick laces into her hands. Pain spread through her back, but Y/N was determined to prove Draco wrong. She started to untie and watched as the opening of her boot grew wider. Soon enough, she finished and tilted her head upwards to smirk at Draco. But he didn’t seem bothered. 
“Go on then, take it off,” he prompted. Y/N stifled her frown and redirected her attention to her boot. She first tried to lift her leg up to place her calve atop her opposite knee, but once she engaged her thigh muscles, pain washed over her, and she quickly relaxed her leg. 
Next, she attempted to straighten out her leg and push the boot off, rather than pull. She gritted her teeth and slowly raised her foot off the floor, holding it in midair for about two seconds before her leg began to shake, and she dropped it back down. Draco huffed angrily and knelt once again. “Must you push your limits every single game, Y/N? You can’t even hold your foot an inch off the ground!” he reprimanded as he slid off her boot. “Oh, piss off, if I hadn’t made that jump, we would’ve lost the game, and you know it,” she snapped. Despite his obvious anger, Draco delicately slid Y/N’s other shoe off her foot and started unbuckling her knee pads. 
“Y/N, you got extremely lucky. If you had missed your jump, you probably would’ve died,” Draco reminded her with a scowl on his face. “You got lucky, Y/N. You probably would’ve died, Y/N,” the Gryffindor repeated in a mocking tone. Draco threw her knee pad to the floor and rose to his feet. “You’d better fix that attitude,” he spat while glaring at his girlfriend. “Don’t you understand? I almost had to watch you fall to your death. If you had simply lost your footing or couldn’t get a grip on the bludger, I would’ve had to watch you die.”
Suddenly, Y/N truly realized the risk she had taken. Draco was right; she could’ve really hurt herself when she decided to take that leap. She looked up at Draco and saw he was still quite angry. But behind the fury, Y/N could see the hurt in his eyes. A sigh escaped her, and she rubbed her hands down her face. “I’m sorry, Dray, you’re right. But I had to do something, if I didn’t then, we would've lost, and it would’ve been my fault. And what if Harry had gotten hurt? You know how people are; they’d be so angry with me for failing to protect precious Potter. I’ve already fucked up in the past, and I couldn’t—”
“Shh, shh. It’s alright darling, I know,” Draco hushed her as he sat beside Y/N and took her into his arms. “Look, I’m sorry for getting mad at you. You did something brave out on that pitch, and all I’ve done is berate you when I should’ve been congratulating you. But you’ve got to understand that you scared me, Y/N. You put your life in danger just to win a game.” Y/N turned to look at Draco, her eyebrows raised. “Technically, I always put myself in danger. It is quidditch, you know,” she said pointedly. Draco rolled his eyes and kissed her head. “You know what I mean,” he muttered. Silence fell over them for a few minutes as they leaned against one another. 
“Come on, love. Let’s get you to the showers,” Draco said while rising to his feet. Y/N took his outstretched hand and winced as he pulled up. She gathered her belongings and walked with Draco around the corner to the bathroom. Y/N walked through the door, not expecting her boyfriend to follow her inside. “What’re you doing?” she asked accusingly. “Following you to the showers,” he answered plainly. Y/N paused. “But why?” she questioned since his reply hadn’t given her any new information. “So I can help you,” he told her. Y/N scoffed and shook her head at him. “I don’t need help showering, Draco,” she stubbornly stated. 
“I think you do,” he replied.
“I do not.”
“Yes, you do.”
“No, I don’t.”
“I don’t need help,” she hissed.
Draco sighed. “Just let me help you, darling. Please?” he pleaded with her. Y/N glared at him. “No,” she spat. “Don’t you have homework to do? I thought you mentioned having that Transfiguration essay to write,” she said as she gripped the edge of her jersey. “You’re more important,” Draco told her firmly. Y/N blushed and began to pull her shirt off, but she stopped once it reached her head. Her sore back screamed in pain; she couldn’t raise her arms any further. Instead, she resorted to wiggling and flailing about, hoping it would somehow slide her shirt off. Her arms began to ache, and she was about to give up, but luckily, an external force named Draco gently pulled it off. 
Her boyfriend chuckled at her with a smug look on his face. “Now may I help you?” he asked, eyebrow cocked. Y/N grumbled to herself but placed her hands on Draco’s shoulders. He pressed a quick kiss to her head and stuck his thumbs through her belt loops. Slowly, he pulled her pants down and knelt on the floor to help her step out of them. Then, he did the same for her underwear. Y/N was able to get her bra off by herself since it didn’t require raising her arms. And once she did, she realized she was stark naked. A blush heated her cheeks, and she quickly covered herself, feeling self-conscious.
Draco laughed and shook his head at her. “Darling, I’ve seen you naked before. Why so shy?” he asked. Y/N nibbled on her lip and hesitantly lowered her hands. “It’s just... different like this,” she said quietly as she tried to push away her embarrassment. Y/N wasn’t naked to have sex with Draco; she was naked, so he could help bathe her. And somehow, that was more intimate than sex. 
Y/N and turned towards the stall, ready to walk into it, but then she second-guessed herself. She glanced at the shower then back to Draco, not sure if she should wait for him. It seemed as though her lover had sensed her hesitation. “Start the water; I’m right behind you,” he assured her. So Y/N turned the knob and quickly stepped out of the way to avoid getting blasted with cold water. Her eyes returned to Draco as she waited for the shower to heat up. She looked him up and down as he yanked off his shirt and hung it up on top of hers. His now exposed pale chest and torso looked tempting, but Y/N kept her hands at her sides. She stuck her hand out to check the water temperature. It was warm enough, so she stepped under it, letting her eyes flutter shut.
Draco soon finished undressing and moved into the stall, pulling the curtain closed behind them. Y/N was wetting her hair when she felt a sharp pinch on her stomach. “Hey!” she yelped, opening her eyes to see Draco smirking at her. He quickly pressed a kiss to her forehead and rubbed where he pinched. “I saw you staring. You’re not very sneaky, are you, love?” he teased. Y/N swatted his shoulder and turned around to face the water spouting from the showerhead. On instinct, she reached up to rustle her hair but was soon halted by the return of searing pain in her back. Draco noticed this and gently put his hands on her shoulders, rubbing softly. “Just relax darling, I’ll do everything for you,” he said sweetly. Y/N huffed, still holding onto her pride. But then Draco’s hands landed on her head and began massaging shampoo into her hair, and an involuntary sigh of pleasure escaped her. She couldn’t remember the last time someone washed her hair for her; it felt incredible.
After Draco shampooed her hair, he switched places with Y/N. His back was now facing the water. He rinsed her hair until all the soap was down the drain. “You doing okay, love?” he asked, checking in on his girlfriend. Y/N nodded, too relaxed to speak. He switched places with her again and gathered some conditioner in his hands. “Y/N,” he called. She hummed in reply. “I think you should see Madam Pomfrey,” he told her quietly. A soft whine fell from Y/B's lips. “I know you’re only sore, but she probably has something to ease the pain.”
Y/N adamantly shook her head. “I’m fine, Draco. I don’t need to see her,” she argued. Her boyfriend sighed as he worked the product into her hair. “You’re probably right,” he muttered sadly. Y/N instantly filled with regret upon hearing the defeated tone in his voice. She really didn’t want to make a stop at the Hospital Wing, but she knew it would put Draco at ease. Reluctantly, she sighed and said, “We can stop by before bed.” A soft kiss was then planted on her back. “Thank you, darling.”
As Y/N waited for the conditioner to seep in, she turned around to face Draco, making sure her hair wasn’t under the stream. She kissed him sweetly and pulled him into a gentle hug. The Slytherin wrapped his arms around her and slowly began rubbing her tender back. Y/N groaned and let her head fall onto his chest. “My poor girl,” Draco muttered. “How bad does it hurt, love?” he asked. Y/N closed her eyes and pressed herself closer to him. “When I lift my arms, it feels as though it’s been lit on fire,” she confessed. Draco hissed and dug his thumbs into her back, trying to give her a deeper massage. “Same for your legs then?” Y/N nodded. “I think I really strained them when I took that jump.” Her boyfriend sighed and gently pushed her back under the water. 
Y/N once again instinctively reached for her head and felt pain wash over her. She felt tears of frustration well up in her eyes, and she let out a soft cry. “I know, darling, I know,” Draco consoled. “It’s been a long day, let’s rinse your hair, wash you up, and we can go. Alright?” he asked. Y/N nodded as her tears began to fall. Her lover pressed yet another kiss to her temple and grabbed a nearby rag, squirting soap onto it. He squeezed out the excess water and gingerly pressed it against her skin, where he began rubbing. He first cleaned her arms, then began scrubbing her chest. When he reached her breasts, he very carefully dragged the cloth over them, making sure they got enough soap. 
Y/N wiped her tears as Draco continued to clean her body. She looked down at him as he rubbed her legs. Suddenly, she noticed the fact she hadn’t shaved and was covered in hair. She was immensely uncomfortable with her boyfriend seeing this, so she attempted to pull her leg away from him. Draco promptly looked up at her. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” he questioned, a worried expression on his face. Y/N shook her head but said nothing. “Then why’d you pull away?” She averted her eyes and breathed in deeply before saying, “I didn’t shave.”
Draco’s eyebrows furrowed together, and he looked back at her legs. “Y/N, do you actually think I care that you’ve got hair on your legs? That’s perfectly normal, darling,” he told her as he pushed himself up from the floor. His eyes found hers, and Y/N felt her stomach churn. “I would never shame you or love you less simply because you have body hair. I don’t care if other people, or even you, think it's unbecoming. It’s a part of you, and I love all of you. Understand?” he asked, his tone firm. Y/N nodded, and Draco kissed her nose, making her giggle. “Good. Now, let’s get you all rinsed off, and we can head out of here, yeah?” 
Y/N stepped fully underneath the water and let all the soap on her body wash away. Draco reached for her shoulders and turned her around so he could squeeze out her hair. He did this a few times before deeming it free of conditioner. Y/N then turned off the water and soon found herself wrapped in a big fluffy towel. “Oh!” she yelped in surprise as Draco twirled her around to face him. He smirked and began to rub her arms up and down in an attempt to get her body warm. 
“Stay there,” he instructed her. “I’m going to find some extra towels,” he said. Y/N nodded and watched as her lover ran butt naked to the other side of the bathroom. She giggled and giggled until he returned to their stall and hastily threw a smaller towel onto her head. “Shut up,” he muttered. Y/N stifled her laughs as she pulled the towel off her face. Draco shook his head at her and tied his own towel around his waist. “Give me that,” he said, gesturing to the cloth in her hands. Y/N handed it to him. He placed it on her head and aggressively rubbed it against her. “What’re you doing?” she yelled from underneath the towel. “Drying your hair,” he replied. “That’s not how you do it, you git,” Y/N laughed. 
“Well, this is how my mum used to do it when I was little,” Draco argued as his girlfriend continued to giggle. Soon, however, he removed the towel to find a messy-haired Y/N. “Cutie,” he whispered. “No, you,” Y/N retorted. Draco narrowed his eyes. “No, you’re definitely the cutie here.”
“I beg to differ, I am not.”
“Are too.”
“Are not.”
“Are too.”
“Draco!” Y/N whined. Her lover chuckled and quickly pulled her into his arms, squeezing her tight. “You’re the cutest, sweetest, most adorable person ever. Alright?” Draco asked. Y/N sighed and nodded her head. “Fine, I’m the cutest,” she agreed. Draco smirked and planted a kiss on her lips. “That you are my love. That you are.” A momentary silence fell over the pair as they held each other close. But then Y/N lifted her head and gazed into Draco’s grey eyes. He stared right back with unwavering adoration. “Thank you for helping me; I’m sorry for giving you a hard time,” she apologized. Her boyfriend smiled softly. “That’s alright. I’ll always give you help, even if you don’t think you need it,” he replied. Y/N nestled her head against his still wet chest and sighed happily. “I love you,” she whispered. Draco hummed and began swaying her left and right. “I love you too.”
Taglist: @beiahadid @pastelpuffbar @cutie1365 @dracoxmgg @lumlfy @sambucky8 @emilianamason @raplinethereal @dixiethemorab24 @xoxohollands @prongsandprancer @ch0kemedracomalfoy
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lord-multifandom-murder · 4 years ago
Silence is golden (Fred Weasley x reader)
A/N: This came to me in a 'poof' moment.....and technically I haven't been writing Fred content so I guess I should make up for it.
Summary: You're quite a quiet person, and almost a wallflower. Little did anyone know, you were extremely mischievous underneath that quiet surface. Fred finds this out after your friends get bullied.
Warnings: I suppose none, per usual.
Requests are OPEN!!
Since you were extremely quiet, no one ever expected you to play pranks. They always suspected it was the twins, Fred and George Weasley.
The perfect cover.
Fred and George always thought it was strange. Weren't they the only troublemakers in Hogwarts? Or was there someone else who did it in the shadows?
To be honest, George was more laid-back on the matter, but Fred was more bothered by it. It could damage their reputation as pranksters. Seeing that it wasn't them, and that these pranks were rather way out of their league.
Interestingly enough, that person always left a mark. It was rather odd, because no one in their right mind would do that, except for this daring maverick. It was always the same thing, a drawing of an 'X' wherever the prank was set up.
They were well-thought of, and almost nothing was left by the person who did them. Well, little did anyone know, it was you. You were quiet, yes, which made it easier to do things since no one bothered you. Since you were silent half the time, no one really bothered to wonder what you were thinking about.
Now, except for Fred.
He had noticed you sitting underneath a tree in the courtyard, deep in thought. It wasn't strange to find you alone even though you had friends, but Fred being Fred, came over to bother you. Mainly because he wanted to ask you on a date, really.
No one ever would have thought he would've fallen for the silent bookworm, Y/N Y/L/N, who was so quiet sometimes if you were standing right behind someone, they wouldn't know until they turned around and jumped in fright.
Fred had witnessed some of those exchanges, really. And he thought they were actually very hilarious.
"Hello there, Y/N," he smiles. You look up to see him standing in front of you, casting a shadow over. "Hello, Fred. What're you doing alone on this fine day?" you ask, quirking your eyebrow.
Fred looked surprised that you knew it was him, because him and George were always easily mistaken for each other; it was sometimes good, and sometimes bad. You could tell it was him because little did he know, you were around him more often than he would notice.
Rather if it was a prank, or just sitting nearby him in the Great Hall, after making a few observations, you could roughly guess who was who most of the time, which got easier after a while. And technically because you had a secret crush on the extroverted redhead.
You smirked amusedly at his face. "Think, Weasley. I wondered why you haven't placed a finger on that 'quiet person' stereotype yet."
Fred chuckled and sat next to you, leaving a slight distance between you to be polite. "I was just wondering if you weren't like the other quiet kids I see around here."
You smile. "It's nice to see that you don't judge a book by it's cover Fred. I admire that about you."
Did I ever mention that you were rather blunt with your words?
Fred blushed slightly but didn't say anything. You smile and mirror his behaviour. "Say, could you help me with some Charms homework? I heard you're very good, considering I always hear Flitwick bragging about you in-between classes."
"Sure, d'you wanna go to the library? It's more quiet there so I can focus," you say, ready to stand up. Fred suddenly grabbed your arm and pulled you down. "Sorry, but uh....I'm actually busy at the moment but maybe we can meet tomorrow in the library? After lunch? I'm not in a hurry to turn this in."
"Okay then, after lunch," you repeat. Fred smiled and got up, brushing his trousers. "Well, it was nice talking to you Y/N, but I have an appointment with my dear twin brother."
"Bye, then. Oh, say hello to George for me!" you say with a playful smile.
"Don't worry, I won't forget!" he calls back, jogging off. You smile quietly even though you were screaming internally, and went back to thinking.
The next day, you were walking to lunch with Neville and Ron. He was helping to tutor the both of you since you weren't doing very well at the subject.
You met with Harry and Hermione and they greeted you as you sat down. Hermione gave you a kind smile and started asking you a bit about what Neville taught you and Ron about. Neville eagerly entered the conversation as you ate and discussed about the proper way to manage a Fanged Geranium.
"What're you doing here, Longbottom? Shouldn't you be in the greenhouses playing with dirt?" a snide voice sounded. Hermione grimaced as Malfoy walked towards the Gryffindor table.
"Shove off, Malfoy. It's none of your business," Ron grumbled, stabbing his Shepherd's Pie rather violently.
"Manners, Weasley. Honestly, Longbottom. Why are you ever here? You can barely do magic. You're worse than that Mudblood Granger."
You stood up abruptly, turning around to glare at Malfoy.
"Oho, Y/L/N! What're you going to say? Share your thoughts! Oh wait, you can't because you barely talk!"
"That's enough, Malfoy!" Hermione snaps angrily. "Shut it, Granger. Go on, Y/L/N. Do you even know words?"
You sigh, and nod. But that's all you do. Malfoy tried to bother you again to say something, mocking your chosen silence. You huff and turn around again, holding a fork at him, surprising everyone. You motion for him to move back to his table.
Surprisingly, he complies and slouches away. Fred watches you with awe as you sit down calmly, as if nothing happened, with people gawking at you. "Silent, but deadly," he thinks to himself, as he watches Hermione scold you for brandishing a fork at Malfoy, while Harry and Ron were chuckling amongst themselves about how funny his face was.
As you made your way to the entrance of the Great Hall, you feel someone tap your shoulder. You look around to see Fred grinning. "That was pretty cool, what you did back there," he remarked. You smile. "Thanks, I've been meaning to do that for awhile."
Fred smiles again. "He's a right git. He deserved that."
"So I assume we're going to the library?" you ask, strolling out with Fred. "I see you remembered our little study date, eh?" he grins.
"I don't remember calling this a study date," you say, looking at him. Fred groaned inwardly. "I-I didn't mean-"
"Nevermind, it's fine. I dont mind if we thought of this as a study date," you say, trying to cover up your blunt mistake, feeling bad for making Fred nervous.
He shrugs. "It's fine," he says. "Let's go on our study date, then." he decides with a playful smile.
Once you reach the library, you bring him to your favourite place, which was a tiny secluded haven. Little did Fred know, you were there half the time when you were formulating a new prank.
You had your secret stash of books there, filled with all sorts of stuff. Strategies, inventions and ideas. But, Fred needn't know that. It's Charms he needs.
So, you sat next to him, Fred happily finding comfort in a squishy armchair he claimed just seconds ago. So, on went the lesson.
And on went your plan for revenge on Malfoy.
After helping him with most of his homework, you excused yourself and went to sit a little further away at a desk while he finished up his essay.
You pulled a book out and started to read. Fred looked up at you as you read and blushed, remembering how cute you were when you focused. "Mind finishing your work before you admire me?" you ask, not taking your eyes of your book.
Fred chuckled. "I'm finished," he says. You close your book and move towards him, taking his parchment and reading it through to check for any mistakes. "Well, it seems that we're finished here," you say, giving the paper back to him and going to your desk to keep your book.
Fred smiled and stood up. "Well, I'm glad that you decided to help me. I wouldn't have been able to even pass this up without your help!" he says, while zipping his bag.
"I'm glad that you came to me for help, actually. Not many people thought that I would want to, since I don't talk much," you say.
"But you've talked plenty before!" Fred exclaims.
"'Course I have. Only when people initiate the conversation first. And only if I want to talk to them."
"Then I consider myself lucky that you wanted to talk to me," Fred jokes, laughing with you. You smile quietly before Fred leaves, when you said that you had work of your own to finish before going back to your Common Room.
Work, that is, for a prank to pull on a certain blonde brat.
Fred walks back in a daze, with a stupid smile on his face. When he went into the boys' dorms and sat on his bed, he shoved his face in to the pillow and hugged it hard. George and Lee who were playing a round of Exploding Snap watched with smirks on their faces.
"I assume your little study date with Y/N went well?" George asked with raised eyebrows.
"Very well," Fred answered happily.
That night, he couldn't sleep. It was silly, the fact that he had fallen so hard for you that he was kept awake just by the mere thought of you. Yet, he wasn't complaining.
He sighed and sat up. "Oh, what's the use?" he grumbles to himself. He stood up and padded quietly to the door. When he opened it and sneaked down the stairs, he decided to go and have a nice cup of hot chocolate.
While he was navigating through the corridors, he heard footsteps. Quick and light, he noticed a shadow darting in the neighbouring corridor. He hurried over, and his eyes widened in surprise to find someone he wasn't expecting to see late at night. That certain someone who kept him up for the same reason.
You had a bag slung over your shoulder, walking as quietly as possible. Fred looked down and noticed you weren't wearing shoes at all. He then saw you hurry down a flight of stairs, and through a secret passage that he never knew existed.
He quickly followed you, wondering what you were up to. He then noticed that you were heading in the direction of the Great Hall. He followed you curiously, watching you sneak through the giant doors towards the Slytherin Table.
He followed after you, but then accidentally stubbed his toe on the bench leg, causing him to hiss out a curse. He saw you lift your head, and then hide under the table. He limped padded towards you and rapped the table.
Underneath, you were hyperventilating. Shit, you thought. I didn't see anyone!
But then you heard Fred's hushed voice. "Y/N, is that you?" he whispers urgently. You peek your head out from underneath the table and looked up to see a bewildered Fred peering down at you.
".....yea?" you ask timidly, not sure of what to say to him. This was a rather awkward exchange.
"What're you doing here? And why do you have a marker-wait....," Fred asked, suddenly realising something. "Were you the one playing all those pranks?" he asks, surprised.
"What if I am?" you defend. Fred looked under the table to see a little contraption sticking out from underneath. He takes note of a little red 'X' beneath the table. "So you are," he notes.
"Please don't tell anyone! I'm sorry!" you blurt out. "Sorry? For what? And why in Merlin's name would I tell anyone?" Fred asks.
"I'm sorry that everytime I play a prank I let the blame fall on you! I just thought it was fun, playing tricks secretly," you mumble.
"Hey, it's fine! So, you ARE that famous secret prankster! Me and George have been dying to find out who it was! Your pranks are ingenious!" Fred exclaims.
You blush. "Thanks," you say. "I guess it helps that you're quiet sometimes, no one bothers you much," you say.
Fred looks at you in awe. "And I thought that you couldn't get anymore amazing," he says. "What?" you ask, confused.
Oh well, it's now or never.
"Well, Y/N, I've liked you for a while now, and I was wondering if you.....wanted to go to Hogsmeade with me on the weekend?" he asks shyly.
You weren't expecting this.
"Sorry-I-you don't have to if you want, I just-," Fred stammered.
Suddenly, you jump on him and hug him tight. "You're serious?" you ask, your voice slightly muffled.
"Yes?" he answered uncertainly, looking down at you. He was then taken by surprise when you kissed him. It was rather quick, but when you broke apart, both of you were blushing.
"I'd love to," you whisper with a shy smile.
"W-wait, really?" Fred asks.
"Do I need to repeat myself?" you ask with a raised eyebrow.
"Y-yea, especially before you kissed me," he says.
"Idiot," you snort, leaning in again, but this time kissing him slowly, his arms slowly winding around you and savouring the moment.
"I'd love to," you repeat. Fred's face breaks into a wide grin and spins you around, causing you to shriek with laughter.
"Shhh! Aren't you supposed to stay quiet?" Fred snickers. "Blame the one who caused me to make the noise!" you shoot back.
Both of you laugh amongst yourselves before sneaking back to your dorms.
"So you're telling me that Y/N is the person who's been pulling all those pranks?!" George exclaims at breakfast, after Fred regaled his night time wander with him.
"Yes! And don't tell anyone! If they ask, just say that we don't know," Fred hisses.
George raised his eyebrows. "Don't you dare, or I'll hex you into next week," Fred threatens, brandishing his wand at his twin.
"I get the message. No one's gonna believe me anyways," George says, before diving into his breakfast. Fred looks around to see you stroll into the hall and he waves you over excitedly. You smile and walk over.
"Morning, beautiful," Fred greets, kissing your cheek and surprising people nearby.
"Hold on......since when were you and Y/N dating?!" Ron asks.
"Since just now," Fred retaliates, sticking his tongue out at his younger brother. "Are your feet cold?" he whispers to you.
"No? Why would my feet be cold?" you question.
"You were walking around barefoot last night! Your pretty feet must've been freezing!"
"I had my reasons for not wearing anything," you say mysteriously. "Oh? Do tell," Fred says.
"Shoes make too much noise. It would attract attention easily, what's to say no one'll hear me clacking around in the middle of the night?"
"Unless you stub your toe on something, the pain's a bitch," Fred grumbles, still salty about stubbing his toe last night since he was just wearing socks.
You snort, but is quickly drowned out by a loud yell coming from the Slytherin Table.
Everyone turns around and roars with laughter when they see Malfoy head-to-toe in some Colour-Changing Ink.
Fred noticed that Malfoy was sitting in the same place where he found the little device. His point was proven when a Slytherin cried out, "Hey! There's an 'X' on the floor!"
He looks at you with a wide grin. "So THAT'S why you snuck out! You're lucky no one caught you!"
Fred watches you in awe as you ask Hermione to pass the marmalade calmly while everyone was howling with laughter at Malfoy.
You smirk, leaning over to say to him quietly, "Told you, Weasley. Silence is golden."
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fandom-blackhole · 4 years ago
Sinful Sunday
AN: Alright everyone, here it is this week, and I just gotta say that they all are VERY sinful this week so go crazy lol. I do have a taglist for this now, so if you want added just let me know! (Also ik this is super early, but it is almost 3 am and I stayed up late writing these, and skipped a THOT and I just wanna wake up to validation)
Sinful Sunday Masterlist
Pairings: Captain Rex x Reader, Commander Wolffe x Reader, Boba Fett x Reader, SUB!Din Djarin x Reader
Rex was finally home on leave after months of being away on missions and leading men into dangerous battles. After being separated for so long it was hard to believe that you were actually cuddled up to him with his chest to your back watching a movie in your living room. The movie that was playing had been some movie that released while Rex had been away and he had specifically requested to watch, saying he thought it looked good. But here you were, neither of you paying attention to the movie, at all. It had started innocently, Rex just running his hand along your hip and thigh as he actually watched the movie. But it was very obvious that the touches didn't stay innocent long no matter how much he tried to fake it. Soon his hand started moving its path more towards your inner thigh, then higher up your inner thigh, high enough that with each pass he brushed softly against your clothed core. It wasn't until Rex was working his hand into your sweats and panties that you grabbed his hand and groaned out, "You wanted to watch this." Rex replied almost immediately, and in a whispered, almost needy, tone right in your ear, "Sorry darling, but I just can't help myself, I havent seen you in so long." And with that he pushed his hand out of your grip and slid his fingers right through you wet lips, brushing over your clit making you whine, and shoving his fingers as deep as possible into you, drawing out a gasp of his name from your lips. Rex only took enough time to groan about how wet and warm you were before he started fingering you like his life depended on it. As always Rex knew where to hit inside of you to bring you the most pleasure, and as he did he kissed and sucked on your neck. As Rex's fingers sped up you couldn't help but to grind down against his palm and when your clit was pressed into his palm you couldn't stop the shout that passed you lips, and you could feel the smirk that spread across Rex's face when you did. You felt yourself get closer and closer to your peak, and as Rex felt you start to tighten on his fingers he made sure that with every grind of your hips your were rubbing your clit on his palm. It took you no time at all to reach down and grab his hand over your clothes as you moaned out his name and came explosively all over his hand. When you finally caught your breath, you looked over your shoulder to look Rex in the eyes, only to find them blown wide in lust and him growling, "I hope you're ready, because I am far from done with you, darling."
Moderb!Captain Rex x Reader
So this THOT bloomed from the idea of Modern AU Captain Rex, who is still a captain in the army so you rarely get to see him because he is active duty.....
The first time the two of you actually had sex you had been surprised when Wolffe had buried his teeth into you shoulder as he came. You hadn't brought it up after, especially considering he hadn't broken any skin and only left teeth marks and a decent bruise that you would run your fingers over in the coming days while he was away on a mission. After that the bites and nips started happening more often, and you couldn't help but enjoy the feeling and the colorful marks he left for you that reminded you of him while he was gone. Neither of you brought it up, but it was obvious that both of you enjoyed it.
Commander Wolffe x Reader
Okay so another clone boi is getting a THOT this week and it is the sexy and grumpy Wolffe and his biting kink that he soooo has and I refuse to believe otherwise......
It wasn't until after a particularly long mission that when he was getting ready to go down on you, you gently pulled his hair to pull him away from you. And while avoiding eye contact you mumbled out asking him to bite and leave marks all over your thighs, and well, Wolffe didn't need to be told twice. Immediately feeling list flow through his veins Wolffe praised whatever deity was out there for giving him the perfect significant other, and went to town. Wolffe liked and gave soft nips to one thigh first before kissing a spot by your inner thigh and following it quickly with his teeth. He repeated that action two more times on that thigh before switching to the other one and starting the whole process over again. By the time wilffe was finished both of your thighs were covered in marks that were already bruising and you were a squirming mess. Wolffe, running out of patience and just wanting to fuck you silly and leave a few more marks an your shoulders, stood quickly and slammed into you with a grunt.
You were honestly kind of suprised that you managed to get Boba to sit on the edge of the bed and agree to him letting you pleasure him for once. But now, as you kneeled between his thighs, with his thick cock standing tall in front of your face you wondered where you should even begin. And what was making it worse was that Boba was watching your every move intently. You gingerly reached out and wrapped a hand around the base of his cock, noting that your fingers didn't even wrap around completely because he was so thick, and then you leaned forward and gave the head a small kitten lick that dragged a small grunt from Boba. Feeling a bit more confident you wrapped your lips entirely around the tip and sucked and ran your tongue around it and over his slit, which is what cause Boba to tangle his fingers in your hair and pull slightly, grumbling about no teasing. Smirking, you pull back and spit in your palm before wrapping your hand around his base again and start moving your hand up and down at a nice steady pace. Then you smile up at him before leaning back down and swallowing as much of his cock down your thoat as possible, which wasn't as much as you would have liked. Boba cursed, and you could feel his hips twitch wanting to thrust up bjt he held back. Then you went to work bobbing your head and pumping your hand in time, while curving your tongue along the under side of his cock. You stayed at this pace, occasionally pulling off for air, before plunging him down your throat again. At some point you look up to meet his gaze at the same time you cup his balls and that's when you saw his resolve break. With a curse Boba's hand in you hair tighten more than you thought possible and he apologized quietly before lifting his hips to start fucking your mouth and throat. It didn't take long at all before you felt his cock twitch and balls tight, before he pulled out so his head was the only thing still in your mouth and he spilled everything, completely filling your mouth and some dribbling out with the spit trailing your chin and neck.
Boba Fett x Reader
And because my head is full of THOTS for Boba, here is a tiny THOT that is literally just giving Boba some head....
You weren't sure how you got into this situation entirely, but maker you were so turned on by this turn of events. The original plan had been to only put the strap on and give Din everything he had ever given you and more. But the second you put the strap on this time, you instantly went into a power trip, and from the way you had Din on his knees licking and sucking on the plastic cock you were currently sporting, well you think it would be safe to say that he too was enjoying the turn of events. Gripping onto his hair you tsked at him and made him look you in the eyes, "Oh, pretty boy, if you are gonna suck my cock, you're gonna have to do it right. Open up for me." The second he did you groaned at his obedience and you cooed out good boy, before slowly starting to slide the dildo into his mouth, you gave him a few shallow thrusts,  before slowly and steadily pushing the entire thing down his throat, which him only gagging once. You groaned and gripped his hair telling him, "Kriff, you're such a good boy, why don't you suck this cock for a minute and then I'll fuck you like I promised." As you spoke you saw his own cock twitch between his thighs before he started bobbing slowly on the strap. Like you promised, it only took about a minute before you got impatient and pulled him off and you leaned down to kiss his forehead and told him to climb onto the bed and lay down.
Din Djarin x Reader
Haha, did I hear more Sub!Din? No, well too bad, here's some filthy Din getting pegged.....
You quickly followed and kneeled between his thighs, throwing one leg over your shoulder and keeping the other on you hip as you pressed into Din slowly and watched his eyes close and forehead wrinkle up in pleasure. Once you were fully inside you praised him for taking you so well and rewarded him by pumping his weeping cock a few times, which resulted in a long groan and a choked, "please!" Abliging him you started giving small harsh thrusts, circling you hips, and trying to find the spot that made him moan your name so sweetly. The second you hit his prostate you knew because he did just that and you drilled into him while smirking and watching the flush flow across his face, ears, neck, and chest. The sight was beautiful and hot and you told him just that, which pulled a whine from him as he turned his head and buried it in the pillow. You spent alot of time at this pace and angle praising him and pouring as much pleasure into Din as possible, but then he brokenly whimpered out your name and a "please...moOore." Smiling you lean down to his ear and say, "Only because you asked so nicely, pretty boy." And you pulled almost completely out of him before slamming back in, and you grabbed his angrily red cock and started pumping it in time with your thrusts. Din didn't stand a chance to hold out much longer and after a handful of quick thrusts and pumps he was cumming all over you hand with a shout as you continued to rail into his prostate to drag out his pleasure. When you were satisfied that you couldn't give him anymore, you gently laid down his legs on the bed, and slowly and carefully pulled out of him, before standing up intent on cleaning him up so the two of you could cuddle peacefully.
Taglist: @ollovaemisc @googiebeankat @shellyc9 @vikingqueen28 @altarsw @rosegoldarti @groovinomicon @jessaminejaylinnreaper @randomfangir12718 @moodsare @virgil-nonbinary @embonbon @meabravo @joculatrices @evensisacaption @saveatruckrideoptimusprime @hayley-the-comet @blackmarketmummy @callme-eds @fuckyeahbeskar (crossed out names are ones I couldn't tag, sorry!)
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